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A60429 A collection of the several writings and faithful testimonies of that suffering servant of God, and patient follower of the Lamb, Humphry Smith who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, in Winchester common-goal the 4th day of the 3d moneth in the year 1663. Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. 1683 (1683) Wing S4051; ESTC R17136 310,215 464

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Peace with God and his Blessing to be with you alwayes and be a Comfort to your Parents and all that truly fear the Lord. Written by a Member of Christ whose love was to little Children and so is mine who am called Humphery Smith THE True and Everlasting Rule From God discover'd AND That which proveth all things Published from the Spirit of Truth To the which Rule the Scriptures also bear Testimony that the Simple and Honest-hearted may see what Rule they are to walk by to come to perfect Peace and Rest with God for evermore Also A Testimony of the true Prophet who was to come and is come and there is not another his Work witnessed and Truth declared from a feeling-sence and experience according to Scripture Wherein also is shewed That the Prophets of God and Ministers of Christ did preach the Light and so those who preach the Light now do therein preach the same Doctrine as the Prophets Christ and his Apostles did With an Invitation from the Spirit of Christ By a Servant of the Lord and a Sufferer for his Truth in the House of Correction at Winchester in Hampshire called Humphry Smith The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee of thy Brethren like unto me unto him shall ye hearken Deut. 18. 15. To the Flock of GOD whom he hath gathered in Glocestershire Herefordshire Worcestershire Wiltshire Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Hampshire Dorcetshire and Devonshire TO you my dearly beloved Lambs and Babes in Christ Jesus chosen of God the Father before the Foundation of the Word called to be Saints sanctified with the living Truth in the inward parts justified by him that is near redeemed with the Blood of the new Covenant glorified as a royal Diadem in the hand of the Father preserved through believing and obedience by the mighty Arm of unlimited Power compassed about with Salvation anointed with Oyl of Joy and Gladness of Heart who are beloved of my Soul and the Joy of the whole Earth who are chosen and faithful and true who through great Tribubation the Kingdom do come to receive who have not loved your Lives unto the Death who did once walk in the Shadow of Death whose feet now come to be guided in the Way of Everlasting Peace to whom the hand of the Father's infinite Love hath been reached forth as unto tender Babes who come to be born and nursed up by the Womb and the Paps that are free which is the Mother of us all who know the first-born which is blessed for evermore who are become the first Fruits unto God and to the Lamb who have received the Testimony of Jesus who have washed your Robes in the Blood of the Lamb and have received the fine Linnen which is the Righteousness of God and the Righteousness of the Saints whose Sins are done away forever whose Nakedness is covered who have put on the pure Robes and are adorned as a Bride for her Husband who are clothed with Righteousness as with a Garment and are all Glorious within and are able to stand upon the Sea of Glass mingled with Fire and before the Throne out of which proceeds Lightnings and Thunders and Voices who have cast down all your Crowns at the fect of the Lamb and come to wait on him forever and ever who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords who is worthy of all Glory and Honour and Praise and Thanks and Obedience and Dominion from all his for evermore The Salutation of me the Prisoner of Jesus Christ with my own hand unto you my dear Ones unto whom at present my Bowels of Love from God the Father are poured forth with whom I am in the Spirit of Love and Meekness among whom I have passed through good Report and evil Report yea that which is not to be named who am as one of the least yet not the least in Love unto you who are unto me as the Children of my own Bowels bound up with me in the unspeakable Life of the Father which from all the World is hid for evermore where Life and Immortality dwelleth forever and is daily felt by all you that abide faithful in the Obedience and keep your Garments unspotted of the Flesh abiding in the pure Fear and godly Humility your Bread is continued and your Waters are sure and your Souls are made as a watered Gard●n and Peace and Life springs up in you and you may delight your selves in Fatness and find the replenishings from the Fountain of God's living Mercies and grow up in the holy Life as Trees of Righteousness the planting of the Lord that he may be glorified The Church of the first born are you come to be the Pillar and Ground of Truth made lively Stones elect and precious growing up a holy Building unto God the Father who will dwell in you his holy Temple forever and ever who are founded upon the elect precious and Corner-stone the sure Foundation the Rock of Ages the Light of the World whose light is your life which is shining forth unto the Sons of men that they may see your good Works which are wrought in and by you and hear your seasoned words which ministers Grace unto the Hearers and answers Gods Witness in all and makes for your Advantage who are as Plants of Renown a Habitation of Holiness Vessels of Honour Clusters of Grapes who receive nourishment from the Vine whose Fruit never fadeth whose Rivers are never dry whose Rayment never waxeth old whose Glory never fadeth whose strength is renewed as the Morning your Dread is upon the People and your Terror upon the Heathen your Enemies are all as stubble before you and your God in the midst of you is a consuming Fire Dreadful is his Presence in you unto all his and your Enemies the Workers of Iniquity who shall fall before you as the Grass that is cut down and wither as the Blossom that is cut off Paleness shall cover the faces of all your Enemies before you shall all People be much pained Sorrow shall take hold upon them in the Night-season then shall the Arrows of the Lord reach into their Bowels Astonishment of Heart shall be upon them and they shall fly when none pursues and be in Distress and none shall deliver Arise against them O ye my Lambs in the strength of the Lord who teacheth your hands to war and your fingers to fight let the Beast be overturned forever let the Whore have blood to drink let her Merchant be spoiled forever and all her Children dashed against the Stone and broken to pieces as a Potters Vessel with the Power of the Light let the Darts of your hands who handle the Word of Life strike through all the false Prophets and reach unto the secrets of all their Hearts to the renting open of their Chambers of Darkness and the cutting down of the Enemies of the Most High and fear not let not your hands be slack the Lord
Rom. 6. 18 22. and become the Servants of God So that the Blood of this Jesus who is the Son of the living God cleanseth us from all Sin 1 John 1. 7. ch 2. 12. because your Sins are forgiven for his Names-sake which Name is Jesus a Saviour from Sin and we know that he is manifested to take away our Sins and he that abideth in him sinneth not 1 John 3. 5 6. Rev. 1. 5. Now whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God 1 John 5. 1. Now Jesus is a Savior Christ is God manifest in Flesh and anointed the true Teacher 1 John 2. 17. Now he that can witness Jesus Christ to save him from Sin he is born of God and can witness Christ in him the hope of Glory which is Emanuel God with us and those dwell in God and God in them 1 John 4. 16. 2 Cor. 6. 16. Now Sin is the unfruitful Work of Darkness God is Light 1 John 1. 5. Now he that saith he can witness Jesus and is born of God and yet lives in Darkness to wit Sin he is a Lyar. Now Jesus is one with the Father and dwelleth in the Father Now he that dwelleth in the Father hath this Hope or Faith that purisieth himself even as he is pure 1 John 3. 3. and 5. 1. And he that abideth in him sinneth not This is Jesus the Son of the living God that saveth his People from their Sins whom Paul witnessed revealed in him Gal. 1. 16. by the which he preached Grace and Peace to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 1. 3 30. and 22. 16. Now there is no other Name given under Heaven by which men shall be saved Therefore all those that cannot witness this Jesus this Son of God they are false Apostles that speak of a Jesus that they know not like those that went to cast out Devils in the Name of Jesus whom Paul preached Acts 19. 13 14 15 16. Those were not Vagabond Jews only but chief of the Priests that did so Now all that cannot witness this Christ this Jesus revealed and brought forth in them as the true Apostles did that spoke from the Life of Christ in them even all others are false Apostles among whom thou art seen in the Light of Jesus Christ to be and in the World like a raging Sea whose Waves cast up Mire and Dirt continually unto whom there is no Peace Isa 57. 20 21. a Wandering Star never settled Jude 13. but tossed up and down with every Wind of Doctrine from such turn away II. How you may know them Pag. 36. 9. Abiding in the Light that comes from Christ in that Light you will see Light and so comprehend all the Children of Darkness for he that followeth Christ who is the Light of the World shall not walk in Darkness but shall have the Light of Life to judge all the false Apostles and all the Children of the Night who live in the dark Mind in Pride Covetousness Lying making a Trade of the Scriptures which were spoken forth from the Light by those that witnessed it but thou that takest up their Expressions and livest not in the same Life thou art the false Apostle that preachest another Gospel Now besides the foregoing Scriptures thou hast declared thy self to be a false Apostle by thy own Writings First in writing thy Thinkings and Conceivings page 50. yet my former Thoughts page 53. I am but in part convinced page 16. Methinks page 51. As I conceive such were the false Apostles 1 Tim. 1. 7. understanding not what they say nor whereof they affirm but speak and write the Imaginations of their own Hearts as thou hast done in page 18. The thoughts of my own Heart in the which are many Devices Prov. 19. 21. Secondly In being one of the world and calling thy fellow-Creatures of the World to judge what thou sayest and here thou hast manifested thy self to be a false Prophet entered into the World which the Saints of God never did page 23. And let all the World assure themselves that in page 45. Here thou dost write thy self as thou art calls thy own to witness the World one with the World therefore we being gathered out of the World are hated and written against by thee John 15. ●● I shall forbear to write what I know of thy former and yet continued Practices this being sufficient to prove plainly that thou art a false Apostle whose many Lyes written against us I need not to mention in particular only some few in short that the simple may not be deceived by thee nor the Truth suffer altogether under thy Scandals Page 48. Thou biddest the feeble Creatures of the World To judge of Spiritual things though the World by Wisdom knows not God 1 Cor. 1. 21. page 46. thou sayest That we do Lying Wonders But hast thou in all those Lyes and Writings of thine proved that any of those which thou callest Wonders are Lying Wonders for it is not thy saying it is a Lying Wonder that makes it to be so for there were such as thee that said that Christ cast out Devils through Belzebub but they were Lyars and so art thou Thou sayest Our Works are Deceitful page 49. But thou hast no ground for it but the deceit of thy own heart page 18. the which thou callest the World to bear thee witness page 23. 50. Thou sayest We disown the Power and Spirit of Truth which is a Lye but thou hast a form of Godliness denying the power thereof 2 Tim. 3. 5. Page 53. Thou sayest Thou art in part convinced that per adventure the Lord would have his People walk in some way whereby they might be brought into a perfect Unity in Heart Oh! art thou not here ashamed O let even the World whom thou callest unto so often read thy Ignorance What! art thou but in part convinced what way leads to Unity Oh! for shame for shame give over thy Profession talk no longer of the Gospel thou hast made thy self manifest to all men Oh! hast thou been talking of the Gospel so long and art yet Ignorant of the way that leads to Unity Oh! let shame stop thy mouth and cover thy face forever but if thou wouldest shift from this and say Thou meanest an outward way or form I tell thee there is no way to have fellowship with the Father 1 John 1. 3. but in the Unity of the Faith and the Knowledge not a Thinking of the Son of God who is the true living and only way unto the Father John 14. 6. where is perfect unity even one Heart and one way Jer. 32. 39. which is a way of holiness The Wayfaring men though fools shall not err therein Isa 35. 8. Also in page 53. thou sayest That thou art very sensible that thou hast lost thy Comforts and therefore thou dost hope not to give over until thou hast found some way or means of having thy former Enjoyments refreshed Why hast thou lost that
Pomp and Glory of the World with all Covetous Desires of the same and carnal Desires of the Flesh so as not to follow nor be led by them and afterwards keep God's holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same all the dayes of their lives If they may why should they not profess the same and not be counted boasters by such as taught them so And why may they not live in the same without being persecuted for it by such as bound them to it If they cannot why is it that they are forced to promise and vow so to do XVI Again whether they that minister this Promise and Vow unto others have in all things performed the same viz. Whether they themselves who impose this upon others do forsake the Devil and all his Works the vain Pomp and Glory of the World with all Covetous Desires of the same and the Carnal Desires of the Flesh so that they themselves do not follow neither are led thereby but do keep God's holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same every day of their own Lives If they do how is it that their Fruits appear otherwise not only in vain Pomp and covetous Desires like Balaam but also in Covetous Practices worse than Balaam If they do not then whether therein they are not just like the Scribes Pharisees and Hypocrites of Old who laid heavy Burdens upon the People but themselves would not move them with one of their Fingers XVII Again if any men in Youth Infancy or full Age do attain so far in their own particulars to forsake all tho things aforesaid which indeed includes all Sin whether they can safely and with a good Conscience Promise and Vow for another that he shall do the like seeing also it is but an Infant And whether all Infants in England be elected and are of the faithful Seed and whether any but Gods Elect can perform the Promises and Vows aforesaid If not why should the People be forced to make such Vows which cannot be kept and be constrained and taught to tell Lyes in the presence of God by saying We forsake them all if they nor the Child do not so If they do let God's Witness in their Consciences answer which will shew the truth of the matter XVIII Again whether it is good or evil for People To forsake the Devil all his Works the vain Pomp Glory of the World with all covetous desires of the same and carnal desires of the Fl●sh so as not to follow nor be led by them and then to keep God's holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same all the dayes of his Life If Evil why are they bound and taught so to do If Good why are many this day Persecuted and Imprisoned only for so doing XIX Whether the old Man in People or Children may be See further in publick Baptism so buried that the new Man may be raised up in them If not why have the Priests prayed so many Years together If it may be so why may not such then profess the new Man raised up in them without being called Hereticks for so professing XX. Again if the new Man be to be raised up in People when they are in Infancy then whether it be not to be raised up any other time or some other time of their Life if it be not raised up in their Infancy And then whether they be not true Labourers who labour to raise this up in People And whether they be not effectual Preachers who do thereby raise it up in People And whether this new Man be not Christ And if he be not raised up whether the Preaching be not vain the Faith vain and the People continue in their Sins that being not raised up in them which is to save from Sin And whether this new Man is not in People and Children before it be raised up And is not the new Man the second Adam And is not that the Seed which if we had been left without we had been as Sodom And is not the Seed sown in all sorts of Ground And is not the Seed Christ which is still in the World though not known by the World and who lighteth every man that cometh into the World And is not this the Truth Christ which God desireth in the inward parts Psal 51. 6. And is not this the Truth which is promised to spring out of the Earth Psal 85. 11. And was not the first man made of the Earth and are not all People descended from him and so of the Earth And whether it be not unreasonable that many Hundreds should be Persecuted chiefly for professing this and that by such who taught them so to profess and for witnessing speaking and writing of the new man raised up in them and for living uprightly according thereunto XXI Whether Children or People who have the new man raised up in them may have all carnal Affections dye in them and come to know all things belonging to the Spirit not only to live but also to grow in them If not why are they deceived with those fair Speeches If they may then who are most agreeable thereunto and the best Christians they that only talk of and profess these things effected inwardly and yet deny that any live in it or them that are come unto and do truly know and live in the possession of these things within them XXII Whether the New Man be not the second Adam the quickning Spirit And if it be whether as many as are truly led thereby it being within them be not the Sons or Children of God And whether there be any other that be the Children and Sons of God but only such as have this New Man raised up in them and are truly led thereby See further in publick Baptism XXIII Whether all the Children these late hundred Years that were baptized were regenerated when a little Water was sprinkled upon their faces though it were done by such a Priest who himself was Unregenerate and either a Proud Covetous or Drunken Man If they were or the most part of them how then did they come afterwards to be Unregenerate seeing that after their Infant-Baptism most are looked upon to be and by their Fruits do indeed appear in an Unregenerate estate And whether in any Age it can be proved by Scripture that there were so many either Young or Old first regenerated and then unregenerated again If they were not how then are the Priests words true when he saith after he hath sprinkled them Seeing now dearly beloved Brethren that these Children be regenerate XXIV Whether all or any of those Infants these many See priva●e Baptism hundred late years whom the Priests say were born in Original Sin and in the Wrath of God did come to Regeneration in their Infant-Baptism and were then receiv'd into the number of the Children of God and Heirs of Everlasting Life Was all this done for them and did they
Power without Hands may break in pieces that made with Hands or the greatest tallest or most glorious Image that hath been conceived in the dark mind and set up on high above the humble suffering Seed to be worshipped within in the Power of the Light is resisted with all his Wiles though therein he bringeth Scripture to uphold his Kingdom and Dominion over the other to have it bow down to him and worship him who abode not in the Power which by the Power is resisted and denied forever And so that which denies the other and is Humble and Low it is that all are to wait to receive and joyn unto from it Power to know in it to stand against the other which did it oppress and by secret subtilty being exalted doth alwayes endeavour to sit in the Temple of God shewing it self as God being covered with a Profession of the Truth which in the Truth doth not abide yet to the Truth in words may confess and acknowledge that which saveth from Sin to be the begotten of God and may believe and tremble and yet remain an Enemy to the same tempting him by many Glorious Presentations to bow to that and worship that which abideth not in the Power that so thereby over the Power it may always rule in the Deceiveableness of Unrighteousness wherein many are ensnared others tempted and some Overcome whose latter end is worse than their beginning Oh! who can declare the Depth of the Ground of this Mystery of Iniquity or utter forth the Innumerable Transformings and Changings of that which still seeketh by all subtilty to keep from the Obedience to the Life of the Power by which man was made and from which he was led by that which said Ye shall be as Gods which against God doth stand in that ground which by him is cursed And how can the unsearchable Love of the Father be uttered with words who so loved the World that he gave his Son to them that asked not for him that by his Light might be seen the Deceiveableness of the many Workings of the Powers of Darkness in the Mind that is darkened which from the Darkness to the Light is to be turned with the Light in the holy Fear to watch against every appearance of the changeable Powers of Darkness which sometimes appeareth as an Angel of Light against whose Appearance all are to stand armed with the Power of him who is the Light and to feel the Power of the Word which is as a Fire and yet to resist that which the Devil darteth in which is also like unto Fire that the tender Simplicity after which my Soul breatheth may not be betrayed by that which still seeketh to devour and to keep from the Power of the Cross and turn aside from the narrow Way of Life and that in it all the innocent Friends of Christ may be kept to follow the Leadings of that which from the God of Truth and Love and Peace to them hath come by it to be led out of and from all that which in the Truth did not abide Therefore is this given forth even from the Breathings of my Life appealing to the pure Witness in you all which the Changeableness of Iniquity doth always stand against the which in Gods living Power let all that feel it keep against the other to stand and keep out of all Satan's Wiles to be preserved to the end of all that which hath an End that then when time shall be no more you may rest and abide with and in him that is the Truth whom the Devil hath nothing in to receive the Blessings of the Father and the tender Mercies of the most High to refresh you and overcome you with the Power of his Love that it to you all may be the Bond of Everlasting Peace in which with all the humble and faithful I am bound up and in it with them for evermore do rest Humphry Smith Winchester-Bridewell 1685. THE Love of God Declared AND SATAN'S VVILES DISCOVERED THE Lord God of Life and Father of Infinite Love Preserver of all the simple Deliverer of all the innocent whose Power reacheth unto the Heavens and his Goodness to the Sons of men who never forsook the Faithful but was near unto them in the hour of Temptation and knows how to make War for the Innocent to escape and deliver the Oppressed in the day of Distress whose Mercy endureth forever whose Love can never be fully declared whose Glory is beyond all Expression whose Wayes are past finding out whom my Soul honoureth forever to whose Infinite Fullness and Incomprehensible Power be Blessing and Glory and Honour from the Power of my Life to the Throne of his Love forever and ever Even he who is the Fountain from whence cometh the Breath of the Life of the Souls of all Mankind He I say from the Throne of his Power through the brightness of his Love with his Eye of Fatherly Pity hath look't down and taken notice of the Wants the Groans and the Cryes of his captivated Seed which hath been long oppressed with the strong and cruel Bonds of Iniquity which separated man from God and grieved the Spirit of the most High who bowed the Heavens and came down to visit the Captives and relieve the Oppressed which is acceptable to many and a time of everlasting Comfort for by him the weary come to be refreshed and the weak receive Everlasting strength for the Lord hath Compassion on the Needy and comes to clothe the Naked with the Righteousness of his Son for his Spirit reacheth unto that which is in Want and his Compassion is extended to the Lowly in Heart which long breathed after Life and Power to overcome the Evil but knew not the way to obtain it and therefore in the restless Wilderness under the burden of Sin did long Travail as in a wearisom Land of Darkness having little hope towards God being often in much Distress when no Eye pitied even then had the Lord Mercy for his own Name sake and he remembred his Covenant with Abraham his Friend and had Compassion on the Seed of the barren Womb which was as the Root of a Plant hid in a dry Land whom the Lord came to visit in the Power of his Infinite Love and said to the dead Live forever which Word of Power reached through the Earth making way through it unto the Seed that it through the Earth making way through it unto the Seed that it through the Earth might spring by the Virtue of his Life as a Lilly in the Spring that so the Prisoner might grow up out of Captivity and receive the early and the latter Rain and the Dews of Heaven that as a tender Plant it may grow and become as a Tree and be fruitful as a Vine bearing much Fruit over the Earth Oh! the Infinitness of the Fullness of the Fountain of the Father's unexpressible Love unto the Prisoners of Hope and the captivated Seed
midst and hath rent the Vail and from under Death is risen in his unlimited Power Dominion and Authority even him that Death nor the Grave cannot hold who through Death hath conquered Death forever and though Death had Power over him before the Way into the Holiest of all was made manifest yet now Death hath no more dominion over him but he is risen through Death who was made a Curse and hath born away the Curse and removed the cursed ground upon which fallen man stood and hath born away the sin of the World and was made sin for us that we might be made the Righteousness of God through in and by him who hath opened the Understanding whereby the unsearchable Riches of unspeakable love comes to be made manifest even unto us who were going astray and were Children of Wrath as well as others and Aliens and Strangers to the Covenant of Grace and long were without God and in the World tossed to and fro with every wind of Doctrine after the cunning Craftiness of men whereby we were long deceived even by such who still bewitcht the Minds of the simple out of which Witchcraft I can say the Lord hath delivered and obedience to the Truth that makes Free is yeilded and Love Mercy and Judgment is come and brought forth and Victory is witnessed the Messenger of the everlasting Covenant is come even he that we long waited for and we do not look for another but he that is the same yesterday to day and forever who was to come and is come and is to come he that readeth let him understand who is without beginning of time or end of dayes who is made under the Law and became as a Servant being obedient to the Death through which the Life is risen up into the understanding and hath born away that which the Law had power over and hath brought in that by which the Law is fulfilled and so he that is the end of the Law for Righteousness is felt and received who taketh away the Sin and reconcileth the World up unto the Father where the sin is taken away by him who though he was made sin yet knew no sin who appears now the second time without sin to the saving of that which was lost which is now brought again and plenteous Redemption is known for the desire of all Nations is come and the second Houses is filled with his Glory the Wine-press is full the Fat 's overflow for the VVinter is past and the Summer is come and the Lillics appear in the Field where the Pearl was hid the Fig-tree puts forth her buds and the Vine yeilds her encrease the Olive doth blossom and the Apple-Tree in the midst of the VVood doth flourish and the good ground yeilds her encrease and is fruitful in its season to the good Husbandman and there is seed to the sower and bread to the eater the Barns are filled with abundance and the Store-houses with plenty and Treasure is laid up for many years in the heavenly places which are purified with the lively sacrifices so that the earthen Vessels are fitted to keep the heavenly Manna that shall dure throughout many generations and so against the Famine comes upon the Earth and all them that feed at Jezabels Table Oyle is laid up in safety and the finest of the Flower in a place where it is sure where it will last and never fail until the Heathen are scorched with heat and they that have forsaken the Lord are become as a parched Heath and all the gods of the Heathen famished and the Tongue of the Aegyptian Sea dryed up and all the false Prophets overturned who belong to Jezabel whose Body the Dogs must tear though she yet sits as a Qeen in opposition to the true Prophet Christ the Light and until them who are drunk with the Wine of the Fornication of the Whore and are the Merchants of Mystery Babylon the great the Mother of all the painted Harlots be all condemned in one day with an utter overthrow and the Seat of the Whore removed and all them that commit Fornication with her made as the Valley of Hammon Gog and as the Dung upon face of the Earth and all the Brats of the VVhore dashed against the Stones until then I say shall that in store remain and a Hiding-place be found for the Prophet of the Lord who is also hid near thee in thy own Land though thou art seeking him afar off Wherefore hear O ye Kindreds of the Earth for as the Dew spread upon the Mountains so doth the Streams of my Beloved raise overspreading the Earth with the comliness of his Love and filling it with the Beauty of his Grace the Banner of his Love is spreading forth as a Curtain and under the shadow of his Wings is a certain Hiding-place both from the Storm and from the Heat and though the Sea rage and all Kindreds and Tongues swell up in Wrath Pride and Arrogancy yet he come known witnessed and received who commands both the VVirds and the Sea who is the former of all things by whom they all were made and at his Command all are subdued and the lightnings of his Light enlightens the VVorld Psal 97. 4. and the Glory of his Power is spreading over the Nations and the excellency of his Beauty is reaching to his Lambs and because of his Comliness the Virgins love him and to him the Daughters of Jerusalem bring their Gifts and before him the Princes of the People lay down their Crowns and because of him the VVilderness doth rejoyce and the Desolate is made glad for the fruitful Land was become a barren VVilderness and now the baren VVilderness is turned into a fruitful Field and the plant sprung out of a dry Ground and the Seed is born of the barren VVomb and there is a VVay made in the VVilderness and streams are given in the Desart and the Ear of the deaf is opened the Lame doth walk and the Leaper is cleansed and the stammering Tongues speak plainly the Gospel is received and the everlasting Power is come even the Immanuel God with us and in us and we confess Christ come in the Flesh and do not look for another but do know that this is the great Prophet who is come into the VVorld that is set in the Heart Ecclcs 3. 11. which is in the midst out of which Moses said the Lord would raise up a Prophet Deut. 18. 15. the which Prophet being come which all are to hear he saith I am come a Light into the World John 8. 12. ch 12. 35 36 46. The VVorld being set in the Heart there is the light of him who saith I am the Light and he that is the Light is the true Prophet and the true Prophet is in the midst who is the Light whose day Abraham saw unto whom the Gospel was preached which Gospel is Gods Power whereby Abraham rejoyced because he came to see the Day
not standing in the Cross to your wills in Obedience to the Light to receive the Judgment due to that ground from whence Transgression ariseth whereby the Enmity might be ●●ain the love of the World rooted out and that ruled over with the perfect Law of God which was not subject to it that the Law of the Spirit of Life your minds might be alwayes exercised in thereby to be made free from the Law of sin and death that sin might not reign in your mortal Bodies but that through the power of the Cross of him who is the Light the sinful Lusts of the flesh might be mortified and you led by the Light through the Law by it to have the Transgression thereof to you in every Particular discovered that every one might deny and stand out of that which leads into the Transgression thereof seeing with the Light that not one jot nor tittle thereof shallpass till all be fulfiled and the Righteousness thereof is to be fulfilled in you by your humble and faithful following of him that worketh in us who cannot transgress the Law who being made as a Servant under the Law to him you are all to come and see the Law stand in force over every one that doth transgress which Law is addedbecause of sin and that which saveth the Soul doth not make it void nor mittigate the power thereof against any one that sins wilfully after the knowledge of the Truth received but upon such the Wrath of God abideth which is ministred forth through the Law with Tribulation Anguish and Wo upon every Soul that doth Evil so Trouble Torment and Vexation of Spirit cometh upon such who turn aside from the simplicity of the Gospel and let the spirit of the world reign over them not being faithful in the little which from God they had received by the powerful ministry of his living Truth that the smallest of all seeds in them might spring with obedience through the whole body of the Earth under which it lieth and by it in many is oppressed and such in whom it is so are in many Doubts and Reasonings from that ground out of which Unbelief doth arise And then the Mind being from the Light a hardness comes in and the Rebellious take entrance and so that which is worse than before gets strength which being joyned unto leads in a secret deformity farther from the Witness then ever so that then the good Savour comes to be lost and the Understanding darkned not knowing the true motion and often a carcless Spirit gets head and such are from the true Love and suffering Seed in themselves and so not joyned in the Covenant of Love and Peace with them that abide therein the which they sceing a discontent ariseth therein in the mind so did Cain he murmured at the other but the Fault was in himself for Sin lay at the Door and it is Sin to transgress against that which is Perfect and the Light is the perfect gift of God and his Gifts are Perfect and in the Light there is no Evil and the Light is to lead out of that which is Imperfect they that err from the Light are in the strife and fleshly will And the other Eye seeks for evil and then that kindles a Fire in the Bowels and eats as a Worm and so drowns that from whence true Love should arise as deep as the depth of the Sea and nothing but raging Waves over it sometimes ready to vent forth its own shame and discover the nakedness of it self and others which begets its Image in the minds of them that regard it so as to come under it or let it have entrance in them And where these things are there is little increase within or without but Truth suffers and the World takes advantage and the Weak stumble for whom Christ dyed and the Lambs hurt and their dear Life grieved And so these things are far from answering the dear and tender Call and Visitation of the Lord and then if not faithful in little when can such come to rule or how can they receive the blessing of God being joyned to that which he hath cursed What shall I say to such or with what Words shall I find entrance in them Surely if I had not a Word to write I would mourn in secret for them Oh fruitless Trees dry Branches foolish Virgins unprofitable Servants take heed lest the Lord spue you out of his Mouth What should the Lord do for you that he hath not done My Bowels within me are troubled for you and I even mourn under the burthen of your Iniquities How is it that you delight in other Lovers and what is it in you that keeps you from the power of Truth How long shall the Lord stret●h forth his Hand to them that rebel against the Light And how often have you grieved the Spirit of the Lord And why is it that he is provoked to Jealousie every day Will not the Lord visit for these things And can the Wicked go unpanished Turn ye now therefore O ye Rebellious and let the Double-minded fear and tremble before the God of Power for no Peace have I to preach for the Wicked nor Pearls for the Swine in which the Unclean is entred Let your Hearts now therefore be opened and let Judgment come upon that which is above the Seed and sink down into the House of Mourning that the Prisoner may hear my Voice And now you that are honest tender faithful willing and obedient dear is my Love unto you the Lord God eternal preserve you dear Babes and give you up your Lives and praise his endless rich love who hath called you to come out of the World My dear Friends let my Fathers love arise in you even the same which I now feel towards you and let me come near unto you in the power of my Fathers love that you may feel my Life and partake with me of the hidden Treasure that your Hearts may be open to me again from the feeling of the Power of the covenant of Life that in him I may salute you who is at the Fathers Right Hand For unto you O ye Children of the Light is my Heart enlarged and toward you doth the Power of my Life arise from the streams of unlimitted Love which from all the World is hid and reserved in the Bosom of the Father for the meek and tender Lambs for whom the Milk is prepared and to whom the Bread is to be given and the sure Waters that never shall fail Let the Light arise in you my dear Ones that with it your Hearts may be opened one to another that you may know that the Lord is a God of Power and near at hand unto the Humble that in his Love you may be kept and by his Power be defended and so from strength to strength in his fear to walk and to come at last to be a People saved from Death and redeemed from the
Whose Soul is lost from bliss Oh praise him all ye Saints Who feel his vertue near Vnto him still give thanks Who is our Father dear Let wicked men lament Let all Vngodly howl Too late shall some repent When down his Judgments rowle When Babel's turn'd in t ' Lake When the Beast is thither thrown When Drunkards reel and shake When Wrath is poured down When Vengeance much w th might Is pour'd on the Whore And all secret Deceit Destroy'd forever more Then Sion shall be glad Then God shall honoured be Then Praises shall be had Then Worship shall be free Then Comfort shall abound In all true mourning Lambs And Gospel free shall sound Throughout all Nation Lands The time hereof's at hand The Captives shall be free Gods Seed in every Land By him shall gathered be Let Friends rejoyce in fear Let fear in love abound Let Thousands more draw near For we the Pearl have found Let all in Patience dwell And in the Lord still trust That we in Love excell In which with you I rest As I walking alone in my close Prison at Winchester upon the 24th of the 5th Moneth 1662. in much Quietness Meekness and inward Refreshings by the rising vertue of Gods refreshing Love these Lines began to run gently through me with Melody in my Heart to the Lord and when I was free in my self to write it departed not from me but came so easie and so fast as I could well write whereby in a very little part of the said day this was begun and finished with my own Hand Yet would I not have it looked upon to be a great thing nor a pattern or example for others to run into the like For since I came into the Life and Obedience of Truth I durst not write any thing thus in Verse until this day and time neither was there the least thought in me thus to write until the very instant For writing in Meeter is apt to beget a lightness in some Readers and make way for too much or a wrong Liberty in others to do the like but not in the true fear which is the continual Refuge of Humphry Smith Hidden things made manifest by the Light In a plain Distinction between Condemnation Temptation Wherein is shewed How the Righteous Law of God is ministred upon the Transgressor and how it is to be by all received as a Schoolmaster to come to Christ by him to have the sin done away forever Also of Temptation what it is and how it may be known discerned from Condemnation With a Direction to them who profess the knowledge of Truth and live not in the power of God Concerning the Ministration of Condemnation THe World being set in man's Heart and Sin being in the World before the Promise was made which Promise was before the Law by which the Sin is discovered which Sin was in the World before the Promise yet the Promise was before the Law and yet until the Law comes Death reigns over that to which the Promise is and Sin separateth man from God the which is not clearly seen until the Commandment which is Light is come the Ministration whereof is Condemnation unto Man being found in the Transgression the which Ministration of Condemnation is to pass over all having sinned and when this cometh it finds man in the Death and by it is sin revived whereby man comes to see a Body of Sin which stands between him and God so that he is afraid of the dreadful Power of God ministred forth through the Law to slay him that hath transgressed the which some coming to see or in the least measure to feel call it a Temptation because it maketh him sensible that Condemnation belongeth to him and that all his Profession and building upon the Promise in that which the Promise was not unto and seeing that if he lie down to receive this Ministration that then all his Profession and Knowledge Zeal Wisdom and Prayers which did arise out of that ground which was cursed by reason of the sin that was in the World before either the Promise the Profession or the Law will be all ript up from him as filthy Rags and that his shame and nakedness must appear as it s written Every mouth shall be stopped and every one shall stand guilty before God and no Darkness no shadow of Death shall hide the workers of Iniquity from the mighty hand of God who brings to judgment the hidden things of Darkness and rips open the secrets of the Heart so that the most secret Sin● that ever were committed are clearly made manifest and justly charged upon the head of the Transgressor who stands in Enmity to God who will wound the head of the Transgressor and plead in Righteousness with him in whom the sin is found though not made manifest until the time that the Law is come by which it is discovered And this Ministration of Condemnation is not a Temptation though many call it so who being blind put Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness for that which sheweth man his sin doth not tempt man to sin but rather brings man in fear that he may not sin for because of sin was the Law added and the Law was given after much of the Love Preservation Power Deliverances and the Wonders of the Lord had been seen and it was given in the Wilderness where sometime there was want of Bread and Water where was Serpents Scorpions and many Tryals where the figure of him who was to heal the wounded and take away the sting of death and save the Life of man was lifted up on high without them the which figure or outward bodily Appearance was prepared by Moses And Christ had a body prepared him both which the carnal Eye might see and the carnal Mind contend about even as the Devil about the body of Moses but the Substance of the Figure Christ the Light Gods power being not received within in the heart and so fin the transgression of the Law remains within and the figure or that which the natural Eye did or may see was and is looked upon without and that without doth not take away the sin within and these knew not the Ways of God who sinned and at last loathed the Manna calling it light bread in the Wilderness even there was the Law Ministred they whose eyes are open may read and understand And where the Law was given forth there was a Mount or a high place of the Earth which then trembled by reason of the dreadful Power of the Lord of Hosts and beneath or under the Mount was the Seed and Israel of God which was to keep the Law and Life Read within and understand and yet by reason of that which was hard upon the heart there was a crying out with Dread and Horror and Fear That the Lord might speak no more lest they dye and so that which is hard upon the heart in the which by the