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A44786 The dawnings of the gospel-day and its light and glory discovered by Francis Howgil. Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.; Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681. 1676 (1676) Wing H3157; ESTC R24063 864,209 776

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more for fear of Wrath and to please Men then to serve and please the Living God whose Throne is established in the Heavens whose Kingdom is over all how be it Man whose Eyes were Blind the Sons of Adam in Transgression in the fallen State know not the Kingdom nor his Throne further then by report and hear-say and Traditions and Customs though by him Kings Rule and Princes Decree Justice yet few do know him who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords the God of the whole Earth neither do they know that in themselves in which Justice is decreed who are rather continuing Ruling in an usurperd Estate then ruling in the Power of the Lord which would be a Terror to Evil-doers but fallen Man calls well-doing Evil and Evil good and so Judges and Rules according to that in his own Eyes so punishes and afflicts them who do that which is evil as it appeareth in his eyes though it be good in the eyes of the Lord. And upon this Account the Righteous have suffered and such as are dear unto the Lord have been made a prey of through many Generations from Cain downward who slew his Brother and who are in the first birth Born of the Flesh judge that Evil which is born of the Spirit and their Wayes evil who walk in the Spirit and their Worship evil who worship in the Spirit and thus many Kings of Judah and Israel made the Righteous Seed to suffer when they were revolted from the Lord then they set up their own Imaginations Decrees and Laws to be observed who laid the Commandments of the Lord waste and made Havock of them that kept them and caused such to suffer as Evil-doers and as Traytors as Factious and Rebellious in the sight of all the People as Jeroboam Ahab Ahaziah Rehoboam and divers others and the Princes and Dukes of Edom made War against Jacob and his Seed unto which the Promise was and the Blessing was and so accounted them vile that were pretious in the sight of the Lord and reckoned them Righteous that were vile in the Eyes of the Lord. And since the Kingdom of Heaven hath been Preached and Christianity the Name thereof hath been in Reputation and the Gospel hath been published abroad and the Uncircumcised have got the Sound and the unregenerate have got the Fame and the Unconverted have got the Name of Christians and yet alwayes turn against them that were in the Nature of Christ these have made the Righteous to suffer and killed the Children of the free-Woman the true Church the Lamb's Wife And know ye this that since Christ hath been Preached and since the true Church hath been brought forth there hath been a great falling away by many from the Faith which was once delivered to the Saints by which Faith they had Victory over the World and Conquered spiritual Enemies and overcame the Grave and witnessed Victory over it Now the Words of them which had this Faith are retained and the Form of the out-side Practices was held for a while but the Power was denyed And Paul saw many such getting up to a Head and growing into a Body in his time who had the Form but denyed the Power who subverted whole Houses who were covetous and Heady and high-Minded then and lovers of Pleasures more then lovers of God and this kind of false Apostles and Satan's Messengers and false Prophets that Christ said should come Mat. 24. and John saw already come in that Age and Peter Jude and divers others wrote of and yet these were Preachers of the Name of Christ and got the form of Words and the Name of Gospel and yet denyed the Lord that bought them and redeemed them as in 2 Peter 2.1 to wit him in whom was Life and the Life was the Light of men Thus they denyed the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World and yet would be preaching up the Name of Christ and Jesus in Words but denyed the Life which is a Mystery and many followed their Pernicious wayes by whom the Truth was Evil-spoken of these were Enemies to the Cross of Christ which mortifies the Deeds of the Flesh and so lived in the Flesh and yet had the good Words the Sheeps cloathing the out-side but were Erred and ravened from the Spirit greedy after filthy Lucre greedy after Covetousness and worldly Honours greedy after Pleasures and these false Teachers went out into the World from the Light and from the Life and fellowship of the Gospel which is a Mystery and from the Saints Communion and from the Apostles fellowship and from The true Church in God the Ground and Pillar of Truth and then withstood the Apostles and spoke all manner of Evil of them and falsely accused them to be in Bondage and these separated themselves and crept into Houses and lead many away Captive and Captivated their Understanding Captivated the minds of those that were laden with Sin and divers Lusts who were ever learning but never came to the Knowledge of the Truth in which the discerning is And these became great Teachers and the whole World went after them and proselyted many into their false Faith which was Fained and into that Hope which was but as a Spider's webb and into a Profession of Christianity without the Life of Christ and those went into the World and those that were in the Perishing state wondered after them and admired them and set them up who admired them because of Advantage and received them and so held up one another in Deceit and so grew into a Body and got the Name of a Church though they were adulterated from the true Faith and run away from Christ the true Husband after other Lovers and yet because the Name of Christ and Christianity had a good Sound therefore they retained the Name for a Cloak that they might not be discovered And so many Children and false Christians which were not begotten and Born again of the Light Immortal and of the Immortal Word of Life were brought forth and these were adulterated Children and Children of Fornication and Children of falshood who would Lye as the Prophet said as the Mother was so was the Daughter and so are the Children And here did the false Church and false Members arise and false Christians and false Children grew Numerous in so much that they spread themselves over Nations Kindreds Tongues Languages and People and so came to be a Universal Visible Church though indeed an deceitful and abominable Harlot who spread her Feet unto every one that passed by as it is easie to make appear neither did she retain long the Practice and form of the true Apostles but joyned themselves to the Heathen and took in their Practice and mixed themselves with the Jewish Worship and took in their Types Figures Shadows Dayes Fasts and Feasts and mixed all these things together and at last called those Inventions the Apostolick Institutions and Ordinances
Man and all Men and every Church is fallible and subject to Error and with these and the like Words R.E. was extreamly troubled as he saith and knew not how to answer without shuffing Answ. The true Christian Religion stands not only in Name nor in Words nor in conforming or Transforming to this or that outward Practice which the Disciples of Christ were exercised in which divers in the latter days in their old corrupt minds not having their Hearts renewed have taken on the outside and have got the Form and want the Life and the Power and are not partakers of the Divine Nature of Christ and such a bare Profession as this has no certainty nor infallibility in it neither the assurance but that they may be mistaken and may be subject to Err as well as Turks or Jews or any other but the true Christians Religion indeed whom Christ will own as true Worshippers of him stands in Power in Life and in being obedient unto his living commands and precepts which he giveth forth unto his Disciples and manifesteth by his Spirit his Sheep hear his Voice and know it from the Voice of a stranger And he giveth the Knowledge of his will to all that believe in the measure of his eternal Spirit which he hath given every one a Measure of to profit withal and by it to be guided into all Truth out of all Error and this Spirit is infallible and gives certain assurance to all that receive it that they are in that way which is acceptable to God and they feel Comfort unto their Souls coming daily from the presence of Christ who is the Rock of Ages and the sure Foundation upon which his holy Church is founded which is the Pillar and Ground of Truth and they that are living Members are not Grounded upon a fallible certainty or upon a con●ectural supposition or a vain hope which is without bottom but upon that which is sure and stedfast lasting everlasting and all men in the unregenerate Estate are Lyars but they that are Born from above are of the Truth and Lye not and are not subject to mistakes because the Seed remains in them and walk in the pure Religion which keeps unspoted of the World and they that have no other Ground for their Religion but only without them and from the report of others are short of the true Foundation for that may be Truth in it self indeed which is not true to another nor he truly partakes of it and here is all the supposing conjectures and mistakes and fallible certainties which it seems R. E. and his lay Gentlemen too when the Axe is laid to the Root of the Tree indeed and notwithstanding all the laying claim to infallibility and certainty its but grounded upon a report without and the Traditions of men from Generation to Generation For them that believe but only because of the true report without and cometh not to Witness the thing assured in their own Hearts by the Spirit of the Lord these will not be long of that Faith 't is true many did believe because of the Apostles ●eclaration and report but at last came to feel the Witness of God in their own Hearts testifying the same in somuch that they could say and truly too though we have believed through your Words at the first yet now we have heard him our selves that which giveth perfect assurance which admits of no doubts nor fallibleness for such evidence all true Members of Christ's Church have in themselves which carries divine Authority and satisfaction in it to every particular Believer and so I say with P. E. in this it seems unreasonable to perswade any to receive this or that for a Truth when they that so perswade are uncertain in themselves neither dare say their Judgment is infallible which is that old Protestant Principle indeed and also the Principle of many Sects who differ from the pretended Catholick Church of Rome who Persecuted one another about outward things even as the Heathen about their Idols and yet will needs sit as Judge in Mens Consciences with their fallible Spirit though I speak not of every individual Person neither can I justifie the Roman Catholick Church so called who lays claim to infallibility and whatsoever they Judge to be Heresie must be reckoned as such though never so manfiest a Truth and to place infallibility in men that may Err and have erred from the Spirit I like not neither for this is to give that to men that belongs to God and to make the Judgment of fallible men above the Judgment of the inf●llible Spirit of God and this I look to be great Ambition and Pride in any to lay claim to the greatest things as infallibility and certainty of assurance and the most free of Error and yet fall the shortest of it of any as hath been made appear by many Learned and Grave Men of former Ages and also if a necessity were might be made appear that the Church of Rome who saith she cannot err have been as uncertain both in their Doctrine and Worship as any yea more one Pope contradicting and throwing down that which another did establish and one Council Decreeing and another disanulling as I could easily make appear but that I would not be Tedious to the Reader in things that have been so manifest neither do I desire to wade out into diversity of matters in so short a Discourse But that which R. E. and his Catholick instructer calleth late wild and loos● Opinions that men of different Faiths may be saved and this countenanceth schism and breeds Rebellion as it is said 't is true Faith is but one which is saving and there is no difference in that for the difference is among Men where that is wanting and only have words and Name of Faith and want the Life and Power Neither am I so narrow Spirited as R. E. and his Catholick as to exclude all out of the Faith who may differ in their perswasions in some Circumstantial things if yet they hold Christ the Head and what makes R. E. so virilent as to judge all in Errour and to be out of the true Faith seeing the Protestants and all sorts of separates profess Justification and Salvation only through Faith in Christ Jesus as well as the Church of Rome and it were unreasonably judged in me if I should conclude a man to be no man because he is not so tall as another but I see R E. and his Catholick would have all Shoes made by their Last though they will not fit every mans Feet Faith is the gift of God there are divers Decrees and measures accoding to the mind and good pleasure of the giver so that he that hath received any measure or degree must not be excluded as having no Faith though he attain not to that degree that some do enjoy and the Apostle's Doctrine was That 〈◊〉 one should be perswaded in his own mind and if
Devil did when he brought it is written to Christ and left out half the words so R. E. hath left out the Conditions on the Disciples part and that which was their duty teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I command you and then lo I am with you c. But R. E. likes not obedience it seems unto Christ's commands and yet he will needs be a sharer in the Promise and of the Power that was given and bind God unto that and he and his Church to be loose to do and to teach what they will but as to all the Scriptures he hath brought and minced them and cut them in piece-meal and all the inferences he makes this we acknowledge without multiplicity of words that whatsoever was promised to the Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ as the Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ the same Promise of Christ doth belong to the Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ in every Age and stands upon the same condition viz. Obedience unto h●s will and that they still do teach and no other thing but what he commands them then he is with them according to his Promise but let not R. E. nor his Roman Catholicks look if they teach things repugnant to his mind and contrary to his will and press upon others to believe that which Christ hath never taught that then the Promise of God will be so intailed to them as that they cannot Err and here the deceit of thine and your Hearts hath led you aside and this is one of the cunning sleights of Men and craftiness whereby you lay in wait to deceive and by this you have deceived many because God hath made such large Promises unto his Church how that they should be led into all Truth and preserved out of Error and you are their Successors and must needs Inherit this Promise by way of intail and you cannot Err you cannot be deceived because the Apostles were infallible therefore you must needs be infallible though you Err and go aside never so much from the infallible Spirit the true Guide and Judge of and in the Church of God as though you had been born to infallibility and the Spirit of Truth had come by succession but the inward Light which thou scoffs at and the Spirit of Truth which thou calls a private Spirit often hath discovered you and your Spirit though thou boastest of fifteen Ages that your Doctrine hath been held by the Pastours and Teachers in your Visible Church as in the fifty seventh Page of thy EPISTLE suppose I should grant the fifteen hundred Years which I neither can nor will but I will lead thee to the sixteen hundred years and try thee your Doctrine that you have held this fifteen hundred Years if it be so as thou saist but this thou likes not but seeing thou plead'st Antiquity let us come on and joyn issue prove us Transubstantiation in the first hundred Years nay I will give thee five hundred more and if I give thee five more thou would'st hardly prove it before the Council of Trent prove us the Doctrine of Purgatory in the first hundred Years and if thou take two it shall not offend me prove us the forbidding of Ministers to marry in the first hundred years and abstinence from Meats as though they were unclean which are created by God for the use of Believers prove us that Man hath a two-fold right to the Kingdom of Heaven as your great Bellarmine saith the one by Christ the other by a Man 's own Works prove us Invocation of Angels and Prayer and Sacrifice for the Dead the first hundred years after Christ prove us their selling of Pardons in Christ's and the Apostles dayes for Money prove us setting up of Images as to put Men in mind of the Saints deceased and of their Works prove us Baptism of Infants with Cream and Spittle and singing with the Cross and God-fathers and God-mothers and let us have some example beyond bare report for we dare not relie upon your infallible Spirit in these things therefore convince us for we are Gain-sayers and upon good Ground and we do look upon all these Doctrines and many more not to be of such a great Age as thou tells on neither to have any affinity or congruity with the Church of Christ in his or the Apostles time nor sundry Years after but rather look upon them as Doctrines of Devils and a very novelty a further Scripture R. E. urges 1. Tim. 3.15 the Church of the living God the Pillar and Ground of Truth and may we not relie of that Pillar that God hath erected for us saith he and he that hears you hears me and go teach all Nations and I am with you alwayes and yet if after all these Promises if the Church may not be believed except she teacheth according to the Scriptures and be only infallible but when she doth her duty then the Church hath no more priviledge then the Devil hath for so long as he teaches conformable to the Scripture he may be believed and so long as he teaches Truth he may be believed saith R.E. in page 58 59. Answ. The Church is in God 1 Thes. 1. and is the Pillar and Ground of Truth she is in the World though not of the World and though the Members thereof be visible in the World yet the world that lies in Wickedness never owned them as such either saw the Glory of this Church but alwayes Persecuted it and was so far owning it as Rule and Judge as it altogether gain-sayed its direction but they that did believe in the word of Life and were separated from the World and hated by it were willing to hear the Counsel to receive the instruction of the Church of God and the Church only medled with their own Members as in matter of Judgment and not of the World further then by preaching Repentance in it for the Apostle saith What have we to do to judge them that are without and this Church as in God was secure to relie upon for she had the Oracles of God committed unto her every one may relie upon this Pillar if they dare trust it which I see R. E. dares not because he likes not to be tyed to their Doctrine declared of in the Scriptures but would have all to take what they say for granted without the Scripture or the Apostles example or Spirit and is not this unreasonable in thee that would'st have the Church to be believed or that which calls it self so by Name when she teacheth not conformable to Scriptures and to the Faith which was once delivered among the Saints and wouldst thou have a Church reckoned infallible and to be believed when she doth not her duty the Churches priviledges are in speaking Truth and judging Righteously and the Devil was a Lyer from the beginning and is out of the Truth and where hast thou read that he teaches
Saints Sabbath is a stranger to the church of Rome he that hath overcome the World and the Devil only knows God's rest and the true Sabbath of which the Jews was a Figure and the Sunday thou callst it is no more a Sabbath reckoned by the Lord of Life then that which thou callst Saturday for every day is kept Holy to the Lord by him that witnesses the work of Redemtion and this is according to the Apostolick Doctrine and if because of example the Christians whom you are pleased to Stile Sectaries do observe the first day of the Week in the Power of God for his Worship then they are as much if not more to be heard then you and have as much Solid reason on their side as you and thou must not think to carry the Matter on with such frivolous Arguments as this to advance Mystery Babylon for this is a knowing Age blessed be the Lord wherein the Wisdom of God is revealed and that which comprehendeth all shadows Types Dayes Times Years Meats Drinks Washings and other Figures they are all seen over and he is come manifest which is Head of the true church and not the Pope who was is and is to come Life it self Truth it self Power Strength and everlasting satisfaction to thousands and ten thousands who have believed and to a numberless Number which are yet to be gathered into God's Sheep-fold and into the narrow way of Christ which will deny and doth deny upon good Grounds and infallible Testimony from the Eternal Spirit that the Church of Rome is either in whole or in part any part of the true Church of Christ. And seeing this valiant Champion hath made so fair a Proffer That 〈◊〉 their Priests Jesuites and Catholicks over all the World will turn to the Sectaries Way as he calls them if they can but get a clear and satisfa●tory Res●l●tion to the following Doubts Answ. I am one which do acknowledge my self to be reckoned by him as a Sectarian yet as a Sectarian is reckoned by the true Church of God in the Primitive Time in the Apostles and Christ's Dayes I do not reckon my self as such and that I am a Minister of the everlasting Gospel I dare not deny seeing a Necessity is laid upon me to acknowledge the same yet herein I do not glory but in him who hath call'd me for the Work sake and I know the Teaching of Christ Jesus and his Doctrine and no other Thing these many Years have I published but that which I received of the Lord and from him by his Spirit which is according to the true Faith and Godliness which was in the primitive Church before ever Rome did lay claim to be the only true catholick Church excluding all others but her self to be in the Way that leads to Salvation I which am as one amongst many Thousands which God hath manifested his Mind unto shall answer in clearness and according to Apostolick Doctrine and the Manifestation of his Spirit but when I have so done I am afraid this Champion with the rest of the Priests and Jesuits and the rest of the Catholicks over the World will hardly own his Challenge or confess that Doubts are answered yet however if it satisfie but one of a Thousand I have my Reward and shall put it to Tryal The first thing the Author who it seems knows the Mind of the Church of Rome in all things both as to Doctrine and Practice which they do allow of and the contrary they will deny he knows to the full or else he would never sure have made such a bold challenge The first thing that they would be resolved in is Whether any can clearly shew that any Teachers Doctors or Ministers are sent of Almighty God to preach and reform the Roman Catholick Church and that they are not some who say the Lord saith when the Lord hath not spoken unto them neither sent them Ezek. 13.2 Answ. What the Roman Church and their Members will take for a satisfactory Resolution as to themselves I sometimes question and do doubt the resolving of the most but however by the same Commandment that the Apostles did evidence their commission that they were sent to reform the Church of the Jews also them that had made Defection from the Faith amongst the Gentiles this may be shown 1. The Apostles of Christ Jesus did declare their Commission which they had received from Christ and for other Proof they sought none amongst them that were Auditors or Hearers but the Witness and Testimony of God unto which they desired to be approved in the Sight of God 2. They shewed the Jews that they held the Types and Figures but did not receive or believe him who was the Substance in whom they all ended they were sent to bear Testimony to the true Light that lightet● every one that cometh into the World and to preach down Dayes Times Moneths Years Fasts Feasts Sabbaths Circumcision Temples and Offerings the Priesthood and the Sacrifice which were but to continue until the time of Reformation and the bringing in of a better Hope by which they drew nigh unto God and had an Access unto him and they declared their commission against a voluntary Humility and worshipping of Angels all which things the Church of Rome do stick in and vindicate for Apostolick Doctrine and many more things which the Church of Rome is run into contrary to the true Church of Christ and therefore had need of Reformation So that which is contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and Practice of the primitive Church in the first hundred years is in the Apostacy but Rome is in many Practices and Doctrines contrary to the true Church therefore needs reforming And so God hath manifested himself in this his Day of Power and hath discovered the Church of Rome to be contrary in Doctrine and Practice to the true Spouse of Christ and hath stirred up and moved many by his Power and Spirit to preach the everlasting Gospel and to declare also against the Defection of the Church of Rome and her apostatizing from the Faith and they are not of those whom the Prophets spoke of which ran and the Lord sent them not for them were the false Prophets in Israel and they were manifest by their Fruits of which there are great Store in Rome who are manifest by their Fruits and they are such as are in Cain's Way who would kill and such as are Seekers of Gain from their Quarters and such as take the Jews Tythes and these the Lord n●ver sent to be Teachers or Ministers to bring to the Knowledge of Christ but we deny all these things and your Church in the very Ground and Foundation and know that it will be swept away when the Beast is taken alive upon which your Church now rides then shall you see that that which you long put off among People as Apostolick Doctrine will not be received any more
to me I have a Wife and Children and some Estate which we might subsist upon and do Good to others and I know all this lyes at Stake but if it were my Life also I durst not do but as I do lest I should incur the Displeasure of God and do you judge I would loose my Liberty wilfully and suffer the spoiling of my Estate and the ruining of my Wife and Children in Obstinacy and Wilfulness sure nay Judge Jury you see he denyes the Oath and he will not plead to the Indictment only excepts against it because of the Form of Words but you see he will not swear and yet he saith he denies the Indictment and you see upon what Ground And then they called the Goaler to witness and swear that the last Assizes F. H. did refuse c. which he did and the Jury without going from the Bar gave in their Verdict Guilty and then the Court broke up that Night The next Day towards Evening when they had tryed all the Prisoners Francis was brought to the Bar to receive his Sentence Judge stood up and said Come the Indictment is proved against you what have you to say why Sentence shall not be given F. H. I have many things to say if you will hear them 1 st As I have said I denyed not out of Obstinacy or Wilfulness but was willing to testifie the Truth in this Matter of Obedience or any other Matter wherein I was concerned 2 dly Because Swearing was directly against the Command of Christ 3 dly Against the Doctrine of the Apostles 4 thly Even some of your principal Pillars of the Church of England as Bishop Usher sometime Primate of Ireland he said in his Works The Waldenses did deny all Swearing in their Age from that Command of Christ and the Apostle James and it was a sufficient Ground and Doctor Gauden late Bishop of Exeter in a Book of his I lately read he cited very many ancient Fathers to shew that the first three hundred Years Christians did not swear so that it is no new Doctrine To which the Court seemed to give a little Ear and said nothing but talked one to another and Francis stood silent and then the Judge said Judge Sure you mistake F. H. I have not the Books here Judge Will you say upon your honest Word they denyed all Swearing F H. What I have said is true Judge Why do you not come to Church and hear Service and be subject to the Law and to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake F.H. We are subject and for that Cause we do pay Taxes Tribute Custome and give unto Caesar the Things that are his and unto God the Things that are his to wit Worship Honour and Obedience and if thou mean the Parish Assembly I tell thee faithfully I am perswaded and upon good Ground their Teachers are not the Ministers of Christ neither their Worship the Worship of God Judge Why it may be for some small things in the Service you reject it all F. H. First it is manifest they are time-servers one while preaching up that for divine Service to People that another while they cry down as Popish superstitious and Idolatrous and that which they have preached up twenty Years together make Shipwrack of all in a Day and now again call it divine and would have all compelled to that themselves once made void Judge Why never since the King came in F. H. Yes the same Men that preached it down once now cry it up so they are so unstable and wavering that we cannot believe they are the Ministers of Christ 2 dly They teach for Hire and live by forced Maintenance and would force a Faith upon Men contrary to Christ and the Apostles Rule who would have every one perswaded in their own Minds and said Whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin and yet they say Faith is the Gift of God and we have no such Faith given but yet they would force theirs upon us and because we cannot receive it they cry You are not subject to Authority and the Laws and nothing but Confiscations Imprisonment and Banishment is threatned and this is their greatest Plea I could mention more Particulars then the Judge interrupted Judge Well I see you will not swear nor conform nor be subject and you think we deal severely with you but if you would be subject we should not need F. H. I do so judge indeed that you deal severely with us for Obedience to the Commands of Christ I pray thee canst thou shew me how that any of those People for whom the Act was made have been proceeded against by this Statute though I envy no Man's Liberty Judge Oh yes I can instance you many up and down the Country that are premunired I have done it my self pronounced Sentence against divers F. H. What against Papists Judge No. F. H. What against the Quakers so I have heard indeed so then that Statute which was made against Papists thou let'st them alone and executest it against the Quakers Judge Well you will meet in great Numbers and do increase but there is a new Statute which will make you fewer F. H. Well if we must suffer it is for Christ's sake and for well doing Francis then being silent the Judge pronounced the Sentence but spake so low that the Prisoner though near to him could scarce hear it The Sentence was You are put out of the Kings Protection and the Benefit of the Law your Lands are confiscate to the King during your Life and your Goods and Chattels forever and you to be Prisoner during your Life F. H. A hard Sentence for my Obedience to the Commands of Christ the Lord forgive you all So he turned from the Bar but the Judge speaking he turned again and many more Words passed to the same Purpose as before at last the Judge rose up and said Judge Well if you will yet be subject to the Laws the King will shew you Mercy F. H. The Lord hath shewed Mercy unto me and I have done nothing against the King nor Government nor any Man blessed be the Lord and therein stands my Peace for it is for Christ's sake I suffer and not for Evil doing And so the Court broke up the People were generally moderate and many were sorry to see what was done against him but Francis signified how contented and glad he was that he had any thing to loose for the Lord 's precious Truth of which he had publickly born Testimony and that he was now counted worthy to suffer for it As for the time of F. Howgil's Sickness which he endured with much Patience and Cheerfulness it begun the 11th of the 11th Moneth 1668. and continued till the 20th of the same Moneth and then he departed this Life having then for the Testimony of Jesus been Prisoner four Years and eleaven Moneths he was not unsensible of the Decay of his outward Man sometime before which
by Tradition in their ovvn Wills God abhors that And thou bringest in the Old Covenant vvhich vvas given to a particular People the Jews but novv the Priesthood is changed and the Lavv is changed and as for thy Lavv vvhich thou vvouldst have the Governours of this Nation to make for suppressing of Sects and Schismaticks that vvorship at Dan and Bethel and thou sayest this is charged upon them But thou mightst have told them who they had been and where Dan and Bethel is lest they be mistaken as thou art that callest Darkness Light and Light Darkness But all that thou art troubled at is this that the Light of Christ in the Conscience should have Liberty and here thou art he which is born after the Flesh and art that Egyptian thou speakest of which persecutes the Righteous Seed It is true there are Sects and Schisms too many and Opinions they stand all in one Ground and thou and they come out of one Land Babylon is the Land of your Nativity in the Light you are seen that thou and they are turned from the Light of Christ and so are gone into Sects and Opinions and Imaginations and all the Powers without in the World cannot suppress the Root from whence these flow none can overcome the Root from whence Heresies and Opinions come And therefore vain Shepherd and blind cease thy Divining those that thou would'st have supprest are those that break Bread from House to House and meet together in the Name of the Lord as the Saints ever did and this thou callest Dan and Bethel because they will not come to an Idols Temple where all the deceived in the Nation worship an Unknown God I say unto thee thy Steeple-house thy Idols Temple which God never commanded where all Lyars Fighters Swearers Night-Birds and Scriech-Owls meet and call it the House of God and where they speak nought but the Imaginations of their own Hearts and call them the Ordinances of God and it the Church that is Dan and Bethel And as for the Magistrates which thou tellest they ought to suppress the false Prophets thou mightest have declared who they had been But for the honest-hearted Magistracy and People I shall declare a little when they came in and who they are Christ sayes Many False Prophets shall arise and Paul Peter John and the rest they saw them come already then many Anti-christ's and Deceivers and then they came in as the Scriptures witness and they have deceived the Nations since and Christ saith By their Fruits you shall know them and they are such as he cryed Wo against which laid heavy Burdens upon the People and such as were got into Moses 's Seat and were called of Men Master stood praying in the Assemblies and had the chiefest Place in the Synagogue and Peter saith They followed after covetous Practices and Jude saith They went after the Error of Balaam for Gifts and Rewards and Isaiah saith They sought for their Gain from their Quarter and Ezekiel saith They were such as fed of the Fat and Zachary saith They were as Evening Wolves and Paul saith They were covetous Men heady high-minded and Lovers of Pleasure and fierce Despisers of those that are good and had a Form of Godliness and they were Witches that turned them back to Circumcision and false Prophets when the Substance was come And are they not so now who sue for Tythes maintain the first Priesthood and bewitch People and deny Christ come in the Flesh Now let all judge where these are many in the North taking away the Peoples Cows their Pots Kettles and Bedding and one Priest sued one for Two Pence and two in York-shire sued one for One Penny and another for a Penny Half-penny and these are they that call themselves the Ministers of the Gospel shame shame blush howl ye Caterpillars the Hand of the Lord is against you and yet I would not have their Lives taken away as thou would'st have theirs that thou callest Sectaries but to that in thy Conscience I speak which will let thee see that thou hast a busie Mind and abidest not in the Doctrine of Christ but art among the false Prophets And thou and the rest of them which are Merchants and trade with other Mens Words which must have your Gospel and Worship defended with Swords and Staves and the Power of the Earth you are they that spread Nets at Mispeh and Tabor for it 's neither in Jerusalem nor this Mount but they that worship the Father worship in Spirit and Truth And thou that would'st confine God to a Place to a Day to a Time and have him bound by a Law and how the Saints should worship him thou art carnal and thy Petition carnal and all who have any Honesty in them or Light will see thee to be in the Generation of the Pharisees that said They had a Law and by that Law he ought to dye And whereas thou art comparing thy self and the Priests of Newcastle and Durham to Sarah the Mistress and them who oppose you to Hagar Answ. Sarah never brought forth Sons of Bondage as you are but you are truly Hagar the Egyptian who genders unto Bondage for you and all the Children that ever you have begotten or brought forth are in Bondage till now and the Lord hath raised up a People out of the Dust to confound you and your Wisdom and to declare against your Profession in laying heavy Burdens upon the People and taking their Money for that which is not Bread and be ye all ashamed ye high Oakes ye fat Bulls ye Diviners that cannot maintain your Gospel with all your Parts and Wisdom that you boast of against those contemptible Things in your Eyes but you must run to a carnal Sword or to a Justice of Peace or Constable to preserve you or to have them imprisoned Stocks and Mockings and Reproaches this is all we have or expect from the Powers of the Earth because we speak the Truth Be ye ashamed and lay your Hands upon your Mouthes what Gospel is this they have preached what Worship is this you give unto God that must be defended with Clubs and Staves Stocks and Whips Stoning and haling before Magistrates and yet thou would'st have them accounted Ministers of the Gospel they who were Ministers of the Gospel their Weapons were not Carnal but Spiritual and they were Mighty through God but the Mightiness of this Generation lyes in the Magistrates Sword to defend them and drive the People to pay them money for nought And therefore let all Magistrates consider in this Nation and else-where that you be warned how you make any Laws against the Innocent and how you uphold those that Christ cryed VVo against and such as the Lord sent his Prophets to declare against lest that come upon them which the Prophet spoke that they that help and them that are helped shall fall together And whereas thou further flatterest them and tellest them That they are
I began to grow in Knowledge without which is sensual and then I was puffed up for the World admired me but still I was condemned for vain Words and Actions and the Root of Iniquity grew in me and then I followed a more strict Course and often went five or six Miles to hear some more excellent Means as they called it and so did get more Words but still I was the same nay worse for Knowledge puffed me up then along to about fifteen Years of Age I posted up and down after the most excellent Sermons so called and so became acquainted with all the eminent Christians so called in the Region where I lived and I was despised of my Parents and of the World made a Wonder and great Reproach came upon me but still I saw they knew nought and it was no Matter and so much Sorrow fell upon me four or five Years and when I was turned within I was judged for all my Iniquity formerly and still my Heart was shewed to me that it was corrupt but as I kept within to the Light in my Conscience I was restrained from many Actions which I had a Will to do and in the Instant when I have been doing any Unrighteousness in Actions or Words in many things I was often stopped and when I saw that I did it not a great Joy arose in me and when I had done any thing forwardly and rashly I was judged but this the Teachers said was a Natural Conscience that kept from Sin and did restrain it and said he that had but restraining Grace as they called it he was but a tame Devil And so I hearkned to their Imagination and so slighted the Light as too low a thing that was but common Grace that did preserve out of gross Evils but the Saints had a peculiar Faith and Grace and so I hearkened to them and still I was convinced of Sin and then they told how the Saints did believe in Christ and so Sin was not imputed but his Righteousness was accounted to them and so I must seek him in the Means as Prayer and receiving the Sacrament as they called it and judged me a worthy Communicant and in great Fear I was that I should eat unworthily and none could direct me what the Body of Christ was insomuch that one time I read all the Scripture that spoke of Christ's Suffering And they said I must believe he suffered for me and I believed all that they called Faith but yet I could not see how he dyed for me and had taken away my Sin for the Witness in my Conscience told me I was a Servant of Sin whilest I committed it and they told me I must not omit that Ordinance for thereby Strength was confirmed and Faith added insomuch on the one Hand they pressing it as a Duty and on the other Hand I saw that the Scripture said He that eats unworthily eats Damnation to himself I was in Fear notwithstanding none could accuse me without yet then afterward a great Fear fell upon me and I thought I had sinned against the Holy Ghost and great Trouble fell upon me Then they said I had not come prepared and yet I had all the Preparation that they had spoken of but still they were all Physitians of no value Then I fasted and prayed and walked mournfully in Sorrow and thought none was like me tempted on every Hand so I ran to this man and the other and they applyed Promises to me but it was only Words for the Witness of Christ shewed me That the Root of Iniquity stood and the Body of Sin whole notwithstanding I was kept by a secret Power from gross Evils but still Sorrow compassed me about and I questioned all that ever I had which they said was Grace Repentance and Faith And then I told them there was Guilt in me and they said Sin was taken away by Christ but the Guilt should still remain while I lived and so brought me the Saints Conditions who were in the Warfare to confirm it and so I said in my self This was a miserable Salvation that the Guilt of Sin and Condemnation still in me should stand and so I was tossed from Mountain to Hill and heard them preach Confusion and so I mattered not for them and said Sure this is not the Ministry of Christ and so I ceased long by Fits and did not mind them but kept still at home and in desart Places solitary in weeping and every thing that I had done was laid before me insomuch that every Thought was judged and I was tender and my Heart broken and when I could sorrow most I had most Peace for something spoke within me from the Lord but I knew him not then and they said that it was Heresie to look for the Word of the Lord to be spoken now in these Dayes but only the Letter and so I regarded it not much yet often I was made to do many righteous things by the immediate Power and Word of God and then Peace and Joy sprung up in me and Promises were spoken That he would teach me himself and be my God and often I did obey contrary to my Will and denyed my Will but they told me This was legal to obey out of Fear and that was Slavery but there was an Evangelical Obedience as they called it so I got above the Fear and yet acted the former things which they called Ordinances and they said that was Son-like Obedience and Christ had done all Then there appeared more Beauty in them called Independents and I loved them and so joyned my self to them and all the Money that I could get I purchased Books with and walked with and owned them as more separate from the World and they prest Separation but at last I saw it was but in Words that they would do things and chuse Officers and Members of themselves and so made themselves an Image and fell down to it yet there was some Tenderness in them at the first but the Doctrine was the same with the World's Words without of others Conditions Then they whom they called Anabaptists appeared to have more Glory walked more acording to the Scripture observing things written without and I went among them and there was something I loved among them but after they denyed all but such that came into their Way as out of the Fellowship of the Saints and Doctrine of Christ I saw the Ground was the same and their Doctrine out of the Life with the rest of the Teachers of the World and had separated themselves and made another Likeness but still all said The Letter was the Word and Rule and Christ at a Distance without had done all and some of them holding Free-will others opposing and all in the Will But still I lov'd them that walked honestly amongst all these but though I had seen and owned all that I had heard except the Figure which I saw was outward and that was their
Life to come into it F. H. Cork the 18 th of the 11 th Moneth 1655. A LAMENTATION FOR THE Scattered Tribes Who are exiled into Captivity and are now mingled among the Heathen and are joyned to the Oppressor and refuse to return Presented unto all the separated Congregations under what Name or Form soever in Love to the Lost. SHEWING The Difference betwixt them that were separated by the word of Faith and them who have separated themselves in Immitation from the Letter And how they differ both in Doctrine in Matter in Form and so not the same with the Churches of Christ in the Unity The Difference between the true and false Ministry The Difference betwixt the Faith which is feigned and the Saints Faith The Difference betwixt true and false Hope A few words to the Ministry in all Sects and to all the mingled People who dwell in the Land of Darkness and are tossed up and down and know not where the Power is which is of God which gives victory A few VVords for your Information Thy Prophets have seen vain and foolish Things for thee and they have not discovered thine Iniquity to turn away thy Captivity but have seen for thee false Burthens and Causes of Banishment Lam. 2.14 By a Servant of Truth and a Friend to Righteousness who suffers with the Seed which is held in Oppression waiting and labouring for its Return F. H. Printed in the Year 1675. THE CONTENTS Concerning the Word of Christ which the Apostles and Ministers preached who had it in them revealed which did gather them into one that believed in it and its Effect and Operation that it had The Difference shewed betwixt that Ministry and the Ministry of them that preach the Letter for the Word The Difference between them that were separated by the VVord and them who have separated themselves The Difference shewn betwixt them that are taught of Christ and them that follow the Principles of Darkness that lead into Error The Difference betwixt the Faith which is feigned which is the VVorld's and the Saints Faith Concerning Hope and the Difference betwixt true and false Hope True Faith how it s wrought and what it is and its Operation A VVord to all the Ministers of the World in all Sects and to all People in every Sect. A few words to all you who put out the eye through long accustoming unto Sin who are near utter Darkness With some Information to them who are tossed and find no Rest nor know not where the Power of God is that gives Dominion over Sin the Power declared and the Way to Peace A LAMENTATION FOR THE Scattered Tribes TO all you who profess the Name of our Lord Jesus in Words and make mention of his Words and of his Ministers Words who had the everlasting Gospel and the Word of Reconciliation and of those Practices which the Churches of Christ had in their Day committed unto them after they were gathered out of the World and had denyed it and its Nature and were not comformable to it but were changed in their inward man and fruits of Righteousness were brought forth and they were as Lights in the World and did bear witness against the World that they were evil and said they were of God and had the Witness in themselves and were bold to say the whole World lay in Wickedness To you who are called separated Churches and Fellowships under this or that Name to you I write my Soul pities you above the rest of the World and in Love to those Desires which were once among you I write that so if it be possible you may come to see your selves and the Foundation on which you stand that those Desires which were after God begotten may not wholly be slain extinguished and betrayed through the Subtilty of the Serpent whose wayes are crooked and whose Subtilty is great to keep man under his Power This I have to say unto you There was and is a Zeal in you but not according to Knowledge bear my Words and judge that in your selves which would be angry There was that which shewed you the National Way of Worship under Episcopacy and Prelacy and Presbytery which is one in the Ground and Nature that this was the broad Way and not according to the Mind of the Lord neither was it according to Precept nor the Practices of the Churches of Christ which is clear from the Scripture Now you seeing this was not accoding to Christ nor his Ministers nor the Churches you began to separate from them into this or that Body under this or that Name as a Body separate from the World and their Worship because you found in the Writings of that which is called the Gospel People be gathered out of the World now your Eyes being still without you conformed to their Practices as you judged both in matter and manner and Practising those things which you read in the Scripture that the Churches Practised and so some Zealous did go forth and gather people together in this or that Form and here was your beginning and so here you set up your Rest that you walk according to the most exact Pattern that is Visible or Written yet since this you do not agree but are divided in your selves one sets up this and another that thing which you in your Reason judge right Now many things I might write unto you which you cannot bear but rather in Love a few Words that you may see the vast Difference betwixt your Assemblies and Churches and the Churches which you say is your Example And first of all I will shew in the Ground how far you fall short although it may be you may hate my instruction yet I say Suffer me a little for I am one who have obtained Mercy after a long and a sore Travel and tossed up and down in great Tempests but at last entered into the everlasting Rest and do not desire to contend with you for out of Debates carnal I am brought but rather in love to the Honesty in you all which is not of this World I speak First they received Power from on high and Commission given to preach the Gospel to all Nations I speak of the Ministers of Christ and those things which they had heard and seen and felt and tasted of and had handled of the Word of Life which Life was manifest in them this they preached and were sent to turn People from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power unto God's Power and as many as received and believed the Word which they preached which was the Word of Faith and Faith was begotten by the Preaching of it and they heard and learned of the VVord of Life Faith came by hearing that VVord and this VVord which they preached unto them was nigh them in their Mouth and in their Heart which as People turned to it and received it and believed so a Change was wrought in the Hearers of it and they were
turned from dead VVorks unto the Measure of the living God and they separated from the Temple and left Circumcision and all those things of the first Priest-hood which were commanded by God and out of the VVorld's VVayes Fashions Customs and VVorships and came to see the worshipping in Spirit and in Truth was that worship God required and the Ground of their Separation was not from any literal Command or Precept for all that was written there was flat against it but they which were Ministers of Christ which had believed in him preached him the Substance and the Measure of him and of his Grace which was in them unto whom they preached and this was the Apostles Witness in their Hearts unto which they did commend themselves in the Sight of God which is a great Mystery and they are not Ministers of the Letter but of the Spirit Now in these few words before written with much more I could write compare your Ministry and your Members gathered and you will see you differ in the Ground in the first for your Command you take from the Letter and so are Ministers of the Letter and not of the Spirit 2. Ye preach the Letter for the Word of Faith which they did not as is plain in their own Writings without adding 3. Them whom you gather it 's but into Conformity to the Letter and to that which is visible which all may be done in the Will of man which is fallen from God and see if it be not so with you both Pastors and Members not witnesses of that VVord which they preached which did beget Faith in them that received it and believed in it which Faith was in them wrought by the Power of God which gave them Assurance and their Assurance was in them and their Hope in them brought in and wrought by the Operation of the Spirit which the preaching of the Letter Sound or Declaration only of that which was in them never works Assurance nor true Faith nor Hope And now consider where had your Ground of the Knowledge of God been and your Gospel and your Faith and Hope if you had not had the Letter I speak not to upbraid you but to the Light of Christ Jesus I speak which will let you see how far short you are and that you must come back again to the first Principle and now you may see if it had been the same Word or Command it would have the same Effects as it had and Change into its own Nature all that received it now see whether a Change be wrought in you or not some of you yea many running back after the Foot-steps of the Priests preaching for Hire and upholding the Idols Temple if you can get into them and in the Customs of the World nay most of you not come to yea and nay in your Communication but one with the world in all or most of things differ only in Words and Names and your Gospel you have preached hath not begotten such a Faith as was in them that had the Gospel not to respect Persons nor none dare own cleansing from Sin in the Body but call that a Delusion but the Word and Faith which they preached and received gave them Victory over the World Sin and Death and by its Power made them more then Conquerors and their Hope purified their Hearts but you cannot believe that ever you shall be made free from Sin nor have not hope in that and therefore are ignorant of the Body of Christ you so much talk of which made them clean and free from Sin Secondly your Doctrine is the same with the World your Hope your Faith your justification is all at a Distance grounded upon the Report of Christ dying at Jerusalem and of their Report that knew him and believing this you call it Faith and so are one with the Faith and Hope which the World hath for the Report of Christ's Righteousness what he did suffer and wrought in the Saints if this be the Ground of Salvation then why have you separated from the World If you say Because the world hath not right to the Ordinances I say Doth not Faith in Christ give Interest to all his Ordinances And if this be onely your Faith the World hath as good an Interest as you so why do you separate from them And so you shall see the Matter is the same with the VVorld of which your Fellowships consist and the Name of Christ is a great Mystery which they were sent to baptize in who knew his Name his name is not Letters and Syllables and using these this with the lips speaking over is not to baptize into his Name And so Friends in Love I spe●k unto you There was such as separated themselves and were sensual and had not the Spirit and so there was no Difference betwixt them and the World for they are Clouds without Rain appeared VVells but h●d no VVater in them seemed something but were but a Shew Friends your foot-steps I know your ground I know and your Compass and your Measure yet I shall not glory over you nor boast my self against you but rather to inform your Minds that you may not build upon a Foundation which will moulder away And now boast not your selves in your Ordinances as VVater bread and Wine which is but elementary and was never but a Sign and in the Day of Appearance of Christ the Elements shall melt with servent Heat and while you stand here and have Confidence in these things your Sun will set in Obscurity and you shall know the old Heavens and Earth will pass away with a Noise which when you come to know and hear your Hearts will fail for Fear for this I say to the highest of you If you build upon any thing or have Confidence in any thing which stands in time and is on this side Eternity and Being of Beings your Foundation will be swept away and Night will come upon you and all your gathered in things and taken on and imitated will all fail you Many more things I might write time would fail me to utter but these few among many I have written that you may compare your selves with the Ministers of Christ then and the Gospel which they preached which were separate from the World in the Ground and Nature and if you see your selves in the Light of Christ in your Consciences not to be the same neither in Matter nor Manner let not a deceived Heart lead you aside any longer Further I say they were sent out for the gathering in of the Saints some Apostles some Prophets some Pastors and Teachers yet all was by the Spirit Now if you deny the Command of the Spirit or cannot witness it but from the Letter take it up and talk of it because the Scripture speaks of it then your Ministry is not that Ministry Again this End was the Ministry sent forth for for the perfecting of the Saints which it did which not
Church of God when as Christ saith He is the door none comes into the Fold but by him and none comes to the Father but by him and he is the way so who sets up another entrance unto God or into the Fold or into the Church which is the Pillar and Ground of Truth sets up an Idol and prefers an Idol above the Life and so are in the Idolatry But let none mistake that I say Water is an Idol nay it is a good Creature of God or that I say Johns Baptism with Water was an Idol nay he was in the Power and Spirit of Eliah and his Baptism a Figure of a good thing which was to come which afterward was received by the Disciples and Christ's words made good unto them John indeed Baptized you with Water unto Repentance but ye shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire not many dayes hence that was Christ's Baptism I am not Ignorant of the many and great Contests in this Age that have been about these things and I know many Scriptures that speak of Baptism all which I have searched narrowly with the Measure of God's Spirit given unto me into the true Ground of things and the true State of each administration and in this thing I am satisfied fully that the Baptism with Water was John's Baptism and not Christ's and the Baptism of the Spirit 〈◊〉 Christ's and now John's I have no desire to Wrangle or Jangle about words or contest about Shadows but that all may come to know him in whom all Ministrations end in and there will be Peace and Satisfaction to wit in Christ But to say something to the main Basis and Foundation which Priests and Separatists build much of their Arguments upon the last of Matthew and the last Verse Go teach and baptize all Nations in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost as for all the Priests about their baptizing of Infants here is no Ground at all for here is first teach and then baptize and here is no infants neither and so I know what Consequences have been drawn from this by the unlearned in their Imaginations but them that have the least Measure of true Light will not take a Consequence to build a Foundation on for this is contrary to their own Rule they say the Scripture is their Rule then their Consequence is not the Rule and if the Scriptures be the Rule let all People of your Parishes know if you can by the Scripture shew when John or any Disciple of his or Christ's baptized Infants and taught them Principles of Religion twenty Years after but they are willingly ignorant that see not you to be Idolaters and as for the Baptists Separates who build upon this for their Water-Baptism they are as groundless as the Priests and all their Agruments are as invalid as the rest for here is baptizing the Nations in the Name of the Father in the Name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and any who are judicious or wise and are in any Measure of God's pure Wisdom will not say that the Name of the Father is Water or the Son or holy Ghost is Water the Name of God is I am and a strong Tower and the Name of the Son is the Word and the Word is the Power but this is not Water but further they say the Disciples had received the holy Ghost and did baptize with Water after and they were baptized with Water after they had received the holy Ghost and they bring divers Scriptures to prove this I shall not deny but Peter baptized with Water and Paul two or three Families and thanks God he baptized no more and said he had declared the whole Counsel of God and he makes not mention in all his Epistles that Baptism was any Part of his Command neither in all his Counsel to the Churches any where doth he exhort either to Timothy Titus or Apollo or any of the Brethren to baptize with Water but as for Peter's baptizing with Water I know no more Command he had then Paul as for the Commission which Matthew writes of Mat. 28. 19. and that Mark mentions Mark 16.15 there is no Water and so it 's the Baptism of John I grant and Christ bearing Witness to John that he was a Prophet and did baptize many and therefore he or they in Honour to John's Ministry might baptize some as well as Paul did circumcise Titus and then in 1 Cor 7.19 said It was nothing and again in another Place Neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision did avail but a new Creature and because it was a Figure which People did not idolize so much then as they did Circumcision for the Weakness of the People for a time and the wise in Heart may understand that when any Representation or Figure outward was set up it was not easily denyed again nor an easie Thing to be laid down when the thing signified was come for many of the Jews believed in Christ and were said to be Brethren and yet they came from Jerusalem and troubled the Church of Galatia and would have brought them under the Figure Circumcision again and the Apostle in Gal. 4. asks them Now when ye know God why turn ye again to the beggarly Elements Circumcision observing Dayes Moneths Times and Years I would ask the moderate a Question whether Water be not an Element and pertains only to the elementary Part in man which is to pass away and be dissolved when the Seed is raised up whose Nature is not elementary but caelestial I shall say no more to them at this present who are contentious who are so zealous for their Water upon so weak a Ground but take heed that while you are striving about your outward Water you neglect not the washing of Regeneration and the cleansing of the Spirit many have been baptized but which of you have received the holy Ghost there is not one among you dare own or witness an infallible Spirit but count it an Error that any should speak or witness or look to enjoy any such thing in these Dayes well I say unto you your Day is a Day of Darkness and Gloominess you live in and thick Darkness covers your Tabernacle for whoever have received the holy Ghost or Spirit of Truth in any Measure are led by that which is infallible and not fallible and if you look not for this ye are no Sons notwithstanding all your washing the outside For as many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and this is witnessed Praises to the Lord forever the Lord is unto his People an everlasting Light and this is the Sum that Water is owned to be a Figure of the one Baptism and was an Element and pertained to that which is elementary but the Elements shall melt with fervent Heat and be dissolved in the Day of the Lord and then the Seed comes up which is Heir of the Promise which is
but the Quakers see before thee and beyond thee and comprehend thee and have received Eye-salve whereby their Eyes are opened to see thy Deceit the deceit of the Treacherous Generation with whom thou art joyned and thy Rejoynder and Vindication of Samuel Smith whom thou calls Minister of the Word at Cressage in the County of Salop thy Vindication of him and thy pleading for him will not bring much Honour to neither him nor thee and though thou and he both joyn hand in hand in deceit yet you shall not go Unpunished Thou tels the Reader Of wandering Planets who have left their Station who have stepped upon the Stage in the County of Salop who are come forth in this Apostatizing time All who have a good understanding may clearly see not only in the County of Salop but also in every Corner of the Land many wandering Stars that have no habitation in the Firmament of God's Power but are Tossed up and down and are as waters Unstable Tossed to and fro with every wind and the change of one Magistrate or head Governour will make them all change their form and as thou callst it Metamorphize them into another shape witness the many publique Teachers and Parish-masters and Tything Priests in the dayes of Edward the sixth Henry the 8. Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth's dayes and now of late in the Bishops dayes when the Magistrates voted down the Bishops all or most of the Priests denyed their Fathers and their Institution and though they ordained them Ministers yet they still seek after their seats and Benefices and there thy Reader may see the Metamorphosed changlings and the Apostates and I do believe the County of Sal●p abounds with such like and they have been on the Stage long and have acted such a part in every Generation as would please the present Authority or Power whether they were Papists or Protestants Prelatical or whatsoever but E. D. the Exit will come and when the Day appears the Beasts must go into their Dens again and thou confessest you live in Apostatizing times thou that art among the Apostates and in the Apostatizing Age and time would accuse others Nay thou must hold thy Peace and leave pleading for Apostates and for the Fashions of the Heathen which have got up since the dayes of the Apostacy which the whole scope of thy Book is full of nothing else and we cannot permit or allow them who are in the time of Apostacy and who are one with the Apostates which have wandered after the Beast since the Dayes of the Apostles I say we cannot allow such as you to be Judges for we are come out of the Apostacy and to before the Apostates and to before the wandering Stars and thou hast mist it much that tells the Quakers are they Edward I tell thee we are come to the everlasting Gospel again and have received it and it 's the Power of God which was to be and is to be preached again to the Nations after the Apostacy And as for the Book called Malice stript and whipt I have seen it and he Spirit of thy Mr. Smith whom thou callst Reverend thou hast elevated him as high as the Pope but E. D. what is the Reason thou reverencest him so much as thou dost to thy Reader And in the tenth page thou saist many Souls depend upon his Ministry and thou blessest God for the wor● of God you enjoy in that Congregation Thou hast extoll'd him too highly or else he hath wronged thee grievously for thou saist thou hast profited much by him Thou mayest call to mind a certain time when he preached as you call it out of the 13 of Luke and when he spoke of the Parable of the m●n that planted a Vineyard and 3 Years looked for Fruit and Sam. Smith whom thou so adorest said he had sought for Fruit from your Congregation this 7 Years at Cressage and had found none he shall be an evidence for me against thee that thy glorying of him is Vain and it 's manifest he is one the Lord sent his Prophet to declare against who hath run and the Lord never sent him therefore he hath not profited you at Cressage at all lean Souls are they like to be that depend on him In the first Observation as thou callst it thou hast extracted the Heads of Samuel Smiths Book into five particulars which thou sayst we are ashamed to Answer or else know not what to say for our defences I say unto thee Boast not when thou purst on thy Armour but when putst it off for the Victory may be doutful THe first particular That the Nationall Ministers do maintain the true worship of God and the Doctrine of Christ according to the revealed will of God Answ. So saying and so doing were something the true Worship of God is in Spirit and in Truth which is not Lo here and lo there nor in outward Observations but in Life in Power and in Truth But to be brief both the Doctrine and Practice of the National Ministry in general is contrary to the Scripture which thou callst the Word of God as for Instance their sprinkling of Infants their teaching Men to Swear and calling it part of the Worship of God which is contrary to the Doctrine of Christ who said Swear not at all Their singing David's Psalms put into Meeter by Poets and Ballad-mongers singing them in their invented Tunes which pleaseth the carnal Mind their studied discourses which you call Sermons Invented from the strength of natural wit and not speaking as they are moved by the holy Ghost which the Ministers of Christ in all Ages did In these and many other things which I could instance they are out of the Doctrine of Christ And in a word your whole Worship differs both in matter and manner from the Saints Worship in the Primitive Times But seeing we have denyed the National Ministers divers Years ago and have laid down our Grounds and Reasons to the World wherein we have charged them that their practice is contrary to the Scripture unto which Grounds and Reasons not one Parish-master in England hath yet Vindicated themselves these six years And unto that Book called The Grounds and Reasons why we deny the Priests if the Reader be not satisfied concerning them there he may see how they err both in Doctrine and Practice contrary to Scriptures To the second and third Particulars That the present Government of the Nation is the Ordinance of God and that the Ministers bringing Offenders before the Magistrate is not Persecution As for the present Government of the Nation the lawfulness thereof is not to Question by us but many who are Governours and should be Executors of the Law have acted contrary to the Law being stirred 〈◊〉 by the Priests who bite with their Teeth if one put not into their Mouths and have caused the just to suffer by giving Judgment 〈◊〉 the● in their wills contrary to Law or
Tribute of the Nation And for Heresie both in Doctrine and Worship none are to be compared unto you for Unsoundne●s ignorance for I look upon you as the Tail of all the People in the Nation And the Vineyard of God that thou speakst on is no where laid waste so much as among you Mass-house Worshippers for you are like Bryars and Thorns Scratching Rending tearing and hailing and are as a Field untilled and as a waste howling Wilderness that knows not when good comes and that your Ministers are those proud Phantastick Spirits that have taken up them to preach who deny an immediate Call Neither are they approved of his Church which is in God the Pillar and Ground of Truth but only they are approved by man and by the Colledges which were invented by the Pope where more Deceit and foolish Fopperies are practised then in any Society in the Nation besides for them that deny an immediate Call and an infallible Spirit I deny them to be any Ministers of Christ and so doth the Church of Christ who meet in his Name but such are your Ministers therefore we have turned from them many Years ago And the next thing thou art offended at is that a Woman spoke in a meeting near Conil what if ten had spoke if they had spoke by the Spirit of the Lord what offence had it been Did not God promise by Joel that he would pour forth his Spirit upon his Daughters and they should Prophesie and wouldest thou stop them And Priscilla instructed a Minister better then any of your Parish Tything Priests to wit Apollo And had not Philip three Daughters did Prophesie And were there not Women with Clement that were fellow-Labourers in the Gospel And what though she that was in the Transgression was to keep silent in the Church Doth it therefore follow that they are come out of the Transgression are to be silent in the Church Is this good Logick Edward If Christ be in male and in the female may he speak in the male but not in the female Doth not the Apostle say The Man is not without the Woman nor the Woman without the man but both in the Lord And if the Woman be in the Lord as well as the man may not the Lord speak in her Art thou one of them that wilt Limit the Holy one What if he speak in a dumb Ass and reprove the Madness of the Prophet Balaam And if he should do so now to reprove the mad Prophets that are in Balaam's Way loving the Wages of Unrighteousness now as he did then will you reprove God He that reproves him shall answer it and he that Gain-sayes either Son or Daughter shall Perish in the Gain-saying And now I come to thy third Observation The third Observation Thy Eye being evil thou canst not see when good cometh and thou art one of them who watchest for Iniquity that thereby thou mayest Blasspheme the Name of God and his Truth which thou art out of And as for our Tenets which thou sayest thou hast named and shamed thou no more knows us nor our Tenets then thou knowest from whence the Wind comes and whither it goes For all our words are as a Parable to thee and thou knowest not what we say although thou hast Catched and Snatched up some of our words brokenly to quarel with yet we are hidden from thee and a Gulf is between thee and us that as thou canst not apprehend nor Comprehend but first a terrible Day must come upon thee and those things which thou hast laid down to be our tenets thou doubtst whether they be or no manifest by thy own words If we say so and if hold so thou hadst better have been certain before thou hadst shewed thy self too Imperious and arrogant of shaming them when thou knowest not whether we hold them as thou h●st laid them down in thy own words the shame at last will come upon thy self and that Rash hasty Raging Spirit by which thou utterest f●rth all this Mudd and Dirt every one may see in this Observation thy deceit manifest And the first thing that thy dark Mind Stumbles at is that some have said That they that have the Spirit of God are equal with God He that hath the Spirit of God is in tha● which is equal as God is equal and his wayes equal And he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit there is unity and the unity stands in equality it self He that is born from above is the Son of God and he said I and my Father are one And when the Son is revealed and speaks the Father speaks in him and dwells in him and he in the Father In that which is equal in equality it self there is equality in Nature though not in Stature Go learn what these things mean the understanding and Learned will know what I say and this is neither damnable nor Blasphemous but on the contrary it is saving and Precious to them that believe And thou concludest Though they be glorified in Heaven yet are not equal with God Here thou Blasphemest the Son is glorified with the Father in the same Glory he had with him before the World began the Glory is in Purity equality Immortality and eternity but for thy proof thou bringst P●al 86 8. For who among the Gods is like unto our God And again There is none like unto thee O Lord Here thou hast gone about to prove more Gods then one in Heaven Were the Gods glorified in Heaven which were not like the living God Or were they in heaven which were not like the Lord What Blasphemy is this They that are in heaven are like him in his Image and not like any other but in the World there are Gods many and Lords many but that is not in heaven there are no Gods nor Lords in the World nor in the Earth that is like the living God and living Lord of Heaven and Earth And many such non-sensical Phrases hast thou uttered and foolish Impertinences and thou hast scarce cited one Scripture but thou hast either misapplyed or wrested and perverted being very ignorant and unlearned and thy Masters for whom thou contend'st will never receive much Honour nor credit by thy writing or Vindication of them But to the second Particular which thou calls our tenet is That Christ Jesus is not glorified in his human Nature and that he hath no real Body but h●s Myst●cal Body and this thou sayest is contray to Scripture Luke 24.3 9. and A●●s 3.20 John 17. And in this thou sayest we are shamed I say thou hast shamed thy self and hast cited those Scriptures to no purpose at all none of all these speak of human Nature or Mystical body but this I say he is glorified with the Father in a spiritual Body in the same Glory he had with the Father before the world began And the same Jesus which was of the Seed of Abraham according to the Flesh
Midsummer dues Mortuaries Money for Churching of Women Marriages nor for the Burials of the dead nor Money for funeral Sermons neither did they preach over the dead All these and abundance more of such like invented things was never practised nor found amongst the Churches before the Apostacy which things considered may cause R.I. to blush that ever he durst be so impudent as to say they differ not neither in the whole nor in part in matter nor in manner from the Primitive Churches and until such Time as R. I. and his Brethren contenders can clear themselves of these things let them not think any whose Eyes God hath opened can receive them for a Church of Christ nay most of the parish Ministers hold up those practices which the Papists did deny as money for Marriages and Burials Baptism the Sacrament or the Ground in which the dead were buried this was reprehended and condemned by the Council of Trent in the height of all popery 1547. Saith R. I. It seems these Tythes are a great matter to many or rather a great trouble for them to pay the Ministers though Abraham paid Tythes of all to Melchizedeck before the Law and this proves E. D. his Argument as saith R. I. That it is contrary to the Light and Law of God to with-hold them from the Ministers because they were given by Abraham before the Law Answ. Yea it is great matter with many to pay Tythes and a great trouble too because he that confesseth Christ is come in Flesh cannot uphold the shadows of the first Covenant which belonged to a changable Priesthood having no other Portion among their Brethren which was given unto them for the Service which they performed unto the Lord and likewise were a Twelfth Tribe and near a Twelfth Part of the People and now the Law being changed and the Priesthood changed and the Covenant ended and the Ordinance thereof abolished that such a Company of covetous Men as the Parochial Priests generally are that they should claim the Tythes that belonged to this Priesthood and not to do the Work that they did and yet have a Portion among their Brethren in this Land neither are they the Three Hundredth Part of the People that such a Company I say as these should claim the Tenth Part of all the Encrease in the Land this is a great matter and a thing not consistant with the Law of God neither Equity or Reason And it is but a poor and feeble Argument neither of E. D. or R. I. that because Abram gave the Tenth part of the Spoil to Melchizedeck before the Law that therefore it must be a binding thing to all Generations to pay the tenth part as due to such as are neither after that order of Aaron neither after the Order of Mel●hizedeck Abram gave the tenth and that but once and freely and Melchizedeck brought forth Bread and Wine to Abram's Army and we may as justly and upon as good Ground demand Bread and Wine for our whole Families of the Priests as the Priests can demand the tenth part of our Substance from Abram's gift to Melchizedeck and say It is against the Law of God Nature and reason as E. D. and R. I. doth conclude by their feeble Arguments which they make upon Abram's giving the tenth's for if the Example of the one be binding then ●he example of the other is also as binding Abram gave the Tenth part of ●he Spoil and that but once and Melchizedeck demanded none then why do ●he Priests who are Usurpers claim it every Year and where they cannot get it freely as few will give it them who Witness Christ come in the Flesh then they take it by Force and constraint or would Melchizedeck have pleaded with Abram as this ignorant R. I. doth that the Spoil was none of his own as he saith Tythes are no Man's own or as I said before to E. D. would Melchizedeck have taken away Abram's Oxen Cowes or Hor●● Sheep or Camels if he had not given him the tenth part Or did any of the Ministers of Christ require or demand force or constrain any Maintenance whatsoever from any which this R. I. saith They differ nothing from neither in whole nor in part in matter or manner neither in Practice but saith R.I. This is nothing to the purpose unless it could be proved that the Apostles might have had Tythes which they could not being Persecuted Yet it is something to the purpose if you take them for an Example as you say you do and though it be granted the Apostles were Persecuted from place to place and sometimes went from place to place when they were not Per●ecuted which R. I. would have Condemned for runnagates if he had lived in that time But without all Controversie if it be a duty now to pay Tythes unto the Ministers of the Gospel then it was a duty in the Apostles time that though the Rulers were Persecutors yet the Apostles would have minded them whom they had begotten into the Faith of their duty but we find no mention neither by Commandment Reproof or Exhortation unto any of the Churches about any such thing and so thy Argument R. I. is foolish and Frivolous for it may be easily proved that Tythes were never demanded not for 7 or 8 hundred Years after the Ascension of Christ. And R. I. saith The Apostles took whatsoever was given them and th●● satisfies the Ministers Conscience to take Tythes which the Magistrates give them so they may of such Maintenance live of the Gospel Answ. If the Apostles took nothing but what was given them then this shames your forcing and also you seek it of them who receive you not which manifests you are out of the Apostles example and though it satisfies your Consciences to take Tythes which thou sai'st the Magistrates give you both of them that own you and them that own you not yet I believe it would not have satisfied the Apostles of Christ if any Magistrates would have sent them back to the Jews who Believed not or the Gentiles who received them not this they would not accounted as a free Gift though this divers hundred Years many Rulers have Drunk of the Whore's cup and have given their Authority to the Beast and have forced and compelled to a Worship and also to give to the Whore's Merchants yet this is but bad proof that they ought to have done so and the Apostles never counted this living of the Gospel to live of Tythes forced Maintenance which none of the Ministers did receive or ever will And so for shame call in thy Ignis Fatuus again in which thou hast published so many Lyes among which is one which will stand as a record against thee viz. That ye differ not in Doctrine and Practice matter and manner neither in whole nor in part from the Apostles and Primitive Saints And this is another Lye that Timothy and Titus was settled in a parochial-like way
practices in the first hundred Years after Christ and if these things be found invented and without footing or Ground then let them that are informed depart from them CHAP III. But now to descend a little further nearer unto our own Age to speak something to them which I believe look upon themselves to be Catholick and Apostolick in Doctrine and Practice according to the Primitive Time and Order and that they are totally come out of the Apostacy THis I have to say to you which is my Judgment and Belief and that upon good Ground that you are in many things in the Apostacy as hereafter I shall demonstrate and to tell you nakedly and plainly we look upon the Reformation which was made in denying the Church of Rome to be but very weak and poor and feeble and imperfect comparatively with the Doctrine and Practice and Order in the primitive times insomuch that we judge upon good Grounds that it cannot be parallel'd with the Church in the primitive Times which I have spoken of before in that you have denyed the Pope to be the Head of the Church and so are called Protestants so am I knowing that Christ is the Head of the Church and ought to rule by his spiritual Scepter and his eternal Power in the Hearts and Consciences of People and in and over the true Church which is his Body whereof he is the Head and let all take heed who do intrude and take upon them that which belongeth to the King of Kings and King of Saints as to matter of Headship Regulation or Government for all power is committed unto him in Heaven and Earth and the Father hath given it to him and will not have any other have that Glory but whosoever seeks it must be condemned and his Glory he will not give to another for the Lamb is worthy of Glory and Strength And though the Church of Rome be generally acknowledged to be in the Apostacy by them that are separated from them and that upon good Ground yet I say the Separation is in some little or small part more in Name then Nature more in Form then in power more in some circumstantial things then in the very Ground it self and very many of these Doctrines practices Di●cipline and Order as they call it I find to be upholden practised and contended for which are found in the former I have mentioned First of all to instance that which is generally holden out by the reformed Protestants is that the Writings of Matthew Mark Luke and John and several Epistles is the Gospel which the primitive Disciples and Ministers preached and published and which people did receive and by believing the Sound thereof were accounted Christians and Believers We would have all to know the Gospel was preached to Abraham before Matthew or Mark or any of the Apostles writ a Word Moreover we would have all to know that Christ had preached glad tidings to the captives and some of the Disciples had preached the Word of the Kingdom before Matthew or Mark or Luke or John had wrote a Word my Reasons are divers Matthew Mark Luke and John must needs hear and see that done which they testified of before they writ and if Matthew Mark Luke and John be the Gospel the Writings of them I intend then the Disciples could not preach it before it was given forth and if the Epistles be a part of the Gospel this the Disciples could not preach before it was written for Paul succeeded and was converted after divers of the Apostles had preached the Gospel so then doubtless the Disciples and Apostles had something to say and declare and publish before any of the New-Testament was written and it is manifested that they were not sent out to preach the Law nor the Ordinances of the first Covenant after Christ was offered up the End of the first So then there was something and is something which was preached by them and is to be published now to all that are made Ministers by the holy Ghost and that is in few Words the Power of God which was before the New Testament so called though the Words declare of it but is not it Now they went and discipled in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost which is a Ministry far beyond the written or declarative Sound or indeed is a spiritual and invisible Thing which the Apostle Acts 26.18 declaring his Message which he had received by the holy Ghost saith I was sent to turn them viz. the Gentiles and Jews and them of Arabia and else where he soiourned from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power unto God's Power that they that believed in the Light and received the Power of God which he preached to them might receive Remission of Sins for Remission of Sin was only preached in his Name and there is no Name under Heaven by which Men can be saved but by the Name of Jesus though the Apostles spoke according to the Motion of the Spirit in divers Words calling him the Gift of God the free Gift of Righteousness the unspeakable Gift the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World the Power of God and the Wisdom of God which Wisdom and Power they had received and because the Son of God was revealed in them the Apostle said I am a Debtor to the Jews and the Greeks Rom. 1.14 And he having received 〈◊〉 freely of the Father he went to the Jews and went to the Greeks to the Gentiles and Heathen where the Name of this Gift and Power and Jesus had not been named and published freely without Gifts and Rewards and the Necessity did lye upon him 1 Cor. 9.16 and the Love of Chr●st which was shed abroad in his Heart constrained him and made him reckon himself as a Debtor unto all because of the abundant Loving Kindness and Riches of God's Love and Grace and spiritual Gifts which he had received he longed and thirsted and travailed to communicate it unto others Largely I might speak of this hidden Mystery as to demonstrate what the Gospel of Christ was and is but in what I have already said they that are any thing spiritual minded will judge that the Law and the Prophets Matthew Mark Luke and John and the Epistles were not the everlasting Gospel but it was a thing beyond and above and before any of these writings were although they all in their several Ages bore Testimony of it viz. the Power of God which condemns Sin in the Flesh and mortifies the Deeds thereof and gives Victory over it and taketh up all that believe in it into one Life Power and Virtue into pure Peace and heavenly Contentment and perfect Satisfaction So you who are calling the Letter the Gospel or the New Testament writings the Gospel I would ask you a Question also When was there a time since the first hundred Years after Christ or in that time till now that these Words and Writings have
you who Profess your selves Reformed for shame leave off these things and come out of them and deny them Secondly Parishes and parish-Parish-Churches which were Ordained and builded in the Apostacy and dedicated unto Saints which stand to this day both in the Church of Rome and in the reformed Churches so called and Church-Yards which they call Holy and Consecrated Ground to bury their Dead in this is an invented thing and Superstitious and yet it stands as an Apostolick order both among Papists and Protestants in the Primitive times in the dayes of the Apostles the Scriptures make mention of the Jews Temple at Jerusalem and of the Gentiles Idols Temples in which they Worship the Apostles and Ministers of Christ who published the Word of Reconciliation and Christ the substance of all Figures they gathered them that did believe of the Jews from the Temple and Temple-worship and the Gentiles from their Temples and Idols to Worship God in the Spirit and they met together in Houses we read of no parish-Parish-Churches dedicated to Saints nor Consecrated Ground for they knew the Earth was the Lord's and the fulness thereof and was clean and good and Blessed to them that believed and there was no dividing into Parishes then nor no compelling then Corinth was not divided into a Parish Antioch Philippi Thessalonica Philadelphia and Smyrna and the rest were not all made into Parishes neither were them that believed not compelled or forced to come to the Christians Meeting at Antioch Philippi Thessalonica Philadelphia or any other place that we read of in the Scriptures and the Apostles were not confined nor their Spirits were not so strait as to stay over one hundred or fifty Families twenty Years and call that their Parish between such an Hedge and such a Ditch and such a Water and such a Way as Parishes are now divided into though I say they had Houses to meet in and preached the Word and brake Bread from House to House and sometimes by the Sea-side they Congregated and sometimes on an Hill and at certain places they met together to Worship God they went not back to the Jews Temple nor Gentiles Idols Temples neither forced any of their Maintenance as to minister unto them by which all may see that these invented Churches and Church-Yards for Holy ground and Parishes are not Apostolical nor was no Catholick nor Universal thing then in the Primitive times neither was there any command given to the Christians to do any such thing neither Reprehension for not doing such things The first Church or Temple that we read of was consecrated by Pius Bishop of Rome in honour to the Virgin Prudentia and afterwards Calistus made a Temple to the Virgin Mary a place beyond Tibris and instituted a Church-Yard in Apius his Street and called it after his own Name And Dionysius in the Year 267. divided both in Rome and other places Churches and Church-Yards to Curates and made Parishes and Diocesses to Bishops commanded that every man should be contented with his Prescript Bonds and there was the Beginning of Parishes Churches and Church-Yards consecrated Ground and in Process of time when all Nations had drunk of the cup of Fornication the Nations began to imitate their Mother and to build and consecrate Temples and Churches and Church-Yards to this Saint and the other Saint as is too too manifest through Christendom to this Day And here 's the rise of Holy Parish Churches which of late have been preached up for the House of God and the House of Prayer which bears the Name yet by which the Pope Baptized them Saint Peter Saint Paul Saint Mary Saint Hellen Saint Katharine Saint Gregory Saint Maudlen Saint Alnban Saint Anthony Saint George Saint Margret Saint Dunstans Saint Clement Saint Christopher Saint Giles Saint Martin and Painting and Garnishing these Houses with Images and Pictures and hanging of Flowers and Boughs and Garlands this came from the old Heathen who Sacrificed to Saturn and Pluto and this hanging up candles and their Candlemas dayes this came of the Gentiles and Pagans who Honoured their false God Saturn and their Altar which they have builded in this Temple and their Tables upon which they offer and set their Sacrifice these Boniface the third commanded that they should be covered with Linnen clothes and here was the Beginning of these kind of Orders so that as I said before most of these things in and about the Worship which hath been since the Reign of Anti-chirst and since the Whore hath sat as a Queen they have been either borrowed from the Jews or else from Pagans and Heathens and the Mother of Harlots hath put these things off for Apostolick Institutions these many hundreds of years and divers other Things which are in and about the Parish Churches your many Crosses in and about them of Wood and Stone your Baptized Bells and consecrated Pulpits and Fonts and hour-Glasses and soft Cushions to Preach on all these the Scriptures make no mention of not in the Christian Churches the first two hundred Years after Christ. Now Protestants who have denyed the church of Rome and their Practices which was contrary to the Primitive and the Scriptures look about you and see how you are sticking in Babylon and buying yet the Merchandize thereof and as for your Holy Ground called your church-yards which you only judge fit to bury the Dead in and would compel all to come thither because there are many Officers in and about this Temple who are greedy of rewards so that they would not miss any thing that might be commodious unto them and so would compel all to come there for their Gain but Abraham was the first we read of that made any place of burial in Hebron which he bought of Ephron an Hittite for thirty shekels of Silver and there was he and his Wife buried and this was no Parish-Yard neither did he leave any Priestor Clark that we read of to receive Wages Fees for Ringing a Bell and reading and singing over the Dead and so for shame you who Profess the Scriptures and the Apostolick Order Institutions of Christ come out from among all this Trumpery and wait that you may come again into the Order of the Gospel and the Primitive order which hath been talked of these many years and yet not known CHAP. VII Concerning Swearing by the Gospel and kissing a Book and that which is commonly Confirmation or Bishoping Children things invented contrary to the Apostles Doctrine and are in the Apostacy IN the first Covenant the Jews were commanded to Swear by the Lord and Oathes were observed by the Jews that were in the first Covenant which was faulty Heb. 8.7 which Ordinance did not make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience and so there came to be an End of that Covenant and the better was brought in which stood upon BETTER PROMISES and then the Priest-hood Law first Covenant and the Ordinances thereof
which were only to continue till the time of Reformation Heb. 9.10 by Christ the everlasting Covenant came to be made manifest the everlasting Offering who perfected them that are Sanctified who is the Oath of God the end of Oaths and of all strife and contention his Doctrine was Swear not at all Mat. 5.33 34 35 36 37. neither by the head nor Feet nor Books nor Gospel nor any other thing but that yea should be yea and nay nay in all things and James an Apostle of Christ Jesus who knew the New Covenant which was everlasting which saw over the Ordinances of the first Covenant of the Jews saith above all Things my Brethren Swear not at all neither by heaven neither by the Earth nor by any other Oath but let your Yea be Yea and your nay Nay lest you fall into Condemnation James 5.1 2. and this was Apostolical and Catholick Doctrine in the Primitive Churches But afterwards the Faith being lost which once was delivered the Saints and the Power lost they began to set up Oaths again imitating the Jews and bringing the commands of the Jews who were under the first Covenant as their Ground But this was in the Apostacy And Justinian the Emperour appointed first that men should Swear by the Gospel or Book called the Gospel and lay their Hands thereon and Kiss it saying So help me God and here Christendom may see who are in the Apostacy and who were the first instituters of this Swearing and the manner thereof which the Teachers of these latter Ages do Ignorantly Press for an Ordinance of God In the Primitive Times they that had the Word of Reconciliation who had received the holy Ghost and Gift of prophecy and were made able Ministers of the Spirit who had discerning and saw by the Spirit who were fitted for the Work of the Ministry and fit to be Elders and Helpers in the Church they laid hands on them in God's Power and they received the holy Ghost but now since the Apostacy came in this kind of Imagination of laying on of hands one Hypocrite upon another who are out of the Power who have not received the holy Ghost neither they upon whom their hands were laid but afterward it came to be a custom and a holy Rite to be performed upon Children Silvester Bishop of Rome ordained that all that were christned Churches and Chalices should be anointed with Oyl and Fabianus commanded that it should be renewed every Monday and Thursday Clement the first ordained that Children that were christned should be anointed with Chrisme and he also instituted the Sacrament as it is called of Confirmation or as it is now called Bishopping and did suppose that no man was a perfect Christian if this Rite and Ceremony was omitted and for this cause it hath been judged and looked upon as catholick Doctrine both by the Church of Rome and the Protestants that the holy Ghost is more plentifully given them by the hands of the Bishop and on this wise in the first institution thereof it was only administred by the Bishop First he asked the Name of the child making the Sign of the Cross in his Forehead saying I sign thee with the Token of the Cross and confirm thee with the Chrisme of Salvation in the name of the Father Son and holy Ghost c. and smote the Child on the cheek softly but if of greater Age which was to be confirmed the Bishop gave a sharper Stroke that he might remember this great Mystery and here you may see how these things came in and the Traditions and Inventions and Precepts of Men have been and are taught for Doctrine and Apostolick Institution many of which are upholden in the reformed Churches so called unto this day and so People are kept in Blindness in a Multitude of Traditions and heathenish customs and their minds led out from seeking after the living God CHAP. VIII Concerning Fasts Feasts and Holy-dayes THE Jews in the first covenant had many Fasts and Feasts and Holy-dayes as the Sabbath and Feasts of the New Moon and Passeover and Feasts of unleavened-bread Pentecost the Feasts of Tabernacles and the Feast of Dedication which are largely shewed in the Books of Moses all which things as the Apostle saith to the Hebrews were but Shadows of things to come and not the things themselves which only continued till the time of Reformation and till the better Hope which brought in the better Covenant which stood vpon better Promises Now in the Primitive Churches they came to see the End of these things and were brought to him that was the Substance in whom all Figures and ●hadows do end Col. 2.16.17 Let no man therefore judge you in Meat or Drink or in respe●t of a holy day which are a Shadow of things to come but the Body is Christ Now afterward when they minded the Form more then the Power they ran out into those things with many additions some borrowed from the Heathen and some by their own Invention and then press them as Apostolick Ordinances upon Christians which things stand in force with many until this Day too too much among them that are called reform●d Victor Bishop of Rome about the year 196. decreed that Easter should be celebrated and kept on the Sunday from the 14 th Day of the first Moneth which is March to the 22 d. of the same now the Jews kept it sooner and so it is without ground from the Jews Practice and meerly an Invention of their own which led People back into dayes and about what time they judged any thing to be done which Christ or the Apostles did they invented a day and time to keep for it as to reverence Sunday in Advent Nativity Circumcision and Epiphany Purification of Mary called Candlemass Lent Palm-Sunday Monday and Thursday on which Christ washed his Disciples Feet as it hath been imagined Good-Fryday Easter Pentecost was kept by the Jews and this they would hold out for an Apostolick Example to Christians and for all the former Dayes they were invented with many more which have been brought in since and so they were decreed and ratified at a Council at Lyons in France that such days as either the holy Saints departed this Life or did any notable deed a day should be kept holy as they said in that Council for the encrease of their Religion there were also other days instituted the Feast of Saint Stephen and Innocents by Pope Boniface the fourth and likewise John-Baptist and that which they call Lady-day Laurence Michael and Martin and generally of all Saints and these were his Institutions which are practised by the Church of Rome and practised among the Protestants to this Day Likewise that which is called Corpus-Christi day this was made a holy-day and dedicated by Urban the fourth Silvester assigned the day of Advincula Sancti Petri commonly called Lammas in memorial of Peter's pains and persecution Felix the first
many poor and that her own Diet was sparing and plain and her Expences full of Frugality Prosper saith also That a Minister able to live of himself ought not to desire any Thing to be given unto him and he that receiveth it doth it not without great Sin The Council at Antioch Anno 340. finding that much Fault had been among the Deacons to whom it properly belonged to distribute the Offerings or free Gifts where there was n●ed which they detained for their own covetous Ends the Council did ordain that the Bishop might distribute the Goods but required that they took no Part thereof to themselves nor to the Use of the Priests using the Apostles Words having Food and Rayment be therewith content Chrysostome notes who lived about the Year 400. ●hat Christian Converts joyned in Societies and lived in common after the Example of the former Saints at Jerusalem by whose Writings it doth appear that there was not the least mention made of Tythes in that Age the Church at this time living altogether by fre● Offerings of Lands Monies and Goods the People were much pressed to bountiful Contributions for holy Uses as may be seen in the Writings of Hierome and Chrysostome who brought the Liberality of the Jews in their Payment of Tythes for an Example beneath which they would not have Christians determine their Charity Chrysostome saith I speak not these Things as commanding or forbidding they should give more yet as thinking it fit they should not give less then the tenth Part. And Hierome also doth admonish them to Bounty and Charity towards the poor not binding at all to offer this or that Part leaving them to their own Liberty yet pressing them not to be shorter then the Jews in their Tenths Ambrose who was Bishop of Millain about the Year 400. preached up Tenthes to be offered up for holy Uses as the Phrase was then but his Authority he produceth wholly from Moses's Writings likewise Augusti● Bishop of Hippo joyns and agrees with Ambrose in this thing but from the Law given to Israel take their whole Doctrine threatned them with great Penalties and heavy Judgments from God that did not give their Tenths but yet take Notice to what End they requir'd them that the poor might not want and say God hath reserved them for their Use so by this time Love did grow cold in many and the Power of God was much wanting which would have kept the Hearts of People open in Love and Mercy to their Members and therefore they were much prest and threatned by the Bishops to give their Tenths not that the Bishops had any better Ground but the Jewish Law for their Foundation and so in process of time this Doctrine came to be received many following he Opinion of the ancient Fathers yet hitherto it was not laid down as a positive Doctrine to pay them as the Jews did but only brought the Jews for an Example that Christians should not pay less Leo called the great about the Year 440. who reigned twenty Years he was very earnest in stirring up Mens Devotion to offer to the Church but speaketh not a Word of any Quantity Severin also 470. stirred up the Christians in Pannonia to give the Tenth to the poor Likewise Gregory not only admonished the Payment of Tythes from Moses's Law but also the observing of Lent which he reckoned as the Tenth of time in the Year and this he would have given unto God saying We are commanded in the Law to give the Tenth of all things unto God and thus Ignorance began to enter in and Judaism among the Christians brought in by their Leaders and from the Opinions of these and other ancient Fathers who took their Ground from the Law Tythes Easter Pentecost and other things came to be introduced and brought into the Church Yet notwithstanding the Doctrine and hard Threats of some of the great Bishops of that time It was not a General received Doctrine that Tythes ought to be paid till about the Year 800. Neither was any thing by the then Church determined or ordained touching the quantity that should be given though no doubt in many places the offerings of the devouter sort tenths or a greater part of their increase were given according to Ambrose's Doctrine and others And then at th●s time the Offerings or gifts to the Church were disposed of in this wise being received into a common Treasury one fourth part to the Priests out of which every one had his Portion another fourth part to the relief of the poor and sick and strangers A third to the building and repairing places of publick Meeting And the fourth to the Bishop and generally the Bishop lived in some Monastry and his Clergy with him from whence he sent them to Preach in the Countries and Diocesses and there they received such of●●rings as were made and brought them to the Treasury So that by the way the Read●● may take notice that the Priest had no such peculiar Interest in that which was given but now they claim all Their Meetings places since called Churches were builded out of the gifts of People and the Poor were received and the Widdow But now Tythes taken by force three or four Fold and People compelled to build and repair their Houses or Temples by force and the Poor and the Widdow have no share nay have not many Poor been cast into Prison and Widdows goods Spoiled by the Priests of this Generation and how unsutable these Practices are unto the Apostles let all judge nay they are proud of the ancient Fathers and their Words but they will not so much as come near them in Example in any thing th●t is good So for shame you Protestants leave forcing of Maintenance and forcing of your Wages and forcing to repair your Houses of Worship and do not tell us of Church and Antiquity when you are far enough 〈◊〉 their practice though they were in a declining State in this Age I have been speaking of And although divers of the Fathers and Bishops and Popes in this Age did declare that Tythes were due and ought to be paid their Ground on●ly taken from Moses yet none of the first eight general Councils did 〈◊〉 much as ever mention the Name of Tythes or declare them a duty The ninth general Council held at Lateran under Pope Calixtus the second 1119. mentions Tythes but speaks only of such as had been given to the church by special consecration for at that time people being led to believe that their Tythes ought to be given to the Poor did dispose of them to the Heads and Rulers of religious Houses who kept open hospitality for the Poor and for strangers they were esteemed Holy and good treasurers for the poor who took care of distribution of them as is testified by Cassian But the Council held under Pope Alexander the third Anno 1180. Seeing much given to the Poor and little to the Priests
of the Apostles doth lead us to such Apprehensions And as for the Ceremonies which are found in these Universities and Colledges and popish superstitious Practices I shall leave the Reader to read them elsewhere which are so many and so superstitious that they come little behind Rome in Idolatry and as for their consecration of Priests and the endless rabble of Ceremonies which do attend at such times as they take Degrees is well known to many in this Nation And yet these Universities and Schools are elevated in some mens minds as though they were the chief Propagators of Christianity whenas indeed they are an in-let of Heathenism and Idolatry and no way of Necessity useful for the true Church of God And it is judged by some learned men and that upon good Ground that the present fashioned Universities Orders and Habits was from the Dominicans an Order instituted by the Pope to suppress the Waldenses and their Doctoral Degrees by the learned are judged to be no oth●r then Noval and accounted Antichristian by the reformed Churches so called in Scotland France Holland Switzerland and the Calvinists in high Germany and so many Doctors there are in the Universities who never knew how to divide the Word aright nor what it is to convert one Soul unto God a Doctor that is no Teacher he is a d●mb Dog and an insignificant Piece of Formality in the Universities which carries a Shew of something but is nothing in Substance and the chief Practice is several ridiculous Solemnities together with a constant wearing of a Coul and some other Vestments fecht out of a Popish Wardrope It was an Article of John Wickliff's condemned at Constance who suffered as a Martyr that Graduations and Doctorships in Universities and Colledges as they were in use then did conduce nothing to the Church of Christ Acts and Monuments page 449. Didoclavius in his Book Ad Damascenum pag. 891. Saith that Hoods Tippets and Square Caps were introduced by Anti-christ to promote his splendor and it is a Stage-play dress altogether ridiculous being a distinguishment of some Men from others by Signs useless and destitue of all Ornament Upon their shoulders saith he there hangs down a hood such as Fools used to wear being neither handsome nor convenient Bucer refused to wear a Square Cap and being demanded the Reason he answered that God had made his Head round Philp●t choosed rather to be secluded the Convocation of the Clergy then to wear a Hood and a Tippet who died a Martyr for the Faith of the Prostestant Church as Fox tells us in his Acts and Monuments and the Superstitious Hood is but a product of the old Monckish mettle grounded upon the Superstitious exposition of that place Heb. 11. they wandered abroad in Sheep skins c. And whether such men are fit to be Ministers of Christ who gave such Expositions upon the Scriptures or whether it is not altogether detestable and Idolatrous and savours altogether of Ignorance as to expound such a Scripture as this stand fast having your 〈◊〉 c. And this must signifie the Episcopalian Girdles with which they tye their Canonical Coats or long black Frocks And whether this is a good Foundation for the Colledge Doctors to stand Booted and Spurd in the Act because there is mention made in Scripture of being 〈◊〉 with the preparation of the Gospel see Statute Acad. Oxen. Tit. 7. parag 17. And whether this be not ridiculous and foolish to give for their Arms the Book with seven Seals is not that a gross abuse of what is laid down in the Revelations as if the Liberal Arts two whereof are Grammer and Fidling are typified by these Seals which none were worthy to open but the Lamb And as for their habits and black Gowns and black Coats these have been borrowed from Rome or else from the Chemerams a sort of People of old among the Jews who were Idolaters Hosea 10.5 Some of the Kings of Israel who drew People into Idolatry and countenanced Idolatrous Priests 2 Kings 23. who were attired in Black These were Prophesied against by He●ea chap. 10.5 they were supprest by Josiah and Ze●hany ch●● 14. saith he stretcht forth his Hand upon Judah and upon all the Inhabitants of Jerusalem and cut off the Remnant of Baal and the Name of the Chemarims or black-Coats with the Priests Jerome bids Nepotian being to enter upon the Clergy to a void black Attire In Tertullian's time every one that did turn Christian or was made a Presbyter did renounce his gown which was the Roman Vestment and afterwards the Clergy relinquisht dark-Coloured Cloaks for Coats and the Clergy and Laity in fine were both alike habited And a Bishop was condemned of the Council of Gangrae for introducing the fashion of long sad coloured Cloaks that was condemned by the Assembly un●eseeming the Priest-hood all this is clear out of Tertullian's writings depallio with the notes of Salm●sius thereon And all these things had but a bad Original and were never commanded by God And seeing they are made such Idols of ought no longer to be imitated but to be quite abolished But some may object though the Original were Popish and Anti-christian yet since they are employed to better Uses viz. for distinction order and decency they may lawfully enough be retained To this is answered Might not the Jews have given the same reason to their reformers that the Golden Calves and their Groves might not be consumed turned into Ashes because they might be better imployed to good uses afterwards or might not the Brazen Serpent have continued as well as the Pots of Manna Yet when it was become an Idol away it must go but the sum of all is all these Habits and Attires have been used for Superstitious Ends and Pride and Pomp and vain Glory So they that retain them they do no more then the Levite that stole away Michah's Gods from Mount Ephraim and set them up at Dan where Idolatry became a more publick Worship So all this innovated superstitious Trumpery is no way advantageous to the Church of Christ neither conduceth to any true Order neither hath any congruity with the Primitive times and is to be denyed by all that come out of Babylon and out of the Apost●cy into the Primitive Order and the true Churches practice and the Saints Example As for Parish Churches which I mentioned before some say it was the Decree of the Lateran Council in the Year 1180. But Cambden saith that Dyonysius did only distribute into Diocesses and others judge into Parishes and as concerning Church-Yards to bury the Dead it 's Original is Superstitious and all the Ringing and Singing and the Reading before and over the Dead is Idolatrous and Superstitious Gaudentius saith that of old Times and so saith the Scripture they did Bury their Dead in their own Ground which custome was taken away by Pope Innocent the third he prohibited that any should cause themselves to be buried
in Unconsecrated Ground forsaking the Sepulchers of their Fathers Hospinian saith that at last it became so Superstitious in being buried in order near the Church that they judged it material even to their Salvation De Orig. Temple L●b 3. chap. 1. The Walden●es said the use of Church-Yards is Superstitious and invented only for Lucre sake and it is no matter in what Ground any one is buried see Usher de Succes Eccles. Christ. chap. 6. And how much there is of this Superstition in England now and what excessive rates are paid for breaking up Ground all is sensible of that it is only one of the Popish Nets which is holden up to get Money by And so I shall conclude these things and say with John Come out of Babylon and be not partakers of her Sins lest you partake of her Plagues for the Hour of her Judgment is come and the time wherein her Filthiness and Loathsomness shall be made manifest to the Nations and her Skirts shall be uncovered and her abominable Practices discovered of which in part I have declared unto all in this discourse that all may see the Abominations and depart out of the Snares that led to Death and these Practices which tend to Destruction THE Rock of Ages EXALTED ABOVE ROME's Imagined Rock ON WHICH HER CHURCH IS BUILDED She proved not to be the only Church of Christ her corrupt Doctrines proved not to be Apostolick but contrary to the true Church of Christ in the Apostles Dayes Also divers Arguments answered which may convince the Papists that they are not the true Church wherein a Book is also answered called A Catechism against all Sectaries newly published by C. M. in the Year 1661. By F. H. a Member of that Church which is coming out of the Wilderness A TABLE of the principal Things contained in this BOOK COncerning the true Religion what it is and where it 〈◊〉 demonstrated The Church of Rome proved to be the false Church The Pope proved not to be the Head of the true Church a●d Christ proved to be the Head of the Body which is his Church and the 〈…〉 which 〈◊〉 Church is built Purgatory proved to be an erroneous Doctrine which is held forth by the Papists and their praying for the Dead proved to be another false Doctrine not commanded nor practised by Christ or his Apostles The Papists Doctrine which saith Christ is really and personally in the Mass and in the Eucharist proved to be Blasphemy and great Idolatry The Papists Mass and their Ceremonies proved not to be Apost●lical The Papists honouring of Reliques and Images of Saints and praying by Beads proved to be but the Inventions and Traditions of Men and contrary to the Doctrine which the Apostolick Church held forth The Doctrine of forbidding certain Kind of Meats and for●idding the Scriptures to be read by all answered C●ncerning Miracles Answers to eight Propositions set forth by C. M. in his Catechism aforesaid THE Rock of Ages EXALTED ABOVE ROME's Imagined Rock ON WHICH HER CHURCH IS BUILDED GReat hath been the Havock and Spoil that the Beast which John saw rise out of the Waters made against them in destroying them who received not his Mark in their Foreheads and the Cry hath been long Who is able to make War with the Beast and great hath the Suffering been these many Ages of the Children of Light and still is of the Members of the true Church of Christ which is in God which hath proceeded from her who sate as a Queen upon the Waters which are Nations Kindreds Tongues and People which have been the Seat of Mystery-Babylon the Mother of Harlots who hath held out her golden Cup of Fornication full of Abomination false Doctrine and Error which the Nations have drunk of and the Kings of the Earth have been made drunk with and all have been in Instability and have reeled and staggered up and down in the dark in the Night of Ignorance and have wildered in the Mists of Error and lost the true Foundation and are gone from the Rock upon which the true Church is builded which is neither Peter nor his Successor but Christ the true Foundation which abideth sure and all that believe in him and have their Minds staid upon him know Settlement and Establishment in that which the Gates of Hell prevail not against But blessed be the Lord he is come revealed and made manifest who is able to make War with the Beast and his Followers and a Discerning is given unto his Servants that they can distinguish betwixt the Cup of Fornication and the Cup of Blessing and betwixt the Table of the Lord and the Table of Devils betwixt the true Church the Lamb's Wife and M●stery-Babylon the Mother of Harlots betwixt the heavenly Treasur● which is communicable to the Saints in Light who are Members of the 〈◊〉 Church and the Merchandize and the corrupt Treasure of the Harlot which the Nations Kindreds and Tongues have been forced to buy 〈◊〉 Reason of the forcing and compelling Power of the Beast and so the Nations have been begotten into a strange Nature into the cruel Nature killing one another about the Forms of Worship and Shadows and the Substance hath been known but to a few neither the Lamb's Nature which is meek and innocent and the Leaves of the Tree of Life which heal the Nations have been known but to a few which is the Cause of all the 〈◊〉 Murders and Massacrees Imprisonments and cruel Torments which the Nations have afflicted one another with who have professed Christianity but have been out of the Life and out of the Nature of the true Church which Christ is the Head of which is Wife unto the Lamb and herein is the true Church manifest from the false the false Church hath propagated and encreased her Number of Members by Force and Awe and Cain's Weapons and many have been forced into a Belief and a feigned kind of Profession rather then by sound Doctrine or answering God's Witness in Peoples Hearts and Consciences but the true Church who is of the Husband's Nature her Weapons have been are and will be spiritual and yet are mighty through God to beat down strong Holds of Sin and Wickedness in People and hath by sound Doctrine and a good Example answered God's Witness in peoples Consciences without forcing to any thing but recommended themselves to every ones Conscience in the Sight of God and would have every one perswaded in their own Hearts by the Lord of the Truth which they believed and not to take things by Tradition and Hear-say as the false Church and her Members have done and so have had no Assurance of God's Spirit in their Hearts for what they did and so Doubts have arisen in the Mind because whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin But God is Opening the Eyes of many and enclining the Hearts of many to seek after the Assurance of God's blessed Spirit in their Hearts for what they
he plead● that Peter was at Rome and as he saith was Christ's Vicar and Bishop and if becau●e of this Rome doth excell which the Scripture is silent in Jerusalem might claim Priority before Rome in this for he we read of was more conversant at Jerusalem and a Minister of Circumcision and Paul ministred to Gentiles who preached two whole Years both to Jews and Romans which were Gentiles but it seems the very imagining Peter to be Bishop of Rome hath made Paul's Work void and hath turned his Work out of Doors but however he which hath usurped the Name of Christ's Vicar h●th turned both Peter and Paul their Life Doctrine and Practice out of Doors to set up Pride and Deceit But what Blindness and Ignorance is this to judge that God hath bound himself so by Promise to any Place th●t ●e will alwayes continue with them whether they abide in his D●ctrine 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 And though Christ said The Gates of Hell should not 〈…〉 the Church had this only a Limitation to one Place if i● 〈…〉 understood of a Place outward because of these Words afore menti●ned the● why is it not extended as well to Ant●och and the seven Ch●rches 〈◊〉 Asi● and the rest afore-mentioned have not the Gates of Hell and 〈◊〉 of D●rkness prevailed ag●inst them Places and the Turks taken P●s●ession thereof And as for your Church at Rome which thou say'st 〈◊〉 err and hath alwayes been visible and universal what say●st thou to Marcilianus Christ's Vicar as you judge whether did he not loose his Key when he sacrified to Idols in the tenth Year of Diocl●sian But it may be then thy Church must not reside in Christ's Vicar but in a general Council but hereafter we will consider whether they have been alwayes one and could not err Secondly That whereby the Roman Church gives us a Mark and Sign to be the true Church to wit Universality and Vi●ibility makes her clearly to be an Harlot for John saw the true Church fly into the Wilderness for Time Times and half of Time now if yours hath been visible and universal all this Time Times and a half then you are not the true Church for Universality comprehends all Nations Kindreds Tongues and People and if this be the Seat of your Church then absolutely your Church is Mystery-Babylon and not the Lamb's Wife for she sate upon Nations Kindreds Tongues Peoples and Languages which were Waters And here is your Catholick Visible Church measured with God's Measuring-rod First To be the Harlot because she was never in the Wilderness Secondly Because her Seat hath been so universal and catholick as Nations Kindreds Tongues Peoples and Languages have been the Seat of your Church which are the Waters which John saw and so truly may be called the great City And as for Infidels being oblieged to joyn to you this hath been because you have forced and compelled by your Power and outward Force where you had Dominion and to escape your Tortures rather then by sound Doctrine or an holy Example Or Secondly Because your Religion hath stood in so many Formalities and Ceremonies which have been very pleasing and so near unto the Heathens Nature And thou say'st That one cannot be bound to seek that which is invisible I say through Faith God hath been seen who is invisible and Christ said Seek and ye shall find and the Kingdom of God is spiritual and invisible and the natural and visible Eye never discerned it for the Church is in God and God is a Spirit and Christ is the quickning Spirit who is the Head of the Church which is his Body and the spiritual and invisible Eye is that which discerns the Head and the Body and you that look gazing after Things that are visible have never discerned the Members of the true Church of God as such neither have known them but have condemned them as Hereticks in all Ages as your Generation hath done who have been in Cain's Way Secondly If Unity Holiness Universal and Apostolick be the marks and signs of a true Church then yours is not the true Church no more then they you count Sectaries and Hereticks which thou saist are no more one then Cats and Dogs The comparison is odious and like a Sn●rling catching Spirit who would tear every one that cometh nigh thee And what if there be Protestants Puritans Anabaptists Independents and Quakers these Titles are but nominal and there is not one amongst all there but they acknowledge one God and Jesus Christ to be the Head of the Body which is his Church and one Spirit by which the Saints are Sanctified and they acknowledge Christ's Doctrine in Words and his Worship th●t it is in Spirit and in Truth and walketh nearer to the Practice of the Apostles and the Church in their dayes then you do And if in some things they do vary why may not variety be allowed by thee where it is only nominal and Circumstantial as well as thou canst allow Variety of Ave Maryes Creeds Pater Nosters which thou saist delighteth But why hast thou not judged at home Thou must not think to lead us like Animals by the Head as your Church doth poor ignorant People to receive every thing for Apostolick Doctrine because the Church of Rome calls it so and cryes Unity Might not the Sectaries as thou callest them return this upon your selves that you are not at Unity and not one What meaneth the diversity of Orders in your Church which may be called Sects that is Jerom's Order Austin's Order Gregory's Order Carmelites Crouched Fryars Franc●● Anthony's Bennet's Dominick's Trinity B●sil Brigandine's Orders All these kind of Orders and many more with every one their distinct Service Formalities and ceremonies what a heap of Sectaries are here and yet Rome cryes Unity Besides what contradiction in your Councils may hereafter be made manifest and in your Vicars one throwing down condemning that which others have set up for Apostolick Doctrine So if Unity be a mark for the true church then you are without this mark and sign more then they which you call Sectaries Thirdly If Holiness be a sign of the true church you are without this sign also more then the Sectaries as you are pleased to call them What cruel Murthers Massacres Tortures Blood-sheds have been acted by your church and that by Commission from his Holiness so called Christ's Vicar against them that have dissented from you upon good and warrantable Ground only upon the account of Religion because they could not acknowledge the Pope to be the Head and Christ's Vicar and receive all Decrees though never so repugnant unto the Doctrine of Christ yet because for Conscience sake many have denyed such things nothing but Fire and Sword hath been threatned and the force thereof hath been known in many Nations as for instance in Germany and the Low-Countries France Pyedmount Holland England and Ireland of late years many Thousands Massacreed not in War
as well as that which is unconsecrated then we will deny our Faith and confess that you are the true Church Lastly If you be not Idolaters there were never any in the World who say that to adore or worship the Bread and Wine after Consecration is no more Bread but whole Christ your God and Redeemer who placeth himself there upon the Altar by Miracle it 's a miraculous Thing indeed that that which is given unto you by the Priest which enters in at the natural Mouth and goes into the Belly should be the Body of Christ and whole Christ and very God and Redeemer as thou say'st that one Person should contain whole God seeing the Scripture saith that the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him for he is the very Fulness that filleth all Things Oh gross Darkness and palpable Ignorance which you have led People to believe and call this Idol that Rats and Mice may eat whole Christ God and Redeemer and you have destroyed and burnt to Ashes many for Hereticks who could not believe this Doctrine Therefore all People it 's Time to look about you and see where you stand and what you joyn unto if you cannot receive this Doctrine for Holy and Apostolick by the Church of Rome not worthy to live and without Doubt might not if this Church had but that Authority which sometimes it hath had in England but I hope the Eyes of many are open to see and detect this damnable Doctrine The Author sayes That Ceremonies were used by Christ at his last Supper and they excite People to their Devotion during the Sacrifice but for Proof you must expect none from this Author and the Scripture is silent in the Thing and Ceremonies and Formalities are so far from stirring up the Mind to God that they ●ndeed draw the Mind to be busied in the Exercise of them from waiting upon God and from worshipping him in the Spirit and such Worshippers are only accepted of him The Mass is said in Latine and the rest of Divine Service for if it were not ignorant People might easily be mistaken if these Mysteries were done in the vulgar Language and because the Scripture hath been written in Latine Greek and Hebrew and these three Languages were written upon Christ's Cross and therefore these three Nations ought to use them at their Mass and Divine Service but the Priestly Garments and Ceremonies g●ve enough to understand what is done at the Mass and Divine Service Answ. This looks with a black Visage to be Apostolick Doctrine but however I shall search into it and examine it by the Apostle's Doctrine before it be condemned it 's a good Shift indeed to keep People from Mistakes not to let them know what they say or do but this is contrary to the Apostle's Doctrine 1 Cor. 14.7.8 9 10 11 14 15. If a Trumphet give an uncertain Sound who can prepare to Battel and except Words uttered be understood how shall it be known what is spoken If the Meaning of the Voice be not known unto him to whom it is spoken the Speaker and the Hearer are Barbarians one to the other And when one understands not what is spoken how can he be edified And all Services ought to be done to Ed●fication So your Church is erred from the Apostolick Doctrine and your Mass and your Service doth not edifie at all but you are as Barbarians one to another for your Worship goes on in such a back Road that the vulgar People would soon learn it and know it and it may be slight it if they should know the Worthlesness of it and therefore the only Way you ●udge is to keep them in Ignorance And what Mystery is there in the Mass and your Service seeing that it stands in Crossings Cringings and Abundance of endless Ceremonies and Reiteration of Words which are patcht up by many Authors contrary to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine But it seems the Priests Garments and Ceremonies give Understanding enough to the Auditors a dumb shew is enough for them like a Poppet-play to make them understand the Mysteries of your Mass an unbloody Sacrifice indeed in which there is no Remission nor Acceptation And here thou hast acquainted us with a Mystery indeed Because Latine Greek and Hebrew were written by Pilate upon the Cross of Christ therefore they are called sacred Languages sure the Church of Rome hath lost both Faith and Reason will any that hath a Friend that should be crucified upon a Cross and an Enemy who condemned him should set over him Words in Latin Greek and Hebrew in contempt that therefore a man should count the Cross holy and the Language sacred as the Church of Rome doth is great Ignorance and Idolatry of which she is full and therefore is not Apostolick nor the one true Church in which Salvation is to be looked for as the Author would make People believe The next false and superstitious Doctrine which this Merchant of the Church of Rome holds for Apostolical is the Reliques and Images of Saints and also Prayer by the Beads by Number and Tale as Brick-makers sell their Bricks and this the Church of Rome would put off unto us as Apostolical Doctrine The Reliques and Images of Saints are honourable in Regard of the Sa●nts which they have Relation unto and God himself makes Use of them for his M●racles Moses was enforced to honour the holy Ground where the Angel appeared Exodus 3. And David commanded the Ark to be adored because it was God's Foot-stool Psal. 99.5 And to honour the Reliques and Images of Saints is no Idolatry for that is Idolatry to worship false Gods and Ch●ist doth not take it ill that we honour his Saints and Friends And to number our Prayers if Hail Mary be said upon Beads threescore and three Times it 's because Mary lived so many Years and the Prophet prayed seven Times a Day and Christ three Times in the Garden and it 's not evil to say our Prayers by Number and if five Pater-nosters be said it 's in Honour of the five Wounds and what would there be amiss in this And it 's not Idiots that pray ●y Beads but Catholick Kings the Pope Cardinals and Bishops make Use of them an Variety delighteth the Mind and there are no better Prayers then the Pater-noster Ave and the Creed Answ. The Reliques or that which remains for all the Saints and Members of the true Church of Christ to follow and to honour is to live in the same Life that they lived in and to honour him who was their Life by whose Power they fulfilled the Will of God and to walk in the same Foot-steps is to honour him that was their Life and them also who walked as Examples of Righteousness and that Power by which they became Examples of Holiness and Righteousness but for the Church of Rome to worship Pieces of cloth dead Bones painted Images which may as well be called the Images of Cain
in Heresie in Schism so that there is an absolute Defection from the Life and Power of God which was manifested in the Apostles dayes and therefore the Church of Rome is not the true Church What I have said as to the Doctrines and Grounds which have been laid down by the Author I shall refer it and the Answer unto God's Witness in every Man's Conscience and if I hear any more of the Author his great Boasts or ambitious Challenges which may reach to all that do dissent from the Church of Rome as to be Hereticks I shall engage in the Strength of the Lord to vindicate the Truth however opposed and shall further if God permit be ready to give a more large and full answer unto the Doctrines and Practices and Worship of the Church of Rome and prove them to be contrary to the Scriptures and the Apostolick Doctrine and the Faith that was once delivered to the Saints So in what I have said I hope may convince the Author of his vain Assertions and them that are enclined towards Babylon it may put a Stop to that which would too readily close with every thing which goes under the Name of Antiquity But in what I have said upon the whole Matter I hope will be sufficient unto all who read with a single Eye without Prejudice and unto such I say the Lord give them an Understanding that they see and discern the Way which leadeth to Life and Felicity from that which leadeth to the Chambers of Death and the Pathes that take hold on Destruction A GENERAL EPISTLE TO THE Seed of God DEar Friends every where who have believed in our Lord Jesus Christ and called with an holy Calling to the great Salvation of God which is manifest in this the Day of his Power keep your first Love and let not the Threats of Men neither the Browns of the World affright you from that which you have prized more then all the World now the Sun is up and a time of scorching is come and that which hath not Root will wither now every Ground will be tryed and blessed is the Good that brings forth the Seed which must inherit the Promise Oh let not the Cares of this present Life choak that which God hath begotten and seeing the Lord hath so marvelously wrought for us hitherto in the midst of great Opposition let not your Faith fail nor your Confidence in God who delivered Jacob of old out of his Adversity and Israel out of all his Troubles whose Care is over his People now and having seen the Emptiness of the World and its Way and Worship let nothing blind your Eye again and let not the things present nor things to come separate you from the Love of God in Christ Jesus and mind not them that draw back to Perdition but let it teach you all more Diligence to be as those that press after Glory Immortality and Everlasting Life the Way of God was ever hated by the World and the Powers thereof never heed the rough Spirit nor the heavy for their Bound is set and their Limit known but mind the Seed which hath Dominion over all and forsake not the assembling of your selves together in which you have found God and his Promise and Power amongst you and Blessing your Understandings opened Oh rather suffer all things then let go that which you have believed f●r whoso doth will loose the Evidence of God's Spirit in them and their Peace and Joy will be lost the Lord God preserve you all unto the End faithful Your Dear Brother for the Testimony of Jesus F. H. A●●elby Goal the 10th of the 3d Moneth 1664. A Visitation of Love Peace and Good-will from the Spirit of the Lord sent unto the whole Flock of God now in this their Day of Tryal and Hour of Temptation DEar Friends and Brethren who have been called to believe by the holy calling of the Lord unto Sanctification and Holiness that ye might inherit the Promises of God and that your Souls might live in the Land of the living and partake of his Goodness that you might admire him and praise his Name forever And seeing the Lord out of his rich Love and Mercy hath visited you who sometime sate in the Region of the Shadow of Death and were cast out of his Presence in the time of Unbelief seeing he hath caused his miraculous Light to shine upon you in his gracious Visitation of you and hath given you to believe in his Name prize his Love unto you and let not his gracious Benefits slip out of your Minds lest your Hearts be filled with other things that will corrupt your Hearts and make you an unmeet Habitation for the Lord to dwell in and among Dear Friends hear my Brotherly Admonition and Exhortation for the Lord moved in my Heart to write unto you and in the Bowels of his kind and tender Love and Motion of his heavenly Spirit to stir up your pure Minds and Consciences unto Stedfastness in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and so much the more that you all be watchful seeing the times be perilous for now the Adversary goes about roaring and ravening on the right Hand and on the left to destroy and devour that which God hath brought forth in you that so he might regain you too under his Power and Government and that ye might revolt from the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ that stands in Power and Righteousness which is come and hath been of a Truth manifest in great Glory and this is an Hour the Power of Darkness is let loose to try the Faith and them that dwell upon the Earth and he is let loose for a Season blessed are they that hide themselves under the Shadow of the Almighty and under the Wings of Christ Jesus who is given for a Redeemer a Saviour and a Preserver of Men that the wicked One touch them not and now the Devil rages because he knows his Kingdom is but short and but for a small time is like to stand in many because a stronger then he that rules in the World is come and hath began to dispossess the strong Man and bind him and cast him out and now he rages and stirs up all the Temptations within and without and all his Instruments to joyn with him to make War for him that he might not rule who is the Heir of all things and given for a Leader and to be the Head of the Body his Church in which alone he hath Right to rule because the Lord of the whole Earth yea of Heaven and Earth hath put all Power into his Hands to bind and to lose to bring out of Captivity and to lead Captivity Captive that Life and Immortality might again inhabit in the Sons of Men that Truth and Righteousness might sway that Mercy and Love might sit on the Throne that his Salvation might take hold on the Ends of the Earth and his Power made known
you and over you even as he doth at this Day for which I thank the Lord and I am satisfied hitherto in what is done and I have my Reward and it 's with me O dear Friends this I speak unto you that you might abide in Love and keep in Unity one among another even as you did see us one to another at all Times Oh dear Hearts dwell in Love in Meekness speak all the same Thing be kind to one another and tender and easie to be entreated one of another and be pitiful and merciful one to another and bear and forbear one another for Christ's sake who hath born your Inf●rmities in Times past be like minded and truly I speak it your Comfort your Faith Obedience Suffering and Self-denyal thus far is come abroad and hath strengthned many and hath made them willing to be Companions with you in Life or Death their Prayers are for you their Praises are of you their Blessings are with you and so is mine who am the Lord's and yours in Life or Death and if we shall not see one another any more in these Earthly Tabernacles God's Heavenly Will be done And these Lines I send unto you as the best Thing I have to greet you with my whole Heart which is as tender as a sucking Child to you all Farewel Farewel everlastingly in the Life of Christ Jesus in which I write unto you Farewel Your Dear Brother and Companion in Tribulation F. H. Send a Copy of this to Bristol and Hartford and else-where where any are sentenced THE Great Case OF TYTHES AND Forced Maintenance ONCE MORE REVIVED THE True state thereof enquired into before the Law under the Law among the Jews likewise under the Gospel the true Ministers of Christ their Allowance shown likewise in the Corruption of time since Christ how Tythes have been introduced wherein Antiquity is searched and the Judgment of the Fathers of the Church in several Ages produced besides the Scripture it self examined in all which is clearly proved Tythes and forced Maintenance are no Gospel-maintenance the Scriptures answered divers Arguments confuted and Objections answered which are brought by the Ministry of this last Age. Also the Institution and Division of Parishes and their Rise which are published for the Benefit of all who desire that Gospel-Order might be established again in all the Churches of Christ. F. H. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER Impartial Reader THou hast here recommended once more unto thy View what from Time to Time and from Age to Age hath been not only the grand Cause of invocating Councils but also hitherto even the Ground of great Dispute and Controversie if thou th●s Treatise do with a single Eye peru●e and ballance the same in just and equal Scales thou wilt find it of so mu●h Validity as will poise thy Judgment to give Censure that this ● a clear true Demonstration of the Matter in Hand if thou be serious in thy View sincere in thy Heart and single in thy Mind as willing to know the Radix Rise and Ground of the Matter herein handled then wilt thou find th●● the very Key which will aright and may without Scruple open unto thee and demonstrate the very certain infallible and sure Testimony as well of the●r Original Rise Growing Begetting Constitut●ng Setling Confirming Upholding and maintaining of them viz. Tythes all which that thou may'st be clearly informed may'st thou find as by Step and Step herein traced thou wilt find their Original as first how Tenths were given before the Commandment was given forth to the Jews thou wilt also find their growing and their Institutions thou may'st clearly see and wherefore they were so instituted thou wilt find them when confirmed and when corrupted and thou wilt find them when lawful and when not lawful thou wilt find them when they were to be payed and thou wilt find a Time when they ought not to be payed And because the Ministers of our Age as we have daily from them do vaunt and boast themselves of the Orthodox Fathers of their Church therefore wilt th●u find by a narrow Search and a single Eye in the reading hereof unto which I do advise thee and that in Patience and Sobriety thou wilt as one unbiassed ballance the same here may'st thou have their Opinions and Judgments also and their ancient Fathers quoted thou wilt have at large their own Words all which as by this Treatise is intended to inform thy Mind and be as a President how they are now in this our Age apostatized from what they were and now at length become as Usurpation or abused and for thy more full and perfect Understanding how they were continued and imposed thou may'st also read the Orders and Decrees of many great Councils their Opinions Judgments and Impositions from Time to Time in many Ages past thou wilt see the Testimony of the holy Martyrs and their Verdict and last of all the Scriptures discussed the Arguments confuted the Questions answered and the Objections razed which the Ministers of our Dayes do produce or in Times past have been produced as the Basis or Ground from which they infer and lay their seeming fair Foundation these thou wilt all see sufficiently clearly and evidently confuted their Structure defaced their painted Building demolished their Foundation unbottomed and they themselves if their old Root of Cove●ousness were not so strongly centured in them might be convinced there is not one Stone left but all is overturned and the Bottom viewed that thereby this Babel's Foundation may now be thrown down at the last which hath had so many Batteries and Assaults against it tha as it is the last so it is indeed a weighty Piece which if Truth might have Place and Error and Deceit which since the Apostacy is crept in once rooted out then needed there not another of this Nature for this indeed doth bolt the Door and if sensibly felt arightly understood and the Truth of it assented unto then would there be no Entrance but though all this may not take hold with the worldly Priest yet herein have I Hopes that Truth therein being so sufficiently demonstrated may take Place and Footing in every honest Reader so far as that he may not only be informed but convinced and not only so but being convinced by this which doth so candidly manifest the same he may in the Zeal of his Heart own 〈◊〉 and stand in the Defence thereof vindicating the just Cause thereof and witness with his Seal that this is true which if unbiassed he peruse it doth evidently appear unto me he cannot but own as he is willing and aminded to own Truth One Thing more is also in this Book inserted to wit the Sufficiency of Allowance to the Ministers of Christ in Gospel-dayes according to the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and it were well if Magistrates and Superiors would weigh it and that they would with the infallible Eye of pure Judgment labour
a Propriety to the tenth Part as any have to the nineth of their Lands Answ. To such may be said that the Law doth not give any Man a propriety either in Land or Tythes or any other things but doth only conserve and preserve every man in his proper Right whether by Gift or by Purchase or by Descent and doth secure him from the In●uries or Violence of another But let us not be deceived with a new formed pretence lately taken up to blind the simple Minds with a Name of 〈◊〉 ●ropriety and Civil Right for that is but a meer Shift for I may give my hand which I have by Gift Purchase or Inheritance or I may sell 〈◊〉 ●nd so cannot they that seem to lay Claim to Tythes but it matters not much what any say when they see their other Claims will not serve they would evade and shift from one thing to another to blind People But let us hear what the Makers of the Law say of them though in the Height of Popery passing by the Saxon time and King Stephen who in their blind Superstition being perswaded thereunto by the Doctrin●●hen taught of the Popish Clergy that Remission of Sins was obtained by good Works as aforesaid they gave divers Gifts and Tenths for the Health of their Souls and their Fathers Souls as is aforesaid but let us come to Henry the eighth upon whose Law all others that are since made are builded who in his time cast off the Pope's Yoak in that Act concerning Tythes it is declared that Tythes were due to God and Holy Church they blame Men for being so wicked as not to pay them and therefore that Law is made and here is the Ground of their Law viz. not any Property or civil Right in Priests or others for the Law requires them as due by divine Right therefore cannot be by any civil or temporal Right for a Man to claim that by human Right from human Law which commands them as due to God and holy Church as that Statute of Henry the eighth doth is but a meer Juggle and Deceit and that Law of Henry the eighth and the rest since take them as granted due to God and holy Church but if they be not but only supposed as a Duty then the Law cannot be binding as they are in all the Statutes That Tythes were never till of late pretended a civil Right is plain for as they were imposed by the Pope so they are tryable in his Courts those very Statutes which do plead made by late Parliament appoint them to be tryed in Ecclesiastical Courts And the Act of 42. of Hen. 8. Tythes are there called Spiritual Gifts and therefore no temporal or civil Right for before the Dissolution of the Monasteries in Henry the eighths Dayes th●y were never called a temporal Right But what is the Property that is now claimed it cannot be in a Person for the Priest hath them not until he enter into his Office and when he parts with his Office he looseth his Tythes so that the property cannot be in the Priest but it was supposed due to the Office and what is that it was a Popish Office when Tythes were first payed to it how should the Right continue now the Office being laid aside and the Pope also that set them up Others who plead a legal Right by Prescription because they have so long possessed them therefore they judge them their Right This was the old Device of the Pope first to preach that Tythes were due and then to limit them to Monasteries and Parishes when forty Years were past to claim that a Debt which before was payed as Charity or at the most as the free Offering of the Owner And thus the Pope got first Fruits and Tenths and Peter pence and great Sums of Money out of this and other Nations and he might as well have pleaded his Prescription as any of his Branches can do now is any so blind as not to see what poor Shifts are now made to uphold so great an Oppression that hath no better Support then this that it hath been so long payed But shall the Continuance of an Oppression give Right to perpetuate the Grievance How many great and heavy Pressures in this and other things lay upon the Nation as may be seen in Henry the third when the Pope got above one hundred and twenty thousand pound out of this Nation per annum which was then more Worth then the King's Revenue Now there is no such Office in being is plain for when Henry the eighth renounced the Pope he was declared by Act of Parliament assented unto by the Clergy to be Head of the Church and all the Ecclesiastical Orders were not to claim their Benefices from the Pope but from the King as by Act of Parliament but this is more fully and largely set forth in a printed Paper by G●rv●s● Benson to which I refer the Reader And as to the Impropriators which lay claim by purchase and have bought them of the State and payed great Sums of Money for them and may be many have no other Substance Unto this it is answered that in the Root and Ground all Tythes are alike whether they be claimed by Priest or Impropriator but seeing th●se that sold them had no good Title these that are derived from them cannot then be good but being it was the King or State that sold them and that the whole Nation had the Benefit of their Money and the Nations were cased in other Taxes and Subsidies and Charge which unavoidably would have come upon the Nation at that time seeing the Nation had the general Profit it is equitable and just when they cannot have what is sold that the Impropriators should have their Money repayed which went to the bearing and paying of the publick Charge of the Nation and it is Reason that it should be payed by the Nation in general and so there would be no Detriment to any particular person only it is equitable that the Rate be moderate for it is believed upon good Ground that the Value was but little and the Rate small which the Impropriators payed for them because of the Charges and Hazards that was upon them for the Purchaser could buy no more then what the Monasteries had which were dissolved by Henry the eighth and these Monasteries were to find a sufficient Priest or Curate which had his Allowance out of them and a convenient Portion of Tythe and likewise a Portion of the Tythe was set apart yearly for the Maintenance of the poor of the Parish forever as is evident by divers Acts of Parliament after the Dissolution of the Monasteries the foresaid Charges were to continue upon them as before as may be seen at large in a Treatise called the poor Vicars Plea Others say The Laws were made by Parliaments the Representatives of People and though Tythes were not due before yet they might give Tythes because as their
concluded that the Ministers of the Gospel do receive Tythes which they as miserably wrest as they do the Words even so for here the Apostle is exalting the Priesthood of Christ above the Priesthood of Levi and shews that Melchizedeck was greater then Abraham after whose order Christ was made an High Priest and that Levi payed Tythes in Abram unto Melchized●ck and these Words Here men that dye receive Tythes hath wholly relation unto Abraham and to Levi in that Covenant and not so much as any shadow at all of paying or receiving Tythes in the second Priesthood for if Perfection were by the Levitical Priesthood what further need was there that another should arise after the order of Melchizedeck And all the afore-mentioned Scriptures which are the greatest seeming Ground that the Ministry of this last Age pretend Tythes and forced Maintenance from prove nothing at all but rather to the contrary as hath been said and much more might be said for it is manifest that all the Ministers of Christ never received any Tythes or forced maintenance from the World who were in the Unbelief neither of them who were not of their Church nor of such as they reckoned as Hereticks but this last Generation of Apostates exceeds all that ever went before them in Covetousness if they be but remaining within such a Parish which was first set up by the Pope and his Emissaeries and ratified by the Princes of the Earth that have drunk Whores Cup whether they be Believers of Unbelievers Prophane Schismaticks or Hereticks yea or such as they 'l Curse and give up to Satan Tythes and forced Wages Mortuaries and Oblations besides many other things that they claim as due this they must and will have and will tell you he that preacheth the Gospel must live of the Gospel O sad Generation who fills the World with Darkness and blinds the Minds of People may it not truly be said and looked for that which was Prophesied of Old and came to pass coneerning the Levitical Priest-hood when they had violated the Commandments of the Lord For your sake shall Sion 〈◊〉 Plowed as a Corn field and Jerusalem become as Heaps and truly I do reckon it as one of the main Transgressions of the Ministry of this last Age which should have been Leaders of the People but have caused them to Err that the Nation hath been Plowed up and turn'd over as a Husbandman turns Ground and therefore the Nation hath not enjoyed its rest nor the Land its Sabbaths neither I look will or can do whilest these abominations are held up Likewise Let all the now call'd separated Churches be proved and tryed who reckon that they are separated from the World and yet many of them have received pay and Wages of those who are of the World for their Teachers who sent one out at their own cost to Preach to the World and this is likewise Hypocrisie and an abominable thing and here also the Rulers of our present age might learn Wisdom seeing that all ●he Ministers of Christ never received any Maintenance from the World or from them that did look upon them as Ministers of Christ nor own them as such to with-hold their Hands from upholding any with their 〈◊〉 Sword or compel others to maintain them by their Penal Laws 〈◊〉 leave Christ's Kingdom to his own Rule who is Lord of the 〈…〉 sends forth Labourers and hath Spirit and Life and Power and Wisdom to put upon them and give unto them who chuses whom he 〈◊〉 and will not be limited who set forth Fisher-men Shepherds 〈◊〉 Plough-men Tillers of Ground and Keepers of Flocks who spoke plain 〈◊〉 and reached to the Consciences of men of the meanest capacity and yet our litteral Rabbies cannot understand who are yet wise in the World's Wisdom gathered into Schools and there Study and learn a Trade and trade with their Words thereby to get their Living and what Doctrine suites the times that they Study to uphold their Maintenance In the time of Popery they studyed the Popish Doctrine and preached into Nations in the time of Prelacy they changed to a New form and when that was laid aside Presbytery stepped on the Stage and that Doctrine and Worship was studied and Preached and the Universities and Schools sent out such as would suit that time then after that Independency that was propagated and then the Universities and Schools sent out such as would suit that time and now Episcopacy is st●rted up from the Grave and all the f●rmer l●id aside look what pleaseth them best which hath the greatest livings to dispose and that is sure by them to be cryed up and studyed and Preached and here 's the spring of the Teachers the Universities and Schools send forth who Wheel about any way to preserve them in esteem and in their maintenance But let the Rulers and all Wise men consider that Christ's love to the World for whom he died is not lessened or abated neither is his Spirit diminished nor his Power shortened that he will not or cannot send forth fit Ministers for his Service or that he needs Universities or Schools or Magistrates to provide maintenance for those that he sends forth for let the Magistrates look to their own Kingdom which is of this World and to restrain and punish the Evil-doers therein and to encourage and protect the good and then all would be agreed and the Nations preserv'd and kept in peace and quietness every one enjoying his true liberty and freedom in the things that are Spiritual and which belong to the Kingdom of God and herein would be no detrim●nt at all to the Magistrates or the Kingdoms of the World nor any diminution from their Power and oh that they might learn Wisdom and as they would not have men to entrench upon their prerogative and Power as it is not meet so likewise that they would not intrench upon the Soveraignity and Power of Christ's Kingdom which is over all and do we not say Thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory and know this that his Glory he will not give to another and let me speak freely the Reason wherefore the Nations have been broken into stri●e and fractions and war is because many men have made an inroad and an intrusion upon the Soveraignity of Christ and against such his Power h●th and will ever turn because they will not allow him that is the most high to Rule and Reign in Kingdoms and the Consciences of men which he alone hath Right to do and this Power Honour and Glory the Lord hath not given to any other nor yet will do but to the Son of God the Light of the World the Life of men and the Saviour of man kind and what is man or the Sons of men that they should strive with the Lord in this thing Let all the Rulers of the Earth consider betimes was not this it that destroyed the whole Nation of the Jews was
Good and mind not only one Member but the whole Body heed not them that draw back that is no President for you to follow but them that press forward and are not offended in the time of Hardship heed not them th●t will tell you they can keep their Hearts upright to God and retain their Love to Truth and Friends and yet will not afford their Presence in your Assemblies but escape Suffering and deny the Cross and neglect their present Duty for that is Deceit and their own Hearts will deceive them put not off till to morrow defer not the time till you can see some more Ease and some greater Calm beware of that for then Coldness Fearfulness and Slavishness will enter in and you will lose your Strength Moreover if any have begun well and be perswaded of the Truth of that they have believed and continue not unto the End and do not finish such will be reckoned foolish Builders that could not finish and all will mock them and neither God nor Men can or will believe them but our Adversaries will glory over you Again when any suffer or are brought into Bonds for Christ and the Gospel sake seek not to get out by any indirect Means neither make any Covenant with thy Adversary who would sell both thee and all Faith and Hope for Money that encourages Deceit and that Spirit would buy it self out of the Service of God and grow weary give no Place to that be content every one with your present Condition till God arise and plead our Cause and make our Innocency and Righteousness appear as Noon day and make his Adversaries his Foot-st●ol which undoubtedly he will do and make all know the most high ought to rule and will rule in the Kingdoms of Men and not give his Glory to another neither suffer another to take it be conformable to none that go about under Pretence of Love to perswade or counsel you from your Duty to God neither submit to them that would betray you of your Peace heed not the Frowns of corrupt Men nor the Counsel of them who mind their own Bellies Pleasure Ease Profit and earthly things let not natural Affections and Love either to Lands Wife or Children blind your Eyes but love them and receive them in the Lord and enjoy them as though not stand loose from all things and out of all Entanglements and cast your Care upon the Lord who careth for the Fatherless and the Widdow and them that have no Helper in Earth give no Occasion or Advantage to any that would turn your Hearts aside from following the Lord left their Love betray you give up all you have and enjoy to the Lord and his Service and your Souls Bodies and Spirits as a Sacrifice unto the Lord that he may accept you and pour forth and continue his Blessing amongst you never heed the Threats of them that are as the Oaks of Bashan nor of the great Men of the Earth that mind their Pleasure and Lusts who shut you up in Prison and hale you before Judgment-Seats for the Worship of God and falsly accuse you and condemn you when God justifies you the Moth shall e●t them up as a Garment and stain the Glory of all Flesh that withstand the Lord and they shall melt away as Snails and as the Fat of Lambs and as the Kidneys of Rams and God will bring the Recompence of their own Deeds upon their own Pates and wound the hoary Scalp of every one that doth wickedly who toucheth God's anointed and doth Harm to his Prophets and persecutes his Children surely Judgment is not far from the Dwellings of them who have requited the Lord thus as to render him Evil for Good and God will be avenged on such a fa●thless merciless perfidious People as this and of such a Spirit which rejoyceth in Iniquity and makes a Mock of Sin and hates all Reproof and would clock over all Mischiefs with the Name of pure Laws and Authority and Decrees of the holy Church and yet persecutes and gainsayes the highest Power of God in things spiritual that pertain to the Conscience The Beast and false Prophet and Mother of Harlots have joyned together and flatter one another and joyn their Strength together against the true Church and Heir of all the World and would under Pretence of doing Honour unto him shut him out of the Earth and kill his Subjects and destroy the Children of the free Woman under Pretence of suppressing Heresie turn Judgment into Gall Hemlock and Wormwood and instead of relieving the Oppressed add to their Burthen Friends dwell above all these things and the Devil and his Rage the Earth is the Lord's and the Fulness of it we cannot be banished from God's Presence neither shall they fulfil their Determination or ever be able to root out that Testimony which is among us for Princes shall be given for its Ransome and Kingdoms and Nations for its Prosperity The God of Power strengthen you all that you may quit your selves like men of God like Children of the most high whose Inheritance is not here in the World but in the Kingdom that fades not away The Lord God of Power be with you and make you consider what I say and to receive this my true Love unto you all for the Lord's sake who partakes with all the suffering Members of Christ in their Bonds and shall and can rejoyce in all your Comfort and Joy The Peace of God dwell in your Hearts and his heavenly Light shine upon all your Tabernacles that you may be as beautiful in the Eyes of the Lord as the Roses of Sharon and blossom as the Lillies of the Valley and yield your Fruit as the Fig-tree that casteth not his Fruit The Lord takes our Part let none doubt of that and pleads our Cause let all consider that our Enemies shall see it and be troubled at this and time shall manifest it therefore be of believing Hearts and trust in the Lord so shall you never be confounded neither be ashamed but be as Mount Sion that cannot be moved and as the Mountains are round about Jerusalem so shall the Mercies of the Lord compass you about from this time forth and forevermore Friends Faith is sealed in my Heart and Love in my Reins and Gladness in my Soul and Peace in my Conscience so that none doth or can hinder my rejoycing praised be the Lord forever and ever Amen The Lord's Servant and yours in all true unfeigned pure Love F. H. THE TRUE Rule Judge and Guide OF THE TRUE CHURCH OF GOD DISCOVERED AND Born Testimony unto what it is and wherein it consisteth In Opposition to the pretended Catholick Church of ROME her Rule Foundation Guide and Judge Being returned in Answer to Captain Robert Everad his Book tituled An Epistle to all Non-conformists wherein his main Reasons Grounds and Allegations laid down in his Book are examined and discoursed with wherein the Faith once
of Faith for that had been contrary to the Apostles Commission and their Doctrine for saith the Apostle We have not preached our selves but Christ the Lord and our selves your Servants for his sake And I may say to thee R. E. as Paul said to the Corinthians when they were striving about Men Cor. 3.21 Therefore let no Man glory in Men for all Things are yours or as he saith in Chap. 1. Ver. 13. was Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the Name of Paul were they not carnal that so glorified was Peter crucified for us or were we baptized in the Name of Peter is not your visible Church carnal who thus judgeth that Christ intended Peter to be the Foundation of his Chruch for what was he or the rest of the Apostles but Ministers by which many believed 〈◊〉 and if thou hadst been present it is very like would have instructed Christ what to have said and bidden him have spoken after the Grammer Rule and Construction upon that Rock I will build my Church for Peter 's Faith in Christ is too mediate it seems and his Confession too remote and antecedent to be the Rock meant in Mat. 16.18 and therefore Peter must be immediate and the Rock upon which Christ hath doth and will build his Church but as immediate as he was and as sure a Rock as he was when he began to rebuke Christ he turned him about and said unto Peter Ver. 23. Get thee behind me Satan thou art an Offence unto me for thou savours not the Things of God and so say I to R. E. and his Catholicks they savour not the things of God but it is thy private Spirit and your own Interpretations and not the Mind of Christ and how far antecedent is Peter's Confession of Christ the Son of the living God is it not in Vers. 16. and wherein was Peter blessed but in this that it was revealed to him that Christ was the Son of the living God the Rock of Ages and the Foundation of his Church and as for thy visible Church with its two Heads independent Head and dependent Head which sure must have two Bodies where they can be found but that I shall leave to R. E. and I hope from the Grounds that thou hast here laid which did appear so clear to thee that none will be afraid nor judge that such a visible Church with two Heads is to be Rule and Guide to all to whom all are to submit under Pain of Damnation which is to have Peter for its Rock which if he had been living he would have denyed you all as Setters up of Men and Slighters of Jesus Christ the Rock of Ages the Foundation of the Church the Head of the Body the Rule of Life the Judge of Quick and the Dead the Law-giver Director Instructer and Preserver of his Church forever but R. E. goes on and saith It only remains that we consider which among all these Congregations now on Earth which pretend themselves to be this Church of Christ for having once found her and knowing that she is so assisted with the holy Ghost that she cannot teach us an Error we shall no more dispute the Verity of her Doctrine then we would have questioned the Articles of Faith taught by the holy Apostles or the Words of Christ himself wherefore if this Church this infallible Guide shall teach us that Infants ought to be baptized and that it is as lawful to desire the Saints departed to pray for us as to desire the Prayers of them that are alive and that the Body of Christ our Saviour is really and truly present in the Sacrament of the Altar or any other Article of Faith we shall no more doubt it then the first Christians did the Verity of what the Apostles taught them Among all those Congregations on Earth that look upon themselves to be the Church and Spouse of Christ there is one if thy Eye could behold or if thou could'st discern it but before thou canst there is an Eye in thee must be put out and there is a Wisdom in thee that must be confounded and turned into Foolishness before thou canst discern it in its Glory as it is but however that is it undoubtedly which is begotten into the Faith through the Publication of the immortal Word of Life and who are translated from Death unto Life and who have received the Power and Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ and meet in his Name and Power and do witness his Presence among them and have received a Measure of that infallible Spirit of Truth which leadeth into all Truth and out of the Pollutions of the World and are dead unto the World and baptized into the Sufferings of Christ and are crucified with him who keep unviolated his Statutes and Commands without adding to or diminishing from who walk in the Order of the Gospel and are not conformable to the World nor to that which fallen Men set up but to the Power of God that worketh in the Hearts of all that believe to the framing of them a meet Habitation for God to dwell in and abide in the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and are Sayers and Doers speak the Truth and do the Truth and hold the Truth in Righteousness and the Faith once delivered to the Saints in a pure Heart and a pure Conscience who pray in the Spirit and with Understanding who publish the Truth and declare it in the Spirit reaching to the Consciences and to the Witness of God in all that hear who rejoyce only in Christ Jesus the great Power of God and the Wisdom of God and have no Confidence in the Flesh nor fleshly Performances whose Faith stands not in Words but in the mighty Power of God which she hath received according unto the Promise of God this Congregation or Congregations which is one and doth hold the one Head by which all the Members of Christ are knit together in the one Faith by which they overcame the World this undoubtedly is the Church of Christ and the Spouse of Christ But whether R. E. will not dispute against the Verity of her Doctrine I question notwithstanding all his Submission in Words and if this Church should teach that Infants are to be baptized with Cream and Spittle and signed with the Cross as absolutely necessary to Salvation or that it is the Duty of the Saints alive to pray to the Saints departed this World or to teach that Christ's Body which was broken for us and hanged upon the Tree at Mount Calvary that this should now be in a Morsel of Bread and a Sup of Wine and conveyed thither by the Priest and this to be really the Body of Christ if this Church should teach any such Doctrine there were good and weighty Reason to Question seeing that R. E. before hath said that they cannot be infallible who contradict one another and teach two contrary Doctrines and yet say they are both
65.16 where he concludes that Amen seems either to be a Name or an Epithete of God and this he sayes Is the Opinion of our Church in the Homily against Swearing that our Saviour did swear divers times and further sayes it cannot be denyed that God himself swore Psalm 110.4 The Lord hath sworn and will not repent and so concludes that Christ forbad not all Swearing Unto this Bp. Gauden though he straines and scrues very hard as A. S. doth to make all things to bend to their inclination will needs have Amen or verily verily to be an Oath Doctor Gauden in his citation of Capellus out of Rabby Johnas sayes In veritate forma jurandi apud Judeos but he concludes doubtfully and sayes It is only the next degree unto an Oath but A.S. thinks He hath put it out of d●ubt with his reason and his Authors that verily verily is an Oath which if it were true this would only prove Swearing lawful in Sermons and not in Controversies which is the great good end he so much pleads for and if this were true would serve his turn The Magistrates exacting Oaths he seems to prove out of the Mosaical Law and the Priest's Swearing lawfully out of Paul's Epistles and Christ's Sermons but this his covering is too short and is but trifling in the weighty things of God not distinguishing betwixt the first Covenant and the second and the Ordinances thereof for the first he hath no Adversary viz. that they did Swear though never exacted under Penalties the second we conclude to be no Oath viz. Amen Amen or verily verily which is no more then truly truly I say unto you and if this be an Oath why hath it not and why is it not accepted as such for we have said more then this and can do in Truth which we look upon to be far from amounting to an Oath and yet it would never be received as such which Argues plainly that what S. F. and R. H. hath said though A. S. quarrel with it that surely the Magistrates in England do not believe the Priests Doctrine for if they did why are so many sentensed to perpetual Imprisonment with confiscation of all Lands and Goods to the ruinating of many poor Wives and Children which A. S. knows little of and for ought I know such a discourse as this may add affliction to their Bonds and misery to their Sufferings and yet these have never been received as if we say verily verily or truly truly or God is our Witness or we speak the Truth in God's presence yet notwithstanding this would never give satisfaction to any Magistrate in any Judicature that ever we knew or heard of in England and though he tells us of I. Penington how that he gave satisfaction and that it found acceptance with the Court and also to the King We are not ignorant of what I. P. hath written which is wholsome just and good and sound and condescendingly as a Christian Man could do as about the premisses to pacifie satisfie all whom it concerned that they might not proceed in such a rigorous manner against the truly Conscientious and so in letting them know what we could do and what we could not do yet notwithstanding what ever any might seem to own as sufficient in private we never found it in publick or in any case of concernment but rather they knew before-hand what would ensnare us have set the snare and run us into it but notwithstanding all this that A. S. will have to be Oaths as God is Witness and I speak the Truth in Christ and verily verily it will not serve for he says The Law will not allow of it for inferiour Magistrates are sworn he says to act according to Law and the Law prescribes in what manner and with what formality Oaths shall be taken and therefore the Magistrates are not at liberty to accept thereof because they are tyed up to the Rules of the Law as I said before seeing that Oaths are a matter of great concernment unto many it had been a more necessary Discourse for A. S. to have told the Magistrates that these things in Testimony which were ready to be given had been sufficient and that they should not so much have stood upon the formality seeing that which answered the substance of the Law was not denyed though we except against the formality which is now used and hath no example or president in the Scrip●ures of Truth as they are used and therefore let A. S. tell the Rulers that the Rules of the Law in this case are too strict and the Penalty exceeds the Transgression far as for a Man for not holding up his Hand or laying it upon a Bible and Kissing it and saying after a Clark or a Cryer I swear and the like needless Ceremonies which are not without at least a shew of Evil in them yet for not doing and observing these Formalities though those things which A. S and others calls Swearing we have condescended unto yet it 's reckoned as insufficient though themselves say it is an Oath yet it is not called so nor accounted so except the aforesaid needless trifles be observed and is not this a hard thing and far from Equity Justice and Reason that a Man should be exposed to so great a Penalty as Confiscation of Lands and Goods and perpetual Imprisonment for want of observing of these trifling groundless needless Ceremonies and Formalities wich is not at all beseeming Christians and whether the Law had not need to be rectified in this Case which exposeth so many to so great suffering which we in Conscience do except against as well as Oaths and see that the Penalty far exceeds the Crime if it were any but we look upon it to be none at all but rather a duty incumbent upon Christians to keep to yea and nay or that which amounts to it in all their Communication both publick and private and not to Swear at all but to abide in Christ's Doctrine and walk after the Primitive Christians example to testifie the Truth and not to Swear And as for Amen Amen verily verily is no more then truly truly and is no more then an ardent and a fervent speech from the Heart of him that speaketh wherein he would be believed or it is Truth from which and in which he speaks and as for comparing Amen with the 65. of Isa. and 16. where he is called the God of Truth this proves nothing at all he is called the God of Truth in opposition to false Gods which were Lyes and in opposition to the Heathenish Gods which were not true Gods which had Eyes and saw not c. and could not save he might as well say when Wisdom Holiness Righteousness or Immortality is named or mentioned that therefore it is an Oath as when Truth is spoken for these are as much epithetes of God as truly 〈◊〉 Truth and though your Church in a Homily against Swearing do
say That Christ did often Swear because he said Verily we judge you have concluded upon too slender a Ground And as for Psal. 110. The Lord hath Sworn and will not Repent It is not denyed though the Lord Swore once yea more then once by himself this was in condescension to the State of Man in weakness and unbelief and as to the State of the Jews Gal. 3.19 before the Seed was revealed which was the Substance of all Figures and Gods Example of Swearing is no example for us now to imitate and was in no wise a confirming of that old legal Ceremony of Oaths as a practice legimate to his Saints forever as A. S. would make us believe it was for his Oath viz. God's ended in Christ in whom all the Promises confirmed by Oath were yea and in him Amen was also to end all Strife between him and Men and to put an end to all Strife and Oaths also that are among Men to end Strife Ambrose saith upon that 110. Psal. Let him then swear who cannot Repent of his Oaths a little aftter the same Ambrose saith Do not imitate him in swearing whom you cannot imitate in performing and indeed the principal solution he gives is not to Swear at all And Theophilus upon the place in Controversie whom A. S. says was not cautelous enough and it seems among the rest of the Fathers that A. S. sets as judge of he saith Learn hence that under the Law it was not Evil for one to swear but since the coming of Christ it is Evil as is Circumcision and in sum what ever is Judaical for it becomes a Child to suck but not a man So that it appears he amongst the rest of the Fathers did not only declare against Oaths in general or private Communication but also distinguishes betwixt the first Covenant and the second and the Ordinances thereof and though the holy Ghost bear witness that both Angels and Men yea and good Men and the Creator himself in that first Covenant did Swear so that A. S. concludes That is not morally Evil of its own Nature In the first we shall not much quarrel nor dispute as under the Law but that which was obliging then as by command it is not always obliging but Christ the end of the Law for Righteousness said Let your yea be yea and your nay nay for whatsoever is more under the Gospel then amounts to this comes of Evil therefore there is no necessity to put any other sence of Christ's Words then this Universal prohibition of all Swearing as under the Gospel seeing that speaking the Truth confessing the Truth declaring the Truth and nothing but the Truth in any matter wherein any Christian is concerned either in respect of God or a man's Neighbour this Answers the very Substance of the Law and the very end purpose thereof as ever an Oath did among the Jews in the first Institution forasmuch as speaking the Truth acknowledgeth God's Omnisciency and presence and Power and Wisdom secondly it doth any Office to any Neighbour as in bearing witness to any Truth and again to find out any Transgressour or Transgression and this is done may be done and ought to be done by all true Christians and therefore no necessity of that formal Ceremonious way of Swearing as under the Law neither is there any necessity for seeking any other sence of Christ's Words and the Apostles Words Swear not at all by Heaven or Earth or any other seeing all the main ends and good ends good purposes are Answered in the full which the Law in the full Latitude and morality thereof did require or for which it was given His sixth Argument is That either these Words Swear not at all must be interpreted as not to forbid any Oath though taken upon just accasion or else Paul never knew the meaning of this Text or else contrary to his knowledge and that upon good deliberation he acted against it and that in the●e very writings wherein we all believe that he was infallibly assisted by the Holy Ghost for his Oaths saith A. S. are upon record 1. Thes. 2.5 God is Witness see Rom. 1.9 Now to call God to Witness is the very substance of an Oath saith A. S. and as Austin tells him and he sayes He hath not read of any of a contrary opinion except some Phanaticks which if they would yield to 〈◊〉 much as Paul saith God is Witness of the Truth of their assertions it might be wished out of condescension to their weakness that they might be dispensed withal if the Law would give leave as to the external formality of an Oath Answ. What A. S. will call a just occasion I know not it appears to me he would have a large compass and a larger then the most contenders against Christ's Doctrine that we have met with or what he will account a just occasion I know not though otherwise he seems to condemn sometime needless and vain Oaths in ordinary Communication though I know some without reflection upon A. S. who use them too to frequently and are not only Members but Pastours so called of the Church of England and though he seems in his Discourse here there to be against customary and vain Oaths yet for all that what he calls a ●ust occasion upon some Ground some calls it a needful occasion when they are called before a Magistrate and some when any business is in Controversie betwixt man and Man c●lls it a just occasion where sometimes I have seen a Curate administer that which he called an Oath upon a Book what Ground h● had I suspect either from Commandment or example of Primitive Ministers is certain he had none but it may be A. S. will conclude it was upon just occasion but what COMPASS he will have for his j●st Occasion is doubtful seeing he hath put no Termination or end to it but for ought I can perceive would leave liberty for every Man to exact an Oath upon another when he would and call it a just occasion and account it a point of duty in the other to obey even in ordinary Communication And as for St. Paul we deny thy Argument as that he never knew the meaning of this Text of Christ's prohibition secondly that in his Writings he acted contrary to his knowledge and upon set deliberation for though God was his Witness whom he served with his Spirit in the Gospel of his Son that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my Prayers Also that which A. S. calls an Oath 1 Thes. 2.5 For neither at any time used we flattering Words as ye know for a Cloak of Co●etou●ness God is witness Though we know and infallibly believe with A. S. that he was infallibly assisted by the Holy Ghost when he published the Gospel of Christ among the Gentiles and wrote both unto the Jews and to the Gentiles who believed that his calling God to witness was not any Oath
denyes the veracity of his word or the immutability of the most high yet notwithstanding I cannot set up the changeable Priesthood and Covenant and the Ordinances belonging thereunto against the unchangeable and everlasting Priesthood and Covenant and as hath been said before as though that all the precepts therein were so unalterable as that of necessity they must needs continue as obligatory to Generations I might truss up together many Scriptures and thwack them one on the Back of another which belong to the Jews and the first Covenant most properly till the Seed Christ was revealed and offered up and I might bring in Scripture to prove that many things were commanded by the immutable God and by him who is uncapable of alteration and multiply many words as A. S. doth to little purpose and say what was written in the old Testament was by the Inspiration of God and that his precepts are no more alterable then the Laws of the Medes and Persians and therefore they must needs still be observed by all Christians to the World's end or else conclude they that do not are atheistical and deny God's veracity and make the Law of God void and what would all this in arguing prove nothing at all the Jews will confess as much and plead as hard as A. S. can who yet have not believed in him of whom the Prophets prophesied neither have received him who is the Substance of what Moses and the Prophets bore witness and in whom the Law is fulfilled and the Promises made good and confirmed with and in whom all the Shadows end and the vail done away and all the Worship precepts belonging thereunto who hath manifested and revealed the Father in all that believe who is the new and living way whose Worship is not now in the Letter nor in the Shadows nor Types nor in any outward Observations but in Spirit truth is he worshipped for he seeketh such to Worship him for the great Promise of reward was to as ever was to Swearing yet when they resisted him whom the Father had sent all their observances though never so strict did not avail but their Circumcision became Uncircumcision and their Worship and service became Prophaneness when they despised the substance by whom Grace and Truth came to all the Children of promise and we grant with A. S. that he came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it and to end both Sin and Transgression and the Law which was added because of it and to bring in everlasting Righteousness and it to rule in the Hearts of all that believe and against such there is no Law and though Christ enjoyned the Disciples Mat 23. to observe what the Scribes and Pharisees bad them who sate in Moses's Chair and read the Law and performed those services in part commanded that was the time before he was offered up and the Ministration of that Covenant was not fully ended yet I hope A. S. with us will grant that they were not to heed them or to obey them in their vain traditions and false glosses and Interpretations and Evil manners which he cryed wo against Mat. 23.13 14. neither after his Resurrection did he enjoyn them to hear the Pharisees neither to observe the Legal Ordinances of the first Priesthood but they declared against them and their practice which continued in the Observation of those things which did not make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience Heb. 8.9 Heb. 9.9 and for all these Texts he alledges out of the Old Testament Mat. 6.13 Psal. 63.11 Jer. 12.16 unto these it hath been answered that this proves nothing that Christians under the second Covenant should Swear as they did in the first for these Precepts were only to keep them from Idolatry for Jer. 12.16 If you will diligently learn the wayes of my People to Swear by my Name the Lord liveth as they taught my People to Swear by Baal then shall they be Builded in the midst of the People And the 6th of Deut. 13.14 is to the same Effect You shall fear the Lord and serve him and Swear by my Name And Verse the 14. Ye shall not go after other Gods All these only prove that the Nations went after other Gods and Sware by them and served them and Israel too prone to follow their manners did so also and therefore he gave them these Precepts to serve him and fear him and acknowledge him to keep them from Idolatry as hath been said in the state of their Minority and weakness and that before the Seed was revealed and that which A. S. calls a Prophecy by Isa. 19.18 of Christians Swearing under the Gospel it 's no such thing but a Prophesie of Egypt his joyning to the Jews and owning their Worship and their God and acknowledge him and do Sacrifice and Oblation yea and vow a vow unto the Lord and perform it ver 21. Which clearly hath relation to the Law and the Worship of the Jews and not to the Gospel so that A. S. might have as well said it was a promise how Christians under the Gospel should offer Sacrifice and Oblations as under the Law as well as Swear But the Doctor hath traversed many Paths which are crooked winding and turning to gather something together and hath fetched it far to prove Swearing under the Gospel but all his proof falls short of his matter by much And that of Isaiah 5.23 is a Prophecy of Israel's return out of the Captivity of Babylon in the days of Cyrus whom the Lord called his Anointed and shepherd Isa. 44.28.45 who made a Decree for all Israel to go out of Assyria to Jerusalem and build their City and their Temple and Worship their God according as he had commanded as may be seen at large in the Book of Ezra and Nehemiah and this was fulfilled then when they builded the City and the Temple in those days long before Christ was manifest in the Flesh and then did Israel return and every Knee did bow and every Tongue did Swear by the Lord which before the Captivity had not bowed nor served nor acknowledged his Name but Idols which provoked the Lord and therefore gave he them into the hand of the Babylonians for seventy Years till they were humbled and then brought them back according to Jeremiah Isaiah Haggai and Zachariah's Prophesies for this was fulfilled then is spoken by Isaiah in this Prophesie Isaiah 5. ver 23 24 25. without contradiction to Christ's command and his command entrencheth not upon this prophesie neither doth this make the Gospel thwart the Law beyond all terms of Reconciliation as A. S. vainly suggests in his margent for this Prophesie was fulfilled long before Christ gave forth this command Swear not at all Moreover if this prophesie have any relation to the state of the Christian Church as A. S. supposes upon what Ground I know not saving his own affirmation then we shall consider and see how it is fulfilled under the
Gospel and what the Gospel allows of in this particular the Apostle Paul a Minister of the Gospel not of the Letter as he saith himself which some interpret to be the Law citeth this Prophesie of Isa. 45.23 compare it with Rom. the 14 ver 11. for it is written where in Isaiah before cited As I live saith the Lord every Knee shall bow unto me and every Tongue shall confess to God and in Philippians the 2.10 11. That at the Name of Jesus whom the Father hath sent whom all is to obey unto whom all Power is given in Heaven and Earth the Apostle citing again the very words of the Prophet says unto him viz. Jesus every Knee shall bow and ver the 11. and that every Tongue shall confess to the Glory of God the Father so that it cannot be reasonably thought or judged that if God had required Swearing by his Name among Christians as among the Jews that the Apostle thus should alter the words as to put confessing instead of Swearing seeing he sayes he used always plainness of Speech for this had not been plainness and we have better reason to believe the Apostle unto whom the Gospel was committed whom the Son was revealed in who declared the whole Counsel of God and yet never either commanded or exhorted any to Swear or reproved them for not Swearing by the Name of God as the Jews did in all his writings that are extant I say we have better Ground to believe him and his rendering of the words of the Prophet to be according to the mind of Christ where he puts in confession to the Christians which before was Swearing to the Jews as being acquainted with the command of Christ Mat. 5.23 Swear not at all and what-ever A. S. look upon it as to be Heresie and derogatory both to the S●riptures and God himself it is not much matter of Man's Judgment he might as well accuse Christ and the Apostle the one forbidding to Swear and the other for deminishing from the Scripture and altering the Prophets words and though it seems strange to A. S. yet it is not to us that some Men were commanded in the Old Testament for observing some things yea many things which are condemned in the New and yet God is not dishonoured neither the Scripture broken if we see the end of every command and the time for which it served and the Service for which it served as this about Oaths hath been sufficiently declared before to keep the Jews from Idolatry to end Strife among them where it was but among true Christians indeed Strife is ended and Peace is come and they seek it with all Men and that is done away for which the Law was added to wit Sin and Transgression diffidence and Unbelief and Strife and no necessity of them among them and all the morality that doth remain is confession or saying or Testimony in true words in any matter is that which is equivalent with an Oath and is that which is the most conform to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine under the Gospel but I come to his last Argument Twelfth and last Argument The consent of the Christian World the practice of Emperours Kings Princes Councils Bishops and People of all sorts confirm this Truth that Christ notwithstanding these Words Swear not at all had never forbidden Swearing as altogether unlawful 'T is true some of the Fathers in their Homilies and to the People inveighed much against Swearing as though it had been altogether unlawful but it was only against Customary Oaths Chrysostome in his Homily to the People of Antioch preached so much against Swearing that the People were offended he told them he would never leave that Sermon till they would leave that prophane Custome of Swearing but the Fathers were less cautelous but with great Vehemency enveigh'd against common Swearing in ordinary Discourse but not at all intending to take away necessary Oaths but Origen in his first Book against Celsus God is witness of my Conscience and Athanasius yet vehemently declaimed against prophane Swearing yet in his Apology to the Emperour Constantius he Sware again and again the Lord is witness and his Christ is witness All whith clearly shews they did not disallow the voluntary taking an Oath much less in Judical proceedings and the Reformed Churches and the Church of England and the whole Catholick Church in all times and places approved this Doctrine that all Swearing is not unlawful so that it follows that the Church in all Ages was so ignorant as not to understand Christ's meaning or so wicked as to Teach and Practise quite contrary or else Christ never meant to forbid all kind of Swearing to assert the former were to profess all that went before either Dunces or Devils Reply Whatever A. S. concludes thinks he hath not such a consent among Christians as he makes a great flourish of it 's manifest by what hath been said Christ prohibited it amongst his Disciples Swear not at all and likewise James the Apostle agrees in the same Doctrine and the rest of the Apostles also all the Primitive Christians were esteemed so strict exact and cautious of their asserting or promising that there was no need of an Oath among them they kept up the sactity credit of their Posession yea among Unbelievers that it was security enough in all cases to say Christianus sum I am a Christian as Justin Martyr asserts and if they were urged any further to any Oath for matter or manner they repeated this as the only satisfaction they could give there needed no more then the Veracity of their bare record and thus much Bishop Gauden confesseth and also in the 36. page of his Book he says The Ground or Foundation for Swearing now is the Wickedness and unbelief of Men but Christians truly such are brought out of Evil and Wickedness Unbelief and Distrust and there is no necessity among them either publick or private to Swear at all Polibus observes in the better and simpler Ages of the World Oaths were seldom used in Judicatures but after Unbelief and Lying increased Oaths increased as a only remedy to cure and restrain those Evils but let it not be said that those are Christians that name Christ's Name and depart not from Iniquity and since the perilous times came on that the Apostle spoke that Men would not abide sound Doctrine but be lovers of themselves that should have a Form of godliness and deny the Power thereof such went out of the Truth and went into the World and the world went after them and the false Church began to rise to dignity and have the Name of Christian though she consented not to the wholsome Doctrine of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Swear not at all but perverted this as she hath done many other Doctrines and beguiled thc Kings of the Earth and held out her Golden Cup of Fornication and made Emperours Kings and Princes drunk with her Fornication Rev.
taken are binding in Respect of Creatures Relation to the Creator and Christ reckons them among sinful Oaths and teacheth them to use only bare Affirmations or Denyals in their Communication And this is the very Sum of his Judgment and the Words of Christ are only to be limitted to this Sense and no further that is not to swear at all by Creatures in their mutual Converse or Communications and this he hath repeated over and over in his Book and this is the furthest latitude that he will allow unto Christ's Prohibition Swear not at all and this Interpretation before-mentioned he looks upon to be the genuine meaning thereof and is the Judgment of Doctor Gauden also who hath contended as hard for some Swearing as A. S. hath and I perceive that A. S. hath read the Answer to Bishop Gauden published by that precious Servant of the Lord Samuel Fisher who finished his Life in Bonds for the Gospel-Truth against all Swearing whose Answer stands firm and his demonstrative Arguments of Force and are yet unanswered though A. S. hath a little here and there carped at and hath bitten at the Heel but hath not made void at all his Answer which will live as a living Testimony in Generations to come as consonant unto Christ's Doctrine wherein he prohibits all Oaths under the Gospel Reply Though there be some Truth in the different Authors that are alledged and also in A.S. his Words that swearing by Creatures as Heaven and Earth Jerusalem and vain Oaths is forbidden and customary Oaths and the corrupt Glosses of the Pharisees and the false Interpretations yet all this comes short of Christ's mind and of the true genuine sense of the words the scope of Christ's Sermon as is manifest in the Chapter and in his Testament and all he hath said will not help him to carry on that Work he hath undertaken viz. the Justification of any or the lawfulness of any Swearing or the defence of that limited sense he would put upon the Universal terms in the 2. Texts wherein Christ and the Apostle forbids all Swearing And though A. S. often tells us Christ did not forbid what the Law had commanded neither gave any new positive Law before his Death he sure hath forgot himself much what will become of the two great Ordinances still upheld as Baptism and breaking of Bread and whether was this a new Institution of Christ or was it an Institution in the Law and if it was an Institution of Christ as the Church of England doth hold and not of the Law nor of Moses as indeed it was not then A. S. his Argument is fallen to the Ground that he gave no new Commandment neither instituted any new Ordinance and then what is become of these two great Mysteries as they have been called but he hath ravelled out and spun out his Threed so long that he often runs off his Legs and though A. S. does often urge that he came not to destroy the Law but to fulfill it and therefore hath said falsly that Christ Sware before the High Priest after he had given forth this Commandment Swear not at all which if it had been true it had been no more president for Christians then eating the Passeover and though he sometimes urge that such Oaths as were commanded under the Law are not forbidden by that Text Mat. 5.38 because it was spoken sometime before his Death and the Ministration of the first Covenant was not ended till his death and therefore he concludes That all Oaths would not be forbidden by Christ in this Text for saith he Christ did not forbid what the Law commanded but though this prohibition was given out before his Death yet with reference to the Gospel-times after his Death It is evident by the Texts before it and behind it viz. of divorce and of deportment towards injurious Ones and Enemies so in this of Oaths Christ prohibites and condemns not only those gross Abuses of those things that they had a Dispensation for under the Law and that by Divine indulgency which abuses crept in by the Pharisaical false Glosses too much loosing the meaning of God's Law by Moses by their depraved examples or popular Customes but Christ condemned and prohibited those very things which in regard of the hardness of their Hearts distrust and wicked Cruelties God himself in that very Letter of the Law indulged them in and gave them both a dispensation and a precept for in the Law for the Law said of old time before the false gloss of Scribes and Pharisees came in some things so as it was not said from the beginning when Man was in Innocency and was merciful as his Heavenly Father was merciful and the Law said Deut. 24.12 whosoever shall put away his wise let him give her a Bill of divorcement then she may go be another man's Wife but I say whose putteth away his Wife causeth her to commit Abultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth Adultery Mat. 5.32 So that not only the corrupt Glosses and irregular Practices of the mis-informed Jews are forbidden but even that which the Law not only permitted and allowed and dispensed with but commanded is for bidden and another thing injoyned and in cause of injury as he hath done so shall it be done unto him ye have heard it hath been said an Eye for an eye and a Tooth for a tooth this was the Law Exod. 21.44 Levit. 24.20 Deut. 19.20 and this was commanded But Christ saith I say unto you that ye resist not Evil whosoever shall smite thee on the one Cheek turn the other also and if a Man sue thee at Law and take away thy Coat let him have thy Cloak also and whosoever shall compell thee to go a mile go with him twain Mat. 5.39 40 41. So here is not only a further thing but even another thing commanded by Christ. Further the Law said Exod. 20.14 thou shalt not commit Adultery but Christ the wisdom of God saith Mat. 5.28 whosoever looketh upon a Woman and lusteth after her hath committed Adultery with her in his Heart again ye have heard that it hath been said that thou love thy Neighbour and hate thy Enemy though A. S. sayes That is not found in the Law but a corrupt Gloss of the Pharisees I say that is found which amounts to as much as hath been shewed for the Jews that were of the Law might and did spoyle their Enemies the Gentiles and Canaanites and Egyptians and Amalekites and had a command so to do and kill them and Root them out and yet to help his Enemies Oxe or Asse under a burthen if he were belonging to a Jew that personally hated him and not an Amalekite one of that cursed race but this is a ridle to many But I say unto you love your Enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despightfully use you and
God's Creation when all was blessed and at Peace and in Unity and Harmony one with another when Man was the Image of God and you through the rich Mercy and Love of God being called to believe in the Hope and Promise of God and having waited and obtained Life through Jesus Christ whom the Father hath given for Life and the Covenant thereof and of Peace unto all that believe I say it being given unto you of the Father to believe and receive him whom the Father hath sent to restore again all even all receive the free Gift and close therewith according as the Father tenders him unto all believing and obeying his Voice they come to witness Restoration and to be delivered from Darkness and Death and every evil Way and Work into perfect Freedom in due time and to serve the living God in Righteousness and Holiness and to be made Partakers of his precious Promise and of the Kingdom Power and Glory of God that fades not away and of Life eternal and Peace and Joy in the holy Ghost now and forever and makes all his chosen Ones who believe in his Name Partakers of his piteous and long Suffering and of his heavenly and spiritual Blessings in Christ Jesus to whom be Glory forever and ever Amen I say because the Lord hath chosen you and hath wrought Change in you and brought you out of their Pathes whose Habitations are full of Cruelty all that are in Bondage hate you and your Freedom and your Life and Way and there can be no Reconciliation no Concord in the Ground for as it was of old time even so now since Cain slew his Brother so all the Children of the Flesh of the Bond-woman and of the World hated them that were born of the Spirit and were redeemed up unto God to live unto him and glorifie him forever by shewing forth by a holy Conversation that they were so called and chosen of God I hope the Consideration of these things and the Knowledge of them dwells with you and in your Hearts and you see you are joyned to a blessed Company and an holy Assembly who are gone before and are entred into Rest and have precious Fellowship with them who now remain alive unto this Day who have Fellowship with the Father and the Son and in all our Trials and Afflictions are afflicted with us although you have had Exercises above many and have walked through the Region and Shadow of Death inward and outward yet the Lord hath upholden you unto this Day that you may bear in Mind his great and dreadful and wonderful Works and fear before him land honour him and speak Good of his Name and worship him in the Beauty of Holiness which he hath led you into and glorifie him in his Temple comfort and strengthen one another in the Truth and let not the World neither the fading Glory of it overcome your Hearts but in the Dominion of God stand over the World and its Temptations lest you be entangled that you cannot run with Patience and follow the Lord in the Cross the Dayes of our Pilgrimage go on apace the time is short all outward Suffering will have an End and Wrath shall cease to be any more happy are they that continue in the Patience for this Moment of time we have to follow the Lamb here through the War and Tribulation Victory is at the End thereof in the mean time God by his holy Spirit gives daily Hints of his Love in the inward Man unto all stay'd Minds and Assurance of the Victory which makes me often overlook present Suffering and forget the Afflictions that are past and little to heed present things though they seem to frown because the Light of God's Countenance is lifted up and his Favour and Love and strengthning Power felt in the inward Man which ballances all and weighs down the Scale of present Trouble and Affliction so that hard things are become easie and ponderous things light look not out at Trouble and Hardship but rather admire the great Goodness of God that hath so much restrained the Wrath of Men which was great and hath made some of it to turn to his Glory he hath made void the Intention of the prudent and hath turned Counsel backward and hath frustrated the Expectation of the proud and lofty who took Counsel together even as of old against the Lord and his anointed yet for all this God hath established his Son on the holy Hill of Sion and his Saints reign with him sure you cannot but have taken notice of these things and of the Out-goings of the Lord and have considered his handy-Works and say with me the Lord hath created Deliverance upon Mount Sion and hath appeared to the Joy of the Righteous and his Enemies he is making as the Dust under his Feet and is scattering the Devices of the Sons of fallen Adam and making them as the Chaff of the Summer Floor which the Wind scattereth Friends what shall I'say unto you that I love you ye know that it 's no less neither diminuished to the faithful I now give you to know I often remember you upon my Bed and not only so but before the Lord whom I know hath a Regard unto the Supplications of the upright and their Prayers are as Incense and from whom he smells a sweet Savour and gives them to feel and know it in their Hearts so that they come unto him with Confidence having Access through Jesus our Life and Joy unto whom be Glory and Honour forever and ever Amen Dearly beloved what shall I say to comfort your Hearts and stir up your Minds to the Exercise of his Grace in you but the plenteous Harvest of the Lord is come wherein they that have sown to the Spirit and have walked in Obedience thereunto do reap the plenteous Fruits of Righteousness Peace Joy Assurance and pure and perfect Consolation so that all Cause of Complaint is taken away Glory to the Lord forevermore the Vintage is ripe the Press is full and many Fatts overflow because of Plenty and many are filled with the Fatness of God's House the new Wine is drunk that comes from the pure and living Vine Christ Jesus Clusters of heavenly Grapes are possessed better by far then them the Spies brought from Eshcoll which may animate all your Hearts and encrease your Faith and Hope and further this I say unto you God is ready to give bountifully unto all if you be ready to receive and meet to digest his heavenly Food and I am sure you cannot want any good thing neither will his Consolation be withh●lden from you but that which the Prophet Hosea prophesied concerning Israel and the Blessings that should come upon them The Lord shall hear the Heavens and they shall hear the Earth and the Earth shall hear the Corn and Wine and Oyl and they shall hear Israel the same you shall feel inwardly to the Satisfaction of all your Souls the
a Service for such a Day and such a Worship for such a Day we find not in the first hundred Years after Christ. And for your Lent which one of your Fathers invented and this was his Ground because God had the tenth of the increase of Tythes due to himself and for his Ministers under the Law therefore it was necessary that the tenth part of Dayes should be allowed as Tythes to the Lord Oh! Gross ignorance and palpable Blindness mid-Night it self came upon you in the time of your Visibility when the True Church was fled into the Wilderness As though the Lord was not the Lord of all Dayes and as though all dayes were not his and to be used to his Glory And your prohibiting Meats and distinguishing of Meats one Holy for such a day another for such a day Flesh one day and Fish another day as though there were not the Flesh of Fish or one thing were clean and another Unclean And this invented Trumpery hath been observed for Catholick and Apostolick Doctrine but by whom we must needs tell you by the Nations Kindreds and Tongues and People upon which the Whore sits and out of which the Beast rose And we will grant you antiquity enough this many hundred Years and yet we will prefer the Primitive Times before you and bring their Doctrine and Practice to reprove you though we do not desire to go in Cain's Way and to kill Creatures that are out of the Doctrine of Christ and contrary to Apostolick and Catholick Doctrine which wrestled not with Flesh and Blood but with spiritual wickedness whose Weapons were not carnal but spiritual and yet they h●d great might in them and threw down by these weapons that which never could be by carnal 2 Cor. 10.4 Again your forbidding to Marry which is reckoned by the Apostles Doctrine to be a Doctrine of Devils and contrary unto that the Apostle's Doctrine was Marriage is Honourable in all Estates the B●d undefiled Heb. 13.4 And seeing you plead Peter was at Rome and Peters Chair and that the Bishop of Rome doth succeed him and hath the Keys as Peter had Why do you exclude the chief Bishops as you account them from Marrying and divers other Orders seeing Peter had a Wife and seeing that it is Catholick and Apostolick Doctrine before you could claim the Name of visible Church that a Bishop should be the Husband of one Wife and should not be Covetous nor no striker nor given to Wine nor filthy L●cre c. But since the Bishop of Rome hath Appropriated to himself to be the Head of the Church and the chief-Bishop over all ●he Catholick Church it hath been manifested how much covetousness and covetous Practices have been Acted as Money for Pardons and Indulgences and get Money for the living and the dead and the invented Purgatory hath filled your Coffers and your Meritorious works have been Sold at a dear rate Insomuch that a poor Woman who hath lost her Husband and he deceased must pay ten Shillings for a mortuary that he may be Prayed for or some of your Merits may be accounted to him which you have in store as a Stock to sell to any who come with a Prize in their Hands And from whence have you all these Tythes have you not borrowed them of the Jews and yet you are no Jews and such things we do not read among the Jews were Tythable Pigs Eggs Hens and Geese to omit greater matters and the Smoak passing up the chimneys and that which you call your Peter-Pence And this is contrary to the Catholick and Apostolick Doctrine which Peter would have been ashamed to ever have mentioned either amongst Jews or Gentiles And now I would ask you a Question or two seeing John saw the true Church flee into the Wilderness the Woman that was cloathed with the Sun who brought forth the Man-child what cause have you to boast of Visibility or Universality Now when were you in the Wilderness if your Church hath not been so then it Demonstrates that your Church is not the Woman cloathed with the Sun for she did fly into the Wilderness as with the Wings of an Eagle Secondly Whether hath your Gospel been universally publickly preached these sixteen hundred Years or nay And is it the very same that was Preached in the first hundred or two hundred Years seeing that John saith that all Nations did drink of the Whore's cup of Fornication And then Nations were Waters seeing he saith the Gospel shall be preached again to Nations Kindreds and Tongues which clearly demonstrates there was a time when the everlasting Gospel was not preached to the Kindreds Tongues which are the Waters upon which your Church is Situated And it is evidently manifested that yours hath been another Gospel then that which was preached in the Apostolick Church and in the Catholick Church the first hundred or two hundred Years after Christ was manifested in the Flesh Much might be said to Demonstrate the Truth which is in Hand that there hath been an Apostacy the Beginners thereof came forth in the Apostles dayes and afterwards grew into a Body and became like a great Sea which according to the best Ecclesiastical writer● which have given a Narrative of the first five hundred Years declared that there was great loss within 300. Years but in five hundred Years or less the very Power of Godliness was denyed and very much of the Form And though your pleads Antiquity for a Thousand Years for these things aforementioned which they would be hard to prove For although it should be granted them yet we will joyn issue with them in this thing and are able to prove all these Doctrines and Practices not to be as it was in the first two hundred Years except they will own such as taught the Doctrine of Balaam and taught the Doctrine of Devils and went in Cain's and Chore's Way for an Example It were not hard to prove the introducing of all these things before mentioned and how they have come in by degrees one Council that rose out of the Waters ordaining this another ordaining that and so have risen up into this great Body of Darkness some of the Practices borrowed from the Jews and some from the Heathen and some invented of themselves in latter Ages so that the Worship that was in the Spirit and in Truth in Christ's and the Apostles dayes is turned from and such a numberless Number of vain Traditions Ave-maries Creeds and Pater-nosters and such a deal a do as there is about their unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass that they are glad to be counted by their beads on strings as many very well know By all that which hath been said may easily be Collected that there hath been a great Deviation and Apostacy from the Doctrine and Practice of the Primitive times thus far as I am descended I leave it to the Reader to judge and compare these things with the Churches Doctrine and