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A27016 A saint or a brute the certain necessity and excellency of holiness, &c. ... / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1662 (1662) Wing B1382; ESTC R6046 353,617 442

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world grew to no more experience and Arts and Sciences were ripened no more when now they have ripened in a shorter time How is it that Printing and Writing were not found out and that all Sciences and Arts are of so late invention and as it were but in their youth Certainly Knowledge is the daughter of Experience and Experience the daughter of Time and therefore if the world had been from eternity it must needs have been many a hundred thousand years ago at ● far higher state of Knowledge then is yet attained in the world For every age receiveth the experiences and writings of the former and hath opportunity still to make improvement of them At least the world could not have been ignorant so long of Printing Writing and a hundred things that are certainly of late invention It is therefore an incredible thing that an Eternal world should lose all the memorials and monuments of its Antiquity before the Scripture-time of the Creation And therefore doubtless it began but then Qu. 2. And if God were not the Author of the Scripture how come so many clear and notable Prophesies of it to be fulfilled How punctually doth David and Isaiah 53 describe the sufferings of Christ and Daniel foretell the very year and so of many others Qu. 3. And how comes it all to contain but one entire frame conspiring to reveal the same doctrine of grace and life at first more darkly and in types and promises and afterwards more clearly in performance when the writers lived at hundreds and thousands years distance from each other Qu. 4. And if thou hadst not a blinded prejudiced mind thou wouldst perceive an unimitable Majesty and spirituality in the Scripture and wouldst savour the spirit of God in it as its author and wouldst know by the image and superscription that it is the Word of God It beareth unimitably the Image of his Power and Wisdom and Goodness so that the blessed Author may to a faithful soul be known by the work Qu. 5. If the Scripture came not from the Spirit it could not give or cause the spirit and if it bore not Gods Image it self how could it print his Image upon the souls of so many thousands as it doth The Image of God is first engraven on the seal of his holy Doctrine and thereby imprinted on the heart There is no part of that holy change on man but what that holy Doctrine wrought If therefore the change be of God the Doctrine that wrought it is of God For both of them are the same Image answering each other as that on the seal and on the wax But it is most certain that the Holy change on the soul is of God The nature of it sheweth this For it consisteth in the destruction of our sin and the denyal of our selves and the raising the heart above this world and the total Devoting of our selves and all that we have to God and conforming our selves to his will and resting in it and seeking and serving him with all our power against all temptations and living in the fervent Love of God and of our Brethren and desires after everlasting life and a taking Christ for our Lord and Saviour to reconcile us to God and do all this in us by his Spirit And surely such a work as this must needs be of God If it be Good it must needs be Originally from him that is most Good this is undenyable And he that will say this is Evil is so much of the Devils nature and mind that it is no wonder if he follow him and be Brutified And you cannot say that the Work is good and the Doctrine bad For the Work is nothing but the Impress of the Doctrine And God doth not use to appoint or use a frame of falshoods and deceits as his ordinary means to renew mens souls and work them to his Will Perhaps you will say that you see no such change made by the Word nor any such spirit given by it unto men but only the effects of their own Imaginations But 1. The Question is Whether they are True or false Imaginations Gods truth causeth that Impress on the mind of man which you call his Imaginations For where should Truth be received but in the mind and how should it work but by cogitation They are cogitations above and contrary to those of flesh and blood that are wrought by this holy Doctrine It is nevertheless os the spirit because it moveth man by consideration 2. And if you see not a work on the hearts of the regenerate appearing in their lives which raiseth them to a far better state then others it can be no better then strangeness or malice that can so far blind you 3. But if it be so with you give leave yet to the persons that know this holy change in themselves to believe the more confidently the Word that wrought it We know that we are renewed and passed from our former spiritual death to life and therefore that it was the Truth of God that did the Work of God upon us Nothing but Truth can sanctifie But the Word doth sanctifie therefore the Word is Truth Indeed the Holy Church of Christ throughout all ages of the world hath been his living Image and so a living Witness of his Word as shewing by their lives the transcript of it in their hearts It is easie for any that know them except the maliciously blind to perceive that the true servants of Christ are a more purified refined honest conscionable holy heavenly people then the rest of the world For my part I am fully convinced of it I see it there is no comparison for all their imperfections which they and I lament I am fully satisfied that there is much more of God on them then on others And therefore there is much more of God in the Doctrine that renewed them then in any other The Church is the living Scripture the pillar and ground of the truth 1 Tim. 3. 15. the Law is written in their hearts Heb. 8. 10. better then it was in the Tables of stone 2 Cor. 3. 3. And by their holy Love and Works the world may know that Jesus Christ was sent of the Father and may be brought to believe in him by their Unity John 17. 21 22 23. Matth. 5. 16. God would not concurr so apparently and powerfully with a false doctrine to make so great a change in man nor so far own it as to use it for the doing of the most excellent work in all this world even the gathering him such a Church and sanctifying to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2. 14. If you say that some of the Heathens have been as good I answer 1. The Goodness found in them is but in temperance fidelity and such like and not a holy spirituality or heavenliness no nor a through-conscienciousness in what they knew 2. That good was rare in comparison of that
you Certainly the Law makers would make other Laws then now they do and men would lead other kind of lives And what security you would have of your goods or houses or lives a week from the malice or covetousness of others I cannot imagine You would not dare to travel by the way or look out among men You could not trust your servants nor your wives or husbands because there would be nothing but temporal punishment to restrain them which cunning might escape I do not think but you would rather have servants or neighbours or husband or wife that believe a Life to come then those that do not if you had tryed others but a little while and seen how little they were to be trusted and consequently how bad your opinion is Quer. 16. And I would know Whether you pretend to any honesty and Conscience or not If not you will give us leave to judge of you and trust you accordingly If you do then upon what ground is it possible for you to be honest If you believe no life to come you must take your pleasure here on earth for your chiefest happiness and you cannot believe any proper Government of the world by the Laws Rewards and punishment sufficient to restrain men from their sin Vertue can be no Vertue if God no more regard it and sin is no sin if against no Law Indeed while you live among Believers where vice is in disgrace you may for your credit seem to be vertuous But your Profession alloweth us to judge that you avoid no evil that you dare commit if it do but suit with your fleshly interest He that believeth no Life to come and tells me so doth bid me in effect to suppose him resolved for all the wickedness imaginable so far as he dare and hath temptations and opportunity Are you of this Brutish judgement I shall expect from you then no better then a brutish life and trust you less then I would do a brute because you have more interest and temptation to do evil and more cunning to perform it Are you Brutists in opinion Then you are already habitually perfidious cruel covetous malicious murderers whoremongers thieves lyars and worse if any thing be worse For honest you cannot for shame expect that any should esteem you I will not believe a word you say further then some interest of your own is concerned in the truth of it Qu. 17. If it be not the very Light and Law of Nature that teacheth and obligeth a man to believe a life to come how comes it to pass that all the world except a few Savages and Cannibals and here and there an Apostate among us do universally profess to believe it The Jews the Turks the Heathens of most Nations besides the Christians do all make it an Article of their Belief We differ indeed about the way and yet are all agreed that Godliness and Honesty fearing God and doing Righteousness are necessary but that there is another life we are in almost all the world agreed And will you go against the light of humane Nature it self Or with what face can you expect that here and there such a wretch as you should be though wiser then all the world till you give us better evidence of your wisdom And how justly do they perish that will follow you Quer. 18. Are not those that Believe the Life to come of Holyer lives for the generality then those that do not And whether is it like that God should reveal his mind to them or unto wicked wretches and is it liker that he should forsake all the holy persons of all ages and give them up to deceit in the greatest matters who most diligently study and pray for Knowledge rather then forsake those sensual wretches that wilfully forsake him Quer. 19. Is there not in thy own Conscience at least sometimes some fears yet left of a life to come I believe there is and when thou hast done thy worst thou wilt hardly perfectly overcome them Doth not conscience say O but what if there should be a Hell for the ungodly Where am I then Hearken then to thy Conscience Quer. 20. Dost thou believe that spirits in borrowed shapes have oft appeared unto men and in voio●s spoaken to them to draw them to sin or to perdition If thou do believe it thou maist easily believe that there is a Hell which they are so busie to perswade us to and a Heaven of which they would deprive us If thou believe not that there have been such Apparitions I am able to give thee undenyable testimonies Read what I have said in my Treatise against Infidelity of this Read Remigius Bodin Dan●us Malle●s Maleficorum c. of Witches and Read a little Book called The Devil of Mascon where is abundant testimony of his Vocal conference for about a quarter of a year together in the house of a godly Minister in a populous City before Papists Protestants and all Many I could give you that were done here at home In these twenty Questions I have but endeavoured to prepare you to Believe by shewing you the very Light of Nature But it is a lively faith in the word of God that effectually prevaileth against Infidelity and therefore next let us come to that I will not so much lose my time as to cite particular Texts of Scripture for that which is the very work and drift of the Scripture But because thou canst have no shift in the world for thy Brutish unbelief but by denying the Scripture to be the Word of God I referr thee to that which I have written in the Books forementioned to prove it And at this time shall add to what is there said but these few Questions Qu. 1. If the Scripture be not the Word of God How could it tell us of the making of the world and such like things which none but God alone could tell I know you will say I know not whether it tell us true or not or whether the world were not as Aristotle thought from eternity But tell me this then to pass by the rest now How comes it to pass that in all the world there are no Books or Monuments known of any longer standing then the time that Scripture assigneth to the Creation It is not six thousand years since the Creatiou If the world had lasted thousands and millions of years before is it possible that all its Antiquities should be lost and not one to be seen nor mentioned by man in all the world For the sabulous tales of some in China without all proof are not worth the mentioning Certainly some Book would have been saved or some Cities or lasting piles or stony monuments preserved or some sign or tradition kept alive of some of all those many thousand years If you say that Writing or Printing were not then known you come to that which confounds you more How is it possible that in so many hundred thousand years the
Christ told us that the Devil is thus like a strong man armed that while he keepeth his Palace his goods are in Peace but when a stronger then he shall come upon him and overcome him he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted and divideth the spoils Luke 11. 21 22. The hearts and the Nations that are not conquered by Christ are the Devils Garrisons and possessions Do you think that it is best that he possess them still in Peace Or that the Preachers of Christ that plant his Ordinance against them and batter them till they are forced to yield are therefore busie troublesom fellows What is it for but for your deliverance that are Satans captives at his will 2 Tim. 2. 25 26. 3. And might you not on this ground also account Christ himself the troubler of the world as much and a thousand times more then us For be doth more to disturb men in their sins then any of we and be doth more for Holiness then all the world besides And in this sense he confesseth and fore-tells us that he came not to send Peace but division into the world into Towns and Countries and Families Luke 12. 51 52 53. If we can have no Peace with you unless we will disobey our Lord and serve the Devil and the flesh and damn our own souls and suffer you to do the like then keep your Peace among your selves we will none of that Peace we have no mind to buy your friendship and good words at such a rate If your peace will stand with our peace with God and peace of Conscience we will gladly accept of it If it will not we can be without it Your souls are like sores that may not be searched or a broken bone that must not be set for fear of hurting you You are like men that must have that which would kill them or like children that will cry if they be but taken out of their dung or kept from fire or from knives If we do but cross you in the way to Hell we trouble you and we break the peace Yea and if we will not cast away our souls everlastingly for company And is this the case Is this the breaking of your Peace The Lord will shortly be a Righteous Judge between you and us and tell you who it was that was the Troubler of the Towns and Countries and of the world You find Ahab and Elijah at this contest Ahab takes him for the Troubler of Israel when a heavy famine was among them Elijah saith No but it was Ahab and his Fathers house that had troubled Israel● by their wickedness 1 Kings 18. 17 18. And which think you was in the right the Prophet or the King Why Sirs What is it that Godliness doth that it should be taken for the Troubler of the world when ungodliness is taken for your peace Is it our perswading or hindring you from sin that troubleth you And will not the everlasting fruit of it trouble you more Then even say that washing you or sweeping your houses or curing your sores or sickness or perswading you not to kill your selves is a troubling of you Or is it as the Lord hath told us it will be Matth. 5. 10 11. John 15. 18 19. 1 Pet. 4. 4 5. because we are not such as you and will not do as you do and be of your opinion and forsake our Lord to keep you company Is it not with good reason When we know you cannot save us harmless and will not answer for us before the Lord We know that every man must answer for himself and therefore we durst not trust you if you would promise us to bring us off It is best for you to study better how to answer for your selves But if you are resolved on it that ungodly you will be and that you will venture on Hell to scape a holy life why should not you give us leave to pitty you and to forbear your folly and to save our selves Will it do you any harm that others should be saved Or that others should be Godly Your own sanctification indeed cannot stand with your lusts and fleshly pleasures but another mans may It will take none of your vain-glory or wealth or sensual delights from you that another man is sanctified or devoted unto God And therefore be not angry with us if we obey the Holy Ghost that calleth to us Acts 2. 40. Save your selves from this untoward generation Object O but saith the ungodly crew it was never a good world since there was so much Religion and preaching and preciseness and so much ado about serving God! It was a better world when we had but a short Service read on Sundaies and played and merrily talkt together the rest of the day There was more Love and good neighbourhood then amongst men then there is now There was not then so much deceit and consening and oppressing and covetousness in the world There was more peace and plenty and a better world it was then now Matters of peace and plenty change often in the same age And certainly you have as little hinderance now from being as good as you have a mind to be as ever your fore-fathers had Two things I have to say to your Objection 1. If this be true that the world is so bad which part is it of the world that you mean Is it all or some Not all sure that were too horrible censoriousness to say Then God would presently destroy the world Sodome had one Lot and his family in it Well it is but some then that are so bad And which part is it Is it the Godly or the Ungodly If Godliness be naught then Heaven is naught where there is nothing else And then take it not ill to be shut out If it be the Ungodly that are naught that 's it that I am saying It is time then to leave it and to turn to God Is it not you your selves that make the complaint that are the men that make the world so bad Is is not you that are so Covetous and worldly that you have nothing for the poor and no time to spare for the work that you were made for nor scarce any room to think or speak of the life to come Is it not you that have so little Charity that you even hate men for Loving and serving God and seeking diligently to save their souls It s true that there was never greater wickedness in the world then since there hath been so much Preaching But What is that wickedness and in whom It is the despising and disobeying the calls of God and the hating and neglecting of a holy life Those that are saved by the Gospel may say that it was a happy messageunto them but those that slight it and willfully sin in the openest light may well say that it is a bad world with them and worse it is and will be for ever if they be not converted
Judgements of the Lord God hath begun to take away the reproach of Holiness and through his great mercy to us it is more Honourable in England then formerly it hath been Is it Honoured by you Or are you hardened to perdition Fearfull is the case of him whoever he be that after all the gentle and terrible warnings of the Lord dare think or speak reproachfully of a Holy life Yet hear the calls of the Eternal Wisdom Prov. 1. 20 21 22 c. How long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity and the scorners delight in scorning and fools hate knowledge Turn you at my reproof But mercies and judgements are lost on the hard-hearted Isa 26. 10 11. Let favour be shewn to the wicked yet will he not learn righteousness in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly and will not behold the Majesty of the Lord. When the hand of the Lord is lifted up they will not see but they shall see and be ashamed for their envy at his people and the enemies own fire shall devour them And then as they set at nought his counsell and would none of his reproof but mocked them that feared God so will he also laugh at their calamity and mock when their fear cometh For that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord Prov. 1. 25 26 27 29. I will add but this one word of terror To scorn at Holiness is to scorn at the Holy Ghost whose office or work it is to sanctifie us As the Father hath commanded us to be Holy as he is Holy 1 Pet. 1. 16. and made it his Image on us and as the Son hath come to destroy unholiness 1 John 3. 8. and give us an example of perfect holiness and sanctifie to himself a peculiar people Titus 2. 14. so is it the undertaken work of the Holy Ghost as sent therefore from the Father and the Son to make Holy all that God will save And though I say not that it is the unpardonable Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost to scorn his very work and office yet I say it is a Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost so near that which is unpardonable that the thoughts of it should humble all that have been guilty and make men fear so horrible a sin But Bessed is he that walketh not in the Counsel of the Ungodly ●or standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked but he blesseth the habitation of the just Surely he scorneth the scorners but he giveth grace unto the lowly Prov. 3. 33 34. These are the true sayings of the Lord. I thought not meet to pass by this necessary reproof of the contempt of Holiness which this Land hath been so guilty of and which hath undone so many souls and made such desolations in the Land And now you shall see that I am able to make good the grounds of this reproof and that Holiness is no Dishonourable thing 1. The Holy servants of the Lord have the most Honourable Master in all the world This only is sufficient to weigh down all the Honours of the world if it were ten thousand worlds When the builders of the Temple were asked their names by the Officers of King Darius Ezra 5. 10 11. their answer was We are the servants of the God of Heaven and Earth No King on Earth no Angel in Heaven hath a more honourable Master To be the highest Officer of the greatest Prince is a Title as much more base then this as man is baser then the Infinite God If God can not put sufficient Honour on those that are Related to him tell us who can When Moses went to Pharaoh for the Israelites deliverance he was to speak in the name of the Lord and when Pharaoh spake contemptuously of the Lord as one that he knew not and would not obey how wonderously doth God vindicate his honour his people Let other men be called Knights and Lords and Kings and Emperours may I but be truly called the servant of the God of Heaven I shall not envy them their honours Our relation to so glorious a Majesty doth put an unexpressible Honour upon the poorest person and the lowest works A servant of the Lord is more Honourable in rag● in a smoaky cottage or the meanest state then the Emperour of Constantinople or Tartary is in all their Wealth and Worldly Glory And if you think not so your selves why do you so much honour them when they are dead What was Peter and Paul and the rest of the Apostles but poor despised men in the world that travailed about to preach the Gospel and what was their honour but to be the Holy Servants of the Lords Yet now they are dead you are desirous to keep Holy dayes in an honourable memorial of them and Kings and Princes reverence their names What were the Martyrs whose memories are now so Honourable with us but a company of hated persecuted men that were used by others as Butchers do their beasts and worse But because they were the servants of the Lord and suffered for his truth and cause their names are honourable and the names of their greatest persecutors do even stink It s said of Constantine the Great who himself was Greater by his Holiness then his Victories that he was wont to reverence the Bishops that had been sufferers for Christ and kissed the place where the eye abode that one of them had lost for the Gospels sake The Christian Princes that ruled the world were wont to Honour the poorest mortified retired servants of Christ that had cast off the world as perceiving that he is more Honourable that contemneth it then he that enjoyeth it The nearest to God undoubtedly are the most Honourable 2. Consider that as it is God that the Saints are thus Related to so their Relation is so near and their Titles so exceeding high which God himself hath put upon them that it advanceth them to the greatest height of Honour that men on earth can reasonably expect Yea with holy admiration we must say it so wonderful is the Honour which the Glorious God hath put upon his poor unworthy servants thar they durst not have owned it nor thought such Titles meet for men if God himself had not been the Author of them Nor could they have believed that God would so advance them if he had not both revealed it and given them faith to believe his revelation As if it were not enough for us to be his servants he calleth us his friends Joh. 15. 13 14 15. Greater Love hath no man then this that a man lay down his life for his friends Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you Henceforth I call you not servants For the servant knoweth not what his Lord