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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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latter confession of Heluetia Basill the French and that of Belgia which alone haue expresse titles of these chiefe points of doctrine But these foure to wit the former confession of Heluetia the English that of Auspurge and Wirtemberge do by the waie make mention both of the prouidence of God and also of the creation of the world in the article of God as is to be seene in the 2. Section And the others to wit those of Bohem. Saxonie and Sueueland haue altogether omitted this part of doctrine THE 4. SECTION pag. 59. OF the fall of man of sinne and of free will This Section consisteth of 10. Confessions to wit Of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia of that of Basil Bohemia or the Waldenses the French English that of Belg. Auspurge Saxony and Wirtemb THE 5. SECTION pag. 84. OF eternal Predestination This Section consisteth of foure Confessions onely to wit Of the l●tter Confession of Heluetia that of Basil the French and that of Belgia THE 6. SECTION pag. 88. OF the reparing or deliuerance of man from his fall by Iesus Christ alone Also of his Person names office and the workes of Redemption This Section consisteth of 12. confessions to wit Of the former and latter Confessions of Heluetia that of Basill Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxony Wirtemberge Sueueland THE 7. SECTION pag. 1●0 OF the lawe and the Gospell This Section consisteth of 7. confessions onely to wit Of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia that of Bohemia the French that of Belgia Saxony and Wirtemberge THE 8. SECTION pag. 212. OF Repentance and the Conuersion of man Tihs Section consisteth of 6. Confessions onely to wit Of the latter confession of Heluetia that of Bohem. Auspurge Saxony Wirtemb and Sueueland THE 9. SECTION pag. 242. OF Iustification by faith and of good works and their rewards This Section consisteth of 11. confessions to wit of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia that of Basill Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxony Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 10. SECTION pag. 306. OF the holie Catholique Church This Section consisteth of 11. confessions to wit of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia that of Basill Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 11. SECTION pag. 337. OF the Ministers of the Church and of their calling and office This Section consisteth of 9. confessions to wit Of the former and latter confessions of Heluet. that of Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 12. SECTION pag. 377. OF true and false Sacraments in generall This Section consisteth of 11. confessions Of the former confession of Heluetia and the declaration thereof the latter confess of Heluet. that of Basill Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 13. SECTION pag. 395. OF the Sacrament of holie Baptisme This Section consisteth of 10. confessions to wit Of the former confession of Heluetia and the declaration thereof of the latter con●es of Heluet. that of Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 14. SECTION pag 411. OF the holie Supper of the Lord. This Section consisteth of 11. confessions to wit of the former confession of Heluetia and the declaration thereof of the latter confes of Heluet. that of Basill Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 15. SECTION pag. 464. OF Ecclesiasticall Meetings This Section consisteth of 8. confessions to wit the former and latter confessions of Heluetia that of Bohemia the F e●ch the English that of Saxonie Wirtemberg and Sueueland THE 16. SECTION pag. 47● OF Holie daies fasts and the choise of meats and of the visiting of the sicke and the care that is to be had for the dead This Sect. consisteth of 9. Confess to wit of the latter confession of Heluet. that of Basill Bohemia the French the English that of Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 17. SECTION pag. 516. OF Ceremonies and rites which are indifferent in general This Section consisteth of 11. confessions to wit of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia that of Basill Bohemia the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 18. SECTION pag. 540. OF Wedlock single life and Monasticall Vowes This Section consisteth of 8. confessions to wit of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia that of Bohemia the French the English that of Auspurge and Sueueland THE 19. SECTION pag. 578. OF the Ciuill Magistrate This Section consisteth of 10 confessions to wit of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia that of Basill Bohemia the French that of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland A GENERAL CONFESSION OF THE TRVE CHRISTIAN FAITH AND RELIGION ACCORding to Gods word and actes of our Parliaments subscribed by the Kings Maiestie and his household with sun drie others To the glory of God and good example of all men At Edinborough the 28. day of Ianuarie The yeare of our Lord. 1581. And in the 14. yere of his Maiesties Raigne WE all and euerie one of vs vnder written protest that after long due examination of our owne consciences in matters of true and false Religion are now throughlie resolued in the truth by the word and spirit of God And therefore we beleeue with our hartes confesse with our mouthes subscribe with our handes and constantlie affirme before God and the whole world that this onelie is the true Christian faith and religion pleasing God and bringing saluation to man which is now by the mercie of God reuealed to the world by the preaching of the blessed Euangell and is receaued beleeued and defended by manie and sundrie notable Churches realms but chiefely by the Church of Scotland the Kings Maiestie three Estates of this Realm as Gods eternal trueth onely ground of our saluation as more particularlie is expressed in the confession of our Faith established and publikelie confirmed by sundrie actes of Parliaments and now of a long time hath beene openlie professed by the Kinges Maiestie and wholl bodie of this Realme both in burgh and land To the which confession and forme of Religion we willinglie agree in our consciences in all pointes as vnto Gods vndoubted trueth and veritie grounded onelie vpon his written word And therefore we abhorre and detest all contrarie religion doctrine but chiefelie all kinde of Papistrie in generall and particular heades euen as they are now damned and confuted by the word of God Church of Scotland but especiallie we detest andrefuse the vsurped authority of that Romane Antichrist vpon the Scriptures of God vpon the Church the ci●●ll magistrate and conscience of men all his tyranous Lawes made vpon indifferent things against our Christian libertie his erronious doctrine against the sufficien●● of the written word the perfection
AN HARMONY OF THE CONFESSIONS OF THE FAITH OF THE CHRISTIAN AND REFORMED CHVRCHES which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe Kingdomes Nations and Prouinces of Europe the Catologue and order whereof the Pages following will declare There are added in the ende verie shorte notes in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt they are sincerelie pointed at All which things in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches Newlie translated out of Latine into English Also in the end is added the Confession of the Church of Scotland Alowed by publique authoritie Imprinted by THOMAS THOMAS Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1586. A PREFACE IN THE NAME OF THE CHVRCHES OF FRAVNCE AND BELGIA VVHICH PROfesse the reformation of the Gospell ⁂ AMbrose in a certaine place saith notablie There ought to be no strife but conference among the seruants of Christ. For seeing the dulnes of mans vnderstanding especiallie in heauenlie matters is such that we can not oft times perceiue matters otherwise verie plaine it can by no meanes be denied but that by mutuall conference and friendly and brotherly debating of the matter we come to verie great light And that especiallie seemeth profitable and needful that some should be set on edge by others that those thinges which the Lord hath particularlie bestowed vpon seuerall members of the Church may redound to the common benefit of the wholl bodie and that all sinister affection set a part Christ who is the Fathers wisdome and the onely Master and teacher of the Church may be heard and as he is the Prince of peace may so by his spirit ioyne together our mindes that if it be possible we maie all think● one and the same thing in the Lorde But to striue braule and fiercelie and frowardlie to contend as fensers doe is so farre from becomming men that are taught of god as that it is not seemely for modest or ciuill persons And if so be that in all yea euen in the verie least affaires of mans life that rule of modestie is to be kept what I pray you is to be done when we are in hand with God and Gods matters Surelie holie things are holily and deuoutly to be handled in the feare of god loue of our neighbour Who if he goe out of the way is by the Spirit of me●kenes to be called backe againe but if he take the right waie he is more and more to be instructed therein to the end it may appeare that we are not driuen by any motion of man but that in all things our mindes are ruled and gouerned by God Yet alas such is the spot and staine of our times that the euill custome of writing whatsoeuer and euen of railing hath seised vpon the wits mindes not of meane men onely but euen of those whom i● most of all behooued to doe the cleane contrary The roble of Iesuites and such other like fellows whose verie rewarde is the earnest of bondage and cursed speaking how shameleslie and outragiouslie they are caried against vs and the trueth woh what bitternes they cast out against vs such things as they haue bin taught in the schoole of shamelesnes it ma●e be sufficientlie perceiued of any man For th●y when they feele them selues pressed with moste strong reasons and ouercome with expresse places of scripture they runne to cauills and slaunders as to the onelie refuge of their errours They say wee haue reuolted from the Catholique Church that we might follow the diuers imaginations of men they cr●e aloud that we are heretikes schis●atiques and sectaries and they oft times in mockage cal vs Confessionists and moreouer they la●e in our dish that wee neither agree with our selues nor with others whoe detest the bishoppe of Rome but there are as many Religions among vs as there are Confessions of Faith And that they may seeme to procure credit to themselues and to giue a check to the Germane Churches especiallie they bring forth both certeine other writings and especiallie that Forme of Agreement of late published in Germanie in which there are certaine things to be seene farre differing from those auncient Confessions of Faith which the Churches of the Gospell haue euen since the beginning giuen out But let them so thinke that the fault of heresie is not to be laide vpon those whose faith altogether relieth on moste sure grounds of scripture that they are no schismatiques who intierly cleaue to Gods Church such an one as the Prophets Apostles doe describe vnto vs nor to be accounted sectaries who embrace the truth of God which is one and alwaies like it selfe What doe they mean I praie you by the name of Confessionists so often repeated For if euerie man be commaunded to make confession of his Faith so often as Gods glorie and the edifying of the Church shall require what a wonderfull or strange thing ought it to seeme if Cities if Prouinces if wholl kingdomes haue made profession of their faith when they were falsely charged by the Popish sorte that they had gone from the doctrine of the true beleeuing Church but they will saie there ought to be one confession of faith and no moe as though forsooth a confession of faith were to be valued rather by the words then by the thing it selfe What therefore will they saie to our ancetours who when they had the Apostles Creede yet for all that set out the Nicene Chalcedonian and manie moe such like Creedes Those Creedes saie you were generall Yea surelie but so generall that a great part of the world in those elder times followed the frantique heresies of the Arrians whom the godlie forefathers by setting forth those Creedes desired to bring home into the Church againe The trueth saith Hilarie was by the aduise and opinions of Bishops many waies sought a reason of that which was meant was rendered by seuerall confessions of faith set downe in writing And a litle after It ought to seeme no maruell right welbeloued breethren that mens faiths began to be declared so thick the outrage of heretiques laieth this necessitie vpon vs. Thus much saide Hilarie What that Athanasius Augustine and many other auncients set forth their Creedes also that the puritie of Christian faith might more and more shine sorth Therefore if Kingdoms Cities and whole prouinces haue priuatelie made confession of their faith this was the cause therof for that hitherto the state of times hath not suffered that a generall Councell of all those who professe the reformed religion might be holden But if it once come to passe and the Lord graunt that the Churches maie at length inioy so great a benefit then there may be one onelie confession of faith extant
the Gospell But if they will not doe it let this publique and euerlasting monument witnes to all that come after that we and all of our side are shall be free not onelie from the grieuous reproches with which wee are vndeseruedlie laden but also without blame of all the hurlie burlies and dissentions that haue beene hitherto and that which God forbid are peraduenture like tobe more greeuous vnles it be speedelie preuented on both sides And seeing in this Harmonie we speake not onlie with our owne but euen with the mouth of all those nations whose confessions we haue brought into one forme of one and the same doctrine we hope it will come to passe that not so much the seuerall names of the French Belgia and other Confessions shal hereafter be heard as that one onlie vniuersall simple plaine and absolute Confession of all Churches speaking as it were with one the same tongue of Chanaan shall be seene and that they who were thought to be farre wide as hath hitherto not altogether without desert by reason of ouer many mens priuate writings beene thought of vs and the brethren of the Confession of Auspurge if so be that men keepe within the boundes of the Confessions and all cauilling and sophistrie be laide aside and as well faithfull as fauourable exposition be admitted shall be thought very neerelie to agree in al things And this was the cause why we desired to put the confession of Auspurge together also with that of Saxony Wirtemberge in this Harmonie that it might be the more easilie known that both we agree with them in all particular points of faith and that there are verie few matters hanging in controuersie betweene vs. For concerning that doubt about the Lords Supper in the thing and of the thing i● selfe there is no strife we differ in certaine adiuncts and circumstances of the thing In the thing it selfe I saie we agree although as the gifts of God are diuers so some do more plainly some do not so plain lie and perhaps not so fitlie vtter that which they thinke For we all acknowledge that the holie signes haue not a bare signification but that by the ordinance of God they assure our consciences that the things themselues are as truelie and certainlie giuen of God to all that come as the signes themselues are giuen by Gods minister But this questiō remaineth whether as the signe so also the present thing it selfe be giuen to the body or rather the present signe be giuen to the bodie but the present thing giuen onelie to the minde and faith Againe whether as both be giuen to al so both be receiued of al of some vnto life and of other some vnto death In like sort we all beleeue the true Communication of the true bodie and the true bloode of our Lord Iesus Christ The controuersie standeth in the manner of communicating but who may therefore of right thinke that the holie vnitie of the Churches is to be plucked a sunder That they of our side were alwaies desirous of peace and agreement the historie of the conference at Marpurge and such things as were afterward done in the yeare 1536. doe sufficientlie witnes Moreouer so often as there appeared any hope of agreement it is cleare that there was no other cause but the importunitie of some certaine men why new and sudden braules beeing raised the matter could not come or long continue in that agreement which was hoped for For that we may let passe very many other things although in the beginning it were openlie knowne among all that there was no controuersie betweene vs no not so much as the verie Papists excepted in the opinion about worshipping the mysterie of the holie Trinitie loe about the latter end that vnhappie monster of Vbiquitie came forth which if it be admitted will quite ouerthrow the true doctrine of Christs person and his natures Hence then come the distractions of Churches hence come so deadlie quarrellings But seeing this wholl matter hath beene often handled by verie learned men it is no time for vs to deale any farther therein For it is sufficient for vs to shew in few wordes that our men so farre as was possible alwaies prouided for the peace of the Church Neither truelie hath any man cause after the example of certain moderators such as not long since haue beene why he should perswade himselfe that we would here of this hotch-potch of opinions make a certaine medlie as it were of contrarie qualities But we leaue all thinges wholl that euerie one may so know his owne words beeing compared with the sayings of others that he shall finde nothing forged nothing taken away nothing put to or wrested And to conclude the forme and drift of this wholl work if it be more narrowlie vowed shal not vnworthily be iudged a sound body of christian doctrine framed and alowed by the writings and as it were by ● common councell of the godlie Churches well nigh of all Europe For here all the chiefe points of our Religion beeing discussed and approoued are by the publique authoritie of all the chiefe nations in Christendome with one consent published and knit together yet we must confesse as we afore touched that through the manifolde and busie braulings of priuate persons and glosses as men commonly speak the matter was brought farre from the groundes thereof to things cleane besides the purpose and impertinent For first there beganne to be dealing onely about the supper then it came to Christs Ascension and sitting in heauen and within a while after to the personall vnion of both his natures and what stay will there be in the ende for many by all mens leaue be it spoken seeme to be delighted with this continual striuing that howsoeuer and whatsoeuer it might coste them they might not be vnknowne But it becommeth the Disciples of Christ to seeke peace and to despise glorie For as Bernard saith They that despise peace and seeke after glorie they lose both peace and glorie A way therefore with those speaches I am of Paull I am of Cephas let that one saying be heard I am Christs I am the Churches There is something that may be misliked yet there are verie manie things that may wel be liked the same ground work of faith abideth let therfore the same loue continue and let vs not think much to take them for brethren whome God vouchsafeth to take for sonnes neither let vs despise those for whome Christ despised him-selfe That thing is assuredlie true and very much liked of vs that nothing in holy doctrine is to be thought of smal importance but rather that euen in the least pointes thereof a certeine faith and full assurance is required flat contrarie to the wauering of the Academikes yet we can not like of too too much peeuishnes through which some do straight waie vpon verie smal occasion cal their brethren heretikes schismatikes vngodlie Mahumetanes let these speeches be
perfect and absolute in all pointes and parcells thereof and therefore no other writings of men although neuer so holie no custome no multitude no antiquitie nor prescription of times nor personall succession nor anie councells and to conclude no decrees or ordinances of men are to be marched or compared with these deuine scriptures and bare trueth of God for so much as Gods trueth excelleth al things For all men of their owne nature are lyers and lighter then vanitie it selfe therefore we do vtterlie refuse whatsoeuer things agree not with this moste certaine rule as we haue beene taught by the Apostles when they saie Trie the spirites whether they be of God And If anie come vnto you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not to house c. OVT OF THE SAXONS CONFESSION Of Doctrine Seeing it is most vndoubtedlie true that God out of mankinde doth gather together vnto him selfe a Church vnto eternal life for by his sonne thorugh preaching of that doctrine which is written in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles we plainlie auoutch before God and the wholl Church in heauen and in earth that we do with a true faith embrace all the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and that in that verie naturall meaning which is set downe in the Creedes of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius And these selfe same Creedes and the naturall meaning of them we haue alwaies constantlie embraced without corruption and will by Gods helpe alwaies embrace and in this faith do we call vpon the true God who sending his sonne and geuing cleare testimonies hath reuealed himselfe in his Church ioyning our praier with all Saints in heauen and in earth and our declarations vpon the Creedes are abroade conteining the wholl bodie and ground of doctrine which shew that this our protestation is most true We do also verie resolutelie condemne all brainsick fantasies which are against the Creedes as are the monstrous opinions of heathen men of the Iewes of the Mahometistes of Marcion the Manichees of Samosatenus Seruetus Arrius and those that denie the person of the holie Ghost and other opinions condemned by the true iudgements of the Church OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the holie scipture CHAP. 30. THe holie scripture we call those Canonicall bookes of the olde and new testament of whose authoritie there was neuer doubt made in the Church This scripture we beleeue and confesse to be the oracle of the holie Ghost so confirmed by heauenlie testimonies that If an Angell from heauen preach anie other thing let him be accursed Wherefore we detest all doctrine worship and religion contrarie to this scripture But whereas some men thinke that all doctrine necessarie to be knowne of vs to true and euerlasting saluation is not conteined in this scripture and that the right of expounding this scripture lyeth so in the power of chiefe Bishops that what they according to their owne wil giue out is to be embraced for the meaning of the holie Ghost it is more easelie said then prooued The wholl scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improoue to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be perfect being thoroughlie prepared to euery good worke and Iohn 15. I haue called you friendes for all things that I haue heard of my father haue I made knowne to you and those things which the Apostles receiued of Christ those ha●e they by their preaching published in the wholl world and by their writings deliuered them to posterity It is a plaine case therfore that all things which are needefull to be knowen to saluation are conteined in the Prophets Apostles writings He hath reueiled his owne word in due season by preaching which is all committed to me this is the preaching For the Gospell con●einedth things both things present and things to come as honour pietie and faith yea and all things he ha●h ioyn●l●e comprised in this one word preaching Againe Without authoritie of the scriptures babling hath no credit For seeing the Lord Iesus did many things al are not written as the same holie Euangelist himselfe witnesseth that the Lord Christ both said and did many things which are not written But those things were selected to be written which seemed to suffice for the saluation of those that beleeue For whereas they saie that the right of expounding the scripture lieth in the power of chiefe Bishoppes it is euident that the gift of expounding the scripture is not of mans wisedome but of the holie ghost To euerie man saith Paull is giuen the manifestation of the spirite to profit withall for to one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedome c. But the holie ghost is altogether at libertie and is not tyed to a certaine sort of men but giueth giftes to men according to his owne good pleasure Oh that all the people had power to prophecie and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them Debora a woman the wife of Lapidoth is raised vp to be a prophetesse Againe I am no Prophet nor Proprophets sonne but I am a heardman and a gatherer of wilde figges And yet Amos receiued the holie ghost and was made a-Prophet All these things worketh one and the same spirit distributing to euerie man as he will Manie examples also do witnes that chiefe Bishops haue beene often and verie foulie deceiued wheresore the gift of expounding the scripture is not so tied to the Popes that whosoeuer shall be Pope must needs rightly expound the scripture but the true meaning of the scripture is to be sought in the scripture it selfe and among those that being raised vp by the spirit of God expound scripture by scripture OF COVNCELLS CHAP. 34. WE confesse that Councells ought to haue their iudgements in the Church concerning the holy doctrine of Religion and that the authoritie of lawfull councells is great but the authoritie of Gods worde must needes be the greatest For although the Church haue a sure promise of Christs continuall presense and be gouerned by the holie Ghost yet not euerie assemblie of men maie be taken for the true Church and albert neuer so manie see me often times to come together in the name of Christ yet few are chosen and all haue not faith And as it is wont to fall out in ciuill meetinges so doth it also in meetings of the Church that for the moste part the greater side ouercommeth the better Hether to may be added that the holy Ghost doeth not make men in this life not subiect to sinne but leaueth in them manie and sundrie infirmities Examples also witne that not onelie the Popes but also Councels haue bene deceiued Wherefore seing that the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets is confirmed of god the sentence of no one mā nor of anie assembly of men is to be receiued simplie without trial for the oracle