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A14216 The summe of Christian religion: deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the Catechism autorised by the noble Prince Frederick, throughout his dominions: wherein are debated and resolued the questions of whatsoeuer points of moment, which haue beene or are controuersed in diuinitie. Translated into English by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin editions, together with some supplie of wa[n]ts out of his discourses of diuinitie, and with correction of sundrie faults & imperfections, which ar [sic] as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.; Doctrinae Christianae compendium. English Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Parry, Henry, 1561-1616. 1587 (1587) STC 24532; ESTC S118924 903,317 1,074

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confirming the doctrine of the Church which were but in vaine for vs to doe Fathers and councels ar cited if their sentences had not the force and authoritie of Ecclesiastical doctrine But we neither bring nor receaue the Testimonies of the ancient Church with that mind as if without the authority of the holie Scripture they were sufficient for confirmation of anie point of doctrine Neither yet is the regard had of them in vaine For both they which are rightlie minded after they are instructed by the voice of the Scriptures concerning the truth are yet more confirmed by the Church as by a Testimonie of lower degree and they which attribute more authoritie vnto them then they should or abuse their sayings against the trueth are very wel refuted by the testimonie of them whom they have made their iudges Also they say That order decencie in the Church is necessary Obiection 9 by the commandement of God according as it is said Traditions are order 1 Cor. 14. Let al thinges be done comelie and in order For God is not the author of confusion Now the order and discipline of the Church doth a great part consist in traditions Ecclesiasticall wherefore they conclude that by the violating of these mens consciences are wounded and God offended But as God commaundeth some order to be appointed and kept in the Church Answere Of mere particulars there is no concluding so hath he given a double libertie in it vnto his Church first that it be arbitrarie for the Church to appoint as may bee most commodious for it what order shal be in euerie place and at euery time obserued Then that also after any thing is certainelie ordained may be kept or not kept without hurt of conscience both of the whole Church and of euerie one of the godly if there bee no danger of offence For it is necessarie that euer a difference be put betwixt the commaundements of God by the obseruing whereof God is worshipped and offended by the breaking of them and those things which God hath left to men to appoint neither is worshipped or offended as himselfe pronounceth either by the altering or omitting of them so long as there is no cause or danger of offence And the same Apostle Gal. 5. who commandeth all things to be done comelie and in order willeth vs to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made vs free and that we should bee condemned of no man in meate or drink or in respect of an holy day Wherefore not they who without contempt of diuine things or wantonnes or danger of offence doe something otherwise in there things then is appointed but they rather offend against the commaundement of God concerning keeping order who either woulde haue no order in the Church or trouble that which is wel appointed Obiection 10 Obscure things do not suffice without interpreration Aunswere The minor is false if they respect the ground These men find fault also with the obscuritie of the holy Scriptures which they proue both by exāples of hard places of Scripture also out of the second epistle of Peter cap. 3. where it is said That there are some thinges hard to be vnderstood in the epistles of Paul And therefore since that thinges darckly spoken without they bee expounded can not suffice to perfect and wholesome doctrine they vrge that the interpretation of the Church also is necessarily to bee receaued with the Scripture But here aboue all thinges they iniurie the holie Ghost ascribing darkenes obscuritie vnto him who of purpose endeuoured to applie himselfe in simplicitie of speech to the capacitie of the common people and the rudest For those thinges which appertaine to the ground of doctrine which is necessarie to be knowen of all as are the articles of our beleefe the tenne commaundementes they are so plainly recited so often repeated so plentifully expounded in the Scriptures that they are open and easie to any but to him who will not learne euen as the 119. Psalm teacheth Where the woorde of the Lord is called a Lanterne to our feete and a light to our pathes Againe The enterance into thy woordes sheweth light and giueth vnderstanding to the simple And 2. 1 Instance The ground of doctrine is vnknown to manie Peter 1. The woorde of the Prophets is called a light shining in a darke place To which yee doe well saith hee that yee take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place vntill the day dawne and the day starre arise in your hartes And Salomon in the first of the Prouerbes affirmeth that hee writeth to giue the simple sharpnesse of witte and to the child knowledge and discretion Again that wisedome crieth without uttereth her voice in the streetes Paul also 1. Cor. 1. saith that Christ sent him to preach the Gospell not with wisedome of woordes least the crosse of Christ should be made of none effect The ground therefore and summe of doctrine is not obscure except it bee vnto the reprobates who contemne the truth or stubburnlie reiect it as the Apostle saith 2. Cor. 4. If our Gospell bee hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded their mindes that is of the infidels that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ should not shine vnto thē And the prophet Esai 65. and the Apostle Rom. 10. All the day long haue I stretched foorth my handes to a disobedient and gainsaying people And Psalm 36. The woordes of his mouth are iniquitie and deceite he hath left off to vnderstand and to doe good And Mat. 11. I giue thee thankes o Father Lord of Heauen and Earth because thou hast hidde these thinges from the wise men and men of vnderstanding and hast opened them vnto babes Now if they replie againe 2 Instance Diuine matters are obscure vnto al men that diuine matters are hard and obscure to all men as it is said 1. Cor. 2. The naturall man perceiueth not the thinges of the spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know thē because they are spiritually discerned they should first haue called to mind that this ignorance and hardnes riseth not of the obscuritie of the scripture but of the blindnes of mans mind and furthermore that this obscuritie since in verie deed it is not in the Scripture but seemeth to bee the fault of our nature doth not alwaies remaine in those who are regenerate but is remoued from them by the illumination of the holie Spirite according to those sayinges Luc. 8. It is giuen vnto you to know the secrets of the kingdome of God but to others in parables that when they see they should not see when they heare they should not vnderstand And 2. Cor. 3. Vntil this day when Moses is read the vaile is laid ouer their hartes Neuerthelesse when their hart shall be turned vnto the Lord the vaile shal
creation of mankind and the first beginnings of the Church in paradice yea the woord is that immortall seede of which the Church was borne The Scripture is first in nature as the cause The Church therefore could not bee except the woord were first deliuered Now when wee name the holy Scripture wee meane not so much the characters of the letters and the volumes but rather the sentences which are conteined in them which they shal neuer be able to prooue to be of lesse antiquitie then the Church For albeit they were repeated and declared often after the beginning of the gathering of the Church 2. Answere The Maior is false A yonger workmā may be more skilful than an elder yet the summe of the Law Gospell was the same for euer To conclude neither is that which they assume alwaies true That the autority of the ancienter witnes is greater thā of th● yōger For such may be the conditiō quality of the yonger witnes that he may deserue greater credit then the ancienter Christ being man bare witnes of himselfe Moses also and the Prophets had long time before borne witnes of him neither yet is the autoritie therefore greater no not of all the other witnesses then of Christ alone In like sort the Church witnesseth that the holy Scripture which wee haue is the woord of God The Scripture it selfe also doth witnes of it selfe the same but with that kinde of witnes that is more certaine and sure than all the othes of Angels and men There is alleadged also to this purpose a place 1. The pillar of truth to Timot Obiection 4 3. Where the Church is called the pillar and ground of the truth But since the Scripture doth teach otherwhere and that not once that the foundation of the Church is Christ and his word it is manifest inough that the Church is the pillar of the truth not a foundamentall or vpholding piller but a ministeriall that is a keeper and spreader of it abroad and as it were a mansion place or sure seat which might carrie the truth left with her and committed vnto her in the open face of all mankinde Acts. 9. Gal. 2. 1 Thes 2. 2 Thes 1. Tit. 1. euen as the holy Apostle Paul was called an elect vessell to beare the name of God before the gentiles and kinges neither yet did Paul get credit vnto the Gospell but the Gospell vnto Paul So likewise are the Apostles termed pillars Galat. 2. not that the Church rested on their persons but that they were the chiefe teachers of the gospell and as it were the chieftaines and maisters of doctrine For a man is not bound to beleeue those that teach on their bare woord but for the proofes which they bring of their doctrine Furthermore they alleage a sentence of Austin out of Obiection 5 his booke entituled against the Epistle of the foundation A place of Augustine 1 Answere An example maketh no rule chap. 5. I saith Augustine would not beleeue the Gospell except the authoritie of the catholicke Church did mooue mee thereunto But first if it were true that either Austin or some others did giue credence vnto the Gospell onely for the Churches autoritie yet might there not bee fashioned a rule hence of that which all men either did or ought to doe But that this is not the meaning of Austine 2 Aunswere He speaketh of himselfe as yet not cōuerted or not sufficientlie confirmed which these mē wold haue they do easily perceaue who weigh both the whole course of this place the phrase of speech which is vsual vnto Austen For Austen going about to shew that the Manichees were destitute of al proof of their doctrine first he opposeth one who as yet beleeueth not the gospel and denieth that such a one is able any way to be conuicted by the Manichaeans for he were to be conuicted either by argumentes drawen out of the doctrine it selfe of which the Manichaeans haue none or by the consent of the catholike Church from which themselues were departed for example sake he proposeth himselfe who should not haue had beleeued the Gospel except the authoritie of the catholik Church had moued him thereunto Austen therefore speaketh this not of himselfe as hee was then when hee writ these things against the Manichaeans but of himselfe before hee was yet conuerted or not sufficiently confirmed And that hee speaketh not of the present but of the time past the words that follow do manifestly declare whom then I beleeued when they said Beleeue the Gospel why should I not beleeue them when they say Beleeue not a Manichean For hence it appeareth that when he saith he was mooued especially by the authority of the Church he meaneth it of that time at which he obeied the Churches voice that is departed from the Manichaeans vnto the true Church But after that once he was conuerted and had perceaued the truth of doctrine that his faith was not now any more builded on the authoritie of the Church but on a far other foundation himselfe is a most sufficient witnes for vs whereas in the selfesame book Therefore he did beleeue the Church especially before he was able to perceiue it cap. 14. he saith on this wise Thou hast purposed nothing els but to commend that thy selfe beleeuest and to laugh at that which I beleeue And when as I of the other side shal commend that which myselfe beleeue laugh at that which thou beleeuest what dost thou thinke we must determine or do but euen to shake handes with them who bid vs to know certaine things and afterward will vs to beleeue things that are vncertain and let vs follow them who bid vs first to beleeue that which as yet we are not able to perceaue that being more enhabled by faith it self we may discerne to vnderstand that which we do beleeue not men now but God himselfe inwardly strengthning and illightning our mind Wherefore they do manifest iniury vnto Austen who draw that which himselfe confesseth of himselfe when hee was not yet conuerted or was but weake vnto that time when he affirmeth far otherwise not of himselfe onely but of al the godly For so reuerent a regard ought we to haue of the worde of God and such also is the force and efficacy of the holie spirit in confirming the harts of beleeuers that we beleeue God yea without any creatures Testimony euen as Elias forsooke not god 1. Reg. 19. The application of the answere no not when he thought that himselfe only was left aliue of the true worshippers of God If therefore either Austen or whosoeuer els being not as yet conuerted vnto religiō nor as yet hauing experiēce of the certainty of it in his hart That followeth not which they would 1 Because there is more in the Consequent than in the Antecedent 2 Because thereis a fallacy of the Accident A declaration of the like example 1 The
not knowing the scriptures neither were they the true Church though they seased vpon the name and place of it 2 Answere Vniuersallie Secondly the true Church indeede erreth not vniuersallie For alwaies the light of the truth especially concerning the foundation of doctrine is preserued in some mens minds wherupon the Church is called the pillar and ground of truth But yet neuertheles some also of the godly oftentimes fall into errors through ignorance and infirmitie yet so that they hold the foundation neither doe they defend their erronious opinions contrarie to their conscience and at length they forsake them euen as it is said If anie man builde vpon this foundation gold 1 Cor. 3. Ephes 4. 1 Cor. 12 siluer c. And Philip. 3. If ye bee otherwise minded God shal reueile euen the same vnto you Last of al there is giuen vnto euery man grace according vnto the measure of the gift of Christ And the spirit distributeth to euerie man seuerallie as he wil. The Apostles before they had receiued the holie Ghost at Whitsontide were the liuely members of the Church yet erred they concerning the kingdom office of the Messias There were of the Chiliasts opinion great men in the Church as Pasias Irenaeus Apollinarius Tertullian Victorinus Lactantius Methodius Martyr And therefore although the Church er not vniuersallie yet oftentimes some of her members erre when as they swarue from the woord which God suffereth not seldome to happen vnto them for to keepe vs beeing warned of our weakenes and blindnes in modestie and his true feare and in daily inuocating of him and withal to teach vs that the truth of doctrine is not to be measured by the title of the church but by the woord deliuered of him by the handes of the Prophets and Apostles as it is said Thy woord O Lord is a lanterne vnto my feet Psalm 119. and a light vnto my pathes Likewise 1 Tim. 6. Keepe that which is committed vnto thee and auoid profane and vaine bablinges This ground beeing once laied 7 Obiection The Church ought to obey Bishops by the commandement of God that so far foorth the Church erreth not as it doth not swarue from the written woord of God it is easy to answere to that which they make shew of to the contrarie that the Church is ruled by Bishops and therefore must obey them as it is saied Act. cap. 20. Take heede vnto all the flocke whereof the holy Ghost hath made you ouerseers to gouerne the Church of God And Mat. 18. If hee refuse to heare the Church let him bee vnto thee as an heathen man and a Publicane Luc. 10. Hee that heareth you heareth mee and hee that despiseth you despiseth mee And to the Hebrewes 13. Obey those who beare rule ouer you For both they must rule and the Church must obey them according vnto the prescript of Gods woord as it is said If any man preach any other doctrine let him bee accursed Aunswere Necessarilie in those 〈◊〉 things which belong to the ministery frely in traditions Gal. 1. Whatsoeuer therfore the ministers propound out of the woord of God vnto the Church wee must of necessity obey it that which the Lord teacheth Matt. 23.2 when hee saieth The Scribes the Pharisees sit in Moyses chaire All therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe For they sit in Moses chaire who teach Moses doctrine in the Church If also they ordaine any thinges indifferen● and of a middle sort which are profitable these also are to be obserued for maintaining of order and auoiding of offence But if they require vs to beleeue or obserue thinges repugnant to the woord of God or thinges that are in their owne nature indifferent with putting an opinion of necessitie in them and of woorshipping of God they sit no longer in Moses chaire but in the chaire of scorners and of them it is said Iohn 10. The sheepe heard them not Likewise 1. Tim. 4. In the latter times some shall depart from the faith and shal giue heed vnto the spirites of error And that the decrees of the Bishops also are not to bee receaued among the precepts and decrees of the Church is confirmed by the example of the ciuill magistrate whose iust good Lawes binde the cōsciences of the subiects 1 Inst For the dissimilitude of the examples consisteth in that that God himselfe by expresse woorde hath decreed a necessitie of obedience to the Lawes and commandements of the ciuil magistrate 1 Instance The magstrate doth bind the consciences therfore Bishops which are not repugnant vnto his Law but hath giuen a liberty of conscience in traditions of the Church so that he pronounceth himselfe to be angrie with him who obeieth not ciuil magistrats as long as they command nothing repugnant to his Lawes but not with them which without offence do contrarie to the constitutions of Bishops For of the magistrate it is said Rom. 13. We must obey him for conscience sake But of thinges indifferent in the Church Coloss 2. Let no man condemne you in meat or drink or in respect of a holy daie 2 Instance The higher power doth more bind 1 Answere Likewise Gal. 5. Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made vs free Now if againe they reply that the office of Bishops is aboue the ciuil power and therefore hath greater force then that to bind men to obey first we graunt that more obedience is due vnto the superior power then to the inferiour as long as it commaundeth nothing contrarie to Gods woorde As long therefore as the ministers propound the word of God vnto the Church and for auoiding of offence commaund such thinges to be obserued as appertaine to decencie and order they do not now offend against them but against God whosoeuer obey them not But if they require their lawes concerning thinges indifferent to be obserued with putting an opinion of necessitie in them and of the worship of God and do make them necessarie when there is no danger of offence to ensue Because this charge is contrarie to the word of God no obedience is due vnto it Further we confesse that greater obedience is due vnto the superiour power in those things in which it is superiour that is in which God would haue other powers to obey it But the ministerial power is superiour vnto the ciuil in those things which belong properly vnto the ministerie that is which are of God deliuered commaunded and committed vnto the ministers that by them they may bee declared vnto the Church But of matters indifferent concerning which nothing is either commanded or forbidden of God the ciuil power is superiour by reason of the authoritie which God in these matters hath giuen vnto the ciuil magistrate and not to the ministers of the Church Obiection 8 But against this they returne againe That wee also doe alleadge the Testimonies of councels fathers in
said to be the king of that kingdome as he is Mediatour 4 Who are the Citizens or Subiects of gods kingdome THE citizens of this kingdome are 1. The Angels in heauen confirmed and established in grace 2. The blessed Saints in Heauen who are called the Church triumphant 3. The Godly or conuerted in this life who haue as yet certaine remaines of sinne and are called the Church militant 4. Hypocrites namelie the Called of the visible Church onelie but not Elected These are counterfeit and apparaunt citizens to the outwarde shewe who indeede are not the citizens of Christs kingdome but onelie in name but are in truth the bondslaues of the Diuel Hypocrites notwithstanding are called the citizens of this kingdome as the Iewes are termed by Christ the sonnes and children of the kingdome Of these is it saide The First shall be last that is they who will be accounted first and yet are not shal be last 5 What are the Lawes of this kingdome THE Lawes whereby this kingdome is administred and gouerned are 1. The woorde of god or the doctrine of the Lawe and Gospel 2. The efficacie of the holie ghost in our hearts 6 What benefites are bestowed on the subiectes of this kingdome THERE is no kingdome which hath not regard vnto the commodities of the subiectes And Aristotle writeth to Alexander A kingdome is not Jniurie but bountifulnes Wherefore this kingdome hath also his proper goods and commodities Those are the spiritual and eternal benefites of Christ as tru faith conuersion remission of sins righteousnes preseruation therein and the continuaunce of the holy ghost glorification life euerlasting Ioh. 8.36 Jf the Sonne shall make ye free ye shal be free indeed 7 Who are the enemies and foes of this kingdome THE enemies of this kingdome are the Diuels and wicked men Now of wicked men some are in the church as hypocrits who challenge to thēselues the name title of the kindgdome when as they are nothing lesse others are without the church and professed enemies as Turkes Iewes Samosatenians Arrians whosoeuer defend errors against the grounds and foundations of religion 8 Jn what place this kingdome is administred THIS kingdome as concerning the beginning or gathering thereof is administred here on earth yet so that it is not in any one certain place Iland Prouince but is spred through the whole world 1. Timo. 2.8 J wil that the men praie euerie where Matth. 18.20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am J in the midst of them Wee neuer go out of this kingdome if we abide in true faith This kingdome as touching the consummation or perfection thereof is administred in heauen Ioh. 14.3 And although I go to prepare a place for you J wil come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there maie yee bee also Ioh. 12.26 Where I am there shal also my seruant be Ioh. 17.24 Father I wil that they which thou hast giuen me be with me euen where I am 1. Thes 4.17 We shal be caught vp to meete the Lord. 9 What is the time of the durance and continuaunce of this kingdome THE beginning and gathering of this kingdom dureth from the worlds beginning vnto the end thereof because there are alwaies in this world some members of the Church whether few or many The consummation or perfection of this kingdome shall endure from the glorifieng of the godly vnto al eternity 1. Corint 15.24 Then shall be the end when hee hath deliuered vp the kingdome to god euen the father which is to be vnderstoode as was before obserued as touching this forme of administration of that kingdome 10 How this kingdome commeth THIS kingdom commeth to vs foure wais 1. By the preaching of the gospel whereby is reueiled the light of the true heauenly doctrine 2. By conuersion when some are conuerted and are endued with faith and repentaunce 3. By making progresse or encrease when the godlie receiue encrease or vvhen the proper giftes and blessings of the faithful are augmented vvith perpetuall encrease in the godly or conuerted Reuelat. 22.11 He that is righteous let him be righteous stil and hee that is holy let him bee holy still 4. By consummation and ful accomplishment vvhen the godly shal be glorified in the second comming of our Lorde Reuel 22.20 Euen so come Lord Jesus 11 Why we are to desire that the kingdome of god come WE ought to desire that the kingdome of god come 1. For the glorie of god or in respect of the first petition because that wee may sanctifie hallow his name it is required that he rule vs by his word spirit For except god erect in vs this his kingdome deliuer vs out of the kingdome of the diuell we shall neuer hallowe sanctify his name but rather shall defile pollute it 2 Because god will giue this kingdome onlie to those that aske it like as he giueth the holie ghost vnto them onlie that aske him THE THIRD PETITION THY will be doone in earth as it is in heauen The wil of god signifieth 1 The commandement of god Psal 103.21 Yee his seruants that do his will 2 It signifieth euents or rather gods decree concerning future euents Mat. 26.39 Not as J will but as thou wilt Isa 46.10 My counsell shall stand And I will doe whatsoeuer I will Thy will bee doone that is Cause that vve men may doe thy vvill and obey thee The special Questions in this petition 1 What wee heere desire WE desire here 1 A denial of our selues which cōsisteth of two parts The first is That we maie be readie to renounce all our owne affections which are disagreeing from the lawe of god and that God will giue vs his grace whereby we may be able to denie our owne corrupt wil and denie all things which are repugnaunt to the will of God The second is That we maie be readie to execute the will of God and to vndergoe our Crosse and to subscribe and submit our selues willingly vnto god in all things 2 We desire the performance of the deitie and calling both of all in generall and of each in seuerall that namely wee may rightly and duely perfourme the duetie committed vnto vs whether common or proper that euery one may cheerfully serue god in his calling and execute his will Vnto god be committed the care concerning our euents but let vs care to doe those labors which properly belong vnto vs. 3 We desire Euents such as are not contrarie to gods will that is that such things may come to passe which so please god 4 We desire a blessing and prospering of our actions counsels For god will haue vs also to desire of him that hee wil vouchsafe to prosper wel our actions counsels studies labors and endeuours that he wil for his exceeding goodnes so direct our labours that no other euents may follow them but such as himselfe knoweth may most serue for
easily imagine in him the gouernment of al things in the woorlde as being partly hard or impossible and partly as vnwoorthie of God and lastly by reason of confusions sins al which euils would seeme to haue God their author if it should be granted that God gouerned all thinges we find experience euerie one both in our selues and others how hardly the true Doctrine concerning Gods prouidence getteth place in the minde and that naturall light sufficeth not to the right vnderstanding thereof so great varietie of opinions and errors concerning this point of doctrine dooth sufficiently declare Now there are of these three sorts especially 1 The Epicures will haue either no prouidence at all Errors concerning Gods prouidence or onely of those thinges which are and are doone in the lower partes of the world 2 The Stoickes haue deuised in steede of prouidence an absolute necessitie and order of all thinges being in the verie nature of things whereunto not onlie al other things but god himselfe also is subiect 3 The Peripatetiques did imagine that God indeede dooth beholde and vnderstand all thinges but yet dooth not order and rule all thinges but mooueth the celestiall motions and dooth by them send downe by waie of influence some power and vertue vnto the lower partes of nature but the operations themselues or motions depend of the matter and of the wils of men that is they will haue the prouidence of GOD to bee a prescience or foreknowlege in god of al things but not a will decreeing causing and ruling al things Contrarily The Church teacheth out of the worde of God that nothing is extant and commeth to passe in the whole world but by the certaine and definite though yet most free and most good counsail and purpose of God Which that it may the better bee vnderstoode these three questions are to bee considered 1 Whether there be any prouidence of God 2 What the prouidence of God is 3 Why the knowledge thereof is necessarie 1 WHETHER THERE BE ANY PROVIDENCE OF GOD. The prouidence of God certaine and not to bee doubted of It is manifest that they who deny Prouidence take away religion and the whole woorshippe of God For if God dooth not respect and rule humane affaires then neither were good things to be desired of him neither were hee to be praised for them receiued who doth not giue them neither his anger to be feared who doth not punish neither were we to liue according to his will who requireth not obedience nor maketh or keepeth anie difference betweene the good and bad These therefore are the first and most knowen and most certaine grounds and principles of al religion That there is a God and that there is prouidence that is that God knoweth and ruleth those thinges which are and are done in the world and especially mankinde as beeing the chiefe and principall part of the world Neither yet doth the whole Scripture therefore so many waies inculcate Gods gouernment of all thinges as if their own conscience did not conuince euerie man of it but that it might the more confirme in vs the beleefe perswasion of a thing most certaine and most necessary to be knowen teach vs that which men know not of it and correct that which they vnderstand amisse Testimonies of scripture for Gods prouidence There are two sorts of arguments proofs whereby is confirmed that there is a prouidence of God First it is proued by testimonies of Scripture Act. 17.21 He giueth to al life breath and all thinges and a little after In him wee liue and mooue and haue our being Matth. 10.29 Are not two Sparrowes sold for a farthing and one of them shal not fall on the ground without your father Yea and all the haires of your head are numbered Like to these are found infinite testimonies in the Scripture not onely as concerning the generall rule but also as concerning particular examples For there is almost no point of heauenly Doctrine which is more diligently inculcated vrged in the old Testament than the Doctrine of Gods prouidence So in Ier. 27. God reasoneth from the generall to the particular that is from the rule it selfe to the exāple The general is I haue made the earth the man and the beast that are vpon the ground and haue giuen it vnto whom it pleased me And presently he adioyneth the particular Now haue I giuen all these landes into the handes of Nabuchadnezzar the king of Babel my seruant Moreouer the prouidence is confirmed by reasons Reasons of philosophie for proofe of the same which are in such sort Philosophicall as that also the Scripture often vseth the same Of these there are two sorts whereof one demonstrateth the thing that is in question from the woorkes or effectes of GOD the other from the attributes or properties or nature of God whereon as their proper cause those effects depend Yet more knowen proofes and more common and obiect are those which are drawen from the woorkes or effectes of god For by these as being more knowen vnto vs we learne and knowe the cause it selfe euen the nature and properties of God then after wee knowe the cause we returne backe againe from it to the effectes and demonstrate them by this and haue distinct and perfect knowledge thereof And both these proofes and reasons are demonstratiue necessarily and irrefragably proouing that which is in question and common to Philosophy with Diuinity But the properties and workes of God are better knowen of them which are in the Church than of them which are without And furder the prouidence of God is proued almost by the same arguments whereby it is shewed that there is a God The reasons drawen from the workes or effects of God for proofe of his prouidence 1 THE order which is in the nature of things that is 1 Order the most apt disposing of all the parts the succession of motions and actions continuing by certaine and perpetual Laws and courses and seruing for the preseruation of the whole and for those ends whereunto thinges were ordained This order proceedeth not from a mere sensible nature neither commeth it by chance or fortune but contrarie hee must needes be most wise who appointed and setled this order in the nature of things and so he also who by his prouidence gouerneth and ruleth nature Psal 8 2 Th● minde 2 The minde and vnderstanding which is in Angels and men Man which is as it were a litle worlde is ruled by a minde and vnderstanding much more then is the great woorlde gouerned by diuine prouidence as in the administring whereof more wisedome is required Whence it is saide Psalm 94.9 Hee that planted the eare shall hee not heare Or hee that formed the eie shall he not see 3 The natural knowledge of the law 3 The naturall notions of principles engraffed in our minds o the Lawe of nature or the difference betweene
writing by S. Paul himselfe So Paul saith of the Lordes supper 1. Cor. 11.23 I haue receiued of the Lord that which also J haue deliuered vnto you But this tradition after the Euangelistes himselfe also hath set downe in writing The Iesuites cite the saying of Paul 2. Thes 3.6 Withdraw your selues frō euery brother that walketh inordinately and not after the tradition which hee receiued of vs. But a little after in the same chapter hee describeth what tradition he meaneth as it is manifest to him that looketh on the place And yet will they thence prooue that many thinges are to bee beleeued which can not bee proued by anie testimonie of Scripture The like impudencies they shewe in another testimony taken out of Luke Act. 16.14 They deliuered them the decrees to keep ordained of the Apostles Elders which were at Jerusalem When a little before Cap. 15.23 he witnesseth that those decrees were set downe in letters written by the Apostles But wee are to keepe and hold the notes and marcks before set downe First in respect of Gods glorie that enimies may be discerned from Sonnes Secondly In respect of our own saluation that we may ioine our selues to the true Church For there are three sorts of men 1 They who openly professe and declare themselues to be enimies 2 Hypocrits 3 The company of the Elect chosen 4 Why the Church is called holy and Catholicke THE Church is called Holy The church holy in respect of Christs holinesse imputed and their own begun Catholique in respect of place and time 1 Because Christes sanctification is imputed vnto it 2 Because al his members haue begunne al the parts of obedience It is called Catholicke 1 In respect of places because it is spread through the whole world For there is one Vniuersall Church of all places degrees of life neither is it tied to a certaine place kingdome or to certain succession 2 In respect of times Because there is but one true Church of all times which also is at all times so Catholicke as that it is dispersed through the whol world nether is at any time tied to any certain place Jt is not called Catholicke because it possesseth many kingdomes For Catholicke is a title giuen vnto the Church in the Apostles time for before time the Church was limited within narrowe bondes Nowe that there is but one Church of al times and ages from the beginning of the world vnto the end it is out of doubt For 1 It is manifested that the Church hath euer been Neither can Abrahams daies be obiected as if before he was called there had beene no worship of the true God in his familie and himselfe had beene after his calling alone without anie others For before his calling he held the foundations and grounds of Doctrine of the true God though it were darkned with superstitions mingled therewith Againe Melchisedec liued at the same time who was the Priest of the most high God and therefore neither was Abraham after his calling alone but there were others besides him worshippers of the true God whose priest was Melchisedec 2 That the Church as it hath beene euer so shall also continue euer appeareth by these testimonies Isay 59.21 My woordes shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed Ier. 33.20 If the night and day may bee chaunged then shall my couenant also be changed Mat. 28.20 I am with you alway vntill the end of the world Moreouer Christ was euer and euer shal be King Head and Priest of the Church Wherefore the Church was euer and euer shall be And hence also it is manifest That the Church of both testaments is one and the same that which is confirmed also by the article folowing For Christ is the sanctifier of his Church who is common to men of both testaments Hither appertaineth the Question of the authoritie of the Church Which I omit In this we wil consider here onely that opinion or saying The church doth not erre How the church may bee saide not to erre Which is true after this sort First the whole doth not erre though some members thereof doe er Secondly it doth not erre Vniuersally although in some pointes of Doctrine it may Thirdly It erreth not in the foundation 5 In what the Church differeth from the common-weal 7 Differences betweene the Church and common-weale THE Church differeth from the common-weal 1. Because common-weales are distinct and kingdomes of the world in diuerse places and times The Church is alwaies one and the same at all times and with all men 2. The kingdomes and states of the world haue many Heads or one chiefe Heade and many other inferiour Heades besides and that on earth The Church hath but one and that in heauen 3. The common-wealth is gouerned by certaine lawes made for the maintenance of outwarde peace and tranquillity The Church is ruled by the Holy Ghost the worde of God 4. The common-wealth or ciuill state requireth outward obedience onely The Church requireth both as well inwarde obedience as outwarde 5. In ciuill states and common-weales there is power and libertie to make new lawes positiue by the authoritie of the magistrate the violating of which lawes bindeth mens consciences and deserueth corporal punishmentes The Church is tied to the woorde of God vnto which it is not lawfull to adde ought or to detract ought from it 6. The ciuill state hath corporall power where-with it is armed against the obstinate disobedient For he may and ought by force to curb these and to punish them by the sword The Church punisheth by denouncing of Gods wrath out of the worde of God 7. Jn the Church are alwaies some Elect Holie but not alwaies in the common-wealth 6 Whence ariseth the difference of the Church from the rest of mankinde THE cause of the difference is the Election of God Election putteth the difference betweene the Church and others Act. 14.16 Jn times past god suffered all the Gentiles to walke in their owne waies Rom. 9.18 God hath mercie on whom he will and whom he will he hardeneth Ioh. 6.37 Al that the Father giueth me shal come to me Rom. 8.29.30 Those which hee knew before he also predestinate to be made like to the Image of his Sonne and whom he predestinate them also he called By these wordes we are also taught that the promise of grace is generall in respect of the Elect or beleeuers God verilie would haue all to be saued and that Rom. 11.7 1 Jn respect that he loueth the saluation of all But the Elect only haue attained to that saluation 2 In respect that he inuiteth al to saluation But the rest haue beene hardened The Efficient cause then of this difference is the Election of God willing to gather vnto himselfe a Church in earth Secondly the Sonne is a mediate executour of this will and purpose The holy ghost immediate Thirdly The
the signe of his renewing or regeneration is baptisme Afterwards when he is once renewed and borne again he must be fostered and nourished by the bodie and bloude of Christ the signe of which nourishing is the supper Now it is one and the same Christ who both regenerateth and nourisheth vs to eternal life And albeit it is the same participation of christ namely both the Washing away of sins by the bloud of christ The same thing is sealed in Baptisme and the Supper but the manner of ●e●ling is diuers which is represented in Baptisme and the Eating and drinking of the body and bloud of Christ which is confirmed vnto vs in the Supper yet notwithstanding that signification of our new birth is sealed by the dipping of our bodie into the water of Baptisme and this of our maintenance and preseruation is d●painted and sealed by the eating and drinking of bread and wine in the Supper And therefore the thing signified of the sacramentes is not diuerse because it is the same to bee washed with the bloud of christ and to drinke the bloud of Christ But the manner of sealing one and the s●me thing is diuerse 3 In baptisme is required confession of faith and repentance in the Elder sort in Jnfants it is sufficient if they be borne in the church seing they that are born in the Church are therefore reputed for regenerate or members of the church because they haue an inclination to faith repentance But in the supper is added a further cond ti●n of examining himselfe and of remembring the Lords death Doe this in remembraunce of mee Let a man examine himselfe Baptisme therefore is due vnto the whole Church vnto infants who are the children of faithfull Parents no lesse than the elder sort enrolling themselues and giuing their names to Christ The supper is graunted to such onely as are beleeuers and repentaunt 4. Baptisme must goe before and the supper follow Whereupon in the auncient church after the Sermno w●re dimissed such as were excommunicated likewise those that were possessed or troubled with an euill spirite and the Catechumens that is such as old not as yet vnderstand the g●ounds and principles of r●ligion or were not as yet baptised So of old they who were not yet circumcised did not obserue the sacrifices or ceremonies Nowe if they who were baptised before they haue made conf●ssion of their faith and repentaunce are not as yet to bee admitted vnto the supper much lesse are they who being baptised liue after the manner of swine and dogges 5. Baptisme is not to bee rei●erated but once onely to bee receiued in our life time The supper is often to be receiued of vs Because baptisme is a signe of our receiuing into the church and couenaunt and the couenaunt once made is not againe vndoone or made voide to those that repent but remaineth ratified and firme for euer The supper is a confirmation of our faith concerning the eternall continuance of the couenant which confirmation is necessary and therefore the supper is often to be iterated Hereof it is that the Apostle saith of the supper As often as ye shall eat this bread and drinke this cup yee shew the Lords death til he come But of baptisme he saith That al wee which haue beene baptized into christ haue beene baptized into his death And Christ Hee that shal beleeue and shal be baptised shal be saued And seeing also the supper was therefore to be instituted that in it shoulde be made a publique remembrance recounting shewing of Christs death it is often to be celebrated 6 What is the sense or meaning of the words of the institution of our Lordes supper HEre are both those very odious questions conteined concerning the sense of Christes woords in his supper The Transubsta●●●● and Consubstantiaries relie not on the simple meaning of Christes words The Transubstantiaries together with the Consubstantiaries doe bost and glorie that they vnderstand the woords of Christ simply and aright But neither perfourme that which they brag and boast of For that is the true simplicity and propriety of the woord whereunto for the iust vnderstanding and interpretations thereof nothing is to bee added neither ought to be taken from it neither any thing altered For as many as hold that the body of Christ is With Jn or Vnder the breade they adde vnto the woordes of Christ and depart from true simplicity For if that which Christ said is simply to be reteined that is not to be admitted which he said not as is The bread is both bread and the body of Christ but simply this only The bread is the body of christ He said not My body is with or in or vnder the bread or the bread is both bread and my body together neither added he as these ad of their owne really substantially corporally but he vttered these bare words of the bread This is my body Neither haue the Traunsubstantiaries their opinion drawen from the woordes of Christ simply vnderstoode namely that of the bread is made the body of Christ or the bread is chaunged into the bodie of Christ For this is their owne forgery and inuention For Christ said not That the bread was now made or was a making or should be made but simply said The bread is his body where no chaunge coulde come betweene so that the words of christ be simply vnderstood Therefore falsely doe they persuade the people that they simply rest on the propriety of christes woords when as manifoldly and most farre they swarue and depart from it Wherefore the true sense and meaning of the woordes is diligently to be considered The holy Euangelistes Matthew Marke and Luke doe most specially of al others describe the institution of the Lords supper and besides them the Apostle also declareth it no lesse plainly and luculen●ly who thus speaketh 1. Corint 11. vers I haue receiued of the Lord that which J also haue deliuered vnto you that the Lord Iesus in the night that he was betraied tooke bread And when he had giuen thanks he brake it and said Take eate this is my body which is broken for you this doe yee in remembraunce of me After the same maner also he took the cup when he had supped saying This cup is the new testament in my bloud this doe as oft as yee drinke it in r●membrance of me For as often as ye shal eate this bread drink this cup ye shew the Lords death til he come These words of the Apostle we wil briefly expound and then we will demonstrate them by true and firme arguments In the night that he was betraied This circumstance is specified by the Apostle to giue vs to vnderstande that Christ would at the last supper of the Passeouer institute this his supper to shew 1. That now an end was made of al the old sacrifices he did substitute a new sacrament which should s●cceed should be
to become his members 2. They differ in their speciall vse because Baptisme is the testimonie of our regeneration and of the couenant made betweene vs and God and of our receiuing into the Church But the Lords supper testifieth that wee are euer to bee nourished by Christ remaining in vs and that the couenant made betweene God and vs shall euer be established and ratified vnto vs and that we for euer shall abide in the church and bodie of Christ 3. They differ in the persons to whom they are to be giuen Baptisme is giuen to all those who are to bee accounted for members of the church whether they be of yeares and vnderstanding or infants The Lords Supper is to bee giuen to them onely who are able to vnderstand and celebrate the benefits of christ and to examine themselues 4. They differ in the often celebrating of them Baptisme is to bee receiued but onc● onely because the couenant of God being once made is alwaies firme and of force to the penitent But the Supper is often to bee receiued because an often renewing and recalling of that couenant to our remembrance is necessarie for our faith 5. They differ in the order which is to bee obserued in vse of them Because Baptisme is to bee giuen before the Supper and the supper may not be giuen vnto any except hee be first baptised 14 They come worthily to the Lords Supper who examin themselues that is are endewed with true faith and repentance They who finde not this in themselues ought neither to come without it least they eate and drink their owne iudgement nor to differ repentance wherewith they should come least they draw vpon themselues hardnes of hart and eternal pains 15 The church ought to admit all those vnto it who professe themselues to embrace the ground and foundation of christian doctrine and to haue a purpose to obey it but those must bee repelled who wil not desist either from their errors and blasphemies or from manifest sinnes against their conscience beeing admonished by the church and conuicted of error 16 The Pope hath corruptlie taken awaie the breaking of the bread from the rite of the supper and bereaued the people of the vse of the cup Corruptly also hath hee deformed the supper of the Lord with adding so manie ceremonies not deliuered by the Apostles into a theatricall or pageant-like Masse that is into a Iewish superstitiō stagelike rounds conueiances But more wicked idolatrous inuentions are these That the Masse is a propitiatory sacrifice wherein christ is offered by the Masse-priests for the quick and dead and is by the force of consecration substantiallie present and abideth so long as those formes of bread and wine remaine vncorrupted and further dooth bestow the grace of God and other benefits vpon them for whom he is offered of whom also he is eaten with the mouth of their body yea though they haue no good inward motion in them and lastly is being treasured and laid vp and carried about vnder those formes to be worshipped Jn respect of these foule monsters it is necessary that the Masse be quite and cleane abolished out of the christian church In summe they are these 1. Transubstantiation 2. Bread-worship 3. Sacrifice 4. Maiming of Christes Supper THE APPENDIX OR ADDITION ADIOINING VNTO THE FORMER TREAtise of the Supper Certaine principal arguments of the Consubstantiaries against the syncere doctrine of the Lordes Supper the Sacramentaries as they cal them together with a refutation of them 1 THE errours of the Sacramentaries say they are that there are but bare signes and Symboles onelie in the supper Answere We teach that the things signified are together with the signes in the right vse exhited and communicated albeit not corporally but in such sort as is agreeable vnto sacramentes 2. The Sacramentaries saie That christ is present onlie according to his power and efficacie Aunswere Wee teach that he is present and vnited with vs by the holy Ghost albeit his bodie bee farre absent from vs like as whole Christ also is present with his ministerie though diuerslie according to the one nature 3. The Sacramentaries say they affirme that an imaginarie figuratiue or spiritual bodie of christ is present not his essentiall bodie Answere Wee neuer spoke of an imaginarie bodie but of the true flesh of Christ which is present with vs although it remaine in heauen Moreouer wee say that wee receiue the bread and the body but both after a maner proper to ech 4. The Sacramentaries saie they affirme that the true bodie of Christ which hung on the crosse and his verie bloud which was shed for vs is distributed but is spirituallie receiued of those onelie who are worthy receiuers as for the vnworthy they receiue nothing besides the bare signes vnto their condemnation Aunswere Al this wee graunt as beeing agreeable vnto the woorde of God the nature of sacraments the analogy of faith the communion of the faithful Certaine arguments of the Consubstantiaries whereby they goe about to ouerthrow our doctrine of the Lords Supper together with the refutations of them 1 THE words of the institution are open and plain This my bodie this is my bloud Answere They alleadge these woordes against them-selues For they saie That the bodie of Christ is receiued reallie in vnder with the bread when christ saith that the very bread is his body Wherefore they doe a double iniury vnto the church first while they thrust vpon the church their owne words for Christs Secondly while they imagine that the church perceiueth not these speeches to be diuerse In the bread is my body and The bread is my bodie They accuse Christ also for a lier for they deny that the bread is his body but that his body is in the bread Let them looke therefore vnto it how they wil aunswere Christ at the last iudgement for this blasphemy and reproch The Papistes also doe more retaine the very words of Christ But these retaine not the woord but follow the sense and meaning We must see therfore which part followeth it Ours shal be prooued in the end Replie Christ addeth an exposition of his minde Which is giuen for you and Which is shed for you Answere First this is a begging of that which is in question For they take as graunted that the bread is properly called the bodie which yet lieth vpon them to prooue For it is a sacramental maner of speaking Secondly we returne their own reason vpon them by inuerting it thus The bodie of Christ properly so called was giuē for vs. But the bread was not giuē for vs Therfore the bread is not the body properly so called Likewise as the bread is the body broken so the breaking of the bread is the breaking of the bodie But the breaking of the bodie is the crucifieng thereof Therefore the breade broken is but sacramentally and by representation the bodie broken 2 They reason from the autor who said
Gods word and administring his Sacraments according to his diuine ordinaunce The partes then of the Ministerie of the Church are two 1 To preach Gods woord 2 Rightlie to administer the Sacraments 2 What are the degrees of Ministers OF Ministers some are immediatelie called of God some mediatelie by the Church Jmmediatelie were called the Prophets and Apostles The Prophets were Ministers immediatelie called of God to teach and open the doctrine of Moses and of the promise the Messias to come as also to correct their maners in the Church and common-wealth of Moses and to vtter prophecies of euentes in and without the Church hauing a testimonie and warraunt that they could not erre in doctrine The Apostles were Ministers immediatelie called by Christ to preach the doctrine concerning the Messias nowe exhibited and to spreade it throughout the whole world hauing a testimonie warrant that they could not erre in doctrine Mediatelie were called 1. The Euangelists who were helpers of the Apostles in their labour and were sent of the Apostles to teach diuerse Churches 2. Bishops or Pastours which are ministers called by the Church to teach the woorde of God and to administer the Sacraments in some one certaine Church 3. Doctors who are ministers called by the church to teach in some certaine church 4. Gouernors who are ministers chosen by the iudgement of the church to administer discipline and to ordaine thinges necessarie 5. Deacons who are ministers chosen by the church to take care for the poore and to distribute Almes 3 For what end and purpose the ministerie was instituted GOD would that in all ages of the world there should be publike assemblies of the church in which the true doctrine concerning God and his will might bee heard chieflie for these causes 1. That God maie bee magnified and inuocated in this life by mankinde not onelie priuatelie but also by the publique voice of the church Psal 68. Giue thankes vnto God in the congregations 2. That the publique and ordinarie preaching of the doctrine the pouring out of praiers and giuing of thankes and the vse of the sacramentes maie bee an exercise to stirre vp and cherish faith and godlines as which without exercises doth easilie through our infirmitie waxe colde Ephes 4. He gaue some Apostles some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastors and Doctors for the gathering together of the Saints for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ 3. That men maie prouoke one another by their example vnto godlines and to the magnifieng and praise of God Psalm 22.22 I wil declare thy name vnto my brethren in the middest of the congregation will J praise thee 4. That there maie bee preserued and maintained a consent and agreement in the church in the doctrine and worship of God Eph. 4. He gaue Pastors and Doctors for the gathering together of the Saints till we all meete together in the vnitie of faith 5. That the church maie be seene and heard among men and maie be discerned from the other blasphemous Idolatrous multitude of men And he wil haue the church to be seen beheld that the elect may be gathered vnto it that the reprobate may be made more excuseles while they contemne and endeuor to represse the voice and calling of God which they haue heard Rom. 10.18 But haue they not heard No doubt their sound went out through all the earth and their woordes into the ends of the world 2. Cor. 2.14 Now thankes bee vnto God which alwaies maketh vs to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the fauour of his knowledge by vs in euerie place for we are vnto God the sweete sauour of Christ in them that are saued and in them that perish to the one we are the sauour of death vnto death and to the other the sauour of life vnto life 6. That God maie applie himselfe vnto our infirmitie in teaching men by men 7. That hee maie shewe his loue towards man in that he will haue men to be ministers of that great worke which also the sonne of God did administer Nowe these causes belong not to any one certaine time but to all times and ages of the Church and world Wherefore god wil alwaies haue the ministerie of his Church preserued and the vse thereof frequented and therefore the generall ground of this commaundement or the morall part thereof doth bind all men euen from the beginning of the woorld vnto the end namely that some Sabboth be kept by them that is that some time be allotted vnto publique sermons and praiers and to the administration of the sacraments 4 Vnto whom the ministerie is to be committed VNTO whom the ministery of the Church ought to be committed Saint Paul plainly deliuereth in his Epistles to Timothy and to Titus And briefly to comprise them The ministerie of the Church is to bee committed 1. Vnto men 2. hauing a good testimonie in and without the church 3. able to teach that is Rightly vnderstanding the doctrine and hauing giftes in some measure rightly to propound the same 5 What are the duties and functions of Ministers THE duties and functions of Ministers are 1. Faithfullie to propound and deliuer the true and sound doctrine of God that the church maie know vnderstand it 2. Rightlie to administer the sacraments 3. To go before and shine vnto the church by their example of Christian life and conuersation 4. To giue diligent attendaunce vnto their flock 5. To yeelde their seruice in such iudgementes as are exercised by the church 6. To take care that regard and respect be had of the poore THE FIFT COMMANDEMENT HONOR thy Father and thy Mother that thy daies maie be long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Now followeth the Lawes of the second table of the Decalogue the obedience whereof doth as well verilie respect God as the commaundements of the first table but the woorkes are immediately exercised towards men For the subiect of the second table is our neighbor Of which subiect this is affirmed Thou shalt loue him as thy selfe like as Christ also briefly comprised the summe of the second table saying Matt. 22.39 And the second is like vnto this Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe He saith that the second commaundement is like vnto the first or great commaundement or the second table is like vnto the first table which is thus to be vnderstoode 1. As touching the kind of the chiefe worship of God the second table is like vnto the first and so is the second said to be like vnto the first in respect of the ceremonial which are not the chiefe worship 2. As touching the kinds of eternal punishment because the transgression of both tables meriteth eternal punishment 3. As touching the vnseparable coherence of the loue of God and our neighbour For our neighbor cannot be loued without the loue of God the loue of God is declared
was neither to last continually neither did it binde consciences for feare of the wrath of God if these things were not obserued but it dured but for a time for their infirmity who were conuerted from Iudaisme to Christ or were to be conuerted as Paul doth at large teach 1. Cor. 10. To these they ad the examples of the Church whom they say Obiection 4 euen from the Apostles to these verie times to haue beleeued and obserued some thinges not onelie not deliuered in the Scripture Present examples but contrarie to the Scripture They bring forth the selfesame decree of Ierusalem concerning things offered to idols and blood which being made of the Apostles and expresly set downe in the Scripture was yet abolished by the Church But it hath bin already ready said that that constitution was made not that it should last for euer but for a time for a certaine cause euē for the infirmitie of the Church which was gathered from among the Iewes and after that cause ceased that ordinance taketh place no longer Neither yet did it at that time fetter mens consciences as if the worshipping or offending of God did lie in it wherefore the abrogating of it is not contrarie but doth verie well agree with it To these also they recken the obseruing of the Lords Daie We trulie as we doe beleeue this to be an Apostolick tradition perceaue it to be profitable and a farre other maner of one then for the most part they are which they would faine thrust vpon vs vnder the Apostles name so we doe not put anie worship of God to consist in this thing but know it to be left arbitrarie vnto the Church Euen as Coloss 2. it is said Let no man condemne you in respect of a holie daie But they affirme also that some things not written are beleeued which yet to call in question we our selues confesse to be vnlawful as That infantes are to be baptised That Christ descended into Hel That the Sonne of God is cōsubstantial vnto the eternal father But they are too impudent if they take vnto themselues a licence of hatching newe opinions because the Church for to expound the meaning of the Scripture vseth some where wordes which are not extāt in the Scripture But impious are they blasphemous if they saie the doctrine it self which the Church professeth in these wordes is not extant in the Scriptures 5 Obiection The holie Ghost is to teach the Church therfore not the Scripture They say also that the holy Ghost is promised the Church that it may teach those things which ar not deliuered in the Scriptures as Iohn 14. But the cōforter which is the holy Ghost whō the father shal send in my name he shal teach you al things And cap. 16. whē the spirit of truth shal come he shal lead you into al truth But here they maliciously omit that which is added And shal bring all things to your remembrance which I haue told you Again He shal beare witnes of me Again He wil reproue the world of sin of righteousnes of iudgement Again He shal glorify me for he shal receiue of mine shall shew it vnto you For out of these it is manifest that the holy Ghost should speake nothing but that which was writtē in the Gospel Christ himself had before time taught his disciples so far is it that he should bring any thing contrary to thē For neither can he dissent frō Christ nor frō himself So also when they alleadge that of Ier. 31. I will put my Lawe in their inward partes and in their harts will I write it And 2. Cor. 3. Ye are the Epistle of Christ written not with incke but with the spirit of the liuing God not in tables of stone but in fleshie tables of the hart they doe not marke that the spirite cannot speake in mens hearts contrarie vnto these things which he reuealed in the Scripture neither would God write anie other Law in mens harts but that which is alreadie reuealed and written and that therefore the Apostle Paul opposeth not the matter written but the manner of writing in tables and hearts one against another for because that the same was written in both but there with ink and here with the spirit of God It hath lesse colour which they goe about to builde out of that place to the Philippians cap. 3. If you be otherwise minded God shall reueile euen the same vnto you If therefore saie they the Church think anie thing different from the written woorde that proceedeth from the holie Ghost For the Apostle comforteth and cōfirmeth the godly that albeit they did not vnderstād somewhat of that which there hee had written or were of another iudgement in it yet that hereafter they should bee taught it of God and should know those things to bee true which he had written Whenas therefore it is denied that the holy Ghost reuealeth any thing diuers from that which is written the rule maistership of the spirit in the Church is not taken awaie but the same spirit is matched with him selfe that is with the rule of Scripture least those thinges should be thrust vpon vs vnder his name which are not his Further they make their boast that the Church cannot erre 6 Obiection The Church doth not er and that therefore the decrees of the Church are of equall autoritie with the holie Scripture because the Church is ruled by the same spirite by which the Scripture is inspired euen as it is promised Matth. 18. If two of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing whatsoeuer they shal desire it shal be giuen them of my Father which is in heauen For where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the middest of them And cap. 28. I am with you alway vnto the end of the world So 1. Ioh. 2 Yee haue anointment from him that is holy and yee know all thinges Likewise The anointing which yee receaued of him dwelleth in you and yee neede not that any man teach you But as the same annointing teacheth you of all thinges and it is true and is not lying and as it taught you yee shall abide in him But first of all wee know that it is the true Church onely 1 Aunswere The true Church Mat. 13. Mar. 4. Luk. 8. which erreth not and is ruled by the holy spirite which is gathered in the name of Christ that is which heareth and followeth the voice of the Sonne of God And therefore these things doe nothing appertain to a wicked multitude which openlie maintaineth doctrine contrary to the Gospel though it neuer so much vaunt of the Churches name yea and beareth sway and rule in the Church according to that which is said To him that hath shal bee giuen But from him that hath not euen that which hee seemeth to haue shall bee taken away So did the Pharisees and Sadduces amongst the Israelits er