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A13533 Christs victorie over the Dragon: or Satans downfall shewing the glorious conquests of our Saviour for his poore Church, against the greatest persecutors. In a plaine and pithy exposition of the twelfth chapter of S. Iohns Revelation. Delivered in sundry lectures by that late faithfull servant of God, Thomas Taylor Doctor in Divinitie, and pastor of Aldermanbury London. Perfected and finished a little before his death. Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632.; Jemmat, William, 1596?-1678. 1633 (1633) STC 23823; ESTC S118152 543,797 874

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our losses great hee can if hee please double our portion as Iobs at the latter end Also for things pertaining to godlinesse and a better life we have strong consolation in that Christ hath power 1. To merit 2. To apply 3. To uphold 4. To perfect our salvation 1. He hath power to merit our salvation because he hath power to satisfie wholly by himselfe the justice of God without any piecing or patching to his merit and righteousnesse He hath power to pay the whole debt and to cancell the bill and hand writing that was against all Gods chosen He is of power to pardon sinne Mat. 9. 6. that ye may know the Son of man hath power to forgive sinne on earth and he hath power to fulfill the Law 2 He hath all power to apply his merit to our salvation because to this end he did mightily raise himselfe from the dead by his owne power and ascended into heaven that by a powerfull intercession he might apply his sacrifice to the Saints From thence he hath power to send his Spirit to acquaint us with the things given us of God And he is of power to worke faith in the hearts of the Elect whereby they may apply to themselves his whole merit and obedience while they are here below 3 He is of power to uphold our salvation divers wayes By setting us upon a strong foundation and a sure rocke not to be shaken by any contrary power By strengthening us by a powerfull word which is a mighty organ and a strong arme able to save 2 Tim. 3. 16. By comforting and strengthening us by the Spirit of strength and power 2 Tim. 1. 7. God hath not given us the spirit of feare but of power And by making us invincible in suffering Phil. 4. 13. I can do all things by the power of Christ assisting me Yea to saile by hell to heaven and to passe by the crosse to the crowne 4 He is of power to perfect our salvation and hath engaged this power to this purpose 1 Pet. 1. 5 Wee are kept by the power of God to salvation And why First He is of power to make our imperfect duties pleasing to God hiding all the imperfection of them under the mantle of his mercy Secondly He hath a superior power to al enemies that none of them can separate us or plucke us out of his hands for he hath the keyes of hell and death Rev. 1. 18. Thirdly He hath power to lead us through death dust into his owne glory so as we have assurance of a glorious resurrection by the working of his mighty power Phil. 3. 21. Fourthly He hath power not only of preparing mansions for us in his Fathers house but in the last day to descend from heaven to fetch us up to himselfe that wee may be ever with the Lord. Our Ioshua hath power to bring us into Canaan II. Here is a ground of comfort and encouragement in all well-doing and to goe on fearelesly in good duties wherein commonly we have the power of the world against us For why First He is of power to strengthen us of weake to make us strong Of our selves wee are able to doe nothing that we have any power to any thing that is good it is from his power His grace alone is sufficient for us 2 Cor. 12. 9. Without mee yee can doe nothing Secondly He is of power to reward our least labour of love to his name or Saints and all the power of the world cannot hinder him Thirdly He is of power to cleare our innocency to disperse the fogs and clouds of calumnie and reproches and to make our righteousnesse shine as the sunne at noone-day He can and will make our darknesse light Fourthly His power encourageth our prayers because he is able to receive them and doe abundantly above all that we aske or thinke Fifthly He is of power to make us perserve for he is able to perfect his worke and this power shall uphold a poore Christiā if the truth should faile from the Church and Kingdome Object I am weake and oftentimes carelesse in keeping my ground and grace Answ. Quicken up thy selfe become a member of Christ and if thy faith be weake that thou canst not comprehend him his power is strong to comprehend thee yea the weakenes of God is stronger then men 1 Cor. 1. 25. Object But the enemies are strong and powerfull Jesuites other seducers subtle and sundrie adversaries armed with power grace of times cruelty c. Answ. Yet this power of Christ layes such hold on every true Beleever that no seducer can deceive him nor no power plucke him out of his hands No power can dismember this Head nor reach their graces 6 He that is of power gave us strength when we had none is of power even in death and in our dust when al strength is gone both to keepe faithfully for us what we commit unto him till the last day also to renew us with strength as the Eagles and change our vile bodies to be like his glorious body like it in quality not equality in strength shining agility incorruption fitted as a glorious member to be united to so glorious an head and that for all eternity III Another ground of comfort is that out of this power of Christ we may conclude the stability of the Church which is his Kingdome This power hath upheld the truth these many hundred yeares against the divell the world the Turke Antichrist Popish Princes and forces against tyrants massacres inquisitions torments pouder-plots against false brethren and hypocrites that against all the gates of hell it is not onely taught and preached but triumpheth and conquereth so as all the world may see a mighty power protecting it The Church is an heavie stone to lift at because it hath all Christs power for it and therefore if all nations rise against it they shall be torne in pieces The truth is stronger then all and must prevaile at last it may be smothered as fire under ashes extinct it cannot be so long as Christ who is truth hath power to uphold it The promise is strong that all the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it For as Christ is truth that uttered it so he is Omnipotent to accomplish it This power shall ever keepe this Arke upon the waters from drowning Hitherto of the consolation Instruction also ariseth from this power of Christ and 1 To Ministers that they preach Christ the power of God 1 Cor. 1. 24. that is not onely by preaching to acquaint men with the power of Christ but so to preach as Christs power may be put forth in the Gospell which is the rod of his power and so as to bring in subjects daily under this power of Jesus Christ Preaching a mans selfe will not doe it nor preaching of men will not doe it nor every learned nor every idle discourse of Christ but to speak from the spirit and
by maintaining whatsoever may enlarge the Dragons state and kingdome and resisting whatsoever might weaken or impaire it 1. This appeares in that every wicked man gives up himselfe willingly to Satans rule who raignes like a lyon in every unbeleeving heart there hee enacts lawes of evill there he raignes by sinne there is his seat his court his chaire of estate as for Jesus Christ hee casts off his rule his lawes hee breakes asunder his yokes and disclaimes his person and titles saying Wee will not have this man to rule over us 2. Hee rules not all by himselfe but by his confederates which he convocates at his pleasure and they readily obey the summons Hee can presently gather wicked Councels Synods Conclaves Convocations to act and decree whatsoever pleaseth him against the word of God and the truth of religion onely devising in them what may gall the truth and its professors and uphold superstition and corruption hee hath in store numbers of hereticks false teachers libertine doctors to spread and maintaine doctrines of devils And by these agents he hath in all ages especially upheld his state and power in blinding and seducing the world willing to bee blinded 3. Hee hath the secular arme and civill states of the world at an houres warning to set up and hold up his state in erecting idolatry and false worship in all corners of the world both Heathen Jewish and Popish and this is the ground of all the tumults in this part of the world the thrusting out of the truth and bringing in idolatry whereby the Dragon stands in greater state then in any other ordinary sinnes against the Gospell for first this sinne is most directly against the high Majesty of God secondly as the God of heaven is present and honoured when hee is purely worshipped so is the god of the world when hee is served and as Gods glory is set up in and by true worshippers so is the devils honour in and by idolaters who are therefore said to offer to devils and not unto God Thirdly as the throne of God is upheld by his subjects so is the devills throne by his chiefe subjects who are idolaters Revel 2. 13. The Angell of Pergamus is said to dwell where the devills throne was the reason is because that city was most idolatrous and fierce against Christ and his religion Satans throne was set up in Court in Country in Churches in Palaces he ruled all Now this is a rule of tryall of religion of persons of places 1. That religion in which Christ is not exalted in and by that the devill keepes his hold which is true not in the Heathenish onely which knowes not Christ or Jewish which acknowledgeth no Messias come in the flesh but in the naturall religion of Popery which thrusteth downe the Scriptures to set up traditions and setteth up many mediators for one Mediator and maketh every man a Saviour of himselfe by his merits besides their formall idolatry which is a worship of devills And shall wee looke backe to a religion where the devill rules where Christ is banished and Christianity under a pretext of Christ persecuted to death 2. For persons Naturall men are still in the power of the devill very slaves because Christ is not yet entred Sure wee are hee held up his power in us all once not one of our hearts but was his throne if hee be not cast out hee is still in his former state This is the forlorne estate of all of us by nature and if we be not converted and brought to Jesus Christ by faith and obedience to the Gospell the devill acteth mooveth and ruleth us at his pleasure This shewes the necessity of conversion unlesse wee would willingly harbour such a Dragon 3. See wee any place set open for drunkennesse whoredome cursing blaspheming scorning of goodnesse or of such hellish resort where sinne is maintained and upheld and Christ with the mention of godlinesse barred out Be sure Sathans throne is there his signe is on every such doore his armes on every post there is a house swept for the devill at least a suburbes of hell there is the devill present in prevailing manner with strength of temptation absolute command over his slaves whom hee drawes to the height of wickednesse As Salomon giveth counsell to goe by the house of the harlot and not to come neare the doore of her house Prov. 5. 8. So let all godly men avoid all such persons places and practises in which the devill sits in his chaire of estate Sundry places are permitted to Satan by God to possesse where hee domineireth and sheweth himselfe in strange noises frightfull apparitions is powerfull in such houses to hurt destroy he that knows the danger of such haūted places will not enter into them But in such places as wickednesse dwels although Sathan be not sensibly present yet he is more powerfull if not more dreadfull yet more dangerous no wise Christian that hath not a desire to be acquainted with hell beforehand would come into houses so haunted stuffed with yong Dragons and devills incarnate how miserable to live where Satan dwells how difficult to serve Christ where Satan raigneth This also teacheth us to examine our selves whether the dragon bee cast out or keepe his state and command in us where consider 1. The necessity of this tryall 2. The rules of tryall The former appeares 1. Because the greatest part of the world even in places where the Gospel is preached are not brought to Jesus Christ but are voluntary slaves to Satan renouncing obedience to God and professe obedience to the dragon what a severe but just judgment of God is it that they that will not be ruled nor submitted to Gods will should become slaves to the Devill that being delivered by Gods justice unto Satan their whole course should tend to uphold the state of the dragō with the final ruine of their own 2. As it is not the presence of the Gospell so neither the profession of the Gospell that puts Satan out of state What a great Professor was Ananias that seemed to give away all his lands to the use of the Church and yet Satan filled his heart Act. 5. who was a greater Professor than Iudas the steward of Christ yet the devil kept the hold of his heart there is much more then profession required to dispossesse him yea muchmore than preaching of Christ for Iudas did both 3. He is certainly concluded a wicked man under the power of the devill that is carelesse in this examination whether Christ bee in him 2 Corinth 13. 5. Prove your selves know yee not that Christ is in you unlesse yee be reprobates as also who by examination findes not the Spirit of God of Christ to dwell in him Rom. 8. 9. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ the same is none of his Now the rules of this triall are reduced to two heads The
out of the Church into the earth and there among earthly and carnall men holdeth his power still Ephes. 2. 2. The Prince that ruleth in the aire worketh among the sonnes of disobedience 2 Thes. 2. 9. Sathan worketh in Antichrist by all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish 2 Cor. 4. 4. The god of this world blindeth the mindes of infidels or unbeleevers And why 1. Sathans raigne is in the reigne of sin that is his scepter a wicked heart in which sinne raigneth is his chaire of estate But sinne raignes not in the elect that are under grace Rom. 6. 14. 2. Sathan being the Prince of darknesse rules in the kingdome of darknesse whence wicked spirits are called rulers of the darknesse of this world Ephes. 6. 12. The devill is the father of all spirituall darknesse of lies heresies false doctrines false worship and all workes of darknesse This is the world of darknesse in which hee ruleth as a king in his Kingdome But the godly are gotten out of this Egypt out of the reach of this hellish Pharaoh and are gotten into Goshen the Church where light is Ephes. 5. 8. Ye were once darknesse but now are light in the Lord. 3. Sathan is the father of sinne and sinne is the mother of death by which necessary connexion appeares who are his subjects over whom hee holdeth his full and absolute power to weet a world of dead men dead in trespasses and sinnes destitute of the life and Spirit of God and as dead men laid and buryed in the earth among these hee ruleth As the demoniake in our Saviours time lived among the graves and there tyrannized so doth Sathan being cast out into the earth which is as another Golgatha But the godly are quickned by Christ being formerly dead in trespasses and live now the life of the Sonne of God and have part in the first resurrection Gal. 2. 20. And so are exempted from the power of Sathan Which is a ground of comfort to all true hearted Christians that stand in the spirituall combate 1. Thou fightest against a conquered and bound enemy who is cast out of all thy Lords dominions 2. Hee is cast into the earth and keepeth state in the world as the god of the world but thou art called out of the world and brought from the earth Object If hee be cast out how comes it to passe that I am so afflicted with horrible hellish and violent temptations Answ. 1. The Dragon is not cast out of all power till hee bee cast into hell but hee is cast out of full power in the godly 2. There is a reserved wrigling power of the Dragon which may assault thee but hee shall never hurt thee that art one of Gods chosen neither by his temptation nor persecution For first though they may afflict and exercise thee yet all the gates of hell cannot overcome or extinguish thy faith Secondly though they may trouble thee and hinder thee in the way as the Moabites did Israel by their wiles yet can they not in the end of it which is life and glory Thirdly though they may hinder the sense and comfort and joy of thy salvation yet can they not the right nor assured hope of thy happinesse Object I finde these temptations prevai●e in mee and if the devill raigne in sinne I feare he is not cast out of mee Answ. There is the least feare of that sinne that is most feared The feare of sinne keepes downe the raigne of it But for the strengthening of such as are in combate we must know that the best have sinne but sinne hath not them the best slip and fall but lye not in falls the best do the acts of sinne but not habitually they trade not nor walke in sinnes at least with delight as men in a pleasant way the best have flesh but walke not according to flesh And therefore although thou findest sinne present with thee yet if thou canst finde the power of it weakened if thou sometimes sinnest but art so farre from tumbling and trading in sinne as that thou hatest what thou doest all is safe the dragon is cast out for all that 2. Here is a rule of tryall to know our estate whether wee belong to heaven or are yet in the earth under the dominion of Sathan If Sathan uphold his power and state in sinne and unrighteousnesse within thy heart thou art apparently in the earth and of the earth Christ hath no part in thee nor thou in him Art thou an enemy to grace to the doctrine of grace Art thou a stubborne and obstinate sinner an enemy to the perswasions of the Word and Spirit a sonne of disobedience a rebell against all thou hearest Art thou a lover of thy sinnes an hater of them that hate and discover them Art thou of the Dragons trade and walkest in fraud lying accusing and envying Gods children Dost thou cast thy selfe out of the Church and wilfully excommunicate and separate thy selfe from God from his house and worship from his Saints and people Now this doctrine tells thee that for these accursed qualities the devill himselfe was cast out by Christs victory and so shalt thou as an enemy of Christ shall Christ cast him out and keepe thee in who resemblest him no confounded shall ye be together and eternally excommunicate from God and his Church 3. This is a ground of instruction if Sathan bee once cast out to keepe him out and let him enter no more When Christ cast out a devill he said Go out of him and enter into him no more So hee never recovereth his power against the Church againe being once cast into the earth Apostasie and revolt from the truth once received gives him a stronger and surer possession then before For he never comes againe but hee brings seaven worse spirits then himselfe And now seeing that Sathan is cast out of our Church into the earth let us not turne to worldly rudiments and that earthly religion and doctrine of Popery and Antichristian idolatry which is from earth set up and upheld by earthly power and policie thrusting it selfe on the world by serpentine craft lying pretenses of miracles martyrdome concord of doctors perpetuall succession from the Apostles c. But let the Dragon rage and dominere in the earth whither hee is cast and in that fleshly doctrine which carrieth away earthly and unstable men Let him make spoile in his owne dominion amongst Papists and Idolaters and hypocrites and atheists Let us keepe that pretious truth which is committed to us and hold fast that which Michael hath wonne for us shall wee runne after the dragon cast into the earth Consider hereunto 1. How can that be a religion of God that openeth a wide gate to all manner of hatefull and unnaturall sinnes by licenses pardons before and after sanctuaries c. that exempts subjects from lawes obedience oathes and allegiance to Princes that under pretence of Christ
Christ neither needeth nor receiveth the testimony of any man Ioh. 5. 33. Answ. Christ is true God and his truth is the truth of God infallible more certaine and firme then al mens testimony And it were very unworthy that infinite should need finite or infallible should need fallible or that the author of truth should need authority from men In this sense Christ neither needeth nor receiveth the witnesse of any man as necessarie to himselfe or for his own part but that they might be saved partly for the weaknesse of men who cannot come to understand divine things without mens testimony or ministery and partly for their salvation which by men he promoteth He useth Iohns witnesse and calleth for the witnesse of the meanest beleever Now the reasons why every one of the remnant must give witnesse to Christ are these 1 Nothing that wee can do can more honor God and Iesus Christ then this Rom. 4. 21. Abraham was strong in faith and gave glory to God What or wherein can wee give greater glory to God then when our faith giveth him a witnesse of his great power truth and goodnesse even contrary to sense and reason as Abraham did 2 Nothing can more honour our selves then to be vouchsafed witnesses to God testifying his truth and the excellency of Gods holy religion both in word and conversation Were it not a great honour for a great Prince to call a meane subject to be a witnesse on his side for the opening of a truth that nearly in honour concernes him But this honor have all the Saints it being the office and function of the whole Church to be the ground and piller of truth the upholder and maintainer of that truth which upholdeth the honor of God himselfe What an honor was it that the Lord called in the whole Church of the Iewes to be witnesses on his side Esa. 43. 10. against all the heathens to testifie of his Omniscience in predictions of things to come which their gods could not do and of his Omnipotency in admirable workes done for them in the wildernesse in the sea in the land of his singular goodnesse and providence in innumerable mercies wherein they were advanced above all people of the earth Did the Lord need them to witnesse no but it was their honour to be vouchsafed such grace that whereas all the heathens witnessed to their idolls they of all people on the earth witnessed and celebrated the great and noble acts of God done among them 3 Nothing makes us liker to Christ our head that true and faithfull witnesse this was his speciall office to witnesse the truth as the redeemer of mankinde and the author of truth Ioh. 18. 37. For this cause was I borne and came into the world that I might testifie of the truth Even so every member of Christ is borne into the Church and commeth into the world of Beleevers to give witnesse unto the truth as being taught in the truth and as the redeemed of the Lord. 4 As nothing can make us liker to God so nothing is better pleasing unto God God the Father hath often and sundry wayes testified unto his Son First Sensibly and audibly in his baptisme and transfiguration also that he was the son of his love who had all his love cast upon him Secondly By the internall revelation of his Spirit in the hearts of beleevers as to Peter Mat. 16. 17 Flesh and blood hath not revealed this but my Father in heaven Thirdly and especially by the mission ministery of the Son himselfe Ioh. 3. 33. he that receiveth his testimony fealeth that God is true for he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God If wee desire to be like God or to please God we must herein imitate him as deare children Which serves for the reproofe of such as are afraid or ashamed of this testimony contrary to 2 Tim. 1. 8. Be not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. Many will not testifie to Christ among poore men some because great men resist it some are afraid of the strictnesse of it some of the crosses some of the scornes of it and most because this witnesse would witnesse against their own contrary courses and men of little faith are dejected in small matters But such Christ wil be ashamed of in the day of his appearing and shall witnesse against them that he never knew them Such also are condemned as do contest against the witnessing of Christ. The world is full of false witnesses such as were suborned against Christ as First all false teachers that father that on Christ which he never spake as Papists or others that deny any article of faith and Christian Religion so the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. If the dead rise not againe we are false witnesses So to teach the doctrine of mans merit of free-will to good image-worship or the like is to be a false witnesse against Christ himselfe Secondly all unbeleevers that receive not this testimony whether such as scorne to heare the witnesses of Christ if they dislike the person they will none of the witnesse loth to drinke good wine because they like not the dish or such as heare sometime but beleeve not the witnesse this infidelity makes God a liar so farre as a wicked man can 1 Ioh. 5. 11. Thirdly such as contest against his witnesses to elevate their testimony for as in the dayes of his flesh there wanted not such as witnessed against himselfe in person that he was a drunkard a devill a friend to Publicans and sinners an enemie to Caesar a blasphemer so for the same end to weaken the authority of his witnesses there never wanted such as would witnesse against Iob that he was an hypocrite that Paul was a pestilent fellow a moover of sedition a preacher of false doctrin unworthy to live And can the devill devise so foule accusations or so slaunderous which his agents will not boldly urge against the witnesses of Christ to whose innocency godlinesse God himselfe witnesseth This also serveth to comfort 1 Poore Christians despised in the world God honors the poorest Beleever to be a witnesse to his truth and a poore mans testimony is as good even in mens Courts as a rich but much more before Gods tribunall 2 Such as suffer for this testimony losses reproaches and the contempt of the world Even wee lovingly respect such as suffer for their love to us in upholding our truth and innocency and much more doth the Lord see the promise for incouragement Mat. 19. 29. It is also a word of instruction that we frame and fit our selves to this witnesse Quest. How may that be Answ. To a good testimony is required a good witnesse and to a good witnesse must concurre these five things 1 Knowledge and certaine perswasion of the truth to which we are to testifie When Christ was to raise up witnesses to the truth of the Gospell he would have them his owne
purity faith rather than enjoy the pompe and glory of the world by waxing wanton against Christ Hence note The true Church is not alwayes conspicuous visible and glorious to the world but may be hid obscured and oppressed So was the Church of God in Aegypt thrust out into the wildernesse than which no place is more solitary none more free from the pompe and glory of the world What glory and visibility had the Church in Elias time when hee complained that hee was left alone his life was sought so that hee was faine to flie into the wildernesse to save his life yet were there seven thousand that bowed not their knee to Baal What glory and visibility had the true Church in the Babylonish captivity being compared to dead bones dryed and scattered in the open field Ezek. 37. 2 What visibility had it in the death of Christ when the shepheard being smitten the sheepe were scattered or after his ascention when all the earth worshipped the Beast Rev. 13. 12 Because the Church is a selected company called out of the world a little flocke Iohn 15. 9 as a Parke of God paled in from the waste of the world hortus conclusus Cant. 4. 12. the Garden and Paradise of God wherein wilde beasts may not enter Now God hath put such a distance and enmity betweene them as that the blinde world neither can nor will abide to see her but to chase her out from her how can the world see her that is called out of the world The true Church is such a body as is not alwayes visible to mans eye suppose good men even Elias himselfe for it is Gods onely priviledge to know who are his the foundation being in Gods election and the union spirituall The Churches desert and merit abusing peace and prosperity driveth her here into the wildernesse maketh the Lord strip her naked and set her as in the day she was borne and not onely sendeth her into the wildernesse but maketh her as a wildernesse and leaveth her as a drie land as Hosea 2. 3. The Churches safety as Elias to bee safe was sent into the wildernesse so here the Church provideth for her safety in evill times by flying into the wildernesse Hence is showne hatred to the Dove of Christ dwelling in the Rocke Cant. 2. 19. that is as the Doves by the Kites or Hawkes are chased into the Clifts and Rockes to hide them so the Dove of Christ. The militant condition of the Church in the world suffereth her not alwayes to bee conspicuous and visible neither is shee tyed to any one estate or any one place Not to one estate being compared to the Moone which is sometimes in full sometimes in waine sometimes shining and sometimes hid and not seene and to the Arke tossed with waves and billowes sometimes aloft and presently downe againe in the deepes and to the ship in which Christ was a sleepe so ready to sinke as the Disciples crie Lord save us and this is the continuall estate of the Church in the troublesome sea of this world The Mirtle trees in the bottome Zach. 1. 8. Neither to any certaine place whether Rome or Antioch or Hierusalem but forced oft-times to change her seate as well as her state and tossed hither and thither as 1 Cor. 4. 11. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wee have no dwelling place Heb. 11. Hence are the Papists confuted who 1. Affirme the Catholike Church to be a visible company of men under one visible head for what visible head hath the Church in the wildernesse 2 Denying that ever their Church fled into the wildernesse or that ever she disappeared from the world wherein they plainly deny her to be the true Church and this no other who fled into the wildernesse and if their doctrine bee true that the Church must ever bee as a City on a hill the spirit must bee false and the Scriptures which affirme shee must flie into the wildernesse from the fury of Antichrist The Papists object many things against our doctrine but how impertinently and vainely will appeare if we set downe the right state of the question betweene us both in their tenents and in ours 1. They say that the Catholike Church which hath alwayes continued hath beene alwayes visible now would I to beate out their meaning aske what is the triumphant Church in heaven visible or by what glasse or spectacle can they see that glorious company of Prophets Apostles Patriarkes Martyrs and Saints which is the chiefe part of the Catholike Church as Heb. 12. 23. Or is their Church in purgatory visible when two chiefe parts of it by their doctrine are invisible and the other part in earth but a handfull to them Well then they must meane the militant Catholike Church which is a speech absurd enough for as one halfe can never be the whole so cannot the militant Church be Catholike no more than a finger can be a hand or a hand the body or perhaps they would have us beleeve two Catholike Churches whereas our Creed teacheth us to beleeve but one But we will take their meaning namely that God hath alway a Church consisting of a great multitude as conspicuous to the world as any earthly kingdom part whereof and alwayes the head shall bee visible at Rome and the rest visibly subject to the Bishop of Rome Now what we hold concerning the point I will propound in sundry conclusions and then examine some of their chiefe arguments By the Church which wee hold invisible wee meane the Church mentioned in the Creed which is but one and Catholike even the multitude of all elect which are or were or ever shall be and to this company all they and onely they whether they be in the way or in the Countrey doe belong For we beleeve according to our Creed that the Church is holy and no wicked person belongeth unto it and that it is a communion of Saints onely to which belongeth remission of sinnes and life everlasting and we cannot but wonder that Papists who mumble up so many Creeds should so fondly hold that the Catholike Church should consist of good bad for are the wicked the body of Christ as they say the Church is or is not Christ the Saviour of his body If wicked and reprobates are the body of Christ why then are they not saved This Catholike Church we say is invisible to the world for 1. Gods election the ground and foundation of it is invisible 2. The greatest part of elect are not subject to sense not the Saints in heaven neither many true beleevers on earth nor numbers of the elect not yet borne or borne againe 3. Visible things are not beleeved but invisible faith is of things not seene and if wee beleeve the holy Catholike Church we cannot see it Now every Popish argument must either prove this to bee visible which none of them doe or they touch not us
Constantine that great champion of Christ who under Christs Standard made warre with and overthrew Maxentius Maximinus and Licimous horrible dragons and tyrants as were likely I will not certainly define but without all doubt that was included in this prophesie if not principally meant of which Euseb. lib. 9 cap. 9. who saith he received from Constantine himselfe the narration of the fight and victory Quest. 3. Why doth the Spirit of God foretell this battell Answ. 1. The Lord would not have his Church conceive that here she hath found any resting place or can enjoy perpetuall halcion dayes but that there abideth unto her many irreconciliable warres in this military condition against divers enemies hereticall tyrannicall and Antichristian 2. He would manifest his care and wisedome over his Church and children whose tryals he foretelleth that they might not thinke them come by chance or God not foreseeing them or distrust his favor while they are exercised by them but in these predictions might see him both ordering them for his glory and for their salvation 3. God would not have troubles come on a sudden or stealing on his servants but with warning that they might arme and prepare themselves with wisdome fortitude and patience to resist them that the Church might stand her ground not discouraged much lesse cast away her confidence that hee might abate the smart of them if they were sudden and blunt the edge of them by providing for them Quest. 4. But why doth the Lord ordaine or permot this fight and opposition being against his glory his Church his truth and his servants or how can he be mercifull and good to protract and permit so great evils Ans. 1. As God is good in his mercy so hee is no lesse good and great in his justice 2. This fight against the Church is not simply evill but hath in it a respect of good and therefore God permitteth it because 1. It is partly an execution of justice and a just correction of the sinnes of the Church 2. It is such an evill as much good is thence produced to the Church as hereafter wee shall see 3. It is not such an evill but that Gods wisedome and power can and doth moderate order bridle and turne to a good end and issue the dragon indeed intendeth them mischievouslly to quench the graces of God the wicked agent● under him directly fight against his glory and truth and chosen ones and would chase them into the bottome of the sea to drowne them as Pharaoh but Gods mighty power and wisedome hereby will chase them to heaven as he did Israel to Canaan being a wise Physition that can temper hemlock and poyson to a medicine and remedie and over-rule the poysoned crooked wils of gracelesse men to the effecting of his owne most gracious pleasure and righteous will so as we may say to our brethren when forgetting nature grace humanity Christianity they contrive to cast us into pits and sel and send us away as Iosephs brethren to put a little base profit into their owne purses Gen. 50. 20. when they thought evill against me God did dispose it to my good You who should have beene my naturall brethren thought me in too high favour with my father you envied his love to me you thought if you could sel me off all should be yours and therefore wracked on me your barbarous malice but see God over-ruleth your rage your fiercenesse could not frustrate the good purpose of God who against all your plots hath raised mee to save much people alive Object But is not the Gospell a Gospell of peace Gods kingdome a kingdome of peace and Christ himselfe the Prince of peace typified in Melchisedek Isa. 9. the professors of the Gospell sonnes of peace how will this stand thus with such open hostility and perpetuall warre how is it true Isa. 9. 7. there shall be no end of peace when we see there is no end of warre Ans. 1. these two are not contradictory to bee at peace and at warre at the same time because they are not in the same respect so our Saviour teacheth In the world ye shall have tribulation but in me at the same time ye shall have peace Iohn 16. 33. the reason is because those that are Gods consist of two parts flesh and spirit according to the spirit they are in Christ and according to the body they are in the world therefore when in their spirits they enjoy the peace of Christ they are in the body afflicted in the world a wicked man cannot so bee Hee that is wholly in and of the world having affliction hath no conjunction of peace but are oppressed and over-whelmed with sorrow because the true peace of heart is onely in Christ and received by the spirit of faith 2. Peace is the daughter of warre and by warre the Saints attaine and retaine peace were they not at warre with the dragon and the world they could never enjoy an houre of peace I finde more sweet in wicked mens malice than in their delicates 3. Distinguish of peace it is either spirituall or carnall the peace of Christ or of the world which the Disciples themselves expected by Christ when the temporall dominion should bee restored to Israel and the Iewes delivered from the Romane bondage supposing they should bee great Rulers in their Countries but Christ wisheth thē to dreame of no such thing this peace Christ disclaimeth as Mat. 10. 34. Thinke not I am come to send peace but a sword and fire Secondly there is a spirituall and inward peace which Christ claimeth to be his My peace I leave with you he bringeth that peace to the world which the world giveth not nor knoweth not a peace not with the dragon or his party but peace with God peace of conscience and peace with all men so farre as lyeth in them This is the peace of Gods kingdome which is not interrupted by warres with the dragon and the world but established 4. Wee must with Luther distinguish of warre there is an Active warre and a Passive Christ and his Gospel and servants move no Active warre the Gospell of peace proclameth peace not warre the end of his comming and the Gospell publishing is to set all things at peace But there is a passive war waged by the Prince of darknesse discord against Christ and his people and the sonne of peace by all his skill cannot avoid this warre not that it is a fruit or effect of the Gospell or by any fault or cause in in the Gospell which perswadeth peace and concord with God and man but occasionally and by an accidentall event partly by the malice of the devill that man-slayer who being that Prince of darknesse deadly hateth the light partly by the malice of the world which yeeldeth not unto the truth and holy admonitions but warreth againstit and chaseth it so farre as they can out of the world and partly out of the wicked concupiscence
Spirit in his motions but resist and quench them nor in Gods house the Church which they care not for though God bee there specially present nor in their servants and friends who have the promise of his presence if two or three consent in any good thing but hate them and all that love God or speake of his name least of all can they abide his presence comming to judgement 2. How many in so great light walke in the dark worse than the Gentiles most of whom were more just in their dealings more respective of their oaths more sober more temperate more chaste than thousands of deboiste drunkards filthy whore-masters and foule swines whose damnation will be heavier than the heathens it shall be easier for them than for these in the day of the Lord. 3. What a number stand out against Christ as First they that stand not with him Matth. 12. 30. Those that gather not with him doe scatter as our neutrals mungrils lookers on who thinke they can bee of neither part which is impossible thou that art not the Kings friend art his enemie Doest thou not promote the Gospell and therein the state and right of Jesus Christ thou art then against it If being called thereunto thou imployest not thy gifts to win men out of their sinnes and to gaine them to the faith thou standest against Christ and manifestly upholdest the state of the dragon Secondly those that stand against him being opposite to the Ministerie to the pure worship of God c. resisters of the graces of his servants strong limbs and supporters of Antichrist Masse-mongers Antichristian Captaines and savage persecutors of true religion This is the first sort of rules The second is of such as shew the presence of a stronger than the dragon which is Michael onely One tryall is repentance onely that looseth the snare of the devill 2 Tim. 2. 26 It is true that so long as sinne is present in us Satan shall never be cast out of all power in us but if once sinne by repentance be deposed from the raigne of it though not from all presence then is Satan cast out of his full power and as sinne can never get the dominion againe no more can the devill Another sure note is faith which is our victory and casts out the dragon as also brings Christ into the soule who dwelleth in our hearts by faith Eph 3. 17. Get assurance of faith and the dragon is cast out and get increase of faith for the Disciples of Christ could not cast out devils Mat. 17. 20. not for want of faith but for the weaknesse of it Cast into the earth The third thing in the overthrow of the dragon assigneth the place into which he was cast namely into the earth and that for two reasons 1. To manifest and clear the certainty of his overthrow and the Churches victory as Goliah was seene to be overthrowne when David threw him downe to the ground 2. And more specially to shew who they bee whom the devill now tyrannizeth over Hee was thrown out of the boūds of the true Church now he exerciseth his rage in the earth that is among reprobates carnall and earthly minded men whether heathens without the pale of the Church or carnall Gospellers who are within her lappe but rejecting the power of grace sticke to earthly profits courses affections amongst all these the dragon still domineereth and ruleth them all at his wil who reject the rule of God and his Sonne Jesus Christ. Quest. Why was he cast into the earth and not into hell if the Lord could doe it why did hee leave his worke imperfect Answ. 1. Our Lord Jesus Christ wanted then no power nor now doth lacke might to doe it but can tread downe Satan every moment to nothing Neither did Christ leave his worke imperfect but on the Crosse performed all that was required either for the full delivery of his Chosen or for the finall victory over all his enemies but his heavenly wisedome putteth forth this power not all at once but by degrees and in some measure of time which at length is to take full and perfect effect for Christ must tread all his enemies under his feet and they must become his footstoole 1 Cor. 15. 2. This place speaketh not of an absolute ejection out of the Church for Satan was afterward let loose for a thousand yeares but of a limited restraint of him First to a certaine time and place that hee could not oppresse the young and tender Virgin of Christ either by upholding heathenish Idolatry or by hindring the free course of the Gospell and religion of Jesus Christ and Secondly to a certaine measure for he was not so cast out of the Church as that hee ceased to molest and tempt the godly or that he spared to doe what he could to hinder and disgrace the Christian Religion but he was so farre cast out as that hee could not exercise his whole and former power either in violence of temptation or recover so soveraigne authority among the heathens as a little before hee had exercised Quest. But had it not been better for the Church that the Lord Jesus had cast him downe into hell and confined him there Answ. 1. Satan is already cast into hell and there reserved in chaines of darkenesse to the judgment of the last day 2 Pet. 2. and Iude 6. But that is by the generall sentence of God upon him for his first Apostasie which our Text aymeth not at which is a speciall sentence and judgement in one particular Again that generall sentence is now in execution upon him but not fully and perfectly till the day of judgement till which time for the revenge of the wicked world God suffers the evill spirits to range as Lyons to the hurt of men 2. It is not prejudiciall but profitable to the godly that Sathan is cast into the earth and not shut up in hell Not prejudiciall to the elect for hee prevaileth onely against the wicked called here the earth into which he is cast It is not denyed but that hee may and doth molest the godly but his molestation hinders them not but hasteneth them to their happinesse It is profitable for the Church sundry wayes that God still permitteth Sathan some power in the earth 1. That wee might see how strong and furious our adversary is and what need wee have of Gods power to restraine him 2. To manifest the glory of God both in the admirable confusion of this strong enemy and in the no lesse powerfull defence and protection of the Elect. 3. To shake us out of pride security and forgetfulnesse of our selves and our estate who are in daily encounter against the Dragon 4. To quicken and excite our prayers faith watchfulnesse which wee would easily give over if we had no tempter or enemy Note from this that the devill exerciseth no dominion but in and among wicked men For hee is cast
it in matter of salvation and so as may stand with his Churches profitable exercise and excitation In these foure regards they are all cast out with their Head Here is terror for al the angels agents of the dragon who hence may perceive that Jesus Christ hath already got the same victory over them as over the dragons and devils themselves and duely waites a fit time for full execution and manifestation Consider what a fearefull thing it is to bee a wicked man a servant of sinne an enemy of grace a scorner of religion or religious persons or exercises a Sabbath-breaker a drunkard a vicious person an unbeleever or impenitent person here is an angell of the dragon who if hee persist in this estate is as certainly cast out into destruction by Christ as is the dragon his head and mover what else doth our Saviour teach Mat. 25. 41. but that the dragon and his angels are equally accursed and wicked men sunke downe in the same curse as they all of them being equally against Christ and Christ against them all Our Saviour for the comfort of the Elect saith Iohn 12. 26. Where I am there shall my servant bee so in proportion where the dragon is there must his angels and agents bee Object But I hope for salvation by Christ I am baptized and come to Church and heare the Word and love God above all and my neighbour as my selfe c. Answ. Many shall come to Christ at the last day and professe as much or more and yet being angels of the dragon are cast out with him Mat 7. 22. Thou art not an open enemy yea but art thou a covered secret enemy of Christ No pretence or conceit of a good estate can hinder thee from being an angell of the dragon or from being cast out with him First if thou discernest not the things of God but art uncapable unteachable savouring the things of the flesh not of the Spirit and findest most sweetnesse and contentment in the things of this life thou art apprently cast out as yet with the dragon without the Kingdome of God Secondly if thou hearest never so much and blessest thy selfe in thine iniquity if thou hearest for fashion without conscience or desire after Gods wayes if thou secretly loathe or fret at the Word powerfully preached or holdest any sin against it it is a deadly favour to thee thou art cast out with the dragon to whom also it is a sentence of damnation Thirdly if thou avoidest the society of godly men and in heart lovest not such as bee truely religious but hatest them because they follow goodnesse and hauntest with wicked and profane persons and delightest in them runnest with them and chusest them for thy companions thou art as yet in the same darknesse with the dragon 1 Iohn 2. 11. Fourthly if thou speakest evill of the way of God and despightest the truth revilest such as more openly professe it disgracest the publike or private exercises of religion or discouragest such as undertake them thy profession keepes thee not from being cast out with the dragon Michael hath cast thee out having said Hee that is with us cannot lightly speake evill of us Marke 9. 39. 2. From this glorious victory of Michael over the angels of the dragon note the vaine and bootlesse enterprises of the angels of the dragon against the Church They rage and bragge and plot and fret and all to cast the Church out of the earth but cannot prevaile for First themselves are cast out into the earth their power and liberty is onely to hurt earthly minded men that preferre earth before heaven and contemne the heavenly truth preached but in regard of the Saints they have short hornes they can hurt none marked sprinkled or sealed Secondly the Church cannot bee cast out of the earth unlesse the angels of the dragon were stronger than Michael they may chase the Church out of one corner into another but out of the earth they cannot because his Kingdome is everlasting Thirdly they are but angels of the dragon and their Head being spoyled of his power what hope have they to prevaile Did the Papists consider that being angels of the dragon cast out already by Michael they are in extreme danger it would abate something of the bragging pride hopes and insolency did they thinke that the great angell of the dragon the Antichrist of Rome were already cast out by the sentence and power of Michael it would abate their hopes If it doe not lessen theirs let it raise ours that however they may afflict some particular Church yet shall they never obtaine their purpose as they hope and desire but shall bee cast out by Michael as the dung of the earth Consider three grounds hereof First that they fight against Christ the Truth and the truth of Christ they fight against the Lambe but the Lambe must overcome and against the truth of Christ which is of that nature that the more it is opposed and oppressed the more it riseth and increaseth Secondly consider how Michael hath already cast them out in their projects and designes all deliverances of Christian Princes have beene from this victory of Michael our owne countrey and Princes abroad are instances enough as in 88. 1605. c. Thirdly against all the angels of the dragon oppose our Archangell described in Rev. 10. 1. c. 1. A mighty Angell protector of his Church 2. Comming from heaven in a gracious and powerfull presence to help his Church 3. Cloathed with a Cloud once of flesh now of divine Majestie as in the wildernesse 4. A Rainbow on his head a league of grace and peace first with God then from the rage of Antichristian enemies 5. His face as the Sunne enlightning his Church dispersing clouds and stormes bringing faire gleames of warme comfort 6. His feet as Pillars of power and might to sustaine his Church and of fire to consume the enemies as Chaffe and stubble 7. In his hand a little booke open Christ opens it to the world and holds it open though Antichrist would shut up the truth and did a long time 8. Hee set his right foot on the sea and his left on the earth that is now takes power and dominion upon the Continent and Ilands and raiseth Christian Emperours and Princes by professing the truth to restore him his right detained by Antichrist 9. Hee crieth with a loud voyce as when a Lyon roareth the more that tyrants and Antichrist roare and rage against the truth with their Buls the more doth this Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah put forth the mighty voice of the Gospel and as with rams horns casteth downe the wals of Antichristian Iericho 10. He sweares in verse 6. that time or delay shall be no more namely not so miserable and mournfull as they were under the sixe Trumpets when Antichrist domineired and none durst resist who would not be presently turned to ashes but better times should
was hanged up and his butler lifted up to his honour againe The judge is Michael the Judge of all the world the Churches husband himselfe was condemned for beleevers and will not condemne them for whom hee shed his blood Hee carried not their sinnes to lay them againe on themselves Lastly here is a ground of tryall to know whether the dragon be cast out of any man If he be then all his angells and all his power is cast out in part with him When Saul was converted and the dragon was cast out by the voice of Christ see how all his powers and angels were chased with him Ignorance and blindnesse of minde flyes away The scales fall off his eyes Pride of heart and pharisaicall righteousnesse goes after hee is strucke downe to the ground Disobedience and the command of sinne is gone Lord what wilt thou have me to do Wicked fellowship goes after he returnes no more to his companions the Jewes but joynes himselfe with the Apostles and beleevers Likewise in the Gaolor converted Act. 16. marke how all the dragons angels were chased out with him Of a proud rebell he becomes an humble soule Sirs what shall I do to bee saved Of a despiser of the word hee hungers after the counsell of it He that had reviled Paul and Silas now reverenceth them Hee that had inflicted stripes on them now washeth their wounds Hee that had cast them into the dungeon brings them out into his house there hee sets meat before them sets himselfe to heare the word from them to bee baptized of them and all his carnall joy was changed into joy that himselfe and all his houshold beleeved Where wee see all the holds of sinne demolished all the dragons studs and posts pulled downe at once This through-change must thou finde in thy selfe in whom the dragon is cast out For first where the Lord Jesus commeth hee smites all thy sinnes with his great sword as Esay 27. 1. Hee rebukes them all casts them from their power and raigne and dissolveth all the workes of the devill not in regard of their presence but of their rule and command Secondly as a Prince or Generall may hold a fort as well by any of his Captaines as by himselfe so is it here the dragon is not cast out where any of his angels are entertained for as Christ said of his Ministers Hee that receiveth you receiveth mee so may the dragon of his angels hee that harboureth you harboureth mee Thirdly our rule is to harbour no angell of the dragon Ephes. 4. 27. Give no place to the devill no not in any inordinate affection as that of anger which is mentioned Fourthly thou canst not entertaine one angell of the dragon but thou invitest a number with him every one will bring seaven spirits worse then himselfe No sinne can prosper alone nor keepe it selfe warme but le ts in a number more even a chaine of many linkes Now therefore go to the rule and note of tryall If thou hast cast out all his angels the dragon is cast out otherwise not 1. If the dragon bee cast out then the tares of grosse and fundamentall errours and heresies are cast out with him so are atheisme irreligion hypocrisie If the dragon be cast out he leaves thee not an atheist an hypocrite an idolater a contemner of godlinesse a scorner of religion a reviler of Gods servants these forts and turrets are cast downe after him But how are all the angels of the dragon welcome among ignorant and superstitious persons willfull Recusants open contemners of the holy exercises of religion c. 2. If the dragon be cast out so is profanenesse of life and corruption of manners If the dragon bee cast out hee leaves thee not a swearer a drunkard a filthy person a lier an usurer a railer a worker or lover of iniquity If thou servest any unrighteousnesse the dragon still rules and holdeth up his power in thee to destruction 3. If the dragon be cast out so are his temptations that they rage not nor prevaile as formerly It is true the dragon will bee still buffeting beleevers as Paul and will compasse them with temptations and lay many traines and stratagems for them But Michael makes them withstand them all and strenthens them to stand in the evill day where others are cast downe and with every temptation openeth a doore for issue Tempted may the beleever bee but not led into nor left in temptation The ordinary prevailing of temptation in many argues many angels of the dragon not cast out 4. If the dragon with all his angells bee cast out there is no more sorting nor conversing with the angels of the dragon The most apparent angels of the dragon are wisards and witches limbes of the devill and devils incarnate To consult or consort with such as are in immediate confederacie with the dragon is a marke and infallible brand of a man in whom the angels of the dragon are not cast out An ordinary sinne in those who professe good things but for all their profession are in compact with the devill who without a covenant with himselfe and faith in that covenant on the seekers part doth nothing More secret angels of the dragon are wicked men and a note of the dragons ejection is separation from wicked society a●d company from idolaters from atheists and scorners of goodnesse from filthy drunkards and fornicators from liers and blasphemers from gamesters and idle persons in a word from all vile persons in whom the image of God bewrayes not it selfe Whom to forsake consider 1. The commandement of God Prov. 23. 20 and 1. Cor. 5. 11. 2. Can wee safely runne among them that have plague-sores or converse with theeves and not be robbed one time or other 3 Thou must either commit or consent to their sinnes if not by act by silence Thou that canst brook all company how is thy heart vexed at their sinnes as Lots 4. Thou dost indeed harden and countenance them in their sinne and shalt be undivided in punishment Therefore depart from the assembly of sinfull men esteeme them angels of the dragon as they are Vers. 10. And I heard a loud voyce saying in heaven Now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast downe which accused them before our God night and day After the great battell betweene Michael and the dragon the event and issue whereof was Michaels victory and the dragons ruine and his angels now follows the song of victory and tryumph In which 1. The preface 2. The parts which are two The first containes the joy and glory of the Church verse 10. 11. The second the wo and sorrow of the enemies verse 12. Wo to the inhabitants of the earth c. In the preface consider 1. What voice this was 2. Whose 3. Why lowd I. The holy Evangelist saw in spirit and predicted a
unto Christ and what is their wages but that of Elimas who whē he could not hinder the Deputy from hearing Paul nor Paul from preaching sought to pervert him from that hee heard for which Paul cals him the childe of the devill the enemy of righteousnesse that ceased not to pervert the straite wayes of God It is a fearefull sinne of a Pharisee not to enter into the Kingdome of GOD himselfe but to hinder such as would enter is most damnable Fourthly many others sinne against this truth who cast their taunts upon no sort of men so much as those who runne after Christ and flocke to Sermons these are yet no subjects of Christ but as the unbeleeving Jews Act. 13. 45. who were inraged to see the Gentiles so ready to receive the preaching of Paul 2. Let this provoke us to testifie our joy wheresoever we see the kingdome of our God prevailing An heart zealous for Gods glory thirsting after mans salvation esteems it the greatest earthly happines to see the subiects of Christ multiplyed by the daily addition of soules to the Church Act. 2. 41. and to see Satan fal like lightning from heaven sinne mastered sinners cōverted enemies stopped or revenged for First this is a due debt and we ought to be thankfull 2 Thess. 1. 2. Secondly Christ hath commanded us to pray that his Kingdome may come therefore also wee must thankfully acknowledge it when it doth come Thirdly they shall prosper that love Jerusalem and preferre it to their chiefe joy But especially our ioy must abound when our Lords Kingdome is set up neare us as First in our Countrey and Kingdome We should pray to see and reioyce in seeing our Prince and Rulers casting downe their Crownes and Scepters at the feet of the Lambe keeping themselves bounded within that commission which they all receive from Him whose the Kingdome is opposing by all their power tyrannicall enemies who delight to spill the blood of Saints as water advancing the Word Sacraments Ministery and meanes of salvation sincere and undefiled cherishing godly Pastors and Ministers upholding holy discipline to reforme or cut off evill members encouraging the religious and sincere-hearted Professors of piety shunning evill men chasing Idolaters and profane persons out of presence and resisting the underminers and resisters of Christs Kingdome whether by secret fraud or open force All Scepters that uphold not Christs Scepter must be broken to pieces the which if it be held up at Court will bee the easier held up in the Countrey Secondly in our Cities and Townes If an eminent and conspicuous Towne as this is yeeld to Christ it is as a Beacon to the whole countrey round about as a mother City once opening to a Prince is a President to the whole Land What a ioy were it if Gods Ordinances had prevailed in this Towne that the Governours had led the way to Gods House as they were wont formerly that Gods Sabbaths were sanctifyed which none looks after that the love of God and his servants appeared among you that we might not say truly that scarce the meanest Village about you but would give both more countenance and more maintenance to a Lecture than this corporation doth What a comfort were it that you were patternes of concord and agreement to all the Countrey and not the spectacles of unquencheable discord and faction to all the kingdome What a ioyfull thing were it if we might see good men incouraged vicious persons corrected incorrigible outcasts cast out all men brought at least outwardly to the obedience of Ghrist Thirdly in our owne houses What an unspeakeable ioy is it when Gods Kingdome is come into our family when our house is a Bethel the wife is a ioynt-heire of the grace of life with the husband the children are the Children of God by adoption and sing Hosanna to Christ cur servants Gods servants and our kindred of the blood of Christ with us Wee need not bid men reioyce when their children thrive and prosper in the world the most of which ioy is carnall But where bee the hearts fearing God who more reioyce when they prove godly and religious when they see their children walking in the truth c How is the Kingdome of God in the family when the husband checketh his wife because shee is the Spouse of Christ the father frowneth on his sonne because hee is bookish and diligent in reading and good exercises the Master will not indure the servant that will bee a Saint in his service O hypocrite how canst thou reioyce in the Kingdome of God in the Kingdome and hunt it out of thy family know thou not onely wantest grace but hatest it Fourthly in our owne hearts especially to see the kingdome of God set up there will bee matter of assured and lasting ioy Matth. 13. 44. Hee that findes the Pearle goeth away reioycing and selleth all to purchase it The Eunuch converted goeth away reioycing No man can have Christ but hee hath also Christian ioy unspeakeable and glorious For that kingdome within us standeth in peace and ioy Rom. 14. 17. Quest. How shall I know that Christ raignes in me and that his Kingdome is within me Ans. 1. If our enemies be daily weakned Sathan foyled the flesh mortified if we stand with our Lord in his warres he raigneth over us 2. If lawes of evill bee reversed and the Lawes of Christ obeyed now led out of Aegypt we live by the lawes of Canaan 3. If in stead of raigning sinne grace raigne in us as Rom. 5. 21. Christ raigneth by grace This is when wee leave our sinnes and live unto God and seeke in all things to please our last Master best as servants doe 3. If wee must reioyce when wee see the Kingdome returned to the Lord then must wee mourne to see the Lords kingdome winne so little ground in the Kingdomes of the world I. What a lamentable thing is it to see the greatest Potentates of Europe to warre against this kingdome of the Lord yeeld their Thrones Crownes wealth and power to the Beast that is to Antichrist the chiefe adversary of this Kingdome In stead of the lawes of Christ which are the Scriptures of God unto which all the subiects of Christ ought to submit themselves they by all their power thrust upon the world the lawes of Antichrist who because hee cannot stand by the word of God must stand and bee upheld by the secular power and in stead of gathering and cherishing the subiects of Christ the godly Professors of his Word and Gospell they persecute them with fire and sword with proscription and banishment as men onely unworthy to live in their dominion How should our hearts mourne when such as should bee nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the Church are as fierce dragons tyrannizing and wasting the little flocke of Christ and those that should bee assistants to the Ruler of the whole earth make most resistance against him chasing the
Scriptures out of their Countries to receive in humane traditions thrusting down the pure worship of God to set up horrible Idolatry blasphemy and sacrilegious worship of stockes stones and the breaden god persecuting to death the faithfull and godly Preachers taking into their bosomes shavelings Baals Priests fabulous Fryars Jesuiticall King-killers and Antichristian god-makers What a griefe is it to cast our eyes abroad into the world and consider what a small part of it is come in as subiects to this King In the Easterne part of the world we may see Gog and Magog Turkes Jewes and Sarazens to hold out this Kingdome of Christ and set up Mahomet against him the god of that part of the world In the Westerne part we may see Antichrist Apollyon his Holinesse the Arch-enemy of the Churches of the Gentiles holding out by power and policy by force and fraud this Kingdome of our God in the most of this Westerne world and none may buy or sell no nor breath or live but such as receive the marke of the beast in their hands and foreheads So as wee must beleeve Jesus Christ to bee the great King For if we should trust our senses he seemeth in comparison of the world to be as Ishbosheth a King without a Kingdome II. To come nearer to our owne Countrey If we turne our eyes home wee may finde matter of mourning that this Kingdome of the Lord hath gotten no more ground in this Kingdome or rather hath lost much ground of late yeares sure it is God never gave more excellent gifts nor more furnished lights to his Church in any age since the Apostles then in this last age since the discovery of that Antichristian darknesse nor in this age unto any nation more than unto this nation and where he giveth much doth he not require much But oh the misery that is come upon his Church that 1. Whereas wee should have beene generally setled on our Rocke and foundations without wavering we are now calling our grounds in question and must dispute against deniers of our principles 2. Whereas Antichrist and Popery was a dead stinking carkeise detestable to every man of any nose or iudgement now the dead bones seeme to reunite themselves and flesh and skinne to come on them and begin to revive and take heart and contest yea iustle againe with the truth which once gave it the deadly wound as if it had brought seven spirits worse than before to take possession againe 3. Whereas painefull Preachers have beene worthily honoured and Gods graces admired in them in former times when the Word of God had free passage and was glorified what a griefe is it to see them now disdained and in stead of them to behold those Locusts the Priests and Jesuites fighting under their King Abbaddon and consuming the greene grasse and prevailing against so many high and low in these dayes of light to see these set by 4. Whereas the doctrine of the Sabbath was described plainely out of the Word of God and practised unlesse in very rude places in holy and commendable manner now the holy observation of it is rather accounted a kinde of heresie and all the dayes of the weeke afford not so much profanesse as that day wherein all the subiects of the Lords Kingdome ought onely to attend upon himselfe 5. How did the Lord Jesus mourne when hee saw the Jews without able Teachers as sheep without shepheards Mat. 9. 36. And what a mournfull sight were it to see a goodly field ready for the harvest but never a man in the Countrey to gather it in but there it must rot So what a lamentable thing is it to see so many Churches and Parishes without able Ministers and some countries utterly barren of meanes to gather them into the Kingdome whose Ministers in stead of feeding them either sterve them or poyson thē in stead of directing and comforting the poore Church smite her wound her shame her by taking away her vaile from her What a case was the poore Church in when the Pharises made a Canon that if any did sincerely professe Jesus Christ hee should bee excommunicated Iohn 9. 22. and afterward whē Diotrephes cast men out of the Church for receiving the brethren 3. Iohn 10. 6. How did David mourne and his eyes gush out rivers of teares because men kept not the Word The same cause have wee to see men generally cast off the regiment of Jesus Christ and led by the devill and their owne lusts The desperate prophanesse against the meanes is most damnable The Trumpet of the Gospell cals them to subiection but they say This man shall not rule over us 7. Wee have cause of mourning to see the Gospell going away and the Kingdome a taking away from us that is The Word of the Kingdome and the meanes of grace Who doth not see the Word of the Kingdome gone in the power of it For where may a man see the power of it but in a very small remnant so farre from the power of converting that it cannot prevaile against open sins nor trifling vanities And who seeth not the kingdome going away in the presence of it as wel as in the power Will Christ stay where hee is so unwelcome May wee not heare the same voyce as the Jewes did Mat. 21. 43. because they refused the Corner stone therefore the Kingdome should be taken from them and given to a Nation that would bring forth the fruits of it Or is it not a refusing of the Corner stone to trample upon the Preachers and Professors of holy religion and preferre before them Priests and Papists and to fall in love againe with Antichristian Idolatry and Masses and Breaden gods which reverse our Corner stone and cannot stand with the presence of the Arke So long as we have the Bridegroome with us wee may reioyce however other things goe with us but if he goe then our sorrowes come in as an unresistable flood III. To come to our owne places It will set griefe to every good heart to see how little ground the kingdome of the Lord hath gotten a long time If we shall see that after thirty or forty yeares constant preaching Magistrates professing religion are carelesse of religion as Gallio let religion runne as it will so that their aimes may succeed and projects prosper and not seldome turne the edge of authority against religion and religious persons If wee see that Magistracie will not bee wonne to joyne with the Ministery to set an edge and add a point to holy doctrine to make our weapons the more mighty and piercing against sinne and sinners Well knowes Satan the Kingdomes of the world would bee the Lords if these his two Ordinances should shake hands if David and Nathan or God stand together Iosias and Huldas and therefore labour to divulse them and prevailes so farre as wee seldome enjoy their happy conjunction What a griefe is it that when wee call for the
and his Apostles as by the Scripture wee are ready to cleare in all points and therefore wee have true succession of persons whether wee can name them or not By which reason wee bring them backe to the matter and cause whence they are willing to slide by bringing us unto persons 2. I answer If wee were not so able as by Gods grace we are to answer them calling for names this were not to bee laid to the charge of our religion but of theirs seeing the craft and tyrannie of their Antichristian Synagogue hath made our search more laborious For they have chased the Church into the wildernesse and forced her to hide her selfe out of sight and then aske us for all those names that fled into the wildernesse and lived and dyed there many hundred yeares since They burne the persons and records and then call us to account to shew them their murders They oppressed their persons as heretikes and suppressed their workes as hereticall and used all cruelty and craft to extinguish their names and memories for ever and now shamelesly they call upon us to put life into all those asnes whose blood their cruell hands have spilt upon the face of the whole earth And whereas the names which they call for are to bee had out of history themselves by falsification of all Antiquity and story and by shamelesse purging of all bookes from all truth which might make against them have made this taske more difficult and themselves not more insolent than fraudulent 3. I answer that there was never any age since Christ wherein our religion in what it is substantially contrary to Popery was not taught and professed must needs bee more ancient than the now Roman faith yea the only true Catholike faith from which theirs is a Catholike Apostasie This assertion they have proved abundantly 1. By Doctor White in his Way to the Church Digress 52. where hee hath cleared that from the yeare 600. before which there was no substantiall or fundamentall innovation received into the Church though some corruptions were creeping in before till the present age there was no halfe age wherein hee nameth not sundry the Teachers and Professors of our religion and resisters of the Papacie while it was in the shell Mee thinkes the Jesuites should answer something to those names before they call for more 2. The same is further cleared by one of themselves whose witnesse is the stronger because it was the testimony of an enemy and Inquisitor as is judiciously noted by that learned and worthy Bishop Doctor Vsher in his booke de statu Ecclesiae cap. 6. pag. 151. There were saith Reinerius the Inquisitor many sects of heretikes in times past but none ever were more pernicious to the Church of God than that of the Waldenses or pooremen of Lions for three causes 1. Because of the continuance of it sor some say it was from Sylvesters time and some say it was from the Apostles themselves 2. Because it was more generall for there is almost no land wherein it doth not spread and creepe 3. Because all other by some foule blasphemy against God make men abhorre them but this hath a great shew of piety for they live justly before men and beleeve all well concerning God and all the Articles which are contained in the Creed onely they blaspheme and hate the Roman Church and the multitude is easily drawne to beleeve them This is the testimony of a Popish Inquisitor Whence I inferre thus If these men held the whole body of religion now maintained in the Reformed Churches and the same positions against the Roman religion which wee doe as is undeniable by their Confessions Catechismes and Commentaries upon the grounds of religion manifest as else where so especially in that late and worthy booke intituled Luthers fore-runners or The history of Waldenses strangely reserved by God for these times the same also is apparent in the Articles objected against them by the Inquisitors set downe by Papists themselves and for which these godly Martyrs lost their lives by hundreds and thousands If they were so ancient as from the Apostles or Sylvester a circumstance not to bee contemned If they were of such just life and sound beliefe as the enemy reports them to bee If they were so many in number and so dispersed into all Countries and so assisted as none durst stop them for the multitude of their favorites If Reinerius himselfe say true that himselfe being often in the Inquisition and present at their examination found forty Churches in his walke infected with that sect and in one Parish of Cammach were ten open schooles of them If at one time were observed eight hundred thousand persons that made profession of the faith of the Waldenses I would now aske a Jesuite whether his fellow hath not named him persons enough in all ages of such as ever since Christ held and maintained and sealed with their blood our faith and religion And whether any credit is henceforth to bee given to his fellowes who say that our religion was never heard of in the world till Luther and was but sixe yeares old when King Edward the sixt dyed but every thing is nourished by that whereof it is bred and their religion being a compact of lies must bee upheld by lying whereof it is framed 4. I answer There was never any age since Christ in which the Popes Headship the maine pillar of Popery hath not beene resisted as hereticall and contrary to Orthodoxe religion The Jesuites have names enough in that learned booke of Doctor Crakenthorpe entitled Of the Popes temporall Monachy who as if hee had intended to prevent the Papists unreasonable demaund of names hath cleared by many names in every Century since Christ that the Popes temporall authority was resisted and by whom and that the sandy foundation of it namely the pretended donation of Constantine is but a fiction and a trick of a false finger by which Popery hath beene through outfacing supported a long time I need hold no Candle to this Torch onely I wish the Jesuites to answer those names before they call for more or else they must goe shorter by the head 5. There was never any age since Christ in which the Pope was not detected and proclaimed to bee Antichrist before his appearing implicitè and after it explicitè and expresly This I have ready to prove by names in al ages since Christ in way of cōfutation of a Jesuites booke sent to mee to review who impudently affirmeth that Luther was the first that called the Pope absolutely Antichrist 1. The Church is ever safe as the Arke on a world of waters Christ is the Pilot. 2. None can take her out of his hands Iohn 10. he is stronger than all 3. He knowes who are his and where and how to deliver them 4 Quod inimici in perniciem machinantur deus convertit in adjutorium feare not the tumults of
to the exact rule of justice contrary to Iob. 3. 9. None can answer God one for a thousand Neither can he blinde us as he doth himselfe by saying accedente gratia Dei for Gods grace and satisfactory works are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 can never stand together Rom. 11. 6. if of grace not of workes 5 That a Priest may properly forgive sinnes as Tecellius the Popes pardoner openly proclaymes in Churches and elsewhere that although a man had layne by our Lady the Mother of Christ and begotten her with child yet he was able by the Popes power to pardon the fact This horrible blasphemy was the ground of Luthers revolt from Popery 6 That a man having true faith in Christ may be damned Bellarm. de baptis l. 1. c. 14 Against the Apostle in Eph. 2. 10. Wee are saved by faith and Rom. 5. 1. by faith wee have peace with God and our Saviours promise that the gates of hel shall not prevaile against it To these sixe I could adde sixe hundred more to make this flood of Antichristian heresies swell but I content my self with a taste I I. A flood of slaunders and gulfe of reproaches and hellish devises imputing to the Woman and true profession of religion most scandalous opinions and hainous enterprises and all to keepe the Woman under water to get the secular sword drawne against her and to make the Princes jealous fierce and severe against her as the greatest enemie of their estates and royalties Instances of the former Doth not Antichrist out of his mouth send out most false and slaunderous lies as that our doctrine teacheth 1 That the Church hath fayled from off the earth many hundered yeares till Luther 2 That wee condemne all Councells Fathers Antiquity and will onely be tyed and tryed by Scripture whereas wee refuse not to bee judged by men judging according to Scripture and allow the Churches approbation and consent of Antiquity onely holding it absurd that the authority of Scripture should depend upon the approbation of the Church which is the question And this were to make the shine of the sunne dependant on the light of a candle 3 That wee teach God the author of sin even of that treacherous sinne of Iudas Rhem on Act. 2. sect 9. Whereas wee only teach as Scripture doth that Christ was delivered up according to the determinate counsell of God and that God hardneth evill men not as an author of evill but as a righteous judge and not by bare permission but by actuall with-holding his grace and giving them over to the divell to be hardned as a just judgement 4 That wee are enemies to all good workes and hold only faith necessarie nay that we condemne good workes as sinfull pharisaicall hypocriticall Rhem. on Rom. 2. sect 3. whereas wee teach that to justification before God faith is only necessarie but such a faith as worketh by love and that good workes are inseparable fruits of faith signes of justification and a way in which Christians must walke to salvation And many more imputations there are not needfull to be all rehearsed For the latter Have not the Papists in all ages prooved themselves to be the very mouth of the dragon breathing out nothing but their owne poysonfull inventions against our religiō and sincere Preachers and Professors of the same Have they not published to all the world and do that no sort of men are such enemies to Princes and governement none such disturbers of a setled State and common peace no sect so bad none so unworthy of common favour none such enemies to Laws orders Kingdomes Have they not licked up the spettle of the father of lies and infinitely shamed themselves with lyes and slaunders as blacke as the waters of Styx the river of hell as that Luther learned his Divinity of the devill was borne of the devill and dyed of drunkennesse That Calvin was eaten up of wormes and dyed blaspheming and invocating devills whose life and death was so holy and happy as the dragon must open a wide and impudent mouth to staine the same That Beza dyed reconciled to the Pope and cursed the day he ever knew Protestant doctrine which Beza himselfe lived to confute That Mr. Bucer denyed at his death that Christ was come the whole country and D. Redman preaching at his funerall knowing the contrary and as true as that Mr. Perkins dyed in despaire of whose happy life and death my selfe was an eye-witnesse as true as that those whom they called Puritanes had blowne up the Parliament house III. Another part of this flood is the cruell and bloody Edicts the cruell Constitutions and inhumane Rescripts which they furiously breath-out with such violence and rage as a strong current and flood which hath broken out of the bankes Such as are their Trent-curses for every slight difference in opinion from them Such as are their Spanish barbarous Inquisitions which are as the sharp teeth in the mouth of the dragon Such as their Romish Bulls and cursed excommunications their degradations c. Such as are their six Articles their horrible execrations and abrenunciations and all of that kinde to destroy root out and for ever to drowne the very name and memory of the woman and sound Christian Religion For the third The end of the dragon in sending out this water was to drowne and carry away the woman First The end of all the dragons furie is the destruction of the Church nothing will serve him but drowning his malice stints not it selfe in any mischiefe or hurt he can bring upon her Secondly His wrath once caryed her out of Paradice now he would carry her out of the way to heaven also he envyes not onely her safety and quiet in earth but her salvation in heaven Thirdly It notes a difference betweene the waters sent out by God upon the Church and these of the dragon The floods of God do but water or if any more do but wash the City of God The floods out of the dragons mouth are to wast and destroy the woman and to cary her away from the earth The dragon had made sundry assaults upon the woman before and still Michael had crossed him and against this last hid the woman safe yet so great is his furie and rage and so blind his malice that not observing Gods providence towards his Church he bolts on forward to new enterprises against her Whence learne that Satan and his instruments will never give over their malice against the godly though they have never so ill successe in the same Psal. 1● 4. Do not workers of iniquity know that they eat up my people as bread q. d. though they do know them Gods people and see by many arguments that God is their God yet they oppresse them with desire and delight even as desirously and greedily as they eate bread when they are hungry Did not Phar 〈◊〉 see that none of his devises succeeded against ●srael
law endictes every wicked man hating the godly of murder 1 Ioh. 3. 15. not only because hatred is a degree of it but because his will and desire carries him to the highest degree and execution of it 2 Members must be conformed to the head in obedience both active and passive What floods the dragon raised and cast out of his mouth to carry Christ away is manifest in the story imputing to him sorcery blasphemy sedition treason and all that was hainous and poysonfull If they called the Master of the house Belzeb●b what will they not call his servants 3. The more innocent thou art looke thy suffering to bee the more for malice is most against grace and innocency When good men are generally maligned and floods of water cast after them the generall conceit and speech of other is some fault there is were there not some fire there could not bee so much smoake some indiscretion some oversight some fault No no there is shining grace wisdome holinesse watchfulnesse the dragon will revile good men be they never so discreet and innocent yea for innocency as Christ himselfe Againe seeing it is inevitable that the godly should bee molested with these floods and rising of waters let them for their comfort and direction thinke of these Rules 1. Against the multitude of Antichristian enemies who increase and combine as a flood to overflow all bankes oppose the promise of God Esa. 17. 12 1● They shall make a noise as the noise of many waters but God shall rebuke them hee hath passed sentence against them which is not farre from execution and Chap 59. 19. The enemy shall come like a flood but the Spirit of the Lord will chase him away and daily shall they be blasted by the breath of his mouth all his forces cannot prosper being gathered against the Lord Deut. 33. 27. 2 Against the floods of Antichristian heresies and false doctrines wee must stablish ourselves First with true humility to containe our selves within bounds of truth Pride and conceit makes heretikes Secondly with sound love to the truth this onely will make us hate all false inventions Psal. 119. 113. Thirdly with true obedience to the truth revealed Ioh. 7. 17. If any man will do my will he shall know the doctrine whether it bee of God By these meanes wee shall sticke fast to the Rocke and hold fast by truth and not be carryed away with this flood Fourthly when they trouble our waters with traditiōs fables for they are called troubled waters oppose the sweet and cleare crystall fountaines of the Scriptures the waters out of the Rocke and out of the fountaines of Iacob Deut. 33. 28. this shall bee sufficient against the full sea of Antichristian brinish salt and damnable doctrines 3. Against the drowning waters of scandals reproaches threatnings wicked Edicts false accusations or violent executions oppose those sweet refreshing waters of comfort Esa. 55. 1. These promise First Christs presence who rebukes winde and sea and makes a calme Secondly strength and patience because they are the rebukes of Christ. Thirdly a clearing of thine owne innocency as the light Againe oppose thine innocency purity sound conscience honest conversation and then assure thy selfe no reproach can take away thine innocency no more than thy head Lastly waite on God as David in Shimeis rayling hee may doe thee good for their evill hee may blesse thee for their cursing and honor thee the more for their dishonour as Mordecai And many of his servants have experience that the more evill men seek to cast them downe and carry them away with floods of injuries the more God doth establish and uphold them and carry them up above the waves and billowes which threaten to drowne them Vers. 16. And the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the stood which the dragon cast out of his mouth AGainst new dangers the woman hath still new remedies for unwonted dangers unwonted helpes Against the former dangers shee had wings to flie from them here the earth sets in for her helpe the dragon casts the flood out of his mouth and the earth takes it into her mouth By the earth is not meant the earthly globe which Mathematicians call the center of the world in which wee walke neither may wee understand it properly of this vast Element but improperly and metaphorically as wee did the flood in the former words drunke up by it By earth therefore is meant 1. In generall all the meanes by which the former flood was drunke up and the phrase is an allusion to an ancient story in Numb 16. where the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up Corah and all his company who had cast floods of reproachfull waters against Moses Aaron even so here before the Lord will suffer his Church to be drowned and overwhelmed he will command the earth to open it selfe and swallow up all such as enterprise against it as formerly he had to swallow alive Corah Dathan Abiram and all their complices 2. More specially by the earth wee meane those speciall providences by which the former floods were dryed up as 1. The floods of herefies spewed out of the dragons mouth were swallowed up of the earth for First it was the earthly and wicked Synagogue that embraced all the dragōs plausible heresies such as whose names are writen in earth but not any whose names were written in the Booke of life the true Church drunke not a drop of that poyson spewed out of the dragons mouth Secondly because that the Synods and Councils gathered out of all the earth resolved and swallowed up those pernicious heresies against the grounds of Christian religion For as of old the Councell of Nice swallowed up the poysoned flood of Arrius the Constantinopolitan supped up the hereticall flood of Macedonius and Eunomius the Ephesine of Nestorius and the Chalcedon of Eutiches so we might name a number of Canons out of Councels gathered under Antichrist resisting many main Romish errors and hereticall doctrines as the sixt generall Councell about the yeare 700. decreed against the Church of Rome the marriage of Ministers and forbad to make the Holy Ghost in likenesse of a Dove The Councell of Portugall at Bracca appointed the Cup in the Communion Sundry other Councels as of Constantinople under Leo Isauricus and after under Constantius Copronimus and of Frankeford under Charles the Great all against Images and many of their owne contradicting their fellowes in matters of greatest difference as might be cleared at large but is done already by Doctor Hall in his booke intituled The peace of Rome 2. The floods of slaunders and false suggestions have beene dryed up even by the earth earthly men and enemies of the Church who have acquitted and discharged the Christians of those horrible scandalls which were out of the dragons mouth sent after them to drowne them as in the ancient Story the Christians
of the Primitive Church under persecution were by Plinius Secundus an heathen Philosopher justified and discharged of all the foule things devised against them even to Trajan that persecuting Emperor as in these words of his letter The whole summe of that sect consists in this that they use at certaine times to convent before day and sing hymnes to Christ their God and confederate among themselves to absteine from all theft murder and adultery to keepe their faith and defraud no man which done then to depart for that time and after that to resort againe to take meat in companies both men and women and yet without any act of evill about the yeare of Christ 100. So did Aristides a Philosopher in Athens justifie the same poore Christians from those horrible slaunders in an oration before the Emperor Hadrian in the yeare 120. And many such examples the story affordeth But our text speaking of after times in the tyranny of Antichrist wee want not a number of instances amongst themselves falsifying their owne wicked slaunders against the Professors of true Religion We have heard Reynerius a great Inquisitor justifying the Waldenses that they lived justly before men and beleeved all well concerning God and all the articles which are conteined in the Creed To the same effect answered the Visitors of K. Lewis 12. of France and of Francis 1. which made one of them sweare that they were a better people then he or his people See many instances of many adversaries of the woman giving honourable reports of her enforced thereto by force of truth it selfe in hist. Waldens lib. 1. cap. 5. 3 The floods of cruell edicts and decrees cast out of the mouth of the dragon were often swallowed and hindred by earthly occasions and incumbrances which rise among the wicked and inhabitants of the earth themselves and the Lord ordinarily ordereth the counsells and quarrells of his enemies among themselves every one having his owne speciall ayme so as shal be good for the Churches escape As Paul got free by casting a bone betweene the Pharises and Sadduces So the Church escapeth often while bones of quarrells and contention are cast betweene wicked Princes In the yeare 1526. Charles 5 Emperour and Francis 1. King of France agreed to joyne all their power and forces and raise a flood wholly to carry away the woman and root out every where the mention of Lutheran Religion but the earth holpe the woman for the Pope himselfe intending their destruction as fiercely as they on other occasions brake the league and made the Emperour so much businesse in Italie that he professed by publique writing that the Pope was in the fault that he had not wholly suppressed the heresie of Lutherans Thus while the wicked plague the ungodly the Church hath some rest and breathing from their wicked decrees as in one other instance appeares anno 1530. For what a cruell edict did the Emperor Charles 5. thunder against the Professors of the Gospell that every one feared to be quite carryed away by that flood which rose out of the dragons mouth at the Dyet of Ausperg But see how God commanded the earth to open her mouth and swallow this flood that it should not hurt but helpe the woman Instantly the Turke as if he had beene earryed by the haire of his head came into Austria invading the Empire and now it was no time to wish the Emperor to graunt peace to the Protestants against the former edict that he might obteine of them ayde against the Turke the common enemie of Christendome In the greatest dangers of the Church she shall alwaies have some helpe and though she be much pressed she shall not be oppressed Wee see many floods may rise up and swell as a spring-tide to carry her away but they cannot drowne her The same was typified in that horrible persecution of Antiochus who when he was most raging and made most havocke in the Church yet was the woman holpen with a little help Dan. 11. 34. God stirred up Mattathias and his sonnes who were but an handfull to Antiochus his army and so prospered their small helpe that the cruelty and tyranny of that monster was stayed for the time Even so in the highest floods of Antichrist of whom Antiochus was a most eminent type the poore woman hath ever had a little helpe 1 Because of the presence of God who sitteth on the floods whose presence with the Church makes her safe Esa. 43. 2. ●eare not Iacob thou art mine there is the ground of safety in the covenant of God when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the floods that they do not overflow thee c. If his promise faile not he must be with his in the hotest fires of persecution and in the most unpassable floods of calumnies and here sies 2 Gods wakefull providence and protection ever deviseth and affordeth some helpe Moses was cast on the waters but God provides him a basket to helpe him out Ionas was cast into the sea God provides a Whale to carry him out Noah was tossed on a world of floods but God became pylot and he that shut him in helped him out And as the great flood could not drowne the Arke but the earth at length swallowed and dryed it up much lesse can these lesser floods drowne the Arke of the Church on which Gods protection is no lesse 3 Christs headship ever affords some helpe A man cannot drowne so long as his head is aloft let him be in never such deepes Christ the head of the Church is ever aloft and cannot sinke If al the floods that ever were cast out of the mouth of the dragon could have carryed him away then had they more easily carried away his body the Church but they could not sinke or drowne him therefore is she safe 4 The Church can pray in faith and the prayer of faith is a strong cable and sure meanes of her safety and stayeth her till seasonable helpe come Psal. 32. 6. Therefore shall every godly man pray and then surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come neare him Ionah prayed in the floods of great waters and was safe being cōpassed with waves weeds rockes and mountaines chap. 2. 1. Thesefore is the Church unmooveable and shall so continue to the end of the world seeing no flood shall carry her away and God whose she is is never wanting never wearie in helping her He had saved her from the dragon by raysing up a man-child he saved her the second time by hiding her and now the third time he drawes her out of the floods which intended to drowne her so as earth and hell wearie themselves in vaine in devising to overthrow her The more impudent the Papists who say we teach that the Church fayled from off the earth all the time of Antichrist for the space of a thousand
4. Reasons 4. Vse vnhappy men that preferre the world above Christ. And who refuse Christ for the world To fortisie our selves against this profanesse 6. helps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Motives to keepe the Moone under our feet 1 Al are alike fugitive 1 Riches 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Honors Date obulum Belizario 3. Pleasures Psal. 16. 11. 4 Life it selfe 5 Whole world 2 God hath put them under our feet 3 Hath put no great worth in themselves Good men as the Moone seldome in the full but in danger of eclipse Signes of him whom the Moone hath under her feet 5. 1. 2. Ier. 44. 19. Iob. 31. 26. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 5. 5 Signes of him that hath the Moone under his feet Property 3. The crowne of the Church implyeth 4. things 1 Honor of her person 2 Eminency above others 3 Her rich estate 4 Her victory The Crowne of 12. stars is the shining doctrine of the 12. Apostles The woman is still crowned with 12. Starres 3 Reasons I. 2. 3. The Crowne said to be on her head for 4 Reasons 1. 2. Doct. Ministers are as starres in the firmament of the church 4. reasons 1. 2. 3. 4. Vse And must resemble Stars 1 In humilitie for 4. reasons 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 In stability 3 In fidelity 4 In unity 5 In cōstancy Motives to these duties 3. 1. 2. 3. Doct All Saints on earth have Kingly dignity Reasons 1 Have royall birth as Kings 2 Are anoyn ted as Kings 3 Have the power of Kings 1 A commanding power 2 A performing power 3 A conquering power 4 A judging power 4 Are all crowned as Kings Vse To magnifie Gods grace And the state of Gods children And to demeane themselves as Princes 1 In great affaires 2 With Nobles and Princes 3 With valour and courage 4 Be armed as Kings 5 Be bountiful as Princes Let none take away thy Crowne How a Christian may loose this Crowne To resist the Gospell is to pul the crown off the head of the Church Quest. Bringing forth children in nature and in grace resembled in 5. things 2. 3. 4 5. Quest. How the Woman is ready to be delivered Quest. How she cryed in paine to be delivered Doct The Church is a fruitfull Mother of Children to God Her bed is greene 2. Reasons Reasons 3. 1. 2. 3. Vse Not to content ourselves with our first birth in nature reas 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How to know the true Mother Church 1 Note because she is called Catholike A nomine ad rem non valet consequens Nulla fuit unquam haeresis quae nolit videri catholica 2 Nor by Antiquity 4. reas 1. 2. V●tustas erroris 3. 4. De Poenit. distinct 5. a De Clericis l. 1. cap. 19. b Art 92. c Sess. 24. d 3 part Thom 4. 80. art qu. 3. 3 Nor by perpetuity or durance Numerum numerantem augens non numerum numeratum Romae dicitur Babylon quia ad finem seculifutura est officina omnis Idololatriae et fedes Antichristi 4 Nor by multitude and amplitude Ecclesia fuit in uno Abeli in uno Henocho Multitudo orthodoxa Totus mundus factus fuit Arrianus Hi vulgus habent nos sidem 5 Nor by succession of Bishops 4 Reasons 1. 2. 3. Successio Cathedrae et doctrinae Church of Rome hath no succession either of 1 Doctrine 2 Seat Non habent haereditatlm Pe●ri qui non habent sidem Petri. De poenit c. 6. Scripturam docere quae sunt notae Ecclesiae de notis Eccles. c. 1. Cap. 3. The true Mother known by 5. notes 1 Her face and what that is 2 Her voice 3 Her vertues 2. 1 Holinesse 1 Of doctrine 2 Of persons 3 Of manners 2 Meeknesse 4 Her marriage 5 Her carriage 1 To her husband 1 Faithfull 2 Subject 3 Dependeth on him 4 Honoureth him only Necessitate praesentiae non efficientiae 2 To her children 1 Nurseth them 2 Teacheth them 3 Provideth for them Rev. 13. 8. Galat. 4. 30. How we may know our selves sons of this Mother 7. notes By our change in 5. things 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 The voice of Prayer 3 Sucking the breasts 4 Image of his Father 5 Growth in strength stature 1 In understanding 2 In affection 3 In activity 4 In strength to suffer 6 Child-like affections 1 To our Father Honor. Love 2 To our Mother Love Par in parem non habet jus Compassion 7 Brotherly-affection Doct. 2. The Church brings no children to God without travell 4. Reas. Reas. 1. 3. 4. Foure maine hindrances of new birth Naturall ignorance Fleshly feare Joh. 12. 41. Irresolution Love of sin Use. 1. The dignity of the Ministry The end of the Ministry Comfort of faithfull Ministers Vse II. Reasons why God would not sever Christ and his crosse Travell in the meanes of grace 3. Reas. 1. 2. 3. By the dragon what is meant 1. Satan called a dragon for 4 reasons 2. Instruments of Satan called dragons Why. The whole kingdome of the devill but one dragon 3. Reas. 3. Heathen persecuting Emperours of Rome dragons 3. Reas. Doct. All wicked men united against Christ. 4. Reas. Reas. 1. 2. 3. 4. Vse 1. Unitie no note of the Church 2. What unitie and peace Ministers must preach for 3. Christians must unite themselves in the truth Reas. Dragon called great in 4. respects 1. 2. 3. 4. The Church is beset with fierce enemies and dragons Reas. 1. 2. 3. 4. Vse 11. Aids to be procured against the dragon 1. 2. 3. 2 Chro. 20. 15 Ve ll I. Vse 4. 5 Grounds of courage against so great a dragon Iste Leo ob feritatem Christus ob fortitudinem Christus Leo ad vincendum diabolus ad nolendum August Doctr. The fiery disposition of enemies of the Church 1 The head 2. 3. 4. 2 In the members 3 In the Imperiall dragon Three causes hereof 1. 2 3. Vse 1. Vse II. Vse III. Vse IV. 3 Grounds of comfort Doctr. The dragon is as subtile as cruell 1. 2. 3. 4. Why God giveth good gifts to evill men that abuse them 3. Reas. Why do wicked men contrive and bend their wils against the Church 3 Reas. 2. 3. 1. Vse I. 1. Dragons subtilty in dissembling his person Satan assayleth us 1. In our solitarinesse 2. In our sorenesse In our sleepe 4. In our nakednesse 3 Instances 5. In our death II 1. Satans subtilty in hindring good actions Satans subtilty in shaking and holding out graces Of faith 2. Of Repentance 3. Of Sanctification Of sanctification 4. Thrusting on good things by ill meanes Propounding to good actions bad ends What good the dragon cannot hinder he will disgrace Whether personall Or sociall Satans subtilty in frustrating good actions The word frustrate 3. waies Satan frustrates seemly profession 3. waies 2 3. 2. The dragon as subtill to thrust on evill as to trust out good 1 By making evill seeme good 2 Or lesse evill III. Satan a most subtil
themselves 3 Effeminatenesse 4 Contention Weeds grow abundantly in rank soyle 2. Vse 1. Judg. 4. 12. Vse 2. 3 Chiefe ends of prosperity perverted by our selves 3. Rules of direction herein Vse 3. All our watch is little enough in prosperity Foure instances of the dangers of prosperity Vexatio dat intellectum Jnselix Ecclesiae foelicitas Magnae foelicitatis est a foelicitate non vin●i Vse 4. How to order our selves 1. In prosperity be sober Phil. 4. 11. 2. In adversity bee thankfull Gods workes are all 1. Wise. 2. Seasonable 3. Profi●able Foure conclusions to understand aright what is this flight Observ. Heresie is more hatefull to the Church than tyranny Vse Nobis melius visum ●st locum mutare quàm fidei veri●●atem aedifici●ru●que 〈◊〉 amaenitatem amittere c. Hier. Ripario What these wings are The number of them Whence she had them Wings of a great Eagle note 4. things Psal. 37. 24. God ordinarily saveth his Church by wings and meanes The Church hath wings and meanes sufficient to avoyd danger 3. reas 4 Grounds of cōfort hence Gods deliverance implyed to be 1 Speedy 2 Unresistable 3 Cōfortable In all dangers to fly under the shadow of these wings 4. ●eas 1. Pr●v 18. 10. 2. 3. 4. Be sure that thy wings be given thee of God Then we may fly persecutiō when we have wings from God 4 Rules to obtaine them 1. Job 39. 30. 2. 3. The flight from the dragon is in respect of state not of place The third generall in this verse Observ. Church not alwayes seen Ecclesia aliquando in uno Abelo in uno Enocho in uno Noacho in uno Abrahamo Aug. Delituit i● cavernis non eminuit in primarijs sedibus Cont. Auxent But alwayes safe foure Reasons 1 2 3 Servatus etc puerulus ille quem Herodes int●rfiere volebat Oral 1. contra Arian 4 Vse The Popish Chuch hath no true succession of doctrine nor persons Neither can such a visible perpetuall successiō stand with so many schismes in the Papacy 30. averred by Onuph●ius 26 confessed by Bellar●ine The late miserable shift of Romanists Fox 211. Morellmemorials pag. 54. out of the story of Waldens pag. 11. Monarchomac pag. 23. Vse 2. Aug. Epist. 105. ad Sixtum Doct. The Church shal be provided for in ●ardest times Reas. 1. 2 3 4 5 Use 1. 4 Grounds of comfort Vse 2. 2 Tim. 4. 8. Vse 3 The Church in hardest times shall be fed Rev. 1. 16. God by himselfe feedeth his Church three wayes 1 2 Rev. 3. 20. 3. Use 4. The Woman must be fed in the wildernes 3. reas 1. 2. 3 Not to be literally meant of 3. yeares and an halfe as Papists dreame 3 reas Tempus hoc divino quidem confilio definitum est Ecclesiae exilio humano vero calculo quantum ad terminos impervestigabile Dies velannus certe statui non potest in quem erunt excquiae tamen ex alijs scripturis perspicuum esse arbitror non differend as ad longissimum ul'ra sexaginta annos in cap. 19. 4. Vse Gen. 16. 13. All afflictions of the Church measured by God Why great tryals are compared to floods of waters Five Reasons For their 1. Danger 2. Abundance 3. Depth 4 Instance 5 Swelling 1. Floods of heresies Against the Scriptures De authorit Sc. ●● l. 3. ●ct Mon. p●g 1076. Against Christ. Acceden●● gratia dei vere possamus aliquo mo do ex proprys et ad ●qualitatem ac per hoc iustè et ex condigno sati●facere Bellar. Sleidan l. 13. 3 A flood of cruell edicts Doct. No ill successe can make the dragon cease assaulting Reas. 1. In all evill a man is a similitude with Satan 2. And a restlesnesse in sin 3. And a fulnesse of poyson 4. And a resistance of meanes of their owne good Vse 1. Vse 2. Sonnes of the woman must expect these floods Vse 3. 1. Directions against the flood of violēt enemies 2. Against the floods of Antichristian heresies Jer. 2. 2. Against the floods of virulent reproaches The earth is taken not properly no more than the former floods Floods of he resies drunke up by the earth Two wayes Floods of slanders dried by the earth how Floods of cruell edicts drunke by the earth how Act. 23. 6 7. Doctr. In greatest floods the Church hath alwaies a little helpe Reas. 1. Gods presc̄ce 2. Gods providence 3. Christs headship 4 Prayer of faith Use 1. Vse 2. 1 Get to the rocke Exod 14. 22. Iosh. 3. 17. Leane upon Gods power Cleave to the word Keep Christ in the ship Doctr. 2. The Church often hath most helpe where she least expects it Reason 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Sam. 23. 26. Use 1. The earth must drinke up her owne floods Vse 2. Late experience of this truth Vse 3. The scattering of the Saints is the dispersing of the Gospell Vse 4. Psal. 37. Veritas temporis fili● The Captaine of this warre under the dragon The weapons of this captain twofold Doct. Wicked men hate the Saints whom they never saw Reas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vse 1. Vse 2. Use 3. Doctrine Reason 1. 2 3 4. 5. Vse 1. Vse 2. Vse 3. Doct. Ier 3. 14. Reason 1. 2 3 4 Object Answ. Use 1. Vse 2. Vse 3. Vse 4. Vse 5. Phil. 3. 11. 1 Tim. 1. 5. 2 King 4. 33. Eph. 3. 14. Observ. 1. Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Observ. 2. Reason 1. 2. 3. Vse 1. Vse 2. Vse 3. Observ. 3. Reason 1. Vse 1. 2. 3. Observ. 4. Reason 1. 2 3. 4 Vse 1. Vse 2. Use 3.