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B08923 Memoires of Mr. Des-Ecotais: formerly stiled in the Church of Rome the most venerable Father Cassianus of Paris, priest and preacher of the Order of the Capucins. Or, The motives of his conversion. Divided into two parts. I. That the doctrin of the now Roman church is not grounded neither upon the Holy Scripture; neither upon the belief of the primitive church or the authority of the Holy Fathers, which is more particularly and more evidently verified in the examination of the belief of Rome concerning the Eucharist. II. That the church of Rome is not the true church; that it doth not enjoy, as absolutely its own, out-shutting all other churches, neither the antiquity of the belief, neither the multitude of the people, neither the true and lawful succession of the bishops; that the authority thereof is not infallible, and that it is full of errors and corruptions. Des Ecotais, Louis. 1677 (1677) Wing D1174AA; ESTC R204416 150,657 428

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cy-devant est tombée dans la Corruption et dans l Erreur § 1. Corruption horrible dans ses Moeurs p. 80. § 2. Erreurs extremement grossieres dans sa Doctrine pag. 88. Conclusion Generale Que j'estois engagé de sortir de l'Eglise de Rome aprés que Dieu m'en eut fait connoître les Erreurs par les degrés que j'ay marqués dans les deux Parties de ce Discours pag. 88. § 1. L'Occasion d'un Sermon que je préchay sur le sujet du Sacrement me rappella dans l'Esprit toutes les idées que j'avois des Erreurs de Rome pag. 91. § 2. Les repugnances que je souffris et les difficultés qu'il me falut surmonter pag. 94. § 3. Les raisons que je meditay dans mon esprit pour differer ma Conversion pag. 96. § 4. Dieu par sa misericorde me fait vivement comprendre le grand peché que c'est que de s'opposer au saint Esprit et ainsi acheve ma Conversion en me faisant genereusement abandonner la Communion de Rome pag. 101. TABLE INTRODUCTION § 1. The Reasons wherefore I have been engaged to write these Memoires Pag. 1. § 2. That the Conversion of a man who did live in the Errors of the Roman Church is a very great Miracle pag. 5. § 3. After what manner and by what degrees the Spirit of God made me understand my Errors pag. 9. FIRST PART That the Doctrin of the Roman Church is not grounded neither upon the belief of the Primitive Church or the Authority of the Holy Fathers CHAP. I. How I understood that the Doctrin of the Roman Church is not grounded upon the Scripture § 1. The Reading of the Scripture disposes me to acknowledge the Errors of Rome pag. 11. § 2. The Errors of the Roman Church whereof I was perswaded made me find in the Scripture many Difficulties many Insufficiencies and many Contradictions pap 16. § 3. Circumstances which did contribute to hasten my Conversion pag. 22. § 4. Conclusion of this Chapter That the Articles of Faith of the Roman Church cannot be proved by Scripture pag. 26. CHAP. II. How I understood that the Articles of Faith of the Roman Church are not grounded upon the Belief of the Primitive Church nor upon the Authority of the Holy Fathers INTRODUCTION The reading of the Books concerning The Perpetuity of Faith in the Eucharist was an occasion to me to examin in particular the Belief of the Roman Church about that matter pag. 30. Division of the Errors of Rome concerning the Eucharist pag. 34. Section I. That the belief of Rome about the real Presence in the sense of Transubstantiation is a new Doctrin in the Church I. First Proof drawn out of the Arguments wherewith the Fathers of the Church had wont to Dispute against the Heathens pag. 36. II. Second Proof drawn out of the Reasons wherewith the same Fathers had wont to Dispute against the Hereticks pag. 41. III. Third Proof drawn out of the manner whereafter the Fathers had wont to speak of the Holy Saerament pag. 44. IV. Fourth Proof drawn out of the novelty of the Doctrin teaching Transubstantiation pag. 48 Section II. That that which is taught of the Sacrifice of the Mass in the Church of Rome is a Doctrin contrary to the belief of the Primitive Church I. In what sense it is true to say that the Holy Sacrament is a Sacrifice pag. 50. II. That the pretended Propitiatory Sacrifice of the Roman Church is contrary to the Scripture pag. 53. III. What has given occasion to that Error and the degrees of Corruption which brought forth that belief pag. 56. IV. That the horrid abuse which is slid in the Roman Church to offer their Sacrifices in the honour of Saints is a practice contrary to that of the Primitive Church pag. 59. Section III. That the manner of Administring the Sacrament in the Roman Church is quite different and very much opposed to that to which they were used in the first Ages of the Church I. That in the time of the Apostles and in the first ages of the Church they gave the Communion to all the People under both kinds they worshipped not the Host and celebrated not the Holy Mysteries in an unknown Tongue pag. 64. II. The beginning of all the Errors of the Roman Church in the Administration of the Sacrament pag. 70. 1. The beginning of the Abridgement of the Cup. pag. 71. 2. The beginning of the Worship of the Host pag. 74. 3. The beginning of the celebration of the Eucharist in an unknown Tongue pag. 78. Conclusion of the First Part. That the Articles of Faith of the Roman Church cannot be proved by the practice of the Primitive Church nor by the authority of the ancient Fathers pag. 80. Second Part. That the Church of Rome is not the true Church that it's Authority is not Infallible and that it is full of Corruptions and Errors INTRODUCTION The Divine Providence brought forth some occasions which made me resolve to examin the very first grounds of the Question concerning the Authority of the Roman Church pag. 1. 1. The occasion that I had to examin a-new all the Articles of Faith of the Roman Church all which I reduced to the Authority of the same Church pag. 3. 2. The occasion that I had to doubt of the Infallibility of the Pope made me resolve to examin again and without passion upon which is grounded that Authority which the Church of Rome boasts so much pag. 6. 3. Circumstances wherewith I began to examin the Authority of the Roman Church and what I do design in the Rehearsal of them pag. 12. CHAP. I. Of the pretended grounds of the Authority of the Roman Church pag. 16. Section I. That Antiquity Multitude and Succession are not priviledges which ever the Roman Church had enjoyed above all other Churches pag. 20. § 1. That the Roman Church is not the Eldest of all the Churches pag. 21 § 2. That the Multitude is not on the Roman Churches side pag. 25. § 3. That other Churches as well as the Roman have their Succession from Bishop to Bishop from the very Apostles pag. 29. Section II. That neither Antiquity neither Multitude neither Succession are not Infallible marks of the true Church and consequently that a Church may have them all and with them all be an Heretical Church pag. 32. § 1. That Antiquity is not an Infallible mark of the true Church pag. 33. § 2. That the Multitude is not an Infallible mark of the true Church pag. 39. § 3. That the Succession is not an Infallible mark of the true Church pag. 45. Conclusion That it is the Succession of the true Doctrin from the Apostles which is an Infallible mark of the true Church and that the Church of Rome which hath not the Succession of the Doctrin has no reason to boast neither of its Antiquity neither of the Multitude neither
of the Succession pag. 51. CHAP. II. Of the true Grounds of the now Roman Church 56 Section I. Of the Ambition of the Popes § 1. The Pope rises above all Kings whereas by right he ought to submit to them pag. 57. § 2. That the Pope rises above all Churches taking unjustly to himself the Primacy and the Title of Universal Bishop and that it is a Blasphemy and an Apostasie in Christendom to take upon him such a Title pag. 62. § 3. That the Ambition of the Popes extends it self as far as Impiety pag. 69. 1. That the Pope takes to himself as great an Authority as that of God Almighty pag. 70. 2. That the Pope takes to himself the same Titles which we have used to give but unto God and unto Jesus Christ our Saviour the true Son of God pag. 72. Section II. The Covetousness of the Popes pag. 76. Conclusion of the Second Part. That the Roman Church being grounded only upon the Principles which I have rehearsed is fallen into Corruption and Error § 1. An horrid Corruption in its manners pag. 80. § 2. Some extremely gross Errors in its Doctrin pag. 84. General Conclusion That I was engaged to go out of the Church of Rome after that God Almighty had made me know its Errors by the degrees which I have rehearsed in the two parts of this Discourse pag. 88. § 1. The occasion of a Sermon which I Preached about the Sacrament called again in my mind all the Notions I had of the Errors of Rome pag. 91. § 2. The difficulties that I suffered and the Oppositions which I had to overcome p. 94. § 2. The Reasons which I thought upon in my mind to defer my Conversion p. 96. § 4. God through his Mercies makes me understand how great a Sin it is to witstand the Holy Ghost and so made an end of my Conversion bringing me to forsake generously the Communion of Rome p. 101. MEMOIRES Mementote Mirabilium Ejus quae fecit Prodigia Ejus et Judicia oris Ejus PSAL. 104. Vers 5. Cantabiles mihi erant Justificationes tuae in loco Peregrinationis meae Psal 119. Vers 54. MEMOIRES INTRODUCTION § 1. Les Raisons qui m'ont engagé d'écrire ces Memoires JE me Considere comme un pecheur public puisque j'ay fait profession dans l'Eglise Romaine d'une Doctrine contraire à l'Evangile Je regarde la vie que j'ay passé dans cette Eglise comme une Apostasie formelle de la foy et Je regarde toutes les Erreurs que J'y ay enseignées comme des heresies Scandaleuses mais apres m'estre regardé comme un homme qui vivoit dans une heresie Scandaleuse Je me regarde aussi comme un homme qui ay fait Abjuration de cette heresie apres m'estre regardé comme une personne que mes peres avoient engagé comme naturellement à estre Apostat de l'Evangile Je me regarde comme relevé de cette Apostasie par la profession que J ' ay faite depuis deux Ans dela pureté de l'Evangile Et enfin apres m' estre consideré comme un pecheur public engagé par ma profession à seduire les peuples et à obscurcir les veritéz de l'Evangile en seduisant ceux que J'estois obligé d'inftruire Je me regarde comme un Penitent qui apres avoir demeuré deux années dans le premier degré dela Penitence dans le rang des Ecoutans comme il estoit ordonné dans les Canons dela primitive Eglise vient se presenter aux Evesques leur demande la permission d'estre receu dans l'Eglise et de monter par les degrés que demandent ces mesmes Canons à l'estat de Lamiere et de Foy qu'il pouvoit pretendre par son Baptesme et duquel il s'estoit eloigné par ses Erreurs Et Comme je considere Messeigneurs les Eveques comme mes Superieurs naturelles et comme autant de Juges qui me sont assignés pour me declarer les ordres de Dieu Je me sens obligé de leur rendre comte de ma conduitte et de leur declarer sincerement les Moyens dont Dieu s'est servy pour m' attirer à la lumiere de son Evangile Voila la premiere Raison qui m'oblige d'écrire Une autre Raison c'est que je me considere comme un homme sorty d'une grande Captivité et deliuré d'une obscure Prison Quand Dieu eut delivré St. Pierre dela Prison par le moyen d'un Ange qu'il luy envoya l'Ecriture me fait comprendre que les Fidelles s' assembloient autour de luy et qu'il leur racontoit les moyens merveilleux dont Dieu s' estoit servy pour le delivrer dela Captivité Je ne doute pas que les Ames Sainctes Zelées de l'honneur de Dieu dela pureté de l'Evangile et du salut des Ames si tost qu'elles entendent dire qu'il a pleu à Dieu de delivrer un de leur Freres dela Captivité du Demon ét dela Prison du Pape ne s' assemblent aussi tost autour de luy pour luy demander les Moyens dont Dieu s'est servy pour le retirer d'une si horrible Captivité Ah! dites nous un peu disent ces Ames Saintement curieuses quels on t esté les Motifs de votre Conversion N'avés vous pas eu bien dela peine à vous separer de tous vos Amis à quitter toutes vos Connoissances pour venir vivre dans un Pays Estranger Je m'Imigine que les Peuples qui vivent sous la Domination du Pape sont dans une ignorance espouvantable des choses necessaires au salut ah s'il plaisoit à sa divine Majesté de les eclairer de ses lumieres Je ne doute point que les Personnes sçavantes et tous les Prestres qui ont la liberté de lire l'Escriture Sainte ne connoissent parfaitement qu'ils sont dans l'Erreur ah s'il plaisoit à Dieu de les toucher du Zele de leur Salut et de les Convertir comme il vous a Converty Ah! que vous avés de graces à rendre àDieu de ce quil vous a retiré dela Tyrannie dans la quelle vous esties né Mais enfin nous serions bien aise de sçavoir les particularités de vôtre Conversion Et c'est pour vous les raconter que j'entreprens ce discours afin de vous engager de joindre vos Actions de graces aux miennes pour Le remercier pour Le loiier pour Le glorifier en admirant les Torrents de Grace qu'il repand et les Miracles qu'il opere dans les Ames de ceux qu'il veut sauver § 2. Que la Conversion d'un homme qui a vescu dans les erreurs de l'Eglise Romaine
with more maturity the reasons whereupon I was perswaded to hold that the Pope was infallible Alas said I all the reason the Monks have to refuse to obey the Bishops is because the Pope has held them excused from their jurisdiction what then could the Pope release Children from obeying their Fathers could he release Servants from their duty to their Masters can he free men from obedience to their Superiours can he take away the Sheep out of the conduct of their Pastors without exposing the flock to the fierceness of the Monks from the natural jurisdiction of the Bishops so that all the order of the Church shall not be overthrown and disturb'd with inevitable confusion Doth not one see every day the effects of those dispensations which are altogether the effects of that mighty power which is attributed to the Pope If a Bishop comes to make his visitation in some Churches belonging to the Monks they shut the door against him to the scandal of all the people If the matter comes into some of the Monk's Churches to perform therein some Ecclesiastical Functions there must be a great fighting before as it happened about 6 years ago with the Priests of St. Roch by the Capucin Nun's Church at Paris at the Burials of Madame la Duchesse de Vandôme they use the handles of Crosses instead of Halberds they fight with Links and Candle-sticks they burn the Surplesses of the Priests they rent their Ornaments in fine the strongest beat down the others some lose there their square Caps some their Hats and of an action which should be to replenish all the assistants with thoughts of death of eternity of the judgments of God they make it a Buffoonry a Puppet's fighting an action so ridiculous that the most serious can hardly forbear to burst with laughing a jeasting which is the subject of I know not how many Satyres and mock Poems so far that they must make of each side some verbal reports and obtain from the King an express inhibition to hinder the people from making Ballads thereupon and enterludes to make the people laugh at it on the Theaters of the King 's or the Duke's Play-houses These tragical and scandalous consequences which are the effects of the power of the Pope in the Roman Church freeted me and went against my mind which was the cause that I resolved to examine again whether that Authority which is given to the Pope was grounded upon some reasonable principles and to examine it if it was possible without any prejudice for my own instruction and to establish solidly the grounds of my Religion but God Almighty whose judgments are impenetrable permitted that the resolution I took was crossed again for some while The Curates of the Diocess of Sens at that time were to meet every month in the Synod where in my Lord Archbishop presided and there give their answers and opinions upon the Canonical and Ecclesiastical questions which had been propounded in the precedent meeting many of those Gentlemen who thought I had a peculiar knowledge of the Ecclesiastial History and of the Canons of the Church came to me and desired me to explain the propositions to which they were to answer in the next Conference and give them the resolutions and the proofs of them and so whereas I gave them every month their Conferences in writing that employed me wholly and gave me no other leasure during six or seven months but to study hard the Holy Fathers writings the Pope's decretals and the other Books of the Canons which I could find in the Monastery that I lived in 3. Circumstances wherewith I began to examine the Authority of the Roman Church and what is my design in the rehearsal of them AT last the divine providence furnished me with an opportunity which set me in a condition to give my self to the inquiry I intended to make I went with the obedience of our General to live in a Monastery which is called Font-Evrald by the River of Loire about nine miles from Saumur there I had the leasure to examine throughly the question of the Authority of the Roman Church and of the infallibility of the Pope which was the only principle which kept me in the Roman Church every thing did contribute to my design the solitude and the commodity of a fine and great library which I had at hand gave me all the facility that could be to give my self to that examination and I was no great while before I had acquaintance with one of the most learned men of that province who is Mr. Prior Pavilion who among the Books he has written made an answer to Mr Claude Minister of Charanton concerning the matter of the Eucharist I took an extream delight to converse with him and he took the pains as to come almost every day from about a mile off to the place where I dwelt and there we passed all the day long in Conferences and disputes upon matters of Religion it was with all those advantages having the convenience to learn the thoughts and to weigh the reasons of the learned men both of the quick and the dead that I examined that question whereupon depended my Religion and consequently my Salvation It would be a very hard matter to rehearse here all the questions which I thought to have some connection with that that I had proposed to examine and which I thought were either the principles or the consequences thereof and I should be tedious if I should rehearse here the thoughts of all the Authors I read upon that matter the reasons I examined in their principles and in their sources and the difficulties which I unwrapped in fine what I read what I wrote and what I thought during the space of almost one year Since I do intend here but to tell the faithful the means which God Almighty has used to draw me out of the captivity of the Roman Church and to make me one of his Church which professes to follow the purity of his word I will relate here only the motives which made at that time a mighty impression in my mind which were like Celestial influences of grace which ruled my conversion and my design in all this discourse is no other but to entice the holy and faithful people to praise God and to give thanks to his majesty for the marvellous things he works inlightening with his divine lights those who walk in the wandering of the truth and in being merciful even to those who seek after pretences to remain in their errors CHAPTER I. Chapt. I. The pretended grounds of the Authority of the Roman Church I Did understand well that there was in the world a true manner of worshiping God and I supposed as a principle not to be contested received of all those to whom God has given reason to govern themselves that the true manner of worshipping God was that which had been instituted by Christ but forasmuch as all the