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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72509 A perambulation of Kent conteining the description, hystorie, and customes of that shyre. Collected and written (for the most part) in the yeare. 1570. by William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne Gent. and nowe increased by the addition of some things which the authour him selfe hath obserued since that time. Lambarde, William, 1536-1601. 1576 (1576) STC 15175.5; ESTC S124785 236,811 471

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49. 303 Boroughes in Kent Page 52. Brittishe Hystorie Page 59 Flamines turned into Bishops Page 62 Barons and Citizens Page 94. 101. Bull of Golde Page 134. 218. Thomas Becket Tharchbishop looke Thomas c. Bilsington Page 154 Beacons Page 160 Boxeley Page 181. Baramdowne Page 217 Barons warre Page 219. 298 Buriall of the dead Page 244 Bishop of Saint Martines Page 250 Bartilmew Badelsmere Page 262 Bishops of Rochester named Page 271 Benerth Page 169 Blackheath Page 340 Blacksmithes rebellion Page 340 Saint Bartilmew and his offring Page 375. Anthonie Becke an edifying Bishop Page 384 C Iulius Caesar Page 1 Customes of Kent Page 22. 388 Cities in Kent Page 50. 91 Castles in Kent Page 52 Crosse of the Archebishop Page 67 Cursed bread Page 87 Cinque Portes Page 93 Cōstableship of Douer castle Page 102 Contentions betweene religious persons Page 67. 128 237. 251. 269. 290. 301. Courtopstreete Page 148 Carmelite Fryars Page 166. 324 Contempt of Good Counsell worthily punished Page 168 Cranmer the Archebishop Page 186 Lord Cromwell Page 186 Charteham Page 220 Chilham Page 227 Canterbury Page 231 Thomas Colpeper Page 262 Feast of Saint Cuthbert Page 270 Crueltie against Strangers Page 7 278 284. Conquest of England Page 283 Chetham Page 286 Crayford and Cray Riuer Page 345 Cliffe at Hoo. Page 352 D Domesday booke Page 93 Danes and their whole Hystorie Page 107. 162. 322. 337. Dele Page 117 Douer 119 the Castle Page 121 Doncastre Page 195 Drinking and Carowsing Page 280 Depeford Page 335 Dartford Darēt riuer Page 346. 349 E Ethelbert the king Page 18 Eadric the king Page 19 King Edward the confessor Page 89 Eastrie Page 114 Saint Eanswyde Page 136 King Edward the first claimeth supremacie ouer the Clergie Page 226. Saint Edith and her offering Page 372 Elizabeth our Queene Page 58. 275. Eslingham Page 292 Edmond Ironside Page 323 Erasmus Roterodam Page 255 377 Edric the Earle an infamous traitor Page 323 An Earle Butler to the Archebishop Page 331. Earithe Page 343 Eltham Page 384 F Fifteene and tenthe of Kent Page 25 Fraunchises Page 48 Forestes and Parkes in Kent Page 48 Faires in Kent Page 51 Flamines turned into Bishops Page 62 Folkstone Page 136 Farley Page 172 Fermes why so called Page 172 Feuersham Page 202 Frendsbury Page 290 Fernham Page 322 G Gentlemen of Kent by name Page 54 Geffray of Mounmouth Page 59 Goodwine Sandes Page 84 Godwyne the Earle Page 84. 86. 120 Genlade and Gladmouthe Page 205 Gillingham Page 274 Gauelkinde Page 22. 388. Grenewiche Page 336 Grauesend Page 349 Gentlemen and gentrie of olde time Page 363 H Heptarchie of England Page 1. 3 Hundrethes how they began Page 21 Hilles of name in Kent Page 49 Houses of honor in Kent Page 53. 211 Hospitals in Kent Page 53 King Henrie the eight Page 117. 200 Hubert of Borough Page 162 Hyde hauen Page 141. Hauens why they decay Page 141. Hydeland Page 1●2 Holy Maide of Kent Page 149 Harlot whereof so called Page 178 Highe waies Page 213 Hakington Page 251 Harbaldowne Page 254 Harold the king Page 284 Horsmundene Page 288 Horstede Page 289 Halling Page 317 Hengist and Horsa two Capitaines Page 15. 289. 345 Saint Hildeferthe Page 354 Husbandrie Page 368 King Henrie the second Page 239. 377 Holmesdale Page 382 I Iutes Page 2 Inglishmen Page 2 Ingland first inhabited Page 12 Inglishmen first named Page 20 Indigenae what they be Page 12 Ippedfleete Page 82 Ightam Page 197 Inglishe speeche corrupted Page 205 decayed Page 209 King Iohn of Ingland Page 133 203. 217 Iacke Cade Page 340. 384 Iacke Strawe Page 340. 348 K Seuē Kingdomes in Inglād Page 1. 3 Kent how situated 7. why so named 7. 167. Her gentrie 10. 5. Her Yeomanrie 10. 65. Fertilitie 8. 9. Artificers 11. First inhabited part of al Ingland 14 hath many Kings 14. 317. One King. 15. 345. her kings names 17. she kepeth her olde Customes 22. particularly set down 25. hath three steps Page 158. Knightes fees Page 48 Kemsley downe Page 190 Kentish tailes Page 315 Kemsing Page 372 Knolle Page 377 Knightes seruice Page 9 368. 389 L Lawes of Ingland Page 5 Lathes howe they began Page 21. 212. London spoiled of the Archebishopricke Page 63 Lymne and Lymene Page 145 Lymen a Riuer Page 146. 165 Lyming Page 216 Leedes Page 260 Ladie of Chetham Page 286 Liuerie of seisine Page 317 Lord Dane and Lourdan Page 111 Lowy of Tunbridge Page 329. Lesnes Page 342 M Marriage Page 16. 299. 405 Markets in Kent Page 50 Minster Abbay Page 80. Saint Myldred Page 81 Myracles Page 81. 116. 136. 152. 268. 336. Saint Martines night Page 210 Saint Martines Page 128 Maidston Page 174 Medway a Riuer Page 176 Mylton Page 190 Minster Page 198 Monkes contend forceably against the king Page 203 Mottindene Page 230 Maude the Empresse Page 260 Malling Page 325 Mepham Page 355 Merchandize Page 368 N Nor ●ans Page 3 Neshe Page 160 Newendene Page 165 Names of townes fetched from Riuers adioyning Page 174 205 Norwood Page 258 Naming of men Page 258 Nauie See Ships Names of Townes in Eng. Page 325 O Order of this description Page 62. 77 161. 207. 215. 273 353. 386. Odo the Earle of Kent Page 123. 178. 297. Order of Templers Page 132 Orpington Page 345 Otford Page 374 P Pictes Page 2 Parkes see Forestes Polydore Virgill Page 60. 222. 316. 355 Portes see Cinque Portes Pope 133. 217. 220 abolished Page 157 Passage ouer the Sea. Page 143 Piccendene Hothe Page 178 Purgatorie Page 192 Parleament without the Clergie Page 221. Priestes wiues see Marriage Priestes vnlearned Page 352 Papisme and Paganisme agree in many points of religiō Page 373 Portreue whereof it commeth Page 349. Partition of lands .409 of goods Page 408. Q Quinborow Page 200 R Riuers in Kent Page 49. Religious houses in Kent Page 53. and their values Page 230 Rome whereof named Page 81 Reliques Page 82. 105. 216. 247. 255 Richeborowe Page 90 Rutupi Page 90 Rother a Riuer Page 146. 165 Rumney 156. and the Marsh Page 158 Roode of grace Page 182 Saint Rumwald Page 186. 188. Reculuer Page 207 Robert Wynchelsey the Archebishop Page 222 Religous houses valued Page 230 Sir Roger Laybourne Page 263 Bishops of Rochester named Page 271 Roode of Gillingham Page 286 Rochester Page 293 354 Rochester bridge Page 303 Sir Robert Knolles Page 313 Rauensborne a riuer Page 335 Reue whereof it cometh Page 350 Reigate Castle Page 382 S Scots Page 2 Saxons Page 2. 79 Samothees Page 12 Shyres how they began Page 20. 337 Swanscombe Page 23. 354 Schooles in Kent Page 54. 233. 383 Stonor Page 83 Sandwiche Page 91. 105 Ships Page 97. 112. 274. 335 Sandowne Page 118 Stephan Langton Tharchebishop .. Page 133. 197 Saintes in the Papacie Page 137 Saltwood Page 139 Shypwey Page 144 Seawatche Page 160 Stone Page 164 Sittingbourne Page 191 Shepey Page 198 Sheepe of England Page 198 Stouremouthe Page 208 Saint Stephans Page 251 King Stephan Page 260 See of Canterbury looke in Archebishopricke See of Rochester Page 266 Shorham Deantie Page 267 Sees of Bishops translated from villages Page 271 Crueltie against Straungers Page 7 278. 284. Seruingmen Page 282 Strowde Page 290. 315 Sealing and signing Page 318 Socage tenure Page 9. 391 Sherif whereof it commeth Page 350 Sennocke Page 383 T Tithings howe they began Page 21 Tanet Page 78 Order of the Templers Page 132 Thomas Becket Tharchebishop Page 143 239 248. 255. 374. 377 Triall of right Page 178. 343 Tong Gastle Page 195 Tenham Page 197 Decay of Townes Page 236 Townes named see names Tunbridge Page 327 Theeues how suppressed Page 21 Torneament Page 347 Testament or last will. Page 356 W Wasseling cuppe Page 1● Wryters of Kent by name Page 58 Winchelsey Page 94. 96 Lord Wardeins of the Portes by name Page 102 Walmere Page 118 William Longchāp the Bishop of Ely. Page 129 William Courtney Tharchebishop Page 139 Westenbangar Page 140 William Warham the Archebishop Page 151 Weald of Kent Page 167 Woole of England Page 198 Wantsume a riuer Page 97. 207 Wingham Page 211 Wapentakes Page 212 Wrotham Page 370 Wyngham Page 380 Watches at the Sea Page 160 Watling streete Page 213 Wye Page 228 Wrecke at the Sea. Page 228 Saint William of Rochester Page 301 Vniuersitie at Canterbury Page 233 Whoredome punished Page 180 Vagaboundes Page 21 Wager of Lawe Page 344 Y Yarmouthe Page 95 Yeoman whereof so called Page 10 Yeomanrie of Kent Page 10 Yenlade see Genlade Jmprinted at London for Rafe Newbery dwelling in Fleetestreate a litle aboue the Conduite Anno Domini 1576.