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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10958 The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, & protected in the realme of England, and dominions of the same expressed in 39 articles, concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend bishops, and clergie of this kingdome, at two seuerall meetings, or conuocations of theirs, in the yeares of our Lord, 1562, and 1604: the said articles analised into propositions, and the propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God, and to the extant confessions of all the neighbour churches, Christianlie reformed: the aduersaries also of note, and name, which from the apostles daies, and primitiue Church hetherto, haue crossed, or contradicted the said articles in generall, or any particle, or proposition arising from anie of them in particular, heereby are discouered, laid open, and so confuted. Perused, and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England, allowed to be publique. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. English creede. 1607 (1607) STC 21228; ESTC S116041 208,079 284

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false Apostles in Asia and at Ierusalem The Pharisaicall Papists who against the iustification by faith alone doe hould a iustification by merits and that of Congtuitie dignitie condignitie The said Papists teach besides that life eternall is due vnto vs of debt because wee deserue it by our good workes They teach finally that by good workes our sinnes are purged 12. Article Of good workes Albeit that good workes which are the fruits of faith and follow after iustification cannot put away our sinnes endure the seueritie of Gods iudgement 1 yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ 2 and doe spring out necessarily of a true liuely Faith insomuch that by them a liuely Faith 3 may be as euidently knowne as a tree discerned by the fruite The propositions 1. Good workes doe please God 2. No worke is good except it spring from Faith 3. Good workes are the outward signes of the inward Beleefe 1. Proposition Good workes doe please God The proofe from Gods word THough God accepteth not man for his workes but for his deere sonnes sake yet that good workes after man his iustification doe please God it is a cleere truth euery where to be read in the holy Scripture For God hath commanded them to be done and requireth righteousnesse not onely outward of the body but also inward of the mind and hath appointed for the vertuous and godly rewardes both in this life and in the world to come and to the wicked punishments spirituall corporall and of bodie and soule eternall in the pit of hell And this is beleeued and acknowledged by the Churches The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth This truth is oppugned by adversaries of diuers kindes For Some hold that seeing man is iustified by Faith he may liue as he listeth as the Libertines Some thinke that to attend vpon vertue and to practise good workes is a yoake too heavie and intollerable as the Simonians Some vtterly cast of all grace vertue and godlines as did the Basilidians the Aetians the Circumcellians and doe the Macchiuilians and Atheists Some permit though not all manner yet some sinnes so allowed was both whordome and vncleane pollutions by the Carpocratians and Valentinians and is of the Iesuits and Papists and periurie in the time of persecution by the Basilidians Helchesaites Priscillianists Henricians and Familie of Loue and violaters of promise yea and oaths made vnto heretikes as they call them Some as the Turkish preists called Seiti and Chagi take it to be no sinne but a worke meritorious by lies swearing yea forswearing to damnifie Christians what they can Much like vnto these are the aequi●ocating Iesuits in deluding and deceiuing Protestant Princes their officers by their doubtfull speeches euen when they are sworne to answer plainely and truly by their lawfull magistrates Some suppose that God is pleased with lip seruice onely outward righteousnesse as the hypocriticall Pharisies or Pharifaicall hypocrites 2. Proposition No worke is good excep● it spring from faith The proofe from Gods word All which man doth is not pleasing vnto God but that onely which proceedeth from a true faith in Iesus Christ so saith God in his word They that are in the flesh cannot please God In Iesus Christ neither Circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Vnto the pure are all things pure but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure Without faith it i● vnpossible to please God And although the workes of the Beleeuing doe please God yet are they not so perfect that they can satisfie the lawe of God Therefore euē of the regenerate iustified saith our Sauiour Christ pray forgiue vs our debts say wee are vnprofitable seruants and S. Paul Wee know that the lawe is spirituall but I am carnall c Wee which haue the first fruits of the spirit euen wee doe sigh in our selues c. and haue infirmities Ye cannot doe the same thing that ye would Which is the faith and confession of the Churches Errors adversaries vnto this truth Therefore wee mislike and condemne the opinions of the Valentinians and Papists The Valentinians say that please God doe Spirituall men which are themselues onely not by Faith but onely by their knowledge of diuine mysteries and Naturall men do please him by their bodily labour and vpright dealing The said Valentinians fained three sorts or degrees of men the first spirituall who through bare knowledge the next Natural who by labour and true dealing shall be saued the third they call Materiall mē vtterly vncapable of diuine knowledge and religious speculations who must perish both in soule and body The Papists teach that They onely are not good workes which God commandeth but they also which be either voluntarily done of our selues or enioyned vs by preists They are good workes and acceptable before God which are done without faith Workes of themselues without respect vnto Christ please God Men perfectly may keepe the Lawes of God in which error also be the Anabaptists and Familie of Loue 3. Proposition Good workes are the outward signes of the inward Beleefe The proofe from Gods word Many are the reasons why good workes are to be done in part cited afore pag. 49. yet not the least cause is that men may be knowne what they are For the Scripture saith and sheweth that thereby are knowne the good trees from the bad the wheate from the chaffe the t●ue disciples from the false the sonnes of God from the children of Satan the regenerate from the vnbeleeuers Hereunto the Saints and Churches doe subscribe Errors adversaries vnto this truth The faithfull shewe their workes yet neither to haue them seene of men as did the hypocriticall Pharisies nor therby to merit heauen as doe the Pharisaicall Papists whose doctrine is that Good workes are meritorious Good workes as Contrition Confession and satisfaction done in penance not onely do merit but are besides a Sacrament for to attaine reconciliation with God and forgiuenes of sinnes Life eternall is due vnto good workes by the iustice of God 13. Article Of workes before Iustification VVorkes done before the grace of Christ and the inspiration of his Spirit 1 are not pleasant to God forasmuch as they spring not of Faith in Iesus Christ 2 neither doe they make men meete to receiue grace or as the schoole authors say deserue grace of congruitie yea rather 3 for that they are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done we doubt not but they haue the nature of sinne The Propositions 1. Workes done before iustification please not God 2. Workes done before iustification deserue not grace of congruitie 3. Workes done before iustification haue the nature of sinne 1. Proposition Workes done before Iustification please not God The profe from Gods word BEfore men doe please God nothing that they doe can please him But men please not God being not renued and
iustified by the Spirit For before men be regenerate they are not grapes but thornes nor figs but thistles not good but euill trees not liuely but dead bowes not engraffed but wild oliues not friends but enemies not the sonnes of God but the children of wrath which bring forth no good fruit As the Churches also acknowledge Errors Aduersaries vnto this truth Hereby the vanitie of them is perceiued which thinke before mans iustification his deedes doe please God such are the Papists and were the Basilideans The Papists teach that Workes done without faith doe please God Good works not in respect of Christ onely but in thēselues considered please God The Basilidians placed the doers of ciuill and philosophical righteousnes performed without faith in Christ in the very heauens 2. Proposition Workes done before Iustification deserue not grace of congruitie The vnregenerate not yet iustified haue nothing in them to moue God to be gratious vnto them and being as they are old not newe creatures enemies not fauourers of Godlines The children of wrath not of God sinners not vertuously bent Infidels and not beleeuers of congruitie deserue no grace at Gods hands which is the faith too and confession of other Churches Errors and Adversaries vnto this truth This ouerthroweth the Popish assertions concerning merits of congruitie and that by good workes man is iustified before God and made heire of eternall life As euill workes deserue hell fire so eternall happines is deserued by good workes 3. Proposition Workes done before iustification haue the nature of sinne The proofe from the word of God Whatsoeuer men doe not yet iustified before God it is sinne For of such persons the best workes which they euen their Fasting praying almes-deedes sacrificing vnto God prophecying and working of miracles euen in the name of Christ yea all their actions whatsoeuer are abhominable before God And this is agreable to the Confessions of our brethren The adversaries vnto this truth Erred therefore hath the Councell of Trent in pronouncing them accursed which hold that all workes of men whatsoeuer done before his iustification are sinne 14. Article Of workes of Supererogation Voluntary workes 1 besides ouer and aboue Gods commandements which they call workes of Supererogation cannot be taught without arrogancie and impietie 2 For by them men doe declare that they doe not only render vnto God asmuch as they are bound to doe but that they doe more for his sake then of bounden dutie is required whereas Christ saith plainely when yee haue done all that are commanded to you say wee be vnprofitable seruants The propositions 1. Workes of Supererogation cannot be taught without arrogancie and impietie 2. Workes of Supererogation are that sub●ersion of godlines and true religion 1. Proposition 〈…〉 arrogancie and impietie The proofe from Gods word WOrkes of Supererogation which are voluntary workes besides ouer and aboue the commandements of God are often condemned in the holy Scripture where wee are commanded to walke not after the lawes of men but according to the Statutes of God and to heare not what man speaketh but what Christ doth say he teaching the dutie of christians setteth before them as their rule and direction the lawe and word of God and more then that hee doth neither vrge nor require And against mans Iniunctions They worship mee in vaine saith hee who for doctrine teach the commandements of men Teach them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you My sheepe here my voice and know not the voice of strangers Which doctrine ordinances workes whatsoeuer besides ouer and aboue that which God hath reuealed and imposed is called of the Apostle somtimes ordinances of the world voluntarie religion sometime the doctrine of Deuills and cursed And the same is condemned in all Churches reformed after the word of God The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Therefore both arrogant and vngodly be the Papists which teach and speak in the commendation of such workes and namely Petrus a Soto the Rhemistes yea and the Coūcell of Trent 2. Proposition Workes of supererogation are the subversion of godlinesse and true religion The proofe from Gods word Where the workes of Supererogation are taught and in regard the Law of God there is broken against the will of Christ that mens traditions may be obserued The holy Scripture must be contemned not as sufficient enough to bring men vnto the knowledge of saluation which S. Paul saith is able to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be absolute being made perfect vnto all good workes God who is onely wise is made vnwise in not prescribing so necessarie workes Faith and other spirituall most special virtues are brought into oblivion Perfection is imputed not vnto Faith in Iesus Christ but vnto workes and which is most detestable vnto the workes too not commanded but forbidden of God ordained by men The Lawe of God is thought to be throughly satisfied and moe duties performed then man needed to haue done The same thinke our brethren of these workes The adversaries vnto this truth Contrariwise the Papists of supererogatorie workes they doe merit say they remission of sinnes and that not for the doers of them onely but for others besides They are tokens of the forgiuenes of sinnes so well as Baptisme yea deliuer fom the wrath of God so well as Christ Are greater and more holy then are the workes commanded in the Decalogue or Law morall And so preferring their owne works and inuentions before God his Law Sacraments and the blood of Christ both ought this doctrine of workes supererogatorie to be counted the doctrine of Deuills and the maintainers thereof taken for the subuerters of godlines and true religion 15. Article Of Christ alone without sinne Christ in the truth of our nature was made like vnto vs in all things sinne onely except 1 from which he was clearely voide both in his life and spirit He came to be the Lambe without spot who by sacrifice of himselfe once made should take away the sinnes of the world and sinne as S. Iohn saith was not in him But 2 all wee the rest although baptized and borne againe in Christ yet offend in many things and if wee say we haue noe sinne wee deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. The propositions 1. Christ is truly and perfectly righteous 2. All men besides Christ though regenerate be sinners 1. Proposition Christ is truly and perfectly righteous The proofe