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A00007 The Cronycles of Englonde with the dedes of popes and emperours, and also the descripcyon of Englonde; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. 1528 (1528) STC 10002; ESTC S108645 466,261 386

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he was by lettre embulled ¶ Than chose they of Scotlonde Douspers for to take from Edward his ryght ¶ And in that tyme came two cardynals from Rome fro the pope Celestyne to treate of accorde bytwene the kyng of Fraūce the kyng of Englonde And as those cardynals spake of accorde Thomas Turbeluyl was taken at Lyons made feaute homage to the warden of Parys to hym put his two sones in hostage thought to go in to Englonde for to espye the coūtre tell them whan he came in to Englonde that he had broken the kynges prison of Fraūce by nyght sayd that he wolde do that all englysshmen walshmen sholde be aboute the kyng of Fraūce And this thynge to bryng to an ende he swore vpon this couenaūt dedes were made bytwene them that he sholde haue by yere a. M. poūdes worth of londe to brȳge this thynge to an ende This fals traytour toke his leue went thens came in to Englōde vnto the kyng sayd that he was broken out of pryson that he had put hȳ in suche peryl for his loue wherfore the kynge coude hȳ moche thanke full glad was of his comynge And the fals traytour fro that daye espyed all the doynge of the kynge also his coūseyle for the kynge loued hym well and was with hym full preuy But a clerke of Englonde that was in the kynges hous of Fraūce herde of this treason falsnes wrote to an other clerke that than was dwellyng with kyng Edward of Englonde all how Thomas Turbeluyll had done his fals conife●tynge all the coūseyle of Englonde was wryten for to haue sent vnto the king of Fraūce And through the foresayd lettre that the clerke had sent fro Fraūce it was foūde vpon hym wher fore he was ladde to London and there hāged and drawen for his treason And his two sones that he had put in Fraū●● for hostage were than byheded ¶ Of the conquest of Barwyk ANd whan the two cardynalles were gone agayn in to Fraunce for to treate of the peas of Cambrey the kyng sent thyder of his erles barons that is to saye syr Edmonde his brod●● erle of Lancastre of Leycestre 〈◊〉 ●en ry Lacy erle of Nycholl W●●yā●●ss● a baron and of other baronettes aboute xiiii of the best and wysest of Englonde And in the same tyme kyng Edward toke his viage to Scotlōde for to warre vpon Iohn Bayloll kyng of Scotlonde And syr Robert Roos of Batwyk dedde fro the englysshmen and went to the Scottes And kyng Edward went toward Barwyk besyeged the towne And they that were within māly defended them set a fyre and brent two of kyng Edwardes shyppes sayd in despyte repre●e of hym Weneth kyng Edward with his longe shankes to haue gete Barwik all our vnthankes gas pykes hȳ whan he has done gas dikes hȳ Whan kyng Edwarde had herde this s●orne anone through his myght he passed ouer the dyches assayled the towne and came to the gates and gate and conquered the towne through his gracyous power slewe .xxv. M. and. vij C. Scottes And kynge Edward lost no man of renome saue syr Richard of Cornewayle hym slewe a flemynge out of the reed hall with a quarell as the foresayd Rycharde dyd of his helme cōmaūded them for to yelde them put them in the kynges grace the Scottes wolde not wherfore the hall was brent cast downe all those that were therin were brent And kyng Edward lost no moo men at that vyage of symple estate but .xxvij. Englysshmen And the wardeyn of the castell gaue vp the keys of the castell wtout ony assaute there was taken syr Williā Douglas syr Symond Ft●sell the erle Patrik yelded them to the peas But Ingham of Humsremyll Robert the Brus that were with kyng Edward forsoke kyng Edward helde with the Scottes and afterwarde they were taken put in to prison And than let kyng Edward close in Barwik with walles with dyches And afterwarde Robert Rous went to Tyndale set waybrygge a fyre Exham Lamerstok slewe robbed the folke of that coūtre And after that he went fro thens to Dunbar And the fyrst wednesdaye of Marche the kyng sent the erle of Garenne syr Hugh Percy syr Hugh Spenser with a fayre cōpany for to besiege the castell But one that was called syr Rychard Syward a traytour a fals man ymagyned for to begyle the englysshmen and sent to the englysshmen for to deceyue them sayd that he wold yelde to them the castell yf they wold graūt hym viij dayes of respyte that he myght sende tell to syr Iohn Bayloll that was kyng of Scotlonde how his men fared that were within the castell sent hym worde but yf he wolde remeue the syege of the englysshmen that they wolde yelde the castell to the englysshmen The messenger than came vnto syr Iohn Bailoll the than was kynge of Scotlonde where as he was with his hoost and the messenger tolde hym all the case And than syr Iohn Bayloll toke his hoost came on the morowe erly towarde the castell And syr Rychard Sywarde sawe hym come that was mayster of the coūseyle and keper of the castell and sayd vnto the Englysshemen O quod he now I se a fayre company and well apparayled I wyll goo agaynst them and mete with them and assayle them And syr Hugh Spenser sawe the falsnes of hym the treason and sayd to hym O traytour taken and proued your falsnes shall not auayle you And syr Hugh Spenser cōmaūded anone for to bynde hym and in all haste went agaynst theyr enemyes and slewe of the Scottes the nombre of xxij M. For the Scottes had that tyme no man with them of honour saue syr Patryk Graham that manly fought longe at the last he was slayne And than sayd the englysshmen in reprefe of the Scottes These scaterand Scottes holde I for sottes of wrenches vnware Erly in a mornynge in an euyll tymyng went ye fro Dunbare ¶ Whan those that were in the castell sawe the dyscōfyture they yelded vp the castell to the englysshe men and boūde theyr bodyes londes castels to kynge Edward And so there were taken in the castell thre erles .vij. ba rons and .xxviij. knyghtes and .xj. clerkes and .vij. Pycardes all were presented to kyng Edward he sent them to the toure of London to be kepte there ¶ How kynge Edward of his grete grace delyuered agayne the Scottes out of pryson that were chefetaynes of the londe and they drewe them to the Frensshmen through the coūseyle of Wyllyam Waleys THan whan kynge Edward had made an ende of the warre taken the chefetaynes of Scotlond Than came syr Iohn Bayloll with other yelded them vnto kyng Edward put them in his grace were ladde to London And whā kyng Edward was
to them he made his cōplaynt of his sorowe of his disease And ofte tymes asked of his wardeyns what he hadde trespaced agaynst dame Isabell his wyfe syr Edward his sone y● was made newe kyng that they wold not visyte hym And thā answered one of his wardeyns sayd My worthy lorde dysplease you not y● I shall tell you the cause is for it is done them to vnderstande y● yf my lady your wyfe come ony thynge nye you that ye wolde her strangle slee also that ye wolde do to my lorde your sone y● same Than answered he with a symple chere Alas alas am not I in prison and all at your owne wyll now god it wote I neuer thought it now I wolde y● I were deed so wolde to god y● I were for than were all my sorowe passed It was not longe after y● the kyng through coūseyle of Roger Mortymer graūted y● warde kepynge of syr Edward his fader to syr Thomas Toiourney to y● foresayd syr Iohn Mautreuers through the kinges lettre put out holly y● foresayd syr Moryce of the warde of the kyng And they toke lad the kyng to y● castell of Corf ▪ y● whiche castel y● kyng hated as ony deth And they kept hym there tyll it came vn to saynt Mathewes day in September in the yere of grace M CCC .xxvii. that the foresayd syr Roger Mortimer sent y● maner of y● deth how in what wyse he shold be put to deth And anone as y● foresayd Thomas Iohn had seen y● 〈◊〉 cōmaūdement they made kynge Edwarde of Carnaruan good chere good solace as they might at y● souper and no thynge the kyng wyst of y● treason And whan tyme was for to go to bedde the kynge wente vnto his bedde laye and slepte fast And as the kyng laye slepte the traytoures false for sworne agaynst theyr homage feaute came pryuely in to y● kynges chambre theyr company with them layde an huge table vpon his wombe with men pressed helde fast down the foure corners of y● table on his body wherwith y● good man awoke and was wonders sore adrad to be deed there slayne turned his body tho vp so downe Than toke y● fals traytours tyraūtes an horne put it in to his foundement as depe as they myght toke a spyt of coper brēnynge put it through the horne in to his body and ofte tymes therwith thyrled his bowelles so they slewe theyr lord that nothynge was perceyued was buryed at Glocestre ¶ How kynge Edward spoused Philip the erles doughter of Henaud at Yorke ANd after Chrystmasse than next folowynge syr Iohn of Henaud brought with hym Philip his broders doughter that was erle of Henaud his nece in to Englond kyng Edward spoused her at Yorke with moche honour And syr Iohn of Bothum bisshop of Ely and syr William of Melton archebysshop of yorke sange the masse the sonday on the euen of the cōuersion of saint Paule in the yere of grace M CCC .xxvij. But bycause that the kynge was yonge and tender of age whan he was crowned full many wronges were done whyle that his fader lyued bycause that he byleued the coūseylers that were fals aboute hym to do otherwyse than reason wolde wherfore grete harme was done to the realme to the kyng all men directed it to the kynges dede it was not so almyghty god it knoweth Wherfore it was ordeyned at the kynges crownyng that the kyng for his tender age sholde be gouerned by .xij. of the gretest lordes of Englonde without whome no thynge shold be done that is to saye the archebysshop of Caūterbury the archebisshop of yorke the bisshop of wynchestre the bysshop of Herford the erle of Lancastre the erle Marshall the erle of Kent that were the kynges vncles the erle of Garen syr Thomas wake syr Henry Percy syr Olyuer of yngham Iohn of Roos barons All these were sworne truly for to coūseyle the kyng they shold answere euery yere in the parlyamēt of that that sholde be done in the tyme of theyr gouernall But the ordynaūce was soone vndone that was moche harme to all Englōde For the kyng all the lordes the shold gouerne hym were gouerned and ruled after the kȳges moder dame Isabell by syr Roger Mortimer And as they wolde all thynge was done bothe amonge hye lowe And they toke vnto them castels townes londes rentes in grete harme losse to the crowne of the kynges estate out of mesure ¶ How the peas was made bytwene the Englisshmen the Scottes and also of iustyfyenge of Troylebaston BYnge Edwarde at whytsontyde in the seconde yere of his regne through the coūseyle of his moder syr Roger Mortimer ordeyned a parlyamēt at Northamton And at that parlyamēt the kyng through theyr coūseyle none other of the londe within age graunted to be accorded with the Scottes in this maner That all the feautees and homages that the Scottes sholde do vnto the crowne of Englonde forgaue them for euer more by his chartre ensealed And forthermore an endenture was made of the Scottes vnto kynge Edwarde that was kyng Henryes sone whiche endenture they called ragman in the whiche were cōteyned al the homages feautees Fyrst of the kynge of Scotlonde of all the prelates erles barons of the realme of Scotlonde with theyr seales set theron and other chartres remembraunces that kynge Edwarde and his barons had of theyr right in the foresayd realme of Scotlond it was forgyuen them agaynst holy chirche And also with the blacke crosse of Scotlonde the whiche the good kynge Edwarde conquered in Scotlonde and brought it out of the abbey of Scone that is a full precyous relyke And also forthermore he relesed forgaue all the londes that the barons of Englonde had in Scotlonde by olde conquest ¶ And this peas for to be hold and last the Scottes were bounde vnto the kyng in .xxx. M. poūde of syluer to be payed within thre yere that is euery yere .x. M. poūde by euen porcyons And forthermore aboue all this they spake bytwene the partyes aboue sayd that Dauyd Dritonautier that was kynge Robert the Brus sone the fals tyraunt fals forsworne agaynst his othe that arose agaynst his lyege lorde the noble and good kyng Edward and falsly made him kyng of Scotlōde that was of the age of .v. yere And so through this cursed counseyle Dauid spoused at Barwyk dame Ione of the toure that was kynge Edwardes syster as the gest telleth vpon Mary Magdaleyns daye in the yere of grace M CCC and .xxviij. to grete harme empayrynge of all the kynges blode wherof that gentyll lady came alas the tyme for wonders moche was that fayre damoysell desparaged syth that she was maryed agaynst all the comyns assent of Englonde And fro the tyme that Brute had conquered
was bytwene the two kynges the realme of Englonde And that tyme abode the Scottes on the other syde bycause that the Englysshmen sholde haue ben drowned ¶ This was the araye of the scottes how that they came in batayle agaynst the two kynges of Englōde of Scotlōde In the vaūt ward of Scotlonde were these lordes THe erle of Moryf Iames Frisell Symond Fryfel Walter stewarde Reynold Cheyn Patrik of Graham Iohn le graūt Iames of Cardoyll Patrik Parkeis Robert Caldecottes Philip of Melledrū Thomas Gilbert Rafe wyseman Adam Gurdon Iames Gramat Robert Boid Hugh Parke with xl knightes newe dubbed .vii. C. men of armes .iij. M. of comyns ¶ In the fyrst parte of the halfe batayle were these lordes the steward of Scotlonde the erle of Morye Iames his vncle Willyam Douglas Dauid of Lyndesey Mancolyn Flemyng Willyā of kethe Dūken Cāboke with .xxx. bachelers newe dubbed ¶ In the second parte of the batayle were these lordes Iames Steward of Colden Aleyn Steward Willyam Abbrehyn Willyā Moryce Iohn fitz Willyā Adam le mose Walter fitz Gilbert Iohn of Cerlton Robert walham with vij C. men of armes .xvij. M. comyns ¶ In the thyrde parte of the batayle of Scotlonde were these lordes the erle of Marrethe erle of Rof the erle of Straherne the erle of sotherlond William of Kyrkeley Iohn Cambron Gylbert of Hay Willyam of Rainsey Williā Prendegest Kyrstyn Harde Wyllyam Gurdon Arnold Garde Thomas Dolphyn with .xl. knyghtes new dubbed .ix. C. men of armes and .xv. M. of comyns ¶ In the fourth warde of the batayle of Scotlond were these lordes Archebald Douglas the erle of Leneuax Alysaunder le Brus the erle of Fif Iohn Cambell erle of Atheles Robert Lawether Willyam of Vipount Willyam of Lonstone Iohn de Labels Groos de Sherenlaw Iohn de Lyndesey Alysaūder de Gray Ingram de Vinfreuille Patrik de Pollesworth Dauyd de Wymes Mychell Scotte Willyam Landy Thomas de Boys Roger the Mortymer with .xx. bachelers newe dubbed .ix. C. men of armes and .xviij. M. iiij C. of comyns The erle of Dunbar keper of the castell of Barwik holpe the Scottes with .l. men of armes And syr Alysaunder of Seten keper of the foresayd towne of Barwyk with an C. men of armes also the comyns of the towne with iiij C. men of armes with them viij C. fote men ¶ The somme of the erles lordes aboue sayd amoūteth .lxvj. The somme of the bachelers newe dubbed amoūteth to C. .xl. The somme of men of armes amoūteth to .iij. M C. The somme of the comyns amoūteth to .liij. M. ij C. The somme totall of the people aboue sayd amounteth lvj M. vij C .xlv. And these .lxvj. grete lordes lad all the other grete lordes aboue sayd in .iiij. batayles as it is told before all on fote And kynge Edward of Englonde Edward Baylloll kyng of Scotlonde had wel apparayled theyr folke in iiij batayles for to fyght on fote agaynst the Scottes theyr enemyes And the Englysshe mynstrels blewe theyr trūpets theyr claryons hidously escryed the scottes And tho had euery englyssh batayle two wynges of pryce archers the whiche at the batayl shotte arowes so fast so sore that the Scottes myght not helpe them selfe they smote the scottes thousandes to the groūde they began for to flee fro the englysshmē to saue theyr lyues And whan y● scottysshe knaues sawe y● discōfyture the scottes fall fast to y● grounde they fast prycked theyr maysters horses with the spurres for to kepe them fro peryl set theyr maysters at no force And whan y● Englisshmen sawe y● they lepte on theyr horses fast pursued y● scottes and all y● abode they slewe downe ryght There men might se y● doughtynes of y● noble kyng Edward of his men how manly they pursued y● Scottes y● fled for drede And there men myght se many a scottisshman cast down to y● groūde deed theyr baners displayed hacked in to peces many a good habergeon of stele in the blode bath And many a tyme y● scottes were gadred in to companyes But euermore they were discōfited And so it befell as god wolde y● the Scottes had y● daye no more foyson ne myght agaynst the Englysshmen than .xx. shepe sholde haue agaynst .v. wolues And so were y● Scottes discōfited yet y● Scottes had well .v. men agaynst one Englysshman y● batayle was done on Ha●ydownhyll besyde y● towne of Barwyk at y● whiche batayle were slayne of y● Scottes .xxxv. M. vij C. and .xij. And of Englysshmen but onely .xiiij. and those were fotemen And this victory befell to y● Englisshmen on saynt Margaretes euen in y● yere of the incarnacyon of our lord Iesu Chryst M CCC .xxxij. And whyle this doynge lasted y● Englisshe pages toke the pylfre of the Scottes y● were slayn euery man myght take without ony chalengynge of ony man And so after this gracyous victory the kyng returned agayn vnto y● same syege of Barwik And whā they y● were besyeged sawe herde how kyng Edward had sped they yelded to hym y● towne with the castell on the morowe nexte after saynt Margaretes day And than the kynge ordeyned syr Edward Baylloll with other noble worthy men to be kepers and gouernours of Scotlonde in his absence and hymselfe returned agayne and came in to Englonde after this vyctory with moche ioye and worshyp ¶ And in the nexte yere folowyng that is for to saye in the yere of the incarnacyon of our lorde Iesu Chryst M CCC and .xxxiij. and of kynge Edwardes regne .vij. he went agayn in to Scotlonde in wynter tyme at whiche ●●age the castell of K 〈…〉 brygge in Scotlond for hym for his men that were with hym he recouered and had agaynst the Scottes all at his owne wyll ¶ And in that same yere syr Edwarde Baylloll kynge of Scotlonde helde his parlyament in Scotlonde with many noble lordes of Englonde that were at that same parlyament bycause of theyr londes and also lordshyppes that they had in the realme of Scotlonde and helde all of the same Edwarde Baylloll ¶ And in the viij yere of kynge Edwardes regne about the feest of saynt Iohn Baptyst 〈◊〉 Edward Baylloll the very true kyng of Scotlonde as by herytage and right lyne made his homage and feaute vnto kynge Edwarde of Englonde for the realme of Scotlōd at Newe castell vpon Tyne in the presence of many worthy lordes and also of the comyns bothe of the realme of Englōde and also of Scotlonde And anone after in the same yere kyng Edward of Englonde retryued of the duke of Britayn his homage for the erledome and lordshyp of ●ychemond ¶ And so folowyng in the. 〈◊〉 yere of his regne after Mighe●mas rode in to Scotlonde and there was fast by sayne Iohannes towne almoost all the wynter tyme so he helde his Chrystmasse at y● castell of Rokesburgh And in the same yere through out
coūtre But the .xij. yere of Herachꝰ Cosoras was slayne of Heraclius the crosse was brought agayn the people were delyuered And whan Heraclius wold haue entred y● cite proudly the gates of y● cite by y● power of god shette by themselfe the emperour meked hȳ to god aboue the gates opened And thā was the feest of y● exaltacyon of y● crosse made ¶ Deꝰ dedit was pope after Boniface thre yere This was an holy man For on a certayn daye whan he kyssed a lepre anone the lepre was hole ¶ This tyme a citezin of London through y● mocyon of Ethelbryght buylded a chirche of saynt Peter in the west parte of London in a place y● was called Thorney ¶ Circa annū dn̄i vj C .xliiij. BOnifacius the fyfthe was pope after Deus dedit fyue yere the whiche ordeyned that no man sholde be taken out of the chircheyerde And lytel elles of hym is wryten ¶ Nota Machomitum MAchomyte the duke of sarasyns and turkes was this tyme. And he was the deceyuer of all the worlde a false prophete the messenger of the deuyll the foregoer of Antechryst the fulfyller of heresy and of all false men the meruaylest of whome the dominacyon thus began ¶ There was a certayne famous clerke at Rome and coude not spede in his maters that he desyred to haue spedde in than he receded frō Rome ouer the see and procured many a man to go with hym amonge whome was this fals Machomyte a grete man of wytte And this clerke ꝓmysed hym to make hym duke of his coūtree yf he wolde be guyded after hym There he nourysshed a doue put all y● corne that the doue ete in to Machomytes ere so this doue had neuer no meet but in his ere The foresayd clerke on a daye called the people meued them to chose suche a prynce as the holy ghost wolde shewe to them in fourme of a doue And anone this clerke secretly let this doue flee the whiche after his olde custome came to Machomyte put his byll in his eere And whan the people sawe this anone he was chosen duke of that people And whan he was made duke of this people of Corosame he sayd y● he was the very prophete of god Thā he made a boke of his lawe y● was called Alcaron But he dyd it by the informacyon of thre of his maysters to whom y● deuyll mynistred the auctorite the connynge The fyrst mayster was a iewe a grete astronomer a nygromancer the second was Iohn de Antiochia the thyrde was Sergius an heretyke And these thre made an vn gracyous lawe an vnhappy what someuer was hard of byleue tedyous to do they lefte y● out of the lawe they put that thinge in theyr lawe y● worldly men were prone redy to do that is to saye glotony lechery rapyne suche other And also this Machomyte ordeyned y● a man shold haue as many wiues as he myght occupy fynde and refuse them twyse or thryse or .iiij. tymes take them again And many meruaylous fals thinges he made in his lawe the whiche were to lōge to reherse here but they be playne in his boke of Alcaron euer he wrote i his boke y● our lord spake to Machomyte his ꝓphete sayenge on this wyse or on this Thus by his fals meanes he deceyued y● people And whā his maysters he had made this y● was so delectable he wrote it in a boke with lettres of gold nourysshed a camell secretly in a pryuy place all onely with the hādes of Machomyte was alway fedde And there pryuely he tyed this boke of the lawe y● he had made about y● camels necke put this camell forth on a tyme in to a felde a fore daye and this camell ioyed in his lyberte for he was neuer lose afore And he wold suffre no man to come touche hym And so there was a grete fame of suche a camell and all the people ranne to se hym amonge whom was this Machomyte But whan the camell sawe hym that alway had fedde hym anone he ranne vnto hym And he had taught this camel afore tyme to fal downe on his knees lycke his handes And so he dyd afore all the people The people thā cryed sayd that there was a very ensample that he was the true prophete of god Than they prayed Machomyte to open y● holy boke with his holy handes the whiche was sent frō heuen euermore to be kepte In y● whiche boke is shewed how the people shall worshyp god And Machomyte sayd This boke was wryten with aūgels handes So by these false meanes he turned to his lawe all the londe of Perse all the eest imperyall agaynst Heraclius the emperour And he occupyed vnto the ende of Alexandre and Egypte Libia Arabia Siria Than after he enfected all Affrica but that the grace of god with stode hym he had enfected all spayne fraūce And many other thynges he dyd that were to moche to wryte in this boke COnstantyne the thyrde the sone of Heracli● was emperour .xxvij. yere This Constantyne was a cursed man a grete tyraunt and an heretyke false subtyll obyous to chrysten men nor he gaue no place to pope Martyn he reysed a grete host agaynst the Lombarbes there he lost the felde fledde to Rome And honourably was receyued of the pope Vitellianꝰ and other of the cite And he rewarded them not lyke after theyr merytes as a prynce sholde haue done but vsed forth tyranny heresye wherfore at y● last he was slayne of his owne knyghtes in a bath y● whiche wolde no longer suffre his tyranny And so he wretchedly lyued dyed vnhappely ¶ Martinꝰ the first was pope after Theodorū .vj. yere This Martinus was a very holy man and strongly stroue for the fayth of god And whan he sayd masse on a certayne daye at the awter there pursued hym to slee hym a man whiche was called Spa●arius of Olymphe and whan he wolde haue ●nytten hym he was blynde sodeynly This same man called a Sinody in the cite of Rome and he dampned Syrum Alexandrū Sergiū Pyrum Paulū heretykes Wherfore Constantyne the emperour exiled hym he dyed a saynt ¶ Eugenius a Romayn was pope after Martyn almoost thre yere and was an holy mā but of hym lytell actes ben wryten ¶ Vitellianus was pope after hym .xiiij. yere This mā made y● songe that the Romayns vseth and accorded it also with y● organes And he also had the grace of the emperour the whiche was wroth with his predecessours neuerthelesse afterward he stode not in his cōcorde Ne hytherto I coude not fynde that euer the chirche of Rome had fully after the deth of Cōstantyne y● myghty the lordshyp of the cyte and of other the whiche he gaue to the chirche ¶ Anno dn̄i vj C. x●●iij Adeodatus a Romain was pope after Vi 〈…〉 s .iiij. yere
those two realmes of the popes handes And sholde euery yere paye ferme vnto the courte of Rome a thousande marke of syluer And than toke the kynge the crowne of his heed set hȳ on his knees and these wordes he sayd in herynge of all the grete lordes of englonde Here I resygne vp the crowne the realme of englonde in to the handes of pope Inno cent the thyrde put me hooly in to his mercy in his ordinaūce Pandulf than receyued y● crowne of kyng Iohn kept it .v. dayes as for a seasynge takynge of two realmes of Englonde and Irlonde And confermed all maner thynges by his chartre that foloweth after ¶ Of the lettre oblygatory that kynge Iohn made vnto the courte of Rome wherfore the Peter pens ben gadered through out all Englonde TO all christē people throu●h out all the worlde dwellynge Iohn by the grace of god kynge of Englonde gretynge to your vniuersite And be it knowen that for as moche as we haue greued offended god our moder chirche of Rome And for as moche as we haue nede vnto the mercy of our lorde Iesu Chryst also we may no thynge so worthy offre as competent sa 〈…〉 to make to god to holy chirche but 〈◊〉 it were our owne body as with ●ur realmes of Englonde of Irlonde Than by the grace of god we desyre to meke vs for the loue of hym y● meked hym to the deth vpon the crosse through counseyle of the noble erles barons we offre and frely graūte to god to y● apostles saynt Peter saynt Paule and to our moder chirche of Rome to our holy fader the pope Innocent the thyrde to all y● popes y● come after hym all the realmes patronages of chirches of Englōde of Irlonde with theyr appertenaūtes for remyssyon of our synnes for helpe helth of our kynne soules all chrysten soules So y● from this daye afterward we wyl receyue and holde of our moder thirche of Rome as fee farme doynge feaute to our holy fader pope Innocent the thyrde so to all the popes that cometh after hym in y● same maner aboue sayd And in y● presence of the wyse man Pandulf the popes subdeken we make lyege homage as it were in the popes presence before hym were and shal do all maner thynges aboue sayd therto we bynde vs all that cometh after vs our heyres for euermore without ony gaynsayenge to the pope eke y● warde of chirche vacaūtes And in tokē of this thynge euermore for to last we wyl con ferme ordeyn that our specyall rentes of y● foresayd realme sauynge saynt Peters pens in all thynge to y● moder chirche of Rome payenge by yere a thousan de marke of syluer at two termes of the yere for all maner customes y● we sholde do for y● foresayd realmes that is to saye at Myghelmasse and at Eester that is to saye vij C. marke for Englonde and thre hondred marke for Irlond sauyng to vs to our heyres our Iustyces and our other fraunchyses other ryaltees that perteyneth vnto the crowne And these thynges that before ben sayd we wyl that it be ferme and stable without ende And to that oblygacyon we our successours and our heyres in this maner be bounde that yf we or ony of our heyres through ony presumpcyon fall in ony poynt agaynst ony of these thynges aboue sayd and he be warned and wyll not ryght amende hym he shall than lose the foresayd realmes for euermore And that this chartre of oblygacyon and our warraūt for euermore be ferme and stable without ony gaynsay enge we shall fro this daye afterwarde be true to god and to the moder chirche of Rome and to the pope Innocent the thyrde and to all them that cometh after hym and the realmes of Englonde and of Irlonde we shall trewly mayntayne in all maner poyntes agaynst all maner men by our power through goddes helpe ¶ How the clerkes that were outlawed of Englonde came agayn how kynge Iohn was assoyled WHan this chartre was made ensealed the kynge receyued agayne his crowne of Pandulfs hande sente anone vnto the archebysshop Stephen to all his other clerkes and lewd men that he had exyled out of this londe that they sholde come agayn in to Englonde haue agayn theyr londes also theyr rentes that he wolde make restytucyon of the goodes that he had taken of theyrs agaynst theyr wyll The kyng hymselfe than Pandulf the erles barons went to wynchestre agaynst y● archebysshop Stephen And whan he was comen the kynge wente agaynst hym fell downe to his feet thus to hym sayd Fayre syr ye be welcome I crye you mercy bycause that I haue trespaced agaynst you The archebysshop toke hȳ vp tho in his armes kyssed hym curteysly oftētymes after ladde hym to the dore of saynt Swythynes chirche by the hande assoyled hym of y● sentence and hym recōcyled to god to holy chirche And that was on saynt Margaretes daye And the arche bysshop anone went for to synge masse And y● kyng offred at the masse a marke of golde And whan y● masse was done all they went to receyue al theyr londes without ony maner gaynsayenge And that daye they made all myrth and ioye ynough But yet was not y● enterdytynge releaced bycause y● pope had set that the enterdytynge sholde not be done tyll the kyng had made full restitucyon of y● goodes that he had take of holy chirche And y● hymselfe sholde do homage to the pope by a tertayne legate that he sholde sende into englonde And thā toke Pandulf his leue of y● kynge the archebysshop went agayne to Rome And the archebysshop anone let come before him prelates of holy chirche at Redynge for to treate coūseyle how moche what they sholde aske of y● kynge for to make restytucyon of y● goodes y● he had taken of them And they ordeyned sayd that the kyng sholde gyue to y● archebysshop thre thousande marke for the wronge y● the kynge had done vnto hym And also by porcions to other clerkes .xv. M. marke ¶ And this same tyme Nicolas bysshop of Tuscan cardynall penytencer of Rome came in to Englonde through the popes cōmaūdement the .v. kalende of October came to London y● .v. nonas of October for bycause that kyng Iohn all the kynges y● came after hym shold euermore holde y● realme of Englonde of Irlonde of god of the pope payenge to the pope by yere as is aboue sayd ¶ How y● enterdytynge was vndone in englonde of y● debate y● was bytwene kyng Iohn the barons of the realme WHan kynge Iohn had done his homage to y● legate y● shewed hȳ the popes lettre y● he shold paye to Iulyan and yelde agayne that was kynge Rychardes wyfe y● thyrde parte of the londe of Englonde
Bakwel was deed murdred And anone as the good kynge Edward was deed syr Edward his sone kyng of Englonde sent after Pyers of Ganaston into Gascoyn so moche he loued him that he called him broder And anone after he gaue hym the lordshyp of Walyngford after that he gaue him the erledom of Cornewayle agaynst all the lordes wyll of Englonde And thā brought he syr Walter of Langton bysshop of Chestre to the tour of London in prison with two knaues al onely to serue hym For the kyng was wroth with hȳ bycause that syr Walter made cōplaynt on hȳ to his fader wherfore he was put in prison in the tyme of Troile baston And the fore said Piers of Ganaston made so grete maystryes that he went in to the kynges tresoury in the abbey of westmynster toke y● table of golde with the trestyls of the same many other ryche iewels that somtyme were kyng Arthurs toke them to a marchaūt that was called Aymery of 〈…〉 and for he shold bere them ouersee in to Gascoyne so he went thens neuer came agayn after whiche was a grete losse to this londe And whan this Pyers was so rychely auaūced he beca me wōders proude wherfore al the grete lordes of the realme had hȳ in despyte for his grete berynge wherfore syr Henry La●y 〈◊〉 of Nichol and syr Guy erle of wa 〈…〉 the whiche good lordes the good king Edward syr Edwardes fader king of Englonde charged y● Pyers of Ganaston sholde not come in to Englond for to brynge his sone Edward in to ryot And all y● lordes of Englonde assembled them on a certayn daye at y●●●eres prechours at London there they spake of the dishonour that kynge Edward dyd to his realme to his crowne And so they assented all bothe erles barons all the comyns that the foresaid Pyers of Ganaston sholde be exiled out of Englonde for euer more And so it was done for he forswore Englond went in to Irlonde there the kyng made hym chefetayn gouernour of the londe by his cōmyssion And there this Pyers was chefetayn of all the londe and dyd there all that hym lyked had power to do what he wolde And that tyme were the temple●s exiled through all th●● stendom bycause the men put vpon them that they shold do thynges agaynst the fayth good byl 〈…〉 Kynge Edward loued Piers of Ganaston so moche that he myght not forbere his company and so moche the kyng gaue behyght the people of Englonde that the er●lyng of the foresayd Pyers sholde be reuoked at Stamford through them that had e●●led hym Wherfore Pyers of Ganaston came agayne in to Englonde And whan he was come● agayn in to this lond he despysed the gretest lordes of this londe called syr ●●bert of Clare erle of Glocester 〈◊〉 and the erle of Nycholl syr Henry La●y b●rstenbely syr Guy erle of warwyk the blacke hoūde of Arderne and also be called the noble erle Thomas of Lancastre churle many other scornes shames them sayd many other grete lordes of Englonde ▪ wherfore they were toward hym full angry wro●● a●d tyght ●ore anoyed And in the same tyme dyed the erle of Nycholl but he charged or that he dyed Thomas erle of Lācastre that was his sone 〈…〉 e that he sholde maynteyne his quarell agaynst this same Pyers of Ganaston vpon his blessynge And so it befel through helpe of the erle Thomas of Lancastre also of the erle of Warwyk that the foresayd Pyers was heded at Gauersythe besyde Warwyk the .xix. daye of Iune in the yere of grace a. M .ccc .xij. Wherfore the kynge was sore anoyed prayed god that he myght se the day to be auenged vpon the deth of the foresayd Pyers And so it befell afterward as ye shall here Alas the tyme for the foresayd erle of Lancastre many other grete ba rons were put to pyteous deth marty red bycause of the foresayd quarell The kynge was than at London and helde a parliament ordeyned the lawes of syr Symond Mounford wherfore the erle of Lancastre the other erles all the clergye of Englonde made made an othe through counseyle of Robert of Wynchelse for to maynteyn tho ordinaūces for euermore ¶ How Robert the Brus came agayn in to Scotlonde gadred a grete power of men for to warre vpon kynge Edward ANd whan syr Robert the Brus that made hȳ kyng of Scotlond that before was fledde in to Norway for drede of deth of the good kyng Edward also he herd of the debate that than was in Englonde bytwene the kynge his lordes he ordeyned an hoost came in to Englonde in to Northumberlond clene destroyed the coūtree And whan kyng Edward herde these tydynges he let assemble his hoost mette the Scottes at Estre uelyn on the daye of the Natiuite of saynt Iohn Baptyst in the thyrde yere of his regne in the yere of grace M.ccc.xiiij Alas the sorowe losse that there was done For there was slayne the noble erle Gylbert of Clare syr Robert Clifford baron there kyng Edward was discōfited Edmond of Maule the kynges steward for drede went drowned hymselfe in a fresshe ryuer that is called Bannokesborne Wherfore they sayd in reprofe of kynge Edward for as moche as he loued to go by water also for he was discomfyted at Bannokesborne therfore the maydens made a songe therof in the coūtree of kyng Edwarde in this maner they songe Maidens of englond sore may ye morne for tyȝt haue lost your lemmans at Bannokesborne with heuelogh what weneth the kyng of Englōd to haue goten Scotlonde with rombilogh ¶ Whan kyng Edward was discomfited wonders fast he fled with his folke that were lefte alyue went to Barwyk there helde hȳ And after he toke hostages that is to saye two chyldren of the rychest of the towne the kyng went to London toke coūseyle of thȳges that were nedefull vnto the realme of Englonde ¶ In this tyme it befell that than was in Englonde a rybaud that was called Iohn Tanner he said that he was the good kyng Edwardes sone let call hym Edward of Carnaruan therfore he was taken at Oxford there he chalenged the frere Carmes chirche the kyng Edwarde had gyuen them the whiche chirche somtyme was the kynges hall And afterward was this Iohn ladde to Northamton drawen hāged for his falsnes or that he was deed he cōfessed said before al those that were there that the deuyll behyght hym that he shold be kynge of Englonde and that he had serued the deuyll thre yere ¶ How the towne of Barwyk was taken through treason how two cardynals were robbed in Englonde ON mydlent sondaye in the yere of our lord Iesu Chryst M .ccc .xvj. Barwyk was lost through fals treason of one Pyers of
Englonde WHan kyng Edward sawe the grete harme destruccyon that the barons of Englond dyd to syr Hugh Spen sers londe to his sones in euery place that they came vpon the king than through his coūseyle exiled syr Iohn Mombray syr Roger Clifford syr Gosselin Dauil many other lordes that were cōsentynge to them wherfore the barons dyd than more harme than they dyd before And whan the kyng sawe the the barons wolde not cease of theyr cruelte the kyng was sore adrad lest they wold destroye hym his realme for his mayntenaūce but yf he assented to them so he sent for them by lettres that they sholde come to London to his parliament at a certayne daye as in his lettres were conteyned And they came with thre batayles well armed at all poyntes and euery batayle had cote armures of grene cloth therof the ryght quarter was yelowe with whyte bendes wherfore that parliament was called the parlyament of the whyte bende And in that company was syr Vmfrey of Bohoune erle of Herford syr Roger Clifford syr Iohn Mombray syr Gosselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortimer of Wygmore syr Henry of Trais syr Iohn Gif fard syr Barthilme we of Badelsmore that was the kynges steward that the kyng had sent to Shyrbur●ein Elmede to the erle of Lancastre to all that were with hym for to treate of accorde that hym alyed to the barons came with that company And syr Roger Dammorie syr Hugh Dandale the had spoused the kynges neces syster syr Gylbert of Clare erle of Glocestre that was slayne in Scotlonde as before is sayd And those two lordes had than two partyes of the erledome of Glocestre syr Hugh Spenser the sone had the thyrde parte in his wyues halfe the thyrd syster those two lordes wēt to the barons with all theyr power agaynst syr Hugh theyr broder 〈◊〉 lawe so there came with them syr Roger Clifford syr Iohn Mombray syr Gosselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortymer of Wygmore his neuew syr Henry Trais syr Iohn Giffard syr Barthylmewe of Badelsmore with all theyr company many other y● to them were consentyng All the grete lordes came to Westmynster to the kynges parliament so they spake dyd the bothe syr Hugh Spenser the fader also the sone were outlawed of Englonde for euermore And so syr Hugh the fader went to Douer made moche sorow fell downe vpon y● groūde by the see banke acrosse with his armes sore wepyng sayd Now fayre Englonde good Eng londe to almyghty god I the betake thryes kyssed the groūde wende neuer to haue comen agayn wepyng cursed the tyme that euer he begate syr Hugh his sone sayd for hȳ he had lost all englōde in presence of all gaue him his curse went ouer the see to his londes But 〈◊〉 Hugh the sone wolde not go out of Englonde but helde hym on the see he his cōpany robbed two Dromondes besyde Sandwyche toke bare awaye all the was in them the value of .xl. M. poūde ¶ How the kyng exiled the erle Thomas of Lancastre all that helde with hym and how Mortimer came yelded hym to the kynge and of the lordes IT was not longe after the the kyng ne made syr Hugh Spenser th●●a der syr Hugh the sone come agayne in to Englonde agaynst the lordes wyll of the realme And soone after the kyng with a stronge power came and besyeged the castell of Ledes in the castell was the lady of Badelsmore bycause the she wold not graūte that castell to the quene I sabell kyng Edwardes wyfe But the princypall cause was bycause the syr Barthilmewe was agaynst the kyng helde with the lordes of Englonde neuerthelesse the kynge by helpe and socour of men of London and also of helpe of southeren men gate the castell maugre of them all that were within toke with them all that they myght fynde And whan the barons of Englonde herde these tydynges syr Roger Mor●●mer many other lordes toke the towne of Burgworth with strength wherfore the kyng was wonders wrothe let outlawe Thomas of Lācastre Vmfrey de Bohoune erle of Herford all those that were assentyng to the same quarell And the kyng assembled an huge hoost came agaynst the lordes of Englonde wherfore the Mortimers put them in the kynges mercy grace And anone they were sente to the toure of London there kepte in prison And whan the barons herde this thynge they came to Poūtfret castell where as the erle Thomas soiourned told hym how that the Mortimers both had yelded them to the kyng put them i his grace ¶ Of the syege of Tykhyll WHan Thomas erle of Lancastre herd this he was wōders wroth and all that were of his company gretly they were discōforted ordeyned theyr power togyder besyeged the castell of Tykhyll But those that were within manly defended them that the barons coude not gete the castell And whan the kynge herde that his castell was besyeged he swore by god by his names that the syege sholde be remeued assembled an huge power of people and went thyderward to rescowe the castell his power encreased from daye to daye Whan the erle of Lancastre the erle of Herford the barons of theyr cōpany herde of this thynge they assembled all theyr power went to Burton vpon Trent kepte the brydge that the kyng sholde not passe ouer But it befell so on the .x. daye of Marche in the yere of grace M .ccc .xxj. the kyng the Spensers syr Aymer of Valaūce erle of Penbroke Ioh●erle of Arūdell and theyr power we●t ouer the water discom●yted the erle Thomas his com pany And they fled to the castell of Tutbery from thens to Poūtfret And in the vyage dyed syr Roget Danmore in the abbey of Tuthery And that same tyme the erle Thomas had a traytour with him that was called Robert Holand a knight that the erle had brought vp of nought had nourysshed hym in his buttry and had gyuen hym a. M. marke of londe by yere so moche the erle loued hym that he myght do in the erles courte all that hym lyked with hye lowe so craftely the thefe bare hym that his lorde trusted hym more than ony man on lyue And the erle had ordeyned hym by his lettres for to go in to the erledom of Lācastre to make men aryse to helpe hym in that viage that is to saye .v. C. men of armes But the false traytour came not there no maner men for to warne ne reyse to helpe his lorde And whan the fals traytour herde tell that his lord was discōfited at Burton vpon Trent as a fals traytour thefe stale awaye robbed in Rauensdele his lordes men that came from the discōfyture toke of them hors harneys
Wyllyam Porter knyght with all theyr retynue before the port of say●● Hyl●ry And than was the erle of Mor●●●n with all his retynue l●dged in the abbey of saynt ●ather●●s And the ●rle of ●alys●●ry with his retynue laye on that other syde of saynt ●atherynes And syr Iohn Gray knyght was lodged at the abbey that is called le mo●n● d● saynt My●h●l And syr Philip 〈◊〉 knyght the kynges tresourer was lodged bytwene the water of ●eyn● and the abbey and kepte the warde vnder the hyll And the baron of Carowe was lodged vnder the wat●r syde for to kepe the passage And Ien●●● the squyer laye nexte hym on the water syde and these two squyers kepte ma●ly the water of ●●yne and often tymes fought with theyr enemyes And on that other syde of ●●yne laye the ●rle of Huntyngdon 〈◊〉 mayster 〈◊〉 the erles ●●ne of West 〈…〉 erlonde syr Gylbert 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Kent syr Rychard erle of Arundell the lorde Feryers with theyr retynue before the porte du pount eche of these lordes had stronge ordynaunce and the kynge dyd make at Poūt de larche ouer the water of Seyne a stronge a myghty chayne of yren put it through grete pyles fast pyght in the grounde that went ouer the ryuer of Seyne that no vessell myght passe in no wyse about that cheyne the kyng let make a brydge ouer the water of Seyne that men and hors all other catyage myght go to fro at all tymes whan nede were And than came y● erle of warwik had goten Dounfrout to kyng Henry of Englonde And anone y● kynge sent the erle of War wyk to Cawdebecke to besyeg●it And whan he came before the towne he sent his herawdes to the capytayne hadde hym yelde vp the towne vpon payne of deth and anone he layde his syege And the capytayne besought the erle that he myght come to his presence and it pleased hym and speke with hym And so y● good erle graūted hym for to come And than he came out foure other burgeyses came with hym entreated so with this erle that this same towne was vnder composicyon to do as y● e●te of Boen dyd And the erle graunted consented therto vpon this condicyon that y● kynges nauy of Englonde with his ordynaūce myght passe vp by them in safet● without ony maner of lette or dysturbaunce and to his composicyon they set to theyr seales and the shyppes passed vp by them in safete and came before the cite of Boen vnto an hondred shyppes there they cast theyr ankers and than this cite was vesyeged bothe by londe 〈◊〉 by water And whan all this was done and the shyppes comen vp than came y● 〈◊〉 of warwyk agayne to the kynge 〈◊〉 hym ●y●●ene the abbey of saynt Kathet y●s the kyng tyll that the abbey entreated so was the kyng And than he 〈…〉 lodged hym before the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 uylle than was the erle of 〈…〉 ry rōma●ded by the kyng 〈…〉 redy to ryde but there 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tydynges made hym to abyde so he returned agayne lodged hym besyde the erle of Huntyngdon tyll that the syege was ended ▪ And than came the duke of Glocestre the kynges brother from the syege of Shyr●ou●gh y● whiche he had wonne goten and stuffed agayn to the kynges beh 〈…〉 profyte vnto y● 〈◊〉 of Englonde And whan he was comen to the kynge before 〈◊〉 ▪ as one he lodged with grete ordynaūce before y● porte saynt Hylary 〈◊〉 the towne and his enemyes than our other lay● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 es of lengthe within 〈◊〉 of quarell with hym laye y● 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 the lorde of 〈◊〉 with all theyr retynue strange ordy 〈…〉 〈◊〉 proudly 〈…〉 theyr enemyes euer 〈◊〉 they yssued out of the ●ite And than came the pryour of Kylmayn of 〈◊〉 the see to y● kyng with a fayre ●●yny of men of armes af ter theyr own 〈◊〉 guyse to y● no●br● of ▪ xv C. 〈…〉 y● kyng welcomed them made them good chere ¶ And than 〈…〉 the kynge that 〈…〉 the Dolphyn 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 yn wolde come 〈…〉 with a stronge 〈…〉 cyons 〈…〉 entre on y● 〈◊〉 syde of y● 〈◊〉 bycause that there 〈◊〉 y● 〈…〉 〈◊〉 playn 〈◊〉 therfore y● kyng assigned the pryour of Kylmay● with his 〈◊〉 lodged hym on y● north syde of y● hoost for to stop theyr passage was 〈◊〉 y● foreth of Lyons of this ordinaūce they were 〈…〉 go to y● see y● 〈…〉 his ●●uy ne 〈◊〉 his londe 〈◊〉 party for 〈…〉 his vsage 〈…〉 y● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his 〈…〉 to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 y● see 〈◊〉 y● see co 〈…〉 y● no mane● of enemy 〈◊〉 route vpon y● see And anone y● kyng 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 to y● 〈◊〉 pytayn of 〈◊〉 charged hym to delyuer hym his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his towne or 〈◊〉 he wolde neyther leue 〈◊〉 thylde alyue And anone y● capytay● 〈…〉 burgeyses of the towne brought y●●●ys vnto the kyng besought 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And the kynge delyuered the 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 Iohn Kekeley made hym capytayn 〈…〉 ded hym to put out all y● Fren 〈…〉 men bothe of the castell of ●he towne 〈◊〉 there besyde was the castell of Lo 〈◊〉 ●hyder the kyng sent y● 〈◊〉 ma● 〈◊〉 with a f●yre company 〈◊〉 y● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was 〈…〉 brought 〈…〉 them to the kyng 〈◊〉 the kyng 〈…〉 agayn 〈…〉 y● 〈◊〉 of Louers of all y● longe 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ged hym to 〈◊〉 all the F 〈…〉 men And than y● kynge helde 〈◊〉 his waye to Cane that was a stronge downe an● a ●●yre 〈…〉 he sent his 〈◊〉 to y● capytayn 〈◊〉 ged hym 〈…〉 y● 〈…〉 his 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 he wolde gete th 〈…〉 strength of hande And they 〈…〉 〈…〉 hym ▪ 〈…〉 counseyle 〈◊〉 the to 〈◊〉 all about And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 duke of 〈◊〉 was entred in to the towne slewe downe ryght 〈◊〉 he came to y● kyng spared neyther man ne chylde euer they cryed a Clatente a Clatence and saynt George And there was d●●d on the walles on y● kynges syde a worthy man that was called Springes the whiche y● kyng 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be butyed in y● abbey of Cane fast William cōquerour on whose soule god haue mercy amē And than y● kyng came in to the towne with his broder the duke of Clarete and many other worthy lordes with moche solempuite myrthe And than the kyng cōmaūded y● capytayn to delyuer h● his castell And he besought the kyng to gyue hym .xiiij. dayes of 〈◊〉 spyte yf ony restowe wolde come 〈◊〉 yf none wold come to delyuer hym y● keys the castell at his cōmaundement And vnder this compo 〈…〉 was y● towne the castell of Baycus with other townes fortresses villages vnto the nombre of ●iiij Vpon y●●yll before y● castell of Cane our kynge ●yght all his 〈◊〉 y● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●owne as