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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12738 The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans Their originals, manners, warres, coines & seales: with ye successions, lives, acts & issues of the English monarchs from Iulius Cæsar, to our most gracious soueraigne King Iames. by Iohn Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Schweitzer, Christoph, wood-engraver. 1611 (1611) STC 23045; ESTC S117937 1,552,755 623

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rights whereupon the King gaue the same to his sonne Iohn whose Coronation stung with the like before his father onely did delay at such time as two Cardinales offered to celebrate that solemnitie 92 At Windsor therefore his father giuing him the Order of knight-hood at which time hee was about twelue yeeres old sent him foorth with into Ireland where the Arch-bishop of Dublin and the State entertained him but by reason of such parsimonie toward his souldiers as was vsed hee returned the same yeere without doing much but not without hauing wasted the most part of his Armie in skirmishes with the Irish. His Stile in his seale of Ireland though Houeden saith his father made him Regem a●…king was onely Sigillum Iohannis filij regis Angliae Domini Hiberniae Lord of Ireland 93 King Henrie hearing now that his martiall sonne Earle Richard had fortified in Poictou against him and vanquished Geffrey Earle of Britane prepares a puissant armie vpon terror whereof Richard came in rendring vp Poictou to his mother Elienor whose inheritance it was at his fathers commandement The same yeere wherein the West was thus defiled with vnnaturall diuisions the East was likewise polluted with the cursed Apostasie of one Richard de S. Albane whom wee shame to thinke was English who renouncing the Christian beleefe vpon the Patriarcks discomfortable returne became a principall Commander vnder the Sultan of Babilon Saladine whom the Christians draue with losse and slaughter of his armie from Hierusalem But on the other side reuenge of disobedience still pursued Gef frey sonne of King Henrie who was in a Torneament at Paris troden to death vnder the horse feete A miserable end and a fearefull 94 About which times betweene the French and English all things stoode vnsure now warre then peace and warre againe by reason that Philip who had been crowned King some yeeres before during the life of Lewis challenging the custodie of Arthur the Posthumus sonne and heire of Geffrey Earle of Britane and sometimes one thing and sometime another could not haue his will Whiles Earle Richard turning to Philip against his Father but obtaining a truce for two yeeres such amity if there be any amity among mighty Princes grew between king Philip and Earle Richard Heire apparant of England and Normandy c. that one bed and boord serued both The Father perplexed cals his sonne home who pretending many griefes as the detention of Alice his Spouse the doubt of disinherison and other things stood out againe and againe after a while submits to his Father Then bursts forth Philip into Armes and things so standing the heauy newes of Ierusalem lost flew into Christendom When this City was formerly recouered by Godfrey of Bolein an Vrban was Pope a Fredericke was Emperour an Heraclius Patriarch so now when it was lost an Vrban was Pope a Fredericke was Emperor and an Heraclius Patriarch 95 Vpon these news Henry and Philip meet and for the honour of God laying downe displeasure in presence of William Archbishop of Tyre at which time some say a Crosse appeared in the aire take vpon them as Souldiers of Christ the badge of the Crosse and there the better to distinguish themselues it was agreed that the French should weare read Crosses the English White and the Flemish Greene. And this determination was seconded with warlike preparations leuies of money and institution of martiall Discipline all which notwithstanding nothing went forward 96 At Richard began the breach of this honourable confederation who taking reuenge vpon certaine Rebels of his in Poictou who brooked not his hard hand one mischiefe drew another and at the last both the Kings of England and France became parties to the quarrell greatly against the minde of K. Henry whose heart was firmely 〈◊〉 as it seems to reuenge the cause of Christ vpon Sultan Saladine for that in his answere to the Patriarch of Antioch imploring aide he concludes That among other Princes himselfe and sonne reiecting this worlds glory and despising all pleasures whatsoeuer and setting behind all things which were of this World would in their owne person with their whole Forces by the fauour of the Lord speedily visite him And sure the state of those parts required it Saladine hauing slaine many of the Knights Templars and Nobles and aboue thirty thousand footmen with innumerable other in Cities and Townes by him subdued Among all which grieuous accidents we cannot to season sower therby with sweet omit one noble protestation made by the chiefe crossed Lords Philip Earle of Flanders the Earle of Bloys and other who being required to take parts made answere That they would not contrary to their promise to God put armour on against any Christian till they had done their deuoire against Saladine 97 In the treaties therefore between Henry and Philip the demaunds of Philip on the behalfe of Richard were such and so vnsafe for the King as that all his subiects should sweare fealty to Richard during the Fathers life but yet reseruing their allegiance to the Father that Richard apparantly fell off and became Liegeman for Normandy c. to Philip King of France and at a new Treaty by mediation of a Cardinall Legate the demaunds of Philip being more hard then before as that King Henry should not onely settle the Kingdome vpon Richard but take Iohn also with him into Palestine or that otherwise Richard would not goe being iealous of his brothers grace with his Father Henrie would consent to none of those insolent propositions but disdaining to seeme to be enforced they betooke them selues on all sides to their swords 98 The effect whereof was that former good fortunes forsaking King Henry hee sustained many losses by the Armies of King Philip and Richard was driuen out of Mentz in Main the city where he was born which he loued aboue all other places by firing of the Suburbes before the enemy came being casually consumed hee was glad to yeeld to such conditions as it pleased Philip to prescribe It is written that at the meeting of these two Kings the skie being cleare a thunderbolt stroke betweene them and after a little pause comming together againe it thundered more terribly so that Henry had falne off his horse but that his people sustained him whereupon hee came presently to an end though it were to his vnspeakable griefe his Kingly heart being vsed to giue and not to take conditions 99 Fearefull was the speech which King Henrie when hee abandoned Mentz by reason of the fire vttered against Richard which was That sith he had taken from him that day the thing that hee most loued in this world he would requite him for after that day hee would depriue him of that thing which in him should best please a Child to wit his Heart But after the peace concluded vpon mediation between the sides another thing strucke neerer for finding the name of his
of the Land and Supremacy of the Crowne The abuse of the first was solemnly shewed at Pauls Crosse in London vpon Sunday the twenty foure of February by Doctor Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester where the Roode of Boxley in Kent commonly called the Rood of Grace made with diuers vices to bow downe and to lift vp it selfe to shake and to stirre both Heads hands and feet to rowle the eies mooue the lippes and to bend the browes was then broken and pulled in peeces So likewise the Images of our Lady of Walsingham and Ipswich set and besprinkled with Iewels and Gemmes with diuers others both of England and Wales were brought to London and burnt at Chelsey before the Lord Crumwell Then the Axes of the hewers began to cast downe the walles of all Monasteries whose number as Cambden doth account them were sixe hundred fourty fiue besides fourscore and tenne Colledges them of Oxford and Cambridge not accounted of Hospitals one hundred and tenne and of Chaunteries and free Chappels two thousand three hundred seuenty foure all of them almost were then borne downe with the sudden deluge of those tempestuous times whilst the world stood amazed King Henrie proceeded and the Clergy men groaned vnder their owne destructions among these the Shrine of Thomas Becket was defaced which did abound with more then Princely riches whose meanest part was pure gold garnished with many precious stones as Erasmus that saw it hath written whereof the chiefest was a rich Gemme of France offered by King Lewis who asked and obtained you may be sure he buying it so deare that no passenger betwixt Douer and White-sand should perish by shipwracke his bones by Stephen Langton had beene laide in a golden Shrine his name canonized and the day of his death made annually holy such concurse of Pilgrime such pressing to touch him and such creeping and kneeling to his Tombe that the prints of their deuotion in the Marble stones remaines to this day euery Pillar resounding the miracles of this reputed Martyre and the Church it selfe dedicated to Christ forced to giue place to the name of Saint Thomas The Timber worke of this Shrine was couered with plates of gold damasked and embossed with wires of gold garnished with broches images angels precious stones and great Orient Pearles all these defaced filled two Chests and were for price of an vnestimable value But in steede of these Dagons the Bible in English was commanded to bee read in all Churches and Register Bookes of weddings Christenings and Burials in euery of them to be kept 101 The yeerely reuenewes of these as they were valewed by the Commissioners at their subuersions amounted to an vnestimable summe as appeareth by the Original Booke itselfe presented to the King whereof more shall be spoken in the end of this chapter and yet most of them rated at Robin-hoods penny-worthes what their rents were a libell scattered abroad and read to the king by demonstration did proue wherein was accounted that vnto the fiue Orders of Friers euery housholder paying them fiue pence the Quarter the summe of fourty three thousand three hundred thirty three pound sixe shillings and eight pence sterling was paid them by yeere besides the reuenewes of their owne lands which was not a little so that not without cause many entred into a Monasticall life rather to liue at ful and without cares of this world then to feede the flocke of Christ or to winne them and not theirs after the example of the Apostle For the Testament of Christ was vnto most of these as a booke sealed with seauen seales and their mouthes vnmuzled they did deuoure but not tread out the Corne so that the Sunne by their doctrine seemed to be darkened as with smoke and themselues to be the Locustes that ouerspread the superficies of the Earth whose faces were like men pretending humanity their haire like women in shew of modesty their Crownes of counterfeited gould signifying their vsurped authoritie their teeth like Lyons shewing their Tyrannie their force like horses prepared for battell their habergions of Iron betokening their strength the sound of their wings the thundering out their mandates like to the rumbling of Chariots in warre their Tailes 〈◊〉 Prophets hauing stings like vnto Scorpions a●…●…heir King the bad Abaddon euen the Angell of the Bottomelesse pit All those allusions most aptly sitting these Cloistered Friers who now grown to the height of their sinnes their skirts were discouered that their shame might appeare being the only men then laid open to the world 102 Against whose doctrine besides many others in other forreine parts two in the daies of K. Henry the fourth the first English King that put anie to death for the doctrine of Rome omitting Sir Iohn Oldcastle and others that died for the Gospels defence in the daies of King Henry the fift foure in the raigne of innocent Henrie the sixt One in the daies of King Edward the fourth and tenne in the time of King Henry the seauenth sealed the doctrine against the papall religion with their bloud all of them being martyred before that Martin Luther wrote And in the raigne of this King twenty sixe suffered the fire before the flames thereof could be quenched which a while was done by the meanes of good Queene Anne till afterwards they mounted higher when the sixe Articles were made but because this Ecclesiasticke text is handled elsewhere and seemeth vnsociable to our begunne Subiect we will referre the Reader for these matters vnto the industrious paines of that worthy and euer venerable man M. Fox taken in his Acts Monuments of Ecclesiasticall history 103 The Monasteries thus dissolued and the Reuenewes thereof conuerted to temporall vses King Henry ranne in great obloquie of many forraine Potentates but most especially of the Pope who with Cardinall Poole instigated diuers Princes in Christendom to inuade England thus fallen from his faith Yea home-borne Subiects disliking the course for Papisticall subuersion by secret working sought to depriue King Henry and to raise vp Reynold Poole vnto the Regall dignity as by their inditements appeareth The persons conuicted were Lord Henry Courtney Marquesse of Excester Earle of Deuonshire the sonne of Lady Katherine the seuenth daughter of King Edward the fourth Henrie Poole Lord Montacute with Sir Geffrey his brother and Sir Edward Neuill brother to the Lord of Abergauenny These Pooles were the sonnes of Lady Margaret Countesse of Salisbury the onely daughter of George Duke of Clarence and of these 〈◊〉 Poole once Deane of Excester and now Cardinal●… at 〈◊〉 was accounted the onely man 104 And this foresaid Lord Marquesse had formerly beene in such fauour with King Henry that at his going into France he ordained him his Heire apparant though at his returne vpon graue deliberation hee saw it better policy to plucke him down then was vsed in
a small company to waffe vp and downe two daies in expectance of their attendance till seeing them more obsequious to Huberts commaund then his the Archbishoppe also sending his Inhibition after them on the sea hee was forced to come againe to land How a King of any royall sparkle could brooke such Sea-and land-Tempests without disgorging his Kingdom of the causers therof I cannot conceiue and yet so vneuenly doth some mens iudgement poyse whose affection guides the Beame that this defeating of the Kings weightiest affaires is censured as too light to deserue the punishment which insued when the King put many of his Earles Barons Knights yea and Clergy men to a grieuous pecuniary redemption for thus refusing to follow him for recouerie of his Inheritance 31 The Archbishop though their Ringleader might well haue beene exempted from this iudgement by his passage to a higher dying if some erre not the very same weeke eyther of griefe or of a feuer which killed him in foure dayes but the king forthwith in person at Canterbury seized vpon all his wealth and possessions shewing himselfe right ioyfull that now hee was rid of him whom men suspected of too familiar practising with the French King saying hee was neuer a King till now by reason of Huberts too presumptuous daring to crosse his royall resolutions as late hee did But this ioy and hope of happier daies was soone choked and buried in the same Toombe with Hubert out of whose Ashes sprang vp a roote yeelding more and more bitter fruites then King Iohn had as yet tasted by how much more lamentable are the wounds which are in the bowels and heart of a State then those which onely light on the skirtes or more remot members The first seedes of which fast growing mischiefes were to the eye as are the beginnings of all Kingdomes ruine very small and contemptible and the Sowers of little better regard being but Cloistered monkes who craftily factious to aduance a priuat friend which once mounted into Hubers chaire might befriend them againe they gaue a deadly blow both to themselues their Soueraigne and the State in generall The yonger heads amongst them whose vnexperience makes them in acts of Societies more foreward and daring hauing secret notice of Huberts death meant by a slight whereunto they doubted not to find the Popes furtherance to defeat their Soueraignes interest in that Election and perchance in all other euer after of a Primate for the See of Canterburie the most important place of his Kingdome Reginald the Sub-prior of their Couent One as you shall heare fitter for their proiects then for that place was the man they chose and that at midnight when singing Te Deum they lifted him first vpon the High Altar and after into the Metropolitan chaire They ought to haue first obtained the Kings assent and leaue to elect and therefore to preuent both his interposing and displeasure till it were too late for him to redresse the wrong the same night they caused their Elect to enter caution by oath neuer to carry himselfe as Archbishop nor to make it knowne to any man liuing till he had further especiall warrant from them vpon proofe of the successe it might find at Rome whither forthwith they sent him for his dispatch 31 Reginald taking Flaunders in his way was both so proud periurious and impudent the vertues of their most choice man that he could neuer conceale the purpose of his iourney and boast of his dignity from any mans Eares nor from their Eyes the Conuentuall letters ratifying the same Wherof when the Couent had notice vehemently incensed against him who had thus diuulged their secret and prouidently casting how to euade the Kings offence out of hand they despeeded certaine of their Crue to craue both pardon of their fact and licence for choice of some worthier Primate There was then in high grace and imploiment about the King Iohn Gray Bishoppe of Norwich a man of great wisdom learning and Integrity qualities truely befitting that high place whom the King much desired to aduance commending him as one most deare vnto him and of his secretest Counsels of which some say hee was President most behouefull for the Common-wealth for Himselfe and them which message from the King faithfully deliuered all of them glad thus to redeeme the fauour which they had hazarded with vnanimous consent elected him and sending for him from Yorke where hee was in the Kings affaires the King himselfe graced his entrance into Canterbury with his presence in great pompe and the next day the King with a multitude of People assembling in the Metropolitane Church the Prior did there publish his Election solemnly and in due forme performed where the Monkes carrying him with Te Deum to the high Altar did forthwith enthronize him in the Chaire of his Primacie The King there in presence of them all giueing him actuall possession of his Temporalities This louing correspondence betwixt the King and his Clergy gaue great hope of more blissefull fortunes henceforward vnto them both but the Infernall Author of debate and his chiefe Agent tooke a hint hereby to intrude a Tyranny both vpon Clergy King and all 32 Little thought false Reyner what was doing at Canterbury whiles hee was trotting to Rome whither when hee came and shewed his letters of Ratifi cation to his Holinesse and his Cardinals hee receiued this short answere that it was a busines which asked mature deliberation and better informations the Pope soon finding that the Sub-prior was too sleight an instrument for him to worke with and for King Iohn to bee wrought with and therefore bethought him of some fitter hammer for so hard an Anuile But sundry stoppes were in the way which wisely and by degrees were to bee remoued The first was which Reginald in likehood had imparted to hasten his owne dispatch that the Bishoppes of the Prouince claimed a ioint interest with the Monkes in choice of their Primate a point which could no way suite with the Popes aduantage because Bishoppes were generally much obliged to their Soueraignes and so likely still to Elect a Royalist whereas Cloyster-men professing ignorance of worldly affaires and obedience to one Superior might more facilly bee swayed to bend as the Pope would bow them in preferring his creatures Which was the Motiue we may suppose of the Popes letters soone after sent to the Suffragane Bishops exhorting them by sacred example and precept of filiall obedience to desist from vexing like vndutifull sonnes their Mother Church with such vnd●… claimes The Bishops notwithstanding who knew themselues in sacred writ to be styled Fathers would not thus acknowledge the Monkes for their Mothers till I●…centius to his light Reasons added the weight of his Keyes and by his power swept both that and other rubs out of
Priest if such an election might stand by law or lawfull fauour But the Pope who meant to make his aduantage hereof as well as the King exacted of him for confirmation of the same election fiue hundreth Markes of Church reuenewes to be passed ouer vnto the Earle of Burgundies sonne a childe which makes the Monke to breake forth into this bitter lamentation O Pope the Chiefe of Fathers why dost thou suffer thus the Christian world to be defiled worthily worthily therefore art thou driuen out of thy owne Citie and See and like a runnagate and another Cham art inforced to wander vp and downe ô God thou God of iust reuenge when wilt thou drawforth thy sword to imbrue it in the blood of such oppressors Though in these vniuersall abuses the Pope would neither redresse himselfe nor others yet God raised vp a stout and learned Prelate Robert Grostest Bishop of Lincolne who vndertooke to reforme the Monks and Friars but they who knew R●…e was from the beginning Asylum Latronum appealed to the Pope Whereupon the aged Bishop going to his holinesse tolde him that all offenders escaped by his opening his bosome to such as brought him bribes who snapping him vp with angrie Countenance and speech sent him home with reproach The Pope was at this time at Lyons where not long after the Coūcel breaking vp Cardinal Huge made a Sermon of farewell to the Citizens wherein amongst other benefites which the Popes lying in their City had brought them he told them this was a Principall that whereas at their comming there were three or foure Whore-houses in the Lyons now at their departing they left but one but indeed that reached from the East-Gate of the City to the West Whereby wee see France had some part of the Popes Almes as well as England 77 The King now whollie intent vpon encrease of treasure neither gaue any rich presents according to the ancient Custome of England and also shortneth yet more the allowances of his Househould and entertainements without any regard to Maicstie or rumor And to spare his owne charge the rather he inuites himself sometime to this man and sometime to that but no where contenting himselfe with his diet hospitage vnlesse both he his Queene 〈◊〉 sonne Edward yea and chiefe fauourites in Court were presented with great and costly gifts which they tooke not as of Courtesie but as due This was the vnhonourable face of the Kings estate at that time But in the depth of his wants and rigour of his Parcimonie he could not shut vp himselfe against the suites and aduancement of his Poictouines and Pr●…ncois so that it was become a common murmur in England Our inheritance is conuerted to aliens and our houses to strangers The matter seemed the more grieuous for that their pride and violence were intollerable About this time the clause Non obstante brought in first by the Pope was taken vp in England by the King in his grants and other writings as Non obstante priore mandato Non obstante antiqua libertate c. This our ancient Author cals an odious and detestable clause and Roger de Thurkeby Iustitiar fetching a deepe sigh at the sight thereof cried out both of the times and it saying it was a streame deriued from that sulphureous fountain of the Clergie 78 Another of the Kings Iusticiars and a learned Knight Sir Henry de Bath whose Lady because herselfe was well descended filled him with pride was so confidently greedy the better to satisfie her ambition that in one circuit hee appropriated to himselfe aboue two hundreth pound lands Corruption in Iustice which must needs be suspected to be there where excessiue wealth is gotten by the Officers of Iustice is but a sandie ground-worke of a vainely-hoped greatnesse and may well bee reputed in the number of crying sinnes and this moued a Knight Sir Philip de Arci to appeach him before the King both for vnfaithfulnesse in his office and treason against the King The King had no hold of himselfe after hee was once throughly kindled Bath knowes it and therefore writes to his wiues friends to come strong in his defence that the King should not dare to call him to his triall yet withall hee seekes all secret meanes how to appease the King who vnderstanding of this combination was the more enflamed The Earle of Cornwall his brother could not appease him no not though hee knit vp his intercessions with these minatorie words Wee must not forsake Gentlemen in their right nor in preseruing the peace of the tottering Kingdome In March there was holden a Parliament at London there the King caused Bath to bee sharpely prosecuted Thither Sir Henry Bath repairs strongly attended with Knights and Gentlemen of his owne friends and his wiues to daunt the edge of Iustice which he deseruedly feared The accusations were many for all mē were called to say what they could against him and among all these two most hainous that he troubled the whole Realme and stirred all the Barons thereof against the King so that a generall rebellion was to be feared which one of his fellow-Iusticiars did openly testifie that hee had for reward discharged a conuicted Malefactor out of prison without punishment in preiudice of the King and to the perill of his associate Iusticiars The King was so enraged herewith that seeing no other way to punish him being so strongly backed hee mounted into an higher place then before and cries out Whosoeuer kils Henrie de Bath shall be quit of his death and I here doe acquit him and presently departs Neuerthelesse although hee left behind him many men who would haue readily executed the Kings terrible doome yet by the wisdome of Sir Iohn Mansel one of the Kings priuate Councellors they were restrained His wordes are worthy to bee remembred Gentlemen an●… friends it is not necessary for vs to put that presently in execution which the King hath in his anger commanded It may bee when his wrath is ouerblowne hee will bee sorry hee said it Moreouer if any outrage be done to Bath loe here are his friends who will take all sorts of reuenge Sir Henry escaping thus from so present a danger found meanes vpon promise of money and great mediation of friends to obtain his peace safety for at thi●…me Iustice and all things grew saleable The North-East part of Wales was committed to Alan de Zouch who had it in Farme for eleuen hundreth Markes yeerely whereas Iohn de Gray whom he supplanted in the place paid but fiue hundreth so miserable Wales was let out to such as would giue most 79 Alexander the third succeeding his Father in the Kingdome of Scotland comming in Christmas to Yorke there espoused though very young the Lady Margaret daughter to King Henry There were present the two Kings in person with a most choice multitude of either Nation the
by the Duke of Bury one of the French Kings vncles to frustrate this enterprize he alleaged that the King of England had mustred ten thousand horsemen and one hundreth thousand Archers for his defence whereas the Admirall Iohn de Vienna affirmed that hauing seene the forces of the English they were but eight thousand horsemen and threescore thousand foot and he might well say hauing seene for though Aemylius bring him in speaking to the French King and vaunting that he had encountred them yet nothing is truer then that the English returned out of Scotland without the least offer of battell The Admirall was willing indeed to haue fought but when he saw our Armie from the hil-tops his furie gaue place to reason 50 While the Armie was vpon the way toward Scotland the Kings halfe-brother the Lord Iohn Holland wickedly slew the Lord Stafford sonne to the Earle of Stafford not farre from Yorke being vpon his iourney to the Queene whose fauoured Knight he was For which heinous homicide the King seised vpon his whole estate denying to his mothers most earnest praiers any pardon or grace for his brother Which was to her so greeuous that within fiue or sixe daies after shee gaue vp the Ghost at Wallingford The young Lord tooke Sanctuary at Beuerley and the King by his iustice herein wanne the hearts of the said Earle of Stafford the Earle of Warwick the Lord Basset and other great men of Staffords kindred and friends neither did this empeach at all the present voyage 51 The Scots and French in Scotland seeing themselues vnable to withstand such forces had so retired themselues and all their goods that when the English should come they as Walsingham pleasantly saith could see no quicke things left but onlie Owles That which was greene in the fields the horses deuoured or trampled down yet such harme as the materials of buildings were capable of was done Edenburgh also and the noble Abbey of Mailrosse were fired The Duke of Lancaster perswaded the King to march beyond the Frith or Scottish Sea as his great Ancestors had done to seeke out his enemies but he very suspicious that the Duke gaue him this counsell with a purpose to betray him to destruction by famine and want which he was there to looke for expressed much displeasure and returned The Dukes wordes notwithstanding and behauiour were tempered with much duty and modesty but that would not serue till the Lords peeced their affections together by intercession in the best manner the time would suffer But the English host was scarce returned and discharged when the Scots and French sodeinely powred themselues forth vpon our Countrey and did whatsoeuer hurt the shortnes of time in their incursion could permit 52 To resist and endammage the French there were appointed Admirals for the narrow Seas the Master of Saint Iohns and Sir Thomas Percie Knight the Earle of Northumberlands brother who did nothing worthy their fame or place Only the Townesmen of Portsmouth and Dart maund forth a few ships at their owne perill and charge wherewith entering the riuer of Sein vpon which the renowned Citties Roan and Paris are situated suncke some of their enemies ships tooke others and among them one of Sir Oliuer de Clisson's the goodliest that France had The successe answered their hopes and they were enriched with the spoiles of their aduersaries whom thus they compelled to beare the charge of their proper mischiefe 53 Meanewhile that the French lay at Sluse attending the approch of their kings vncle the Duke of Burie who fauoured not this enterprize of inuasion but sought aswell by delaies as by perswasion and authority to make it frustrate they of Ga●…t had gotten the Towne of Dam by the good liking of the Inhabitants to whom the French gouernment was odious For recouery whereof the French King drew his armie prepared against England to the siege of Dam which the same being first secretlie abandoned after a moneths siege and many repulses giuen to the French was by him recouered This and other things did so protract the great expedition intended that after wast of infinite treasure Charles returned home without hauing seene England which was by these meanes most graciouslie freed by God from so dangerous and greatly-feared an impression But that the English might the better endure the same Iohn King of Portugall hauing lately in a great and bloodie battell where some of the English deserued well of him ouerthrowne the Castilians and thereby setled his estate sent into England sixe Gall●…ys throughly well appointed for Sea-seruice though as God would there was no need of them 54 Of those French which after the Cloude of warre at Sluce was dispersed into ayte passed ouerland into their Countreys many were taken and slaine by the Gauntiners Their nauie was not lesse vnfortunate for at one time the English of Callis tooke of them eighteene and the rage of weather brake and sunke diuers so that this Brauado was not onely costly to the French by reason of the charges but hurtfull in the losse of time men shippes and hoped glorie Such are the euents of humane enterprises where God is not pleased to giue successe The English thus deliuered from feare make a road into France out of Callis and with a prey of foure thousand sheepe and three hundreth head of great cattell besides an hundreth good prisoners returned safe to their Garrison 55 The multitude of memorable things which present themselues to vs in the liues of our English Monarches is such that if wee did not vse choise and in their relation breuity wee should not relieue our Readers of that molestation with which the vaste volumes of former labours doe oppresse the memorie The Laitie at the Parliament now holden at London had yeelded to aide the King with a Fifteenth vpon condition that the Clergie should succour him with a Tenth and an halfe against which vniust proportion William de Courtney Archbishop of Canterbury most stifly opposed alleadging that the Church ought to bee free nor in any wise t●… bee taxed by the Laitie and that himselfe would rather die then endure that the Church of England the liberties whereof had by so many free Parliaments in all times and not onely in the raign of this King been confirmed should be made a bond-maide This answere so offended the C●…mons that the Knights of the Shires and some Peeres of the land with extreme fury besought That Temporalities might bee taken away from Ecclesiasticall persons saying that it was an Almesdeed and an Act of Charity so to doe thereby to humble them Neither did they doubt but that their petition which they had exhibited to the King would take effect Hereupon they designed among themselues out of which Abbey which should receiue such a certaine summe and out of which another I my selfe saith a Monke of Saint Albans heard one of those Knights confidently sweare that hee
beene married vnto Iohn Gray Esquier knighted and slaine at the battell of S. Albans vpon King Henries part who now was a suiter vnto the King for something taken away in the extremity of that time to bee restored towards the maintenance of her 〈◊〉 But howsoeuer her suit pierced his eare her sweetly composed feature strangely affected his heart more formall shee was and louely in countenance then either tall or exceedingly faire yet both sufficient to meete in one person of an excellent witte a sober demeanour a modest looke a 〈◊〉 smile and her speech vttered in such a ●…turall eloquence as her answeres euer set on edge King Edwards desires which howsoeuer di●…full to the appetite of his wanton bed aff●…ming with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…ee accounted herselfe most vnworthy of the name of his Queene so shee held her selfe of mort worth her chast honour dearer then to bee his C●…bine yet held they him in chase till shee had 〈◊〉 ●…im in the snares of her loue 22 Their many meetings and 〈◊〉 complements made the old Dutchesse of Yorke the Kings mother much to suspect it would bee a match to hinder which with a par●… authority shee entred discourse alleadging it honourable 〈◊〉 and of much profite to linke with some great Princesse in ●…raine 〈◊〉 both for the 〈◊〉 of po●…ions abroad and as the ●…se stood to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at home that 〈◊〉 had gone 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 suite in Fr●… as if in himselfe n●…w 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their displ●…res would 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To marry his Subiect 〈◊〉 held 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…cially one without 〈◊〉 alliance or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 other thing mouing but a wanton do●…ge 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and although that in Lady 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 yet was there nothing so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 incorp●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mo●… 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 tought of a 〈◊〉 A 〈◊〉 quoth she is most 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 side whose 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 23 owne desires and knew himselfe to bee out of his mothers rule partly in earnest and partly in pleasance made her this reply That marriage being a spirituall type ought rather to be conioyned where God had framed the parties to consent as this of his was then in regard of any temporall respect whatsoeuer That his choice was pleasing to himselfe and would be to his subiects he certainly knew whose amity before all other Nations hee most preferred and desired neither could he giue them better occasion of loue then in this that being their Soueraigne hee disdained not to marry into their Tribes and so likewise for his Issue there could not any Prince be better beloued then he that was their naturall Prince so borne of both parents That if forraine alliances were so needfull hee had many of his kin to contract them and that with content of all parties but for himselfe to marry for possessions or to please others with displeasing his own affections hee saw it no wisdome hauing already sufficient of the one and the other offended euen sweet pleasure would seeme sowre pils especially the choice that is made by another mans eye That there are many comparable to her said hee I make no question and am the more glad let them haue them that like them I will not repine neither I hope will any abridge mee of that which I allow vnto others the Prouerbe is Mother that marriage goes by Destiny but to be wiued against a mans own liking is an earthly Purgat●…ry And therefore my Cosen Warwicke I am sure neither loueth me so little to grudge at that I loue nor is so vnreasonable to looke that I should in choise of a wife rather be ruled by his eye then by mine owne as though I were a W●…rd that were bound to marry by the appointment of a Gardian I would not bee a King with that condition to forbeare mine owne libertie in choise of mine owne marriage As for po●…ty of more inheritance by new affinity in 〈◊〉 land it proues oftner the occasion of more trouble then profite and wee haue already title by that meanes to so much as sufficeth to get and keep well in one mans dayes That she is a widdow and hath already children by Gods blessed Lady I am a Bachelour yet haue some too and so each of vs hath a proofe that neither of vs is like to bee barren And therefore Madam I pray you bee content I trust in God shee shall bring a young Prince that shall play on your lappe to your ●…eat pleasure and your selfe shall blesse the wombe that bare such a ●…be and as for your obiection of 〈◊〉 let the Bishop hardly lay it in my way when I come to take Orders for I vnderstand it is forbidden a Pri●… but I neuer wist that it was forbidden a Prince 24 The Dutchesse seeing the King so set on his owne choice that she could not pull hi●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such 〈◊〉 that vnder 〈◊〉 o●… her for which act vnder 〈◊〉 of a contract with 〈◊〉 owne co●…ce which was the 〈◊〉 o●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stacle as either the Bishops 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the 〈◊〉 proceed to the solemniz●… of this wedding 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were clearely purged 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 King tooke to wife this later beloued Lady Elizabeth Grey who had beene formerly married vnto his enemy and many times prayed full heartily for his losse in which God loued her better then to grant her her boone reseruing greater honour for her selfe and her posterity 25 She was honourably descended especially by the surer side whose mother was Iaquellin daughter to Peter of Lucemburg Earle of S. Paul and Dutchesse to Iohn Duke of Bedford Regent of France after whose death shee married Sir Richard Wooduile knight and among others bare vnto him this Elizabeth Englands faire Queene who being priuately married at the Manour of Grafton was afterwardes crowned Queen at Westminster with all due celebrations vpon the sixe and twentieth of May Anno 1465. Her father then by this new made sonne in law and Soueraigne Lord was created Lord Riuers and made high Constable of England her brother Lord Anthony married to the sole heire of the Lord Scales and her sonne Thomas Grey borne to her first husband was created Marquesse Dorset and married to the heire of the Lord Bonuile 26 But when Warwicke had knowledge the wanton King had got a new wife and his courting of Lady Bona to bee but a ball to make Edwards play hee stormed not a little whose credite hee tooke to be crackt in the French Court and himselfe rather thought to haue dallyed in this motion then to deale by commission from his King for which cause hee conceiued so inward an indignation that his affection was withdrawne from King Edward and thenceforth ranne vpon Henrie retained in prison to which end he temporized with the present king applauded the Queene and bare countenance in Court with no
Nun in the Nunnery of Dartford in the same County founded by K. Edward the third where shee spent her life in contemplations vnto the day of her death 126 Marie the fift daughter of K. Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife was promised in marriage vnto the King of Denmarke but died before it could be solemnized in the Tower of Greenewich the Sunday before Pentecost the twentieth two of her fathers raigne and yeere of Grace 1482. and was buried at Windsore 127 Margaret the sixth daughter of K. Edward the fourth by his wife Queene Elizabeth died an Infant without other mention in our Authors 128 Katherine the seuenth daughter of King Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife and the last of them both was married vnto William Courtney Earle of Deuonshire and Lord of Ocha●…pton vnto whom shee bare Lord Henrie after the death of his father Earle of Deuonshire who by King Henrie the eight was created Marquesse of Excester in Anno 1525. His Concubines 129 Elizabeth Lucie is certainly known to haue been King Edwards Concubine though nothing so certainly mentioned whose Ladie or of what Parentage shee was that shee was conceiued by him with child is before declared but who that child was is as obscurely laid downe therefore in these things we must be silent and leaue the doubts to be resolued by others Three other concubines this king had whereof Shores wife was not the least beloued whose life falleth further to be spoken of in the Raigne of the vsurper Richard where her storie shall be shewed more at large His naturall Issue 150 Arthur surnamed Plantagenet the naturall sonne of K. Edward the fourth whose mother as is supposed was the Lady Elizabeth Lucie was created Viscount Lisle by King Henrie the eight at Bridewell in London the twentie sixth of Aprill and yeere of Saluation 1533. which title was conf●…red vpon him in right of his wife Lady Elizabeth sister and heire vnto Iohn Gray Viscount Lisle and the late wife and then widdow of Edmund Dudley who bare vnto this Viscount three daughters which were Bridget Frances and Elizabeth all of them afterward married This Arthur Lord Lisle was made Lieutenant of Callis by the said K. Henry which Towne some of his seruants intended to haue betraied to the French for which their fact himselfe was sent to the Tower of London but his truth appearing after much search the King sent him a rich ring from his owne finger with such comfortable wordes as at the hearing thereof a sudden ioy ouercharged his heart was so immoderately receiued that the same night it made an end of his life whose body was honorably buried in the same Tower 151 Elizabeth the naturall daughter of K. Edward the fourth was married to Sir Thomas Lumley Knight the sonne of George Lord Lumley who died before his father shee bare vnto the said Sir Thomas Richard afterward Lord Lumley from whom the late Lord Lumley did descend EDVVARD THE FIFTH KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE AND LORD OF IRELAND THE FIFTIE FIFTH MONARCH OF THIS LAND HIS RAIGNE AND DEATH For the most part written by Sir Thomas Moore CHAPTER XVIII THe father thus dying in the strength of his yeeres and the sonne left to rule before he was ripe the Synders of dissensions which the sicke King had lately raked vp presently brake forth into a more raging flame for the king and Queenes blood that should haue supported young Edwards estate the one side being suspicious and ●…e other prouoked by the execrable desire of soueraignty left the tender king a Prince of such towardnes as his age could conteine destitute and vnarmed which if either kind or kindred had holden place must needes haue beene the surest pillars of his defence The raigne of this King if we may so cal the shorttime of his Soueraignty began the same day that his father died though he was neuer Crowned nor yet commanded the affaires of the Kingdome as an absolute Monarch his young brothers fortunes being ballanced with his 2 For Richard Duke of Gloucester by nature their vncle by office their Protector to their Father beholden to themselues by Oath and Alleagiance bounden all bands broken that holdeth man and man together without any respect of God or the World vnnaturally contriued to bereaue them not onlie of their dignity but also theirlines But forsomuch as the Dukes demeanour ●…reth in effect all the whole matter whereof the raigne of this yong and fift Edward must intreat it●… therefore conuenient somewhat to shew you ere we goe further what man this was and from whom he descended that could find in his heart so much mischief to conceiue 3 Know first then that Richard Duke of Yorke a noble man and a mighty beganne not by warre but by law to challenge the Crowne putting his claime into the Parliament where his cause was either for right or fauour so farre foorth aduanced that King Henries blood albeit he had a goodly Prince was vtterly reiected the Crowne by the authoritie of that high Court intailed to the Duke of Yorke and his issue male in remainder immediately after the death of King Henrie But the Duke not induring so long to tarrie intending vnder pretext of dissention and debate arising in the Realme to preuent his time and to take vpon him the rule in King Henries life was with many other Nobles slaine at Wakefield leauing three sonnes Edward George and Richard all of them as they were great states of birth so were they great and stately of stomacke greedy and ambitious of authority and impatient of partners 4 For Edward reuenging his fathers death depriued king Henry and attained the Crowne The second George Duke of Clarence was a goodly Noble Prince and in all things fortunate if either his owne ambition had not set him against his brother or the enuie of his enemies his brother against him For were it by the Queen and Lords of her blood which highly maligned the Kings kindred as women commonly not of malice but of nature hate them whom their husbands loue or were it a proud appetite of the Duke himselfe intending to be King at least-wise hainous treason was laid to his charge and finally were he faulty were he faultlesse attainted he was by Parliament and iudged to death as we haue saide 5 Richard the third sonne of whom we now entreat was in wit and courage equall with either of them in body and prowesse farre vnder them both little of stature ill-limmed and crook-backed his left shoulder much higher then his right very hard fauoured of visage and such as in States is called warly in other men otherwise he was malicious wrathfull and enuious yea and from afore his birth euer froward For it is for truth reported that the Dutchesse his mother had so much adoe in her trauaile that shee could not be deliuered of him vncut and that he came into the
the land Then our Lord God was dread loued and honoured then within the land was peace and tranquility and among neighbours concord and charity then the malice of outward enemies was mightilie resisted and repressed and the land honourably defended with many great and glorious victories then the entercourse of Merchants was largely vsed and exercised by which thinges aboue remembred the land was greatly enriched so that aswell the Merchants and Artificers as other poore people labouring for their liuings in diuers occupations had competent gaine to the sustentation of them their housholds liuing without miserable and intollerable pouerty but afterward when that such as had the rule and gouernance of this land delighting in adulation and flattery and led by sensuality and concupiscence followed the counsell of persons insolent vicious and of inordinate auarice despising the counsell of good vertuous prudent persons such as aboue bee remembred The prosperity of this land dayly decreased so that felicity was turned into misery and prosperity into aduersity and the order of policy and of the law of God and Man confounded whereby it is likely this Realme to fall into extreme misery and desolation which God defend without due prouision of couenable remedy bee had in this behalfe in all goodly hast 3 Ouer this among other things more speciall wee consider how that the time of the raigne of K. Edward the fourth late deceased after the vngracious pretensed marriage as all England hath cause so to say made betwixt the said King Edward and Elizabeth sometimes wife to Sir Iohn Gray knight late naming her selfe and many yeeres heretofore Queene of England the order of all politicke rule was peruerted the lawes of God and of Gods Church and also the lawes of nature and of England and also of the laudable customes and liberties of the same wherein euery English man is inheritor broken subuerted and contemned against all reason and iustice so that the land was ruled by selfe-will and pleasure feare and dread all manner of equity and law laide apart and despised whereof ensued many inconueniences and mischiefes as murthers extortions and oppressions namely of poore and impotent people so that no man sure of his life land or liuelyhood ne of his wife daughter nor seruant euery good maiden and woman standing in dread to bee rauished and defloured and besides this what discords inward battels effusion of Christian mens bloud and namely by the destruction of the Nobles bloud of this land was had and committed within the same it is euident and notarie through all this Realme vnto the great sorrow and heauinesse of all true Englishmen And here also wee consider how that the said pretended marriage betwixt the aboue named King Edward and Elizabeth Gray was made of great presumption without the knowing assent of the Lords of this land and also by sorcery and witchcraft committed by the said Elizabeth and her mother Iaquet Dutchesse of Bedford as the common opinion of the people and the publike voice and fame is through all this land and hereafter if the cause shall require shall be proued sufficiently in time and place conuenient And here also wee consider how that the said pretensed marriage was made priuily and secretly without edition of banes in a priuate Chamber a prophane place and not openly in the face of the Church after the law of Gods Church but contrary thereunto and the laudable custome of the Church of England And how also that at the time of contract of the same pretended marriage and before and long time after the said King Edward was and stood married and troth-plight to one Dame Elienor Butler daughter of the old Earle of Shrewsbury with whom the same Edward had made a precontract of Matrimonie long time before hee made the saide pretenced marriage with the said Elizabeth Gray in manner and forme aforesaid which Premisses being true as in very truth they beene true it appeareth and followeth euidently that the said King Edward during his life and the said Elizabeth liued together sinfully and damnably in adultery against the law of God and of his Church And therefore no maruell that the Soueraigne Lord and the head of this land being of such vngodly disposition and prouoking the ire and indignation of our Lord God such hainous mischiefe and inconueniences as are aboue remembred were vsed and committed in the Realme among the Subiects Also it appeareth euidently and followeth that all the Issue and children of the ●…id King Edward beene bastard and vnable to inherite or to claime any thing by inheritance by the law and custome of England 4 Moreouer we consider how that afterwards by the three Estates of this Realm assembled in Parliament holden at Westminster the 17. yeere of the raigne of the said King Edward the fourth hee then being in possession of the Crowne and royall estate by Act made in the same Parliament George Duke of Clarence brother to the said King Edward now deceased was conuicted and attainted of high treason as in the same Act is contained more at large by cause and reason whereof all the Issue of the saide George was and is disabled and barred of all right and claime that in any case they might haue or challenge by inheritance to the Crowne and dignity royall of this Realme by the ancient law and custome of this same Realme Ouer this wee consider that ye be the vndoubted sonne and heire of Richard late Duke of Yorke very inheritor of the sayd Crowne and dignitie royall and as in right King of England by way of inheritance and that at this time the premisses duely considered there is none other person liuing but ye only that by right may claime the said Crowne and dignitie royall by way of inheritance and how that yee be borne within this land by reason whereof as we deeme in our mindes yee be more naturally enclined to the prosperitie and common weale of the same and all the three estates of the Land haue and may haue more certaine knowledge of your birth and filiation aforesaid We consider also the great wit prudence iustice princely courage and the memorable and laudable acts in diuers battels which as wee by experience know you heretofore haue done for the saluation and defence of this same Realme and also the great noblenesse excellencie of your birth and bloud as of him that is descended of the three most royall houses in Christendome that is to say England France and Spaine Wherefore these premisses by vs diligently considered we desiring effectually the peace traquilitie and weale-publique of this Land and the reduction of the same to the ancient honourable estate and prosperitie and hauing in your great prudence iustice princely courage and excellent vertue singular confidence haue chosen in all that in vt is and by this our writing choose you High and Mightie Prince our King and Soueraigne
hath beene said and of this Queene let vs heare what shee protested after her condemnation to 〈◊〉 White Bishoppe of 〈◊〉 her last Confessor and by him deliuered to a noble young Lord of her name and neere alliance Her words were these As to the Act my 〈◊〉 Lord for which I stand condemned God and his holy Angels I take to witnesse vpon my soules 〈◊〉 that I die 〈◊〉 neuer hauing so abused my Soueraignes 〈◊〉 what other sinnes and follies of youth I haue 〈◊〉 I will not excuse but 〈◊〉 assured that for these God hath brought this punishment vpon me and will 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them for which I pray you pray with me vnto his sonne and my S●…iour Christ. 111 As these then in case of Treasons eyther acted or intended ended their liues so others in case of conscience though diuersly affected c●…e to their deathes and that by fo●…ce of the Statutes enacted vnder this King whereof one was the abolishing of the Pope and the oath of Supremacy the re●…sers of either made offenders in stare of high Treason and the other in 〈◊〉 of religion when 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Articl●… enacted by Parliament was made Heresie and death to such as held or taught the con●… which Ar●…cles were thus concluded in both the houses of Parliament with consent of the King 1 That after the words of consecration spoken by the Priest the reall and naturall body and bloud of Christ as hee was conceiued and crucified was in the Sacrament and no other substance consisting in the forme of 〈◊〉 and wi●…e besides the substance of Christ God and man 2 That the communion in both kinde was not necessarie vnto 〈◊〉 the flesh onely in forme of bread sufficient for the Laity 3 That Prie●… 〈◊〉 they haue recei●…ed ●…ders might not marry by the law of God 4 That the vowes of chastity either in 〈◊〉 or woman ought by God●… law to be 〈◊〉 and by which they are exempted from other 〈◊〉 of Christian people 5 That priu●… Masses was necess●…ry for the people and agreeable to the law of Go●… 6 That auricular confession was ●…pedient 〈◊〉 be reteined and continued 〈◊〉 the Church of God These Statutes I say aswell the one as the other brought many to their ends which otherwise were very good Subiects and worthy instruments in the common weale for offending in the first there died Bishoppe Pisher and Sir Thomas More besides many Abbots Priors and Friers and among them in Smithfield the Welsh rode set Frier Forrest on fire according to the prophecy very rife in their mouthes that this holy rode should set a whole forrest on fire For the other suffered in flames many godly Christians whereof Robert Barnes a reuerend Doctor and worthy minister of Christ the first reducer as M. Fox reporteth of the Vniuersity of Cambridge from rudenesse and barbarity vnto good literature and learning was with the first And Anne Askew a Gentlewoman of an incomparable dexterity one of the last who aboue the weakenesse of her sexe most valiantly stoode against the violence of the time 112 Her birth was worshipfull and education accordingly bestowed in marriage vnto Iohn Ky●…e a Gentleman in 〈◊〉 and commended by Bale for her rare wit and elegant beauty which her pars the pensill of N. D. with his vneuen hand euer ouerhard to shadow the truth hath slanderously blurred and measured those graces in her by his owne loose affections and those want on 〈◊〉 which in the height of sinne haue changed the naturall vse of women against nature This young heifer saith hee abiding no yoake a coy dame and of very euill fame left the company of Master Ky●…e to 〈◊〉 vp 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Gospelling and G●…ssipping where 〈◊〉 might and ought not but especially in London and 〈◊〉 the Court now shee being faire and but twenty 〈◊〉 yeers old at her death doth 〈◊〉 shew what may be suspected of her life and the mysticall speeches and demands of the Kings Co●…sell touching her departure from her 〈◊〉 were grounded vpon somewhat especially in that shee called her selfe 〈◊〉 Askew alias Ky●…e Thus 〈◊〉 this 〈◊〉 man hath accused this holy Anne by the outward appearance of her youth and beauty as holy Anne by Eli was accused of drunkennesse when her heart was most seruent in supplications to her God and his partiall pe●… made the 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of her holy conuersation to finde out some chaffe whereof none is free nor is ●…ee to be condemned vpon the imagerie of his suspicious head who vndoubtedly would haue ●…old all if any thing could haue beene found whereas shee in the vigour of beauty and weakenesse of her Sexe 〈◊〉 the gaine-saiers of the truth with her dearest blood testifying from the Prisons her faith and constancy and from the Racke preached Christ whereon most vnhumanely and against kind shee was twice tormented and lastly sealed her 〈◊〉 in Smithfield through the 〈◊〉 of fire being borne to the place of her death in a Chaire her bones so 〈◊〉 by the R●…cke that shee could 〈◊〉 113 The 〈◊〉 N. D. whose affection to Chri●… Gospe●… 〈◊〉 to the English Crowne hath sufficiently 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to make her no 〈◊〉 and that her 〈◊〉 did demerit the Racke saith that the King himselfe commanded that torture to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with her erroneous doctrine his Court his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 daughters and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the truth tels vs that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to racke her the second 〈◊〉 was 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 Lord Chancellor who did it himselfe to bee complained of to the King who immediately tooke Boate and told the whole Tragedy whereof King 〈◊〉 seemed to be sore offended for vsing a woman with such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 had the Popes 〈◊〉 vnder the 〈◊〉 of the Church and wing of this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they 〈◊〉 not to follow the appeale of 〈◊〉 euen 〈◊〉 that slept in 〈◊〉 owne 〈◊〉 which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Parre espoused vnto him 〈◊〉 three yeeres before and 〈◊〉 as this States intelligēcer doth confesse he meant to haue burned had he longer liued For the truth is saith hee that the Kings sickenesse and death shortly ensuing was the chiefe cause of her escape and the error of the Lord Chancellor Wriothesley who let fall out of his boso●…e the Kings hand and commission for carrying her to the Tower gaue occasion the paper found and brought her to goe and humble her selfe to the King the principal occasion against her was Heretical Books found in her closet both brought sent her by Anne Askew wherof thewitnesses were the Lady Herbert Lady Iane Lady Tyawit and others Indeed it is true that by Gods prouidence such papers were let fal out of the Lord Chancellors bosome conteining certaine Articles against her with a warrant to commit her to the Tower whereunto the Kings hand was subscribed which being found was presently brought vnto the Queene whereof the