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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23588 [The cronycles of Englond]; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1482 (1482) STC 9992; ESTC S121383 314,856 338

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me schyef come vnto hym on seynt andrews euen 〈◊〉 the yere of Incarnacion of our lord Ihu crist a thousand CCC xxx How kyng Edward gete ageyne vnto hym gracyously the ho mages feautes of scotlād wherof he was put out thurgh fals counceyll of Isabel his moder and sir Rogyer mortimer that was newe made erle of the marche Cao. CC. xx●…ijo. ●…Owe ye haue herd lordes how sir Iohan of Bayllol in tyme of pees was chosen to ben kyng of Scotlād f●…r ench son that he come of the eldest doughter of the erle Dauyd of Hontyngton that was kyng Alysandres broder of scotland that de●…de without heyr of his body bygoten how this Iohan made frauce homage to kyng edward henryes sone the third for his lādes of stotlād and how he afterward withsayd his homage thurgh coū ceill of the scottes in the yere of our lord M ccc lxxij sent vnto y t pope thurgh a fals suggestion that he made his oth vnto y t fo●…said king edward ouer his astate his wil ▪ of which oth the p●…pe him assoylled thurgh his bulles to hym y sent And anone as kyng Edward wyst therof he ordeyned anon his barons c●…me vnto Berewik conquerd the toune at which cōquest ther were sl●…y ne xxv M vij C And the Baillol that was kyng of scotlād come yelde hym vnto kyng edward And the kyng afterward delyuerd him out of the toure of london and al the gre●…e lordes of scotlād with hym that were take at Berewyk yaf hem saufcō duyt to go in to scotland and the scottes syth thurgh hir falsenes werred vpon kyng edward And whan Syr Iohan Bay●…loll kyng of scotlād saw al this he went put hym ouer the see vnto Dunpier and liued ther vpon his owne landes as welle as he myght tille that the scottes wold amende hem of hyr mysdedes trespace and lad with hym Syr Edward his sonne whe●…fore the Scottes in despyte of hym callyd hym Syr Iohan Turnelabard for cause that he wold not offende ne trespace ayēst kyng edward of Englond And soo he forsoke his Reame of Scotland sette therof but lytell prys And this Syre Iohan longe tyme duellyd in fraunce til that he dyed there and sir edward his sone vnderfeng his heritage did homage vnto the kyng of fraūce for his lādes of dunyyer so it fel afterward that edward y t was Iohan bayllols sone had with hym a squyer of englōd that was b●…re in yorkshyre that was callyd Iohan of barnaby this edward bayllol loued hym moche was nygh hym ful pryue And so this Iohan of barnaby was in debate with a frensshmā in the toune of Dunpyer soo he slewe hym went his waye in al that he myght in to the castel for to haue socoure helpe of his lord And anon come the officers of the toun to take Iohn of bar naby as a felon syr edward his lord halp hym rescued him by nyȝt made hym wende oute of the castel so he went his wey come in to Englond without ony harme And whan the kyng of fraunce saw that sir edward had rescued his felon he beco me wonder wroth ayenst Syr edward anon lete hym be a rest toke in to his hande al his londes Tho duellyd Syr edward in prison vnto the tyme that sir henry of beaumout come in to fraūce the which henry somtyme was erle of angos in scotlād thurgh his wyf was put oute of the forsayd erldom whan the accord was bytwene englond and Scotland thurgh the quene Isabel and sir rogyer the mortimer hir company for the maryage that she made bytwene dauyd that was Robert the brus sone dame Iane of the tour kyng edwardes suster of englond and well vnderstode this that at the ende he shold come to his right but if it we re thurgh sir edward baillol that was right heir of the reame of Scotland And the kynge of frannce lowys loued moche this sir henry and he was with hym ful priue and thought for to make a delyueraunce of Sir edward baillols body yf he myght in ony maner wyse Tho prayd he the kyng that he wold graunte hym of his grace Syr edward bayllols body vnto the next par lement that he myght lyue with his owne rentes in the mene time and that he must stand to be Iugged by his peris at the parlement The kynge graunted hym his prayer and made the forsayd Edward be delyuerd oute of prison in the maner aboue sayd And anon as he was out of prison sir henry toke hym forth with hym and lad hym in to Englond and made hym duelle pri uely at the maner of sandehal vp ouse in yorkshyre with the lady besey and so he ordeyned hym there an huge retenaunce of people of Englisshmen and also of Alyens for to conquere ayene his heri tage And soo he yaf moche siluer vnto Sowdyours and to alyens for to helpe hym And they behight for to helpe him in al that they myght but they faylled hym at his most nede And at that tyme Donald erle of morryf h●…rde telle how that sir Edward was priuely come in to scotlond and come to hym and made with hym grete ioye of his comyng ayene and said to hym behight hym that al the grete lordes of englond shold be to hym en tendaunt shold hym holde for kyng as right heyr of Scotlād so moche they wold done that he shold be crouned kyng of that land and dyden to hym homage feaute Tho come Syr Henry of Beaumont to kynge edward of Englond and prayd hym in wey of charite that he wold graūte of his grace vnto sir edward Baillol that he muste saufly gone by land from sandhall vn to Scotland for to conquere his right herytage in Scotland The kyng ansuerd and sayd vnto hym yf that I suffre the Bayllol wende thurgh my land in to scotland than the peple wold saye that I shold be assentyng vnto the companye Now Syr I pray yow that ye wold graūte hym leue to take vnto hym Soudiours of englisshmen that they myght saufly lede hym thurgh your sād vnto Scotland And Syr vpon this couenaunt that yf it so befall that god it forbede that he be discomfyted in batayl thurgh the Scottes that I and also al the lordes that holden with Baillol ben for euermore put out of our rendes that we haue in En glond And the kynge vpon this couenaunt graunted hir bone as touchyng hym tho that were of the same quarell the whiche claymed for to haue londes or rentes in the Reame of Scotland And these were the names of the lordes that pursueden this ma ter that is to say Syr Edward the Baillol that chalengyd the Reame of Scotland Syr Henry Beaumout erle of Angos sir Dauid of stroboly erle of Atheles Syr Geffroy of Mombray waltier Comyn many other
whiche Piers y smyten with drede of this tydyng fled in to gascoyn to prin ce edward to haue helpe and socour of hym And whan he was fledde oute of spayn Henry his broder that was a bastard by assent of the most partye of spayne thurgh helpe of that fere full company that I spak of e●…rst was made and crouned kyng of spayn And the nombre of that same company was rekened set●…e at the nombre of lx M fightyng men This same yere in the moneth of Iuyn ther come a grete company nauye of the danes and gadred hem to gedre in the north see purposyng hem to come in to englond to renne and to robbe and also to slee with whome they countred and met in the see marpners and other orped fyg●… tyng men of the coūtrey and disparpled hem And they asshamed went home ayene in to hir owne coūtreye But amonge alle other ther was a boystous and a stronge vessel of hir nauye that was ouersailed by the englysshmen and was perisshed and dreynt In the whiche the styward and other worthy and grete men of Denmarke were take prisonners and by the kyng of englond his coūceyll y prisoned the whiche lordes the danes afterward comen soughten al aboute for to haue had with her goodes y t they had lost they not wel apayd ne plesed of the ansuer that they hadd here torned home wardes ageyne leuyng behynde hem in her ynnes priuely y writen in s●…rowes and on walles Yet shalle danes wast the wanes Than happed ther an englysshe wryter wrote ayenst the dane in this maner wyse Here shal danes fet her banes And in this tyme pyers kyng of spayne with other kyn ges that is to say the kyng of nauerne and the kyng of malogre beyng menes wenten bytwene and prayd counseyll helpe of sir Edward the prince thurgh whoo 's coūseyl when he had vnderstōd hir Articles hir desire that he was requyred of tho kynges loth he was and ashamed to say nay and contrarye hem but netheles he was agast ' lest it shold be ony preiudyce ●…yenst the pope longe tyme t●…ryed hem or that he wold graūte or consent ther to til he had better coūseyll auysement with good delyberacion of kyng Edward his gretter his fadre But whan he was with euery dayes continuel besechynges of many noble men y requyred and spoken to and with many prayers y sent and made bytwene hem Than prince Edward sende to his fadre bothe by pleynyng lettres and also comfortable conteynyng alle hir suggestyons causes with al that other kynges Epystles and lettres for to haue comfort helpe of the wronges not only to the kynge of Spayne y do but also for suche thynges as myȝt falle to other kynges Also yf it were not the sōner holpen amended thurgh the dome helpe of knyghthode to hem that it asked and desired The whiche letter whan the kynge and his wyse counceyll had seyne and vnderstonden he had grete compassyon and heuynesse of suche a kynges spoyllyng and robbyng with moche meruaylle And sente ageyne comfortable lettres to prince Edward his sone and to that other forsayd kynges and warned hem for to arme hem ordeyne ayenst that mysd●…er and to wythstonde hem by the helpe of god that were suche enemyes to kynges whan this noble prin ce edward had resseyued these lettres hym self with that other kyn ges before sayd all hir counseyl called to geder or y t he wold vnder take the quarel he bounde knett sore the kyng that was deposed with a grete o the that is for to say that he shold euer after mayntene the right bileue feyth of holy chirche and holy chirch al so with al hir mynystres rightes lybertees to defende from al hyr enemyes al euyls And al that were ther ageynst bit●… ly to punyssh destrouble and al the rightes lybertees priueleges of holy chirche encrease mayntene and amende and alle thynges that were wrongfully betaken withdrawe and bore a wey by hym or by ony other by cause of hym hastely to restore ayene and to dryue and put out sarasyns and al other mysbyleuyd people oute of his kyngdome with all his strengthe and power and suffre ne admytte none suche for no maner thyng ne cause to duelle therin And that whan he had take a cristen woman he shold neuer come in none other womans bed ne none other mannys wyf to defoule Alle these forsayd thynges trewelych for to kepe con tinue and fulfyl as alle his lyf tyme he was bounde by othe afore no●…ryes in presence and wytnesse of tho kynges with othir Princes And than that graceous prynce Prynce Edward vndertoke the cause the quarel of the kyng that was deposed behight hym with the grace of god to restore hym ayene to his kyn gedom lede ordeyne gadre to geder forth within al hast his na uye with men of armes for to werre fight in this forsayd cause And in this same tyme vpon the sonde of the scottissh see that ma ny a man it sye iij dayes to geder ther were seyne ij Egles of the which that one come out of the south that other out of y e north cruelly strongly they foughten to gedre wrastled to geder the south egle fyrst ouercome the north egle al to rente and tare hym with his byll his clawys that he shold not rest ne take no brethe And after the south egle flygh home to his own costes And anone after ther folewed and was seyn in the morne afore thr sonne risynge after in the last day of october saue one daye many sterres gadred to geder on an hepe fyl doun to the erth le uyng behynde hem fery bemes in maner of lyȝtenyng whos flāmes brent consumed mennes clothes mennes here walkyng on the erthe as it was seyn and knowen of many a man And y●…t that northeren wynde that is euer redy and destynat to al euel fro saynt kateryns euen til iij dayes after destroyed good withoute nombre vnrecouerable in the same dayes ther fyll comen also suche lightnynges thonder snowe haylle that it wasted destroyed men beestes houses trees Of the batayll of spayne besides the water of Nazers that was bitwene the prince Edward sir henry bastard of spayn Capitulo CCo. xxxiij o IN the yere of our lord M CCC lxvij and of kyng Edward xlij the iij day of Aprill ther was a strong batayll and a grete in a large felde y callid priasers fast by the water of Nazers in spayne bytwene Syr Edward the prince and Henry the bastard of spayn but the vyctorye fill to prince edward by th●… grace of god And this same prince Edward had with hym sir Iohn duke of lancastre his brother other worthy men of armes aboute the nombre of xxx M. And the
of CCC xx sailles And than felle ther a grete dysese and a foule meschyef for there were thre lordes whiche that the kyng truste moche on thurgh ●…ls couetyse they had purposed and ymagyned the kynges deth And thought to haue slayn hym and al his bretheren or he had take the see the whiche were named thus Sir Richard Erle of Cambridge broder to the duke of yorke the seconde was the lord S●…ope Tresoryer of Englond the thyrd was syr Thomas gray knyght of the Northcount●… And these lordes afore sayd for lucre of money had made promysse to the frensshmen for to haue slayne kyng Henry al his worthy bretheren by a fals trayne soden●…ch or they had be ware But Almyghty god of his grete grace held his holy hond ouer hem saued hem from this peryllous meyny And for to haue done this they resceyued of the frensshmen a myl lyon of gold And that was there openly preued And for hyr fals treason they were all there Iudged vnto the dethe And this was the Iudgement that they shold be ladde thurgh Hampton And withoute N●…thgate ther to be heded And thus they ended hir lyf for hyr fals couetyse and treasonne 〈◊〉 Anone whan this was done the kyng and all his meyny made hem redy wenten to shippe token sayled forth with xv C shippes and arryued with in seyne at kydecause vpon our ladyes 〈◊〉 the assūpcion in Normandye with al his ordynaunce and so wente hym forth to haref●…ete and besyeged the toune al aboute by lond and eke by water And sente to the Capytayne of the tou ne charged hym for to delyuer the toune And the Capitayn sayd that he none delyuered hym 〈◊〉 none he wold to hym yelde but bad hym done his best And than oure kyng layd his ordynaūce vnto the toun that is for to say Gonnes Engyns Trip gettes shet●…en and ●…st to the walles and eke vnto the toune And cast doune both tou●…s and Towne and layd hem vnto the grounde and there he played at the tenys with his harde gonne stones And they that were within the toune whan they shold playe theyr songe was wel awey And allas that euer ony fu che tenys balles were made cursed al tho that werre bygan the tyme that euer they were borne And on the morow the kyng dyd crye at euery gate of the toun that euery man shold be redy on the morowe erly to make assaute vnto the toune And William Bouchyer Iohan graūt with xij other worthy Burgeys comen to the kyng besought hym of his ryall prince hode and power to withdrawe his malyce destruction that he dyde vnto hem and besought hym of eyght dayes of respi●…e and ●…rewes yf ony rescue myght come vnto hem and elles to yelde vp the toune vnto hym with al hir goodes And than the kyng sent forth the Capytayne and kepte the remenaunt stylle with hym And the lord Gaucorte that was Capitayne of the toune wente forth to Rone in al haste vnto the Dolphyne for helpe socoure But ther was none ne no maner of rescue for the Dolphyne wold not abyde And thus this Capitayn come ayene vnto the kyng and yelde vp the toune and delyuerd hym the keyes And than he called his vncle the erle of Dorsett and made hym Capytayne of the toune of harflete and delyuerd hym the keyes and badde hym gone to put oute al the frenssh peple bothe men women and children and stuffed this toune of harflete with Englyssh men And than the kynge sente in to Englond and dyd 〈◊〉 in euery good toune of englond that what crafty man wold come thidder and inhabyte hym there in that toune he sholde haue hous and houshold to hym and his heyres for euermore And so thydder wente many dyuerse marchauntes crafty men and enhabyted hem there to strengthe the toune and weren welcome And whan the kyng sawe that this toune was wel stuffed ●…o the of v●…yll and of men this worthy prince toke his leue and went to Caleys ward by londe And the frensshmen herd of his comynge they thought to stoppe hym his wey that he shold not passe that waye and in al the hast that they myght breken al the bridges ther ony passage was for hors man in so moche that ther myght nomā passe ouer the Ryuers nother on hors ne on foote but yf ●…e shol de be drowned And therfor our kyng with al his peple went and sought his wey f●…r vp vnto parys ward and ther was al the rial power of fraūce assembled and redy to yeue hym batayl and for to destroye al his peple But almyghty god was his gyde and saued hym and al his meyny defended hym of his enemyes power purpose thanked be god that saued so his own knyght and kyng in his rightful tytle And than oure kyng beholdyng seyng the multitude nombre of his enemyes to with stonde his wey yeue hym batayll Than the kyng with a meke hert a good spirite lyft vp his handes to almyȝty god besouȝ●… hym of his helpe socour that day to saue his trewe seruaūtes And than our kyng gadred al his lordes and other peple aboute and bad hem al be a good chere for they shold haue a fayre day a gracious victorye the better of al hir enemyes praid hem all to make hem redy vnto the bataylle for he wold rather be dede that day in the feld than to be take of his enemyes for he wold neuer put the reame of englond to raūsonne for his persone and the duk of york fell on knees besouȝt the kyng of a bone y t he wold graunte hym that day the auauntward in his bataylle And the kyng graunted hym his askyng And said graunte mercy Cosyn of york and prayd hym to make hym redy And than he bad euery man to ordeyne a stake of tree sharp bothe endes that the stake myght be pyght in the erth a slope that hir enemyes shold not ouercome hem on horsbak for that was hir fals purpose ara yed hem al ther for to ouer ryde our meyny sodenly at the fyrsts comyng on hem at the fyrst bront al nyȝt to fore the batail the frensshmen made many grete fyres and moche reuel with houting and showtyng and playde oure kyng his lordes at the dise an archer alwey for a blank of hir money For they wenden al had ben here 's ' the morne aroos the day gan spryng and the kyn ge by good auyse lete araye his bataill and his wynges char ged euery man to kepe hem hole to geders prayd hem al to be of good chere And whan they were redy he asked what tyme of the day it was they sayd pryme Than sayd our kynge nowe is good tyme For al Englond praith for vs and therfor be of good chere and lete vs goo to our journeye
Merlyn that this lambe sholde haue pees the moost tyme of his regne and he sayd full sothe for he was neuer annoyed thurgh werre ne dyseased in no maner wyse til a lytel byfore his deth And yet sayd merlyn in his prophecye more in the regne ende of the forsayd lambe a wolf of a straūge lond shold done hym grete harme thurgh his werre that he shold atte last ben maystir thurgh helpe of a reede foxe that shold come oute of the north west shold hym ouercome that he shold dryue hym vnto the water that profecye full wel was knowe for within a lytell tyme or the kyng dyed Symond of mountford erle of Leycestre that was borne in fraūce bigan ayenst hym strong werre thurgh whiche doyng many a good bachiler was shent dede disheryted And whan kyng henry had the vyctorye at Euesham Symond therle was slayne thurgh helpe myght of Gillebert of Clare erle of gloucestre that was in kepyng and ward of the forsayd Symond thurgh ordynaunce of kyng henry that went a●●ne to the kyng with moche power wherfor the forsayd Simond was shent and that was grete harme to the communes of Englond that so good a man was shent for trouth dyed in charyte and for the comune profyte of the same folk and therfor Almyghty god for hym hath Sythenes shewed many a fayre myracle to dyuerse men and women of the sykenesse and dysesse that they haue had for the loue of hym And merlyn also told and sayd in his Profecye that after that tyme the lambe shold leue no whyle than his seed shold ben in straunge lande withoute pasture●… And he sayd sothe For kynge henry lyued noo while after whan Symond mountford was dede that kynge henry ne deyde auon after hym And in the mene tyme Syr edward his sone that was the best knyght of the world of honour was tho in the holy land gete ther Acre●… in that countrey he bygate on dame clyenore his wyf Iane of 〈◊〉 cres his dought●…r that afterward was countesse of gloucestre he made in the hooly land suche a vyage that al the world spake of his knyghthode euery man drad him highe lowe thurgh oute al crystendome as the storye of hym telleth as after ward ye shul here more openly frō the tyme that kyng henry deyde til that syr edward was crouned kyng al the grete lordes of englōd were as faderles children without ony socour that hym myght ma yntene gouerne defende ▪ ageynst hir dedly enemyes Of kyng edward that was kyng henryes sone ▪ ca C ▪ lxj ANd after this kyng henry regned his sone edward the worthyest knyght of al the world of honour for goddes grace was in hym ▪ For he had the vyctorye of his enemyes ▪ And as so ne as kyng henry deyde ▪ he come to london with a fayre companye of prelates of erles and barons al maner men dyd hym moche honour For in euery place that sir edward rode in london the stret●…s were couerd ouer his hede with riche clothes of sylk of t●… pyt●…s with ryche couerynge ▪ And for ioy●… of his comynge the noble burgeys of the cyte cast oute at hir wyndowes gold siluer hondes ful in tokenyng of loue and of worship seruyses re u●…ce And oute of the conduyt of chepe ran whyte wyn and rede as stremes doth of the water and euery man therof myght●… drynke at hir owne wylle And this kyng Edward was crouned ennoynted as right heyr of englond with moche honour after masse the kyng w●…t in to his palays for to hold a ryal fest a monges hem that hym dyd honour And whan he was set vnto his mete the kyng alysander of Scotland come for to done hym honour and reuerence with a qu●…yntyze and an honderd knyght●…s with hym wel horsed and arayed ▪ And whan they were light a doune of hir stedes they lete hem gone whyder that they wold And who that myght take hem toke at hir owne wyll withoute ony chalenge An adfterward come Syr Edmond kynge Edwardys broder a curtoys knyght a gentil of Renomme the Erle of Cornewayle and the Erle of gloucestre And after hem come the Erle of penbroke and the Erle of Garenne And eche of hem by hym self lad in hir honde an honderd knyghtes gai ly disgysed in hir armes And whan they were lyght of hir ●…rs they lete hem gone whyder that hem lyked who that myght hem take to haue hem stylle withoute ony lette And whan al thys was done kyng edward did his dylygence his myght for to a mende the reame redresse the wronges in the best maner that he myght to the honour of god holy chirche mayntene his honour and to amende the noyaunce of the comune peple How ydeine that was lewelins doughtir of walis p●…nce aymer that was therles broder of mōtford were takē in the see ca c ●…ij THe fyrst yere afterward that kyng edward was crouned Lewelyn prynce of walys sente in to Fraūce to the Erle mountford that thurgh counceylle of his frendes the Erle shold wedde his doughter and the erle tho auised hym vpon this thynge and sent ayene to lewelyn sayd that he wold send a●…r his doughter And so he sente aymer his broder after the damisel and Lewelyn arrayed shippes for his doughter and for Syr Aymer and for hir f●…r company that shold goo with her And this lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūt that he shold 〈◊〉 his doughter to no māner man withoute counceyll and consente of kyng edward And so it byfell that a burgeys of B●…ystowe come 〈◊〉 ●…e see with wyn lade met hem hem toke with my●… and po●…r ▪ anon the burgeys sente hem to the kyng And whan lewelyn herd this tydynge he was wonder wroth and 〈◊〉 sorowfull and gan for to werre vpon kyng edward 〈◊〉 dyd moche harme vnto the englyssh men be●…e a doune the kynges Cas tels bygan fas●… to destroye kyng edwardys landes ▪ And whan tydyng come vnto kyng edward of this thyng he went in to wa lys ▪ And so moche he dyd thurgh goddes grace and his grete power that he drofe lewelyn vnto moch meschyef that he fled al ma ne●…●…ngthe come yelde hym to kyng Edward yafe hym l. 〈◊〉 marc of syluer for to haue pees toke the damisell and all●… his herytage and made an oblygacion to kyng edward to come to his parlement two tymes of the yere And in the secōd yere after that kyng edward was crouned he helde a general parlement att westmynstre ▪ and ther he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by commune ass●…t of al his barons And at Estren next sewynge the kynge sente by his lettres to lewelyn prynce of walys that he shold come to parlement for his lande and for his holdynge in walys as the
Shirborne in elmede all they made ther an oth for to breke destrouble the doynge by twene the kyng syr hugh the spēcer his sone vpon hir power And they went in to the marche of walys destroyed the land of the forsayd syr hught How Syr hugh the spencer his fadre were exiled oute of en glond Ca C lxxxxiiij WHan kynge edward sawe the grete harme and destructyon that the Barous of Englond dyden to Syre Hugh the Spencers landes and to his Sonnes in euery place that they comen vpon And the kyng tho thurgh his counceyll exyled syre Iohan monbray Syr Rogyer of Clyfford Syr Gosselyn dauyll many other lordes that were to hem consente wherfor the barons diden tho more harme than they dyden byfore And when the kynge sawe that the bawns wold not cese of hir cruelte the kyng was sore adrad lest they wold destroye hym and hie Royame for his mayntenaunce but yf that he assented to hem And so he sente for hem by lettres that they shold come to london to his parlement at a certayne day as in his lettres was contryned they comen with thre batails wel armed at al poyntz euery ba taylle had cote armures of grene clothe therof the right quarter was yelowe with whyte bendes wherfor that parlemēt was callyd the parlement of the whyte bende And in that companye was syr vmfrey de Bohen erle of herford Syr Rogyer of clifford Syr Iohan mombray syr gecelyn dauyll sir Rogyer mortymer vncle of Syre Rogyer mortimer of wigmore sir henry of Trays Syr Iohn giffard sir bartholomew of badelesmore that was the kynges styward that the kyng had sente to shirborne in Elmede to therle of lancastre to al that with hym were for to t●… of acord that hym allyed to the barons come with that cō panye And Syr Rogyer dammorye Syr hugh daudale that had spouced the kynges neces suster Syr Gillebert of Clare erle of gloucestre that was slayne in Scotland as bifore is sayd And tho two lordes had tho two partyes of the erldom of Gloucestre syr hugh the spencer the sonne had the thyrd part in his wyfes the thyrd suster tho two lordes went to the barons with al hir power ageynst syr hugh hyr broder in lawe so ther come with hem Syr Rogyer of Clyfford syr Iohn mombray sir gosseline dauil sir rogyer mortymer of werk sir rogrer mortimer of wigmore his neue●… sir henry trays syr Iohn giffard sir bar tholomewe of badelesmore with al hir companye many other that to hem were cōsent All these grete lordes comen to westmynster to the kynges parlement so they spoken dyd that bothe sir hugh spencer the fadre syr hugh the sone were outlawed of en glond for euermore And syr hugh the fadre went to douer ma de moche sorowe fell doune vpon the grounde by the see bank acros with his armes sore wepyng sayd Now fayre Englond and good englond to almyghty god I the betake and thryes kise the grounde and wende neuer to haue comen ageyne wepynge full sore cursed the tyme that euer he bygate Syr hugh his sonne And sayd for hym he hadde lost al Englond and in presence of hem that were aboute hym he yaf hym his curse wente ouer the see to his landes but sir hugh the sone wold not goo oute of englond but helde hym in the see he his companye robbed twoo dromōdes besyde sand wyche toke bare awey al the good that was in hem the value of xl 〈◊〉 pound How the kyng exyled erle thomas of lancastre al that held with hym how the mortimer come yelde hym to the kynge of the lordes Ca o C. lxxxxvo. HIt was not long after that the kyng ne made Syr Hughe spencer the fadre Syr hughe the sone come ageyne in to en glond ageynste the lordes wylle of the Royame And sone after the kyng with a strong power come besyeged the castel of ledes in the castel was the lady of badelesmere for encheson that she wold not graunte that castel to quene Isabel kynge Edwardys wyf But the pryncipal cause was for encheson that Syr Bartholomewe badelesmere was ageynst the kyng helde with the lordes of englond netheles the kyng by help socour of men of london also of helpe of southerne men the kyng gate the castell maugre hem al that were therin toke with hym al that he my●…t fynde And whan the barons of Englond herd of this thyng sir Rogyer mortimer other many lordes toke the toune of brudgeworth with strength wherfor the kyng was wonder wroth ●…ete outlawe thomas of lancastre vinfrey de Bohoune erle of hert ford all tho that were assentant to the same quarel the kyng assēbled an huge hoost come ayenst the lordes of englond wher for the mortimers put hem to the kynges mercy his grace a non they were sente to the tour of london ther kept in pryson whan the barons herd of this thyng they comen to poūfret there that therle thomas soiourned tolde hym how that mortimers bothe hadde yelde hem to the kyng and put hem in his grace Of the syege of Thykhylle Capitulo C lxxxxvjo. WHan thomas Erle of lancastre herd this they were wonder wroth al that were of his cōpanye gretely they were dis cōfyted ordeyned hir power to geder belyeged the Castell of Thykhyll but tho that were within so manlyche defended hem that the barons myght not gete the castel And whan the kyng herd that hie castel was besyeged be swore by god and by his names that the syege shold be remeued and assembled an huge power of people and went thyder ward to reske we the Castel his power encresed from day to day Whan the Erle of lancastre the Erle of Herford the barons of hir companye herde this thyng they assembled al hir power wente hem to Burton vp Trent and kepte the bridge that the kyng shold not passe ouer But it bifell so on the tenth day of marche in the yere of grace M CCC xxi The kyng the Spencer Sir Aymer Malaūce erle of penbroke and Iohan erle of Arundel and hir power wente ouer the water discomfyted therle thomas and his companye And they fled to the Castel of Tutbery and fro thens they went to pountfret And in that vyage dyed Syr Rogyer Dammorye in the Abbay of Tutbery And in that same tyme the Erle Tho mas had a traytour with hym that was called Robert of holond a knyght that the Erle hadd brought vp of nought and badde norisshed hym in his ●…otelerye had yeuen hym a thousand marc of lande by yere soo moche the Erle loued hym that he myght done in the Erles court al thynge that hym lyked bothe amonge hyghe