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A00007 The Cronycles of Englonde with the dedes of popes and emperours, and also the descripcyon of Englonde; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. 1528 (1528) STC 10002; ESTC S108645 466,261 386

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Wales syr Hugh spenser the sone on the other syde of the same ●yll the false pylled clerke mayster Robert Baldok there fast besydes them they were brought agayn in to Englonde as almyghty god wolde And the kyng hym selfe was put in safe kepyng in the castell of Kelynworth hym kepte syr Henry that was saynt Thomas broder of Lancastre And syr Hugh the fader came put hym in the quenes grace syr Edwarde her sone duke of Guy 〈…〉 But syr Hugh Spenser after the tyme y● he was taken he wolde neyther ete nor drynke for he wyst well he shold haue no mercy saue onely to be deed And the quene her coū seyle had ordeyned that he sholde haue ben done to deth at London but he was so feble for his moche fastynge y● he was nygh deed therfore it was ordeyned y● he shold haue his iudgement at Herford And at a place of y● toure his hode was taken frō his heed also frō Robert Bal dok that fals pylled clerke y● kynges chaū celer mē set vpō theyr hedes chaplets of sharpe nettyls two squyers blewe in theyr ere 's with two grete bugles hornes vpon the two prisouers that one myght here theyr blowynge more than a myle And one Symond of Redyng y● kynges marshall bare before them vpon a spere theyr armes reuersed in token that they sholde be vndone for euermore And on y● morowe was syr Hugh Spenser y● sone dampned to deth was drawen hanged heded his bowelles taken out of his body brent after that he was quartred his .iiij. quarters were sent to iiij townes of Englonde his heed sente to London brydge And this Symond for cause that he despysed quene Isabell he was drawen hanged on a stage made amyddes y● foresaid syr Hughs galowes And y● same daye a lytell frō thens was syr Iohn of Arundell byheded bycause he was one of syr Hugh Spenses counseylers And anone after was syr Hugh Spenser y● fader drawen hanged heded at Brystowe after hanged agayn by the armes with two stronge ropes the fourth day after he was hewen all to pe ces hoūdes ete hym And bycause the kyng had gyuen hym y● erledom of wyn chestre his heed was put vpon a spere sente thyder And the fals Baldok was sent to London there he dyed in prison amōge theues for men dyd hȳ no more reuerence than they wold do to a dogge And so dyed y● traytours of Englōd blissed be god And it was no wonder for through theyr coūseyle y● good erle Tho mas of Lācastre was done to deth all that helde with Thomas of Lancastre through the traytours were vndone all theyr heyres disheryted ¶ How kyng Edward was put downe and his dignite taken from hym ANd anone after as all this was done quene Isabell Edwarde her sone duke of Guyenne all the grete lordes of Englonde at one assent sente to kyng Edward to y● castell of Kenilworth where as he was in kepynge vnder the warde of syr Iohn Hachim that was y● bysihop of Ely of syr Iohn of Percy a baron for bycause that he sholde ordeyn his parlyament at a certayne place in Englond for to redresse and amende the estate of the realme And kyng Edward them answered sayd Lordes sayd he ye se full well how it is lo haue here my seale and I gyue you all my power for to ordeyne a parlyament where that ye wyll And than they toke theyr leue of hym came agayn to y● barons of Englonde And whan they had the kynges patent of this thynge they shewed it to the lordes And than was ordeyned that the parliament shold be at westmynster at the vtas of saynt Hylary And all the grete lordes of Englonde let ordeyne for them there agaynst that tyme that the parlyament sholde be At whiche daye that y● parlyament was the kyng wolde not come there for no maner thynge as he had set hymselfe assygned And neuerthelesse the barons sent vnto hym one tyme other And he swore by goddes soule that he wolde not come there one fote Wherfore it was ordeyned by all the grete Lordes of Englonde that he sholde no longer be kyng but be depo sed sayd they wolde crowne Edward his sone y● elder that was duke of Guyenne And sent tydynges vnto the kyng there as he was in warde vnder syr Iohn erle of Garen syr Iohn of Bothun that was bysshop of Ely syr Henry Percy a baron syr Willyam Trussell a knyght y● was with y● erle Thomas of Lancastre for to yeld vp theyr homages vnto hym for all them of Englonde And syr Wyllyam Trussell sayd these wordes Syr Edward bycause that ye haue betrayed your people of Englond haue vndone many grete lordes or Englond without ony cause ye shall be deposed now ye be withstande thanked be god And also bycause that ye wold not come to y● parliament as ye ordeyned at Westmynster as in your owne lettre patent is conteyned for to treate with your lyege men as a kyng sholde And therfore through all y● comyns assent of all the lordes of Englonde I tell vnto you these wordes Ye shall vnderstande syr that the barons of Englond at one assent wyll that ye be no more king of Englond but vtterly haue put you out of your ryalte for euermore And the bysshop of Ely than sayd to the kynge Syr Edwarde here I yelde vp feaute homage for all y● archebisshops bysshops of Englond for all y● clergy Than sayd syr Iohn erle of Garen Syr Edward I yelde vp here vnto you feau te and homage for me for all y● erles of Englōde And syr Henry Percy gaue vp also there his homage for him for all y● barons of Englonde And than sayd syr William Trussell I yelde vp now vnto you syr myn homage for me for all the knyghtes of Englonde for all them y● holde by sergeaūtry or by ony other maner thynge of you so y● from this day af terward ye shall not be claymed kynge nor for kynge be holden But from this tyme afterwarde ye shall be holden for a singuler man of all y● people And so they went thens to London where y● lordes of Englonde abode them syr Edward abode in prison i good kepyng And this was on the daye of y● cōuersyon of saynt Paule in the .xx. yere of his regne ¶ Of the prophery of Merlyn declared of kynge Edwarde the sone of kynge Edward the fyrst OF this kyng Edward prophecyed Merlin sayd y● there sholde come a gote out of Carre that shold haue hornes of syluer a berde as whyte as snowe and a droppe shold come out of his nosethrylles that sholde betoken moche harme honger dethe of people grece losse of his londe And that in y● begynnynge of his regne sholde be haūted
preuy And so this Iohn of Barnaby was in debate with a frensshe man in the towne of Dūpier so he slewe hym went his waye in all the haste that he myght in to the castell for to haue helpe of his lord And anone came the officers of the towne to take Iohn of Barnaby as a felon syr Edward his lord holpe hym rescowed hym by night made him go out of the castell so he went his waye came in to Englonde wtout ony harme And whan the kyng of Fraūce sawe that syr Edward had rescowed his felon he became wonders wrothe agaynst syr Edward anone let arest hym toke in to his hādes all his londes Than dwelled syr Edward in pryson vnto the tyme that syr Henry of Beaumont came in to Fraūce the whiche Henry was somtyme erle of Angos in Scotlonde through his wyfe was put out therof whā the accordemēt was bytwene Englonde and Scotlond through quene Isabell Roger Mortimer theyr cōpany for the maryage that she made bytwene Dauyd that was Robert the Brus sone dame Ione of the toure kyng Edwardes syster of Englōde well vnderstode this that at the ende he shold come to his ryght but yf it were syr Edwarde Bayloll that was ryght heyre of the realme of Scotlonde And the kyng of Fraunce Lowys loued moche this syr Henry he was with hym ful preuy thought for to make a delyueraūce of syr Edwarde Bayloll yf he myght in ony maner of wyse Tho prayed he the kyng the it wolde please his noble grace to graūt hym syr Edward Baylols body vnto the next parlyament that he myght lyue with his own tentes in the meane tyme that he myght stande to be iudged with his peres at the parlyament And the kyng graūted hym his prayer made the foresayd Edward to be delyuered out of pryson in the maner aboue said And anone as he was out of prison syr Henry toke hym forth with hym ladde hym in to Englōde made hym dwell pryuely at the maner of Sandhall vpon Ouse in Yorkeshyre with the lady Vescy And so he ordeyned him there an huge retynue of Englysshemen also of alyens for to conquere agayne his herytage And so he gaue moche siluer to the sowdyours to alyens for to helpe hym And they behyght for to helpe hym in that they myght but they fayled hym at his moost nede And at that tyme Donald erle of Moryf herde tell how that syr Edwarde Baylol was priuely come in to Englōde came to hym made grete ioye of his comynge agayn and sayd to hym behyght hym that all the grete lordes of Scotlonde shold be to hym attendaūt shold holde hym for kynge as ryght heyre of Scotlōde dyd to hȳ homage feaute Than came syr Henry of Beaumont to kynge Edwarde of Englonde prayed hym in the waye of charite that he wolde graūt of his grace to syr Edward Bayloll that he myght safely go by londe frō Sandhal vnto Scotlōde to cōquere his ryght herytaunce in Scotlonde The kynge answered sayd Yf that I suffre Bayloll go through my londe in to Scotlonde the people wold saye that I shold be assentyng vnto the company Now syr I praye you that ye wolde gyue hym leue to take with hym sowdyours of Englysshe mē that they myght safely lede hȳ through your londe in to Scotlōde And syr vpon this couenaunt that yf it so befall as god it forbydde he be dyscomfyted in batayle through the Scottes that I also all the lordes that holde with Bayloll ben for euer more out of your rentes that we haue in Englonde And there the kyng vpon this couenaunt graunted theyr bone as touchynge hym those that were of the same quarell the whiche claymed for to haue londes rentes in the realme of Scotlōde And these were the names of those lordes that pursued this foresayd quarell that is to saye syr Edward Bayloll the whiche chalenged the realme of Scotlonde syr Henry Beaumōt erle of Angos syr Dauid of Stroboly erle of Atheles syr 〈◊〉 frey of Mombray Walter Comyn and many other that were put out of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rytage in Scotlonde whan the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 made bytwene Englonde S 〈…〉 〈◊〉 before is sayd And ye shall 〈◊〉 that these lordes toke with them .v. C. 〈◊〉 of armes and .ij. M. archers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tho wente in to shyppe at 〈◊〉 and sayled by the see tyll that they 〈◊〉 vnto Scotlonde came to londe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kehorne .xij. myle from sayn● Ioh 〈…〉 towne And anone sente out theyr 〈◊〉 pes agayne for that they sholde no● 〈◊〉 hurt ne empayred neyther that no man sholde go in to the shyppes agayn though that they had nede but abyde all 〈◊〉 and not ●●ee but stande rather 〈◊〉 deth thā flee for to mayn 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quarell Whan the erle of Fi 〈…〉 a 〈◊〉 man a sterne herde that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comen for to take the londe of Scotlonde he came in haste to kynkehorne with xij M. scottes for to destroye hym that he sholde not come to londe But syr Edwarde Bayloll his company dyscomfyted hym there at the whiche discomfyture syr Alysaūder of Seron was there slayne many other The erle of Fyffe was tho sore full yll ashamed that so lytell a company had dyscomfy●●d hym and shamefully put hym all his company that were alyue for to flee Than came syr Edward Bayloll toke the coun tre all aboute hym tyll he came vnto the abbey of Dunfermelin there he foūde vytayles for hym for his folke and amonge all thȳges he foūde in a chambre aboute .v. C. of grete staues of fyne oke with longe pykes of yren of stele he toke them deliuered them to the moost strongest men of his cōpany And anone after he went from thens lodged hym in a felde two myle fro saynt Iohannes towne And whan the burgeyses of the towne herde how the erle of Fiffe was dyscōfyted through Bayloll they were fore adrad brake theyr brydges that they had made ouer the water of Erne so that Baylol myght not go ouer wherfore he lodged hym there all that nyght but lytell hede he toke of rest sayd vnto his people Now dere lordes ye knowe full well that we be now lodged bytwene our enemyes yf they may vs hampre there is no bote but deth wherfore yf we abyde styll here all this nyght I wene it shall turne vs to moche harme For the power of Scotlonde may euer wexe encreace and we may not so do we be but lytell people agaynst them wherfore I praye you for the loue of almighty god make we vs bolde hardy that we may myghtely take the Scottes this night and boldly warre vpon them let vs pursue them this nyght yf they be through vs trauayled se our hardynes other scottes
he put hym this demaūde prayed besouhgt them of theyr goodnes of theyr good coūseyle good wyll to shewe hym as touchyng the tytell the right that he had to Normandy Gascoyn Guyen the whiche the king of Fraūce whelde wrongfully vnryghtfully y● whiche his auncestres before hȳ had by true tytell of cōquest right herytage the whiche Normādy Gascoyn Guyen the good kyng Edward of Wyndsore his auncestres before hym had holden all theyr lyf tyme. And his lordes gaue hym coūseyle to sende embassadours to the kyng of Fraūce his coūseyle that he shold gyue vp vnto hym his ryght herytage that is to saye Normandy Gascoyn Guyen y● whiche his predecessours had holden afore hȳ or els he wold it wynne with strengthe of swerde in shorte tyme with the helpe of almighty god And than the Dolphyn of Fraūce answered to our embassadours saydi this maner that the kyng was ouer yonge to tender of age to make ony warre as agaynst hȳ was not lyke yet to be a good warryour to do make suche a cōquest there vpon hym And somwhat in scorne despyte he sent to hȳ a tonne full of tenes balles bycause he shold haue somwhat to playe withall for him for his lordes for that wolde become hym better than to mayntayn ony warre And than anone our lordes that were embassadours toke theyr leue came in to Englonde agayne tolde the kynge his couseyle of the vngoodly answere that they had of the Dolphin of the present y● whiche he had sente to our kynge And whan the kynge had herde theyr wordes y● answere of y● Dolphyn he was wonders sore agreued ryght euyll apayed towarde the frensshmen towarde the kynge the Dolphyn and thought to auēge hym on them as soone as god wold sende hym grace myght And anone let make tenes balles for the Dolphyn in all y● haste that he myght they were grete gonstones for the Dolphyn to playe withall And than anone the kynge sent for all the lordes helde a grete coūseyle at Westmynster told to them the answer that they had of the Dolphin of his worthy present that he sent to hym to his lordes to playe wtall And there the kyng his lordes were accorded that they shold be redy in armes with theyr power in the best araye that myght be done and gete all the men of armes archers that myght be goten all other stuffe that longed to warre to be redy with all theyr retynue to mete at Southhampton by Lāmasse nexte folowynge without ony delaye wherfore the kynge ordeyned his nauy of shyppes with all maner stuffe vytayle that lōged to suche a warryour of all maner ordynaunce in the hauen of Southhampton to the nombre of CCC and .xx. sayles And thā fell there a grete dysease and a foule myschefe For there were thre lordes whiche that the kyng trusted moche on through false couetyse they had purposed ymagined the kynges deth thought to haue slayne hym all his bretherne or he had taken the see whiche thre lordes were named thus syr Rycharde erle of Cambrydge broder to the duke of yorke the seconde was the lord Scrope tresourer of Englōde y● thyrd was sir Thomas Gray knyght of the North coūtree And these thre lordes aforesayd for lucre of money had made a promesse vnto y● Frensshmen for to haue slayne kyng Henry the fyfth and all his bretherne by a false trayne sodeynly or they had ben ware But almyghty god of his grete grace helde his holy hande ouer them saued them from these perillous meiny And for to haue done this they receyued of y● frensshmen a millyon of gold that was there openly proued And for theyr fals treason they were all thre iudged to deth this was y● iudgement that they sholde be ladde through Hampton without northgate there to be heded And thus they ended theyr lyues for theyr fals couetyse and treason And anone as this was done the kynge all his meyny made them redy went to shyppe and sayled forth with .xv. hondred shyppes arryued within Seyne at Kydecause vpon our ladyes euen the Assumpcyon in Normandy with all his ordynaūce so went forth to Harflet he besyeged the towne all about by londe also by water sent to the capytayne of the towne charged hym to delyuer the towne And the capytayne sayd that he delyuered hym none ne none he wolde hȳ yelde but badde hym do his best And than our kyng layde his ordinaūce vnto the towne that is to saye gonnes engynes tripgettes and shotte cast at the walles eke at the towne cast downe bothe toures towne layde them on y● erth there he played at the tenes with his hard gonne stones And they y● were with in y● towne whan they sholde playe theyr songe was well away alas that euer ony suche tenes balles were made cursed al tho y● warre began y● tyme that euer they were borne ¶ And on the morowe y● kyng let crye at euery gate of the towne that euery man shold be redy on the morowe erly to make assaute to y● towne And Willyam Boucher Iohn Graūt with .xij. other worthy burgeses came to the kyng besought hym of his ryall pryncehode power to withdrawe his malyce bestruccyon that he dyd to them and besought hym of .viij. dayes respyte trewse yf ony rescowe myght come to them els to yelde vp the towne to hym with al theyr goodes And than the kyng sent forth y● capytayne kepte the remenaūt styll with hym And y● lord Gaucorte that was capytayne of y● towne went forth to Roen in all the haste vnto the Dolphyn for helpe socour but there was none ne no man of rescowe for the Dolphyn wold not abyde And thus this capytayne came agayne vnto the kynge yelded vp the towne delyuered hym the keys And than he called his vncle the erle of Dorset made hym capytayne of the town of Harflet deliuered him y● keys bad hȳ go put out all y● frēsshe people bothe men womē children stuffe his town of Harflet with englysshe people And than the kyng sent in to Englōde let crye in euery good town of Englōde y● what crafty mā wold come thyder enhabyte hym there in y● town he shold haue 〈…〉 s houshold to hȳ to his heyres for euer more And thyder went many marchaūtes crafty mē enhabyted them there to strength the towne were welcome And whā y● kyng sawe y● this town was well stuffed bothe of vytayles of men this worthy prince toke his leue went toward Calays by lond y● frensshmen herde of his comynge they thought for to haue stopped hȳ his waye y● he sholde not passe that waye
coūtre But the .xij. yere of Herachꝰ Cosoras was slayne of Heraclius the crosse was brought agayn the people were delyuered And whan Heraclius wold haue entred y● cite proudly the gates of y● cite by y● power of god shette by themselfe the emperour meked hȳ to god aboue the gates opened And thā was the feest of y● exaltacyon of y● crosse made ¶ Deꝰ dedit was pope after Boniface thre yere This was an holy man For on a certayn daye whan he kyssed a lepre anone the lepre was hole ¶ This tyme a citezin of London through y● mocyon of Ethelbryght buylded a chirche of saynt Peter in the west parte of London in a place y● was called Thorney ¶ Circa annū dn̄i vj C .xliiij. BOnifacius the fyfthe was pope after Deus dedit fyue yere the whiche ordeyned that no man sholde be taken out of the chircheyerde And lytel elles of hym is wryten ¶ Nota Machomitum MAchomyte the duke of sarasyns and turkes was this tyme. And he was the deceyuer of all the worlde a false prophete the messenger of the deuyll the foregoer of Antechryst the fulfyller of heresy and of all false men the meruaylest of whome the dominacyon thus began ¶ There was a certayne famous clerke at Rome and coude not spede in his maters that he desyred to haue spedde in than he receded frō Rome ouer the see and procured many a man to go with hym amonge whome was this fals Machomyte a grete man of wytte And this clerke ꝓmysed hym to make hym duke of his coūtree yf he wolde be guyded after hym There he nourysshed a doue put all y● corne that the doue ete in to Machomytes ere so this doue had neuer no meet but in his ere The foresayd clerke on a daye called the people meued them to chose suche a prynce as the holy ghost wolde shewe to them in fourme of a doue And anone this clerke secretly let this doue flee the whiche after his olde custome came to Machomyte put his byll in his eere And whan the people sawe this anone he was chosen duke of that people And whan he was made duke of this people of Corosame he sayd y● he was the very prophete of god Thā he made a boke of his lawe y● was called Alcaron But he dyd it by the informacyon of thre of his maysters to whom y● deuyll mynistred the auctorite the connynge The fyrst mayster was a iewe a grete astronomer a nygromancer the second was Iohn de Antiochia the thyrde was Sergius an heretyke And these thre made an vn gracyous lawe an vnhappy what someuer was hard of byleue tedyous to do they lefte y● out of the lawe they put that thinge in theyr lawe y● worldly men were prone redy to do that is to saye glotony lechery rapyne suche other And also this Machomyte ordeyned y● a man shold haue as many wiues as he myght occupy fynde and refuse them twyse or thryse or .iiij. tymes take them again And many meruaylous fals thinges he made in his lawe the whiche were to lōge to reherse here but they be playne in his boke of Alcaron euer he wrote i his boke y● our lord spake to Machomyte his ꝓphete sayenge on this wyse or on this Thus by his fals meanes he deceyued y● people And whā his maysters he had made this y● was so delectable he wrote it in a boke with lettres of gold nourysshed a camell secretly in a pryuy place all onely with the hādes of Machomyte was alway fedde And there pryuely he tyed this boke of the lawe y● he had made about y● camels necke put this camell forth on a tyme in to a felde a fore daye and this camell ioyed in his lyberte for he was neuer lose afore And he wold suffre no man to come touche hym And so there was a grete fame of suche a camell and all the people ranne to se hym amonge whom was this Machomyte But whan the camell sawe hym that alway had fedde hym anone he ranne vnto hym And he had taught this camel afore tyme to fal downe on his knees lycke his handes And so he dyd afore all the people The people thā cryed sayd that there was a very ensample that he was the true prophete of god Than they prayed Machomyte to open y● holy boke with his holy handes the whiche was sent frō heuen euermore to be kepte In y● whiche boke is shewed how the people shall worshyp god And Machomyte sayd This boke was wryten with aūgels handes So by these false meanes he turned to his lawe all the londe of Perse all the eest imperyall agaynst Heraclius the emperour And he occupyed vnto the ende of Alexandre and Egypte Libia Arabia Siria Than after he enfected all Affrica but that the grace of god with stode hym he had enfected all spayne fraūce And many other thynges he dyd that were to moche to wryte in this boke COnstantyne the thyrde the sone of Heracli● was emperour .xxvij. yere This Constantyne was a cursed man a grete tyraunt and an heretyke false subtyll obyous to chrysten men nor he gaue no place to pope Martyn he reysed a grete host agaynst the Lombarbes there he lost the felde fledde to Rome And honourably was receyued of the pope Vitellianꝰ and other of the cite And he rewarded them not lyke after theyr merytes as a prynce sholde haue done but vsed forth tyranny heresye wherfore at y● last he was slayne of his owne knyghtes in a bath y● whiche wolde no longer suffre his tyranny And so he wretchedly lyued dyed vnhappely ¶ Martinꝰ the first was pope after Theodorū .vj. yere This Martinus was a very holy man and strongly stroue for the fayth of god And whan he sayd masse on a certayne daye at the awter there pursued hym to slee hym a man whiche was called Spa●arius of Olymphe and whan he wolde haue ●nytten hym he was blynde sodeynly This same man called a Sinody in the cite of Rome and he dampned Syrum Alexandrū Sergiū Pyrum Paulū heretykes Wherfore Constantyne the emperour exiled hym he dyed a saynt ¶ Eugenius a Romayn was pope after Martyn almoost thre yere and was an holy mā but of hym lytell actes ben wryten ¶ Vitellianus was pope after hym .xiiij. yere This mā made y● songe that the Romayns vseth and accorded it also with y● organes And he also had the grace of the emperour the whiche was wroth with his predecessours neuerthelesse afterward he stode not in his cōcorde Ne hytherto I coude not fynde that euer the chirche of Rome had fully after the deth of Cōstantyne y● myghty the lordshyp of the cyte and of other the whiche he gaue to the chirche ¶ Anno dn̄i vj C. x●●iij Adeodatus a Romain was pope after Vi 〈…〉 s .iiij. yere
a noble astronomer his tables be very famous ¶ Clemēs the .iiij. was pope after Vrban .iij. yere .ix. monethes This Clemēs was an holy man sayd by spiryte of ꝓphecy y● the enemyes of y● chirche shold perysshe as y● smoke And it is to be byleued that god cessed y● tribulacyons of his chirche through his merites He had afore a wyfe children was a preest after bysshop legate beynge in englonde vnknowen to hȳ was chosen pope after for his vertuous lyfe decessed blyssedly ¶ Gregory y● .x. was pope after hȳ .iiij. yere He assembled a cōcyle at Loduū in fraūce for y● grete desyre y● he had to vysyte personally y● holy londe in y● whiche concyle y● Grekes the Tartares were and there y● Grekes ꝓmysed to be reformed by y● vnite of y● chirche And y● Tartares newly baptysed promysed y● same And there were gadered vj C. bisshops a. M. prelates And therfore a certayn mā sayd Gregory gadereth togyder all kȳdes of people And there was decreed y● all persones vycayres shold be called preestes no prelates y● no man shold assygne his tythes to what chirche he wolde as they dyd afore but they shold be payed to his moder chirche And he dampned y● pluralite of bn̄fyces dyed a blyssed man ¶ Innocent the .v. was after hym .v. monethes and lytell dyd ¶ Adrian was after him one moneth dyd lesse ¶ Iohn the .xxj. was after hȳ viij monethes he was i diuers seyences a famous man but in maners a fole decessed anone ¶ Nycolas y● .iij. was pope after Iohn .j. yere This man was in his dayes a noble mā in buyldyng wel gouerned y● ci●e all his dayes y● ●j yere he dyed ¶ Rodulphus was emperour .xviij. yere This man was cr●● of Hauesburgh a wyse man in armes noble victoryous was chosen at bastle he toke y● crosse on hym for y● holy londe The imperyall blessyng he had not but the pope alowed y● eleccyon for fauour of the holy londe ¶ Anno dn̄i M CC .lxxiiij. MArtyn y● fourth was pope after Nycholas .iiij. yere This man was a grete louer of relygyous men gretly attendyng to vertuous werkes He cursed y● emperour of ●ōsta●tynople in so moche as he promysed to turne to y● fayth in the generall concyle dyd not for y● whiche he suffred many passyons all holy chirche Also he cursed y● kyng of Aragon for he expulsed y● kyng of Cicyle fro his kyngdom And after he had done many batayles agaynst mē of misbyleue had suffred many tribulacyōs he decessed dyd many myracles ¶ Ni colas de lira a noble doctour of dyuinite was this tyme at Parys this mā was a iewe was cōuerted and myghtely profyted in y● ordre of frere minors he wrote ouer all the byble Or els he was in the yere of our lorde M .ccc .xxx. And some men saye he was of Braband y● his fader moder were christen but for pouerte he visyted y● scoles of the iewes And so he lerned the iewes language or els this Nycolas was enfourmed of y● iewes in his yonge age ¶ Honorius y● fourth was pope after Martyn .ij. yere lytell of hym is wrytē but y● he was a tēperate man a discrete ¶ Nicolaus y● fourth was pope after hym foure yere this mā was a frere minor al though he was a good man in hȳself yet many vnhappy thȳges fell in his tyme to the chirche for many a batayle was in y● cite through his occasyon for he drewe to moche to y● one parte and after hȳ there was no pope two yere .vj. monethes ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kyng Henryes sone And of his ryalte ANd after this kyng Henry regned Edward his sone the worthyest knyght of all y● worlde in honour For goddes grace was in hȳ for he had y● victory of his enemyes And as soone as his fader was deed he came to London with a fayre company of prelates of erles barons all maner men dyd him moche honour For in euery place y● this noble Edward rode in London the stretes were couered ouer his heed with ryche clothes of sylke of tapysserye and with ryche couerynges And for ioye of his comynge the burgeyses of the cyte cast out at theyr wyndowes golde syluer handes full in tokenynge of loue worshyp seruyce reuerence And out of y● condyth of chepe ran whyte wyne reed as stremes of water euery man dranke therof that wolde at theyr owne wyll And this kynge Edwarde was crowned anoynted as ryght heyre of Englonde with moche honour And after masse y● kyng went in to his palays for to holde a ryall feest amonge them y● dyd hym honour And whā he was set to mete kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came for to do hym honour reuerence with a queyntyse an C. knyghtes with hym well horsed arayed And whan they were alighted they let theyr stedes go wheder they wolde who y● myght take them had them styll wtout ony chalengynge And after came syr Edmonde kynge Edwardes broder a curteys a gentyll knyght y● erle of Cornewayle y● erle of Glocestre after them came the erle of Penbroke y● erle of Garēne And eche of them by themselfe ladde in theyr hande an C. knyghtes gayly disguysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they let them go wheder they wold who that myght them catche them to haue styll wtout ony chalenge And whan all this was done kynge Edwarde dyd his dylygence his myght for to amende redresse y● wronges in the best maner y● he myght to the honour of god holy chirche to mayntayne his honour to amende the noyaūce of y● comyn people ¶ How Ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of Wales and Aymer that was the erles broder of Mountforde were taken on the see THe fyrst yere after that kyng Edwarde was crowned Lewlyn prynce of Wales sent in to Fraūce to the erle Mountford that through coūseyle of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And the erle thā auysed hym vpon this thynge sent vnto Lewlyn and sayd that he wolde sende after his doughter And so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell And Lewlyn arayed shyppes for his doughter for syr Aymer for her fayre company y● shold go with her And this Lewlyn did grete wronge for it was a couenaunt that he sholde gyue his doughter to no maner man without coūseyle cōsent of kynge Edwarde And so it befell that a Burgeys of Brystowe came in the see laden with wyne mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the Burgeys sent them to the kyng Whan Lewlyn herde these tydynges he was wonders wroth also sorowfull begā to warre vpon kynge Edward and dyd moche harme to Englysshe
Englonde WHan kyng Edward sawe the grete harme destruccyon that the barons of Englond dyd to syr Hugh Spen sers londe to his sones in euery place that they came vpon the king than through his coūseyle exiled syr Iohn Mombray syr Roger Clifford syr Gosselin Dauil many other lordes that were cōsentynge to them wherfore the barons dyd than more harme than they dyd before And whan the kyng sawe the the barons wolde not cease of theyr cruelte the kyng was sore adrad lest they wold destroye hym his realme for his mayntenaūce but yf he assented to them so he sent for them by lettres that they sholde come to London to his parliament at a certayne daye as in his lettres were conteyned And they came with thre batayles well armed at all poyntes and euery batayle had cote armures of grene cloth therof the ryght quarter was yelowe with whyte bendes wherfore that parliament was called the parlyament of the whyte bende And in that company was syr Vmfrey of Bohoune erle of Herford syr Roger Clifford syr Iohn Mombray syr Gosselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortimer of Wygmore syr Henry of Trais syr Iohn Gif fard syr Barthilme we of Badelsmore that was the kynges steward that the kyng had sent to Shyrbur●ein Elmede to the erle of Lancastre to all that were with hym for to treate of accorde that hym alyed to the barons came with that company And syr Roger Dammorie syr Hugh Dandale the had spoused the kynges neces syster syr Gylbert of Clare erle of Glocestre that was slayne in Scotlonde as before is sayd And those two lordes had than two partyes of the erledome of Glocestre syr Hugh Spenser the sone had the thyrde parte in his wyues halfe the thyrd syster those two lordes wēt to the barons with all theyr power agaynst syr Hugh theyr broder 〈◊〉 lawe so there came with them syr Roger Clifford syr Iohn Mombray syr Gosselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortymer of Wygmore his neuew syr Henry Trais syr Iohn Giffard syr Barthylmewe of Badelsmore with all theyr company many other y● to them were consentyng All the grete lordes came to Westmynster to the kynges parliament so they spake dyd the bothe syr Hugh Spenser the fader also the sone were outlawed of Englonde for euermore And so syr Hugh the fader went to Douer made moche sorow fell downe vpon y● groūde by the see banke acrosse with his armes sore wepyng sayd Now fayre Englonde good Eng londe to almyghty god I the betake thryes kyssed the groūde wende neuer to haue comen agayn wepyng cursed the tyme that euer he begate syr Hugh his sone sayd for hȳ he had lost all englōde in presence of all gaue him his curse went ouer the see to his londes But 〈◊〉 Hugh the sone wolde not go out of Englonde but helde hym on the see he his cōpany robbed two Dromondes besyde Sandwyche toke bare awaye all the was in them the value of .xl. M. poūde ¶ How the kyng exiled the erle Thomas of Lancastre all that helde with hym and how Mortimer came yelded hym to the kynge and of the lordes IT was not longe after the the kyng ne made syr Hugh Spenser th●●a der syr Hugh the sone come agayne in to Englonde agaynst the lordes wyll of the realme And soone after the kyng with a stronge power came and besyeged the castell of Ledes in the castell was the lady of Badelsmore bycause the she wold not graūte that castell to the quene I sabell kyng Edwardes wyfe But the princypall cause was bycause the syr Barthilmewe was agaynst the kyng helde with the lordes of Englonde neuerthelesse the kynge by helpe and socour of men of London and also of helpe of southeren men gate the castell maugre of them all that were within toke with them all that they myght fynde And whan the barons of Englonde herde these tydynges syr Roger Mor●●mer many other lordes toke the towne of Burgworth with strength wherfore the kyng was wonders wrothe let outlawe Thomas of Lācastre Vmfrey de Bohoune erle of Herford all those that were assentyng to the same quarell And the kyng assembled an huge hoost came agaynst the lordes of Englonde wherfore the Mortimers put them in the kynges mercy grace And anone they were sente to the toure of London there kepte in prison And whan the barons herde this thynge they came to Poūtfret castell where as the erle Thomas soiourned told hym how that the Mortimers both had yelded them to the kyng put them i his grace ¶ Of the syege of Tykhyll WHan Thomas erle of Lancastre herd this he was wōders wroth and all that were of his company gretly they were discōforted ordeyned theyr power togyder besyeged the castell of Tykhyll But those that were within manly defended them that the barons coude not gete the castell And whan the kynge herde that his castell was besyeged he swore by god by his names that the syege sholde be remeued assembled an huge power of people and went thyderward to rescowe the castell his power encreased from daye to daye Whan the erle of Lancastre the erle of Herford the barons of theyr cōpany herde of this thynge they assembled all theyr power went to Burton vpon Trent kepte the brydge that the kyng sholde not passe ouer But it befell so on the .x. daye of Marche in the yere of grace M .ccc .xxj. the kyng the Spensers syr Aymer of Valaūce erle of Penbroke Ioh●erle of Arūdell and theyr power we●t ouer the water discom●yted the erle Thomas his com pany And they fled to the castell of Tutbery from thens to Poūtfret And in the vyage dyed syr Roget Danmore in the abbey of Tuthery And that same tyme the erle Thomas had a traytour with him that was called Robert Holand a knight that the erle had brought vp of nought had nourysshed hym in his buttry and had gyuen hym a. M. marke of londe by yere so moche the erle loued hym that he myght do in the erles courte all that hym lyked with hye lowe so craftely the thefe bare hym that his lorde trusted hym more than ony man on lyue And the erle had ordeyned hym by his lettres for to go in to the erledom of Lācastre to make men aryse to helpe hym in that viage that is to saye .v. C. men of armes But the false traytour came not there no maner men for to warne ne reyse to helpe his lorde And whan the fals traytour herde tell that his lord was discōfited at Burton vpon Trent as a fals traytour thefe stale awaye robbed in Rauensdele his lordes men that came from the discōfyture toke of them hors harneys
In this same yere syr Henry erle of Northumberlōde the lorde Bardolf came out of Scotlonde in preiudyce destruceyon of kynge Henry wherfore they of the Northcoūtre arose vpon them fought with them discōfited them toke them smo●e of their hedes quartred theyr bodyes sent the heed of the erle a quarter of the lorde Bardolf to Londō and there they were set vpon Loudō brydge for fals treason that they had purposed agaynst the kyng ¶ And in the .ix. yere of kyng Henryes regne was syr Edmond Holland erle of Kent made Amyrall of Englonde for to kepe the see he went to the see with many ryal shyppes that were ful well arayed apparayled and enarmed with many a good man of armes archers and of good defence of warre in the kynges name of Englonde and so he londed at the last in the coste of Brytayn in the yle of Briak with al his folke he besyeged the castell assauted it they withstode hym with grete defence strength And anone he layd his ordynaunce in the layenge of a gonne there came a quarell and smote the good erle Edmond in the heed there caught he his deth Woūde but yet they left not tyll that they had goten the castell all that were therin there this good lord dyed vpon whose soule god haue mercy amen And than his meyny came home agayne in to Englonde with the erles body and was buryed amonge his aūcestres right worthely ¶ And in the same yere was a grete frost in Englōde that ●ured xv wekes ¶ And in the .x. yere of kyng henryes regne the fourth came the Se●esshall of Henaud with other meyny in to Englonde to seke auentures to gete them worshyp in dedes of armes bothe on horsbacke on fote at all maner poyntes of warre And the Senesshall chalenged the erle of Somerset the erle delyue red hȳ full manfully of al his chalenges and put his aduersary to the worst in al poyntes wan there grete worship the degre of the felde And on the nexte day after came in to the felde an other man of armes of the Senesshals party agaynst him came syr Rychard of Arundel knyght the Henaud had the better of hym on fote in one poynt for he brought hym on his knee And on the thyrde daye came in an other man of armes in to the felde and agaynst hym there came syr Iohn Corne wayle a knyght manly knyghtly he quytte hȳ in all maner poyntes agaynst his aduersary had the better in the felde And on the fourth daye came an other man of armes of Henaud in to the felde agaynst him came syr Iohn Chaynes sone manly quytte hym agaynst his aduersary for he cast hors man in to the felde And the kynge for his manhode at that tyme dubbed hym knyght And on the fyfth daye there came an other man of armes of the Henaudes party in to the felde to hym came syr Iohn stewarde knight manfully he quytte him there in all maner poyntes had the better And on the syxth daye after came an other Henaud to hym came Willyam Porter squyer manfully he quytte hym had the better in the felde And the kynge dubbed hym knyght the same tyme. And on the seuenth daye after came an other man of armes of Henaud in to the felde to him came Iohn Standisshe squyer and manfully he quytte hym on his aduersary had the better of hym in the felde and the kynge dubbed hym knyght the same daye And on the same day came an other man of armes of Henaud and to hym came a squyer of Gascoyne and proudly and māly he quytte hym on his aduersary had the better of hym and anone the kynge dubbed hym knyght And on the .viij. day came in to the felde two men of armes of Henaud to them came two sowdyours of Calays whiche were bretherne that were called Burghes and well manly quytte them on theyr aduersaryes had the better in the felde And thus ended the chalenges with many grete worshyppes And the kynge at the reuerence of these worthy strafigers made a grete feest and gaue them many riche gyftes And thā they toke theyr leue and went home agayne in to theyr owne countree ¶ And in the. x● yere of kynge Henryes regne the fourth there was a grete batayle done in smyth felde bytwene two squyers that one was called Glocestre that was appellaunt and Arthur was the defendaūt and well manly they fought togyder longe tyme And the kynge for theyr manfulnes and of his grace toke theyr quarell in to his handes and made them to go out of the felde at ones so they were deuyded of theyr batayle and the kyng gaue them grace ¶ And the .xij. yere of kyng Henryes regne the fourth ●ysdie a squyer of Wales that was a rebell a ryser supporter to Owen of Glendre whiche dyd moche destruccyon to the people of Wales was taken brought to London there he came before the Iustyees and was dampned for his treason than he was layde on an hurdell and so drawen to Tyburne through the cite there he was hanged let downe agayne his heed smytten of and the body quartred and sent to foure townes his heed set vpon London brydge ¶ And in the. xiij yere of kynge Henryes regne tho dyed syr Iohn Beauford the erle of Somerset that was capytayne of Calays was buryed at the abbey of the Toure hyll on whose soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ And in the same yere the lorde Thomas kyng Henryes sone wedded the coūtesse of Somerset ¶ And in this same yere came the embassadours of Fraunce in to Englonde fro the duke of Burgoyn vnto the prynce of Englonde kyng Henryes sone heyre for to haue helpe and socour of mē of armes archers against the duke of Orlyaunce And than went ouer see the erle of Arundel syr Gylbert Vmfreuyll erle of Kent the lorde Cobham syr Iohn Oldcastell many other good knyghtes worthy squyers men of armes good archers in to Fraūce came to Parys to the duke of Burgoyn there he receyued welcomed these englysshe lordes all the other meyny And than it was done hȳ to wyte that the duke of Orlyaūce was comen to saynt Clowe fast by Parys with a grete nombre of men or armes arbalastres thyder went our Englysshmen fought with them gate y● brydge of saynt Clowe there they slewe many Frensshmen and arbalastres the remenaūt fledde wold no longer abyde And thā our englysshmen came agayn to Parys there they toke theyr leue of the duke came safe agayne in to Englonde and the duke gaue them grete gyftes And anone after the duke of Orlyaūce sent embassadours in to Englonde to kyng
that is to wyte y● duke of Yorke was slayne the erle of Rutlond syr Thomas Neuyll many moo y● erle of Salisbury was taken other as Iohn Harowe of London capitayn ruler of y● fotemen Hanson of Hull Whiche were brought to Poūfret there after biheded theyr hedes sent to Yorke set vpon the gates And thus was y● noble prynce y● duke of Yorke slayne on whose soule god haue mercy And this tyme y● erle of Marche beynge in shrowesbury heryng of y● deth of his fader desyred ayde of the towne to auēge his faders deth fro thens went to wales at Cādelmas after he had a batayle at Mortymers crosse agaynst y● erle of Penbroke of wylshyre where y● erle of Marche had y● victory Than the quene with those lordes of the north after that they had dystressed slayne the duke of Yorke his felawshyp came southward with a grete multytude of people for to come to y● kynge vndo suche conclusyons as had ben takē before by y● parliament Agaynst whose comynge y● duke of Nor folke the erle of warwyk with moche people ordynaūce went to saynt Albons lad kyng Henry with them there encoūtred togider in suche wyse fought so y● the duke of Norfolke y● erle of warwik with many other of theyr party ●ledde lost y● iourney where y● king Henry was taken by y● quene prynce Edwarde his sone whiche two had goten that felde Than y● quene her party beynge at her aboue sent anone to Londō which was on asshewednesdaye y● fyrst daye of lent for vytayle for whiche y● Mayre ordeyned by y● aduyse of y● aldermen y● certayn cartes laden with vytayle sholde be sent to saynt Albons to them And whan y● cartes came to crepylgate the comyns of y● cite y● kepte the gate toke y● bytayle fro y● cartes wold not suffre it to passe Thā were there certayn aldermen comyns appoynted to go to Bernet to speke with the quenes coūseyle for to entreate y● the northeren men sholde be sent home in to theyr coūtre agayn for y● cite of London drad fore to be despoyled yf they had comen ¶ And duryng this treaty tydynges came that the erle of Warwyk had mette with y● erle of Marche on Cotteswolde comynge out of Wales with a grete meyny of walsshmen that they bothe were comynge to London ware Anone as these tydynges were knowen y● treaty was broke tor y● kyng quene prynce all y● other lordes y● were with them departed fro saynt Albons no●thwarde with all theyr people yet or they departed thens they dyheded y● lord Bo●●yle syr Thomas 〈◊〉 whiche 〈◊〉 take in y● iourney done on 〈…〉 ¶ Than y● duch 〈…〉 of Yorke beynge at London deryng of y● losse of y● felde of saynt Albons 〈…〉 whiche went to 〈…〉 ght ¶ And philip malpas 〈…〉 che marchaūt of London Thomas Vaghan squyer 〈…〉 many other 〈…〉 of y● comynge of y● quene to London toke a shyppe of Andwerpe to haue gone in to ●●land 〈◊〉 on y● other co●st were taken of one Colompne a Frenssheman a shyppe of warre he toke them prysoners and brought them in to Fraūce where they payed grete good for theyr raunsom there was moche good and rychesse in that shyppe ¶ Of the deposynge of kyng Henry the syxth how kynge Edward the fourth toke possessyon of y● batayle on Palme sondaye and how he was crowned THan whan y● erle of Marche y● erle of warwyk had mette togyder on Cotteswolde incōtynent they cōcluded to go to London and sent worde anone to y● Mayre to the cite that they wolde come And anone y● cite was glad of theyr comynge hopyng to be releued by them so they came to London And whan they were comen had spoken with the lordes estates beynge there cōcluded for as moche as kynge Henry was gone with them northwarde y● he had forfeyted his crowne ought to be deposed accordyng vnto the actes made passed in the last parlyament And so by the aduyse of the lordes spirytuall temporall than beynge at Londō the erle of Marche Edward by y● grace of god eldest sone of Rycharde duke of Yorke as ryghtfull heyre and nexte enherytour to his fader the fourth daye of Marche the yere of out lord god M CCCC .lix. toke possessyon of the realme at Westmerlonde in y● grete hall after in y● chirche of y● abbey offred as kyng with the c●ptre royall To whome all y● lordes spirytuall tēporall dyd homage as to theyr souerayn lord kyng And forthwith it was ꝓclaymed through y● cite kyng Edward the fourth of y● name And anone after y● kynge rode in his ryall estate northwarde with all his lordes to subdue his subgectes y● tyme beynge in the north for to auenge his 〈◊〉 deth And on Palmesondaye after he had a grete batayle in y● north coūtree at a place called Cowton not ferre from Yorke where with y● helpe of god he gate y● felde had the victory where were slayne of his aduersaryes .xxx. M. men and moo as it was sayd by them that were there In the whiche batayle were slayne y● erle of Northumberlonde the lorde Clifford syr Iohn Neuyll the erle of Westmerlondes broder Andrewe Trollop and many knightes squyers ¶ Than kyng Henry that had bē kyng beynge with y● quene and the prynce at Yorke heryng the losse of that felde and so moche people slayne ouerthrowen anone forth with departed all thre with the duke of Somerset the lorde Roos other towarde Scotlōde And the nexte daye after kynge Edward with all his army entred in to Yorke and was there proclaymed kyng obeyed as he ought to be And y● Mayre aldermen comyns swore to be his iyege men And whā he had taryed a whyle in the north that all y● northcoūtree had turned to hym he returned southwarde leuynge behynde hym the erle of Warwyk in those partyes to gouerne and rule that countree ¶ And aboute mydsomer after the yere of our lorde M cccc .lx. and the fyrst yere of his regne he was crowned at Westmynster anoynted kyng of Englonde hauynge possessyon of all the realme CAixtus the thyrde was pope after Nycolas thre yere and .v. monethes This Calixte was an olde man whan he was chosen pope was cōtynually seke ne he myght not fulfyll his desyre whiche he entēded to do agaynst the Turkes for dethe came vpon hym He was chosen pope in y● yere of our lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 .lv. And he dyed the syxth day af 〈◊〉 he had i●stytued the trāsfiguracyon of our lorde god He also c●nonysed saynt Vincent a frere precher And there was a grete reformacyon of many monasteryes in dyuers partyes of the worlde these reformacions were made many ty mes but almoost none abode but they returned agayne as they were afore by successyon of tyme after y●