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A00005 Here begynneth a shorte and abreue table on the Cronycles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, John, d. 1402. 1515 (1515) STC 10000; ESTC S106695 471,876 302

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our lyege lord the kynge to vs vpon al that ye shall mowe for fayre ayen vs. that yf the sayd spenser our enmye come within your power that ye do hym hastely to be take saufly kepe vntyll ye haue ordeyned of hym our wyll the ye leue it not in no maner wyse as ye desyre honour profyte of vs all of all the reame Vnderstondynge ye ryght well that yf ye do this our prayer and streyghte cōmaundemēt we thynke vs so moche the more beholdynge vnto you And also ye shall gete you worshyp also profyte yf ye sende as hastely answere of all your wyll ayen at Baldok the syxte daye of Octobre whiche letter in the dawnynge of the day of saynt Denys was tackyd vppon the newe crosse in Chepe and many topyes of the same letter were tackyd vpon wyndowes and dores vpon other places in the cyte of london that all men passynge by the way myght them rede and se And in the same tyme kyng Edwarde was at London in the toure at his mete And a messager came in to the halle sayde that the quene Isabell was come to londe at Herewhiche and hath brought in her company syr Iohan of Henande with hym mē of armes without nombre And with that worde syr Hugh Spenser the fader spake thus vnto the kynge sayd My moost worshypfull lorde kynge of Englond now make good chere for certenly they ben all oures The kynge sawe this worde comfortable yet he was fulle sorowfull pensyf in hys herte And the kynge had not fully eten but there came in to the halle a nother messager sayde that the quene Isabell was arryued at Her whiche besyde ypswytche in Soutfolke Syr Hugh Spenser the fader spake to the messager sayd Tell sothe in gode fayth my fayre frendes is she come with a grete strenth Now c●●tes the sothe for to saye syr sayd the messager She ne hath in her companye but v● hoūderd men of armys And with that worde syr Hughe Spenser the fader cryed with an hygh voice sayd Alas alas we ben alle betrayes Fortes with so lytell power she had neuer come to londe but yf folke of thys lōde were vnto her concente And therfore after there mete they toke counsell and went to warde walys for to arere the walsshmen ayenst the quene Isabell and Edwarde her sone all for to ryght and so they were in purpose euery chone ¶ How mayster water Stapylton bysshop of Excetre that was the kynges tresorer was heedyd at London ANd in the same tyme kynge Edwarde was sore adradde leest that men of london wolde yelde theym vnto the quene Isabell And to her sone Edwarde wherfore he sette mayster walter Stapylton his tresorer for to be wardeyne and keper of the cyte of Londō with the Mayre And soo came to the Gyldeha●●e of London and axed the keyes of the yates of the Cyte thrughe vertu strength of hys commyssyon wolde haue had the kepynge of the cite And the comuners answered sayd that they wolde kepe the cyte to the honour of kynge Edwarde of Isabell the quene of the duke the kynges sone without ony more the bysshop tho was sore onoyed swore othes they all sholde abye it anone as the kynge Edward were come out of walyes ¶ And the comuners all anone of the cyte toke the bysshop lad hym anone amyddes of the Chepe ther they smote of his heed set his heed in his ryght honde And forth with the same comyns of the cyte of London by heedyd two of his squyres that helde with the bysshop and one of them was callyd wylliam of wayle that was the bysshops neuew And that other was callyd Iohn̄ of Padyntō And also they toke a burgeys of Lōdon that was callyd Iohn̄ Mershall that was syr Hugh spēser espye the fader smote of his heed also in that same tyme the bysshop had in London a fayr toure in makynge in his close vpon the ryuer Temse that was withou● temple barre he fayled stone to make therof an ende he commaūded his men to go the frere Carmes and there they toke stone to make ther with the toure moche sonde morter olde robous that was left And for the dyspyte the bysshop had done vnto holy chyrche he hys two squyres were buryed in that sonde As thoughe they had ben houndes and there they laye .xi. wekes tyll that the quene Isabell sent her letters to the comuners prayed them that they wolde suffre and graunte that the bysshop myght be take out of that place be buryed at Excetre at his owne chyrche And soo he was hys two squyres were buryed at saynt Clementes chyrche without temple barre And it ● was no wonder thoughe that bysshop deyed an euyll deth For he was a coueytous man had wyth hym no mercy euyll counseylled the kynge And soone after was Arnold of Spayne take that assētye to lede the .v. of syluer in fyue barelles feryers vnto the douzepers of Fraūce for to helpe haste the quene Isabell to her deth And Edwarde her sone also and this Arnold was put to deth without the cyte· ¶ How kynge Edwarde syr Hugh Spenser and the erle of Arundell were taken AS kynge Edwarde had sente mayster walter Stapylton hys tresorer in to London for to kepe the cyte vnto hym ayenst the quene Isabell hys wyf ayenst Edwarde his sone anone hymself toke with hym syr Hughe Spenser the sone syr Iohn̄ of Arundell and mayster Robert Baldok hys Chaunceler a fals pylled clerke toke theyr waye to warde Brystowe And there the kynge abode a lytyll tyme and made syr Hugh Spenser the fader as Conestable and keper of the castel Ane the kynge that other Spenser went to shyppe and saylled to warde walys toke noo leue of the kynges Stewarde ne of none of the kyngys housholde went ouer in to walys for to arere the walsshmen ayenst dame Isabell the quene the duke her sone And the erle of Kente and syr Iohn̄ Henaude And he wente and pursued after them And theyr power encreacyd euery daye So at the laste the kynge was taken vpon an hyll in walys and Syr Hugh Spenser the sone in that othersyde of the same hylle the false pylled clerke mayster Robert Baldok there faste besyde theym And were broughte ayen in to Englonde as almyghty god wolde And the kyng hymself was put in sauf kepynge in the castel of Kenylworth and hym kept syr Henry that was saynt Thomas brother of Lancastre and syr Hugh the fader came put hym in the quenes grace Edwarde her sone duke of Guyon but syr Hugh Spenser after the tyme that he was take wolde neuer eete no more meete ne drynke no maner drynke for he wyste to haue no mercy sauf only to be deed ¶ And the quene
of Englond that was in yorke shyre that was callyd Iohan of Barnaby and this Edwarde Bayllol louyd hym moche and was nyghe hym full preuy And so this Iohn̄ of Barnaby was in debate with a Frenche man in the towne of Dunpier so he slewe hym and wente hys way in all the haste that he myghte in to the castell For to haue socoure and helpe of hys lorde And anone came offycers of the towne to take Iohn̄ of Barnaby as a felon and syr Edward his lorde holpe hym and rescowed hym and by nyght made hym go out of the castell and so he went hys waye and came in to Englonde withoute ony harme ¶ And whan the kyng of fraunce saw that syr Edwarde had rescowed his felon He became wonder wrothe ayenst syr Edward anone lete hym arestyd and toke into hys hondes all his londes Tho dwellyd syr ● Edward in pryson vnto the tyme that syr Henry of Beaumount came into fraunce the whiche Henry somtyme was erle of Anguysshe in Scotlonde and was put out therof whan chacordement was bytwene Englonde and Scotlond thrugh the quene Isabell and syr Roger Mortymer and theyr company for the moryage that she made bytwene Dauyd that was Roberte Brus sone and dame Iohanne of Tour kynge Edwards syster of Englond well vnderstonde thys that att the ende he sholde come to his ryght but yf it were syre Edwarde Baylloll that was ryght heyre of the reame of Scotlonde ¶ And the kyng of fraunce Lowys louyd moche this syr Henry And he was wyth hym full preuy and thought for to make a delyueraunce of syr Edward Baylloll yf he myghte in ony maner of wyse ¶ Tho prayed he the kynge that he wolde of his grace gaūt hym syre Edwarde Bayllols body vnto the nexte parlement that he myght lyue with hys owne rentes in the meane tyme and that he myghte stonde to be Iugyd with his perys att the parlement And the kynge grauntyd hym his prayer and made the forsayde Edwarde to be delyuered out of pryson in the manere aboue sayd And anone as he was out of pryson syr Henry toke hym forth with hym ladde hym in to englonde and made hym dwelle pryuely att the manere of Sandhall vpon Ouse in yorke shyre with the lady Vescy And soo he ordeyned hym there an huge retenewe of Englysshmen and also of alyuntes for to conquere ayen his herytage and so he yaue moche syluer vnto the souldyours and alyauntes for to helpe hym ● And they behyght for to helpe hym in that they myght but they faylled hym att hys moost nede ¶ And at that tyme Dauyd erle of Moryf herde tell how that syr Edward Bayloll was pryuely come into englond And came to hym and made wyth hym gerte Ioye of his comynge and sayd vnto hym and behyght hym that all the greate lordes of Englonde sholde be to hym entendaunte sholde hym holde for kynge as ryght heyre of Scotlōde and dyd to hym feaute· ¶ Tho came syr Henry of Beaumonte to kynge edwarde of Englonde And prayed hym in the waye of charyte that he wolde graunt of his greate vnto syr Edwarde Baylloll that he myghte sau●ly goo by londe frome Sandhall vnto Scotlonde to conquere hys ryght herytaunce in Scotlond ¶ The kynge answerde sayde yf that I suffre Bayllol go thrugh my londe in to Scotlonde thenne the people wolde saye that I shold be assentynge vnto the company ¶ Now syr I praye you that ye wolde yeue hym leue to take with hym souldyours of Englysshmen that they myght saufly lede hym thrugh your londe to Scotlonde And syr vpno thys couenaunte that yf it so befall as god it for bydde that he dyscomfyted in bytayll thrugh the Scottes that I and also al the lordes that holde with Bayllol ben for euer more out of our rentes that we haue in englonde And there the kynge vppon this couenaunte grauntyd theyr bone as towchynge hym and tho that were of the same quarell the whiche claymed for to haue londes and rentes in the reame of Englonde And thyse were the names of tho lordes that pursued this for sayd matere and quarell ¶ That is to saye syr Edwarde Bayllol the whiche chalengyd the reame of Scotlonde syr Henry Beaumonte erle of Angusshe syr Dauyd of Stroboly erle of a theles syr Geffray of Mombraye walter Comyn and many other that were put out of theyr herytage in Sctlonde whan the peas was made bytwene Englonde and Scotlonde as before is sayde And ye shall vnderstonde that thyse lordes tooke with theym fyue houndred men of armes and two thousande Archers of fote men and tho wente in to shyppe at Rauen pore sayled by the see tylle that they came vnto Scotlond and came to londe at Kynkehorne .xii. myle fro saynt Iohannes towne And anone sent out there shyppes agayne for that they shold not be hurte ne empeyred neyther taht no man sholde go in to the shyppes agayne thoughe that they had nede but abybe all perylles and not flee but stonde and rather suffre deth than flee for to mayntene their true quarell whan the erle of Fyffe a fyers man a sterne harde that Bayllol was come for to taste the londe of Scotlond he came in hast to Kynke horne with ·iii thousand Scottes for to dystroye hym that he shold not come to londe But syr Edwarde Bayllol and his company there hym dyscomfyted at the whiche dyscomfyture syr Alysāder Seton was there slayne many other The Erle of Fyffe was th● sore and full euyll ashamyd that so lytyll a cōpany had hym dyscomfyted and shamefully put hym and all his company that were alyue for to flee ¶ Tho came syr Edwarde Bayllol and toke the coō tree all aboute hym tyll he came vnto the abbay of Dūfermlin and ther he founde vytaylles for hym and for his folke amonge all other thynge he founde in a chambre aboute fyue houndred of grete staues of ● fyne oke with longe prykes of yren and of stele And he toke them delyuerd them to the moste strōgest men of his companye And anone after he yede fro thens And lodged hym in a felde .ii. myles from saynt Iohānes towne And whan the burgeys of the towne herde how the erle of Fyffe was dyscomfyted thrughe Baylloll brake the brydges that they had made ouer the water of Erne so that Bayllol myght not go ouer wherfore he lodged hym there all that nyght but lytyll hede he toke of reste and sayde vnto his people Now dere lordes ye know full well that ben now lodged bytwene our enmyes and they maye vs hampre there is noo bote but dethe wherfore yf we abyde stylle all this nyght· I wene it shall torne vs to moche harme For the power of Scotlonde may euery wexe and encrece and we maye not so doo And we ben but lytylle people ayenste theym wherfore I praye you for the loue of almyghty god make we vs bolde
one many sterres gaddred togyder on an hepe felle downe to the erthe leuynge byhynde them fyre bemes in maner of lyghtnynge was flammes brent cōsumed mens clothes mens heer wallyng on the erth as it was sene knowē of many a man ¶ And yet that northern wynde that is redy destymate to alle ylle fro saynt Katherynes eue tyll thre dayes after loste grete good without nobre ¶ And in this same dayes ther fell also come such lyghtnynge thondre snowe hayll that it wasted and destoyed men bestetes howses and trees ¶ Of the batayll of Spayne besyde the watre of Naxers that was bytwene prynce Edwarde and syr Henry bastarde of Spayne IN the yere of our lord a M.CCC.lxvii and of kynge Edwarde .xlii. the thyrde daye of Aprylle there was a stronge batayll a grete in large felde called Pryazers faste by the water of Nazers in Spayne bytwene syre Edwarde the prynce syr Henry the bastarde of Spayne but the vyctory fyll to prynce Edwarde by the grace of god ¶ And this same prynce Edwarde had with hym syr Iohn̄ duke of Lācastre his broder other worthy men of armes about the nombre of .xxx. thousand ¶ And the kynge of Spayne had on hys syde men of dyuers nacyons to the nombre of an hondred thousande moo wherfore the sharpenesse and fyersnesse of hys aduersary wyth his fyll boystous and grete strenthe made and dryue the ryghtfull partye a backe a grete waye but thrugh the grace of almyghty god passynge ony mannes strenth that greate hoste was dysparpled myghtefully by the noble duke of Lancastre and his hoost or the prynce Edwarde came nyghe hym And whan Henry bastarde sawe that he torned with his men in so grete haste and strenth for to flee that a gret company of them in the for sayd flood of the brydge ther of fellen dowen perysshed And also there were taken the erle of Dene syr Bartram Cleykyn that was cheyfmaker and cause of the warre also cheyftayne of the vauntwarde of the bataylle wyth many other greace lordes and knyghtes to the nombre of two thousande of whome two hondred were of Fraunce and many also of Scotlonde ¶ And there were felled in the felde on oure enmyes syde of lordes knyghtes wyth other meyn people to the nombre of .vi. thousande and moo and of Englysshmen but a fewe And after this the noble prynce Edward restored the same Peers to this kyngdome ayen the whiche Peers afwarde thrugh trechery and falsnes of the forsayd basterd of Spayne as he satte at his mete he was strangled deyed But after this vyctorye many noble men of Englond also hardy in Spayne thrug the flyx dyuers other sekenes toke theyr dethe ¶ And also in the same yere in the Marche was seen stella Come ta bytwene the north costes the west whoo 's bemes stretched towarde fraunce ¶ And in the next yere folowynge of kyng Edwardes regne xliii in Apryll syr Lyonell kynge Edwardes sone that was duke of Clarnece wente to warde Melayne with a chosen meyne of the gētyls of Englonde for to wedde Galoys doughter haue hyr to hys wyfe by whom he sholde haue half the lordshyp of Melayne but after that they were solemply wedded and about the Natyuyte of our lady the same duke of Melayne deyed And in the same yere frensshmen brake the peas the trewes rydynge on the kyngꝭ grounde lordshyp of Englond in the shyre countre of Puūtyfe token helde castell townes bere the Englysshmen on honde falsly subtyll that they were cause of brekynge of trewes in thys same yere deyed the duches of Lācastre and is buryed worshypfully in saynte Poules chyrche ¶ The .xliiii. yere of kyng Edwardes regne was the gretest pestylence of men and of grete bestes by the grete fallynge of waters that felle at that tyme there fell grete hyndrynge destroyenge of corne in so moche that the next yere after a busshell of whete was solde for xl.d ¶ And in thys same yere about the laste ende of Maye kynge Edwarde helde tho his parlement at westmyster in whiche parlement was treated spoken of the othe trewes that was brokē bytwene hym and the kynge of fraunce how he myght be auenged vpon his wronge ¶ In this same yere in the Assumpcyō of our lady deyed quene Phylyp of Englonde a fulle noble gode lady at westmyster full worshyp fully is buryed and entered And aboute mydsomer the duke of Lancastre the erle of Herforde with a grete company of knyghtes wente into fraunce where as they gate them but lytel wroshyp name for there was a grete hoste of the frensshenmen vppon Calkhull brydge and an other hoste of Englyssemen faste by the same brydge that lōge tyme had lyued there And many worthy grete men of Englonde ordeyned yaf counseyll for to fyght yaf batayll to the frensshemen but the forsayd lordes wolde not consent therto for no maner thynge ¶ And anone after it happened that the erle of warwyke come thyderwarde for to warre and whan the frensshmen herde of his comynge of that he came fully to londe they left theyr tentes pauylyous wyth all theyr vytayls fledde went a waye pryuely And whan the erle was comē to londe wyth his men he went in all hast towarde Normandy destroyed the yle of Caux with strenthe of swerde and thrugh fyre But alas in his retornynge to Englond warde home ayen at Calys he was taken with sykenes of pestylence deyed not leuynge behynde hym after his dayes soo noble a knyght of armes ¶ In whyche tyme regned warred the noble knyght syr Iohn̄ Hawkewod that was an Englysshman borne hauynge with hym at his gouernaunce the white cōpany that is a forsayde that whiche o tyme ayenst holy chirche an other tyme ayenste lordes warred ordeyned grete batayls and there ī that same coūtre he dyde many merueyllous thynges ¶ And aboute the cōuercyon of saynt Poule the kyng whan he had ended done the entrynge exequyes wyth greate costes and ryaltes about the sepulture of buryeng of quene Phylyp his wyf he helde a parlement at westmyster in whyche parlement was axed or the clergye a thre yeres dyme that is for to saye a grete dyme to payed thre yere durynge the clargye put it of and wolde not graunte it vnto Ester next comynge than they graunted wel that in thre yere by certayne termes that dyme sholde be payed and also of the laye fee was a thre yere .xv. graunted to the kynge ¶ How syr Robert Knolles with other certayne lordes of the reame went ouer see in to frauce and of theyr gouernaunce ANd in the .xlv. yere of kynge Edward in the begynnynge kynge Edwarde with vnwyse counseyll vndyscrete borowed a grete sōme of golde of the prelates marchauntes other ryche men of his
kyng of Cecyle fro his kyngdome And after he had done many bataylles ayenst men of mysbyleue many trybulacōns suffred he decessyd dyd many miracles ¶ Nycholaꝰ delira a noble douctour of dyuyte was thys tyme at Parys this man was a Iewe of nacyon he was cōuerted myghtely profyted in the ordre of frere Mynours he wrote ouer all the Byble Grelles he was in the yere of our lord M·CCC xxx some man say he was a Braban that his fader his moder were crystne but for pouerte he vysyted the scole of the Iewes so he lerned the Iewes langage or elles thys Nycholaꝰ was informed of the Iewes in hys yonge aege ¶ Honorius the fourth was pope after Martynꝰ two yere lytell of hym ys wryten but that he was a temperat man a dyscerte ¶ Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym foure yere this man was a frere Mynor although he was a good man in himself yet many vnhappy thynges fell in his tyme to the chirche For many a batayll was in the cyte thrugh his occasyon for he drewe to moche to the one parte And after hym thre was no pope two yere and .vi. monethes ¶ How kynge Edwarde that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after this kyng Henry regned Edwarde hys sone the worthyes knyght of the worlde in honour for goddes grace was in hym for he had the vyctorye of hys enmyes as soone as hys fader was deed he came to London with a noble company of prelates erles and barons and all mē dyd hym moche honour For in euery place the syr Edwarde rode in London the stretes were couered ouer hys heed with sylke of tapiscery and other riche couerynges And for Ioye of his comynge the burgeys of the Cyte caste out at theyr wyndowes golde and syluer hondes full in tokenynge of loue and worshyp seruyce and reuerence And out of condyte of Chepe ranne whyte wyne and reed as stremes both of the water and euery man dranke therof the wolde at theyr owne wyll this kyng Edwarde was crowned and enoynted as ryght heyer of Englonde with moche honour And after masse the kynge wente in to his place to holde a ryall feest amōge them that dyde hym honour And whan he was sette to meete The kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came to do hym honour and reuerence with a q●eyntesye an hondred knyghtes with hym well horsyd arayde And whan they were alyght of theyr stedes they lete theym go whether they wolde who that myght take them tooke at theyr owne wyll wythout ony chalenge·r And after came syre Edmonde kynge Edwardes brother a curteys knyght a gentyll of renowne the erle of Corne wayllle and the erle of Glocestre And after thenne came the erle of Penbroke the erle of Garenne And eche of them by themself ladde in theyr honde an hondred knyghtes gayly dysgysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they lete them go whether that they welde who that myght them catche them to haue styll without ony chalenge And whan all this was done kyng Edwarde dyde his dylygence his myghte for to amende and dresse the wronges in the beste manere that he myght to the honour of god holy chyrche to mayntene his honoure and to amende the noyannce of the comyn people ¶ How ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of walys prynce Aymer that was the erles brother of Moūforde were taken in the see THe fyrste afterwarde the kynge Edwarde was crowned Lewelyn prynce of wales sent in to Faraunce to the erle Moūforde that thorough coūseyl of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And the erle tho auysed hym vpō this thynge and sent vnto Lewelyn and sayd that he wolde sende after hys doughter so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell Lewelyn arayed shyphes for his doughter and for Syre Aymer and for her faare company that sholde goo with her And this Lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūted that he sholde yeue hys doughter to no manere man without counsell consente of kyng Edwarde And so it befell that a Burgeys of Brystow came in the see with wyne laden and mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the Burgeys sent theym to the kyng And whan Lewely herde this tydynges he was very wroth and also sorowfull· and gan to warre vpon kynge Edwarde and dyde moche harme vnto Englysshmen and bete downe the kynges castels and began for to destroye kynge Edwardes londe And whā tydynges cam vnto the kyng of this thyng he wente in to walys and so moche he dyde thorough goddes grace and his grete power that he drofe Lewelyn vnto grete myschyef that he fledde all maner of strength came yelded hym vnto kyng Edwarde yaue hym .l. marke of syluer to haue peas And toke the damoysell all his herytage made an oblygacōn to kynge Edwarde to come to his parlyamente two tymes of the yere And in the seconde yere after that kynge Edwarde was crowned he helde a generall parleamente att westmestre there he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by the comune assent of all his baronage and at Ester nexte sewenge the kynge sente by his letter vnto Lewelyn prynce of wales that he sholde come to his parlemēt for his londe and for hys holdynge in wales as the strenthe of his letter oblygatory wytnessyd Tho Lewelyn had scorne and dyspyte of the kynges commaundement And for pure wrache ayen began warre vpon kyng Edwarde and destroyed his londe And tho whan kynge Edwarde herd of these tydynges he wexed wonder wrothe vnto Lewelyn in hast assembled his people went hym to warde wales And warred so vpon Lewelyn the prynce tyll that he broughte hym in moche sorowe dysease And Lewelyn sawe that is defence myghte hym not auaylle and came ayen and yelded hym to the kynges grace cryed hym mercye and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fote The kynge had of hym pyte cōmaunded hym for to aryse And for his mekenes foryaue hym hys wrathe and to hym sayd that yf he trespassed to hym a nother tyme that he wolde dystroye hym for euermore ¶ Dauid that was Lewelyns brother that same tyme dwelled with kynge Edwarde and was a felle man and a subtyll and enuyous and also ferre castynge and moche treason thoughte· and euermore made good semblame and semyd soo true that noo man myght perceyue his falsnes ¶ How Lewelyn thrugh eggynge of his brother Dauyd werryd agayn vpō kȳg Edward IT was not longe after that tyme the kynge Edwarde yaaf to Dauyd Lewelyns broder the lordshyppe of Frodesham made hym a knyght and so moche honour dyde he neuer after to mā of walys by cause of hym kynge Edwarde helde his parlemente at London whan he hadde do in walys that he wolde and chaunged his moneye that was
of accorde the hym alyed to the barons came with that company sur Roger Dammory syr Hugh dandale that had spousyd the kynges neces syster syr Gylbert of clare erle of Gloucetre that was slayne in Scotlonde as before is sayd And tho two lordes had tho two partyes of the erldom of Gloucerte sur Hugh Spenser had thyrde party in his wyues half the thyrde syster and tho two lordes wente to the barons wyth all theyr power ayenst syr Hugh theyr brother in lawe And so there came wyth them syr Robert Clyfforde syr Iohan Mōbray syr Goselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortymer of werk syr Roger Mortymer of wykmore his neuewe syr Henry Trays syre Iohā Gyffarde syr Barthylmewe of Bardesmore with all theyr cōpany and many other that to them were consent all the grete lordes came vnto westmestre to the kynges parlemente And so they spake dyde that bothe syr Hughe Spēser the fader also the sone were out lauwed of englonde for euermore And soo syre Hugh the fader wente vnto Douer and made moche sorowe fell downe vpon the grounde by the see banke a crosse wyth his armes and sore wepynge sayd Now fayr Englonde and good Englonde to almyghty god I the betake And thryes kyssed the grounde and wenyd neuer to haue come ayen· And wepynge cursyd the tyme that euer he begate syr Hugh his sone sayd for hym he had lost all Englond And tho in presence of thē all that were aboute hym yaue hym his cursee went ouer see to his londes But Hugh the sone wolde not go out of Englonde but helde hym in the see and his company robbyd .ii. dromedores besyde Sandwyth and toke and bare a waye alle the godoes that was in them to the value of .lx. ¶ How the Kynge exyled erle Thomas of Lancastre and alle that helde with hym and how the Mortymer came and yelded hym to the kynge of all the lordes IT was not longe after that the kynge made syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hugh the sone come ayen in to Englond ayenste the lordes wyll of the reame And soone after the kynge with a strōge power came and beseged the castel of Ledys and in the castel was the laby of Bladelesmore for cause that she wold not graunt that castell to the quene Isabel kinge Edwardes wyfe but the pryncypall cause was for syr Berthylmewe was ayenst the kynge and helde with the lordes of Englōde neuertheles the kynge by helpe socoure of men of London also of helpe of Southeren men gate the castel maugre of them all that were with in and toke with them al that they myght fynde And whan the barons of Englonde herde these tidynges syr Roger Mortymer many other lordes toke the towne of Brugge wroth wyth strenth wherfore the kyng was wonder wrothe and lete outlawe Thomas of Lancastre and Vmfroy de Bohoune erle of Herforde and alle tho that were assentynge to the same quarel And the kyng assēbled an huge host and came ayenst the lordes of Englond wherfore the Mortymers put them in the kynges grace And anone they were sente to the toure of London and there kept in pryson And whā the barons herd thys thyng they came to poutfert there that the erle Thomas soiourned and tolde hym how that Mortymers both had yelde them to the kynge put them in hys grace ¶ Of the syege of Tykhyll SO whan Thomas Erle of Lancastre herde thys he was wonder wrothe all that were of there company greatly they were dyscomfyted ordeyned there power togyder and besyeged the castell of Tykhyll But tho that were wyth in manly defended them that the barnos myght not gete the castel and whan the kyng herde that his castell was beseged he swore by god by his names that the lege sholde be remeued assembled an huge power of people wente theder ward to rescowe the castell his power encresyd fro daye to daye whan the erle of Lancastre the erle of Herforde the barons of there cōpany herde of thys thynge they assembled all theyr power wente them to Burton vpon trent kept the brydge that the kyng shold not passe ouer ▪ but it befell so on the tenthe daye of Marche in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxi the kyng the Spensers syr Aymer Valaunce erle of Penbroke Iohan erle of Araundell theyr power wente ouer the water dyscomfyted therle Thomas and his company· And they fled to the castell of Tetbury from thens they went to Pountfret And in that ●yage deyed syr Roger Daumore in thabbay of Thebury And in that same tyme the erle thomas had a traytour wyth hyme that was callyd Robert Holonde knyght that the erle had brought vp of nought had nourysshed hym ī hys butrye had yeue hym a thousāde marke of londe by yere And so moche the erle louyd hym that he myght do in the erles court all that hym lyked bothe amonge them hyghe lowe and so craftly the theyf bare hym ayenste his lorde that he trustyd more vpon hym than ony man on lyue and the erle had ordeyned by his letters for to goo in to the erledome of Lancastre to make men aryse to kepe hym in that vyage That is to saye .v. hūdred men of armys But the fals traytour came not there no manere men for to warne ne for to make arayse to helpe his lord And whan that the fals traytour herde tell that hys lord was dycomfyted at Burton vpon Trent as a fals traytour theyf stele a way robbyd in Rauēsdele his lordes men that came fro the scomfyture And toke of them hors harneys and al that they had slewe of them all that they myghte take came yeldyd hym to the kynge ¶ whan the good erle Thomas wyste that he was so bytrayed He was so abasshed sayde to hymself O almyghty good how myght Robert Holonde fynde in hys herteme to betray sythe that I louyd hym so moche O god well maye nowe a man se by hym that no man maye dysceyue a nother rathar than he that he trustyth moost vpon He hath full euyll yelded me my goodnes the worshyp that I haue to hym done and thrugh my kyndnesse haue hym auaūcyd made hym hyghe where that he was lowe And he makyth me go from hyghe vnto lowe but yet shall he deye an euyll dethe ¶ Of the scomfyture of Brurbrygge THe good Erle Thomas of Lancaste Humfroy de Bohoune ele of Herford and the barons that with theym were toke counsell bytwene them at the frre prechers in Poūtfret tho thought Thomas vpon the traytour Roberte Holonde And sayde in repreyf Alas Robert Holonde hath me betrayed and is the red of some euyll shred And by the comyn assent they sholde goo to the castell of Dunstanbrughe the whiche perteyned to therldome of Lancastre that they sholde abyde
quyte hym ayenste his aduersary For he caste hors and man into the felde and the kyng for his manhode at that tyme dubbed hym knyght And on the fyfte day there came an other man of armes of the Henaudes partye into the felde and to hym came in Syr Iohan stewarde knyght and manfully he quyt hym in all maner poyntes had the better And on the syxte daye after came an other Henaunde and to hym came Wyllyam porter squyre and manfully he quyte hym and had the better in the felde and the kynge dubbed hym knyght that same tyme. And on the seuenthe day after came an other man of armes of Henaude in to the felde to hym came Iohan standisshe squyre and manfully he quyte hym on his aduersarye and had the better of hym in the felde and there the kynge dubbyd hym knyghte that same daye And on the same daye came an other man of armes of Henaude and to hym came a squyre of Gascoyne and proudely and manly he quyte hym of hys aduersary had the better of hym in the felde and anone the kynge dubbed hym knyght ¶ And on the .viii. daye came into the felde two other men of armes of Henaude and wyth them mette two souldyours of Calays the whiche were two bretheren that were called Burghes they well and manly quyte them selfe vpon theyr aduersaryes and haddē the better of theym in the felde and thus ended these chalenges wyth many grete lordshyppes And thenne the kynge att the reuerēce of these worthy straungers made a greate feest gaafe vnto theym many grete and ryche gyftes and thenne they toke theyr leue and went home ayē into theyr owne countree ¶ And in the .xi. yere of kynge Henryes regne the fourthe there was a grete batayl doo in smythfelde bytwene two squyres that one was called Gloucestre that was the parlement And Arthur was the defendaunte and well manly they foughten togyder longe tyme the kyng for theyr manfulnesse and of his grace toke theyr quarel into his honde and made theym to go out of the felde at ones so they were deuyded of the batayl and the kynge gaf them grace ¶ And in the .xii. yere of kynge Henryes regne the fourth Rysdye a squyre of wales that was arybelle a ryse● supporter to Omē of Glendre that dyde moche dystruccyon to the people of wales was taken and brought to London there he came afore the Iustices and was dampned for his treson and than he was layd on an hurdell soo drawen to Tyburne thrugh the cyte and there he was hanged and lete downe ayē his heed smitē of and the body quartred sente vnto foure townes and his hede sete on London brydge ¶ And in the .xiii. yere of kynge Henryes regne tho deyed syre Iohan Beauforde erle of Somersette that was Capytayne of Calays and was buryed at the abbaye of the Tour hyll on whos soule god haue mercy Amen And in the same yere the lorde Thomas kynge Henryes sone wedded the Countesse of Somersette ¶ And in this same yere cam the embassatours of Fraunce in to Englonde frome the duke of Burgoyne vnto the prynce of Englonde kynge Henryes sone heyre for to haue helpe and socour of men of armes and archers ayenst the duke of Orlyaunce And tho went ouer see the erle of Arundell syr Gylbert Vmfreuyll erle of Keme and the lorde Cobham syr Iohn̄ Oldecastelle and many other god knyghtes and worthy squyres men of armes and good archers in to Fraunce and came to Parys to the duke of Burgoyn And there he receyued welecomed these Englysshmen the lordes all other meny And than it was done hym to wete that the duke of Orlyan̄ce was comen to Semttlowe fast by Parys wyth a grete nōbre of armes and arbalasters thyder went our Englysshmen foughte wyth them gate the brydge of Sem●clowe there they slewe moch● people of Frensshmen arbalasters the remenaunte fledde wolde not lenger abyde And than our Englysshmē came ayen to Parys there they toke theyr leue of the duke and came ayen in to Englonde in saufte and the duke gaafe them grete gyftes anone folowynge the duke of Orlyaunce sent enbassatours in Englond to kynge Henry the fourth bese chynge hym of hys helpe socure ayenst hys dedely enmye the duke of Burgoyn And than the kynge made Thomas hys sone duke of Clarence And hys other sone Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde and hys other sone Humfrey duke of Gloucestre Syr Thomas Beauferd erle of Dorset the duke of Awe marle he made duke of yorke And thā the kynge ordeyned his sone syr Thomas the duke of Clarence Thomas Beauforde erle of Dorset syr Iohn̄ cornwyll with many other lordes knyghtes squyres and men of armes archers for to go ouer see ī to Fraūce in helpynge and strengthynge of the duke of Orlyaūce And these whothy lordes with ther retenue shypped att Hampton saylled ouer the see in to Normandye londed at Hogges And there mette with theym the lorde Hambe at theyr londynge wyth .vii. thousande men of armes of Frensshmen thre Serge auntes of armes with them and all were put to flyght taken of theym ·vii hondred men of armes and .iiii. hondred horses with out tho that were slayne in the felde And so they rode forth thrugh out all Fraūce and token castels and townes and slewe moche peple of frensshmen that with stode them toke many prysoneere as they roden And so they passed forth tyll they came to Burdeux there they rested theim a whyle set the coūtre in peas reste tyll the wynde was redy for to sayll ¶ And than the duke with his menye come home in to Englonde in saufte thanked god And in the same yere was the kynges coyn chaunged thrugh oute Englonde by the kynge his counseyll that is to saye the noble half noble and ferthynge of golde ¶ And the .xiiii yere of kyng Henryes regne the fourth he lete make Galays of warre for he had hoped to haue passed the grete see so forth to Iherusalem there to haue ended hys lyf but god vysyted hym so soone after with Infyrmytees grete sekenesse that he myght no well endure no whyle so feruently he was taken brought in bedde at westmynster in a fayre thambre And as he laye in his hed he asked hys chāberlayll what they called that chambre that he laye in he answered sayd Iherusalem And than he sayde that the prophecye sayd that he shold make an ende deye in Iherusalē And than he made him dyd vnto god dysposed all his wyll And so on after he dyed was caryed by water from westmynster in a barge vnto Feuersham and from thens he was caryed to Caunterbury by londe with moche torche lyght brennynge into the abbaye of Crechyrche and there he was entered buryed besyde saynt
and hys heyers kynges after hym \ and forth with sholde be ꝓclamed heyre apparaūt and shold also be protector and regence of englonde duryng the kynges lyfe wyth many other thyngꝭ ordeyned in the same parliment and yf kynge Henry durynge hys lyfe wence frome thys poyntement or ony artycle concludyd in the sayd paylyament he sholde be deposed and the duke sholde take the crowne and be kynge all whyche thynges were enacted by thauctoryte of the same at whiche parlyament the comyn● of the reame beyng assembled in the comyn hons cōmynyng and treatyng vpon the tytle of the forsayd duke of yorke sodenly feldone the crowne whiche henge thenne in the middes of the sayde hous whiche is the frayter of the abbaye of westm̄ whiche was takē for a prodice or tokē that the regne of kynge Henry was endyd ¶ And also the crowne whiche stode on the hyghest toure of the styple in the castel of douer fell downe this same yere ¶ How the duke of yorke was slayne and of the felde of wakefelde of the seconde Iourneye at saynt albōs by the quenē the prince BIcause the quene wyth the Prynce her sone was in the northe and absent her fro the kynge and obeyed not suche thyngꝭ concluded in the parlement was ordeyned that the duke of yorke as ꝓtector shold go north ward to brynge in the quene subdue suche as wolne not obey wyth whome wente the erle of salysbury Syr Thomas Neuyll hys sone with moche people And at wakefelde in Crystmas weke they were ouerthrowe and slayne by lordes of the quenes party that is to wyte the duke of yorke was slayne the erle of Rotlonde syr Thomas Neuyll and many moo the Eerle of Salysbury was take and other· As Iohan horowe of london capytayne and Ruler of the fotmen and Haūson of hull whiche were brought to poūfret and there be heeded there heedes sente to yorke sette vpon the yates And thus was the noble prynce slayne the duke off yorke on whos soule god haue Mercy thys tyme therle of Marche beyng in Shorwesbury herynge the deth of his fader desyred ayde of the towne to auenge his faders dethe frothens wente to walys and at Candelmasse after he had a battayll at Martymers Crosse ayenste therle of Penbroke of wylshyre where the erle of marche had the vyctorye Then the quene with those lordes of the north after that they had dystressyd and slayne the duke of yorke and his felysshyp came south warde with a grete multytude of people for too come to the kynge and defecte suche conclusyons as had be take before by the parlyamēt ayenst whos comyng the duke of Northfolke the erle of warwyeke wyth moche people ordynaunce wente to saynt albons ladde kynge Henry wyth theym there encoūtred to gyder in suche wyse and faught so that the duke of Northfolke Th erle of werwyke wyth many other of ther party ●●edde loste that Iourneye where that kynge Hēry was takē with the quene prynce Edwarde his sone whiche two had got on that felde The quene hyr partye beynge at her aboue sēte anone to Lōdon whyche was on an Asshe wenesdaye the fyrst daye of lente for vytayl ¶ For whiche the Mayre ordeyned bi thaduys of the aldermē the certen cartes lade wyth vytayll sholde be sente to saynt Albons to thē whā tho cartes came to Crepell yate the comīs of the Cyte that kept the gate toke the vytayles fro the cartes and wolde not suffre it to passe Thēne were there certayn Aldermē comyns apoynted too goo vnto bernet to speke wyth the quenes cōseyll to entreate thou the northren men sholde bee sente home ayen in to theyr contree for the cyte of London drad to be dyspoyled yf they had come And duryng this treatyse tydynges came that the erle of warwyk had met with the Erle of Marche on Cotteswolde comyng oute of walys wyth a greate menye of welsshemē and that they bothe were comynge vnto Lōdon warde Anone as these tytynges were knowe the tratyse was broke for the kynge Quene Prynce the other lordes that were with theym departed fro saynt Albōs north ward with al ther people yet or they departed thens they beheeded that lorde Bonuyll Syr Thomas Kryell whiche were takē in the Iourney done on shrewe toursdaye ¶ Thenne the Duchesse of yorke beyng at london herynge of the losse of the felde of saynt Albons sente ouersee hyr twoo yonge sones George Rycharde whiche wente to Vtrech and Phylyp malpas a ryche marchaūt of Londō Thomas vaghan Squyre mayster wyllyam Ha●clyf and many other ferynge of the comynge of the quene to London toke a shyp at Anwerpe to haue gone in to zelande on that other coste were taken of one Colompne a Fransshman a shyppe of werre And he toke theym prysoners broughte● them in to fraunce where they payed grete good for theyr raunson and there was greate goode rychesse in that shyppe ¶ Of the deposinge of kynge Hēry the sixte how kynge Edwarde the fourth tooke possessyō ▪ and of the batayll on Palm sondaye and how he was crowned THen whan the Erle of warwyke hadde wette to gader on Cot●yswolde in contynent they concludyd to go to london and sente worde anone te the Mayre to the Cytie that they wolde come anone the cytie was gladde of theyr comynge hopynge to be releuyd bi thē so they came too london whā they were come had spoke with the lordes estates beynge there cōcluded for as moche as kynge Hēry was gone with thē north warde that he hadde forfeyted his crowne ought to be deposed accordyng vnto the actes made passyd in the laste parlemēt And so by the aduys of the lordes spyrytuall tēporall thenne beyng at london the er of Marche Edwarde by the grace of god eldest sone of the duke Rychard of yorke As ryghtfull heyre and nexte enherytour to his fader the fourth daye of Marche the yere of our Lorde god M. CCCC.lix toke possessyon of the Reame at westm̄ in the chyrche of the abbaye and offred as a kynge wyth the ceptre ryall To whome all the lordes spyrytuall and temporall dyd homage as to theyr souerayn lorde and Kyng And forth wyth it was proclaymed thrugh the Cyte kynge Edwarde the fourthe by name anone after the Kynge rode in his ryalle estate north warde wyth all hys lordes to subdue his subyectis that tyme beynge in the northe for to auenge his faders deth And on Palme sondaye after he had a grete bataylle in the northe coūtree at a place called Towcon not fer from yorke where wyth the helpe of god he gate the felde and hadde the vyctorye wher were slayn of his aduersaryes .xxx. thousāde mē and moo as it was sayde by theym that were there● In whiche batayll was slayne the Erle of North thumberlande the lorde Cly●●orde syr Iohan Neuyll the Erle of