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A13296 A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians divided into III. centuries. Whereunto are added in the end of euery centurie treatises arising vpon occasion offered in the historie, clearely declaring the noveltie of popish religion, and that it neither flowed from the mouthes of Christs holy Apostles, neither was it confirmed by the blood of the holy martyrs who died in these ten persecutions. Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1613-1616 (1616) STC 23601; ESTC S118088 593,472 787

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me Luc 1 ver 43. So might old customes speake to olde commandements Whéce cōmeth this to me that cōmandement my mistresse Lady wil tolerat me to be within the doores of the house of God wherein she hath such soueraignitie and swey In the fourth heade we are to intreate by what meanes ancient errours may be distinguished from ancient veritie And first veritie is not in all pointes like vnto an olde man whose strength is dayly abated by debilitie and weaknesse till at length the old man die goe to the graue yea rather veritie the older it be the vertue strength and vigour of it is the better knowne but errours when they waxe old they become weake they die and euanish and are vile as a filthy and stinking carion so as if any man in our dayes should open the graue of ARRIVS and renue his vngodly opinion he should see all Christians shake their heades stop their eares and grip after a maner their noses with their handes that the abominable flewer of that filthie carion should not be felt but by the contrarie the sweete smell of the ancient Veritie of Christ is like a precious oyntment powred out filling the house of God with no lesse delite now then it did of old when it was first preached by the Apostles in Ierusale Acts 2. And as the house of DAVID dayly waxed stronger the house of ISHBOSHETH dayly waxed weaker 2. Sam. 3. 1. such like is the estate of the Veritie and the lie Secondly veritie and errour are best distinguished when they are riped vp into the very ground and frivolous superficiall trialls are laide aside As NEHEMIA did when hee tried after the captiuitie who had a right of Priesthood to stand at the altar to offer sacrifices he commanded them to produce their writes and genealogies and make good their lineal descent from the loynes of AARON which right ●…ey who could not find out were put from the Priesthood Nehem. 7. ver 64 Euen so they who pretend veritie of ancient doctrine let them verifie clearely by the written word that this their doctrine came from the mouth of Christ his holy Apostles For as the procreation of AARON gaue a right to stand at the altar so also the doctrine that came frō the mouth of Christ and his Apostles hath an vndoubted right to be sounded in the Church of God Remember now that wise NEHEMIAH was not superficiall in his triall The sons of HABAIAH the sons of HAKKOZ the sons of BARZILLAI could haue shewed in write that they were come of the descent of LEVI and of the familie of COAH but that which was of greatest moment of all that they were descended from that branche of the familie of COAH which was separated to the scruice of the altar to wit from AARON Numb 16. ver 40. that they could not proue So the Papistes of our time can prooue that their doctrine hath had place sixe seuen or eight hundreth yeeres and more also before our dayes but that which is of greatest weight to wit that their doctrine came from the mouth of Christ and his holy Apostles in that probation they succumbe Thirdly let vs trie and discerne the lie from the veritie as AVGVSTVS CAESAR discerned him who falsly called himselfe ALEXANDER the sonne of HEROD and the sonne in law of ARCHELAVS King of Cappadocia and husband of GLAPHYRA Ioseph antiq lib. 17. cap 14. This ALEXANDER son of HEROD the great with his brother ARISTOBVLVS were both executed to the death by the commandement of their father But after the death of ALEXANDER an artificer bearing that same name and in stature beauty lineaments and all agreeing proportion so neerely resembled the very similitude of ALEXANDER the sonne of HEROD that they who best knew HERODS son did most confidently affirme that this same artificer was he indeede and he himselfe affirmed that he was HERODS sonne and had escaped death by the fauour of the executioner Alwayes when he was brought to Rome to the Emperour AVGVSTVS would not be deceiued with the liklyhood of his face but groped his hand and found it to be hard like to the hand of an artificer and discerned him to be a deceiuing fellow and punished him This I grant may be applyed more properly to Christ then to vs. For albeit we be easily deceiued seduced with lies yet the great King of heauen Christ Iesus cannot be deceiued hee will not regard the brasen face of the lie calling it selfe trueth but he will wisely grope the hand of the lie examine what operations it hath wrought among the people it hath blinded mens vnderstanding it hath har dened their heartes it hath learned them to be proud obstinat contemners of the trueth of God finally it hath learned thē to honour creatures with impairing of the glory of the Creator Then wil the great King say O full of al deceit thy hand and thy operations that thou hast wrought amongst men testifieth that thou art not of God Neuerthelesse the members of Christ also in some meane measure may be groping the hand of the lie finding it to be hard dric voyde of all sap moysture of spirituall grace we may say in our harts O doctrine of lies barren withered within thy selfe and communicating no grace vnto thy hearers the Lord separat vs from thee thee from vs that we may adhere firmly vnto our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus vnto the end Finally when wee haue done all that we can doe to discerne the lie from the veritie yet let vs not liue in securitie as though wee could neuer be deceiued IOSVA that holy man of God was deceiued with old garments old bottels of wine old bread and shoes because he consulted not with the mouth of God Ios. 9. ver 14. Then aboue all things we should seeke counsell at the mouth of God by earnest prayer diligent reading of the written word attentiue hearing of godly sermons and if we seeke we shall finde and if wee knocke it shall be opened vnto vs. And the Lorde direct vs both in seeking and finding with the gratious conduct of his holy Spirit Heere I purposed to haue finished my treatise of antiquitie but when I remember with whome I haue to doe and that they will say I haue purposely passed by the principall demonstration of antiquitie in the Romaine Church therefore I haue subjoyned the foure forged fained and counterfaite maskes of antiquitie in Poperie which will neuer proue them to be an ancient church The false interpretation of Scriptures the booke of the Canons of the Apostles the decretall epistles falsly ascribed to the fathers of the first three hundreth yeeres of our Lord and the booke of DIONYSIVS AREOPAGITA Anent the false interpretation of Scriptures Godwilling I shall speake in the treatise of heresie Anent the booke of the Canons of the Apostles if there were no more but onely the last
Sacramentes ordained by God wee might fight a good fight and finishe our journey with joye This is the Apostolicke doctrine But Papistes will correct the Apostolicke doctrine in all points they wil haue a Christiā to be corroborated by Chrisme the sacrament of confirmation to the end he may passe ouer the stormie tentations of this world in peace Let mee now demand of them two thinges One concerning the signe Another concerning the thing signified Concerning the signe I demand who gaue commandement to vse it Concerning the thing signified I demaunde who hath promised to conferre the seuen-folde grace of the holy Spirite to them who are signated vpon the fore-head by the bishops thombe with the signe of the Crosse These two thinges to wit the commandement and the promise are inlacking in Popish Sacramentes and so their newe found out Sacramentes are like vnto a bodie that is not quickened with a soule The Scholasticke Doctors the first inuentors of this pluralitie of Sacraments they confesse roundly that the Sacrament of Confirmation hath no authoritie in holy Scripture such as Alexander Alensis Bonaventura and Thomas Aquinas who after much fatigation of himselfe and others also hee cannot finde that euer Christ or yet His Apostles conferred this Sacrament to any person Whatsoeuer they can cite out of Tertullian or Basilius or any ancient Councell for the confirmation of Chrisme it is certaine that they confesse that this custome hath no authoritie of the written worde of God And this is the principall marke whereat I aime in all my writinges to prooue that there is no Antiquitie where 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the written word of God doeth not confirme the antiquitie of that which is alleadged The Romane Church waketh great businesse to proue that in holy Scripture many promises of confirmation and corroboration of the worke of God begunne in vs are contained But they bestirre themselues in vaine in proouing that thing which no man denieth But incase they would prooue that the Sacrament of Confirmation is a Sacramēt in a proper sense then it became them to proue that God in His word hath promised the grace of confirmation to such as are signated vpon the fore-head and annointed with Chrisme and buffeted vpon the chieke with the bishops hand Seeing none of these thinges can bee prooued by Scripture it is a friuolous thing for them to alleadge a promise made by God when as they inuent the element whereunto this promise shall bee annexed If this bee a forme according to the which Sacraments should be fashioned then I dare affirme that the number of Sacraments may be multiplied according to the number of the promises contained in the word of God So that God shall make a promise and man shall inuent without anie warrand of Gods commandement an external element wherevnto the promise shall bee annexed By this forme of doing not onely may they make vp seuen Sacramentes but also seuentie times seuen Sacraments True it is that the holy Apostles by imposition of handes conferred the gift of the holy Spirit that is the gift of Languages to many professors of the true Faith and this gift conferred vnto them confirmed them in the faith of Christ. But what belongeth this vnto the Popish Sacrament of Confirmation in the which the externall signe of imposition of handes is inlacking and the promise of a spirituall grace annexed to the signe is also inlacking and finally that thing which was extraordinarie and appertaining to a few is brought in as the ground of an ordinarie Sacrament which shoulde appertaine to all them who beleeue I will not insist long to speake of this new Sacrament of Confirmation Onely this I say that whatsoeuer is brought in into the Church of God with derogation of the dignitie of Baptisme an holy Sacrament instituted by Christ himselfe it should be abhorred But so it is that the Sacrament of Confirmation is brought in with a derogation to the dignitie of Baptisme ergo c. The seconde part of the argument is prooued by their slender and derogatiue speaches of Baptisme together with their superlatiue aduancements of the eminencie of the Sacrament of Confirmation In Baptisme they say that wee receiue not the vpholding defending gouerning and strengthening Spirite of God but all these graces are conferred in the Sacrament of Confirmation Likewise in Baptisme is prepared an habitation to God but the Father Sonne and holy Ghost enter not into this habitation before wee receiue the Sacrament of Confirmation What can be more directly repugnant to H. Scripture wherein it is expressely said He who beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued Can any man be saued befor his soule be an habitation and Temple in the which God is content to dwell So that the doctrine of the Romane Church is like vnto the nauigation of men who dare presume to saile in deepe and dangerous Seas without a Compasse Euen so they talke of matters of great importance without the warrande of holy Scripture whereby it commeth to passe that their doctrine in many pointes is flatte repugnant to holy Scripture Concerning the testimonies of Fathers whereby they endeuour to proue the Sacrament of Confirmation I might answere compendiously with S. Augustine Quicquid attulerint undecunque attulerint audiamus potius si oues sumus vocem pastoris nostri non ergo audiamus haec ego dico haec tu duis sed haec dicit Dominus that is Whatsoeuer they bring in and from whence soeuer they haue brought it in if we be the Lords sheepe let vs rather bearken to the voyce of our shephearde therefore let vs not hearken to them who saye This I saye or this thou sayest but this saieth the Lord. Neuerthelesse seeing they glorie so much of ancient Fathers let the judicious Reader beware of supposititious writings and he shall not find this Chrisme in ancient writers The Sermon of Cyprian De Chrismate is knowne to be supposititious The opinion of Tertullian who writeth that they who are baptized with water haue not receiued the Holy Spirit but are prepared to receiue it by anointing with oyle and imposition of handes after baptisme doeth not euery man who is versed in the reading of Fathers smell that Tertullian writte this when hee made defection from the trueth and was intangled with the errour of the Montanistes And Cyprian in the bookes of his epistles when he attributeth too much to Vnction with Oyle and imposition of hands after baptisme it is easie to perceiue that he borrowed this errour from Tertullian whom he acknowledged as his Master But neither Tertullian nor Cyprian are speaking of the Popishe Sacrament of Confirmation but of annointing with oyle and imposition of handes immediately after baptisme Marke the words of Cyprian where he saith Non posse esse filios Dei si non utroque sacramento nascantur lauacro scilicet aquae in verbo unctione Chrismatis that is They cannot
signe of subjection vnto him that is a thing no lesse reprooueable than the fact of Samson Wee reade of CONDALVS Gouernour of LYCIA vnder MAVSOLVS King of CARIA that hee gained infinite summes of Golde and Siluer for suffering the people of LYCIA to weare their haire as an ornament of their bodies wherein they much delighted But it is otherwise with the shauelinges of the ROMANE Church whose expectation of gaine beginneth not vntill their heads bee shauen then they gette some benefice by ascending degrees their estate is aduanced vntill they become companions to Princes LINDANVS according to his accustomed manner 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to saye Serious in trifles hee will needes haue this custome of shauing the heads of Church-men to bee referred vnto the APOSTLE PETER whose head saieth hee the enemies of the GOSPELL did shaue before they executed him vnto the death And this rebuke of CHRIST the CHVRCH conuerted it into an honourable rite of shauing the heads of Church men after the similitude of the shauing of Simon Peters head But if the ROMANE Church had beene verie sollicitous to haue kept the doctrine of the true faith of CHRIST i●… puritie as it was deliuered by SIMON PETER and the rest of the APOSTLES they had not beene so serious in matters of haire ANOTHER custome in the ROMANE Church is to annoint with oyle all them who are admitted to Church Orders Where haue they learned this custome from the sonnes of AARON who were annointed with oyle LEVIT CAP. 8. vers 30. and consecrated to the worke of their ministration Maye it not justlie bee spoken of them which was spoken of olde vnto him who was too loftie in his vaunting speaches 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to saye Either encrease your strength or diminishe your loftinesse Euen so I saye to the Chaplens of the ROMANE Church That they shoulde either bee liker vnto CHRIST who was a Priest according to the order of MELCHISEDECK or else they shoulde bragge lesse of the ceremonies of the LEVITICALL Lawe seeing that the Priesthood of Melchisedeck is farre different from the Priesthood of Aaron To grace this Sacrament of Order all these seuen Orders afore-saide are attributed vnto CHRIST himselfe Hee was a Doore-keeper saye they when He cast out the buyers and sellers out of the TEMPLE IOANN CAP. 2. VERS 15. Hee was a Reader when Hee read the place of ISAIAS in the Synagogue of NAZARETH saying The Spirite of the LORD is vpon mee c. LVKE CAP. 4. vers 17. Hee did the office of an Exorcist when Hee cured a man possessed with a Deuill LVKE CAP. 4. vers 33. Hee practised the office of Acoluthus when Hee saide Hee who followeth Mee shall not walke in darkenesse but shall haue the light of Life Ioann Cap. 8. vers 12. The office of a sub-Deacon when Hee washed His Disciples feete Ioann Cap. 13. vers 4. The office of a Deacon when Hee distributed Bread and Wine to His Disciples Matth. Cap. 26. vers 26. And finallie Hee executed His Priestlie office when Hee offered Himselfe vpon the Crosse a Sacrifice for our sinnes Matth. cap. 27. vers 50. Who can bee so babishe ignorant but hee maye vnderstande that CHRIST in working sauing miracles Hee declared Himselfe the promised MESSIAS and Sauiour In reforming the abuses of the Temple Hee declared Himselfe to bee both King and Priest to whome reformation of abuses in the Church belongeth In reading Holie Scripture and opening the sense and meaning thereof to the people Hee declared Himselfe to bee the Great Prophet whom GOD promised to sende into the worlde DEVTER XVIII And when CHRIST saieth Hee who followeth M●…e shall not walke in darkenesse c. these wordes doe import That wee who followe CHRIST are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but not that CHRIST himselfe is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Who could once imagine that the hearts of men coulde bee ouer-casten with such horrible darkenesse as to attribute to the Lorde of the House of GOD the basest rowme in all the House and to make a Doore-keeper of him for a time NOwe the Ceremonies which are vsed in the Consecration of them who are admitted to inferiour Orders are these The Doore-keepers are admitted with the signe of deliuering the keyes of the Church-doore vnto them The Readers by deliuering vnto them the Holie Bible The Exorcistes by deliuering vnto them certaine formes of adjuration of persons possessed with Deuils or transported with madnesse And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by deliuering vnto them Tapers of waxe with a little water potte Are these elementes instituted by GOD and hath GOD annexed vnto Keyes Bookes Adjurations and Tapers of waxe a promise of spirituall grace If these two thinges cannot bee prooued by Holy Scripture then no Sacrament can bee acknowledged in these Orders especiallie since the administration of these offices is committed to boyes to ignorant fellowes and to men who haue no extraordinarie gift of casting out of Deuils as the Exorcistes of the Primitiue Church had of olde The like I speake of superiour Orders The signes and Ceremonies which are vsed in admitting of Presbyters whome now they call Priestes are the presenting vnto them a platter in the which consecrated Hosties are contained to declare that they are called to stande at the Altar to consecrate the elementes and to offer vp the bodie and blood of CHRIST as a prop●…tiatorie Sacrifice to the Father Howe blasphemous this opinion is I haue alreadie declared in the TREATIS●… Of the Sacrifice of the Masse but for the present this I saye That if the auncient Ceremonie of Imposition of handes had beene kept in admission of Presbyters yet it coulde not haue beene called a Sacrament of the Newe Testament because a Sacrament is a visible signe of the inuisible grace of GOD and belonging to all them to whome the Couenant of GOD belongeth Onelie this obserued that euerie Sacrament must bee applied in its owne time as GOD hath ordained The Ceremonie of breathing vpon them who are admitted Priestes conjoyned with these wordes Receaue the Holie Spirite Ioann Cap. 20. vers 22. it is a preposterous counterfeiting of CHRIST whome wee aught to followe in such thinges as Hee hath sette downe to bee followed but not to presume to doe all thinges which Hee did for demonstration of His diuine power The Deacons in the Romane Church are ordained by a Bisshop who cloatheth them with their Stoles and their Oraria vpon their left shoulders and putteth into their handes the Booke of the Euangell whereof they shoulde bee Preachers Their office is to attende vpon the Presbyters when they minister the Sacramentes to laye the Hosties vpon the Altar to prepare and to couer the LORDES Table to carrie the Crosse and to preach and sing the Gospell and the Epistle to the people In the ordination of Deacons there is neither a regarde of the first institution of Deacons appointed by CHRISTES Apostles Acts 6. neither is there anie similitude
chap. 8. vers 3. For euerie high Priest is appointed to offer giftes and sacrifices wherefore it is necessarie that this man haue somewhat also to offer What is in this place that countenanceth the sacrifice of the Masse Like as euerie priest was furnished with an offering euen so the High priest and Bisshop of our soules CHRISTIESVS hee had an offering to wit his blessed bodie which hee offered for our sinnes But papists referre this place to an offering which euerie priest must offer presently so long as hee enjoyeth the honour of his priesthood and therefore saye they seeing CHRIST offereth no externall sacrifice in Heauen he must doe it in earth by the sacrifice of the Masse But the verie Grammer refuteth them for the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a worde of the preterit and not of the present tense and importeth that CHRIST hath alreadie offered a sacrifice for our sinnes which hath no neede to bee iterated because it hath perpetuall vertue to saue them that beleeue Another place of the Epistle to the Hebrewes chap. 13. vers 10. they abuse wherein it is saide Wee haue an altar whereof they haue no power to eat who serue in the tabernacle Here say they mention is made of an altar therfore in the Church there must not only bee a Communion table but also an altar in a proper sense to offer CHRISTES bodie vpon it To this I answere That in the newe Testament like as there is but one high priest and one propitiatorie sacrifice so in like manner there is but one altar euen Iesus Christ who is in Heauen and in whom our spirituall sacrifices are acceptable vnto God as the Apostle Peter saieth Bee you made a spirituall house an holie priesthoode to offer spirituall sacrifices acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ. 1. Pet. chap. 2. vers 5. Of this Altar to wit Christ the Iewes who were miserablie addicted to the ceremoniall lawe they could not be partakers for by adhering to shaddowes they neglected to embrace the veritie represented by those shaddowes after it was indeede exhibited vnto the worlde In the booke of the Reuelation wee reade of an Altar in Heauen vnder which the soules of them who were slaine for the worde of GOD doe repose Apocal. chap. 6. vers 9. This is not a materiall altar because it is in Heauen but this Altar is Christ vnder whose shaddow the soules of the Godlie finde comfortable refreshment And Ireneus in expresse wordes saieth Est ergo Altare in Coelis illue enim preces nostrae diriguntur that is Therefore our Altar is in Heauen for thithertoe our prayers are directed The Romane Church woulde deceiue vs in this point as Zebul of olde deceiued Gaal the sonne of Ebed when Gaal sawe men comming from the mountaines Zebul answered The shaddowe of the mountaines seeme men vnto thee IVD CHAP. IX VERS XXXVI Euen so when holy Scripture speake of Christ the true Altar they would perswade vs that Scripture is speaking of a materiall altar such as is among them The fift absurditie of the Masse is a contradiction to it selfe In the description of the Masse there are two manifest contradictions First it is called a sacrifice propitiatorie and vnbloodie which two thinges are so opposite that they cannot consist together because the Apostle in the ninth chap. to the Hebrewes and the 22. verse saieth Without shedding of bloode there is no remission of sinnes Secondlie they saye that in the Masse the body of Christ is offered without suffering these two things also are so flatte contradictorie one to another that the Apostle continuallie joyneth suffering with offering in so much that hee saieth If Christ had offered himselfe often hee behooued also to haue suffered often Heb. chap. 9. vers 25. and 26. The sixt absurditie is a foolishe multiplication of vnprofitable ceremonies both before the Masse and in the celebration thereof with neglecting the essentiall rites of the Sacrament instituted by CHRIST himselfe such as breaking distributing eating c. for in their sacrifice that which they brake in three pieces to represent the threefolde estate of Christs bodie dead buried and risen againe from death by the ordinance of Pope Sergius the first this bread I saye which they breake they distribute not and the bread which they distribute in the Sacrament to the people they breake it not These essentiall rites beeing laide aside they haue inuented manie vnprofitable ceremonies as namelie before the celebration of the Masse Vestmentes Altars Altar-clothes Corporasses Paxes Torches and Candles and manie other preparations In the verie action and celebration of the Masse are diuerse hist●…ionicall gestures of the Priest to lift vp his eyes and cast them downe againe to spreade abroade his handes and to close them againe to warble with his fingers to bow downe to bende vp to turne from the right hand to the left and from the left hand to the right with manie other vnnecessarie ceremonies All these they count ceremonies of signification representing viuelie the passion of CHRIST But it appertaineth vnto GOD to institute ceremonies of signification who can seale vp by them some inwarde grace in mens heartes The Church maye content themselues with ceremonies of order as the Apostle writeth in his first Epistle to the CORINTHIANS in the fourteenth chapter and fourtieth verse thereof where hee saieth Let all thinges bee done honestlie and by order The seuenth last absurditie is the vnhappie consequences of the Masse Albeit they bee manie yet at this time I reduce them to three heads First prohibition of marriage to men in spirituall offices is a consequent of the Masse for albeit in the Councell of NICE this matter was seriouslie v●…ged and IEROME in the furie of his disoutation against IOVINIAN speaketh not so reuerentlie of marriage as became him yet this prohibition preuailed not fullie vntill the sacrifice of the Masse was receiued and established Then it was thought meete that like as married persons for prayer and fasting I. CORINTH CHAPTER VII VERSE V. shoulde abstaine for a short time from matrimoniall fellowship In like manner these who are called to a continuall exercise of praying and sacrificing they shoulde also continuallie abstaine from the bed of marriage So that prohibition of marriage to men in spirituall offices attended the Masse as a Page doeth his master And Popes such as SIRICIVS CALIXTVS GREGORIVS the seuenth c. did vrge prohibition of marriage with no lesse vehemencie than they did the establishing of the Masse The seconde consequence of the Masse is a miserable abusing of the people of GOD because by this sacrifice for the moste part the people were bereaued of the preaching of the Worde and the ministration of the Sacramentes the verie ordinarie meanes whereby the Kingdome of GOD is builded amongst them The Worde was seldome preached and in verie vnfruitfull manner and mixed with fables and lying miracles borrowed out of legendes not worthie to bee read
bee the sonnes of God except they bee borne againe by both the Sacraments to wit by the lauacre of water in the word and the anointment of Chrisme True it is that Cyprian calleth the anointment of oyle after baptisme a Sacrament different from the dipping in water but his meaning is that the anointing with oyle is an element different from the element of water and Augustine long after Cyprian calleth the externall signe of the Sacrament a Sacrament and the thing represented by it res sacramenti Nowe what vantadge hath the Romane Church when they take holde of the wordes utroque Sacramento that is both the Sacraments and in the meane time they neither take heede to the sandie grounde whereupon Cyprian leaneth to wit the opinion of Tertullian neither yet take they heede in what sense Cyprian calleth anointing with oyle a Sacrament to wit because it is one of the elementes whereby our spirituall birth is represented The reuerence that was carried toward the ceremonies of signification in the law of Moses hath made a patent doore vnder the Gospell to receiue many legall ceremonies such as consecration by oyle the linnen Ephod the lightes shining all the night long and many other ceremonies which are the more easily embraced because in Poprie the substance of godlinesse is vtterly forsaken and vaine ceremonies are adhered vnto euen such as are ceassed because they had their performance in Christ. And like as it is a follie to take the huskes of the wine grapes after the liquor is pressed out of them and to cast them into the wine-presse againe Euen so it is a foolishe conceite to returne the ceremonies of signification which haue had their performance in Christ and are abolished to haue place againe in the Church of God Therefore let the Romane Church bragge of Antiquitie as much as they please in their Sacrament of Confirmation no antiquitie shall bee founde and that for three causes First because the anointing with oyle whereof the Fathers doe speake is not a different sacrament from baptisme but a ceremonie Preceeding and following Baptisme Secondly the oyle wherewith persons baptized were anointed was not mixed with Balsome And thirdly after baptisme anointing with oyle and imposition of hands followed immediately but in the Sacrament of Confirmation when it began to take place in the Church of God anointing with oyle mixed with Balsome followed not immediately vpō the necke of baptisme as a continuate action but it was ministred 12. or 15. yeere after baptisme so that it is a deluding of the world and a peruerting of those who are weak in vnderstanding to proue that the Sacrament of Confirmation is an auncient Sacrament in the Church because it was an auncient custome to anoint with oyle those who were baptized as if Baptisme and Confirmation were both one thing which they vtterly denie Let the judicious Reader vnderstand that the purpose of the Romane Church to aduaunce their Sacrament of Confirmation with impairing of the dignitie of Baptisme is but a new Popish inuention For the writers after the dayes of the Apostles the more auncient they are the more they magnifie the holy Sacrament of Baptisme by which saieth Clemens Alexandrinus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Wee are enlightened wee receiue the adoption of children wee are made perfect wee are made immortall What affinitie hath the doctrine of the Romane Church with Antiquitie who counteth the Sacrament of Baptisme onelie a preparation to the Sacrament of Confirmation Whereas auncient Writers haue attributed to Baptisme receiued truelie and with singlenesse of heart such perfection as leadeth vs vnto immortallitie and eternall life Lindanus pineth himselfe much as a woman trauelling in birth to bring foorth her childe so doeth hee endeuour with all his might to prooue that CHRIST instituted the Sacrament of Confirmation and that the Chrisme shoulde bee renewed from yeere to yeere and that this custome hath beene continuallie in vse since the dayes of the Apostles not onelie in the Church of ROME but also in the Churches of ANTIOCHIA HIERVSALEM and EPHESVS This is a verie confident assertion if hee coulde make it good And for proofe of all this geare is brought foorth asupposititious letter of Fabian bishop of Rome The cause is weake that is founded vpon such sandie grounde as Decretall Epistles doe falselie attribute to a great number of the bishops of Rome The olde prouerbe hath place in Lindanus as much as in anie Writer Parturiunt Montes nascetur ridiculus Mus that is The Mountaines are trauailing in birth and aridiculous Mouse shall bee brought foorth Fabianus testimonie written in a Legende of lies that is in Decretall Epistles vnknown to Antiquitie is no sure ground to any man to leane his Faith vpon it Moreouer he fetcheth a compasse to draw this Sacrament of Confirmation out of Scripture one way or other and hee saith that Christ commaunded his Apostles who were already baptized to remain at Ierusalē vntill they were endewed with strēgth from aboue Act. 1 in the day of Penticost the H. Ghost descēded vpon them in the similitude of fiery clouen tongs Act. 2 again the disciples at Samaria who were already baptized yet by imposition of the handes of the Apostles they receiued the gift of the H. Spirit Act 8. 17 What can Lindanus inferre vpon these groundes Christ bestowed vpon Christians who were already baptized a more ample grace than they had at the beginning whē they were baptized Christ added a signe in time of Confirmation somtimes fiery tongues somtimes imposition of hands ergo Confirmation is a Sacrament of the new Testamēt it followeth not for God in ordinary sacraments like as he maketh promises appertaining to al the beleeuers euen so in like maner he sealeth vp these promises by signes appertaining to all the members of the Church of God but promises belonging to a small number sealed vp with signs cōferred vnto a few cānot bee the ground of a sacrament which is a seale of the couenant of God belonging to all true professors and beleeuers And when Lindanus hath troubled himselfe with much businesse in end he granteth that Chrisming is an vnwritten tradition and hath no authoritie in the written word of God citing the testimonie of Basilius Magnus to this effect God confirmeth and strengtheneth them who are baptized in his name to bring his owne worke begunne in them to a perfection but not to institute a newe SACRAMENT And like as the GENTILES of olde who worshipped the SVNNE they worshipped it not onely for the glory and splendor that was in it but also for the benefite that it did communicate vnto the earth by warming it and making it fruitfull Euen so wee doe magnifie God our Creator and maker not onely for his owne most excellent and incomprehensible glorie but also because he daylie refresheth our soules with his goodnesse strengtheneth our weaknesse with the power of his sauing grace