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A94157 The door of salvation opened by the key of regeneration: or A treatise containing the nature, necessity, marks and means of regeneration; as also the duty of the regenerate. / By George Swinnocke, M.A. and pastor of Rickmersworth in Hertfordshire. Swinnock, George, 1627-1673. 1661 (1661) Wing S6272; Thomason E1817_1; ESTC R209823 254,830 512

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to Jesus Christ and intreat him to put his hands on them and bless them Hannah by prayer obtaind a Samuel O let us pray hard that all our sons may be as gracious as Samuel and all our daughters as full of good works as Dorcas Zenophon said he never prayd that his son might live long but that he might live well Austin was a child of many prayers and did not perish Thirdly Do thine endeavor to regenerate them by instructing them in the precepts of God David and Bathsheba were often droping instruction into their son Solomon 1 Kings 28.9 Prov. 4.3 to 10. Pious education hath made an happy renovation in several souls Teach a childe the trade in his youth and he shall not depart from it when he is old Prov. 22.6 Others teach their children to lie and steal and to curse and sweare I have read a story of a wicked mother that perswaded her daughter to yield to the lust of a rich man in hope that he would marry her the daughter did yield but quickly after fell sick and died the mother hereupon fell distracted and cried out often O my daughters soul O my daughters soul I have murthered my daughters soul If others intice their relations to uncleanness shall not we encourage ours to holiness Whilst this world lasteth the Devil will have servants many many fathers bring up their children to his hand O wilt not thou endeavour that when thou art dead thy little ones may be a generation arising to praise God! Truly thy love to God must needs oblige thee to do thine utmost that his vast perfections and infinite excellencies may be declared and admired throughout all generations Melanthon on a day of prayer went out a little from his company very sorrowful and returned in a short time to them very joyful of which Luther asking him the reason he gave this account That there were yong Captains training up for he had heard many children learning and repeating their sound Catechism which would defend the cause of Christ The good man was exteamly cheared that though the Pope and Emperor sought to undermine the true Religion yet young children were learning to defend it Sure I am thou wilt die with the more comfort if thou canst have hopes that after thy decease the blessed God shall be exalted and his Gospel propagated in the place where thou dost dwell And O what a glorious heaven upon earth will thy house be if the gracious God shall so prosper thy pattern prayers and preceps that as thou like the Sun so thy wife like the Moon and thy children and servants like the Stars may all shine and sparkle with the light and heat of real holiness To end all Look on thy children servants and neighbours as passengers in a boat and do thou with thy fellow-converts row hard make use of all windes improve every opportunity to land them all safely at the Haven of Heaven Soli Deo Gloria FINIS An Alphabetical Table of the most principal matters contained in this Treatise A OVr Affections by nature corrupt Page 32. The Affections are renewed in regeneration p. 31 32. Good Affections not always a sign of regeneration Page 97 98 99. Affiance on Christ what it is Page 376 377. Afflictions somtimes instrumental for regeneration 16. Afflictions will try men 138 139. Afflictions make wicked men worse 222. Afflictions are sanctified to the regenerate Page 246. Christians are bound to labour for Assurance Page 130 131. It is possible for the regenerate to be Assured of their Salvation proved by several arguments Page 144 145 146. B The Body is renewed in regeneration Page 35 36. The Body of man is a curious peice Page 318. God alone can enable a man to believe Page 12 114. C THere is a great Change wrought in regeneration Page 5. 20 21. Two Changes absolutely necessary in all that would be saved Page 48 49. Christ is willing to instruct and encourage poor sinners 6. Christ is the onely way to heaven 47. Christ dyed to purchase holiness for all those for whom he purchased heaven 33.54.312 The Damned see the worth of Christ by woful experience 234 235. Nothing to be kept from Christ or carried to Christ by those that would close with him 407 408 409. The saved know the worth of Christ by happy experience Page 282 283. Civility no sign of regeneration Page 61 62. A Civil man is converted with much difficulty Page 118 119. Confidence of a mans good estate is not a sure sign of regeneration Page 85 86. The Conscience is renewed in regeneration 27. To follow the dictates of a natural Conscience is not a sure sign of regeneration Page 90 91. Consideration is a special help to regeneration Page 194 195 196. Conviction wrought before conversion 351. What Conviction is Page 352. The Spirit when he converteth a sinner Convinceth him of four things Of his sins 353.354 Of his misery 357 358. Of the insufficiency of all things in the world to help him 362. Of the willingness sutableness and sufficiency of Jesus Christ Page 365. The sinner rightly Convinced panteth exceedingly after Jesus Christ Page 368 369. Our Creation is an obligation to obedience Page 338 339. D MEn Deceive themselves in thinking to get to he aven without regeneration Page 51 52. Death will trie men throughly 141 142. Death may well be terrible to the unregenerate 226. Death will be comfortable to the regenerate Page 270. A man may abound in duties and yet be unregenerate 76. Wicked men sin in performing Duties 222. Though unregenerate persons sin in Duties yet they must not neglect them 436. Vide Ordinances E GOd Electeth to sanctification whom he electeth to salvation Page 53. The objection If I am elected I shall be saved how ever I live answered Page 440. Our Election ensured by ensuring our vocation Page 131. The torments of hell are Eternal 238. The Saints happiness in heaven is Eternal Page 293. The Equity of living to God Page 337 to 348. F THe difference between Faith and presumption Page 56. Faith wrought in the soul when it is regenerated Page 375 376. Faith is weak at first 378. True Faith accepteth Christ as a Lord. Page 380. The unspeakable Folly of sinners in not turning to God Page 298 299. G THe free Grace of God the onely moving cause of reg●neration 14. The Glory of God the final cause of regeneration 38. How t is accomplished 39 40 41. Communion with God on earth required in all that would get to heaven 56. The wrath of God known fully in hell Page 229. The good word of Godly men no sign of Regeneration Page 81 82. That God will be the God of his people is an unconceivable mercy 262 to 267. All Godly men grow in grace Page 183. Not always alike 186. Not all alike Page 185. Gifts no sign of Grace 183. Gifts and Grace differ much Page 74 75. H. HEaven not so easily obtained as the sleepy world
is wanting as severall things will be are added So when this new building of Regeneration is erected the Spirit of God makes use of the old substantial materials the soul and its faculties the body and its members which were in man before onely polisheth and purifieth them and squareth them according to the rule of Gods word it hews off what is unsound and sinfull and bestoweth that grace and holiness which is needfull He taketh not away our beings but the wickedness and crookedness of our beings and addeth a new gracious beauty which we had not before We put off the rags of the old man and put on the Robes of the new man and continue in regard of substance the same men Again I call it a renewing partly because of the great change which is wrought in a man converted New things differ much from old for the better O how wonderfully doth the new born soul differ from his former self As Saul when he received the spirit of courage became another man 1 Sam. 10.6 so doth the Christian when he receiveth the spirit of grace He is not in some sense the same man he was before he liveth a new life he walketh in a new way he steereth his course by a new compass and towards a new coast His Principle is new his Pattern is new his Practices are new his Projects are new all is new He ravels out all he had wove before and employeth himself wholly about another work What a change is there when the blind see the deaf hear the dumb speak the lame walk the dead live when the Lion is turned into a Lamb darkness into light sickness into health why all this and more is done in Regeneration when a sinner is changed into a Saint It is therefore most fitly called Conversion Acts 15.3 which is a term borrowed from travellers who being out of their way turn about and so get into it leaving the way in which they were and taking another if need be quite contrary to it The sinner is born with his heart and face towards the flesh the world and hell and with his back towards God holiness and heaven and so he goeth on a many years possibly till God convert him and turn him about then his back is towards the former his face and heart towards the latter his whole life before was a departure every action being a step from God his whole life now is a drawing nigh every duty being a nearer approach to God A man and a beast differ much in their lives but a natural and regenerate person differ far more even as so far as the Spirit of God which is the principle of a Christian life differeth from the rational spirit of a man Extraordinary and strange things are called new Acts 17.19 Jer. 31.22 Well may the Convert be called a new creature the work of Conversion making such a wonderful alteration that carnall men admire it They think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excesse of riot 1 Pet. 4.3 4. nay those that are thus renewed wonder at themselves Being called out of darknesse into his marvellous light 1 Pet. 2.9 Wofull darknesse makes it wonderfull light As a man that hath been all his dayes kept in a dark prison and never beheld the Sun when he cometh to be set at liberty and see the light he stands amazed wondering at it 2 The Subject I call it a renewing of the whole man As in our fist birth not one part or member is born but every one so in our second birth the whole man is new born By our first birth the whole man is polluted and therefore by our second birth the whole man must be purified Original sin defileth the whole man from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet and Regeneration refineth the whole man soul body and spirit Rom. 3.13 14. 1 Thes 5.23 The plaister must be as broad as the sore the leaven of grace doth season the whole lump Old things passe away and behold all things are become new 2 Cor. 5.17 The water of life within is not like a Spring which ariseth in some parcel of ground and terminateth in the same but like the Ocean which compasseth about the whole little world of man As when Gods laws were written in Tables of stone The Tables w●re written on both their sides on the one side on the other were they written Exod. 32.15 the Tables were written all over they were full of the Law so the spiritual Tables have the Law the image of God written on every side body and soul every part of each an inward conformity in the heart an outward correspondency in the life In the new creature though every part be not throughout sanctified yet he is sanctified in every part throughout he hath a perfection of parts though not of degrees Regeneration like the Sun goeth through the twelve signs of the Zodiack there is nothing hid from the heat thereof it moveth in and worketh upon every faculty of the soul and every member of the body but the image of God is principally in the soul or the inner man Heb. 8.10 Rom. 7.22 Eph. 4.23 As the heart being the forge of the spirits is the chief seat of a natural so also of a spiritual life The Kings Daughter is most glorious within though her cloathing without be likewise of wrought gold there Satan before had his Throne it was as a childs pocket full of trash or as a ditch full of mud and dirt but now Christ will make ●hat place the s●at of his Empire and fill it like a Cabinet with precious jewels and indeed the soul being spiritual is principally ●apable of his image who is a spirit I shall shew how the soul in its faculties and the body in its members are both renewed In the soul I shall cousider 1 The Understanding to which the spirit of God makes its approach in the first place inlightning it in the knowledge of sin and the Saviour Eph. 4.23 The understanding to a man is as a window to an house which before being continually shut and little light appearing 't was no wonder that the heart lay so sluttishly and was so full of the deeds of darknesse but now God reneweth the soul in knowledge after the image of him that created him Col. 3.10 before the god of this world had blinded the mind that it could see neither the emptinesse of the world nor the preciousnesse of the word nor the lothsomness of sin nor the loveliness of the Saviour nor the vanity of the creature nor the excellency of the Divine nature but whereas the man was blind before now he seeth being made spiritual he judgeth all things 1 Cor. 2.14.15 He judgeth the things of heaven to be far better then the things of earth the concernments of his soul much more worth then the concernments of his body and the affairs of eternity far more
unconverted may sometime be full of fear and horror Caligula used all the art he could to blow out this light and fortified himself with all the arguments he could get against a Deity but could not accomplish his ends for as often as it thundred he was miserably affrighted and would run under a bed So we read that Felix an Heathen trembled when Paul reasoned of judgement to come Act. 24.25 Sin in its dooms-day dress as 't is cloathed with fire and fury may be terrible even to the ungodly And the consideration of this may make them leave many sins that do not loath any sin The Mariner throweth over-board those goods in a storm which he wisheth for and it may be gathereth up in a calm As a man in a feaver loveth drink yea longeth much for it yet dares not meddle with it because 't will make him worse The sinners in Sion saith the Prophet are afraid fearfulness hath taken hold on hypocrites Why what 's the matter Who can dwell in everlasting burnings who can abide devouring flames Isa 33.14 Mark it is not Who ever abused such an ocean of love who ever despised such a matchless life who ever provoked such a gracious Lord but who can dwell in everlasting burnings The sting of sin to the unregenerate is punishment and the sting of punishment to the regenerate is sin Exod. 9.28 Hos 14.1 to fear sin as it bringeth an heavy rod usually proceeds from nature but to fear sin as it is a wandring from an holy rule can proceed only from grace Truly as Phaltiel parted with his wife Michal whom Saul had injuriously taken from David and given unto him so unregenerate men part with their sins when David came to the crown he sendeth for Michal Phaltiel dares not disobey the King but he brings her on her way weeping and bemoaning his loss he looks after her as far as Bohurim many a sad thought he had for her when she was by force divorced from him Thus unregenerate men may leave their lusts when they are afraid to keep them but many a longing heart they have after them and are not by choice but constraint separated from them As parents they go to the funeral of those children of their corrupt hearts with no small sorrow Sickly persons forbear some meats which they love dearly because those meats do not love them they either feed their diseases or are hardly digested Some sinners dare not feed in their actions on some sins which are as sweet to their affections as the honey and the honey comb because they fear that they will rise in their stomacks and the reckoning will be too heavy for them to pay Or possibly thou art entring upon some solemn act of devotion and upon that account at present forbearest thy corruptions as some write of Serpents they lay by their poison when they go to drink and afterwards take it up again Thou mayst like Abraham to his servant bid thy sin stay below while thou goest up to the mount to worship Gen. 22. and when the duty is done return to it again Reader do not relie upon these affections which thou seest may be in them which are not regenerated for as the Sorcerers seemed to do as much as Moses but did nothing in reality so thou mayst seem to do as much as a Christian when all is but counterfeit Thy fear of sin may be forced not flow freely from thee Fearfulness hath taken hold on the hypocrites Isa 33.14 as a Serjeant takes hold on a bad debtor or an armed man on a coward being more bold then welcome Thou mayst fear sin as the Medes and Persians the Jews when the fear of the Jews fell upon them Esther 8.17 when the presence of this fear is as Christs presence is to the Devils a torment to thee Mat. 8.29 Nay thy fear may be only for a fit like a mushrom which groweth up in a night and perisheth the next day The people when they saw Amasa weltring in his blood in the way stood still but he being quickly removed they went on When thou thinkest of others weltring in their soul-blood in hell or seest the judgements of God upon others thou mayst be afraid and stand still a little at present but these thoughts being soon removed thou mayst go on in the way of thine own heart It is reported of Cassander that he trembled at the sight of Alexanders Statue when Alexander was dead and Cassander had gotten possession of Macedonia The regenerate man when he seeth with the eye of faith the curse of the Law the wrath of God the torments of hell his flesh trembleth for fear of them and he is afraid of Gods righteous judgements though they are all dead to him he being not under the Law but under grace but it may be t is the life in them and their power to hurt thee which makes thee afraid of them Friend in all these passions thou mayst but like a Stage-player in the robes of a Prince act the part of a Christian and therfore canst not thence conclude thy right to the revenues of his place The whole life of a man unregenerate is but an interlude Regeneration alone can make a man live in good earnest Reader if thou art a civil person a great Professor enjoyest the outward Priviledges of the Gospel aboundest in Duties and Performances if God hath given thee gifts and parts if godly men commend thee and thou art sometimes confident of thy own good condition If thou walkest according to thy natural light and joynest with them that fear the Lord If some good affections like a flash of lightning on a sudden surprise thee though most of these are good yet do not hence conclude thy undoubted right to salvation for all these may consist with unregeneracy and Christ telleth thee That except thou art born again thou canst not see the Kingdom of God As the Alchymists gold appeareth as good as the true gold but it will not endure the seventh fire nor comfort the heart as a cordial both which the true gold will so if all these should meet in thee they would make thee look like a Saint but beleive it they will never endure the fire of Scripture which must shortly trie thee whether thou art true gold or counterfeit nor comfort thy soul as a cordial when Physitians shall give over thy body THirdly If without Regeneration none can attain salvation it informeth us of the difficulty of salvation that it is an hard thing to get to heaven it is no easie matter to be regenerated and made holy and therefore 't is no easie matter to be glorified and made happy Where the gate is straight 't is hard to get in If the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the sinner and ungodly appear 1 Pet. 4.18 The Apostle there intendeth not the uncertainty but the difficulty of the salvation of the godly If it be so hard for them to be saved
the real from the painted Christian by his heat life and delight in the service of God If thou art alive to God thou art given up to all the Laws of God thou exercisest thy self therein to keep a conscience void of offence towards God and men If thou art a Christian indeed the image of God is imprinted on thee now this image consisteth in knowledge righteousness and true holiness Righteousness conforms thy heart to the whole Second Table of the moral Law Holiness conforms it to the whole first Table and Knowledge compleats this conformity to both The regenerate man is not maimed no part of the new man is wanting He cuts not off the garments of holiness in the midst Agrippa may be half a Christian Herod may do many things but Zacharias and Elizabeth walk in all the statutes and ordinances of the Lord blameless And David will fulfil all the wills of God Luk. 1.6 Act. 13. Perfect holiness is the reward of the Saints in heaven but t is the desire and endeavour of the Saints on earth O that my ways were directed to keep thy commandments As a resolved Traveller that is upon a journey of necessity whether the way and weather be fair or foul he goeth on by honor and dishonour by evil report and good report until he appear before God in Sion He lifteth at the latch when he cannot open the door he hath respect to all Gods commandments He obeyeth every Law of both Tables in his will though he break the Law of both Tables in his works As the hearts and wills of the Athenians were with Sylla without the walls when they were besieged by him and kept in their bodies within by force So the Saints are with the whole Law in their hearts and intentions even then when they are forced to fail in regard of their hands and execution Rom. 7.13 14. Pauls three adverbs speak a substantial Christian Tit. 2.11 Some are first Table-men zealous for Religion and duties towards God but cold and careless in point of righteousness and justice in their dealings with men Others are Second Table-men very just and righteous towards men yet mind not Religion towards God but the true Christian is compleat in all the will of God Phil. 4.12 Integrality is the true note of integrity The Philosopher sayth Dolus latet in universalibus That deceit lieth in universals the Divine saith That sincerity lyeth in universals We trust saith Paul that we have a good conscience because we desire in all things to live honestly Hebr. 13.18 An Hypocrite is like some books of little worth because they are imperfect something is wanting those commands which will suit with his ends shall be taken in his way as Jehu did the precepts which enjoyned the rooting out of Ahabs family but those which cross his designs must be cast by as that precept to Jehu of rooting out the Idolatry at Dan and Bethel Thus this unconverted person indents with God as some servants with their Masters This work he will do and this work he will not do and thus while he breaks one command resolutely he breakes all reductively The commands of the Law are all copulative they hang together like a carcanet of ●ewels break one off and all fall with it Or as one article of a lease being broken the whole lease is forfeited He that breaks one with resolution and confidence obeyeth none out of conscience He that disobeyeth God wilfully in one command shall find that he disobeyeth God wholly in all He that keepeth the whole Law and offendeth in one point is guilty of all James 2. Reader If thou shouldst sit at table and see a man pidling at his meat picking and chusing this he liked that he disliked thou wouldest conclude surely some ill humors are predominant in him his body is unsound So when thou art pidling at the table of the Word picking and chusing among the commands of God this thou likest it is easie that thou dislikest it will cost thee some pains or tend to thy discredit Mayst thou not gather that corruption is too much prevailing in thee and thy soul is unsound Be it known unto thee that thou art a Traytor against the King of heaven if thon clippest or refusest any piece which hath his impression and superscription Secondly Examine thy self by the Effects of regeneration I shall name three Effects of it by which I would request thee to search and try thy soul First The new born childe desireth and savoureth the means of grace The unconverted man being dead spiritually hath no appetite to nor taste of spiritual food but the living childe hath both As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the word 1 Pet. 2.2 The babe of Grace as soon as born doth cry for the brest He can no more live in his soul without duties then in his body without diet The infant-heir preferreth his milk before his largest Manors A famine of the word pincheth and paineth him more then a famine of bread and water Davids banishment from the Temple was his forest trouble and a far greater affliction to him then his forced absence from his dearest relations O the hunger of this gracious soul after Scripture I opened my mouth and panted for I longed for thy commandments Psal 119.131 The big-bellied mother doth not long more then this new born childe The poor prisoner doth not beg more heartily for bread then he for spiritual food Psal 42.1 2. and 63.1.2 Dr. Harris o● New heart A Divine observeth excellently on that fore-quoted place 1 Pet. 2.2 a threefold difference between the bad and good in their desires of the Word 1. The regenerate desires the Word as the babe doth milk How is that he desires it as his livelihood when he is new born though afterward he is more playful and every noise may call him off from the breast but when new born nothing can satisfie but the breast so an hypocrite may desire the word when there is nothing to call him but when the world and the word come in competition he will follow his earthly whatever become of his heavenly business but a new born childe prefers it before thousands of gold or silver 2. The new born childe desires the word in its plainness The sincere milk of the word without mixture as the childe desires the mothers milk without sugar whereas another desires the word in its gaudy dress lofty language partly out of pride scorning the simplicity of the Gospel partly out of cowardize because the naked sword of the word drawn out of its gaudy scabbard pierceth deepest 3. The new born creature desires the word for a good end That he may grow thereby in grace and holiness another man may desire it that he may grow in ability to discourse or the like but this man that he may grow in faith love and sanctifying graces Besides hunger being his sauce makes the word sweet to
he kindleth others All good is diffusive of it self and the more of goodness in any the more of diffusiveness If Peter be converted he will strengthen his brethren if David be reduced he will teach sinners Gods ways None are more desirous of children then they who have God for their Father The true Christian that hath tasted God to be gracious and found good entertainment at his table cannot but commend his hous-keeping to others and advise them to accept of the same chear As the sun refresheth many with his warm rays especially them that are near it so doth the Saint benefit many by his fervent prayers for them occasional counsels and constant pattern to them but especially those that are of his own family There indeed are his most cherishing beams and enlivening influences O how diligent is he that the King of Saints may have his throne in every heart within his house Like the Bee he goeth to the flower of this duty and to the flower of that Ordinance sucking some honey some soul-sweetness and then carrieth all home to his hive to his family He will study and strive that his cottage may become a Church his house Gods lesser heaven 'T is a mercy to be his Wife he will labor that Christ may be her Husband 'T is an happiness to be his children he will endeavour that God may be their Father 'T is a priviledge to be his servant he will do his utmost that such may be heirs of salvation His house is an healthful air for the souls of others to breathe in Grace like fire cannot be hid you may as soon conceal musk in your hand as grace in your heart The turning of a sinner from evil to good is like the turning of a bell from one side to another which reporteth its own motion The Convert is resolved as Elijah to shew himself and in this among the rest in bringing more customers to that shop where he had such cheap and kind usage The Devil was no sooner fallen but he laboured to draw man to the same wickedness and wretchedness with himself the dead in sin are no sooner raised to spiritual life but they endeavour to draw others to the same holiness and happiness with themselves These things I write unto you that ye may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship which is the only good fellowship is with the Father and Jesus Christ his Son 1 Joh. 1.3 The childe of God cateth not his morsel alone but loveth company he is very covetous to make Proselites unto Christ We have a saying That he was unworthy to be born by whom another is not born Sure I am he may question whether he were ever born again that doth not labour that others may be so also Reader Try thy self by this touchstone art thou an heavenly Merchant to ingross spiritual commodities to thy self or art thou desirous that others should share with thee Is the voyce of thy heart like Cains Am I my brothers keeper or like Moses Would God that all the Lords people were Prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them Canst thou stand ●y and see others lose their God and Christ and souls for ever and not be at all troubled so thy stakes are saved Dan. 6.14 or dost thou with Darius labour hard to keep poor creatures from the roaring lion and with Abraham pray heartily that poor Sodomites may be preserved from fire and brimstone Is it all one to thee whether thy neighbors and relations sink or swim be sinners or Saints be saved or damned truly then its a sign thou art not born of God for wert thou his son thou wouldst endeavour by thy prayers pattern and precepts to raise up seed to thine elder brother Jesus Christ Reader Credo Domine vera fide etsi languida fide Oecolampad It is far from my thoughts to disown or discourage the least degree of grace I know that the Embryo in the womb is reckoned towards a childe the break of day a part of the day A palsie shaking hand is a true hand and may receive a jewel as surely though not so steadily as another hand A weak hand of Faith is a true faith and may receive the pearl of price as certainly though not so chearfully as a strong Faith If thy desires after these particulars be sincere and accompanied with suitable endeavours it will speak much for thee I am not bringing thy graces to the ballance to weigh them that I may know their quantity and degrees and how rich thou art but to the touchstone to try them that thou mightest know their quality and truth whether thou art poor in spirituals or poor in spirit whether thou art worth any thing or nothing for thine endless estate in the other world To sum up this Use I would request thee to be so great a friend to thy precious soul as to be impartial and faithful in its search and trial Look much at the constant bent and inclination of thy heart One act will not speak an habit nor a few good or bad motions an holy or evil heart Thou mayst have some cogitations of heaven when thy conversation is not in heaven The air is light yet not a lightsom body because it 's lighted by the presence of another when that is removed its dark as in the night So if thy light of holiness in any of the forementioned particulars be only like a flash of lightning for a fit it is a sign the root of the matter is not in thee On the other side thou mayst have flesh in thee and yet thou not be in the flesh Thou mayst be in the right way to heaven though thou art sometimes stopt and hindered in thy journey A stream or vent of a river may be to go downward yet the River may be dammed up for a while but 't will rise higher and higher and at length beat down and overcome that which hindereth it so if the tendency of thine inward man its ordinary frame and temper be but towards God and the Divine nature be not discouraged though there may be the mud of corruption to stop the stream for this living water of grace will be so beating upon it that t will over-power it and ride triumphantly over it But be sure that thou bring the matter in debate to an issue by no means desist till thou bringest it to some result If Satan can but perswade thee either to daub about it for his his speech will be like that of Peter to Christ Master pity thy self or to leave the question still in doubt he knoweth that he shall spoil the working of all this Physick be it never so good I know that thine heart will be as hard to be kept to it as an eel in thine hands therefore serve thine heart as the Judge serveth the Jurors at an Assize First they are sworn to be true and faithful in deciding and determining