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A23592 Tabula; Chronicles of England. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, Johncd. 1402. 1502 (1502) STC 9997; ESTC S121402 469,099 377

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for hostage were thenne beheeded ¶ Of the Conquest of Berwyke SO whan the twoo Cardynalles were gone agayne into Fraunce for to trete of the peas of Cambroy the kynge sent thether of his Erles and barons That is to saye syr Edmonde his broder erle of Lancastre of Lecetre syr Henry Lacy erle of Nicholl wyllya● Vessy Baron and of other baronettes abowte .xiii. of the best and wysest of englonde ¶ And in the same tyme the kȳge Edwarde toke his vyage to Scotlonde for to were vpon Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of Scotlonde ¶ And syr Robert Roos of Berewyk fledde fro the Englyshmen And wente to the Scottes And kȳge Edwarde wente hym towarde Barwyk and besegyd the towne And thoo that were within manly them defended and sette a fyre and brente two of kynge Edwarde shyppes and sayd in dyspyte and repreyf of hym wenyth kynge Edwarde with his longe shankys too haue gete Berewyk all our vnthankes gas pykes hym and whan he has doon gas dykes hym whan kynge Edwarde herde this scorne anone thrugh his myghtynesse be passed ouer the dyches and assaylled the towne and came to the ya●es and gate and conquered the towne and thrughe his gratyous power slewe xxv thousād .vij. hondred scottes kȳ ge Edward lost no man of renoune sauffyr Rychard of Cornewayle hym kylled a Flemynge out of the redde halle with a quarell as the forsayde Rycharde dyd of his helme and commaunded theym for to yelde them put them in the kȳges grace and the Scottes wolde notte wherfore that halle was brent and caste downe all tho that were therin were brent and kynge Edwarde lost no moo men at that vyage of symple estate but .xxvii. englysshmen And the wardeyn of the castell yaue vp the keyes of the castel wythout ony assawte And there was taken syr wyllyam Douglas Symond Frysell and the erle patryk yeldyd them to the peas But Ingham of Humlresmylle Robert the Brus that were wyth kynge Edwarde forsoke kynge Edwarde helde with the Scottes And afterwarde they were taken put into prysō And thoo lete kynge Edwarde close in Berewyk with walles with dyches after Robert Rous went to Tyndale set wuyerbrydge a fyre Exham Lamerstok and slew robbyd the folke of y● coūtre And after that he went fro thens to Dunbatre And the fyrst wenesdaye of Marche the kynge sent the erle of Garenne syr Hugh Percy and syre Hughe Spenser with a fayre company for too besege the castell But one that was called syr Rycharde Sywarde a traytoure and a fals man ymagyned for to begyle the Englysshemen And sente too the Englysshmen theym for to desceyue sayd That he wolde yelde to theym the castell yf they wolde graunte them .viii dayes of respyte that he myght sende telle too Syr Iohan Baylol that was kynge of Scotlonde howe his men fared that were within the castell ¶ And sende hym worde but yf he wolde remene the sege of the Englysshe men that they wolde yelde the castell vntoo the englysshe men ¶ The messenger thoo came to syr Iohn̄ Baylol that thoo was kynge of Scotlonde where that he was with his hooste and the messengre told hym alle the caas And syre Iohn̄ toke his hoste and came on the morowe erly towarde the castell and syr Rycharde sywarde sawe hym come that was mayster of the counsell keper of the castell sayd vntoo the Englysshmen Osayd he nowe I se a fayre company well appareylled I woll go ayenste theym and with them too mete and theym assaylle And syr Hugh Spenser sawe the falsnesse of hym and the treason and sayde to hym O traytour take and proue your falsnesse shall not auaylle you And hughe Spencer cōmaunded anone to bynde hym and all in hast went ayenst ther enmyes slewe of y● Scottes .xxii. thou sande For the Scottes had y● tyme noo man wyth them of honour sauf Patryk Graham that manly foughte longe and at the last he was slayne And thoo sayd the Englysshmen in repreyf of the Scottes Thyse scaterande Scottes holde I for scottes of wrenches vnware Erly in a mornynge in an euyll tymynge wente ye fro Dunbare ¶ As tho y● ware within the castell sawe y● scomfyture they yelded vp the castell vnto y● Englysshemen and bounde theyr bodyes godes and castels to kynge Edwarde And so there were take in that castell thre erles vii barons and .xxxviii. knyghtes .xi. clerkes and .vii. Pycardys all were presentyd to kynge Edwarde And he sent them to y● towre of Londō to be kept ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde of his greate grace delyuerede ayen the Scottes oute of pryson that were cheyftayns of that londe and they drew them to the Frensshemen thrugh couseyll of wyllyam waleys AS kynge Edwarde had made tho an ende of the werre takē the cheyfteyns of Scotlonde thoo came syr Iohn̄ Baylol yelded hym vnto kȳ ge Edwarde put hym in his grace he was ledde to London whan kynge Edwarde was come thether they were brought before hym And the kynge axyd how they wolde make amendes of y● trespaas and losse y● they hadde doon to hym they put heym in his mercy Lordynges sayd y● kynge I wyll not of your londes ne your goodes but I wyll y● ye make to me an othe vpon goddys body to be true te me neuer after this tyme ayenst me bere armys And all they consentyd to the kynges wyll swore vpon goddys body That is to saye syr Iohn̄ of Comyn y● erle of y● Strathorn y● Erle of Carryk also four bysshops vndertoke for all y● clergye so y● kynge delyuerd them yaue them sauf conduyt to go into ther owne londe And it was not longe afterward y● they nearyse ayē kynge Edwarde for cause y● they wyste well y● kynge Edwarde folke was take in Gsacoyne as before is sayd But syr Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of Scotlonde wyst well y● his londe sholde haue sorow and shame for theyr falsnesse And in haste went hym ouer see to his owne londes there he helde hym and came neuer ayē wherfore the Scottes chose vnto they re kynge wyllyam waleys a rybaude and an harlot comen vp of nought and moche harme dyd to the Englysshmen and kynge Edward thought how he myght haue delyueraunce of his people y● were take in Gascoyne And in hast went hȳ ouer these in Flaundres for to werre vppon the kynge of Fraunce And the erle of Flaundres receyued hym with moch honoure graūtyd hym alle his londys at his owne wyll And whan y● kynge of Fraūce herde tell y● the kynge of Englōde was aryued in Flaundres and came with a grete power hym for to dystroye he prayed hym of trewto for two yere so that the Englysshe marchauntes and also Frenche myghte saufly go come in bothe sydes The kyng Edward geaunted it so that he muste haue his men out of pryson y● were in
cursyd be y● tyme y● counsell y● euer ye consented y● the quene Isabell sholde go into fraunce for to treate of accorde betwene y● kynge of Englond her broder the hynge of Fraunce for y● was youre costsell for at that tyme forsoth your wyt fayled for I order me sore leest thrugh her her sone we shall be dystroyed but yt we take the better counseylle ¶ Nowfayte syres vnderstonde howe merueylo●● felony and falsho●●e y● Spensers ymagyned castr for pryuely they lete fyll fyue b●●●lles fercours with syluer y● 〈◊〉 me amoūtyd .v. M. pounde and they sent those barelles ouer see pryuely by an alyaunte that was callyd Arnold of Spayne y● was a broker of London That he sholde go to the Douzeper● of Fraunce that they shalde procure and speke to the kynge of Fraunce that quene Isabell her sone Edwarde were driuen exyled oute of Fraunce And amōge all othere thynges that they were brought to the deth as pryuely as they myght but almyghty god wold not so for whā this Arnolde was in the hyghse he was take with Sclanders that mette hym in the hyghe see and toke hym and ladde hym to the erle of Henaude they re lorde moche Ioy was made for that taky●●ge And at the laste this Arnold pryuely stele away from thens came to Lond●̄ And of this takynge of other thynges the erle of Henaude sayd to y● quene Isabell Dame make you mery be of gode there for ye be rycher than ye ●ene● for to be take thyse fyue barelles full of syluer that were sent to the douzepers of Fraunce for to slee you and your sone Edwarde ▪ and thynke you hastely for to goo into Englonde and take with you syre Iohn̄ of Henaude my brother and v. houndred men of armys For mani of them of Fraūce in whome ye haue had greate truste done you for to scorne and almyghty god graunte you that grace your enmyes to ouercome ¶ The quene Isabell sente tho thrugh Henaude and Flaundres for her souldyours and ordened her euery daye for to go into Englōde ayen And so the had in her company syr Edmonde of wodstok that was erle of Kent that was syr Edwardes broder of Englonde ¶ How kynge Edwarde lete kepe y● costes by y● see lete trye all y● pryce men of armys fote men thrugh Englonde AS kynge Edwarde herde telle y● quene Isabell Edwarde her sone wolde come into Englonde with a grete power of alyaūtes with them y● were outlawed out of Englond for therreb ellyousnesse he was sore adradde to be put downe for to lese his kyngdom wherfore he ordeyned to kepe his castels in walys as well as in Englonde wyth ●ytaylles and they re appareylles and lete kepe his ryuers also the see And at the feste of Decolation of saynt Iohan Baptyst th● Cytezyns of London sent to y● kyng to Porchester an C. men of armys And also he cōmaunded by his letters ordeyned y● euery hundred wepentake of Englonde too trye as well men of armys as men on foote y● they sholde be put in .xx. sōme and in an hundred sōme And commaūded y● alle tho men were redy whan ony shoute or crye were made for to purpose take y● alyaun●s that came to Englonde for to benō me hym y● londe for to put hym out of his kyngdom And moreouer he lete cry thorough his patent in euery fayre in euery market of Englonde y● the quene Isabell syr Edwarde his cloest sone the erle of Kent that they were take saufly kept wythout ●ny manere harme vnto them doynge all other manere people that come with them anone smyte of ther hedys withoute ony maner raunsom takynge of them And what man myght brynge syr Roger●s Mortymer heed of wygmore shold haue an hildred pounde of money for his trauayl ¶ And ferthermore he ordeyned by his patent ●dmaūded to make a fyre vpon euery hyll besyde y● ryuers and u● lowe coūtrees for too make hyghe bechenesse of tymbre That yf it so were that the alyauntes came vnto londe by nyght tyme y● then the Inhabytaūtys there abow●e sholde endeuoyr them self in goodly haste to lyght fyre y● bek●nes y● the coūtre maye be warned and come and mete ther ennemyes And in the tyme ●eyedlyt Roger Mortymer his vn●e in y● toure of London ¶ How the quene Isabell 〈◊〉 Edwarde duke of Guyhenne her sone came into London at her wich how they dyde AS quene Isabell syr Edwarde her sone duke of Guyhenne syr Edwarde of wodstok erle of ●●nte syr Iohn̄ the erles brother of Hena● de ther company dradde no●●●● 〈◊〉 of y● kynge ne of his traytours fo 〈◊〉 trusted all in godd is grace and came to Herewich in Southfolke y● 〈◊〉 d●y of Septībre in y● yere of grace 〈◊〉 xrv● And the quene syt Edwarde 〈◊〉 sone sente letters to the Mayre co●●s nalte of London requytynge them that they sholde be helpynge● y● qua●●● and cause that they had that is so say to dystroye the traytours of the ●●ame ▪ But none answeres were sent aye●● Wherfore the quene and sy● Edwarde her to ●e seute another patent letter vnder th● scales the tenour of whiche letter here forlowyth in this maner ¶ Isabell by the grace of god quene of Englond la●y of Irlonde countesse of Pountif and we Edwarde the eldest sone of the bynge of Englōd duke of guyon ●le of Chestre of Paūtyf of moush●●ll to y● Ma●re and to all the comynal●●● of the ryts of London lendyed gretynge for asmoch● as we haue before the sy●ue ●ent to po●● by our letters how we become into this londe in good arraye and in good manere for the honour and profyte of holy thir●he and of our dere lorde the hyng all the ●eame with all oure myght and power to kepe and inayutrne● as we 〈◊〉 all y● gode folk of the forsayd reame are holden to doo And vpon y● we pray you that ye w●ll be helpynge to vs in as moche as ye maye in this quarell the is for y● comune profyte of the forsayd reame we haue had to this tyme no●● answere of y● forsayd letters ne knowe not your mynde in y● party wherfore we sende to you ayen praye charge you y● ye bes te you so ayenst vs y● we haue no cause to greue you but y● ye ben vnto vs help y● ge by all the wayes y● ye maye or maye knowe For wytte ye well in certen that we all y● be come with vs into this reame thynke not to doo ony thynge but y● thynge that shall be for the comyn profite of all the reame but ●only to dystroye Hugh Spenser our enmye enmye too all y● reame as ye it well knowe wherfore ye praye you charge you in y● faith that ye owe vnto our lyege lorde y● kyng to vs
Isabell and Edwarde her sone and syr Edward of wodstok the ●●ges brother of Englonde and syre Io han of Henaude and syre Rog●●e Motymer of wygmore and syre Thomas Rocelyn and syre Iohn̄ of C●omwelle and syr wyllyam Trussell and man●● other of the alyaunce of the gentyll erle Thomas of Lancastre that were e●yled out of Englonde for his quarell and were dyshertted of theyr londes orderned them a grete power and arryued at H●rewich in Sonthfolke And sone aft●● they pursewed y● Spensers tyll y● then were taken put to piteous deth as before is sayd ther cōpany also for y● grrate falsnes y● they dyd to kynge Edward to his peple And Merly sayd also more y● the gote shold be put in grete dystresse in grete anguyssh in grete sorow he sholde lede his lyfe And he sayd sothe For after the tyme that kynge Edwarde was take he was put into warde tyll y● the Spensers were put to dethe and also bycause that he wolde not come vnto his parlemente at London as he hadde ordeyned and assygned hymself vnto his baronage and also wold not gouer●● ●● rule his people●ne his trame as a kynge sholde doo wherfore some of the barons of Englonde came yelde vp ther homages vnto hym for theym all the other of y● reame in the daye of y● conuersyon of saynt Poule in y● yere of his regne .xx. And they put hym out of his ryaltee for euermore And euer lyued afterwarde in moche sorowe anguysshe LOdowicus was emperour after Henry foure yere this Lodewye was duke of Banare he dyspysed the corouacōn of the pope wherfor the pope deposyd hym and moche labour many perylles he had after And he trowbled gretly the vnyte of holy chirche And thē was chosyn ayenst hym Frederyk the duke of Ostryche he ouercame the duke and abode arebelyon to his ende and in grete peryll to his soule And at the last Rarolus was chosen ayenst hym y● whiche preuaylled and sodenly Lodewic fel downe of his hors and dyscessyd ¶ Iohn̄ Mandeuyll a douctour of physyh a knyght borne was in Englonde abowte this tyme. And he made a merueylous pylg●ymage for he went almoost abowte all the world he wrote his dedys in thre langages decessyd was buried at saynt Albons ¶ Benedictus the .xxii. was pope after Iohn̄ .vii. yeres more this man wos a monke in all his yongthe he was of good cōuersacyon a doctour of diuinite And whan he was made pope he refourmed thordre of saynt Benet in that thynge y● was nescessary he was a harde man to graunte benifyces lest he had graūtyd it to an vncunnynge man he made a deretall y● whiche began Benedictus deꝰ in donis suis And he was very cruell in his fayth for that of sōmen lytyll louyd He was so stoute a mā that almoost he wolde not know his owne cosyns ¶ Anno dn̄t M.CCC.xxii ¶ Of kynge Edwarde the chyrde after the Conqueste ANd after this kynge Edwarde Carnariuan regned syr Edwarde of wyndsore his sone y● whiche was crowned kynge anoynted at westmestre thrugh coūsell consent of all y● grete lordes of y● reame y● Sondaye in Candelmasse eue in y● yere of grace M. CCC.xxvi y● was of aege at that tyme but xv yere And for cause y● his fader was in warde in y● castell of Kenilworth and also was put downe of his ryaltee the reame of Englonde was without kyng from y● feest of saynt Katheryn frome y● yere aboue sayd to the feest of Candelmasse And tho were all maner ple●● of the kynges bynche astente And tho was cōmaunded to all y● Shy●efs of Englōde thrughe wrytte to warne the partyes to defendaūtys thrugh somnynge ayen And also ferthermore that al prysoners that were in the kynges gayolles that were attachid thrughe Shyrefs sholde be lete goo quyte ¶ The kynge Edwarde after his coronacōn at the prayer besechynge of his lyege of the reame grauntyd them a chartre of stedfast peas to all them that wolde it axe And syr Iohan of Henaude and his company toke his leue of the kynge and of the lordes of the reame and tor●yd home to they re owne coūtre ayen And eche of them had full ryche yeftes euery man as he was of value estate ¶ And tho was Englonde in rest peas grete loue bytwene y● kynge and his lordes And comyuly Euglysshmen sayd amonges them that the deuyll was dede ●ut the innumerable iresoure of the kynge his fader and the tresour of the Spensers bothe of the ●ader and of the sone and of the erle of Arundell of mayster Robert Baldok y● was y● kyngꝭ chaūceler was departyd after y● quene Isabelles ordynaūce sir Rogere Mortymers of wygmore soo that the kynge had no thynge there of but at her wyll and her delyueraūce 〈◊〉 of their londes as after warde ye shall here ¶ How kynge Edwarde went vnto stāthop for to mete the Scottes ANd yet in the same tyme was y● kynge in y● castell of kenylworth vnder the kepynge of syr Henri that was erle Thomas of Lancasters broder that tho was erle of Lcycetre And the kynge graūtyd hym y● erldome of Lancastre that the kyng his fader had seasyd into his hō de put out Thomas of Lancastres broder soo was he erle of Lancastre of Lcycetre also Stywarde of Englōde as his broder was in his tyme. But syr Edwarde that was kynge Edwardes fader made sorowe withoute ende bycause he myght not speke with his wyf ne wyth his sone wherfore he was in moche mischeyf For though it was so y● he was led de and rulyd by fals coūsell yet he was kynge Edwards sone callyd Edwarde with y● longe shankys came out of the worthyest blood of the worlde they to whome he was wonte to yeue grete yeftys large were moost preuy with y● kȳge his owne sone And they wre his enmyes bothe by nyght by daye procured to make debate contake bytwene hym and his sone and Isabell his wyf But the frere prechers were to hym gode frendes euer more cast both by nyght and by day how they myght brynge hym oute of pryson And amonge theyr company that the freres had prpurly brought there was a frere that was callyd Dunhened and he had ordeyned gadryd a grete cōpany of folke to kepe at y● nebe but the frere was taken put in the castell of pountfret there be deyed in pryson syr henry erle of Lancastre y● had y● kynges fader in kepynge thrugh cōmandement of the kynge delyuerd Edwarde the kynges fader by endenture to syr Thomas of Berkelay And soo syr Iohn̄ Matreuas they lad hym frō the castell of kenylworth to y● castell of Ber kelay kept hym there saufly ¶ And at Ester next after his coronacōn y● kynordeyned a grete huge hoste for to fyght ayenst y●
for it is do●n them to vnderstōde that yf my lady your wyfe came ony thynge nyghe you that ye wold her strā gle and slee and also that ye wolde do● to my lorde your sone in the same wyse ¶ Tho answerde he with symple there Alas alas am not I in pryson all 〈◊〉 youre owne wyll now god it wote I thought it neuer and nowe I wolde that I were dede ●o wolde god that I were for thenne were all my sorowe passyd ¶ It was not longe after that the kynge thrughe coūsell of Roger Mortimer grauntyd y● warde kepynge of syr Edwarde his fader vnto syr Thomas To●oursy to y● forsayd syr Iohn̄ Matreuers thrughe y● kynges letter put out hooly the forsayd syr Moryce of y● warde of y● 〈◊〉 ge And they toke and ladde the kynge vnto the castell of ●o●f y● whiche castell the kynge hatyd as ony dethe And they kept hym there tyll it came vnto saynt Mathewes daye in Septembre in the yere of grace M.CCC xx●u that the for sayd syr Roger Mortymer sent the manere of y● dethe how in what wyse he sholde be done to dethe And anone as y● forsayd Thomas Iohn̄ had see the ●et ter cōmaūdemente they made kyng Edwarde Carnari●an good cher● and good solace as they myght at that sou●tpere nothynge y● kynge wyst of y● traytory And whan tyme was for to go too bed the kynge went to his bedde laye slept fast And as the kynge laye slept the traytours fals forsworn ayenst ther homage f●uate came pryuely into the kynges chambre theyr company with them layed an huge table vppon his wombe with men p●ēssyd helde fast downe the foure corners of the table on his body wherwith the good man awoke and was wonder sore adradde to be deed and there slayne and torned his body vp tho so downe Tho toke the fals traytours tyraūtes an horne put it into his fundement as depe as they myght toke a spyt of cop●e brennynge putte it thrugh the horne into his bodye of● tymes therwith thy●led his bowels so they slewe ther lorde that no thynge was perceyued And after he was enteryd at Glouce●●e ¶ How kynge Edwarde spowsyd Phylyp y● erles doughter of Henaude at yorke ANd after Cristmasse tho nexte sewynge syt Iohn̄ of Henaude broughte with hym Philyp his brothers doughter y● was erle of Henaude his nece into Englonde the kynge spowsyd her at Yorke with moche honoure And syr Iohn̄ of Bothum bysshop of Ely syr wyllyam of Melton Archebysshopp of Yorke sange y● masse y● Sondaye on the euen of y● Conuersyon of saynt Poule In the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvii But bycause y● the kyng was but yonge tendre of aege whan he was crowned full many wronges were doon whyle y● his fader lyued by cause y● he trowed y● coūseyllers y● were fals a abowte hym y● coūseylled hym to do otherwyse than reason wolde wherfore greate harme was done to y● reame and to the kynge all men dyrected i● the kynges dede and it was not so almyghty god it wote wherfore it was ordeyned at the kynges crownynge ▪ y● the kynge for his tendre aege sholde be gouerned by .xii. of the grettest lordes of Englonde without whome nothynge sholde be doon That is to saye thar●h●bysshop of Caūterbury tharche bysshop of Yorke y● bysshop of wynches tre the bysshop of Herforde the erle of Lancastre ther●e Marschall the Erle of Kent y● were the kynges vndes and the erle of Garen●e syr Thomas wake syr Henry Percy syr Olyuer yngham and Iohn̄ Rous barons all thyse were sworn truely for to counseyll the kynge and they shold answer euery yere in parlement of that that sholde be done in y● tyme of theyr gouernall but that ordynaunce was sone vndoon and that was moche harme to all Englonde For the kynge all the lordes y● sholde gouerne hym were gouerned 〈…〉 y● quene his moder dame Isabell. 〈◊〉 sye Roger Mortimer as they wolde all thyn ge was done both amonge hygh lowe And they toke vnto theym castels townes londeꝭ tent● in greate harme and losse to y● crowne of the kynges estate oute of all mesure ¶ How the peas was made bytwene the Englysshmen the Scottes and alsoo of Iustifyenge of Troylles●aston Kynge Edwarde at wytsontyde in the seconde yere of his regne thrughe the counseyll of his moder sir Roger Mortimer ordeyned a parlement at Northampton And at y● parlement the kyng thrugh his coūsell none other of y● londe with in aege graūtyd to be accordyd with the scottes in this manere y● al y● feautees homages y● the scottes sholde doo to y● crowne of Englonde foryaue theym for euer more by his chartre ensealed And ferdermore an endenture was made of y● Scottes vnto kynge Edwarde y● was kynge Henryes sone whiche endenture they calle it ragman in y● whiche were conteyned all y● homages feaute●s Fyrste of y● kynge of Scotlonde of y● prelates erles barons of y● reame of Scotloyde with theyr seales set thero● other chartres remēbrauncys y● kynge Edwarde his barons had of theyr ryght in y● forsayd reame of scotlonde it was foryeue ayen holy chirche And also with y● blacke crosse of Scotlonde the whiche y● good kynge Edwarde conquered in Scotlonde brought it out of the abbaye of Scone y● is a full precyous relyque And also ferthermore he releacy● fully forgaue all the londes y● y● noble barons had before y● tyme in y● reame of scotlonde by olde conquest And ferther more y● this peas for to be holden continuelly laste y● Scottes were bounde vnto the kynge in .xxx. thousande poūde of siluer to be pay●● within th●e yere that is euery yere .x. thousande pounde by euen porcy●●● ¶ And ferther●●●● aboue all this they spake bytwene the partyes aboue sayd that Dauid Dri●●●autier that was kynge Robert B●us sone the fals tyraunt fals forsworn ayenst his othe that arose ayenst his lyege lorde the noble and good kynge Edwarde and falsly made hym kynge of Scotlonde that was of aege .v. yere And so this cursyd counseyll Dauyd spoused at B●rewyk dame Iohn̄ of the Toure that was kinge Edwardes syster as the gestes tellith vpon Mary Mawdeleyns daye in y● yere of grace M.CCC.xxviii too greate harme and ●mpayrynge of all y● kynges blode wherof y● gentyll lady came alas the tyme For wonder moche that fayre damoysell dysperagyd syth y● she was maryed ayenst all the comyns wyll assent of Englonde And frome the tyme that Brute had conquered Albyon and named the londe after his owne name Brytayne that now is callyd Englond after the name of Engist And so the reame of Scotlond was holde of y● reame of Englonde of the crowne by feaute and homage For Brute conquered that hande yaue it to Albana● y● was hys seconde sone And he
Englond y● was borne in Yorke shyre that was callyd Iohn̄ of Barnaby this edwarde Bayllol louyd hym moche and was nyghe hȳ full preuy And so this Iohn̄ of Barnaby was in debate with a Frenche man in the towne of Dūpier so he slewe hym went his way in all the haste y● he myght into the castell for too haue socoure helpe of his lorde And a none came the offycers of the towne to take Iohn̄ of Barnaby as a felon and syr Edwarde his lorde holpe hym and rescowed hym by nyght made hym go out of the castell so he went his waye and came into Englonde withoute ony harme ¶ And whan y● kynge of Fraūce sawe y● syr Edwarde had rescowed hys felon he became wonder wrothe ayenstetyr Edwarde anone lete hym arestyd toke into his hondes all his londes Tho dwellyd syr Edwarde in pryson vnto y● tyme y● syr Henry of Beaumont came into Fraūce y● whiche Henry somtyme waserle of Anguysshe in Scotlon de and was put out therof whan thacordement was bytwene Englonde scotlonde thrugh y● quene Isabell syr Roger Mortimer their cōpany for y● mariage y● she made bytwene Dauyd that was Roberte Brussone dame Iohan of Tour kynge Edwards syster of Englonde well vnderstode this that at y● ende he sholde come to his ryght butyf it were syr Edwarde Bayllol that was ryghte htyre of the reame of Scotlonde ¶ And the kynge of Fraunce Lowyslsuyd moche this syr Henry And he was with hy● full preuy and thought for to make a delyuer a●mie of syre Edwarde Bayllof yf he myght in ony manere of wyse ¶ Tho prayed he the kynge that he wolde of his grac● graunte hym sy●● Edwarde Bayllols body vnto the next parlement y● he myght lyue with his owne rentes in y● meane tyme y● he myght stonde to be Iugyd with his perys at the parlement And y● kynge graūtyd hym his prayer made y● forsayd Edwarde to be delyuered out of pryson in y● manere aboue sayd anone as he was out of pryson syr Henry toke hym forth with hym ladde hym into Englonde made hym dwelle pryuely at the maneer of Sandhall vpon Ouse in yorke shyre with the lady Vescy And so he ordeyned hun there an huge retenew of Englysshmen and also of alyauntes for too conquere ayen his herytage and so he yaue moche syluer vnto y● souldyours and alyauntes for to helpe hym And they behyght for to helpe hym in y● they myghte but they faylled hym at his moost nede ¶ And at y● tyme Dauyd erle of Moryf herde telle how that syr Edwarde Bayllol was priuely come in to Englonde And came to hym and made with hym greate Ioy of his comynge sayd vnto hym behyght hym that all y● greate lordes of Englonde sholde be to hym entendaūte shold hym holde for kynge as ryght heyre of Scotlonde and dyd to hym feaute ¶ Tho came syr Henry of Beaumōte to kynge Edward of Englonde and prayed hym in y● way of charytee that he wolde graūt of his grace vnto syred warde Bayllol y● he myghte saufly goo by londe from Sandhall vnto● Scotlōde to conquere his ryght herytannce in scotlonde ¶ The kynge answerde and sayd yf that I suffre Bayllol go thrughe my londe into Scotlonde then the people wolde saye y● I sholde be assentȳge vnto y● company ¶ Now syr I praie you y● ye wolde yeue hym leue to take with hym souldyours of Englysshmen that they myght saufly lede hym thrugh your londe to Scotlonde And syr vpon thys couenaunt y● yf it so befall as god it forbydde that he be dyscomfyted in batayll thrugh the Scottes that I and also all the lordes that holde with Bayllol ben for euer more out of our rentes y● we haue in Englonde And there the kynge vppon this couenaunt grauntyd theyr bone as towchynge hym tho that were of the same quarell the whiche claymed for to haue londes and rentes in the reame of Englonde And thyse were y● names of those lordes that pursued this forsayd matere and quarell ¶ That is to saye Syre Edwarde Bayllol the whiche chalengyd the reame of Scotlonde ▪ syr Henry Beaumont erle of Ang●●●she syr Dauyd of Stroboly erle of atheles syr Geffray of Mombraye walter Comyn and many other that were put out of theyr herytage in scotlonde whan the peas was made bytwene Englonde and Scotlonde as before is sayd And ye shall vnderstonde that thyse sordes toke with theym fyue hundred men of armes and two thousande artbers and of fote men and tho went into shyppe atte Raue●spore sayled by the see tyl that they came vnto Scotlond came to lōde at Kynkehorne .xii. myle fro saynt Iobannes towne And anone sent out the●shyppes agayne for that they sholde not be hurte ne empeyred neyther that noo man sholde go in to the shyppes agayn though that they had nede but abyde alperylles not flee but stonde rather suffre dethe than flee for too mayntene theyr true quarell whan y● erle of Fysse a fyers man a sterne herde y● Bayllol was come for to take y● londe of scotlōde he came in hast to Kynkeborne with xii thousande Scottes for to dyshoye hym that he sholde not come to londe But syr Edwarde Bayllol and his cōpany there hym dyscomfyted at the whiche dyscomfyture syr Alysander Scton was there slayne and many other The erle of Fyffe was tho sore and full ruyl ashamyd that so lytyll a company bad hym dyscomfyted and shamefully putt hym all his company that were alyue for too flee ¶ Tho came syr Edwarde Bailloll toke the countree all aboute hym tyll he came vnto the abbay of Dūfermlin there he founde vitaylles for hym and for his folke and amonge all other thyng he fonde in a chambre aboute fyue hūdred of grete staues of fyue oke with longe pryckes of yren and of stele And he toke them and delyuerd them to y● moste strongest men of his companye And anone after he yede fro thens and lodged hym in a felde .ii. myles from saynt Iohannes towne And whan the burgeys of the towne herde how the erle of Fyffe was dyscomfyted thrughe Baylloll brake the brydges that they had made ouer the water of Erne so that Bailloll myght not go ouer wherfore he lodged hym there all that nyght but lytyllhede he toke of reste and sayde vnto his people Nowe dere lordes ye knowe full well y● we ben now lodged bytwene our enmyes and they may vs hampre there is no bote but deth wherfore yf we abyde styll all this nyght I wene it shal torne vs to moche harme For the power of Scotlonde may euery wexe and encre●e and we may not so do And we ben but lytyll people as ayenst theym Wherfore I pray you for the loue of almyghty god make we vs bolde and hardy and that we may myghtely take the Scottes this nyghte and boldly
of the comynalte of the reame ¶ About this tyme at kynge Edwardes cōmaundement of Englonde whan all the castels and townes were yolden too hym y● longe were holden in Fraūce by a greate cōpany assembled to gyder syre Bartram Claykyn a nobled knyght and a good warryour went and purposed hym to put out Pers kynge of Spayne out of his kyngdom with helpe of the moost partye of the forsayd grete company trnstynge also vpon helpe fauour of y● pope for as moche as it come to his ceres y● the same Pers sholde lede vse a synfull lyfe y● whiche Pers smyten with drede of this tydynge fled into Gascoyne to prȳce Edward for to haue socoure of hym And whan he was fled out of Spayne Henry his broder y● was a bastarde by assent of y● moost party of Spayne thrugh help of that ferefull cōpany y● I spake of fyrst was crowned kȳge of spayne y● nōbre of that same cōpani was rekened set at the nōbre of .xl. M. fyghtynge men ¶ This same yere in y● moneth of Iune there come a grete cōpany a nauye of y● Danes gadred them togyder in the North see purposyng thē to come into Englonde to reue and too robbe and also to sle with whome they coūtred mette in the se. maryners and other gode fyghtynge men of y● countre dysperpled theym And they ashamyd went home ayen in too theyr owne coūtree But amonge the other there was a boystous vessell and a stronge of their nauye that was ouer saylled by the Englysshmen was perysshed drenched In the whiche y● Stewarde other worthy greate men of Denmarke were ta taken prysoners the kynge of Englōde his coūseyll prysoned them y● whiche lordes y● Danes afterwarde sought them all about for to haue had thē ayen with theyr goodes y● they had loste and they not well apayed ne pleased of the answer y● they had they torned homewardes ayen leuȳge behynde thē in ther Innes pryuely wryten in scrowes on walles yet shall Danes wast the wanes Thenne happed there an Englyssh writer wrote ayenst y● Dane in this manere here shall Danes fette theyr banys ¶ And in this tyme Pers the kynge of Spayne with other kynges that is too saye the kynge of Nauerne and the kynge of Malogre beynge meanes wenten bytwene and prayed coūseyll and helpe of syr Edwarde the prynce whos counseyll whan he had vnderstandynge ther artycles and desyre that he was requyred of of tho kynges loth he was ashamed to saye nay contrary to thē But netheles he was agast lest it sholde be oni preiudice ayenst y● pope longe tyme taryed thē or that he wolde graūt or consente therto tyll he had better coūseyll auysement with good delyberatyon of kyng Edwarde his fader But whan they were with hym euery daye contynually be sechynge of many noble men requyred spoken to with many prayers sente made bytwene thē than prynce Edwarde sent to his fader both vy cōplaynyng letters also by confortable conteynȳge all theyr suggestyous causes with all y● other kyngꝭ epystles letters for to haue conforte helpe of y● wronges not only done to y● kynge of Spayn but also for suche thyngꝭ as myght fall to other kyngꝭ Also yf it were not y● soner holpē amended thrughe y● dome helpe of knyghthode to them y● it asked desired ¶ The whiche letter whan the kynge his wyse coūseyll had seen suche a kyng spoylynge robbynge with moche merueyll And sent ayen comfortable letters to prynce Edwarde his sone to y● other kyngꝭ warned them for to arme them ordeyne theym ayenst that mysdoer to withstande them by y● helpe of god y● were suche enmyes to kynges whan this noble prynce had receyued this letters hymself with that other kynges before sayd all theyr coūseyll called 〈◊〉 he wolde vndertake the quard he boūd knytte sore y● kynge y● was deposed 〈◊〉 a greate o the that is to saye y● besholde euer after mayntene y● 〈…〉 and fayth of holy chirche and also with all theyr mynystreo ryghtes 〈…〉 defende frome all theyr cum 〈…〉 And all y● were ther● ayenst ●●●ly to punysshe destroble 〈…〉 lybertees preuyleges of holy 〈…〉 creace mayntene 〈…〉 y● were wrongfully taken with 〈◊〉 boren a waye by hym or by ou● other by cause of hym hastely to 〈…〉 dryue and put out saras● 〈…〉 mysbyleued people our o● his 〈◊〉 with all his strēgth and his po●er and suffre ne admitte none suche for no manere thynge ne cause too dwelle 〈◊〉 And that whan he had taken a 〈◊〉 woman he sholde neuer come in to non● other womans bedde ne none other m●nes wyfe too defoyle ¶ All thyse fo● sayd thynges trewely for to● kepe con tynue fulfyll as all his lyfe c●me be was boūdē by other afore notar●●s in presence wytnesse of tho kynges with other prynces ¶ And thanne that gra●●ous prynces Edwarde vndertoke the cause the quarell of the kynge that was deposed and behyght hym with the grace of almyghty god to restoe hȳ ayen to bys kyngdom lete ordeyne gadre ●●gyd forthwith in all haste his many with mē of armes for to warre and fyght in hys forsayd cause ¶ And in this same yere vpon the sande of y● Scottes see y● many a man sawe it thre dayes togyder there were seen two Egles of y● which y● one come out of y● southe y● other out of the north cruelly strongly they foughte togyder wrastled togyder y● southe Egle fyrst ouercome y● north egle all to rente hym with his bylle his clawes that he sholde not reste ne take no brethe and after y● south egle fleyth home to his owne costes ¶ And anone after there folowed was leen in y● morne after y● son rysynge after in y● last daye of Octobre sauynge one many sterres gadred togyder on an hepe felle downe to y● erthe le uynge behynde thē fyre bemes in maner of lyghtnynge whos flāmes brent cō sumed mens clothes mens heer walkȳge on y● erth as it was sene y● knowen of many a man ¶ And yet y● northern wȳde y● is euer redy destyrnate to all ylle fro saynt Katherynes eue thre dayes after lost greate good withoute nombre ¶ And in this same dayes there felle come also such lyghtnyng thondre snow ●●yll y● if wasted destroyed men bestes houses trees ¶ Of the batayll of Spayne besyde the water of Nazers that was bytwene prynce Edward syr Henry bastard of Spaȳ IN y● yere of our lord a M.CCC lxvii and of kynge Edwarde .xlii the thyrde daye of Aprylle there was a stronge batayll and a greate in a large felde called Pryazers fast by the water of Nazers in spayne bytwene syre Edwarde the prynce syr Henry y● bastarde of Spayne but the vyctory
fell to prynce Edwarde by the grace of god ¶ And this same prynce Edwarde had with hym syr Iohn̄ duke of Lancastre his broder other worthy men of armes about y● nō bre of .xxx. thousande ¶ And the kynge of Spayne had on his syde men of dynero nacyons to the nombre of an hondred thousande mo wherfore y● shar penesse and fyersnesse of his aduersary with his full boystous greate strenthe made and dryue the ryghtfulle partye a backe a greate waye but thrugh the grace of almyghty god passynge ony mannes strenthe that greate hooste was dysparpled myghtfully by the noble duke of Lancastre and his hoost or that prynce Edward came nyghe hym And whā Henry bastarde sawe that he torned with his men in so greate hast and strenthe for to flee that a greate company of thē in the forsayd floode and of the brydge therof fellen downe and perysshed And also there were taken the erle of Dene syr Bartram Cleykyn y● was cheyf maker causer of the warre also cheyftayne of the vaūtwarde of y● batayll with many other greate lordes and kuyghtes to the nombre of two thousande of whom two hondred were of Fraūce many al so of scotlonde and there were felled in the felde on our enmyes syde of lordes knyghtes with other meyn people to the nombre of .vi. thousande and moo and of Englysshmen but a fewe And after this the noble prynce Edwarde restored the same Peers to his kyngdom ayen y● whiche Peers afterwarde thrugh trechery and falsenes of the forsayd basterd of Spayne as he satte at his mete he was strangled and deyed But after this vyctorye many noble men of Englonde also hardy in Spayne thrughe the flyx and dyuers other sekenesses toke theyr dethe ¶ And also in the same yere in y● Marche was seen stella Cometa bytwene the north costes y● west whos bemes stretched towarde Fraūce ¶ And in the next yere folowynge of kynge Edwardꝭ regne .xliii. in Apryll syre Lyonell kynge Edwardes sone that was duke of Cla rence wente towarde Melayne wyth a chosen meyne of the gentyls of Englonde for to wedde Galoys doughter haue hyr to his wyf by whome he sholde haue halfe y● lordshyp of Melayne but after y● they were solēply wedded about y● Natyuyte of our lady y● same duke of Melai ne deyed And in y● same yere y● Frensshe men brake y● peas y● trewes rydyng on y● kyngꝭ groūde lordshyp of Englōde in y● shyre coūtre of Poūtyfe tokē helde castell townes bere y● Englyssh men on honde falsly subtyll y● they were cause of brekȳge of trewes and in this same yere deyed y● duches of Lancastre is buryed worshypfully in saynt Poules chirche ¶ The .xliiii. yere of kynge Edwardes regne was y● grettest pestylēce of men of grete bestes by y● grete fallynge of waters that felle at that tyme there fell grete hyndrynge destroyenge of corne in so moche that the next yere after a busshell of whete was solde for .xl. pens And in this same yere about y● last ende of Maykyng Edwarde helde tho his parlement at westmyster in which parlement was treated spoken of y● o the trewes that was borken bytwene hym the kyng of Fraūce how he myght best be auenged vpon his wronge ¶ In this same yere in y● Assūpcyon of our lady deyed quene Philyp of Englonde a full noble gode lady at westmyster full worshypfully is buryed entered And about mydsomer y● duke of Lancastre the erle of Herforde with a grete cōpany of knyghtes went into Fraūce where as they gate them but lytell worshyp name for there was a greate hooste of y● Frensshmen vpon Calkhull brydge an other hoste of Englysshmen fast by y● same brydge y● longe tyme had lyued there And maniworthy greate men of Englond ordei ned yaf coūseyll for to fyght yaf batayll to y● Frensshmen but y● forsayd lordes wolde not consent therto for no maner thynge ¶ And anone after it happe ned y● the erle of warwyk come thyderwarde for to warre whan y● Frensshe men herde of his comynge or y● he came fully to londe they left theyr senses pauylyons with all theyr vytayls sled wēt awaye pryuely And whan y● erle was comen to londe with his men he went in all hast towarde Normandye deshored y● I le of Caur with strenth of swerde thrughe fyre But alas in his reformynge to Englonde warde home ayen at Calays he was taken with sykenes of pestylence deyed not leuynge behynde hȳ after hys dayes so noble a knyght of armes ¶ In which tyme regned warted y● noble knyght syr Iohn̄●●●wkewod y● was an Englysshman borne hauynge 〈…〉 at his gouernaūce y● whyte cōpany 〈…〉 forsayd y● whiche o tyme ayenst 〈◊〉 ●●●che an other tyme ayenst lord 〈◊〉 ordeyned grete batayls there in 〈◊〉 me coūtree he dydde many merueylleu● thynges ¶ And about y● 〈…〉 of saynt Poule y● kyng whan he had ended done y● entrynge crequyes with ●●●te costes ryaltees aboute y● scpule●●e buryenge of quence Phylip his wife 〈◊〉 helde a parlement at westmyster 〈◊〉 ●●●che parlem̄t was ared of y● clergre 〈◊〉 yeres dyme that is for to saye a greedy me to be payed thre yere durynge And the clargye put it of and wolde not 〈◊〉 it vnto Ester next comynge 〈◊〉 they graunted well that in thre 〈…〉 certayne termes y● dyme sholde be 〈◊〉 also of the lay fee was a thre yere 〈◊〉 graunted to the kynge ¶ How sir Robert Knolles with other certayne lordes of y● teame went ouer sent to Fraūce of theyr gouernaūce ANd in the .xlv. yere of kynge Edwarde in y● begyunynge kynge Edwarde with vnwyse coūseyll and vndyscrete borowed a greate sōme of golde of y● prelaces marchaūtes other tyche men of his reame saynge y● it sholde be spended in defendynge of holy chirche of his reame Netheles it profyted nothȳge wherfore aboute mydsomer after he made a grete host of y● worthyest men of his reame Amonges whome weresome lordꝭ that is for to say y● lorde Fytzwater y● lorde graūson other worthy knightꝭ of which knyghꝭ y● kygne ordeyned syr Robert Knolles a proued knyzt a well assayd in dedes of armes for to be gouernour y● thrugh his coūseyl gouernaunce all thȳge sholde be gouerned dressed And whan they come into Fraūce as longe as they dwelled helde them hole togyder y● Frensshmen durst not fall vppon thē And at the laste about the begȳ nynge of wynter for enuye couetyse y● was amonge them also dyscorde they sondred parted thē into dyuerse cōpanyes vnwysely folely But syr Robert Knolles his men went keped theym sauf within a castell in Brytayne And whan y● Frensshmen sawe that ouer men felaushyp were deuyded into dyuerse
Thenne they prayed Machomyte to open that holy boke with his holy hondes the whiche was sente from heuen euermore to be kepte In the whiche boke is shewed how the people shal worshyp god ¶ And Machomyte sayd this boke was wryten with aungels honde So by these fals meanes he torned to his lawe all the londe of Perse and all the Erst Imperyall agaynst Heraclium the Emperour And he occupyed vnto the ende of Alexandre and Egypte Libia Arabia and Siria Thenne after he enfected all Affrycam And but the grace of god withstode hym he had enfected all Spayne and Fraunce And many other thynges he dyde whiche were to moche to wryte in this boke COnstantyne the thyrde the sone of Heraclij was Emperour .xxvij. yere This Constantyne was a grete tyraunt a cursyd man and an heretyke Fals subtyll and odyous to crysten men Ne he gaaf no place to pope Mertyne And he reysed a grete hoste agaynst the Lombardes And there he lost the felde and fledde vnto Rome And honourably was receyued of the pope Vit●llianus other of the cyte And he rewarded not them lyke after theyr merytes as a prynce sholde haue done But vsed forth tyrannye and heresye Wherfor at the last he was slayne of his owne knyghtes in a bath the whiche wolde no lenger suffre his tyrannye And soo he wretchedly lyued and deyed vnhappely ¶ Martinus the fyrst was pope after Theodor .vi. yere This Martinus was a very holy man strongely stroue for the fayth of god And whan he sange masse on a certayne daye at the awter there pursewed hym to slee hym a man that was called Spatarius of Olymphe And whan he wolde haue smyten hym he was blynde sodaynly This same man called a Synodi in the cyte of Rome and dampned Syrum Alexandrū Sergium Pyrum and Paulum heretykes Wherfore Constantyne the Emperour expled hym and he deyed a saynt ¶ Eugeniꝰ a Romayne was pope after Martyne almoost thre yere and was an holy man but of hym lytell actes is wryten ¶ Vitellianus was pope after hym 〈◊〉 yere This man made the songe that the Romayns vse and accorded it also with the organys And he also had the grace of the Emperour the whiche was wrothe with his predecessours Neuerthelesse afterwarde he stode not in his conco●de Ne hytherto I coude not fynde that euer the churche of Rome had fully after the deth of Constantyne y● myghty the lordshyp of the cyte and of other the whiche he yaue to the churche ¶ Anno dm̄ .vi. C.xliiij ADeodatus a Romayne was pope after Vitellianus foure yere and in his dayes was translated the body of saynt Benedictus with the body of Saynt Scolastica his syster fro the hylle of Cassin vnto the monasterys of Floriecens nyghe Aurelian ¶ Consta● tyne the fourthe was Emperour after his fader Constantyne the cursyd man This Constantyne was a good man hated heretykes ouer all thynge The chirche he repeyred and grace he reconsyled agayne to the chirche of Rome he with the pope gadred togyder the .vi. generall Synodus in the whiche was graunted to preestes of Grece for to vse theyr leyffull wyues to the preestes of the Eest for cause of grete hete but not to those of the West party by no meanes For they amytted chastyte in the tyme of saynt Gregory And euery man may auertyse pondre how moche the goodnes of a prynce is worthe to the quyete state of the chirche to the promocyon of the fayth and also the contrary how moche the malyce of a prynce hurteth that thynge These two Constantyns the fader the sone shewed openly For in the faders dayes the chirche neuer had rest and in the sones tyme it was quyete Yet neuertheles our lorde suffred the Sa●rasyns and the Bulgars to entre in this Emporours londe that he them myght not withstande but that he made his peas with them payed to them yerely a truage so myghtely preuaylled that cursyd secte of Machomyte after he deyed blessydly ¶ Nota. ¶ That there were .vi. generall Synodus and moost pryncypall of the whiche the auctoryte is equall to the gospell for the truthe of the gospell is declared by them ayenst the .vi. pryncypall heresyes the whiche strongely trowbled the chirche for the subtyltee of those heretykes to dysceyue symple men ¶ This tyme deyed saynt Cedde of Lytchefelde y● thyrde yere of his bysshopryche ¶ Demus a Romayne was pope after Adeodatus thre yere Of this man lytell is wryten ¶ Bonifacius was pope after hym lytell of hym is wryten but that he lyued lyke a preest ¶ Agatho was popope after hym and he was a very holy man For on a daye whan he kyssed a lepre the lepre anone was made hole ¶ Iste et de consensu principis iussit celebrari sextū sinodū apud ostantinopoli CC.lxxx ep̄orum in qua asseret duas naturas et duas voluntates esse in xp̄o ¶ Leo the seconde was pope after Agatho thre yere this Leo was an holy man and suffycyentely taugh in latyn greke this man ordeyned that the pax sholde be yeuen after Agnus dei and deyed a blessyd man ¶ Benedict●s the seconde was pope after Leo almoost thre yere This man about all thynge was vertuous his name accorded with his dedes And in his tyme was a grete pestylence ¶ Iustinianꝰ the seconde was Emperour this tyme he was a very good man a prudent a large and he encreaced the Empyre of Rome myghtly but but he charged the offyce of the chirche ouer moche Many lawes he made and after was not good he intended to haue lette y● decrees of the .vi. Synodus wherfore the .x. yere of his Empyre he was taken of Leo the prynce of Patricio and Tyberio they cutte of his nose his tonge exyled hym to Crysonā There was then turbacyon in y● chirche for stryue heretykes ¶ And knowe all men whan varyaunce falleth betwixt grete lordes thenne errours ben multeplyed for there is no man corrected them therfore that is oftentyme preued in the chirche Thenne after felle a varyaunce betwixt Leo and Tyberio And Tybereo preuaylled he exyled Leo cutte of his nose the thyrde yere of his regne regned for hym Iustinianus fledde to the Sarrasyns the Bulgars the whiche restored hym ayen to his Empyre slewe Leo and Tyberio the whiche fauoured heretykes Thenne this same Iustinianus refourmed hymself to the chirche of god had grete repentaunce But he venged hym to cruelly on his aduersaryes so that he wolde haue slay 〈◊〉 theyr Innocent childern Therfore he was slayne with his sone of Phylyp whom he exyled ¶ Anno dm̄ .vi. C.lxxxiiij IOhānes the fyfth was pope after Benedictꝰ ●o yere he was a good man but he decessid anone ¶ Zeno was pope after hym And he was a very holy man for he wolde not medle with seculer maters And in beaute he was an angell
moche herde of the goodnesse of kynge Edwarde that he was so full of mercy of pyte He thoughte that he wolde go ayen in to Englonde for to seke to haue grace of the good kynge Edwarde that so mercyfull was that he myght haue ayen his londe in peas And arayed hym as moche as he myght put hȳ towarde the see came in to Englonde to London there that the kyng was that tyme all the lordes of Englonde and helde a parlyament Godewin sente to hym that were his frendes were the moost grettest lordes of the londe pray to them to beseche the kynges grace for hym that he wolde his peas his londe graunte hym The lordes ledde hym before the kynge to seke his grace And anone as the kyng hym sawe he apeled hym of treason of the deth of Alured his brother and these wordes vnto hym sayd Traytour Godewin sayd the kynge I the appele that thou hast betrayed slayne my brother Alured Certes syr sayd Godewin sauynge your grace and your peas your lordshyp I hym neuer betrayed ne yet hym slewe And therfore I put me in rewarde of the courte Now fayr lordes sayd the kynge Ye that ben my lyeges erles and barons of the londe that here be assembled full well ye herde myn appele and the answere also of Godewin and therfore I woll that ye awarde dooth ryght The erles barons tho gadred them all togyder for to do this awarde by themself and so they spake dyuersely amonge them For some sayd there was neuer alyaūce by homage seriment seruyce ne by lordshypp bytwene Godewin and Alured for which thynge they myght hym drawe And a●● the laste they deuysed and demed that he sholde put hym in the kynges mercy all togyder Tho spake the erle Leuerik of Couentree a good man to god and to all the worlde and tolde his reason in this maner sayd The erle Godewin is the best frended man of Englonde after the kynge well it myght not be agayne sayd that without coūsell of Godewin Alured was neuer putt to dethe Wherfore I awarde as towchynge my parte that hymself his sone euery of vs .xij. erles that ben his frendes go before the kynge charged with as moche golde syluer as we may bere betwixt our hondes prayenge the kynge to forgeue his euyll wyll to the erle Godewin receyue his homage his londe yelde ayen And they accorded vnto that a warde and came in this maner as is aboue sayd euery of them with golde syluer as moche as they myghte bere bytwene her hondes before the kynge there sayde the fourme the maner of theyr acorde of theyr awarde The kyng wolde not theym agaynsaye but as moche as they ordeyned he graūted confermed And so was the erle Godewin accorded with the kynge so he had ayen all his londe And afterwarde he bare hym soo well soo wysely that the kynge loued hym worder moche with hym he was ful preuy And within a lytell tyme they loued soo moche that there the kynge spowsed Godewins doughter made her quene And neuerthelesse though the kynge had a wyfe yet he lyued euer in chastyte clennesse of body without ony flesshly dede doynge with his wyf And the quene also in her halfe ladde an holy lyf two yere deyed And afterwarde the kynge lyued all his lyfe withoute ony wyf ¶ The kyng yaue the erledom of Oxenforde to Harolde that was Godewins sone made hym erle And soo well they were beloued bothe the fader he and so pryue with the kynge both the fader the sone that they myght do by ryght what thynge that they wolde For ayenst ryght wolde he no thynge do for no maner man so good and true he was of conscyence And therfore our lorde Ihesu Cryste grete specyll loue vnto hym shewed ¶ How kynge Edwarde sawe Swyne kynge of Denmark drowned in the see in the tyme of the Sacrament as he stode herde masse IT befelle vppon Wytsondaye as kynge Edwarde herde his masse in the grete chirche of Westmestre ryght at the leuacyon of Ihesu Crystys body as all men were gadred in to the chirche and came nygh the awter for to see the sacrynge the kynge his hondes lyft vp on hyghe and a grete laughter toke vp Wherfore all that aboute hym stode gretely ganne wonder And after masse they axed why the kynges laughter was Fayre lorde sayd kynge Edwarde I sawe Swyne the yonger that was kynge of Denmark come in to the see with all his power for to haue come in to Englonde vpon vs for to warre And I sawe hym all his folke drowned in the see and alle this I sawe in the leuacyon of Crystis body bytwene the preestes bonde and I had therfore so grete Ioye that I myghte not my laughter withholde ¶ And the erle Leueryk besyde hym stode at the leuacyon and openly sawe the fourme of brede torne in the lyknesse of a yonge childe toke vp his ryght honde and blessyd the kynge after the erle and the erle anone tomed hym towarde the kynge for to make hym see that holy syght And tho sayd the kynge ¶ Sy●● Erle sayd he I see well that ye see thanked be god that I haue honoured my god my sauyour visybly Ihesu Cryst in four me of man Whoo 's name be blessyd in all worldes AMEN ¶ How the rynge that sayne Edwarde bod gyuen to a poore pylgryme for the loue of god sayne Iohan Euangelyst came ayen to kynge Edwarde THis noble man sayne Edwarde regned .xiij. yere And thus it befell vpon a tyme are he deyed that two men of Englonde were gone in to holy londe had done theyr pylgrymage were goynge ayen in to theyr owne coūtree where they came fro And as they wente in the waye they mette a pylgryme that curteysly them saluwed axed of them in what londe in what coūtree they were borne And they sayd in Englonde Tho axed he who was kynge of Englonde And they answered sayd the good kynge Edwarde ¶ Fayre frendes sayd tho the pylgryme whan that ye come in to your coūtree ayen I praye you that ye wyll go vnto kynge Edwarde oftentymes grete hym in myn name and oftentymes hym thanke of his grete curteysye that he to me hath done namely for the rynge that he yaue me whan he had herde masse at Westmestre for saynt Iohans loue Euangelyst And toke the rynge toke it to the pylgrymes sayd I praye you go and bere this rynge take it vnto kyng Edwarde telle hym that I sende if hym a full ryche yefte I wyll hym yeue For vpon the .xij. daye he shall come vnto me euer more dwelle in blysse without ony ende ¶ Syr sayd the pylgrymes what man be ye and in what coūtree is your dwellynge ¶ Fayre frendes sayd he I
grete attendynge to vertuous werkes This man cursyd the Emperour of Constancy nople in so moche as he promysed for to torne to the fayth in the generall connscyll dyde not for y● whiche he suffred many passyons all holy chirche Also he cursyd the kyng of Aragon for he expulsyd the kyng of Cecyle fro his kyngdome And after he had done many bataylles ayenst men of mysbyleue many trybulacōns suffred he decessyd dyde many myracles ¶ Nicholaus de lyra a noble doctour of dyuynyte was this tyme at Parys this man was a Iewe of nacyon he was conuerted myghtley profyted in the ordre of frere Mynours he wrote ouer all the Byble Or elles he was in y● yere of our lorde some man saye he was a Braban y● his fader his moder were crystned but for pouerte he vysyted y● scole of the Iewes so he lerned the Iewes langage or elles this Nicholaus was informed of the Iewes in his yonge aege Honorius the fourth was pope after Martinus two yere lytell of hym is wryten but that he was a temperat man a dyscrete ¶ Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym foure yere this man was a frere Mynor alle though he was a good man in hȳself yet many vnhappy thynges felle in his tyme to the chirche For many a batayll was in the cyte thrugh his occasyon for he drewe to moche to y● one parte And after hym there was no pope two yere .vi. monethes ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after this kynge Henry regned Edwarde his sone the worthyes knyght of the worlde in honour for goddes grace was in hym for he had the vyctorye of his enmyes as soone as his fader was deed he came to London with a noble company of prelates exles barons and all men dyde hym moche honoure For in euery place that syr Edwarde roode in London the stretes were couered ouer his heed with sylke of tapyser other ryche couerynges And for Ioye of his comynge the burgeys of the cyte caste out att theyr wyndowes golde and syluer hondes full in tokenynge of loue and worshyp seruyce and reuerence And out of the condyte of Chepe ranne whyte wyne and reed as stremes doth of the water euery man dranke therof that wolde at theyr owne wyl And this kyng Edwarde was crowned and enoynted as ryght heyre of Englonde with moche honour And after masse the kyng wente in to his place to holde a ryall feest amonge them that dyde hym honour And whan he was sette to meete the kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came to do hym honour and reuerence with a queyntesye an hondred knyghtes with hym well horsyd arayde And whan they were alyght of theyr stedes they lete theym goo whether they wolde who that myght take them toke at theyr owne wyll without ony chalenge And after came syr Edmond kynge Edwardes brother a curteys knyght a gentyll of renowne and the erle of Cornewaylle and the erle of Glocestre and after thenne came the erle of Penbroke the erle of Garenne And eche of them by themself ladde in theyr honde an hondred knyghtes gayly dysguysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they lete them go whether that they wolde who that myght them catche them to haue styll withoute ony chalenge And whan alle this was done kyng Edwarde dyde his dylygence and his myght for to amende and dresse the wronges in the beste manere that he myght to the honour of god and holy chirche and to mayntene his honour and to amende the noyaunce of the comyn people ¶ How Ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of Walys prynce Aymer that was the erles brother of Mounforde were taken in the see THe fyrste yere after warde y● kynge Edward was crowned Lewelyn prynce of wales sente into Fraunce to the erle Mountforde y● thorough coūseyll of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And y● erle tho auysed hȳ vpon this thynge and sente vnto Lewelny sayd that he wolde sende after hys doughter and so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell Lewelyn arayed shyppes for his doughter for Syr Aymer and for her fayre company that sholde goo with her And this Lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūted that he sholde yeue his doughter to noo manere man without counsell and consent of kynge Edwarde And so it befel that a Burgeys of Brystow came in y● see with wyne laden and mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the burgeys sente theym to the kȳ ge And whan Lewelyn herde this tydȳ ges he was very wrothe and also sorow full and gan to warre vpon kynge Edwarde and dyd moche harme vnto Englysshmen and bete downe the kynges castels and began for to dystroye kyng Edwardes londe And whan tydynges came vnto the kynge of this thynge he wente into walys and somoche he dydd thoroughe goddes grace and his greate power that he drofe Lewelyn vnto grete myscheyf that he fledde all maner of strenth came yelded hym vnto kynge Edwarde yaue hym .l. marke of syluer to haue peas And toke the damoysel all his herytage made an oblygaciō to kynge Edwarde to come to his parlemente two tymes of the yere And in y● seconde yere after that kynge Edwarde was crowned he helde a generall parlement at westmestre there he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by the comune assente of all his baronage And atte Ester nexte sewenge the kynge sente by his letter vnto Lewelyn prynce of wales that he sholde come too his parlemente for his londe for his holdynge in wales as the strenthe of his letter oblygatory wytnessyd Tho Lewelyn had scorne and dyspyte of the kynges commaundement And for pure wrathe ayen began werre vpon kynge Edwarde and dystroyed his londes And tho whanne kynge Edward herd of thyse tydynges he wexed wonder wrothe vnto Lewelyn and in hast assembled his people wente hym toward wales And warred so vpon Lewelyn the prynce tylle that he broughte hym in moche sorowe and dysease And Lewelyn sawe that his defence myghte hym notte auaylle and came ayen and yelded hym to the kynges grace 〈◊〉 hym mercye and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fote The kynge 〈◊〉 hym pyte and commaunded hym for●● aryse And for his mekenes foryaue 〈◊〉 his wrathe and to hym sayd that yf he trespassed to hym a nother tyme that he wold dystroye hym for euermore ¶ Dauyd that was Lewelyns broder that same tyme dwelled with kynge Edwarde and was a felle man and a subtyll and enuyous and also ferre castynge moche treason thoughte and euermore made good semblaunt and semed so true y● no man myght perceyue his falines ¶ How Lewelyn thrugh eggynge of his brother Dauyd werryd agayn vpon kyge Edwarde IT was not longe after that tyme
sayd Merlyn y● people that sholde lede the sayd greyhoūde sholde be faderles vnto a certayne tyme soth he sayd For the people of Scotlonde gretly were dysesyd after syr Iohn̄ bayllol was fled And Merlyn sayd the sone sholde become in his tyme as redde as ony blood in tokenynge of grete morta lyte of people And that was knowe wel whan the Scottes were slayne And syth sayd Merlyn y● same dragon shold nourysshe a Fox that sholde meue grete w●re ayenste hym that sholde not in his tyme be ended that semed well by Robert the Brus. that kynge Edwarde nourysshed in his chambre that sythen stale away meued grete werre ayenst hym whiche werre was nott ended in his tyme And yet sayd Merlyn that the dragon shold dep in the marche of an other londe that his londe sholde be longe withoute a goo●● keper And y● men sholde wepe for his de the from the yle of Shephey vnto y● I le of Mercyll wherfore alas shall be theyr songeamonge the comyn people fader les in the lond wastyd And that prophecye was knowe ouer all full well For y● good kynge Edwarde deyed at Burgh vp sandys that is vpon the Marche of Scotlonde where the Englysshmen were dyscomforted and sorowed in Northūberlonde For cause that kynge Edwardes sone set by the Scottes no force for the ryot of Peers of Ganaston wherfore alas was the songe thrughe oute all Englonde for defawte of theyr goode wardeyne from y● I le of Shephey vnto the yle of Marcill the people mad mo the sorowe for good kynge Edwardes dethe ¶ For they wend that gode kyng Edwarde sholde haue gone into the holy londe For y● was hooly his purpoos ¶ Vpon whoo 's soule god for his hygh Ingynyte grace haue mercy ¶ Anno dm̄ M. C.C.lxxxii.ij CElestnꝰ was pope after Nicholas fyue monthes and nothynge noble of hym is writen but that he was a vertuous man ¶ Bonefaciꝰ y● eyghte was pope after hym .viii. yere This bo nifacius was a man in those thynges y● whiche perteyneth to court For he was very experte in suche materes And bycause he had no pere he put noo mesure to his prudence And toke so grete pryde vpon hym y● he sayd he was lord of al y● worlde many thynges he dyd with his myght power y● which fayled wret chydly in y● ende He yaue an ensample to all prelatys that they sholde not be hault ne proude but vnder y● fourme of a very shepeherde of god they sholde more study for to be louyd of ther subgectes than dradde This man is he of whome it is sayd y● he entred as a fox he lyued as a lyon deyed as a dogge ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an hūdred yere to an hoūdred yere And the fyrst Iubyle was in the yere of our lorde Ihū 〈◊〉 a thousand thre hundred ¶ Benedictus the enleuenth was after Bonefacius enleuēth monthes this mā was an holy man of the ordre of the fre re prechers lytyll whyle lyued b●t dyssessyd anone ADulphus was Emperoure .vi. yeres This man was y● erle of Anorone And this Adulphus was not crowned by the pope for he was slayne in batayll Albertus was Emperoure after hym .x. yere This man was the Duke of Astrye and fyrst was repreued of the pope and after was confermed bi the same pope for the malyces of the kȳke of Fraunce the whiche was an enmy vnto the chirche And to that Alberte the same pope yaue the kyngdome of Fraūce as he dyd other kyngdoms but it proffyted not for at the laste he was slayne of his neuewe ¶ Clemens was pope after Benedictus almooste .ix. yere and he was a grete buylder of castels and other thynges And he dampnyd the ordre of Templaryes he ordeyned the .vii. boke of y● Decretales the whiche be callyd y● questyons of Clementyns And anone after in a counseyll the whiche he helde at Vyenna he reuokyd the same boke y● whiche his successary Iohn̄ callyd ayen in incorporyd it publysshyd it This Clement fyrste of all popes translatyd the popes sete fro Rome to Auinion whether it was doon by the mocion of god or by the boldenes of man dyuers men meruaylle ¶ Iohn̄ the .xxii. was pope after hym .viii. yere This man was all glorious as for those thynges y● were to be vsyd thrughe y● actyf lyfe And he publyshid the Constitucions of y● clementynes sent them to all y● vnyersi tees And many sayntes he canonysed thyse fatte bysshopryches he deuydyd he ordeyned many thynges ayenst y● pluralyte of benefyces many herytykes he dampned but whether he was saued or not our lorde wolde not shewe to those he louyd very well ¶ Henry the .vii. was emperour after Albert .v. yere this Henry was a noble man in werre and he coueytyd too haue peas by londe and water He was a glorious man in batayll And neuer ouercome with enmyes And atte the laste he was poysened of a frere whan that he houselyd hym by receyuynge of the sacrament ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge Edwardes sone ANd after this kynge Edwarde regned Edwarde his sone that was borne at Carnariuan and this Edwarde wente hym into Fraunce and there he spousyd Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce the .xxv. daye of Ianuari atte the chirche of oure Lady atte Boloyne in y● yere of oure lorde Ihū Cryste M.CCC.vii And the .xx. daye of Feuerer the next y●ere that came after he was crownyd solemply at westmestre of the Archebysshop of Caunterbury And the re was so grete presse of people that syr Iohn̄ Bakwell was slayne murdred And anone as the good kynge Edwarde was deed syr Edwarde his sone kȳge of Englonde sent after pers Ganaston into Gascoyne and somoche louyd hym that he callyd hym brother And anone after he yaue vnto hym y● lordshyp of walyngforde it was not longe after y● be ne yaue hym therldom of Cornewayll ayenst all the lordes wyll of Englonde ¶ And tho brought syr walter of lāgeton bysshop of Chestre into pryson duraūce in the toure of London with two knaues alonely hym to serue For y● kynge was wrothe with hym for bycause that syr water made complaynt on hym too his fader wherfore he was put in pryiō in the tyme of Troylebaston y● forsayd Pers of Ganaston made so grete mays tryes y● he went into y● kynges tresory in y● abbay of westmestre toke y● table of golde with y● trestyls of y● same many other ryche Iewels y● sōtyme were y● no gode kynge Arthurs toke them too a marchaūt y● was callyd ameri of Fris cōhande for he sholde bere them ouer y● set into Gascoyne and so he went thēs and they came neuer ayen after wherfore it was a grete losse to this londe And whan this Peers was so rychely auaun syd he became so proude and so stowte wherfore all the greate lordes of
kynges steward y● the kynge had sente to Shirborne in Elmede to y● erle of Lancastre to all y● with hym were for to trete of accorde y● hym alyed to y● barons came with y● company syre Roger Dammory syr Hugh Dandale y● had spousyd the kynges neres lyster syr Gylbert of clare erle of Gloucetre y● was slayne in Scotlonde as before is sayd And tho two lordes hadde tho two partyes of y● erldom of Gloucetre syr Hugh Spenser had y● thyrde party in his wyues halfe the tyyrde syster and thoo two lordes wente to the barons with al theyr power ayenst syr Hugh theyr brothere in lawe And soo there came with them syr Robert Clyfforde syr Iohn̄ mōbray syr Goselyn Da●yll syre Rogere Mortymer of werk syr Rogere Mortymer of wykmore his neuewe syr Henry Trals syr Iohn̄ Gyffarde syr Barthil mewe of Bardesmore with all theyr cōpany and many other that to them were consente all y● grete lordes came vnto westmestre to y● kynges parlement And so they spake dyde y● bothe syr Hughe Spenser y● fader also y● sone were out lawed of Englonde for euermore And so syr Hugh y● fader went vnto Douere made moche sorowe fell downe vppon the grounde by y● see banke a crosse with his armes and sore w●pynge sayd Now fayr Englonde good Englond to almyghty god I the betake And ther● es kyssed y● ground venyd neuer to haue come ayen wepynge cursyd y● tyme y● euer he begate syr Hugh his sone and sayd for hym he had lost all Englonde And tho in presence of them all ● were abowte hym yaue hym his curse went ouer see to his londes But Hugh y● sone wolde not go out of Englonde but hel de hym in y●●ee he his company robbyd two drome dores besyde Sand 〈◊〉 toke bare away all y● godes y● was in them to the value of .lx. ¶ How y● kynge exyled erle Thomas of Lancastre all y● helde with hym how the Mortimer came yelded hym to the kynge and of all the lordes IT was not longe after y● the kȳge ne made syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hugh y● sone come ●yen in to Englonde ayenst y● lordes wy●l of the reame And sone after the kynge with a stronge power came and beseged the castell of Ledis and in the castell was y● lady of Bladelesmore for cause the she wolde notte graunte that castell to the quene Isabell kynge Edwardes wyfe but the pryncypall cause was for syrr Berthylme we was ayenste y● kynge and helde with y● lordes of Englond neuertheles the kynge by helpe s●coure of men of London and also of helpe of southeren men gate the castell maugre of thez all that were within and toke with thē all that they myght fynde And whan y● barons of Englonde herde thyse tydynges syr Roger Mortimer many other lordes toke the towne of Burggeworth with strenth wherfore y● kynge was wōder wrothe and lete outlawe Thomas of Lancastre Vmfroy de Bohoun●erle of Herford all tho that were assentȳge to the same quarell And y● kynge assembled an huge hoste came ayenst the lordes of Englonde wherfor y● Mortmers put them in the kynges grace And anone they were sente to y● toure of London there kept in pryson And whan y● barons herde this thyng they came to poūtfret there that the erle Thomas soiourned tolde hym how y● Mortimers both had yelde them to y● kynge put them in his grace ¶ Of the syege of Tykhyll SO whan Thomas erle of Lancastre herde this he was wonder wrothe all that were of ther company greatly they were dyscomfyted and ordeyned ther power togyder besyegyd that castell of Tykhyll but tho that were within manly defended them that the barons myghte not gete the castell whan the kynge herd that his castell was besegyd he swore by god by his names that the sege shold be remeued assembled an huge power of people went thederward to rescowe the castell his power encresyd fro day to day whan the erle of Lancastre the Erle of Herforde the barons of ther cōpany herd of this thynge they assēbled all theyr power went thē too Burtō vpon trent kepte the brydge that the kynge sholde not passe ouer but it befell so on the tenthe daye of Marche in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxi the kȳg and the Spen●er● syr Aymer Valaunce erle of Penbroke Iohn̄ erle of Arun dell theyr power went ouer the water and dyscomfyted therle Thomas and his company And they fled to the castel of Tetbury from thens they went to Pountfret and in that vyage deyed sire Roger Daumore in thabbay of Tetbury And in y● same tyme the erle thomas had a traytour with hym that was callyd Robert Holonde a knyght that the erle had brought vp of nought had nourysshed hym in his butrye had yeue hȳ athousand marke of londe by yere And somoche the erle louyd hym that he myghte do in the erles courte all that hym lyked bothe amonge them hyghe and lowe so craftly the theyf bare hym ayenst his lorde that he trustyd more vpon hym than ony man on lyue and the erle had ordeyned by his letters for to go into the erledome of Lancastre to make men aryse to helpe hym in that vyage That is to saye .v. hundred men of arm ys But the fals traytour came not there noo manere men for to warne ne for to make aryse to helpe his lorde And whan that the fals traytour herde tell that hys lorde was dyscomfyted at Burton vppon Trent as a fals traytour theyf stele away and robbyd in Rauensdele his lordes men y● came fro the scōfyture And toke of thezhors and harneys and all that they had and slewe of them all that they myght take and came and yeldyd hym to the kynge ¶ whan the good erle Thomas wyst that he was so bytrayed he was so abasshed sayd to hymself O almyghty god how myght robert Holonde fȳde in his hert me to betray syth y● I louyd hym so moche O god well maye now a man se by hym that no man may dysceyue a nother rather thā he that he trustyth moost vpō he hath full euyll yeldyd me mi goodnes the worshyp y● I haue to hym done thrugh my kyndnesse haue hym auauncyd and made hym hyghe where that he was low And he makyth me go from hyghe vnto lowe but yett shall he deye an euyll dethe ¶ Of the scomfyture of Brurbrygge THe good erle Thomas of Lancastre Hūfroy de Bohoune erle of Herford the barons that with theym were toke coūsell bytwene thē at y● frere prechers in Poūtfret tho thought Thomas vpon y● traytour Robert Holonde sayd in repreyf Alas Robert Holond hathe me betrayed aye is y● red of some euyll shred And by y● comyn assent
of estate of gouernaūce of y● towne he sent intoo Englonde there for to abyde theyr raūson and the kynges grace And all the commynalte of the towne the kyng lete goo wheder they wolde in peas and without ony harme and lete them bere with them all theyr thynges that they myght bere and carye awaye kepynge the towne and the castell to hymselfe Thenne thrugh meditacyon of Cardynales that were sent frome the pope trewes was ●●ke there bytwene Fraunce and Englonde for .ix. monethes than next folowyng And about Myghelmas kynge Edwarde come ayen into Englonde with a gloryous vyctory ¶ And in the .xxiii. yere of his regne in the E●st partyes of y●●worlde there arose and began a pestylence ● dethe of Sarasyns and Paynyms that so greate a dethe was neuer herde of a fore and that wasted awaye the people so that vnneth the tenthe persone was lefte alyue ¶ And the same yere abowte the southe countrees and also in the west countrees there fell so moche rayne and so grete waters y● from Crystmas to mid somer there was vnnethes nos daye ●enyght but y● it rayned somwhat thrugh whiche waters y● pestylence was so enfted so habūdante in all countre● namely acout y● court of Rome other places see costes y● vnneth there were left lyuynge folke for to bury theym y● were dede honestly But made greate dyches pytt● y● were wonder brode depe and therin buryed thē made a re●ge of dede bodyes caste a lytell erthe to fele thē aboue than caste in a nother renge of bede bodyes and an other renge aboue theym and thus were they buryed none otherwys● but yf it were so that they were men of greate estate soo that they were buryed as honestly as they myght ¶ And after all this in the .xxiiii. yereof kynge Edwardes regne it was done hȳ to wete vnderstande of a treason that was begon at Calays ordeyned for to sell y● towne for a greate somme of Florens vnto kynge Phylip of Fraūce thrughe y● flasnesse ordynaūce of a knight that was called syr Geffrey of Cherney was wonder preuy with kynge Phylyp of Fraūce And whan kynge Edwarde herde this he toke with hym y● noblest gētyllest lordꝭ many other worthy mē of armes y● were there presente with hym for the solempnyte of y● hygh fest And well wisely in all y● hast y● he myght as pryuely as he myght he went ouer se towarde Calays And y● same yere y● gode kynge Edwarde helde his Ceystmas at Hauerynge y● morne after newe yeres daye y● kynge was in y● castell of Calais with his men of armes that none of the alyens wist therof And that fals conspiratour traytoure Geffrey of Cherney syth that he myght not openly haue his purpose of the castell pryuely and stelȳ gely he come in held y● towen with a grete hast And whan he with his men were comen in he payed y● forsayd sōme of floreyns as couenaūt was to a Geneweye in the towne that was keper of y● castell and consentynge to the same Geffreye in all his falsnesse and trechorye boū den the Englyssh mynstrels and seruaū●es that were in the castell y● they myght not helpe themselfe ne lette thē of theyr purpos And than wenynge y● they had ben sure ynough thenne they spaken all theyr wyckydnesse and falsnesse openly on hygh that all men myght here And now shall ye here how they were deceyued for they came in by a pr●uy posterne ouer a lytyll brydge of tree whan they were comen in subtyly pryuely y● brydge was drawen vp and kept that none of thē that came in myght go out neno mo myght come to thē anone oure Englysshmen went out at preuy holes wyndowes 〈◊〉 y● walles of the towne of the castell wente taught manly with y● Frensshmen y● were with out had che better of thē y● whiche whan they were occupyed by thēself on theyr syde the kynge y● was with in y● towne hauyng scarsely but .xxx. men of armes drew out his swerde with a loude voys he cryed on hygh O saynt Edwarde A saynt G●orge And whan y● people herde y● they come rennynge to hym gaaf there to theyr enmyes so greate assawte y● there were mo than two hondred men of armes many mo other slayne and many fledde away And so by y● grace of god alimighty the vyctory fell vnto the Englysshemen Thenne the kynge toke with him this Geffray y● was fynder of this trechory and also many other Frenssh prysoners and thenne within a whyle after he come agayne into Englonde and in this same yere and in the yere afore and alsoo in the yere nexte folowynge was so greate a pestylence of men frome the ●●st in to the weste and namely thorughe botches that thoo that sykened as on this daye deyed on the thyrde daye after to the which men that so deyed in this pestylence hadde but lytell respyte of lyggynge ¶ The pope Clemente of his goodnesse and grace gaaf they us fulle remyssyon and forgyuenesse of all theyr synnes that they were shiyuen of and this pestylence lasted in London fro Myghelmas vnto August next folowynge almoost an hole yere ¶ And these dayes was dethe withoute sorowe weddȳges without frendshyp wylfull penaūce and derth without scharsyte fleȳge without refute or socour for many fledde frome place to place bycause of y● pestylence but they were enfected myght not escape the deth after that the prophete Isay sayth who that fleeth fro theface of drede he shall falle into the dyche And he that wyndethe hym oute of the dyche he shall be holde and tyed 〈◊〉 a 〈…〉 this pestylence was 〈…〉 vnnethes the tenth 〈…〉 people was left on lyue And 〈…〉 a wonder thynge 〈…〉 after y● pestylē 〈…〉 in theyr heed lasse 〈…〉 hadde afore ¶ How kynge Edwarde hadde a greate batayll with Spanyardes in these fast by ●ynchelsee ANd in the .xxx. yere of his regne about saynt Iohn̄s daye in haruest in y● see fast by wynchelse kynge Edwarde had a greate bataylle with men of Spayne where y● theyr shyppes and nauye laye chayne togyder y● other they muste fyght or be drenched soo whan all our worthy men of armes of y● se costes fast by wynchelse romeny were gadred togyder our nauye shyppꝭ al redy to y● warre y● Englysshmen mette manly strongly with theyr enmyes comynge fyersly ayenst them ¶ And whā the Spayn● vessels nauye were closed all about there men myghte see stronge batayll on both sydes longe duryng in y● whiche batayll was but fewe y● faught but they were pytously hurte And after y● batayll there were .xxiii shyppes taken so y● Englysshmen had y● better And in y● next yere folowynge of his regne y● is to saye y● .xxvi. yere y● kynge thrugh his coūseyll let ordeyne make his new money
y● is to saye y● pe●y y● grote value of iiii pens the half grote of .ii. pens but it was of lesse weyght than y● olde 〈…〉 be .v. shellynge in y● pounde ¶ And in y● .xxvii. yere of his regne was the greate derth of vytayls y● which was called y● 〈…〉 And the .xxviii. yere of his 〈◊〉 in y● parlement holden atte 〈◊〉 after 〈◊〉 syr Henry erle of Lancastre was made duke of Lancastre in this yere 〈◊〉 so greate a drought y● frome the 〈…〉 to y● Monethe of Iuyll there fell no rayn o●● ther the wherfore all fruytes sedes herbes for the moost parte were loste in defaut wherfore come so greate dysease of men beestes derthe of vytayls in Englonde y● this londe y● euer afore had ben plēteuous had nede y● tyme to fe●e vytayls and refresshynge at other out 〈◊〉 coūtres And the .xxix. yere of kynge Edwarde it was accorded graūted and sworne bytwene y● kynge of Fraūce kyng Edwarde of Englonde y● he sholde haue a yen all his lond● lordshyppes y● longed to y● duchye of Guyhen of olde tyme y● whiche had ben with drawen wrongfully occupyed by dyuerse kyngꝭ of Fraūce before honde to haue to holde to kyng Edwarde to his heyres successours for euer more frely peasybly in goode quyete vpon this couenaūt y● the kyng of Englonde sholde leue of releasen all his ryght clayme that he had claymed of y● kyngdom of Fraūce of y● 〈◊〉 he toke therof vpon whiche 〈◊〉 couenaūtes it was sent to y● 〈…〉 Rome on bothe sydes of y● kynges 〈…〉 forsayd couenaūt shold be 〈…〉 god ordeyned better for the kynges ●●●shyp of Englōde for what thrugh fra●de dysceyte of the Frensshmen what thrughe lettynge of the pope and of the courte of Rome the forsayd couenauntes were dysquate and left of ¶ And in the same yere the kynge reuoked by his w● se and dyscrete counseylle the staple of wulles out of Flaundres into Englond wyth all the lybertees fraunches and fre customes that longed therto and ●deyned it in Englonde in dyuerse places y● is for to saye at westmystre Caunterbury Chychestre Brystowe Lyncoln and Hulle with all the forsayd thynges that longen therto And y●●hys thynge that sholde thus be done the kynge swo●● hȳself therto prynce Edwarde his sone with other many grete wyenesses y● ther● were presente ¶ And the .xxx. yere of his regne anone after wytsontyde in the parleamente ordeyned at westmenstre it was tolde certefyed to y● kynge y● Phylyg y● helde y● kyngdome of Fraūce was deed and y● Ioh●̄ his sone was crowned kynge and y● this Iohn̄ had gyuen Karoll his sone y● duchye of Guyhen of y● whiche thynge kynge Edward whan he wyst therof he had greate Indygnacōn vnto hym was wonder wrothe strōg ly meued And therfore afore all y● worthy lordes y● there were assembled at that parlement callyd Edwarde his sone vnto hym to whome y● duchye of Guyhen by ryght herytage sholde longe to gat it hym there byddynge and strenthyng hym y● he sholde ordeyne hym for to defende hym auenge hȳ vpon his enemyes saue mayntene his ryght And afterwarde kynge Edwarde hymselfe his eldest sone Edwarde went to dyuers places sayntes in Englonde on pilgrimage for too haue y● more helpe grace of god and of his sayntes And .ii. kal of Iuyll whan all thynge was redy to that vyage batayll all his retenue power assembled his nauye also redy he toke with hym y● erle of warwyk y● erle of Suffolk y● erle of Salesbury the erle of Oxford a thousande men of armes as many archers and in the Natyuyte of our lady toke theyr shyppes at plūmouthe began to sayll And whan he come was arryued in Guyon he was there worshypfully aken receyued of y● moost noblest men lordes of that countree ¶ And anone afer kynge Edwarde toke with hym his two sones that is to saye syr Lyonell erle of Vlton and sir Iohn̄ his brother erle of Rychemonde syr Henry duke of Lancastre with many erles and lordes and men of armes two thousande archers saylled towarde Fraū●e rested hym a whyle at Calays after y● kynge went with his host aforsayd with other souldyours of be yonde y● see y● there abode y● kyngꝭ comȳge the seconde daye of Nofuembre toke his Iourney toward kynge Iohn̄ of fraunce there as he trowed too haue founde hym fast by Odomarum as his letters and couenaūt made mencyon y● he wolde a byde hym there with his host And whā kynge Iohn̄ Fraūce herde telle of the kynges comynge of Englonde he went awaye with his men caryage cowardly shamfully fleynge wastynge all vytayls y● Englysshmen sholde not haue therof ¶ And whan kynge Edwarde herde telle y● he fledde he pursued hym with all his hoste tyll Henede than he beholdynge y● scarsyte and wantynge of vytayls also y● cowardyse of y● kynge of Fraūce he torned ayen wastynge all the coūtree ¶ And whyle all thyse thynges were a doynge y● Scottꝭ pryuely and bynyghte toke y● towne of Berwyksleyng theym y● withstode theym no manels but blessyd be god y● castell was saued kept by Englysshmen that were therin whan the kynge perceyued all this he torned ayen into Englonde as wroche as he myghte be wherfore in the parleament at westmynster was grauntyd to the kynge of euery sacke of wulle .l. shillyng● durynge the terme of .vi. yere that he myghte myghtlyer fyght and defend the reame ayenst the Scottes and other mysdoers And so whan all thynges were redy the kynge hasted hym towarde the syege ¶ How kynge Edwarde was crowned kynge of Scotlonde and howe prynce Edwarde toke the kynge of Fraunce syr Philyp his yonger sone at y● batayll of Peyters ANd in the .xxxi. yere of his regne the .xiii. daye of Iany●●re the kynge beynge in the castell of Berwyke with a fewe men but he hauy●ge there faste by a grete hoost The towne was yolden vnto hym without ony maner defence or dyffyculte Than the kinge of Scotlonde that is for to saye sir Iohanne Bayloll considerynge how that god dyd many meruaylles gracyous thynges for kynge Edwarde at his owne wyll fro daye to daye he toke gaaf vp y● reame of Scotlonde y● crowne of Scotlonde at Rokesburgh in y● kynges hondes of Englōde vnder his patent letter there made ¶ And anone after kynge Edwarde in presence of all y● prelat● other worthy men lordes y● were there lette hym crowne kynge of Scotlond And whan all thynges were done ordeyned in y● coūtrees at his wyll he torned ayen into Englonde with a grete worshyp ¶ And whyle this vyage was in doynge in scotlonde syr Edwarde prynce of wales as a man enspyred in god was in Guyhen in y● cyte of Burdeux treatȳ ge spekynge of the chalenge
themself yf the kynge wolde certaynly to preue it and stande by yf it were founden and preued afterwarde that the kynge had nede they wolde gladlye euery man after his power and state hym helpe and leue And after this were publysshed and shewed in the parleament many playntes and defautes of dyuers offycers of the reame and namely of the lorde Latymer y● kynges chambrelayne bothe to the kynge eke to the reame ¶ And also at the laste there was spoken treated of dame Alyce pers for the grete wronges euyll gouernaūce y● was done by hyr coūseyll in the reame the whiche dame Alyce pers y● the kynge had holden longe tyme to his lemman wherfore it was the lasse wonder though thrugh y● trealtee of the womans excytȳge and hyr sterynge he consented to hyr lewdenesse euyll cūoseyll y● whiche dame Alyce also y● lorde Latymer other suche that meued the kynge to euyll gouernaūce ayenste his profyte and the reme also all the comynalte asked and desyred that they sholde be remeued put awaye and in theyr stedes wyse men and worthy that were trewe and well assayd and proued and of good gouernaunce sholde be put in theyr stedes So amonge all other there was one amonge the comunes that was a wyse knyght and a trewe and an eloquent man whoo 's name was Pers delamare And this same Pe●s was chosen to be speker for the comunes in the parlement And for this same Pers tolde and publysshed the trouthe and rehersed the wronges ayenst the forsayd dame Alyce and other certayne persones of the kynges counseyll as he was bydden by y● comyns And also trustynge moche to be supported and mayntened in this mater by helpe and fauour of y● prȳce anone as y● prȳce was dede at y● instaūce requeste of y● foresayd dame alyce this pers de amare was Iugyd to perpetuall prysō in y● castell of Notȳghā ¶ And in y● .vi. kal. of Iule lastynge y● same parlemēt deyed prȳce Edward kȳge Edwardes fyrst sone y● is to saye in trynyte sondaye in worshyp of whiche feste he was wonte euery yere where y● euer he were in the worlde to holde and made y● moost solempnyte y● he myght whos name and fortune of knyghthode but yf it had he of an other Ectour all men both crysten hethen while y● he lyued was in good poynt wondred moche dradd hym wonder sore whos body is worshipfully buryed in Crychirche at Caūterbury And in this same yere y● men y● erles tenaūtes of warwyk arose malycyously ayenst y● abbot couent of Eueshā theyr tenaūtes destroyed thabbaye the towne woūded bete theyr men and slee many of theym and wente too theyr maners places dyd moche harme brake downe ther parkes closes slewe theyr wylde bestes chaced them brekynge theyr fysshe pondes hedes lete the water of theyr pondes stewes ryuers renne out toke y● fysshe bare it with them and dyd theym all the sorowe that they myght in so ferforth that forsoth they had destroyed perpetuall that abbay with all theyr membres apportenanūces but yf the kynge the soner had not holpen it taken hede therto the●fore y● kynge sent his letters to y● erle of warwyk chargynge hym cōmaūdȳge hym y● he sholde stynt redresse amende tho euyll doers brekers of his peas and so by meanes of lordꝭ other frendes y● peas was made bytwene thē for this hurlynge as it is sayd y● kynge wold not be gouerned at that tyme by his lordes that there were in y● parlement but he toke made his sone y● duke of Lancastre hys gouernour of y● reame y● whiche stode so styll as gouernoure tyll y● tyme that he deied ¶ The same yere after Candelmasse or y● parleament was done y● kynge asked a subsydye of the clargy of the lay fee it was graunted him that is to say that he sholde haue of euery persone of y● lay fee bothe man and woman that passed fourtene yere of aege four pens out taken pore beggers that were knowen openly for nede poore beggers ¶ And that he sholde haue of euery man of the holy chyrche that was benefyced or promoted twelue pens and all other that were not promomed .iiii. pens out taken the .iiii. ordres of y● frete beggers ¶ This same yere after Myghelmasse Rycharde prynce Edwardes son was made prȳce of wales to whome y● kynge gaaf y● duchye of corneway le with y● erldom of chestre And about this tyme y● Cardynale of Englōde y● .iiii daye before Mary Mawdalenes daye after dyner sodaynly was smyte with the palsye and lost his speche on mary Mawdalenes daye deyed ¶ Of the dethe of kynge Edwarde and how syr Iohn̄ Monsterwarth knyghte was drawen hanged for his falsnesse ' Byght anone after in the .lii. yere of kynge Edwarde in the begynnȳge of Octobre pope Gregorye y● .ix. broughte and remeued his courte with hym frome Auynyon to Rome ¶ And y● .xii daye of Apryll Iohn̄ Monsterwarthe knyght at London was drawen hangyd than quartred sent to four cheif townes of Englond his heed smyten of sette vpon London brydge for this same Iohn̄ was full vntrewe to y● kyng to the reame coueytous vnstable for he toke oftymes greate sōmes of money of y● kynge his coūseyll formen of armes wages that he sholde haue payed thē toke it to his owne vse he dradd that at the last he shold be shent accused for the same cause and fledde pryue ly to the kynge of Fraunce was sworne to hym and become his man behyght hym a greate nauye out of Spayn into confucyon and destroynge of Englonde But y● ryghtfull god to whome no preuyte is vnknowen suffred hȳ fyrste to be shente spylt or that he so traytoursly falsly betrayed his lyege lorde y● kynge of Englonde his people in his reame in y● which groūde this same Iohan was born wickydly thrugh batayll destroyed or he brought about his cursed purpose In the feest of saynt George thoe next kynge Edwarde gaaf to Rycharde of Burdeux his heyr y● was prȳce Edwardes sone at wyndsore thordre of knyghthode made hym knyght the whiche kyng Edwarde whan he had regned .li. yere the .xi. kal of Iune he deyed at Shene is buryed worshypfully at westmyster on whos soule god haue mercye ¶ This kynge Edwarde was forsothe of a passynge godenes full gracyous amonge all y● worthy men of y● world fo● he passed shone by vertue of grace gyuen to hym from god about all his predecessours y● were noble men 〈…〉 he was a well herted man an hard●● for he drad neuer no myshappes ne harmes ne euyll fortune y● myght talle a noble warryour a fortunate forboth on londe se in all batayls assebl●s with a passynge glory Ioy he had y● 〈◊〉
moche people And at wakefelde in Cristmas weke they were ouerthrowe and slayne by lordes of the quenes parti that is to wyte the duke of yorke was slayne the erle of Rotlonde Syr Thomas Neuyl many mo the erle of salysbury was take other as Iohan Harowe of London capytayne ruler of the fotemen haūson of hull whiche were brought to poūfret there beheeded ther hedes sent to yorke set vpon the yates thus was the noble prynce slayne the duke of yorke on whos soule god ha ue mercy And this tyme therle of Mar +che beynge in Shrowesbury herynge the deth of his fader desyred ayde of y● towne to auenge his faders dethe fro thēs went to walys at Candelmasse after he had a batayll at Mortimers crosse ayenst therle of Penbroke of wyleshtyre where the erle of Marche had the vyctori Then the quene with those lordes of the north after that they had dystressyd slayn the duke of yorke and his felysshyp came south warde with a greate multytude of people for to come to the kynge and defete suche conclusyons as had be take before by the parlement ayenst whoo 's comynge y● duke of Northfolke the erle of werwyk with moche peple ordynaunce went to sayne Albons and lad kinge Henry with them there encountred to vyder in suche wyse and faught so y● the duke of Northfolke therle of werwyk with many other of ther party fled and lost that Iourneye where that kynge Henry was taken with the quene and prynce Edwarde his sone whiche two had goten that felde Then the quene hir partye beynge at hir aboue s●nt anone to London whiche was on an Asshewenesdaye the fyrst daye of Lente for vi tayll for whiche the Mayre ordeyned by thaduys of the Aldermen y● certen cartes lade with vytayll sholde be sente to saynt Albons to them whan tho cartes camto Crepyll gate the comyns of the Cyte that kepte that gate toke the vytaylles fro the cartes and wolde not suffre it to passe Thenne were there certayn Alder men comyns apoynted to go vnto bernet to speke with the quenes counseylle to entreate that the northern men shold be sente home ayen in to theyr coūtre for the cyte of London drad to be dyspoyled yf they hadde come ¶ And duryng this treatyse tydynges came that the erle of warwyk had met with the erle of Marche on Cottes wolde comynge out of walys with a greate menye of walsshmen and that they bothe were comynge vnto London warde Anone as thyse tydynges were knowe the treatyse was broke for the kygne quene prynce all the other lordes y● were with the departed fro saynt Albons north warde with all ther people yet or they departyd thens they be heeded y● lorde Bonuyll sir Thomas Kryell whiche were taken in the Iourney done on Shrouetewesdaye ¶ Then the duchesse of yorke keynge at London he rynge of the losse of the felde of saynt Albon● sente ouer see hir two yonge sones George Rycharde whiche wente too Vtrech Philyp Malpas a ryche marchaunte of London Thomas Vaghan squyre mayster wyllyam Ha●clyf many other ferynge of the comynge of the quene to London toke a shyp at And werpe to haue gone in to zelande on that other coste were taken of one Colomyne a Frensshman a shyp of werre And he toke theym prysoners brought thē in to Fraunce where they payed greate good for theyr raunson there was grete gode rychesse in y● shyppe ¶ Of the deposynge of kynge Henry y● vi and how kynge Edwarde the fourthe toke possessyon of y● batayll on Palmsondaye how he was crowned THen whan the erle of Marche the erle of warwyk had mette to gyder on Cottyswold incontynent they concludyd to go to London sent word anone to the Mayre too the cyte that they wolde come and anone y● cyte was gladde of theyr comynge hopynge to be releuyd by theym and soo they came too London And whan they were come and hadde spoke with the lordes and estates beynge there concluded for as moche as kynge Henry was gone with them northwarde that he had forfeyted his crowne and ought to be deposyd accordynge vnto the actes made and passyd in the last parlement And so by the aduys of y● lordes spyrytuall and temporall thenne be ynge at London the erle of March Edwarde by the grace of god Eldest sone of the duke Rycharde of Yorke as ryght fulle heyre and nexte enherytour to hys fader the fourth daye of Marche the yere of our lorde god M. CCCC.lix toke possessyon of the reame at westmynster in the chirche of the abbaye offred as kynge with the ceptreryall To whome all the lordꝭ spyrytuall tēporall dyde hamage as to theyr souerayne lorde kynge And forthwith if was proclamid thrugh the cyte kynge Edwarde the fourth by name And anone after the kynge rode in his ryalle estate northwarde with all his lordes to subdue his subge●tꝭ y● tyme beynge in y● north and for to auenge his faders dethe And on Palmsondaye after he had a greate batayll in the northe coūtre at a place called Towton not fer from yorke where with the helpe of god he gate the felde and hadde the vyctory where were slayne of his aduersaryes xxx thousande men mo as it was sayd by them that were there In whiche batayll was slayne the erle of Northumber londe the lorde Clyfforde syr Iohn̄ Neuyll the erle of westmerlondes brother Andrewe Trollop many knyghtes squyres ¶ Thenne kynge Henry that had be kynge beynge with the quene the prynce at yorke herynge the losse of that felde somoche peole slayne and ouerthrowe anone forth with departed all thre with the duke of Somerset the lorde Roos other towarde Scotlonde And the next daye after kynge Edward with all his armye entred into yorke was there proclamyd kynge obeyed as be ought to be And y● mayre comyns swore to be his lyegemen whan they had taryed a whyle in the north that all the north coūtre hadde torned to hym he retorned southwarde leuynge behynde hym the erle of werwyk in tho partyes to gouerne rule that coūtre And about Mydsomer after the yere of our lorde M. cccc.lx the fyrste yere of his regne he was crowned at westmynster anoynted kynge of Englonde hauynge possessyon of all the reame CAlixtus the thyrde was pope after Nicholas thre yere .v. mone thes this Calixt was an olde man whā he was chose pope was contynuelly seke ne he myghte not fulfyll his desyre whiche he entended to do ayenste y● Turkes For dethe came vpon hym And he was chose in y● yere of our lorde M. cccc lv he deyed the .vi. daye in the whiche he made the fyguracyon and also he chanonysed saynt Vyncent a frere precher and there was a greate reformacyon of many monasteryes in
dyuerse partyes of the worlde and these reformacyons were made many tymes but almost none abode but they retorned ayen as they were afore by successyon of tyme after the dethe of the worshypfull faders the feest of the Transfyguracyon was ordeyned of Calixt for the yefte of grace of the meruelous vycotory done ayenst the Turke in Hūgary on saynt Sirtꝰ day M. cccc.lvii For there was a merueylous vyetory yeue to the crysten men in Hūgary ayenst the grete Turke there he loste many a man fled shamfully fordrede of enmyes no man folowed hym but alone the honde of god feryd the Turke his hoost on saynt Calixt day Saynt Iohn̄ de Capystrano was there seen present he prouokyd the people that were aferde to folowe the mysbyleuynge Turkes there fell a grete vengeaūce on thē for y● Turkes sayd y● there was so grete a nombre of knyghtes y● folowed them y● vnnethe they durste loke bakwarde therfore they fled left all ther tresour behynde them they were angelles that causyd them to flee Nota. PRrynters of bookes were myghtely multyplyed in Maguncye thrugh out the worlde and there began fyrste and there helde theyr craftes and this tyme many men began to be more subtyll in craftes and swyfter than euer they were afore PIus the seconde was pope after Calixt .vi. yere this Piꝰ was chose in y● yere of oure lorde M. cccc.lviii he was callyd Ene as an eloquent man a grete oratour a laureate poete in the coūseyll of Basyle he wrote a noble tretyse for thactoryte of y● same This mā desyred to haue a passage to the Turke moche people of dyuerse coūtres came to Rome he yaue theym his blessynge and sent theym home ayen for they were not suffycyent for the Turkys hoste anone after he decessyd PAulus a Venician was pope after Pius .vii. yere this Paul was chose in y● yere of our lorde M. CCCC lxiiii And anone he halowed the fest of the presentacōn of our lady as Pius dyd This man was a tough man in ryghte wysnes and he sayd it was better to make fewe thynges kepe them stedfastly than for to make many soone renoke them And he made a grete palays at saynt Markys he decessed or he had ended it in y● yere of our lorde M. cccc.lxxi ¶ Leodin̄ the londe of Luke was oppressyd with many trybulacyons after in the yere of our lorde M. cccc.lxviii vtterly it was dystroyed by Carolū the duke of Burgoyn y● whiche wedded dame Margarete syster to kynge Edwarde y● four the of Englonde Also the same Karolū entred in the londe of Geldyr cōquered it hooly The yere of grace also was chaunged by pope Paule for fauoure of mānys soule frome .xxv. yere to .xxv. yere And bycause y● cursydnesse abounded so sore grace aboūded also sore SIxtus the fourth a Ianuens a frere mynor was pope after Paule This man was generall in the ordre of the frere Mynoris or he was Cardynall And he was chosen in y● yere of our lorde M. cccc.lxxi And was called Fraūcyscus de Sanona of good fame vertuous He was chosen Cardynall with oute his knowlege tyll he was made the same yere y● he was chosen pope the Turke had takē frome crysten men two Empyres four kyngdoms .xx. pronynces two hondred cytees had destroyed men wȳmen without nombre and y● meued y● pope y● he sholde dyspose him to goo to withstonde hym And for an armye to be made ayenste the Turke the pope gaue grete Indulgences of pardon of y● tresory of the chirche vnto all crystē reames y● he myght ordeyne some tresore to withstande y● mysbyleued Turke And in the londe of Englonde Iohan abbot of abyngdon was the popes Legate to dyspose this goodly tresoure of the chirche too euery faythfull man y● was dysposyd and that wolde able hym too receyue it ¶ Here endeth this present Cronycle of Englonde with the fruyte of tymes compyled in a booke and also enprynted by one some tyme scole mayster of saynt Albons vppon whoo 's soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ And newely in the yere of oure lorde god M. CCCC.ii Enprȳted in Flete strete in the synge of the sone By me Wynkynde Worde ¶ Here foloweth a lytell treatyse the whiche treeateh of the descrypcyon of this londe whiche of olde tyme was named Albyon And after Brytayne And no we is called Englonde and speketh of the noblesse and worthynesse of the same ¶ It is so that in many and dyuerse places the comyn Cronycles of Englonde ben hadde and also now late Enprynted in flete strete in the syne of the sonne And for as moche as the dyscrypcyon of this londe whiche of olde tyme was named Albyon and after Brytayne is not descryued ne comynly hadde ne the noblenesse worthynesse of the same is not knowen Therfore I entende to sette in thys booke the descrypyon of this sayd Yle of Brytayne and with the commodytes of the same ¶ In the fyrst shall be tolde the names of the Ylond Ca .i. ¶ Of the setynge boūdynge lenthe and brede ca .ij ¶ Of the worthynesse and perogationes Capitulo .iij. ¶ Of the meruaylles and of the wondres ca .iiij. ¶ Of the chyef partyes of the same londe ca .v. ¶ Of the Ylondes that been therto adiacent ca .vi. ¶ Of the kynges hyghe wayes and stretes ca .vij ¶ Of the famous Ryuers stremes ca viii ¶ Of aūcyent cytes and townes ca ix ¶ Of prouynces and shyres ca .x ¶ Of the lawes and names of the lawes ca .xi ¶ Of kyngdoms of boundes markes bytwene them ca .xij. ¶ Of bysshopryches theyr sees ca .xiij. ¶ Of howe many manere people haue dwelled therin ca xiiij Of the langages of maners vsage of the people of that londe ca .xv. ¶ Of the londe of wales ca xvi ¶ Of the name and whye it is namede wales ca .xvij. ¶ Of the commodytees of the londe of wales ca .xviij ¶ Of the maners and rytes of the walsshmen ca xix ¶ Of the mernaylles wondres of Wales ca xx ¶ Of the dyscrypcyon of Scotlonde somtyme named Albanya ca xxi ¶ Of y● dyscripcion of Irlonde ca .xxii ¶ Of the boūdynge of Irlonde ca xxiii ¶ Of the gretnes and quantyte of that londe ca .xxiiii. ¶ Of the defautes of the londe ca xxv ¶ Of theym that fyrst enhabyted Irlonde ca xxvi ¶ Of the condicions and maners of Irisshmen ca .xxvii. ¶ Of the merueylles wonders of Irlonde ca .xxviii ¶ Of the merueylles of sayntes of Irlonde ca .xxix ¶ Explicit tabula ¶ The names of this Ylonde ca. j. EIrste as Galfrydus sayth this londe was called Albyon after the name of Albyne the oldeste doughter of Dyoclesyan and had xxxii.systers theye were fyrste that enhabytede this londe And bycause she was the oldest syster she named his londe albyon
came in entente for to crowne Alured the elder brother hym make kynge of Englonde And of this thynge to make an ende the erles ●arons made theyr othe But y● erle Godewin of Westsex falsely traytoursely thought to slee these two brethern anone as they sholde come in to Englonde in entent to make his sone Harold kynge the whiche sone he had begote vpon his wyfe the whiche was kynge Knoghtes doughter that was a Dane And so this Godewin pryuely hȳ went vnto South hampton for to mete there the two brethern whan that they sholde come vnto londe ¶ And thus it befell the messengers that wente in to Normandy foūde not but oonly Alured that was the elder brother For Edwarde his brother was gone in to Hungary for to speke with his cosyn Edwarde the outlawe that was Edmondes sone with the Irensyde The messengers tolde sayd Alured how that the erles barons of Englonde sente after hym that he boldely sholde come in to Englonde receyue the reame For kynge Hardiknoght was deed all the Danes dryuen out of the londe ¶ How Godewin the fals traytour toke Alured vppon Gyldesdowne whan that he came from Normandy to be kynge of Englonde how he caused hym to be martyred in the yle of Ely AS Alured herde these tydynges he thanked god And in to shyppe went with all the hast that he myght and passed the see arryued at South-hampton there Godewin the fals traytour was And whan this traytour sawe that he was come he welcomed hym receyued hym with moche Ioye sayd that he wolde lede hym to London there that all the barons of Englonde hym abode to make hym kynge And so they wente on theyr waye towarde London And whan they came on Gyldesdowne tho sayd the traytour Godwin vnto Alured Take kepe about you bothe on the lyfte syde ryght syde of all ye shall be kynge of suche an hondred more Now forsothe sayd Alured I behyght you yf I be kynge I shall ordeyne make suche lawes wherfore god man shall be well pleased Now had the traytour cōmaunded all his men that were with hym that whan they were come vpon Gildesdowne that they sholde slee all that were in Aluredes company that came with hym fro Normandy after that take Alured lede hym in to the yle of Ely after put out bothe his eyen of his heed afterwarde brynge hym to deth so they dyde For they slewe all the company that there were the nombre of .xij. gentylmen that were come with hym fro Normandy after toke they Alured in the yle of Ely they put out his eyen rent his wombe toke the chyef of his bowels put a stake in the grounde an ende of the bowels therto fastened with nedyls eylesse of yren they pryched the good childe and so made hym to go about the stake tyll that all his bowels were drawen out of his body so deyed Alured there thorugh treason of the erle Godewin ¶ Whan the lordes of Englonde had herde wyst how Alured that sholde haue be theyr kynge was put to deth thrugh the fals traytour Godewin they were wonder wroth And swore bytwene god them that he sholde deye a more wors dethe than dyde Edrith of Stratton that had betrayed his lorde Edmonde Irensyde they wolde haue put hȳ to deth but the theyf traytour fled thens in to Denmark there helde hȳ foure yere more lost all his londe in Englonde SIluester the thyrde was pope after Benedictus This Siluester was chose and Benedictus was ●●pulsyd And afterwarde was he expulsyd Benedictus was put vp ayen And after he was put out and Gregorius was made pope And he was but a symple lettred man therfore he chose an other man for to be consecrate with hym And whan many men were dyspleased with this gydynge of two popes the thyrde was brought in the whiche sholde occupye the place of bothe tho two And soo they stroue amonge themself But Henry the Emperour came thenne to Rome deposyd them all and made Clement the seconde pope whome he made anone to crowne hym And he sayd to the Romayns they sholde neuer ch●se pope without his assent And so fyue beynge popes the sixte was put in But many men saye this Gregorus was an holy man ¶ Dama●ius the seconde was after Clement .xx. dayes This man was an vsurper of the popeheed and soo he deyed sodenly And anone the Romayns asked to haue a pope that the Almaynes sholde haue none For they were soo harde herted that they myght not enclyne to the entente of the Emperour the whiche sayd There sholde be no pope chosen but yf he wolde be of counseyll of the eleccyon But for all that they putt in this holy man Leo after he bad of that conscyence refused And anone he was chosen by the comyn assent this Leo put Cryste in the fourme of a Las● in his owne bedde in the morowe he founde no thynge there ¶ Of saynt Edwarde the Confessour that was Aluredes brother how he was kynge of Englonde ANd whan this was done all the barons of Englonde sent an other tyme in to Normandy for that Edwarde sholde come in to Englonde 〈◊〉 moche honour ¶ And this Edwarde in his childehode loued almyghty god and hym dradde And in honeste clennesse had ladde his lyf hated synne as deth And whan he was crowned anoynted with a ryall power he forgate not his good maners condycyons that he fyrst vsed And forgate not al good customes for no manere honour ne for ryches ne no manere hyghnes But euer more and more yaue hym to goodnesse and loued god and holy chirche passynge all other manere thynge And poore men also he loued them helde as they had ben his owne brethern And to them oft he yaue grete almesse with full good wyll ¶ Of the fyrst specyal loue that god shewed to saynt Edwarde lyuynge IT befell on a daye as he wente from the chirche of Westmynstre had herde masse of saynt Iohan the Euangelyst for as moche as he loued saynt Iohn Euangelyst more specyally after god our lady than he dyde ony other saynt And so there came to hym a pylgryme prayed hym for the loue of god our lady saynt Iohn the Euangelyst some good hym for to yeue And the kynge pryuely toke his rynge of his fynger that no man perceyued it yaue it to the pylgryme he it receyued went thens ¶ This kynge Edward● made alle the good lawes of Englonde that yet ben moost vsed holden And was so mercyable and so full of pyte that no man myght be more ¶ How the erle Godewin came ayen in to Englonde had ayen all his londe and afterwarde saynt Edwarde wedded his doughter AS the Erle Godewin that was dwellynge in Denmarke had
walle and of all thynges that they myght bere caryen out was robbyd dyspoyled After y● kynge pas●sed forth by y● coūtre about y● brede of 〈◊〉 myle he wastyd all manere thynge that he founde whan Philyp of valors per ceyued this all though he were faste by hym with a stronge host● yet he wold not come nygh hym but breke all the b●●dg beyonde y● water of Seyn fro Ro●n too Parys hymself fledde vnto y● same ●● te of Parys withall y● hast y● he myght ¶ Forsothe the noble kynge Edwarde whan he come to Parys brydge found it broken within two dayes be lete make it agayne And in the morowe after y● Assumpcyon of our lady kynge Edwarde passed ouer the water of Seyn goy●ge towarde Cresey and dystroyed by the waye townes with the people dwellynge therin And in the feestr of Saynt Bartholomewe he passed ouer the water of sōme vn hurt with all his host there as neuer before honde ony manere wayne passage where two thou●d were slayne of them y● letted they re passage ouer ¶ Therfore the .xxvi. daye of Auguste kynge Edwarde in felde fast by Cresey hauynge thre batayl● of Englysshmen encoūtred mette with Philyp of Valoys hauynge with hym .iiii. batayls of whiche y● leest passed gretly y● nombre of Englisshe people And whan these two hostes mette togyder there fell vpon hym the kynge of Beme y● duke of Loreyn erles also of Flaūdres Dalaūson Bloys Harecourt Aumarle Neuors mani other er●es barons lordes knyghtꝭ and men of armes y● nōbre of a M.b. C.xlii. with out footmen other men armed that were not thynge rekened And for all this y● vngloryous Philyp withdrewe hym with the resydue of his people wherfore it was sayd in cōmune amonge his owne people Nerēbeall soy retreyt y● is to saye oure fayre withdraweth hym ¶ Than kynge Edward our Englysshmen thāked almyghty god for suche a vyctory after theyr greate labour taken to theym all thynge nedefull to theyr sustynaūce sauynge of theyr lyues for drede of theyr enmyes rested them there And ful erly in y● mornynge after y● Frensshmen with a grete passynge hoste come ayen for to gyue batayll fyght with y● Englysshe me● with whome mette encoūtred the erle of warwyk Northampton North folke with theyr company slewe two thousande toke many prysoners of the gentyls of thē And y● remenaūt of y● same host fled thre myle thens And y● thirde daye after y● batayll y● kynge went to Calays ward destroyenge all y● townes as he rode thyder whan y● he was comē y● is to saye y● thyrd daye of Septēbre he began to besege y● towne with y● castell cō tynued his sege fro y● forsayd thyrde day of Septēbre to the thyrd daye of August y● next yere after And in y● same yere durynge y● syege of Calays y● kyng of scotlonde with a greate multytude of scottꝭ came into Englonde to Neuyles crosse aboute saynt Lucas daye y● Euangelyst hopynge and trustynge for to haue fo●●d all y● londe voyde of people for as moche as the kynge of Englond was beyōde the see sauf oonly prestes and men of holy chyrche and women chyldren plowmen suche other labourers there they come robbyd dyd moche preuy sorowe But yet founde they ynough that theym withstode by the grace of almyghty god And so a daye of bataylle was assygned bytwene theym certayn lordes men of holy chyrche y● were of that countre with other comune people faste by the cyte of Duresme atte which daye thrugh the grace and helpe of god almyghty the scottes were ouercomen yet were there thre tymes so many of thē as of Englysshmen And there was slayne all the chyualrye knyghthode of the reame of Scotlonde And ther was taken as they wolde haue fledde thens Dauyd the kynge of Scotlonde hymself the erle of mentyf syr wyllyam Douglas and many other greate men of scotlonde ¶ And after that our Englysshe men whan they had rested theym a few dayes and hadde ordeyned theyr kepers of the north coūtree they came to Londō and brougt with them syre Dauyd y● kynge of Scotlonde and all the other lordes that were taken prysoners vnto y● toure of London with all the haste that they myghte and left them there in saut kepynge vnto the kynges comynge and went home ayen into theyr owne coūtre And afterwarde was the kynges raunson of Scotlonde taxed too an hondred thousande marke of syluer too be payed within .x. yere that is to saye euery yere .x. thousande marke ¶ How kynge Edwarde besyeged Calays and how it was wonne and yolden vnto hym IN the .xxii. yere of kynge Edwardes regne he wente ouer the see in the wynter tyme and laye all the wynter at the syege of Calays the whiche yere while the syege lasted endured Philyp the kynge of Fraūce caste purpoysed traytourously with fraude to put a wa ye the syege came y● .xxvii. daye of Iuyl ● y● same yere with a greate hoost and a stronge power neyghed to y● sege of Calays The whiche Phylip y● last daye of Iulii sent to y● kynge Edwarde worde y● he wolde gyue hym playne batayll the thyrde daye after y● about euensonge tyme yf he durste come fro the syege abide And whan kynge Edwarde herde y● withoute ony longe taryenge or longe auysement accept gladly y● daye houre of batayll y● Philyp had assygned And whan y● kynge of Fraunce herde y● the next nyght after he set his tentys a fyre remeued wente his waye thens cowardely Then they y● were in y● towne in the castell besyeged sawe all this that they had none other helpe ne socour of y● kynge of Fraūce ne of his men And also y● theyr vytayls within thē were spended wastyd for faute of vytayls of tefresshynge they eten horses hoūdes cattes and myse for to kepe theyr trouth as longe as they myghte And whan they sawe and was founde amonge them at the last that they had no thynge among them for to ete ne lyue by ne no socoure ne rescowe of the Frensshmen of y● other syde they wyst well y● they muste nedes deye for defaute or els yelde y● towne anone they went toke downe y● baners the armes of Fraunce on euery syde y● were hangen out went on the walles of y● forsayd towne on dyuerse places as naked as euer they were borne sauf only theyr shertes theyr preuy clothes helde theyr swerdes naked the poynte do●●warde in theyr hondes putten ropes halters about ther neckes yelded vp the keyes of y● towne of the castell to kynge Edwarde of Englonde wyth greate fere drede of theyr lyues godꝭ and drede of herte And whan kyng Edwarde sawe all this as a mercyable kȳge and lorde receyued them to grace a fewe of y● grettest prysoners