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A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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same tyme was vpō the see gret were bitwen the ēglishmē the Normās but vpō a time the normās arriued all at Douer ther they martired an holy man that was called Thomas of Douer And afterward wer the normans kylled that ther ascappid not on of thē ¶ And sone after kīg edward shuld lese the duchie of Gascoyn thurgh kīg Philip of fraunce thurgh his fals castyng of the douseperis of the land wherfor sir Edmond that wos kīg Edwards brother yaf vp his homage vn to the kyng of fraūce ¶ And in that tyme the clerkis off englond graūtid to kyng Edward halfendele of holy chirch gooddis in helpyng to recouer his land ayen in Gascoyn ¶ And the kīg sent thider a nobull company of his bachilers him self wold haue gone to Portesmouth but he wos let thurgh on Maddoc of wales that had seised the castell of Swandō in to his hand ̄ for that enchesō the kīg turned to wales at cristemase And for enchesō that the nobull lordis of englōd that wer sēt ī to gascoyn had no cōforth of ther lord the kīg they wer take of sir Charles of fraūce that is to say sir Iohn̄ of bretā sir robert Tiptot ▪ sir Raufe tāny sir hugh Bardolf ̄ sir Adam of Creting ̄ yit at the ascenciō was Madoke take in wales an other that wos called Morgan they wer sent to the tour of londō ̄ ther they wer heded ¶ How sir Iohn̄ Bailloll kīg of scotlād withsaid his homage ANd when sir Iohn̄ bailloll kyng of scotland vnderstode that kyng Edward wos wered in Gascoyn to whom the reame of Scotland was delyuered Falsely tho ayen his oth with said his homage thurgh procuring of his folke· And sent vn to the court of rome thurgh a fals suggestion to be assoiled of that othe that he swore vn to the kyng of Englōd so he wos by letter enbulled ¶ Tho chosen they of scotland Dousspers for to be nymme edward of his right ¶ And in that tyme come ij cardinales from the court of rome fro the pope Celestine to trete of accorde bitwen the kng of fraūce ̄ the kyng of englond ¶ And as tho two Cardinales speke of accorde Thomas Turbeluill was take at Liouns ̄ made feaute homage to the warden of Paris ̄ to hī put his ij sonys in hostage for that he thought to go ī to englond for till aspie the cuntre ̄ tell them when he come in to englond that he had brokyn the kynges prison of fraūce by nyght said that he wold done that al englisshmē ̄ walsh̄men sh̄old a bow to the king of fraūce ̄ this thyng for to bring to the ende he swore ̄ vpō this couenant dedis wer made betwen thēm and that he sh̄uld haue by yere a M· poūdes worth of lond to bring this thing to an ende ¶ This fals tratour toke his leue ̄ wēt thēs and come in to englond vn to the kyng said that he wos brokyn out of prisō that he had put him in such ꝑill for his loue wherfore the kyng coude him moch thanke and full glad wos of his commyng ¶ And the fals tratour fro that day aspied all the doyng of the kyng ̄ also his coūsell for the kyng loued him wel ̄ was with him full priue But a clerke of englond that wos in the kynges house of fraunce herd of this treson of the falsnes wrot to an other clerke that tho wos duellyng with edward kyng of englond all how Thomas Turbeluill had done his false coniectyng all the councell of englōd wos writte for to haue sent vn to the kyng of fraūce thurgh the foresaid letter that the clerke had sent fro fraūce hit wos foūde vpō him wherfor he wos lad to londō honged draw ther for his tresō and his ij sonys that he had put in fraūce for hostage wer tho beheded ¶ Of the counquest of Berewyke WHen tho two Cardinales wer went ayene in to Fraunce for to trete of the pees at Cambrey the kyng sent thider of his erlis and barouns That is to say sir Edmond his brother erle of Lancastre and of Leycestre sir Henri Lacy erle of Nichol Willm vessy a baron and of other baronettis about xiiij of the best ̄ wisest of englōd ¶ And ī the same tyme the king Edward toke his viage to Scotland for to were vpō Iohn̄ Bailloll kyng of scotland ¶ And sir Robert Roos of Berewyke fled fro the englisshmē went to the scottys And kyng Edward went him toward berewike ̄ beseged the toūe ̄ tho that wer within manly them defendid and set a fire and brint ij of kyng Edwardis shippis and said in dispite and reproue of him ¶ Weneth kyng edward with his long shankis to haue get berewike al our vnthankis Gas pikes him And when he has done Gas dikes him ¶ When kyng Edward herd this scorne anone thurgh his myghtynes he passid ouer the dikes ̄ assailed the toūe come to the yates and gat and conquerid the toūe and thurgh his gracious pouer kylled xxv thousand ̄ vijC scottys And kyng Edward lost no man of renoune saufe sir Richard of Cornewaill and him kylled a Flemmyng out of the reed hall with a quarell as the foresaid Richard did of his helme and commaūdid them for to yeld them and put them to the kynges grace and the scottis wold not wherfor that hall was brent and castyn doune and all tho that wer therin wer brant ¶ And king Edward lost no mo men at that viage of symple estate but xxvij Englisshmen And the wardeyn of the castell yaf vp the keys with out any assaute ¶ And ther wos takyn willm Douglas and Sir Symond Frisell ̄ the erle Patrike yeld them to the pees bot Inghm̄ of Humsremille Robert the Brus that wer with the kyng Edward forsoke kyng edward and held with the scottis and afterward they wer takyn and put in to prison and after that the king for yaf them ther trespasse and deliuerid them out of prison ¶ And tho let kyng edward close in Berwik with wallys with dychis afterward Robert Rous went to Tindale and set wuyebrugge a fire Exham ̄ Lamerstok and kyllid and robbed the folke of that cuntre ¶ And after that he went from thens vn to Dumbarre ¶ And the frist wedenesday of Marche the kyng sent the erle of Garenne Sir hugh Perci and sir hugh Spenser with a fair companye for to besege the castell ¶ But on that wos called sir Richard Syward a traitour and a fals man ymagyned for to begile the englisshnen sent to the englisshmen them for to dissaue And said that he wold yelde vn to them the castell yf they wold graūte them viij· dais of respit that he myght send ̄ tell to sir Iohan Bailoll that wos kyng of
Scotland how his men faired that wer with in the castell send hī word bot if he wold remeue the sege of the englisshmen· that they wold yelde the castell vn to the englisshmē ¶ The messinger tho come vn to sir Iohan bailoll that tho wos the kyng of Scotland wher that he wos with his host and the messinger told hī al the case ¶ And sir Iohan toke tho his host ̄ come in the morow erly toward the castell ¶ And sir Richard Siward saw him cum that wos master of the counsell keꝑ of the castell ̄ said vn to the englissmen O qd he now I se a fare cōpanye well appariled I will gon ayens them ̄ with them to mette them assaill ¶ And sir hugh Spenser saw the falsenesse of him the treson said to him O tratour take ̄ proued your falsenesse shall not a vaill you And hugh the spēser cōmādid anone for to bynde hī ī all hast wēt ayens ther enmys and killid of the scottys xxijM. For the scottys had that time no man with them of honour sauf sir Patrik graham that manli faught ̄ long ̄ at the last he was kylled And tho said the englisshmen ī reproue of the scottys ¶ Thes scaterand scottys hold I for sottis of wrenches vn ware Erli in a mornyng in an euell tymyng went ye fro Dunbare WHen tho that were in the castell saw the scomfiture they yolden vp the castell vn to the englisshmen and boūdē hir bodies londis castellis to the kīg Edward so thei wer take ther in the castell iij. erles and vij barons ̄ xxviij knyghtis and xi clerkis vij Picardis ̄ all wer presentid to kyng Edward and he sent them vn to the toure of londō to be keped ther ¶ How kyng edward of his gret grace deliuered ayeij the scotis out of prison that wer chieftens of that land and they drew thē to the frensshmen thurgh coūsell of willm waleis WHen kyng edward had made tho an end of the were and taken the chefetayns of scotland Tho come sir Iohane bailloll and yelde him vn to kyng Edward and put him in his grace he was lad to london And when kyng Edward was comē thider they wer brought before him and the kīg axed of them how they wold make amendis of that trespasse and losse that thei had done him thei put them ī his merci ¶ Lordīges qd the kīg I wyll not your landis ne your goodis But I wyll that ye make to me an oth vpon goddis body to be trew to me neuer after thys tyme ayenst me bere armys And all they ꝯsentid to the kynges will swore vpō goddis body ¶ That is to say sir Iohan of Comyn the erle of the strathorne the erle of Carrik also iiij bisshoppis vndertoke for all the clarge so the kīg deliuerid them yaf them saufe condithys to wend ī to ther own land And it was not long afterward that they ne arisen ayen kyng Edward for encheson that they wist well that kyng Edwardis folke was take in Gascoyne as before is sayed but sir Iohn̄ bailloill kīg of scotland wist well that his land shuld haue sorow and shame for ther falsenesse in hast went him ouer se to his own landes and ther he held him and come neuer ayen wherfor the Scottys chosin vn to ther kīg willm waleis a ribaud and an harlot cumen vp of noght ̄ moch harme did to the englisshmen ¶ And kyng Edward thought how he myght haue deliuerance of his pepull that wer take in gascoyn ̄ ī hast went him ouer see in to Flaūdres for to were vpon the kīg of fraunce And the erle of flaundres vnderfenge him with moch honour ̄ graūted him all his landis at his own will ¶ And when the king of fraūce herd tell that the kynge of englond wos ariued in flaūdres ̄ come with an huge pouer hī for to distruye he praied him of trews for ij yere so that englissh marchantis ̄ also frenssh might saufely go cum in bothe sidis ¶ The king Edward graūted it so that he must haue his men out of p̄son that wer ī gascoyn ̄ the kīg of fraūce graūtid anone ̄ so they wer deliuerid ¶ And ī the same tyme the scottys sent by the bisshop of sent Andrews in to fraūce to the kīg to sir Charles his brother that sir charles shuld cum with his pouer ̄ they of scotland wold cum with ther pouer and so they shuld go in to englond that land for to distruy from scotland vn to they comen to kent and the scottys trastid moch vpō the frensshmē but of that thyng they had no maner graūte ¶ And notheles the scottis began to robbe ̄ kill in northumberlōd did moch harme ¶ How willm waleis let sle sir Hugh of Cressingham and of the bataill of fonkirke WHen this tidyng was comen te kȳg Edward that willm waleis had ordeyned such a strong pouer and also that all Scotlond vn to him wos entendant and redy for to kyll englissh men and to distroye the land he was sore annoyed and sent annone by letter to the erle of Garren and to sir henri ꝑcy and to sir Willm Latomer and to sir Hugh of Cressingham his tresorer that they shuld take pouer and wend in to Northumberland ̄ so forth in to scotland for to kepe the cuntris ¶ And when william waleis herd of hir commyng he gan for to fle and the englishmen him folewid and drefe him till he come to Striuelyn ther he held him in the castell ¶ And the walsshmen euery day them escried and manaced did all the dispite that they myght So that the englisshmē vpō a tyme in a mornyng wēt out from the castell the moūtenāce of x. mile ̄ passid ouer a brigge And willm waleis come with a strong pouer ̄ drofe them a bake for the Englisshmē had ayens him tho no myght but fled they that myght take the brigge ascappid but sir Hugh the kynges tresorour ther was slain and mony other also wherfore wos made mich sorow ¶ Tho had kyng Edwar sped all his nedis in Flaūdris and wos ayen comen in to englond and in hast he toke his way in to scotland and come theder at the Ascenciō tide And all that he foūd he set a fire brent ¶ But the poer pepull of scotland cō to him wonder thyke prayd him for goddis loue that he wold on them haue merci pitte ¶ Wherfor the kyng ●ho commandid that no man sh̄old do them harme that wer yoldin to him ne to no man of ordir ner to no house of religion ne no maner chirche But let aspie all that he myght wher that he myght find ony of his enmys ¶ Tho
exiled out of englond for sent Thomas cause of Lancastre that is to say sir Roger of wigmore sir willm Trussell sir Iohn̄ of Cromewell ̄ mōy oder good knyghtys ¶ Wherfor thei toke ther coūcell ̄ ordeyned amōges them for to make a mariege bitwen the duke of gnyhē the kīgys son of englōd ̄ the erles doughter of henaud that was a nobul knyght of name a doughty ī his time ¶ And if that thīg myght be brought about than stode they trowyng with the help of god with his help to recouer ther heritage in englōd wer of they wer put out thurgh the fals congettynges of spensers ¶ How kyng edwar thurgh coūcell of the spensers sent to the douzeꝑs of fraūce that they sh̄uld help that the quene Isabell hir son sir edward wer exiled out of fraūce WHen kyng edward ̄ the spensers herd how that quene Isabell and sir Edward hir son had alied them to the erle of Henaud and to them that wer exiled owt of englond for encheson of Thomas of Lancastre they wer so sori that thei not wist what for to done ¶ Wherfor sir hugh spenser the son said vn to sir hugh his fadre in this maner wyse ¶ Fadre cursed be the tim and the coūcell that euer ye consentid that quene Isabell shuld go vn to fraunce for to trete of accord bitwen the kyng of englond and hir brother the kyng of fraūce for that was your councell for at that tyme forsoth your wit failed ¶ For I drede me sore lest thurgh hir and hir son we shall be sh̄ent bot yf we take the better councell ¶ Now fair sirres vnderstond how meruelus felonie falshed th̄e spensers ymagened and cast for priuely they let fill v. barellis ferrors with syluer tho soume amounted v. thousand pound and they sent tho barrels ouer se priuely by an alien that wos called Arnold of Spayn that was a brocour of London that he shuld gone to the d●usepers of Fraunce that they shuld procuren speke to the kyng of fraunce that quene Isabell and hir son Edward wer driuen and exiled out of Fraunce ¶ And among all other thynges that they wer brought to the deth as priuely as they myght ¶ But almighty god wold not so for when this Arnold wos in the high see he wos take with se land res that met him in the high see toke him lad him to ther lord the erle of henaud ̄ moch ioye was made for that taking ̄ at the last this Arnold priueli stole away fro thens come to london ¶ And of this takīg of oder thīges the erle of henaud said to the quene Isabell Dame maketh you meri be of good chere for ye be richer than ye wened to haue bene take thes v. barell is full of siluer that wer sent to the douzeꝑs of fraūce for to kyll yow and your son Edward thinketh hasteli for to wend in to englond taketh ye with you sir Iohan of henaud my brother v. C mē of armes for mony of thē of fraūce ī whome ye haue had grett trust done you for to scorne ¶ And almyghti god graunte you grace your enmys to ouer cum ¶ The quene Isabell sent tho thurgh henaud and Flaūdres for hir saudiowrs and ordeyned hir euery day for to wend in to Englond ayen and so she had in hir cōpanye sir edmond of wodstoke that was erle of kent that was sir Edwardis brother of englond ¶ How kyng edward let kepe the costes by the see ̄ let trie all the prise men of armes fote men thurgh englond WHen kyng Edward herd tell that quene Isibell and Edward hir son wold cum in to Englond with a gret pouer of aliens and with them that wer outlawed owt of Englond for hir rebelnesse he was sore adrad to be put doūe and for to lese his kyngdom ¶ Wherfor he ordeyned to kepe his castels ī wales as well as in englond with vitales and ther apparile and let kepe his riueres and also the see costes Wherof the v. portes toke to kepe them and also the see ¶ And at the fest of Decolaciō of sent Iohn̄ Baptest the Citizenis of london sent to the kyng to porchestre an hondreth men of armes ¶ And also he commaūded bi his letters ordeyned that euery hondreth and wapentake of englond to triours as well of men of armmes os men of fote ̄ that they shold bene put in xx some ̄ in an hondreth some cōmāded that all tho men wer redy when any outese or crie wer made for to pursue and take the aliens that come to englond for to benomme him the land for to put him owt of his kyngdom· ¶ And more ouer he let crie thurgh his patent in euery faire and in euery marketh of Englond that the quene Isabell and sir Edward his eldest son the erle of kent that they wer take and saufely keped with out any maner harme vn to them doyng and all other maner pepull that come with them anone smyten of ther hedis with out any maner of ransome takyng of them ¶ And what man that might bringe sir Roger hede Mortimer of wygmore shuld haue an hondreth poūde of monay for his trauell ¶ And forthermore he ordend by his patent and cōmaūded to make a fire vpon euery hyll beside the riueres and in law cuntres for to make hie beekenes of tymbbre that if it so wer that the aliens come vn to the land by nyght that men shuld tend the bekenes that the contre might be warned and cum and mete ther enmys and in the tyme died sir Roger Mortimer his vncle in the tour of london ¶ How the quene Isabell and sir Edward duke of Gnyhene his son com in to lond at herewich and how they did WHen quene Isabell and sir Edward hir sone Duke of gnyhenne sir Edward of wodstoke erle of Kent and sir Iohan the erles brother of Henaud and ther company drad not thee manace of the kyng ne of his traitours for they trustid all in goddis grace ̄ com vn to herewich in sauthfolke the xxiiij day of Septembre in the yere of grace M.ccc.xxvi And the quene ̄ sir edward hir son sent lettres to the maire ̄ cōmmalte of londō requiring them that they shuld be helpyng in the quarell ̄ causa that they had begonne that is to say to distroy the tratours of the ream bot none ansuer was sent ayen wherfore the quene syr Edward hir son sentē an other patent letter vnder ther seales the tenour of wich letter here foloweth in this maner ¶ Isabell by thee grace of god quene of englond lady of Irland Countes of pountyf we Edward the eldest son of the kyng of englond Duke of gnyhen erle of chestre of Pauntif of Moustroill to the maire to all the cominalte of the cite of
landis shuld be vpō him the more bolder ¶ And he said soth for by encheson of his barons that wer done to deth for sent thomas quarell of lancastre pepull of mony landis become the bold for to meue were vpō the kyng for ther blod wos turned to mōy nacions ¶ And afterward Merlin told ̄ said that the forsaid Owles shuld do moch harme vn to the floor of life deth they shuld bring hir to moch disese so that she sh̄uld wēd ouer se ī to fraūce for to make pees to the flour delise ̄ ther shuld a bide till on a tyme hir sede shuld cum and sech hir And tho they sh̄uld a biden bothe till the tyme that they shuld cloth them with grace ̄ tho two Owles she shold seke ̄ put them vn to pytuus deth that ꝓphecie wos well know and was full soth ¶ For sir Hugh spenser the fadre and sir hugh the sone did moch sorow and persecucion vn to the quene Isabell thurgh her procurment to hir lord the kyng ¶ So they ordeyned amonges that she was put vn to hir wages that is to say .xx. sh̄ylling in the day ¶ Wherfor the kyng of fraūce hir brother was sore annoyed and sent in to englond by his letters vn to kyng Edward that he shold come vn to hys ꝑlament to Paris in fraunce but kyng Edward was sore adrade to cum ther. for he wened to haue bene arested till that he had made amendis for the trespase that sir hugh spenser the fadre the sone had done And for the harme that they had done vn to thee quene Isabell his sustre ¶ Wherfor thurgh hir ordeynaunce ̄ consent of the spensers the quene Isabell went ouer se ī to fraūce for to make accorde bitwen kyng Edward the kīg of fraūce hir brother ¶ And ther duel̄led she in fraūce till edward hir eldest son come hir to sech ̄ so they duelled ther both till that aliance was made bitwen them the gentill erle of Henaud that if they with ther help might destroi ̄ ouer cū the venym ̄ the falsenes of the spensers that sir edward shuld spouse Dame Philip the worsshipfull lady ̄ the erles doughter of henaud ¶ Wherfor the quene Isabell ̄ sir edward hir son sir edward of wodstoke the kynges brother of Englond sir Iohn̄ of henaud ̄ sir Roger Mortimer of wigmore and sir Thomas Rocelin sir Iohn̄ of Crōwell sir willm Trussell and mony other of the a liaunce of the gētill erle Thomas of Lancastre that wer exiled out of englond for his quaril wer disherited of ther landis ordeyned them a gret pouer and ariued at herewich in southfolke ¶ And sone after they pursued the spensers till that they wer takyn put vn to spitouse deth as before is said and ther company a● also for the gret falsenes that thei did to kīg edward to his pepull ¶ And Merlin said also more that the goot sh̄uld be put īto gret disese in gret anguysh ̄ in gret sorow he sh̄uld lede his lyfe ¶ And he said soth for aftir the tyme that kyng edward wos take he was put in to ward till that the spensers wer put vn to the deth ¶ And also for encheson that he wold not cum vn to his own ꝑlament at london as he had ordened and assigned himself and to his baronage and also wold not gouerne and rule his pepull ne his ream as a king shold done ¶ Wherfore sum of the barons of englond come ̄ yeld vp ther hamages vn to him for them and all the other of the ream in the day of ꝯuersion of sent paule in the yere of his regne xx ̄ they put him out of his rialte for euer more euer he leued his lyfe afterward in moch sorow anguyssh LOdewicus the fourth wos emprour after Henri iiij yere This Lodewic wos duke of Banare he dispised the coronacion of the pope wherfore the pope deposit him and moch labour and mony ꝑell he had after And he trubled gretly the vnite of holy chirch ̄ then wos chosin ayens him Frederik the duke of Austrich he ouer come the duke and boid a rebelion to his end ̄ in gret parell to his soule and at the last Karolus wos chosin ayens him the wich p̄uayled and sodenly Lodewik fell doūe of his horse ̄ decessed Iohan Maundevill a doctor of fesike a knyght borne wos in englond a bout this tyme. ̄ he made a meruelus pilgrimage for he went almost a bowt all the world and he wrot his dedis in .iij. langages decesid wos buried at sent Albons Benedictus the xxij wos pope after Iohn̄ vij yere and more This man wos a monke in all his youth he wos of good conuersacion a doctor of diuinite And wē he wos made pope he reformed the ordir of sent Benet in that thyng that was necessari And he wos an hard man to graūt benefice lest he had graūted it to an vnconyng man he made a decretall the wich began Benedictus deus in donis suis he wos veray cruell in his faithe And for that of som men litell loued he wos so stout a man that almost he wold not know his own cosyns Anno domini M.iij C xxvij ¶ Of kyng Edward the thrid after the conquest ANd after this king Edward Carnariuan regned sir edward of windesore his son the wich wos crouned kyng annoynted at westmynstre thurgh councell and consent and will of all the gret lordis of the Reame the sonday in Candelmasse eue in the yere of grace M CCC.xxvi that w●s of age at that tyme but xv yere and for encheson that his fadre was in warde in the castell of kenilworth and eke wos put doune of his rialte the reame of englond was with out king fromme the fest of sent Katerin in the yere abouesaid vn to the fest of Candelmasse ̄ tho wer all maner plees of the kynges bynch astent ¶ And tho wos cōmanded to all the shereues of englond thurgh writ to warn the ꝑties to defendaūtis thurgh somnyng ayen ¶ And also forthermore that all prisoners that wer in the kynge gail̄les that wer attached thurgh shereues sh̄uld be let gone quyte ¶ The kīg Edward after his coronacion at the praier besechīg of his liege of the reame graūtid them a chartre of stedfast pees to all them that wold it axe ¶ And sir iohn̄ of Henaud ̄ his cōpanye toke ther leue of the kīg ̄ of the lordis of the reame turned home to ther own cōtre ayen eche of them had full rich yeftes euer ych mā as he wos of value estate ¶ And tho wos englond ī pees ̄ ī rest ̄ gret loue bitwene the kīg his lordis comynly english men said amōges them that the deuell
vpō the heed that the brayn brest out and fel on the ground and so was he dede an euell deth ¶ Tho toke they the Mortimer as he armed him at the toures dore when he hard the noyse of them for dred And when the quene Isabell saw that the Mortimer was taken she made moch sorow in hert and thes wordes vn to them said ¶ Now fair sires I pray you that ye don no ne harme to his body a worthy knyght our welbeloued frend our dere cosyn ¶ Tho went they thens and come and brought the mortimer and presentid him vn to the kyng Edward and he commaunded to bring him in sauf ward But anone as they that wer consent vn to the Mortimers doyng herd tell that he was taken they went and hid them and priuely by nyght went out of the toune eche in his side with heuy hert and mornyng and leued vpon ther landis as well as they myght ¶ And so that same yere that the Mortimer was take he had at his retene ix score knyghtis with out squyers and sergiauntys of armes and fote men ¶ And tho was the mortimer lad to london And sir Symōd of Beford was lad with him and was take to the conestabull of the toure to kepe ¶ But afterward wos the mortimers liif examined at westmynstre before the kīg and before al the gret lordis of englōd for ꝑill that might fall to the reame to enquere also wich were assentyng to sir edwardis deth the kīges fader also thurgh whom the scottis ascappid from stanhope in to scotland with out the will of kyng edward ¶ And also how the chartre of ragman was deliuered vn to the scottis wherin the homag feautes of scotland were conteyned that the scottis shuld done euer more to the english̄ kīg for the reame of scotland wherfore in his absēs he was dampned to be draw and honged for his treson this myschief come vn to him on sent Andrewes euen in the yere of incarnaciō of our lord Ihū crist M.ccc xxx ¶ How kyng edward get ayen vn to him grociously the homages and feautes of Scotlād wher of he was put out thurgh fals coūcell of Isabell his modre and sir Roger Mortimer that was new made erle of marche NOw ye haue hard lordis how sir Iohan Bailloll in the time of pees was chosen to be kyng of Scotland for encheson that he come of the eldest doughter of the erle Dauid of Hontīgton thas wos kyng Alexandre brether of Scotland that died with out heir of his body begoten And how this Iohan made feaute homage to kyng Edward Henris son the iij. for his land●s of scotland And how he afterward withsaid his homage thurgh councell of the scottis in the yere of our lord a lxxiiij ̄ sent vn to the pope thurgh a fals suggestion that he made his oth vn to the forsaid kyng edward ouer his astate ̄ his will of wich othe the pope him assoilled thurgh his bulsis to hī y sent ¶ And a none as kīg edward wist ther of he ordeyned anōe his barons come vn to Berewike ̄ ꝯquerid the toūe at wich cōquest ther were sloyn xxvM. ̄ vijC. and the bailloll that was kīg of scotland cō yeld hī to good kīg edward ̄ the kīg afterward deliuered hī out of the tour of londō And all the gret lordis of Scotlād with him that tho were taken at Berewik and yaf them sauf condithis to gone in to scotland ¶ And the scottis sith thurgh ther falsenesse wered vpon good kyng edward ¶ And when sir Iohan bailloll kīg of scotland saw all this he went ouer the see vn to Dunpier and leued ther vpō his own landis as well as he myght till that the scottis wold amend them of thermisdedis and trespace ̄ lad with him sir edward his son wherfore the Scot●s in dispite of him called him sir Iohan Turnlabard for beca● that he wold not offende ne trespace ayens the good kyng edward of englond ¶ And so he for soke his Reame of Scotland set thar of but litell price ¶ And this sir Iohn̄ long tyme duelled in fraunce till that he died ther And sir Edward his son vnderfeng his heritage and did homage vn to the kyng of fraunce for his landis of Dunpier and so it fell afterward that Edward that wos Iohn̄ Bailloll son had with hī a squyer of englōd that wos borne in yorkshire that was called Iohn̄ of Barnabi this Edward bailloll loued him moch wos ny him full priue ¶ And so this Iohn̄ of barnaby was in debate with a frensh man in the toune of Dunpier ̄ so he killed him wēt in his wai in all the hast that he myght in to the Castell for to haue socour help of his lord ¶ And anōe come the officers of the toūe to take iohan of Barnaby as a felon sir edward his lord holp hym ̄ rescued him ̄ by nyght made hī wēd out of the castell so he went his way come ī to englōd with out any harme ¶ And when the kyng of fraūce saw that sir Edward had rescued his felon he become wonder wroth ayens sir Edward and anōe let him be arestid toke in to his hand all his landis ¶ Tho duelled sir Edwar in prison vn to the tyme that sir Henri of Beaumont come in to fraunce the wich Henri sum tyme was erle of angos in scotland thurgh his wife wos put out of the forsaid erldom whē the accordemēt was bitwen Englond and Scotland thurhh the quene isabell and sir Roger Mortimer and ther copani for the mariage that she made bitwen Dauid that wos Robert the Brus son Dame Iohana atte Toure kyng Edwardis sustre of englōd well vnderstode this that at the end he sh̄uld cum to his right but if it wer thurgh sir edward Bailloll that was right heir of the reame of Scotland ¶ And the kyng of fraūce Lowys loued moch this sir Henri and he was with him full priue and thought for to make a deliueraunce of sir Edward Baillolls body if he migh in any maner of wyse ¶ Tho praied he the kyng that he wold graunte him of his grace sir Edward Baillolls body vn to the next ꝑlament that he myght lyue with his own rentis in the meyn tym and that he myght stand to be Iuged bi his peris at the parlamēt ¶ And the kyng graūtid him his praier and made the forsaid Edward to be deliuered out of prison in the maner aboue said And anone as he wos out of prisō sir Henri toke him forth with him and lad him to englond and made him duell priuely at the maner of sandhall vp onse in yorkeshire with the lady vescy so he ordeined him ther an houge retenaunce of pepul of englisshmen ̄ also of aliens for to conquere ayen
his heritage ¶ And so he yaf moch siluer vn to the sowdiours ̄ to aliens for to help hī ¶ And they behight for to help him in that they myght but they failed hī at his most nede ¶ And at that tyme Donald erle of Morrif herd tell how that sir Edward bailloll wos priuely cum in to englond and come to him and made with him gret ioye of his comīg ayen and said vn to him ̄ behight him that all the gret lordis of englond shuld be to him entendant and sh̄uld him hold for hyng as right heir of scotland and did to him homage feaute ¶ Tho come sir Henri of Beaumont to kyng Edward of englond ̄ praied him in way of charite that he wold graūt of his grace vn to sir Edward bailloll that he myght saufl̄y gone bi land from Sandhall vn to scotlond for to cōquere his right heritage in scotland ¶ The kyng ansuerid said if that I suffre the Bailloll wend thurgh my land in to scotland than the pepull wold say that I shuld be assentyng vn to the compani ¶ Now sir I pray yow that ye wold yef him leue to tak with hī soudiours of englishmen that they myght saufly lede him thurgh yowr land vn to scotland ¶ And sir vpon this couenaūt that if it so befal that god it forbide that he be discomfited in batell thurgh the Scottis that I and also all the lordis that holden with Bailloll bene for euermore out of your rentis that we haue in englond ¶ And ther the kyng vpon thys couenaunt graunted ther bone as tochyng him tho that wer of the same quarell the wich clamed for to haue landis or rentis in the ream of Englond ¶ And thes wer the names of the lordis that pursued this mater that is to say sir Edward the Bailloll that chalenged the reame of Scotland sir Henri Beammont erle of Angos sir Dauid of Stroboly erle of Atheles sir Geffrey of monbray Walter Comyn ̄ mony oder that wer put out of ther heritage in Scotland whan the pees wos made bitwen englond and scotland as before is said ¶ And ye shall vnderstond that thes lordis toke with them v. hondreth men of armes ij thousand archers and of fote men ̄ tho wēt ī to ship at rauenspore and sayled by the se till that they come vn to scotland come to land at kynkehorne xij myle frō sent Iohanes toune and anone sent out ther shippis ayen for they sh̄uld not be hurte ne empayrid nether that no man sh̄uld go ī to the shippis ayen though that they had nede bot a bidē all ꝑrillis not fle but stād and rather suffre deth than flee for to maynten ther trew quarell ¶ When the Erle of Fiffe a fers man a sterne herd that the Bailloll was comyn for to take the land of scotland he come ī hast to kynghorn with xij thousand scottis to destroy hī that he sh̄uld not cum to land ¶ But sir Edward Bailloll his compani ther him descomfited at the wich discomfiture sir Alesander of seton wos ther kyllid mony oder ¶ The erle of Fiffe was tho sore full yll a shamed that so litell a compani had him discomfited ̄ shamly put him al his compani that was a lyue for to flee ¶ Tho come sir Edward bailloll ̄ token the cuntre all about him till he com vn to the Abbey of Dunfermilyn ther he found vitallis for him for his folke ̄ among all other thyngꝭ he fond ī a chambre a bout v. hondreth of gret stauis of fine oke with long pykis of yren of stele he toke them deliuered them to the most strongest men of his compani ¶ And anone after he went fro thens and logged him ī a felde ij myle from sent Iohanes toune and when the burgies of the toune herd how the Erle of Fiffe was discōfited thurgh the Bailloll they wer sore adr●d and br●ken ther brugges that they hed made ouer the water of erne so that the Bailloll myght not gone ouer wherfore he loged hī ther all that nyght but litell hede he toke of rest and said vn to his pepull ¶ Now dere lordis ye know full well that we be now logged bitwen our enmys and if they may vs hampre ther is no bote but deth wherfore if we abide here still all this nyght I leue that it shall turne vs to moch sorow and harme For the pouer of scotland may euery day wax and encrece we may not so done And we be bot litell pepull as ayenst them ¶ Wherfor I pray you for the loue of almyghty god make we vs bold and hardy and that we may mighteli take the scottis this nyght and boldely were vpon them and let vs pursue them this night ̄ if they be traueled thurgh vs and se oure heidines oder scottis that se them so traueled and wery the sorer will they be adrad with vs for to fight and fersely than we shall fight with them ̄ on them pursue so that thurgh the grece of god almyghty all the world shall speke of the doughtynesse of our chiualrie ¶ And sires vnderstondeth wel that all the companye that comen with sir Edward Bailloll graūted wel vn to that councell and werther of right glad and anone pursued vpon the scottis that they becomen wonder wery ¶ And the Bailloll his companie sore folowed them ̄ did then moch harme ̄ sorow thurgh ther assaut so that they might not for febull them help and for litell pepull ¶ But tho said the scottis amonges them what is now befall that so litell a pepull as the bailloll hath in wynge done vs so moch trauell and sorow ¶ Now certes it semeth vs that he wyrketh bi grace for he is wonder gracious in his quarell we certes shall be dede or that we may cum to hī vs for to yeld sith that his fadre set of vs no price ¶ And among all other thinges the Bail̄loll his pepull passed the water of Erne so that sir Roger of Swynerton the son wos fers and angri and went forth they saw pepull of armes ful well araied and forth they went vn to them with them faught and kyled or take as mony as wold abide ¶ And nothles at that assaute they wend it had bene the gret host of scotland ¶ And whē it come to the morow they gadred them to gedre and restid them a while but the while that the englisshmē rested thē the nobull baron Thomas of vescy and the nobull baron of stafford prikked ther hors vp doūe by the hilles for to kepe the Estres of the cūtre And as they pricked vp and doūe they saw a gret ost of good aray ordeyned in ther wynges with helmys ̄ sheldis shynyng cōīg vpon them ¶ And ther come tho two lordis ayen vn
gedre and the south egle frist ouer come the north egle and all to rent and tore him with his bill his clawys that he shuld not rest ne take no breth ¶ And after the south egle fligh home to his own costes ¶ And anone after ther folowed wos seyn in the morn a fore the son rising and after ī thee last day of October saue on day mony sterris gadred to gedre on an hepe fell doune to the erth leuyng behynd them fery bemys in maner of lightynyng whos flaumes brent and ꝯsumed mens clothis mens here walkyng on the erth as it was seyn and knwen of mony a man ¶ And yit that northeren wynd that is euer redy destinat to all ill fro sent Kat mes euē till iij. days after lost good with out nōbre vnrecouerabull And ī the same days ther fell come also such lightīyng thūder snow haill that it wasted destroid mē bestis houses ̄ trees ¶ Of the bataill of spayn beside the water of Nazers that was bitwen prince Edward ̄ sir Henri basterd of spayn IN the yere of our lord a M.ccc.lxvij of kyng Edward xlij· the iij. day of Aprill ther wos a strong batall and a gret in a large feld called Priazers fast bi the water of Nazers in spayn bitwen sir edward the prince Henri the bastard of spayn but the victori fell to prince edward bi the grace of god ¶ And this same prince edward had with hī sir Iohn̄ duke of lancastre his broder other worthi mē of armes about the nomber of xxx M. ¶ And the kīg of spayn had on his side men of diuerse naciōs to the nōbre of an C. M· ̄ mo wherfor the sharpenesse ̄ fersenes of his adusarie with his full boystous gret strength made driuen the rightfull ꝑtie a bak a gret way but thurgh the grace of almyghty god passing any mans strength that huge host wos disꝑbled myghtfully be the nobull duke of Lancaster his host or thot the prince Edward come nigh him ¶ And whan Henri the bastard saw that he turned with his men in so grete haste and strength to fle that an huge companie of them ī the forsaid flode and of the brigge therof fellen doune ̄ parisshed ¶ And also ther wer take the erle of Dene and sir Bartram Clekyn that wos chief maker and causer of the were also chiuetayn of the vaunt ward of the bataill with mōy other gret lorddis and knyghtis to the nombur of ij thousand of whom ij hondrith wer of fraūce and mōy also of scotland And ther wer felled in the feld on our enmys side of lordis and knyghtis with oder meyn pepull to the nombre of vi thousand and moo and of englishmen bot a few ¶ And after this The nobull prince edward restorid thee same Pers to his kyngdom ayen the wich Pers afterward thurgh trechery and falsenesse of the forsaid bastard of Spayn as he sat at his mete was strangled and deid But after this victori mony nobull and hardy men and nobull of englond in Spayn thurgh the fl●x and other diuerse seknes toke ther deth ¶ And also in the same yere ī the Marche wos seyn stella Comata bitwen the North costis and the west whos bemes stretched toward Fraunce ¶ And in the next yere suyng of kyng Edwardis regne xliij in Aprill Sir Leonell kyng Edwardis son that was Duke of Clarence went toward Mileyne with a chose meyne of the gentils of Enlond for to wedde Galoys doughter and haue hir to his wife by whom he shuld haue half the lordship of Mileyn But after that they wer solemply wedded and a bout the Natiuite of our lady the same duke of Mileī died And in the same yere the frenshmen breken the pees and the trews ridyng on the kynges ground and lordship of Englond in the sh̄ire and cuntre of Pountife And token and held Castelles and tounes And bere the Englishmen on hond falsely and sotelly that they wer cause of brekyng of the trewes ¶ And in this same yere died the duches of Lancaster And is beried worshipfully in sent Paules chirche ¶ The xl iiij yere of kyng Edwardis regne was the gretest pestilence of mē and of gret bestes and by the gret fallyng of waters that fell at that tyme. ther fell gret hyndring and destroyeng of corne in so moch that the next yere after a busshell of whet was sold for xl pens ¶ And in this same yere about thee laste ende of May kyng Edward held tho his parlament at westmynster in the whiche parlament wos tretid and spoken of the oth and the trewes that was broke betwen him and the kyng of fraunce and how he myght best vpō his wrōg be auēgid ¶ In this same yer ī the assūcion of our lady died quene Philip of englond a full nobull and good woman at westmīster full worsshipfully is beried entered about midsomer the duke of lancastre ̄ the erle of Herford with a gret cōpanie of knyghtis wēt ī to fraūce wher they get them but litell worship name for ther wos an huge ost of frēshmen vpō chalkhull brigge an other ost of englishmen fast by the sam brige that lōg tyme had leued ther. And mōy worthi men gret of the englisshmen ordeyned yaf coūcell for to fight ̄ yaf botaill to the frenshmen but the forsaid lordis wold nothing ꝯsent ther to ne assent for no maner thing ¶ Ther anone after it happid that the erle of werwike come thederward for to were when the frenshmen herd of his comyng or that he come fully to land they left the● tentis ̄ pauilyons with all ther vitales ̄ fled and went a way priuely And when the erle was comyn to land with his men he went in all hast toward Normandie ̄ destroyed the I le of caws thurgh dynt of swerd and thurgh fier ¶ But alas in his returnyng to englondward home ayen at Calais he wos taken with sekenesse of the pestilence died not leuyng behind hī after his daies so nobull a knyght and orped of armes ¶ In wich tyme rened ̄ wered thilk orped knyght sir Iohn̄ Hawkewod that was an englishmā borne hauyng with hī at his gouernaūce thilk white cōpanie that is aforsaid the wich o tyme ayens holy chirche and an other time ayens lordis werid ̄ ordeyned gret batailles and ther in that same cuntre he did mony meruelus thynges ¶ And a bout the conuersion of sent Paule the kyng when he had endid and done the entering and the exiquies with gret costes and rialtes a bout the sepulture berieng of quene Philip his wife he held a ꝑlament at westmynstre in wich ꝑlament was axed of the clargie a thre yeres dyme that is for to say a gret dyme to be payed iij. yere during ¶ And the clargi
whom the dominacion thus begane ¶ Ther wos a certayn famus clarke at rome and could not sped in his maters that he desired to haue sped in then he resedit from Rome ouer the see and procured mony a man to go with him Emong whom was this fals machemite a grete man of witt And this clarke promysed him to make hī duke of his cuntre if he wold be gided after him ¶ Ther he norisshed a dowfe and put all the corne that the dowfe eten in to machomites eire And so this dowfe had neuer no mete bot in his ere ¶ The certain clarke on a day called the pepull and meuede them to chese sych a prince as the holy gost wold shew to them in forme of an dowfe And anone this clarke secretly let fly this dowfe the wich after his old custom that he wos wont to fell a none to the shulder of machomite and put his byll in his eere And when the pepull see this anone he wos chosen duke of that pepull whē he wos made duke of this pepull of corosame he said that he wos the weray prophet of god Thē he made a boke of his law that wos called Alcharon bot he did it by informacion of iij of his maisters to whom the deuell mynisterid the auctorite and the cunnyng ¶ The fyrst master wos a Iue a gret astronomier and a negremēser the secūd wos Iohn̄ de anthiochia The thrid wos sergius an heritike And thes iij. made an vngraciꝰ law ̄ a vn happi and what sum euer was harde of beleue and tedyus to done thei left that out of the law they put that thīg ī ther law the wich the wordly men weir ꝓne redy to do that is to say Glotonye Lecchorye rapyn and such other And also this machomyte ordend that a man shuld haue as mony wyfes as he myght ocupye and fynd and refuse them twys or thries or iiij tymes and take them ayen and mony meruelus and fals thynges he mode in his law the wich wer to long to reherse heir bot they be playn ī his boke of Alchorō And euer he wrotte ī his boke that our lord spake to machomyte his prophet sayng on this wisse or on this ¶ Thus by his fals menys he dissaued the pepull And when his maisters and he had made this that wos so delectabull He wrotte it in a boke with letters of gold and also he noresshed a myghty Camell secretly in a preuey place and alonli with the hondis of machomyte wos alway fed and ther priuely he tyed this boke of the law that he had made about the camales neke and put this camell forth on a tyme in to the feldes a fore day And this camell ioyed in his liberte for he wos neuer lowse a fore ¶ And he wold suffre no man to cum and toche him ̄ so ther wos a gret fame of such a camell and all the pepull ran to se him Emonge whome wos this machomyte ¶ But when the camell se him that had fed him all way anone he ran vn to him and he had taught this Camell a foro tyme to fall doun on his kneis and lykke his handis and so he did a fore all tho pepull ¶ The pepull then cried and sayd that ther was a veray ensample that he wos the trew prophet of god Then they y prayd machomyte to opyn that holy boke with his holy handis the wich wos send from heuen euer more to be kepid in the wich boke is shewed how the peple shall woyrshyp god And machomyte sayd this boke wos writtyn with angels hand So by thes fals menis he turnd ther to his lawis all the land of Persi and all the Est imperiall a yenes Heraclyum the Emprour and he occupyed vn to the end of Alexandre Egipt Libia Arabia Sirea Then after he infecked all Affrican and bot that the grace of god with stode him he had infeckid all Spayn fraunce and mony other thynges he did that wer to moch to writte in this boke Constantine the thrid the son of Heraclij was Emprour xxvij yere This Constantin wos a cursed man a gret tyrant an heritike fals sotell ̄ odyus to cristī men ne he yaf no place to pope Martin and he raised a gret host ayenest the Lumbardis ̄ ther he lost the feld and fled to rome and honorabel̄y wos resaued of the pope vitilianus and othir of the cite and he rewarded not them lyke after ther m̄etis as a prince shuld haue done bot vsed forth tyrannydy and heresy wherfor at the last he was slayn in a bath of his own knyghtys the wich nold no lenger suffre his tyrannydy And so he wricchedly lyued and died vnhappely Martinꝰ th● fyrst wos pope after Theodorum vi yere This Martin wos a veray holy man and strongly strofe for the faith of god And when he sayng masse on a certayn day at the autyr ther pursued him to kyll hym a man wos called Spatarius of Olymphe ̄ whē hee wold haue smyte him he was blynd sodenly This same man cald a sinody in the cite of rome dampned Syrū Alexandrū sergiū Pyrum Paulū heritykes wherfor Constantin the empreur exiled him he died a seint Eugenius a roman wos pope after Martyn almost iij. yere ̄ was an holy man bot of him litell actis is writtyn Vitellianus wos pope after him xiiij yere This man made the sōg that the Romans vses and accord●d it also with the organys and he also had the grace of the Emprour the wich wos wroth with his predicessours neuer thelesse afterward he stode not in his concorde ne hedir to I cold not find that euer the chyrche of Rome had fully after the deth of Constantyn the myghty the lorsh̄yp of the cite and of other the wich he yaf to the chyrche Anno domini viC xliiij ADeodatus a roman wos pepe after vitilian iiij yere and ī his days was translat the bodi of sent benedicti with the body of his suster scolastice fro the hill of cassyn to the monastery of floriecens nigh aurelian Constantin the faurth wos Emprour after his fader Constantin the cursed man ¶ This constātine wos a good man ̄ he hated heritikes ouer all thing· the chirche he repairid ̄ grace he reconsiled ayene to the chyrch of rome he with the pope gedred to geder the sext generall Sinody ī the wich wos graunted to prestes of greke to vse ther lefull wynys And to the pristes of the est for cause of gret heet bot not to thos of thee west ꝑti by no menys For they amytted chastite in the tyme of sent gregori ¶ And euery mā mei aduertise ̄ ponder how moch the goodnes of a prince is worth to the quyete state of the chyrche to the promocion of the fayth And also the cōtrari how moch the males of a prince
child so made hī to go about the stake till that all his bouels werdrawen out of his body ̄ so died Alured ther thurgh treson of the erle godwyn ¶ When tho lordis of englond had hard wist how alured that shuld haue bene ther kyng was put to deth thurgh the fals tratour godwin they wer wōder wroth suore bitwin them god ̄ bi his holy names that he shuld die a more werse deth than did Edrith of strattō that had betraied his lord Edmōd Irenside ̄ they wald haue put hī to deth bot the thefe tratour fled thens in to denmarke and ther held him iiij· yere ̄ more lost all his land in englond SIluester the thrid wos pope after Bn̄dic This Siluester was chosī and Benedict was expulsid And afterward was he expulsid and benedict was put vp ayene And after he was put out and Gregori wos made pope and he wos but a sympull letterd man and ther for he chose an other pope to be cōsecrate with hī and when mony men wer displesid with this gydyng of ij popis the thrid was brought in the wich shuld ocupye the place of both the two And so they strofe emonges them self bot then Henri the emprour come to rome and deposit them all ond made Clement the secumd pope whom he made anone to croune him and he sayd to the romans they shuld neuer chese pope with out his assent so v. beyng pope the sex wos put in But mony men sayth this Gregori was an holy man Damasus the secund wos after Clement xxiij days This man was an vsurper of the pope seet he died sodenly And anone the Romans asked to haue a pope and that the almayns sh̄uld haue none for they wer so herd hertid that they myght not incline to the ītent of the emprour the wich said ther sh̄uld be no pope chosin bot if he wold be of counsell of the eleccion bot for all that they put in this holy man Leo. and after he had of that consciens and refuseyd and anone he was chosin bi the comyn assent This Leo put crist in the forme of a lasur in his own bede and in the morow he fond no thyng ther. ¶ Of sent Edward the confessour that was Alured is broder how he wos kyng of englond ANd when this was done all the barons of englond sensē an other tyme in to Normandie for that Edward shuld cum in to englond with moch honour ¶ And this edward in his childhode loued almyghty god and him drad and in ●●●●ste and clennes lad his life and hatid sin os deth ¶ And wh●n he wos crouned and annoynted with a riall pouer he for yat not his good maners ̄ condiciōs that he frist vsed And for yat not all good customs for no maner honour ne for no riches ne for no ●●ner highnesse but euer more more yaf him to goodnes 〈◊〉 loued god all mekenes and loued god holy chirch passing al maner thyng And poer men also he loued and them held as they had bene his own bretheren and to them oft yaf gret almys with full good wyll ¶ Of the frist speciall loue that god shewed to sent edward leuīg IT befell on a day as he went from the chirche of westmynstre and had herd masse of sent Iohn̄ the Euangelist for as moche as he loued sent iohn̄ euangelist more specially after god and our lady than he did any other sent ¶ And so ther come to him a pylgrame and prayed him for the loue of god our lady and Iohn̄ euangelist some good him for to yefe ¶ And the kyng priuely toke his ring of his fynger that no man ꝑsaued it and yaf it to the pilgrame and he it vndirfenge and wēt thēs ¶ This kyng Edward made all the good lawes of englond that yit bene most vsed and holden And was so merciabull and so full of pitte that no man myght be more ¶ How the erle godwyn come ayene in to englond and had ayē all his land aftward sent edward weddid his doughter WHen the erle godwyn that was duellyng in Denmarke had moch herd of the goodnesse of kyng Edwarde and that he wos so full of merci and of pitte He thought that he wold gone ayene in to englond for to sech and to haue grace of the good king edward that 〈◊〉 ●●●cifull was that he myght haue his land ayen in pees a●●●ayed hī as moch as he myght and put him toward these 〈◊〉 in to englond to london ther that the kyng was that tyme all the lordis of englond ̄ held a parlament ¶ Godewyn sent to them that wer his frendis ̄ wer the most grettest lordis of the land ̄ prayed thē to besech the kynges grace for him ̄ that he wold his pees and his land grant him This lordys ladd●n him before the kyng to see●e his grace ¶ And anone os the kyng him saw he appeled hī of tresō and of the deth of alured his ●●●ther and thes wordis vn to him seyed Traytour Godewin quod the kyng I the appele that thow hast betrayed and slayn my brother Alured ¶ Certis sir quod Godwyn saue your grace and your pees and your lordship I him neuer betrayed ne yit him slew And therfor I put me in reward of the court ¶ Now fair lordis quod the kyng ye that bene my lieges erles barens of the land that here bene assembled Full well ye hard myne appele and the ansuer also of godwyn And therfor I will that ye awarde and doth right ¶ The Erlis and Barons tho gadered them all to geder for to done this award by them self ̄ so they spoken diuersely emonges them For sum sayed ther wos neuer aliaunce by homage serment seruice ne by lordship bitwen Godwyn and alured for wich thing they myght him draw ¶ And at the last they deuised demyd that he shold put him in the kynges marci al to gedres ¶ Tho spake the erle Leuerich of Couentre a good man to god to all the world told his reson in this maner and sayd The erle godwyne is the best frendid man of englond after the kyng and well myght it not bene gayn sayd that with out consell of godwyn Alured was neuer put to deth Wherfor i award as touchīg my parte that hīself and his son euery of vs xij erles that bene his frendis wend before the kyng chargid with as mich gold and siluer as we may bere be twix our handis ̄ prayng the kīg for yefe his euell will to the erle godwyn and resaue his homage ̄ his land yeld ayene ¶ And they accordid vn to that awarde ̄ come in this maner as is aboue sayed euery of them with gold siluer as moch as they myght bere betwen ther handis before the kīg thei said the forme the maner of ther acord
he shuld fight with Maufrede and then he decessid and Manfrid after losten his life ̄ his kīgdō by Karolus Alphonsus the kīg of castell Richardus brother to the king of englōd erle of cornewell wer chosin emprours after the long vacacion of the empire for the chesers of the emꝑour wer deuyded insondir and ther wos gret strife mōy yere at the last decessid Richard Alphōsus the other emprour cō a fore Gregori the ix bi the signe of pees vtterly renoūsit al his titill of the empire he had ony for he wos a veray witty mā and a nobull astranomier his tabuls be veray famose the wich he made for they be compendiose Clemens the iiij wos pope after vrbane iij· yere ix monethis this Clement wos an holy mā and said thurgh the sprete of ꝓphesi that the enmys of the chirche shuld parych as the smoke it is to be leuyd that god ses●id the tribulacions of the chirch thurgh his meritis this man a fore had a wife ̄ child when he was prest and after bisshop he wos sent ī to englond legate he nothyng knawyng wos chosyn pope and after dicessid blissidly for his vertuus leuīg Gregori the x. was pope after him iiij yere after he wos made pope for the desire that he had to the holy land the wich he entendit to vysit ꝑsonaly at loduū in fraūce he made a solempne counsell ī the wich the consell of the grekis the Tarturs wer ̄ ther the grekis ꝓmysit to be reformid bi the vnite of the chirche And the Tarturs wer but a litell a fore baptised ꝓmysid the same ̄ ther wer gederid viC. bisshoppis a thousand p̄latis ▪ And therfor a certā man said Gregori gedirth to geder all kynd of pepull And ther was decreid that all ꝑsons and vekerys shuld be called prestis ̄ no p̄latis And that no man sh̄uld assygne his tythis to what chirche him wold os thei did a fore but they sh̄uld be paid to his modir chirche ̄ he dampned the pluralite of beneficis and decesed a blissid man Innocent the v. wos after him v. monethis and litell did Adrian was after him on moneth ̄ did las Iohannes the xxi wos after him viij monethis ̄ he was in diuse sciens a famus man bot in maners a fooill and decessid anone Nicholas the thrid wos pope after Iohn̄ on yer This ma was ī his dais a noble man ī bildīg well gouerned the cite all his dais the secūd yer he decessed Rodulphꝰ wos emꝑour xviij yere this man wos erle of Hanesburgh a wise man ī armys nobull victoriꝰ ̄ wos chosin at Basilian he toke the cros on him for the holy lond the imꝑiall blissing he had not bot the pope a lowed the eleccion for fauour of the holy land Anno domini M.CC. lxxiiij MArtin the iiij wos pope after Nicholas iiij yere· This mā wos a gret louer of religiꝰ mē ̄ gret attending to vertuꝰ werkis This man cursid the emꝑour of ꝯstantinopolon ī so moch as he ꝓmysed to turne to the fayth ī the generall counsell ̄ did not for the wich he suffrid mich passions and all holy chirche Also hee cursid the kīg of Aragon for he expulsed the kīg of Cicill fro his kyngdō after he had done mony batailles ayens mē of misbeleue mōy tribulaciōs suffrid he decessid did mony myracules· Nicholas de Lira a nobull doctor of diuinite wos this tyme at Paris This man wos a Iue of nacion and he wos conuerted and myghteli ꝓfetid ī the ordir of frere mynors and he wrot ouer all the bybell or els he wos ī the yere of our lord a thousand .ccc. ̄ xxx And sū men says he wos a brabon that his fader his moder wer cristyn but for pouerty he viset the scoles of the Iues so he lerned the Iues langage or els this Nocholas wos īformid of the Iues ī his yong age Honoriꝰ the fourth wos pope after Martin ij yere and litell of him his writtyn bot that he was a tēꝑate man and a discret Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym iiij yere This man wos a frere mynor and all though he wos a good man in him self yit mony vnhappy thynges fell in his tyme to the chirche for mony a bataill wos ī the cite thurgh his occasion for he drew tomoch to the on ꝑte And after him ther was no pope .ij. yere and sex monethis ¶ Of kyng Edward that wos kyng Henris son ANd after this kyng Henri regned Edward his son the worthiest knyght of all the world of honour For goddis grace was in him for he had the victorie of his enmys ¶ And as sone as his fadre wos dede he come to london with a fair companye of prelatis and of erles and barons and all maner mē did him moch honour For in euery place that sir Edward rode in london the stretis wer couerid ouer his hede with riche clothes of sylke of tapites and with riche couering ¶ And for ioye of his cūmyng the nobull burgeis of the cite cast out at ther wyndowes gold and siluer hondis full in tokynyng of loue and worship seruis reuerens ¶ And out of the ꝯdith of chepe ran white wyne rede as stremis doth of the water ̄ euery man dranke therof that wold at ther own will ¶ And this kyng edward wos cr●ūed annoynted as right hair of englond with moch honour and after masse the kyng went in to his palas for to hold a riall fest a monges them that did him honour ¶ And when he wos set vn to mete the kīg Alexander of scotland come for to done him honour and reuerence with a quentize and an hondreth knyghtis with him well horsed and arayed And when they wer lighted doune of ther stedis they let them gone widder that they wold ̄ who that myght take them toke at ther own will with out any chalenge ¶ And afterward come sir Edmond kynd Edwardes brother a curtas knyght and a gentill of renoune and the erle of Cornewaill and the erle of Gloucestre and after them cōe the erle of Penbroke ̄ the erle of Garenne ¶ And ech of thē by ther self lad in ther hand an hondreth knyghtis gayl● disgised in ther armes ¶ And when they wer light of ther hors they let them go whider that they wold and who that myght them cache them to haue still with out ony chalenge ¶ And when all thys wos done Kyng Edward did his diligence his might for to a mende ̄ redresse the wronges in the best maner that he myght to the honour of god holy chirche to maynten his honour to a mēd the noyance of the comyn pepull ¶ How Ydeyne that wos Lewelyns doughter of wales p̄nce aymer that
spenser the son had the thrid ꝑte in his wifes half the iij. sustre tho ij lordis went to the barons with al ther pouer ayens sir hugh ther broder in law and so ther come with them sir Roger of Clifford sir Iohn̄ Mombrey sir Goselin dauill sir roger Mortimer of werke sir roger mortimei of wigmore his nepheu sir Henri Trais sir Iohn̄ Giffrad sir Bartholemew of badelsmore with all ther companye and mony oder that to them were consent all the gret lordis comen vn to westmynstre to the kyngꝭ ꝑlament and so they spoken and did that bothe sir huge Spenser the fadre and also the son were outlawed of Englond for euer more ¶ And so sir hugh the fadre went vn to Douer and made moch sorow and fell doune vpon the ground by the see banke acros with his armes and sore wepīg said Now fair englond good englond to all myghty god I the betake and thries cussid the groūd and wened neuer for to haue comen ayen and wepyng full sore cursed the tyme that euer he begat sir Hugh his son And said for hī he had lost all Englond and tho in presence of them all thatt were about him he yaf him his curse and went ouer the see to his landis ¶ But hugh the son wold not gone out of Englond bot held him in the see he and his companye robbed .ij. Dromōdis beside Sandewich and toke and bare away all the goodis that wos on them the value of xl M. pound ¶ How the kyng exiled Erle Thomas of Lancastre ̄ all that held with him and how the Mortimer come yeld him to the king and of the lordis HIt wos not long after that the kyng ne made sir Hugh spenser the fadre and sir hugh the son cum ayen in to englōd ayens the lordis will of the reame ¶ And sone after the kyng with a strong pouer come and beseged the castell of Ledes ̄ in the castell was the lady of Badelesmore for encheson that she wolde not graunte that castell to quene Isabell kīg Edwardis wife ¶ But the principall cause was for encheson that sir Bartholomew badelesmere was ayens the kīg held with the lordis of englond notheles the kīg by help socour of mē of londō ̄ also of help of southeren men gat the castell maugre of them all that wer therin ̄ toke with them all that thei might find ¶ And when the barons of englōd herd this tidyng sir Rogere Mortimer and other mony lordis toke the toūe of burggeworth with strength wherfore the kīg was wonder wroth let outlaw thomas of Lancastre ̄ vmfra de Bohoune erle of herford ̄ all tho that wer assentant to the same quarell ¶ And the kyng assēbled an huge host ̄ come ayenst the lordis of englōd wherfor the Mortimers put thē in the kīgꝭ merci ̄ his grace ̄ anōe they wer sent to the toure of london ̄ ther kept ī prisō ¶ And when the barons herd this thyng they comen to Pountfret ther that the erle Thomas sodiourned ̄ told him how that Mortimers both had yeld them to the kyng ̄ put them in his grace ¶ Of the sege of Tykhill WHen Thomas erle of Lancastre herd this they wer wonder wroth and all that wer of his companie ̄ gretly they wer discomfited and ordeyned theyr pouer to geder beseged thee castell of Tykhill but tho that wer within so manly defēdid hē that the barons might not get the castell whē the kīg herd that his castel was beseged he swore by god ̄ bi his names that the sege sh̄old be remeued and assemaled an huge pouer of pepull went thiderward to reskewe the castell his pouer encresid frō day to dai ¶ When the erle of Lancastre ̄ the erle of Herford the barones of ther companye herd of this thīg they assembled all ther pouer went them to Burton vpō Trent kept the brigge that the king shold not passe ouer ¶ But it befell so on the x. day of march in the yere of grace M.ccc ̄ xxi· The kyng the spenser sir Aymer valaunce erle of Pēbroke Iohn̄ erle of Arūdall ̄ hir pouer wēt ouer the water discomfited the erle Thomas his companye and they fled to the castell of Tutberi and from thens they wēt vn to Pountfret ¶ And in that viage died sir Roger Danmore in the abbey of tutberi ¶ And in that same time the Erle Thomas had a traytour with him that wos called Robert of Holād a knyght that the erle had brought vp of nought had norisshed him ī his botelerie had yeue him a thousand marke of land by yere so moch the erle loued him that he myght do in the erles courte all thīg that him liked bothe among hie lawe and so quenteli tho these bare him ayens his lorde that he tristed more vpon him then he did vpon ony man a liue ¶ And the erle had ordened by his letters for to wend in to the erledom of Lancastre to make men arise to helpe him that viage that is to say v. C men of armes ¶ But the fals traytur come not ther no maner men for to warne ne for to make arise to help his lord ¶ And whē that the fals traitour hard tell that his lord was discomfited at burt●n vpon trent as a fals traytour thefe stole a way and robbed ī Rauensdele his lordis men that come from the scomfiture and toke of them hors and harnes and al that they had killid of them all that he myght take come yeld hī to the kīg ¶ Whē the good erle Thomas wist that he wos so betraied he wos sore abashed ̄ said to hī self O all mighty god how myght Robert Holand find in his hert me to betray sithens that I haue loued hī so moch O god well may naw a man see bi him that no man may dissaue an oder rather than he that he trustis most vpon he hath full euell yeld me my goodnesse and the worsh̄ip that I haue to him done and thurgh my kyndenesse haue him a vaunced and made hie wher that he wos lowe And he maketh me go from high vn to l●w but yit shall he die an euell deth ¶ Of the scomfiture of Burbrugge THe good Erle Thomas of Lancastre Humfrey de bohoūe Erle of Herford and the barons that with hem were tokē councell bitwen them at the frere prechours in Pountfret Tho thought Tomas vpō the traitorie of robert Holand and seied in reproue Alas holand had me betraied ay is the reed of some euell shreed and by the commune assent they shuld all wend to the castell of Dunstanburgh the wich ꝑteyned to the erldom of Lancastre that they shold abide ther till that the kīg had foryef them ther
moder Dame Isabell by sir Roger Mortimer ¶ And as they wold all thyng wos done both emong high and low And they token vn to them Castels tounes landis ̄ rentis in gret harme losse to the croune ̄ of the kynges estate out of mesure ¶ How the pees was made bitwene the english men and thee scottis ̄ also of Iustifieng of Troylebastone THe kyng Edward at witsontide in the secund yere of his ragne thurgh the councell of his modre sir Roger Mortimer ordeyned a parlament at Northamton And at that ꝑlament the kyng thurgh hir councell and none other of the land with in age graunted to be accordid with the Scottis in this maner that all the feautes and homages that the scottis shuld do vn to thee croune of Enlond for yaf them vn to the scottis for euer more by his chartre enseled ¶ And forthermore an endēture wos made of the scottis vn to kyng edward that wos kyng Henris son wich endenture they called it rageman in the wich wer contenyd all thee homagis and feautes Frist of the kyng of Scotland and of all the prelatis erles and barons of the reame of scotland with ther seales set theron and other chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and his barons had of ther right in the foresaid reame of Scotland it wos for yeue them ayen holy chirche And also with the blake crosse of scotland the wich the good kyng edward conquerid in Scotland and brought it owt of the Abbey of Scone that is a full preciouse relique ¶ And also forthermore he relesid and for yaf all the landis that thebarons of englond had in scotland by old conquest ¶ And this pees for to be hold and last the scottis wer boūd vn to the kyng in xxx thousand pound of siluer to be paid with in .iij. yere that is euery yere x. thousand pound by evyne porcions ¶ And forthermore aboue all this they speke bitwen the ꝑteis aboue said that Dauid dritonautier that was kyng Robert the Bruit son the fals tyrant and fals forsworin ayenst his othe that arose ayens his liege lord the nobull and good kyng Edward and falsely made him kyng of Scotland that was of age of .v. yere ¶ And so thurgh this cursed councell Dauid spoused at Barewik Dame Iohane of the toure thatt was kyng Edwardis sustre as the geest telleth vpō mare Magdalene day In the yere of grace a ·M ccc and xxviij to gret harme and empeiring to all the kynges blod wher of that gentill lady come Alas the tyme For wonder moch was that fair damisell disꝑaged sith that she was maried ayens all the commune assent of Englond And frō the tyme that Brut had cōquered Albion and named the land after his own name Bretan that now is called Englond after the name of Engest ¶ And so the reame of Scotland wos holden of the reame of englond and of the croune bi feaute and by homage ¶ For Brut conquered that land and yaf it vn to Albanak that wos his secund son and he called that land Albayn after his own name So that the heires that comen after him shuld hold of Brut and of his heires that is to sai of the kynges of Bretan by feaute and homage and frō that tyme vn to this tyme of kyng Edward the reame of scotland wos holden of the reame of Englod by feautes and seruices as aboue is said ī the crenicles of Englond and of scotland bereth witnesse more planarly ¶ And acursed be the tyme that this parlament was ordeyned at Northamton For ther thurgh fal̄s councell the kyng was ther falsly disherited and yet he was with in age ¶ And yit whan that kyng Edward wos put out of his rialte of englond Yit men put not him out of the feautes seruices of the Reame of Scotland ne of the fraunchises disherited him fer euermore ¶ And neuerthelas the gret lordis of englond wer ayens to confirme the pees and the trew●s abaue sayd sauf only quene Isabell that tho was the kynges mother Edward and the bisshop of Ely and the lord Mortimer bot reson and law wold not that a finall pees shuld be made by twene them with out the cōmune assent of englond ¶ Of the debate that was bitwen quene Isabell sir Hēri erle of Lancastre of Leycestre ̄ of the ridīg of Bedford WHen the forsaid Dauid had spoused Dame Iohane of the t●ur in the toune of Berrewik as be fore is sayed the scottis in despite of the Englisshmen called Dame Iohane the Coūtesse make pees For the cowardyse pees that tho wos ordeyned but the kīges ꝑson bare all the wite and the blame with wronge of the makyng of the accorde And all wos done thurgh the quen and Roger Mortimer ¶ And it was not long after that the quene Isabell ne toke in to hir own hand all the lordship of Pountfret almost all the landis that wer of any value that apperteyned to the croune of Englond· ¶ So that the kīg had not for to dispende bot of his vses ̄ of his Escheker For the quene Isabell and Mortimer had a gret menye of ther retenaūce that folowed euermore the kynges court And went and toke the kynges prises for hir peny worthes at good chepe ¶ Wherfore the contre that thei comen ī wer full sore a drad and almost distroid of them ¶ Tho began the comminalte of englond for to haue enuy to Isabell the quene that so moch loued hir before wen she come ayen for to pursue the fals traitours the spensers from fraunce ¶ And in that same tyme the fals traitour Robert of Holand that betraied his lord sir Thomas of Lancastre was tho deliuered owt of prison and was wonder priue with the quene Isabell and also with Roger the Mortimer ¶ Bot that auailed not him but litell for he was taken at myhelmasse that tho come next sewyng after as he rode toward the quene Isabell to londō sir Thomas wither smote of his heed besides the toune of sent Albons ¶ And this sir Thomas duelled with sir Hēri erle of Lancastre and he put him ī hidīg for dred of the quene for she loued him wonder moch prayed vn to the kyng for him that the same Thomas myght be exiled out of Englond ¶ And the nobull erle sir Henri of Lancastre had oft tymys herd the comune clamor of the Englishmē of the disese that wer done in Englōd and also for diuerse wronges that wer done among the comune pepull of the wich the kyng bare the blame with wrong For he was bot full yong and tender of age And thought as a good man for to done a way and slake the sklandre of the kynges parson if that he myght in any maner of wise So as the kyng was ther of nothyng gylty wherfor he was in perell of lyfe and lyme ¶ And so he assembled all his retenaūces and went
the same cite of paris with all the hast that he myght ¶ For soth the nobull kyng Edward when he com to Paris brugge and fond it broken with in two dayes he let make it ayen And in the morn after thee Assumcioō of our lady kyng Edward passed ouer the water of seyn goyng toward Crescy and distroyed by the way tounes with the pepull duelling ther in And in the fest of sent Bartholomew he passid ouer the water of somme vnhurt with all his host ther as neuer before hand wos ony maner way ne passage wher ij M. wer slaī of them that lettid ther passage ouer Therfor the xxvi day of august kyng Edward in a feld fast by Crescy hauyng iij batailles of englishmen countred and met with Philip of valois hauyng with him iiij bataillis of wich the lest passed gretly the nombre of english pepull ¶ And when thes ij hostes mete to gedre ther fell vpon hī the kīg of Beme the Duke of Loren. and erles also of Flaundres Dalaunson Bloys Harecourt Aumarle and Neuers and mony other erles barons lordis knyghttis ̄ mē of armes the nombre of a M.v. C.xlij. with out fote men other men armed that wer nothīg rekened ¶ And for all this the vnglorius Philip with drew him with the residew of his pepull ¶ Wherfor it was said in commune among his own pepull Nrē beal soy retreyt that is to say our fair with draweth him ¶ Than kyng Edward and our englisshmen thanked god almyghti for such a victori after ther gret labour taken to them all thyng nedefull to ther sustinance and sauyng of ther lyues and for dred of ther enmys rested them ther. ¶ And full erly in the mornyng after the frenshmen with an hugh passing host come ayen for to yef bataill and fight with the Engl̄ishmē with whom met and countred the erll of Werwik Northamton and Northfolke with ther companie and slew ij thousand and toke mony prisoners of the gentils of them ¶ And the remenant of the same host fled iij mile thens And the thrid day after the bataill the kīg wēt to Calaysward destroyng all the tounes as he rode thidder whā that he was comen that is for to say the thrid day of September he began to besege the toune with the castele and continued his sege fro the forsaid therid day of septembre to the thrid day of August the next yere after ¶ And in the same yere during the sege of Calys the kyng of Scotland with a full gret multitude of Scottis comen in to Englond to Neuiles crosse about sent Lukes day the euangelist hopyng and trustyng for to haue found all the land destitute and void of pepull For as moch as the kyng of englond wos by yond the see sauf onli prestis and men of holy chirche ̄ women ̄ children and plowmen and such other labourers and ther they come and robbed and did moch priue sorow ¶ But yit fond they ynow that them with stode by the grace of almyghty god ¶ And so a day of bataill wos assigned bitwen them and certan lordis and men of holi chirche that wer of that cuntre with other commune pepull fast by the cite of Duresme At wich day thurgh the grace and help of almyghti god the scottis wer ouer comen and yit wer ther iij. sold so mony of them as of Englishmen ¶ And ther wos slayn all the Chiualri and knyghthod of the reame of scotland ¶ And ther wer taken as thei wold haue fled thens Dauid the kyng of Scotland him selfe and the erle of Mentif sir Willm Douglas and mony other gret men of scotland ¶ And after that our Englishmen whā they had rested them a few dais and had ordeyned ther kepers of the north cuntre thei comen to london and brought with them sir Dauid kyng of scotland and all thes other lordis that were taken prisoners vn to the toure of londō with all the hast that they myght ¶ And ther left hem in sauf kepīg vn to the kīgꝭ cūmīg wēt home ayen ī to ther own cūtre ̄ afterward was the kīgꝭ r●ūson of scotland taxed vn to an C.M. marke of siluer to be paied in .x. yere that is to say euery yere x. M. marke ¶ How kyng Edward beseged Calays and how it wos wone and yold to him IN the xxij yere of kyng Edwardis regne he went ouer the see in the wynter tyme and lay all the wynter at the sege of Calays the wich yere the while the sege lasted and endurid Philip the kyng of fraunce cast and purposed trechouresly with fraud to put a way the sege ̄ come the xxvij day of Iuyll in the same yere with a gret host and a strong pouer ̄ neyghed to the sege of Calais ¶ The wich Philip the last day of Iulij sent to kyng Edward word that he wold yef him playn bataill the iij day after that about euensong tyme if he durst cum fro the seege ̄ abide ¶ And when kyng edward herd that with out ony lōg tarieng or long a visement he accepte gladly the day and houre of bataill that Philip had assigned ¶ And when the kyng of fraūce herd that the next nyght after he set his tentis a fire ̄ remeued ̄ went away thens cowardly ¶ Than they that wer ī the toune in the castell beseged seyng all this how that they had none other help ne socour of the kyng of fraunce ne of his men ¶ And also that ther vitales within them wer spendit and wasted forfaut of vitales and of refrishing they eten hors houndes cattes myce for to kepe ther trewth as long as they myght ¶ And when they saw and wos found among them at the last that thei had no thyng among them for to ete ne lyue by ne no socour ne rescueng of the frenshmen of that other side they wist well that they most nedis die for defaut or el̄s yeld the toune and anone tho thei wenten and token downe the baners and the armes of fraunce on eueri side that wer hongen out and wenten on the walles of the forsaid toune on diuerse places as naked as ouer they wer borne sauf onli ther shertis and ther priue clothes and held ther swerdis naked the point donward in thi● hondis and puten ropes halters about ther nekkis and yelden vp the keys of the toun and of the Castill to kyng Edward of englond with gret fere and dred of hert ¶ And when kyng Edward saw this as a marciabul kyng and lord receued all to grace and a few of the gretest personers of state and of gouernaūce of the toune he sent in to englōd ther to abide ther ranson and the kynges grace And all the comminalte of the toune the kyng let go whider they wold in pees with out ony harme and let them bere with them
all ther thynges that they myght bere and carie away kepyng the toune and the Castell to hym self ¶ Than thurgh mediacion of Cardinales that wer sent from the pope trews was teke ther bitwen fraūce and englond for ix monethes than next foloyng about mihelmasse kyng edward come ayen in to englond with a glorius victorie ¶ And in the xxiij yere of his regne in the est parties of the world ther arose and began a pestilence and deth of sarisēs and paynyms that so gret a deth wos neuer herd of a fore And that wasted away the peple so that vnneth the tenth ꝑsō wos left on liue ¶ And in the same yere about the south cuntres also in the west contres ther fell so moch rayn and so gret watres that from cristemasse vn to midsomer ther was vnnethes day ne nyght but that it rayned sumwhat thurgh wich waters the pestilēce wos so enfecked and so habundand in all cuntres and namli about the court of rome and other places see costis that vnneth ther wer left leuyng fulke for to beri them that wer dede honestly But made gret diches and pittes that wer wonder brod ̄ depe ̄ therin beried them made a renge of dede bodis ̄ cast a litell erthe to hele them aboue than cast in an othe regne of dede bodis an other regne aboue them And thus wer they beried nōe oder wise but if it wer the fewer that wer men of gret estate that were beraid as honestly as they myght ¶ And after all this in the xxiiij yere of kīg Edwardis regne it was don him to wit vnderstond of a treson that wos begun at Calais ̄ ordeyned for to sell that toune for a gret somme of florens vn to kīg Philip of Fraūce thurgh the falsenesse ̄ ordynaūce of a knyght that wos called sir Gefferey of Cherney that wos wonder priue with king Philip of fraunce ¶ And when kyng Edward herd this he toke with hī the nobles and gentils lordis and mony other worthy and orped men of armes that wer ther present with him for the solēpnite of that high fest ¶ And well and wisel̄y in all the hast that he myght and as priuely os he myght he wenten ouer the see toward calais ¶ And that same yere the good kyng edward held his cristemasse at Hauering ¶ And the morn after newyeres day the kyng wos in the castell of Calays with his men of armes that none of the aliens wist ther of And that fals conspiratour and traitour Geffri of Charney seth that he myghte not openli haue his purpese of the castell priuely stelynly he com in and held the toune with a gret host ¶ And when he with his men wer comen in he paied the forsaid somme of floreyns as couenaunt was bitwen them to a Genewey in the toune that was keper of the castell and consenting to the same geffri in all this falsenesse and trechorie and bounden the englissh mynstrels ̄ seruantis that wer in the castell that they myght not help them self ne let them of ther purpose And than wenyng that they had be siker ynough thei speken all ther wikkednes falsenesse opēly an high that all men myght here ¶ And now shall ye here how they wer deceyued for they comen in by a priue postterne ouer a litell brugge of tre and when they wer comen in sotaly and priuely the brigge wos draw vp and kept that none of them that comen in myght go out ne no mo cū in to them ¶ And anone our englyshmen went out at priue holes and wyndous and ouer the walles of the toune of the castell and went and faughte māly with the frenshmen that wer with out and had the better of them the wich when they wer occupied by them sel̄f on ther side The king that was with in the toune hauyng with him scarsly but xxx men of armes drew out his swerd and with a loud vois he cried vp an high A sent Edward A sent George ¶ And when folke herd that they comen rennyng to him yaf ther to ther enmys so gret assaut that ther wer mo than two hondrith men of armes and mony mo other slayn and mony fleden away And so by the grace of god almyghty the victorie fell vn to the Englishmen Than the kyng toke with hym this Geffry that was finder of this trechorie and also mony other frensh prisoners ̄ with in a while after he come ayen in to englond ¶ And in this same yere in the yere afore and in thee yere next after was so gret pestilence of men from the est in to the west and namli thurgh botches that tho that sekīd on this day died on the iij. day after to the wich men that so died in this pestilence had but litell respite of liggyng ¶ The pope Clement of his goodnesse ̄ grace yaf them full remission and foryefnesse of all ther sinnes that they wer shriuen of and this pestilence lasted in london fro Mihelmasse vn to August next folewyng almost an hole yere ¶ And thes days wos deth without sorow weddyngis with out frenship wilfull penaunce derth without scarcite fleyng without refute or socour for mony fled from place to place be cause of the pestilence but they wer enfeckid myght not ascap the deth after that the ꝓphet Isae saieth who that fleith fro the face of dred he shall fall in to the diche And he that windeth him out of the diche he shall be hold ̄ tied with a grenne but whē this pestilence wos cesed as god wold vnnethes the tenth parte of the pepull wos left on liue ¶ And in the same yere began a wonder thyng that all that euer wer borne after that pestilence had .ij. chekteth ī ther hede las than they had a fore ¶ How kyng Edward had a gret bataill with spanyardis in the se fast by wynchelsee ANd in the .xxv. yere of his regne about the sent Iohannes day in haruest ī the see fast by winchelse king Edwarde had a gret bataill with men of spayn wher that ther shippis and nauye lay chaned to gedre that other they must fight or be drēched ¶ And so when all our worthy men of armes ̄ the see costes fast by wynchelse Romeny wer gadred to geder our nauye shippis all redy to the were the englisshmen met manly ̄ stifly with ther enmys comyng fersly ayens them ¶ And whē the spanys vessailles nauy wer closed ī all about ther mē might se a strōg bataill on both sides lōg during ī the wich bataill wos but few that faught but they wer spitously hurt And after the batail ther wer xxiij shippis of thers take ̄ so the englishmen had the better And in the next yere folowyng of his regne that is to say the xxvi yere the
greunted to Rome for the scole of englond ther to be continued ¶ And ī this same yere ther fell so moch rayn ī hey tyme that it wastid ̄ distroyed bothe corne and hey And ther wos such a debate fightīg of sparous by diuerse places ī thes dais that men fond innumerable of thē deid ī feldis as they went ther fell also such a pestilence that neuer wos seyn such in no mannys tyme that leued than for mē that went to bede hole in good point· sedenly they died ¶ Also that tyme a sekenes that mē called the pokkis slow both men ̄ womē thurgh ther enfectyng ¶ And in the xli yere of kīg edward was borne at Burdeux Richard the secund son of prince edward of Englond the wich Richard kyng Richard of Amorican heued at the fountstone after whom he wos called Richard And this same Richard whan his fadre wos dede and kīg Edward also wos crouned kīg of englond the xi yere of his age thurgh right lyne and heritage and also by the comunes assent and desire of the cominalte of the reame ¶ About this tyme at kīg edwardis cōmaūdement of englond when all the castelles and tounes were yold to him that long wer holde in fraūce by a gret companie assembled to geder sir Bartram Cleykyn knyght an orped man and a good weriour went and purposed him to put out Pers kyng of Spayn out of his kyngdom with help of the most ꝑtie of the forsaid gret companie trustyng also vpon help and fauour of the pope for as moch as it come to his heir that the same Pers shuld lede and vse the most werst and sinfullest life out the wich Pers smiten with drede of this tidyng fled ī to Gascoyn to prince Edwarde for to haue help and socour of him ¶ And when he wos fled out of Spayn Henri his brother that was a basterd by assent of the most parta● of Spayn and thurgh help of that ferrefull companie that I spake of erste was made and crouned kyng of spayn And the nombre of that same companie wos rekened and sette at the nombre of lx M. fighting men ¶ This same yere ī the moneth of Iune ther come a gret companie and a nauye of thee danes and gadred them to geder in the north se purposing them to cū in to englond to reue ̄ robbe and also to sle with whome they countrid and met in the see Mariners and othir orped fighting men of the cuntre and disꝑpeled them And they asshamed wente home ayen in to ther own cuntre ¶ But among all other ther wos a boustous vessell and a strong of ther nauye that wos ouer sayled bi the Englisshmen and wos parisshid and drenchid In the wich the Stiward and other worthi and gret men of Denmarke wer take prisoners and the kyng of englond and his councell prisoned the wich lordis the danois afterward come soughten all a bout for to haue had with ther goodis that they had lost and thay not wele apaied ne plesed of the ansuer that they had ther turned homewardis ayen leuyng be hind them in ther innes priuely writen in scrowes and on wallis Yit shall Danois wast thee wanes Than happid ther an english writer ̄ wrot ayenst the dane in this maner wise Here shall danys fet ther banes ¶ And in this tyme Pers kyng of Spayn with other kyngꝭ that is to say the kyng of Naune and the kyng of Malogre beyng menes wēten bitwen and praied coūcell and help of sir Edward the prince thurgh whos coūcel when he had vnderstond ther articles and desire that he wos required of tho kyngꝭ loth he wos and ashamed to say nay and cōtrarie them bot notheles he wos a gast lest it shuld be ony preiudice ayens the pope and long time taried them or that he wold graūto or consent ther to till he had better councell and avisement with good deliberacion of kyng Edward his fader ¶ But whan he wos with euery dais and continuall besechīg of mony nobull men requirid and spoken to and withe mony praiers sent and made bitwen them Than prince edward sent to his fader both be pleynyng letteers and also be confortabull contenyng all ther suggestions and causes with all that other kynges Epesteles letters for to haue comforth and help of the wronges not onli to the kyng of spayn doo but also for such thyngꝭ as myght fall to other kynges ¶ Also if it wer not the sonner holpē and amendid thurgh the dome and help of knyghthod to them that it askid ̄ desirid ¶ The wich letter whan the kyng and his wise councele had seyn such a kyngꝭ spoyling and robbyng with moch maruell ¶ And sent ayen comfortable letters to prince Edward his son and to that other forsaid kyngꝭ warned them for to arme them and ordeyn them ayens that misdoer ̄ to withstond them by the help of good that wer such enmys to kyngꝭ whā this nobull prince had receyued thes letters him self with that oder kynges before said all ther councell called to gedre or that he wold vndertake the quarell he bonde knytt sore the kīg that was deposed with a gret oth that is to say that he sh̄uld euer after maīten the right beleue feith of holi chirche holy chirche also with all ther mīstres rightis ̄ lebertis to defēd frō all ther enmys all euels ¶ And all that wer ther ayens bitterli to pūysh destrobull all the rightes libertes p̄ueleges of holy chirch encrese ̄ maīten amend all thīges that wer wrongfully takē with draw ̄ bore away by hī or by ony oder bi cause of him hastely to restore ayen ̄ to driue put out sarisens ̄ al other misbeleued pepull out of his kīgdom with all his strength pouer suffre ne admitte nōe soch for no maner thīg ne cause to duell ther in ¶ And that whan he had take a cristen womā he shuld neuer cū ī none other womans bed ne nōe other mannys wife to defoule ¶ Al thes forsaid thingꝭ trewly for to kepe ꝯtinu ̄ fulfill as all his life time he wos boūd by oth a fore notaries in presons wytnesse of tho kynges with other princes ¶ And than that gracious prince prince Edward vnder toke the cause and the quarell of the king that wos deposid and be hight him with the grace of almighty god to restore him ayen to his kyngdom and let ordeyn ̄ gadre to geder forthw t ī al hast his nauy with men of armes for to were ̄ fight ī his forsaid cause ¶ And in this same tyme vpon sond of the scottis fe that mōy a man it saw iij. days to gedre ther wer seyn ij Egles of the wich that on come out of the south that other out of the north cruelli strōgly they foughten to gedre ̄ wrasteled to
of the stepull in the castell of Douer fell doūe this same yere ¶ How the noble duke of yorke wos slayn and of the feld of wakefeld and of the secund Iourney at sent Albons by the quene and the prince THen for as moch os the quene with the prince hir son was ī the Northcuntre and absent hir from the kyng and wold not obeye such thynges as wos concludid in the parlament it was ordeyned that the duke of Yorke as protectour shuld go Northward for to bring in the quene subdue suche as wold not obeye wyth whom wēt the erle of Salisberi sir Thomas Neuill his sone with moche pepull· And at wakefeld in Cristemasse weke they wer all ouerthrowen and slayn by the lordis of the quenis partie that is to wit the Duke of yorke wos slayn the erle of Rutland sir Thomas Neuill and mony mo and therle of salisburi wos takyn othir as Iohn̄ harow of London Captayn and rewlar of the foot men and hanson of hull wich wer brought to poūfret and ther after behedid and ther hedis senten to yorke ̄ set vpon the yatis ¶ And thus wos that nobull prince slayn the duke of yorke on whos soule and all cristyn soules god haue mercy And this tyme therle of marche beīg ī shrowsberi hering the deth of his fader desired assistence ayde of the toūe to avēge his faders deth ¶ And from thens went to wales wher at Candilmase after he had a bataill at mortimers crosse ayenst therles of Penbroke and of wylshire wher therle of march had the victorie Then the quene wyth tho lordis of the north after they had distress●d and slayn thee Duke of Yo●ke and his felish̄ip com southward with a gret multitude and puissaunce of pepull for to cum to the kīg and defete such conclusions as had ben taken before by the parlament ayens whos commyng the duke of Norfolke the Erle of warwik wyth moch papull and ordinaunce went to sent Albons and sad kyng Henri wyth them And ther encountred to gedre in such wyse and faught so that the duke of Norffolke and the Erle of warwyke wyth mony othir of ther partie fled and lost y● Iourney wher that kyng Henri was taken and with the quene and wyth the prince Edward his son wych two had geten that feld ¶ Then the quene and hir pertie beyng at ther aboue sent anone to london wych wos on askiswedineday the first day of Lente for vitaill for wych the mayre ordined by thauys of the Aldermen that certayn cartis laden with vitaill shuld be sent to Seint Albons vn to them ¶ And when that tho cartis come to Crepylgate the comunes of the cite that keped that gate token the vitaillis from the cartis and wold not suffre it to passe ¶ Then wer th●● certayn Aldermen and comuners appoyntid to go vn to Barnet for to speke wyth the quenes counsell for to entreyt that the Northerin men shuld be sent home in to their cuntre ayen For the cite of London dred sore to be robbed and despoyled yf they had comen ¶ And thus during this trayte tydynges comen that the Erle of Warwike had met wyth thee Erle of the Marche on Cottyswold comyng out of walis wyth a gret menye of walsshmen And that they both wer commyng vn to londonward ¶ Anone as thes tidyngꝭ wer knowē th● tray●te was broken for the kyng quene prince and all thee othir lordis that weren with them departid from Seint Albons northward wyth all the● pepull Yit or they departid from thens they hedid the lord bonuyle sir Thomas Kiriell wich wer taken in the iourney done on shroftewisday ¶ Then the duchis of yorke beyng at london hering of the losse of the feld at s●nt albonis sent ouer se hir two yong sonnys George Richard wich went to vtrecht ¶ And Ph●lip malpas a rich marchant of lōdō Thomas vaghan squier mastir willm hatteclif mony othir fering of the comyng of the quene to londō toke a ship of andwarp for to haue gone in to Zeland· and on that other coost wer taken of on Colompne a franshmā a ship of were ̄ he toke them prisoners brought them in to fraunce wher they paied gret good for their ransum ther wos moch good riches ī that ship ¶ Of the deposiocion of kyng Henri the sext and how kyng Edward the fourth toke possession And of the bataill on palmeson●ay how he wos crouned THen whan the erle of March and the Erle of warwike had mette to gedres on Cotiswold in continente they conclud for to go vn to london And sent word anone vn to the maire to the cite that they shuld cum and anane the cite was glad of their comyng hopyng to be releuyd by them ¶ And so they comen to london whā they wer comyn ̄ had spokī with the lordis estates thē beīg ther ꝯcludid for as moch as kīg Henri was gone with them norward that he had forfited his croune ̄ aught for to be deposed accordyng vn to the actes made and passid in the last parlament ¶ And so by thauys of the lordis spirituall and temperall then beyng at londō the erle of the march Edward by thee grace of god oldest sun of Richard duke of yorke as rightfull heire next enheritour to his fader the iiij day of march the yer of our lord M. cccc lix toke possessiō of the reame of englōd at westmīster ī the gret hall after ī the chirch of the abbey offerd as king with the septre royall to whō all the lordis both spirituall tēꝑall did homage obeyssaūce as to ther soferayn liege lord and kyng And forthwith it wos ꝓclamid thurgh the cite kyng Edward the fourth of that name And anone after the kyng rood ī his rii●ll astate northward with all his lordis to subdue his subiectis that tyme beyng in the north ̄ to avenge his fadres deth ¶ And on Palme sonday after he had a gret bataill in the northcuntre at a place called Towton not fer from yorke wher with the help of god he gat thee feld and had the victorie wher wer slayn of his aduersaries xxx thousand men and mo as it wos said by them that wer ther. ¶ In wich bataill wos slayn the Erle of Northumberland the lord Clifford sir Iohn̄ Neuill the erle of westmerlandis brother Andrew Trollop● mony knyghtis squiers ¶ Then kyng Henri that had bene kyng beyng with the quene the prince at yorke hering the losse of that feld and so moch peple slam ouerthrowen anone forthwith deꝑtid all thre with the duke of sumerset the lord Roos othir toward Scotland ¶ And thee next day kyng Edward with all his armye entrid in to yorke wos ther proclamed kīg obeyed as he ought to be And the mair aldermen and comuns sworen to be his lege men And when
he had taried a while in the north that all the northcuntre had turned to him he returned southward leuyng behynd him therle of warwike in tho ꝑties for to kepe gouerne that cuntre ¶ And about mydsomer after thee yere of our lord M. cccc.lx and thee frist yere of his regne he wos crouned at westmynstre anoynted kyng of Englōd hauyng possession of all thee reame CAlixtus thee thrid wos Pope after Nicholas iij. yere v. monethis This Calixt was an hold man whē he was chosen pope· and wos continually seke ne he myght not fulfill his desire the wich he entendit to do ayens the misbeleuyng Turkis for deth come vpon him And he wos chosin ī the yere of our lord a M. and he died the sext day in the wich he made the fyguracion and also he canonised Seint vincent a frere precher ¶ And ther wos a gret reformacion of many monesteries ī diuerse parties of the world And theis reformaciōs wer made mony times but almost none abode but they returned ayen as they wer a fore by succession of tyme after the deth of thee worshipfull fadris ▪ ¶ The fest of the transfiguracion wos ordined of Calixt for the yeft of grace of the meruelꝰ victorie done ayens the turke ī hūgarie on sent Sextis day M. cccc.lvij for ther was a meruelus victorie yeuen to the cristyn men in hungri ayenst the gret turke ther he lost mony a man and fled shamfully for drede of enmys and no man folowid them bot alone the hande of god ferid the turke and his host on sent Calixtis day sent Iohan de Capestrano was ther seyn present· And he ꝓuokid thee pepull that wer a ferd to folow thos misbeleuyng turkis and ther was a grot vengeauns on them· for the Turkis saied that ther wos so gret a nombre of knyghtis that foloed them that vn nethis they durst loke bacward And therfore they flede and leften all ther tresour be hynd them and they wer holy angellis that caused them to fle Nota. Printerys of bokis wer this tyme mightely multeplied in maguncie thurgh out the world and thei began frist and ther held the craftis And this time mony men began for to be more sotell in craftis and suyfter then euer they wer a fore PIus the secund wos pope after Calixt vi yere This Piꝰ wos chosin in the yer of our lord M.iiij hondrith ̄ lviij he was called Eneas an eloquent man ̄ a gret oretor a laurittit poet ̄ a fore he wos the Emprour embassatour and in the coūsell of Basilien he wrot a nobull tretis for thee auctorite of thee same This man desirid to haue a passage to thee Turke And mony of all maner ꝯtres com to Rome he yaf them his blissīg and sent them hom ayen for thay wer not sufficent for the Turkis host ̄ anone after he decessid PAulus a venicion wos pope after Pius vij yere This Paule wos chosin in the yere of our lord Ihū crist a M iiij hondreth and lxiiij And anone he aloyed the fest of the presentaciau of our Lady as Pius did This man wos a tought man in rightwisenesse and he saied it wos better for to make few thynges and kepe them stedfastli thā for to make mony sone reuoke them And he made a gret palais at sent Markes and he decessed or that he had endid it In the yere of our lord Ihesu crist M.iiijC.lxxi ¶ Leodiū the land of luke wos appressid with mony tribulacions and after in the yere of our lord ihesu crist a thousand iiij hondreth and lxviij vtterly it wos destroyed bi caro lum the duke of Burgoyn the wich weddid Dame Margaret sustre to kyng Edward the myghti the fourth of englond ¶ Also the same duke Karolus entred in the land of Geldyr conquerid it holy ¶ The yere of grace also wos changed bi pope Paule for fauour of mannys soule from xxv yere vn to xxv And because that cursednesse haboundid so sore grace haboundid also sore SIxtus the iiij a Ianuens and a frere minore wos Pope after Paule and is yit at the makyng of this boke This man wos generall in the order of thee frere Minoris or he wos Cardinale And he wos chosin in the yere of our lord god a ·M iiij hondreth lxxi And wos called afore Fraunciscꝰ de sanona of good fame and vertues he wos chosin Cardinall without his knaulech till he wos made and the same yere that he wos chosen pope the turke had taken from cristen men ij Empiris and iiij kyngdoms .xx. ꝓuyncis ̄ tow hondreth cites· and had destroyed men and women with out nombre And that meued the pope that he shuld dispose hī to go to withstōd him and for an army to be made ayens the Turke the pope yaf gret indulgens of pardon of the tresour of the chirch vn to all the cristyn reames that he myght ordayn sum tresure to withstande that mysbyleuabull turke And in the lande of Englonde the worshipful fader doctor Ihon̄ thabbot of habīgdon was the popys legate to dispose thys godli tresure of the chirch to eueri faythfull man that was disposed and that wolde habull him to resayue it ¶ Here ende the Croniclis of englōde with the frute of timis Sanctus albanus