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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23588 [The cronycles of Englond]; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1482 (1482) STC 9992; ESTC S121383 314,856 338

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me schyef come vnto hym on seynt andrews euen 〈◊〉 the yere of Incarnacion of our lord Ihu crist a thousand CCC xxx How kyng Edward gete ageyne vnto hym gracyously the ho mages feautes of scotlād wherof he was put out thurgh fals counceyll of Isabel his moder and sir Rogyer mortimer that was newe made erle of the marche Cao. CC. xx●…ijo. ●…Owe ye haue herd lordes how sir Iohan of Bayllol in tyme of pees was chosen to ben kyng of Scotlād f●…r ench son that he come of the eldest doughter of the erle Dauyd of Hontyngton that was kyng Alysandres broder of scotland that de●…de without heyr of his body bygoten how this Iohan made frauce homage to kyng edward henryes sone the third for his lādes of stotlād and how he afterward withsayd his homage thurgh coū ceill of the scottes in the yere of our lord M ccc lxxij sent vnto y t pope thurgh a fals suggestion that he made his oth vnto y t fo●…said king edward ouer his astate his wil ▪ of which oth the p●…pe him assoylled thurgh his bulles to hym y sent And anone as kyng Edward wyst therof he ordeyned anon his barons c●…me vnto Berewik conquerd the toune at which cōquest ther were sl●…y ne xxv M vij C And the Baillol that was kyng of scotlād come yelde hym vnto kyng edward And the kyng afterward delyuerd him out of the toure of london and al the gre●…e lordes of scotlād with hym that were take at Berewyk yaf hem saufcō duyt to go in to scotland and the scottes syth thurgh hir falsenes werred vpon kyng edward And whan Syr Iohan Bay●…loll kyng of scotlād saw al this he went put hym ouer the see vnto Dunpier and liued ther vpon his owne landes as welle as he myght tille that the scottes wold amende hem of hyr mysdedes trespace and lad with hym Syr Edward his sonne whe●…fore the Scottes in despyte of hym callyd hym Syr Iohan Turnelabard for cause that he wold not offende ne trespace ayēst kyng edward of Englond And soo he forsoke his Reame of Scotland sette therof but lytell prys And this Syre Iohan longe tyme duellyd in fraunce til that he dyed there and sir edward his sone vnderfeng his heritage did homage vnto the kyng of fraūce for his lādes of dunyyer so it fel afterward that edward y t was Iohan bayllols sone had with hym a squyer of englōd that was b●…re in yorkshyre that was callyd Iohan of barnaby this edward bayllol loued hym moche was nygh hym ful pryue And so this Iohan of barnaby was in debate with a frensshmā in the toune of Dunpyer soo he slewe hym went his waye in al that he myght in to the castel for to haue socoure helpe of his lord And anon come the officers of the toun to take Iohn of bar naby as a felon syr edward his lord halp hym rescued him by nyȝt made hym wende oute of the castel so he went his wey come in to Englond without ony harme And whan the kyng of fraunce saw that sir edward had rescued his felon he beco me wonder wroth ayenst Syr edward anon lete hym be a rest toke in to his hande al his londes Tho duellyd Syr edward in prison vnto the tyme that sir henry of beaumout come in to fraūce the which henry somtyme was erle of angos in scotlād thurgh his wyf was put oute of the forsayd erldom whan the accord was bytwene englond and Scotland thurgh the quene Isabel and sir rogyer the mortimer hir company for the maryage that she made bytwene dauyd that was Robert the brus sone dame Iane of the tour kyng edwardes suster of englond and well vnderstode this that at the ende he shold come to his right but if it we re thurgh sir edward baillol that was right heir of the reame of Scotland And the kynge of frannce lowys loued moche this sir henry and he was with hym ful priue and thought for to make a delyueraunce of Sir edward baillols body yf he myght in ony maner wyse Tho prayd he the kyng that he wold graunte hym of his grace Syr edward bayllols body vnto the next par lement that he myght lyue with his owne rentes in the mene time and that he must stand to be Iugged by his peris at the parlement The kynge graunted hym his prayer and made the forsayd Edward be delyuerd oute of prison in the maner aboue sayd And anon as he was out of prison sir henry toke hym forth with hym and lad hym in to Englond and made hym duelle pri uely at the maner of sandehal vp ouse in yorkshyre with the lady besey and so he ordeyned hym there an huge retenaunce of people of Englisshmen and also of Alyens for to conquere ayene his heri tage And soo he yaf moche siluer vnto Sowdyours and to alyens for to helpe hym And they behight for to helpe him in al that they myght but they faylled hym at his most nede And at that tyme Donald erle of morryf h●…rde telle how that sir Edward was priuely come in to scotlond and come to hym and made with hym grete ioye of his comyng ayene and said to hym behight hym that al the grete lordes of englond shold be to hym en tendaunt shold hym holde for kyng as right heyr of Scotlād so moche they wold done that he shold be crouned kyng of that land and dyden to hym homage feaute Tho come Syr Henry of Beaumont to kynge edward of Englond and prayd hym in wey of charite that he wold graūte of his grace vnto sir edward Baillol that he muste saufly gone by land from sandhall vn to Scotland for to conquere his right herytage in Scotland The kyng ansuerd and sayd vnto hym yf that I suffre the Bayllol wende thurgh my land in to scotland than the peple wold saye that I shold be assentyng vnto the companye Now Syr I pray yow that ye wold graūte hym leue to take vnto hym Soudiours of englisshmen that they myght saufly lede hym thurgh your sād vnto Scotland And Syr vpon this couenaunt that yf it so befall that god it forbede that he be discomfyted in batayl thurgh the Scottes that I and also al the lordes that holden with Baillol ben for euermore put out of our rendes that we haue in En glond And the kynge vpon this couenaunt graunted hir bone as touchyng hym tho that were of the same quarell the whiche claymed for to haue londes or rentes in the Reame of Scotland And these were the names of the lordes that pursueden this ma ter that is to say Syr Edward the Baillol that chalengyd the Reame of Scotland Syr Henry Beaumout erle of Angos sir Dauid of stroboly erle of Atheles Syr Geffroy of Mombray waltier Comyn many other
whiche Piers y smyten with drede of this tydyng fled in to gascoyn to prin ce edward to haue helpe and socour of hym And whan he was fledde oute of spayn Henry his broder that was a bastard by assent of the most partye of spayne thurgh helpe of that fere full company that I spak of e●…rst was made and crouned kyng of spayn And the nombre of that same company was rekened set●…e at the nombre of lx M fightyng men This same yere in the moneth of Iuyn ther come a grete company nauye of the danes and gadred hem to gedre in the north see purposyng hem to come in to englond to renne and to robbe and also to slee with whome they countred and met in the see marpners and other orped fyg●… tyng men of the coūtrey and disparpled hem And they asshamed went home ayene in to hir owne coūtreye But amonge alle other ther was a boystous and a stronge vessel of hir nauye that was ouersailed by the englysshmen and was perisshed and dreynt In the whiche the styward and other worthy and grete men of Denmarke were take prisonners and by the kyng of englond his coūceyll y prisoned the whiche lordes the danes afterward comen soughten al aboute for to haue had with her goodes y t they had lost they not wel apayd ne plesed of the ansuer that they hadd here torned home wardes ageyne leuyng behynde hem in her ynnes priuely y writen in s●…rowes and on walles Yet shalle danes wast the wanes Than happed ther an englysshe wryter wrote ayenst the dane in this maner wyse Here shal danes fet her banes And in this tyme pyers kyng of spayne with other kyn ges that is to say the kyng of nauerne and the kyng of malogre beyng menes wenten bytwene and prayd counseyll helpe of sir Edward the prince thurgh whoo 's coūseyl when he had vnderstōd hir Articles hir desire that he was requyred of tho kynges loth he was and ashamed to say nay and contrarye hem but netheles he was agast ' lest it shold be ony preiudyce ●…yenst the pope longe tyme t●…ryed hem or that he wold graūte or consent ther to til he had better coūseyll auysement with good delyberacion of kyng Edward his gretter his fadre But whan he was with euery dayes continuel besechynges of many noble men y requyred and spoken to and with many prayers y sent and made bytwene hem Than prince Edward sende to his fadre bothe by pleynyng lettres and also comfortable conteynyng alle hir suggestyons causes with al that other kynges Epystles and lettres for to haue comfort helpe of the wronges not only to the kynge of Spayne y do but also for suche thynges as myȝt falle to other kynges Also yf it were not the sōner holpen amended thurgh the dome helpe of knyghthode to hem that it asked and desired The whiche letter whan the kynge and his wyse counceyll had seyne and vnderstonden he had grete compassyon and heuynesse of suche a kynges spoyllyng and robbyng with moche meruaylle And sente ageyne comfortable lettres to prince Edward his sone and to that other forsayd kynges and warned hem for to arme hem ordeyne ayenst that mysd●…er and to wythstonde hem by the helpe of god that were suche enemyes to kynges whan this noble prin ce edward had resseyued these lettres hym self with that other kyn ges before sayd all hir counseyl called to geder or y t he wold vnder take the quarel he bounde knett sore the kyng that was deposed with a grete o the that is for to say that he shold euer after mayntene the right bileue feyth of holy chirche and holy chirch al so with al hir mynystres rightes lybertees to defende from al hyr enemyes al euyls And al that were ther ageynst bit●… ly to punyssh destrouble and al the rightes lybertees priueleges of holy chirche encrease mayntene and amende and alle thynges that were wrongfully betaken withdrawe and bore a wey by hym or by ony other by cause of hym hastely to restore ayene and to dryue and put out sarasyns and al other mysbyleuyd people oute of his kyngdome with all his strengthe and power and suffre ne admytte none suche for no maner thyng ne cause to duelle therin And that whan he had take a cristen woman he shold neuer come in none other womans bed ne none other mannys wyf to defoule Alle these forsayd thynges trewelych for to kepe con tinue and fulfyl as alle his lyf tyme he was bounde by othe afore no●…ryes in presence and wytnesse of tho kynges with othir Princes And than that graceous prynce Prynce Edward vndertoke the cause the quarel of the kyng that was deposed behight hym with the grace of god to restore hym ayene to his kyn gedom lede ordeyne gadre to geder forth within al hast his na uye with men of armes for to werre fight in this forsayd cause And in this same tyme vpon the sonde of the scottissh see that ma ny a man it sye iij dayes to geder ther were seyne ij Egles of the which that one come out of the south that other out of y e north cruelly strongly they foughten to gedre wrastled to geder the south egle fyrst ouercome the north egle al to rente and tare hym with his byll his clawys that he shold not rest ne take no brethe And after the south egle flygh home to his own costes And anone after ther folewed and was seyn in the morne afore thr sonne risynge after in the last day of october saue one daye many sterres gadred to geder on an hepe fyl doun to the erth le uyng behynde hem fery bemes in maner of lyȝtenyng whos flāmes brent consumed mennes clothes mennes here walkyng on the erthe as it was seyn and knowen of many a man And y●…t that northeren wynde that is euer redy and destynat to al euel fro saynt kateryns euen til iij dayes after destroyed good withoute nombre vnrecouerable in the same dayes ther fyll comen also suche lightnynges thonder snowe haylle that it wasted destroyed men beestes houses trees Of the batayll of spayne besides the water of Nazers that was bitwene the prince Edward sir henry bastard of spayn Capitulo CCo. xxxiij o IN the yere of our lord M CCC lxvij and of kyng Edward xlij the iij day of Aprill ther was a strong batayll and a grete in a large felde y callid priasers fast by the water of Nazers in spayne bytwene Syr Edward the prince and Henry the bastard of spayn but the vyctorye fill to prince edward by th●… grace of god And this same prince Edward had with hym sir Iohn duke of lancastre his brother other worthy men of armes aboute the nombre of xxx M. And the
thens This kyng edward made al the good lawes of englond that yet ben moost holden and was so mercyable and ful of pyte that no man myght be more How therle godewyn come in to englond and had ageyne all his land and after ward saynt edward wedded hys doughter Cao. C. xxvijo. WHan therle godewyn that was duellyng in denmark hadde moche herde of the goodnes of saynt Edward and that he was full of mercy of pyte And thought that he wold gone a geyne in to englond for to seche to haue grace of hym that he myght haue his land in pees and arrayed hym as moche as he myghte and putte hym towarde the See And come in to Englond to london ther that the kyng was that tyme and alle the lo●●●s of englond helde a parlement Godewyne sente to hem that were his frendes and were the moost grettest lordes of the lande prayd hem to beseche the kynges grace for hym and that he wold his pees his land graunte hym his enemyes ladden hym byfore the kyng to seche grace And anone as the kyng hym sawe he appelled hym of treason and of the deth of Alured his broder these wordes vnto hym sayd Traytour Godewyne quod the kynge I thr appele that thou hast bytrayd and slayne my broder Alured Certes syr quod Godewyn saue your grace and your pees and your lordship I neuer hym bytrayd ne slew hym therfor I put me in reward of the court Now fayre lordes qd the kyng ye that ben my lyeges erles and barons of the lond that here ben al assembled Ful wel ye haue h●…rd myn appele the ansuere also of godewyn And therfore I wylle that ye award and doo ryght The erles and barons tho drowen hem alle to gedre for to done this award by hem self so they speken dyuersly amonges hem For somme sayd ther was neuer allyaūce by homage serment seruyce ne by lordship bytwene Godewyn Alured for whiche thyng they myght hym drawe at the last they deuysed and demed that he shold put hym in the kynges mercy all to geders Tho spak the erle leueryche of Couentre a good man to god to al the world told his reson in this manere sayd the erle godewyn is the beste frended man of Englond after the kyng wel myght it not ben gayn sayd that without coūseill of godewyn Alured was neuer put to deth wherfor I award as touchyng my part that hym self his sone euery of vs xij erles that ben his frendes wend byfore the kyng charged with as moche gold syluer as we mowe bere bitwene our handes prayeng the kyng foryeue his euyl wyll to therle godewyn receyue his homage his land yelde ageyn al they accorded vnto that award And comen in this maner as is abone sayd euery of hem with gold syluer as moch as they myght bere bytwene hyr hon des byfore the kyng they sayden the forme the maner of hyr accord and of hir award The kyng wold not hem gayn say but as moche as they ordeyned he graunted and confermed so was therle godewyn accorded with the kyng had ageyne al his lād And afterward he bere hym so wel and so wysely that the kyng loued hym wonder moche and with hym was ful pryue And within a lytel tyme the kynge loued hym so moche that he spoused godewyns doughter made hir quene and netheles for al that tho the kyng had a wyf he lyued euermore in chastyte in clennes of body without ony flesshely dede doyng with his wif the quene also in hir half lad hooly lyf two yere deyde And afterward the kyng lyued al his lyf without ony wyfe The kyng yafe the erldome of oxenford to harold that was godewynes sone made hym erle And so wel they were bilouyd both the fadre he so priue with the kyng both the fadre the sone that they myght done what thyng they wold by ryght For ageynste right wold he nothyng done for no maner man so good trewe he was of conseyence therfor our lord Ihu crist grete specially lo ue to hym shewed How kyng edward saw Sweyne kyng of denmark drenched in the see in the sacrament as he stode herd masse ca C xxvij IT befell vpon whytsonday as kyng edward herd his masse in the grete chirche of westmynstre ryght at the leuacion of Ihesu cristes body And as al men were gadred in to the chirche come nere the auter sacryng for to see the kyng his houdes ●…te vpon highe a grete laughter toke vp Wherfor al that aboute hym stode gretely gonne Wondre and after masse they axed why the kynges laughter was Fayr lordes quod t●…e kynge Sweyne the yonger that was kyng of denmark come in to the see with al his power for to haue comen in to englond vp on vs to haue werryd I sawe hym al his folke drenched in the highe see al this sawe in the eleuacion of Ihu cristes bodye bytwene the preestes hondes I had therof so moche Ioye that I myght not my laughter witholde and the erle leueryche besydes hym stode at the leuacion openlyche he sawe the forme of brede torne in to a lykenesse of a yong child toke vp his right bond fyrst blyssed the kyng afterward therle the Erle anone turned hym toward the kynge to make him see that holy syghte And tho sayd the kynge Syre erle sayd he I see well that ye see thāked be god that I haue honoured my god my sauyour vys●…ly Ihesu crist in forme of man whos name be blyssed in al worldes Amen How the rynge that seynt edward had yeue to a poure pylgrym for the loue of god saynt Iohan euangelyst come ageyne vnto kyng edward Capitulo C xxix THis noble man saynt edward regned xiij yere and thus It be fell vpon a tyme bifore er he died that two men of englōd were went in to the holy land ●…nd hadden done hir pylgremage and were goyng ageyne in to hir owne countrey And as they went in the wey they met a pylgrym that curtoysly he in salued and axed in what land and in what countrey they were borne And they sayd in Englond Tho axed he who was kyng of englond they ansuerd sayd the good kyng Edward Fayr frendes tho sayd the pylgrym whan that ye come in to youre countrey ageyne I praye yow that ye wyl gone vnto kynge edward oftymes hym grete in myne name And oft tymes thank him of his grete curtosye that he to me hath don̄ and namely for the ryng that he yaf me whan he had herd masse at westmynstre for seynt Iohns loue euangelyst and toke tho the rynge and toke it to the pylgryms And sayd I pray yow for to gone and ●…re this ryng and take it to kyng edward and
Shirborne in elmede all they made ther an oth for to breke destrouble the doynge by twene the kyng syr hugh the spēcer his sone vpon hir power And they went in to the marche of walys destroyed the land of the forsayd syr hught How Syr hugh the spencer his fadre were exiled oute of en glond Ca C lxxxxiiij WHan kynge edward sawe the grete harme and destructyon that the Barous of Englond dyden to Syre Hugh the Spencers landes and to his Sonnes in euery place that they comen vpon And the kyng tho thurgh his counceyll exyled syre Iohan monbray Syr Rogyer of Clyfford Syr Gosselyn dauyll many other lordes that were to hem consente wherfor the barons diden tho more harme than they dyden byfore And when the kynge sawe that the bawns wold not cese of hir cruelte the kyng was sore adrad lest they wold destroye hym and hie Royame for his mayntenaunce but yf that he assented to hem And so he sente for hem by lettres that they shold come to london to his parlement at a certayne day as in his lettres was contryned they comen with thre batails wel armed at al poyntz euery ba taylle had cote armures of grene clothe therof the right quarter was yelowe with whyte bendes wherfor that parlemēt was callyd the parlement of the whyte bende And in that companye was syr vmfrey de Bohen erle of herford Syr Rogyer of clifford Syr Iohan mombray syr gecelyn dauyll sir Rogyer mortymer vncle of Syre Rogyer mortimer of wigmore sir henry of Trays Syr Iohn giffard sir bartholomew of badelesmore that was the kynges styward that the kyng had sente to shirborne in Elmede to therle of lancastre to al that with hym were for to t●… of acord that hym allyed to the barons come with that cō panye And Syr Rogyer dammorye Syr hugh daudale that had spouced the kynges neces suster Syr Gillebert of Clare erle of gloucestre that was slayne in Scotland as bifore is sayd And tho two lordes had tho two partyes of the erldom of Gloucestre syr hugh the spencer the sonne had the thyrd part in his wyfes the thyrd suster tho two lordes went to the barons with al hir power ageynst syr hugh hyr broder in lawe so ther come with hem Syr Rogyer of Clyfford syr Iohn mombray sir gosseline dauil sir rogyer mortymer of werk sir rogrer mortimer of wigmore his neue●… sir henry trays syr Iohn giffard sir bar tholomewe of badelesmore with al hir companye many other that to hem were cōsent All these grete lordes comen to westmynster to the kynges parlement so they spoken dyd that bothe sir hugh spencer the fadre syr hugh the sone were outlawed of en glond for euermore And syr hugh the fadre went to douer ma de moche sorowe fell doune vpon the grounde by the see bank acros with his armes sore wepyng sayd Now fayre Englond and good englond to almyghty god I the betake and thryes kise the grounde and wende neuer to haue comen ageyne wepynge full sore cursed the tyme that euer he bygate Syr hugh his sonne And sayd for hym he hadde lost al Englond and in presence of hem that were aboute hym he yaf hym his curse wente ouer the see to his landes but sir hugh the sone wold not goo oute of englond but helde hym in the see he his companye robbed twoo dromōdes besyde sand wyche toke bare awey al the good that was in hem the value of xl 〈◊〉 pound How the kyng exyled erle thomas of lancastre al that held with hym how the mortimer come yelde hym to the kynge of the lordes Ca o C. lxxxxvo. HIt was not long after that the kyng ne made Syr Hughe spencer the fadre Syr hughe the sone come ageyne in to en glond ageynste the lordes wylle of the Royame And sone after the kyng with a strong power come besyeged the castel of ledes in the castel was the lady of badelesmere for encheson that she wold not graunte that castel to quene Isabel kynge Edwardys wyf But the pryncipal cause was for encheson that Syr Bartholomewe badelesmere was ageynst the kyng helde with the lordes of englond netheles the kyng by help socour of men of london also of helpe of southerne men the kyng gate the castell maugre hem al that were therin toke with hym al that he my●…t fynde And whan the barons of Englond herd of this thyng sir Rogyer mortimer other many lordes toke the toune of brudgeworth with strength wherfor the kyng was wonder wroth ●…ete outlawe thomas of lancastre vinfrey de Bohoune erle of hert ford all tho that were assentant to the same quarel the kyng assēbled an huge hoost come ayenst the lordes of englond wher for the mortimers put hem to the kynges mercy his grace a non they were sente to the tour of london ther kept in pryson whan the barons herd of this thyng they comen to poūfret there that therle thomas soiourned tolde hym how that mortimers bothe hadde yelde hem to the kyng and put hem in his grace Of the syege of Thykhylle Capitulo C lxxxxvjo. WHan thomas Erle of lancastre herd this they were wonder wroth al that were of his cōpanye gretely they were dis cōfyted ordeyned hir power to geder belyeged the Castell of Thykhyll but tho that were within so manlyche defended hem that the barons myght not gete the castel And whan the kyng herd that hie castel was besyeged be swore by god and by his names that the syege shold be remeued and assembled an huge power of people and went thyder ward to reske we the Castel his power encresed from day to day Whan the Erle of lancastre the Erle of Herford the barons of hir companye herde this thyng they assembled al hir power wente hem to Burton vp Trent and kepte the bridge that the kyng shold not passe ouer But it bifell so on the tenth day of marche in the yere of grace M CCC xxi The kyng the Spencer Sir Aymer Malaūce erle of penbroke and Iohan erle of Arundel and hir power wente ouer the water discomfyted therle thomas and his companye And they fled to the Castel of Tutbery and fro thens they went to pountfret And in that vyage dyed Syr Rogyer Dammorye in the Abbay of Tutbery And in that same tyme the Erle Tho mas had a traytour with hym that was called Robert of holond a knyght that the Erle hadd brought vp of nought and badde norisshed hym in his ●…otelerye had yeuen hym a thousand marc of lande by yere soo moche the Erle loued hym that he myght done in the Erles court al thynge that hym lyked bothe amonge hyghe
how they dyden Ca CC vijo. THe quene Isabel sir edward hir sone duk of guyhenne Syr edward of wodestoke Erle of kent sir Iohan therlys broder of henaud and hyr companye dradde not the manace of the kyng ne of his traytours for they trust al in goddes grace come vnto here wyche in south folk the xxiiij day of September And in the yere of grace M CCC xxvj And the quene sir edward hir sone sent lettres to the mayer comynalte of london requyringe hem that they shold ben helpyng in the quarell cause that they had bygōne that is to say to destroye the traitours of the reame But none ansuer was sente ageyne wherfor the quene sir edward hir sonne sente another pa●…nt letter vnder hir seales the tenoure of whiche letter here foloweth in this maner Isabell by the grace of god quene of Englond lady of Irlond Countesse of poūtyf we edward the eldest sone of the kyng of Englond duke of guyhenne erle of Chestre of pountyf of moustroylle to the mayer to al the comynalte of the cyte of London sendeth gre tyng For as moche as we haue bifore this tyme sent to yow by our lettres how we become in to this lande with good araye in good maner for the honoure and profyte of holy chirche and of our right dere lord the kyng all the Royame with our myghte and power to kepe and mayntene as we and alle the good folke of the forsaid royame are holden to done And vpon that we pray yowe that ye wolde ben helpyng to vs in as moche as ye maye in this quarelle that is for the commune profyte of all the royame And we haue hadd vnto this tyme none ansuer of the forsayd lettres ne knowe not youre wylle in that partye wherfore we send to yow ageyne and pray and charge yow that ye bere yow so ageynst vs that we haue no cause to greue yow but that ye ben to vs helpynge by al the weyes that ye may or may knowen for weteth wel in certeyne that we all tho that ben comen with vs in to this reame ne thenke not to done yf it lyke god ony thyng but that shal be for the comune profyte of al the reame but only to destroye hugh spencer our enemye enemye to al the royame as ye wel knowe wherfor we pray yow charge yow in the feith that ye owe to our lord the kyng vpon vs vpon al that ye shal mowe forfet ageyne vs that yf the forsayd hugh the spencer our enemye come within youre power that ye done hym hastely to ben taken saufly kept vntill we haue ordeyned of hym oure wyll and that ye leue it not in no maner wise as ye desire honour and profyte of vs all and of al the royame Vnderstondyng wel that yf ye done our prayer and maūdement we shal the more be beholde vnto yow And also ye shal gete yowe worship profyte yf ye sende vs hastely ansuer of al your will yeuen at baldok the syxth day of October whiche letter erly in the dawenynge of the day of seynt denys was takked vpon the newe crosse in Chepe and many Copyes of the same letter were takked vpon wyndowes and dores and vpon other places in the Cyte that alle men passynge by the weye myght seen and rede And in the same tyme kyng edward was at london in the toure at his mete and a messager come in to the halle and sayd that the Quene Isabell was come to lond at herewyche and hath brought in hir company Syr Iohan of henaud and with hym men of Armes withoute nombre And with that word sir hugh the spencer the fadre spak thus to the kyng sayd my most worshipful lord kyng of englond Now mowe ye make good chere For certeynly they ben al ours The kyng sawe this word comfortable yet he was full sorowfull and pensyfe in hert And the kyng had not yet full y●● eten that ther come in to the halle another messagyer sayd that the quene Isabel was arryued at herewiche besyde yepswhiche in Southfolk Syr hugh the spencer the fadre spak to the messager and sayd telle soth in good feith to the messager my fayr frende is she come with strength Certis sir soth for to say she ne hath in hir companye but vij honderd men of Armes And with that word Syr hugh the spencer the fadre cryed with an high voys sayd Allas allas we ben al bytrayd for certes with so litel power she had neuer come to land but folk of this land were to hir consent And therfor after the mete they toke hir coūceyll went toward walys for to arere the walshmē ageyne quene Isabell edward hir sone al for to fyght so they were in purpose euerychon How maister waltier Stapylton Bisshop of excetre that was the kynges tresorer was byheded at london Ca CC viij ANd in the same tyme kynge Edward was sore adrad leste men of london wold yelde hem vnto the quene Isabell and to hir sone Edward wherfor he sent mayster walter stapylton his Tresorer for to ben wardeyne and kepar of the cyte of london with the mayer And so he come to the gyldehall of london axed the keyes of the yates of the Cyte thurgh vertue strengthe of his commyssyon wold haue had the kepyng of the Cyte the comuners ansuerd said that they wold kepe the cyte to the honour of kyng edward and of Isabell the quene of the duk the kynges sone withouten ony more The bisshop was so sore annoyed swore o the that they al shold abye it anon as kyng edward were come out of walys And the Comuners alle anon of the cyte token the bisshop lad hym amyddes chepe ther they smyten of his hede set●…e his hede in his right honde And after they byheded two of his squyers that helde with the bisshop one of hem was callid william of walle that was the bisshops neuew that other was callyd Iohan of padyngton And also they toke a burgeis of london that was callyd Iohan marchal that was sir hugh the spēcers aspye the fadre smyten of his hede also And in that same tyme that bisshop had in london a fayre toure in makynge in his close vpon the riuer of the thamyse that was without temple barre hym faylled stone to make therof an ende wherfor he cō maūded his men to gone to the chirche of frere carmes ther they token stone to maken therwyth the tour moche sand mortyer old robous that was left And for the despyte that the bisshop had done vnto holy chirche he his two squyers were buryed in that sand as though they had ben hoūdes And they ther leyn xj wekes til that the quene Isabell sent her lettres to the comuners prayd hem that they
forsayd thomas and humfrey with hyr companye at bur brudge with sir Andre we of herkela that is called the vnkynde out putter And also sire Edmond warde erle of yorke they comen and mette with thomas of lancastre with an huge compapanye and hem ther discomfyted and in that scomfyture the erle of herford was slayne vpon the bridge cowardly with a spere in the fūdament And the erle thomas was take and lad vnto poūt fret and tho he was byheded bysyde his owne castel But afterward many men hym sought for myracles that god dyde for him And in that tyme merlyn sayd for sorow harme shold dye a pe ple of his lāde wherfore many landes shold be vpon hym the hol dre And he sayd soth for by encheson of his barons that were do ne to deth for seynt thomas quarell of lancastre peple of many lō des bycome the holder for to meue werre vpon the kyng for hyr blode was torned to many nacione And afterward Merlyntolde and said that the forsayd owles shold done moche harme vnto the flour of lyf of deth they shold bringe hyr vnto mo che dysese so that she shold wende ouer the see in to fraunce for to make pees to the floure delyse there shold abyde til on a tyme that hir seed shold come seche hir And tho they shold abyde bothe til a tyme that they shold clothen hem with grace tho two owles she shold seke put hem vnto spytous deth And that pro phecye was wel knowen was full sothe For Syre Hughe spencer the fadre sir hughe the sonne dyde moche soro we and persecucion vnto quene Isabell thurgh hir procurement to hir lord the kyng So they ordeyned amonges hem that she was put vn to hir wages that is to say xx shyllyng in the day Wherfor the kyng of Fraūce hir broder was wonder sore annoyed and sente in to Englond by his lettres vnto kynge edward that he shold come to his parlement to parys in Fraunce but kyng Edward was sore adrad to come there For he wende to haue ben arested til that he had made amendes for the trespace that sir hugh spencer the fadre the sone had done for the harme y t they had don̄ to Quene Isabel his suster Wherfor thurgh hyr ordynaunce consent of the spencers the quene Isabell wente ouer see in to fraūce for to make acord bytwene kyng edward and the kyng of fraūce hir broder And ther duellyd she in fraunce til edward hir eldest sone come hir to seche so they duellyd ther both til that alyaūce was made bytwene hem And the gentil erle of henaud that yf they with her helpe myght destroye ouercome the venym the falsenesse of the sponcers that sir edward shold spouse dame phi lip the worshipful lady the erles doughter of henaud Wherfor the quene Isabel sir edward hir sone sir edmond of wodestok the kynges broder of englond sir Iohan of henaud sire Rogyer mortymer of wygmore and sir thomas rocelyn sir Iohan of Cromwel sir william trussel many other of the Alyaunce of the gentil erle thomas of lancastre that were exyled out of Englond for his quarell and were disherited of hir landes ordeyned hem a grete power arryued at herewych in southfolk And sone after they pursueden the spencers til that they were taken put vnto pytous deth as byfore is sayd hir companye and also for the grete falsenesse that they dyd to kyng edward to his peple And merlyn sayd also more that the gote shold be put in to grete dysease in grete anguyssh grete sorowe he shold lede in his lyf And he said soth For after the tyme that kyng Edward was take he was put in to warde til that the spencers were putt vnto the dethe And also for encheson that he nold not come vnto his owne parlement at london as he had ordeyned and assygned him self to his barons also wold not gouerne rule his people ne his realme as a kyng shold done Somme of the barons of Englond come and yelde vp hir homages vnto hym for hem for al the other of the reame in the daye of Conuersion of saynt paule in the yere of his regne xx they put him out of his royalte for euermore euer he lyued his lyf afterward in moche sorowe and anguysshe Of kyng Edward the thyrd after the conquest Ca o CC xij ANd after this kyng Edward of Carnariuan regned Syre Edward of wyndesore his sonne the whiche was crouned kynge and annoynted at Westmynstre thurgh consente and wylle of alle the grete lordes of the Royamme the sonday in Cādelmasse eue in the yere of grace M CCC xxvj that was of age at that tyme but xv yere for encheson that his fadre was in ward in the Castel of kenelworth and eke was put doune of his royalte the royame of englond was as without kyng fro the fest of saynt katheryne in the yere aboue sayd vnto the fest of can delmasse tho were al maner plees of the kynges benche aftent And tho was commaunded to all the shereues of englond thurgh writte to warne the partyes defendaūts thurgh somnyng ayene And also ferthermore that al prisoners that were in the kynges gaylles that were attached thurgh shereues sholde be lete gone quite The kyng edward after his coronacion at the prayer bese chyng of his lieges of the reame grāted hem a chartre of stedfast pees to al hem that wold it axe sir Iohan of henaud his cōpa nye toke hir leue of the kyng of the lordes of the reame torned home to hir owne coūtrey ageyne eche of hem had ful riche yeftes eueryche man as he was of value of estate and tho was englond in pees in reste grete loue bytwene the kyng his lordes comunely englysshmen said amonges hem that the deuil was dede but the tresoure of the kyng his fadre the tresoure of the spencers both of the fadre of the sone the tresour of therle of Arundel of mayster robert baldock that was the kynges chaūceler was departed after the quene Isabellys ordinaūce syr rogyer mortimer of wygmore so that the kyng had noo thynge therof but at hir wylle hir delyueraunce nought of hir londes as afterward ye shall here How kyng edward went to stanhope for to mete the Scottes Capitulo CC xiij ANd yet in the same tyme was kyng edward in the Castelle of kenelworth vnder the kepyng of sir henry that was erle thomas broder of lancastre that tho was erle of leycestre the kyng graūted hym the erldom of lancastre that the kyng his fa dre had seysed in to his hande put out thomas of lancastre his broder And soo was he erle of lācastre of leycestre eke Styward of englond as his
other chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and his Barons had of her right in the reame of scotland it was foryeue hem ayene holy chirche And also with the black crosse of scotland the which the good kyng Edward cō querd in scotland and brought it oute of the Abbay af Scone that is a ful precious relyque And also ferthermore he relesed and foryaf all the landes that the barons of Englond had in scot land by old conquest And this pees for to holde and last the scot tes were boūde vnto the kyng in xxx thousand pounde of syluer to be payed within iij yere that is to say euery yere x thousād poūd by euyn porcyons And ferthermore aboue alle this they speke bitwene the partyes aboue said that dauyd dritonantier that was Robert the Brus is sone the fals tirant and traytour and fals forswore ayenst his oth that arose ayenst his lyege lord the noble kyng Edward and falsely made hym kynge of Scotland that was of age of v yere And so thurgh this cursed counseyll Dauid spoused at Berewyk dame Iohan of the tour that was kyng Edwardys suster as the g●…est tellyth vpon mary magdale ne day in the yere of grace a M CCC and xxviij to greete harme and empeyryng to al the kynges bloode wherof that gentil lady came Allas the tyme For wonder moch was that fayr damysel dysparaged sith that she was maryed ayenst al the comune assent of Englond And fro the tyme that Brute had conquerd albyon and named the londe after his owne name Britayne that nowe is callyd Englond after the name of Engyst And so was the Reame of Scotland holden of the Reame of Englond and of the croune by feaute and by homage For Brute conquerd that land and yafe it to Albanak his second sone And he callid the lande Albanye after his owne name So that the heyres that comen after hym helden of Brute of his heyres the kynges of Britayne by feaute homage and from that tyme vnto this kyng Edward the reame of Scotland was holden of the reame of England by feautes and seruy●…s a boue sayd as the Cronycles of englond of Scotland beren wit nesse mor●… plenarly And acursed be the tyme that this parlement was ordeyned at Northampton For ther thurgh fals coūceil the kyng was there falsely disheryted and yet he was within age And yet whan kyng Edward was put a doune of his Royalte of englond yet men put hym not out of the feautes and ser uyces of the reame of Scotland ne of the fraunchises disheryted hym for euermore And netheles the grete lordes of Englond were ageynst to conferme the pees the trewes aboue sayd sauf only the quene Isabel that was the kynges moder edward the bisshop of Ely and lord mortimer but reson and lawe wolde not that a fynal pees shold be made bytwene hem without the commune assent of Englond Of the debate that was bytwene quene Isabell and sir Henry Erle of lancastre and of leycestre and of the ridynge of ●…edeford Cao. CC xvijo. WHan the forsayd dauyd had spoused Dame Iane of the tour in the toune of Berwyk as bifore is sayd the scottes in despyte of the Englysshmen callyd dame Iane the Countesse make pees For the cowardo●… pees that was ordeyned but the kynges persone bare the wy●…e and the blame with wrōg of the makyng of the acord and all was done thurgh the Quene and Rogyer mortimer And it was not long aft●…r that the Quene Isabell ne toke in to hir owne hande all the lordship of pountfret almoost alle the landes that were of value that apperteyned to the croune of englond Soo that the kyng had not for to dyspende but of his vses and of his escheker For the quene Isabelle and mortimer hadde a greete meyne of hir ●…naunce that folowed euermore the kynges courte and wente and toke the kynges prises for hir peny worthes at good chepe wherfor the coūtre that they comen in were ful sore adradde and almost●… destroyed Tho bygon the Comynalte of Englond for to ●…ate Isabell the Quene that so moche loued hyr whan she come ayene for to pursue the fals traytours the spencers fro Fraunce And that same tyme the fals traytour Robert of Holond that bitrayd his lord Syr Thomas of lancastre was tho deliuerd oute of prison and was wonder priue with the Quene Isabelle and also with Rogyer the Mortimer But that auayled hym but litel for he was take at mychelmasse that tho come n●… sewing after as he rode toward the quene Isabell to london sir thomas wither smote of his hede besides the toune of seynt albones And this Syr thomas duellid tho with Syr Henry erle of lancastre he put hym in hydyng for drede of the quene for she loued him wonder moche and prayd vnto the kynge for hym that the same Thomas must ben exyled oute of englond And the Noble Erle Syr Henry lancastre had oftymes herd the commune cla mour of the englysshmen of the dyseses that were done in englond and also for dyuerse wronges that were done among the comune peple of the whiche the kyng bare the blame with wrong for he ●…as but full yonge and tendre of age and thought as a good man for to done awey slake the sklaundre of the kynges persone yf that he myght in ony maner wyse So as the kyng was therof no thyng gylty wherfor he was in peryl of lyth lymme And so he assembled al his retenaunces and wente and spake vnto them of the kynges honour and also for to amēde his astate And Syr thomas brotherton Erle marchal and Syr Edmond of wodestoke that were the kynges vncles and also men of london made hir othe hym for to mayntene in that same quarelle And hir cause was this that the kyng shold hold his houshold and his meyny as a kyng ought for to done and haue also his rialte And that the quene Isabell shold delyuer out of hir hond in to the kynges honde al maner lordshippes rentes tounes and Castelles that apperteyned to the croune of Englond as other Que nes had done byfore hyr and medle with none other thyng And also that Syre Rog●…er mortymer shold duelle vpon his owne landes for the which landes he had holpe disheryte moch pe ple So that comune peple were not destroyed thurgh hir wrong ful takyng And also to enquere how and by whome the kynge was bytrayd and falsely desceyued at Stanhope and thurgh whos counceylle that the Scottes went awey by nyght from the kynge And also how and thurgh whoo 's counseyll the ordynaūce that was made at the kynges coronacion was put a doun that is for to say that the kyng for amendement and helpyng of the Reamme and in honour of hym shold be gouerned and ruled by xij the grettest and wysest lordes of alle the Reame and withoute hem shold nothyng be graunted ne done as fore is said
was beyonde the see sauf only preestes and men of holy Chyrche and wymmen and children and plo wmen and such other laborers And ther they robbeden and dyden moch priue sorow but yet foū de they ynow that hem wythstode by the grace of almyghty god And so a day of batayll was assygned bytwene hem and certeyne lordes and men of holy chirch that were of that coūtre with other comune peple faste by the Cyte of duresme at whiche daye thurgh the grace helpe of almyghty god the scottes were ouer comen and yet were they iij fold so many of hem as of Englissh men And ther was slayn al the chyualrye and knyghthode of the Royamme of Scotland And there were take as they wolde haue fledde thens Dauyd the kyng of Scotland hym self The erle of Mentyf syr william douglas and many other grete men And after that our Englysshmen whan they hadde rested hem a fewe dayes had ordeyned ther kepars of the northcoūtrey they comen vnto london and broughten with hem dauyd kyng of Scotland and al these other lordes that were taken prisoners vn to the tour of london with alle the haste that they myght And ther they bef●… hem in sauf kepyng vnto the kynges comyng Ben●…n home ayene in to hir owne countrey And afterward was the kynges munsonne of Scotland taxed vnto an C M marc of siluer to be payd in x yere that is for to say euery yere x M marc How kyng edward besyeged Caleys how it was y wonn●… and yolde to him Cao. CC xxviijo. IN the xxij yere of kyng edwardes regne he wēt ouer the see in the wynter tyme lay al the wynter at y e siege of Caleys the whiche yere the whyle the siege lasted phelip the kyng of Fraūce cast purposed trechouresly and with fraude to put awey the siege come the xxvij day of Iuyll in the same ye re with a grete hoost a strong power neyghed vnto the siege of caleys the which phelyp the last daye of Iuyl sent to kynge ed ward word that he wold yeue hym playn batayll the iij day next after that aboute euensong tyme yf he durst come fro the siege abide it whan kyng edward herd y t without ony long taryeng er lōg auysemēt he accepted gladly the day hour of batayll that phelyp had assigned And whan the kyng of fraunce herd that the next nyȝt after he set his tentes a fire remeued wēt awey●… thens cowardly Than they that were in the toun and in the castel besieged seyng al this how that they had none othir help ne so cour of the kyng of fraūce ne of his men And also that her vyta ylles within hem were spended and wasted and for defaute of vytaylles and of refresshynge they eten hors hoūdes cattes and myse for to kepe her trouth as long as they myght And when they sawe and was foūde amonge hem atte laste that they hadde no thyng amōg hem for to ete ne lyue by ne none socour ne rescu enge of the frensshmen of that other syde they wyst wel that they must nedes dye for defaute or elles yelde the toune and anon they wenten and token doune the Baners and the armes of Fraūce on euery syde that were honged oute wenten vn to the walles of the toune on dyuerse places as naked as they were borne sauf only her shyrtes and breches and helde hir swerdes naked and the poynt dounward in hir hondes and putten ropes halters aboute hir nekkes and yelden vp the keyes of the toune ▪ and of the Castel to kynge Edward of Englond with greete fere and drede of hert And whan kyng Edward sawe this as a mercyable kyng and lord resseyued al to grace and a fewe of the grettest persones of state of gouernaunce of the tou ne he sente in to Englond ther to abyde hyr raūso●…e and the kyn ges grace And al the comynalte of the toune the kyng lete gone whider they wold in pees and withoute ony harme and lete hem ●…ere with hem all hir thynges that they myght here carye awey kepynge the toune and the castel to hym self Than thurgh medyacion of Cardynals that were sent fro the pope trewes was take ther byt wene Fraunce Englond for nyne monethes than next folewyng ▪ and aboute mychelmasse kyng Edward come ageyne in to Englond with a gloryous vyctorye And in the xxiij yere of his regne in the eest partyes of the world ther aroos and bygan a pestylence and deth of sarazeyns and paynyms that soo grete a deth was neuer herde afore And that wasted awey so the peple that vnnethes the tenthe persone was left alyue ▪ And in the same yere aboute the south count●…es and also in the west countreyes ther fyll so moche rayne so grete wa tres that from Crystemasse vnto mydsomer ther was vnnethes day ne nyȝt but that it rayned somwhat thurgh whiche watres the pestylence was so enfected ▪ and so habundaūt in al countreyes and namely aboute the court of Rome and other places and see costes that vnneth ther were left lyuyng folk to burye hem that were dede honestly But maden grete dyches and pyttes that were wonder brode and depe and therin buryed hem ▪ and maden a renge of dede bodyes ▪ and caste a lytell erth to he le hem aboue than caste in another renge of dede bodyes and another renge of ●…th aboue hem And thus were they buryed and none other wyse But yf it were the fewer that weren grete men of astate that weren buryed as honestly as they myght And after al this in the xxiiij yere of kyng Edwardes regne hit was hym to done to wyte and vnderstonde of a treson that was be gonne at Caleys and ordeyned for to sel●…e that toune for a grete somme of floreyns vnto kyng phelyp of Fraunce thurgh the falsenesse and ordynaunce of a knyght that was call●…d Syr geffrey of Charney that was wonder priue with the kyng phelip of Fraū ce And whan kyng Edward herd this ▪ he toke with hym the nobles and gentils lordes and many other worthy and orpe●… men of Armes that were ther present with hym for the solempny te of that highe fest And well and wysely in al the hast that he myght and as priuely as he myght he wente ouer see And that same yere the good kynge Edward held his Cristemasse at bauerynge And the morow after newe yeres day the kyng was in the castel of Caleys with his men of Armes that noue of the Alyens wyst therof And that fals conspy tour and traytour geffroy of Charney syth that he myȝt not open ly haue his purpose of the Castel priuely and stelyngly he come in and helde the toune with a grete hoost And whan he with his men was comen in ▪ he payd the forsaid somme of floreyns as co uenaūt was bytwene hem to a gen●…wey
in the toune that was ke per of the castel and consentynge to the same geffroy in alle this falsenes and trecherye ▪ and bounden the Englyssh mynystres and seruauntes that were in the castel that they myght not helpe hem self ▪ ne let hem of hir purpose And than wenyng that they had be syker ynowe they speken all hir wykkednesse and falsenesse openly ▪ an hyghe that al men myght here And nowe shall ye here how they were deceyned ▪ for they comen in by a priue posterne ouer a lytell bridge of tree And when they were comen in subtylly and priuely the bridge was drawen vp and kept that none of hem that comen in myght gone on t n●… no mo come in to hem And anone our Englysshmen wenten out at priue holes and wyndowes and ouer the walles of the toun and of the castel and wenten and foughten manly with the frensshmen that were withoute had the better of hem the which when they weren occupyed by hem self on hir side the kyng that was within the toune hauyng with hym scarcely but xxx men of armes drewe oute his swerd and with a loude boys cryed ▪ an hygh A seynt Edward A saynt George And whan folk herd that they comen rennyng to hym and yauen to hir enemyes soo grete assaute that ther were more than two honderd men of armes and many other slayne and many fledden awey and so by the grace of god Almyghty the victorie fyll to the Englysshmen Than the kyng toke with hym this gef froy that was fynder of this trecherye and also many other frēssh prisones And within a while after come ayene in to Englond ▪ And in this same yere in the yere afore also in the yere next after was so grete pestylence of men fro the eest in to the weste namely thurgh botches that tho that siked on this day dyed on the in day to the whiche men that so deyden in this pestylence hadden but litell respyte of lyggyng The pope clement of his goodnesse grace yafe hem ful remissyon foryeuenes of al hir sinnes that they were shriuen of this pestylence lasted in london fro mych●… masse in to august next folewyng almoost an hoole yere in the se dayes was deth without sorowe weddynges without frēdship wylful penaunce derth without scarcite fleynge withoute refute of socour for many fledden fro place to place by cause of the pestylence but they were enfect myght not escape the deth after that the prophete Isaie sayth who that fleeth fro the face of drede he shal falle in to the dyche And he that wendeth hym on t of the the dyche he shal be hold and teyde with a grenne but whan this pestylence was seced as god wold vnnethes the x part of the peple was left alyue And in the same yere bigan a wonder thyng that al that euer were borne after that pestilence hadden ij ch●…teth in hir hede lesse than they had a fore How kyng Edward had a grete batayll with spaynardys in the see fast by wynchelsee Cao. CC xxixo. ANd in the xxv yere of his regne abonte seynt Iohannes day in heruest in the see fast by wynchelsee kyng edward had a grete bataylle with men of spayne ▪ where that 〈◊〉 shippes and nauye lay chayned to geder that ether they must fiȝt or drenche And so when al our worthy men of armes the See costes fast by wynchelsee Romeny were gadred to geder our nauye shippes al redy to the werre the englisshmen m●…n mā ly styfly with hyr enemyes comynge fiersly ageynst hem and when the spainyssh vessels nauye were closed in al aboute ther men myȝt see a strong batayll on bothe sides longe during in the whiche batayll ther nere but fewe that fouȝten that they nere 〈◊〉 tously hurt foule And after the batayll ther were xxiij 〈◊〉 pes of hers y take ▪ And so the englysshmen had the better ▪ in the next yere fole wyng of his regne that is to saye the xxvj yere the kyng thurgh his coūseyl lot●… ordeyne make his newe money y t is to say the peny the grote of value of iiij pens the half gro●… of value of ij pens but it was of lasse weyght ▪ than the old sterlyng was by v shyllyng in the pounde and in the xxxvii yere of his regne was the grete derth of vytaylles the whiche was call●…d y e dere somer and in the xxxviij yere of his regne in the parlemēt holden at westmestre after estren sir henry erle of lancastre was made duke of lancastre in this same yere was so grete a dro●…t that fro the moneth of marche vnto the moneth of Iuyll ther fil noo rayne on the erthe wherfore alle fruytes sedes and Herbes for the moost partye were lost in defaute wherof ther come so grete disese of men and beestes and derth of vytaylles in englond soo that this land that euer afore had be plentiuous had nede that ti me to seke his vytaylles and refresshyng of other out yles ▪ contrees And in the xxix yere of kyng Edward it was acorded graunted sworne bytwene ▪ the kyng of fraūce and kynge Edward of Englond that he shold haue ayene al his landes lordshippes that longeden to the duchye of guyhenne of old tyme the whiche had ben withdrawe and wrongfully occupyed by diuerse kynges of fraunce before hand to haue to hold to kyng edward and to his heyres successours for euermore frely pesybly and in good quyete vpon this couenaunt that the kynge of englond shold leue of relese all his right and clayme that he had clay med of the kyngdom of fraunce of the title that he toke therof vpon whiche speche couenaūts it was sent to the court of rome on both sides of the kynges that the forsayd conenaūtz shold be en bulled but god ordeyned better for the kynges worship of englōd for what thurgh fraude desceyt of the frensshmen what thurugh lettyng of the pope of the court of rome the forsayd couenaūts were disquatt left of And in the same yere the kyng reuoked by his wise discrete coūseil the staple of wolles out of flā dres in to englond with all the libertees fraūchises fre custommes that longen therto ordeyned it in englond in dyuerse places that is for to say at westmester Caūterbury Chichestre bristow Lyncolne Hull with all the forsayd thynges that longen therto that this thyng that shold thus be done the kyng swore hym self therto and prince edward his sone with other many gre te wytnesse that ther were present And in the xxx yere of his regne anon after wytsonday in the parlemēt ordeyned at west mynstre it was told and certifyed to the kynge that phelip that tho helde the kyngdome of fraunce was deede And that Iohan his sone was
sone at wyndesore the ordre of knyȝthode made hym knyght the which kyng edward wh●…n he had regned lj yere more the xj 〈◊〉 of Iuyn he deyde at Shent and is buryed worshipfully at westmestre on whos soule god ha ne mercy Amen This kyng Edward forsoth was of a passyng goodnesse ful gracious amōg al the worthy men of the world for he passed shone by vertue of grace y youe to hym fro god a boue al his predecessours that were noble mē worthy he was a well a hardy herted man for he drede neu of no myshappes ne harmes ne euel fortune y t myȝt falle a noble werryour a for tunat for both on lond on see iij al bataylles assēbles with a passyng glorye Ioye he had eu the victorye he was meke be nyngne homely sobre soft to al man of mē as wel to straūgers as to his own subgettis tho other y t were vnder his gouernaūce he was deuoute holy both to god to holy chirche for he worshyped halp mayntened holy chirche hir mynystres with al man reuerence he was tretable wel auysed in temporal wordly ne des wyse in coūceyll discrete softe meke good to speke with In his dedes maners ful gentill well y tauȝt hauyng pite of hem that were in dysese plentiuoꝰ in yeuyng benef●…tes alm●…sse besy curyouse in bildyng ful lightly he bere suffred wrōges harmes whan he was yeue to ony occupacion he left al other thyng for y e mene tyme tendid therto semely of bodye a mene stature hauyng al wey to high to lowe a good chere ther sprāge shone so moch grace of hym that what man man had behold his face or had dremed of hym he hoped y t day that al thyng shold happe to hym ioyeful likyng he gouerned gloriously his kyngedome vnto his age ●…e was large in yeuyng wyse in spences he was fulfylled with al honeste of good maners vertues vn der whome to lyue it was as for to regne wherfor his fame his loos sprang so ferre that it come in to hethnes barbarye she wynge tellynge his worthynes manhode in al landes and that no land vnder heuen had brouȝt forth so noble kyng so gentylle and so blessyd or myght reyse suche another whan he were dede Neuer the latter lechery and meuyng of his flessh haunted hym in his age wherfor the rather as it is to suppose for 〈◊〉 fulfyllyng of his lust his lyf shorted the sonner And here of take good heede lyke as his deedes byfore b●…re witnesse for as in his begynnyng al thynges were Ioyefull and likyng to hym and to al peple And in his mydde age he passed all peple in highe Ioye worshippe and blessednesse right soo when he drewe in to age drawyng dounward thurgh lecherye other synnes lytell and 〈◊〉 all tho Ioyefull and blessyd thynges and prosperyte 〈◊〉 myshapped infortunat thynges vnprofitable harmes with many euylles began for to sprynge the more harme is it conti nued long tyme after And after kyng Edward the third that was bore in wyndesore regned Rychard of burdeux that was prince Edwardys sone of walys whiche prince edward was the sone of kyng edward Capitulo CC xxxixo. ANd after the good kyng edward the thyrd that was bore at wyndesore regned Rychard the ij that was the good sir edwardes sone prince of walys whiche kyng Rychard was borne in the Cyte of burdeux in gascoyne was crouned at westmynster in the xj yere of his age And in the second yere of his regne for debate that was bytwene the lord latimer sir rauf fer●…ers knyȝt that weren ageynst hawel shakel squyers for y e prisoner that was take in the batayll of spayne by these ij squyers the whiche lord latimer sir rauf ferriers wold haue had the whiche prisoner was therle of dene that they toke in the batail of spayn wherfor these two lordes comen in to the chirche at westmynstre fonde this one squyer he ryng his masse beside saynt edward shryne ther they slowe hym the whiche was callyd hawel and sha kel was arestyd put in the tour of london And ther he was lō ge tyme for he wold not delyuer therle of Dene his prisoner vn to these i●… lordes by sir Al●…yn buxhill Constable of the tour and by sir rauf ferriers one of his aduersaryes till the kyng graūted hym grace In the thyrd yere of kyng richard come the galeys of frāce in to englōd vnto dyuerse portes brente robbed slowe moch peple of englōd that is to say at wynchelsee Rye hastyng Portesmouth hampton stormore grauesende dyden moche har me and went home ayene And in this same yere was a parlemēt hold at westmynstre And at that parlement was ordeyned that euery man woman and childe that weren at the age of xiiij yere and aboue thurgh oute al the reame poure folk and other shold paye to the tallage iiij pens Wherfor come bifel afterward grete meschyef moche dysese to al the comynalte of the reame And in the iiij yere of kyng Richardes regne the comunes arisen vp in dyuerse partyes of the reame dyden moch harme the whi che th●… callyd the hurlyng time they of kent of estsex made hem ij chyuetayns to rule gouerne the cōpany of kent of estsex y e one was callid Iakke strawe y e other wat tiler they comē assembled hem vpon the blach●… in kent and on the corpus cristi day after they comen doun in southwerk brekē vp the prison hous that is to say the kynges benche the marchalsye deliud out al the prisoners And so the same day they come in to london ther they robleden the peple slowe al alyens that they myght finde in the cyte about the cyte despoilled al hir goodes ma de hauoke And on the friday next after that was on the morne they come than to the tour of london y e kyng beyng therin they fet out of the tour the archebisshop of caunterbury Sir Edmond sudbery and sir robert halys hospytaler prionr mayster of saynt Iohans hous And a white frere that was confessour to kyng ri chard brought hem vnto the toure and ther they smyten of hir hedes come a●…ne to london slowe moo peple of men of lawe and other worthy men in dyuerse partyes of the Cyte and than they wente vnto the dukes place of lancastre beyōd seynt Marye stronde that was callyd the sauoy and ther they deuoured and de stroyed al the goodes that they myȝt finde ther bare hem awey and brent vp the place And than after they went to saynt Ioha nes without smythfeld destroyed the
the kyng exyled his quene Isabel edward his eldest sone Cao. CC iiijo. WHan kyng edward of Englond herd telle how the kyng of Fraunce had yeue the Duchye of guybenne vnto Syr Edward his sone withoute consent wyll of hym that his sonne had vnderfonge the duchye he bycome wonder wrothe sente to his sone by his lettre to his wif also that they shold come ayene in to englond in al the haste that they myght The quene Isabell sir edward hir sone were wonder sore adrad of the kynges manace of his wrathe principally the falsenesse of the spencers bothe of the fadre of the sonne at this commaundement they wold not come wherfor kyng edward was ful sore annoyed lete make a crye at london that yf quene ysabel and Edward hir eldest sone come not in to Englond that they shold ben holden as our enemyes both to the Royame and to the cronne of Englond And for that they wold not come in to englond both were exiled the moder and hir sone whan the quene Isabell herd these tidyn ges she was sore adrad to be shent thurgh the fals congettyng of the spencers And went with the knyghtrs that were exyled out of Englond for seynt thomas cause of lancastre that is to saye sir Rogyer of wigmore sir william Trussel sir Iohan of Cromwel many other good knyghtes wherfor they toke hir counseyll ordeyned amonges he in for to make a maryage bytwene the duk of guyhenne the kynges sone of englond therles doughter of he naud that was a noble knyght of name a doughty in his tyme And yf that thyng myght be brought aboute than stode they trowynge with the helpe of god with his helpe to recouer hyr herytage in Englond wherof they were put oute thurgh the false congettynges of spencers How kyng edward thurgh counceyll of the spencers sent to the douzepers of fraunce that they shold helpe that the quene Isabell hir sonne Syr edward were exyled out of fraūce cao. CC vo. WHan kyng edward the spencers herd how quene Isabel and sir Edward hir sone had alyed hem to the Erle of Henaud and to them that were exyled oute of Englond For enche son of thomas of lancastre they were so sory that they nyst what to done wherfor Syr hugh spencer the sone sayd vnto Syr hugh his fadre in this maner wyse Fader acursed be the tyme. and the counceylle that euer ye consented that quene Isabell shold gone vnto Fraunce for to treaten of acord bytwene the kynge of Englond and hir broder the kyng of fraunce for that was your co●… ceyll For at that tyme forsoth your wyt fayled For I drede me sore leste thurgh hir hir sone we shal be shent but yf we take the better counseyll Now fayre sirs vnderstondeth how meruayllous felonye and falshede the spencers ymagyned and cast for pri uely they lete fylle v barel ferrors with siluer the som amoūted v thousand pounde they sente tho barelles ouer see pryuely by an alyen that was callyd Arnold of spayne that was a brocour of london that he shold gone to the douzepers of fraūce that they shold procuren and speke to the kyng of Fraūce that quene Isa bell and hir sone Edward were dryne and exyled oute of fraūce And among al other thynges that they were brought to the deth as priuely as they myght But Almyghty god wold not so for when this arnold was in the high see he was take with selādres that mette hym in the see toke hym and ladde hym to hyr lord erle of henaud moche ioye was made for that takynge atte last this arnold priuely stale awey fro thens come to london of this takyng of other thynges the erle of henaud sayd to the quene Isabel dame make yowe mery be of good chere for ye be more richer than ye went haue ben take ye these fyue barelles ful of siluer that were sente to douzepyers of fraunce for to slee yow and your sone edward thenketh hastely for to wende in to englond and take ye with yow Sir Iohan of henaud my broder and v C men of armes for many of hem of Fraunce in whome ye haue had grete trust had grete deynte yow for to scorne Almyghty god graunte yow grace your enemyes to ouercome The quene Isabel sente tho thurgh henaud flaūdres for hir scudy●… ours ordeyned hir euery day for to wend in to englond ageyn And so she had in hir company Syr Edmond of wodestoke that was erle of kent that was sir edwardes brother of Englond whan kyng edward lete kepe the Costes by the see lete trie al the price men of armes fote men thurgh Englond Capitulo CC vjo. WHan kynge Edward herde telle that Quene Isabell and Edward hir sonne wold come in to Englond with many alyens and with hem that were outlawed oute of Englond for hyr reb●…lnesse he was sore adrad to be put a doune l●…se hys kyngdome wherfor he ordeyned to kepe his castels in walys as wel as in Englond with vitaylles hyr apparaylle lete kepe his Ryuers and also the see costes wherof the v portes token to kepe hem and also the see And at the feste of decollacion of seynt Iohan baptist the cytezeyns of london sente to the kyng to po●…ches tre an C men of Armes And also he commanded ferthermore by his lettres ordeined that euery honderd and wapentake of englōd shold trye as wel of men of armes as of men a fote that they shold be put in somme xx in som an C cōmanded that al tho mē were a redy whan ony oute he se or crye were made for to pursue and take the alyens that comen to Englond for to benymme hym the lond and for to putte hym oute of his kyngdome And more ouer he lete crye thurgh his patent in euery faire in euery mar kete of Englond that the quene Isabell Syr Edward his eldest sone the erle of kent that they were take and saufly kepte without ony maner harme vnto hem doyng and al other maner peple that come with hem anon to smyte of hir hedes without ony maner raūsonne And what man that myght bringe syr rogyers heede mortimer of wigmroe shold haue an C p●…ūd of money for his trauaylle And ferthermore he ordeyned by his patent com manded to make a fyre vpon euery hygh hylle besydes the riuers in lowe countreyes for to mak hye bekenes of tymbre that yf it soo were that the alyens come vnto the lande by nyght that men sholde tende the bekenes that the countrey myght be warned and come mete hir enemyes in the same tyme dyed sir rogyer mor timer his vncle in the toure of london How the quene Isabell sir Edward duke of guyhenne hir son●… come to londe at here wiche