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A00005 Here begynneth a shorte and abreue table on the Cronycles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, John, d. 1402. 1515 (1515) STC 10000; ESTC S106695 471,876 302

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Wyllyam Vessy Baron and of other baronettes aboute .xiii. of the best and wysest of Englonde ¶ And in the same tyme the kynge Edwarde toke his vyage to Scotlonde for to werre vpon Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of Scotlonde ¶ And syr Robert Roos of Berwyk sledde fro the Englysshmen wente to the Scottes And kyng Edwarde wente hym towarde Berwyk and besegyd the towne And tho that were within manly them defended sette a fyre and brente two of Kynge Edwardes shyppes and sayde in dyspyte and reprey● of hym wenyth kynge Edwarde with his longe shankys to haue gete Berewyk all our vnthankes gas pykes hym and whan he was doon gas dykes hym whan kyng Edwarde thys scorne anone thorugh hys myghtenesse he passed ouer the dyches and assaylled the towne and came to the yates and gate and conquered the towne and thrughe hys gracyous power slewe .xxv. thousande and .vii. hondred scottes and Kynge Edwarde loste no man of renoune saufe syr Rycharde of Cornewayle and hym kylled a Flemynge out of the redde halle with a quarell as the forsayd Rycharde dyde of hys helme And comaunded theym for to yelde them and put them in the kynges grace And the Scottes wolde not wherfore that halle was brent and cast downe And all tho that were therin were brente and kynge Edwarde loste noo moo men at that vyage of symple estate but .xxvii. Englysshemen And the wardeyn of the castell yaue vp the keyes of the castell wythout ony assawte And there was taken syre Wyllyam Douglas Symonde Frysell and the erle patryk yelded them to the peas But Ingham of Humbresmylle Robert the Brus that were with kynge Edwarde forsoke kynge Edwarde and helde with the Scottes And afterward they were taken and put in to pryson And tho lete kynhe Edwarde close in Berwyk wyth walles with dyches and after Robert Rous went to Tyndale and sette wuyerbrydge a fyre and Exham and Lamerstok and slewe and robbyd the folke of the countree And after that he wente fro thens to Dunbarre And the fyrste wenesdaye of Marche the kynge sent the erle of Garenne syr Hugh Percy and syre Hugh Spenser wyth a fayre company for to besege the castell But one that was called syre Rycharde Sywarde a traytoure and a fals man ymagyned for to begyle the Englysshmē and sente to the Englysshmen theym for to deseeyue and sayd That he wolde yelde to theym the castell yf they wolde graunt them .viii. dayes of respyce that he myhht sende and telle to syr Iohan Bayloll that was kynge of Scotlonde how is men fared that were within the castell ¶ And hym worde but yf he wolde remeue the sege of the Englysse men that they wolde yelde that castell vnto the Englysshe men ¶ The messenger tho came to syr Iohan Baylol that tho was kynge of Scotlōde where that he was wyth his hooste and the messenger tolde hym all the caas And syr Iohan toke his hoste and came on the morowe erly towarde the castell and syr Rycharde sywarde sawe hym come that was mayster of the counseyll and keper of the castell and sayd vnto the Englyssgmen O sayde he now I see a fayre company and well apparelled I wyll goo ayenste theym and wyth them to mete and theym assaylle And syr Hughe Spenser sawe the falsnesse of hym· and the treson· And sayd to hym O traytour take and proue your falsnesse shalle not auaylle you And Hughe Spenser commaunded anone to bynde hym And all in hast wente ayenst ther enmyes and slewe of Scottes .xxii. thousand For the Scottes had that tyme no man wyth them of honour saufe Patryke Graham that manly foughte and longe at the laste he was slayne And tho sayde the Englysshmen in repreyf of the Scottes Thyse scaterande Scottes holde I for sottes of wrenches vn ware Erly in a mornynge in an euyll tymynge wente ye fro Dūbare ¶ As tho that ware within the castell sawe the scomfyture they yelded vp the castell vnto the Englysshmen And bounde theyr bodyes godes castels to kynge Edwarde And soo there were take in that castell thre erles .vii. barons and .xxxviii. knyghtes xi clerkes and .vii. Pycardys and all were presentyd to kynge Edwarde And he sente thē to the towre of London to be kepte ¶ How kynge Edwarde of his greate grace delyuered ayen the Scottes oute of pryson that were cheyftayns of that londe and they drewe them to the Frensshemen thrugh counseyll of Wyllyam waleys AS kynge Edwarde had made tho an ende of the werre and taken the chey●●eyns of Scotlonde tho came syr Iohan Baylol and yelded hym vnto kynge Edwarde put hym in his grace and he was ledde to London and whan kyng Edwarde was come thether they were brough before hym And the kynge axed howe they wolde make amendes of the trespaas and losse that they had doon to hym and they put theym in his mercy Lordynges sayde the kynge I wyll not of your londes ne your goodes but I wyll that ye make to me an othe vpō goddys body to be true to me and neuer after this tyme ayenst me bere armys ▪ And all they consentyd to the kynges wyl and swore vpon goddys body That is to saye syr Iohn̄ of Comyn the erle of Scra●hron the erle of Carryk and also foure bysshops vndertoke for all the clergye and so the kynge delyuered thē and yaue them sauf conduyce to go in to ther owne londe And it was not longe afterwarde that they ne aryse ayenst kynge Edwarde for cause that they wyst well that kynge Edwardes folke was take in Gascoyne as before is sayd But syr Iohn̄ Bayloll kynge of Scotlonde wyste well that his londe sholde haue sorowe and shame for theyr falsnesse· And in hast wēte hym ouer the see to his owne londes and there he helde hym and came neuer ayen wherfore the Scottes chose vnto theyr kynge wyllyam waleys a rybaude an harlot comen vp of nought and moche harme dyde to Englysshmen and kyng Edwarde thoughte how he myght haue delyueraunce of his peple that were take in Gascoyne And ī hast wente hym ouer the see in to Flaunders for to werre vpon the kyng of Fraūce And the erle of Flaunders receyued hym wyth moche honour and grayntyd hym all his londys at hys owne wyll And whan the kynge of Fraunce herde telle the kyng of Englonde was aryued in Flaundres and came wyth a greate power hym for to dystroye He prayed hym of trewes for two yere so that the Englysshe marchauntes also Frenche myght saufly go and come in bothe sydes The kynge Edwarde graūted ●● so that he muste haue his men out of pryson that were in Gascoyne the kynge of Fraunce anone graunted and so they were delyuerd ¶ And in the same tyme the Scottes sente by the bysshop of saynt andrewes in to Fraūce to the kynge to syr Charles his brother the syr Charles sholde come wyth hys power and they of Scotlōde wolde come with theyr
tyme the counsel that euer ye cōsented that the quene Isabell sholde goo in to Fraunce for to treate of accorde betwene the kynge of Englonde her broder the kynge of fraunce for that was your counsell for at that tyme for soch your wytt fayled for I drede me sore leest thrugh her her sone we shall be dystroyed But yf we take the better counseylle ¶ Now fayre syres vnderstonde howe merueylous felony falshede the Spensers ymagyned cast For pryuely they lete fyll fyue barelles ferrours with syluer the sōme amoūtyd .v. M. pounde they sent those barelles ouer ●ee pryuely by an alyaunt that was callyd Arnold of Spayne that was a broker of Lōdon That he sholde go to the Douzepers of Fraūce that they sholde procure and speke to the kyng of Fraunce that quene Isabell her sone Edwarde wer dryuen exyled out of Fraūce And amonge all other thynges That ther were braught to the deth as pryuely as they myghte but almyghty god wold not so for whan this Arnold was in the hygh see he was take wi●h Selanders that mette hym in the hyghe see and toke hym and ladde hym to the erle of Henaude theyr lorde moche Ioye was made for that takynge And at the laste this Arnold pryuely stele a waye from thens And came to London And of thys takynge of other thyn●●s the erle of Henaude sayd to the quene Isabell Dame make you mery be of good there for ye be rycher than ye wened for to be take thyse fyue barelles full of syluer that were s●●te to the Dourpers of France for to slee you youre sone Edwarde and thynke you hastely for to goo in to Englonde and take with you Syre Iohan of Henaude my brother and .v. hoūdred men of armys For many of them of Fraunce in whom ye haue had grete truste done you for to scorne and almyghty god graunte you that grace your enmyes to ouercome ¶ The quene Isabell sent tho thrugh Henaude and Flaundres for her souldyours ordened her euery daye for to go in to Englonde ayen so she had in her company syr Edmonde of wodstok that was erle of Kent that was syr Edwardes broder of Englde ¶ How kynge Edwarde lette kepe the costes by the see and lete trye all the pryce men of armys and foot men thrugh Englonde AS kynge Edwarde herde telle the quen Isabell Edwarde her sone wolde come in to englonde wyth a grete power of alyaūtes with them that were outlawed out of englonde for there rebellyousnesse he was sore a dradde to be put downe for to lese his kyngdom wherfore he ordeyned to kepe hys castels in walys as well as in Englond with vytayllers theyr appa●ylles and lette kepe hys ryuers also ye. at the feest of Decolaciō of saynt Iohn̄ Baptyst the Cytezyns of London sent to the kyng to Prochestre an C. men of armys also he cōmaūded by hys letters ordeyend that euery hundred wepētake ●otrye as wel men of armys as men on foot and that they sholde be put in .xx. sōme and in an hundred sōme And commaunded the alle tho men were redy whan ony shoute or crye were made for to purpose take the alyauntis that came in to Englond for to ben bme hym the londe for to put him out of his kyngdon And more ouer he lete crye thorugh his patent in euery fayre in euery market of Englonde that the quene Isabell syr Edwarde his eldest sone the erle of Kent that they were take and saufly kepte without ony manere harme vnto them doynge all other manere people that come with them anone smyte of ther hedys without ony manere raunsom takynge of them And what man myght brynge syr Rogeres mortymer heed of wygmore sholde haue an hūdred poūde of money for his trauall ¶ And ferthermore he ordened by his patrent cōmaunded to make a fyre vpon euery hyll besyde the ryuers and in lowe countrees for to make hyghe bekenesse of rymbre That yf it so were that the alyuntes came vnto londe by nyght tyme that then̄e the Inhabycauntys there aboute sholde endeuoyr them selfe in goodly hast to lyght fyre the bekenes that the countree maye be warned come mete there enmyes And in the tyme deyed syr Roger Mortymyer his vcle in the toure of London ¶ How the quene Isabell and syr Edward duke of Guyhenne her sone came in to London at her with and how they dyde AS quene Isabell and syr Edwarde her sone duke yf Guyhenne syr Edwarde of wodstok erle of Kente syr Iohn̄ the erles brother of Henaude there company dradde not the menace of the kyng ne of hys traytours for they trusted all in goddys grace came to Her with in South floke the .xxiii. daye of Septembre in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvi And the quene syre Edwarde her sone sent letters to the Mayre comynalte of London requyrynge them that they sholde be helpynge in the quarell and cause that they had that is to saye to dystroye the traytours of the reame But none answeres were sent ayen whe●fore the quene and syr Edwarde her sone sent a nother patent letter vnder the seases the tenour of whiche letter here folowyth in this maner ¶ Isabell by the grace of god quene of englonde lady of Irlonde and coūtesse of Pountyf and we Edwarde the eldest sone of the kynge of Englond duke of guyon erle of Chestre of Pauntyf of moustroyl to the Mayre to all the comynaltee of the cytee of London sendyth gretynge for asmoche as we haue before the tyme sent to you by your letters how we be come into thys londe in good arraye and in good manere for the maner for the honour profyte of holy chyrche and of our dere lorde the kyng and all the reame with al the reame with all our myght and power to kepe and mayntene as we and al the good folke of the forsayd reame are holden to doo And vppon that we praye you that ye wolde be helpynge to vs in as moche as ye maye in this quarell that is for the comune profyte of the forsayd reame and we haue had to this tyme none answere of the forsayde letters ● ne knowe not your mynde in that party wherfore we sende to you ayen and praye charge you chat ye bere you so ayenste vs that we haue no cause to greue you but the ye ben vnto vs helpynge by all the wayes that ye maye or may knowe For wytte ye well in certē that we and all that be come with vs into thys reame thynke not to do ony thynge but that thynge that shall be for the comyn profyte of all the reame but oonly to destroye Hugh Spēser our enmye and enmye to all the reame as ye it wel knowe wherfore I praye you and charge you in the fayth that ye owe vnto
the kynges brother of Englonde and syr Iohn̄ of Henaude and syr Roger Mortymer of wygmore and syr Thomas Rocelyn and syr Iohan of Cromwell and syr wyllyam Trussell and many other of the alyaunce of the gentyll erle Thomas of Lancastre that were exyled out of Englonde for his quarel and were dysheryted of theyr londes ordeyned them a grete power and arryued at Here with in South folke And soone after they pursewed the Spense●s tyll that they were takē put pyteuous dethe as before is sayd and theyr cōpany also for the grete falsnes that they dyde to kynge Edwarde to his peple ¶ And Merlyn sayd also more that the gote sholde be put in grete distresse and in grete angusshe and in grte sorow he sholde be lede his lyf and he sayd sothe For after the time that kyng Edwarde was take he was put into warde tyll that the Spensers were put to deth and also bycause that he wolde not come vnto his parlement at London as he had ordeyned and assygned hymselfe vnto hys baronage and also wolde not gouerne and rule his people ne his reame as a kynge sholde doo Wherfore some of the barons of Englonde came and yelde vp ther homages vnto hym for theym al the other of the reame in the daye of the cōuersyon of saynt Poule in the yere of his regne .xx. And they put hym out of hys ryaltee for euermore And euer lyued afterwarde in moche sorowe and anguysshe LOdowicus was Emperour after Henry four● yere this Lodowicus was duke of Banare and he dyspysed the coronaciō of the pope wherfor the pope hȳ moche labour deposyd many perylles he had aft he trowbled gretly the vnyte of holy chyrche And thē was chosyn ayenst hym Frederyk the duke of Ostryche and he ouer came the duke abode a rebelyon to hys ende and in grete peryll to hys soule And at the last Karolus was chosyn ayenst hym the whiche preuaylled and sodenly Lodowic fell downe of his hors and dyscessyd ¶ Iohn̄ Mandeuyll a douctour of physyk a knyght borne was in Englonde abowte thys tyme. And he made a merueyllous pylgrymage For he went almoost abowte all the worlde And he wrote his dedys in thre langages and decessyd· and was buryed at Saynt Albons ¶ Benedictus the .xxii. was pope after Iohn̄ .vii. yeres and more thys man was a monke and in all his ynogthe he was of good conuersacyon and a doctour of dyuinite And whan he was made pope he refourmed thorder of saynt Benet in that thynge that was nescessary he was a harde man to graunt benefyces lest he had graūtyd it to an vncunnynge man he made a decretall the whiche began Benedictus deus in donis suis And he was very cruel in fayth for that of sommen lytyll louyd he was so stoute a man that almoost he wold not knowe his owne cosyns ¶ Anno dm̄ M.CCC.xxii ¶ Of kynge Edwarde the thyrde after the Conqueste ANd after this kyng Edwarde Carnariuan regned syr Edwarde of wyndsore his sone the whyche was crowned kyng anoynted at westmestre thrugh coūsell consent of all the grete lordes of the reame the Sondaye in Candelmasse eue in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvi that was of aege at that tyme but .xv. yere And for cause that hys fader was in warde in the castell of Kenilworth also was put downe of his ryaltee the reame of Englōde was without kyng from the feest of saynt Katheryn from the yere aboue sayd to the feest of Candelmasse And tho were all manere plees of the kynges bynche astente And tho was cōmaūded to all the Shyrefs of Englonde thrughe wrytte to warne the partyes to defendaūtys thrugh somnynge ayen And also ferthermore that all prysoners that were in the kynges gayolles that were attachid thrugh Shyrefs sholde be lete go quyte ¶ The kynge Edwarde after hys coronacyon at the prayer besechynge of his lyege of the reame graūtyd them a chartre of stedfast peas to all them that wolde it axe And syr Iohnn of Henaude and hys company toke his leue of the kynge of the lordes of the reame tornyd home to theyr owne coūtre ayen And eche of them hade full ryche yeftes euery men as he was of value estate ¶ And tho was Englond in rest peas grete loue bytwene the kyng hys lordes And comynly englysshmen sayd amonges them that the deuyll was dede but the innumerable tresour of the kyng his fader the tresour of the Spensers both of the fader of the sone and of the erle of Arundell and of mayster Robert Baldok that was the kyngꝭ chaūceler was departyd after the quene Isabelles ordynaunce syr Roger Mortymers of wygmore so that the kynge hadde noo thynge therof but at her wyll her delyuerraūce ne of theyr lōdes as afterwarde ye shall here ¶ How kynge Edwarde wēte vnto stāthop for to mete the scottes ANd yet in the same tyme was the Kynge in the castell of kenilworth vnder the kepynge of syr Henry that was erle Thomas of Lancastres broder that tho was erle of Leycetre And the kynge graūtyd hym the erldome of Lancastre that the kyng his fader had seasyd in to his honde put out Thomas of Lancasters broder so was he erle of Lancastre of Leycetre and also Stywarde of Englonde as hys broder was in his tyme But syr Edwarde that was kyng Edwardes fader made sorowe wythout ende by cause he myght not speke wyth hys wyf ne with his sone wherfore he was in moche myscheyf For though it was so that he was ledde rulyd by fals counseyll yet he was kyng Edward● sone callyd Edwarde with the longe shankys and came out of the worthyest blood of the worlde and they to whom he was wonte to yeue grete yeftes large were most pryue with the kyng hys owne sone they were his enmyes bothe nyght daye procured to make debate contake bytwene hym hys sone Isabell his wyf But the frere prechers were to hym gode frēdes euer more cast both by nyghte by daye how they myghte brynge hym out of pryson And amonge theyr company that the freres had priuely brought ther was a frere that was callyd Dunhened ● and he had ordeyned gadryd a grete cōpany of folke to kepe att that nede but the frere was taken put in 〈◊〉 of Pountfret there he deyed in pryson syr Henry erle of Lancastre that hadde the kynges fader in kepynge thrugh cōmaūdemēte of the kynge delyuered Edwarde the kynges fader by endēture of syr Thomas of Berkelay And so syr Iohn̄ Matreuas they ladde hym from the castell of kenylworth to the castell of Berkelay kepte hym there saufly ¶ And att Ester next after his coronacyon the kynge ordeyned a grete huge host for to fyght ayenst the Scottes And syr Iohn̄ the erles brother of Henaue came
that yf my lady youre wyfe came ony thynge nyghe you· that ye wolde her strangle and slee and also that ye walde doo to my lorde your sone in the same wyse ¶ Tho answerde he wyth symple there Alas alas am not I in pryson and all at youre owne wyll now god yt wote I thought yt neuer and now I wolde that I were dede soo wolde god that I were For thenne were alle my sorowe passyd ¶ It was not longe after that the kynge thrugh counsell of Roger Mortymer graūtyd the warde kepynge of syr Edward his fader vnto syr thomas Toioursy to the forsayd syr Iohan Matreuers thrugh the kynges letter put out holy the forsayd syr Moryce of the warde of the kynge And they toke and ladde the kynge vnto the castell of Corf the whiche castell the kynge hatyd as ony dethe And they kept hym there tylle it came vnto saynt Mathewes daye in Septembre in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvii that the forsayde syr Roger Mortymer sent the maner of the deth how in what wyse sholde be done to deth And anone as the forsayd Thomas Iohan had see the letter cōmaundement they made kynge edwarde Carnariuan good there and good solace as they myght at that soupere nothynge the kynge wyst of the traytory And whan tyme was for to go to bed the kynge went to his bedde laye and slepte faste And as the kynge laye and slepte the trautours fals forsworne ayenst theyr homage and feaute came pryuely into the kynges chambre and theyr company wyth them and layd an huge take vppon his wombe and wyth men pressyd and helde faste downe the foure corners of the table on hys body wherwyth the good mane a woke and was wonder sore adradde to be deed and there slayne and torned hys body vp tho so downe Tho tooke the fals traytours and tynauntes an horne And put it in to hys foundemente as depe as they myghte and a spyt of copre brennynge and putte it thrughe the horne in to hys bodye and soo they slewe theyr lorde that noo thynge was perceyued And after he was enteryd atte Gloucetree ¶ How kynge Edward spowsyd Phylyp the erles doughter of Henaude at yorke ANd after Crystmasse tho next sewynge syr Iohan of henaude brought with hym Phylyp his brothers doughter that was erle of Henaude hys nece in to Englonde and the kynge spowsyd her atte yorke with moche honour And syr Iohan of Bothum bysshop of Ely syr wyllyam of Melton Archebysshop of yorke sange the masse the Sondaye on the euen of the Conuersyon of saynt Poule In the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvii But bycause that the kyng was but yonge tender of aege whan he was crowned full many wornges were doon whyle that his fader lyued bycause that he trowed the counserllers that were fals aboute hȳ that coūsyelled hym to doo other wise thā reason wold wherfore grete harme was do to the reame to the kynge all mē dyrected it the kynges dede it was not so almyghty god it wote wherfore it was ordeyned att the kynges crownynge that the kynge for his tender aege sholde be gouerned by .xii. of the grettest lordes of Englonde wythout whome no thynge sholde be doon That is to say tharchebysshop of Caunterbury tarchebysshop of yorke the bysshop of wynchestre and the bysshop of Herforde the erle of Lancastre therle Marchall the erle of kent that were the kynges vncles the erle of Garenne syr Thomas wake Syr Henry Percy syr Olyuer yngham and Iohan Rous barons all thyse were sworne truly for to counseyll the kynge And they shold answer euery yere in parlement of that that shold be done in the tyme of theyr gouernall but that ordynaunce was sone vndoon that was moche harme to all Englonde For the kyng all the lordes that sholde gouerne hym were gouerned and rulyd after the quene his moder dame Isabell and by syr Roger Mortymer and as they wolde all thynge was done bothe amonge hygh and lowe And they toke vnto theym castels townes londes and rentꝭ in grete harme And losse to the crowne and of the estate out of all mesure ¶ Howe the peas was made bytwene the Englysshemē and the Scottes and also of Iustyfyenge of Troylesbaston Kynge Edwarde at wytsontyde in the seconde yere of this regne thrughe the coūseyll of his moder syr Roger Mortymer ordeyned a parlemēt at Northampton at that parlement the kyng thrughe hys coūsell none other of the londe within aege grauntyd to be accordyd with the scottes in this manere that all the f●autees homages that the scottes sholde do to the crowne of Englonde foryaue theym for euermore by hys chartre ensealed And ferder more an endenture was made of the Scottes vnto kynge Edwarde that was kynge Hēries sone whiche endenture they calle it regman In the whyche were conteyned all the homages feautees Fyrst of the kyng of Scotlond of the prelates erles barons of the reame of Scotlonde wyth theyr seales set theron other chartres remēbraūcis that kynge Edwarde his barons had of theyr ryght in the forsayd reame of Scotlonde it was foryeue ayen holy chyrche also with the blake crosse of Scotlond the whiche the good kynge Edwarde cōquered in Scotlōde brought it out of the abbay of scone that is a full precyous relyque also ferthermore he relacyd and fully forgaue the londe that the noble barons had before that tȳe in the ream of Scotlond by olde conquest And ferthermore that thys peas for to be holden cōtynuelly last the Scottes were bounde vnto the kynge in xxx thousande poūde of syluer to be payed wythin thre yere that is euery yere .x. M. poūde by euē procyons ¶ And ferthermore aboue all this they spake bytwene the partyes aboue sayd the Dauyd Drytonautyer that was kynge Roberte Brus sone the fals tyraunt ▪ fals forsworne ayenst his othe that arose ayenst hys leyge lord the noble good kynge Edward and falsly made hym kynge of Scotlonde that was of aege .v. yere And so thys cursyd coūseyll Dauid spoused at Berewyk dame Iohn̄ of the Toure that was kynge Edwardes syster as the gestes tellyth vpon Mary Mawdeleyns day in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxviii to greate harme empayrynge of all the kynges blode wherof that gentyll lady came alas the tyme For wonder moche the fayer dāoysell dysperagyd syth that she was maryed ayenst al the comyns wyl and assent of Englonde And frome the tyme that Brute had conquered Albyon· named the londe after his owne name Brytayne that now is callyd Englonde after the name of Engyst And so the reame of Scotlonde was holde of the reame of Englond of the crowne by feaute homgae For Brute conquered that londe yaue it to Albanak that was his seconde sone And he callyd the londe Albayn after hys owne name soo that hys heyres
of Englond that was in yorke shyre that was callyd Iohan of Barnaby and this Edwarde Bayllol louyd hym moche and was nyghe hym full preuy And so this Iohn̄ of Barnaby was in debate with a Frenche man in the towne of Dunpier so he slewe hym and wente hys way in all the haste that he myghte in to the castell For to haue socoure and helpe of hys lorde And anone came offycers of the towne to take Iohn̄ of Barnaby as a felon and syr Edward his lorde holpe hym and rescowed hym and by nyght made hym go out of the castell and so he went hys waye and came in to Englonde withoute ony harme ¶ And whan the kyng of fraunce saw that syr Edwarde had rescowed his felon He became wonder wrothe ayenst syr Edward anone lete hym arestyd and toke into hys hondes all his londes Tho dwellyd syr ● Edward in pryson vnto the tyme that syr Henry of Beaumount came into fraunce the whiche Henry somtyme was erle of Anguysshe in Scotlonde and was put out therof whan chacordement was bytwene Englonde and Scotlond thrugh the quene Isabell and syr Roger Mortymer and theyr company for the moryage that she made bytwene Dauyd that was Roberte Brus sone and dame Iohanne of Tour kynge Edwards syster of Englond well vnderstonde thys that att the ende he sholde come to his ryght but yf it were syre Edwarde Baylloll that was ryght heyre of the reame of Scotlonde ¶ And the kyng of fraunce Lowys louyd moche this syr Henry And he was wyth hym full preuy and thought for to make a delyueraunce of syr Edward Baylloll yf he myghte in ony maner of wyse ¶ Tho prayed he the kynge that he wolde of his grace gaūt hym syre Edwarde Bayllols body vnto the nexte parlement that he myght lyue with hys owne rentes in the meane tyme and that he myghte stonde to be Iugyd with his perys att the parlement And the kynge grauntyd hym his prayer and made the forsayde Edwarde to be delyuered out of pryson in the manere aboue sayd And anone as he was out of pryson syr Henry toke hym forth with hym ladde hym in to englonde and made hym dwelle pryuely att the manere of Sandhall vpon Ouse in yorke shyre with the lady Vescy And soo he ordeyned hym there an huge retenewe of Englysshmen and also of alyuntes for to conquere ayen his herytage and so he yaue moche syluer vnto the souldyours and alyauntes for to helpe hym ● And they behyght for to helpe hym in that they myght but they faylled hym att hys moost nede ¶ And at that tyme Dauyd erle of Moryf herde tell how that syr Edward Bayloll was pryuely come into englond And came to hym and made wyth hym gerte Ioye of his comynge and sayd vnto hym and behyght hym that all the greate lordes of Englonde sholde be to hym entendaunte sholde hym holde for kynge as ryght heyre of Scotlōde and dyd to hym feaute· ¶ Tho came syr Henry of Beaumonte to kynge edwarde of Englonde And prayed hym in the waye of charyte that he wolde graunt of his greate vnto syr Edwarde Baylloll that he myghte sau●ly goo by londe frome Sandhall vnto Scotlonde to conquere hys ryght herytaunce in Scotlond ¶ The kynge answerde sayde yf that I suffre Bayllol go thrugh my londe in to Scotlonde thenne the people wolde saye that I shold be assentynge vnto the company ¶ Now syr I praye you that ye wolde yeue hym leue to take with hym souldyours of Englysshmen that they myght saufly lede hym thrugh your londe to Scotlonde And syr vpno thys couenaunte that yf it so befall as god it for bydde that he dyscomfyted in bytayll thrugh the Scottes that I and also al the lordes that holde with Bayllol ben for euer more out of our rentes that we haue in englonde And there the kynge vppon this couenaunte grauntyd theyr bone as towchynge hym and tho that were of the same quarell the whiche claymed for to haue londes and rentes in the reame of Englonde And thyse were the names of tho lordes that pursued this for sayd matere and quarell ¶ That is to saye syr Edwarde Bayllol the whiche chalengyd the reame of Scotlonde syr Henry Beaumonte erle of Angusshe syr Dauyd of Stroboly erle of a theles syr Geffray of Mombraye walter Comyn and many other that were put out of theyr herytage in Sctlonde whan the peas was made bytwene Englonde and Scotlonde as before is sayde And ye shall vnderstonde that thyse lordes tooke with theym fyue houndred men of armes and two thousande Archers of fote men and tho wente in to shyppe at Rauen pore sayled by the see tylle that they came vnto Scotlond and came to londe at Kynkehorne .xii. myle fro saynt Iohannes towne And anone sent out there shyppes agayne for that they shold not be hurte ne empeyred neyther taht no man sholde go in to the shyppes agayne thoughe that they had nede but abybe all perylles and not flee but stonde and rather suffre deth than flee for to mayntene their true quarell whan the erle of Fyffe a fyers man a sterne harde that Bayllol was come for to taste the londe of Scotlond he came in hast to Kynke horne with ·iii thousand Scottes for to dystroye hym that he shold not come to londe But syr Edwarde Bayllol and his company there hym dyscomfyted at the whiche dyscomfyture syr Alysāder Seton was there slayne many other The Erle of Fyffe was th● sore and full euyll ashamyd that so lytyll a cōpany had hym dyscomfyted and shamefully put hym and all his company that were alyue for to flee ¶ Tho came syr Edwarde Bayllol and toke the coō tree all aboute hym tyll he came vnto the abbay of Dūfermlin and ther he founde vytaylles for hym and for his folke amonge all other thynge he founde in a chambre aboute fyue houndred of grete staues of ● fyne oke with longe prykes of yren and of stele And he toke them delyuerd them to the moste strōgest men of his companye And anone after he yede fro thens And lodged hym in a felde .ii. myles from saynt Iohānes towne And whan the burgeys of the towne herde how the erle of Fyffe was dyscomfyted thrughe Baylloll brake the brydges that they had made ouer the water of Erne so that Bayllol myght not go ouer wherfore he lodged hym there all that nyght but lytyll hede he toke of reste and sayde vnto his people Now dere lordes ye know full well that ben now lodged bytwene our enmyes and they maye vs hampre there is noo bote but dethe wherfore yf we abyde stylle all this nyght· I wene it shall torne vs to moche harme For the power of Scotlonde may euery wexe and encrece and we maye not so doo And we ben but lytylle people ayenste theym wherfore I praye you for the loue of almyghty god make we vs bolde
one many sterres gaddred togyder on an hepe felle downe to the erthe leuynge byhynde them fyre bemes in maner of lyghtnynge was flammes brent cōsumed mens clothes mens heer wallyng on the erth as it was sene knowē of many a man ¶ And yet that northern wynde that is redy destymate to alle ylle fro saynt Katherynes eue tyll thre dayes after loste grete good without nobre ¶ And in this same dayes ther fell also come such lyghtnynge thondre snowe hayll that it wasted and destoyed men bestetes howses and trees ¶ Of the batayll of Spayne besyde the watre of Naxers that was bytwene prynce Edwarde and syr Henry bastarde of Spayne IN the yere of our lord a M.CCC.lxvii and of kynge Edwarde .xlii. the thyrde daye of Aprylle there was a stronge batayll a grete in large felde called Pryazers faste by the water of Nazers in Spayne bytwene syre Edwarde the prynce syr Henry the bastarde of Spayne but the vyctory fyll to prynce Edwarde by the grace of god ¶ And this same prynce Edwarde had with hym syr Iohn̄ duke of Lācastre his broder other worthy men of armes about the nombre of .xxx. thousand ¶ And the kynge of Spayne had on hys syde men of dyuers nacyons to the nombre of an hondred thousande moo wherfore the sharpenesse and fyersnesse of hys aduersary wyth his fyll boystous and grete strenthe made and dryue the ryghtfull partye a backe a grete waye but thrugh the grace of almyghty god passynge ony mannes strenth that greate hoste was dysparpled myghtefully by the noble duke of Lancastre and his hoost or the prynce Edwarde came nyghe hym And whan Henry bastarde sawe that he torned with his men in so grete haste and strenth for to flee that a gret company of them in the for sayd flood of the brydge ther of fellen dowen perysshed And also there were taken the erle of Dene syr Bartram Cleykyn that was cheyfmaker and cause of the warre also cheyftayne of the vauntwarde of the bataylle wyth many other greace lordes and knyghtes to the nombre of two thousande of whome two hondred were of Fraunce and many also of Scotlonde ¶ And there were felled in the felde on oure enmyes syde of lordes knyghtes wyth other meyn people to the nombre of .vi. thousande and moo and of Englysshmen but a fewe And after this the noble prynce Edward restored the same Peers to this kyngdome ayen the whiche Peers afwarde thrugh trechery and falsnes of the forsayd basterd of Spayne as he satte at his mete he was strangled deyed But after this vyctorye many noble men of Englond also hardy in Spayne thrug the flyx dyuers other sekenes toke theyr dethe ¶ And also in the same yere in the Marche was seen stella Come ta bytwene the north costes the west whoo 's bemes stretched towarde fraunce ¶ And in the next yere folowynge of kyng Edwardes regne xliii in Apryll syr Lyonell kynge Edwardes sone that was duke of Clarnece wente to warde Melayne with a chosen meyne of the gētyls of Englonde for to wedde Galoys doughter haue hyr to hys wyfe by whom he sholde haue half the lordshyp of Melayne but after that they were solemply wedded and about the Natyuyte of our lady the same duke of Melayne deyed And in the same yere frensshmen brake the peas the trewes rydynge on the kyngꝭ grounde lordshyp of Englond in the shyre countre of Puūtyfe token helde castell townes bere the Englysshmen on honde falsly subtyll that they were cause of brekynge of trewes in thys same yere deyed the duches of Lācastre and is buryed worshypfully in saynte Poules chyrche ¶ The .xliiii. yere of kyng Edwardes regne was the gretest pestylence of men and of grete bestes by the grete fallynge of waters that felle at that tyme there fell grete hyndrynge destroyenge of corne in so moche that the next yere after a busshell of whete was solde for xl.d ¶ And in thys same yere about the laste ende of Maye kynge Edwarde helde tho his parlement at westmyster in whiche parlement was treated spoken of the othe trewes that was brokē bytwene hym and the kynge of fraunce how he myght be auenged vpon his wronge ¶ In this same yere in the Assumpcyō of our lady deyed quene Phylyp of Englonde a fulle noble gode lady at westmyster full worshyp fully is buryed and entered And aboute mydsomer the duke of Lancastre the erle of Herforde with a grete company of knyghtes wente into fraunce where as they gate them but lytel wroshyp name for there was a grete hoste of the frensshenmen vppon Calkhull brydge and an other hoste of Englyssemen faste by the same brydge that lōge tyme had lyued there And many worthy grete men of Englonde ordeyned yaf counseyll for to fyght yaf batayll to the frensshemen but the forsayd lordes wolde not consent therto for no maner thynge ¶ And anone after it happened that the erle of warwyke come thyderwarde for to warre and whan the frensshmen herde of his comynge of that he came fully to londe they left theyr tentes pauylyous wyth all theyr vytayls fledde went a waye pryuely And whan the erle was comē to londe wyth his men he went in all hast towarde Normandy destroyed the yle of Caux with strenthe of swerde and thrugh fyre But alas in his retornynge to Englond warde home ayen at Calys he was taken with sykenes of pestylence deyed not leuynge behynde hym after his dayes soo noble a knyght of armes ¶ In whyche tyme regned warred the noble knyght syr Iohn̄ Hawkewod that was an Englysshman borne hauynge with hym at his gouernaunce the white cōpany that is a forsayde that whiche o tyme ayenst holy chirche an other tyme ayenste lordes warred ordeyned grete batayls and there ī that same coūtre he dyde many merueyllous thynges ¶ And aboute the cōuercyon of saynt Poule the kyng whan he had ended done the entrynge exequyes wyth greate costes and ryaltes about the sepulture of buryeng of quene Phylyp his wyf he helde a parlement at westmyster in whyche parlement was axed or the clergye a thre yeres dyme that is for to saye a grete dyme to payed thre yere durynge the clargye put it of and wolde not graunte it vnto Ester next comynge than they graunted wel that in thre yere by certayne termes that dyme sholde be payed and also of the laye fee was a thre yere .xv. graunted to the kynge ¶ How syr Robert Knolles with other certayne lordes of the reame went ouer see in to frauce and of theyr gouernaunce ANd in the .xlv. yere of kynge Edward in the begynnynge kynge Edwarde with vnwyse counseyll vndyscrete borowed a grete sōme of golde of the prelates marchauntes other ryche men of his
was put vp ayen And after he was put out and Gregorius was made pope ¶ And he was but a symple lettred man and therfore he chose an other man for to be consecrate with hym And whan many men were dyspleased wyth thys godynge of two popes the thyrde was brought in the whyche sholde occupye the place of bothe the tow And so they stroue amonge themself But Henry the Emperour came thenne to Rome deposyd them all and made Clement the seconde pope whom he made anone to crowne hym And he sayde to the Romayns they sholde neuer chese pope wythout his assente And soo fyue beynge popes sixte was put in And many men saye this Gregorius was an holy man ¶ Damasius the secōde was after Clemente .xx. dayes This man was an vsurper of the popeheed and so he deyed sodenly And anone the Romayns asked to haue a pope that the Almayns sholde haue none For they were so harde herted that they myhht not enclyne to the entence of the Emperour the whiche sayd There sholde be no pope chosen but yf he wolde be of counseyl of the eleccyon But for all that the put in this holy man Leo and after he had of that conscyence and refused And anone he was chosyn by the comyn assent this Leo put Cryste in the fourme of a Laser in his owne bedde and in the morowe he founde no thynge there ¶ Of saynt Edwarde the confessour that was Aluredes brother how he was kynge of Englonde ANd whan this was done al the barons of Englonde sente an other tyme in to Normandy for that Edw●rde sholde come in to Englond with moche honour And this Edwarde in hys chyldehode loued almyghty god hym dradde And in honeste and clennesse hadde his lyf and hated synne as dethe And whan he was crowned and anoynted wyth a ryall power forgate not his good maners and condycyons that he fyrste vsed And forgate not alle good customes for no maner of honour ne for ryches ne no manere hyghnes But euermore and more yaue hym to goodnesse and loued god and hooly chyrche passynge all other manere thynge ¶ And poore men also be loued and theym helde as they hadde ben hys owne brethern And to them ofte he yaue greate almesse with full good wyll ¶ Of the fyrste specyall loue that god she 〈…〉 to saynt Edwarde lyuynge IT befell on a daye as he went from the chyrche of westmestre And hadde herde masse of saynt Iohan the Euangelyst for as moche as he loued saynt Iohn̄ euangelyst more specially after god and hour lady than he dyde ony other saynt And so there came to hym a pelgryme prayed hym for the loue of god and our lady and saynt Iohan the euangelyst some good hym for to yeue And the kynge pryuely toke his rynge of his fynder that no man perceyued it and yaue it to the pelgryme and he it receyued and wente thens ¶ This kynge Edwarde made all the good lawas of Englonde that yet ben moost vsed and holden And was so mercyable and so ful of pyte that noo man myght be more ¶ How the erle Godewyn came ayen in to Englonde had ayen all his londe and afterwarde saynt Edwarde weded his doughter AS the Erle Godewin that was dwellynge in Denmarke had moche herde of the godnesse of kyng Edwarde that he was so full of mercy of pyte He thought that he wolde go ayen in to Englonde for to seke to haue grace of the good kynge Edwarde that soo mercy full was that he myght haue ayen hys londe in peas And arayed hym as moche as he myght put hym to warde the see came in to Englonde to London there the kynge was that tyme and all the lordes of Englonde and helde a parlyament Godewin sente to hym that were his frendes and were the moost grettest lordes of the londe prayed them to beseche the kynges graet for hym that he wolde hys peas his londe graunte hym The lordes ledde hym before the kyng to seke his grade And anone as the kynge hym sawe he apeled hym of treason of the deth of Alured his brother and these wordes vnto hym sayde Traytour Godewin sayd the kynge I the appele that thou hast betrayed slayn my brother Alured Certes syr sayde Godewin sauynge your grace your peas and your lordshyp I hym neuer betrayed ne yet hym slewe· therfore I put me in rewarde of the courte Now fayr lordes sayd the kynge ye that ben my lyeges erles barons of the londe that here be assembled fulle welle ye herde my appele And the answere also of Godewin and therfore I woll that ye a warde and dooth ryght The erles Barones tho gadred them all togyder for to do this a warde by themself and so they spake dyuersely amūge them For some sayd there was neuer alyaunce by homage seriment seruyce ne by lordshyp bytwene Godewin and Alured for whyche thynge they myght hym drawe And att the laste they deuysyd and demed That he sholde put hym in the kynges mercy all togyder Tho spake the erle Leuerik of Couentree a good mā to god and to all the worlde and tolde hys reason in this manere sayd The erle Godewin is the best fended man of Englonde after the Kynge well it myght not be agayne sayd the wythout counsell of Godwin Alured was neuer put to dethe wherfore I a warde as towchynge my parte that hymself hys sone euery of vs .xii. erles that ben hys frendes goo before the kynge charged with as moche golde syluer as we maye bere betwyxt our hondes praynge the kyng to forgyue his euyll wyll to the erle Godewin receyue hys homage his londe yelde ayen And they accorded vnto that a warde and came in thys maner as is abouesayd euery of them with holde and syluer as moche as they myght bere bytwene her hondes before the kynge there sayd the fourme the maner of they accorde of theyr a warde The kyng wolde not theym agayne saye But as moche as they ordeyned he graunted confermed And so was the erle Godewin accorded with the kynge so he had ayen all his londe And afterwarde he bare hym so well so wysely that the kynge loued hym wonder moche with hym he was fulle preuy And within a lytell tyme they loued so moche that there the kynge spowsed Godewyns doughter made her quene And neuerthelesse though the kyngge had a wyf yet he lyued euer in chastyce clēnesse of body without ony flesshely dede doynge with his wyf And the quene also in her halfe ladde an holy lyf two yere and deyed And afterwarde the kyng lyued all hys lyf without ony wyf ¶ The kynge yaue the erledome of Oxenforde to Harolde that was Godewyns sone and made hym erle And so well they were beloued bothe the fader and he and so pryue with the kyng both
kyng of Cecyle fro his kyngdome And after he had done many bataylles ayenst men of mysbyleue many trybulacōns suffred he decessyd dyd many miracles ¶ Nycholaꝰ delira a noble douctour of dyuyte was thys tyme at Parys this man was a Iewe of nacyon he was cōuerted myghtely profyted in the ordre of frere Mynours he wrote ouer all the Byble Grelles he was in the yere of our lord M·CCC xxx some man say he was a Braban that his fader his moder were crystne but for pouerte he vysyted the scole of the Iewes so he lerned the Iewes langage or elles thys Nycholaꝰ was informed of the Iewes in hys yonge aege ¶ Honorius the fourth was pope after Martynꝰ two yere lytell of hym ys wryten but that he was a temperat man a dyscerte ¶ Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym foure yere this man was a frere Mynor although he was a good man in himself yet many vnhappy thynges fell in his tyme to the chirche For many a batayll was in the cyte thrugh his occasyon for he drewe to moche to the one parte And after hym thre was no pope two yere and .vi. monethes ¶ How kynge Edwarde that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after this kyng Henry regned Edwarde hys sone the worthyes knyght of the worlde in honour for goddes grace was in hym for he had the vyctorye of hys enmyes as soone as hys fader was deed he came to London with a noble company of prelates erles and barons and all mē dyd hym moche honour For in euery place the syr Edwarde rode in London the stretes were couered ouer hys heed with sylke of tapiscery and other riche couerynges And for Ioye of his comynge the burgeys of the Cyte caste out at theyr wyndowes golde and syluer hondes full in tokenynge of loue and worshyp seruyce and reuerence And out of condyte of Chepe ranne whyte wyne and reed as stremes both of the water and euery man dranke therof the wolde at theyr owne wyll this kyng Edwarde was crowned and enoynted as ryght heyer of Englonde with moche honour And after masse the kynge wente in to his place to holde a ryall feest amōge them that dyde hym honour And whan he was sette to meete The kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came to do hym honour and reuerence with a q●eyntesye an hondred knyghtes with hym well horsyd arayde And whan they were alyght of theyr stedes they lete theym go whether they wolde who that myght take them tooke at theyr owne wyll wythout ony chalenge·r And after came syre Edmonde kynge Edwardes brother a curteys knyght a gentyll of renowne the erle of Corne wayllle and the erle of Glocestre And after thenne came the erle of Penbroke the erle of Garenne And eche of them by themself ladde in theyr honde an hondred knyghtes gayly dysgysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they lete them go whether that they welde who that myght them catche them to haue styll without ony chalenge And whan all this was done kyng Edwarde dyde his dylygence his myghte for to amende and dresse the wronges in the beste manere that he myght to the honour of god holy chyrche to mayntene his honoure and to amende the noyannce of the comyn people ¶ How ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of walys prynce Aymer that was the erles brother of Moūforde were taken in the see THe fyrste afterwarde the kynge Edwarde was crowned Lewelyn prynce of wales sent in to Faraunce to the erle Moūforde that thorough coūseyl of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And the erle tho auysed hym vpō this thynge and sent vnto Lewelyn and sayd that he wolde sende after hys doughter so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell Lewelyn arayed shyphes for his doughter and for Syre Aymer and for her faare company that sholde goo with her And this Lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūted that he sholde yeue hys doughter to no manere man without counsell consente of kyng Edwarde And so it befell that a Burgeys of Brystow came in the see with wyne laden and mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the Burgeys sent theym to the kyng And whan Lewely herde this tydynges he was very wroth and also sorowfull· and gan to warre vpon kynge Edwarde and dyde moche harme vnto Englysshmen and bete downe the kynges castels and began for to destroye kynge Edwardes londe And whā tydynges cam vnto the kyng of this thyng he wente in to walys and so moche he dyde thorough goddes grace and his grete power that he drofe Lewelyn vnto grete myschyef that he fledde all maner of strength came yelded hym vnto kyng Edwarde yaue hym .l. marke of syluer to haue peas And toke the damoysell all his herytage made an oblygacōn to kynge Edwarde to come to his parlyamente two tymes of the yere And in the seconde yere after that kynge Edwarde was crowned he helde a generall parleamente att westmestre there he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by the comune assent of all his baronage and at Ester nexte sewenge the kynge sente by his letter vnto Lewelyn prynce of wales that he sholde come to his parlemēt for his londe and for hys holdynge in wales as the strenthe of his letter oblygatory wytnessyd Tho Lewelyn had scorne and dyspyte of the kynges commaundement And for pure wrache ayen began warre vpon kyng Edwarde and destroyed his londe And tho whan kynge Edwarde herd of these tydynges he wexed wonder wrothe vnto Lewelyn in hast assembled his people went hym to warde wales And warred so vpon Lewelyn the prynce tyll that he broughte hym in moche sorowe dysease And Lewelyn sawe that is defence myghte hym not auaylle and came ayen and yelded hym to the kynges grace cryed hym mercye and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fote The kynge had of hym pyte cōmaunded hym for to aryse And for his mekenes foryaue hym hys wrathe and to hym sayd that yf he trespassed to hym a nother tyme that he wolde dystroye hym for euermore ¶ Dauid that was Lewelyns brother that same tyme dwelled with kynge Edwarde and was a felle man and a subtyll and enuyous and also ferre castynge and moche treason thoughte· and euermore made good semblame and semyd soo true that noo man myght perceyue his falsnes ¶ How Lewelyn thrugh eggynge of his brother Dauyd werryd agayn vpō kȳg Edward IT was not longe after that tyme the kynge Edwarde yaaf to Dauyd Lewelyns broder the lordshyppe of Frodesham made hym a knyght and so moche honour dyde he neuer after to mā of walys by cause of hym kynge Edwarde helde his parlemente at London whan he hadde do in walys that he wolde and chaunged his moneye that was
sayd the sone shold become in hys tyme as redde as ony blood in tokenynge of grete mortalyte of people And that was knowe wel whā the Scottes were slayne And syth sayd Merlyn the same dragon shold nouryshe a Fox that sholde meue grete werre ayenst hym that sholde not in hys tyme be ended and that semed well by Robert the Brus. that kynge Edwarde nourysshed in hys chambre that sythen stale a way meued grett werre ayenst hym whiche werre was not ended in his tyme And yet sayd merlyn that the dragon sholde deye in the marche of an other londe that hys londe sholde be long without a good keper And that men shold were for his dethe from the yle of Shephey vnto the yle of Mercyll wherfore alas shall be ther songe amonge the comyn people faderles in the londe wastyd And that prophecie was knowe ouer all full well For the good Kynge Edwarde deyed at Burgh vp sandys that is vpon the Marche of Scotlonde the englyssmen were dysc●mferced and sorowed in Northumberlonde For cause that kynge Edwardes sone sete by the Scottes no force for the ryot of Peers of Ganaston wherfore alas was the songe thrugh out all Englond for defawte of theyr good wardeyne from the yle of Shephey vnto the yle of Mercyll the people made moche sorowe for good kynge Edwardes dethe ¶ For they wende that good kynge Edwarde sholde haue gone in to the holy londe For that was holy his purpoos ¶ Vpon whoo 's soule god for his hygh Inginyte grace haue mercy ¶ Anno. dm̄ M.CC.lxxxiiii CElestinus was pope after Nicolas fiue monethes and nothynge noble of hym is wryten but that he was a vertuous man Bonefacyus the eyght was pope after hym .viii. yere This bonifacius was a man in those thynges the whiche perteyneth to courte for he was very experte in suche maters And bycause he had no pere he put no mesure to hys prudence And toke so grete pryde vpon hym that he sayd he was lord of all the worlde and many thynges he dyde with his myght power· the whyche fayled wretchedly in the ende He yaue an ensample to all prelatis that they sholde not be haue ne proude But vnder the fourme of a very shepeherde of god they shod ● more study for to belouyd of other subgectes thā dradde This man is he of whom it is sayd that he entred as a fox He lyued as a lyon deyed as a dogge ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an hoūdred yere to an hondred yere And the fyrste Iubyle was in the yere of our lord Ihesu Cryst a thousande thre hoūdred ¶ Benedictus the enleuenth was after Bonefacius .xi. monethes This man was an holy man of the ordre of the frere prechers and lytyll whyle lyued but dyssessyd anone ADulphus was Emperour .vi yere This man was erle of Anoxone And this Adulphus was not crowned by the pope for he was slayne in batayll ¶ Albertus was Emperour after hym ·x yere This man was the duke of Astryr fyrste was repreued of the pope after was confermed by the same pope for the malyces of the kyng of Fraunce the whiche was an enmye vnto the chyrche· to the alberte the same pope yaue the kyngdom of Fraūce as he dyde other kyngdoms But it proffyted not for at the last he was slayne of his neuewe ¶ Clemens was pope after Benedictus almoste .ix. yere and he was a greate buylder of castels and other thynges And he dampnyd the ordre of Templaryes and he ordeyned the seuen booke of the Decretales the whiche be callyd the questyons of Clementyns ¶ And anone after in a counseyle the whyche he helde atte Vyenna he reuokyd the same boke the whiche is successary Iohan called ayen in corporyd it and publysshyd it This Clement fyrste of all popes teanslatyd the popes sette fro Rome to Auinion and whether it was done bi the mocyon of god or by the boldenes of man dyuers men meruaylle ¶ Iohn̄ the ·xxii was pope after bym .viii. yrre This man was all gloryous as for those thynges that were to be vsed thrugh the actyf lyf And he publysshed the Constytucyons of the clementynes sent thē to all the vnyuersytees And many sayntes he canonysed these fatte bysshopryches he deuydyd and he ordeyned many thynges ayēste the pluralytae of benefyces many herytykes he dampned but whether he was saued or not our lord wolde not shewe to those be louyd very well ¶ Henry the .vii. was Emperour after Albert v· yere this Henry was a noble mā in warre and he coueyted to haue peas by londe and water He was a gloryous man in batayll And neuer ouercome with enmyes and atte the laste he was poysened of a frere whan that he howselyd hym by receyuynge of the sacramente ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge edwardes sone ANd after this kyng Edwarde regned Edwarde his sone that was borne att Carnriuan and thys Edwarde wente hym in tho Fraunce and there he spowsyd Isabell the kynges doughter of fraunce the .xxv. daye of Ianuari at the chyrche of our Lady at Boloyne in the yere of our lorde Ihū Cryste M. CCC vii And the .xx. day of Feuerer the nexte yere that came after he was crownyd solemply att westmestre of the Archebysshop of Caunterbury And there was soo grete presse of people that syre Iohan Bakwell was slayne and murdred And anone as the good kynge Edwarde was deed syr Edwarde hys sone kyng of englonde sent after Pers Ganaston in to Gascoyne so moche louyd hym that he callyd hym brother anone after he yaue vnto hym the lordshyp of walyngforde And it was not longe after that he yaue hym therldom of Cornewaylle ayenst the lordes wyll of englonde ¶ And tho brought syr walter of langton bysshop of Chestre in to pryson duraūce in the toure of London wyth two knaues alonely hym to serue For the kynge was wrothe wyth hym fore by cause that syre water made complaynt on hym to hys fader wherfore he was put in pryson in the tyme of Troylebaston the for sayde Pers of Ganaston made so grete maystreys that he wente in to the kynges tresory in the abbay of westmestre toke the table of golde with the trestls of the same many other ryche Iewels that somtyme were the noble and good kyng Arthurs toke thē to a marchaūt that was called ameri of Friscōbande for he sholde bere them ouer the see in to Gascoyne so he went thens they came neuer ayen after wherfore it was a grete losse to this londe And whan this Pers was rychely auaūsyd he became so proude so stowte wherfore all the grete lordes of the reame had hym īdyspyte for his grete berynge wherfore syr Henry Lacy erle of Nicholl syr Guy erle of warwyk the whyche grete lordes the good kynge Edwarde syr Edwardes fader kyng of Englonde chargyd that Pers of Ganaston
of accorde the hym alyed to the barons came with that company sur Roger Dammory syr Hugh dandale that had spousyd the kynges neces syster syr Gylbert of clare erle of Gloucetre that was slayne in Scotlonde as before is sayd And tho two lordes had tho two partyes of the erldom of Gloucerte sur Hugh Spenser had thyrde party in his wyues half the thyrde syster and tho two lordes wente to the barons wyth all theyr power ayenst syr Hugh theyr brother in lawe And so there came wyth them syr Robert Clyfforde syr Iohan Mōbray syr Goselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortymer of werk syr Roger Mortymer of wykmore his neuewe syr Henry Trays syre Iohā Gyffarde syr Barthylmewe of Bardesmore with all theyr cōpany and many other that to them were consent all the grete lordes came vnto westmestre to the kynges parlemente And so they spake dyde that bothe syr Hughe Spēser the fader also the sone were out lauwed of englonde for euermore And soo syre Hugh the fader wente vnto Douer and made moche sorowe fell downe vpon the grounde by the see banke a crosse wyth his armes and sore wepynge sayd Now fayr Englonde and good Englonde to almyghty god I the betake And thryes kyssed the grounde and wenyd neuer to haue come ayen· And wepynge cursyd the tyme that euer he begate syr Hugh his sone sayd for hym he had lost all Englond And tho in presence of thē all that were aboute hym yaue hym his cursee went ouer see to his londes But Hugh the sone wolde not go out of Englonde but helde hym in the see and his company robbyd .ii. dromedores besyde Sandwyth and toke and bare a waye alle the godoes that was in them to the value of .lx. ¶ How the Kynge exyled erle Thomas of Lancastre and alle that helde with hym and how the Mortymer came and yelded hym to the kynge of all the lordes IT was not longe after that the kynge made syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hugh the sone come ayen in to Englond ayenste the lordes wyll of the reame And soone after the kynge with a strōge power came and beseged the castel of Ledys and in the castel was the laby of Bladelesmore for cause that she wold not graunt that castell to the quene Isabel kinge Edwardes wyfe but the pryncypall cause was for syr Berthylmewe was ayenst the kynge and helde with the lordes of Englōde neuertheles the kynge by helpe socoure of men of London also of helpe of Southeren men gate the castel maugre of them all that were with in and toke with them al that they myght fynde And whan the barons of Englonde herde these tidynges syr Roger Mortymer many other lordes toke the towne of Brugge wroth wyth strenth wherfore the kyng was wonder wrothe and lete outlawe Thomas of Lancastre and Vmfroy de Bohoune erle of Herforde and alle tho that were assentynge to the same quarel And the kyng assēbled an huge host and came ayenst the lordes of Englond wherfore the Mortymers put them in the kynges grace And anone they were sente to the toure of London and there kept in pryson And whā the barons herd thys thyng they came to poutfert there that the erle Thomas soiourned and tolde hym how that Mortymers both had yelde them to the kynge put them in hys grace ¶ Of the syege of Tykhyll SO whan Thomas Erle of Lancastre herde thys he was wonder wrothe all that were of there company greatly they were dyscomfyted ordeyned there power togyder and besyeged the castell of Tykhyll But tho that were wyth in manly defended them that the barnos myght not gete the castel and whan the kyng herde that his castell was beseged he swore by god by his names that the lege sholde be remeued assembled an huge power of people wente theder ward to rescowe the castell his power encresyd fro daye to daye whan the erle of Lancastre the erle of Herforde the barons of there cōpany herde of thys thynge they assembled all theyr power wente them to Burton vpon trent kept the brydge that the kyng shold not passe ouer ▪ but it befell so on the tenthe daye of Marche in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxi the kyng the Spensers syr Aymer Valaunce erle of Penbroke Iohan erle of Araundell theyr power wente ouer the water dyscomfyted therle Thomas and his company· And they fled to the castell of Tetbury from thens they went to Pountfret And in that ●yage deyed syr Roger Daumore in thabbay of Thebury And in that same tyme the erle thomas had a traytour wyth hyme that was callyd Robert Holonde knyght that the erle had brought vp of nought had nourysshed hym ī hys butrye had yeue hym a thousāde marke of londe by yere And so moche the erle louyd hym that he myght do in the erles court all that hym lyked bothe amonge them hyghe lowe and so craftly the theyf bare hym ayenste his lorde that he trustyd more vpon hym than ony man on lyue and the erle had ordeyned by his letters for to goo in to the erledome of Lancastre to make men aryse to kepe hym in that vyage That is to saye .v. hūdred men of armys But the fals traytour came not there no manere men for to warne ne for to make arayse to helpe his lord And whan that the fals traytour herde tell that hys lord was dycomfyted at Burton vpon Trent as a fals traytour theyf stele a way robbyd in Rauēsdele his lordes men that came fro the scomfyture And toke of them hors harneys and al that they had slewe of them all that they myghte take came yeldyd hym to the kynge ¶ whan the good erle Thomas wyste that he was so bytrayed He was so abasshed sayde to hymself O almyghty good how myght Robert Holonde fynde in hys herteme to betray sythe that I louyd hym so moche O god well maye nowe a man se by hym that no man maye dysceyue a nother rathar than he that he trustyth moost vpon He hath full euyll yelded me my goodnes the worshyp that I haue to hym done and thrugh my kyndnesse haue hym auaūcyd made hym hyghe where that he was lowe And he makyth me go from hyghe vnto lowe but yet shall he deye an euyll dethe ¶ Of the scomfyture of Brurbrygge THe good Erle Thomas of Lancaste Humfroy de Bohoune ele of Herford and the barons that with theym were toke counsell bytwene them at the frre prechers in Poūtfret tho thought Thomas vpon the traytour Roberte Holonde And sayde in repreyf Alas Robert Holonde hath me betrayed and is the red of some euyll shred And by the comyn assent they sholde goo to the castell of Dunstanbrughe the whiche perteyned to therldome of Lancastre that they sholde abyde
baners and the armes of fraūce on euery syde that were hangē out wente on the walles of the forsayd towne on dyuerse places as naked as euer they were borne sauf only theyr shertes and theyr pryue clothes helde their swerdes naked the poynt donward in theyr hondes and puttē ropes halters about theyr neckes yelded vp the keys of the towne of the castell to kynge Edward of Englond with grete fere drede of theyr liues and goodes and drede of herte And kynge Edwarde sawe alle thys as a mercyable kynge and lord receyyed them to grace fewe of the grettest prysoners of estate and gouernaunce of the towne he sent into Englonde there for to abyde theyr raunson and the kynges grace And al the comynallte of the towne the kynge lette goo weder they wolde in peas and wyth out ony harme lete them bere with thē all theyr thynges that they myghte bere carye away kepynge the twone the castell to hymself· Thenne thrugh meditacyon of Cardynales that were sente from the pope trewes was take there by twene Fraunce englond for .ix. monethes than next folowynge And aboute Myghelmas kynge Edwarde come ayen into Enlond with a gloryous vyctory ¶ And in the .xxiii. yere of his regne in the Eest partyes of the worlde there arose and began a pestylence deth of Sarasyns and Paynyms that so grete a deth was neuer herde of a fore that wasted away the people so that vnneth the tenth person was left alyue ¶ And the same yere aboute the suche countrees and also in the west countrees there fell so moche rayne so grete waters that from Crystmas to myd somer there was vnnethes no daye ne nyght but that it rayned some what thrugh whyche waters the pestylence was so enfected so habūdaunte in al countres namely aboute the courte of Rome other places and see costes that there were left lyuynge folke for too bury theȳ that were dede honestly But made greate dyches pyttꝭ that were wōder brode depe therin buryed them made a renge of dede bodyes caste a lytell erthe to fele them aboue than caste in a nother renge of dede bodyes an other renge aboue theym and thus were they buryed none other wyse but yf it were so that they were men of greate estate so that they were buryed as honestly as they myghte And after all this in the .xxiiii. yere of kyng Edwardes regne it was done hym to wete vnderstāde of a treason that was begon at Calays ordeyned for to sell that towne for a greate sōme of Florens vnto kynge Phylyp of Fraunce thrughe the falsnesse or dynaūce of a knyght that was called syre Geffrey of Cherney was wonder preny wyth kynge Phylyp of Fraūce And whan kynge Edwarde herde this he toke with hym the noblest and gentyllest lordꝭ and many other worythy men of armes that were there presente with hym for the solempnyte of that hygh feest And well wysely in al the hast that he myghe and as pryuely as he myght he wente ouer see to warde Calays And that same yere the gode kyng edwarde helde his crystmas at Hauerynge And the morne after new yers daye the kynge was in the castell of Calays with his men of armes that none of the alyens wyst ther of And that fais conspiratour and traytour Geffrey of Cherney syth that he myght not openly haue his purpose of the castell pryuely and stelyngly he come in helde the towne with a grete host And whā he wyth hys men were comen in he payed the for sayd somme of floreyns as couenaunte was to a Geneweye in the towne that was keper of the castel and consentinge to the same Geffrey in all his falsnesse and trechorye bounden the Englysshe mynstrels and seruaūtes that were in the castell that they myght not helep themself ne lette them of theyr purpos And than wenyng that they had ben sure ynough then they spaken al their wickydnesse falnesse openly on hygh that all men myght here now shall ye here howe they were deceyued for they came in by a preuy posterne ouer a lytyll brydge of tree whā they were comen in subtyly pryuely the brydge was drawen vp and kept that nōe of them that came in myght go out ne no moo myghte come to them anone our Englysshmen wente out at preuy holes and wyndowes ouer the walles of the towne and of the castell went faught manly with the frensshmen that were withoute had the better of them the whyche whan they were occupyed by them self on theyr syde the kynge that was within the towne hauynge scarsely but .xxx. men of armes drew out his swerde with a loude voys he creyed on hygh Osaynt Edwarde Osaynt George And whan the peple herde that they come rennynge to hym gaaf there to theyr enmyes so greate assawte that there were moo than two hondred men of armes many mo other slayne and many fled a waye And soo by grace of god almyghty the vyctory felle vnto the Englysshmen Thenne the kynge toke with hym this Geffrey that was fynder of this trechory And also many other Frenssh prysoners and thenne within a whyle after he come agayne in to Englonde And in thys same yere and in the yere afore and also in the yere next folowynge was soo greate a pestylence of men frome the eest in to the west namely through botches that tho that sykened as on thys daye deyed on the thyrde daye after to the whyche men that soo deyed in this pestylence had but lytell respyte of lyssynge ¶ The pope Clemente of his goodnesse and grace gaf theym full remyssyon and forgyuenesse of all theyr synnes that they were shryuen of and this pestylēce lasted in London fro Myghelmas vnto August next folowynge almoost an hole yere ¶ And these dayes was deth wythout sorowe weddynges wythout frendshyp wylfull penaunce derth without scarsyte And fleynge without refute or socour for many fled from place to place by cause of pestylence But they were enfected myght not escape the dethe after that the prophete Isay syth who that fleeth fro the face of drede he shalle falle into the dyche And he that wyndeth hym out of the dyche he shall be hold and eyed wyth a grenne but whan thys pestylēce was cessyd as god wold vnnethes the tenth parte of the peple was left on lyue And in the same yere began a wonder thynge that all that euer were borne after that pestylence had twoo cheketh in theyr heed lasse than they had afore ¶ How kyng Edward had a grete batayll with Spanyardes in the see fast by wynchelse ANd in the .xxv. yere of hys regne about saynt Iohans daye in haruest in the see fast by wynchelse kynge Edwarde had a grete batayll with men of Spayne where that theyr shyppes and nauye laye chayned togyder
that other they muste fyght or be drenched And so whan all other worthy mē and of the see costes fast by wynchelse romeny were gadred togyder and our nauye shyppes al redy to the warre the Englysshemen mette manly and strongly wyth theyr enmyes comynge fyersly ayenst them ¶ And whan the Spayns vessels nauye were closed all about there men myght se stronge batayll on both sydes longe duryng in the whiche bataylle was but fewe that faught but they were rytously hurte And after the batayll there were .xxiii. shyppes taken soo the Englysshemen had the better And in the nexte yere folowynge of hys regne that is to say the xxvi yere the kynge thrugh hys counseyll lete ordeyne and make hys newe money that is to saye the peny the grote value of .iiii. pens and the halfe grete of .ii. pens But it was of lesse weyght than the olde sterlynge was be .v. shels in the pounde ¶ And in the .xxvii. yere of his regne was the grete derth of vytayls that whiche was called the dere somer And the .xxviii. yere of his regne in the parlement holden atte westmestre after Ester syr Henry erle of Lancastre was made duke of Lancastre and in this yere was soo greate a drought that frō the monethe of Marche to the Monethe of Iuyll there fell no rayne on therth wherfore all fruytes sedes and herbes for the moost parte were loste in defaute wherfore come so greate dysease of men and beestes and derth of vytayls in Englonde that thys londe that euer afore had ben plenteuous hadde nede that tyme to seke vitayls and refresshynge at other out yles countres And the .xxix. yere of kynge Edwarde it was accorded graūted and sworne bytwene the kynge of Fraunce kynge Edwarde of Englonde that he shode haue ayen all his londꝭ lordshyppes that lōged to the duchye of guyhen of olde tyme the whiche had bē withdrawen and wrongfully occupyed by dyuers kynges of Fraunce before honde to haue to holde to kynge Edwarde to hys heyres successours for euermore frely pesybly and in good quyete vpō this couenaunt that the kynge of Englonde sholde leue of and releasen all his ryght clayme that he had claymed of the kyngdome of fraūce and of the tytle that he toke therof vpon whyche speche and couenauntes it was sente to the courte of Rome on both sydes of the kynges that the forsayd couenaunt sholde de enbulled but god ordeyned better for the kynges worshyp of Englonde for what thrugh fraude dysceyte of the frensshmē and what thrugh lettynge of the pope of the court of Rome the forsayd couenaūtes were dysquate and left of ¶ And in the same yere the kyng reuoked by his wyse and dyscrete coūseyll the staple of wulles out of flaundres into Englonde with all the lybertees fraunches and fre customes that longed therto and ordeyned it in Englōde in diuerse places that is for to saye atte westmestre Caunterbury Chychestre Brystowe Lyncoln And Hulle wyth all the forsayd thynges that longen therto And that this thynge that shold thus be done the kynge swore hymself therto and prynce Edwarde hys sone wyth other many grete wytnesses that there where present ¶ And the xxx· yere of hys regne anone after wytsontyde in the parlemente ordeyned att westmenstre it was tolde and certefyed to the kyng that Phylyp that helde the kyngdome of Fraunce was deed And that Iohan his sone was crowned kynge And that this Iohan had gyuen Karoll his sone the duchye of Guyhen of the whiche thynge kynge Edwarde whan he wyst therof he had greate Indygnacyon vnto hym was wonder wrothe strongly meued And therfore afore alle the wrothy lordes that there were assembled at that parlement callyd Edwarde his sone vnto hym to whom the duchye of Guyhen by ryght herytage sholde longe to gaue it hym there byddynge strenthynge hym that he sholde ordeyne hym for to defende hym and auenge hym vpō his enmyes and saue mayntene his ryght And afterwarde kyng Edwarde hymself his eldest sone Edwarde went to dyuers places and sayntes in Englonde on pylgrymage for to haue the more helpe grace of god and of his sayntes And the .ii. kal of Iuyll whan all thynge was redy to that vyage batayll all his retenue power assembled hys nauy also redy he toke with hym the erle of warwyk the erle of Suffolk the erle of Salysbury and the erle of Oxforde a thousande men of armes as many archers and in the Natyuyte of our lady toke theyr shyppes at plūmouth began to sayll And whan he come was arryued in Guyon he was there worshypfully taken recyued of the moost noblest men and lordes of that countree ¶ And anone after kynge Edwarde toke wyth hym his two sones that is to saye syr Lyonell erle of Vlton syr Iohn̄ hys brother erle of Rychemonde syr Henry duke of Lancastre wyth many erles lordes and men of armes two thousande Archers saylled towarde Fraunce rested hym a whyle at Calays after the kyng went with hys hoste aforsayd with other souldyours of beyonde the see that there abode the kyngꝭ comynge the seconde daye of Nouembre and toke hys Iourney towarde kynge Iohn̄ of Fraūce there as he trowed to haue founde hym fast by Odomarum as hys letters and couenaūt made mencyon that he wolde abyde hym there with hys host And whan kynge Iohan of Fraunce herde telle of the kynges comynge of Englonde he wente awaye wyth his men and caryage cowardly and shamfully fleynge and wastynge all vytayls that Englsshmē sholde not haue ther of ¶ And whan kynge Edwarde herde telle that he fledde he pursued hym wyth all his host tyll Henede and than he beholdynge the scarsyte and waytynge of vytayls and also the cowardyse of the kyng of Fraunce he torned ayen wastynge all the countre ¶ And whyle all thyse thynges were a doynge the scottes pryuely by nyght toke the towne of Berwyk sleynge theym that withstode theym and no man els But blessyd be god the castell was saued kept by Englysshmen that were therin whan the kynge perceyued alle thys he torned ayen in to Englonde as wrothe as he myghte be wherfore in the parlemēt at westmynstre was grauntyd to the kynge of euery sacke of wulle .l. shellyngꝭ durynge the terme of .vi. yere that he myght myghtlyer fyght and defende the reame ayenste the Scottes and other mysdoers And so whan all thynges were redy the kynge hasted hym to warde the syege ¶ How kyng Edwarde was crowned kynge of Scotlonde and howe prynce Edwarde toke the kynge of Fraunce and syr Philyp hys yonger sone at the batayll of Peyters ANd in the .xxxi. yere of hys regne the .xiii. daye of Ianyuere the kynge beynge in the castell of Berwyk with a fewe men but he hauynge· there faste by a greote hoost The towne was yolden vnto
wasted dystroyed both corne hey And there was suche debate fyghtinge of sparowes by dyuerse places in these dayes that men founde innumerable dede in the feldes as they wente And there fell also suche a pestylence that neuer seen suche in noo mannes dayes that than lyued for men that wente to beded hole in good poynt sodenly they dyed ¶ Also the tyme a sykenes that men calle the pockes slewe bothe mē women thrugh theyr enfectinge ¶ And in the xli yere of kynge Edward was borne at Burdeux Rycharde the seconde sone of prynce Edwarde of Englond the whiche Rychard kynge Rycharde of Amorycan heueden at the foū● stone after whom he was called Rychard and this same Rycharde whan his fader was deed kyng Edwarde also he was crowned kyng of Englonde the .xi. yere of his aege thrugh ryghte lyne and herytage also by the com●ne assent and desyre of the comynalte of the reame ¶ Aboute this tyme at kyng Edwardes commaundement of Englond whan all the castels townes were yolden to hym that longe were holden in fraunce by a grete company assembled togyder syr Bartram Claykyn a noble knyght and a good warryour wente and purposed hym to put out Pers kynge of Spayne out of his kyngdome with helpe of the mooste partye of the forsayd grete company trustynge also vpon helpe and fauour of the pope for as moche as it come to his eeres that the same pers sholde lede vse a synfull lyf the whiche Pers smyten wyth drede of this tydynge fledde into Gascoyne to prynce Edwarde for to haue socoure of hym And whan he was fledde out of Spayne Henry his broder that was bastarde by assent of the moost party of Spayne thrughe helpe of the ferefull company that I spake of fyrst was crowned kyng of Spayne the nombre of that same cōpany was rekened sette at the nombre of .xl. M. fytynge men ¶ This same yere in the moneth of Iune there come a grete cōpany a nauye of the Danes gadred them togyder in the Northe see purposynge them to come into Englonde to reue and to robbe and also to sle with whom they countred mette in the see maryners and other gode fytynge men o● the countre dysperpled theym And they ashamyd went home ayen into theyr owne coūtre but amonge the other there was a boystous vessell and a stronge of theyr nauye that was ouer saylled by the Englysshmen was perysshed drenched In the whiche the Stewarde other worthy and greate men of Denmarke were taken prysoners the kynge of Englonde his coūseyll prysoned them the whiche lordes the Danes afterwarde sought them all about for to haue hadde them ayen wyth theyr goodes that they had lost they not well apayed ne pleased of the answer that they had they torned homwardes ayen leuynge behynde thē in there Innes preuely writen in scrowes and on walles yet shall Danes wast the wanes Thenne happed there an Englysshe wryter wrote ayenst the Duke in this manere here shall Danes fette theyr banys ¶ And in this time pers the kynge of Spayne with other kynges that is to saye the kynge of Nauerne and the kynge of Malogre beynge meanes wenten bytwene and prayed counseyll and helpe of syr Edwarde the prynce whos counseyll whan he had vnderstandynge theyr artycles and desyre that he was requyred of tho kynges lothe he was and ashamed to saye nay and contrary to them But netheles he was a gast lest it shold be ony preiudyce ayenst the pope and longe tyme taryed them or that he wolde graunte or consente therto tyll he had better counseyl rauysemente with good delyberacyon of kyng Edward his fader But whan they were with hym euery day contynually besechynge of many noble men requyred spoken to with many prayers sente made bytwene them thā prynce edward sente to his fader both by cōplaynyng letters also by confortable conteynyng al theyr suggestyons causes wyth all the other kynges epystles letters for to haue cōforte helpe of the wronges not only done to the kyng Spayne but also for suche thynges as myght falle to other kynges Also yf it were not the soner holpē and amended thrugh the done helpe of knyghthode to thē that it asked desyred ¶ The whiche letter whan the kynge hys counseyll had seen suche a kynge spoylynge robbynge with moche merueyll And sente ayen comfortable letters to prynce Edwarde hys sone to that other kynges warned them for to arme them ordeyne theym ayenst that misdoer and to withstande them by the helpe of god that were suche enmies to kynges whā this noble prȳce had receyued this letters hym self with that other kynges before sayd all there counseyl called togider or that he wolde vndertake the quarell he bounde knytte sore the kynge that was deposed with a grete o th that is to saye that he sholde euer after mayntene the ryght byleue faythe of holy chyrche and also wyth all theyr mynysters ryghtes libertees to defende from all theyr enmyes all euylles And al that were there ayenst bytterly to punysshe destroble al the ryghtꝭ lybertes preuyleges of holy chirche encrease mayntene amende alle thynges that were wronfully taken withdrawen and borē a waye by hym or by ony other by cause of hym hastely to restore ayen to dryue and put oute sarasyns all other mysbyleued people out of his kyngdom wyth all his strenth his power and suffre ne admitte none suche for no manere thynge ne cause to dwelle therin And that whan he had taken a crysten woman he sholde neuer come in to none other womans bedde ne none other mannes wyfe to defoyle ¶ All thyse for sayd thynges trewly for to kepe contynue and fulfyll as alle hys lyfe tyme he was douuden by othe afore notaryes in presence wytnesse of tho kynges wyth other prynces ¶ And than that gracyous prynce Edwarde vndertoke the cause the quarell of the kyng that was deposed and behyghte hym with the grace of almyghty god to restore hym ayen to his kyngdom lette ordeyne gadre togyder forth with in alle haste his nauye with men of armes for to warre and fyght in his for sayde cause ¶ And in this same yere vpon the sande of the Scottes see that many a man sawe it thre dayes togyder there were seen two Egles of the whiche the one come out of the southe that other out of the north cruelly strongly they fought togyder wrastled togyder the south elge fyrst ouercome the north Egle all to rente hym with his bylle his clawes that he shold not reste ne take no byrthe the south Egle fleyth home to his owne costes· ¶ And anone after there folowed was seen in the morne after the sonne rysynge after in the last daye of Octobre sauynge
beshente spylt or that he so traytoursly and falsly betrayed hys lyege lorde the kynge of Englonde and his peple in hys reame in the whiche groūde this same Iohn̄ was borne wyckydly thrughe batayll destroyed or he brought about hys cursed purpose In the feest of Saynt George tho next kynge Edwarde gaaf to Rychard of Burdeux his heyr that was prynce Edwardes sone at wyndsore thordre of knughthode made hym knyght the whyche kyng Edward whan he had regned .li. yere the .xi. kal of Iune he deyde at Shene is buryed worshypfully at westmyster on whos soule god haue mercy Thys kynge Edwarde was for soth of a passynge godenes full gracyous amonge all the worthy men of the worlde for he passed shone by vertue of grace gauen to hym from god aboue all his predecessours that were noble men worthy and he was a well harted man an hardy for he drade neuer no myshappes ne harmes ne euyll fortune that myght fall a noble warryoure a fortunate for both on londe see in all batayls assembles with a passinge glory Ioy he had the vyctory he was meke benygne homely sobre soft to all mē as well to straūgers as to his owne subgettes to other that were vnder his gouenaūce He was deuoute holy bothe to god hooly chyrche for he worshypped holpe mayntened holy chirche theyr mynystres wyth all maner reuerence he was treatable well auysed in temporall worldly nedes wyse in counseylle dyscrete meke to speke with in his dedes maners gentyll and well taught hauynge pyte of them that were in dyseace plecteuous in geuynge of bene faytes almoses besy curyous in bayldynge lyghtly he bare suffred wronges and harmes and whan he was gyuen to ony occupacyon he lefte all other thynge for the tyme tended ther to semely of body and a meyne stature hauynge al waye to hyghe to lowe a good chere And here spronge and shone so moche grace of hym that what man had beholde hys face or had dremed of hym he roged that daye that all thynge sholde hap to hym Ioyfull and lysynge And he gouerned hys kyngdome gloryously vnto his aege he was large in geuynge and wys in spentes he was fulfylled wyth all his honeste of good maners and vertues vnder whom to lyue it was as for to regne wherfore hys fader and his loos spronge so ferre that it came in to hethenes Barbary shewynge and tellynge his worthynes manhode in alle londes and that no londe vnder heuen had brought forthe so noble a kynge soo gentyll and soo blessyd or myght reyse suche an other whan he was dede Neuertheles lechery and meuynge of his flesshe hauntyd hym in his aege wherfore the rather as it is to suppose for vnmesurable fulfyllynge of his luste his lyfe shorted the soner ¶ And hereof take good hedelyke as his dedys bereth wymesse for as in hys begynnynge alle thynges were Ioyfull lykynge to hym and to all people And in hys myddel aege he passed all people in hyghe Ioye worshyp and blyssydnes Ryght soo whan he drewe in to aege drawynge donwarde thrughe lechery and other synnes lytell and lytell alle tho Ioyfull blessyd thynges and prosperite decreasyd and mysshcaped and vnfortunate thinges and vnprofytable harmes with many euyls began for to sprynge and the more harme ys yt contynued longe tyme after CLemens the .vi. was pope after Benedict .x. yere thys man in name and dede was vertuous and many thynges that Benedict was rygous in he made easy and certayne that he depryued he restored and the rygousenes of the fayth of Benedict was laudable ● But moche more laudable was the mekenesse of Clement This man was a noble prechour and many sermons he gadred and lete noo mā passe frome hym but he gaaf hym good counseyll and decessyd a blessyd man ¶ Karolus the .iiii. was Emperour after Lodewyk .xxxi. yere Chis man was kynge of Beme a wyse man and a myghty And this man was chosen Emperour by the cōmaundement of Clemens Lodewyk beynge a lyue in his contemacy and bycause he asked mekely the poopes blessynge and too be crowned of hym as other good kynges dyde therfore he was protected of god and preueyled ouer all his enmyes And many fauourable lawes he made spyrytuall men the whiche yet are called Karolma att the laste he decessed a ryche man in vertue and gooddes· ¶ Innocentius the .vi. was pope after Clemēte .x. yere and he was a grete louer of relygous men and he founded a monestery in Fraunce of the ordre of Cartusyens and was a greate canonyst ¶ Vrbanus the .v. was pope after Innocent this man was abbot of Myssolens of the ordre of Saynt Benet a doctour and is taken for a saynt he made the crosse too be preched ayenst the Turkes and he made a passage to the Turkes And to hym saynt Brygt was sente frome Cryste for the confyrmacyon of theyr rule and thanne he was poysened and decessyd ¶ Gregory the .ix. was pope after hym .viii. yere This Gregory dyd lytell And after hym folowed the trybulacyon the whiche our lorde shewed to saynt Brygyt for the synne of the clargye ¶ Venselaus sone to Karolus a forsayd was Emperoure .xiiii. yere And he was a chylde and was chosen whan hys fader was on lyue but he tooke no kepe of them pyre and whan he was warned many tymes for to take hede vnto it and wolde not He was deposed For he gaaf all his delyte and luste to lechery and hys ende was without honour for he wente gretly from the maners and the vertues of hys noble fader And he was crowned with themperyall dyademe and the wysdome of his fader passed into Sygysmonde his brother as after it shall appyre ¶ Trbanus was pope after Gregory .vi. yere this Vrban was chosen in the cytee of Rome by the strenth of the Romayns but the Cardynals dyde that fo drede not wyllyngly Wherfore they fled vnto the Cyte of Foundorū And they sayd that he was not pope chose in his place syr Robert of Gebennys the same yere the whiche was called Clement the vii· ¶ Nota. And here began the .xii. stryfe in the chyrche And it was more worse than euer was ony other before for it was soo subtyll that the wysest mē that were the beste of conscyence coude not deserue wyth whome it was best to saye to holde And this stryfe dured xl yere with a grete sclaunder vnto the clergye and greate peryll vnto mennys soules for heresyes and other euyll thynges the whyche were brought in than In so moche that there was no doctryne in the chirche for mysdoynge and therfore frome this daye Vrbane the .vi. vnto Martyne I knowe not who was pope ¶ The feest of the vysytacōn of our lady was ordeyned by Vrbane the .vi. after the fourme of the sacramente of the
and hys heyers kynges after hym \ and forth with sholde be ꝓclamed heyre apparaūt and shold also be protector and regence of englonde duryng the kynges lyfe wyth many other thyngꝭ ordeyned in the same parliment and yf kynge Henry durynge hys lyfe wence frome thys poyntement or ony artycle concludyd in the sayd paylyament he sholde be deposed and the duke sholde take the crowne and be kynge all whyche thynges were enacted by thauctoryte of the same at whiche parlyament the comyn● of the reame beyng assembled in the comyn hons cōmynyng and treatyng vpon the tytle of the forsayd duke of yorke sodenly feldone the crowne whiche henge thenne in the middes of the sayde hous whiche is the frayter of the abbaye of westm̄ whiche was takē for a prodice or tokē that the regne of kynge Henry was endyd ¶ And also the crowne whiche stode on the hyghest toure of the styple in the castel of douer fell downe this same yere ¶ How the duke of yorke was slayne and of the felde of wakefelde of the seconde Iourneye at saynt albōs by the quenē the prince BIcause the quene wyth the Prynce her sone was in the northe and absent her fro the kynge and obeyed not suche thyngꝭ concluded in the parlement was ordeyned that the duke of yorke as ꝓtector shold go north ward to brynge in the quene subdue suche as wolne not obey wyth whome wente the erle of salysbury Syr Thomas Neuyll hys sone with moche people And at wakefelde in Crystmas weke they were ouerthrowe and slayne by lordes of the quenes party that is to wyte the duke of yorke was slayne the erle of Rotlonde syr Thomas Neuyll and many moo the Eerle of Salysbury was take and other· As Iohan horowe of london capytayne and Ruler of the fotmen and Haūson of hull whiche were brought to poūfret and there be heeded there heedes sente to yorke sette vpon the yates And thus was the noble prynce slayne the duke off yorke on whos soule god haue Mercy thys tyme therle of Marche beyng in Shorwesbury herynge the deth of his fader desyred ayde of the towne to auenge his faders dethe frothens wente to walys and at Candelmasse after he had a battayll at Martymers Crosse ayenste therle of Penbroke of wylshyre where the erle of marche had the vyctorye Then the quene with those lordes of the north after that they had dystressyd and slayne the duke of yorke and his felysshyp came south warde with a grete multytude of people for too come to the kynge and defecte suche conclusyons as had be take before by the parlyamēt ayenst whos comyng the duke of Northfolke the erle of warwyeke wyth moche people ordynaunce wente to saynt albons ladde kynge Henry wyth theym there encoūtred to gyder in suche wyse and faught so that the duke of Northfolke Th erle of werwyke wyth many other of ther party ●●edde loste that Iourneye where that kynge Hēry was takē with the quene prynce Edwarde his sone whiche two had got on that felde The quene hyr partye beynge at her aboue sēte anone to Lōdon whyche was on an Asshe wenesdaye the fyrst daye of lente for vytayl ¶ For whiche the Mayre ordeyned bi thaduys of the aldermē the certen cartes lade wyth vytayll sholde be sente to saynt Albons to thē whā tho cartes came to Crepell yate the comīs of the Cyte that kept the gate toke the vytayles fro the cartes and wolde not suffre it to passe Thēne were there certayn Aldermē comyns apoynted too goo vnto bernet to speke wyth the quenes cōseyll to entreate thou the northren men sholde bee sente home ayen in to theyr contree for the cyte of London drad to be dyspoyled yf they had come And duryng this treatyse tydynges came that the erle of warwyk had met with the Erle of Marche on Cotteswolde comyng oute of walys wyth a greate menye of welsshemē and that they bothe were comynge vnto Lōdon warde Anone as these tytynges were knowe the tratyse was broke for the kynge Quene Prynce the other lordes that were with theym departed fro saynt Albōs north ward with al ther people yet or they departed thens they beheeded that lorde Bonuyll Syr Thomas Kryell whiche were takē in the Iourney done on shrewe toursdaye ¶ Thenne the Duchesse of yorke beyng at london herynge of the losse of the felde of saynt Albons sente ouersee hyr twoo yonge sones George Rycharde whiche wente to Vtrech and Phylyp malpas a ryche marchaūt of Londō Thomas vaghan Squyre mayster wyllyam Ha●clyf and many other ferynge of the comynge of the quene to London toke a shyp at Anwerpe to haue gone in to zelande on that other coste were taken of one Colompne a Fransshman a shyppe of werre And he toke theym prysoners broughte● them in to fraunce where they payed grete good for theyr raunson and there was greate goode rychesse in that shyppe ¶ Of the deposinge of kynge Hēry the sixte how kynge Edwarde the fourth tooke possessyō ▪ and of the batayll on Palm sondaye and how he was crowned THen whan the Erle of warwyke hadde wette to gader on Cot●yswolde in contynent they concludyd to go to london and sente worde anone te the Mayre to the Cytie that they wolde come anone the cytie was gladde of theyr comynge hopynge to be releuyd bi thē so they came too london whā they were come had spoke with the lordes estates beynge there cōcluded for as moche as kynge Hēry was gone with thē north warde that he hadde forfeyted his crowne ought to be deposed accordyng vnto the actes made passyd in the laste parlemēt And so by the aduys of the lordes spyrytuall tēporall thenne beyng at london the er of Marche Edwarde by the grace of god eldest sone of the duke Rychard of yorke As ryghtfull heyre and nexte enherytour to his fader the fourth daye of Marche the yere of our Lorde god M. CCCC.lix toke possessyon of the Reame at westm̄ in the chyrche of the abbaye and offred as a kynge wyth the ceptre ryall To whome all the lordes spyrytuall and temporall dyd homage as to theyr souerayn lorde and Kyng And forth wyth it was proclaymed thrugh the Cyte kynge Edwarde the fourthe by name anone after the Kynge rode in his ryalle estate north warde wyth all hys lordes to subdue his subyectis that tyme beynge in the northe for to auenge his faders deth And on Palme sondaye after he had a grete bataylle in the northe coūtree at a place called Towcon not fer from yorke where wyth the helpe of god he gate the felde and hadde the vyctorye wher were slayn of his aduersaryes .xxx. thousāde mē and moo as it was sayde by theym that were there● In whiche batayll was slayne the Erle of North thumberlande the lorde Cly●●orde syr Iohan Neuyll the Erle of
westmerlondes brother andrewe Trollop and many knyghtes squers ¶ Thenne Kynge Henry that had be kyng ● beynge wyth the quene and the prynce att yorke herynge the losse of that felde And so moche peple slayne and ouerthrowe anone forthe with departed all thre wyth the duke of Somerset the lorde Roos and other towarde Scotlande And the nexte daye after kynge Edward with all his armye entred in to yorke and was ther proclaymyd kynge and obeyed as he ought too be And the Mayre and comyns swore to be his lyegemen and whan they had taryed a whyle in the northe that all the north and that al the north countree had torned to hym he retorned south warde leuynge behynde hym the erle of werwyk in tho partyes to gouerne rule that countre And aboute Mydsomer after the yere of our lorde M. cccc.lx the fyrste yere of hys regne he was crowned att westm̄ anoynted kīge of englōde hauyng possessyō of al the reame CAlyxtus the thyrde was pope after Nycholas thre yere v. monethes this Calyxte was an olde mā whā he was chose pope was cōtynually seke ne he myght not fulfyll his desyre which he entēded to do ayēst the turkys for deth came vpō hym he was chose in the yere of our lord M. he deyed the .vi. daye he made the fyguracyō also he canonysed saynt vīcēt a frere precher ther was a grete reformacyō of many monasteryes of the worlde those reformacyons were made many tymes but all most none abode but the retorned ayen home by successyō of tyme after the dethe of the worshypfull faders· the feste of the Transfiguracyō was ordeyned of Calyxt for the yefte of grace of the merueylous vyctory done ayēst the Turke in Hūgary on saynt Syxtus day M. CCCC.lvii For there was a merueylous vyctory yeue to the Crystē mē in Hungary ayēst the greate Turke there he loste many a mā fledde shāfully for drede of enemyes noman folowed hym but alone the hōde of god feryd the Turke his hoost on saynt Calyxte daye saynt Iohn̄ de Caprystrano was there seen presēt he prouoked the people that were aferde to folow the mysbeleuīge Turkes there fell a grete vēgeaūce on theym for the Turkes sayd that there was so grete a nōbre of knyghtes that folowed thē That vnnethe they durste looke bacwarde therfore they fledde lefte al ther tresour behynde thē they were angelles that caused theym to flee Nota PRynters of bookes were myghtely multyplyed in Maguncie thrughoute the worlde there began fyrste· there helde theyr craftes thys tyme myny mē begā to be more subtyll in craftes swyterf thā euer they were afore PIus the secōde was pope after Calyxt .vi. yere Thys pius was chose ī the yere of our lorde M. CCCC.lviii he was called Eneas an eloquēt man a grete oratour a laureate poete and in the coūseyll of Basyle he wrote a noble tretyse for thattoryte of the same This mā desyred to haue a passage to the Turke moche people of dyuerse countres came to Rome he yaue theym his blessynge and sente theym home ayē for they were not sufficiēt for the Turkes hoste anone after he decessyd POules a venetiā was pope after Pyus vii yere This poule was chose in the ye yere of our lorde M. cccc.lxiiii And anone he halowed the feste of the presentacyō of our lady as pius dyd This mā was a toughmā in ryght wysnes he sayd it was bett to make fewe thinges and make them stedfastly than for to make many sone reuoke thē And he mad a grete pallays at saynt Markys and he decessed or he had ended it in the yere of our lorde M. cccc.lxxi ¶ Leodin̄ the londe of luke was oppressed with many trybulacyons after in the yere of our lorde M. cccc.lxviii vterly it was distroyed bi Carolū the duke of Bourgoyn that whiche wedded dame Margarete syster to kynge Edwarde the forth of Englonde Also the same karolū entred in the londe of Gelder and conquyred it hooly The yere of grace also was chaunged by pope Poule for fauoure of mānys soule frome .xxv. yere to .xxv. yere And by case the cursydnesse aboūded so sore grea●e aboūded also sore SIxtus the fourth a Iohannes a frere minor was pope after paule This mā was geneall in the ordre of the frere mynors or he was Cardynal And he was chosē in the yere of our lorde M. cccc.lxxi And was called Frāciscus de Sanona of good fame and vertuost He was chosē Cardynall wythout his Knowlege tyll he was made the same yere that he was chosē pope The turke had takē fro me cristē mē two empyres four kyngdomes .xx. prouīces and two hūdred cytyes· had destroyed mē wymmē without nōbre And the meuyd the pope that he sholde dyspose hym to goo to wythstonde hym And for an armye to be made ayenst the Turke the pope gaue grete Indulgentes of pardon of the tresori of the cyrche vnto all crystē reames that he myght ordeyne some tresore to withstande the mysbeleued Turke And in the lōde of Englonde Iohn̄ abbot of Abyngdon was the popes legate to dyspose this goodli tresoure of the chyrche to euery feythful mā that was disposed and that wolde able hym to receyue it ¶ Here endeth this present Cronycle of Englonde with the fruyte of tymes compyled in A booke And also newely Enprynted in the yere of our lorde god M. CCCCC .xv. by me Iulyan Notary dwellynge in powlys chyrche yarde besyde the westedore by my lordes palyes ¶ Here foloweth a lytell treatyse the whyche treateth of the descripcion of this lōde whiche of olde thyme was named Albyon And after Brytayne And nowe is called Englonde and speketh of the noblesse worthynesse of the same ¶ It is soo that in many and dyuerse places the comyn Cronycles of Englonde ben had and also nowe late Enprynted And for as moche as the dyscrypcyon of thys londe whyche of olde tyme was named Albyon and after Brytayne Is not descryued ne comynly hadde ne the noblenesse and worthynesse of the same is not knowen Therfore I entende to sette in this booke the descrypcyon of this sayde yle of Brytayne and wyth the commodytes of the same ¶ In the fyrste shalle be tolde the name of the ylonde Capitulo primo ¶ Of the settynge boundynge lenthe and brede ca. ii ¶ Of the worthynesse perogaciones ca. iii. ¶ Of the merueyles of the wondres ca. iiii ¶ Of the chyef partyes of the same londe· Capitulo· v. ¶ Of the ylondes that been therto adiacente Capitulo vi ¶ Of the kynges hygh wayes stretes ca vii ¶ Of the famous Ryuers stremes ca. viii ¶ Of auncyent cytees and townes ca. ix ¶ Of prouynces and shyres ca. x. ¶ Of the lawes names of the lawes ca xi ¶ Of kyngdoms
grete lyghte and bryghtnesse hath ben shewed vpon Englysshmē sythe they fyrst torned to ryght byleue So that of no men in ony prouynce ben founden so many hole bodyes of men after her dethe in sykenes of euerlastyngnes that shall be after the daye of dome as it well semeth in these hooly Sayntes as Edeldrede Edmonde the kynge Elphege Edgar Cutberde saynt Edwarde many other I trowe that it bedoo by a specyall grace of god almyghty for the nacyon that is set as it were without the world take hede to buryēge of bodyes without corrupcyō and rotynge and ben the more bolde stedfaste for to trust on the fynall arysynge of dede dodyes for to laste euermore after the daye of dome ¶ Of the chyef partyes of the same lond ca. v. AFter the fyrst Brutes tyme the ylonde of Brytayne beganne for to haue the pryncypall partyes that ben Loegria Cambria that is that wales And Albania that is now Scotlonde Loegria hath that name of Locrinus that was Brutes oldest sone and heet loegria as it were Locrinus londe but now Loegrin is called Englōde The boūdes and Markes were ther of somtyme the Frensshe see boothe by eest by southe ¶ Beda li.i ca. ii And by north two armes of the see that breketh ferre in to the londe eyther ayenst other But they reche not togyder The eest arme of thylke tweyne begynneth about a two lytell myle fro the mynstre of Ebburcurynge In the weste syde of Penulton in that arme is a towne that is called Guydy the west arme of thylke tweyne hath in the ryght syde a stronge Cyte that heet Alclyued whiche in theyr lāgage is called Clint stone stondeth vpon a ryuer that is called Clynt also ¶ R. Some men wolde mene that Loegria endeth at Humbre stretcheth no ferther north warde The seconde partye of Brytayne is caleo Albinia that is Scotlonde hathe that name of Albinactus Brutes sone stretcheth fro the forsayd two armes of the see northe warde vnto these of Norwaye Neuertheles the south partyes of Albania where as pyetes dwelled somtyme that lyeth frome the water of twede vnto the Scottesshe see All that longed sometyme to the kyngedome of Northumberlonde Brenycorne the north sade of Northumberlonde fro the fyrst tyme of Englysshe kynge to that tyme whan Kynadius kynge of Scotlonde that was Alpinus sone dyd a way the Pyctes and so Ioyned that countre to the kyngdome of Scotlonde Thē thyrde partye of Brytayne is wales walia that heet Cambria also hath that name Cambria of Cambre Brutes sone for he was prynce of wales In the eest syde Seurnee departed some tyme bytwene Englonde wales But in the north syde the Ryuer of Dee atchestre and in the southe the Ryuer that is named Vaga at the castel of Srygelyn departeth Englonde and wales All so kynge Offa for to haue a dystynccyon for euermore bytwene the kynges of Englōde and of wales made a longe dyche that dretched for the out of the southe syde by Brystowe vnder the hylles of wales Seuerne and Dee almoste to the heedes and vnto the mouthe of the Ryuer of Dee beyonde Chestre faste by the castell it reenneth bytwene Colehyll and the mynstre of Basyngwercke into the see This dytthe is yet in many places seen In saynt Edwardes tyme walsshmen sholde not passe that was att Erle Haroldes procurynge as it shall be sayde here after but now in eyther sydes both ayonde half a thys half the dyche and specyally in the shyres of Chestre of Shrowesbury and of Herforde in many places been Englysshemen and walsshmen medled togyders ¶ Of the ylondes that ben therto adiacent Capitulo vi BRytayne hathe thre ylondes that ben nyght and longynge therto all without the ylondes Orcades as it were answerynge to the thre chyef partys of Brytayne For the yle of wyghte longeth lyeth to Leogrya that is Englonde The ylonde Mon that is called Angleseya also longeth to wales and the ylonde Enbonia that hathe two other names and is called Meneuia and Man also whiche longeth to Scotlonde And all these thre ylondes wyght Mon and Man ben almoost alyke moche and the quantyte of the whyche thre all arowe foloweth our speche ¶ Beda li.i ca. iii· Claudius sent Vespasianus and Vespasianꝰ wāne wyght And wyght stretcheth out of the eest in to the west .xxx. myle long And out of the south in to the north .xii. myle and is in the eest syde .vi. myle fro the south clyfe of Brytayne And thre myle fro the west syde ¶ Beda li.iiii ca. v. The mesure of this ylonde as Englysshmen gesse is a thousande heusholders and two hondred ¶ Gir. in itinere mon that is called Angleseya also his departed from north wales by a shorte arme of the see as it were two myle brode In Mon ben thre hondred townes lx.iii And ben accompted for Cādredes that ben .iii. hondredes The ylonde is as it were .xxx. my●e longe and .xii. myle brode Candredus is so moche londe as conteyneth an hondred townes that name candredus is made out of two langages of Brytysshe and of Irysshe In praysynge of this ylonde walsshmen were wonte to saye a prouerbe and an olde sawe Mon Mankembri that is to saye in Englysshe that londe is so good that it semeth that it wolde fynde corne ynough for all the men of wales Therfore Virglys verses maye be accordynge therto as moche as guawes bestes longe Inneth dawes So moche efte bryngeth colde dewe in a nyghte ¶ In that arme of the see that departed this londe and north wales is a swolowe that that draweth shyppes to it that sayleth by and swoloweth them in ryyght as dothe Cylla and Carybdis that ben two peryllous places in the see of myddel erthe Therfore men maye not sayll by this swalowe but slyly at ful see ¶ R. Of the merueylles and wondres of the ylonde of Mon thou shalt fynde in the chapytre of wales Gir. in itinere The thyrde ylonde that is called both Eubonia Meneuia that is Manstondeth in the myddell bytwene the Irysshe vlstere and the Scottesshe galle waye as it were in the nauell of the see ¶ Beda .iiii. ca. ix This ylondes The fyrste is southe warde the more condtree And the better corne londe and conteyneth .ix. hondred and ●x housholdes· The secon●e conteyneth the space of CCC moo as Englysshmen gesse Gir. in ●op Somtyme was stryf whether this ylonde Man sholde longe to Brytayne or to Irlonde and for as moche as venemous wormes that were broughte thyder ly●ed there It was Iuged that the ylonde of Man sholde longe to Brytayne ¶ R. In that ylonde is ●ortylege and whyche crafte vsed Fer women there selle to shypmē wynde as it were closed vnder thre knottes of threde So that more wynde he wyll haue the moo knottes he muste vndo Chere often by daye tyme men of that londe seen men that bē deed to fore honde byheded or