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A08444 Certayne sermons of the ryghte famous and excellente clerk master Barnardine Ochine, borne within the famous vniuersitie of Siena in Italy, now also an exyle in this lyfe, for the faithful testimony of Iesus Christe. Faythfully translated into Englyshe Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564.; Bacon, Anne Cooke, Lady, 1528?-1610.; Argentine, Richard, d. 1568. 1551 (1551) STC 18766; ESTC S104167 97,926 208

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in no wyse ought we to despayre because if at the first he do not yet at length he geueth it to hys elected at theyr death as the Prophet Abacucke told a fore hand when he sayed Lord when they shal be neare to the death at the latter ende betwene thys way and the other thou wylt make knowen to them Christ and his great benefits and wilt open to them the bosome of thy graces by Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen The .ix. Sermon ☞ Howe aunsweare is to be made at the iudgment seat of god A Felon or gylty person that canne not flye but of necessity must appeare at the sessions assise or law day afort y t barre pycketh out and c●oseth him for hys ayed and succoure attourneys protectours and counsellers and goeth deuising how he may be detended namely in a matter touching life and death which thing it standeth vs in hand more to do In so much as that we being ful of sinnes must appeare before the high iudgment seat of gods iustyce and when iudgment by definitiue sentence is geuen against vs we shal lose paradise soule grace God and al goodnes without recouery and be throwen into the depe pit of hel therto remain and abide in fyre euer lastingly ▪ Wherfore me semeth it wer expedient to imagin what way to take what answere to make with what reasōs to arme vs that we may haue the matter to passe on our syde First of al an vndouted matter is it that we al haue sinned in Adam and beside the originall sinne haue innumerable actuall ne can be saued onles first we be absolued and forgeuē and that must nedes be whilest we be in thys lyfe for afterward is no more redemcion at al. To the glotten was denyed one droppe of water Wherfore necessary is it to know y e ther be two iudgment seates of God the one is of ryghtwisenes the other of mercy grace pitie goodnes loue swetenes and liberaltty as Paule speakynge of thys laste fayth Let vs go boldly to the troue and bench of gods grace at the first bench sitteth God Christe kepeth residence at the second Now as for the synners if they wil be saued they must go al to the bench of mercy to aske and cal for pity and not iustice for fauour not strayghte reconyng because we haue al ben vniuste and withall oure rightwisnes and good workes be not hable to withstād gods rightwisenes wherfore Dauid sayed Lord none can be iustified in thy syght if there thou wilte see a reconinge and in another place Lord if thou wilt punish our iniquyties who shalbe hable to abide Iob saith I knowe that man can not be iustified if he stande face to face a fore God And in another place what thing is man that he shuld be cleane the heauens be not cleane in hys syght And Ieremye wryteth thus If thou washe the wyth Nitrus thou shalt neuertheles be stayned And Esaye sayeth our right wisenes be lyke the clothes of an vncleane woman and Salomon witnesseth the same sayinge who is he that can saye my heart is cleane I am pure and innocent from sinne wherefore sayth God by Ieremy why wyl you striue with me in iudgment As though he shulde saye you are fooles if you thynke your selfe hable to wythstande the iustice of God seinge your ryghtwysenes is vnclene and that so muche vnclener as that not only the woorckes but also the verye inwarde thoughtes affections and desyres shalbe exammed and tryed Therfore sayeth God I wyl searche trye and proue Ierusalem● wyth lanternes it is moste profitable to go to the benche of mercy And say with Dauid Lorde I shall come a fore the not wyth the multitude of my workes but of thy mercye and in case thou be somemoned and called to the throne of iustice Appeale to the other benche of mercye for as from the iudgmente of a Lorde subiecte to the Emperour a man maye appeale to Cesars iudgemente seate so may a man appeale from the bench of iustice to the trone of merci as to the higher courte In as muche as Iames wryteth mercye excelleth iustice it is seene that Ezechias after sentence was geuen vpō him at the benche of iustice because he appealed to the other trone of mercye had graunted to hym that he shuld lyue fiftene yeres longer And Dauid by appealynge to mercye caused the sentēce to be reuoked which was geuen that he shulde dye And what tyme that seruaunte of whome the gospell speaketh sayed haue pacience wyth me and geue me respyte he appealed to mercy and was herd In lyke manner is it and hathe be of al sinners that be saued Nowe muste we doo in the same wyse I meane when we be cyted to the court of iustyce to render and yelde an accompte then must we appeale to mercy and saye we be deade throughe Christe to the law and therfore to iustice also which iudge after y ● law are we deade then hathe iustyce no iurisdiction vppon vs at all no thoughe it were the greatest synner of the worlde saye thou to God I am Christes thou gauest me to him as Christe sayeth they were thine and thou haste geuen them to me Moreouer Christe hathe redemed me therefore am I hys for manye causes I wyll therefore stand to his iudgemente thou haste geuen hym all power in heauen and in earthe as hee hym selfe sayeth to me is geuen all power in heauen and in earthe wherefore he maye doo wyth me the thynge that lyketh hym and as to hym semeth good he is my iudge as Christ hym selfe sayeth the father hathe geuen all iudgmente to the sonne it is therfore his duty to iudge me But as in another place he sayeth he came not to iudge but to saue the worlde saye therefore to Christe doo thyne offyce saue me for thou cammeste and thy father dyd sende the for that intente I feele all readye thy voyce and in my hearte thou sayeste to me that because I truste in the thou wylte saue me all readye by thy grace haue I put in the my confidence and hope and he that beleueth in the can not be dampned saue me therfore according as thou art bounden by a couenaunt made And al be it thy conscyence accused the and all the deuels besyde layed to thy charge yea though iudgement wer geuen against the yet so lōg as thou art in thys present lyfe it is alwaye lawful to appeale to the mercy of God And if it wer so that by force thou shuld he drawen to the court of iustice crye oute wyth Esay say to Christ O Lord I suffer violence make answere for me healpe me forsake me not I chose and wil haue the for my attorney and speach manne not because thou shuld defend my iuste accomptes and true reckenynges for I haue none such but to the intente thou shuld take my
and an vnderstanding and light aboue a natural mā he must also be the sonne and lawful heyre of God And then he may say I sound of mynde and ready of spirit and remembraunce albeit as touching my flesh syck make my testament and ●equeath fyrst of al my being and substaunce to god he gaue it to me and also preserued it and of hym I recognise to haue it and for it I render him thanckes I leaue to him like wise the giftes graces benefites temporal bodely and gostly that I haue had or shall heare after receyue for they ●e his and from hym by grace I acknowledge to haue receyued all as Paule sayeth what hast thou that thou hast not receiued at gods handes Yea for asmuch as al the slaunders misreportes persecuciōs sickenes and misfortunes which I haue already or shal from hence forth suffer and euen death self I confesse by the vnderstanding that the Lord hath geuen me that thei haue beue and shalbe his giftes and graces geuen and graunted of a great loue for my wealth and profit wherfore as his deuyne rewardes I graunt to haue had thē of god for them I thancke him and as hys owne I leaue and restore them to him And for so much as I cānot but acknowledge that I haue gone alwaies backward from him so often as I wolde rule my selfe by my blynde iudgement folyshe wisdome and deuelishe spirite nether did so much as go one steppe forthe toward God but whē I was moued dryuen and thrust forwarde of his holy spirit Wherefore I commit to the highest God my most deare father and to his gouernance al the world and specially my self in him as I may I wil help my selfe with myne owne wytte and fredome namely by makynge it obedyent to hym ▪ Moreouer if euer I haue spoken or shal from hence forth vtter any word if I haue done or shal do anye worcke that is to hym pleasaunte if I haue had or after this tyme shal haue thoughte desyre or wil that good is ▪ I geue it to God and at hys handes I professe that I haue had al my goodnes so that if it were gods wil to take from me al that he hath geuen me there shuld in me remayne nothynge but onely sinnes those are myne own and al other thinges he his Thus be my sinnes if I shuld go before gods presence I were but dampned if I were mynded to make satisfaction I could not no nor yet anye sayncte that euer was ther is none whose loue is so greate to take my sinnes vppon him and satisfy for them and appease gods anger saue Christ alone wherfore to him I bequeath my synnes I leaue to hym my pride vnkindenes vnbeleue mistrust arrogancy enuy wrath ambitiō and al my vnnumerable wickednes I geue to him my euil thoughtes affectiōs and desires to be short I make one fagot boundel of al my offences present past and to come and geue them to Christ hauynge sure fayth and stedfast hope that he wil accept them for his own and hath euen already taken them and for them hath satisfyed on the crosse hys father layed them on hys necke and he did not ones agayn say it but of great loue allowed them for hys and to consume and burn them in the flame of his deuine loue he bore them on his innocente shoulders vppon the crosse as Peter writeth and so was offered a sacrifice for vs. Now seing I haue left al my sins to Christ and geuen to God my substaunce and being withal other giftes and graces that he bestowed on me I remayn naked wythout eyther good or euyl and truly to say I am rather nothyng In that I haue restored to God my beinge that I hadde by creatyon and byrthe But for because it is impossible that he shuld saue me wythout being and so it is y ● he wil saue me therfore first I carye wyth me Christ him selfe which is my life God hathe so loued me that he hathe geuen hymselfe to me For so hath God loued y ● world that for theyr syns he hath geuen vs his only begutten sonne I cary also with me hys spirit that was of his eternal father geuen me of his most roi●l liberaliti as wel declareth Paule wher he sayeth God hath sent the spirit of his sonne into our hartes wherby we cry and cal father father And in that he hathe geuen me hym he hath restored me to myself and former being With a new substance and nature spiritual so that for the possibility of my saluaciō I haue a being but yet lacke I treasure to discharge my great dets and to appeare rych in goddes syght in consideraciō wher of I beare with me Christes watching abstinences trauayles praiers persecutions slaunders I take with me hys teares hys swet hys bloud and al that euer he dyd or suffered in thre and thirty yeres is myne euery deale and with liuely faith I embrace it as for mine own I cary beside this with me hys pacyence mekenes loue and al other hys denyne vertues his gifts and graces hys treasures and al that he hath mereted and des●rued hys lyfe passion deathe resurreccion and assension be mine ye all y t euer he hath done or shal from henceforthe do is mine and what nedeth more to say if God haue geuen vs his owne sonne howe hathe not he with him geuen vs al thynges wherfore with faithe I embrace my sweete Iesus for mine owne he is my rightwysenes wysdom raunsome and holines he is my strengthe he is my spirite my lyghte lyfe hope and al my goodnes euen Christ him selfe in hyslaste wyl bequethed me all y ● he had of the father Wherfore he sayth I entertayne you at my table as my father hathe vsed me as my father hath made me hys heyre so nowe I ordein you I wil that as you be my brethren so you shalbe my folowers And in another place he sayeth I haue loued you as mi father hath loued me sithen I am nowe through Christe so ryche of treasures vertuouse and graces ▪ I shal be hable not onely to satisfy for my dettes but also to purchase infinite paradise when soeuer they shalbe soulde Who shalbe nowe either to accuse or cōdemne me after that Christ hathe thus clothed me with his innocensy rightwisenes holynes loue with all his vertuse graces treasures merites and with his own selfe I may with no lesse boldenes and suretye then Christ appeare before God I am his sonne as he is and heyre of heauen semblably I am innocent as Christ is now that he hathe satisfied for me and payed my raunsome and rewarded me wyth his innocency Christe saied I hallow my self that they also maye be holye euen he is oure holynes and we be his members Wherfore it is as possible for God not to loue me as it is possible that he shuld not loue Christ by reason wherof Paule sayeth who shall
the sōnes of god He hath also chosen vs to be the brethren of Christe therby with him coheires of god yea the worlde is oures Chryst with al his gyftes al that is the fathers is the sonnes therfore al is ours y t is gods whose goodes we mai dyspose as children their fathers And bycause we shoulde shame to be the sonnes of God not hauinge the maners graces and vertues conuenient to such a dygnitie therfore not onlye oure heauenlye father hath chosen vs to be his sonnes but hath blessed vs not wyth wordes onlye but wyth effectes not as Isaac blessed Iacob or Esau ▪ but wyth all spirituall blessinge in thinges celestiall And so accordyng to Paule hathe made vs mete to be partakers of y e feloweship of lyght delyuering vs frō the power of darkenes hath ledde vs into the kingedome of hys beloued sonne God then withoute beginninge did determyne to iustifye glorifye and magnifye those that he hadde elect and euen so he hathe done as Paule wryteth who also exalteth our election for that cause sainge that it was not our good worckes which God forsawe wythout beginning that were the cause of our electiō but he chose vs by mere mercye accordyng to the decreed purpose of his owne wyll to the laud and glorye of his mercie we were not then chosen bycause we were Holye but because we shoulde be holly bi his election and to shewe in the worldes to come the abundaunte riches of his grace Paule also shewyth the worthines of our electiō by respecte of the dignitie of the person by whose meanes we are chosen and saithe he hath willed that betwene vs and him there shuld be our mediator nether he wold it to be an angel but Christ the sōne of God He meaneth not onlie a mediator with wordes but with his owne bloud and death Paule doth exalt our electiō as concerning y e end For bicause he hathe elected vs for his sonnes to the end we may taste not only in the life to come but also in this present thinges so highe happye rych pure that the eye hathe not sene nor the eare hath not heard nor into the hart of man being carnal hath at anye tyme enterd he hath then elected vs to the ende that regenerate by Christ Iesu we shuld walke to God by good workes y ● we maie be holye and inreprehēsible before his presence Our election is also excellente by the suerty therof for that the elect are in the handes of God Therefore shal not thei peryshe as Christ saith yea they can not peryshe euen as they can not be pluckte oute of hys handes Therefore oure election is mooste happye so that nothynge oughte so muche to bee reioysed in as to bee the elected and chosen of God Therfore it is read the disciples returning to Christ and reioisinge with greate gladnes that euen the veray deuelles were subiecte to them Chryste amonge the reste of wordes bade them thei shulde not reioyse of the subiection of the deuels but that their names were wrytten in heauen by which wordes he did shew that we ought to make a synguler Ioye of our elecciō for that includeth and bringeth with it the sinne of all our wealth since then that our eleccion is so excellent ryche sure and hapy Let vs pray to God to geue vs lighte and grace to perceyue it to the end that tasting in it with the spirit the myghtie goodnes of God we may render him al laud honor and glory by Iesu Christ our lord Amē ¶ The .xiiii. Sermon Yf we may knowe in this present lyfe whether we be in the grace of God and one of his electe or not and in what maner IT is not to be douted that God seeth all thinges specially his legittimate childrē ●ence he him self hath chosen them to that dignitie Christ also knoweth and knew thē alwayes that whych was very conuenient since hys father had geuen them to him for that he shulde be theyr gouernor shepherd and brother and that he shoulde saue them w t his own death he knew thē doth know his shepe euen as him selfe sayd yea frō the beginning he knew who should beleue But it is not now conuenient that we may or ●an deserue distinctlye the elect from the reprobate to the ende we may be more fer●ent in exercisinge charite withall men as if they were brethern with vs in Christ the which we would not do towarde the reprobate if we knewe thē distinctly But in the ende the fares shalbe seperate frō the good wheat none then beinge in this present lyfe knoweth cert●nly of his neighbour if he be of the ●lect or not nor also whether he be in the fauour of God we may only haue ther of an obscure confused vncertein and faylyng knowledge by cōiecture of y e outward lyfe and workes of whom Christ speaking sayd Ye shall knowe them by their frutes But for asmuch as we see not the hertes of men which oftentymes although wythin they are vngodly and abhominacion itselfe in the syght of God neuertheles coueringe them with the veyle of hipocrisie maskinge therin they appeare to be sainctes Therfore without speciall oracle we can haue no certeine knowledge therof But I saye y t euery elect whyle he is in this present lyfe beinge come to the yeres of discression maye and ought to know it of him self not by natural lyght by meanes wherof thinges supernatural can not be perceiued as the excellente diuine wyl toward vs but by faithe without other speciall priuilege And this not w t hauing respect to them selues where is nothing sene but worthy damnation neyther with cōsideringe or beholding thē selues in God without Christ for in y t case he muste shew himself to vs a iust iudgful of wrath then we neither se our selues hys sōnes nor in fauour But with liuely fayth beholding both our selues God in Christ we se our selues to be in the fauour of god his elect sonnes god to be pacified with vs in loue and our only father Such then as liuely beleue y t Christ for thē hath died vpō y e crosse haue the holy gost within them are in the fauour of God bicause that faith doth purifie the herte And further I say that al they which in this present lyfe do beleue liuelye in Christ yea were it for a moment of time shalbe saued They are electe aud sonnes of God and may be sure and certeine of their saluation And y ● this is true the words of sainte Ihon ought to suffise whiche saythe that he is the sonne of God therefore electe and saued who so beleueth Iesu Christe to be the sonne of God And also Christ sayde who so beleueth in me hath lyfe euerlasting neuerthelesse it may clearlye be proued that none beleueth liuelye in Christe but he that beleueth Christ to be wholy his rightwisenes and that
againe because God is with thē and helpeth them in such sort that the more thei are in great perils necessity so muche the more is god beneficial to them For thē god gaue the law to the world sent Moses and the Prophetes them he calleth inwardly in suche maner that they heare his voice and answere him of them he mollifieth the hert and draweth them to Christ as the adamāt doeth Iron If they erre he dothe correcte and chasten them as chyldren as it is reade of Dauid to them he doth not impute theyr synne he doth quicken and glorify thē and finally al that god hath wrought and shall worke for him selfe is for the elect for them he sent Christ and when he came for them he toke vpon hym theyr synnes only for thē he prayed for them he wepte preached and dyd miracles for them he shed hys bloude dyed rose ascended into heauen sent the holye goste and shal come to iudge the quicke and the deade yea all that he hath suffered wrought and shall worcke is for the electe whom he loueth in so excessiue maner that he doth atribute to hym selfe al that is done to them God then beyng gratified with the elect in Christ doth geue vnto them his spirite the linelye lyghte of hym faythe hope with al the reste of vertues graces essencial necessary to saluacion And moreouer he geueth them grace to vse in the honor of god and be serued in his glorye of all the gyftes and graces which may be commune both to the good to y e euel to be vsed well euel as riches honour dignitye healthe long lyfe chyldrē frindes sciēce the gyfts of the tonge to do miracles and suche lyke Of them in parte Paule made mencyon writinge to the Corinthes And also geueth them grace to vse in his glorye pouerty ignommie in fame infirmitie wyth al aduersity and the priuacion of lyke gyftes euen to the death god geueth them such grace y ● wyth euery wind they saile to the port and they know that they are no lesse bounde to thanke god when they are without such giftes and in all aduersitie then when they haue suche things wyth the prosperitye of y ● world sence that by the grace which god geueth them al thynges worke to good Therfore they are euer contented to be in the state whych pleaseth the Lord neyther wolde they chaunge it if they myght with out the wyl of God and only for that they fele the deuine goodnes no lesse in aduersity then in the worldly prosperite In thend when they are fallen to any sinne god openeth their eies maketh thē se not only the euell y t they haue done but also y ● he hath so permited 〈◊〉 for then benefite to thende they may the better know theyr owne miseryes and the bountye of God But spekyng of y e reprobate I saye that it is inough for vs to knowe that god is not bonde nor necessited to geue them hys grace for theyr good workes because that the grace findeth no good worckes but doth make theym to be done wyth hys creatures The bondes are all oures wyth god and so muche the more as that we beyng all losse in Adam he myghte iustly not only obādon vs but damne and punyshe vs. He is not also compelled of his perfect goodnes mercy and charyty to not haue created the worlde he myghte nowe brynge it to nothinge and dyspose all creatures after hys owne waye beynge styll moste perfectelye iuste as he is nowe and was from without beginning before he did create the worlde God maye geue of hys grace as much as it pleaseth him whē to whome he thincketh good yea and not to geue it without beyng vniust or doyng any iniury God also hath ben of power wythout doing any vnrightuousnes to creat the reprobat fore seynge theyr dampnacyon to serue his owne turne and to vse them for in strumentes or exercise the elect in vertue to the ende that their victories and triumphs likewise Christes myght be the more glorious finally al for his own greter glory And moreouer I saye that Christe hydeth hymselfe and hys grace manye tymes from persons so that althoughe they seeke hym crye after hym and recommend them selues to hym they fynde hym not nor he heareth them not notwythstandynge those such as are not moued to seke hym or cōmit them selues to hym by the spirite nor for the zeale of the honour of God but for their proper interest yea and many times he doth blynde and indurate the people and all is most iustly done And although it be writtē y ● God hath ●ure of al calleth al wold saue all dyed for all doeth illumynate all dothe rayne and power his grace vpon all lyke sentences I say it is to be vnderstand that he hath cure of al ingeneral but of the elect in special and so he calleth al with a vocacion vniuersall but the elect with an inwarde and singuler When Paule sayd also that he wold saue all he vnderstode that to be of euery sorte of persons Hys death also was sufficient to saue al but it is not effectuous but to the elect and so where it is writtē y ● he doth illuminat and geue grace to al ▪ it is vnderstand of y e elect of those that are illuminate Therfore sayde Christe to the Apostles to you it is geuen to knowe the misteryes of the kyngdome of heuen Paule said lykewyse that the faith which is the gift of God is not al mēs It is wel true also that God doth illumynate al in asmuch as ther is no person that hath not had some lyght knowledge of God Let vs then geue hym thankes sence that of hys mere goodnesse he hath cōnumerat vs among the elect and praye we him that he geue vs so much light of his goodnes that in euerye place tyme we may render him perfect land honoure and glory ▪ by Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen The .xxiiii. Sermon If a man haue lybertye or not and in what maner SOme myght thynke it superfluous for a christian to thynke whether he be fre or not but that it is inoughe to force hym selfe to make al possible resystence agaynst euell and hys beste power to do well geuynge all honoure and glorye to God because that in suche a case they walke to god surely neyther falling into the depth of idlenes But herein cōsisteth the difficulty in geuinge al the glory to god Yea it is not possible that man while arrogātly he presumeth of hym selfe thinkyng to do that whych he doth not can geue al the glory to god Therfore haue I iudged it necessarye to shewe what man can do to thend y t beyng hable to knowe and discerne betwene that which in dede is hys and that that is goddes he can and maye render all prayse and laude vnto him to whom of