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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08442 Sermons of Barnardine Ochine of Sena godlie, frutefull, and uery necessarye for all true Christians translated out of Italien into Englishe Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564.; Bacon, Anne Cooke, Lady, 1528?-1610. 1548 (1548) STC 18764; ESTC S101443 23,048 79

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oughte but I beleue I shal be saued by Christe and not by my workes He wyl say thou art not worthy to be saued saye thou to hym for a ful answer the vnworthy be●●ued so often as they acknowledge theyr owne vnworthynes go hartelye for helpe to Christ by whose meane they be come worthy Where as he shall laye to thy charge that thou arte one of the worst of the worlde say to hym on thys wyse our infyrmyties be but smal in comparison of the infinite merites of Christe and of the incōprehensible mercy of god and the more great that my synnes be and without number so moch greater shal be hys glory in deliuering me and I wyth so moche the greater trust pray as that yf he wyll heare me it shal be more to hys honoure and glory And whē I cōsyder and call to remēbraūce that my swete and louyng brother Iesus Christe the sonne of god which for my sake dyed on the crosse wolde agayne innumerable times for me yf nede were that I am hys owne for so many causes that he may determine of me after his owne mynde For somoch as his father hath geuen hym full power in heuen and earth when I consyder thys I saye I canin no wyse dout of my saluacion If he efte soones reason thus thou hast done no penance for thy synnes answere on thys maner that can I neuer do yf I shoulde alwaye stande in the fyre Christe hath done that for me on the crosse more ouer Christe is myne the father hathe geuen hym to me wyth all hys merites all the good workes that euer he dyd are myne wherfore I maye wyth hys deuine ryches and treasures satysfye for all After this maner I wolde thou shulde answere hym when soeuer he setteth afore the thy sinnes and infynite dettes that thou oughtest to god for the benefites thou hast receyued wyth dyuerse and sundry vyces whyl he tempte the but specyally wyth desperacion wherwyth he tempteth euē the saintes he wyll put the in mynde and mystruste that Christe hath forsaken the but make answer that he neuer forsoke persone that trusted in hym but bycause he wold forsake none of vs he was mynded to be forsakē him selfe on the crosse and yf he shoulde at any tyme forsake and refuse vs the which is a thing impossyble it shoulde be for more glorye of god and we oughte not onely to be contented but also to take it for a syngular pryuylege and prerogatiue It behoueth vs to stande stronge in the fayth and thynke that afore god the passyon of Christ can do more to cause him to loue vs then oure synnes can procure hys hate towarde vs we hadde nede to be wel armed wyth spryte sayth and grace for learnynge sufficeth not to know how to aunswer and wyte thou well that Christ was tempted and specyally at the ende wherfore he sayeth ●●hn 15. the prynce of thys worlde is comene but he hathe gotten nothynge of me And yf he can not wy ●h these armour hurte the he wyll turne ouer the leafe and say thus and all bycause to deceaue the. go to thou haste alredy vanquished me I was myneded to brynge the in to desperacyon but I colde not thou arte saued and by and by wyll the angels com to fett the. ii Corin. 15. he wyll apere to the like an angell of lyght and saye to the as he did to saynte hilarion haste thou serued god so long hast thou done so many good dedes so greate penance geuen so many good ensamples saued so many soules and all beit thou hast cōmitted synns yet art thou confessed of them thou hast done penāce thou hast taken pardones thou haste gone for indulgences thou kepest the cōmaundementes and besyde these done many volūtary workes that thou wast not bounden to do wherfore why shuldest thou feare thou shalt be safe and sure if thou be not saued then shall none be saued yea thy good woorkes be ouer pluse more thē sufficith The deuell is a lyar Iohn 3. which thou may sell or geue to other whych if thou do not the Church of Rome shal be thy heyre and thou shalt enryche theyr treasory of indulgēce what ferest thou therfore hast thou haply gone another path or way al beit thou haue admitted sines yet seeste thou not how thou art well disposed at the laste onelye stande stoutlye in the truste of these thy great and manye good woorkes suffer thys sicknes and death for the remission of thy synnes thou shalt be more then saued onely often remēber thy selfe of thy good woorkes Then it is expedient for the to saye thus Thou wouldeste that I shuld trust in my woorkes and I haue no fere of being damned were it not for my woorkes I geue thankes to my lord Christe Iesus whych hath geuen me the grace to counte my woorkes for a thing of nought and for such that euery one of them I deserue to be punyshed thou magnyfy este my woorkes to draw me backe from the confydence of Christe but by gods grace thou shalt not be able to do it I fynde that I am vpon a litle bourd in the sea tossed wyth mighty wyndes and haue embraced and beclepped a strong pyller or rocke and thou coūcelest me to leaue it and to sticke to the roten thynges whych if I shulde do the wyndes wolde cary bothe me and them in to the sea rather I wyll peryshe wyth Christe whyche is a thing impossible I then lyue with owte hym no I cane not put my trust holy in Christ oneles firste al to gether I dispayer of my selfe and myne owne woorkes Wherfore it is necessary that we dispoil our selfes of all trust in our owne woorkes and by fayth and hope clothe vs and arme vs with Christ and in hym put oure hope and al though we haue not that greate fayth yet in no wyse ought we to despayre bycause if at the firste he do not yet at lēghthe he geueth it to hys elected at theyr deathe as the prophete Abacucke tolde aforehande when he sayed Lorde when they shal be nere to the deth at the latter ende betwene thys waye and the other thou wylte make knowen to them Christe and his great benefytes and wylte open to them the bosome of thy graces by Iesu Christe oure Lorde Amen HOW ANSWER IS TO be made at the iudgement seate of God AFELON OR GVYLTYPARson that can not flye but of necessytie must apeare at the sessions assyse or lawedaye afore the barre picketh out and choseth hym for hys ayed and succoure attourneys protectours and coūseylours and gothe deuisyng how he maye be defended namely in a matier touchyng elyfe and death whyche thynge it standeth vs in hande more to do In so moch as that we beyng full of sinnes must apeare afore the hygh iudgement seate of goddes iustyce and when iudgement by defynitiue sentence is geuen agaynste vs we shall lose paradise soule grace god and all
SERMONS OF BARNARDINE OCHINE OF SENA GODLYE frutefull and uery necessarye for all true Christians translated out of Italien into Englishe ANNO DO M.D.XLVIII Mensis Iulio The contentes of thys booke i How a Christy an oughte to make hys last wyll and testament ii How we shuld answere the deueil when he tempteth vs and namely in the ende of our lyfe iii How answere is to be made at the iudgement seate of god iiii By what meane to come to heauen v How god hath satisfyed for our synnes and hath purchasyd Paradice for vs. THE INTERPRETOVR TO the gentle reader healthe in Christe Iesu DEATH GOOD READER as scripture declareth and our dayly experiēce practeseth to all mankynde is a thing most certeine and sure For who is he that shall lyue not se nor tast of deathes cuppe the longest lyuers at length dyed neytherkyng ne keysar can auoyde the duyte of death but of necessitie as al are of earth and asshes so shall they returne into the same Notwythstandynge thys that sure we be to dye yet when it shall come the Lord hath lefte secret to hys owne wysdō chefelye bycause we shulde euer kepe watche and warde be styll in aredines wyth our lāpes burnyng to wayte vpo● the bridegrom whych cōmeth we can not tell whē whether at mydnyght or at the cockes crowynge wherfore our mayster Christ gaue vs warnyng that we shulde be alwayes wakyng and loke vigilātly for he cometh closlye lyke a thefe wythoute warnynge vs at what houre he wyll come Then as he findeth euery mā so wyll he iudge hym and where the tree falleth whether it be towarde the South or North there it lyeth there is then no respite to be had but streyght waye due execution of goddes iustice shal come vpō all fleshe happy is he therfore whome hys maister at hys returnynge fyndeth wakynge for hym shall he put in auctoritie ouer all hys treasure And for so moche as then the ●●tter shall hange al together in clearenes of conscience whyche at that tyme shall accuse a man or defende hym acordynge as he hath kepte it cleane with vertues or stayned wyth vices for in the booke of mēnes concience are all theyr dedes layed vppe to be opened at the audit day of our death me thynk nothyng can be a greatter staye to the concience of man then to know how he ought to go owt of thys present lyfe and what to cary wythhym to hys account or leue behynd hym in the world In consyderation wherof I haue translated in to my natyue spech out of Italiē a sermō of maister Barnardine Ochin teaching how a true chrystē ought to make hys last wyll and for so moche as the diuell is at that instant of deth very bragging busyly wyth man and diuersly troblith hym and the iustice of god on the other side fearith hym I haue to staye strēgthen the cōsience on thes behalfes turned in to english two sermons enstructyng vs how to aunswer the diuel whē he tempteth vs at what tym by what meanes to quiet our myndes as touching gods iustice other two haue I also translated whych enforme vs of the true workes that god requireth of vs and the way to go to heauen and that our sauiour christ Iesus hath by hys most preciouse death purchased for vs paradise with out our deseruynges Wich fyue sermons taken out of the first part of maister Barnar dine sermons as they be wrytten and publyshed of good zeale to the wealth of many so it is thy curtisye gentle reder to accept them in good parte pardon my grosse tearmes as of a begynner and beare wyth my translation as of a learner obteynynge thys of the good reader I shal be redye and wyllynge hereafter when god geueth better knowlege accordyng as my talēt wyll extende to turne mo godly sermōs of the sayd mayster Barnardine into Englishe for the enformacion of all that desyre to know the truth For they truely conteyne moch to the defacyng of al papistrie and hipocrysie and to the aduancement of the glorye of god and of the benefytes of Christ Iesus To whom wyth the holye ghost be all honoure and glorye for euer and euer So be it GOD SAVE THE KYNG and graunt us the truthe of hys Worde HOW A CHRISTIAN OVGHT to make his last Wyll and Testamente IT IS COMMONLY THE CVSstome of men in they re testamentes and last wylles to saye I leaue I bequeath I geue wythoute onse sayinge I take or carye wyth me wherin certes they be farre deceyued bycause they take that whyche they ought to leaue be hynde them and go wythoute caryinge that whych is verye behofefull and necessarye Wherfore to the entent they shulde no more erre on that behalfe I wolde we shulde cōsyder and weyghe how a true Christiā shuld make hys wyll Men that be either fooles mad phrātike neyther cä nor yet know how to make a wyll by reasō they haue not wytte to descerne good from euyl what is theyrs or what is not what to take nor what to restore or bequeath nor yet to whō nor in what maner And yf happelye they go about to make theyr testament it shulde be but vayne and of no force god alloweth it not as a thyng made of a persone witles Wherfore he that is wyllynge to make a testament effectuall as expedient is to him that wylbe saued behoueth to haue verye good spirituall iudgemēt alyuely faith in Christe and an vnderstandynge and lyght aboue a naturall man he must also be the sonne and lawfull heyre of god And then he may saye I soūde of mynde and redye of sprite and remēbraunce albeit as touchyng my fleshe secke make my testamēt and bequeath fyrst of all my being and substance to god he gaue it to me and also preserued it and of hym I recognise to haue it and for it I render hym thankes I leaue to hym lykewyse the gyftes graces benefytes temporal bodely and gostlye that I haue hadde or shall here after receyue for they be hys and from him by grace I acknowlege to haue receyued all as Paule sayeth what hast thou that thou hast not receyued at goddes hādes yea for asmoch as al the slā ders mysreportes persecucions syckenes and mysfortunes which I haue alreadye or shall frō hence forth suffer and euē death selfe I confesse by the vnderstādyng that the Lorde hath geuē me that they haue bene and shal be hys gyftes and graces geuen and graunted of a great loue for my welthe and profyt wherfore as hys diuine rewardes I Araunt to haue had thē of god for them I thāke hym and as hys owne I leaue and restore them to hym And for so moche as I can not but acknowledge that I haue goue alwayes backewarde from hym so often as I wolde rule my selfe by my blynde iudgemente folyshe wysdome and deuelishe sprite neither dyd so moch as go one steppe forth towarde God but when I was moued diyuen and