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A22481 A commentarie vpon the epistle of Saint Paule to Philemon VVherein, the Apostle handling a meane and low subiect, intreating for a fraudulent and fugitiue seruant, mounteth aloft vnto God, and deliuereth sundry high misteries of true religion, and the practise of duties Ĺ“conomicall. Politicall. Ecclesiasticall. As of persecution for righteousnesse sake. ... And of the force and fruit of the ministery. Mouing all the ministers of the Gospell, to a diligent labouring in the spirituall haruest ... Written by William Attersoll, minister of the word of God, at Isfield in Suffex. Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1612 (1612) STC 890; ESTC S106848 821,054 582

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shall neuer be destitute but feele the fruit thereof to their endlesse comfort The Prophet saith i Psal 91 14. to this purpose Psal 91. Because he hath loued me therefore will I deliuer him I will exalt him because hee hath knowne my Name Lay now all these things together and consider that seeing we haue free accesse to the Throne of grace seeing wee haue Christ the greatest blessing of all giuen vnto vs seeing all Creatures are reconciled vnto vs and lastly we being loued do loue God againe and poure out streames issuing from his Fountaine and all this proceedeth from his grace wee conclude that such as are in Gods fauour haue his blessings following them Vse 1. Now let vs handle the vses First seeing the fauour of God is the Fountaine of all goodnesse and graces in vs we learne that no fauour is like to the fauour of God The grace and loue of Princes bringeth many priuiledges and preferments with it but can they assure vs of euery good thing Or doe they remaine and continue with vs for euer Nay they are most vnstable and vncertaine their honour is turned into dishonour and all their glory is changed into shame and confusion Haman was the happiest man in the kingdome in his owne eyes and in the eyes of many others one day hee was next vnto the King k Ester 5 12. and 7 9. the next day he was most wretched one day in fauor the next day out of fauour one day honored the next day hanged Nay thus it fareth falleth out oftentimes with the godly as wee see in Dauid who was greater in Sauls Court then he Who was more praised and preferred Was made the Sonne in Law of the King and the Captaine of the Hoast yet by and by hee was disgraced degraded and depraued by flatterers and false informers cast out of the fauour of the King and put in danger of his life It is not so with God it is not so with his fauour shewed toward the godly whom hee loueth once l Iohn 13 1. hee loueth euer he dooth not change he cannot lye he will not repent He is vnchangeable there is no shaddow of change with him his gifts are without repentance There is great comfort in such fauour seeke therefore for his fauour aboue the fauour of Princes and make much of it when we haue found it Great is the loue of Parents toward their Children but the loue of God surmounteth them all and that loue which can be in them Vse 2. Secondlie seeing such as are gratious with God are laden with many blessings we may see heereby the blessed estate of all that liue vnder the grace of God all thinges doe serue them that serue the Lorde and haue tasted how gratious the Lord our God is He is counted happy in the World that hath the fauour of Princes The Queen of Sheba pronounced m 1 Kin 10 8. the people and seruants of Salomon happy which did stand euer before him to hear his wisedom When Elisha demaunded of the Shunamite n 2 Kin 4 13. what hee should doe for her or whether there were any thing to be spoken for her to the King or to the Captaine of the hoast she answered I dwell among mine owne people She liued in peace and quietnesse she had no cause to make any complaint against any her Neighbours she was not driuen to make any suit to King or Captaine shee troubled not others and others troubled not her and this she accounted an happy life But the happy estate and blessed condition of the faithfull is a thousand times greater they are at peace with heauen and earth with Men Angels with themselues and with all others with life and death nothing shall be able to hurt them True it is they haue no promise to bee free from tentations and troubles Famine may come Persecution Pestilence nakednesse pouertie perill and tribulation may come and death shall come but we haue a gratious and sure promise that they shall not hurt vs or destroy vs or hinder our saluation they are all Enemies without Armour as Souldiers without a Sword as Serpents without a sting and as Aspes without venome This is it which the Prophet handleth at o Psal 91 1 3 5 6 7 10. large Psal 91. Who so dwelleth in the secret of the most High shall abide in the shaddow of the Almightie surely he will deliuer thee from the Snare of the Hunter and from the noysome Pestilence thou shalt not bee afraide of the feare of the night nor of the Arrow that flyeth by day nor of the Pestilence that walketh in the darknesse nor of the Plague that destroyeth at noone-day A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come neere thee there shall none come vnto thee neyther shall any Plague come neere thy Tabernacle He meaneth not in these wordes that the godly shall bee free from troubles sicknesses al calamities but that God doth so care for them and watch ouer them that nothing shall be able to hurt and harme them but he will giue them a sanctified vse of the Crosse and make all thinges turne to their good and further their saluation This is it which the Apostle Paul offereth to our considerations p 1 Cor. 3 21 22 23. Let no man reioyce in men for all things are yours whether it be Paule or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether they bee thinges present or thinges to come euen all are yours and ye Christes and Christ Gods Great is the dignity and excellency of the godly that all things are made to serue to their vse and are appointed in the ordinance of God to serue for their profite according to that which he hath in another place q Rom. 8 28 We know that all thinges worke together for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose Where we see he teacheth that not onely thinges present are ours but thinges to come not onely life is ours but also death which is a gaine and aduantage to the godly and an entrance or doore that leadeth to euerlasting life What greater glory can befall vs or what greater happinesse can we desire then to haue all things ours Life is ours death is ours the world is ours the Crosse is ours the Crown is ours heauens is ours the Angels are ours Christ is ours God is ours all is ours and what is there that is not ours What a great honour is this Or who is it that can doubt of these thinges Or whom should not these priuiledges mooue The World is a place of our resting Life the time of our bettering Death is a change of our misery and an entrance into glorie things present are the beginning of our comfort things to come are the consummation of our comfort the Crosse is our
their negligence as Eli did of the offences of his Children Hence it is that in the fourth Commaundement prescribing the time of Gods publike worship g Exod. 20 10 the Housholder is charged to haue care of his Son of his Daughter of his Seruant of his Stranger Iacob called for his people and assembled them together h Gene. 35 2. when he went to Bethell Dauid went with a great traine and company into the house as those that goe to a Feast when he saith i Psal 42 4. When I remembred these thinges I powred out my very heart because I had gone with the multitude and led them into the house of God with the voice of singing and praise as a multitude that keepeth a Feast Behold heere the godly deuotion of a religious heart as the Hart brayeth for the Riuers of Waters so his soule panted after God and his publike worship neither could he content himselfe to goe alone but it was his comfort and delight to leade others as it were by the hand with him that they might finde that sweetenesse in the word that hee found and be partakers of the benefit that hee reaped thereby Vse 5. Lastly seeing it is so necessary a duty to teach our Housholds we must acknowledge that it is as necessary for Children and Seruants to bee taught and instructed It should be therefore our care and desire to dwell and inhabite in such places and houses as that we may be trained vp in godlinesse and learn our duties to God and man It should bee our care and desire to place and bestow our Children with such persons as that they may be brought vp in the feare of God There is not one of those in our Families euen the lowest and meanest but of meate drinke cloathing or wages bee at any times denyed or detained from them they will thinke themselues wronged and misused and are ready to complaine of the iniury How much more if there were in them any care of their Soules or loue of the life to come would they mourn and lament when they are debarred and defrauded of this most necessary portion the knowledge of true Religion appointed by the Lord to be bestowed vpon them If a man be to take any Farme he will not doe it hand ouer head but he will know what Acres hee shall haue what arable ground what Meddow and what meanes of his maintenance but how many are there that seek to others for their seruice who neuer consider what instruction they shal haue or whether they be likely euer to hear of the Name of God There is no Man so simple in wit but if he put his Sonne to bee an Apprentize and his Maister within his yeares doe not teach him his occupation hee will and may iustlie thinke his Childe much misvsed what a wonderfull blindnesse and blockishnesse then doth it argue in them that care not where they put and with whom they place their Children so they learne their occupation they regard not whether they learne any Religion and neuer enquire whether their Maisters take any pains or not to teach them the precepts and instructions that belong to a Christian which of all callings vnder heauens is both the most honourable and in the end shall be acknowledged to bee most profitable Let vs therefore put out our Children to bee the Seruants of those that may learne them to be the Seruants of God Let vs so binde them to their Trade that we may be sure they may learne the Trade of Trades the Art of Arts the Mysterie of Mysteries that is Religion and Godlinesse If wee haue little to leaue our Children and small wealth to bequeath vnto them yet if we bring them vp to this Trade and binde them fast vnto it we shall leaue them a worthy and wealthy portion for all men must bee of this Trade We see how costly other Trades are and what a round summe must be giuen with our children to serue for them but we may k Esay 55 1 2. without cost and without Mony make our Children of this Trade which is the best and most gainefull of all others l 1 Tim. 6 6. For godlinesse saith the Apostle is not onely gaine but great gaine if a man bee contented with that he hath If thou haue not learned this gainefull and profitable Trade thou wilt be neuer but a Begger and a Bankerout for being destitute of this thou art without Grace without God without Heauen Thus much of this doctrine 3 Grace be with you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ The order of the words and the interpretation of the same Hitherto wee haue spoken of the first part of the Praeface of this Epistle touching the persons writing and written vnto Now we come to the second part to wit the prayers which he maketh which are of two sortes a salutation and a thanksgiuing the salutation is a greeting which the Apostle wisheth to all the persons before named wherein we are to consider two pointes first what blessings the Apostle desireth to be giuen vnto them Secondlie from whom he craueth them The blessings which he prayeth for are two namely Grace and Peace By Grace we must vnderstand the free fauour meer mercy and good will of God towards vs whereby he hath eternally vndeseruedly loued vs in Christ who are a people by nature not beloued but deseruing to be disgraced by him and hated of him The second blessing that he beggeth for them is peace whereby is meant all kind of benefits spirituall and temporall which flow vnto vs from this Fountaine and grow out of the root of grace and therefore ordinarily in other Epistles it is annexed vnto it Grace heere mnntioned is not any gift in vs but it is Gods and in God it is his gratious fauour free loue and good will whereby he is well pleased with his elect in and for Christ Peace is not any guift in God but in vs and is that holy vnity and blessed concord which is in the Kingdome of God among Gods Children this concord and agreement of Gods Children is a fruit and effect of grace Paraphr So then the meaning of the words is this We wish vnto you all the fauour of God in Christ and that concord which is propper to Gods Church and Children hauing peace with God with his holy Angels with his Church with your owne hearts with your enemies and with al his Creatures Secondly in this verse is set downe the cause the worker and author from whom these blessings come to wit the Father and Iesus Christ God the Father the Fountaine of them and Christ our Lord as the Cunduit pipe by whom they are carried and conueied vnto vs. Obiect But it may be obiected why is the holy Ghost left out why is not he named do not these guifts come from him as well as from the Father and the Son
Answer I answer It is a generall rule in all Arts and true in Diuinity That which is vnderstood is not wanting So then the holy Ghost the third person in Trinity is not omitted though not expressed for he must of necessity be vnderstood who proceedeth from them both namely from the Father and the Sonne Christ saith in his m Iohn 17. Prayer This is eternall life to know thee to be the onely true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ yet the holy Ghost in this place is not excluded from both the persons but included and comprehended together with them for these three are one n Iohn 5. as the Apostle teacheth Thus much touching the order and meaning of the words Now let vs proceede to the obseruations out of the same and then come to the Doctrines Obseruations out of this ver The obseruations out of this verse containing the salutation are not many which we will point out First of all we see the matter of his Prayer what it is he asketh not the fauour of Men but of God he craueth not earthly and worldly peace but spirituall and heauenly True it is the fauour and good will of Men the outward peace and tranquilitie one with another are worthy and excellent guiftes but the free and fatherly fauour of God together with peace with GOD the Father beeing reconciled vnto vs in his deare Sonne are much to be preferred in our desires Heereby wee haue that peace o Phil. 4 7. of conscience which passeth all vnderstanding which teacheth vs to rest in God as in a most louing Father with all confidence and assurance Secondly as wee learne cheefelie to aske spirituall blessings so wee see what blessings among such as are spirituall are the principall and predominant to wit the fauour of God and peace of conscience He that is possessed of these two hath an hid Mine of Treasures with which all the Wealth and Riches of the World are not to bee compared vnto For these blessings are heauenly are spirituall are eternall whereas the substance of this World is Temporall is Transitorie is corruptible The Worlde it selfe must passe and vanish away and all these earthly things must decay and perish with it Thirdly the Apostle in some of his Epistles vseth three wordes p 1 Tim. 1 2. and 2 Tim 1 2. 2 Iohn 3. Grace Mercy and Peace heere hee contenteth himselfe with naming two Grace and Peace omitting and leauing out Mercy wherein there is no contrariety or diuersity for as much as Mercy is included vnder Peace For by Mercy is vnderstood our Iustification which consisteth partly in the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and partly in the imputation of Christs righteousnesse which do bring true peace with them Fourthly we see from whom hee asketh all these to wit first from God the Father to teach that he is the Authour of euery good giuing and perfect guift If then we stand in neede of them we must goe to him we must aske them of him we can receiue them of none but of him q Iam. 1 5 17 as the Apostle Iames teacheth Fiftly we see that to God the Father he ioyneth Iesus Christ for all blessings are bestowed vpon vs through Christ the Mediator of the New Testament God the Father is the Fountaine Christ is the Pipe or Cunduit by whom they are conueied vnto vs. He that hath not him hath not the Father Hee that is not in him remaineth in death Hence it is that the Euangelist saith r Iohn 3 36. He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting life and hee that obeyeth not the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him Sixtly obserue the Title giuen vnto him he is called the Lord of his Church it is a Kingdome whereof he is the Prince it is a Citty whereof he is the Gouernor it is an house whereof he is the Maister it is a body whereof he is the head So then all obedience is due to him and all men how great soeuer must acknowledge his Lordship ouer them Lastly in that he craueth grace and peace from Christ our Lord as well as from God the Father it confirmeth our Faith in a Fundamentall point of Christian Religion touching the Deity of Christ n Phil. 2 6. Who is GOD equall with the Father against the Arrians and other Heretiques that deny his Eternity For seeing hee giueth grace and peace as well as the Father we conclude him to be true God Co-eternall and Co-equall with the Father Grace c. This word in the Scripture hath two significations the ignorance whereof hath bred great errour and be one the occasion of stumbling in the Church of Rome First it signifieth Gods good will and fauour Secondlie some guift of God freely bestowed which is grace of his grace and so the o Rom. 5 15. Apostle doth distinguish the grace of God from the gift that is by grace In this place we must vnderstand not any particular gift of God infused into vs as faith hope loue and such like but the free fauour and loue of God whereby he accepteth of some in Christ for his owne Children for wee see heere it is discerned and distinguished from peace which is a guift of Grace and therefore cannot signifie the same thing This grace and good will of God is the Fountaine of all Gods blessings and the foundation of all mans happinesse All that we haue is of Grace it is the beginning of all good thinges in vs. Our p Rom. 11 5. 2 Tim. 1 9. Rom 3 24. Ezek. 36 27. Ephe. 2 10. Rom. 6 23. Election Redemption Vocation Iustification Sanctification Glorification is of grace onely we can ascribe nothing to our selues Now in this Diuine Salutation and Apostolicall Benediction mark that the Apostle beginneth with this grace Doct. 1. The free fauor of God is of vs chiefely to be desired From hence we learne that the fauour of God is to be sought for aboue all other thinges The free grace and vndeserued loue of God is the first and highest and onely cause of all blessings is aboue al things to be desired and intreated at the hands of God Consider the example of Dauid Psal 4. Many say q Psal 4 6. who will shew vs any good But Lord lift thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon me As if he should say let worldly men seek what they will and let them place their happinesse in riches pleasures and vanities but my desire is after thy loue and fauour aboue all Hence it is that he calleth and accounteth God his portion r Psal 16 5. 18 2. his lot his inheritance his rocke his refuge his shield and Castle of defence to shew that all his ioy was in Gods fauour all his comfort in Gods loue and that he preferred his grace before all thinges in the world besides This affection is also expressed in the
instruction the Angels are our Watchmen the heauen is our happinesse Christ is our Sauiour God is our Father all thinges are fauourers and furtherers of our saluation It is a comfort of all comforts that we are at peace with God that he is our friend and that hee hath no controuersie against vs. If God were against vs who should bee able to stand for vs or dare take vpon him the protection and defence of vs But beeing iustified by Faith we are at peace with God It is a great blessing to be at peace with men but it is a greater blessing to be at peace with God We are at peace with the blessed Angels r Hebr. 1 14. Who are all ministring Spirits sent forth to Minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation They guard vs from dangers they carry vs as a Nurse doth her Childe in her Armes that we be not hurt by the Deuill or his Angels or his Instruments We are at peace with the Church that is with all such as feare God and beleeue in Christ The Prophet Esay speaking of the Kingdome of Christ and of the fruits of the Gospell foretelleth That Å¿ Esay 11 6. the Wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe and the Leopard with the Kidde and the Calfe and the Lyon and a fat Beast together and a little Child shall lead them c. Meaning thereby that when a man is called into the State of grace howsoeuer by Nature he haue the greedinesse of a Wolfe the wildnesse of a Leopard the fiercenesse of a Lyon the cruelty of a Beare hee shall lay away his sauage and brutish Nature and become gentle and liue peaceably with all men We are at peace with our own selues which is the peace of a good conscience when it being washed in the blood of Christ ceaseth to accuse and terrifie and beginneth to excuse and comfort vs when neither Hell nor Death nor damnation nor any daunger doth dismay vs or bring vs to despaire but in the midst of all t Col. 3 15. we haue the peace of God ruling in our hearts as the Apostle speaketh Coloss 3. 15. If a man weare at peace with the Angels with men and with all the Creatures if he had no Enemy to encounter him but liued at peace with others yet if he were at warre and Mortall enmity with himselfe if he felt the terrors of conscience and his owne heart condemning him hee should quickly finde what a great blessing it is to haue a cleere conscience which is a continuall Feast This peace was in Dauid when he said in the midst of manifolde dangers u Psal 3 5 6. I laid me downe and slept and rose againe for the Lord sustained me I will not be afraid of ten thousand of the people that should beset me round about This is of such excellency that it is called o Phil. 4 7. The peace of God that passeth all vnderstanding it is in stead of a guard to keepe our hearts and minds in Christ Wee are at peace with our enemies both because so soone as we beleeue in Christ wee seeke to haue peace with all men so farre as is possible p Rom. 12 18 and as much as lieth in vs and because God restraineth the mallice of the Enemies and inclineth their hearts to embrace peace Thus God brought Abraham and Isaac into fauour with Abimelec King of Gerar that he was ready and willing no onely to receiue peace when it was offered but to craue peace when it was not desired Thus God brought Daniell into fauour with the chiefe of the Eunuchs and sundry others to finde the fruits of loue at the handes of their enemies because he hath the harts of all men in his owne hand to wind them and turne them at his owne pleasure Lastly we are at peace with all Creatures in Heauen and Earth aboue and beneath which are made to serue for our benefite and saluation The Prophet saith q Psal 91 13. Thou shalt walk vpon the Lyon and the Aspe the young Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder foot And God promiseth To make a r Hos 2 18. Couenant for them with the Beastes and Fowles that they shall walk safely All these priuiledges teach vs hauing such a large peace with God and his Angels with the Church and our owne selues with our Enemies and all Creatures that it is the most comfortable thing in the world to be vnder the grace and Couenant of God and that nothing is more to bee desired then to feele the fauour of God towards vs for hauing this we possesse all things If wee want him and his fauour though we haue all the world it will not nor cannot content vs but all things are curssed to vs and we to them Vse 3. Lastly seeing all that are accepted of God are blessed with all good things this teacheth vs the wretched and fearefull condition of all such as by reason of sinne are out of fauour with God they shall finde no rest they shall haue no peace heauen and earth shall conspire against them and deny them succour and comfort in the day of Gods punnishment and visitation It is said of Ismaell that his hand should be against euery man and euery mans hand against him so is it with all the vngodly not reconciled to God they shall find no sound comfort in any Creature but shall haue all the World against them This is a great misery and torment lying heauy vpon the wicked and piercing their Soules as the flashings of Hell according to the saying of the Prophet s Esay 57 19 20 21. I create the fruit of the lippes to be peace peace vnto them that are farre off and to them that are nere saith the Lord for I will heale them but the wicked are like the raging Sea that cannot rest whose Waters cast vp Mire and Dirt There is no peace saith my God to the wicked God setteth himselfe against them and all Creatures shall confound them and fight against them vntil they are confounded and ouerthrowne And as the Apostle speaking of the blessed and happy estate of the godly declareth that all things are theirs so on the other side we may truely say of the vngodly that nothing is theirs they haue Title and interest in no creature to receiue any comfort in them or stay from them or protection by them God is become their Enemy the Angels are armed to destroy them their owne consciences conuince and condemne them the Heauen is shut against them death is the gate of Hell vnto them affliction is a meanes of murmuring in them the World is a Snare vnto them Christ is a Rocke of offence vnto them the Gospell is the fauour of death vnto them the mercy of God is made a Packe-horse for their sinnes all the ordinances of God are abused by them and all the workes of Gods handes shall bee Instruments of
contrary to the Doctrine deliuered by himselfe contrary to the rest of the holy Scriptures and contrary to the Articles of our Faith Contrarie to himselfe because he teacheth i Rom. 10 13 14. that we cannot call vpon any whom we do not know out of Gods word and beleeue to be both able and willing to help vs saying Whosoeuer shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saued how then shall they call on him on whom they haue not beleeued Where he reasoneth thus that we must beleeue onely in God and therefore pray onely to God Hee should be contrary to other Scriptures because we are k Heb. 4 16. taught by them To come with boldnesse to the Throne of Grace therefore the inuocation of Saints is vaine and needlesse seeing we haue a free accesse and bold approching vnto God through Christ againe they are l Ier. 17 5. Curssed that trust in man and make flesh their Arme and so with-draw their heart from the Lord. Christ calleth vs vnto himselfe and commaunded m Iohn 16 20 vs to aske the Father in his Name for the Father himselfe loueth vs. He should be contrary to the Articles of Faith wherein we are taught to beleeue onely in God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Againe such as are not obstinately blinded and peruersely disposed may easily distinguish the Apostles words and see that he referreth not Faith both to Christ and the Saints but Faith to Iesus Christ and loue to the Saints For after that he had commended Philemon for two chiefe guifts of God Faith and Loue in both which consist the perfection of a Christian man he assigneth to eyther of them their propper subiect namely that Faith is in our Lord Iesus Christ and Charity is toward all the Saints which distinction and diuerse Relation may appeare by the Latine Interpretour and by their owne Rhemish Translation altering the preposition and reading it thus n In Iesu Christo in omnes Sanctos Loue and Faith in Iesus Christ and toward all the Saints Thirdly the Apostle else-where hauing occasion to mention these two graces of God he doth describe them distinctly by their seuerall obiectes and expresly referreth Faith to Christ and loue to the Saints o Ephe. 1 15. Col. 1 3 4. as writing to the Ephesians he saith Therefore also after that I hear of the Faith which ye haue in the Lord Iesus and loue toward all the Saints I cease not to giue thankes for you making mention of you in my prayers So in the Epistle to the Colossians We giue thankes to God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ alway praying for you since we heard of your faith in Christ Iesus and of your loue toward all Saints Compare these two places with the words of Paule in this place and wee shall see they serue as a Key to open this and doe vtter that plainely which here is spoken more darkely Thus we see by the way that the Scripture is the best Expositer and Interpretour of the Scripture p August lib. 2 de doctr Christ cap. 6. and that which is spoken obscurely in one Book is made euident and manifest in another Fourthly it were not hard to produce and alledge sundry authorities and testimonies of elder times thus distinguish the words as we doe and auouching that no Faith and confidence is to be put in any of the Saints q Theodoret Ambrose Theophylact as if the Apostle had saide I know how great Faith thou hast reposed in our Lord which hath saued vs and with how great Charity thou hast releeued them that are the Seruants of God and esteeme godlines Lastly Faith in the Saints cannot bee prooued and inuocation of them established and grounded from hence because the Apostle speaketh of the Saints liuing not departed in the Church Militant not Triumphant the Saints on Earth not in Heauen For the Saints on Earth want our help and craue our releefe to be extended toward them but they that are in glory and haue receiued their Crowne doe not stand in neede of our comfort and refreshing and therefore this is a weake foundation to builde the Popish Faith and beleefe in Saints that are dead and departed out of this life seeing the Apostle vnderstandeth it of one sort and they take it and stretch it to another The third question answered The third question is this why the Apostle restraineth Philemons loue to the Saints whereas loue is a common debt that we owe to all men as the Apostle saith r Rom. 13 8. Owe nothing to any Man but to loue one another for hee that loueth another hath fulfilled the Law Seeing therefore loue should not be restrained to the Saints as though we ought to shut vp our bowels of pitty and compassion from others and seeing we are not to despise our owne flesh but honour the Image of God engrauen in our Nature how is it that his loue which ought to comprehend all mankind and enlarge it selfe to all others is onelie mentioned to haue beene toward the distressed Saints and Members of the Church The reason is they which are of the Houshold of Faith are tyed to vs by a stronger and straighter band of friendship and familiarity and God commendeth them vnto vs more particularlie and so they ought to challenge the first place in declaring the fruits of our loue The Apostle doth direct vs to this point when he saith Å¿ Gal. 6 10. While we haue time let vs doe good vnto al men but especially to them which are of the Houshold of Faith We are charged to loue all but we must loue the Saints with a peculiar and speciall loue euen as heires with Christ and Members of the same body with vs. God requireth of vs to loue al men as his Creatures but the godly as his Children Though therefore our loue should be common and extend it selfe farre and neere into all the world yet there should bee certaine degrees and an order in our loue should be obserued We are commaunded to loue all but we are not commaunded to loue all alike We are bound to loue the godly and vngodlie but we are not bound to loue the vngodly as the godly the Reprobates as the elect the Vessels of wrath as the Vessels of honour the Children of Belial as the Children of God We are therefore heere directed whom we are most neerely and deerly to loue euen those that haue Christ dwelling in their harts and grace shining in their faces Contrary to the practise of worldly Men who onely loue such as are of this World their loue is like themselues prophane men a prophane loue carnall men a carnall loue they loue euill men for their euill because they partake with them in euill they hate the godly for their godlinesse because they are vnlike them and will not runne with them into all excesse of ryot t Psal 38
blasphemed by carelesse and wicked professors the Apostle q Rom. 2 24. charging the Iewes that through their euill life the Doctrine of God was slandered so on the other side God is greatly honoured when our deedes accompany our wordes and a godly life adorneth and garnisheth a good profession according to ihe commandement of Christ r Math. 5 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your goodworkes and glory your Father which is in heauen Reason 2. Secondlie the forwardnesse of one is a notable meanes to draw forward another For as one wicked man maketh another and he that is seduced is an Instrument to seduce another so hee that is truely conuerted will not rest in the quiet fruit and inward comfort of his owne conuersion but labour to conuert others and so make them partakers of that comfort which they haue found The Apostle writing to the Thessalonians saith of them Å¿ 1 Thes 1 6 7 Ye became followers of vs and of the Lord and receiued the word in much affliction with ioy of the holy Ghost so that ye were as ensamples to all that beleeue in Macedonia and in Achaia They that are gained to the faith will be meanes to gaine others so that the winning of one is the gaining of another This we see in the conuersion of the Apostles When Andrew was brought to Christ t Iohn 1 41 43 45. He found his Brother Simon first and said vnto him We haue found that Messias which is by interpretation that Christ So when Christ called Phillip and said vnto him Follow me Phillip found Nathaniell and saide vnto him We haue found him of whom Moses did write in the Law and the Prophets Iesus that Sonne of Ioseph that was of Nazareth The like wee see in the Woman of Samaria when Christ had preached saluation vnto her and offered vnto her the Water of life that she should thirst no more u Iohn 4 28. shee left her Water-pot and went into the Citty and said to the men Come see a man which hath told me all thinges that euer I did is not he that Christ Being moued her selfe she moued others beeing drawne she drew others to Christ Reason 3. Thirdly it is a great comfort to the Pastors and Teachers of the Church when such as are taught do grow in grace and prosper by those meanes that are brought and offered vnto them The Apostle calleth the Phillippians his Bretheren beloued and longed for his ioy and his Crowne wherein hee accounteth their growth his honor their encreasing his reioycing their faith his hope their flourishing his felicity so when hee had praised God for the zeale of the Thessalonians in receiuing the word in following other Churches and in suffering affliction for the Gospels sake hee addeth this reason x 1 Thes 2 19 20. For what is our hope or ioy or Crowne of reioycing Are not euen you it in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his comming Yes ye are our glory and ioy He doth not make the matter of his glorying and the occasion of his reioysing to bee his calling so much as the fruit of his calling hee doth not comfort himselfe so much in his Apostleship as in the effect of his Apostleship that is the conuersion and saluation of the Thessalonians If a man haue neuer so high and eminent a calling in the Church or Common-wealth he cannot comfort himselfe so much therein as when he seeth the blessing of God vpon his labours when he remembreth he hath kept a good conscience therein y 2 Cor. 1 15. and considereth he is to God the sweete sauour of Christ in them that are saued and in them that perish It is a great comfort to the Husbandman after his toiling and tilling after his planting and ploughing to see the fruits of his labours and to behold the encrease of the earth that yeeldeth vsury aduantage and encrease when it is sowed So it fareth with the spirituall Husbandman whose labour is greater oftner enduring al the yeare long whose patience is greater in waiting for the early and latter raine whose gaine and profit is lesse in tilling a dry and barren soile that yeeldeth little or no increase but a crop of cares a bundle of Briars and Bushes and an Haruest of Thornes and Thistles that are reserued for the fire Reason 4. Lastly the graces of God and the growing in these graces are fruites of their election and seales of their saluation so that the Angels in Heauen reioyce at the conuersion of a Sinner Euery grace of GOD addeth assurance the greater graces the greater assurance the more graces the more assurance the growth of graces is the growing of our assuraunce For if these thinges be found and abound in vs z 2 Pet. 1 8 10. they will make vs neither to bee idle nor vnfruitfull in the acknowledging of our LORD IESVS CHRIST but giue vs a comfortable assuraunce of our eternall election and effectuall calling So the Apostle giueth thankes for all the Thessalonians making mention of them in his prayers and remembring the efficacy of their Faith the diligence of their loue and the patience of their hope a 1 Thes 1 3 4. by all which hee gathereth assuredly as building vpon certaine knowledge that they are elect of God Now then to lay these reasons together and to gather them as vpon an heape seeing nothing bringeth greater glory to God among men nothing serueth better to draw on others nothing ministreth greater ioy to the Teachers nothing sealeth vp more surely their saluation then the increase of his Kingdome the growth of the Saints and the enlarging of the bounds of the Church it followeth that all Gods Children must shew their ioy and gladnesse when they see any to encrease in the obedience of the Gospell to grow in grace and to proceede constantly in the truth of God Vse 1. The Vses remaine to be considered and learned of vs. First we see that the principall and cheefest thing which the Minister should seeke and search after is the profiting of his people and the building vp of the Kingdome of God among them For his ioy in their growth and his comfort in their conuersion will cause him aboue all things to labour after it There is no comfort in the Minister like to this comfort when he seeth the fruits of godlines as it were the markes of Gods Spirit to shine forth brightly in his people What comfort hath the Husbandman more in his husbandry then to see the fruits of the earth not to be blasted but to be blessed not to wither but to grow what ioy hath the Shepheard like to this when he seeth the flocke not to be infected but to flourish not to be rotten and scabbed but to be sound and whole not to decrease and decay but to encrease and to bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streetes What greater
delight hath the Nurse then to see her child liue in health grow vp in strength and stature and prosper in the world So there is no comfort like to this comfort no ioy like to this ioy no delight like to this delight to behold the haruest of the Lord the sheepe of Christ the Children of God to flourish and to encrease more and more to grow from faith to faith from grace to grace b Ephe. 4. 13. vntill they all meet together vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnes of Christ Hence it is that after the Apostle had testified his ioy and thankes to God for the faith and loue of the Colossians he addeth c Col. 19. 10. for this cause we also since the day we heard of it cease not to pray for you and to desire that ye might be fulfilled with knowledge of his will in all wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding that ye might walke worthy of the Lord and please him in all thinges being fruitfull in all good workes and increasing in the knowledge of God and let vs by this example comfort our selues in such as increase in good thinges and pray for such as are comming forward We liue in a decaying and declining time wherein many haue forgotten their first loue we see the cold season and Winter of all Godlines wherein men are frozen in the dregs of Sinne. Wee may behold with our eyes if we be not starke blinde a generall wasting languishing and consumption of the heate and heart of Religion If then in this common pining of the vital parts we may discerne any reuiuing and refreshing to appeare or any flourishing of Godlines which seemed dead at the root to spring vp let it be a comfort vnto vs and teach vs to giue God the glory who maketh light to come out of darkenesse and life to arise out of death This serueth to reproue those that neuer desire the profiring of their people nor regard what their estate and how their standing is in heauenly thinges they neuer consider whether they goe forward or backward whether they grow vpward or downe-ward to Heauen or to Hell to God or to the Deuill to Saluation or to damnation These are they that feed themselues to the full but regard not to feed the flocke ouer which the holy Ghost hath made them ouerseers These are they that liue of the Alter but care not to minister at the Alter they will be sure to reape carnall things but they haue no conscience to sow spirituall thinges They liue of the Gospell but they will not preach the Gospell The Apostle testifying his longing and thirsting after the saluation of the Church said I seeke not yours but you But these men if they would speake the truth from their hearts might say we seeke not you but yours we care not what become of you so that we may find the sweetnes of that which is yours How farre are these from the zealous affection of the same Apostle who became all thinges to all men if by any meanes he might saue some he teacheth that a necessity lay vpon him to preach the Gospell and denounceth a woe vpon himselfe if he preach not the Gospell Let vs all in our places follow his example and pray vnto God to giue the grace of conuersion to turne the hearts of men to the sauing knowledge of the Gospell and where he hath granted this mercy let vs pray him to encrease it more and more and to continue it vnto the day of Iesus Christ Vse 2. Secondly as the growing in good thinges is matter of ioy so on the other side it is caused of great sorrow and griefe of heart when the professors of the saith and hearers of the word and such as seemed louers of the truth do not profit but reuolt do not goe forward but goe backward do not grow better and better but become worse and worse It must not seeme strange that great sorrow ariseth vnto the seruants of God when men do not profit in good thinges We see what worldly sorrow is found in worldly men that causeth death the least occasion of losse the least feeling of trouble the least crossing of their humors can draw from them abundance of teares But such as are led by the spirit of God are spiritually minded d 2. Cor. 7. 10. they haue godly sorrow that causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of This was in the Prophet Dauid when he saw a decay in Godlines and a growing in wickednesse e Psal 119. 136. mine eyes gush out with Riuers of water because they keepe not thy law This was in the Prophet Ieremy f Ier. 9. 1. and 4. 19. O that mine head were full of water and mine eyes a fountaine of teares that I might weep day and night for the slaine of the Daughter of my people This was in Christ our Sauiour when he came neere to Ierusalem he beheld the Citty and wept for it g Luke 19. 41. 42. O if thou hadst euen knowne at the least in this day those thinges which belong vnto thy peace but now are hid from thine eyes This was in the Apostle Paule when he saw the reuolting and back-sliding of the Galathians h Gal. 4. 19. and 5. 7. O my little Children of whom I trauaile in Birth againe vntill Christ be formed in you I am in feare of you least I haue bestowed on you labour in vaine ye did runne well who did let you that ye did not obey the truth This is a speciall note to discerne and distinguish true Pastors from hirelings and faithfull shepheards from Wolues for the true Ministers of Christ are inwardly touched and grieuously pained to behold the present sinnes of the people and the future iudgments of God hanging ouer their heads This is a great griefe of heart and goeth neere them to see so little growth of Godlines so little fruit of their labours so great encrease of all vngodlines This reproueth those that make a mocke of sinne and can laugh as heartilie at the committing of iniquitie as at the best ieast and the greatest sport If we begin once to laugh at sinne we will not make any conscience to commit it When once we do not sticke to ieast at it we will quickly come to it in good earnest When we can make a play of it there is but a short step to put it in practise The very Heathen i Plutar. in Solone Valer. Maxim lib. 2. Cap. 6. saw thus much that had but halfe an eye that if they suffered euill to be committed merrily and in sport they should finde it practised in their earnest contracts common affaires And many of the heathen by other Heathen are commended k Tacit. in his description of Germany among whom vices were neuer laughed at But how many are there among vs that would be counted and are indeed called Christians
and extreame necessity accompanied with extreame iniquity and impiety is a double misery a double wretchednesse a double vnhappines Let this therefore comfort vs and temper the greatnes of our affliction seeing God doth care for vs aboue all his Creatures yea before the rest of mankind charging those that are rich in this world to make a difference betweene man and man betweene person and person betweene poore and poore euen such a difference as he himselfe hath made who preferreth the sheepe of his owne Pasture before Goates the Sonnes and Daughters of his owne familie before bastards the heires of his Kingdome before Aliens and strangers the vessels of honour before the vessels of dishonour As for the poore that are wicked vngodly leud and prophane so long as they liue in their wickednesse vngodlines leudnesse and prophanenesse they are no parts of Gods family they are bastards not sonnes they are members of the Deuill not members of Christ they are cages of vncleane Birdes not Temples of the holy Ghost they are as dung and drosse of the earth not siluer and Gold for the Lords house Seeing therefore God doth cast them downe into the second ranke let not vs aduance them aboue their place God is the God of order not of confusion and if we be of God let vs establish among vs the order that he hath planted Let vs iudge with righteous iudgment and lay all partiality aside Let vs not respect the poore because they are our friends but because they are the freinds of God Let vs not see to those that are neerely alied to vs but to those that are of the kindred of Christ which heare o Mat. 12 50. Luke 11 28. his word and keepe it who are his Mother Sister and brother Heereby they shall be encouraged in well doing and we shall by our godly care of them prouoke them to greater zeale and to a constant continuance in their profession Wherefore let this be the rule to guide and gouerne vs Such are to be vsed best which are indeed best let them haue most releefe of the body that haue most grace and godlines in the heart Godlines giueth the preheminence and vngodlines bringeth reproach and setteth a note of infamy vpon his face that is defiled with it True it is others must haue their portion and proportion but it must be so rated that they be in the first place prouided for that are most religious in heart and painefull in their callings and thankfull to their weldoers For where true Religion hath taken place it will make them diligent in their busines and seruiceable to those of whom they haue receiued good thinges As for those that are idle and vnthankefull they neuer tasted of sound Religion and do nothing else but abuse their profession Thus much of the persons to whom we must do good that is especially to the faithfull Toward the Saintes The faithful are heere called by the name and title of Saints By this word are all such called as are the true members of Christ-Iesus whether they be liuing or dead in this life or out of this life But in this place onely such are meant as liue vnder the couenant of grace and fight the Lords battels against Sinne the World and the Deuill Now they p Why the Godly are called Saintes are called Saintes or holy for these causes First because they are separated by the mercies of God from the filthinesse and damnable condition of this world they are gathered into a Church and set apart for the pure seruice of God Secondly because they are purged and cleansed from their sinnes by the precious bloud of Christ Thirdly because they expresse the fruite heereof in holines and righteousnesse they are altered and changed from that which they were by nature they are regenerate and created anew they are renewed in their willes affections purposes and practises This is contray to prophanenesse Doctrine 9. Such as truely belong to Christ are Saintes We learne from this title giuen to the faithfull that they which truely belong to Christ are Saintes that is are sanctified cleansed and purged from their sinnes and iniquities by the bloud of Christ are deliuered from the slauery and bondage of sinne and are enabled by the grace of God in some measure to serue him in holines and righteousnesse all the daies of their life In this respect the Isralites when God had chosen them out of the world to be his people and seruants a Exod 19. 6. 1 Pet 2 9. are called a royall Priesthood and an holy Nation This name of Saints is vsuall and common with the Apostle Paule in all his Epistles In the Epistle to the Romanes he writeth to all Rome beloued of God b Rom 1 7. Acts 9 41. called to be Saints So he writeth to the Church of God which is at Corinth to them that are c 1. Cor 1 2. and 14 33. sanctified in Christ Iesus Saintes by calling with all that call on the name of our Lord Iesus Christ in euery place and afterward he saith God is not the author of confusion but of peace as we see in all the Churches of the Saintes So he sheweth in the Epistle to the Ephesians d Ephe 3 8. and 5 3. that to him the least of all Saintes this grace was giuen that he should preach among the Gentiles the vnsearchable riches of Christ The Prophet Dauid also saith e Psal 85 8. I will hearken what the Lord God will say he will speake peace vnto his people and to his Saintes that they turne not againe to folly All these places do plainely proue that they which beleeue in Christ and belong to him truely may be called Saintes and holy men Reason 1. The reasons are these First because they are there-vnto called and chosen in Christ they are thereunto iustified and redeemed by Christ For we are chosen before the foundations of the world to be holy f Ephe 1 4. He hath chosen vs in him that we should be holy and without blame before him in loue It is the end of our calling as the Apostle teaeheth 1. Thes 4. This is the will of God euen your sanctification and that ye should abstaine from fornication c. for g 1. Thes 4 3 7. God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse but vnto holines It is the end of our redemption as Zachary sheweth that the Lord God of Israell hath visietd and redeemed his people h Luke 1 68 74 75. that we being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies should serue him without feare al the daies of our life in holines righteousnes befo rt him Seeing therefore God hath called vs with an holy calling and appointed vs to be Saintes by his decree of our election by the efficacy of our calling by the vertue of our Iustification and by the power of our redemptiō it followeth that all the faithfull may worthily
chalenge the name of Saints Reason 2. Secondly the seruants of God must be Saintes to the end there may be a conformity and likenesse vnto him that hath had mercy vpon vs. It is requisite that there should be a resemblance betweene God and his people God is holy it is one of his names he is called the holy one Christ is holy and he is called the holy one of God Seeing therefore God is holy that hath called vs it followeth that holinesse belongeth vnto vs. The sonne beareth the Image of his father and thereby is easily knowne whose sonne he is If we be the sonnes of God we must expresse his Image in holines and true righteousnes This is it which Moses declareth and repeateth Leuit. 11. i Leuit 11. 44. I am the Lord your God be sanctified therefore and be holy for I am holy and defile not your selues with any creeping thing that creepeth vpon the earth Heereunto accordeth the saying of the Apostle Peter k 1 Pet 1. 14. 15. As obedient Children fashion not your selues vnto the former lustes of your ignorance but as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conuersation because it is written be ye holy for I am holy If then he that is the God of all the Saintes be holy if it be one of his essentiall attributes so that he can no more cease to be holy then he can cease to be God the Saintes themselues must be Saintes not onely in name but in deed they must be transformd into a likenes of him they must shew the fruites of holines and be partakers of the diuine nature in that they flee the corruption which is in the world through lust Reason 3. Thirdly the faithfull are called by the name of Saintes that there might be a difference betweene that which we haue of our selues and that which wee receiue from God betweene the old man and the new man betweene our first birth and our second birth betweene nature and grace No man is a Saint by nature we haue not holines from our selues but we are strangers to it and that is a stranger to vs nay we are enemies to holines who loue nothing else but prophanenesse and desire to be any thing else then to be Saintes and holy The Apostle putting vs in mind of our first birth that we might so much the more magnify the grace of God which is marueilous and glorious in his Saintes saith l Ephe 2. 12. 13. Remember that ye being in times past Gentiles in the flesh and called vncircumcision of them which were called Circumcision in the flesh made with handes that ye were at that time without Christ and were Alians from the common wealth of Israell and were strangers from the Couenants of peomise and had no hope and were without God in the world but now in Christ Iesus ye which once were farre off are made neere by the bloud of Christ And to the same purpose he speaketh in the Epistle to the Colossians m Col 1. 21. 22. You which were in times past strangers and enemies hath he now reconciled in that body of his flesh through death to make you holy and vnblameable and without fault in his sight Seeing then that we are called to holines seeing we must as Children resemble our father and seeing God will haue a difference betweene our naturall condition and the estate wherein we stand by grace we may conclude that all such as are in the number of true beleeuers are also Registred in the number of true Saintes sanctified inwardly by the spirit of God Vse 1. Let vs now make vse and application of this Doctrine vnto our selues First wee see plainely heereby that there are Saintes vpon the earth that is men and woemen regenerate and sanctified The prophet Dauid saith n Psal 16. 3. All my delight is in the Saintes that are vpon the earth whereby it appeareth that there are two sorts of Saintes one in heauen the other on the earth one sort is the spirits of iust and perfect men the other such as are clothed with flesh who haue a righteousnes begun in them but are yet farre from perfection some that haue already receiued their Crownes that are already glorified not hauing spot or wrinkle or any such thing others that are yet in warfare against sinne the world and the deuill and carry about with them the remnants of naturall corruption Therefore we professe to beleeue in the Articles of our Faith the Cōmunion of Saints So the Apostle saith o 1 Cor. 6 1 2 11. Dare any of you hauing businesse against another be iudged vnder the vniust and not vnder the Saints Do ye not know that the Saints shall iudge the world And afterward Such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God This serueth to reprooue all those which in scorne and derision mock the seruants of God and vpbraide them with their profession saying O you are a Saint you are of the little flocke you are an holy man A yong Saint an old deuil Thus is Religion made a Prouerbe and common by-word and thus are men come to sit downe in the seate of Scorners but heare this O ye contemners of God! and know that whosoeuer is not holye is prophane he that is not pure is impure he that is not a Saint of God is a bond-slaue of the Deuill there is no meane betweene the one and the other He that is not of the little flocke of Sheepe is of the great Heard of Goats and of the multitude of vnbeleeuers that shall be condemned He that entreth not in at the straite gate that leadeth to life walketh in the broad way and entereth at the wide gate that leadeth to destruction He that is not a Saint before hee dieth is a Deuill incarnate before his death This is that which our Sauiour speaketh concerning Iudas p Iohn 6 70. Haue I not chosen twelue and one of you is a Deuill Now he spake of Iudas Iscariot the sonne of Simon for he it was that should betray him This Iudas was not a Saint and he is pronounced to be a Deuill Now choose whether thou wilt be a Saint or be accounted a Iudas a Deuill a member of the deuill For he that is not in some sort changed renewed regenerated and sanctified in the inner man shall neuer see life If we begin not the way to saluation in this world we shall neuer be receiued into glory in the world to come This is the Doctrine which Christ preacheth to Nichodemus q Iohn 3 5. Verily verily I say vnto thee except that a man be borne of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God So the Apostle saith r Ro. 8 13 14 If ye liue after the flesh ye shall
perfect and endeuour to drawe on others to perfection Reason 1. Let vs see the Reasons First Christian profession is a way in which men must not stand still but must walke and go forward in the way they must not stay in one estate but be alwayes stirring forward So when the Apostle had exhorted the Thessalonians to encrease more and more hee addeth f 1 Thess 4 1. As yee haue receiued of vs how ye ought to walke and to please God We are now in this life in our iourney we must not thinke that we are come to our iournies end which cannot be before our liues end As then they that haue a great iourney to go do not rest till they come to their iourneyes end so must it be with vs we must make hast on our way and be swift in our race The way which we are to go is our profession the Traueller that entreth into the way is euery true Christian the end of our iourney is the entrance into life the iudge of our going and giuer of the victory is God He that standeth stil can neuer come at his iournyes end it is he that goeth in his way runneth in his race that shall receiue the crowne of euerlasting happinesse Reason 2. Secondly Christians are compared to Children Children are alwayes growing in age encreasing in stature going forwarde in knowledge and in Wisedome if they do not prosper and proceede we commonly call them and account them Vrchins and Changelings So must wee grow in grace vntill we come to a perfect aged man in Christ The Prophet speaking of the faithfull that were zealous in the worship of God saith g Psal 84 7. They goe from strength to strength So the Apostle exhorteth that we h 1 Cor. 14 20. should not be Children in vnderstanding but as concerning maliciousnesse we should be Children but in vnderstanding we should be of ripe age He would haue vs as Children and he would not haue vs as Children he would haue vs Children in malice but he would not haue vs Children in knowledge Wee see they fall out i Terent. in Hecyr pueri inter sese quàm pro leuibus noxis iras gerunt for light offences because the minde is weake that ruleth and guideth them one word will raise anger and another word will make them friends and therefore though they fall out quickly yet their falling out is farre from malice and they are easily reconciled Thus hee would haue vs to bee children but in wisedome in knowledge and in vnderstanding he would haue vs to be of ripe age proceede in these gifts as we do in our yeares No mans life standeth at a stay let vs encrease in the other as we doo in this that so the graces of God may bee perfected in vs. Reason 3. Thirdly we must so walke in our way and hasten to our iournies end that we may obtaine the prize Hee that k 1 Cor. 9 25. Math 24 13. Reuel 2 26 27. 3 5 12. ouer-commerh and holdeth out to the latter end onely shall bee saued Hee that giueth ouer is a faint souldier a weake Worke-man a slow runner a feeble wrastler We must so fight that we may ouercome we must so worke that we may rest we must so runne that we may obtaine we must so wrastle that we may receiue the Crown we must so proue Maisteries that wee may win the victory Staying in one state is a token of reprobation and reiection from God they are cast into a spirite of slumber and drowsinesse they sleep in security and cannot see their way This did the Prophet prophesie and this doth the Apostle testifie to be true concerning Israell l Rom 11 8. God hath giuen them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see and eares that they should not heare vnto this day Seeing then that our profession is the way wherein we are to walke toward the heauenly Ierusalem seeing we must be like Children that grow in age and yeares and lastly seeing we must labour to obtaine the Crowne to winne the victory to receiue the price and to get the wages it followeth that we all must endeuour to go forward and to bring others forward toward the Kingdome of Heauen Vse 1. The vses remaine to be handled that we may haue the profit of this Doctrine First we learne that God hath a iust action and suit to commence against all idle bellies and vnprofitable Drones that be Truants and no proficients in the Schoole of Christ The church of God is the Schoole of Chrst he is the Maister all of vs are or should be his Schollers We are brought forth into the world that when we come to yeares of vnderstanding we may be Schollers in his Schoole If any of vs put our Children to a free Schoole to be taught if they should still stay and stand in the lowest forme and neuer a whit proceede in learning we would iudge them either void of ordinary diligence or destitute of ordinary capacity We looke when we set them to Schoole that they should encrease in learning We haue a common prouerbe that Schollers of all other haue the best conscience that whereas others neuer thinke they haue enough they thinke they haue to much for their mony But let vs see how it fareth with vs who are likewise Schollers in the best Schoole that euer was the Church of God and haue the best Master that euer was to wit Christ himselfe God hath put vs to Schoole to learne at the mouth of Christ who hath committed vs to Pastors and teachers as to his Deputies to be instructed It is required of vs that we grow in knowledge in faith in zeale in obedience and in all the workes of sanctification If we be good Schollers we must grow forward and ascend higher we must proceed from grace to grace and from one step to another But alasse how many are there in our congregations who hauing liued vnder the Gospell that offereth saluation to men all the daies of their life and continued ten twenty thirty forty yeares hearing the word of God sounding in their eares m Ephe 4 14. yet are no wiser in Religion then a young Child and are no forwarder then when they first stepped and entred into the Schoole-house of God I doubt not but they are wise in matters of the world but in the booke of God and in matters of their saluation they haue no knowledge They receiue the grace of God in vaine and are Dunses and Dwarfes in this Schoole of Christ without growing and encreasing in Godlinesse They are not in truth able to say vnto their owne Soules I haue receiued some greater measure of knowledge I haue attained better strength of Faith I haue found some increase in Godlinesse I haue felt some care and conscience to please God Nay we may truely say that many are more ignorant in knowledge more lewd
opinions of Heretickes of Arrians of Papists of Atheists of Anabaptists of Libertines and such like that wee renounce all those opinions that derogate any thing from the true worship and honour of God as denying of Christes Godhead his Manhood his Mediation that we abhorre all kind of Idolatry and superstitious seruing of our God Answere But is this the whole conuersion of a man Or is this the perfect worke of Repentance that ought to bee wrought in vs We must goe farther then thus and yet my Bretheren I would we all went so farre Many stand in the midway and haue not proceeded to learne and practise those duties We must hate all ignorance of God and of his word which is the Mother and Mistris of all sinne and error we must loue and embrace the knowledge of God reuealed and offered vnto vs from time to time we must seeke after it as a Treasure wee must receiue it otherwise wee deceiue our selues We must hunger and thirst after the sincere milke of Gods word and account their feete beuatifull that bring it vnto vs we must say Come let vs go vp to the house of God that he may teach vs his wayes and that we may walke in his pathes But do we thus Nay when it is offered doe we not spurne and kicke against it as the Horse and Mule that is without vnderstanding Doe we not mocke and deride the Prophets of God and preachers of the word labouring to instruct vs in the right way and are wee not for the most part made worse and our hearts hardned that wee can receiue no instruction If we loued the light we would delight in it wee would be reformed by it we would be transformed into the obedience of it but our prophane works do testify against vs that we hate both the light and those that are the Authors and the bringers of it I might alledge many other workes of darkenesse that swarme in our liues and make vs swarue from the rule of righteousnesse left vnto vs in the word If we liue in beastly drunkennesse in vnclean lusts in hatred in malice and such like fruits of the flesh we are not yet partakers of a new birth we are not become new creatures we haue not yet put on the new man we cannot do good to any of our brethren When Abraham was to trauell among the Heathen that knew not God among the Idolaters that worshipped not God among the prophane Infidels that were neuer conuerted to God i Gen. 20 11. he saide The feare of God is not in this place and they will slay me for my wiues sake He could looke for no duties of loue no practise of righteousnesse no fruites of humanity toward him to proceede from them that were vnmortifyed vnsanctifyed and vnregenerated It is the great mercy of God to mankind to giue to them his word which restraineth their actions subdueth their affections and ordereth men which otherwise would be outragious Monsters as Wolues Tygers Lyons Beares Buls Bandogs nay Deuils incarnate one to another who beeing left to themselues they would be as Cormorants or Canibals ready to deuoure and eate vp one another being not onely without piety but without ciuility without curtesie without humanity If therefore his word do not alter vs nothing wil nothing can Thus then we see that seeing it is the conuersion of a man that maketh him any way profitable or seruiceable to others we must all labor to be born againe otherwise it had bin better wee had neuer bin borne and wee must seeke true Repentance and the conuersion of the heart otherwise wee shall be vnprofitable members in the Church of God Vse 3 Lastly seeing it is the turning of vs to God that turneth vs to the good of men it serueth as a notable direction vnto vs to teach vs that whosoeuer desireth that such as belong vnto him should be profitable and faithfull vnto him let him labour to plant godlinesse in their hearts and to sowe the seeds of eternall life in their minds It will bee able to minister no comfort vnto thee to see godlinesse flourish in others and to heare of their conuersion to God endeuour to bring it home to thine owne house and to settle it in the doores of thine owne family A better duty thou canst not perform vnto their soules and so vnto them then by this which will bring the blessing of God with it and remoue the curse of God from thee and thy family Who is it if he were asked the question that would be trobled with an vnfaithfull Wife with stubborne Children with vntrusty Seruants or who is it that would not account them the greatest plague and punishment that can befall a man in this life to haue such a dissolute and disordered house If then any desire to be with comfort and contentment matched with a prouident and profitable wife blessed with gracious and obedient children furnished with diligent and dutifull seruants let them seeke out such as truely serue the Lord make choise of such as shew liuely fruites of their vnfaigned conuersion be carefull to traine them in the knowledge of God and to procure their saluation This was Abrahams care and Conscience to instruct such as did belong vnto him and this was the cause that hee had a blessed wife partaker of the same inheritance with him that followed him vp and downe in euerie place as God called him he had a faithfull Isaac ready in all duty to obey him he had carefull and trusty seruants that contented not themselues with eye-seruice but performed their duties in the singlenesse of their hearts as seruing the Lord and not man Would we then haue our Wiues that lye in our bosomes and are giuen as the deerest and neerest companions of our life to be found faithfull vnto vs of pure and chast conuersation louing their children gouerning their house and giuing no occasion to the aduersary to speake euill Let vs make them faithfull to God and endeuour to work true Religion in them k 1 Pet. 3. as they which are heyres together of the grace of life Such a blessed couple were Abraham and Sarah Isaac and Rebecca Zachary and Elizabeth Aquila and Priscilla with sundry others This made the Prophet say l Psa 128 1 2. Blessed is euery one that feareth the Lord and walketh in his waies c thy wife shall be as the fruitfull Vine on the sides of thine house thy children like the Oliue plants round about thy Table Moreouer if we desire to haue our Children the fruite of our own body and the fry of the Church to be good and dutifull vnto vs as euery one wold haue them do their duty to him and will cry out against them when they behaue themselues rudely and vnreuerently let vs be carefull of their conuersion let vs giue them the sweete taste of Religion and let vs teach them this trade of the feare of God We
ſ Gen. 31 40. Hee was in the day consumed with heate and with frost in the night and his sleepe departed from his eyes whatsoeuer was torne of Beastes he brought it not vnto him but made it good himselfe This is it which the Centurion in the Gospell confesseth and commendeth in his seruants t Math. 8 9. For I am a man also vnder the authority of another and I haue Souldiers vnder me and I say to one Goe and he goeth and to another Come and hee commeth and to my seruant do this and hee doth it These examples also of that seruant and Souldier that waited vppon Cornelius is notable to this purpose u Acts 10 7. who being trained vp in the feare of God shewed all fidelity and forwardnesse to performe the will and commaundement of his Maister and went to bring Peter by whose Ministerie they might bee further instructed Thus we see that religious seruants are the best Seruants the most dilligent Seruants the most true and trustie Seruants the most prouident and profitable Seruants and therefore it belongeth to al Masters of families to be carefull to teach them the feare of the Lorde and to traine them in the wayes of godlinesse Heereby they shall honor God heerby they shal do great good to their soules heerby they shal discharge a good Conscience heereby they shall procure their owne profite and further their owne gaine Which in times past was to thee vnprofitable but nowe profitable both to thee and to mee The Apostle in this place speaking of the estate of Onesimus and shewing what hee was before his Conuersion and what hee was after dooth fitly distinguish the times and sayeth that before his Calling to the Faith hee was vnprofitable seruing to no other purpose but to feede himselfe and fill vp a place but no good no grace no godlinesse appeared to bee in him But where did he conuerse and lead this life Was it where the name of God was not knowne or where the sound of the Gospell was not heard No it was in faithfull Philemons house This may at the first seeme a very strange and wonderfull thing that he liuing in so religious an house in so reformed a family with so godly a company which had the reputation of a little Church should fauour nothing of piety nothing of Christianitie but remaine in vnfaithfulnesse toward God and in vnrighteousnesse toward his Maister Doctrine 2. In godly families are manie times vngodly Children and Seruants In godly families are manie times vngodly Children and Seruants From this description of Onesimus in the time of his ignorance before his eyes were opened and his heart reformed wee learne that it falleth out notwithstanding the desire and diligence of the Gouernors of the house that in reformed families are oftentimes found vnreformed persons In godly places do many times lurke vngodly Children and vncorrigible seruants into whose hearts no instruction will enter and whose disposition no meanes of reformation can alter We see this in the first family that euer was vpon the earth and there haue beene no more wicked men in the world then they that haue had the best meanes to direct them Adam had malicious and murthering Caine Abraham had persecuting and sauage Ishmaell Noah had scoffing and cursed Cham Isaac had vngracious and prophan Esau Dauid had ambitious and aspyring Absalom So it was with Eli with Samuel with Hezekiah with Iosiah sundry others who after good means vsed by themselues haue found much euill practised by their Children The Fathers are often carefull to lay a good foundation to nurture their children with good instruction a Homer Odysis lib. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet few children prooue like their Fathers but are a degenerate and vnregenerate off-spring Reason 1. And albeit this do sufficiently appeare vnto vs by Testimonies of Scripture and by daily experience yet we shall farther be confirmed in this truth if we waigh the Reasons whereupon it standeth First Religion commeth not by inheritance and grace cannot be conueyed by propagation but euery man begetteth his like as he himselfe is by nature as one Serpent engendereth another This Moses teacheth that when Adam was faln from God and had lost the grace of sanctification b Gen. 5 3. He begat a child in his owne likenes after his owne Image Godly Parents may leaue their children temporal possessions but they cannot bequeath vnto them Faith and a good conscience which are not to be found in the naturall man Reason 2. Secondly there must be a new byrth begun by Gods spirit for the grace of regeneration whereby we are brought to haue one foote in Gods Kingdome is not of flesh and blood but of water and the spirit it is not of the will of man but of the worke of God This is it which our Sauiour setteth downe c Iohn 1 12 13 and 3 3 5. As many as receiued him to them he gaue prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his Name which are borne not of bloode nor of the will of the Flesh nor of the will of man but of God Likewise when hee disputed with Nicodemus who was ignorant of this Doctrine he saith Verily verily I say vnto thee except that a man be borne of Water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God It is he onely that gaue the heart that is able to change the heart it is hee that gaue the eyes that is able to open the eyes Reason 3. Thirdly albeit the vnregenerate persons and loose liuers doe not want education and good bringing vp yet they are not amended and reformed because God doth not purpose their conuersion but appoint their confusion The Lord stirred vp Pharaoh d Rom. 9 17. to this same purpose that hee might shew his power in him and that his name might be declared throughout al the earth yet he sent vnto him Moses and Aaron to cleare his owne Iustice to make him without excuse The like the Scripture speaketh of the sonnes of Eli who were reproued of him for making the Israelites to trespasse and to abhorre the offerings of the Lord yet they regarded not his reproofe beeing the Father of their bodies the Priest of the most high God and the iudge of the people and this reason is rendered why they obeyed not his voice hearkned not to his Counsell e 1 Sam. 2 25. Because the Lord would slay thē So then whether we do consider that grace cannot be conueyed by propagation or that it is the proper worke of the spirit to effect our regeneration or that God will glorifie his great name in the confusion of such as break the bands and cast away the Cordes of Discipline from them wee cannot greatly maruaile that in reformed places are oftentimes to bee found vnreformed persons Vse 1. Let vs make vse of this Doctrine and see
Loue dwelleth in God and God in him he that loueth not his Brother abideth in death Whosoeuer hateth his Brother is a Man-slayer and ye know that no May-slayer hath eternall life abiding in him Whereby wee see that to such as are malicious there is no forgiuenesse as we haue noted before Vse 2 Secondly seeing such as offend vs must vpon their sound repentance be forgiuen we are taught heereby not to reproach and vpbraid men what they haue beene when they are renewed by amendment of life but consider their present condition what they are For when God hath put out of his remembrance their sinnes we must not set them vpon records when GOD hath discharged them of them we must not lay them to their charge when God hath cured and couered them we must not vncouer them and make them bleede afresh Let vs remember what wee our selues haue beene before we were in the State of grace euen as euill as others and had our delight in all sinne The Apostle saith Rom. 7 18. z Rom. 7 18. I know that in me that is in my Flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but I find no meanes to performe that which is good Likewise hee forbiddeth and restraineth the Gentiles from insulting and triumphing ouer the Iewes that were through infidelitie for a season cut off a Rom. 11 18 19 20. Thou wilt say The Braunches are broken off that I might be grafted in Well through vnbeleefe they are broken off and thou standest by Faith boast not thy selfe against the Braunches be not high minded but feare It is a great reproach to vs to reproach such as haue fallen and are risen againe by true repentance to vpbraid such as haue sinned haue forsaken their sins It is a greater blemish to those that check them after they haue turned from them then to those that committed them For they haue washed away by their teares the filthinesse of them and blotted out the deformity that did cleaue vnto them True it is so long as we continue in sinne and follow the lustes of our owne hearts we must be content to be reprooued and shamed for them that so we may be brought to see them and be sorry for them Thus it is noted that Christ began to vpbraid the Citties b Math. 11 20 Wherein most of his great workes were done because they repented not So the Apostle feared c 2 Cor. 12 21 Least when hee came againe to the Corinthians his God should abase him among them so that he should bewaile many of them which had sinned already and yet repented not of the vncleanesse and Fornication and wantonnesse which they haue committed They then that repent nor are to bee disgraced but such as haue repented are to be loued and cherished It skilleth not what they haue beene for they are accepted according to the grace which they haue receiued which serueth as a singular comfort vnto them They that labour to disgrace those whom they should embrace do imitate the example and practise of the Deuill who tempteth those that hee seeth to haue renounced his seruice and departed from his Kingdome and telleth them what they haue done how loose they haue beene in their liues and into what horrible sinnes they haue fallen that thereby hee might bring them to dispaire and to let goe their strong confidence that they haue in the promises of the Gospell So it is with sundry of the Seruants and Children of the Deuill they taunt and reuile the faithfull for former faults which now they hate and abhorre But as they aunswere Sathan so they may all his Instruments that they should consider rather what they are then what they haue beene and behold their present condition not that which is past Let vs be like the good Angels who doe reioyce at the conuersion of Sinners but neuer cast them in the teeth with their offences that haue stumbled and are recouered Vse 3. Lastly let vs cut off all occasions of dissention quench the fire that is begun to be kindled A small spark if it be not quenched will break out into a great fire a little smoake nourished will turne into a flame So when causes of contention and diuision doe arise we must endeuour to stay them and appease them It is easily stopped in the beginning which afterward is hardlie or not at all resisted This wisedome we see in Abraham when strife arose betweene his Heard-men and the Heard-men of Lot he saide vnto him d Gene. 13 8 Let there bee no strife I pray thee betweene me and thee neyther betweene thy Heard-men and my Heard-men for we are Brethren They were not naturall Bretheren according to the flesh as discending of one Father but of a neere kindred according to the flesh and a neerer according to the Spirit he was Lots Vnckle and elder and in that respect his better he was richer wealthier he had more Seruants also to take his part to ioyne together and to ouer-maister him if he had listed yet he standeth not vpon one or vpon all these he looked not when Lot should stoop and bow vnto him but as in years wealth and authority so in godlinesse meeknes and moderation he went before him Let vs all consider this be prouoked by the example of Christ to be meeke and lowly e Math. 11 29. That we may finde rest vnto our soules The Lord Iesus hath taught vs to call vpon one Father shall we then disdaine our Brethren The Apostle teacheth f Col. 3 13. Ephe. 4 4. that we are one body if the members of the body should disagree and fall out would not the ruine and destruction of the whole body follow Againe we are all called to the same hope of eternall life there is one mark at the which we all shoot there is one end whereunto we bend being Children of the same Father and Heires of the same Grace and partakers of the same inheritance O that this Meditation were setled and grounded in our hearts to loue with brotherly kindnesse and to hate all mallice as a Serpent Let vs learne that we ought no more to bee deuided asunder then the kingdome of Heauen can be deuided and that whosoeuer renteth himselfe from his Brethren banisheth himselfe from the place of glory which we all looke for Christ Iesus cannot be deuided for as his Coate was g Iohn 19 23. without seame so his body must be without separtion There are not diuers Faiths diuers Baptismes diuers Suppers diuers Gods but one Lord Iesus one Baptisme one Faith one Lordes Supper one God and Father of all All these thinges Abraham no doubt did consider and beleeue and therefore said We are Brethren He doth not stand vpon his reputation and say Shall I stoope to him Shall I creepe and crouch to him Am not I better then hee Am not I wealthier then he Am not I elder then
they be Seruants Children Neighbours Pastors People Wife Kinsfolke or Acquaintance In whomsoeuer the greatest store of heauenly things is to be found such as most of all to be loued and regarded tendered and respected The Prophet Dauid teacheth when the Lord who had annointed him to bee King ouer his people should bring him vnto the Kingdome and make him Ruler and Gouernour ouer a great and mightie People what they were that he would most of all regard and vpon whom he would cast his eyes k Psa 101 6 7 Mine eyes shall be vpon the faithfull of the Land that they may dwell with me hee that walketh in a perfect way he shall serue me c. Salomon hath many heauenlie sentences and Diuine Prouerbs l Prou. 14 35. 17 2. 16 13. to this purpose as Chap. 14. 35. The pleasure of a King is in a wise seruant but his wrath shall be toward him that is lewd So in the 16. Chapt. The righteous lippes are the delight of Kings and the King loueth him that speaketh right thinges Likewise in the Chapter following A discreete Seruant shall haue rule ouer a lewd Sonne and he shall deuide the heritage among the Brethren The practise of this dutie we see in Abraham he had a faithfull Seruant whom he made the Steward and Gouernour of his house and made more reckoning of him then he did of Ismaell his Sonne or of the rest that did attend about him m Gen. 15 2. and 24 2. and therefore purposed to haue made him his heire When he purposed to prouide a Wife for his Son Isaac he called him and imployed him to goe to his Country and to his Kindred to bring a wife for him The like we see in Iacob n Gen. 37 2 4. Who loued Ioseph aboue al his Bretheren because he saw most grace in him This was in Elkanah toward his wife Hannah o 1 Sam. 1 8. he comforted her in her affliction and said Why weepest thou And why eatest thou not And why is thy heart troubled Am not I better to thee then ten Sonnes This appeareth in Ionathan toward Dauid p 1 Sam. 20 17 and 18 1 2. He loued him as his owne soule and made a couenant of peace and a league of friendshippe with him not in any worldly respect not for any earthly commodity not to enioy any temporall benefit for he seemed thereby to loose a Kingdome but because he saw the Lord to be with him So the Apostle writing to the elect Lady and her Children testifierh That he loued them in the truth and reioyced greatly that he found them walking in the truth Heereby we see laying all these testimonies together the truth of this doctrine that it is our duty to regard them most that haue greatest grace shining in them Reason 1. The reasons hereof are plaine to informe vs. For first where Grace is it bringeth blessednesse to that society kingdome congregation family and person as appeareth by the confession of Iosephs Maister Gen. 39. 2. 3. whom he serued Now who are more to be regarded or better to bee thought off then such as are blessed and cause blessednesse to others The wicked man is accurssed of God q Iosh 7 1 2. and draweth the cursse of God vpon the places where he dwelleth and vpon the persons with whom he dwelleth But such as haue found grace with God and haue grace laid vp as a precious Treasure in their hearts doe bring the blessings of God to others and serue to conuay them to them as we see by infinite examples in the Scripture Reason 2. Secondly we see that God is most gratious to such as haue most Grace in their harts he tendreth them as the apple of his eye and loueth them as own Sons Indeed he loueth all the works of his handes as they are his Creatures he maketh his Sunne to shine his raine to fall his fruitfull seasons to refresh them he hath not left himselfe without witnesse among the Infidels that he might make them without excuse Hee giueth to r Psal 144 13 and 147 19. 76 1. Beastes and to beastlie men their foode their Corners and Garners are full and abounding with diuers sortes and their Sheepe bring forth thousandes and ten thousands in their Streetes but GOD is speciallie knowne in Iudah his Name is great in Israell he sheweth his Word and his Statutes among them hee hath not dealt so with euerie Nation neyther haue they knowne his iudgements As this is the dealing of God toward those that are his whom he maketh partakers of the secrets of his Kingdome so it is our duty to follow his example and to shew our selues like vnto him in our brotherly kindnesse toward his chosen Children and our beloued Brethren Reason 3. Thirdly the more grace appeareth in any the neerer he doth resemble God the more euidently doth the Image of God shew it selfe in him The Image of God standeth and consisteth Å¿ Ephe. 4 24. especially in holinesse and true righteousnesse The vngodly are stamped and marked with prophanesse and wickednesse t Iohn 8 44. 1 Iohn 3 8. which is the Deuils badge and impression The more they grow in euill and bring forth the fruites of impietie and vnrighteousnesse the neerer they come to Satan and are like vnto him On the other side such as bear the Image of their heauenly father must be exceedingly respected and regarded as the Apostle teacheth u 1. Iohn 5 1. Euery one that loueth him which begate loueth him also which is begotten of him He that loueth the Father will for the Fathers sake loue the Child And he that loueth God will for his sake loue the Child of God Seeing therefore it is blessednesse to euery society and Congregation to haue men therein endued with grace seeing God delighteth to rest among them that seeke after grace and lastly the more grace is found in any the neerer he draweth to God in all these respects we conclude this as a certaine truth that it is our duty to respect them aboue all others that haue the greatest measure of grace abiding in them Vse 1 Let vs gather the vses that arise from this Doctrine First of all this ought to stirre vs all vp to labour to grow in grace and in the gifts of the Spirit that therby we may procure deserue the loue of men They that grow in grace are truly to be reputed and accounted gracious It is noted in Christ x Luke 2 52. That he encreased in wisedome and stature and in fauour with God and men When a man groweth in strength of body it is a signe his meate nourisheth him and doth him good So when we profit in knowledge and vnderstanding in holinesse and sanctification of life it sheweth that we are good hearers of the word Salomon saith in the Prouerbs y Prou. 1 5. A wise man shall heare and
6 16. But these men say Doe not I loue them that hate thee and hate them that loue thee They hate the godly in their hearts and the more grace appeareth in them the more they despise them as Michall did Dauid when she saw his zeale in bringing home the Arke of the Lord into his own Cittie They esteeme more of their dogs and Swine then they doe of the deare Seruants of God bought with the precious blood of Christ therfore they say Oh these are the little flock these are Saints these are holie folkes we are not for their company But if we belong to God and to his Kingdome wee must of necessitie be of the Communion of Saints And if indeede thou thinke them holie thou oughtest to conclude therefore we are and must be and will be for their company For either we are holie or vnholie either godlie or prophane either righteous or vnrighteous If we be not true Christians we are no better then Deuils incarnate and therefore shall haue our portion and reward among the Deuils So then either they vtter those words with a scoffing spirit and then we leaue them to his iudgement that will take vengeance of all such taunts that he accounteth cast out against himselfe or else they make a fearefull conclusion against their owne Soules disclaiming themselues to be Members of the Church renouncing the sweet society communion of the Saints refusing the forgiuenes of their sins and accounting thēselues vnworthy of eternall life or else they speake ignorantly as poore silly blind Soules who are to be pittied and praied for and this all the hurt we wish vnto them for all the mallice they beare against vs beeing bold to craue more good for them then they doe for themselues saying g Luke 23 34 Acts 7 60. Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe Lord lay not this sinne to their charge Thus we desire God to giue them them eies that are blind and to open their hearts that haue shut them against the truth and the professors thereof Vse 2 Secondly seeing it is our duty to respect euery one of the faithfull according to the grace of God measured out vnto him it is required of all men to looke alwaies to the best things in the choise of the companions of their life We learne not to enter rashly into any neere societie with such as haue not the graces of Gods holie spirit to commend them When any of vs are to seeke friendes to match our selues with a Wife to entertaine Seruants to make choyce of teachers our care must be to enquire after such as haue true pietie in their hearts and may yeeld vnto vs sound comfort And whensoeuer we haue made that happy and heauenly choyce we must labour to cherish to encrease and to strengthen them in all their waies and for our parts must delight and reioyce in them aboue all other One good Friend one godly Wife one religious Seruant is worth ten thousand others what priuiledges of the flesh soeuer they bring with them Hence it is that the Apostle saith h 1 Cor. 7 39. The Wife is bound by the law as long us her husband liueth but if her Husband be dead she is at liberty to marry with whom she will onely in the Lord. We see how Dauid among all the Sonnes of Saule made choise onely of Ionathan to ioyne with him in a strong league of sure friendshippe because he knew him to haue an vpright and faithfull hart toward God These two did take sweet counsell together and had their soules knit in a fast and firme knot of mutuall loue Likewise concerning the seruants of his house that he would receiue and retaine he saith i Psal 101 6 7 Mine eyes shall be vpon the faithfull of the Land that they may dwell with me he that walketh in a perfect way he shall serue mee there shall no deceitfull person dwell within mine house he that telleth lies shall not remaine in my sight c. The Apostle Paul called to be an Apostle teacher of the Gentiles hauing conuerted many to the faith did take the greatest delight and reaped soundest consolation in them he accounted them his Crown he esteemed them his Sonnes he called them his glory he reioyced in them as his hope This appeareth in the example of Onesimus whom he had begotten in his bonds the greater fruits of Faith he found in him the greater account and reckoning did he make of him The like wee might say of others euen of whole Churches gained to the Gospell the more they encreased in godlynesse the more his bowels were enlarged in care and compassion toward them This affection ought to be in all true Pastors toward their people they must loue such aboue the rest as exceede and excell the rest in the knowledge and practise of true godlinesse This affection should be in the Father towards his Children he should loue them most he should giue them most hee should prouide and prepare for them most that haue most Religion in their hearts most grace in their soules most soundnesse in their liues Let them bee vsed best that are best and finde most fauour that shew the greatest faith The Scripture teacheth vs that Isaac had two sonnes Esau was the first borne yet Iacob had the blessing Godlinesse maketh the younger to bee the elder the second to be the first the lowest to be the highest the least to bee the greatest but vngodlinesse causeth the first borne to be last maketh the elder to be younger and easteth downe the highest into the lowest roome So we see that among the sonnes of Iacob k 1 Chro. 5. 1. Gen. 49 3 4. Ioseph had the double portion albeit he were the youngest of them all sauing one because the rest of his Children had stained them-selues with some grosse sinne which did put them out of their proper place and disinherit them of the blessing This point heere to be learned and practised reproueth two sorts of men as well such as make choise of such as bee wicked as those that hate them which are good and godly We must not delight our selues in those that be carnall and corrupt albeit they be neuer so neer vnto vs. Ahab did repose and reioyce himselfe l 1 King 21 7 1 Sam. 22. 9. 1 Ki. 12 8 31 in Iezabell against Naboth Saule in Doeg against Dauid when he saw that God was with him and his spirit departed from himselfe Rehoboam made choise of youthfull vaine and vicious Companions and refused the Counsell of the prudent and the aduise of the Elders the friends of his Father Ieroboam made choyse of the ignorant multitude of the scum of the people and of the Rascall sort to be the teachers of Israell and their guides and Gouernors in the matters of Gods worship It is a common euill to delight in euill company in prophane persons in Idoll-shepheards in carnall
pretenses or excuses or delayes shal auaile vs. Then shal the poore begger appeare without his rags the rich Glutton without his Robes Couetous Indas without his bagges Crafty Gehazi without his money Proud Haman without his Honor Aspyring Absolon without his Ambition Murthering Caine without his Weapon Cunning Achitophell without his Pollicy The Kings of the earth must lay downe the glory of their Crownes and the dignity of their Scepters the Nobles must renounce the Ensignes of honor and all persons must set aside outward respects of honor and dishonor of glory and shame of fauor and contempt Neuerthelesse it is to be obserued that albeit these men must stand before the throne of God without these respects that they made their chiefest felicity yet they shall not appeare without their cruelty bribery treachery blasphemy couetousnes such like impiety for their euill works shal follow them cleaue fast vnto them Let vs therefore neuer think to escape when we shal com naked before the eternal Iudge as euer we came into the world more naked then we departed out of the world for wheras some haue their Coffins to couer them others their Tombs to beutify them and all men their winding sheets to wrap their Carkasses in whē the Lord shal descend with thousands of his Angels they shal not haue a rag or a poore fig-leafe to hide their shame Let vs seek while we haue time to put on Christs righteousnesse as a Garment that we may be able to stand before the sonne of man and receiue the glory prepared for vs before the foundations of the earth were laide Specially to me how much more then vnto thee both in the flesh and in the Lord. We haue heard how the Apostle accounteth and how he would haue Philemon account of Onesimus to wit aboue a Seruant euen as a beloued Brother In these words he vrgeth him farther and sheweth that hee had more cause to respect him and greater reason to loue him then himselfe had because he was ioyned to him by more bands whereof two he nameth one of the flesh as being his seruant the other in the Lord as being his brother Paule was mooued to respect him onely in regarde of the common fayth and therefore he saith if he were not so much a Seruant as a Brother to him much more hee ought to bee so to his Maister not because hee was his seruant as other seruants are but because he was the Lords seruant so that hee was bounde to loue him both for the Lordes sake and for his owne sake Doctrine 6. The more bands reasons are giuen vs to care for any the more we are bound to care for him Heereby there is offered to our considerations this Lesson to bee learned that the more bandes and reasons are giuen vnto vs of God to care for anie the more wee are bound to care for him and to respect him A professor of the Gospell is more to be regarded then he that is wirhout One of the same Nation more then a stranger one of our own Kindred more then another farther from vs a Neighbour more then one that dwelleth manie Miles from vs one of a mans house more then him that is out of his house a Kinsman conuerted to the faith becom a true and perfect Christian more then a Kinsman not conuerted A Child that hath the sparks of grace in him more then a Childe voyde of them a Seruant fearing God more then a Seruant in the same family that doth not feare God nor regard his worde nor make Conscience of the meanes of his saluation Abraham loued Isaac the sonne of Promise hauing more graces in him f Gen. 21 9 10 14. 25 5 6. more then Ishmael the son of the bond-woman and a scoffing wretch and more then all the Sonnes of Keturah to whom he gaue guifts and sent them away Wee see this in the dealing of Abraham toward Lot his Nephew he would suffer no contention to rest among them and when he heard he was taken prisoner he would not haue stirred for the wicked sinners that dwelt in Sodome but hee armed his seruants to recouer him out of the hands of his enemies This is it which Salomon teacheth g Prou. 27 10 Better is a Neighbor that is neere then a Brother farre off The Apostle teacheth this truth when he giueth this precept While wee haue time let vt do good to all men h Gal. 6 10. but especially to them which are of the houshold of faith And in another place i Tim. 5 4. If any Widdow haue Children or Nephewes let thē learne first to shew godlinesse towardes their owne house and to recompence their Kindred To this also we are directed in the fift Commandement when we are commanded to Honour Father and Mother Wherby appeareth the truth of this doctrine that it standeth with Gods ordinance to haue the most care of those and to shew the greatest fruits of loue vnto them to whom wee are bound in the greatest and neerest bands Reason 1. The Reasons being wisely considered will make this plainely to appeare vnto vs. It is a generall sentence deliuered by Salomon in the booke of Ecclesiastes k Eccl. 4 9 10. Two are better then one and a threefold Cord is not easily broken Wheresoeuer there are stronger Cordes to tye vs and moe bandes to ioyne vs together our Loue ought to bee the more greater one towardes another Manie stickes make the greater Fire and many stringes the better Musicke Reason 2. Secondly it is a thing verie well pleasing in the sight of God to consider what meanes he hath affoorded to encrease mutuall loue and societie one with another This is the reason vrged by the Apostle to perswade the Children and Nephewes of poore Widdowes to take care for their Parents according to their ability l 1 Tim. 5 4. Because that is an honest thing and acceptable before God Now we are bound vnto them by many effectuall Reasons as it were with barres of Iron and bandes of Brasse to nourish those that haue nourished vs that haue fedde vs that haue cloathed vs that haue begotten vs and brought vs into the world so that wee must acknowledge it both right and reasonable Reason 3. Thirdly such as breake these bands cast away these Cords from them do set themselues against the Doctrine of Christ and may be sent to schoole to the Infidels nay to the brute beasts which are not voide of a certaine naturall affection This the Apostle teacheth m 1 Tim. 5 8. If there be any that prouideth not for his owne and namely for them of his houshold he denieth the faith is worse then an Infidell For howsoeuer they professe the Faith in words yet in deede and in truth they deny it But God is delighted with our workes not with our words and looketh vpon the substance not the shewe of our Religion
feed on Milke as they that are inexpert in the word of Righteousnesse It is a signe of health when men grow in strength and stature and it is a token of the true Childe of God when men grow in grace This is it which the Apostle speaketh to the Corrinthians x 2 Cor. 8 7. As ye abound in euery thing in faith and word and knowledge and in all diligence and in your loue toward vs euen so see that yee abound in this grace also And afterward he saith y verse 24. Shew toward them and before the Churches the proofe of your loue and of the reioycing that we haue of you Likewise Timothy had great praise in the Church who according to the prophesies that went before of him did answer the expectation of the faithful approuing himselfe in the sight of God and men Heerevnto commeth the counsell and commaundement of the Apostle z 1 Tim. 4 15 These thinges exercise and giue thy seife vnto them that it may be seene how thou profitest in all thinges It is a great comfort and encouragement to the people of God to see any the members of Christ to prosper and profit in good thinges On the otherside it ministreth occasion of much griefe and heauinesse of heart to behold the zeale of the Spirit quenched and the light of the Gospell that hath shined in their minds eclipsed If a man should looke vpon the members of his own body and see any one of them shriueled and withered as Arme or hand or Leg not prospering not growing not mouing not receiuing life from the head it would worke sorrow in vs and we would pitty others in whomsoeuer we should see such infirmities In like manner we must be well assured it cannot but greatly greeue the Church of God to behold the parts thereof to begin to faint and waxe feeble to grow groueling downeward when they should cast vp their eyes to Heauen and liue as Cittizens of that Kingdome 22 Moreouer also prepare me lodging for I hope through your Praiers I shall be freely giuen vnto you The order of the words THe chiefe matter of this Epistle concerning Onesimus hath hitherto bin handled and is now finished wherein we haue heard diuers and sundry reasons drawn partly from the person of Paule and partly from the person of Onesimus Now followeth the remainder intended chiefely by the Apostle concerning himselfe For we haue already shewed that the principall scope of this Epistle is double one touching Onesimus which hath thus far beene expounded the other touching Paul himselfe which now commeth to be considered This point is knit vnto the former and hath an euident dependance vpon it and is amplified by a transition in the first words Moreouer also Heereby he doth effectually mooue Philemon and seeketh to obtaine his former purpose For when he heareth that he shall shortly entertaine the Apostle himselfe in his house it must needes kindle a greater forwardnesse and willingnesse in him to graunt his request least hee make him heauy and deceiue his expectation Whereas therefore Philemon might haue thought with himselfe and thus reasoned touching Paules suit It skilleth not whether I graunt it or not he hath beene a most lewd Seruant vnto me and Paule liueth farre off from me he is held in Prison at Rome eyther he will not heare what becommeth of Onesimus or if he doe heare peraduenture he shall neuer be deliuered out of prison but remaine a Prisoner all the daies of his life and therefore I will deal with Onesimus as seemeth good to my selfe These and such like imaginations the Apostle putteth out of his head and telleth him he should shortly looke for his comming vnto him whereby he should know what account he made of his wordes and what obedience he would yeeld to his request Hence it is that for this cause Paule craueth to haue lodging prepared for him rather by Philemon then any other Citizen at Colosse not that he required much prouision and preparation to bee made for his entertainement a Phil. 4 11. Who had taught others and learned himselfe to be content with a little but because by this commaundement as by a sharpe Sword he would pierce the Bowels of Philemon and as by a strong Engine batter the Fort and Bulwark of his heart and throughly perswade him and preuaile with him to receiue Onesimus both into his house and into his fauour In this verse we haue to consider two pointes first a Commaundment secondly a reason whereby the commaundement is strengthened The commaundement is to prepare him hostage and lodging wherein he answereth a double doubt and question that might arise in him and trouble the motion and matter that Paule intended For first he might haue saide I may vse Onesimus as I list Paule is farre enough from hearing of it Againe he might haue thought b Theophil enarrat in epistol Philem. It is well he had such a cause to plead and such a request to make otherwise I should neuer haue heard from him These suspitions the Apostle remooueth when he saith in this place I haue not written for his cause alone but for my selfe that thou make account to be mine Host and to receiue mee into thine House The reason is drawne from the working cause I hope to be giuen vnto you through your Prayers and may be thus frame If I hope to be giuen vnto you by your Prayers then prepare me Hostage But I hope to be giuen vnto you by your Praiers Therefore prepare me Hostage Or rather the latter part of this Verse is the the taking away of an Obiection which Philemon might haue made vpon the hearing of the charge giuen vnto him of preparing him lodging which may be thus supplyed Shall wee looke for thy comming Why Thou art a Prisoner Thou art safe enough from comming to vs and lodging at mine house thou must be content with a cold lodging in another place thou maist well tell vs of thy forth comming but I doubt thou wilt not yet be cōming forth To this the Apostle aunswereth I hope in short time to be deliuered whereunto he annexeth two causes of his hope that he might know it was not builded in the Ayre without foundation but grounded and established sufficiently relying vpon the prayers of the faithfull and vpon the grace and mercy of God The Interpretation of the words This is the order of the wordes Now let vs consider the Interpretation of them as they lye When he saith Prepare me lodging he meaneth the entertainement of Hospitality whereof lodging is but a part The word signifieth al things requisite for the well vsing of a Stranger as receiuing to House food lodging and all other necessaries belonging thereunto whereof many parts are expressed c 1 Tim. 5 10 by the Apostle in the description of the Widdowes that were to be taken to serue the Church in attending vnto the sicke In the next place
when once he was in Hell to cry vnto Abraham to haue mercie on him and to Send Lazarus that he might dip the tip of his Finger in Water and coole his Tongue tormented in that flame but in his life time hee had shewed no mercie hee had denied the Crummes that fell from his Table and therefore now no mercie is shewed to him all comfort is denied vnto him Thus shall it bee with all that are enemies to the distressed Saintes that are constrained to wander without any certaine dwelling as poore straungers from place to place to saue their liues with losse of their Liuings God shall measure out to them as they haue measured to others then shal they condemne their folly that is past and repent of their Crueltie when it is too late For I hope through your Prayers I shall be bestowed vpon you Heere the Reason is rendred wherefore the Apostle requireth Philemon to prepare to entertaine him comming as a Stranger vnto him because hee was in hope that their prayers should preuaile with God for his deliueraunce out of prison It was the duty of the Church to make prayer and supplication to God incessantly for him to see if he would be intreated to release him out of prison and to deliuer him from the mouth of the Lyon Touching the effect of them the Apostle declareth that they were not powred out in vaine but it should vndoubtedly come to passe that God being stirred vp by the prayers and desires of the faithfull would graciously heare them speedily procure his safety and freedome Doctrine 2. The prayers of the faithfull are auaileable for themselues others both to obtaine blessings and to remooue iudgements From hence wee learne that the prayers of the faithfull made to God are very auayleable and effectuall The supplications of the Godly that come from a faithfull heart and proceed from lips vnfaigned are not ydle and vnfruitfull but of great power and force with God as well to obtaine the blessings which they want as to remooue such plagues and iudgements as are heauy vpon them The Testimonies that might be brought to proue this point are infinite The prayers of Abraham a Ge. 20. 18. preuailed to heale Abimelech and his seruants The prayers of Abraham should haue preuailed if ten righteous persons had bin found in Sodome The course of the Sunne and Moone were stayed b Ioshua 10. by the prayer of Ioshua till he was reuenged of his enemies Isaac prayed for c Gen. 25 21. his wife because she was barren vnto the Lord and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebekah his wife conceiued so that she became fruitfull and had two sonnes giuen vnto her of whom came two Nations Eliah by prayer obtained Raine which had bin d 1 Kings 17. Iames 5. with-held from the earth three yeares and sixe moneths So did Hezekiah the continuance of his life for fifteene yeares The Church by prayer e Acts 12. 1 2 obtained the deliuerance of Peter out of prison when as he should haue bin brought foorth to the place of execution and slaine as Iames was This is that which the Apostle Iohn setteth downe Iohn 5 14 15. This is that assurance that wee haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs and if we know that he heareth vs whatsoeuer wee aske we know that we haue the petitions that we haue desired of him These consents of holy Scripture teach vs that the prayers of the faithful are the means and Instruments appointed of God to obtaine his blessings for vs and to remoue his iudgements farre from vs and others Reason 1. And as the examples are many that might be alledged so the reasons are many that might be produced to settle this truth in our hearts First of all our Prayers do delight the Lord exceedingly he loueth to heare our voyce as the Father doth to heare his Childe True it is the grace of Praier is his owne guift yet he smelleth the sauour of it as sweet Incense he heareth the Harmony of it as pleasant Musicke he accepteth the odour of it as a burnt Offering Heereunto commeth the commendation that Christ giueth to the Church Cant. 2 14. Shew me thy sight let me heare thy voice for thy voice is sweet and thy sight is c●mely To this purpose the Prophet saith Ps 141 2. Let my Prayer be directed in thy sight as Incense and the lifting vp of mine hands as the euening Sacrifice All the faithfull are to him as the sweet singers of Israell he taketh pleasure to heare them as we doe to heare the best Consort that is among men Reason 2 Secondly true Prayers are of such strength that they do after a sort force the Lord and constraine him to yeeld himselfe as ouercom and vanquished inasmuch as it pleaseth him by this meanes to be conquered They are as mighty weapons whereby all Christians shew themselues valiant Champions not onely to defeat their enemies but to preuaile with God It is noted that Iacob g Gen. 32 24 wrastled with God in the forme of man and hee could not preuaile against Iacob for as God assailed and assaulted him with the one hand so he vpheld and strengthned him with the other He had power with God as it were to ouercom and to ●arry away the praise of the victory Thus shall it be with all the godly who are true Isralites that are feruent in faithfull prayer none shall be able to stand against them God will yeelde himselfe vnto them as it is said he could not preuaile against Iacob The like we see in Moses Exod. 32 9 10. to whom the Lord said h Ex. 32 9 10. I haue seene this people it is a stiffe-necked people Now therefore let mee alone that my wrath may wax hot against them for I wil consume them but I will make of thee a mightie people As if he should haue said thy prayers bind me hand and foot and after a sort take me prisoner so that I am not at mine own liberty thou ouer-rulest me and ouer-maisterest me by thy prayers Hence it is that the Prophet saith i Psal 106 23 He minded to destroy them had not Moses his seruant stoode in the breach before him to turne away his wrath least he should destroy them And the Apostle rehearsing the Christian mans armour of proofe weapons of defence k Ephes 6 18. nameth the Prayers and supplications of the Saints which are not the least part of that Harnesse Reason 3. Thirdly his promise goeth with our prayers he cannot deny the wordes of his owne mouth nor frustrate that which once he hath spoken It is that which the Prophet mentioneth Psal 50 15. Call vpon me in the day of trouble so will I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Heere we haue a Commaundement to call on God we haue a promise assurance to be
If a man see his Corne that is in the fielde stand at a stay and not shoote forward he conceiueth little hope of any plentifull Haruest If we set a Scholler to Schoole and he alwaies continue in the same forme and neuer come forth in his learning we will by and by coniecture he will prooue a Dunce Or if we see a Child that doth not grow in strength and stature we vse to say he will neuer be a tall man he will neuer be but a Dwarfe So is it with all those that haue Å¿ Ieremy 4 4. had the plough of Gods word brought in among them and the ground of their hearts sowed with the precious and immortall seed t Luke 8 11. of the word and their hearts moystned with a gratious raine u Deut. 32 2. as it were the showre vpon the hearbs and yet continue dry and barren without any fruit it is to be feared that they will shortly fall backe and wither away If we haue beene brought vp in the Schoole of Christ and haue heard the x Acts 13 25. Lecture of the Law and Prophets nay of Christ and his Apostles read vnto vs and often sounding in our eares and yet find no accesse of knowledge or encrease of obedience we may looke euery day to be thrust out of this Schoole yea to see the Schoole dissolued and turned to another vse If we haue had both y 1 Cor. 3 2. Heb. 5 13 14. Milke and Meate brought vnto vs and placed at the Table of the Lord full fraught with all delicates z 1 Pet. 2 2. And yet neither as New-borne Babes desire that sincere Milke of the word that we may grow thereby nor yet know that strong meat belongeth to them that are of age that in the end we may a Ephe. 4 13. all meete together vnto a perfect Man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ certainely we shall alwaies remaine as Children wauering and carried about with euery winde of Doctrine by the deceit of men and with craftinesse whereby they lay in wait to deceiue But if wee feele the weakenesse of our Faith and the rest of the Graces of Gods Spirit and vnfainedly desire the encrease and supply of them he will fulfill our desire and we shall know to our endlesse comfort that our desire is not in vaine yea to feele the weaknesse of Grace is of Grace to see the weakenesse of Faith is of Faith and that which is yet more hee accepteth the desire to beleeue in Christ as Faith it selfe the desire to repent from dead works as repentance it selfe the desire to be reconciled to God as reconciliation it selfe They are pronounced b Math. 5. Blessed that hunger and thirst after righteousnesse because they shall be satisfied Whosoeuer is a thirst hath promise made vnto him c Reuel 12 6. Iohn 7 38. That he shall haue the Well of the Water of life freely giuen We know by a naturall feeling what hunger and thirst is and when wee are hungry when thirsty and when not Properly we are d who are said to hunger after righteousnesse hungry when we are empty and thereby waxe faint and feeble and finding both our emptinesse and weakenesse desire meate to satisfy and content vs. Properly we are thirsty when we feele a drowth or drynesse in vs and desire some drinke to refresh vs. In like manner and by good proportion they are said to hunger and thirst after righteousnesse that feele they want it and would faine haue it If wee feele our selues to be out of Christ and doe long after the blood of Christ to be redeemed with it and to be iustifyed by it then we truely doe hunger after Christ Thus much touching this Doctrine which ariseth onely by comparing this Salutation with other Scriptures Demas and Luke my fellow-helpers In these wordes also by conference of other places ariseth a good instruction to vs that professe the Gospell of Christ Iesus For this is he of whom he was forsaken as he sheweth 2. Tim. 4 10. e 2. Tim. 4 10. Demas hath forsaken me c. Hee is called in this place a fellow-helper of Paul yet the vanity of this world drew him backe being ouercome with the toyle and trouble that accompanied the professors of the truth and the preachers thereof He doth not meane that he had cleane renounced the Gospell and was become a back-slider and cut off from the Church as a rotten member but he shrunke backe for his aduantage or because he was loath to suffer aduersity with the people of God as it he should haue said he preferred the loue of the world before the loue of God But whether euer he recouered himselfe or not and renounced the world which he ouermuch loued we haue not so full and faire a warrant as we haue for Marke seeing Paule endeth with forsaking of him and the Scripture leaueth him in the imbracing of this present euill world so that his repentance is vncertaine vnto vs. Beholde heere how this man is set as vpon a Stage or Scaffold a and marke of infamy branded vpon him for euer so long as the world shall continue and the name of Christ Iesus shal be preached because he withdrew himselfe from the paines and publishing of the Gospell and from the company of Paule waxing dainty and delicate louing his owne ease and pleasure too much Doctrine 3. Many that seeme forward in the profession doe afterward fal backward From hence we learne that many which seeme faithfull and forward in the profession doe afterward fall backe and giue ouer Such as seemed to haue life in them are become dead such as seemed to haue heat in them are starke cold such as did runne a great pace and led the way to others doe now some of them stand still many runne back-ward and others doe wander out of the way and others hinder those that would enter into the right way These first giue their names to Christ and afterward shake handes with the world and imbrace the friendship thereof We see this truth verified vnto vs by sundry examples and lamentable experience of all times Iudas was chosen to be one of the twelue Apostles yet he fell away dangerously and desperately he became a Traitor and a Deuill according to the saying of our Sauiour f Iohn 6 7. Haue not I chosen you twelue and one of you is a Deuill To this purpose the Apostle Iohn describeth such back-sliders Chap. 2. g 1 Iohn 2 19. They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they should haue continued with vs. Heereunto commeth the Parable propounded by Christ Math. 21 28. h Mat. 21 28. A certaine man had two sonnes and came to the elder and said Sonne goe and worke to day in my Vineyard but he answered and said I will not yet afterward he repented himselfe and
as the Well-spring we haue it not of our selues we haue it from him according to that which the Euangelist Iohn setteth downe r Iohn 1 16. Of his fulnesse we haue all receiued and Grace for Grace Secondly it is called the Grace of Christ not of God the father not of God the Holie-Ghost but of Iesus Christ our Lord because hee is the meanes or as the Cunduit-pipe whereby he it is brought and conueyed vnto vs Thus the same Euangelist speaketh in the wordes following Å¿ Iohn 1 17. The Law was giuen by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Iesus Christ. He it is that is the Mediation and Propitiation for our sinnes he hath purchased the fauour of God he hath wrought reconciliation for vs so that through him we are accepted of God the Father and beloued in his beloued Ephe. 1. 6. Thirdly we must consider the Title giuen to Christ Iesus hee is called a Lord or Ruler and that in many respects First by creation in that he made vs of nothing when we had no being t Iohn 1 3. For all thinges were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made Secondly by right of Inheritance u Heb. 1 2. Psal 2 8. For he is made Heire of all thinges Thirdly by right of Dominion for he hath Dominion ouer all things and ouer vs also so that he ruleth preserueth and keepeth vs as his owne to eternall life being bought with his most preciour blood None of them can bee lost that are committed vnto him neither can any plucke them out of his hands All thinges are put vnder his feet and subiect vnto him Fourthly he is said to be our Lord he is not onely a Lord hauing right and might graunted vnto him ouer others but hee s called our Lord. First because the Father gaue him a people and chosen Generation ouer whom he should rule So then by reason of this donation appointed vnto him before all worlds he is truely called our Lord. Secondly in regard of the work of redemption which he hath wrought for vs he alone hath paid the ransom for vs and deliuered vs from the power of the Deuill so that hee hath the greatest right of possession in vs. Lastly we are thereby put in mind that we ought so to beleeue in Christ our Lord that we put our trust and confidence in him and that we rest throughly perswaded that by him we are throughly freed and deliuered from all euill It is not enough for vs or sufficient to saluation to beleeue Christ Iesus to be a Lord but we must beleeue him to be our Lord. For wee all knowe and beleeue that the Deuill is a Lord and ruleth in the hearts of the Children of disobedience he is the God of this World and a Prince that beareth great sway but wee doe neyther know nor beleeue him to be our Lord as we beleeue Christ Iesus to bee the Lord of vs all Fiftly he addeth With your Spirit He craueth this Grace to be with his Spirit whereby he meaneth as much as if he had said with you one part of man being named for the whole the more principall part being put for the whole person For man consisteth of two essentiall parts of Soule and Body True it is the Apostle Paule doth sometimes deuide man into three partes the Spirit the Soule the Body as when he prayeth for the Thessalonians x 1 Thes 5 23. That their whole Spirit and Soule and Body should be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. By the Spirit he vnderstandeth the mind reason or vnderstanding which else-where hee calleth the y Ephe. 4 23. Heb. 4 12. Ephe. 4. 17 18. Spirit of your mind This is nothing else but a faculty of the reasonable soule which is seen in inuention and iudgement By the the Soule he vnderstandeth the inferior faculties and powers as the will and affections both which followeth the body which is the Instrument whereby the Spirit and Soule do worke By the Spirit in this place is not meant onely the minde or onely the Soule but the whole man is to be vnderstood as it is expounded Phil. 4. 23. The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all And Col. 4 18. Grace be with you yet he nameth the spirit because it is the principall subiect and seat of grace Sixtly the Apostle proceedeth and saith Your spirit hee speaketh not to Philemon alone saying With thy Spirit but he enlargeth his heart and saith With your Spirit as speaking to many Whereby wee are to vnderstand those to whom this Epistle is written and deliuered to wit cheefly to Philemon whose Title it beareth and to Apphia his wife to Archippus the Minister and to the Church that was in his house to all these he wisheth the Grace of Christ Lastly he endeth with the word Amen which is as much as euen so or so be it or so it shall be Indeede it is no part of the former prayer but it betokeneth and signifieth two things First an hearty desire whereby we wish that we may be heard and that God would answere vnto our requests Secondly the certainty of our confidence and the confirmation of our Faith whereby we trust that we shall be heard It is an Hebrew worde retained by the Apostles in their Epistles and in other places wherewith we are taught to conclude our Prayers withall by Christ our Sauiour It is added to shew that we should come with boldnesse and beleeue that we shall obtaine trusting in the truth of Gods promises The postscript of the Epistle Hauing thus laide open the sense and meaning of the wordes in this last Verse it shall not be amisse to speake some-what of the wordes following which are the subscription and vnder-writing of this Epistle in these wordes Written from Rome to Philemon and sent by Onesimus a Seruant It is most likely that this Epistle was written and sent at one and the same time with that entituled to the Colossians both because the same persons are named in both the Epistles the same persons writing and the same persons sending salutations to others and both of them in the Post-script are sayde to be sent by Onesimus as it were by a Carrier only heerein resteth the difference that this Epistle was deliuered to Onesimus alone to bee carried to Philemon a priuate man but the other was conueyed by Tychicus and Onesimus to the whole Church of the Colossians whereof Philemon and his Family were but one part But touching this subscription as also others in other Epistles we must vnderstand that they were added by men and are no part of the Cannonicall Scripture which is the rule of our faith to which we must yeeld without all contention or contradiction and from which we cannot appeale without intollerable iniury to the spirit of God For howsoeuer diuers of these Post-scripts may be true yet it is very plaine and
disease which we desire to haue remoued that driueth vs to the Phisitian And we haue no promise to obtaine earthly thinges except we seeke them as we ought to seeke them and follow the right manner that God hath left vnto vs to find them Many seeke after them and pray for them but they do not obtaine because they aske amisse It is our duty not onely to pray for lawfull thinges but also in a lawfull manner A man may do a good thing after an euill manner it is in our actions so it may be in our prayers An indirect and vnsanctified order may marre and corrupt a good and godly prayer To conclude therefore let vs know that this grace and fauour of God so often remembred in Paules Epistles and so often craued and prayed for to be bestowed vpon the Saints is onely able to giue satisfaction and contentment vnto the soule to stay and rest vpon and therefore we ought aboue all other thinges to labour earnestly to feele it in our hearts Indeed it seemeth nothing and base in his eyes that hath it not but when a man once knoweth the worth and value of it and tasteth the sweet comforts of it within him he is ready to sell all that he hath to enioy it and retaine it he is content to renounce and forsake all Dignity and Honour all Glory and Praise all Health and Beauty all Friends and Fauour all Wealth and Treasure all Ioy and Delight all Mirth and Melody yea Brethren and Sisters and Lands and Wife and Children and all thinges that may be deare vnto him rather then depart from this Iewell of grace farre in price aboue all the Iewels of this World It is with vs in respect of spirituall thinges as it fareth with the buyer while he is in buying his commodity before he is possessed of it according to the discription of Salomon Prou. 20. i Prou 20 14. It is naught it is naught saith the buyer but when he is gone apart he boasteth He diminisheth the goodnesse of it he saith it is to much it is not worth the money you aske for it but when he hath purchased and possesseth it he praiseth his penniworths and iudgeth it better then his money So is it with all Heauenly graces so long as we are destitute of them we thinke them not worth our labour and trauel seeking and enioying we esteem euery houre too much that is spent in following the meanes appointed to obtaine them and albeit God call vnto vs k Esay 55 1 2. to come to buy and eate to come I say and buy Wine and Milke without Siluer without mony yet we haue no eares to heare nor leisure to attend nor harts to consider of his calling But when once we haue found thē and know the iust price and value of them we would not loose them for all the World nor for a thousand worldes if they were offered vnto vs nay we are willing to sell all we haue to haue them continue and abide with vs according to the counsell of the same Salomon Prou. 23 23. l Prou 23 23. Buy the truth but sell it not likewise wisedome and instruction and vnderstanding Let vs therefore grow in loue with this grace of God that we may haue our hearts established with it Let vs do that now which wee would do at the last gaspe and breath Then we are ready to renounce the World and to preferre one drop of grace and faith before a Kingdome Let vs now begin to learne wisedome let vs prostrate our selues before the Throne of grace let vs neuer giue rest to our soules vntill we find it and let vs sue vnto him that is the Author and Fountaine of all grace to wit Christ Iesus to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all glory and praise for euer Amen FINIS A Table of the principall Contents of this Booke A ABraham receiued Angels page 281. Hee and Lot reconciled 252 253 Absence of the Pastour hurtfull 196 Absence of the people from the Pastor 202. reasons against it 203 Abuse of the Ministers 397 Abuse of Gods prouidence 299 Accepting of personnes 189. not with God 331 Acount of our faith must be giuen 91 92 Action differs from euill in it 307 Admonition 207 Adoration of Saints 146 Adulterer penitent is no adulterer 318 Affect such as haue most grace 186 Affection betweene Pastor and people 189 Afflicted are not greatest sinners 13 Afflictions serue for confirmation of others 12. common to godly and vngodly 19. they are profitable 207 Agreement betweene Paul and Iames in matter of Iustification 191 192 All things not to be done of al. 11 Almes houses 156 Almes must be chearefull 285 Amen 494 Anabaptists 265 367 387 Apphia Philemons wife 8 Appeare all must before God 337 Apostataes 486 Application 76 Archippus 8 Assurance of faith no Doctrine of presumption 180 Assemblies of the Church 84. they are beasts that reiect them 85 Assurances lawfull 385 Aske no vnlawfull thing of others 418 Atheists 209 Attention required 219. three benefits of it ibid. Authoritie giuen to the Ministers 163. they must not abuse it 170 Authoritie absolute no man hath 419 B Backbiters 427. the sorts of them 427 428 Back-sliders 132 150 491. they proue worse then others 486 Bands where the greatest are should be most loue 337. the more bandes are broken the greater sinne 341 Good Beginninges helpe not without proceeding 132 Bellarmines doctrine of Princes 267 Benefit of others is to bee sought 135. Benefits that come by instruction 40 Benefit bestowed vpon Saints shall not be lost 280 Better too forward then backward 75 Birth-day 424 Blessed that suffer for the truth 14. not all that heare 242 Blessed that liue in Gods fauour 57 Blessings are to be craued from GOD in Christ 61. ascribe them not our selus 63 Blemishes of body no sinnes 315. to be patiently borne 316 Blind zeale See zeale Blind deuotion 288 Blind not to be discouraged 311 Blindnesse of minde a sinne 310 311 wherein it differs from blindnesse of body Ibid. Blood of the Martirs 13 Body must bow to God 94 Bondage of the wicked 115 Bond-Seruants whether they may fly Epist Dedicat. Brother who is 256 Borrowers often Theeues 412 Bretheren faithfull are 33● They are bound to loue each other 342 Brownists 177 C Calling giuen of God 336. Euery minister hath two callings 268 Canker of the Common-wealth 381 Canonized Saints 120 Cause makes a Martyr 19 Care two-fold 504. It must be had of euery member 189 Censurers of the Church 168 Chaplaines 200 Chance 299 Charity 315 256 Christ reiecteth none how base soeuer 5 Christ and the faithfull one body 16. he accounts our sufferings his 16. He is the Obiect of our Faith 106. Our saluation is wholly wrought by him Ibid He is true God 107 Christ is harboured in his members 145 446. he is the annointed of the father 463. Why he is called Lord. 493.