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A17357 Iesus præfigured, or, A poëme of the holy name of Iesus in five bookes. The first, and second booke Abbot, John, fl. 1623. 1623 (1623) STC 42; ESTC S1024 69,348 126

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spiteful Ievv more svviftly flings a stone Then his loue-darts ascend to Heau'ns high Throne VVhere falling lovv before the seate of grace They humblie beg that mercie may haue place And hovv they speed vv'eele aske of furious Saule VVho shall hereafter be a Preaching PAVLE SEBASTIAN eke shot through vvith many Dart Instructeth Gentlemen to plaie a part In true-loues stage that others fall not dovvne He labours and so gets a Martyrs Crovvne Neere to SEBASTIAN seeing a voyde place VVee aske vvho they are shall haue so much grace To stand nigh IESVS champion and are told Our English Noble men that roome shall hold As no goods losse no deaths feare could them quayle No dangers make in IESVS faith to fayle For though not equall vvith the Martyrs rovve Yet as stout Squires of Martyr-Knights they goe As vvee these Champions vievv vvith curious eye Amongst them vvee a Ladie doe espie VVhose Crovvnes proclayme shee ruled sundry lands But historie complaines of sauage hands The Armes of Scotland and French Lilies teach That o're these Kingdomes her commaund did reach VVritten in bloudie Characters vvee read Heauens vveepe vvhilst I recount so foule a deed That shee vvhose head vvee see on this sad stage From body cut to satisfie the rage Of barb'rous foes vvhilst shee did liue had been FRANCIS of France his vvife and Scotlands Queene And though her stile of Majestie vvas such Yet prophane hands durst Gods anoynted touch As if no sacred Oyle had bene shed By holy Prelate on her Princely head Vnto the Scaffold brought ô cruell deed By the sharpe Axes blovv shee there doth bleed Heau'ns did yee shine vvas there a vvicked Sun To lend a daie vvhil'st such a deed vvas done Surely all things as rul'd by a nevv force Did goe retrogradate to Natures course And as vvhen Man Iehouah did offend The vniuers for Mans offence did end Againe so many Lavves in one foule fact Being infring'de in pennance of the Act All things are taught to goe an other vvaie In the accustom'd order nought doth staie The pious Spartans euermore deni'de In battaile Theopompus to haue di'de They thought though millions of meane persons die Yet death durst not approach great Monarchs nigh And deem'd his Kingly Majestie a sheild Able to saue his life in bloudie field And can it bee a person of such state Amongst her friends should finde so hard a fate Tiberius fearefull of his after fame Hated Historians vvho vvould blase his name And teach posteritie in this and this Tiberius vvhil'st he liu'd did doe amisse That yeare vvhen this vvas done ye learned Men Forget to handle an Historians Pen. Doe not instruct the vvorld that England durst Performe a Deed of all bad Deeds the vvorst Not but I read that Monarchs haue bene kil'd And the Majestike blood vnjustly spil'd But still the Murderers haue carefull been That such impietie should not be seen VVhen vvee in Counsell sit and in cold bloud Deliberate as if the Act vvere good The sentence giu'n vvee justifie the fact By publike execution of the Act. But vvhat 's the cause for vvhich they shed her bloud This one for-sooth because shee vvas so good And the vvorld knevv vvhat right shee had to raigne These are the reasons vvherefore shee vvas slaine Should Herod knovv that IESVS is Gods Son VVould hee doe lesse thinke you then he hath done Curst be ambition vvhich vvill knovv no lavves Curst be suspition in a Kingdomes cause But as proud Iades shall trample vvith their feet Good Seruius carcase in the VVICKED STREET And Tullia hasting to set on her head Romes Diadem on Fathers corps dares tread VVee vvill not vvonder vvhen for Kingdomes crovvne VVee see the Lavves of God and Man cast dovvne That vvaters doe not ouer-vvhelme our land And Neptune svvim vvhere Englands Ile doth stand That yet no greater vengeance hath bene seene VV'eele thanke thy prayers vntimely butcher'd Queene Shall vvee vvith teares bedevv thy Royall Hearse Blame the too-hastie fates vvith mournefull verse The Sisters aske hovv they durst vse a Knife So soone to cut thy golden thread of life VVee vvould doe thus but that faith makes vs knovv Glories rich Crovvne vvas giu'n thee by that blovv VVhich tooke thy life avvaie so Ammons pride Prepares a horse for Mordechee to ride Our teares vvhich els should alvvaies flovv are done VVhen vve behold our IAMES thy glorious Son VVho as just NOAH amongst mortalls best Shall giue our sorrovves end our labours rest His Parent LAMECH did of him fore-tell That in his blessed time things should goe vvell Renovvned PRINCE so vse thy Royall Pen That vve may place thee 'mongst these learned Men punc Our Churches Doctors vvho next Martirs stand A siluer Pen each hauing in his hand Aboue their heads houers a holy Doue VVhich dictates lessons full of vvitt and loue If to thy Harpe vveare added one more string Then thou no Svvan could more diuinely sing But vvee haue hope all numbers novv shall meet To make thy Musique absolutely svveet Thou DELOS Oracle of thy life time Thou Sun thou starre of parched Afriques clime Our Churches Pearle bred in thy mothers eyes Againe begotten by a sea of cries Great AVSTEN shall I vvith more vvondring eye Behold thee vvhen thy Muse doth mount on high Or loue thee more vvhen thou dost creepe so lovve As doe thy humble Retractations shevv To thinke amisse is fraile-Mans common case To change for better is a speciall grace And can vve thinke more forcible more good The teares of loue then a best Martyrs bloud The Desert Citizens vveare also there Some cloth'd vvith leaues others vvith shirts of hayre Their visages all pale their bodies thin Proclayme their greatest glorie is vvithin Their simple out-sides giue aboundant shevves That they to vvorld and flesh vveare alvvaies foes Heere also vvee our English EDVVARD knovv Mongst formest plac'de in the Confessors rovv A scepter in his hand o' ns head a Crovvne Yee gentle Heau'ns raine manie EDVVARDS dovvne VVho to our Britaine vpright lavves may giue And teach their People as they doe to liue Great CHARLES the second Hope of Northern clime Ordain'd by God to blesse the present time Of EDVVARD learne that subjects best obey VVhen they see Majestrates first doe then saie Such Edicts moue Mens harts though vvritten short VVhich first are practi'zd in the Princes Court Of EDVVARD learne that only hee 's a King VVho doth his Passions in subjection bring Princes Dominions may from Parents take To be a Saint virtue alone can make In that strange statue vvich great Babels King In vision sees each lim each part each thing As they grovv higher so in goodnesse grovv VVhich Potentates and greater men doth shevv That vnto honour should be joynd this grace To grovv in goodnesse as they grovv in place The head vvas best of mettals purest gold You the heads place amongst your subjects hold Be gold in loue be better
more sundrie nations tell Then sects contrarie in that Babell dvvell But that no matter is Ievv Atheist Turke So he defie the Pope is of their Kirke Moreouer can rebellions cause be just VVhen thieues true Lords out of possession thrust VVhat if a D' Alua bore a heauie hand Must they forth-vvith vp in rebellion band Against their King and take from him his ovvne If so vvhat Prince can sit safe in his throne Le ts praie that Princes may doe vvhat is right And not vvith trait'tous armes against them fight But you doe not examine much their cause Their friendship you into the action dravves VVhy should you take such tyrants for your freinds VVho affect none but for their priuare ends Let Massacres in remote Indies shevv If Holland be our ENGLANDS friend or no. Oh that our Seas could speake vve soone should heare VVhat good-vvill Hollanders to ENGLAND beare Let jestes let scoffes let mockes at King and state Make knovvne their litle loue if not great hate To Prince and vs as helpes haue bene deni'de To backe their Heresie their theft their pride Ill-nurturde svvaines not taught vvhat is a King A God on earth a Consecrated thing DAVID laments that he cut his Kings coate VVhen these vvith open mouth vvith open throate Gods Vice-roies bite their royall actions blame VVith frumpes vvith quips Monarchs expose to shame Let base Typhaeus brood vvhose pride is such That they the holie ones of God dare touch VVith slandring libels expiate such vvrongues VVith losse of hands and forfeiture of tongues Yea let such Caitiues for blaspheming die VVho touch Kings touch the apple of Gods eie Let eu'ry Simei eu'ry slandring Knaue The saucy Eupolis misfortune haue And here their often mention'd Tempel fayles T' is Satans Ghost vvhich against Princes rayles VVhen the vvhole vvorld is in combustuous fire Subjects against their Kings each vvhere conspire Base-borne Abimelech his brethren kills Mis-gotten Mansfield Realmes vvith rapine fills And all these mischiefes fram'd this vvorld of harmes In Hollands Aetna vvhere Cyclops make armes For Hells black Prince 'gainst God himselfe to fling And Sions Citie to destruction bring Let none it contrarie to reason thinke That I haue temper'd some gall vvith my incke VVhen I doe heare base Eupolis so bold To rayle at Kings my splene I cannot hold Though I at vices not at persons ayme I affect Holland but rebellion blame And let the Netherlanders once be good Let them cashire this their rebellious mood And as Religion teacheth againe bring VVonted obedience to Hesperias King Reasons and thousand arguments I 'le frame To eternise industrious Hollands name Meane vvhile vvill none inspir'd vvith heau'nly fire Fore-tel hovv Spaines great King shall sacke proud Tyres VVill no Ioues seed once-more in Lerna lake The many heads from this foule Hydra take No Iohn de Austria their cities vvin No Parma take reuolting Holland in No demi-god better then other men Grapple vvith theiuish Cacus in his den Cacus vvho hath his Father Vulcans shape Cacus vvho liues by Homicide and rape No no our God vvill not haue Iury land Set free alone by valiant Barachs hand But Iabins captaine pearced in the head By Iahels vvife shall at her feete fall dead Ambitious Ammon euer looking high By Esters Prayers hanged aloft shall die Great Princesse thou art Iudith by vvhose hands Proud Holofernes leader of Hells bands Shall vanquisht be thou art Abelas Dame VVhose Nuptiall rites shall Holland Rebells tame Seditious Sebas head shall buy a peace And vvith the Tribes submission vvars shall cease Thou hast Pulcherias birth her state her face In the attempt of great things haue her grace So let thy Actions crovvne thy life vvith praise That after-times thy Monuments may raise And as thy Ancestors their Nephevv Kings Excite to enterprise of vvorthie things So be thy deeds thy royall issues booke VVherein hovv they shall liue they alvvaies looke Antiquitie doth of an Atlas count On his backe bearing vp Olympus mount Our IESVS is vvise Atlas by his hands Sion vvas built and on his backe it standes Our Atlas dies vvho shall supplie his place Hath he left heires of this supporting grace Firme-pillars of best marble compos'd all Beare Sion on their backes that it not fall VVho in Gods Church vvill haue a Pillars part Must be vvell practiz'd in the bearing art Hath not truths selfe his promise giu'n that those VVho tryumph ouer their Infernall foes Shall in his Church be Pillars vvhilst no frovvne No Hellish violence can cast them dovvne VVhen vve see thee Great CHARLES vanquish each foe VVhich doth in battaile against virtue goe VVhen vvee behold in all thy actes such grace Shall not vvee promise thee a Pillars place Of IESVS Church a Pillar thou shalt be VVhilest IESVS Church shall be borne vp by thee VVith Hercules vvhere Sol his steedes doth vvet Thou shalt thy Monuments and Columnes set And vvrite non vltra to the after-daies Forbidding all to aequalize thy praise VVhilest no great Monarke nor great Monarkes Son Shall doe so much for Church as thou hast done In first place vvrought by IESVS cunning hand Most eminent doth SIMON PETER stand To PETER next vvhilst ' he supporteth all In IESVS Church a Pillars place hath PAVLE A cruell death vvhich did tvvo vvhole daies last Could not firme ANDREVV to the Earth dovvne cast Great IAMES IOHNS brother and ZEBEDIES child By HEROD kild and Spains Apostle stil'd VVhether he vvent and vvith victorious hand To IESVS faith subu'de that noble land IOHN of vvhite Marble made though his out-side VVas gold in fyerie flames refin'd and tride VVas not vvhite marble his Parthenian brest Of Golden loue vvas not made all the rest THOMAS eternall Monuments shall haue Amongst the Indians vvhere he hath his graue SIMON THADDEVS PHILIP holy IAMES VVhose vvondrous virtue either knee proclaimes Rough BARTHOLMEVV vvithout though faire vvithin for IESVS name Tyrant pul'd off his skin For IPHIGENIA HIRTAOVS may frovvne Yea kil blest MATTHEVV but not cast him dovvne MATTHIAS vvhom the holy Ghost did chose For that place vvhich Iscariot did lose Sermons of BBRNABE vvill teach vvhat can Persvvasions vvhich proceed from a good man Of the same matter of vvhich other men Th'Apostles vveare composde yet knovv that vvhen IESVS them Columnes in his Church did place Hee so them temp'red vvith caelestiall grace That mauger anie vvinde or aduerse blast They keepe their place yea rather stand more fast The last perfection and supremest forme VVas giuen them vvhen as the vvisht-for storme Of diuine grace and clouen tongues of fire Made the roome shake vvhere Christs friends did retire Before this storme a silly vvenches frovvne Did cast the chiefest of the Pillars dovvne CEPHAS as to him a poore Damzell calls Denies his IESVS miserably falls But once confirmed by this devv of grace No threats no vvhips can make him leaue his place
Nay hee esteemeth honours badge that shame VVhich he endureth for great IESVS name The thundring Cannon at vvhose Eccho quake Strong Citties vvhilest his bullets their vvalls shake Before the fire shall make him vse his voice Is sport for children ineriment for boies They plaie vvith him they roule him heare and there And as vpon his backe they ride not feare But let once fire enflame the charged Gun VVho doth not quake and from his fury run So haue I seene the stoutest harts looke pale And as they heard his thunder their heads vaile Before Gods Ghoast did IESVS friends inspire PETER a Canon vvas but vvithout fire No maruell then though at a vvomans sound Hee daunted vveare and fell dovvne to the ground But after God had put an holy flame Vnto this Canon and discharg'de the same VVhat Cittie vvas there vvhat defensiue vvall VVhich vvith his thunder-bolt he made not fall I passe hovv ANANIA's and his vvife VVith his breaths only foarce did loose their life CAINE built a tovvne nam'de Rome the vvals were sin Errour and Paganisme did liue vvithin Deriu'de by a long progenie from CAINE In this same Citie did proud Nero raigne IESVS decreeing in the tovvne to take And in it his ovvne Empires seate to make So beats the vvals vvith CEPHAS Cannon shot That at the last the batt'red tovvne is got Idolatrie and superstition flie A thousand errors in the Cittie die There IESVS makes his seate and there vvill raigne VVhilest Sun giues light flouds run into the maine T is true the last time that this peice did roare Hee burst in tvvo that IESVS hoast no more As earst could vse him so vvhen Spartans flie EPAMINONDVS doth Victorious die Did Philistims or SAMSON the field loose VVhen at his death he kil'd three thousand foes And vvhen in Golgotha Golias head By IESVS is strucke off is IESVS dead But potent God forth-vvith the broke-peece cast And making sound againe in Sion plast'e Vpon the Battlements vvhence he hurts more Our aduersaries then he did before Petitions are the bullets vvhich he throvves From vpper ground and vvith them Kils our foes A POEME OF THE HOLIE NAME OF IESVS The second Booke THE ARGVMENT Of IESVS flesh AMBROSIAN meate Of Bell of Architects vvee treate THE hovvre did novv approach in vvhich men dine VVhen see a Table set vvith bread and vvine Besides these tvvo nothing at all vvas pla'st No daintie dishes to content the tast VVho vvould not judge such silly Cates vnfit For Potentates vvhom there vvee see to sit But vvonder not though the fare simple seeme The Maister of the Feast vvill haue vs deeme By the effects his banquets vvorth and knovv That best things make not alvvaies the best shovv And surely CLEOPATRAS Royall feaste VVherevvith shee entertain'd her Romaine guest Nor ASSVERVS banquet to his states VVhich sacred volume vvith such care relates No not the Manna vvhich the Ievves did eate Can be compar'd vvith this Caelestiall meate VVhat dyet hath such virtue as this food Mortall to make immortall vvicked good Is your soule sicke eat here and it no more Shall be diseas'd heer 's Physicke for each sore This bread makes strong this vvine our armes doth cheare The Royall banner of CHRISTS CROSSE to beare VVhen as the fancy objects vvhich are ill Conceiues and represents them to the vvill That the short pleasure of an idle thought May vvith the soules eternall losse be bought Heer 's Bread vvhich God the Holy Ghost did make And in the vvombe of sacred Virgin bake Heating the Ouen vvith Charities best fire The fevvell vvas many a Chast desire The Loaues vvith name of IESVS marked be Hauing his hands and feet nayld to a tree In such occasions heer 's that mistique bread In vision seene vvhich Madians bloud shall shed And put the Easterne multitude to flight Zeb and Zalmana their tvvo chieftaines smite The svvord of Gedeon vvhich loose Venus Boye Shall profligate his Darts his shafts destroye Corne of the chosen substance of the good Expelling bad desires breeding pure blood This bread proud Babylon thy little ones VVith holy vvrath shall dash against the stones This eleuated bread ' boue top of hils Priests heades I meane our vvorld vvith plentie fils ELIAS as he fainteth it makes strong To take of fortie daies a journey long Nay some vvho daily Guests are at this feast Averre for truth that vvhat meate you like best VVhat your taste pleaseth bee it flesh or fish You shall haue here in this Caelestiall dish Manna such vertue to haue had vve read And much more tast it in this heau'nly bread At Easter time you joye to see your Board As vvas the Israelites vvith a Lambe stord Prepare vvith them your selues take in your hand A vvalking-staffe vvith your loynes guirded stand As Pilgrims doe yours is a Pilgrims case The vvorld your Inne is heau'n your dvvelling place Gather vvilde Lettice ouercome I meane Your imperfections and extirpe them cleane Make of such Lettice sauce a Lambe to eate The Lambe is IESVS hee shall be your meate IESVS hath cloth'd himselfe vvith a Lambs skin From Sheepe to take the heauy load of sin Is it not strange a Lambe should on his backe Carrie a flocke of Sheep and their sins pack Had not our IESVS them supported so Not one of all the flocke to heau'n should goe The Eliphant by Nature hath this grace That in his furies heate yet if in place Hee shall a Lambe milde peaces Embleme see His fury is assuag'd his angers bee Forth-vvith made calme perchance some fel aspes tounge VVith slanders poison hath your credit stunge Or some ill-nurtur'd groome eu'n to your face Opprobrious speeches giues vvordes of disgrace Your case is DAVIDS ABSALON his hands Against you lifts and the rebellious bands Are vvhich your chiefe friends fil'd vvho earst did goe Next to your side is chiefe cause of your vvoe And vvhere you vveare vvith benefites most kind There you discurtesies doe chiefly finde By thieuish Pursuiuants your goods you loose And yet the Thieues you dare not once accuse Per chance vvith IACOBS sons or DAVIDS Childe You blush to see as Thamar is defilde Kick'de out of doores after a deede so ill You vow you vvill incestuous AMMON Kill You rage you chafe you storme you svvell you puffe The foming ADRIA is not halfe so rough Come angrie Eliphant behold a lambe Meeke IESVS vvho in Paschall season came That by his death Man might enfranchis'd bee And by his slaughter the bound Goate set free MOYSES a brasen Serpent did erect VVhich cured Israel vvith his sole aspect Behold this Lambe meeke IESVS marke him vvell In him let all your meditations dvvell His only sight vvill cure your inflam'd blood Chiefely if seene vpon the Crosses Rood For knovv fierce Man this Lambe is Gods sole Son VVho vvhen vs sillie sheepe sin had vndone And vvee by Tempters