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grace_n bewitch_v elizabeth_n languish_a 15 3 17.7595 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14611 A true and iust recorde, of the information, examination and confession of all the witches, taken at S. Ofes in the countie of Essex whereof some were executed, and other some entreated according to the determination of lawe. Wherein all men may see what a pestilent people witches are, and how vnworthy to lyue in a Christian Commonwealth. Written orderly, as the cases were tryed by euidence, by W. W. W. W., fl. 1577-1582. 1582 (1582) STC 24922; ESTC S101821 45,339 105

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bye two pigs of her sowe that then was to pige whereto shee said shee woulde see first what shee should haue her self and would not then promise her any And the same night her Some piged two piges in the cote where shee lay and for the more safetie of them she tooke a broome faggot and laid it close ouerwharte the dore because the pigs should not come out saith the same night all the farey of pigs being ten came out ouer the broome sheafe and stoode one before an other in a tract place lieke horses in a teem beinge al dead to the number of nine the tenth was drowned by the pond side being about a rod frō y e cote Allen Ducke saith that about fiue or sixe yeeres past the saide Ioan came vnto this examinate and requested to bye a Cheese of his wife but shee made her answere that shee coulde sell none yet neuerthelesse shee was very desirous to haue one the whiche shee sayeth shee denyed her and that shee went away in a great anger And this examinate sayeth that the next day he went with his Cart foure horses therein to fetch a lode of corne that his wife two of her children rid in the Cart. And saith that as he went towardes the fielde he watered his horses at a ware called the Uicarage ware whiche horses when they had drunke he could not gette them out of the water but was faine to wade to the forhorse head it beeing about a yarde deepe and to take him by the head and to lead him out This examinate saith that the said Ioan came vnto this examinates wife at two seuerall times to bie two pigges whereof hee saith she was denied presently after he had two pigs that died And saith that he assuredly thinketh y t the saide pigs died of some witchcraft which she the saide Ioan vsed and the like for the staying of his horses being in the water Iohn Brasyer saith y t about two yeres since the said Ioan Robinson came vnto this examinates house and requested to bie a sowpigge to weane the which was a moneth old wherevnto he told her he ment to weane it him selfe and that hee woulde not let her haue it the which being a fat and a well liking pigge aboue all the rest the next day died Also this examinate saith y t sithence Christmas last past this examinates wife went vnto the sayde Ioan Robinson to pay her money shee ought vnto her for wares which shee had beeing due vpon scores And for that she his wife would not pay her her owne reckoning shee fell out with his wife And presenely after he had a cow that was drowned in a ditche not a foote deepe with water Al which he supposeth was done by some witchcraft by the said Ioan. The enformation and confession of Ioan Robinson taken by me Brian Darcey esquire one of her Maiesties Iustices of peace the xxv day of March. THe saide Ioan saith shee went to the house of T. Rice to borrowe a Heyer two dayes before a flawe of winde which was denied her but denieth that she hath any impes or caused his calfe to die or that she hurt her brood goose Also shee reēmbreth that her husbād wēt to W. carter to bie a house an acre of groūd to hire a cow pastor to borrow a Hayer of goodwife Carter But denieth y t she sēt any impes to hurt any of his beasts or his ambling mare or caused any cow of his to be drowned Also this examinate saith that shee went to bye a pigge of Ales Walter but denieth that she required to bye any that was not pigged of her or of any other at any time denieth that shee sent any Impes or spirites to kill any of her pigges and all the other matters against her enformed shee denieth in generall Imprinted in London at the tree Cranes in the Vine-tree by Thomas Dawson 1582. The names of xiii Witches and those that haue beene bewitched by them ¶ The Names of those persons that haue beene bewitched and thereof haue dyed and by whome and of them that haue receyued bodyly harme c. As appeareth vpon sundrye Enformations Examinacions and Confessions taken by the worshipfull Bryan Darcey Esquire And by him certified at large vnto the Queenes Maiesties Iustices of Assise of the Countie of Essex the xxix of Marche 1582. S. Osythes 1 The Witches Ursley Kempe alias Grey bewitched to death Kempes Wife Thorlowes Childe Strattons wife     2 Ales Newman and Ursley Kempe bewitched to death Leth●●dalles Childe and Strattons wife   Confessed by Ursley and Elizabeth   The sayde Ales and Ursley Kempe bewitched Strattons Childe Grace Thorlowe whereof they did languish   3 Elizabeth Bennet bewitched to death William Byet and Ioan his wife and iii. of his beasts The Wife of William Willes and William Willinga●●e     Elizabeth Bennet bewitched William Bo●ners Wife Iohn Butler Fortunes Childe whereof they did lang●●●●     Ales Newman bewitched to death Iohn Iohnso● and his Wife and he● owne husband as it is thought Confessed the Cattell 4 Ales Hunt bewitched to death Rebecca Dur●ant and vi be●sts of one Haywa●des   5 Cyssey Celles bewitched to death Thomas Deathes Childe Little Clapton   Cyssey Celles bewitched Rosses mayde Mary Death Wherof they did languish Thorpe 6 Cysley C●lles and Ales Manfielde bewitched Richard Rosses horse and beasts and caused their Impes to burne a barne with much corne Confessed by Ales Manfield 7 Ales Manfielde and Margaret Greuell bewitched to death Robert Cheston and Greuell husband to Margaret     Ales Manfield and Margaret Greuell bewitched the widdow Cheston and her husband v. beasts and one bullocke and seuerall brewinges of beere and batches of bread Thorpe 8 Elizabeth ●●●sta●e bewitched to death Robert Stann●uettes Childe and Thomas Grosse     Elizabeth Ewstace bewitched Robert Sanneuet vii milth bea●●s which gaue blood in steede of milke and seuerall of his Swin● dyes Little Okley 9 Annys Herd bewitched to death Richard Harrisons wife and two wiues of William D●wsinge as it is supposed     Annys Herde bewitched Cartwright two beasts w●de she●pe and lambs x● West swine and pig● Othorne a brewing of beere and seuerall other losses of milke and cr●●me Walton 10 Ioan Robynson bewitched beasts horses swi●e and pigs of seuerall mens The sayd Ursley Kemp had foure s●yrites viz. their names Tettey a hee like a gray Cat Iack a hee like a black Cat Py●● a ●he li●e a ●ack ●oad Tyffyn a she like a white Lambe The hees were to plague to death the shees to punish with bodily harme to destroy 〈◊〉 Tyffyn U●sleys white spirit did tell her alwayes when she asked what the other witches had done And by her the most part were appelled which spirit telled her alwayes true As is well approued by the other Witches confession The sayd Ales Newman had to ●aid Ursley Ke●p● spiri●s to vse at her pleasure Elyzabeth Bennet had two spirits viz. their names Suckyn a hee like a blacke Dog● And Lya●● 〈…〉 Ales Hunt had two spirits lyke Coltes the one blacke the other white 11 Margery Sammo● had two spirits like Toads their names Tom and Robyn Cy●●y Celles had two spirits by seuerall names viz. Sothea●s Herculus Iack of Mercury Ales Manfield and Margaret Greuell had in common by agreement iiii spirits viz. their names 〈…〉 wherof two were hees and two shees lyke vnto black Cats Elizabeth Ewstace had iii. Impes or spirits of coulour white grey and black Annis Herd had vi Impes or spirites like a●ises and black byrdes And vi other●ike ●ine 〈…〉 ●nises shee fed with wheat barly Otes and bread the ●i●e with strew and hey Amys Glascocke 12 Ioan Pechey 13 Ioan Robinson These haue not confessed any thing touch●●● 〈…〉 Ana●s Glascoke bewitched to death Mychell S●e●ens Childe The 〈◊〉 Childe at Pages William Pa●es Childe Bodinus in confutatione futilis opinionis Wier● Lamias lamiarumque Veneficia astruentis