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grace_n beget_v ignorance_n mistrust_v 200 4 16.9200 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08269 A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.; Theatre oft Toon-neel. English Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.; Roest, Theodore.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime. English. Selections.; Du Bellay, Joachim, 1525 (ca.)-1560. Visions. English. Selections. 1569 (1569) STC 18602; ESTC S110162 92,217 282

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written or preached is lyke vnto the leafes which beyng well and reuerently receyued by the woorkyng of the holy Ghost is of muche importaunce and wayghtie healthfull strong and myghtie in operation muche lyke vnto the mustard séede Aboue all thyngs sayeth Zorob●bell is the Truthe moste strong and ouercommeth all For it is the wyll of the Lorde whiche neuer shall perishe This worde then I saye is so myghtie and victorious that the Congregation of Christe and true beléeuers what soeuer trouble persecution or violence they doe suffer shall yet euen in their extreme paine and distresse be comforted and quieted in cōscience and spirite be●ing well assured that God keepeth them as the very apple of his eie for they know ●hat they ar vnder his protection gouernance and that hereafter they shal inherite how contēptuously so euer they lyued here eternall glory felicitie and blessednesse in the presence of God in that new heauenly Ierusalem Of whiche glorie and blessednesse to make a discourse I shold labor in vain and bysides that neuer get my purpose nor finish mine enterprise For neuer no eare hearde it nor eye sawe it neyther came it into any heart And to say al neuer any man was able to comprehend it that God hath prepared for his elect that loue him Ye haue nowe gentle Reader sufficiently as I hope herd what wickednesse thraldome laboure paine and trouble couetousnesse concupiscence and ambition bringeth to them that loue it follow it wishe for it and séeke after it Lykewise ye may consider here howe and after what sort they draw man from God from naturall reason from all goodnesse and mutuall and brotherly loue vnto all kinde of iniquitie crueltie and vnnatural vices and oftentimes come so farre that they not onely bryng other men in great danger to attaine to their purpose but they themselues also body and soule Ye haue hearde also that the Deuill the Prince of this worlde is a father and the author of al wickednesse wicked doers and how that that mischeuous Antechrist whiche within a ●ew yeres hitherwards hath ben reueled did procéede and was borne of him as ye may see more euidently out of this Genealogie folowing The booke of the Generation of Antechrist the desolatour and childe of perdition FIrst the diuell begot Darknesse And darknesse begot Ignorance Ignorance begot error and his brethren Errour begot Freewill Ignorance and Selfe loue Frée will begot Merites Merites begot forgetfulnesse of the grace of God Forgetfulnesse of the grace of God begot Transgression And Transgression begot mistrust Mistrust begot Satisfaction Satisfaction begot sacrifice of the Masse Sacrifice of the Masse begotte Popishe Priesthode And popish priesthod begot Superstitiō Superstition begot Hipocrisie the Kyng And hypocrisie begot Lucre. Lucre begot Purgatorie And Purgatorie begot the Fundation of Pentions Fundation of Pentions begot Patrimonie of the church And Patrimonie of the church begot Māmon of iniquitie Mammon begot Abundance And Abundance begot Fulnesse Fulnesse begot Crueltie Crueltie begot Domination Domination begot Pompe Pompe begot Ambition Ambition begot Simonie Simonie begot the Pope and the Cardinals his brethren in the transmigration of Abhomination And after the Transmigration of Abhomination the pope begot the Mysterie of iniquitie And the Mysterie of iniquitie begot Diuine Sophistrie Diuine Sophistrie begot Reiection of holy Scripture Reiection of holye Scripture begot Tyrannie And Tiranny begot murther of Saincts Murther of saints begot dispising of god Dispising of God begot Dispensation Dispensation begot Licence to sinne And Licence to sinne begot abhominatiō Abhomination begot Confusion And Confusion begot Trauail of y e spirit Trauaile of the spirit begot Disputation and matter to séeke for the veritie by the which that desolatour Antechriste hath bene reuealed You haue heard● also gentle Reader howe that the Diuell wyth all hys adherents accordyng to the veritie of Gods holy word and his righteous iudgement shal be ●hrowen and cast into the pit of eternall pardition of vnquenchable fire which hath ben prepared for him and hys angels hys s●ruauntes and followers marked with his marke from the beginning of the worlde where shall be gnashyng of téeth and wringyng of the handes eternally Moreouer it hath ben said howe that neyther hée nor all hys membres are able to do any thing against Ies● Christe nor agaynste hys kyngdom● or Churche Which bicause they are not of the world there●ore the world and all that belongeth to ●he world haue from the beginning hated them persecuted and afflicted them as well Sathan himself as the world and y e worldly minded as it is séene dayly and shal be so long as the worlde continueth notwithstanding there hath bene sometime a little quietnesse séene and shall be it is possible yet namely so long as the malice and violēce of Sathan and his membres be bridled tied shorte so long shall the godly people haue peace quietnesse and shal sée some yeares of grace Furthermore it was shewed you how that Christ Iesus became man for vs and is now in eternall glory in the kingdome of his father with al his Apostles his chosen with all suche as beléeue through them in him whiche hathe bene prepared for them from the begynning where is and shall be vnspeakable ioye Here you may sée and iudge of God and the deuil Christ and Antechrist the kyngdome of God and of Sathan the Churche of Christe and the synagoge of Rome or the assemblie of the reprobate the broade waye and the straite gate heauen and hell eternall lyfe and euerla●tyng death Nowe t●en if euery one might choose the one or the other of these two wayes I beleue that no man would be so foolishe or ignorant that would not choose rather saluation than condemnation to ascende into heauen than to goe into hell Neuerthelesse those that will be saued and are desirous to be accompted vnder the numbr● of the elect muste diligentely take héede that they wander not nor bée deceyued by euery wynde of doctrin For lyke as cou●tousnesse pride arrogancie ease of the body voluptuousnesse and plesure of the worlde hath chased and dryuen away all maner of deuotion zeale and godly exercises pertayning vnto true christian religion at the primitiue churche In lyke m●ner shall the Dyuell not yet ceasse or leaue o● to raign and rule in his membres notwithstanding that the childe of perdition that Antechrist is already manyfested and openly shewed yea he attemp●eth yet daily by the meanes of suche vices a little before mentioned to rayse vp euen in the reformed Churches among the brethren dissention and trouble And it is to be feared that in the ende he shall preuaile more and more For it is writtē that ini●quitie shal abounde and haue the vpper hande and the charitie of many