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B10040 The perfection of justification maintained against the Pharise the purity of sanctification against the stainers of it: the unquestionablenesse of a future glorification aganst the Sadduce: in severall sermons. Together with an apologeticall answer to the ministers of the new province of London in vindication of the author against their aspersions. / by John Simpson, an unworthy publisher of gospel-truths in London. Simpson, John, 17th cent. 1648 (1648) Wing S3817A; ESTC R184177 253,105 558

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in Christ And so the Apostle saith Tit. 3.5 Not by workes of righteousnesse which wee have done but according to his mercy he saved us that is according to his eternall mercy and grace he shewed favour and compassion to us and pardoned our sins And the expression of the Apostle is worth observing Epes 1.4 where speaking of the eternall grace of God hee saith That God placed his grace upon us that wee should be holy and without blame before him in love He doth not say that God elected us because wee would be holy and without blame but He elected us that wee might be holy and without blame before him in love good workes are not the cause but the consequents of Grace Nay I add more that as God did not foresee our good workes so not our faith neither faith is not the cause of grace but grace is the cause of faith God therefore enables us to believe in time because God loved us from eternity The Apostle speaking of them of Achaia saith that they believed through grace and Apollos helped them much that believed through grace Acts 18.27 It is by grace that we beleeve it is not by faith that we are made partakers of Grace Thus we are saved by grace in the purpose of God from eternity in the eye and sight of God who seeth all things absent as if they were present and speakes of things before they are done as if they were done In the next place grace in Scripture is confidered not onely as it is in God and as it is as eternall as God himselfe but the Scripture speaks of the grace of God as it is manifested forth to us in Jesus Christ and so wee are saved by Grace God discovering his grace to us in his Sonne Jesus Christ So the Apostle speaking of grace 2 Tim. 1.10 saith But now is manifested to us by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel Hee speakes first of grace as it is in God and as it is as eternall as God himselfe then he speakes of eternall grace manifested to us in the Gospel of his deare Sonne It is by the preaching of the Gospel that the eternall grace of the Father in the Sonne is made known to us And this grace is called sometimes the Grace of God the Father Rom. 1.7 Sometimes it is called the grace of Jesus Christ and sometimes the grace of them both because Jesus Christ is God one God in one divine essence with his Father And as God in his grace is said to forgive sinnes Mica 7. who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth sin saith the Prophet So Jesus Christ is said to forgive sinnes the Apostle bids us to forgive one another as Christ hath forgiven us Col. 3.13 As there is grace in the Father to forgive sinnes so there is the same grace in the Sonne The Apostles doubted not but that they should be saved by the grace of Christ as well as those that were circumcised Act. 15.7 And by this grace we are saved God discovering now his grace to us in his Sonne Jesus Christ the eternall Sonne of the eternall Father This grace in Scripture is made known to us as the sole cause of our justification and salvation Grace is so held forth for justification that all things besides grace are excluded Wee are justified by grace exclusively all other things being shut out When God justifieth a man he eyes that man onely in his owne grace and when God justifieth a man in the Court of his owne Conscience he strips him of all his own workes of his owne love to him and to the brethren and gives him onely a sight of owne grace This grace doth exclude all merit if there were any merit in the creature man could not be saved by Grace the Apostle cleares it to us by that passage Rom. 4.4 To him that worketh the reward is not reckoned of grace but of debt If a man could worke or merit any thing toward his justification and salvation then it were not of grace saith the Apostle the reward is not of grace but of debt If a man worke then he expects wages as due to him he may by right and justice clayme what he deserves so if wee did worke for salvation wee might require God to bestow and give us what wee had wrought for But true grace shuts out all merit and workes in the creature if we could bring any merit of the creature to joyne with his grace grace should be no more grace as the Apostle Rom. 11.6 If wee looke upon Grace as it is in God so before God wee were saved in his eternall thoughts he in his own purpose and Grace having elected us to justification and eternall salvation in Glory by his Sonne Jesus Christ Yet he never holds forth his Grace to us but in the countenance of his Sonne Jesus Christ in whom the glory of his justice shines bright with the glory of his grace He shewes us that he hath laid all our sins on his Sonne that his justice hath received full satisfaction from the sufferings of his Sonne for all our sinnes and so comes to discover his grace to us in the pardon and forgivenesse of our sinnes Thus Christ and the Apostles constantly in their preaching discovered the grace of the Father in the Son As our Saviour to Nicodemus God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Sonne that whosoever beleeveth on him should not perish Joh. 3. And the Apostle to his Corinthians God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe 2 Cor. 5. God doth not make knowne his love for the forgivenesse of sinne but by Jesus Christ I confesse that wee are saved by grace in respect of God before wee know the Grace of God in Jeius Christ But wee cannot see this grace untill wee behold it in the face of the Lord Jesus Wee behold the love of God in giving the Lord Jesus to be the atonement sacrifice and propitiation for our sins before wee can read the everlasting love and favour of the Father to us in his Sonne Eternall love is the primarie cause of our salvation and justification but it cannot be apprehended by us untill we apprehend in the first place our Redemption in Jesus Christ And when Christ is embraced as a Saviour in the Armes of Faith wee rise higher in our thoughts by the power of the Spirit and are brought to look upon the eternity of love And have liberty to read every line in his eternall volume which doth concerne our eternall life and salvation and are fully confirmed in the point of Gods eternall election without the prevision of good works which should be wrought by the Creature As the Apostle doth prove at large in the 9th to the Romans And if any man will dispute or rather cavill against this truth I shall say with the Apostle Rom.
grace who hath bestowed spirituall life light and operations upon us The Apostle hath an high expression to raise our spirits to this purpose 2 Cor. 2.14 Now thanks be to God which alwayes causeth us to triumph in Christ When men triumph there is great joy rejoycing and show●ing Wee are not onely to rejoyce in his Grace but wee should triumph in it A Christian may ride in a Chariott of triumph every day he may see his sinnes curse hell and damnation subdued and overcome when he beholds God in the looking glasse of his owne grace What though we have many sinnes yet for all this wee may triumph because the grace of God hath saved us from our sinnes by Christ What though wee have no works yet wee may triumph if wee know grace there is enough for us in the fulnesse of grace There is no way to peace here or glory hereafter but by grace Let grace therefore be thy glory As the Apostle doth double his exhortation when he exhorteth them to rejoyce that they might double their diligence and care in practise of their duty Phil. 4.4 Rejoyce in the Lord alway and againe I say rejoyce So suffer me to double and treble my exhortation Yee have nothing to boast in but grace boast therefore and againe I say boast in the grace of God God seemes in the Prophet Isaiah to speake to an Hypocriticall proud people and he bids them bring forth their arguments and put him in Remembrance if there were any thing to be brought before him for which they should be justified Isa 43.26 Let us plead together declare thou that thou mayest be justified As if he should have said If you have any works bring them out use all your arguments skill and Rhetoricke say what you can for your selves to plead your justification But to convince them that they could not stand before him with their workes for justification he puts them in minde of their sinnes Thy first Father hath sinned and thy Teachers have transgressed against me ver 27. to this end and purpose that they should believe what was promised in the 25th verse that he would blot out their sinnes for his own sake So it is with us Brethren as we have heard Wee cannot bring forth sufficient reasons and arguments to make good our salvation by our works If we have nothing to comfort us but our owne works wee shall have no comfort at all in his presence Let us therefore as we are ingaged Trumpet out the praise of God for the manifestation of his rich and precious grace to us in the face of Jesus for justification and salvation Thirdly Let me exhort you to abide in the. profession of grace to the end of your dayes Hypocrites may professe grace for a time but true Saints shall hold fast the doctrine of grace to the end Joh. 8.31 If yee continue in my word then are yee my Disciples indeed Paul and Barnabas exhorted the religious Proselites of Antioch Acts 13.43 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to continue or abide in Grace Looke up to God for grace and power according to his promise to enable you to hold fast the truth of his grace Let not the wise and learned of the world cryed up for godlinesse Religion and devotion draw you from this grace of God We live in dangerous in perilous times and there were never such underminers of grace as have appeared in these sinfull dayes some that deny the Lord that bought them But let us not be discouraged because some who have professed grace have fallen from their profession to fancy frothy Notions Anti-Christian absurdities and Familisticall speculations Consider rather what the Apostle affirmeth 1 Cor. 11.19 that there must be Hersies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is needfull that there should be such that they which are approved may be made manifest The Divell hath his Chapalines as well as God his Ministers and Embassadors As some shall bee sent of God to hold forth grace for the conversion of sinners to the righteousnesse of the just So some will vent there blasphemous conceits and cursed impostures to pervert men to destruction If the good God sow good seed the wicked one will sow Tares among the wheate Mat. 13.24 When the Gospel is preached with power there are multitudes come to the profession of it but after a while many of these fall to philosophicall fancies foolish dreames vaine fables and idle speculations loathing the plain Gospel the heavenly Manna as the Israelites did the Manna that came downe from Heaven this wee begin to finde by experience But let not this shake us from our stedfastnesse in the profession of the Gospel God hath appointed it to be so Paul was confident that after his departure from the Congregation in Miletus grievous wolves would enter in among them not sparing the flock and that of their own selves should men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them Act. 20.29 If the Apostle were cōfident in his time that it would be so when he saw them under the pure Discipline and Government of Christ under the charge of those Ministers Teachers and Officers whom the Lord Jesus Christ appointed over them filled with those gifts of the Spirit which were the fruit of his Ascension what wonder is it if wee meet with the Devills Hee-Apostles and She-Apostles in these sinfull times who vomit forth boldly to their own shame and Gods dishonor hellish and pestiferous Doctrines for the most high spirituall Truths of the Lord Jesus if wee consider what confusion and disorder is among the best of Saints now and are enlightned to see our want of many spirituall gifts and favours which they enjoyed which for the present God doth not bestow upon us Againe Let not the Abusers of grace cause you to dislike grace or the Doctrine of grace By this the Divell may take great advantage against thee for thy hurt thou maist have injurious thoughts of the grace of God when thou eyest some who abuse grace but continue thou in grace fall not from thy profession nor dislike the preaching of it because thou observest some who abuse the grace of God turning it into wantonnesse Remember that in the times of the Apostle some Gospel Professors did walke so contrary to the Gospel that tender-eyed Paul could not speake of them without teares in his eyes whose end was destruction whose God was their belly whose glory was there shame who minded earthly things Phil. 3. Yet these vile wretches would talke of grace and the Doctrine of Christ knowing nothing rightly of grace or Christ And Jude doth acquaint us with some in his time that were crept in unawares turning the grace of our God into lasciviousnesse And he saith that they were ordained to this condemnation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 written downe long before to this condemnation so the word signifieth for as God hath appointed some to salvation so he hath appointed some to damnation
those who cry up the strength of mans will and his precedent qualifications of righteousnesse and holinesse for the making of some men worthy to close with Christ in a promise of free grace rather then great sinners 2ly This may informe us that such shall certainly believe whom God will enable to believe through grace Acts 18.27 An infinite power is of such strength that a finite power is not able to resist it but whatsoever power there i● in the creature by which it may resist th● worke of Gods grace it is but finite and th● grace whereby we are enabled to believe i● infinite therefore we are not able to resist th● infinite power of the grace of God by which we are enabled to believe Take the Devill and all the powers of hell with all that is i● the heart of man all his sinnes ignorances and corruptions conjoyning their forces t● hinder the worke of faith in the spirit of man all these together are but a finite power but when God comes hee comes with an infinite power to enable us to believe Therfore I conclude that wee are not able to resist the power of God when hee is determined to give us faith Faith being the gift of his Almighty power But some may here object with the Arminiaus that place of Stephen Acts 7.51 Ye stiffe-necked and uncircumcised in heart and eares yee have alway resisted the holy Spiri Here say they you see that men have resisted the holy Spirit therefore God doth not so worke upon men by the power of his grace that he leaves them altogether unable to resist To this I answer that there is a two-fold power that God puts forth An ordinary power in the preaching of his Word when by intreaties beseeching and promises and the like he allures and enticeth men in the preaching of the Word and knocking at the doores of their hearts for entrance This common worke of the spirit may be resisted and so all wicked and ungodly men in this sense resist the Spirit of God and reject the Lord Jesus Christ But there is another power of the spirit and that is that inward spirituall power by which God comes on those whom he intends to save thus he comes not only in the preaching of the Word in the language of man but in the power of heaven And though the former worke of the Spirit may be resisted this latter cannot be resisted Though wee may reject the Word of God preached in the letter and some common workings of the spirit in our owne hearts and not give entertainement to Jesus Christ when hee knockes at the doore of our hearts in the preaching of the Word yet when it comes downe with power to open the heart as he did Lydia's we are not able to prevail against him when God intends powerfully to open the doore of our spirits we are not able to keepe it lockt he will sweetly force us to open the door and by his spirit and grace brea● in upon us and not suffer us to shut him out 〈◊〉 our hearts and wee are bound to blesse Go● that it is so for unlesse it were so no man i● the world should ever be saved no man in the world should ever receive Christ unlesse God did come with an infinite power and pleas●●●● violence force him to believe If it were not thus that God did wor● this unresistable way in those whom he inten● to save there must of necessity be an uncertainty whether ever any man or woman should ver be saved by Jesus Christ For if every m● and woman in the world had power to re●● grace offered not to believe at all then 〈◊〉 must follow that it might be impossible a●●● the fall that never a man or woman in the world should ever be saved by Christ And this absurdity will follow from it that God after mans fall could not be certaine that any man should be saved by Christ and so it would take away the fore-knowledge of God because he could not know but that every man in the world might resist reject Jefus Christ Thirdly This may give in some support to some trembling hearers who are convinced by the spirit of unbeliefe and are not able to believe in Jesus Christ Thou art ready to despaire when thou apprehendest that it is impossible for thee truly to believe of thy selfe but let thy spirit be upheld with this consideration that God is able to give thee faith while I am speaking of faith and shewing thee the worker of it It may be thou thinkest that thou shalt never have joy comfort and assurance of salvation but by believing and yet thou are not able to believe and therefore comfort thy selfe in this though thou canst doe nothing God is able to enable thee to doe all things Phil. 4.13 As the Martyr when some told him that when he came to suffer he wold rather deny his tenets then burn It is true said he I of my selfe should doe so but God is able to enable me So though thou knowest that thou of thy selfe canst not believe know that God is able to enable thee presently to believe Thou that hast had experience of thy unbelieving heart and of that mountaine of infidelity that lies upon thy spirit and that thou art able to say I shall never be able to believe of my selfe while the world stands know that God is ablde in this momentt to give thee faith Fourthly This may informe us concerning the nature of true faith by which it may bee distinguished from the faith of hypocriticall Formalists The hypocrite not being acquainted with his owne disability for the working of saving faith in his owne heart doth apprehend that he can doe the worke of God by himselfe in his own strength like the carnall hearers of our Saviour John 6.28 What shall wee doe that wee may worke the worke of God And when he apprehendeth that he doth believe he gloryeth more in his owne actings labourings and endeavours by which hee conceiveth that he hath obtainned faith then in the grace of the Lord Jesus having no spiritual knowledg of that faith which is wrought by the Almightines of Gods powerful irresistable grace But if it is otherwise with a true sonne of Abraham his faith is of another nature having a spirituall and heavenly tincture in it from that spirit by whom it ●● wrought He prizeth not his faith of the naturall spirit but the faith of his heavenly spirit He can set his seale to that truth of our Saviour John 6.65 That no man can come unto him except it were give a unto him of his Father he is not proud of his faith because hee looking upon it in the glasse of Gods free grace doth account it rather Gods worke then his owne According to that of our Saviour John 6. This is the worke of God that ye believe Vpon which words one of the Ancients hath this observation Non dixit hoc
the Scribes and Pharisees Joh. 7.19 Did not Moses give you a Law and none of you keepe it So I may speake to all men and women in the world the just and righteous God as the creator that may require obedience from his creature hath given us a just and holy Law all that he commands is consonant to reason and equitie Thou canst not deny but that it is equall that thou shouldest doe to all men as thou wouldest that they should doe to thee But we have all sinned and have broken this just and righteous Law of God therefore by this it appeares that there is no justification for a man by the Law or his own works Thirdly Another Consideration may be drawne from this it is not any whit necessary that any man should have any works at all to bring with him unto God for his justification There is a fulnesse and sufficiency in the grace of God and in Jesus Christ so that there is no need of any works that we should bring for our justification The robe of Christs righteousnesse is such a compleat garment that there needs no patches of our own to be sowed to it You shall find God speaking of his own grace in Isaiah Isa 43. For mine own Names sake I will forgive thy sinnes and will remember thy iniquities no more It is not for our works sake if it be onely of his grace He saith His arme is mightie and strong As the arme of Gods justice is a mightie arme by which he crushes and breaks in pieces all wicked and ungodly men so his arme is mightie to bring salvation And he hath laid help upon one that is mightie Psal 89. Seeing the mightinesse of Gods arme is to bring salvation to his people he is mightie to save Zeph. 3.17 and he will save to the utmost the worst and chiefe of sinners without any righteousnesse or holinesse of their owne Therefore it followes that it is not needfull nor necessary that a man doe good works that he may be justified and saved We have a rule in Philosophy that it is vaine frivolous to doe that by many things that may be done by few seeing God hath discovered an alsufficiency in his own grace it is vaine therefore to seek justification by many things Psal 130.7 There is mercy with God and plenteous redemption No need therefore of mans righteousnesse If thou hast been a slave to many sinnes to vile lusts and base corruptions pride vaine-glory hypocrisie swearing and uncleannesse c. There is plenteous redemption God can redeeme thee from all thy sinnes that thou hast been accustomed unto many yeares He is able to redeeme thee out of the hands of all thy corruptions that hold thee fast in bondage and slavery Wherefore there being such a sufficiency in grace it is not needfull or necessary that a man doe good works that he may be justified The fourth consideration may be this Almightie God doth not require us to doe good works that they should justifie or save us I confesse in the letter of the Word God seemes to require them When he speaks in the language of the Law he saith Doe this and live c. But in the Ministery of the Gospel which is the only Ministery of salvation God doth not require thee to do any thing that thou maist be saved or justified The Law sets thee to work and is never satisfied but the Gospel bids thee doe nothing at all This is the tenour of the Gospel Beleeve in the Name of the Lord Jesus and be confident to be justified onely by his Name The Apostles when they preached endeavoured to beat men off from their own works and performances in the point of justification When the Gaoler said What shall I do to be saved Paul bids him not to work but to beleeve in the Lord Jesus So in Isai 55.3 God reprehends men that spend their time for that which is worth nothing laying out so much time in acting doing for justification and salvation in the mean while neglecting the glorious and precious Gospel of grace by his Son Wherefore doe yee spend money for that which is not bread Wherefore doe yee spend the strength of your bodies spirits in working labouring and tyring out your dayes under the spirit of bondage that yee may be justified and saved You spend your money for that that is not bread you shall never have a piece of bread from the Law for this you shall never satisfie the Law it will not give you a crumb of comfort worke and doe what you can Hearken unto me and eat that which is good and let your soule delight it selfe in fatnesse Foolish and ignorant people they take paines to satisfie their spirits and to get comfort by making long prayers and observing fasting dayes and giving almes to the poore endeavouring to love God and Saints that they may be saved but they labour for that that will not profit for that that is not bread If duties could satisfie why did Christ die If we could be saved by the Law why was the Gospel made knowne Therefore he points them to the Gospel Heare and your soule shall live That is heare the Word of Gods grace beleeve that God will pardon your sinnes for his Name sake and not for any works or righteousnesse in your selves Beleeve that Christ came to save sinners ungodly sinners the worst of sinners the chiefe of them beleeve this and your soules shall live If any bid thee worke that thou maist be justified to get love to the brethren to get a good conscience to God and men he setteth you upon a labour that will not profit you The voyce of God is Heare and your soules shall live Beleeve that which is reported concerning this Christ who was borne of a woman though the eternall Son of God and was manifested in the flesh and hath borne the sinnes of sinfull flesh and hath made an end of all iniquitie and brought in everlasting righteousnesse In beleeving this doctrine we are assured of his love And this God bids us preach and nothing else for justification ceasing from our selves our works our righteousnesse our performances resting on his love setting foot on his grace disclaiming our doings not coming to him in the sight of our works and our love but of his goodnesse as it is displayed in Christ Fifthly It is positively forbidden and God reproves men for it he shews them that they undoe their soules to eternitie if in a secret way they rest upon their owne works Israd which followed after the Law of righteousnesse hath not attained to the Law of righteousnesse Wherefore Because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the Law Rom. 9.31 32. He doth not say that they did directly seek salvation by the Law but indirectly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sed tanquam operibus legis as it were by the works of the Law Works are not onely
of high Treason against the State the Law will condemne him for the Treason his good service not being availeable to make satisfaction to the justice of the Law for this Treason So if it were possible for us to keepe the Law for a time wee should be condemned if it can be proved that wee have broken it at any time Acts of obedience will not make satisfaction for acts of disobedience We cannot satisfie the justice of the Law by doing what the Law requires if we have once broken it If we could sometimes doe what the Law requires us we should not be able to free our selves from the guilt and punishment for doing that which it forbiddeth us at all times because it requireth obedience from us at all times And it is unreasonable to thinke that God if he deale with us as under the Law and not under Grace should give us a pardon of our disobedience in consideration of our obedience If a wife live honestly as becomes a wife some few yeares if her huband finde that she committed Adultery some yeares before the time of her honesty obedience the Law takes no notice at all that she hath lived in her latter time as became a wife but condemnes her she must be divourced from her husband for her adultrous act committed before her obedience So if it were possible that wee could keepe the Law and doe what is required in it and live under the obedience of it in every branch and point of it yet if we have once broken the Law the Law taking no notice of our obedience would condemne us for our disobedience What the Roman hystorian saith of the Roman Law that it is dura et inexorabilis severe and inexorable it is true of Gods Law The Law heareth no cry or begging for mercy No man shall finde favour or pardon from the Law by any acts of obedience to the Law who hath once disobeyed the Law The paying of a new debt will not make satisfaction to a man to whom an old debt is owing so if wee could pay the debt that the Law requires for the present it makes no satisfaction at all for our breaking it before for our old debt By this consideration in the first place it will be evident to every man who hath any spirituall knowledge of the purity and justice of the Law that it is impossible for sinfull man to finde out any way but the good old way of Grace to happinesse and salvation Secondly wee are justified by grace that God may have the glory of his grace Man fell by pride therefore God will not estate him in happinesse but by humbling him by bringing him upon his knees to the Throne of Grace that he may have the glory of his grace Naturally we are full of pride and would rise by that by which wee fell wee would be made happy by workes as wee are made unhappy by workes Every man that sees himselfe sees how that the whole streame of corrupt nature runs this way man will be doing working and acting that he may be justified But God will not suffer sinfull man to glory before him in his owne workes least he should loose the glory of grace Rom. 4.2 and therefore there is no salvation for us untill wee lie downe at the doore of grace If God enter into judgement no man living shall be justified in his sight Psal 143.2 God doth stop up all other waies to salvation but the way of grace that he may have the glory of his grace in justifing the objects and vessells of his grace God doth not so much intend mans salvation by grace as his owne glory and praise He formeth his people for himselfe that they may be happy in himselfe and with himselfe and they may shew forth his praise Psal 43.21 It is the minde and pleasure of God that every man should glory in himselfe therefore he justifies and saves us onely by that Grace which is in himselfe In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory And the Apostle when he had dicoursed of the grace of God in our election predestination and adoption doth sweetly acknowledge that grace doth streame forth unto us in all these particulars that it may be to the praise of the glory of his grace Ephes 1.5 6. He maketh us objects of grace that he may receive from us and wee be enabled to give unto him the glory of his grace All the Saints are brought forth standing before the Throne and singing forth this truth Rev. 7.10 Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the Throne and to the Lambe They ascribe salvation not to their owne workes merits deservings or worthynesse but to the grace of God and blood of the Lambe As earthly and grose bodies cannot mount up to Heaven which is a place of puritie and perfection but they fall downe by their owne weight to the earth unable to ascend thether So our works fall downe to the ground as unable to ascend up to the place of Gods purity and glory to justifie us in his sight that salvation may be attributed onely to his owne grace And he will not justifie us in the court of our owne consciences wee shall not read our names written in heaven till hee bring us from our owne workes righteousnesse performances and endeavours to rest upon the strong arme of his grace that we may give him the glory of his grace in our free justification and salvation Thirdly God saves us by Grace because if it were not by grace it had beene needlesse that the Lord Iesus Christ should have beene given to us If it had been possible for man to have wrought out his owne salvation by his own workes there had been no need that the Son of God should have disroabed himselfe of his glory and been made man like us Why should he have lived a life of sorrow and died a death of shame had it been possible for us to have gotten salvation by our own works Therefore the Apostle concludes that if righteousnesse had been by the Law then Christ had dyed in vaine And thus have I opened to you and shewed you the reasons why wee are saved by grace In aword now to make a little use of it and so I shall conclude for the present In the first place that which I have delivered concerning the eternall grace of God sufficiently confutes that error which is in the spirits of many men who thinke that workes and actings of the creature is the cause of Gods love to the creature God doth not love us because wee love him but we love God because he first loved us from eternity God doth not begin to love us when wee are made new creatures but God loveth us that we may be new creatures Faith is not the Antecedent cause but consequent of election Tit. 3.5 Not by workes of righteousnesse which wee have done but according to his mercy he
the world but that hee was a Saviour to them Thus Paul preached to the keeper of the prison Act. 16.31 Beleeve on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved and thy house As when they preached the doctrine of repentance or changednesse of the mind their meaning was that every man ought to be changed so when they urge beleeving for salvation their meaning is that wee should beleeve for our owne salvation in particular The generall truth of faith and repentance is to beleeve by a power enabling us in particular for our selves to beleeve and repent Lastly We are saved through faith Because by faith we heare the inward word of salvation The word which soundeth to the outward eare without this inward word bringeth no salvation As the Philosopher told him who reprehended him for publishing and divulging a booke of philosophy that he had published it and he had not published it his meaning was this that it was so darke and mysticall that though it were published yet it was not published to the ignorant and unlearned so the Gospel in the letter is published to men and not published they heare and doe not heare they see and doe not see But by faith wee so heare that our soules live by hearing Isa 55.3 The dead saith our Saviour shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of God and they that heare shall live Fidei oculi sunt spiritus per quem spiritualia videntur Cypr The Spirit is an eye to a beleeving man by which he seeth and enjoyeth spirituall things wee receive not the Spirit by hearing the Law or doing the workes of the Law but by the hearing of faith Gal. 3.2 Eternall life and Salvation is by hearing the inward word of life salvation and grace God bids the Prophet Ezech 38.5 to prophesie over the drie bones that they might live The Lord Jesus is the great invisible Prophet who prophesieth over drie bones and dead-hearted sinners and by hearing inwardly the inward word of this Prophet they live in hearing and believing And therefore it is said that wee are saved by faith Having by these particulars acquainted you with my Judgement concerning our salvation through faith I shall now by the same assistance of Gods grace draw some usefull conclusions from the premises and so put a period to my discourse for the present First this doth discover unto us the usefulnesse and excellency of the unfained faith of the elect As Noah was preserved from the destruction which came upon the old world by going for his safety into the Arke so by the foot of faith wee walke into our Arke Christ Jesus for the Salvation of our soules The world of sin is a dismall wildernesse full of fierie Serpents by faith we eye Jesus Christ as our brasen Serpent and set footing in the heavenly Canaan of gods grace while the sinfull Sodome of the world is destroyed with the raine of fire and brimstone by faith like Righteous Lot wee escape out of it when with Peter wee are readie to sinke and perish in the Sea of sinne by Faith we touch the saving arme of the Lord Jesus and are preserved when wee drinke the deadly poyson of sinne by faith we take in Jesus Christ as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or antidote and the deadly poyson doth not hurt us but we are miraculously preserved Faith beholdeth Christ crucified before us Gal. 3.2 and evidently set forth who hath nailed the Law of workes our sinne and death to his owne crosse and wee who deserved damnation are saved through grace Christ is the man who is an hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest Isa 32.2 sin is a noxious and a destroying wind as wind in the cavernes of the earth is a cause of an Earth-quake so sinne is the cause of destroying Earthquakes in the earthly hearts of men but Christ is our hiding place in which through beleeving wee are safe The Devills infernall windes and blastes destroy many a soule with which he filleth it with hellish errours and impieties to its destruction Acts 5.3 Christ filleth his people by breathing upon them in the Spirit of grace for their salvation but Christ is a shelter from the infernall blastes of Satan And while carnall and unbeleeving men are as a ship under sayle and the Devill unto them is as a powerfull winde violently blowing them to destruction Acts 26.18 Christ by enabling his people to beleeve doth blow them with the pleasant gales of his sweet spirit to the havens of peace and safetie Though there are infectious and destroying windes upon earth yet there are none in Heaven so though the men of the earth are infected with the winds of sinne and Satan to their ruine yet they who live in the Heaven of Gods grace by faith Jesus Christ is a defence unto them When darknesse and tempests are in the Spirits of men from the Law which they have broken Christ who rebuked the tempests of the Sea Mat. 8.2 doth rebuke tempestates mentis Hier the tempests of our troubled minds and consciences and by beleeving there is a great calme in the soule Sinne in the soule is like Jonah in the ship which bringeth a tempest with it but Christ through faith doth cast this Tempest-raiser into the sea of his Fathers grace and the soule is quieted and filled with joy and peace in beleeving The Philosopher saith that Logick to a rationall and learned man is the instrument of instruments 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without which he shall make little proficiencie in other Arts and Sciences So faith is the Organ or instrument to the spirituall man by which hee is made partaker of the wisdome and spirit of the Lord in which he is to doe all things and without which he can doe nothing Secondly this discovers the reason why the Devill and his agents doe so much oppose the Doctrine of faith and the preaching of it He is an enemie to mans salvation and therefore he is an enemy to the Doctrine of faith through which wee are saved The Devill doth what hee pleaseth to those who are without faith as being unable to resist him Unbeleeving men are like the Israelites without a shield or Speare to defend themselves Jude 5.7 And the Devill doth lead them captive at his will 2 Tim. 2.26 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as wild beasts are mastered and ruled by those who have taken them in a snare or net so the word fignifieth but when wee beleeve to Salvation we are furnished with power to oppose him who seeketh our damnation when we beleeve we are armed against his encounters and fitted against his opposition Faith is the soules defensive Shield by wich all his fierie darts are quenched Eph. 6.16 and therefore it is that he doth alwayes raise opposition persecution and reproaches against the Doctrine and professors of Faith Thirdly seeing salvation is by faith examine thy selfe concerning thy salvation by trying thy faith Men that are not
of the rebellion in his will fights against all the discoveries that may be made of Jesus Christ to him This is set forth most plainly to us by John John 1.13 where speaking of the Saints he saith They are borne not of blood nor of the will of flesh not of the will of man but of God It is not of the will of the rationall man spiritually truely to wil his owne regeneration Let a man make the best use he can of his will let him put forth himselfe to the best resolutions he can make let him resolve to doe nothing but seeke Christ and study to know him yet if a man be only in the strength of his own resolutions he shall never be able to find out the Lord Jesus Christ The Apostle Paul is plaine in this point Rom. 9.16 It is not of him that willeth or of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy A man may have some weake resolutions of himselfe and to seeke Christ and the things of Gods Kingdom but unlesse hee be carryed out with a higher principle and a greater power then his own wil to Christ he will never be able to effect what he seemes to desireto have effected and wrought in him In libero arbitrio nulla est libertas sed servitus Free wil is not free but a slave there is nofreedome but slavery in it It is not free to good unlesse it be freed from sin by grace si stare non potuit humana natura adhuc integra quomedo potest resurgere jam corrupta Bern. If man in the state of integrity could not stand of himselfe how shall hee of himselfe in his state of corruption be able to rise now hee is fallen Unlesse God come downe with a mighty power and force us against our naturall will to receive Christ wee shall never bee made partakers of Christ No man saith Christ can come to mee except the Father draw him Joh. 6.44 Nolentes trahimur you know when a man is drawn he is drawn against his will I need not draw a man that is willing to come after me If we were willing to goe after God in our conversion wee should stand in need of no drawing But ye see that God must compell us to come in to Jesus or else wee will never come in unto him nor submit unto his will I would not here be mistaken I do not think that when a man doth take Christ that he is unwilling to take him but hee receiveth him willingly Yet it is not by the strength of the naturall will that a man is made willing but by the power of grace Ex nolentibus volentes facit God maketh us who are unwilling to entertaine his Sonne by nature willing to entertaine him by grace and the will acted by the strength of supernaturall grace doth act in a contrary way to it selfe when it acteth in the strength of corrupt nature By which it is plainly proved that the will of a naturall man is insufficient of it selfe to bring about the salvation of a naturall man We are changed into the Image of the Lord by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 From whence one doth draw this rationall conclusion that if we are changed by the strength of the spirit that then it is not by the strength of free will Si a domini spiritu jam non a libero arbitrio And we may draw the same conclusion from the words of Paul Phil. 2.13 where he affirmeth that it is God that worketh in us both to will and to doe of his owne good pleasure If God doth work in us to will what is good then we doe not work it in our selves By which it is clearely demonstrated that if faith be looked upon as a work in the will by which it is made willing to receive Christ and his righteousnesse for Justification that then faith cannot be looked upon as from our selves but it is the gift of God A second argument for the confirmation of this may be drawn from the considering the disability of men already converted to doe any good of themselves And thus I frame my argument If men already converted are not able to think a good thought or to put forth one act of faith of themselves then men unconverted are not able to believe of themselves before conversion But men already converted are not able to think one good thought or to put forth one act of faith of themselves Therefore unconverted men are not able to believe of themselves There is that strength in the first proposition that I suppose no man pretending to bee a Schollar in the Schoole of the spirit will question the truth of it For should a man question it he should by his questioning of it attribute a greater strength to unconverted then converted men which is such an absurdity in Divinity that I think no spiritual man would be guilty of it And for the minor or second Proposition it is backed with such plaine authority of Scripture that it is in vaine for any man to deny it How plainly doth Paul deliver himselfe in this point 2 Cor. 3.5 Where speaking of Saints he saith That wee are not sufficient of our selves to think any thing as of our selves but our sufficiency is of God What spirituall act is more easie then to thinke a good thought It is easier to thinke well then to speake well or doe well we often think good thoughts that never come out upon the tongue or appeare in the action Yet holy Paul is not affraid to professe that the best of us all cannot thinke any thing as of our selves Which may be a sufficient proof of that which followeth in the same proposition where wee say that he cannot put forth one act of faith In believing our spirits are placed and fixed upon God and we are filled with high thoughts of his grace in his Sonne to his glory and therefore if we cannot think well certainly we cannot believe well And that wee cannot believe of our selves after we do believe will be evident by the Petition of the Apostles Luke 17.5 Lord encrease our Faith What necessity was there that they should have prayed to their Mr. for the increasing of their faith if by their owne strength they could have believed when they had pleased And thus I have at once both proved my argument and the point in hand that true faith is not of our selves This argument is a majore ad minus as we speake in Logicke from the greater to the lesse if the greater can doe nothing the lesse cannot if converted men be able to do nothing toward this excellent work of faith then unconverted men are able to doe nothing Men who have a life in Christ can do nothing of themselves therefore such who are dead in sins and trespasses can doe nothing of themselves but God must doe all in us by his grace The third argument may be drawne from this
in the Saints in glory is not sin but love shall remaine and endure after this life therefore it is not sin Object But some say if you looke on this place and take notice of this character and description of love you will scarce find any man in the world that hath such a love and by your argument no true faith For hee saith that love suffereth long it envieth not it vaunteth not it selfe it is not puffed up behaveth not it selfe unseemely seeketh not her owne is not easily provoked thinketh no evill rejoyceth not in iniquity but rejoyceth in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things Love never faileth Answ Every man that is borne of God hath such a love as farre as he is born of God I say not that he hath it in the flesh in the old man but in the new man Wee have a new man as we have an old man and as wee are sometimes acted by the new man so sometimes by the old man As wee are acted by the olde man we doe nothing but that which is contrary to this love but as far as we are acted in the Spirit by the new man by the power of God and the grace of Christ so far we have such a love as is here set downe Therefore if any man hath not such a love and hath beene perswaded that hee hath true faith I dare preach it in the name of Christ that that man never had true faith for true faith works by such love as the Apostle describes here And he positively saith that if a man have other gifts and such a faith by which hee can remove mountaines and hath not this love that he is nothing I would not trouble weak Christians by this I speak not of them in the flesh but in the spirit as farre as thou art spirituall and livest and walkest in the Spirit thou hast such a love And if upon examination thou shalt finde that thou hast not such a love I say thou art a stranger to God For hee that knoweth God walks in love He that saith he knoweth God and walkes not in love he knoweth not God God is love and he that dwelleth in God dwelleth in love 1 Ep. John If I should preach the Doctrine of Justification and write volumes of it yet if I find after all this that I am without this love I am nothing If I speake with the tongue of men and Angels If I could prophesie and had all faith to remove mountaines yet if I have not love I am but as sounding brasse and a tinckling Cymball Hee that loves God by apprehending Gods love he cannot but love God again and his neighbour yea enemy for Gods sake Therefore if a man say I have been a professor of the Gospel but finde not love to God Christ and my enemies for Christs sake It is as if hee should say Sir I have been a professor of grace many yeares and have been looked on as one that knowes Christ but I know him not for I have not true love that accompanies true faith Arg. 26. God speaking of faith love fear zeal the like as in us doth promise to be the worker of them in us and therefore if these should be sin the fault would be chargable upon him I would have this argument to be wel weighed because it answereth the ordinary objection to wit that these fruits are good and no way faulty as in the precept of God but not as wrought in us God is the Author of them by promise as they are wrought in us which will make him the Author of sinne if they be sin or sinfull If faith and love is sinne then he hath Covenanted to work sin in thee for hee hath covenanted to worke feare and love in thee But farre be it from us to have such a thought of our holy God If God work feare in our hearts that feare shall not be sin or sinfull We know the excellency of the Artificer or work-man by the aedifice or building and doe judge what worke-man God is by his glorious work in the spirits of the Saints and if God worke onely sinfull things in us what worke-man would we conclude him to be Paul saith by the grace of God I am what I am 2 Cor. 15. It is by grace that I love it is by grace that I feare with a filiall feare it is by grace that I am zealous for God If this love were sin if this feare were sin if this zeale were sinne wee might lay the fault upon the worke-man It is Gods work not ours but his Non mea sed tua sunt Aug. speaking of good workes saith They are not mine but thine Unlesse we will disparage and undervalue the grace of God wee may not looke on these things as sinne or sinfull but ought to looke on them with a spirituall eye and to see them as God doth to be spirituall and good Object Our workes as they are from God are good but as they are from us so are they sinfull and defiled As walking as it comes from the soule it is upright and free from lamenesse but as it is acted by a lame leg so it is lame and halting Answ This objection will appeare to be a lame objection if it be made evident unto us that the holy foote given unto us by God is not a lame foot Was it with a lame foot that David will runne the wayes of Gods Commandements Is it with a lame legge that God hath promised we shall runne and not be weary and walke and not faint Isa 40. last Vse 1. This may be sufficient for the confutation of those who doe not distinguish betweene the regenerated and unregenerated part in man as the Scripture doth distinguish laying the bastardly brats of the flesh at the doore of the Spirit confounding the workes of the flesh with the good and perfect gifts of the spirit Jam. 1.17 and not considering that though there is the flesh and the spirit in the same man that yet they are distinguished in their natures workings and operations The spirit and the things of the spirit like oyle swimming upon the surface of the waters doth not change it selfe into the nature of the flesh Their usuall similitude doth not prove what they would maintaine to wit that the worke of the spirit is like cleare water poured into a dung-hill which though it be clear and pure in the bason yet running through the dung-hill doth become as impure and filthy as the dung-hill it selfe For though these two are in the same man yet they doe not mingle themselves the one with the other that any of them should lose their own beings But because these men are furnished as well with arguments by which they desire to prove what they contend for as with objections by which they endeavour to weaken the strength of the arguments which have been laid downe for the
confirmation of the truth Give mee leave to give an answer to their arguments as I have already presented unto you answers to their objections Arg. 1. Paul was a regenerated man yet he confesseth that he was not able to performe that which is good Rom. 7.18 Therefore no regenerate man is able to performe that which is good Answ Paul doth give a sufficient answer to this objection in the preceding words of the same verse where he saith in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing by which it is evident that he speaketh of himselfe in reference to his flesh And this is a truth which with all the faithfull I willingly subscribe unto But when he plainely speaketh of a man in the spirit freed from the clouds of temptations and power of the flesh in the last verse of the same Chapter he saith With the minde I my self serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin It is good to serve the law of God but Paul in the Spirit had attained unto this and therefore Paul was enabled to performe that which is good According to that of the Apostle Phil. 2.13 It is God who worketh in us to will and to doe of his owne good pleasure Arg. 2. There is none that doth good no not one Rom. 3.9 10 11. which is meant aswell of the regenerate as unregenerate as is evident by vers 23 24. because it is meant of all who are justified freely by his grace as appears further by the instances of Abraham and David which were regenerated Ch. 4.2.6 Therefore no workes of the regenerate are without sinne Answ It is plain that the Apostle speaketh here of a man under the law and of an unregenerate man by the things which are spoken of him Hee saith that none seeketh after God can you affirme this of a regenerated man when the same Prophet who in the 14. Psame doth give us a character of a wicked man out of which this is taken in the 24. Psalme doth give us this character of a man truly godly that hee is one of the generation of those who seeke God 2. The Apostle saith that there is none that understandeth But blessed be God the sonne of God is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him 1 John 5.20 3. They are all gone out of the way But we can blesse God who through Jesus Christ hath brought us into the way of salvation 4. There is none that doth good no not one and there is none that is righteous But hearken unto the speech of John 1 John 3.7 Let no man deceive you hee that doth righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous I might runne over all the other particulars there laid downe but I shall content my selfe with what is spoken in the 17.18 it s said that the way of peace have they not known and there is no feare of God before their eyes Is a regenerate man an enemie to the way of peace and doe not they feare God to whom God hath sworne Jer. 32.40 That he will put his feare in their hearts that they shall not depart from him Again secondly you would prove it by this argument because hee speaketh of all those who are justified But let me tell you that we must distinguish of a man before and after his Justification Every man is such a man before Justification and in this respect he speaketh of all men but after justification there is a charge wrought in a man as I have formerly proved at large unto which I refer the Reader But thirdly you instance in David and Abraham who were regenerated men Answ Wee are not to forget that the Scriprure dosh acquaint us that there is a two-fold righteousnesse of a regenerate man The righteousnesse of Justification and the righteousnesse of sanctification Of the first of these the Prophet speaking saith that a man is blessed to whom sin is not imputed of the latter where hee saith of the same verse And in whose spirit there is no guile which the learned Zanchius doth apprehend to be spoken in reference to that sanctification which is in the unregenerated part understand the distinction rightly and you cannot want an answer to this Objection Arg. 3. Wee believe not so stedfastly nor love so perfectly as we ought therefore is our faith love imperfect and sinfull Ans 1. If we should grant the antecedent we may deny the consequence It is true that if a man doth not believe so stedfastly and love so perfectly as he ought that then the man doth sin consider him physically And this wee have alwayes granted but it doth not follow that his faith and love is sin but that which is in the flesh is sin which is the cause that he doth not believe so stedfastly and love so perfectly as he ought Amesius doth give a sufficient answer to this in answering an argument which Bellarmine doth bring against the Protestants to wit that sins doe not please God in Christ It is true saith he that sin doth not please God but the stain of sin being done away the good which remaineth is pleasing unto God Sane quidem certe sedpeccati maculâ in Christo deletâ bonum substratum placet Tom. 4. l. 6. c. 8. 2ly We say that a regenerate man looked upon in the new Covenant doth believe stedfastly and love perfectly His unbeliefe and hatred of God which is in the flesh being covered with the rich mantle of Gods grace and mercy as far as he doth believe truly he doth believe stedfastly and as far as he doth love he doth love perfectly Let not this offend any man that I say he doth love perfectly It is granted by most Protestant writers that a regenerate man hath a perfection of parts though not of degrees A childe may have an humane nature and the parts of a man as well as a man of forty yeares old A sparke of fire hath the true nature of fire a drop of water hath the nature of water in it as wel as all the water in the Sea So a sparke or drop of love hath the divine nature of love in it as well as that which burnes in the breasts of a Seraphim and therefore is not sin or sinfull And for this reason it is said that Abraham was not weak in faith though it is unquestionable that hee had his weaknesse in the flesh as well as other men and that hee staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God Rom. 4. And this is the meaning likewise of Amesius in the place formerly cited where hee saith That the good works of the faithfull are not only good by the object of them but in reference to all the causes of them the efficient materiall formall and finall cause Opera fidelium non tantum sunt bona ex objecto sed etiam quoad omnes causas efficientem materiam