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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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maiesticall maner therof 750 R O. Robert De Artois a noble man of France exciteth king Edward the 3. to make claym to the kingdome of Fraunce 376. Robert Brakenbery true to hys Prince 728. Robert Braybroke byshop of Lōdon 443. Robert Bacon a bloudy and cruel● enemy to the Sayntes of God● 1912. Robert Barnes hys story 1192. Robert Cosin Martyr hys story 818. Robert Chapell his trouble and persecution .641 abiured ibid. Robert Dynes Martyr his story and Martyrdome 2042. Robert Drakes hys story .1895 hys examination and death 1896.1897.1898 Robert Edgore hys death 2103.2104 Robert Farrar of London a sore enemy filthy talker by the good Lady Elizabeth 2097. Robert Grosthead made Byshop of Lincolne 279. Roberts Gentlewoman her trouble and deliueraunce 2073. Robert Grosthead Byshoppe of Lincolne his cōmendatiō books trouble and death .325 hys articles agaynst the Pope 325. Robert Glouer Martyr and his Brother theyr trouble persecution and death 1709.1710.1711 1712.1713 Robertus Gallus his Prophesies agaynst the Pope 322 Robert Harrison Martyr 1277 Robert Kyng Robert Debnam hanged for takynge downe the Roode of Douer Courte 1031 Robert Kylwarby Archbyshoppe of Caunterbury 336 Robert Lambe with other moe Martyrs 1267 Robert Lawson Roger Bernard Martyrs theyr Storyes 1917 1918.1919 Robert Miles aliâs Plūmer martyr his story 2047 Robert Milles Martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Robert Packington murthered 1130 Robert Parson of Heggeley hys examination and aunsweres 641 Robert Pigot Martyr his Story examination and constaunt martyrdome 1715.1716 Robert Smith Martyr .1689 his examinations and answeres .1691.1692.1693.1694 his Godly Letters to diuers of hys Frendes 1696.1698.1699.1700.1701.1702 Robert Samuell Martyr his story and death .1703.1604 hys letters 1705.1706 Robert Twing spoyled of his benefice by the Papistes 276 Robert Streater Martyr 1708 Robert Southam Martyr his story martyrdome 2037.2038 2039 Robert Williams scourged 2062 Roger Acton knight why executed as a traytor 587 Roger Byshop of London excommunicated the Popes Usurers 278 Roger Clarke Martyr his Story and Martyrdome 1231.1232 Roger Holland Martyr .2037.2038.2039 his examination and aunsweares .2039.2040 his death and martyrdome 2039 2042 Roger Mortimer earle of Marsh executed 376 Roger Cooe his examination condemnatiō and martyrdome 1707 1708 Rogers burned in Northfolke 1241 Roger Onley proued not guilty of treason 703 Rogers his story and martyrdome 1484. his examinations and answeares .1485.1486 hys condemnation .1488 his admonition to the Byshoppes out of prison .1489.1490 his Propheticall sayinges .1492 hys constaunt martyrdome for the truth 1493 Rockewood Persecutor hys death 2101 Rood of Paules in London set vp with Te Deum solemnly song 1472 Roode sette vppe in Lankeshyre 1474 Rhodes besieged .744 and wonne of the Turkes 748 Rodolphe Archbishop of Caunterbury 198 Rogation dayes in olde time without superstition 128 Rochester besieged of the Barons 332 Rome why aduaunced aboue other Cittyes .18 sacked destroyed 987 Rome full of all abhominations .697 not the Catholicke Church and why 1803 Rome not supreame head ouer other Churches 1759 Rome described in her Colours 322 Rome how it beganne to take head ouer other Churches 120 Rome proued to be Babilon .478 Antichristes neast 562 Romaynes punished by their owne Emperours for contemning● Christ and his true Religion 31. Romaynes olde theyr fayth 20 Romanes 23. brought into England to be beneficed 287 Romanus his lamentable history death 89 90 Romeshot confirmed by Canutus 163 Romish prelats displaced by queene Elizabeth and good Bishoppes placed in theyr stead 2125 Rowland Taylour Doctour and Martyr his life and story .1518 cited .1519 appeareth before Winchester theyr conference together .1520 depriued of his benefice 1521 Rounde Table built in Windsour 384 Rough Martyr his story and martyrdome 2028.2031.2034 Rollo a Dane first Duke of Normandy 141 Roper Martyr his story persecution and death 1794 Rochtailada Martyr his Story 391 Rose his trouble for the Gospell .2082 his examinations .2083.2084.2085 his deliuery 2086.2087 Rose Allin her story .2005 her hand burned by Edmund Tyrill 2006 2007 Rose Minister with 30. godly persons taken in Bowchurch at the Communion 1480 Rota an Office in the Courte of Rome full of all abhomination 857 Roy burned in Portingall for the Gospell 1398.1027 Roth Martyr his story and martyrdome 2013.2014.2015.2016.2017.2018.2019 R V. Rubricke of the 5. woundes after the Papistes 1398 S A. SAbinus publisheth the Emperors decree 82 Sabinianus Bishop of Rome 120 Sabina Martyr his story 4 Sacrament called breade of Saynt Paule of the Chanon of the masse it selfe and of the fathers 534 Sacrament defined .1183 why called the body of Christ. 1392 Sacrament of the Lordes bodye called breade of Saynt Cyprian 62 Sacrament hath two thinges in it to be noted 500 Sacrament is not to be considered in nature but what it is in mistery 1432 Sacrament in one kind contrary to the worde of God practise of the primitiue Church and Fathers in all ages 1150.1151 Sacramentall mutation in the Lordes Supper what and howe 1761 Sacrament hath both commaundement and promise annexed 1611 Sacramentes are confirmations of Gods grace towards his people 1707 Sacrament made an Idoll by the Papistes 28 Sacramentes take theyr names of those thinges whiche they represent .1129 not Christes body in deede but in representation onely 1130 Sacramentes without theyr vse are no Sacramentes .1809.1815 ministred in one kinde by the papistes .1820.1821 abused ibid. oughte to bee ministred in bothe kindes and not in one as the papistes do 1890 Sacrament neither chaunged in substaunce nor accidence .1380 they are seales of Gods grace towardes vs. 1431 Sacrament of the Aultar no Sacrament 1977 Sacrament of the aultar ouerthroweth the Lordes supper 1626 Sacramente of the Aultare who brought in 544 Sacrament of Penance 544 Sacrifice of Christ once offered sufficient for all 1432 Sacrifice propiciatory of the masse is derogatory to Christes death and passion 1761 Sacrifice of the Church and Sacrifice for the Church 1615 Sacrifice of Christ not many tymes offered but once for all 484 Sadoletus Cardinall his desperate death 2106 Safe conducte graunted to Iohn Hus. 596 Sagaris Martyr 4 Saladine slayeth Christian Captaynes and is put to flight hymselfe 245.246 Salisbury the first Byshop therof 183 Sanctus his notable constancy and cruell martyrdome 46 All Sayntes day first instituted with the day of all soules 137 Sayntes not to be called vppon or prayed vnto 1108.1109 Sayntes are not to be worshipped 1741 Sayntes of the Popes Traytors 579 Saynt Stephen the Ringleader of all Christes holy Martyrs 32 Saynt Iohns Gospell translated into English by Beede 127 Saynt Iohn of Beuerleyes miracles reproued 125 Saynt Iames the Apostle Martyred 32 Saynt Edmond Chanon of Salisbury Canonized a Saynt 270 San Romayne his story and constant martyrdome for the trueth 928.929.930 Saynt Peters body clothed in siluer in Rome 130 Saynt Martin persecuted 955 Saynt Bridget 419 Saynt Elizabeth her Story 273.268 San Bene●o 931 Sarton burned at Bristow for the truth of Christes Gospell 2149 Saunders his life and
great quietnesse if hee coulde haue dissembled and bothe done and spoken against his conscience as many stirring Papistes then did And likewise he mighte haue escaped burning in Queene Maries time if he woulde either haue spoke● or kept silence against his conscience as manye weake Gospellers did But Palmer could in no wise dissemble Now within short space God so wrought in his hart that he became very inquisitiue and carefull to heare and vnderstand howe the Martyrs were apprehended what articles they died for how they were vsed and after what sort they tooke theyr death In so much that he spared not at his owne charges to sende ouer one of his schollers in the companye of a Bacheler of that house to Glocester to see vnderstand the whole order of B. Hoopers deth and to bring him true report therof Which thing some thinke he the rather did because he was woont in king Edwards time to say that none of them all would stand to death for their religion Thus he learned with what extreme horrible cruelty the martyrs of God were tried and how valiauntly they ouercame all kinde of torments to the ende Wherof he himself also did see more experience afterward at the examination and death of those holy confessors and martyrs which were burned at Oxford before his eyes in so muche that the first hope which the godly conceyued of him was at the retourne from the burning of B. Ridley and B. Latimer At what time in the hearing of diuers of his frendes he brast out into these woordes and suche like O raging crueltie O tyrannie tragicall and more than barbarous From that day forward he studiously sought to vnderstand the truth and therefore with all speede he borrowed Peter Martyrs Commentaries vpon the first to the Corinthes of one of Magdalenes yet aliue and other good bookes of other men And so through harty praier and diligent search and conference of the scriptures at length he beleeued and imbraced the truth with great ioy and so profited in the same that daily more and more hee declared it both in word and dede In such sort as he neuer hated the truth more stubbornly before then afterward he willingly embraced the same whē it pleased God to open his eies and to reueale vnto him the light of his woord And nowe againe when he should come to Church in those dayes of Poperie there to be occupied among the rest in singing of Respondes reading of Legendes and suche like stuffe allotted vnto him he had as much pleasure he sayd to be at them as a Beare to be baited and wearied wyth dogs When he came it was as it appeared more to auoid displeasure and daunger then for any good will and readye affection At length through Gods grace he grew vp to suche maturitie and ripenes in the truth that he spared not to declare certaine sparkes thereof in his outward behauior and doyngs For when he should keepe his bowing measures at Confiteor as the custome there was in turning hymselfe to and fro sometyme Eastward somtyme Westward and afterward knocke his brest at the eleuatiō time agaynst which Idolatrous adoration hys hart did so vehemently rise that sometyme hee would absent hymselfe from them and sometyme beyng there he would euen at the sucring tyme as they termed it gette hym out of the church to auoyd those vngodly gestures and Idolatrous adoration To be shorte perceiuing after a while that hee was greatly suspected and abhorred of the President then being which was M. Cole and of diuers other whiche before were his friendes and therewithall feeling great conflict and torment of conscience daily to grow with his conuersation with idolaters seeing also that his newe life and old liuing might not wel nor quietly stande together he addressed himselfe to depart the house For he thoughte it not best to abide the dāger of expulsion as he did at the first seeing the weather was now waxed warmer And being demanded at that time of a special frend who wold gladly haue perswaded him to stay there longer whether he would go or how he would liue he made this answer Domini est terra plenitudo eius i. The earth is the Lordes and the fulnesse thereof Let the Lord woorke I will commit my selfe to God and the wide worlde Here I thinke it expedient before I wryte of the painfull surges that he suffered after he came abroade into the perillous gulphes and deepe Sea of this wretched wyde world first to reherse one or two exāples of his outward behauioure at suche tymes as he hadde recourse to the Colledge after his last departure whereby the Reader may yet better vnderstand of his simplicitie playnenesse and how farre wide he was from all cloked dissimulation in Gods cause which certayne godlesse personnes haue sought maliciously to charge hym with all Beyng at Oxford on a certayne tyme in Magdalene Colledge and hauyng knowledge that the Spanish Frier Iohn who succeeded D. Peter Martyr in the office of the Diuinitie Lecture would preach there that present Sonday he would not at the first graunt to be present at it At length a friend of his a fellow of that house persuaded so much with him that he was content to accompany his sayde friend to the church But sodainly as the Frier vehemently inueyed against Gods truth in defendyng certayne popish heresies Palmer hauyng many eyes bente and directed towardes hym departed from amongst the middest of the auditorie and was found in hys friends chamber weepyng bitterly Afterward beyng demaunded why he slipt away vpon such a sodayne Oh sayd he if I had not openly departed I should haue openly stopped myne eares For the Friers blasphemous talke in disproouyng or rather deprauyng the veritie made myne eares not to glowe but my hart worse to smart then if myne eares had bene cut from myne head It chanced another tyme that the same friend of hys called M. Shipper beyng then Bursar of the house bade hym to dinner in hys chamber Palmer not knowyng what ghestes were also thither inuited and bidden hapned there contrary to his expectation to meete with the foresayd Frier with whom were present D. Smith Doc. Tresham and diuers other papists whose company Palmer coulde not well beare and therefore whisperyng a friend in the eare he sayd he would be gone for that was no place for hym I will sayth he to the Bursars Table in the great hall The Bursar vnderstandyng his mynde desired hym of all friendshippe not so to depart alledgyng that it were the next way to be wray hymselfe as it were of purpose to cast hymselfe into the Briers with many other perswasions as the shortnes of tyme would permit In the end he condescēded to his request and taried Now as he came to the fire side the Frier saluted hym cherefully in Latine for he could not speake Englishe Palmer with an amiable countenaunce resaluted him
gently But when the Frier offered hym hys hand he castyng his eye aside as though he had not seene it found matter of talke to another standyng by and so auoyded it which thyng was well marked of some not without great grudge of stomacke After they were set and had well eaten the Frier with a pleasaunt looke offeryng hym the cup sayd Propino tibi inuenis erudite i. I drinke to you learned yong man Palmer at that word blushyng as red as scarlet aunswered Non agnosco nomen domine i. I knowledge no such name O sir. And therewith takyng the cup at his hand he set it downe by hym as though he would haue pledged him anone after but in the end it was also well marked that he did it not When diner was done beyng sharply rebuked of the sayd Bursar hys friend for hys so vnwise vnciuile and vnseemely behauiour as he termed it he made aunswer for hymselfe and sayd Oleum eorum non demulcet sed frangit caput meum i. The oyle of these men doth not supply but breaketh my hed Another tyme which was also the last tyme of his beyng at Oxforde not long before hys death one Barwike an old acquaintaunce of hys beyng sometyme Clarke of Magdalenes and then fellow of Trinitie colledge a rank papist began to reason with hym in his friendes chamber aforesayd and perceiuyng hym to be zealous and earnest in the defence of the veritie he sayd vnto hym in the hearing of M. Thomas Parry and others there present Wel Palmer well now thou art stoute and hardie in thine opinion but if thou were once brought to the stake I beleeue thou wouldest tell me another tale I aduise thee beware of the fire it is a shrewd matter to burne Truely sayth Palmer I haue bene in daunger of burning once or twise and hitherto I thanke GOD I haue escaped it But I iudge verily it will be my end at the last welcome be it by the grace of God In deed it is a hard matter for them to burne that haue the mynd and soule linked to the body as a thiefes foote is tied in a payre of fetters but if a man be once able through the helpe of Gods spirite to seperate and deuide the soule from the body for him it is no more masterie to burne then for me to eate this piece of bread Thus much by the way concerning his plainnes with out dissimulation and how he feared not openly to shewe hymselfe more grieued in hart to heare the worde of God blasphemed then to suffer any worldly paynes Now let vs proceed in our story and faithfully declare both the occasion and maner of his death Within short space after hee had yelded vp his fellowship in Oxford he was through Gods prouidence who neuer fayleth them that first seeke his glory placed scholemaister by Patent in the Grammer schoole of Readyng where he was well accepted of all those that feared God and fauoured his word as well for his good learning and knowledge as also for his earnest zeale and profession of the truth But Sathan the enemie of all godly attemptes enuying his good proceedyngs and prosperous successe in the same would not suffer hym there long to be in quiet Wherfore he stirred vp against hym certayne double faced hypocrites which by dissimulation crafty insinuatiō had crept in to vnderstand hys secrets vnder the pretence of a zeale to the gospell Which men he suspecting no deceit right ioyfully imbraced making them priuy of al his doyngs For as he hymselfe was then feruently enflamed with the loue of heauenly doctrine so had hee an incredible desire by all means possible to allure and encourage others to the profession of the same These faithful and trustie brethren so soone as they had found good oportunitie spared not in his absence to rifle his study of certayne godly bookes and writyngs amongest the which was his replication to Morwines verses touching Winchesters epitaph and other arguments both in Latin and English written by him against the popish procedings and specially against their vnnaturall brutish tyranny executed toward the Martyrs of God When they had thus done they were not ashamed to threaten hym that they would exhibite the same to the Counsayle vnles he would without delay depart out of their coastes and geue ouer the schole to a friend of theirs The truth of this story appeareth in part by a letter written with hys owne hand out of pryson eight dayes before he was burned which because it is of certaine credite and came to our handes therefore we are the bolder to auouche it for a truth Thus then was this sillie yong man for the sauegard of his lyfe forced to depart vppon the sodayne from Readyng leauyng behynd hym in the handes of his enemies his stuffe and one quarters stipende and so he tooke hys iourney toward Esham where hys mother then dwelt hopyng to obtaine at her hands certaine Legacies due to hym by his fathers last will which he should haue receyued certaine yeares before and taking his iourney by Oxford he requested certain of his friends to accompany him thither His mother vnderstandyng his state and errande by M. Shipper and his brother whom he had sent before to entreat for him as soone as she beheld him on his knees askyng her blessing as he had bene accustomed to do thou shalt sayd she haue Christes curse and myne wheresoeuer thou go He pausing a little as one amased at so heauy a greetyng at length sayde O mother your owne curse you may geue me which God knoweth I neuer deserued but Gods curse you cannot geue me for hee hath already blessed me Nay sayth she thou wentest from Gods blessing into the warme sunne when thou wast banished for an heretike out of that worshipfull house in Oxforde and now for the lyke knauery art driuen out of Readyng too Alas mother sayth he you haue bene misse informed I was not expelled nor driuen away but freely resigned of myne accorde And hereticke I am none for I stande not stubbornly agaynst any true doctrine but defend it to my power And you may be sure they vse not to expel nor banish but to burne heretikes as they terme them Well quoth she I am sure thou doest not beleeue as thy father and I and all our forefathers haue done But as we were taught by the new lawe in K. Edwards dayes which is damnable heresie In deed I confesse sayd he that I beleeue that doctrine which was taught in K. Edwards tyme which is not heresie but truth neither is it newe but as olde as Christ and his Apostles If thou be at that poynte sayth she I require thee to departe from my house and out of my sight and neuer take me for thy mother hereafter As for money and goodes I haue none of thyne thy father bequeathed nought for heretickes Fagots I haue to burne thee
shuld be saued before God that he should haue no harme And I kneeling downe vppon my knees desired him to take my bloud and not to hurt the young man Then sayd he because you haue bene so stubburne the matter being made manifest by other and not by you being so long in prison tell me if you wil stād to my iudgement I sayd yea take my bloud and hurt not the young man Then he made me answere I should be whipped like a theefe and a vacabond and so I thanked him and went my way with my keeper to the Lollardes tower where I remayned two or three dayes and so was brought by the keeper Cluny by the commaundement of the Commissioners to Christes hospitall sometime the Gray Friers and accordingly had there for the time the correction of theeues and vacabondes and so was deliuered to Trinian the Porter and put into a stincking dungeon Then after a fewe dayes I finding frendship was let out of the dungeon and lay in a bed in the night walked in a yarde by the dungeon in the day time and so remayned prisoner a month and more Where at length Doctour Story came and two Gentlemē with hym and called for me and so I was brought into a counting house before thē Then he sayd to the gentlemen here commeth this hereticke of whom I had the book called Antichrist and began to tell them how many times I had bene before him and sayde I haue intreated hym very gently and he would neuer tell me the truth till that it was found out by other Then sayd he it wer a good deed to cut out thy tongue and thy eares of thy head to make thee an example to all other hereticke knaues And the gentlemen said nay that were pitty Then he asked if that I would not become an honest mā I sayd yes for I haue offēded God many wayes Whereupon he burdened me with my fayth I told him I had made hym aunswere of my fayth before my Lord Windsors chaplaine as much as I could So in the end he commaunded me to be stripped he stāding by me and called for two of the Beadels and the whippes to whippe me and the two Beadels came wyth a cord and bound my handes together and the one end of the corde to a stone piller Then one of my friendes called Nicholas Priestman hearing them call for whips hurled in a bundell of rods whiche seemed something to pacifie the minde of his crueltie and so they scourged me with rods But as they were whipping of me Story asked me if I would go vnto my Mayster agayne and I sayd nay And he sayd I perceiue now he wil be worse then euer he was before but let me alone quoth he I will finde him out if he be in England And so with many other things which I cannot rehearse when they had done whipping of me they bad me pay my fees and go my wayes ¶ Doctor Story commaunded that he should haue an hundred stripes but the Gentlemen so intreated that hee had not so many Story saying if I might haue my will I would surely cut out his tongue Of the scourging of M. Bartlet Greene also of Iohn Milles of Thomas Hinshaw ye heard before In like maner was ordered Ste. Cotton burned before at Bramford who testifieth himselfe to be twise beaten by Boner in a letter of hys written to his brother as by the same here following for the more euidence may appeare The Copie of Steuen Cottons letter wrytten to his brother declaring howe he was beaten of Bishop Boner BRother in the name of the Lord Iesus I cōmend me vnto you and I doe heartely thancke you for your godly exhortation and counsell in your last letter declared to me And albeit I doe perceiue by your letter you are informed that as we are diuers persons in number so we are of contrary sectes conditions and opinions contrary to that good opinion you had of vs at your last being with vs in Newgate be you most assured good brother in the Lorde Iesus we are all of one minde one faith one assured hope in the Lord Iesus whome I trust we altogether with one spirite one brotherly loue doe daily call vpon for mercy forgeuenesse of our sinnes with earnest repentaunce of our former liues and by whose precious bloudshedding wee trust to be saued onely and by no other meanes Wherefore good brother in the name of the Lorde seeing these impudente people whose mindes are altogether bent to wickednesse enuie vncharitablenesse euill speaking doe goe about to slaunder vs with vntruth beleeue them not neither let their wicked sayings once enter into your mind And I trust one day to see you againe although now I am in Gods prison which is a ioyfull schoole to them that loue theyr Lord God and to me being a simple scholer most ioyfull of all Good brother once againe I doe in the name of oure Lorde Iesus exhort you to pray for me that I may fight stronglye in the Lordes battaile to bee a good souldioure to my Captaine Iesus Christ our Lord and desire my sister also to do the same and doe not ye mourn or lament for me but be ye glad and ioyful of this my trouble For I trust to be loosed out of this dongeon shortly and to go to euerlasting ioy which neuer shal haue end I heard how ye were with the Commissioners I pray you sue no more for me good brother But one thing I shal desire you to be at my departing out of this life that you may bear witnes with me that I shal die I trust in God a true Christian and I hope all my cōpanions in the Lord our God and therfore beleue not these euil disposed people who are the authors of all vntruthes I pray you prouide me a long shirt against the day of our deliuerance for the shirt you gaue me last I haue geuen to one of my companions who had more neede then I And as for the money and meat you sent vs the Bishops seruaunts deliuered none to vs neither he whome you had so great trust in Brother there is none of them to trust to for qualis Magister talis Seruus I haue beene twise beaten and threatned to be beaten againe by the bishop himselfe I suppose we shall go into the Countrey to Fulham to the bishops house and there be arraigned I woulde haue you to harken as much as you can For when we shall goe it shall be sodenly done Thus fare ye well from the Colehouse this present Fridaye Your brother Steuen Cotton The scourging of Iames Harris IN this societie of the scourged professors of Christ was also one Iames Harris of Billerica in Essex a stripling of the age of 17. yeares who being apprehended and sent vp to Boner in the company of Margaret Ellis by Syr Iohn Mordant Knight and Edmund Tyrel Iustices of peace as appeareth
next Taylor which was Beniamin that made them which also was a Constable and acquainted wyth the Lord Chauncellors commandement The boy required hym to cut the hose He sayde I am not thy Maisters Taylor Sayth the boy because ye are our next neighbour and my maisters Tailor dwelleth farre of I came to you for it is farre nightes and he must occupy them tymely in the mornyng Beniamin tooke the hose and looked vppon them he knew his handy worke and sayd These are not thy maisters hose but Doct. Sandes them I made in the Tower The boy yelded and sayd it was so Sayth he go to thy maistresse pray her to sit vp till xij of the clock then I will bring the hose and speake with D. Sandes to his good At middenight the goodwyfe of the house and Beniamin the Taylor commeth in to Doct. Sandes chamber The wyfe praieth him not to be afraid of their commyng He aunswereth nothyng can be amisse what God will that shal be done Then Beniamin telleth him that he made his hose and by what good chaunce they now came to hys handes God vsed the meane that he might admonish him of his perill and aduise hym how to escape it tellyng him that all the Constables of London whereof he was one watched for hym and some were so greedily set that they prayed hym if he tooke hym to let them haue the cariage of hym to the Bishop of Winchester and he should haue the v. pound Saith Beniamin it is knowen that your man hath prouided two geldings and that you mynde to ride out at Algate to morrow and there then ye are sure to bee taken Follow myne aduise and by Gods grace ye shall escape their handes Let your man walke all the day to morrow in the streete where your horses stand booted and ready to ryde The goodmans seruaunt of the house shall take the horses and carye them to Bednoll greene The goodman shall bee booted and follow after as if he would ride I will be here with you to morrow about viij of the clocke it is both Terme and Parliament tyme here wee will breake our Fast and when the streete is full we will go forth Looke wildely and if you meete your brother in the streete shunne hym not but outface hym and knowe hym not Accordingly D. Sandes did clothed lyke a gentleman in all respectes and looked wildly as one that had bene long kept in prison out of the light Beniamin caried hym through Birching lane and from one lane to another till he come at Moore gate There they went foorth vntil they came to Bednoll greene where the horses were redy and M. Hurleston to ride with hym as his man D. Sandes pulled on his bootes and takyng leaue of hys friend Beniamin with teares they kissed eche other hee put hys hand in his purse and would haue geuen Beniamin a great part of that litle he had but Beniamin would take none Yet since D. Sandes hath remembered hym thankfully He rode that night to hys father in lawe M. Sandes where his wyfe was he had not bene there two howers but it was told M. Sandes that there was two of the Garde which would that night apprehend Doctor Sandes and so they were appoynted That night Doct. Sandes was guided to an honest Farmer neere the Sea where hee taried two dayes and two nights in a chamber without all company After that hee shifted to one Iames Mower a Shipmaister who dwelt at Milton shore where hee expected wynde for the English Fleete redy into Flaunders While he was there Iames Mower brought to hym fortie or fiftie Mariners to whom he gaue 〈◊〉 exhortation they liked him so well that they promised to die for it or that he should be apprehended The 6. of May beyng Sonday the wynd serued Hee tooke his leaue of his Hoste and Hostesse went towards the ship in taking his leaue of his Hostesse who was barren and had bene maried viij yeares Hee gaue her a fine handkerchiefe and an old royall of gold in it thanking her much and sayd Be of good comfort or that an whole yere be past God shall geue you a child a boy And it came to passe for that day tweluemoneth lacking one day God gaue her a faire sonne At the shore D. Sandes met with M. Isaac of Kent who had his eldest sonne there who vpon the likyng hee had to D. Sandes sent his sonne with hym who afterward died in his fathers house in Franckford D. Sands and D. Coxe were both in one ship beyng one Cockrels ship They were within the kennyng when two of the Gard came thether to apprehend D. Sands They ariued at Andwerpe beyng bid to dinner to M. Locke And at dinner tyme one George Gilpin beyng Secretary to the English house and kinsman to D. Sandes came to hym and rounded hym in his eare and sayde King Phillip hath sent to make search for you and to apprehende you Hereuppon they rose from their dinner in a meruailous great shower and went out at the gate toward the lande of Cleue There they founde a Wagon and hasted away and came safe to Ausburg in Cleueland where D. Sands taried 14. dayes and then iorneyed towardes Strausborough where after he had lyued one yeare his wyfe came vnto hym He fell sore sicke of a flixe which kept hym nine monthes and brought him to deathes dore He had a child which fell sicke of the plage and died His wyfe at length fell sicke of a consumption and dyed in his armes no man had a more godly woman to his wyfe After this M. Sampson went away to Emanuel a man skilfull in the Hebrue M. Grindall went into the countrey to learne the Dutch tongue D. Sandes still remayned in Strausborough whose sustentation then was chiefly from one M. Isaac who loued him most dearely and was euer more redy to geue then he to take He gaue hym in the space aboue one hundreth marks which summe the sayd D. Sandes payd him agayne and by hys other gifts and friendlines shewed hymselfe to bee a thankfull man When his wyfe was dead hee went to Zurike and there was in Peter Martyrs house for the space of fiue weekes Beyng there as they sate at dinner word sodenly came that Queene Mary was dead and Doct. Sands was sent for by his friendes at Strausborough That newes made M. Martyr and M. Iaret then there verye ioyfull but D. Sands could not reioyce it smote into his hart that he should be called to misery M. Bullinger and the Ministers feasted him and hee tooke his leaue and returned to Strausborough where he preached and so M. Grindall and he came towards England and came to London the same day that Queene Elizabeth was crowned ❧ A Complaint against such as fauoured the Gospell in Ipswich exhibited to Queene Maries Counsaile sittyng in Commission at Beckles in Suffolke the 18. of May. Ann. 1556. by Phillip Williams aliâs Footeman Iohn Steward and
suppressed yet the examples of them may suffice to admonishe all men that bee wise and which will auoyde the wrath of Gods terrible vengeance to beware of Popery And thus hauing hitherto recited so manye shamefull lyues and desperate endes of so many popish Persecutours stricken by Gods hand nowe let vs consider agayne on the contrarye syde the blessed endes geuen of almighty God vnto them which haue stoode so manfully in the defence of Christes Gospel and the reformation of his religion and let the Papists themselues here be iudges First what a peaceable and heauenly ende made the worthy seruaunt and singular Organe of God M. Luther To speake likewise of the famous Iohn Duke of Saxonie and prince Elector of the good Palsgraue of Phillip Melancthon of Pomeranus Vrbanus Rhegius Berengarius of Vlricus Zuinglius Oecolampadius Pellicanus Capito Munsterius Ioannes Caluinus Petrus Martyr Martin Bucer Paulus Phagius Ioan. Musculus Bibliander Gesnerus Hofman Augustinus Marloratus Lewes of Bourbon Prince of Condy and his godly wife before him with many mo which were knowne to be learned mē and chiefe standerds of the Gospel side against the Pope and yet no man able to bring forth any one example eyther of these or of any other true Gospeller that eyther killed himselfe or shewed forth any signification or appearaunce of despayre but full of hope and constant in faythe and replenished with the fruite of righteousnesse in Christ Iesu so yealded they theyr lyues in quiet peace vnto the Lord. From these Forrayners let vs come now to the Martyrs of England and marke likewise the ende both of them and semblably of all other of the same profession And first to beginne with the blessed and heauenly departure of King Edward the vi that first put downe the Masse in England and also of the lyke godly end of his good Vncle the Duke of Sommerset which dyed before him with an infinite number of other priuate persons besides of the like religion in whose finall departing no suche blemishe is to bee noted like to the desperate examples of them aboue recited Let vs now enter the consideration of the blessed Martyrs who although they suffered in their bodyes yet reioyced they in theyr spirites and albeit they were persecuted of men yet were they comforted of the Lorde wyth suche inwarde ioy and peace of conscience that some writing to theyr friendes professed they were neuer so merrye before in all theyr lyues some leapt for ioye some for tryumphe woulde put on theyr Scarfes some theyr wedding garment goyng to the fire other kissed the stake some embraced the Fagottes some clapte theyr handes some song Psalmes vniuersally they all forgaue and prayed for ther enemies no murmuring no repining was euer heard amongest them so that moste truely might bee verified in them whiche their persecuters were wonte to sing in they re Hymnes Caeduntur gladijs more bidentium Non murmur resonat nec querimonia Sed corde tacito mens bene conscia Conseruat pacientiam c. Briefly so great was theyr patience or rather so great was Gods spirite in them that some of them in the flaming fire moued no more then the Stake whereunto they were tyed In fine in them most aptly agreed the speciall tokens whiche most certaynly follow the true children of God that is outward persecution and inward comfort in the holy Ghost In the world sayth Christ our Sauiour ye shall haue affliction but in me yee shall haue peace c. And likewise the wordes of S. Paule be playne Whosoeuer sayth he studyeth to liue godly in Christe shall suffer persecution c. But then what followeth with this persecution the sayde Apostle agayne thus declareth saying As the passions of Christ abound in vs so aboundeth also our consolation by Christe c. According as by the examples of these godly martyrs right perfectly we may perceaue For as theyr bodyes outwardly lacked no persecutions by the handes of the wicked so amongest so many hundreds of them that stood and dyed in this religion what one man can be brought forth which eyther hath bene founde to haue killed himselfe or to haue dyed otherwise then the true seruaunt of GOD in quiet peace and much comforte of conscience Whiche being so what greater proofe can we haue to iustifie theyr cause and doctrine agaynst the persecuting Churche of Rome then to behold the endes of them both First of the Protestantes how quietly they tooke theyr deathe and chearefully rested in the Lord and contrariwise to marke these persecuters what a wrerched end commonly they doe all come vnto Experience whereof we haue sufficient in the examples a-aboue declared and also of late in Boner who albeit he dyed in his bed vnrepentaunt yet was it so prouided by God that as he had bene a persecuter of the light and a childe of darkenes so his carkase was tumbled into the earthe in obscure darcknes at midnight contrary to the order of all other Christians and as he had bene a murderer so was hee layd amongest theeues murtherers a place by Gods iudgement rightly appoynted for him And albeit some peraduenture that haue bene notable persecutors in tyme past doe yet remayne aliue who being in the same cause as the other were haue not yet felte the weyght of Gods mighty hand yet let not them thinke that because the iudgement of God hath lighted sooner vpon other therefore it will neuer light vpon them or because God of his mercy hath graunted them space to repent let not them therefore of Gods lenitye build to themselues an opinion of indemnity The bloud of Abel cryed long yet it wrought at length The soules of the Saynctes slayne vnder the aultar were not reuenged at the first Apoc. 6. but read forth the chapter see what folowed in the end Bloud especially of Christes seruauntes is a perillous matter and cryeth sore in the eares of God and will not be stilled with the lawes of men Wherfore let such bloud guilty homicides beware if not by my coūsell at lest by the examples of theyr felowes And though Princes and Magistrates vnder whose permission they are suffered do spare theyr liues let them not thinke therefore as some of them shame not to say that man hath no power to hurt them and so thinke to escape vnpunished because they be not punished by man but rather let them feare so much the more For oftentimes suche as haue bene persecutours and tormentours to Gods children God thinketh them not worthy to suffer by mā but either reserueth them to his owne iudgement or els maketh them to be theyr owne persecutors and theyr owne hands most commonly hangmen to theyr owne bodyes So Saul after he had persecuted Dauid it was vnneedfull for Dauid to pursue him agayne for he was reuenged of him more then he desired It was needlesse to cause Achitophell to be hanged for hee himselfe was the stifeler or
Pope 307 306 Frederike Duke of Austrich proclaymed traytor 593 Frederike the Emperour drowned in a Riuer at the siege of Achon 243 Fredericus Emperor 720 Frederike byshop of Utrike killed by the French Queene 137 Frederike 2. hys tragicall history .297 hys godly end 315 Frederike the Emperor procedeth agaynst the Pope and setteth his owne name before the popes .203 his letter to all Prelates agaynst the Pope 204 Freese Martyr his story 1027 Friendship none but amongst godly ●ersons ibid. Friend trusty what a treasure hee is 1930 French kyng supporteth Becket agaynst the kyng of England 212 French kyng and king Iohn at variance 255 Freewill with the errours therein of the papists 28 Frith hys trouble for the Gospell prophesieth of the restoryng of the truth in England and refuseth to be set at libertie 2127. Frith hys testimoniall of M. Tindall .1079 his excellēt story .1079 condemned and martyred 1035.1036.1037 Friers their commyng in 1181 Frier Forest executed for rebellion 1100 Friers originall 259 Friers dead men and quicke beggers 261 Friers Obseruants their originall 259 Friers confuted in a disputation at Paris 408 Friers what harme they doe to all the world their theft at Oxford 411 Frier Champbell accuser of Patrike Hamelton his end 2103 Frier of Munster striken with lightnyng 2106 Frier a godly poore man with a woman sister to George Eagles Martyrs 2012 Friers compared to Iudas very aptly for their trecheries 264 Friers that write agaynst Armachanus 414. Franciscan Friers of sundry sects 259 Franciscane Friers 800 Friers are the pillers and proppes of the Popes church 259 Friers 4. burned 402.798 Friers two Martyrs 731 Friers cause of great trouble in the church .409 accused of horrible crimes 506 Friers confuted and altogether reiected of the students of Paris 408.409 Friers of Fraunce against the prelates .392 their priuiledges confuted in a disputation at Paris 393 Frier Iohn a Spaniard succeeded doctor Peter Martyr in the Diuinitie lecture at Oxford .1936 a blasphemous papist ibid. reiected of Iulius Palmer who was a most godly and constant Martyr for the Gospell of Christ. 1936 Fronton his trouble in Spayne 2057.2058 Fructuosus bishop of Tarracona with his two Deacons martyrs 74. Funerall superstition altogether forbidden in any respect to bee vsed of Christians 7 Fust Martyr his story and martyrdome 1689.1690.1702 G A. GAius Byshoppe of Rome and martyr 75. Gallowes set vp in London in sondry streetes 1469. Gallus and Uolusianus Emperours 66. Galienus a good Emperour gaue peace to the Church 74. Gardiner Bishoppe of Winchester his story .1339 a great hinderer of the Gospell .1245.283 committed to the marshalsey .1296 hys letters in defence of images 1340.1348 sondry letters to the L. protector .1342.1345 articles obiected agaynst him with hys answers to the same .1350.1351 sequestration against him .1358 sentence of depriuation agaynst him .1359.1360 not worthye the name of a learned man .1785 his mutabilitie ibi his inconstancie and treason agaynst the king 1786. his sermons preached before kinge Edwarde .6.1788.1789.1790 hee repugneth the popes supremacie images ceremonies monkeries chauntries .1791 his disagreement both frō others and with himselfe also .1792 his 12 new found articles 1793. hys fearfull death 1785. Gardiner his stincking death 2099 2101. Garret Tryest knight persecutor his sodayne death 2108. Garnesey story defended from the slaunderous penne of M. Harding archpapist 1946.1947.1948 Garret his story and martyrdome 1194.1197.1199.1200 Gardiner martyr hys tragicall story 1364. his cruell and patient Martyrdome 1366. Garmentes precious forbidde to priestes 137. Garret a preacher sent to Calice to preache 1224. Gaueston a wicked doer about K. Edward 2. 367. Geoffry Chawcer agaynst fryers 261. George Ambrose Martyr his story and death 1895.1896.1867.1898 George Blage knight his trouble 1245 George Brodbridge martyr 1708 George Catmer Martyr 1708. George Carpenter Martyr 884 885 George Eagles Martyr his story persecution examination martyrdome 2009.2010 George Constantine a Persecutor 1019 George King Martyr .1689 buried in the fieldes 1702 George Agnes Martyr 1914.1915 George King of Bohemia cōdemned of heresy 711 George Marsh Martyr his story trouble and persecution .1561.1562 his examinations and answeares .1563.1564.1566 hys martyrdome for the Gospel 1567 his letters 1567.1568.1569.1570.1573 George Pogiebracius a wise and godly man his death 722.723 George Roper Martyr 1794 Georgius a young man of Cappadocea Martyred 92 Georgius Scanderbeius .740 his valiaunt Actes and memorable deedes ibid. George Steuens Martyr his story and martirdome 1983.1984 George Scarles Martyr 1914.1915 George Stafford reader in Cambridge 997 George Tankerfielde Martyr hys story and martyrdome 1689.1690.1691 George Wischart Gentleman hys story and trouble .1267 his exaaminations and answeres .1268 his prayer and Martyrdome 1271 General Councels aboue the Pope 596. neuer toke him for supreame head 1804 Geneua reformeth Religion 870 Germaynes commended for theyr few othes and appeasing of controuersies and debates 1118 Germaynes complaynt agaynst the Court of Rome 159 Germaines the decay of their Empyre with the causes therof 374 Germany spoyled through ciuil dissention by the Pope 314 Germaynes theyr departure from the vniuersity of Prage why 601.608 Germaynes complaint of the popes intollerable exactions .724 theyr second complaynt 732 Germayne Martyr 1279. Germanus Patriach of Constantinople his letters to pope Grery .9 282. Germanicus a godly and constant martyr 42. Gertrude Crockhey his story and deliuery 2082. Gertrude Crockhey a godly woman in daunger of trouble for refusing of the foolishe popishe Sainct Nicholas She promiseth for a child baptised is sought for flyeth ouer seas is there accu●sed of heresie and imprisoned by meanes of one Iohn Iohnson a Dutchman of Antwerpe her deliueraunce her comming into Englande her great trouble here her detestation of papistry her constancie in the trueth to the ende her godlye death .2145 her body not suffered to be buryed in the churchyarde but in a garden 2146. Gemes the Turkes brother poysoned by the Pope 734. Geffray Plantagenet 199 Gerhardus Ridder a writer against the Pope 391. G I. Gildas preached to the olde Brytaynes 32. Giles Brakelman boroughmaister of Gaunt persecutor plagued 2108. Gilbertus Necromancer made an Archbishop 159. Gibellius Guelphes frō whence they came 308. Giles Cardinall defendeth Robert Grosthead to the Pope 324. Gie whipped in Bridewell for buiyng a bible to serue God withall 2144. Gilford Dudly beheaded 1423. Gilbertines order began 201. G O. Godfathers and Godmothers in Baptisme 53. Godwine a wicked Earle of England hys death 165. Godfathers not to be followed in al thinges but as they follow God 3. Godfathers and godmothers theyr fayth saueth not the infante 1995. Gordian Emperour 59. Gore Martyr hys trouble for the gospell dyed in prison 1795. Gower Martyr hys story 839. Good and badde in the Churche of God 609. Good workes iustifie not but follow the iustified 23. Goe to Masse can no Christian wtout breach of conscience 1647 Gordius his worthye storye hys Constancie answeres and moste glorious martyrdome 90. Goldsmithes Caruers and
throwne downe at Basil. 871 Impropriations and first fruites abused by the Pope 5 Impropriations deuillish and vngodly cause of muche wickednes 862 Imber fast or deined by whō wherfore and when 58.197 Incense 1404. Inconueniences that follow the taking away of Gods word 1904 Indenture concerning the 22. prisoners apprehended at Colchester 1972. Inditement of the Lorde Cobham Syr Roger Acton and others 575. Indulgences of the Pope blasphemous and wicked 844 Infantes murthered and found in Lenton Abby 1947. Ingar and Hubbe captains of the Danes .140 slayne in Englefield 141.114 Iniunctions of king Henry 8. for reformation of religion 1094.1095.1096 Innocentius 2. pope vsurper 200. Innocentius 4. made Pope to sit in the seate of pestilence .313 hys crueltie and death ibid. Innocentius 3. Pope ennemy to Chrstes Church hys acts decrees 259. Innocentius 8. his bloudy cruelty 711. Ina his Lawes 778. Inquisition of Spayne most bloudy how it is vsed and what vnspekable hurt commeth by it 930.931.932.933 Inquisition at Cambridge by the inquisitours with the processe and burning of Bucer Paulus Phagius bones 1956.1958 1960.1962.1963.1966.1968 Inquisition agaynst euill officers 350. Inquisition at Oxford 526. Inquisitiō bloud● of the 6. Articles by king Henry the 8. 1136. Inquisition bloudy by Pope Martin 651. Insurrections and rebellions the causes thereof 1753. Interrogatories ministred to Thomas Arthure and M. Bilney 999. Interpretation of the prophesies of the Turke and Pope 769. Introit of the Masse by whome it was introduced 1401. Inuocation 1108. Inuocation of saynctes 28. I. O. Iohn Alcocke martyr troubled for reading Gods word to the people in the absence of their pastor apprehended committed to prison and dyeth in the same 2146. Iohn Andrew bookbinder a persecutor plagued 2109. Iohn Apprice martyr 1909.1910 Ioh. Aishton troubled exam 437 Iohn Adams Martyr ibid. Iohn Auerth a popish priest 1519 Iohannes Anglicus Cardinall hys words to the Pope 290 Iohn Aucocke dyed in prison and buried in the fields 1561 Iohn Aleworth died in pryson 1683 Iohn Bradford Martyr his excellent story .1603 his lyfe and education ibid. appeaseth the rage at Paules crosse .1604 imprisoned ibid. his conference with Winchester and the commissioners .1605 his sundry examinations .1606.1607.1608.1610.1611 hys priuate talke with Harpsfield and others .1612.1613.1614 wyth certayne Bishops .1615.1616 with Friers .1617.1618 with others .1620.1622 his condemnation .1623 hys glorious martyrdome .1624 hys letters 1625 1626.1628.1630.1664.1638.1666 Iohn Badby his story and grieuous persecution .521 his constancy and martyrdome for the truth 522 Ioane Boughton Martyr 731 Iohn Barton persecuted 641 Ioane Beach Martyr 1906 Iohn Browne his story .1292 hys martyrdome 1293 Iohn Bent Martyr 1030 Iohn Baker Martyr 2058 Ioane Bradbridge Martyr her story 1979 Iohn Browne Martyr 805 Iohn Butler his story 1226 Iohn Bland preacher and Martyr his story .1665 apprehēded .1666 hys examination and aunswers .1667.1668 his appearaunce in the spirituall court with his answers there .1670 his confutation of transubstantiation .1671 1672.1674.1676 his death and prayer at the same 1676 Iobita Martyr 41 Iohn Castellane doctor and martyr his trouble and persecution .878 his degradation .879 hys martyrdome 880 Iohn Cornford Martyr his story and martyrdome 2053 Iohn Cheeke his story recantation repentance and death 1955 Iohn Clarke Iohn Archer wyth their fellowes famished in the castle at Canterb. for the Gospell 1954 Iohn Carelesse hys death in the Kings Bench his examinatiōs and aunswers .1919.1920 hys letters 1921.1922.1924.1926.1928.1930.1932.1933 Iohn Cardmaker his trouble persecution and martyrdome 1578.1579.1580 Iohn Ardley his story articles ministred against him with his answers .1582 his martyrdome 1583 Iohn Cooke Martyr his story and martyrdome 2047 Iohn Cauell Martyr his story 1895.1896 Iohn Chapman Martyr 1036 Iohn Cornet his deliuery 2081 Iohn Clarke Martyr 878 Iohn Alcocke confessor hys story and death 2046 Iohn Clement hys death and buriall 1914 Iohn Claidon Currier his story .639 hys condemnation Martyrdome 640 Iohn de Clum his great loue to Iohn Hus his Epistle of comfort vnto hym 621 Iohn de Clum frend to Ioh. Hus 599 Iohn Derifall Iohn Routh their story and martyrdome 1914 1915.1916.1917 Iohn Deny Martyr 1912 Iohn Deuenish Martyr his story 2033.2034 Iohn Dauid Martyr 2049.2050 Iohn Dighton murtherer of hys Prince 728 Iohn Dauies his trouble and deliuery 2073 Iohn Denley Iohn Newman with Patrike Patchinghā martyrs .1683 articles obiected against them .1684 their answers ibid. their christian beliefe confession 1687.1684 Iohn de Roma a terrible persecutor hys fearefull death 2107 2108.2109 Iohn the Euangelist his excellent story 36 Iohn the Euangelist exiled into Pathmos released agayne 36 Iohn Esche Martyr 874 Iōh Fishcocke Martyr his story and martyrdome for the Gospell at Cant. with vi moe his fellow Martyrs 198.1981 Iohn Floyd Martyr his story and martyrdome 2037.2038.2039 Ioh. Frankish martyr his trouble and persecution .1673 his martyrdome 1676 Iohn Foreman Martyr his story 1949. Iohn Fisher bishop of Rochester an enemy to Christes Gospell .1068 beheaded in the end 1069. Iohn Frith his trouble for the gospell .2126 refuseth to be deliuered out of prison prophesieth of the restoryng of the truth in england 2127 Iohn Frith hys story .1031 set in the stocks at Reading .1032 his reasons vpō the sacrament .1033 his letter to his friendes .1034 sentence of condemnation geuen agaynst hym .1035 his constant martyrdome 1036.1037 Ioh. Frontō his trouble in Spain 2056.2057.2058 Iohn Glouer and Robert Glouer their story persecution and trouble .1709.1710.1712.1713 are excommunicate beyng dead and buried in the fields 1714 Iohn Glouer his trouble and deliuerance 2071 Iohn Galle hys trouble 642 Iohn Florence a Turner his trouble and displyng 659 Iohn Gostwicke knight accuser of Cranmer in the parliamēt house 1867 Iohn Gates knight beheded with sir Tho. Palmer 1408 Iohn Gower 839 Iohn Goddesell his trouble persecution 660 Iohn Goose Martyr 717 Iohn Holyday Martyr his story 2037.2038 Iohn Halingdale Martyr his story and martyrdome 2025.2026.2027 Iohn Hullier Martyr burned at Cambridge 2004 Iohn Huglein Martyr hys story 884 Ioh. Harpole Ioane Beach martyrs their story 1906. Iohn Hullier minister and martyr his story and letters 1906.1907 1908.1909 Iohn Hamond Iohn Spenser martyrs 1909 Ioane Hornes Martyr 1910.1911 Iohn Hamelton bishop of S. Dauids a persecuter 1272 Iohannes Huniades his victories against the Turkes 740 Iohn Herst Martyr his story and martirdome 2053 Iohn Hart Martyr hys story 1953 Iohn Horne and a woman Martyrs 1935 Iohn Hus his story cited and excōmunicate .588 banished Prage 590. his obiections agaynst the doctors decrees .599.590 his safe conduct his letters of hys goyng vp to the Councell 596. hys appearance before the Pope cardinall .599 his sicknes and imprisonment articles obiected against hym with hys aunsweres .600 his bookes writ in prisonne .601 his protestation .604 hys false accusations .606 hys appeale .611 his degradation .623 his sentence of condemnatiō .622 his martyrdome burning .624 his letters 626.627.628 Iohn Haywood his recantation
Mary by one Ladye Anne Wharton 2128 Lady Iane her talke with Fecknam .1419 her letters 1420. her death and prayer at the same 1422 Lady Katharine duchesse of Suffolke her tragicall story 2078 2080 Lady Kneuet her trouble and deliuerie 2072 Lady Mary her letters to K. Edward 6. and the councell .1332.1333.1335.1336.1338.1339 with answers to the same ibid. Lady Uane a great benefactor to Gods saints 1838 Ladislaus a yong Pope 720 Ladislaus and his dominions 722 Ladislaus an enemy to the gospell .721 his strange fact at his death ibid. Laishford Martyr her story and martyrdome 1689.1702 Lannam men in Suffolke ryse against the proud bishop of Norwich 428. Lambert Martyr his story .1101 articles obiected agaynst him his aunsweres to the articles .1101.1102 set at liberty .1121 hys disputation before the Kyng nobles .1122 his constant martyrdome for the truth of Christs gospell 1124 Lacels death and martyrdom .1240 his letter of the sacrament 1241 Lambe Martyr his story Martyrdome 1267 Lampes in the church 1404 Lambeth when and by whom first built 233 Lambrith Archb. of Canterbury 129 Launcelot Martyr his story 1279 Landesdale one of the gard his story and terrible end 2104.2105 Lanfrancus Archb. of Cant. 172 Lane Martyr his story 2047 Landes restored to Abbeys by Q. Mary 1559.1560 Larke and Germain Gardine traitors agaynst the kings supremacie 1230 Laremouth his history and death 2150 Latimer Preacher and Martyr his excellent story 17●0 made Bish. of Worcester .1738 cast into the Tower .1740 appeareth before the Commissioners .1762 his examination and aunsweres .1763.1764.1766 his Letters .1746.1748.1749.1750 hys death and constant martyrdome at Oxford 1769.1770 Latimer cōplained of Boner .1311 disputeth at Oxford .1454.1455 1456.1428 condemned with doctor Cranmer and doctor Ridley 1463 Latimer his sermon at Cambridge of the Cardes conteinyng most excellent and comfortable doctrine for euery christian man to follow 2142.2143 Latine seruice reprooued edifieth not 1903 Latine seruice defended .1588 confuted 1617 Latine masse first song at Constātinople 1404 Laurence his worthy history .71 tormented on a firie gridiron to the death 72 Laurence Martyr 1542 Laurence Pernam Martyr 1914.1915 Laurence Martyr with v. other burned in Cant. 1688 Laurence Gest Martyr his story 775 Laurentius Anglicus condemned by the Pope 322 Laurentius Archb. after Austen 119 Laurence Shiriffe sworne friende and seruant to the good lady Elizabeth his maistresse .2097 his faithfulnes towards her ibid. Launder Martyr his story 1680 1681 Lawson her trouble deliuerance 2070.2071 Lawson Martyr his story 1917 1918 Lauerocke Martyr 1910 Lawes by the king and Nobles at Oxford 329 Law of premunire with the penalties 419 Lawes of king Edward others 165.166 Law and the gospell their differēce 26.27 Lawes of Egelred agaynst wicked Iudges and Iusticers 162 Lawes of Claredon 207 Lawes of king Ethelstane concernyng Ecclesiasticall causes and tithes .149 hys lawes cōcerning thieues 150 Laws of K. Alfrede K. Edward 147 Lawes of Canutus 164 Lands restored to Abbeis by Q. Mary 1559.1560 Lawes of king Henry the 1. 191 Lawes whereto Becket Archb. of Cant. agreed and agreed not 206.207 Law how loosed how not loosed by Christ. 483 Lawe of Moises of all lawes the iustest 488 Lawes Ecclesiasticall by kings of this realme before the conquest 779 Law with the doctrine thereof 976. Law and the Gospell wherto they serue 1655 Lawes of the Pope and of England differ and wherein 1889 1890 L E. Leaden hall built 712 Learned men increase in christendome 730 League betwixt the Pages of Zuitzerland 866 Leafe Martyr his story .1623 his examination condemnation and martyrdome 1623.1624 Learned men agaynst the Pope 398 Learned men agaynst Friers 409 Learned men sent for into England 1296 Legate commanding chastity takē himselfe with an Harlot 199 Legates of the Popes not admitted of the Nobles .369 robbed of theyr treasure in the North coūtrey 370 Legate of the Popes restrayned from comming into England 707 Legate du prat persecutor his fearfull death 2109 Legend and Masse booke of the papistes full of filthy and blasphemous lyes 584 Legend of S. Albane disproued 88 Legittimation of Priestes childrē 1176 Leicester interdicted 505 Leicester menne persecuted for the Gospell 505 Lent fast and the ordinances therof falsely ascribed to Telesphorus 53 Lent and fasting the originall therof .52 diuersly kept ibid. Lelond Iustice his sodeine death 2101 Lent fast brought in 665.1404 Lennam towne riseth agaynst their Bishop and swingeth him well 428 Leonard Keisar martyr his story 885 Leonard Cox scholemaister at Reding 1032 Leo .8 Pope 159 Leo .9 Pope 168 Leonides Martyr 54 Leofricus Earle of Mercia 165 Lesson good for Ministers to seeke theyr lost sheepe 36 Letter of Anselme to Ualtram bishop of Norenberge 187 Letter of Anselme to K. Henry .1 192 Letters of Anselme agaynst Priestes mariage 195 Letter most excellent and worthy of all Christian men to be redde of Pomponius Algerius an Italian Martyr 939 Letter of Tho. Becket to the Bishop of Norwich 217 Letter of Boner to the L. Cromwell against Winchester 1090 Letter of a certaine godly woman written to Boner rebukyng him for his bloudy crueltie to Gods saints 1842.1844.1845 Letter of Boniface B. of Mentz and Martyr to Ethelbald the kyng 128 Letter of the brethren of France to the brethren of Asia 46 Letters of the Councel of Calice against the Protestants 1224 Letter of Iohn Kingstone commissary to Byshop Boner concernyng the 22. prisoners apprehended at Colchester for the truth 1971.1972.1973 Letter of king Phillip out of England to the Pope 1478. Letter of king Henry 1. to the pope 192. Leiton martyr hys story and martyrdome 1131. Letter of Earle Lewes to Bishop Waltram 190.191 Letter of Lucifer to the Popes Clergy 502. Letter of Marcus Aurelius Antonius Emperour to the senate of Rome concerning the Christians 51 Letters of Queene Mary to king Edward the 6. and the Councel with aunsweres to the same 1332.1334.1335.1336.1337.1338.1339 Lewes Gentlewoman Martyr burned at Lichfield 2012.2013 Letters of the Lady Mary and the councell each to other 1406.1407.1408 Letters of the nobles and commonaltie of Englande to the Pope 291 Letters of Otho Archbishoppe of Caunterbury to the Prelates 151. Letter of Pope Urbane to Baldwine Archbishop of Canterbury 240. Letters to the Pope concerning Becket 220.221 Letter of Pope Hadrian to Fredericke the Emperour with aunswere to the same 203. Letter of Pope Alexander to Becket Archbishop of Canterbury with aunswere to the same 208 209.216 Letter of the Pope concerning the degradation of Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury 2132.2133 Letter of William Symmes to a certayne frend of hys 2142. Letter layd vpon Queene Maryes deske agaynst shee shoulde come to prayer conteining an expostulation and dehortation from the abhominable sinne of idolatry 2139. Letter of William Hunter to hys mother 2150. Letter of Queene Mary to the Duke of Northfolke 2128. Letter of one Iohn Meluine prisoner for Gods truth in Newgate 2140. Letters of Constantine 103. Letters of Doctor
iusting at a triumph 2110 Mowse his fearefull end 2103 Morgan Bishop of S. Dauies his fearefull death 2099 Morgan Iustice stricken with madnes 2099 Morgan Iudge his wonderfull fearefull death 1423 More Martyr his story and martyrdome 1949.1950 Morant Martyr his story 1976 Morice his Letter or Apology of M. Turner Preacher in Kent 1868.1869 Morton Martyr his story 1207 Mortmayn 339 Mortimer Earle of March executed 376 Mount his story apprehension examination condemnation martyrdome 2005.2006.2007 Moyses Tombe vnknowne to this day and why 1110 M. V. Mustaphas murthered by his Neuew 740 Mungine examined and condemned to perpetuall prison 64● Multitude are not to be folowed to do euill 1993 Mummouth his story 997 Murther or Massaker most horrible and bloudye of Gods sayntes in Fraunce committed by the bloudthirsty papistes 2152.2153 2154 N. A. NAbuchodonosor hys dreame expounded 489 Nagareta his inuectiue agaynste the Pope 343. Nayles wherewith our Sauiour Iesus Christ was nayled to the Crosse. 149 Names of Tyrantes 81. Names of those that were at the conquest of England 182. Names of honour why geuen to Peter of the old Doctors 1061. Narcissus Bishop of Hierusalem hys notable age 54. Natalius confessor 59. Nazareth taken by Prince Edward 337. N. E. Neckes of Emperours trod on by Antichristian Popes 204. Necromancie southsaying witch craft from whence they came 497. Nee●eherd Martyr 724. Ner●us Martyr 40. Nero thought to be Antichrist 34. Nero Domitius hys wicked and bloudy crueltie 31. Newe Colledge in Oxford built 391. Newgate built 712. Newman Martyr 1683.1684.1687.1688.1950.1951 N I. Nichanor one of the 7. Deacons with 2000. moe martyred wyth S. Stephen 32. Nicene Councel falsified by Boniface .1 4. Nicholaus 2. Pope 168 Nicholaus Orem his sermon before pope Urbane .5 411.415.416 Nicholas Perdue Martyr his story and martirdome ibid. Nicholas Finall his story and constant martyrdome for the truth 1970 Nicholas Amici diuine of Paris 682 Nicholas Marsh hāged for taking downe the rood of Douer court 1031 Nicholas Peeke martyred at Ipswich for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. 1131 Nicholas Chamberleine Martyr his story 1601.1602 Nicholas Sheterden Martyr hys story .1673 his examination and aunsweres 1674. his martirdom .1676 his letters 1678 Nicholas Hawle Martyr his story articles examinatiō answeres 1678.1679 Nightingall Parson of Crondall in Kent his fearefull end 2100 Nicholas Belenian Martyr 1240 Nicholas Herford his examination and trouble .437 his Sermon at Oxford vpon the ascention daye .442 cast into prison but by gods prouidence escapeth forth 444 Nicholas Ridley Byshoppe and Martyr his story .1717 the godly life of Ridley ibid. his conferēce with M. Latimer in prisō 1718 1719.1720 his Letters .1724.1726.1729 his examinatiō .1757 putteth on his cap at the naming of the Pope ibid. articles ministred agaynst him and Mayster Latimer .1767.1768 his communication with Doct. Brookes 1767.1768 his supplication to Queene Mary .1768 his cōstant death and Martyrdome .1769.1770 his letters and farewelles .1770.1771.1772.1776 his treatise lamenting the chaunge of religion 1778.1779.1782.1784 Nicholas Ridley his Treatise against the worshipping of Images 2128.2129.2130.2131 Nicholas Chanon of Eye turned his backe to the Sacrament .666 his trouble for the truth ibid. Nicholas Burton Martyr hys cruell burning and martyrdome in Spayne 2056.2057 Nicholas White Martyr his story and martyrdome 1980.1981 Nichols Martyr his story martyrdome 1909 Nightingale a Popish Priest hys fearefull and sodeyne death 1560.1561 Nilus Archbyshop of Thessalonica a writer agaynst the Pope 419.420 N O. Nobles of Englād takē at Northhamton .331 put to death to the number of 22. 371 Nobles of Boheme labor for Iohn Hus .602 their supplication in his behalfe ibid. their confutation of the aunswer of the bishop of Luthonis 603 Nobleman goyng on pilgrimage plagued of God 2108 Nobles of Germany their answer to the popes letter against Marten Luther 857 Nobles of England complayne of the oppressions of Rome 265 Nobles of England their supplication and submissiō to the pope in Queene Maries dayes 1477 Nobles of Morauia their letter in defence of Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage directed to the councell of Constance 637 Nobilitie of the Britains murthered by the Saxons 113 Noyes Martyr his story martyrdome 2021.2022 Noremberge diet or assembly 854 Norfolke and Suffolke geuen to Gutrum 147 Ioane Norman 838 Normains conquere this land .163 murthered most vnmercifully by Godwine ibid. Normaines which liued after the conquest in England and which were aduaunced to seigniories and dignities 183 Normandy lost by King Iohn to the French king 250 Normandy and Aniow yelded to the French king by the king of England 328 Northfolke and Suffolke persecuted 660.661.662 Northumberland kingdom ceaseth 131 Northcountrey wasted by William Conquerour and the Danes 171 Norice his story 1917 Note of a certayne good man one William Hastlin a gunner troubled in Bulloyne in the dayes of king Edward 6. for the Gospell of Iesus Christ with hys moste happy deliueraunce 2137.2138 Note of Iohn Frith troubled and cruelly persecuted for the truth of Christes Gospell 2126.2127 Notes of M. Nicholas Ridley Bishop and martyr 2131. Note of Patricke Patingham his confession sent out of Newgate to certayne of his frendes 2141.2142 Notes of the trouble and persecution of Iulins Palmer 2141. Note of William Wood Martyr 2146. Note of Michaels Wife of Ipswiche troubled for the Gospell 2144. Notes of the true Church and the false 1006. Notes of the true church of Christ 2114. Notes vpon the doctrine of predestination and election 1657.1658.1659 Notes out of Setons sermon 1206. Notes aunswering the Byshoppe Eduens reasons 364.365 Notes out of the Councell of Carthage agaynst the pope 11. Notes out of the Parliament against the Pope 421.423.431 Notes vpon Armachanus his sermon 414. Notes out of the Parliament in in the raigne of king Richard 2. agaynst the Pope 512. Notes of the true Church 529. Notes vppon Patrickes places 979. Note of Iohn Alcocke 2146. Note of Iohn Spicer martyr and of his great constancie at the stake 2144. Note of Elizabeth Pepper 2144.2145 Note of Doctor Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury 2135. Note of Bishop Farrar 2136. Note of Wil. Plane 2128. Note of Lady Iane. 2128. Note of one Dicke Adams confessing the truth vpon the gallowes and exhorting the people from the abhominable Idolatry of the Papistes 2145 Note of William Gie. 2144. Note of Gertrude Crokehay a godly christian matrone wyth her trouble for the truth 2145. Norwiche spoyled by the Danes 161. Norwiche Churche and Cloyster built 184. Norton priory founded 199 Nouatus heresie how it began 64.65 Nouum Castellum ouerthrowne of of the Turkes 752. N. V. Numbers of the Apocalips expounded 101. Nunnes corrupt lyfe noted 128. Nunries founded vpon murthers 159. Nunrie of Shaftsbury built 142. Nunry of Winchester built 145. O B. OBediēce of two sorts .533 of 3. kyndes 611 Obedience to princes due .1060 to maiestrates in al things not contrary to Gods word 1626. How farre it stretcheth it self .1905 what hindereth
844. Pardon 's bought and sold. 498. Pardon 's deceauable 3. manner of wayes 494. Pardons of 40. dayes for bringing fagottes to burne good men 983 Parker Archbishop of Cant. witnesse at the burning of Bilney 1012. Parker martyr 1794. Par●s Uniuersitie began 143. Parliamentes theyr inconstancie mutable instabilitie 1720. Parliament at Burie 706. Parliamentes in the reigne of king Richard .2 agaynst the Pope 512. Parliament at Yorke by king Edward the 3. 421. Parma taken of the Pope and hys frendes .314 besieged of the Emperour ibid. Parliament sommoned in Fraunce agaynst the Pope with complayntes greeuous and articles infinite agaynst his p●ling exactions 353.354.355.356 Parliament at Northamptō 375. Parliament at Salisbury 376 Parliament at Paris by Phillip king of Fraunce 343. Parliament in Fraunce agaynst the Pope 353.354 Parliament of king Edward .6 1299. Parliamentes and theyr authorityes 1187. Parliament of Queene Mary with the actes and statutes therin determined 1410.1466 Parliamente in Queene Maryes dayes vnlawfully called 2117 Parliament of K. Henry .8 995 Parliament at Oxford 279 Parsons of the Romaines in Enland despoyled of theyr rentes corne 275 Paschalis first beginner of Popish transubstantiation 1147 Paschalis Pope his atyre and maner of coronation .196 he setteth the sonne agaynst the father ibid. Pater ●oste● in strife in Scotland .1274 brought into the Masse 1403 Patriarch of Constantinople obteyned of Mauritius the Emperour to bee called by the name of vniuersal Patriarch and resisted by Gregory Byshop of Rome 13 Patriarches 4. equall in power and authority 1062 Patriarches 4. appoynted by the councell of Nice and why 9 Patriarches 4. in Augustines time 1759 Patricke Pachingham Martyr .1683 his story and martirdome 1684.1687 Patricke Hamelton his story burned in Scotland his articles cōdemnation and martyrdome 974 Patrickes places 976 Patricke Patingham his christian confession sent out of Newgate to certeine of his frendes 2141 2142 Pattins of glasse borne before the Priest 57 Paulus Phagius and Bucer their bookes and ●ones burnt in Cābridge at the visitation there holden by the appoyntment of the Cardinall 1956 Paule and Peter suffer death vnder Nero Domicius for the gospell of Christ. 31 Paule his epistles to seuen Churches 35 Paule the Apostle his doctrine reduced to 5. poyntes 16. Paule the Apostle conuerted whē 30. Paule neuer a member of the deuil 609. Paule thappostle beheaded vnder Nero hys wordes to hys wife going to execution 34. Paule manifesteth his doctrine before Nero is condemned and suffered 35. Palles deare at Rome 172. Palle geuen by the Pope howe 172.179 the price of Palles ibid. Palle of Anselme brought to Cāterbury 185. Paule Crawe a Bohemian martir 667. Paule 1. Pope mayntayned images against the Emperour 130. Paules steeple set on fire by lightning 704. Paules Churche in London built by whome 133.114 Paulinus a good bishop conuerted king Edwine to the faythe of Christ. 121 Pauier town clerke of London an vtter enemy to the Gospell hanged himselfe 1055. Pax brought into the Masse 1403 Paynter martyred 1279. Pauie towne clarke of London persecutor hanged himself 2101 P E. Peace of the Church howe long it endured 76. Peace betweene king Henry the 3. and hys nobles 331. Pearne hys sermon agaynst Bucer and Paulus Phagius in Camb. 1962. Pecocke Bishoppe of Chester hys story 709. Peckham archbishop of Canterb. 349 Peeke hys story and martyrdome for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. 1131. Pelagius the 2. Bishop of Rome withstoode the councell of Constāce in the title of vniuersality 12. Penance enioyned kyng Edgar by Dunstane 156 Penance of diuers persons 731 Penance or repentance wyth the errors thereof after the papists 26 Penance popish the maner thereof 804 Penance of poore men for not bringing L●tter to my L. horses 555 Penance of Thomas Pie Iohn Mendham Iohn Beuerley and Iohn Skilley 663 Penance of poore women for pledgyng maistresse Ioyce Lewys 2013 Penance enioyned Leicester abiurates 506 Penance of kyng Henry 2. for the death of Becket 227 Penance or repentance deuided into three partes· 26 Penalties of the 6. articles 1135 Penalties for Priestes that haue wyues 195 Penda king of the Mercians slain 122 Penitentiarius Asini. 390 Pensions out of the cathedrall and conuentuall churches to the Pope 336 Pepper her story and martyrdome 1914.1915 Persecution commeth by no chance 100 Persecuters plagued of God 58 Persecution the viij with the cause thereof 68 Persecution ceaseth for a time 51 Persecution by hunger and pestilence 84 Persecution hoat and grieuous amongest the Christians 61.62 Persecution cōmeth by Gods prouidence and not by chaunce 1646 is an infallible token and marke of the true Church 1753 Persecutiōs in the primitiue churche tenne .34 the firste was sterred vp by Nero Domicius .34 The second by Domicius Emperour .35 The third by Traianus Emperour .39 The fourth vnder Marcus Antonius .42 The fifte vnder Seuerus Emperour .54 The sixt vnder Maximinus the Emperour .59 The seuenth vnder De●ius .59 The eighth vnder Emelianus and others .68 The ninth vnder Aurelianus Emperour .75 The tenth vnder Dioclesian whiche was a most bloudy persecutor 77 Persecutiō in Angrogne Lucerne S. Martin and Perouse 955 Persecution in Antioche Pontus Alexandria and other places 79 Persecution in Couentry 776.777 Persecution in Chichester 2024 Persecution in England 79 Persecutions 4. in England before Austen 115 Persecuting Byshops in Queene Maries dayes comprehended in a summe 2101.2102 Persecutors of Gods people punished of God 2199.2100.2102 2104.2106.2108.2112 Persecution grieuous in Ipswich 2089.2090 Persecution in the East ceaseth til the time of Wickliffe 85 Persecution in the Emperours Campe. 78 Persecution in Europe in Lyons in Fraunce and Uienna 46 Persecution in Fraunce described in a Tabl● 897 Persecution in Germany 874.875 886 Persecution in Kent vnder Chichesley 642 Persecution in Lincolne Diocesse 982.983.984 Persecution in the diocesse of Lincolne in a table 821.822 Persecution in Lichfield and Couentry and of the trouble of good men and women there 1955 Persecution in London dioces about the sixe articles 1202 Persecution in London dioces .802 798. with their seuerall articles obiected 799.803 Persecution in Nichomedia exceeceeding bloudy 78. Persecution in Scotland 1266.1267 Persecution in Spayne Fraunce and sondry other places 79. Persecution in Suffolke 1912.1913 Persecution of the Waldensis 230 Persecution in Windsor 1211 Periury of the Papistes 271. Periury terrible punished .55 punished in Duke Elfred 147. Peregrinus martyr 52. Perris Concubine to king Edw. 3. 425. Pernam Martyr 1914.1215 Perkin Werbeck fayning himselfe to be king Edwardes sonne 799 36 Perouse greuously persecuted 955.956 Perotine Mass●y Martyr her story and martyrdome 1943.1944 Antony Persons martyr hys story 1213.1218.1220 Peter of Herford a Burgundian a rich Bishop 330. Peterpence first inuented .114 stopped by king Henry the 8. 1053.48 Peterpence graunted to the pope thorow the whole land of England 136.51 Peter Pence and other taxes forbid to be payd at Rome by king Edward the 2.370 howe they came vp ibid. Petrus de rupibus
whether Priestes may do it or not 498 Singing curious in cathedral churches 200 Singing in Churches by whome brought in 127 Sinne the erroneous doctrine therof by the Papistes 26 Sinne originall and Iustice originall 26 Sinne of Christians cause of persecution 68 Sinode at Aquisgraue with the decrees thereof 137 Sinode holden at Rome 65 Sindiques what they were 955 Sixe Articles with theyr penalties 1135. taken away by Kyng Edward .6 1307 Sixe Articles with theyr acts how they proceeded 1135.1136 S L. Slaunders against the Christians 48.54 Slaughter or massaker bloudy cōmitted by the Papistes in france agaynst the Protestantes that is the true professors of gods truth 2152.2153.2154 Slade Martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Sleepers seuen theyr fable 63 Sleach Martyr his story and martyrdome 1914 S M. Smith Martyr his story and martyrdome for the gospell .1691 his examination and answeres .1691 1692.1693.1694 his letters to diuers of his frendes 1696.1697 1798.1699.1700.1701.1702 Smith Byshop of Lincolne a persecutor 820 Smith a preacher at Calice his story 1224.1226 Smith Lawyer his end 2105 Smokye death of him that solde smoke 57 S N. Snell his martirdome for the truth at Richmond 2150 S O. Sonday kept holyday and why .53 104. and how long to continue 157 Sodometry licensed by the Pope .711 ensued the restraynt of priestes mariage .1164 punished ibid Solymanns murthereth his owne father 747 Somers his trouble for the Gospell 1207 Souldiers theyr religion notable 78 Souldier of Rome cōuerted by S. Laurence and martyred for the glorious gospel of Iesus Christ. Souldiour Martyr 62 Souldiers theyr godly example of chastity 63 Souldier byting of his tongue and spitting it in the face of an Harlot 63 Soules in Purgatory prayer for them 498 Soule Masse goodly stuffe 1404 Southhampton burnt by the frēch men 377.378 Sodomitry crept into the Romish Church after restraynt of maryage of Priestes punished with a flap of a F●x tayle 194.104 Sophia with her thre childrē martyrs 41 Southam Martyr his story 2037.2038.2039 Sole Martyr her story 1859 S P. Spaniardes the first that doubted of king Henry 8. his mariage with his brothers wife 1049 Spaniardes and English mē their braule at Westminster 1480 Spanish Martyrs 928.929 Spalding murtherer of Richarde Hunne 806.807 Sparrow Martyr his Story and martyrdome 2●25 2026.2027 Spencer and his sonne theyr farre surmounting pride .170 371. executed 373 Spencer Martyr his story martyrdome 1202 Spicer his constancy at the Stake in profession of Christes gospell 2144 Spilman for binding an english bible commaunded to the Tower his escape whilest Cluney went for the keyes 2144 Spencer Martyr 1909 Spengler Martyr 880.881 Spicer Martyr 1911 Spicer Martyr 1894 Spirituall thinges not subiecte to the temporall powers 180 Spra● his trouble and deliuery 2081 Spurges theyr excellent Story 1895 S T. Stafford a good professor in the Uniuersity of Cambridge 1013 Stafford Reader in Cambridge 997 Stanislaus Znoma enemy to Ioh. Hus his goyng to Constance dyed by the way 599 Standart in Cheape built 712 Statute of tratory obiected against the good Lord Cobham examined with notes vpon the same 570 Statute of the sixe Articles 1135 Statute of Malberge 335 Statute of the sixe Articles by K. Henry the eight prooued vnable to burne men by 586 Statutes against Heretickes reuiued 1481 Statute of burning reproued repealed 441 Statute ex officio a bloudye Statute .523 broken by Kyng Henry the eight 1052 Statute de comburendo proued insufficient to burne any man by 441 Stanley her story and martyrdome 1974.1975.1276 Stephen the first Ringleader of all Christes Martyrs in the Newe Testament 32 Stephen King of Englande his reigne taken prisoner and dieth 201 Stephen Byshop of Rome cut off his Predecessors fingers caste them into Tiber. 146 Stephen Cotten Martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Steuens his trouble for the Gospell 1227 Stephen 9. Pope 16● Stephen Langton Archbyshoppe of Caunterbury 250 Stephen .2 Pope 130 Stephen Gardiner against Doctor Barnes .1198 an enemy to Lady Elizabeth .1425 his Sermon at Paules Crosse in praise of K. Phillip 1473 Stephen Palets enemy to Iohn Hus. 590 Stephen Knight William Pygot Iohn Laurence theyr Story 1542 Stephen Wight Martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Stephen Harwood Martyr .1289 his story and death 1702 Stephen Gardiner Byshoppe of Winchester Ambassadour to the French Kyng .1072 his reasons agaynst the supremacy .1058 his booke de vera obedientia against the Pope .1059 made Chauncellour of England 1417 Stephens Martyr .1970 Stephen Cotten twise beaten of Boner 2062 Stephen Kempe Martyr his story and godly martyrdome at Caunterbury 1970.1971 Stephen Gratwicke Martyr hys Story and Martyrdome 1977.1978.1979 Stench nought for the teeth 647 Stigandus a couetous Byshoppe 172 Stilman Martyr his story martyrdome 814.815 Strife and contention what mischiefe and inconuenience it bringeth to a christian commō wealth 77.78 Stile burned in Smithfielde with the Apocalips 1279 Stiles or Titles of the Byshop of Rome 8.67 Steelyard men theyr trouble accused of Lollardy and enioyned to beare Fagots 1193 Style of the Pope new by Robert Grosthead 326 Stile of Queene Mary altered 1426 Stokes his Oration to Queene Maryes Uisitours at the Uisitation in Cambridge 1956.1957 1958 Stoke in Huff●l●k● where a congregation assembled with the story therof 2073.2074 Story a bloudy and cruell persecutor of Christ Iesus in his members .2152 deuiseth new tormentes for the Martyrs flyeth ouer Seas obteyneth a commission to search for English bookes ibid. is taken and brought into Englād remayneth obstinate is drawn hanged and quartered at Tiborn as he very well deserued ibid. his impacience at his death geueth the hangman a blowe vppon the eare c. ibid. Stow Abbey built 184 Doctor Storyes Oration agaynst Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Caunterbury 1875 Stokes Standard bearer to the Papistes 442. Stocke of Dauid feared of the Romayne Emperours persecutors 40 Studentes of Paris in controuersie with the Fryers .328 there articles agaynst them 408.409 Strausburgh reformeth religion 870 Street troubled for goyng vnder the Priestes Canopy 473 Streater Martyr his Story and martyrdome 1708 Streat his story 1473 Strigonium wonne of the Turks 753. bloudy cruelty of the Turkes executed there ibid. S V. Suanus K. of Denmarcke his ariuance in England 161 Subsidie gathered by the Pope to fight withall agaynst the Bohemians 642 Submission of certayne Gernsey men for burning the 3. women 1945 Substaunce of bread and wine not chaunged in the Sacrament 1761 Substaunce of bread not chaunged in the Sacrament 521 Succession of the Bishop no certeyne or essentiall poynt to know the true Church by 1613.1614 Succession of Princes the wante thereof what hurte it bringeth 340.107 Succession locall without the succession of the trueth withall nothing auayleth 1825 Succession of conditions and life maketh Peters successor heyre not of the place onely 563 Successors of Peter all good Byshoppes be and not the Pope 1120 Sutphen Martyr his story 875 Succession apostolicall double wise considered 17
Churche 461.462 howe due in the old law how in the new 537 Tithes proued pure almes 462. Tithes of all moueables in England and Irelād promised to the Pope for granting king Henry 3. hys sute 272. Tithes not exacted in the primitiue Church 485. not allowed by the new Testament 537. Title and stile of the Pope and romish church 1.8 Titles attributed to the Bishop of Rome 9. Titles of dignitie vsed of the pope in common with other Bishops of old time 12 Title of Scotland proper to England 341 Title of Fraunce howe it came to king Edward 377.380 Title of the house of Yorke to the Crowne of England ibid. Title of king Edward 4. proued at Paules Crosse. 712. Title of defender of the fayth 989. T O. Tomkins his History .1533 hys hād burned by Boner .1534 his first examination ibid. his second examination his articles obiected agaynst him his cruell martyrdome 1535 Tomasin a woode mayd to William Mainard 〈…〉 story and martyrdome for the testimony of Christes Gospell 1983.1984 Tomb of Elfleda idolatrously worshipped 156 Tonstall Bishop of Duresme his sermon against the Pope with notes vpon the same .1060.1061 committed to the tower 1296 Tonsure maketh not a Priest 545 Tooly his story and death digged out of the ground with processe agaynst him being dead .1583.1584 at last burned 1585 Tormentes brought out to terrify the Christians 91 Tormentes of sundry sortes deuised to persecute Christians with all Torney besieged 368.379 Torner a good Preacher in Kent his trouble for the Gospell .1868 an apology of his doctrine 1868 1869 Towne of Lennam beat theyr Byshop 428 Townes and Castles built and repayred in England 147 T R. Trabula with her sister martyrs 98. Tracie hys testament 1042. Tra●anus Emperour hys cruelty to the Christians 39 Transubstantiation first brought into the Church .253.168 by Frier Tarquinus .253.168 why not to be beleued .1035 cōcontrary to the worde of God 1136.1363.1392 Trāsubstantiatiō free to be beleued or not to be beleued many hūdred yeares after Christ .1614 when brought in and by whome .1620 confuted very learnedly .1670.1671.1672 but a late plantation .1803 not grounded neyther vpon scripture nor antiquitie 1808 Transubstantion cannot helpe in the time of neede .393 confuted .495.1121.1125.1126.1127 is agaynst the worde of God .534.1122 not taught openly of 1000. yeares after Christ. 544.1621 Transubstantiation contrary to the scriptures .1136.1363.1392 of no antiquitie .1137.1138.1139 neuer spoken of till 1000. yeres after Christ .1146 a new doctrine 1147.1394 when it came first in ibid. proued by lying myracles 1148. disproued in a disputation at Oxford 1373.1374 Trapnell Martir 1030. Trent dried vp 198. Trentall Masses disproued 1363. Tresham hys doltish and assie reasons to perswade to papistry 1475. Treason to deny the kinges supremacie 1074. Treuisam Confessor buried in the fields and som●oned after hys death 1665. Treatise of Nicholas Ridley agaynst the worshipping of Images and hauing them in Churches or oratories 2128.2129.2130.2131 Tribute out of Englande to the Pope in one yeare 273.268 Tribute paid to the Danes for peace 161 Tribute for concubines 862 Tribulation better then prosperity to a Christian man 1838 Triphon Martyr his story 63 Trouble and persecution of good men and women in the Dioces of Liechfield and Couentry and of theyr penance 1955 Troling Smith a Papist his sodeine death 2101 Trouble in the Church about friers 409 Trouble betwene Philip the frēch Kyng and Pope Boniface .342 betweene king Edward .1 and his Barons 350 Truce betwene England france 387 Truce betweene the Scottes and England 368.379 Trunchfielde her trouble for the Gospell 1704. her martyrdome for the same 1893 T V. Turkes theyr originall .736.741 their cruelty murther and bloudy actes .735.736 740.745.748 theyr fayth .22 they inuade christendome theyr bloudy cruelty not resisted by reason of the pope 310. their history how needful to be known .735 false of promises 752.753 Tudson Martyr his story martyrdome 1844.1857.1858 Turkillus a Dane his persecution 161 Turinus a Flatterer and a great briber killed or smothered with smoke 57 Turner a great learned man dyed in exile 1217. Turney and barriers sport turned into cruell feight and bloudshed 338. Turning martyr his story martirdome 639.640 Tuttie martyr his story 1708. Tunstall bishop of London a persecutor 999. T W. Twenty nyne persons condemned vpon surmised causes to be hanged drawne and quartered 2126. Two and twenty godly persons of Colchester taken and brought vp to London for the profession of Gods holy word and imprisoned for the same 1971.1972 Two many postes or pillers wher by the deuill mayntayneth hys kingdome of papistry withall 1725. Twyford hys miserable end 2105. Twyford a tormentor of the martyrs in Smithfield 1257. Tye Priest a bloudy persecutor .2006 his letter to Boner against the professors of the Gospell 2006.2007 T Y. Tymmes his godly and comfortable letter to a certayne friend of his 2142. V A. VAlerian Emperour his good beginning 67. his crueltie afterward to the christians is plagued of God and excoriate of the Persians 74. Ualuation of Benefices and other ecclesiastical promotions and dignities 429.430 Ualentine Freese and his wife burned in Yorke 1027. V E. Uerdicte of the inquest vppon the death of Rich. Hunne 809 Uerities grounded vpon the word of God 24. Ueritie wherein it consisteth 392. Uerses prophesiyng the commyng of Christ. 398. Uerses in prayse of Berengarius 1152.1149 Uerses of Fredericke Emperour and Innocent the Pope 316. Uerses of White Byshop of Lincolne for ioy of the mariage of king Phillip and Queene Mary with aunswere to the same verses 1471.1472 Uerses vpon the death of Doctor Nicholas Cranmer archbishop of Canterbury 1893. Uespasian a tyrant Emperour 31. Uestments and holy vessels seruing for the altar .67 vestimēts wherein S. Peter sayd Masse or els the papistes lye 396. Uestmentes and albes 1404. Uetius Epagathus a godly martyr his story 46 V I. Uirgins 40. martyrs theyr story 61. Uirgines 2 ● with theyr mother martyrs 78. Uertue none to be ascribed to pictures 75. Uitalis martyr with many others 91. Uitus companion of Iohn De. Clum 633. Uiewe of all ecclesiasticall promotions in England 429. Uisitation of Cardinall Poole with hys Articles to bee inquired of 1969. Uisitation in Cambridge wyth the condemning taking vp bu●ning of the bones and bookes of Bucer and Paulus Phagius two famous learned men 1956. Uictor Bishop of Rome stopped from his excommunication by Ireneus .4 55. Uictor with 360. martyrs .80 hys constant boldnes and Martyrdome 81. Uictor sayd to dye a martyr 56. Uictor 2. Pope 168. poisoned in his chalice 185. Vicarius Christi 1119. Uienna besieged of the Turkes 749.750.748 Uincentius with others martyrs 52. Uincentius hys cruel martyrdome 92. Uisitation of the Pope thorow all religious houses in England 278 V L. Ulricus gouernoure of Austria 7●0 slayne 721. Ulricus Zwinglius his actes lyfe and story .866 slayn in battayle .872 afterward burned 873 Uladislaus K. of Hungary slaine
.720 diuorced from his wife and dispensed withall by the Pope 723. Ulstanus archbishop of Yorke 151 V N. Uniuersities iudgementes agaynst the mariage of king Henry 8. with his brothers wife 1049. Uniuersitie of Oxford remoued to Northampton 331. Uniuersitie of Oxford their testimony of Wickliffe 448. Uniuersitie of Oxford by whome it began .144 testimony thereof of Iohn Wickliffe 448. Uniuersitie of Paris when it began 143. Uniuersitie of Oxford conquered of the townes men and the schollers expulsed 393. Uniuersalitie and succession no sufficient reason to proue the true Church by 1825 Uniuersalitie alleadged 1426. Uniuersall defined by time place and person 21. Uniformitie in outward ceremonies a thing not muche required in the primitiue Churche 56. Unwritten verities 1107.1183 Unitie none in the Popes churche to be found 241. Unitie what it is and wherein it consisteth 1067. Unitie in Baptisme not inough 1750. Unitie the papistes would not haue disturbed 1748. Uncertainty of the Popes doctrine 1748.1749 V O. Uow of chastitie brought in 175.194 Uowes of Priestes hauing vowed single life a thinge whiche of of themselues they are not able to performe ought not to stand 1175. Uowes 3. made of king Henry 199. Uowes making .545 making and keeping of them ibid. Uowsions and pluralities of benefices 5. Uolusianus his Epistles in defence of Priestes lawfull mariage 1154.1155.1156.1158 Uortiger causeth his king to bee murthered 265. Uortigerne burned in hys tower 113. Uoyage to the holy land 185. Uoyage agaynst the Turkes 233. V R. Urban the Pope complayneth that no promotion would fall vppon hym .414 beheaded 509. Urbanus the first bishop of Rome martired 58. Urbane excommunicated the Emperour Henry 4. 189 Urbanus and Clemens striuing for the papacy 186. Ursula with vi thousand virgines martyrs 108. V S. Usury in the Popes Church 655. Usurers of the Popes in London 325. Usurers brought into England by the Pope 273 Ustazares his story 97. his constāt martyrdome 98. V T. Utopia one of M. Mores phantasies 576. Uter Pendragon a King of Brytayne 113. W A. WAddon priest Martyr 661. Wade martyr 1689.1702 Wade Martyr hys story and martyrdome for the Gospell 1678.1679 Wallace his trouble persecution martyrdome 1272.1273 Walter Brute his story .475 hys processe and articles against him 476.477 his godly declarations 478.479 hys great submission 501 Walter archbishop of Caunterbury absolued by the pope for money 273. Waltram Bishop of Margburgh hys Epistle to Ludouicus 189. Waldenses howe they began theyr trouble and persecution .230.954 955.956 their doctrine and articles 230.235.236 Wall fell downe at the coronation of the pope and slewe many nobles 351. Waltam Bishoppe of Salisbury a makebate a brawler 513. Walter Mille Martyr hys story .1274 his examination condemnation and martyrdome 1275. Wales subdued to Englande and Scotland how long in length 57. Walter Appleby martyr hys story 1979. Wardall her memorable story 1940 Warlwast ambassadour of Kyng Henry 1. to the pope hys oration before the Pope 193. Warre betwene king Henry 3. and his nobles 331.332.333.335 Warre betwene king Henry 3. and Earle Marshall 279 Warre betweene king Edward .3 and the Scottes 375. Warre agaynst the Bohemians 656. Warres stirred vp by the pope .494 how lawfull 508. Warres moued by the Pope and papistes 203. Warre by the frenche king and the pope agaynst Tholouse 269. Warres of Christians what .846 how lawfull how vnlawfull ibid. Warres betweene Englande and Scotland 369. Warre betweene king Edward the first and the king of Scots 340 Warre betweene Ladislaus and the Turke 741.730 Warham Archbishop of Caunterbury his death 1121. Wardship first graunted to the king 269. Warran alias Lashford her story and martyrdome 1844.1857 Warne hys confession of hys fayth and christian beliefe 1580.1581 Warne her story 1689. Wast a blinde woman in Darby martyr 1951.1952 Wattes hys trouble and deliueraunce 2071. Wattes Martyr his story sent vp to Boner articulate agaynst cōdemned martyred 1594.1595.1596 Watchword of the Saxons 113. Watson Doctor hys superstitious and lying Sermon vppon Candlemas day in Cambridge 1962 hys other rayling sermon at the burning of Bucer and Paulus Phagius bones 1963.1964 Water mixt with Wine in the chalice not inferred by scripture 1146. Waterson whipped in Bridwell for the Gospell 2144. Water coniured and the maner therof 1405. Water mixt with wine in the chalice by Alexander 39 Waterer Martyr his story martyrdome 1970. W E. Webbe Martyr hys story and martyrdome 1794. Webbe hys trouble for the Gospell 1601. Wedding garment what it it is 490 Welchmen theyr rebellion .330 their skirmishe at Oxford 328. Wesalis his story persecuted .724 his articles .725 reuoketh hys opinions 726 Weapons of a christian Warriour 1773 Westminster Church by whome erected and built 133. Weston Doctor condemner of christes blessed Martyrs Cranmer Ridley and Latimer at Oxford 1729. Weston Doctor hys Downfall takē in adultry appeleth to Rome and dyeth 2102 Weselus Groningensis a learned man 730. Wendy Doctor of Phisicke sen● to Queene Katherine 1243. Wendenmuta martyr 885. Went his story and Martyrdome 1857.1858 W H. White Priest and martyr his story 1844. articles agaynst him ibid. beaten on the face by Boner .1845 his condemnation martyrdome 1848.1846 hys letters to hys friendes 1847.1848 White Battayle in Yorkshyre 370. Whitchurch Printer 1191. White Martyr his story 1556. hys condemnation .1557 hys Martyrdome 1559 Whit●ington Chauncellor a cruell persecutor slayne with a Bull. 775.776 W I. Wiattes insurrection in Kent 1418 beheaded at tower hill .1419 Wicked councell what hurt it doth 68. Wicked eate not the flesh of Christ nor drinke his bloud truely 1363 1375.1611 Wicked coūcell about princes what mischiefe it bringes 1753 Wicked company hurtfull prouoketh to sinne proued by an excellent example 36 Wicked eate not the body and bloud of Christ truely 1977. Wickliffe his story .423 his bookes and Articles condemned in the councell of Constance .449.450 his boanes burnt after his death 463. hys bookes howe brought into Bohemia .464 his booke called Wickliffes Wicket 815. William Allen Martyr 1707. William Andrew buried in the fields 1702. William Bowes Doctor Londons spye 1212. William Byshoppe of Norwiche a cruell persecutor 660. Wiiliam Burgate Martyr 2058. William Bongeor Martir his story martyrdome at Colchester 2007.2008 William Browne troubled and deliuered through Gods mercifull prouidence 2065. William Coberley martyr his story 1894. William Coker William Hopper Will. Stere and 3. other burned together in one fire at Caunterbury 1688. William Carder Martyr his story 1276. William Courtney Bishop of Lōdon .427 his death 509. William Craishfield martyr his story and martyrdome 2010.2011 William Cōquerour bastard Duke of Normandy landeth at Hastinges 166. is crowned king of Englād 171. his othe to obserue the lawes of king Edward but goeth from them .166 his death 182 William de le Pole Duke of Suffolke cause of Duke Humfreyes death 705. William Dangerfield and Ioane his wife their trouble and persecution .1953 their tragicall history ibid. William de Plesiano his
protestation agaynst the Pope 344.345 William Flower martyr his story and persecution 1574. his communication with Robert Smith 1574. articles obiected agaynst him .1575 hys sentence of condemnation with depositions agaynst him .1576 his constant martyrdome 1577. William Foster famished in Caunterbury for the Gospell 1954. William Gie troubled for the Gospell and whipped in Bridew●ll 2144 William Hastlen gunner in the Castle of high Bulloyne his trouble for hys zeale to Gods truth with his examinations answers and happy deliueraunce 2137.2138 William Harries martyr hys story 2037. William Henry of Tenterden examined 644. William Hierome his story 1192. William Hoker martyr 2058. William Halcot gentleman a fauourer of the Gospel his trouble for bringing Doctour Cranmer a booke into Bocardo 2135. William Holte a Iudas 1032. William Hierome his story 1192.1197 his martirdome 1199.1200 William Halliwell martyr 1914.1915 William Hayle martyr .1689 burned at Barnet 1702. William Hunter hys notable godly history 1536. William Hunter hys letter to hys mother 2150. William Liuing persecuted and dedeliuered by Gods prouidence 2063. William Longspathe an Englishe Captayne goeth with the french armie into holy lande .293.265 his ventrous actes and attemptes there atchieued .295.296 slayne in battayle 295. William Leiton Martyr 1131. William Mainard martyr his story and martyrdome 1983.1984 William Maulden his story and deliuery 2082 William Crossebowmaker his story 1229. William Mauldon prentice scourged for the Gospell and rebuketh a lewd fellow for mockyng the word of God 2102.2013 William Moūt with Alice Mount his wife theyr story trouble persecution condemnation and martyrdome 2005.2007.2008 William Minge imprisoned for the Gospell dyed in prison 1665. William Morant Martyr his story 1976. William Nicholl Martyr hys story and Martyrdome 2034.2035 William Northburgh Confessor to king Edward 3. hys letters describing the actes of king Edward in Fraunce 385. William Plane hys story 1467 William Plane committed to the Tower and racked for hys fauour borne to the Gospell .2128 deliuered and set at libertie hys death ibid. William Pigot his story 1542. William Pikes or Pikers his story and martyrdome 2042. William Purcas martyr his story and martyrdome 2007.2008 William Rufus 184. his hardines .189 his death ibid. William Seaman martyr hys story 1035. his martyrdome 2036. William Sparow martyr his story and Martyrdome 2025.2026.2027 William Sarton burned at Bristow 2149. William Sautre his story .516 hys articles agaynst him his aunsweres and processe agaynst hym ibid. his degradation and martirdome 518. William Sleach his death 1914. William Adherall hys deathe and buriall 1914. William Smith a zelous preacher at Calice .1224 his story 1226. William Smith Bishoppe of Lincolne a persecutor 820. William Steuens hys trouble for the Gospell 1227. William Sweeting martyr .804 hys articles and martyrdome 818. William Swinderby his story 464 Williams a Smith scourged 2062 William Taylour his trouble and apprehension with his articles obiected agaynst him .658 hys godly martyrdome 659. William Tell. 866. William Tilsworth martyr 774. William Tindall his lyfe story and martirdome .1075.1078 his supplication to the king and nobles with his letters 1079.1080 William Tyms Martyr his godly letter to a certayne friend 2142. William Thorpe his godly history his preface to his examinations .527 cast into prison and is comforted of the Lord .542 his Testament conteining a complaynt of vicious priestes ibid. his ende vncertayne 543. William Tyms Deacon and martyr 1895. his examination answeres .1896 his letters 1898.1899.1900.1901 William Waterer William Lowick William Hay William Prowting martyrs 1970. William Wattes his trouble and deliueraunce 2071. William Warlwast the kinges ambassadour to the Pope his Oration 193. William White confessor his story .2054 his examination and happy deliueraunce 2055. William Wiseman dyed in prison burned in the field 1794.1795 William De weauer martyr burnt at Gaunt 2108. William Wickam Byshop of Winchester depriued 426. William White Priest his persecusecution 661. his articles martyrdome 662. William Wood of Kent his deliuery from Persecution 1077. William Woode hys trouble for the gospell and sondry deliueraunces by the singular prouidēce of God 2146.2077 William Wolsey Martyr his story examination and godly Martyrdome 1715.1716 William Byshop of Ely Chancellour of England made Legate of England and Scotland 236. William Bishop of Ely and Hugh Bishop of Duresme made ouerseers of the Realme in absence of the king .236 his story 246. deposed resigneth his castles and clotheth himselfe in womans apparrell .247 taken for an harlot cast into a darke seller in stead of a prison released receiued into Paris with procession for mony writeth to the Pope and king 247.248 William Wolsey Martyr hys story and Martyrdome 1715.1716 Williams Doctor and Chauncellour of Gloucester his terrible end 2015. Williams a lawier striken mad for his mocking of the truthe 2105. Wight martir his story and martirdome 2042. Wiche martyr hys story and martyrdome taken for a Saincte 701. Wilfrida archbishop of Yorke 124 Wife of Peter Martyr her cruell handling at Oxford of the Papistes 1968.1969 Wilfride king Edgar his Leaman 155. Wilsons wife martyr her story and martyrdome 1980.1981 Wilmot scourged for the Gospell 2058. William Gardiner martyr hys tragicall history .1364 he plucketh the Cardinalles idoll out of hys handes at masse .1365 is wounded and brought before the kyng ibid. his cruell and pacient martyrdome 1366 Wife of one Prest burned at Exeter for the Gospell of Christ. 2149. Wife of one Michaels troubled for the Gospell 2144. Winchesters reasons agaynst the supremacy of the pope that Romish Antichrist 1058. Winchester his story .1339 an enemy to Christes Gospell .1245.283 depriued .1359.1360 hys contrarietie both to hymself and others .1792.1791.1792 alloweth the sacrament in both kindes 1789. dissaloweth masses for satisfaction supremacie of the pope 1789. is agaynst images chauntres ceremonies .1790.1791 his death 1785. Winchester and Wrisley complayned of the gospellers to the king 1214 Winchester Church built 133. Windsor castle recouered out of the handes of straungers 331 Windsor castle inlarged 384. Windsore persecuted 1211.1212 Winson in Suffolke persecuted 1912. Wimbletons sermons at Paulus Crosse. 547. Wimshurst his trouble and deliuery 207. Winchcombe church built by whō 130. Wilfull pouertie abhorred 414. Wischart gentlemā hys story trouble and martyrdome .1267 hys examinations and aunsweres .1268 his prayer and martyrdome 1271. Wittenberge writeth to the Pope in the behalfe of Martine Luther 845.149 W O. Woodman martyr his story .1983.1984 his apprehension .1985 his examinations .1986.1988.1989.2002 hys condemnation and Martyrdome 2003. Woode hys trouble for the Gospell wyth hys sondry deliueraunces 2146.2147 Wood Martyr hys story and martyrdome 1914. Woodroffe a cruell Sheriffe hys bloudy tyranny to Gods seely Martyrs is punished of God 1624.2100 Women burned at Exceter in Q. Mar●es dayes for the Gospell 2049.2050.2051 Woman Pope 137. Workes excluded from the glory of iustif●yng 23. Workes of supererogation 26.264 Workes iustifie not 23.978.979.1117 Workes and the law with the errors of the Papistes touchyng the same 25.26 Workes
stake D. Ridley ready to aunswere D Smithes Sermon but ●●uld not ●e suffered D Marshall Vicecha●●●cellour of Oxford stoppeth D. Ridleys mouth B. Ridley committ●●● his cause to G●d M. Latimer● wordes when he could not be suffered to answere D Smith * This was no Popish Tippet 〈◊〉 made 〈◊〉 to keepe 〈◊〉 necke warme D. Ridley geueth away his apparrell other 〈◊〉 to the pe●ple 〈…〉 him M. Latimer standing at the sta●e in his shirte D Ridley 〈…〉 The death and Martyrdome of D. Ridley The lamenting hartes of the people at the Martyrdome of these two Saintes The first farewell of B. Ridley to his friendes Commendation of George Shipside his brother in lawe To his brother Iohn Ridley To his sister in lawe of vnthanke wife to Hugh his brother To his Cosin M. Nicholas Ridley To his Cosin Rafe Ridley To all his kindred B. Ridley appoyn●ed to be B. of Durham Martyrdome Gods singular and rare promotion 1. Peter 4. A blessed thing to suffer death for Christ. If 〈…〉 dye w●●h his 〈◊〉 vpō thee●es for wor●●ly goo●●s how m●ch more then to dye in Chri●●es ●uarell vpo● the enemye of his Church Deut. 7. Iohn 15. To dye in any right whatsoeuer it be is to dye in Gods cause To dye in the truth against theeues and to dye for the truth agaynst Christes enemyes compared Truth taught in the Church of England True ministration of the Lordes Supper Seruice in th● vulgare to●gue Luke 22. 〈…〉 Chri●● is contrary to Gods word is a subuersion of 〈◊〉 godlines and destruction to mans soule Comparison betweene Popishe persecutors and strong theeues Popish persecutors when they are false theeues yet will they be called true Catholickes The fight with spirituall theues is worse then with temporall theeues Ephesians 6. Ephesians 6. The weapons of a christian warriour D. Ridley 〈◊〉 to the Sea of Durham The cause of Martyrs is the common cause of Christ and of 〈◊〉 his elect Saintes Let no man fo●●acke to dye 〈◊〉 a blessed 〈◊〉 common quarell To his friendes in Cambridge Benefites shewe● to D. Ridley in Cambridge Pembroke hall in Cābridge Commendation of Pembroke hall to be a letter forth euer of the Gospell D. Ridley learned the Epistles of S. Paule Peter without booke in Pembroke hall D. Ridley called into Kent by Archbishop Cranmer To the parishe of Herne in Kent The godly Lady Phines in Herne parish To the metrapoliticke sea of Canterbury To the sea of Rochester To Westminster To the sea of London B. Ridley deposed 〈◊〉 the sea of London without right or iudgement The Sea of London worthely 〈◊〉 ● Ridleys 〈…〉 the Episcopall 〈◊〉 of London To the city of London Commendation of 〈◊〉 Richard 〈◊〉 Alderman Knight The creating of the hospitall by B. Ridley 〈◊〉 Richard Dobbes 〈◊〉 of London Commendation of Syr George Barnes Maior of London Bridewell obtayned of King Edward by Syr George Barnes to set poore people a worke To the Citizens of London To the higher house and temporall Lordes of the Parlament Gal. 3. A good warning or lesson to the temporall Lordes Ezech. 3. Luke 6. Ignorance will not excuse the temporalty being seduced in religion The Lordes of the Parliament be fallen from Christ to Christes enemy Act. 2● Many good mē in the sea of Rome So long as the Sea of Rome folowed the rules of the Apostles it might be called Peter or Paules chayre The Church receaued of the Apostles of Christ Christ of God Tertull. The sea of Rome hath degenerated from the Apostles rules and hath set vp an other religion That is hath excercised an other power Hath ordeyned strange lawes If true doctrine maketh sea Apostolicke then cōtrary doctrine maketh the sea to be Antichrist Apocalip 17. Apocalip 11. Kinges cōmitting adultery with the whore of Babilon what it meaneth Apoc. 17. Daniel ● He speaketh to the Lordes tēporall Psalme 4. If the vnity of the Popes Church standeth vpon necessity of saluation why did the Lordes of this realme abiure this vnitye in K. Henry K. Edwardes dayes If it be otherwise why then doe they periure themselues turning to it agayne 〈◊〉 6. An other farewell of 〈…〉 c. 〈◊〉 5. 〈◊〉 1 〈…〉 2. Mat● 5. Luke 21. Luke 6. Math. 10. Math. 10· Math. 10. To confesse Christ and not to feare danger 2. Cor. 4. 1. Peter 3. The causes why the Apostles so reioysed in their affliction 1. Corin. 2. 2. Cor. 12. 2. Tim. 1. The glory of Paule wherein it consisted 2. Tim. 2. ● Tim. 3. Gal. 4. The waye to heauen is by afflictions Heb. 11. Heb. 12. Reasons to moue vs to pacience vnder the Crosse. Prouerb ● Heb. 1● 2. Cor. 5. 2. Cor. 5. 1. Cor 1. Phil. 1. Luke 25. Rom 9. 1. Iohn 3. Apoc. 14. To couet to be with Christ and not to fear● death Iohn 11. Iohn 5. 2. Peter ● 2. Cor. 5. Act. 14. Luke 16. Luke 12. The state of the Church of England described 〈◊〉 The lamentable chāge of religion in the Church Ieremy 4. 1. Cor. 14. Ignorance a prayer Abuse ●n the Lordes S●pper The Sacrament turned out of his right vse kind Idolatry in worshipping the creature for the creator The cuppe debarred from the ministration of the Lordes supper Blasphemous sacrifice for sinne Deuter. 5. Idolatry is stockes and stones The whore of Babilon with her cup of abominations expounded Apoc. 17. 2. Peter 2. The misticall marchaundise of the Babilonicall strumpet All thinges at Rome for money Verses agaynst Pope Alexāder Abominations and wicked abuses of the Sea of Rome declared The true word of God the office of the same declared Note here that these Scriptures were written by M. 〈◊〉 in the Mar●e●t but were not in the copy which we ●llowed Act. ●0 Cranmer and Ridley 〈◊〉 in the Duke o● S●mersets c●use Cranmer repugning agaynst the spoyle of the Church goodes Latimer Bradford Leuer Knoxe The corrupt 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 K. Edwardes tyme. Hipocrisie a double euill The slackenes that was in that tyme to good workes Gods pla●●● vpon England iustly deserue● He exhortet● 〈◊〉 constant confe●sion of Christ Punishment of heretiques 〈◊〉 gentle in the olde tyme and how it was vsed Counsell geuen in these dayes of persecution what to doe Such as remayned out of captiuitye counsayled to voyde the realme The abominatiō of desolation set vp in England Christ cōmaundeth to flye to the mountaynes Apoc. 18. 2. Cor. 6. Counsell to depart the realme Doubtes whether to flye or to tarry debated Presumptuous prouocation rash running into daunger forbidden Euseb. Eccle. lib. 4. cap. 15. 〈…〉 dwelling in ●ngland 〈◊〉 a good 〈◊〉 eyther with out daunger of consciēce o● perill of lyfe I●●ent no excuses to c●o●e sinne Confession of 〈◊〉 must goe with belief of 〈◊〉 To trust in God what it is 1. Corin 3 2. Cor. 6. Rom. ● To beare the beastes marke● what it is Apoc. 13.14.10 The literall taking of the Scripture 〈◊〉 the Iewes 〈…〉 The Popes