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A19275 Thesaurus linguæ Romanæ & Britannicæ tam accurate congestus, vt nihil penè in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latinè complectatur amplissimus Stephani Thesaurus, vel Anglicè, toties aucta Eliotæ Bibliotheca: opera & industria Thomæ Cooperi Magdalenensis. ... Accessit dictionarium historicum et poëticum propria vocabula virorum, mulierum, sectarum, populorum, vrbium, montium, & cæterorum locorum complectens, & in his iucundissimas & omnium cognitione dignissimas historias. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1578 (1578) STC 5688; ESTC S107261 3,527,792 1,744

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Cic. Vetera omitto Salust ¶ Id omitto Terent. I will not speake of that Age omitto Terent. Go to I am content Vt alia omittā hoc satis est Cic. Not speake of other things Vt omittam quod ei●amorem difficillimum charissimū c. Terent. That I may not rehearse or tell c. Omitto ac negligo caetera Cic. Id ommittamus Cic. Let vs let passe that Omitte ista quae nec percontari nec audire sine molestia possumus Cic. Speake not of those things c. Nunc omitee quaeso hunc Terent. I pray you pardon him now and let him go Omisi illam Plaut I haue let hir go from me Omitte me Plaut Let me alone ¶ Omitte Atticum Ciceroni tuo Cicer. Pardon Atticus at the request of your friende Cicero ¶ Differre aliquid omittere in tempus aliud Horat. Nauigationem primam dummodo idonea tempestas sit ne omiseris Cic. Doe not omit deferre or let passe ¶ De istoc rogare omitte Plautus Intreate me no more for this matter Omitte de te dicere ego te furcifer si viuo Terent. Speake no more of thy selfe Omitte mirari opes Romae Horat. Marueyle no more at Omitto iratus esse Plaut I will be no more angry Non prius omisit contra verum niti quàm c. Salust He ceased not to resist the truth vntill that c. Omissus Participium siue Nomen ex participio Left not medled with Omissus animus Ter. A negligent mind caring for nothing Omissa controuersia oratio omnis ad misericordiam tuam conferenda est Cic. Delicijs omissis hoc age Horat. Omissis iocis credo c. Plin. iunior In earnest or all ieast layde apart I beleeue Omissior ab re Teren. He that is nothing carefull to gayne thriue or get riches Omnis hoc omne All in number or quantitie Positiuo comparatíuo iungitur aliquando superlatiuo ¶ Omnibus aestatibus Plin. Euery sommer Omnis amor Terent. Tota mente atque omni animo intueri aliquem Cic. Omnibus annis Plin. Euery yeare yearely Omnes antiquissimi ciues Cic. Omnis causa The whole matter Clamor omnis procul esto Horat. Omni contentione pugnatum est vt lis haec capitis aestimaretur Cic. They indeuoured to the vttermost that they coulde that c. Omni contentione aliquid fugere Cic. With all indeuour that one can to eschue Corpus omne in profunda voce intenditur Cic. Omne tale flagitium Cic. Euery like wicked acte Non omnem frugem neque arborem in omni agro reperire possis Cic. Omne genus omnis generis pro eodem Varro Seminaria omne genus vt serantur Of all sortes Commemorauit omnis generis iniurias in se atque populares Liu. Omnibus horis Plin. Euery houre Omnia magna loquens Horat. Omnibus mensibus Cic. Omnibus numeris In all poyntes Ad me scribas de omnibus minimis maximis mediocribus Cicero Differunt omni modo Plin. They differ in all pointes Audimus quidē te omne munus Consulis obijsse Plin. iun. Omnibus partibus cōmodius ●egitur quàm is qui c. Cic. It is better gouerned in all points or all maner of wayes then c. Vt nostri omnibus partibus superiores fuerint Caes Omne periculum Terent. Omnes ferè philosophi Cic. Omnis illa vrbana perdita plebs Cic. Omnibus precibus petierunt ne se ad supplicium dederēt Caes With all earnest intreatie that could be they desired Omnibus precibus orabant vt se cibo iuuarent Caes They desired as earnestly as possibly they coulde Censuram solus omni quinquennio obtinuit Plin. iunior Whole fiue yeares to an ende Omni ratione colenda retinenda iustitia est Cic. Iustice is in all wayes to be exercised and kept Sanguinem omnem profundere Cic. Quos quidé omnibus sententijs vlcis●or persequor omnibus bonis approbantibus Cicer. Whome I race and inueigh against so often as euer I tell my opinion and that with the fauour of all good men Omnis spes Terent. Spem nuptiarum omnem cripis Omni supplicio vindicanda Cic. Hortantur vt omnia summa sperem Cic. Eo tempore omni Neapoli fui Cicer. I was all that time at Naples Omnes tres Quintil. Quanquam omnes tres status cadere in hoc opus possint ¶ Accingunt omnes operi Virg. Adiurare omnia Cic. Collustrare omnia Virg. Omnia ad arbitrium suum facere Plin. iun. To do all things as please himselfe Periclitari omnia Cic. Permiscere omnia Vide PERMISCEO Praestare omnia Ouid. Omne reddet tace modo Terent. He shall pay thee euery penny or the whole summe Latè vastant omnia Virg. Omnes qui vbique sunt qui Latinè sciunt Cicero All men whatsoeuer they be that vnderstande the Latine tongue Omnia quaecunque in hominum disceptationem cadere possunt Cic. All things whatsoeuer they be that can happen c. Quod scio omne ex hoc scio Plaut I knowe all that I doe know by this man ¶ Omnis cum genitiuo Pli. Pisciū omnibus serrati dentes ¶ Omnes omnium ordinum homines Cic. Omnes omnium ortus quicunque gignantur in omni terra quae incolatur eosdem esse Cic. Longè omnium quicunque scripserunt aut loquuti sunt extitit grauitate princeps Plato Cic. Omnium egenus Virgil. One that lacketh all thinges that hath nothing in the worlde Omnium sermonibus vapulare Cice. To be ill spoken of by all men Ex omnibus princeps Gorgias ausus est poscere c. Cicer. Gorgias first of all other Vnus ex omnibus amicis Cic. Amōg al his friēds one onely Ex omnium omnibus flagitijs nullum turpius vidi Cic. Ex omni nimbos dimittere coelo Ouid. To rayne downe on euery side Omnes ad vnum idem sentiunt de ea re Cic. All men not one fayling be of the same opinion cōcerning that matter In omne corpus sanguis per venas infunditur Cic. ¶ Omne ad tempus Cic. For euer In omne aeuum nobilis Horat. Carminibus viues tempus in omne meis Ouid. ¶ Ante omnia Vide ANTE praepositionem Ad omnia alia Vide AD praepositionem Omníno pen. prod Aduerbium Cic. Wholy throughly altogither vtterly alway Plurimum quidem poetis nostris omninoue Latinis literis luminis verbis attulisti Cic. Omnino aut magna ex parte liberatus Cic. Vix aut omnino non posse fieri Cicero That it may either scantly or not at all be done Omnino omnis cruditionis expers vir Cic. A man vtterly without all learning Omnino leuitatis est Cicer. It is vtterly a point of light behauiour Omnino modicé Cic. Omnino nequaquam par Cic. A man nothing to be compared to him Nihil omnino Horat. Nothing at all Causas omnino nunquam artigeru●● Cic. They neuer at all medled with
amictu nebulae circunfudit dea gradientes Vir. Did cast a thicke clowde about them Perlucenti amictu Ouid. Purpureus amictus Hor. Sordidus amictus Virg. Lapsus ex humeris amictus Ouid. Madido amictu oneratus Claud. Plebeio amictu tectus Lucan Tenues amictus laniauit Ouid. Deponere amictus Iuuen. Amictu erepto nuda Propert. Graeci amictus tum exoleuerant Tac. Amictu foemineo velauit Stat. ¶ Amictus pro modo ratione vestiendi corporis decôre vestitu Quint. Trimming Amículum pen. cor n. gen Cicero A short cloake or lyke garment Amiculátus pen. pro. Adiectiuum Solin Couered cladde Amica amícae pen. product Terent. A woman loued a concubine Culta amica Ouid. Dura Ouid. Fallax Ouid. Formosa Ouid. Mollis Ouid. Tenera Ouid. Amicae venales ad munus Propert. Ad amicam alteriꝰ insinuare se Plau. To take acquaintāce Amícula pen. cor Diminutiuum Plin. Cic. Amicus Substantiuum penul prod ab Amando dictus est A friende a louer Amicus necessariúsque communis Cic. Amicus ac per necessarius alicuius Cic. Valde amicus alicui Cic. Bonus amicus Tac. Certus amicus Plaut Firme and constant Chari amici Horat. Amicus communis Cic. Discolor amicus infido scurrae Horat. Not lyke to a false flatterer Dulcis Horat. Amicus ex animo Cic. With all hys hart Fidus. Horat. Inops Persius Iucundus Horat. Potens Horat. Purus Horat. Sterilis Iuuenal A barraine friend at whose hand no good turne is to be hoped for Tenuis Ouid. Poore Verus Cic. ¶ Vtinam ego tertius vobis amicus adscriberer Cic. Amicum veterem agnoscere Virg. To acknowledge Amittere amicum Plaut Anquirere amicos Cic. Amicos aduersos componere Horat. To set frendes at one being at discorde Concedere amicis Cic. Curare amicos Plaut Facere amicum promerendo Sen. To get a friend Facere nos amicos alicui Cic. To cause vs to loue a man Amici propioris munere fungi Horat. Implorare amicum Sil. Ital. Instituere sibi amicum Cic. To get a friend Parare amicos Cic. To procure Retinere seruare amicos Horat. Remanens amicus in duris rebus Ouid. Rodere amicum absentem Horat. To speake ill of c. Spoliari amici charis Claud. Suscepti amici curam dimittere Ouid. Amîcus pen. prod Adiectiuum Propise conuenient frendly acceptable pleasant fauourable To things not hauyng life profitable holsome Amicae ciuitates Caesar Confederate or alyed ¶ Amicus pratis humor amica frugibus aestas Vir. Comfortable profitable Amicum dijs Horat. Pleasant and acceptable Amicus musis Horat. Agreeable to c. Amicum agmen Ouid. A company of friendes Amico animo dare Horat. With a good harte Aures amicae Horat. Fauourable Dictis fatur amicis Virg. With friendly wordes Manus amica Ouid. Numen malè amicum Virg. That fauoureth not Opes amicae Virg. Portus amicos intramus Virg. Quies amica Claud. Pleasaunt Sydus apparere amicum Horat. Fauourable Tempus amicum agit sol Horat. When it goeth downe because then such as labour go to rest Tempus fraudibus amicum Statius Fitte and conuenyent for Vento amico nauem ferri Ouid. Prosperous Vultu amico promittere spem Ouidius With a fauourable countenaunce Vultus amicos veneratur Claud. ¶ Amicior comparatiuum Cicero Neque ego amicior C. Caesari vnquam fui Amicior vndis fraxinus Stat. Louing to grow by waters ¶ Amicissimus pen. cor Caesar Amicissimus Pop. Ro. Coniunctissimus amicissimus Cic. Amículus penult cor diminutiuum ab Amicus substantiuo Cicero Amiculus dulcis Catul. Amicè Aduerbium Cic. Friendly like a friend Amicè beneuolé Cic. Familiarissim● amicissimè viuere cum aliquo Cic. Amicè cum datiuo Cic. Fideliter vitae hominum amicé Amíciter pen. cor Aduerbium pro amicè Plaut Amicábilis hoc amicábile penult cor vt Opera amicabilis Plaut Friendly Affectio amicabilis Vlpianus Friendly affection Amîco amícas pen. pro. amicâre Stat. Prece numen amicat He maketh God his friend or fauourable to hym Amicitia Ab amicus dicitur Amitie friendship Amicitia etiam inter res inanimas Plin. Amicitia est rutae cum fico Amicitiae ambitiosae Vide AMBIO Amicitiae pudicae sanctus amor Stat. Charitas amicitia hominum gratuita est Cic. The loue and friendship of men is free and wythout charge Condimentū amicitiae haudquaquam mediocre suauitas sermonum atque morum Cic. Communes amicitiae Cic. Conciliatrix amicitiae virtutis opinio Cic. Amicitia exercita cum aliquo Tac. Whē a man is in friendship wyth an other In amicitijs fideles Cic. Fines in amicitia qui sint quasi termini diligendi constituendi sunt Cic. Amicitiae fons à natura constitutus Cic. Fores amicitiae aperire Cic. Principum graues amicitiae Horat. Amicitiae gloriâ excellens Laelius Cic. Infaustae amicitiae grauis exitus Tac. Amicitiae ius in eo est vt vnus quasi animus fiat ex pluribus Cicero Iustae veraeque amicitiae vetus est lex illa vt idem amici semper velint Cic. Leues amicitiae Cic. Mediocres amicitiae Cic. Amicitiae coniunctionísque necessitudo Cic. Amicitiae sanctum venerabile nomen Ouid. Nouis amicitijs indulgere Cic. Officiosa amicitia Cic. Ornamentum amicitiae verecundia Cic. Par amicitiae Cic. A couple of friendes Partae amicitiae Cic. In amicitijs pestis nulla maior quàm adulatio Cic. Amicitiae praesidium firmissimum Cic. Pyladea amicitia Cic. Perfect and sure friendship as was betwene Pylades and Orestes Amicitiarum satietates esse non debent Cic. A man can neuer haue to much friendship Amicitiae sempiternae Cic. Amicitiae simulatio Cic. Amicitiae stabiles permanent Cic. Amicitia suauis Lucret. Validus ad amicitiam alicuius Tacit. That can easily attaine to ones friendship Venenum amicitiae odium Cic. Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt Cic. Amicitia vetusta puer puero vinctus Ouid. Amicitiae vinculum nullum est certius quàm c. Cic. Vis amicitiae Cic. Vsus amicitiae varius est multiplex Cic. Vulgares amicitiae Cic. ¶ Accedere ad amicitiam Cic. To begin friendship Accipere aliquem in amicitiam Liu. To receyue into Accrescit amicitia Ter. Adíungere ad amicitiam Cic. To take to our friendship Adrepere ad amicitiam Cic. To enter by little and little into ones friendship Adscribere aliquem ad amicitiam Cic. Aggregare se ad amicitiam alicuius Caesar Allicit attrahit ad amicitiam similitudo Cic. Amplecti amicitiam alicuius Tac. Amicitias appetere Cic. Ad amicitiam alicuius se applicare Cic. Ab amicitia alicuius se auertere Caes To leaue of ones friendshyp Naturali amicitia carere Cic. Amicitiae charitate amore cernuntur Cic. Amicitia claudicare videtur Ci. Seemeth vnperfect Colere amicitias Cic. To practise and exercise Amicitiam comparare contrahere consequi conciliare acquirere gignere parere To gette or winne
one for honours sake ¶ Assurgere in arborem Plin. To grow to the heigth and greatnesse of a tree Assurgit montis vertex L. milibus passuum Plin. Riseth 50. miles in heigth Assurgit in septem vlnas Virg. It is 7. elles high ¶ Assurgit insula monte Plin. Hath a high hill Assurgit clementer molliter collis Col. Riseth by little and little and is not stipe vp Turres assurgunt Virg. Tumor assurgit Cels ¶ Animus assurgit Quint. The hart or courage increaseth Irae assurgunt Virg. Anger increaseth Assurgere animo Stat. To waxe more stoute and loftie Querelis assurgere Virg. ¶ Assurgere dicitur orator qui sublimitur loquitur Quint. To rise in amplification or highnesse of stile ¶ Assurgi passiuum Cic. ¶ Assurrectum est assurgitur Impersonale Suet. Cic. They rose or did reuerence Assus assa assum ab Areo ares vel Ardeo ardes Horat. Tosted rosted Assa voce cantare Varro To sing onely wyth mans voyce without any other tunes or sownes of instruments Assus sol Cic. The burning and hote sunne Asso assas assare Vide suo loco Ast Coniunctio discretiua Virg. But. Crebras à nobis literis expecta ast plures etiam mittito Cic. But. Ast asseuerantis vox est aliquando Liu. Bellona si hodie nobis victoriam duis ast hîc ego templum tibi voueo Truely or certainely Astaphis pen. cor astáphidis f. g. Plin. A raison Astaphis agria An herbe called of the apothecarie Staphis agria Aster atticus An herbe called also Bubonium vel Inguinalis Asteriace A certaine medicine Asterias A kinde of hernes I suppose it is an Egret Also a birde in Egipt taught to imitate mans voyce Aster astri m. g. A starre Astericum asterici n. g. pe cor Herbae genus quae Vrceolaris herba vocatur Plin. Parietary or pellitory of the wall Asteriscus asterisci mas gen Diminutiuum ab Aster A little marke in wryting like a starre Asterno asternis astráui astrátum pen. pro. astérnere Ouid. To spread throw downe or prostrate by any thing Asthma atis n. g. A disease when through the lunges stopped with fleame a man can hardely fetche his breath but wyth whiesing in the brest Asthmaticꝰ asthmátici pe cor That draweth his wind short Astipulor pe cor astipulâris ástipulâtus sum astipulári Pli. To consent to accorde to agree to to fauour to leane to Astipulari alicui Liu. Astipulatio Verbale Plin. Assent affyrming or vouching of a thing Astipulâtus huius astipulátus pen. prod Verb. Plin. Idem Astipulâtor pen. prod Verb. Cic. That is of one accorde or assent wyth an other Also witnesse or recorde Astituo astítuis astítui pen. cor astitûtum pen. prod astitúere Plaut To place by Asto astas ástiti ástitum pen. cor astâtum pen. pro. astâre Virg. To stand by to be present Asta atque audi Plaut Stand still and harken Asta te amabo Plaut Stay I pray thee Astare in genua Plaut To kneele In latus obliquum astitit Ouid. Finis vitae mortalibus astat Lucret. Is at hande Astare ad tumulum Cic. To be present at Ante oculos astare Virg. To stande before Astare in conspectu Cic. Astitit in ripa Ouid. He stoode on the banke Limine astitit Id est in limine Stat. Portis sublimibus astant Virg. Iuxta praesides astat Sen. Supra caput astitit Virg. ¶ Asto aduocatus cuidam amico Plaut I am assystent in a certaine matter of my friendes Astant serui mensis dominorum Martial Be attendaunt or wayte vpon Astitit mihi contra Plaut He resisted or wythstoode Astans astantis Participium Sil. Astante atque audiente Italia tota Cic. Being present Astante illo Plaut In his presence Squamae astantes Virg. Staring or standing vp Astorgion A kinde of spiders Astralagus astragali pen. cor f. g. The play at dice tables hucklebone chesse or such like game Also the pastle bone in a beast In Homere it is taken for the necke bone where it ioyneth to the backbone Astragalus Herba est Plinio Of common apothecaries called Cicer montanum In English it may be called of the forme peaserthnutte Vide Diosc lib. 4. cap. 62. Astrepo ástrepis pe cor astrépui astrépitum pen. cor astrépere To make dinne or noyse Astrepere aures alicuius Pli. To prattle at ones eares and make many wordes Astrepebat huic alacre vulgus Id est applaudebat Tacit. Astrifer Vide ASTRVM Astringo astringis astrinxi astrictum astríngere To ioyne or binde togither to binde or oblige by couenant or promise Astringere Relaxare contraria Cic. Astringite ad columnā fortiter hūc Plaut Bind him fast to Arctè astríngere Cic. To binde harde Aluum ventrem astringere Corn. Cels To bind the belly to make costiue Venas agrorum hiantes astringere Virg. Vincula astringere Ouid. Astringi necessitate Cic. To be constreined by necessytie Astringi lege Cic. To be bounde by lawe Orationem numeris astringere Cic. To knitte his stile and reduce it to certaine measures of feete Dialectica quasi cōtracta astricta eloquentia putāda est Cic. Short and knit togither Breuiter astringere argumenta Cic. To knit vp hys argumentes in short wordes Lingua astricta mercede Cicer. A mans mouth stopt with money his tongue tied with bribes Vinclis sempiternis totam Galliam astringere Ci. To bind for euer Astringere aliquem conditionibus suis Cicero To binde one vpon such penaltie or forfeite as he would himselfe Vt eum suis cōditionibus in ipso temporis articulo astringeret Ci. That at the poynt he might wrappe him in such bondes as he would himselfe Astringere se sacris Cic. To take orders Astringere suam fidem Terent. To plight faith and trouth Ad certa verba se astringere Quint. To binde hymselfe to certaine wordes Ad seruitutem alicuius se astringere Quint. Astringi ad temperantiam plin iun. To be bounde to a certaine measure or temperaunce In iura sacra se astringere Ouid. To take an othe ¶ Astringere frontem Seneca To frowne to bende the browes ¶ Astringere mores Fabius ¶ Astringere se furti Plaut To commit felonie Astringere se scelere Cic. To commit a mischieuous acte ¶ Astringi frigore Plin. iun. To be chilled or stiffe for cold Astrictus Participium Pli. iun. Bound or fastened to Astrictus deuinctus Plin. iun. Fastned and bounden Astrictus necessitate Cic. Strained by necessytie Voluptatibus astricti Cic. Wholy giuen to pleasure Arcta astricta laxare Cic. Astricta frons Mart. A frowning foreheade Astrictum frigore pectus Ouid. Chilled with colde Histrio astrictus certa quadam numerorū moderatione pedum Cic. Bound or restrained to a certaine measure Dolore astrictum pectus Ouid. Gelu astrictum Ouid. Frosen Glacies astricta Ouid. Astrictus gustus Plin. A roughe taste that streyneth the tongue Poeta numeris astrictior Cic. More bounde
fundus Lande giuen by fee simple or fee taile to be holden of the donour by some seruice Beneficium Terent. A benefite a pleasure a good turne Accipere beneficium Terent. Afficere aliquem Beneficio Cic. To doe one a pleasure Alligari beneficio Cic. Beneficium augere Cic. Beneficium bene collocare Cic. To bestow well Beneficia alicuius comedere Cic. To spende and consume the goodes that he receiueth of one Beneficium foeneratum Vide FOENVS Complecti aliquem beneficio Cic. To doe a pleasure to Per beneficium concedere aliquid Cic. As a benefite Beneficij gratíaeque causa concedere aliquid Cic. Conduplicare beneficium Terent. Conferre beneficium in aliquem Cic. To doe pleasure to Cumulare beneficium Plin. iun. Vide CVMVLVS Dare beneficium pro Conferre Cic. Beneficium dare reddere Quint. Dare accipere beneficium Cic. Pro beneficio dare Caelius Ciceroni Magna mihi debebat beneficia Caelius Cic. He is bound to me for many great pleasures that I haue done him Deferre beneficia Cic. In loco beneficij deferre Cic. Facere beneficium Gellius Beneficij sui rem aliquā facere Sue Commeatus à Senatu peti solitos beneficij sui fecit That prouision that was woont to be desired of the Senate he made nowe to bee hys benefite to graunt Figere beneficium clauo trabali Cicer. quasi dicas vinculo firmissimo atque indissolubili To make it remembred for euer Habere beneficium ab aliquo Cicero To receyue a good turne of Habere pro beneficio Brutus Ciceroni To accept Hoc vix ab Apronio in summo beneficio impetratum est Cic. As a great benefite Manet beneficium in aliquo Cic. Mittere beneficium in acta Seneca To register Mutare beneficium Caesar Obligari beneficio Cic. Obstringis beneficium Ornare aliquem beneficijs Ci. To shew many goodly pleasures Parere sibi beneficium Terent. Vt solidum parerem hoc mihi beneficium That I might attaine the thankes of a full and perfite benefite In loco beneficij petere aliquid Cic. As a benefite Placare beneficio inimicum Cic. Beneficium ponere apud aliquem Cic. To bestowe vpon Proijcere beneficium Seneca To cast away Promereri proferre beneficium Cic. Reddere beneficium Quint. To requite a benefite Respondere beneficijs To requite Remunerare beneficium Cic. Non sustinere beneficia Cic. Not to shew himself thankfull Soluere beneficium Cic. To requite Tribuere beneficium Cic. To giue or doe Tueri suum beneficium Cic. Vti peruersè dei beneficio Cic. To abuse ¶ Meo beneficio Cic. For my sake by my meanes or good helpe Beneficio longissimae aetatis Quintil. By the meanes Beneficio legis benignitate Decemuirali nihil vtor Cic. Beneficio diuino immortalíque vestro Cic. Ingenij beneficio praestantes Quint. Memoria beneficij Cic. Tabula beneficij Cic. Indignus aut victus beneficio Cic. Gratus memor beneficij Cic. Immortalia beneficia Cic. Beneficentia Cic. Beneficence liberalitie doing pleasure any way Benéuolens pe cor Participiū à Bene volo quod vnica voce non dicitur Plaut Bearing good will fauorable frendly Beneuolentes dij Plaut Cum deo beneuolente faciam Gellius With gods helpe and god will ¶ Beneuolentissimi officio fungi Cic. Of a very friende Benéuolus pen. cor Idem Terent. Bearing good will Beneuolus erga aliquem Plaut Beneuolus domino seruus Cic. Beneuolus animus Cic. Iudices beneuolos efficere Cic. Facere beneuolum auditorem Cic. Beneuolè Aduerbium Cic. Amicè beneuolè collegisti Fauourably friendly Fideliter beneuoléque praesto esse alicui Cic. Facere aliquid beneuolé Cic. Beneuolentia Cic. Beneuolence fauor loue hartie good will Acquirere beneuolentiam Quint. Non adimit mors beneuolentiam Cic. Beneuolentiam hominum sibi adiungere Cic. To get Allicere beneuolentiam alicuius Cic. Allicere ad beneuolentiam animos Cic. Captare beneuolentiam Cic. To go about to get Colligere beneuolentiam Cic. To get or procure Complecti aliquem beneuolentia Cic. To beare one good will Conciliare beneuolentiam Cic. Conciliare animos ad beneuolentiam Cic. Consectari beneuolentiam largitione Cic. By bribing and giftes to indeuour to procure c. ¶ Consentiens ad beneuolentiam erga nos exercitus Cic. Bending to our fauour Conseruare susceptam beneuolentiam Cic. Deportare beneuolentiam alicuius ex loco aliquo Cic. Fidem beneuolentiam alicuius erga se experiri Cic. Habere beneuolentiam erga aliquem Cic. To beare good will Nauare beneuolentiam Cic. To shewe and declare Perspicere beneuolentiam alicuius erga se Cic. Thorowly to see Beneuolentiam iudicis petere Quint. Praestare beneuolentiā singularē alicui Marc. Ci. To shew Gratia beneuolentiae aliquid facere Cic. Fidelis beneuolentia Cic. Impar beneuolentia Cic. Sempiterna beneuolentia colere memoriam beneficij alicuius Cic. To shewe perpetuall good heart for Singularem beneuolentiam alicui praestare Marcel Cic. Benignus Adiectiuū à Bono dicitur liberalis beneficus elemens Gentle benigne bountifull liberall gracious Beneficus benignus Cic. Ager benignus Ouid. A fruitfull grounde Dapes benignae Vide DAPS. Dies benignus Foelix Stat. A fortunate or luckie day Diui benigni Horat. Fauourable Nox benigna Stat. Numen benignum Horat. Oratio benigna Cic. Swete gentle courteous language Praeda benigna Ouid. Sermo benignus Horat. Gentle wordes Tellus benigna Plin. Fruitefull Benigna mentis temperies Claud. Terra benigna Tibull Sub benigno teste viuere Claud. Vena ingenij benigna Horat. Verba benigna Propert. Benigno vultu ac sermone Liu. With pleasant countenance and gentle wordes Vultum seruat fortuna benignum Horat. Loketh fauorably ¶ Vini somníque benignus Horat. Much giuen to drinking and sleeping Benignè Aduerbium Terent. Courteously graciously gently liberally fauourably Benignè praebet octo portus Plin. Benignè Clementer vt Benignè attentéque aliquem audire Cicero Benignè audire legationem alicuius Liu. Gently Benignius dare operam Plaut Communicare benignissimè aliquid cum aliquo Cic. Defendere benignè Cic. Benignè dicis Plaut Gently sayd of you Benignè facere Plaut To doe liberally Benignè facere alicui Cic. To vse liberalitie towarde one Inuitari benignè Cic. Benigne monstrare viam cui Grauatè opponitur Cic. Benignissimè promittere Cic. To promise very liberally Benignius omnes me salutant Plaut Benígnitas pen. cor Plaut Bounteousnesse courtesie liberalitie gentlenesse Nuncubi meam benignitatem sensisti in te claudier Tert. Did you euer perceiue my liberalitie to be restrained from you Benignitate adduci Cic. Audire summa cum benignitate Cic. Benignitas in audiendo Cic. Courtesie Conferre benignitatem in aliquem Cic. Dei benignitate Cic. By the goodnesse of god Amicorum benignitas exhausta est in ea re Cic. Was consumed or spent Naturae benignitas Cic. Liberalitie of nature Boarius Boo boas Vide BOS Boos A serpent liuing by the milke of rudder beastes Bootes Boôtis
vel in loco parentis Cic. To honour and reuerence as his father ¶ Colere se Plautus To decke or trinime himselfe to make gaye Corpus colere Ouid. ¶ Colere agrum terram c. Cice. To labour and till to husband Arare aut colere agrum Cic. Arua colere Ouid. Fruges colere Ouid. Glebam colere Ouid. Hortos Virg. Praedia studiosè colere Cic. Rura Val. Flac. Vitem Cic. ¶ Colere vrbem Cic. To inhabite or dwell in Colere domum Plau. Colere regiones Acheronticas Pla. Colitur ea pars habitatur frequentissimé Cic. Helicona colere Propert. To study poesie Syluas rura colere Ouid. Studium colendi rura Ouid. ¶ Colere aequum bonum Plaut To do according to equitie and reason Colere Negligere sunt contraria Cic. Colere efficere Cic. To practise and do Aeuum colere Lucret. To liue Colere amicitias Plaut To play a friends parte toward his friende Veritate amicitia fide societas pietate propinquitas colitur Cic. Is mainteined Aurum colere Propert. To make golde his god Colere tueri seruare communem conciliationem consociationem generis humani Cic. To maintaine to preserue to keepe Diligentia praecipuè colenda est nobis Ci. We must be diligent Disciplinam colere Cic. To study or trauayle in any science Colere fidem Cic. To vse true and faithfull dealing Genus orationis aequabile temperatum colendū Ci. To followe and vse c. Hospitia clientelae cognationes affinitates castè colendae Author ad Heren Iura colere Tibul. Ius religiosè colore Author ad Heren Ius colore vel iustitiam Liu. To vse rightfull dealing to do wrong to no man Iustitiam liberalitatem colere ▪ Cic. To practise Sequi colere leges Cic. To follow and liue according to Martem colere Sil. To delight in warre Memoriam alicuius colere Ci. To remember not to forget to keepe solemne remembrance of Memoriam vestri beneficij colam beneuolentia sempiterna Cice. I will remember your benefite with perpetuall good will to requite Militiam colere Ouid. To practise martiall prowesse Mores populi alicuius colere Plau. To liue after the maner of people Piè sanctéque colere naturam excellentem Cic. Officium suum colere Plaut Alway to do his dutie Pietatem colore Pla. To reuerence his parents and friends Pudorem pudicitiam colere Cicer. To be shamefast and chaste Quaestum suum colere Plaut To searche for or be diligent about his owne profit Religionem colere Cic. To serue god to follow religion Nūquam coluit testimoniorum religionem fidem natio illa Cicer. This nacion neuer esteemed religion troth or was neuer faithfull and true in witnesse bearing Seditiones colere Pli. iun. To be giuen to sedition and trouble Seruitutem apud aliquem colere Plau. To serue vnder one Societates atque amicitias studiosè colore Author ad Her Studia colore Cic. To giue himselfe to studie ¶ Ad percipiendam colendámque virtutem literis adiuuari Cic. To learne and exercise vertue Victum colere Ci. Vitam colere Plaut To liue ¶ Inter se colere Cic. To loue and resort one to an other Colens om gen Nomen vt Colens religionem Cic. Giuing honour and thankes to god Cultus Nomen adiect Decked trimmed apparelled husbanded vt Cultissimum rus Col. Incultus Cultissimus contraria Cic. Ager nulla ex parte cultus Cic. Not husbanded Animus cultus Cic. Garnished with vertue and knowledge Dea culta virginibus ministris Ouid. Culta fides Val. Flac. Fidelitie obserued Praedia culta Claud. Segetes cultae Claud. Vestes cultae Claud. Trimme and faire apparell Cultus huius cultus Cic. Trimming decking apparelling Reuerence worship honour tilling husbanding Agricolarum cultus elaborat Ci. Cultus agrorum Plin. Biuius agrorum cultus Varro The husbanding of grounde hath two partes or is two wayes Accuratus cultus Gel. Agrestis Stat. Crinalis cultus Claud. Trimming of the heare Laeto cultu conuiuia Valer. Flac. Feastes made wyth great prouision Luxuriosus cultus Quint. Riotous and superfluous furniture Modicus cultu Plin. iun. Vsing meane and sober furnyture Mollissimus cultus Cic. Effeminate Mundior iusto cultus Liu. To much brauenesse and trimnesse Cultus regales Claud. Simplex cultus Claud. ¶ Affectare cultum effusiorem in verbis Quin. To affectate to much elegancie in wordes Tribuere diligentem cultum alicui Cic. ¶ Cultus hominis Cicer. The ornament of a man in science and vertue Hominum cultus curatio Cic. Cultus vitae Cic. The furniture of mans life with all honest commodities Delectant etiam magnifici apparatus vitaeque cultus cum elegantia copia Cic. Humanus ciuilisque cultus Cic. Desistere à cultu victúque bestiarum Cic. Cultu humili aliquem educare Liu. To bryng vp in poore and meane estate ¶ Cultu vacantes regiones Ci. Being not manured or husbanded Hominum cultus Tac. The habitation with men ¶ Cultus animi C. The ornament and furniture of minde ¶ Cultus deorum Adoratio Cic. The worshipping Cultu honore dignari Cic. Cultum culti Substant vt Pinguia culta Claud. Places fertile by husbanding Cultio Verb. Idem Cic. Tilling or husbanding Agri cultione se oblectare Cic. Cultor Verb. vt Cultor agrorum Liu. A husband man Cultor vineae Cic. Cultor terrae Cic. An inhabitour of the lande ¶ Cultor Mineruae Mart. A studient ¶ Cultor veritatis Cic. That vseth true dealing an honest plaine man Cultrix huius cultricis pen. prod Verb. foemininum Cicero That laboureth in a thyng Cultûra cultúrae pen. prod Idem quod Cultus substantiuum vt Cultura agri Cic. Husbanding tilling Nihil fert ager nisi multa cultura magno labore ouaesitum Cic. Fundi cultura Paul Vitium cultura Cic. The husbanding and trimming Intempestiua cultura Caius Vnseasonable labouring Adhibere culturam Cic. To husband or till Hominum generi vniuerso cultura agrorū est salutaris Ci. Noua sarmenta cultura excitantur Cic. Colônus colóni pen. prod à Colo colis Cic. A husband man Colonus catenarum Plaut That is in chaines ¶ Colonus He that inhabiteth a place an inhabitant Colonus Inquilinus Paul Auidus colonus Virg. Optimus parcissimus modestissimus frugalissimus colonus Cic. Fortes coloni Virg. Inopes coloni Horat. Lacertosi coloni Ouid. Operosus colonus Oui. Pauper ruris colonus Horat. Veteres coloni Virg. ¶ Colonus Vlp. A farmer or husband A colono rationes accipere Cic. To receiue an accompt of his farmer Dare colono remissionem ob sterilitatem Papin ¶ Colona Ouid. A husband mans wife a woman farmer ¶ Coloni Cicer. Certaine sent to inhabite a towne or countrey ¶ Ascribere colonos nouos Cicer. To appoynt new inhabitants to go to a place Assignare agros colonis Cic. Collocare colonos in aliqua ciuitate Cic. Dare colonis agrum Cic. Deducere colonos Cic. In colonias alicuius regionis
Pli. A vine fastned and layde along vpon a frame Compono compónis pen. pro. compósui cōpósitum pen. cor compónere Ter. To put or ioine togither to make ordeyne or dispose to compare or conferre to adorne to gather to recreate to appease to conclude to accord or agree to finish ende or conclude a matter to dissemble or feigne to write or make a boke to bring to fashiō somtime to bury Diligenter componere aliquid Cic. Aciem componere Tacit. To set in aray Aciem per cuneos cōponere Tac. To set in pyked fronts Antidotum ex varijs inter se contrarijs effectibus componere Quint. To make the composition of a medicine Singula argumenta cum singulis componere Quint. Cognoscere componere causas Cic. To conferre Componere delibuere capillos Cic. To trimme to set in order Comas componere Ouid. Crines componere Virg. Idem Exercitum pugnae componere Tac. To set his armie in aray readie to fight Labra labellis compono Lucilius To kisse Latus suum alicui componere Proper To sit by one Leges componere Lucret. To make or ordeyne Manus manibus componere Virg. To put hand in hande Manus alicui componere Sil. To fight hande to hande Membra defessa componere Virg. To recreate and refresh wearie limmes Mores componere Ouid. To fashion mens maners Oculos componere Valer. Flac. To set his looke to looke stedfastly vpon Puluinar cōponere Ouid. To lay a pillow vnder his head Componere res suas Salust To set his matters in order Componere constituere Rempub. Cic. To dispose the common weale and set it in good order Thalamis se componere Virg. To lye downe in his bed to nestle himselfe in his bed Se componere mediúmque locare in aliquo loco Virg. To sit downe with and place himselfe in the middest Ita se componebat vt c. Tacit. He did so set himself that Componi ad Senatus reuerentiam Plin. iun. To haue fashioned himselfe to shewe reuerence to the Senate Componere se alicui Silius To ioine with one in combate Signa componere Cic. To ioyne battayle Togam componere Horat. To fashion or set about him Componere vitem in brachia Colum. To set the vine to grow out in braunches vpon a frame Vultus componere Ouid. To make a sadde countenaunce to fashion his countenaunce Componere vultus suos ad alium Ouid. To fashion his countenaunce to looke as other doe Ad exemplum ce componere Quint. To doe as he seeth an other doe Ad imitationem veritatis se componere Quint. To fashion himselfe to follow the truth ¶ Aliquem componere pro Sepelire Tac. To bury or interre Lachrymis aliquem componere Tac. In buriyng to weepe Tumulo componi Ouid. To be layde in graue ¶ Componere Finire vt Cōponere bellum contētiones controuersias Caesar Liu. To finish or make an ende of warre contention debate Curas componere Stat. To ende or asswage sorrow Componere dié dicitur Vesper Vir. To make an ende of day Discordias componere aduersus aliquem Tac. To appease and ende debate towarde one Fluctus componere Virg. To quiet the sea Lites componere inter aliquos Virg. To make agreement betweene men Pugnantia componere Horat. To make agreemeent betweene things contrary Componere perficere callidè aliquid Cic. Cum bona gratia aliquid componere inter aliquos Ter. To take order or make agreement betweene men Amicos auersos componere Horat. To reconcile friends fallen out to make atonement Gen tem componere Sil. Componere pacem alicui cum altero Plaut To set at one to make friendes Tumultum componere Lucan To appease or quiet a sturre or tumult Sententia componere aliquid inter aliquos Plaut By his sentence to make agreement betweene Compone hoc de argento de reliquo videro Cic. Take an order or fall at a poynt concerning this money ¶ Componere animos Cic. Animos nostros ratio componat Let reason set our mindes in quiet Animum componere ad aliquos casus Valer. Flac. To settle his minde to any aduentures Componere mentem Cels To quiet his minde or braine troubled in sicknesse ¶ Componere dicta cum factis Salust To compare sayinges and doyngs Causam suam cum causa aduersarij componere Quin. ¶ Componere pro Comparare Virg. Sic paruis componere magna solebam I was woont to compare c. Componi cum altero Lucilius To be compared Aliquos inter se componi Quint. To be conferred one with the other ¶ Componere societatem cum latronibus Salust To enter confederacie or societie with ¶ Componere pretio Salust To fall at agreement and dispatch with money ¶ Componere sicut vulgò vsurpatur pro Scribere vt Componere historiam Plin. iun. To write an historie Condere componere Horat. Componere describere iura iussa populorum Cic. Inuenire componere res Cic. Amores componere Ouid. To write bookes of loue Artem componere Quint. To put any art in wryting Artificium de iure ciuili componere Cic. Cantus componere Tibul. To make songs or balades Carmina componere Horat. To make verses Carmina ad lyram componere Quint. Casus alicuius componere Ouid. To discriue ones fortune and aduentures in wryting Commentarium componere Cic. To wryte or make Edictum componere Cic. Elegos componere Ouid. Exemplum literarum componere Cic. To draw out a copie of a letter Exordium nimium apparatis verbis componere Author ad Herennium To make his beginning Componere certam quandam formulam disciplinae Cic. Libellos conficere aut formas iudiciorum stipulationum componere Cic. To wryte out Interdictum aliquorum causa componere Cic. Laudes alicuius componere Tibul. To write Librum componere ex alienis orationibus Cic. Literas alieno nomine componere Liu. To counterseyte letters in a nother mans name Opus componere ad aliquorum vtilitatem Quint. Orationem componere ad aliorum iudicia Quin. To make an oration after other mens iudgement Ordinem rei gerendae componere Liu. To appoynt an order in wryting how it should be done Rationes familiares componere Tacit. Res gestas componere Hor. To write Testimonium componere Cic. Quaedam exemplatia legunt testamentum Verba componere manu Ouid. To put words in writing Verba ad religionē deorum immortalium cōponere Cic. Componere coagmentare verba Cic. To ioyne and set wordes togither Componere construere verba Cic. Idem Versus in ossa componere Tibul. To make an epitaph of one deade Viam componendi facilè efficiet exercitatus stylus Cic. ¶ Componere pocula de luto Tibul. To make cuppes of earth ¶ Componere itinera Cic. To make his iestes to appoynt the order of his iourneyes ¶ Componere vrbem Virg. To buyld and erect Componere fallacias Plaut To deuise and imagine craft and guile Blanditias componere Tibul. Insidias
alicui componere Tibul. To speake fayre ¶ Componere quod Galli Confrontare dicunt Tacit. Accita quippe Epicharis cum indice composita Compósitus pen. cor Participium Propert. Set put or ioyned togither set in aray fashioned made Compositus in ostentationem Liu. Setled or fashioned to make a great shewe or bragge In rationem annorum compositus Quint. In securitatem compositus Tac. Hauing a carelesse countenaunce looking as he passed not for any thing Compositum compactum coagmentatum Cic. Compositi acie Tacit. Set in aray Numero compositi in turmas Virg. Somno compositus Ouid. Layde fast a sleepe Affectus mites atque compositi Quint. Quiet and moderate affections Compositum agmen ad pugnam Li. Set in aray to fight Compositum ad omnes casus agmen Liu. So set as it is readie for the enimie which way so euer he come Aquae compositae Ouid. Quiet and calme waters Auspicia ad vtilitatem Reipublicae composita Cic. Comae compositae Ouid. Heare trimmed and set Controuersiae ex historijs compositae Quint. Crines compositi Virg. Trimmed or set Discrimen compositum Ouid. Gradibus compositis Virg. With a set and solemne pace Composita hora. Horat. An hower appoynted and promised Mare compositum Ouid. A still and quiet sea Nomen quasi terrori compositum Vertingentorix Lucius Florus A name deuised as it were to make men afrayde Composita ornata artificio quodam expolitione distincta oratio Cic. Made adourned and set forth with a certaine cunning and artificiall polishing Poema crassè illepidè compositum Horat. Palàm compositus pudor Tacit. Thorus bene compositus Ouid. Composita venena Ouid. Composita verba Salust Cunningly and fitly set togither Vox composita Seneca Vultus compositus Tacit. A set countenaunce ¶ Vt domi compositum cum Martio fuerat Liu. As soone as they had fallen at agreement with Compósitus a um Nomen ex participio Liu. Acrior impetu atque animis quàm cōpositior vllo ordine pugna fuit A battaile more fierce in assault and courage than fought in order or good aray Omnia erunt compositiora Quint. In better order Vt nemo vnquam compositior ad iudicium videatur Cic. More fitte and meete to iudge Compositissimae literae Cic. Id est bellissimè construciae Letters well written and trimly ioyned De caracteribus enim literarum intelligit non de epistola Compostus per syncopen Virg. Composito Ablatiuus vice Aduerbij Ter. Virg. Of purpose for the nones Composito factum est quomodo hanc amans habere posset Sine dote Ter. It was wrought of purpose by compact how he might haue hir c. Ex composito Idem Plin. iun. Nihil non est ex cōposito fecimus We did nothing but as it was agreed before Compositè Aduerbium Cic. In order fitly Compositè ambulare Columella Boues docere per mille passus compositè sine pauore ambulare To go with set pace in measure to go by measure no more at one stride than at another to treade it trimly Compositè aptè dicere Cic. To vtter aptly and fitly in wordes Agere aliquid compositius quàm festinantius Tac. More orderly than hastily Compósitot oris m. g. pen. pro. Verbale Cic. He that setteth or ioyneth togither Compositio onis f. g. Verbale vt Cōpositio vnguentorum Plin. A confection mingling putting or setting of diuers things togither Facture proportion or making A composition or agreement A peace making Ordo compositio rerum aptis accommodatis locis Ci. Modestia compositionis Quint. Disciplinae compositio Cic. Compositio iuris Cic. Magistratuum compositio Cic. Compositio membrorum Ci. The composition and facture of the partes of the bodie Sermonis compositio Quint. The knitting and couching of wordes in talke Varia compositio sonorum harmonias efficit plures Cic. Verborum compositio Cic. A ioyning togither Verbis vti ad aptam compositionem condecentiam Ci. Lenís quadrata virilis compositio Quint. Oratoria compositio Quint. Peccatur compositione Idem Compositio tota seruit grauitati vocum aut suauitati Cic. ¶ Compositio Caes Agreement Pacis concordiae compositionis author esse nō destiti Ci. Seruare aliquos per compositionem Ci. By composition or agreement to laue certaine Compositiones gladiatorum Cic. Matchings and settings togither of swordeplayers to fight Compositûra pen. pro. vel detractione literae i. est Cōpostura Cato A composition ioyning and setting togither Oculorum compositurae Lucret. Compositura orationis Asinius Capito apud Gellium Comporto comportas comportâre Caes To beare or carie togither to conuey Comportare frumentum ex agris in loca tuta Cic. Comportare frumentum in aceruum Hirtius To cary togither in a heape In vnum comportare Horat. Rebus comportatis bene vti Hor. Brought togither Compos compotis pen. cor com ge That hath his desire Compos mentis compos animi compos ratìonis compos sanitatis quòd haec habeo At compos voti compos victoriae compos optati quòd haec opera mea labore obtinui obtineoque Valla. Compos animi Ter. Of sound remembraunce not madde Compos mentis Liu. Idem Mentis vix compos Ouid. Compotem sui esse Liu. Vix ita compos mei essem I should be scantly so able to mayster or rule my selfe Compos sine adiect Li. Vix prae gaudio compotes Id est vix animi vel mentis compotes Almost beside themself for ioy ¶ Compos particeps animus sempiternarum rerū subintelligentiam cadentium Cic. A minde that vnderstandeth and is pertaker of euerlasting things c. Compotem gratulationis facere Pli. iun. To giue one occasiō to reioyce on his friendes behalfe for any thing done or happened Laudis compos Plaut That hath prayse or is praysed Libertatis compos Plaut That hath obteined libertie Compotem patriae facere aliquem Plaut To restore one to his countrey Regni compos Sil. Rationis consilij compos Cic. Compos scientiae Cic. That hath the knowledge of it Compos victoriarum Valer. Max. That hath atchieued victories Compos virtutum Cic. Indowed with vertues Facero aliquem compotem voti Seneca To get one that himselfe desireth Compotem vrbis facere Cic. To restore vnto the citie ¶ Compos miseriarum Plaut Miserable full of miseries Compos culpae Plaut Guiltie culpable ¶ Compos ablatiuo iunctum vt Compos animo Sal. Wel in his witte Compos praedae exercitus Liu. That hath got a bootie Compos earum rerum animo Cic. ¶ Compos neutro generi iunctum aliquando legitur vt Voto compote apud Senecam Compositio Compositus Composite Vide COMPONO Compoto cōpótas pe pro. compotâre To drinke togither Compotátio compotatiônis f. g. Cic. A banket or drinking Compôtor compotôris pen. pro. Verbale Ci. One that drinketh with another a potte companion Compotrix compótricis f. g. pen. prod Verbale foem Ter. A drinking gossip Compres compraedis pen. prod Festus
or like to to frame or fashion Oua in speciem volucrum conformantur Colum. Genuit conformauit nos natura ad maiora Cicer. Hath framed vs. Sibi posteris filios conformare Tac. To beget and bring vp children Conformare se ad alicuius voluntatē Cic. To fashion himselfe to an other mans will and pleasure Animum mentem meam ipsa cogitatione hominum excellentium conformabam Cic. Consilium alicuius nonnulla in re conformare leuiter emendare posse Cic. Mores conformare Cic. To fashion ones maners Orationē cōformare C. To fashiō his stile or forme of wryting Vocem conformare hortatu praeceptis alicuius Cic. To fashion the voyce Conformâtus a um pen. prod Participium Stat. Fourmed fashioned made lyke Mundus à natura conformatus Cic. Conformis me Of a conformitie of like fashion conuenient Conformátio onis f. g. Verbale Cic. The facture framing fashioning or disposing of a thing Conformatio imago figura Cic. Conformatio quaedam figura totius oris corporis Ci. The feature and fashion or the proportion and figure of the whole bodie Cōpositio membrorū conformatio lineamētorum Cic. Animantis figura conformatióque membrorum Cic. Animi conformatio Cic. Conformatio moderatio continentiae tēperantiae Ci. Ornamenta conformationes sententiarū Cic. Figures and exornations of sentences Verborum sententiarum conformatio Cic. Collocatio cōformatióque verborū perficitur in scribēdo Cic. The fit placing and fashoning of wordes togither Vocis conformatio atque varietas Cic. Confornico confórnicas pen. cor confornicâre Vitruu. To make lyke a roofe arche or vaute Confoueo cónfoues pen. cor confóui confôtum pen. prod confouêre Cato To nourish togither Confragosus Confractus Confragus Vide CONFRINGO Confremo cónfremis pen. corr confrémui confrémitum confrémere Stat. To make a noyse to mutter or murmure Coelum confremit Sil. It thundred Omnes confremuere Ouid. Confrico confricas pen. cor cōfrícui confrictū confricâre Colum. Plin. To rubbe harde Confringo confringis confrégi pen. pro. confractum confríngere A Frango compositū Plaut To breake or bruise Claustra confringere Lucret. To breake open Dens sub forfice confringitur Cels Is broken wyth the Pinsars Nauem confregit apud Andrum Ter. He made shipwracke at Andros Soeptra confringere Senec. Confringere tesseram hospitalem apud aliquem Plaut To be out of fauour or no more welcome as his friend ¶ Confringere rem Plaut To spende or consume away his substaunce Confringere consilia Ci. By violence or vnlawfull power to dissolue counsayles Confringere iura Cic. To violate or breake lawes Praeturam confringere Cic. Confractus Participium vt Confracta nauis est illis Pl. They had shipwracke Confragôsus pen. prod Adiectiuum vt Confragosa loca Li. Rough yll and troublous to go in Locus lapidibus confragosus Col. Rough full of stones Argumenta velut horrida confragosa Quint. Versus confragosi Quint. Rough and vnpleasant verses ¶ Confragosum per translationem Plaut Harde to vnderstand rude in language Cónfragus pen. cor Aliud Adiectiuū Idē quod Confragosus Confraga dumeta Luca. Rough thornes and bushes that connot be passed Confugio cónfugis pen. cor confúgi pen. pro. confúgitum pen. cor confúgere Cic. To flie to runne for succour In agros confugere Cic. To flie into Quò confugerem habebam vbi conquiefcerem Cic. Whither might I go for reliefe c. Confugere ad aliquem auxilij gratia Li. To flie to one for helpe or succour Ad te confugio Virg. I come to you for refuge Supplicem confugere ad aliquem Ouid. To come humbly to one for succour Ad opem iudicum afflicti suplices confugiunt Cic. Ad aram vel in aram confugere Cic. Ad artes confugere Ouid. Ad rempublicam confugere Cic. Ad vota precésque confugere Plin. iun. When all other hope is past to flie to entreatie and prayer Ad fidem alicuius confugere Cic. Aeger confugit ad opem medicam Ouid. He goeth to phisicke for helpe In misericordiam alicuius confugere Cic. To appeale to Confugere ad aliquid se excusandi gratia Terentius neque tu scilicet Eò nunc confugies Quid mea Thou shalt not flie to thys poynt to excuse thy selfe Confugium gij n. g. Ouid. A place of succour or refuge Confugium portus Ouid. Commune consugium aegris animantibus Stat. Confulcio confulsis confulsi cōfultum cōfulcîre vnde Participium Confultus To stay proppe or vnderset Corpora confulta exiguis interuallis Lucret. Confulgeo confulges confulsi confulgêre Plaut To shine bright Confultus a um Vnderset vnderpropped Confundo cōfundis confûndi confûsum pen. pro. confúndere Plin. To confounde to meddle togither to trouble to disturbe to mixe out of order to disorder Cum igne se confundit ignis Cic. Fire is mixed with Confundere aliquem dolore Plin. iun. To trouble with Confundere in vnum corpus Liuius To bring confusely into one bodie In vnum sonum coalescere confundi Quintil. To come to one sounde Confundere sermones in vnum Liu. To babble confusely all at ones Foedus confundere Virg. To disturbe the making of a league Iter confundere Silius Namque dies confundit iter c. For the day tyme troubleth and letteth the iourney guided by starres Ius omne confundere Lucan To disturbe Lachrymas confundere cum lachrymis Ouid. To weepe one in anothers bosome Particulas similes inter se confundere Cic. Prelia confundit Bacchus cum Marte Hor. Id est ex ebrietate oriuntur rixae Drunkennesse maketh men fall out Sacra confundere prophanis Claud. To confounde Sensus animi confundere Lucret. To trouble Venerem confundere cum multo vino Ouid. By drunkennesse to couple togither confusely they passe not howe Confundere vera falsis Cic. To mix truth with Verba confunduntur Lucret. Are confounded ¶ Confundi pro Erubescere vsus est Cyprianus To be abashed or ashamed Confûsus pen. prod Participium Li. Confounded disordred troubled dismayde astonied abashed Confusus gaudia fletu Stat. That weepeth and reioyceth both togither Pudore confusus Ouid. Sore abashed Turba querelarum confusus adolescens repente obticuit Iust Dismayde Castra confusa tumultu Lucan The campe troubled c. Licentia confusa Claud. Olympus confusus Stat. Clowdie weather Pectora confusa Val. Flac. Hearts astonied and dismayde Prolem confusam vtero capere Seneca To haue many fathers to hir childe Rebus confusis opem tribuere Claud. To ayde in trouble and aduersitie Confusa rubore rosa Colum. A speckeled rose Confusum os Halfe redde halfe pale Confusum suffragium Liu. When all giue their voyces togither Turba confusa Ouid. Voluptas iam confusa Ouid. Verba confusa Ouid. Wordes without order Vox confusa Lucret. Vultus confusas Ouid. A dismayde countenaunce Perturbata confusa cernere Cic. Confusus Nomen ex participio vt Confusior pauor Plin. More troubled
surrendreth the title and proprietie to the Lorde Consolor pen. pro. consolâris consolâtus sum consoláti C. To comfort to giue comfort Amore fido alicuius sese consolari Catul. Conscientia optimae mentis in malo se consolari Cic. Seipsum consolari solatio aliquo Cicero To ease himselfe with some comfort Malo solatio consolari Cice. To vse an yll kinde of comfort Bona spe posteritatis consolari aliquem Cic. Inani tenui spe consolari Cice. To comfort with a vaine and small hope Per literas se consolari Cic. Verbis alterius consolari aliquem Cic. De morte alicuius aliquem consolari Cic. To comfort one for the death of a friend Consolatur me haec res Plaut This comforteth me Spes animos consolatur Cic. Desyderium alicuius spe commodorū consolari Cic. With the hope of commoditie to comfort the want and lacke of a friende Gratulari magis virtuti debeo quàm consolari dolorem meum Cic. Luctum consolari Cic. Humilitatem consolari Cice. To comfort ones lowe estate Incommodum consolantur quotidianae damnationes inimicorum Cic. Consólor passiuum To be comforted Consolari miseriam calamitatem Senec. To comfort one in miserie and trouble Consolemur otium nostrum Quint. Consolans pen. prod consolantis Participium Cic. Consolábilis hoc consalábile pen. corr That may be comforted Cic. Vix consolabilis dolor Consolatórius Adiectiuum That comforteth vt Consolatoriae literae Cic. Consolátio onis f. g. Verbale Cic. Solace comforting Ad haec omnia vna consolatio est Cice. There in one comfort for all these things Adhibere alicui consolationem Cic. To comfort Habent nonnul●an in se consolationem poene quae virtute suscipiuntur Cicer. Punishments taken for vertue haue some comfort in them Lenire se consolatione Cic. To ease or asswage his sorrow with some consolation Leuat dolorem consolatio Cicer. Comforting asswageth or mittigateth sorrow Medetur consolatio Cic. Consolatione per mulcere senectutem Cic. Sustentat me consolatio vna Cic. One comfort maketh me haue a good hope Sustentari consolatione Cic. Vincit omnem consolationem dolor Cice. No consolation can ease my sorrowe Consolâtor pen. pro. cōsolatôris m. g. Verb. Ci. A comforter Consomnio consomnias consomniâre Plaut To dreame Consono consonas pe cor consonâre Plau. To make sound togither to accorde agree or be like to Consonat clamor Liui. Consonante clamore nominatim Quintium orare They all togither with one agreeable voyce desired Quintius c. Nemus consonat Virg. All the wood ringeth ¶ Consonare sibi Senec. Not to chaunge or vary to be alway lyke himselfe Consonat moribus oratio Cice. His talke agreeth very wel with or is very lyke his maners Cónsonans Adiectiuū Ringing or sowning consonant mete agreeable Cic. Vt sint alia consonantiora Make a greater sounde Non semper consonans est per omnia referri iusiurandum tale quale defertur Vlpian It is not alway meete and conuenient Consonantes literae Priscian Al letters beside the vowels Aspirari consonantibus Quint. Frangere consonantem Quint. Cónsonus a um pen. cor Aliud adiect Of like tune or sound Plangor consonus Ouid. Vox consona Silius Cónsonum huius cónsoni Substantiuum A thing meete and consonant Cic. Credo Platonem vix putasse satis consonū fore si c. Consopio consópis pen. prod consopíui consopitum cōsopire Cic. To lay bring or lull a sleepe to be a sleepe Somno consopiri sempiterno Cic. Somno est consopitus Cic. He is a sleepe Consors huius consortis om gen A fellow or companion a partaker Also lyke Consortes Cic. They whose landes bound togither ¶ Consors per metaphoram Id est perticeps vt Consors consilij publici plin iun. Priuie to or partaker of the common affayres Generis consortes Ouid. Kinsmen of the same stocke Honores petituri assistebant curiae soribus consilij publici spectatores antèquàm consortes erant Plin. iunior They beheld the fashion of the Senate before they could be of the number Imperij consors Claud. The Emperours wife Socius consors laboris Cic. A fellow and partaker of Fratres quidem consortes sunt mendicitatis Cic. His brethren be as poore as he Consortes periculorum Plin. iun. That be togither in like perill and daunger Temporum cum aliquo consors Ci. Pertaker of aduersitie and daungerous tymes with other Thalami consors Ouid. A wyfe a bedfellow In lucris atque furtis consots Cic. Consors casus Propert. Like chaunce or fortune Consórtiū consórtij n. g. Cels Felowship companie societie Inter fratres voluntarium consortium initum Papinian Sarcire consortio collationis damnum nauis amissae Her By contribution to amend the losse of a ship perished Consórtio consorti●nis f. g. Verbale Idem Liu. Felowship communitie or participation Dissoluetur omnis humana consortio Cic. Consortio sociabilis Liu. Conspectus Vide CONSPICIO Conspergo conspergis cōspersi cōspersum cōspérgere Pla. To scatter or sparckle aboute aboundantly to strowe to mingle Cōspergere ante aedes subaudi iuncū aut herbā viridē Pl. To straw herbes or greene grasse before the doore Conspergere aliquem lachrymis Ci. To make one weepe Conspergere hilaritate Cic. To mingle with mirth pleasantnesse Aras conspergere sanguine Lucr. To sprinkle Conspersus Particip. Sprinkled strowed mingled Cic. Oratio conspersa quasi verborum sententiarúmque floribus Intermedled with Cōspersum stellis caput Cic. Hauing stars about his head Conspicio cónspicis pen. cor cōspexi conspectū cōspicere To see or beholde to attende regarde or consider to view Lumine cupido aliquem conspicere Catul. Conspicere ex monte Cic. To beholde from a hyll Conspicere aliquem mente Cic. By imagination to see to imagine that he seeth Conspicere corde Plaut To foresee In iure te conspicio Cic. ¶ Conspicere Cic. To beholde and consider Conspice quibus vitijs affectus sis Cic. Regarde and consider what faultes you haue ¶ Conspicere sibi quae sint in rem suam Plaut To see and know what is profitable to himselfe Locum insidijs conspicere Virg. To view and see a place meete for and abushment Conspicere etiā res inanimatae dicuntur Cic. Si illud signū quod videtis solis ortū forū curiámque cōspiceret If that image did stand or were turned toward the east c. Conspicíor conspíceris pen. cor cónspici Plaut To be seene Bonis animi conspici Ouid. To be esteemed and iudged by vertue and knowledge Conspici insestis oculis omnium Ci. To be spitefully loked on of all men hating him Velle conspici Cic. To desire to be seene Chlamyde pictis conspectus in armis Virg. Conspiciendus Participium Tibul. To be seene Aurato conspicienda sinu Ouid. Conspectus Nomen ex participio Liu. Beholden solemnly looked on diligently regarded Nihilo mea turba quàm vllius conspectior erit Liu. My traine or companie shal be no more
notable to see to then any others Supplicium conspectius Liu. A noble punishment which many beholde and regarde Mors conspectior Tacit. More notable death Pars nulla conspectior capillis Ouid. He had no part more beautifull then his heare Turba quàm dignitate conspectior plebs Liu. More notable to see to Platano cōspectior Ou. Fayrer to see to then a plane tree Cōspectus huius cōspectus m. g. Verb. A beholding or sight Vix è conspectu Seculae telluris in altum Vela dabant laeti Virg. They were scant out of the sight of Sicillie In conspectum aspicere Plaut To looke before him In conspectu alicuius astare Cic. To stand before one In conspectum cadere C. To be of that sort as may be sene In medio conspectu consistere Virg. To stay in the sight of them that beholde vs. In conspectum se dare Cic. To come forth and shew themselues that they may be seene E conspectu euolare Cic. To go quickly out of sight Conspectus fit Sub. ab hominibus Cice. When a multitude come to beholde Frui conspectu alicuius rei Cic. To haue the full sight of Fugatus ex hominum conspectu Lucret. Fugere conspectum aliquorum Cic. To go out of sight Ingredi in conspectum populi Plaut To go that the people may see him Ire ad conspectum chari genitoris Virg. In conspectu legum libertatísque mori Cic. Suorum conspectu aliquem priuare Cic. To take from the sight of his friendes Prodire in conspectum alicuius Plaut To come that one may see him Reddere conspectum alicuius Virg. To cause that he may see agayne In conspectu relinquere Cic. Sequi conspectum aliquorum Cic. Quae est in oppidi cōspectu Var. Which is within the sight of the towne Procul à conspectu alicuius rei esse Ci. In conspectum alicuius venire Cic. To come to be seene Conspectum alicuius vereri Ter. To be afrayde to come in ones sight Vno in conspectu omnia videre Cic. To see all before him at once Vitare alicuius conspectum Quint. Conspicuus Adiectiuum Martial That one seeth or perceyueth plainly that is greatly in sight cleere that euery man hath in regarde and admiration Occultus conspicuus contraria Ouid. Praesens conspicuus Ouid. Decus conspicuum Ouid. Loci conspicui Ouid. Opus conspicuum Ouid. Venustas conspicua Author ad Herenniū A beautie euident to be seene excellent notable Vertex latè conspicuus Hor. That may be seene farre Conspicuus alicui Plin. Plaine in ones sight Conspicuus albo colore Colum. Easie to be seene Conspicuus longè fulgentibus armis Oui. Seene a farre of with a glistering armure Insignis clara conspicuúsque domo Tibul. Manu Conspicuus Tacit. Conspicuus sons in planitie Plin. A well so cleere that one may see the botome ¶ Conspicuus forma Plin. iun. Of goodly shape and fauor ¶ Conspicuus homo Liuius One in great admiration Fide conspicuus Ouid. Of great trustinesse very faithfull Conspicuus laude Plin. iun. Greatly praysed Conspicuus magnitudine Lunensis caseus Plin. Notable and praysed for greatnesse Cónspicor pen. cor conspicâris conspicárí Deponens Idem quod Conspicio Caesar To see or beholde Conspicilium conspicílij Plaut A loope to looke out of a lettice window a payre of spectacles Conspicillo cōspicillonis Plaut One that spieth or loketh out Conspiro conspíras pen. pro. conspirâre To blow togither Conspirare omnibus partibus ad aliquid faciendum Col. To bende on all partes to doe a thing ¶ Conspirare per translationem Plaut To conspire or consent to be alied or agreed togither Conspirare in commune Colum. To be of one accorde to agree Conspirare consentire cum aliquo Cic. Populus Romanus vniuersus ad liberandum Remp. conspirauit Cic. Conspired or agreed togither Ad maiestatem aliquorum defendendam conspirare Cic. Conspiratum est in eum Suet. They conspired agaynst Conspirans pen. prod Participium Cic. Agreeing Ardor mutuus conspirans Lucret. Conspirans penè conflatus consensus Cic. Conspirátio onis f g. Verbale tam in bonum quàm in malū accipitur A conspiracie consent or agreement In malum Brutus ad Ciceronem Contra sceleratissimam conspirationem hostium confligamus Against the most wicked knotte and conspiracie Conflata conspiratio Cic. Made In bonum Ci. Nostram conspirationem in Republica bene gerenda diremerunt Bonorum virorum conspiratio Cice. The full accorde and consent of good men Concordia conspiratio omnium ordinum ad defendendam libertatem Lentulus Senatui Conspiratio consensus Cic. Amoris conspiratione consentire Cic. Conspirati conspiratorum Suet. They that bee conspired or confederated agaynst one Conspirâtus huius conspirátus pen. prod m. g. Gel. A conspispiracie consent or agreement Conspiro conspiras cōspirâre à Spira spirae Cōspirare se dicuntur serpentes Plin. iun. To winde themselues rounde Conspissare Plin. To make thicke Conspondeo conspondes conspondi consponsum conspondére Festus To promise one to another Consponsor oris m. g. Verbale Cic. He that is a suretie with an other Conspuo conspuis conspui conspútum pe pro. conspúere Plaut All to bespitte Conspûto conspútas pen. pro. consputâre Frequentatiuum Plaut Cic. To spitte often on one Conspurco conspurcas conspurcâre Colum. To violate or defue to make foule Sapore tetro conspurcare omnia Lucret. Constabilio constábilis pen. cor constabilíui constabilítū constabilire Plaut To make sure stable or strong Subsidijs alicuius constabilítus Lucret. Constans Constantia Constanter Vide CONSTO Consterno consternas consternâre To ouerthrow to make afrayde or abashed to astonishe Consternare animos Liu. To dashe out of courage Pauida consternata multitudo Liu. Afrayde astonied Consternari animo Salust To be sore troubled and abashed Equi consternantur Ouid. Are astonyed In fugam consternari Liu. Vide FVGA Moenia consternata Silius Timores consternati Ouid. Consternatio onis f. g. Verbale Liu. An abashment a great feare or astonying ¶ Cōsternatio dicitur à Valerio pro Seditione veltumultu Consternium nij n. g. A place where men layde their clothes while they bathed Consterno consternis constráui constrâtum pe pr. cōsternere Virg. To straw to paue to couer the flower Terram corpore consternere Cice. To couer with to lye flatte vpon Campi consternuntur milite Lucan The fieldes are couered with souldiours Consternere contabulationem lapidibus lutóque Caes To paue or make a floore with earth and stone Consternere cubilia gallinarum Colum. To make hennes nestes Consternere scrobes perticis salignis lapide Plin. To couer ditches with Aream consternere silicibus lapide Columel To pene with flint Consternit vias frumentum Cicer. The blades of corne be scattered Consternere cubicula viatoria vnionibus Plin. To paue Constrâtus penult prod Participiū Ci. Couered ouer paued Constratae naues Cice. Couered shippes also beaten wyth tempest Constipo constípas pen. prod constipâre Caesar To
g. Cic. A wedge to cleaue any thing with Findi cuneis Virg. To be cleft with Adactis cuneis gemit robur Valer. Flac. The oke cracked when the wedges were driuen in Lignum cuneis scindere Virg. To cleaue woode ¶ Cuneus per translationem Liu. An array of footemen in battaile wedgewise sharp before and brode behinde to the ende to perse their enimies Pugnare cuneis Quint. Turbati cunei Virg. Cuneus Virg. A companie of men thicke togither ¶ Cunei Iuuenal The coynes of walles in buylding Apud Vitruuium Cunéolus li m. g. pe cor Diminutiuum Ci. A little wedge Cúneo cúneas cuneâre To make wedgewise to ioyne or fastē in building as one ioist or stone is cocketted within an other Per vim cuneari Quint. To be clest or deuided by force Hispania cuneatur angustijs Plin. Spaine hath many corners lying out wedgewise Cuneâtus pen. prod Nomen ex participio Liu. Ad imum cuneatior Narower strayter in forme of a wedge Collis cuneatus Ouid. Smaller or narower at the toppe a pyked or sharpe hill Cuneatus ager Colum. A fielde lying out wyth a sharpe corner Cuneâtim pen. prod Aduerbium Caesar Wedgewise by little bandes imbattayled wedgewise Cuniculus li m g. pen. cor Varro A cunnie Mollior capillo cuniculi Catul. ¶ Cuniculus Ces An hole in the goound a mine vnder the earth Cuniculis oppugnare per translationem Cic. To go about a matter couertly by guile and crafty meanes Agere cuniculos Caes To vndermine Cuniculis hostium cuniculos excipere Li. To countermine to mine against other to meete them ¶ Cuniculus pro Canali Plinius A pipe of lead lying in the earth Cunicularius rij m. g. Substant Vegetius A pioner a minour Cuniculârim pen. prod Aduerbium Plin. By holes or mines vnder the earth or in facion of a pipe Cuniculôsus pen. prod Adiectiuum Vnde Catullus Celtiberiam vocat cuniculosam Full of holes or mines vnder the ground full of conies Cunila cúnilae pen. cor Colu. An herbe wherof be thre sortes Cunila capitata our sauourie Cunila gallinacea Maioram with the small leafe The third is peny royall with the brode leafe Cunilâgo pen. pro. huius cuniláginis f. g. Cunila agrestis vel erratica Plin. A kinde of sauourie or as some thinke of Orgament Cupa huius cupae Varro A cuppe ¶ Cupa Cic. A toune or a pipe a great vessell Clausum cupa tricicum Alphaenus Cupes Varro Delicate meate Cupes Plaut A deintie mouthed fellow Cupédia cupédiorum plur num n. g. Plaut Delicate dishes Cupédia huius cupediae f. g. Cic. Desire of deintie meates Cupédula lae f. g. pen. cor Diminutiuum Gell. Deintie fare Cupedinárius Ter. A cooke an huckster a vitayler Cupherion A fluxe of bloud at the nose chansing to horses that are to farre galoped Veget. Cupido Cupidus Cupide Cupiditas c. Vide CVPIO Cupio cupis cupiuis cupitum pen. pro. cúpere Plaut To couete to desire to wishe to haue an affection Cupij pro Cupiui Stat. Cupere atque optare Cic. Quicquam animo cupere Catul. Ardenter cupere aliquid Cic. Cupere cupidè Plaut Flagrantissimè aliquid cupere Tac. Nimis quàm cupio Plaut I am very desirous Tectius cupere Ouid. To desire somewhat couertly Cupio omnia quae tu vis Plaut I would fayne do whatsoeuer you would haue me Cupit te conuentū Plaut He would faine speake with you Cupere factum Plaut To wishe it to be done Cupere nuptias Ter. To desire to be maried Cupit te videre Plaut He would fayne see you ¶ Cupere alicui Caes To will well to one to beare him good affection Cupere omnia alicuius causa Cic. To be ready and glad to do all the pleasure in the world for one Vehementer cupere causa alicuius Cic. ¶ Cupîre pe pr. in quarta cōiugatione apud antiquos Luc. Regna cupienda Ouid. Cupiens Participium Coueting Cupiens Nomen genitiuo iunctum Plaut Cupiens liberorū Desirous to haue children Cupiens tui Plaut That loueth you Vulgus voluptatum cupiens Tac. Cupientissimus Salu. Marius cupientissima plebe Consul factus With the great good will of c. Cupienter Aduerbium Plaut With great desire Cupîtus pen. pro. Participium Plaut Oui. Desired coueted Dies cupitus Sen. Tangere florem aetatis cupitum Lucret. Cupitor oris m. g. pen. prod Verbale Tac. One that desireth Matrimonij cupitor Tac. Cupidus pen. cor Adiectiuum genitiuo iungitur nonnunquam ablatiuo Desirous he that loueth one Genitiuo pacis cupidissimus Asinius Pollio ad Ciceronē Very desirous of peace Homo nostri cupidissimus Cic. Our great friend one desirous to do vs pleasure Cupidus redeundi domum Ter. Cupidos Moderatis opponit Cic. Couetous men Certandi cupidus Lucret. Desirous to fight Nouitatis cupidus Quint. Studiorum Ouid. Vitae Brutus Cassius Antonio Ablatiuo Plaut Vino modò cupidae estis Cupidus in perspicienda cognoscendáque rerum natura Ci. Cupidi amantes Ouid. Greedie louers Cupidus animus Plaut Couetous Homo cupidus Cic. Liuor cupidus Propert. Manus cupidae Ouid. Mens cupida Ouid. Gredie Cupidè pen. cor Aduerb vt Cupidè emere Plin. Desirously greedily gladly with great affection Cupidè appetere Cic. With great affection to couet Cupidè cupere Plaut To couet greedily Ad aliquid cupidè descendere Quin. Gladly Aliquid cupidè facere Quin. With glad will to doe a thing Cupidè temerè aliquid facere Cic. Cupidius instare Caesar To vrge more desirously Cupidè libenter Cic. Cupidissimè aliquid petere Caesar Cupído pen. pr. huius cupidinis foe ge Desire couetousnesse lust Nouissima etiam gloriae cupido sapientibus exuitur Tac. Cupido habendi Plin. Couetousnesse Laudis titulíque cupido Iuuenal Mortis cupido Ouid. Potentiae cupido insita mortalibus Tacit. Desire of power is naturally graffed in men Ventris cupido Ouid. ¶ Altior cupido adeundi sacram sedem Tacit. Laudum arrecta cupido Virg. Honorum caeca cupido Lucret. Blinde desire of honour Caeca praede cupido Ouid. Dira cupido Virg. Foeda vitae cupido Stat. Opum furiosa cupido Ouid. Outragious desire of money Ieiuna cupido Lucret. Hunger desire to eate Immensa Virg. Improba Senec. Intempestiua Ouid. Leuis festina Val. Flac. Misera Horat. Mutua Lucret. Turpis Virg. ¶ Laudis cupidine accensus Stat. Inflamed with desire of prayse Adoleuit cupido potentiae Tacit. Coniux capta cupidine Virg. Romulum cupido cepit vrbis condendae Li. Romulus was desirous to buylde a citie Corripi cupidine Ouid. Differri Plaut Flagrare Ouid. To haue exceeding great lust and desire Incessit eum cupido Tacit. Intrauit animum militaris gloriae cupido Tacit. Inuadit Caesarem cupido soluendi suprema militibus Tac. Cesar conceyued a great desire Inuolat animos cupido eundi in hostem Tacit. They sodenly conceyued a vehement desire c. Languescit cupido Plin. iun. Their lust decayeth Ludor nimia
Stat. To slake or diminish sorow Remordet te cura Virg. Care nippeth thee againe Remouens soporem cura Ouid. Resoluero curas Virg. Renouare veterem curam animi Vide RENOVO Respondere curis alicui Virg. To be as carefull as he or to loue as much as he Respuere curam Claud. Secludere curas Virg. Mens semota cura metúque Lucret. Curas graues seponere Ouid. Serere curas in pectore Catul. Serpit cura altius Plin. Solari curas Virg. Sollicitat cura Senec. Soluere curis aliquem Senec. A cura solui liberari Ci. Somnus curas soluit Ouid. Sleepe slaketh care or maketh the minde to rest Stupent curae ingentes Senec. Subit cura Seneca Acreis curas suscipere Lucret. Sustinere maximam curam belli Cicer. To sustaine or vndertake the greatest charge of the warre Tangere curas Virg. To feele cares or be partaker of cares Traducere curam in aliquem Virg. Venerari curam antiquorum Plin. Venire in curas Lucan To be partaker of the cares to bee in care with In aliqua cogitatione curáque versari Cic. In partem curarum ab aliquo vocari Tacit. Diuersae curae animum vocant Virg. Voluere curarum tristies in pectore fluctus Lucret. To reuolue his sorowfull cares in his minde to tosse in his hart the troublous waues of sorrow Vrg●ri multis curis Lucret. Vrgentibus curis Val. Flac. ¶ Cura pro munere quo curator fungitur vulgo Curatella dicitur Vlpian Charge or ouersight that a gardiane of a pupill or such lyke hath Liberari tutela cura Vlpian Curiôsus sa sum penult prod Curious more carefull than is seemely Also in the good part very carefull circumspect Curiosus in bonum in malum accipitur In bonum Cicer. Homo non modò prudens verumetiam quod iuuet curiosus Diligent and circumspect Curiosis oculis perspicere Ci. To consider carefully and diligently Curiosus negotijs plenus Cic. Curiosus medicinae Plin. Very diligent to learne phisicke In re aliqua curiosus Cic. Very diligent in any thing In exquirendo iure augurum curiosus Cic. Belle curiosus Cic. In malum Cic. Ista studia si ad imitandos summos viros spectant ingeniosorum sunt sin tantummodo ad indicia veteris memoriae cognoscenda curiosorum Of such as be curious or more diligent than needeth Curiosus molestus Cic. In aliena Republica curiosum minimè esse officium est peregrini Cic. ¶ Curiosus pro Delatore Sueton. A spie that commeth to note or marke what is sayde or done ¶ Curiosus agnus Plaut A carren leane lambe as if it were pyned with sorrow ¶ Curiosus dicitur lib. 12. Codicis The mayster of the post horses or mules to sende in haste about the Emperours affayres Curiósitas pen. cor tatis f. g. Denominatiuum Ci. Curiositie pyked diligence Curiosè pen. prod Aduerb Colum. Curiously waryly very diligently Quū de eo curiosè quaesisset seruꝰ noster Dionysius c. Ci. Curiosè aliquid facere Plin. Curiosè loqui Quint. To speake curiously or pykedly Curia huius curiae f. g. Cicer. The place where the Senate or counsayle assembled Also the Senate and counsayle it selfe It may be taken for any maner of courte or session of Iudges that haue especiall iurisdiction Curia municipalis Vitru A house in a citie a guilde hall Curiae dominicales May be taken for court barons or such lyke Curia hostilia The Senate house builded by Hostilius Curia consilijs aestuat orba suis Claud. Aspirare in curiam Vide ASPIRO Clausa pauperibus curia Ouid. Inire curiam pro Ingredi Tacit. Iubet curia Cic. The Senate commaundeth In curiam venit frequens Senatus Cic. ¶ Curiae Fest The tribes or wardes of the people of Rome by Romulus deuided into 35. partes called Curiae Curiális hoc cariâle pen. prod Plaut Of the court or counsayle house of the same tribe Consortia curialia lib. 10. Cod. Curiales flamines Curiarum sacerdotes erāt Fest Priests belonging to the tribes and wardes Curiâtus pen. prod Adiectiuum vt Curiata lex quae curiatis comitijs lata erat Cic. A lawe made in an assemble of the wardes and tribes of the people Cutiata comitia erant quae curiatim per lictorē calabātur id est conuocabantur Gellius An assemble of the people gathtred out of the. 35. wardes Curiâtim pen. prod Aduerbium Gellius Warde by warde Cúrio curiônis Liu. The place where priestes consulted of diuine ceremonies Varro A curate or he that hath the spirituall charge of a warde or parishe Curionatus us m. g. The office of a curate Curionium nij n. g. The money giuen to a curate for doyng his duetie Curo curas curâre Cic. To care for to take heede of or be diligent about to see to to prouide to passe for to prepare to cure or heale one sicke Curare attendere Cic. Cura prouide nequid ei desit Cic. Alicuius causa curare aliquid Cic. Faciemꝰ alia cura Plau. We wil do it be not careful for that Cedere Ciceronem domo patria curasti Cice. Thou hast prouided that Cicero is constrayned to forsake his house and countrey Non curat redire Cic. He is not desirous to returne Curare asseruandum inueniēdum interficiēdum c. Ter. Se that he be kept c. Curasti probe Terent Thou hast seene well to the matter it is very well handeled of thee Leuiter curare aliquid Horat. To see slenderly to it Studiosè diligenterque curare aliquid Cic. Ego istaec moueo aut curo Terent. Doe I passe for these matters Adhuc curaui vnum hoc quidem vt mihi esset fides Ter. I haue hitherto seene or taken hede to this one thing that Cura vt valeas Cic. See to your health Quid me curas quid rerum geram plau What passest thou what it is that I doe ¶ Curare aedes Plaut To see to the house Curare se aetatem Iuam Plaut To cherishe him selfe and leade his life pleasantly Te curasti molliter Terent. Thou cherishest thy selfe well thou hast made much of thy selfe Curare corpora sua somno cibo Liu. To eate and take their rest that they may be the stronger Curare aegrotos Plaut To keepe and cherishe sick men Aliena Terent. To meddle with other mens matters Amicos Plaut To interteyne friendes Boues Plaut To dresse his Oxen. Animi conscientiā non curat improbus Cic. Regardeth not conscience Conuiuia curare Virg. To make bankets Corpora Virg. To cherish their bodyes Cutem Iuuenal To keepe good cheere Fidem suam Plaut To be carefull to keepe his promise Genium mero Horat. To drinke wine plentifully Mea mandata de domo curabis Cic. You shal see vnto those things that I willed you concerning my house Munus aliquod curare Plaut Negotia aliena Cic. Officium suum Plaut To be diligent about his duetie Parentes Plaut To be
much resembleth a crystall stone Descendens Participium Cic. Descensus huius descensus m. g. Virg. A going downe a descending Descensio onis f g. Verbale Idem Plin. Descensiones facere Liu. To descende or go downe Classes quibus descensiones in agros maritimos factae erāt Liu. By which they descended c. Prius quàm in continentem descensiones facerent Li. Before they landed or tooke lande or before they went out of their shippes to lande Descisco descíscis descíui descitum pen. pro. descíscere Ex De Scisco compositum To leaue to forsake and go to an other to rebell A Latinis ad Romanos desciuit Liu. He forsooke the Latines and went to the Romaines Desciscere à Pop. Romano ad Illergetes Liu. Ab excitata fortuna ad inclinatam propè iacentem desciscere Cic. To forsake one in florishing prosperity and go to him that is almost ouerthrowen Desciscere à consuetudine parentum Pli. iun. To leaue the facion of his auncetours A natura Cic. To alter from his owne nature to do against his nature Ab opinione alterius Gell. To forsake an other mans opinion to reuolt from A Republica Cic. To forsake A se Cic. To leaue his olde facion and maner of liuyng to chaunge to be a chaungeling Ab societate Liu. A veritate Cic. To forsake the truth to reuolt from A vita Cic. To die Desciscere apertè Liu. Humidum solum desciscit in pratum Plin. A moyst grounde is turned into a medow Apes desciuere fauis Claud. ¶ Descitum pen. prod Impersonale passiuum Li. Quorum de sententia maximè descitum à Romanis constabat Frō whose opinion the Romaines especially reuolted Descobinatus Lame mained hurt Describo describis pe pro. descripsi descriptum describere Cic. To write out of a copy to order to appoynt to assygne● to sor● to deuide or distribute to place to paint or wryte aduisedly to declare or descriue Describere librum ab aliquo Cic. To wryte out a booke by ones copie Describere comoedias Graecas pro Verbis Latinis eas exprimere ad exemplum earum similes eiusdémque argumenti componere Ter. Describere rationes Cic. To write out his reckenings or accomptes in order ¶ Describere Cic. To deuide to distribute set in order or appoynt Duodena describit in singulos homines iugera Cic. He appoynteth out for euery man xij acres Quum Athenienses victis Persis Graeciae tributū in t●tela classis descripsissent Iustinus When they had appoynted or set a taxe vpon the cities of Greece euery one ratably Describere officia Cic. To appoynt out offyces Iura Cic. To minister the lawe Describere pecuniam in ciuitates To seaze summes of money in a taxe to be payde Ciuitatibus pro numero militum pecuniarum summas describere Cicero To taxe and set summes of money to be payd of cities ratably according to the number of souldiours Describere vrbis partes ad incendia Cic. To appoynt or assigne certaine partes of the citie to be set on fire In genera describere Plin. To distribute and deuide into their kindes Descriptus populus censu ordinibus aetatibus Ci. The people parted or deuided by rate of goods c. ¶ Describere Plaut To describe to expresse and declare by the properties Mulierem aut alium quempiam describere Cic. Ingenij sui finibus aliquid describere Cicer. To describe a thing to be so large as his owne wit is able to compasse Definire describere verbum aliquod Cic. Definire rem verbis breuiter describere Cic. Naturam alicuius certis signis describere Author ad Her Latronem sicarium aliquem describere Cic. To note one by the name of a robber and murderer ¶ Describere in deos Pli. To appoynt to be one of the gods Describi pro Transferri Sen. Nō credis animas in alia corpora atque alia describi To be transferred Descriptus Particip. Written out described appointed vt Descriptae leges Aetatis partes descriptae Cic. Dimensa atque descripta Cicer. Placed by measure and set feately in order Descriptum distributúmque est Cic. It was appoynted out and assygned in order Ius ciuium generatim in ordines aetatésque descriptum C. Parted and deuided by degrees and ages Ratio belli descripta Cic. The maner of the warre limitted and appoynted Descriptus Nomen ex participio Cic. Natura nihil est aptius nihil descriptius In better order Descriptio descriptiônis Verbale Ipse describendi actus A copie a description vt Descriptio imago tabularum Cic. The copie and transumpt of tables painted ¶ Descriptio populi Ci. A deuiding of the people into diuers bandes and degrees Descriptio equitum peditumque Cic. Seruorum vicatim tota vrbe celebrare descriptionem Cic. To appoynt out and inroll seruauntes by streates as they are through all the citie Descriptiones temporum Cic. The historyes of things done noted with the order and processe of the time Descriptio pro Definitione Cic. Descriptionibus explicare Cic. Deseco désecas pe cor desécui desectum desecâre Caes To cutte is sunder to cut of Spicarum fascem desecare Var. To cut a bundell of corne to reape Prata Col. To mow medowes Agglutinare Desecare opposita Cic. Desecare arborem serra Col. To saw a tree Vitem Varro To cut a vine Collum alicui Virg. To cut of ones necke Crinem Ouid. To poll or notte Désecans pen. cor Particip. Cic. Cutting of Desectus Aliud Particip. Cut of mowed downe vt Desecta cū stramento seges Liu. Mowed or reaped Ceruix desecta Propert. Ones necke cut of Gramen desectum Ouid. Grasse mowed Desectus stramentis Colum. Desectae offae in mulsum aut dulce vinum Plin. Soppes cut into sweete wine Saxa desecta metallis Stat. Desectio onis f. g. Verbale Colum. A cutting of a mowing or reaping downe Desecro aui are Sipont To discharge of hys orders to disgrade Desecratus a um Discharged Desedeo desedi dêre To sit downe Desero déseris pen. cor deséui pen. prod désitum pen. cor à Sero compositum Varro To sow or plant Desero déseris pen. cor desérui desertum desérere Ter. To leaue or forsake Deserere aliquem Terent. To forsake one Deserere derelinquere Cic. Deserit amicus amicam Plaut Deserere amorem alicuius Val. Flac. Deserere in malis Terent. Not to aide in aduersitie Deserere aliquem fide factis in aerumnis Plau. In aduersitie not to be faithfull to one and helpe him Deseri à magna parte militum Caesar Aura deserit moribundos Lucret. Causam suam deserere vel litem Papinianus To let fal his suite or processe to giue ouer in a matter Amici causam Ouid. To betray his friends cause and not to further it A consilijs malitiae deseri Cic. When craftie and malicious counsaile taketh not place or when they can deuyse no more mischiefe Deserere exercitum Cic. Fama deserit
▪ apud Tacitum Agmina disiecta per agros Val. Flac. An armie dispersed Comae disiectae Ouid. Membra disiecta Senec. Disiecti milites Pompeius ad L. Domitianum Souldyours dispersed Disiectae nubes Plin. Cloudes disparkled Res sparsae vagè disiectae Author ad Heren Respublica disiecta Salust Tecta disiecta Horat. Houses cast to the grounde Disiecto disiectas disiectaui disiectatum disiectâre Frequētatiuum Lucret. To driue asunder often Disiungo disiungis disiunxi disiunctum disiúngere Teren. To vnioyne to seperate to vnyoke Ab orationibus disiungo me Cic. Disiungamus igitur pastionem à cultura Varr. Let vs seperate Disiungere Coniungere contraria Cic. Disiungere boues ab opere Colu. To vncouple to vnyoke Ab amicitia alicuius disiungere alterum Cic. To make one forsake a mans friendship A familiaritate alterius aliquem disiungere Cic. Interuallo locorum temporum disiungi Cic. Disiungere à mamma Varro To weane Italis longè disiungitur oris Virg. Disiunctus Particip. Seperated vnyoked farre of a sunder Disiunctus populus à Senatu Cic. The commons not agreeing wyth the Senate Disiunctus est freto ab Italia Cic. Thou art seperated Disiuncta coniungere Cic. Bos disiunctus Horat. An oxe vnyoked Disiuncta insula mari periculoso ab Sicilia Cice. Seperated from Sicilie Longissimè disiuncta comprehendere Cic. Quòd longissimè sit ab imperitorum intelligētia sensúque disiunctum in caeteris id maximè excellit Cic. Disiunctus Nomen ex participio vt Disiunctissimi loci Cic. Places very farre of Terrae disiunctissimae Cic. Countreys farre distant Disiunctior à te sum Cic. I am somewhat farre from you Mores longissimè à scelere illo disiuncti Cice. Maners in no wise agreeing with c. Disiunctio onis f. g. Verbale A seperation Cui contrarium est Coniunctio Cic. Disiunctio amicorum Cic. A parting of friendes Sententiae disiunctio Cic. Disagreeing in opinion Disiunctionem facere Cic. To seperate Dispalo dispálas pen. prod dispalâre Gel. To wander hither and thither Sparsi dispalatíque Gell. Multitudo dispalata Salust Scattered dispersed Dispalesco dispalescis dispaléscere Plaut To publish abrode Dispando dispandis dispandi dispassum dispandere Plin. To stretch out to spreade abrode Dispansae vestes Lucret. Dispar disparis pen. cor Adiect Cic. Vnlike vnmeete vnequall Par Dispar contraria Cic. Dispar Idem contraria Cic. Dispar Similis contraria Cic. Varium dispar Cic. Longè dispar Cic. Farre vnlike Aetatibus disparibus non eadem officia tribuuntur Cic. Dispares auenae Ouid. Calami dispares Ouid. Vnequall reedes one smaller than an other Causa tua est dispar Ouid. Your cause is not like Certamen dispar Cic. Dispares cicutae Virg. Dispar color Cic. Dispares viribus fratres Liu. Forma dispar Claud. Ingenio dispar Ouid. Dispares mores disparia studia sequuntur Cic. Dispares inter se motus Cic. Motions not like one to another Rebus ordine dispar Horat. Robore dispar Stat. Dispar sui atque dissimile Cic. ¶ Dispar animorum Sil. Not of like stomacke or courage Dispárilis hoc dispárile pen. cor Idem quod Dispar Cic. Pabulum disparile Varro Vnlike Disparíliter Aduerbium Varro Diuersly vnequally Disparo disparas pen. cor dispârare Plaut Cic. To seuer to seperate Disparatum ti n. g. A sundry or seperate thyng from another Dispartio dispartis dispartíui quod Dispartio per e secundam vocalem dicitur Vide suo loco Plaut To deuide or part Dispartiri diuidi Cic. Dispello dispellis dispuli pen. cor dispulsum dispéllere Liu. To thrust or driue away from sundry places Dispellere Compellere contraria Plaut Vmbras dispellere Virg. Aerata dispellens aequora prora Stat. Dispellere caliginem ab animo Cic. To put away Dispendo dispendis dispēdi dispēsum dispéndere To spēd Dispendere curam Colum. quae pastoris vnius dispendant curam Which may hold occupied the diligence of one shephearde Dispéndium dispéndij n. g. Plaut Expence losse Minore nusquam bene fui dispendio Plau. I was neuer wel interteyned with lesse cost and charge Magno id lignorum dispendio fit Plin. That is done wyth great waste and expence of woode ¶ Dispendium Plaut Losse domage hurt Sine suo dispendio Terent. Wythout his domage or losse Magnum affert dominum dispendio Colum. It bryngeth great losse to the owner Plus dispendij faciant quàm c. Lucret. Dispendia famae Claud. Losse of good name Morae dispendia Virg. Reparare dispendia Claud. ¶ Dispēdium pro via obliqua quae per ambages eò ducit quò ire tendimus dictio contraria Compendio quod viam breuiorem significat Lucan A long way about Dispendiôsus pen. prod Adiectiuum Colum. Harmefull vnprofitable Dispenso dispensas dispensâre Colum. To lay out money to dispence to giue licence to doe to distribute according to the proportion of a thyng Dispensare succum aequa portione Colum. Dispensare atque disponere ordine Cic. Dispensare aliquid in varias partes Senec. To distribute Oscula dispensat natos suprema per omnes Ouid. Shee kisseth all the children as often one as an other Dispensare res domesticas Cic. To dispose or set in order Dispensare Omnia simul prosundere contraria Plin. iun. To lay out as matter requireth ¶ Dispensare To giue licence Nunc in petulantiam erumpet male dispensata libertas Ill graunted Dispensâtor pen. producta oris m. g. Verbale Mart. A steward or offycer laying out of money for householde a dispensour or disposer Dispensator Armeniaci belli Plin. Dispensator ordinarius Suet. A stewarde Dispensátio huius dipensatiônis f. g. Suet. Cic. The charge or laying out of money for an other distribution Curatio dispensatio Cic. Aerarij dispensatio Cic. Regia dispensatio Quint. Dispepsia ae f. g. Ill concoction Disperdo disperdis dispérdidi dispérditum pen. cor dispérdere Plaut To loose to spende or consume Disperdere ac dissipare possessione Cic. To spend and wast riotously Dispérdere occidere vastare Vatinius Ciceroni Carmen disperdere Virg. To strie verses Color disperditur Lucret. Dispérditus pen. cor Participium Plaut Lost destroyed vndone Disperditio onis f. g. Verbale Cic. An vndoing or distroying Dispereo dísperis pen. cor disperíui dispérij dispéritum pen. cor disperite Varro To be vtterly lost and vndone Fundum disperire paritur Cic. He suffereth the lande to be vtterly lost or destroyed Labores despereunt Catul. Labours be lost Dispeream lurantis vox Plaut I pray God I die in fourme of an othe Si non mentíris Classice dispeream Martial I pray God I die if thou lie not dispeream ni Summosses omneis Horat. Disperij Terent. I am vtterly vndone Dispergo dispergis dispersi dispersum dispérgere Cic. To sowe abroade to scatter to disperse Variè dispergere Author ad Heren Corpus passim per agros dispergere Ci. Shee scattereth the limmes of the body
Cic. There is deadly hatred betweene hym and Pompei Nisi nimis Equestri ordini deditius à Senatu dissedisset C. Non consilijs solùm studijs sed armis etiā castris dissidebamus Ci. Were not only repugnant in counsailes and affections but at open warre one wyth the other Dissidere animo voluntate ab aliquo Cicero To dissent from one in heart and minde Odio quodam atque dissideo dissidere ab aliquo Cic. A seipso dissidere secúmque discordare Ci. To dissent from himselfe A veri fide dissidet Ouid. It is vnlike to be true Multis rebus cū illo dissidet Cic. He varyeth or disagreeth from him in many poyntes Cum causa dissidere Cic. To hate the cause or quarrell De qua qui dissident de omni vitae ratione dissident Cice. Wherevpon they that disagree Non rectum me tantis rebus à Pompeio dissidere Ci. Inter se dissident discordant Ci. They be at variance and debate betweene themselues Leuiter inter se dissident Cic. ¶ Dissidere ad inanimata translatum Plin. Adamas dissidet cum magnete lapide The diamonde and the lode stone be diuerse Quercus olea tam pertinaci odio dissident c. Plin. The oke and the oliue be so repugnant by nature or be so cōtrary one to another Dissidens pen. cor Particip. vt Opiniones dissidentes Ci. Disagreeing Dissidens cum datiuo Horat. Dissidens plebi Dissidium dij n. g. Terent. Variance discord debate breach of friendship diuorse Dissensio dissidium Cic. Discorde and variance Diuortia atque affinitatum dissidia Cic. Amicorum dissidia Cic. Breach of friendes Animae dissiduū Luc. Seperation of the soule from the body Dissidium voluptatum venit Plaut Seperation or taking away of pleasure Ciuile dissidium Claud. Crebra dissidia Lucret. Crudelissimum dissidium Cic. Flebile alicuius dissidium Catul. Iusta dissidia Cic. Perniciale dissidium Lucret. Dare dissidium Propert. To make discorde Nascuntur dissidia Cic. Parere dissidium Lucret. To breede ¶ Dissidium Cic. Seperation of friendes by farre distance of place Dissidentia dissidentiae f. g. Plin. Discorde disagreeing Dissilio díssilis pe cor dissilui dissilíui dissultum dissilîre Apuleius To leape downe out of a place ¶ Dissilere propriè in diuersas partes salire Plin. To leape hither and thither or from one place to another Ignis dissiluit Sil. Dissilit omne solum Ouid. The grounde choppeth or goeth asunder ¶ Dissilire Virg. To burst a sunder to leape a sunder Aeraque dissiliunt Virg. Dissulto dissultas dissultâre Frequentatiuum Pli. Idem quod Dissilire To leape hither and thither nec fulmine tanti Dissultant crepitus Virg. splēdor atque radiatus lampade solis dissultat per tecta Sil. Coire Dissultare contrarià Lucret. To leape a sunder Dissimilis hoc dissimile pen. cor Terent. Vnlike Aetas dissimilis Tacit. Animantes extrinsecus dissimiles Lucret. Effiges formarum dissimiles Lucret. Figura dissimilis Lucret. Forma Tacit. Mens Ouid. Modus Lucret. In dissimiles insidere naturas Cic. ¶ Dissimilis genitiuo iungitur aliquando Cicer. Non sunt dissimiles Aristonis They be like to Aristo Sui dissimilis Iuuenal Chaunged not like himselfe Dissimilis cum datiuo Cic. Dissimile proximo ei cōtinenti Not like vnto Suo generi dissimilis Senec. Quod est non dissimile atque ire in Solonium Ci. Which is lyke as though one did go into Solonium Dissimilia inter se Varro Vnlike one to another In re aliqua multum dissimiles Horat. Inter se dissimiles Vide INTER Forma haud dissimili in dominum erat Tacit. In shape he was not much vnlike his mayster ¶ Dissimílior Dissimíllimus pen. cor vt Dissimilior illarum Cic. Dissimillimi suorum Cic. Quum sint ipsi dissimillimi inter sese Cic. Dissimiliter pen. cor Aduerbiū In a diuers fashion Cic. Caeteri dissimiliter morbi nascuntur Other diseases breede in an other sort Haud dissimiliter nauibus sine gubernaculo vagis Li. Like to shippes flitting without a sterne Dissimilitûdo pen. prod Denominatiuum Cic. Diuersitie vnlikenesse Varietas dissimilitudóque Cic. Naturae morumque dissimilitudines Cic. Dissimilitudines varietates Cic. Dissimilitudines rerum Cic. Habere dissimilitudinem ab aliquare Cic. To be vnlyke a thyng Habere dissimilîtudinem cum re aliqua Cic. Idem Dissimulo dissimulas pen. cor dissimulâre Plaut To dissemble to cloke to hide to shewe countenaunce contrary to hys minde to pretende that not to be whych is in deede to make semblant as though Lepidè dissimulāt fore hoc futurum huius quod est Plaut Dissimulare silentio acceptam iniuriam Quint. To speake nothing of the iniurie that he hath receiued Dissimulabo hos quasi non videam Plaut I will make as though I did not see them Fingere dissimulare obtegere Cic. Obscurè ferre dissimulare Cic. To hide and dissemble Dissimulare cū dolore Plancus Cicer. With griefe to beare countenaunce contrarie to his minde Capillos dissimulare Ouid. To counterfeit heare Dedecus dissimulare Ouid. Facta dissimulanda Ouid. Gaudia dissimulare Ouid. Dissimulâtus pen. prod Particip. Dissymuled cloked hid vt Amor dissimulatus Ouid. Pietas dissimulata ira Ouid. Virtus dissimulata Ouid. Dissimulâtor pen. prod toris m. g. Verbale A dissembler Cic. Vt qui dissimulatores studiorum fuerint Which did make as though they had not studyed Amoris veri dissimulator Ouid. Dissimulátio onis f. g. Verbale Cic. Dissembling cloking making as though that were not which is Integumenta dissimulationis Cic. Vrbana dissimulatio Cic. Abrumpitur dissimulatio Tacit. Veste seruili in dissimulationem sui compositus Tac. Hauing disguised himselfe in a seruants cote Eximere dissimulationem Tacit. Dissimulatio pro Ironia Cic. Dissimulantia dissimulantiae f. g. Idem quòd Dissimulatio Cic. Dissembling Dissimulanter Aduerbium Cic. Obscurely couertly closely as though he did not Non dissimulanter irati Cic. Plainely angry Facere aliquid dissimulanter Cic. Dissimulàtim pen. prod Aduerbiū Quint. Closely as though he did not Dissimulábilis pen. cor vnde Indissimulabilis apud Gellium That is dissembled Dissipo díssipas penult corr dissipâre Colum. To scatter or spreade abroade Disturbare aliqua aliud aliò dissipare Cicer. To cast one thing here and an other there Eripere auferre dissipare Cic. Dissipata connectere Ci. Dispersum ac dissipatum Cic. ¶ Dissipare Cic. To breake in peeces Dissipari extingui dissolui Cic. Disturbare ac dissipare Cicer. To cast downe and breake in peeces ¶ Disperdere ac dissipare possessiones Cicer. To consume spende or bring to naught Dissipare bona Marcel To consume and spend goodes riotously ¶ Libines eum dissipant Cic. Sensuall lustes doe consume him Amplexus clamore dissipare Sta. With crying to make them leaue imbrasings Membra dissipare Ouid. To scatter Sol dissipat ardorem in partes Lucr. The sunne spreadeth Dissipata classis Lentulus ad Ciceronem A nauie driuen
terras Virg. To keepe countreyes in subiection by all meanes of authoritie Ditioni iudicio potestati aliquorum permittere condonáre gentes nationes prouincias regna Cic. Nasci ditioni To be borne to be a prince Redigere in ditionem Plin. Vide REDIGO Redire in ditionem domini Vide REDEO Subactus ditione Latia Claud. Brought vnder the dominion of Latium Terminus Romanae ditionis Claud. The boundes of the Romaine empire Sub imperium ditionémque populi Romani vrbes aliquas subiungere Cicer. To bring cities vnder the subiection of the people of Rome In ditione ac potestate alicuius esse Ci. To be subiect to one and at his commaundement Tenere regionem aliquam ditione Virg. To keepe in hys subiection Aliquem in sua potestate ditione tenere Cic. In ditionem venire Pomponius To become subiect Ditior ditissimus Dito Vide DIS ditis Diu pro die Vide DIES Diu dissyllabum Aduerb temporis Terent. Long tyme. Diu subitò contraria Brutus Ciceroni Diu me estis demorati Plaut You haue stayed me long or a great while Diu aliquid perdiscere Plin. iun. Diu vitam dare Plaut To giue long lyfe Quem accersitum patrem iam diu est quòd miseram Plau. It is long since I sent him for my father At iam bibes LE. diu fit Plaut It is long a doyng or it is long first Illi quidē haud sanè diu est quum dentes exciderunt Plau. It is not long since he cast his teeth Minus diu Plaut Not so long Quum multum diúque vixeris Cic. Diu multúmque haesitaui quid facere deberem Plin. iun. I was long in great doubt Nimis siue nimium diu Plaut Satis diu fuit in miserijs ludices Cic. Non diu huc commigrauit Teren. It is not long since shee came hither to dwell O dij boni quid est in hominis vita diu Cicero What is in mans lyfe of any continuance Diutius Comparatiuum Cicer. Non obtundam diutius aures vestras Longer Quantò diutius abest magis cupio tantò magis desydero Terent. The longer shee is away the more I desire hir and long after hir Ne diutius anno in prouincia essem Cic. That I might not be aboue a yeare in the prouince Diutius in hoc dissiderio esse non possum Cic. I can abide the lacke of thys no longer Diutius quin. Salust Neque diutius ea vti licuisset quin. defessis libertatem extorqueret They shoulde not haue enioyed it long but that c. Diutissimè Superlatiuum A very long time Cic. Qui diutissimè senex fuisset Diútine pen. cor Aduerbium Plaut Long time Diútule pen. cor Aduerbium diminutiuum Aliquandiu Gell. A little while Diútinus pen. cor Adiect Cic. Long continuing continuall Diutinus labor Caesar Long labour Diutinum bellum Liu. Diuturnus Idem quod Diutinus Cic. Long continuing Bellum diuturnum Cic. A long warre Dilectatio diuturna Cic. Diuturnus error Cic. Diuturnus desperatus morbus Cic. A long and desperate sicknesse Obseruatio diuturna Cic. Long obseruation Pace diuturna se recreare Cic. Diuturna simulatio Cic. ¶ Diuturnior Ouid. Longer Diuturnius Diuturnissimum Liu. Varro Diuturnitas pe cor diuturnitâtis f. g. Cic. Long space of time long continuance Diuturnitas belli Caesar Diuturnitas temporum Cic. Celeritas Diuturnitas contraria Cic. Dominationis victoriae diuturnitas Cic. Imperij diuturnitati modus statuendus Cicer. We must appoynt a measure how long ones dominion shall continue Memoriae diuturnitas Cic. Long remembrance Pacis diuturnitas otium confirmauit Ci. Long continuance of peace Diuturnitate extinguitur Cic. In long time Diuturnitate non vanescere animi labes potest Cic. Diuturnitas maximos luctus vetustate tollit Cic. Length of time in continuance taketh away the greatest sorowes that bee Diuarico diuáricas pen. cor diuaricâre Cicero To stride or spreade wide one from another to go so brode with the toes that the heeles be one against an other Diuello diuellis diuelli diuulsi diuulsum diuellére Salust To pull away to pull on sunder Mordicus diuellere aliquid Horat. To take holde wyth the teeth and pull away Amplexu dulci diuelli Virg. Artus diuellere morsu Oui. To pull in sunder with y e teeth Diuellere commoda ciuium Cic. To pull away the commoditie of the citizens Diuellere conglutinationes Cic. To pull a sunder thyngs ioyned and fastned togither Dissolutam diuulsam rem conglutinare Cic. Consensus ordinum est diuulsus Cic. The consent and vnytie of the states was broken Diuelli dolore Cic. To be distract with sorrow Montes diuellere manibus Lucret. Nodos diuellere manibus Virg. To vndoe knottes Cura diuellit somnos Horat. Nec diuelli nec distrahi potest à voluptate Cic. Diuulsus Particip. Pulled away plucked in sunder vt Membra diuulsa Ouid. Vnda diuulsa remis Oui. The waues dashed in sunder with oares Diuendo diuendis diuendi diuénditum pe cor diuéndere Liu. To sell to diuers persons or in sundry percelles Bona diuendere Cic. Diuerbero diuerbéras pen. cor diuerberâre Virg. To strike or beate to cleaue or cutte Diuerberat auras Virg. It cutteth the ayre Ictu diuerberare aliquid Lucret. Sol aerias diuerberat vndas Lucret. Diuerbium diuerbij vt inquit Seruius est primus actus Comoediae Liu. The first part of a Comedie Also an olde sayde saw Ad noua vix memorem diuerbia coge senectam Auson Diuerto diuertis diuerti diuersum diuértere vel Diuertor diuérteris diuerti Deponēs Apud comicos legitur Deuorto siue Deuortor To turne from one thing to another to turne out of the way to a place to take lodging or to bait to take his Inne Diuerterat ad Terentiam salutatum Cic. He turned out of the way to salute Terentia Locusque ei publicè quo diuerteretur datus est C. A place was appoynted by the whole citie where he should lodge Ad alia diuertere Quint. To turne to Ad artes alias diuerti Ouid. Ad hospitem diuertere Cic. To take his lodgyng with hys friende or at his friendes house Diuerti ad aliquem in hospitium Plaut To be at host wyth one To take his lodging in ones house Apud quos ipsis diuerti mos esset Liu. Diuertere in tabernam Cic. To take vp his Inne or to lodge in an Inne Diuertere in funtis alicuius Ouid. To leaue all thyngs and come to ones funerall Ego ad Doripam huc diuortam Plaut Ego diuertor extra portam huc in tabernam tertiam Apud anum illam Pla. I am at Inne or I am lodged here without the gate c. Diuertere in villam Cic. Diuertor domum Terent. Massiliā diuertere Ci. To turne out of the way to Massils Diuertere via Plin. iun. To turne out of the right way ¶ Diuertere Plin. iun. To digresse or go from his purpose In haec diuertisse
be pleasant and frolike Datus iudex in hanc causam Plin. iun. Appoynted Iudicium ex edicto in libertum dare Cic. Iugulum Cic. To offer his necke to the sworde Iumentum Terent. To helpe or aide Quum ius mihi dederis referendi ad te de quibus dubito Pli. iun. Seeing thou hast permitted me to aske thy aduise in those things that I doubt Iura leges dare Virg. To prescribe Iura gentibus Liu. To assygne Iusiurandum Plaut To promise with an othe ¶ Labem dare Lucret. To fall downe Se labori dare Cic. To enter trauaile Lachrymas dare Virg. To weepe Me haec deambulatio ad languorem dedit Ter. This walking hath made me weary Se in laqueum dare Plaut To hang himselfe Dat nemo largius Terent. No man giueth more liberally Laudem alicui rei dare Plin. To praise a thing Laudi dare Cic. To account as praise Laxamentum legi dare To release somewhat of a lawe Do lego Iabolenus I giue or assygne Lepôrem dictis dare Lucret. To vse pleasaunt speach Laetho dare Virg. To kill Libellos de re aliqua dare Quint. To make bookes of a thing Libertatem dare Claud. Pueris licentiam ludendi Ci. To graūt children leaue to play Linamentum dare in plagam Cels To put lint into a wound Lintea ventis dare Ouid. To spreade saile Literas alicui dare Cic. To deliuer letters to Literas alicui per aliquem Cic. To sende to one by another Literas alicui ad aliquem Cic. To deliuer to be caried to one Ad tuas literas ego eo ipso die diderā Ci. I wrote an answere to your letters the same day Se alicui generi literarum dare Cice. To giue himselfe to any kinde or good learning Locum dare Plaut To graunt roume Dare locum pro Cedere Terent. To giue place Dare locum cedere Cic. Locum proximū alicui rei dare Pli. To discribe a thing next Locum dubitationis Cic. Locum respondendi Cic. Locum dolis dare Ouid. To leaue oportunitie or place to craft and deceit Locum tempus cunctationi Liu. To giue respite and time Lucem dare Virg. Ad ludendum se dare Cic. To fashion himselfe to play Ludum amori dare Horat. Ludum desidiae filio suo dare Plaut To traine vp his sonne to ydlenesse Lumen eloquentiae Quint. To set out eloquence De se respondentibus dant venustissimos lusus Quint. ¶ Dare magis Plaut Vide MAGIS Magistros rerum esse dedit Virg. He made them capitaines or rulers Malum alicui dare Plaut To doe one a shrewde turne Mammam Terent. To giue the dugge to giue sucke Dare mancipio vel mancupio Plaut To sell or deliuer vpon warrandise Mandata dare Cic. To commaund to giue commaundements Aliquid in mandatis Plau. To giue one in charge to doe or say a thing Mandata alicui ad aliquem Cic. To will one to tell a man certaine things by mouth De manu pabulum porcis dare cui opponitur Foris Colum. To feede hogges by hande at home and not abroade in the fielde Manum alicui dare Plaut To take by the hande in signe of agreement Manus alicui Ci. To yelde to acknowledge himselfe ouercome Manus intus dare Cels To put in his hand In manu dare Cic. To giue out of hand to giue in hand Aliquid in manum Terent. To put in ones hande priuily to bribe Aliquid in manus hominum Plin. iunior To publish to set abroade Dare virginem alicui in manum Terent. To deliuer to one in way of mariage Manu plena dare Senec. To giue liberally or aboundantly Dare manibus alterius Liu. To doe a thing in regarde of one deade Materiam inuidiae Cic. To minister matter of enuie or hatred Ei filiam suam in matrimonium dat Caesar He maryeth hys daughter to him Super medicamentum glutinans dandum Cels We must lay a ioyning plaister vpon it Dare in medium Id est in commune Gel. Memoriae dare Gell. To put in wryting Mercedem alicui dare Plaut Merita Cic. To doe pleasures Modum alicui Horat. To appoynt a measure Ad mortem dare Plaut To put to death Morti aliquem dare Ouid. Idem Mores suos alteri dare Plin. To teach an other their fashions Motus dare Virg. To daunce Munus magnificum Plin. iun. Muneri dare aliquid Quint. To giue a thing freely to one Murmura dare Ouid. To murmure Mutuum Terent. To lende Mutuam pecuniam Cic. ¶ Natalia dare Cic. To keepe a feast on his birth day Animal neci dare Virg. To kill Dare negotium Terent. To commit a businesse to Corpus in neruum ac supplicia dare Liu. To giue his body to torment Nomen militiae ad militiam dare Liu. To be inrolled for a souldiour to be billed De nomen in coloniam aliquam Liu. Nomen dare suo authori dicitur libellus Ouid. To make the authour renoumed Nomen alicui rei Plin. To giue name to a thing Nouitate vetustis dare Plin. To make olde things newe Nummos pro corpore dare Horat. To pay raunsome for In nuptias dare Terent. To mary to Nuptum dare filiam Plaut Idem Hostis est vxor inuita quae ad virum nuptum datur Plautus That is maryed to hir husbande against hir will ¶ Obliuioni dare Liu. To forget Obsides dare Caesar To giue hostages or pledges Obsidio datus alicui Tac. To be deliuered to one as a pledge Nihil est quod malim quàm illam notam familiam dare mihi obuiam Terent. To come and meete me Occasionem Cic. Omen dare Ouid. Operam Terent. To indeuour or labour to doe Operam alicui dare Plaut To helpe one Dare operā amico vnguenta ementi Pla. To helpe our friend to buie oyntments Da mihi paulum operae Terent. Helpe me a little Ei rei operam dabant Plaut They indeuoured or went about that Ne te abduceret operam dedi Plaut I tooke order or I did my endeuour that he should not haue thee away Benignè vt operam detis ad nostrum gregem Plau. That you would harken to our companie gently Operā abortioni Plaut To endeuour to traueyle before time Operam amori desidiae Plaut To be giuen to wanton loue and ydlenesse Operam aurium alicui dare Plaut To listen or hearken to Operam auscultando Plaut Idem Dare operā fabulae Plau. To hearken the playing of a cōmody Operam auspicio dare id est Capere auspicium Liu. Operam dare Platoni caeteris pro Discipulū ei esse Cic. To be Platoes auditour or scholer Operam veteri domino Plaut To serue his olde mayster Operam assiduam foro Plaut To be alway attendant in Operam furtiuis rebus dare Id est furari Plaut Id operam do vt c. Terent. I indeuour or go about that In quam exercitationem ita nos studiosè operam dedimus vt c. Cic. Which exercise well so diligently applyed Operam irae
present Premijs aliquem Cic. To rewarde Militem donis Liu. Culpa grauis precibus donatur Ouid. A grieuous fault is pardoned at intreatie or request Donare fugam alicui Sil. To giue him respite to flie Funera alicui donare Si. To be cause of slaughter and death of his people Donare aliquem gaudijs Plaut To make glad Immortalitatem alicui donare Cicer. To make immortall Inimicitias suas Reipublicae donare Cicer. For the common weales sake to remitte his enimie and be pacified towarde him Vtinam tibi istam mentem dij immortales donarent Cic. Munere promisso aliquem donare Virg. Munera donare alicui Cic. Nomine donare aliquem Lucret. To giue a name Iuueni donare puellam Catul. Salute donare aliquem Tibul. To salute one Donare vacatione Cic. To exempt one from any charge Dono te ob istuc dictum vt expers sis metu Plaut Donandus Participium vt honoribus donandus infans Stat. Worthy to be honoured Laurea donandus Apollinari Horat. Donâtus pen. prod Particip. Vir. To whom any thing is giuen Aes alienum alicui ab aliquo donatum Ci. Debt forgiuen Homo quasi diuino munere donatus Reipublicae Cicer. A man sent to the common weale by the gift of God Donati incolae Latio Plin. Toro aliquo donata virgo Claud. Promisso donata est munere pubes Sil. He hath that giuen that was promised Donátio onis f. g. Verbale Cic. A free giuing Bonorum donatio Cic. Donatio propter nuptias A womans dowrie Donaticae coronae Garlandes giuen to men in playes or games Donarium donarij n. g. Valla. A gift or present Donaria Macrobius Things offered to the Goddes and hāged vp in their temples Donaria abusiuè ipsa templa in quibus donaria offeruntur Virg. The temples wherein those gifts are offered Donatiuum ui n. gen pen. pro. Suet. A gift in money or graine giuen to people or to souldiours a dole Dorcas dórcadis pen. cor f. g. Latinè Dama dicitur Mart. A Doe or Bucke Dorica ae foem g. A certaine kinde of musicke representing a grauitie and therefore was assygned to noble men and great personages Doriphagi Manch presents that eate vp and deuour gifts Doris Herba quae Anchusa appellatur Plin. Dormio dormis dormíui dormitum pen. prod dormîre To sleepe to be a sleepe Dormire sine omni cura Plaut Altum dormire Iuuenal To be in a deepe sleepe Ex lassitudine arctius dormire Cic. To sleepe more soundly through wearinesse Dormire in dexteram aurem fiducia alterius Pli. iun. Vpon confidence of a nother to be without feare Dormire in vtranuis aurem Teren. To sleepe soundly without feare or care In medios dormire dies Hor. To sleepe vntill it be noone Dormijt ad horam tertiam Cicero He slept till three of the clocke Ad lucem dormire Vide AD praepositionem In lucem dormire Horat. To sleepe till it be day Dormire totum mane Martial Noctes longas dormire Horat. Nox vna perpetua dormienda Catul. We must sleepe one whole night In vtrunuis dormire oculum Plau. Sensum habet eundem cum eo Dormire in vtranuis aurem To sleepe securely Non omnibus dormio Cic. I am not ready at euery mans becke Proficisci ad dormiendum Cic. Ire dormitum Horat. To go to sleepe Dórmiens Participium Terent. Sleeping Tam multum dormiens Cic. Sleeping so long Dormîto dormítas pen. pro. dormitâre Frequentatiuum To sleepe oft to slumber to take a nappe Arctè grauiter dormitare Cic. To be in a dead and sound sleepe Dormitandus tibi non est Plaut You must not sleepe in the matter you must be diligent Dórmitans Particip. vt Oscitans dormitans sapientia Cic. Dormiscere Plaut To begin to sleepe Dormitâtor toris m. g. Verbale Plaut A sleeper a sluggard a negligent person Dormitórius Adiectiuum vt Dormitorium cubiculum Plin. iun. A bed chamber Dormitorium rij n. g. Substantiuum Idem quod Dormitorium cubiculum Plin. A dortour a sleeping place a bedde chamber Dorodocea ae foem g. Corruption of iudges with giftes and bribes Doron Palmum Latinè significat Munus Plin. A gifte or rewarde Doronicum ci n g. A holsome roote brought out of Mauritania good for the stomacke Dorophorus He that carieth a present Dorpia Certaine holy dayes among the Atheniens Dorsum dorsi Dor●●s huius dorsus secundū Probū Plau. A backe of man or beast a promontorie or hill lying out Curuum dorsum Senec. Pandum Senec. Recurua dorsa campi Claud. Crepido longi dorsi Stat. The toppe or extreeme parte of a long promontorie Duplici dentalia dorso Virg. Subire onus dorso Horat. To take the burden on his backe ¶ Dorsum in mari Virg. A shelfe or heape of sande gathered in the sea ¶ Dorsum Plin. iun. A ridge or side of an hill Dossualia Panels or packe saddles Dossum antiqui dicebant quod nunc dorsum dicimus Inde Dossuaria iumenta Varro Packe horses or mules Aselli dossuarij Varro Dorsuôsus pen. prod Adiectiuum Solinus That hath many vnequall places like backes Doryphorus pe cor Pli A gentleman about a prince alway ready with his speare a spearer with vs a pensioner Dos dotis f. g. Plaut A gift of nature dowrie lande giuen with the wife in mariage dos est Pamphile Decem talenta Terent. Vxor sine dote veniet Terent. Filia diues dote Ouid. Opes dotis Ouid. Formae dos Ouid. The gift of beautie Oris dos Ouid. The gift of eloquence Dotes naturae fortunae Plin. iunior Giftes of nature and fortune ¶ Dotes dapsiles Plaut Crandis dos Horat. Magna Horat. Dos profectitia inquit Vlpianus quae à patre vel parente proficiscitur Dowrie giuen by father or mother Dos aduentitia Dowrie giuen by other friendes and not of parents Dos sum●● Terent. Vxoria Ouid. ¶ Dorem ●●cipere Cic. Populo● 〈◊〉 dotē accipere Oui. To take nations as dowrie Deferre dotem viro Plaut Desp●ndere dotē alicui Proper To promise a dowry to one Doti dicere Cic. To appoynt or giue as dowrie to one Dicta dos Cic. Meruit dote virum Plaut ●romittere doti Doti dicere Idem est Venuleius Vide DICO ¶ Dos significat etiā quicquid alicui datum est vel à natura vel ab hominibus Martial Any gift of nature or men Ingenij dotes Ouid. Good giftes of witte and disposition Dote verborum locupletare artem aliquam Cic. Rarae dotes Ouid. Dotâlis hoc dotâle pen. pro. That pertayneth to dowrie Dotalia bona Dotales fundi Goods or landes giuen with the wife in mariage Aedes dotales Plaut Agri dotales Ouid. Dotalia praeda Cic. Regnum dotale Ouid. Tellus dotalis Ouid. Doto dotas dotâre To indowe Vnde passiuum Dotor à quo participium Dotatus Plaut Dotatae mactant damno malo viros Women hauing great dowrye be very grieuous and troublous to their husbandes Olea dotatur lachryma Pli.
In rixam non ibimus Quint. We will not fall a chyding In scelus ire Ouid. To enterprise a mischieuous act Ibit in secula nomē tuum Plin. iun. The remembrance of thy name shal be parpetuall or that shal get a parpetuall name Ire in sententiam alicuius vel Pedibus ire in sentētiā Liu. to condescende vnto ones opinion to say as one hath sayd before Ire in somnum Plin. To go to sleepe Ire in subsidium Cic. To go to ayde or succour Ire subsidio Caesar Idem Ire in suffragium Plin. To come to giue his voyce or consent in election In thalamos ire Lucan To be maryed to Ire in vigiliam Plaut To go to keepe watch ¶ Per Italiam ire Liu. To passe through Italie Ire per amnes Ouid. Ire per annos fratris Oui. To liue as long as his brother Verba per attentam non ibunt Caesaris aurem Horat. Per medium ire Quint. To passe through the middes Per singulas causarum iudicalium partes ire Quintil. To touch euery part ¶ Sub amplexus ire alicuius Ouid. To lie with one Sub furcam ire Horat. To enter into bondage ¶ Comitem alicui ire Lucan To accompanie one Ibis nuntius Virg. Thou shalt go as messenger ¶ Ire accersitum Terent. To go to call or fetch In mea vita tu tibi laudem is quaesitum scelus Teren. Goest thou about to get praise with the daunger of my life wicked knaue that thou art Ire consultum malè aliquem Plaut To go about to indomage or hurt Eunt depressum pro Deprimunt Plaut Ire datum operam amico Plaut To go to helpe ones friend Ire dormitum Plaut To go to sleepe Ire habitum honorem alicui Plaut To go about to doe honour to one Ire opitulatum Plaut To helpe Ire oppugnatum Oppugnare Plaut To resist or speake agaynst Ire perditum pro Perdere Liu. To vndoe to destroy Neu pertinatia sua gentem vniuersam perditum iret Liu. ¶ It dies pro Praeterit elabitur Pl. The day passeth away Iri dicitur eques vel qui sella gestatur aut lectica vehitur Paulus Spoken of him that rydeth Fluuius it Virg. Runneth It lucrum ad me Plaut The profite commeth to me Luna it per caelum obtusis cornibus Virg. Eunt praecipites mores Liu. Honest maners fall sore in decay Puppis it per fluctus Stat. The ship flitteth Prorsus ibat res Cicero The matter proceded or went well forward Incipit res melius ire quàm putaram Cicer. To matter beginneth to go better forward Semina eunt aequaliter in agros Ouid. Seede is sowne in the fieldes ¶ I tu hinc quò dignus es Terent. Get thee hence with sorrow thither as is meete for thee Mihi necesse est ire hinc Plaut I must needes depart ¶ I prae sequar Terent. Go before Ibo quò profectus sum Plaut I will go thither whither I began to go I sanè siquid festinas magis Plaut Go thou before if thou haue any more haste Eamus visere Terent. Let vs go see Ire melius est Plaut It is better for thee to go ¶ Ire pro Venire aliquando ponitur Terent. ¶ Itur Impersonale Plaut Men go Itur ad me Terent. They come to me Illac publicè itur Vide PVBLICVS Ibitur Plaut They will go Eâtur Senec. Ire Ter. Ne tum quidem quum iri maximè debuit When they should most of all haue gone Iens euntis Participium Cic. Goyng Oculi euntes Stat. Itûrus pen. prod Aliud Participium Cic. That will go Itus itus itui m. g. Verbale Cic. A goyng Itus reditus Suet. A going and comming againe Itio itiônis f. g. Verbale Terent. A goyng Obuiam itio Cic. A goyng to meete Dare itionem domum Cic. To giue leaue to go home Iro tas itâre Frequentatiuum Suet. To go often Eon The compasse of the eye Eos The morning Eous The east E P Epacta Things added to Epagon gontis n. g. A trockle in a crane or like engine Epatarius Epaticus Vide HEPAR Epagoge A figure when lyke things or arguments are compared togither Epanadiplosis A figure when a sentence beginneth endeth with one worde Epanalepsis Replication or repititiō after a long Parēthesis Epanaphora A figure whē diuers clauses begin w t one word Epanodos Whē two thinges rehearsed togither be spoken of afterward seuerally Epaphrodîtus ti m. g. A pleasant felow Eparchia A prouince Eparchiotes te m. g. One of a prouince Eparchus chi m. g. The president of a prouince Epauxis Increase the figure Incrementum Ephebus ephebi m. g. penult pro. Terent. A stripling of .xv. yeares of age Crinitus ephebus Claudian Teneri ephebi Stat. Greges epheborum Cic. Ephebia ephebiae f. g. Striplinges age at the entrie of .xv. yeares Ephebium ephebij n. g. Vitruui The place where yong men wrastled Ephemeris pe cor huius epheméridis f. g. Iuue. A regester a reckning booke wherein things dayly done be written Ephedron dri n. g. The hearbe called Hippuris or Equisetū Horsetayle Ephegesis sis f. g. A declaration or exposition Ephemera febris A light feuer cōmonly continuing but one day and riseth either of outward heates much labor wearinesse or of oppilatiō repletion diuers meates and drinkes long fasting and watching and such other like causes being neglected or yll guided it turneth often to some other ague Ephemeron ri n. g. That Apotecaries call Hermodactilus a strong purger of fleume Also a beast about the ryuer Hippanis Arist and the hearbe called Lilium conuallum in english Liricumphancie or after other May lilies Ephestius A familier one of the same house Ephippium ephippij Var. The harnesse of an horse a saddle Ephippiáti Caesar They that haue saddles on their horses Ephi A measure conteyning three Romaine Modios of our measure nine gallons Ephialtes The disease called the maare proceeding of grosse rough fleume in the mouth of the stomack through continuall surfetting and cruditie which casteth vp cold vapours to the head stopping the hinder sells of the braine when the bodie lyeth vpright so letteth the passage of the spirit and vertue animall to the inferior partes of the bodie wherby the partie thinketh he hath a great weight vpō him stopping his breath Ephod A vestment vsed in the Iewishe ceremonies of which were two sortes One of white linnen lyke an albe an other for the high priest onely made of golde purple scarlet twise dyed and twisted silke like to a tunicle Epialos A feuer rising of colde fleume called Pituita vitrea in which a mā at one time seemeth to feele both colde heate Epibades pen. cor Vlp. A ship called a barke or a passanger Epibatae pen. cor Hirt. Souldiours on the sea Epibatra The ladder that goeth vp to the toppe Epicauma A foule sore in the eye Epicaridia A kinde of botes or shippes Epicedium Verses made in prayse of a dead man
A horse heare Ebera equina Horat. Equiselis Plin. An hearbe lyke a horse manne Equisétum equiseti n. g. pen. prod Plin. An herbe called horse tayle Equíso pen. prod equisônis m. g. Varro An horse breaker or keeper Equitábilis hoc equitábile pen. corr vt Locus equitabilis Liu A place where horses may go Equitium equitij n. g. Vlpian An hearde of horses a companie of horses Equúleus equúlei pen. cor Diminut. Cic. Liu. An horse colte ¶ Equuleus Ci. An instrument made of burning plates like to an horse in which men were tormented vt Non si ad tortoris equuleum cogatur Cic. Equúlus équuli m. g. pen. cor Diminutiuum Cicer. A nagge a little horse a colte Equiria orum n. gen A running wyth horses a play dedicate vnto Mars Equisessor soris A man on horsebacke Equula équulae f. g. pen. cor Varro A maare colt a fillie Equio equis equire Pli. When a maare desireth to be couered of the horse E R Eradico eradícas pen. prod eradicâre Terent. To plucke vp by the rootes Erado erâdis pen. pro. erási erâsum erádere Col. To scrape of or out Albo Senatorio aliquem eradere Tacit. To put one out of the number of Senatours Eradenda elementa praui cupidinis Horat. Eràsus pen. prod Participium Plin. iun. Rased or scraped out Genae erasae Propert. Timor erasus ex animo Seneca Feare cleane taken out of Erani Collectours of taskes and contributions Erania pecunia The money that such collectours gather Eranthemum A kinde of camomill hauing purple flowers Ercisceor erciscêris erciscéri To deuide or make partitiō of landes or goodes betweene diuers heyres assigning to euery one theyr portion malunt Herciscor Verbis ercisceri With solemne wordes to part Ci. Alij apud Ciceronem legunt herciscere Alij herciscundae cieri Postulare aliquem familiae herciscundae Ci. To sue one for the partition of an heritage Erebus Erebi m. g. Hell a ryuer in hell Sedes imae Erebi Virg. Vmbrae imae Erebi Virg. Erebêus pen. prod Adiectiuum Ouid. Helish of hell Erectus Erectio Vide ERIGO Eremigo erémigas pe co eremigâre Plin. To sayle or passe ouer to row ouer to runne or passe ouer Eremodicium eremodicij n. g. Vlpianꝰ A default of appearance at the day that one is bounde to appeare on Eremus erémi pen. prod f. g. Wildernesse a desert or solitarie place Eremîta eremitae pe pr. An heremite a dweller in wildernes Erepo erêpis pen. pr. erepsi ereptum erepére Pla. To creepe vp to clime vp hardly with paine to get out hardly Ne ex ea erepere possit Varro Quod is per aspera deuia erepisset ad se Suet. Ereptus Vide ERIPIO Eresion A braunch of Oliue vsed agaynst pestilence Eretria ae f. g. A kinde of Ceruse Erga Praepositio accusatiuo casui seruit Plaut Towardes agaynst Omni officio ac pietate erga te Cic. Affecti erga amicum simas eodem modo quo erga nosmetipsos Cicero Let vs so be minded towarde our friend as towarde our selues Beneuolentiam erga aliquos habere Cic. Officium studium erga propinquum habere Cic. Ergasterium rij n. g. A worke house Ergastes siue Ergastus A worke man Ergastulum ergástuli n. g. pen. corr Iuuenal Liu. An house where mē were compelled to woorke on stone or mettal Now it is taken for a prison Compedes ergastula Cic. Soluere ergastula Brutus Ciceroni To breake vp prisons let out prisoners Ergástulus ergástuli m. g. penult corr Lucilius A seruaunt or slaue kept in prison Ergastularius Columel The Iaylour or keeper of the pryson Ergatum ti n. g. The engine called a craane Ergo Illatiua siue completiua coniunctio ponitur in principio pro ltaque Therefore Ergo in seruitute expetunt multa iniqua Plaut Therfore in bondage c. Tibi ergo Terent. Yea to thee I say Quid ergo est Cic. What is it then Ergo dum nullum fastiditur genus in quo eniteret virtus creuit imperium Romanum Liu. Non ergo Cicer. Num ergo is excae cat nos aut orbat sensibus Cic. ¶ Ergo tertio loco positum Liuius Nec manere ergo nec transire ausus ¶ Ergo producté pro gratia Virg. illius ergò Venimus We come for his sake Fugae atque formidinis ergo non abituros Liu. Eum donari virtutis ergò beneuolentiaeue Cice. Because of vertue or for vertues sake Ericaeum caei n. g. The thirde kinde of Honie Erice erices pen. prod siue Erica ericae siue Erix ericis f. g. Plin. The sweete broome or heath that hath leaues like rosemarie but somwhat pricking Erigeron pen. cor Herba à nostris vocatur Senecio Plinius Groundswell Erigo érigis pen. cor erexi erectum erígere Cice. To erect or raise vp to set vp to lift vp to aduaunce Abijcere Erigere contraria Cic. Erigere ad gloriam efferre Cic. To aduaunce extolle to glorie Extollere caput se erigere Cic. To raise vp and aduance it selfe Erigere ad spem in spem Cicero Liu. To put in hope to conceyue a hope Erigere in gradus Col. To rayse vp in heigth by griefes or steppes ¶ Erigere in aciem Liu. In cliuū Capitolinum erigunt aciē They leade vp to the Capitoll Erigere aculeos iudicum in ●em Cic. To stirre vp the eger and sharpe affection of the iudges against a thing Erigere afflictum Cic. To succour or comfort one oppressed with miserie Aliquem erigere Ouid. To aduaunce to ryches and honor Animum erigere spem afferre Cicer. To comfort ones minde and put him in hope Erigite animos Cicer. Pull vp your hartes and be of good courage Animum demissum oppressum erigere Cic. Erigere animos ad audiendum Cic. To pull vp their spirites and harken diligently Erigitur animus expectatione rerum bonarum Cice. The minde is comforted c. Arces erigere Stat. To builde vp to erect Erigere aures animum attendere Cic. To giue eare and harken diligently Caput expergefactum erigere Lucret. Erigere caudam falcatam in sublime Plin. To holde vp aloft his crooked tayle Erigere omnium cupiditates acuere industriam Author ad Herennium To stirre vp mens lustes and quickē their diligence Expectationem alicuius erigere Plin. iunior To stirre vp ones expectation Fumus erigitur ad sydera Virg. A smoke rose vp to y e sky Gradum erigere Sil. To lift vp his foote higher in going Iras. Silius Iubam Seneca To set vp the bristles Erige mentem Lucan Take a good courage pull vp thy spirites Oculos erigere Ouid. To cast vp his eies to looke vp Patriam Claud. To aduaunce his countrey to renowme and honour Pectus Stat. Pull vp thy heart Erigere recreare afflictam perditam prouinciam Cic. To releiue a countrey grieuouslye afflicted wyth myserye and restore it to the former estate Rempublicam erigere Cn.
state with him Alia ex alia facies ae tásque sequitur Lucre. One after another Ex alio repetere aliquid Salust To repeate deepely or from the beginning Ex animo miser Plaut In trouble and vnquietnesse of minde Ex animo amicus Cic. A very friende with hart and minde Ex animo Simulatè contraria Cic. From the heart with dissimulation Ex animo sollicitus Plaut To be carefull in minde Ex animo dicere Teren. To speake as he thinketh or with his heart Ex animo velle factum Terent. To desire the thing to be done vnfaynedly with his heart Ex animo amare Cic. To loue from the heart vnfaynedly Ex animo facere Terent. To doe with a good will Verè ex animo Liu. Ex animi sententia Cice. According to ones conscience euen as one woulde haue it Ex antè Liu. Annona ex ante conuecta copia nihil mutauit By the store before time brought Ex ante diem Nonarum Iuniarum hoc est ex Nonis Iunijs Cice. In the Nones of Iune or before the seauenth of Iune was ended Ex aperto Liu. Openly Ex argumento Plin. By reason of that argument Ex arte dicere Cic. According to arte Audiui te ex hoc Plaut I hard you say this Audiui ex eo Plaut Ex Aulide Philocrates Plaut Philocrates borne at Aulis Valerius Cato Bursemi cuiusdam libertus ex Gallia Pli. iun. Ex authoritate Pontificum Plin. iun. By the ordinaunce of the bishops ¶ Ex bono aequo Iuli. According to equitie without rigour ¶ Ex ea causa Plin. For that cause ¶ Ex commodo mandere Colum. To eate leysurely Ex-compacto Sueton. As they had agreed before of purpose by composition Ex-composito Idem Liu. ¶ Capere dolorē ex aliquo Te. To conceyue sorow of a thing Ex-malo principio magna familiaritas conflata est Tere. Of an yll beginning c. Condemnatus ex inuidia Plin. iun. Condemned through or by enuie Ex alijs cognoscere aliquem Cicero To knowe one by the report of other Eo literis alicuius aliquid cognoscere Cicer. To vnderstande a thing by ones letters Comparare sua commoda ex incommodis alterius Terent. To procure his profite or commoditie by the disprofite or discommoditie of an other Conijcitur in morbum ex aegritudine Plaut For sorowe he fell sicke Ex consilio iurisperitorum Ci. By counsayle of lawyers Ex consuetudine Cic. According to the custome Ex consule Ex Quaestore pro Consulari Quaestorio saepe legitur apud Iustinianum Ex copia piscaria consulere licebit quod emam Pla. Of great store of fishe I may choose what I will bie Ex continenti pro Statim Iustinus By and by foorthwith immediatly Ex contrario pro E contrario Caes On the contrarie part Ex contrario stare dicuntur quae sunt inter se opposita Senec. Corruptus ex adolescente optimo Pla. Of a very honest yong man become starcke naught Corruptus ex amore Plaut Marde through loue ¶ Ex cunctis vnum deligere Cic. Among all to chuse one Demens ex peregrina Ter. Doting vpon a straunge woman Ex denuntiato Seneca After declaration and aduertisement giuen Ex destinato Sueton. Of set purpose purposely Ex dignitate visum est Liu. It seemed to stande with their honour Ex diuerso Dissimile Plin. iun. Diuers and vnlike Consistere ex diuerso Quint. To stande against Ex diuerso agere Quint. Ex diuerso dicere Quint. Ex die hoc Plaut From this day forwarde Datus aduocatus ex iudicibus Plin. iun. Appointed and aduocate out of the number of the Iudges Quae ex periculo eius tantum discrimen adierunt Plin. iun. Which through his perill came in so great daunger Excedere ex pueris Cic. To passe chyldes age Excessit ex ephoebis Idem Terent. Ex dignitate tribuere alicui Cicero To giue according to hys estate Educere ex obsidione in tutum Plaut Ex ea re est in culpa Terent. He is in fault for that to be blamed for that Ex eo pro Ex eo tempore Tacit. Since that time Ex eo die Plin. iun. From this day or time Ex eo tempore Cic. Idem Ex eo fit vt c. Cic. Thereby it commeth to passe that Multa sunt ex eodem genere Ci. There be many things of the same sort Ex equo pugnare Plin. To fight on horseback Euasit ex aqua Plaut He scaped out of the water Ex euentu rerum Tacit. By the ende of things Exire ex vrbe Cic. To go out of Eximere ex reis Cic. To discharge a person accused bicause the accuser doth not appeare Diem ex die expectabam vt statuerem quid esset faciendum Cic. From day to day I looked c. Exponere ex memoria Cic. To declare by heart ¶ Factus ex Oratore arator Cicero Of a pleader to become a plough men Facere ex insulso salsum Plaut Facere ex more Plin. iun. To doe according to the fashion or custome Ex aliorum more Salust Facere ex necessitate pro Necessario cui opponitur Sponte Plin. iunior To doe of necessitie and by constraynt Ex facili pro facile Plin. Easely Ex fide pro Fideliter Plin. iun. Faythfully Illud non fit ex vera vita Tere. That is not done of a true and vnfeyned honestie of lyfe Ex gratulando Plaut From reioysing in ones behalfe ¶ Qui ex aedibus Sub. prodit Plaut He that commeth out of the house ¶ Haeres ex besse relictus Plin. iun. Left heyre of two thirde partes or of eyght partes in twelue ¶ Ex hac re Teren. Hereof of this Ex hoc solicita Ter. She is carefull for this cause Ducit res fidem ex hoc Luc. The thing taketh credite of this Est ex hoc licentia Quint. The libertie commeth of this Dependet ex humeris amictus Virg. Hāgeth on his shoulders ¶ Ex illo Sub. tempore Virg. Since that time Impressa in cera ex annulo imago Plaut A print or seale set in waxe with a ring or signet Ex improuiso Cic. Vpon a sodaine sodainely at vnawares Incendium ex amore Plaut A feruent heate of loue Iuuenes fiunt ex infantibus Luc. Of children they become Ex industria Liu. Of purpose for the nonce Iusanire ex iniuria Teren. To become madde for iniurie done vnto him Ex insidijs aucupari quam rem agat quis Plautus Priuily to watch and marke what one doth Ex insidijs verba dare Plaut Craftily to deceiue one Ex insidijs capi Cice. To be taken by an ambushment or priuy assault Ex insidijs interire Cic. To be slayne by priuie treason Ex insidijs aliquid agere Cic. To lie in wayte to do Ex insolentia Liu. Not hauing accustomed vpon an vnwonted maner Ex inspirato Liu. Beside all hope and expectation vnloked for Ex
gratia esse Cic. To be praised and fauoured Esse in gratia cum aliquo Cic. To be ones friende to be in fauour with him In gratia pecuniaue magna f●●tunatum esse Vide IN. Cum illo magna est mihi gratia Ci. He and I be great friends or we be throughly reconciled Solida est mihi gratia tecum Ouidius Thou and I be sounde friendes Cum illo nulla est mihi gratia Propert. He and I neuer loued togither Est gratia Plaut I thanke you Neque veteranorum neque possessorum gratiam tenuit Sue He neither kept himselfe in fauour with c. Tollere beneficium gratiam Cic. Trahere sibi gratiam rectè factorum Tacitus To attribute to himselfe the praise of those things that are well done Tribuere gratiam alicuius rei inuentori Cic. To attribute the honour or praise of Magna gratia venit minimo labore Ouid. He purchaseth great praise with small labour ¶ Hic nunc credit ea me hîc restitisse gratia Terent. He thinketh I haue taried heere for that cause Ea gratia simulaui vos vt pertentarem Teren. I pretended the matter for this purpose only to trie you Hominum gratia generatas bestias videmus Cic. Dolorum effugiendorum gratia Cic. To eschewe sorrowes Mitte hunc mea gratia Plaut For my sake sende him ¶ Gratiae gratiarum plurali numero Thankes Actio gratiarum Cic. Thankes giuing Immemor gratiarum nemo gratus inuentus est Cicero No kinde of person forgetteth to giue thankes for a benefite receiued Acquirere gratias Cic. To get thankes Agere gratias grates Plaut Cic. Liu. To thanke to giue thankes in wordes Amplissimis verbis gratias agere Cic. Immortales gratias agere Plancus Ciceroni Incredibiles gratias suo alterius nomine per literas agere Cic. To giue one passyng thankes by letters c. Ingentes gratias agere Terent. Iustissimas gratias agere Cic. To giue due thankes Miras gratias agere Cic. Mirificas gratias apud aliquem agere Cicero Marueilous greatly to thanke one in presence of another to whom he speaketh Singulares gratias agere Cic. Bibulus Pompeium fecerat certiorem vt caueret infidias In quo ei Pompeius gratias egerat Cic. For which Pompei thanked him Venerari aliquem laudibus ac gratijs Tacit. To honour one with praising and giuing thankes Gratus Adiect Ter. That remembreth or recompenceth a good turne grate thankefull kinde Acceptable pleasaunt agreeable delectable taken in good part in good gree Memor gratus Cic. Gratus ac memor beneficij Cic. Gratus in aliquem Brutus Ciceroni Gratus erga aliquem Plin. Thankefull and acknowledging that one hath done him a pleasure Gratum se praebere alicui Cic. Virtutem alicuius grata memoria prosequi Cic. Grato animo prosequi nomen alicuius Cic. ¶ Gratus Cic. Acceptable pleasant c. In vulgus gratus Tacit. Acceptable to the common people Comitum gratissimus Ouid. Gratum beneficium Plaut Id gratum fuisse aduersus te habeo gratiam Terent. That that was acceptable to you I yeelde you hartie thankes Conuiua gratus Horat. A guest very welcome Dona grata Ouid. Gratae gratiae Plaut Hora grata Horat. Quies grata Horat. Pleasant rest Tempore grato frui Horat. Virtus gratior veniens in pulchro corpore Virg. Ista veritas etiam si iucunda non est mihi tamen grata est Cic. It is acceptable to me Gratum odore iucundo ladanum Pli. Ladanum delighteth with a very pleasant sauour Gratum in cibo Plin. Pleasant to eate Gratum optatum Cic. Minimè gratum Liu. Accidit mihi illud gratum Cic. Vide ACCIDO Si hunc iuueris gratissimum mihi feceris Cic. You shall do me a very great pleasure Facere alicui gratum Cic. Gratè Aduerbium cuius contrarium est Ingratē Cic. Kindly thankefully gratefully Gratiôsus pen. prod Adiectiuum Cic. Very thankefull also in great fauour or credite Cum aduersario gratiosissimo contendere Cic. Potens gratiosus homo Cic. One in authoritie and great fauour Splendidi homines gratiosi Cic. Noble men in great credite and reputation Ab hoc officium necessitudinis ad reliquum tēpus gratiosus Ci. In estimation and fauour as well to haue the benefite of his friendship at this time as also heereafter at any other time Apud omnes ordines gratiosus Cic. In fauour and credite with all states In suis ciuitatibus municipijs gratiosi homines Cic. Gratiosi eramus apud illum quem c. Cic. Ego doceo gratiosum esse tribulibus Plancium quòd multis benignè fecerit pro multis spoponderit c. Cic. Gratiosa missio Liu. A licence to depart procured by partiall fauour Gratióse pen. prod Aduerbium For sauour Si praelia non idonea comparauerunt per sordes aut gratiā quid ergo si neque sordidè neque gratiosè sed non bonam conditionem elegerint Vlp. Neither corruptly for bribes neither for fauour to pleasure him Gratis Aduerbium Without rewarde without desert for nothing without respect of profite freely frankly Gratis conuiua recumbis Martial Thou payest no shotte Gratis alicui polliceri Cic. To promise freely Seruire alicui gratis Cic. To serue one for nothing Habitare gratis in alieno Cic. To dwell in another mannes house and pay no rent Gratis diligere virtutes Cic. To loue vertue freely wythout respect of lawe Gratis Pretio contraria Cic. Freely without money Gratis sine mercede Sueton. Gratuitus pen. cor Adiectiuum Without reward vnhired vt Liberalitas gratuita Cic. Gratuita amicitia Cic. Friendship wythout hope of recompence or profite Gratuita ei hospitia decreuere Plinius They appoynted he should be lodged freely paying nothing Gratuita probitas Cic. Honestie not allured with pleasures or hired with profite but of meere vertue Gratuita ferre suffragia Cic. Mercenarius Gratuitus contraria Cic. Gratuitò pen. cor Aduerbium Cic. Of good will without benefite freely Neque eloquentiam gratuitò contingere Tacit. Neither to attaine eloquence without paine and trauaile Gratuitò Mercede contraria Plin. Grates Numero tantum plurali in hac tantùm terminatione pro gratijs quae referri debent pro accepto beneficio Virgil. Thankes Grates tibi ago summe sol Cic. I thanke thee Grates habebant velut praesenti deo Curt. Meritas grates agere alicui Ouid. To giue due thankes Decernuntur grates deis Tacit. To appoynt generall processions or like wayes of thankes giuing to God Exoluere saeuas grates Stat. To comfort or pleasure one in great aduersitie that hath likewise done to vs before Pendere dignas grates Stat. Persoluere grates Virg. Rependere grates Stat. Gratitudo dinis f. g. Kindnesse gratitude thankfulnesse Gratíficor pen. cor gratificâris gratificári Cic. To gratifie or doe a thing thankfull to doe a good turne to doe a pleasure to to conferre a benefite Honestè gratificari alicui Cic. Gratificatur mihi gestu
Cicer. Hunc ad perficiendum hortatus sum Cicer. I encouraged him to go through with it Ad pacem quidem hortari non desino Cic. Iisdem de rebuc etiam atque etiam hortor quibus superioribus literis hortatus sum Cice. I exhort you in the same thing most earnestly c. Hortari aliquem de pace reconcilianda Caesar Hortari aliquid cum duobus accusatiuis Cic. Sin quod te iandiu hortor exieris exhaurietur c. As I haue counsayled you a great while ¶ Hortari passiuè vsurpatum Taci Qua hortaretur Claudius octauian despondere domitio Tacitus Aciem hortari Ouid. To encourage Canes hortari Ouid. To cheere the houndes Terribiles hortatus equos Ouid. Hauing cheered or encouraged his terrible horses Hortátio Verbale Cicer. An exhortation an encouraging or cheering Hortâtus huius hortátus pen. prod m. g. Idem Plin. Cicer. Blandis hortatibus implere aliquam Silius Hortâmen pen. prod minis n. g. Hortamentum Idem Li. Longo hortamini vti Ouid. Hortâtor pen. prod hortatôris m. g. Verbale Cic. An exhorter or counsayler Bonus hortator Ouid. Hortatore te fecimus Ci. I did it by your counsayle or perswasion Hortator intercessor Cic. Hortatores caedis permulti Cicero There were many perswaders of that murder Pugnae hortator Ouid. Scelerum hortator Virg. Hortator magister eius studijt tibi fuit domi Cic. ¶ Hortator non faciendi aliquid author Cic. A counsailer or perswader not to doe a thing Adiutor author hortator ad aliquid agendum Ci. An helper perswader and encourager to doe Hortatrix pen. pro. Verbale foemininum vt Gloria hortatrix animosi lethi Stat. Glorie is an enticer or courager to dye valyantly Hortatíuus pen. pro. Adiectiuum That belongeth to exhortation and moouing Quin. Haec ad hortatiuum genus maximè pertinent Hortus huius horti mas gen A knot garden a garden for pleasure an orcharde Amoenitas hortorum Cic. Pleasantnesse of gardens Cultissimus hortus Cic. A garden very well trimmed Exhaustus hortus lectis floribus Ouidius A garden out of which all the flowers be cleane gathered Halantes floribus horti Virg. Indiligens hortus Plin. A garden lying sluttishely and vnhandsomely Irriguus hortus Horat. Paterni horti Cic. Pauperis horti custos Virg. Pingues horti Virg. Riguus hortus Ouid. Suburbani horti Stat. ¶ Conducere hortum Cic. Hortum ipsi agrigolae succidiam alteram appellant Cicer. Inserere hortos Colum Vide INSERO Inspicere Cic. Instruere Pli. iun. Cic. Mart. To furnishe and trimme vppe his garden with all things necessary In hortes ad coenam aliquem inuitare Cic. In hortis se sine interpellatoribus oblectare Cic. To solace himselfe in the garden without any companye to trouble him Parare hortos Cic. Praeparare Ci. Hortus in singulari pluralíque pro hortis olitorijs accipitur A garden Horti in fenestris Plin. Horti veró in plurali arboribus consiti dicūtur voluptatis amoenitatisque causa parati An orcharde or garden of pleasure with an house in it Horti pensiles Pli. Gardens made aboue ground in houses Hórtulus pen. cor Diminutiuum Cic. A little garden Hortensis hoc hortense Plin. Pertayning to a garden or growing in a garden Hortensius Adiectiuum Idem Plin. Horula Vide HORA. Hospes hóspitis pen. cor com gen Ouid. An hoste that receyueth straungers also a guest that lodgeth in ones house a straunger or one not inhabiting in the countrie Hospes peregrinus Cic. Amabilis hospes Horat. Accipere hospitem Ci. To receiue or lodge one in his house Vespertinus hospes Horat. A guest that lyeth in ones house at night ¶ Deducere hospitem domum Author ad Heren To bring home his guest Diuertere ad hospitem Cice. To take vp his lodging wyth a friende of his Habere hospites domi Author ad Heren Multorum hospitum copo quidam Binnius Cic. ¶ Hospes Ci. One that lodgeth and intertaineth his friende in his house when he commeth to towne and that in lyke maner lyeth with his friende when he commeth there as he dwelleth A friende that intertayneth Hospes necessarius meus Cic. ¶ Hospes Cic. Plaut A straunger Adeóne hospes huiusce vrbis adeóne ignatus es disciplinae consuetudinisue nostrae vt haec necscias Cice. Are you such a straunger in this citie c. Nulla in re peregrinus atque hospes Cice. Straunge and ignorant in nothing he that knoweth well what belongeth to any thing In consuetudine ciuitatis in motibus atque institutis in voluntatibus suorum ciuiū hospes Cic. One that knoweth not the customes trades and maners c. Hóspitus pen. cor Adiect Straunge that receyueth guestes vt Hospita auis Sta. A straunge birde not of that coast Hospita aequora Vicina interpetatur Seruius Virg. Hospita flumina per quae transiri aut nauigari potest Stat. That one may passe with shippe or boate Nauis hospita Ouid. A straunge shippe Tecta hospita Valer. Flac. Terra hospita Virg. A land whereby one may safely passe Hospita hospitae f. g. Substantiuum Cic. A straunge woman Hospitium hospitij n. g. Liu. An house alway ready to receyue friendes a lodging friendship shewed in hospitality friendlye familiaritie betweene persons intertayned one in the others house intertainement Clientelae hospitiáque prouincialia Cic. Agreste hospitium Cic. Rude intertainement Antiquum Virg. Commune Silius Liberale Cic. Magnificentissimum Cic. Noble intertainement Pauperis hospitij pretium Silius ¶ Discedere ex hospitio Cic. To depart from his lodging Excipere aliquem hospitio Ouid. To lodge and intertaine in his house Indulgere hospitio Virg. Vide INDVLGEO Inuitare hospitio aliquem Ci. To desire one to come and lie with him Iungimus hospitio dextras Virgil. We take handes as olde friendes or in right of olde friendship Nanscisci hospitium Plaut Vide NANCISCOR Arenae hospitio prohibemur Vir. We are forbidden to take lande or to bring our shippes to lande Recipere aliquem hospitio Ouid. Renuntiare hospicium alicui domo emigrare Cice. To renounce ones intertainement and friendship and departe out of his house ¶ Hospitium calamitatis Plaut One in whome all calamity resteth Hospicium confidentiae Plautus A place for confidence to rest in ¶ Hospicium Cic. Friendship and amitie by mutuall intertainement Hospicium amicitia Cic. Gratia atque hospitium Cic. Amicitiam hospitium foedus amicitiae cum aliqua gente facere Papinianus Pro hospitio quod mihi cum eo est Ci. For the familiarity that is betweene him and me Facere publicè hospitium cum aliquo Ci. To vse to lodge in his house when they come in the common affaires of the citie Paternum hospitium huic cum Pompeio intercedebat Cae. Iunctus hospitio Quintio Liu. Renouare vetus hospitium Cic. Hospitiolum Diminutiuum Hospitális hoc hospitalâle pe pro. Perteyning to one that lodgeth or intertayneth vsing gentle entertainment
inuidia in odio esse apud aliquem Cicer. To be in despite and hatred with one In itinere Terent. In his iourney by the way as he went In itinere est Antonius Brutus Ciceroni Anthony is on hys way comming In iugerum In iugera singula Cic. For euery aker ¶ In laudem dicta Gell. Spoken to his praise In legem Seneca In steade or place of a law In loco Terent. Conueniently in time and place Pecuniam in loco negligere maximum interdum est lucrum Terent. At a time In loco fratris amare Terent. To loue as his naturall brother In beneficij loco petere aliquid ab altero Ci. To desire at ones hande as a benefite or pleasure In loco posita aedilitas Cic. The aedileship bestowed on a worthy person or bestowed as it should be In locum alterius consulatum petere Ci. To sue for the consulship in steade of another In longum trahere Plin. To draw in length In lucem semper Acerra bibit Martial He drynketh all nyght long till it be day Effusi in luxum epulas Tacit. Giuen wholy to riot and banketting ¶ In manibus est res Cic. The matter is in hand or in doing Quos libros Bruto mittimus in manibus habent librarij Cic. The scriueners are in wryting of those bookes c. Inimicum meum sic amplexabantur sic in manibus habebant sic fouebant sic me praesente osculabantur Cic. They handled him so gently or they set so much by him Ecce in manibus vir praestantissimo ingenio flagranti studio Cic. But loe here is a man hereby without looking any further c. Libelli nominum vestrorum consilijue huius in manibus erant omnium Cic. The billes of your names c. were in euery mannes handes Non vacat quia vindemiae in manibus Plin. iun. We haue no leisure bicause we are busily occupied about grape haruest Quum tantū belli in manibus esset Liu. Seeing they had their handes full of so great troubles of warre Quam spem nunc habeat in manibus Cic. What hope he hath at this present Victoria in manibus est Liu. The victorie is ours if we will In manu mea est Cic. It is in me or in my power Tibi in manu est ne fiat Terent. You may stay the matter or let it if you will Si quidem licebit per illos quibus est in manu Plaut If I may for them that haue chiefly to doe in it In manu tutela habere Liu. To haue in his power tuition Agas quod in manu est Plaut Do that thou canst do or do that thou hast in hande Quò eueniat dijs in manu est Plau. It is in gods hād to bring to passe In manum dare Vide DO In materiam adhaerescere Cic. To cleaue fast or sticke to In me Terent. In me In medio Vide MEDIVS Mater virginis in medio est Terent. The maidens mother is heere among vs. In medium relinquere Gell. To leaue the matter to other to discusse In memoriam redire regredi Plaut To remember Nunc demum in memoriam redeo Plaut In memoriam sempiternā Ci. For a perpetuall remembrance Vnum in mente est mihi nunc satis vt commodè c. Plaut I haue one thing in my heade or phantasie Qui istuc in mente est tibi mi vir percontrarier Plaut Howe came it in your heade to aske this Nunc verò mihi in mentem fuit Plaut Now I remember and not before Now it is come into my heade and not before Illud de Rhodio dictū in mentē venit Terent. I remēber c. In meridiem spectat Cato It lyeth toward the south In metu esse Plaut To be in feare to feare In militem in capita in naues similia Var. For euery souldiour for euery man c. In centum sues decem verres satis esse putant Varro They thinke ten bores inow for an hundred sowes In modum seruorum Tacit. Like seruauntes or slaues Peto à te maiorem in modum Ci. I desire you very earnestly In modum peregrinum Plaut After a straunge facion In seruilem modum lacerati atque extorti Liu. Torne and racked like slaues In modum perpetuū perij Plau. I am vndone for euer a day In modum amici Sueton. Like a friende Vaticinantis in mudum cecinit Liu. Like a prophete In monendo Plaut In mora Tribuni erant Liu. The Tribunes did let it In more est Plin. It is the custome or facion In morem Virg. According to the facion or custome In morte Plaut At his death In multum velociores Plin. Very much swifter ¶ In noctes singulas Plaut Euery night night by night In nominando Varro In naming In nouissimis esse Cicero To be of the basest sort and among those that are least esteemed In noxa vel noxia esse Terent. To be guiltie of the thing In numerum ludere Virg. To daunce or play in measures In numerato habere Quint. To haue ready or in a readinesse ¶ In obliquum alios sequi Liu. To follow them trauers In occulto Plaut Priuily Secreto in occulto Caesar Secretely and in a priuie place In oculis exercitus Cic. In the presence and sight of the armie In oculis habitare Cic. To be seene continually neuer to be absent out of mennes sight In oculis esse Idem Cic. In odio esse Cic. To be hated In odio Plin. In despite or hatred of it Soli mortalium aurum in odio contrahunt id defodiunt c. They only of all men liuing gather golde togither in despite and that they digge and hide in the grounde c. Plin. lib. 6. In opere faciundo Terent. In working and labouring In orbem se tutari Liu. To defend themselfe round in a ring In orbem Liu. Rounde by course one after another Senae horae in orbem operi attributae sunt Liu. It was apoynted that ech band should worke .vj. houres one after another Vt vnus fasces haberet hoc insigne regium in orbem suam cuiusque vicem per omnes iret Liu. That this royal ensigne should go to them all rounde by course one after another In ordine Plaut In order In ordinem redigi vel cogi Liu. Vide COGO. In ordinem reponere Colum. To set in order againe In os Seneca Si in ora parentum silios iugulat Before the parents faces in their sight and presence In ore est omni populo Terent. All the worlde speaketh of it it is in all mennes mouthes ¶ In pariundo Terent. While shee was in trauell In parte causae Plin. iun. In one part of the cause Velut ipse in parte laboris ac periculi fuissem Liu. As though I had bene partaker of the labour and daunger Cunctis in partes muneris sui benignè pollicentibus operam Liu. Euery man for his part of the charge
in health Aedes incolumes Vlpian Houses not lacking reparations Incolume argentum Plaut Money that one hath not lost Capite incolumi esse Hor. Integros incolumes ciues seruare Cic. Saluae incolumes ciuitates Cicero Cities safe and out of daunger Corpus incolume Lucret. Famam tueri incolumem Horat. To keepe his good name vndisteyned Grauitate incolumi iocum tentauits Horatiu He assayed to ieste not disgracing his grauitie Incolumes beatos liberos suos nemo est qui non cupiat Cic. To be welthie and out of daunger Ratis incolumis Ouid. A shippe safe and sounde Splendorem à calamitate iudicij incolumen retinere Cic. Incolumis status Suet. Virtutem incolumem oderunt inuidi Horat. Vox incolumis Lucret. Incolúmitas pen. cor huius incoluminitâtis Cice. Helthinesse safetie Incolumitatem salutem alicuius deserere Cic. To leaue ones life or good estate succourlesse Habere ab alequo incolumitatem Brutus Ciceroni Incolumitatem deditis polliceri Caesar Incolumitatem praestare Hirtius ad Cicer. Incolumitatem libertatem retinent ciuitates Cic. Incomitatus pe prod Adiectiuum Ci. Being without company alone Funera incomitata Lucret. Virtus incomitata externis bonis Ouid. Incomes mitis That hath no companyon or felow Incommicio aui are To commit such an offence for which he must be brought before an assemble of people Incommendatus pe pro. Adiect Ouid Not commended Incommodum huius incòmmodi n. ge pen. corr Cicero Damage hurt daunger displeasure discommoditie ¶ Nauigare incommodum est Ter. It is euill and daungerous to take the sea Non erat incommodum te nullam referre rationem Cic. It were not yll if you did make no account ¶ Nisi tibi in commodum est Plaut If it be not troublous and hurtfull to you ¶ Accedit in commodum Cic. Vide ACCEDO. Accipere incommodum Caes To take discommoditie Affici incommodo Cic. To haue discommoditie Incommodis difficultatibus affici Cic. Angi incommodis Plaut Cadit incommodum Cic. Vide CADO. Capere incommodum Cic. Multa senem circunueniunt incommoda Horat. Olde age is wrapped in many discommudities Committere incommoda sua legibus Cic. Commoueri te incommodo valetudinis tuae nolo Cicero With your sickenesse Conciliare incommoda alicui Lucrei To procure one hurt and displeasure Contrahi incommodis amici Ci. Vide CONTRAHO Conflictari incommodis Vide. Conflicto in CONFLIGO Debilitata multis incommodis veritas Cic. Dare incommoda Cic. To put to losse and discommoditie Incommodo detrimentóque suo dolore Cic. Facere suo incommodo aliquid Cice. To doe a thing with his hurt and discommoditie Ferre incommoda alicui Gice To hurt to doe displeasure to c. Incommoda atque iniurias viri omnes ferre Terent. To suffer paciently all the hurts and iniuries that hir husband doth to hir Plus adiumenti quàm incommodi habet locus Cic. More helpe then hinderance Importare incommodum Cic. Inuecta incommoda per aliquem Cic. Vide INVEHO Leniunt incommoda vitae commodorum compensatione sapientes Cic. Patiens incommodi Columel Reijcere diminuere deuitare incommodum Cic. Medicinam reperire incommodis Cic. Incómmodus pen. cor Adiectiuum Terent. Incommodious damageable hurtefull noyesome vngainefull vnhandesome vneasie Ain ' tu tibi hoc incommodum euenisse iter Ter. Incommodus Gratus contraria Cic. In commoda vxor importuna Plautus A troublou● and vnreasonable wife Rebus incommodis subleuare aliquem Cic. In aduersitie Incómmmode pen. cor Aduerbium Tere. Vncommodiously vnprofitably yll fauouredly vngainely nothing to ones pay or appetite vnhandesomely Optimè Incommodè contraria Cic. Non incommodé Colum. Accidisse mihi non incommodè visum est Cice. It seemed to me to haue hapned very well or not out of season Venire non incommodè ad aliquem Cic. To come to one in good season Incommodissimè nauigare Cic. Incommóditas pe cor incommoditâtis f. g. Plaut Incommoditie domage displeasure Incommoditate abstinere apud conuiuas Plautus Not to trouble or dysquiet men sitting at the table Incommoditas temporis Liu. Vnseasonablenesse or discommoditie of time Incómmodo incómmodas pen. cor incommodâre Terent. To hurt to doe displeasure to to hinder to disprofite to domage Quum ipsi nihil alteri scientes incommodarint Cic. Incommodatio onis f. g. Verbale pro Incommoditate Cic. Incompactum Vnioyned not well ioyned Incomparabilis hoc incomparabile pen. cor Plini Vncomparable that hath none like Doctissimum atque incomparabilem magistrum domi habeat Quint. Incompertus Adie Pli. Vnknowne not proued not tryed Incompertum aliquid dicere Liu. Vetustate incompertū Liu. So olde that it is not knowne Id vtrum parū ex interuallo sit cōspectum an dolus aliquis suspectus fuerit incompertum est Liu. It is vncertaine Qualis sit ea incompertum habeo Plinius I knowe not surely Incompositus pe co Adie Composito contrariū Li. Without order or aray out of fashion disordered nothing pretie Oratio incomposita Liu. An vnhandsome stile or oration Morbus incompositus Quint. Of vnseemely behauiour Incompositum agmen Liu. An armie out of aray a disordred armie Motus incōpositos dare Vir. To daunce without measure Pede incomposito currunt versus Horat. The verses runne vnhandsomely Incompósite pe cor Aduerb Liu. Disorderedly without aray Incomprehensibilis hoc incomprehensibile pe co Pli. iunior That can not be comprehended or numbred Incomprehensibilis natura Celsis Incomprehensibilis arenae prauitas Colum. Incomprehensibilia praecepta Quint. Incomptus Adiectiuum Cic. Not decked or trimmed Decor incomptus Senec. Capilli incompti Hor. Caput incomptum Hor. Inconcessus Adiectiuum à Concedo concedis Qu. Not graunted or giuen Totum ex primere penè homini inconcessum Quin. It is not all most giuen to man Voluptas inconcessa placet Ouid. Inconcilio inconcilias inconciliâre Pla. To set at discord or variance to to trouble Inconciliare sibi aliquem facere sibi inimicum Plaut To make one his backe friende Inconciliáte pen. prod Aduerbium Plaut Ill vnaduisedly Inconcinnus Adie Quod concinno contrariū est Gell. Vnmeete yll proportioned vnapt nothing fitte or pretie In aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus Cice. That eyther ordereth not his wordes well or is to full of talke in any kinde of thing Asperitas agrestis inconcinna Horat. Inconcínniter pe cor Aduerbiū Nothing properly or fearely Gel. Non inconcinniter Feately and with good grace Inconcussus Adiect Stat. Stable that will not be shak●● Inconditus penu corr In Condo compositum Plin. iiun out of order or fashion rude wearishe vnburied Inconditus turbidusue clamor Pli. iun. A confuse or troublous shoute or crie Inconditae blanditiae Plinius Flattering gestures without grace or dexteritie Incondita carmina Liu. Songs without grace or measure Incondita consuetudo dicendi Cic. Corpora incondita Lucan Bodies vnburied Inconditus fremitus Plin. A confuse noyse Genus dicendi inconditum Cicero A confuse kinde of
kept in duetie of a ciuile societie and obedience Regnum insociabile Tacit. Insociabilis omnibus Liu. Omni generi humano insociabiles erant Liu. They were such as woulde not be brought into the societie and fellowship of any kinde of men Insolabiliter pen. cor Aduerbium Horat. Without solace or comfort solitarily Insolatio Insolatus Vide INSOLO Insolens pen. cor huius insolentis om g. Donatus Not wont or accustomed haute arrogant presumptuous not taking it as he hath done Insolens vera accipiendi Sal. Not wont to heare the truth Insolens verbum Quint. A word not vsed of good authors Quorum sum ignarus atque insolens Cic. Of which things I am ignoraunt and nothing accustomed vnto Dellorum insolens Tacit. Not accustomed to warre Animus contumeliae insolens Tac. A mind not accustomed to be taunted Insolens infamiae Cic. ¶ Insolens Cic. Arrogant prowde haue insolent Victoria insolens superba est Cic. Exercitus insolens Horat. Fastidium insolens Cic. Prowde disdainfulnesse Insolens hostis Caesar A prowde enemie Laetitia insolens Horat. Vnmoderate or vnmeasurable ioy In●olens ostentatio Cic. Prowde auaunting or boasting Insolens in re aliena Ci. Prowde of an other mans substāce Ludus insolens Horat. Insolentissimus Superlatiuum Caelius ad Ciceronem Nomen insolentissimū Quint. A name of great arrogancie Insolenter Aduerbium Cic. Seldome not after the old wont Insolenter Arroganter superbè vt Insolenter se efferre Cic. Prowdely to auaunt himselfe Superbè insolenter Liu. Insolenter gloriari Cic. To glory or bragge insolently Insolenter arroganter Plin. Insolentia huius insolentiae f. g. Cic. Seldomenesse of vse in any thing vnhaunting of a place Insolētia sermonis Li. The straungenesse of talke or speeche Moueor etiam loci ipsius insolentia Cice. I am moued also with the newnesse or straungenesse of the place Insolentia voluptatum Cic. The straungenesse or vnwonted vse of pleasures ¶ Insolentia Cic. Pride arrogancie insolencie presumption lordinesse Ex arrogantia odium ex insolentia arrogantia Cic. Insolentiam iactationem hominum ferre Cic. Insolidum siue insolido pen. cor Seneca Wholy Debere insolidum pecuniam Iabolenus To owe the whole money Obligari insolidum Vlpian To be bounde for the whole Spondere in solidum Iulian. Insolidus pen. corr Adiectiuum Non solidus Not sounde or strong vt Insolidum robur Sen. Weake and feeble strength Insolitus pen. corr Adiect Virg. Vnwont not accustomed not vsed straunge Rarum insolitum Plin. iun. Seldome and straunge Clamor insolitus Stat. A straunge or vnwonted cry or noise Eloquium insolitum Horat. Rem insolitam apportare auribus Luc. To report a newe or straunge thing Insolita ratio dicendi Cic. A straunge maner of eloquence Insolita victoria Cic. Such a victorie as one hath not seene or heard of Insolitus ad laborem exercitus Caes An armie not wonted to labour Insolitas foeminas prodire cogis in conuentum Cic. Insolitus rerum bellicarum Salust Insólite pen. corr Aduerbium Gell. Straungely not as it was wont Insolo insólas pe prod insolâre Colum. To dry in the sunne to lay out in the sunne to bleache Insolâtus pen. prod Participium Colum. Sunned Insolati dies Colum. Faire sunnie dayes Insolatio onis f. ge Verbale Plin. A bleaching or laying in the sunne Insolubilis hoc insolubile pen. cor Ab in soluo Quint. ●nsoluble that can not be loosed vnbounde or vndone ¶ Insolubile beneficium Seneca A pleasure that can not be requi●ed Insolùtus pen. prod Adiectiuum Seneca Not paide Insomnium insomnij n. g. Cic. A raine dreame Falsa insomnia Virgil. Exercent rabidam truculenta insomnia mentem Sil. Vexant me insomnia Ouid. Insomnia ae f. g. Caecíl Watching Insomnis hoc insomne Tac. Without sleepe that watcheth alway that sleepeth not Noctem insomnem ducere Virg. Not to sleepe all night Oculi in somnes Stat. Insomniôsus pen. prod Adiectiuum Cato Troubled or vexed with dreames that dreameth much in sleeping Insono ínsonas pen. cor insónui insonare Lucan To sowne to play on a pipe or like instrument Calamis agrestibus insonat Ouid. Insons insontis om ge Li. Guiltlesse innocent without fault Regni crimine insons Liu. Guiltlesse in the crime of attempting a kingdome Insontes publici consilij Liu. Not partakers of the common counsaile Fraterni sanguinis insons Ouid. Not guiltie of his brothers death Amici insontis casum indignabar Virg. The case of my frend innocent and guiltlesse did much mooue me Casus insontes cremare Ouid. Insopitus pe pro. adiect Ou. Watchful not drousy or sluggish Insortitus pen. pro. Adiectiuum Sortito contrarium Plaut Inspectio Inspecto Inspectus Inspectatio Inspector c. Vide INSPICIO Insperans pen. prod Adiectiuum That hopeth or looketh not for a thing Insperante te atque inuito Terent. You not thinking of it and against your will Inspiranti mihi cecidit vt in istum sermonem dilaberemini Cicero I did not thinke that ye would haue slipped into this talke Insperâtus pen. prod Adiect Insperatum gaudium Ter. Not hoped or looked for sodaine Insperatū consiliū Ci. A counsaile that one thought not of Insperatum nec opinatum malum Cic. A sodaine mischiefe that one thought not on Insperata occasio Terent. An occasion little looked for Insperatae repentinaeue pecuniae Cic. Tellure insperata potiti Virgil. That are come to the lande which they little looked to haue come vnto Insperatissimus Superlatiuum Plaut Ex insperato Aduerb Plin. Otherwise then was hoped or looked for Insperabilis hoc insperâbile pen. corr Gell. That no man would hope or looke for past all hope Inspergo inspergis inspersi inspersum inspérgere To sprinckle or cast vpon Simul ac vinum insperseris Cic. Inspergere oleā sale Cato To sprinkle the oliue with salt Inspergere potioni Plin. To cast vpon the drinke Naeui inspersi egregio corpore Horat. Blemishes or faultes heere and there in an ex●ellent body Inspergendus Participium Columel Inspicio ínspicis pe cor inspexi inspectum inspírere EX IN SPECIO antiquo verbo compositum To looke in to beholde to view search or ouersee to consider throughly Inspicere marsupium Plaut To looke in his purse ¶ Inspicere To view to consider Cupio inspicere has aedes Plaut To behold and view Inspicere praediū Ci. To view or consider a ferme or maner Inspicere hominem propius Plin. iunior To consider the man more deepely Inspicere vitas hominum Terent. To behold and blew the liues of men Inspicere hortos Cic. Inspicere aliquem experimentis Colu. To assay and prooue by triall what maner of felow he is Fides inspicienda duro tempore Ouid. Inspicere sententiam alicuius Plaut Diligently to attende and consider what one meaneth Inspicere in speculum Plaut To looke in a glasse Inspectus Participium Looked on beholded Inspectae sunt apud portitores Plaut They were seene Inspecta omni re Plau.
Faint sicke afrayd idle lither Lāguidus vino vigilijsque Cic. Sicke with wine watching Aura languida Ouid. A soft winde Languida authoritas patrum facta est Plin. The authoritie of the nobles decayed and became of little estimation Languida cassis Mart. Ceruix languida Stat. Languido colore herba in candidum vergente Plin. Conuiua languidus Hor. Languidus ictus cui Creber opponitur Plinius de pulsu arteriarum A faynt pulse that striketh feebly Languidus ignis Plin. A fire burning faintly Lumina languida Catul. Pecus languida ad pastum Cic. A beast slow in eating of his meate Quies languida Virg. Semina nequitiae languidiora facit Ouid. Languidus succus Plin. Vina lāguidiora Hor. Weake wines that haue little strength Languidior homo Cic. A man slow and lither in doyng any thing Lânguide pen. cor Aduerb Colu. Febly faintly negligently idlely litherly without quicknesse or spirite Cunctanter languidè procedere Col. Languidius in opere versari Caes Languide dulcis Plin. Languídulus pen. cor Dîminut vt somni languiduli Catul. Languidulae coronae Quint. Langurium langurij Plin. A languet of amber like to a long beade stone Lanitium Lanifer Lanificus Lanificium Laniger Vide LANA Lanius lanij vel Lanio laniônis m. g. Cic. Liu. A butcher Lanièna laniénae f. ge pen. prod Plaut The flesh shambles or shop the slaughter house dismembring renting in pieces Lanionius Adiectiuum That belongeth to a butcher vt Mēsa lanionia Suet. A butchers bourde to cut meate on Lanio lanias laniâre Virg. To cut like a butcher to teare or rent in pieces to quarter or cut in pieces Laniare dentibus Liu. To teare with the teeth Tenues laniauit amictus Ouid. Lanium carnarium A slaughter house Capillos laniare Ouid. To teare his heare Crinem laniare Ouid. Corpus laniare Ouid. Membra sua laniare Ouid. Mundū laniant venti Oui. Tunicam laniare Ouid. Laniâtus pen. prod Participium Rent torne cut in pieces Capillos laniata Oui. That hath hir heare torne and rent Genas laniata Virg. Sinus laniata Ouid. Classis laniata Ouid. A ship broken Laniâtus huius laniátus m. g. pen. pro. Cic. A tearing a quartering a cutting in pieces Laniarium laniarij n. g. pro Laniena Varro A butcherie Lanista lanistae m. ge Cic. A maister of sword players he that taught fighting birdes a maister of fence Lanofus Vide LANA Lanoculus He that weareth wooll or a piece of cloth before his eyes Lanugo pen. prod lanuginis f. g. Col. The soft hearts or mo●●nesse in the visages of children or women also in fruites herbes as in Clarie c. the downe feathers in birdes c. Nulla tenéri sordent lanugine vultus Mart. Their visages are not defaced with any heare growing on thē they haue no beardes Comae graciles instar lanuginis Ouid. Fuscante lanugine malas Lucan Noua lanugo Ouid. Primae lanuginis aetas Ouid. Primae lanuginis anni Prop. The age when a yong hearde first beginneth Rara lanugo Plin. Ridens lanugo Claud. Rosea lanugine malae Stat. ¶ Mala cana tenera lanugine Virg. Cheekes hoare with soft heare Frondium lanugine vestiri Plin. To haue garmentes made of the mosinesse or cotton that groweth on leaues Molli lanugine abundans herba Lucr. ¶ Lanugo Colum. Saw dust or pouder comming of tymber bored or cut Lanuginôsus pen. pro. Adiect Mosie full of soft cotton vt Lanuginosa herba Plin. Full of soft cotton Lanuuini colei The stones of a mā couered w t soft heare Ci. Lanx lancis f. g. Plin. A dish a pottenger a ballance Caelata lanx Ouid. Grandis lanx Ouid. Pandae lances Virg. Brode dishes or platters Magna lanx Pers Lances Cic. The basens of a ballance Gemina iustum suspendere lance Pers Lapathum lápathi n. g. pen. cor Plin. The generall name of all kindes of sorell Lapathos f. g. Idem Lubrica lapathos Col. Herba breuis lapathi Hor. Cantherinum lapathum Vide CANTHERIVS Lapis lápidis pen. cor m. g. Plin. A stone a mill an hil a negligent person that stirreth not liuely in doyng Coniectus lapidum Lucret. A hurling of stones Lapis bibulus Virg. A pumish stone Clari lapides Hor. Lapis incusus Virg. A mill stone pecked and wrought Lubricus lapis Sen. Missiles lapides Liu. Molaris lapis Quint. A myll stone Nudus lapis Virg. Operarij lapides Vide OPVS Ordinarius lapis Vitru Osseus lapis Plin. Parius lapis Virg. White marble Pelluciduli lapidis deliciae Catul. ¶ Appetere lapidibus Vide APPETO Circunstruere lapidibus Plin. To lay stones round about Cooperire aliquem lapidibus Vide COOPERIO Lapidem ferre altera manu panē ostentare altera Plau. To beare a stone in one hand and bread in the tother To flatter before ones face and speake vnhappily behind his back Openly to shew himselfe a friend and priuily to play the enemy Iactare lapidem Virg. Iactu lapidum incessere aliquem Ouid. Incidere in lapidem Vide INCIDO Loqueris lapides Plaut Thy wordes kill me or beate out my braynes Candidiore lapide notare diem Catul. Obruere lapidibus Vide OBRVO. Lapidem verberare Plaut To lose his labour ¶ Lapidibus apud veteres miliaria signabantur id circo lapis quandoque pro miliario ponitur Vnde Ad quartū lapidem similia frequentissimè apud Liuium leguntur Foure miles of Et extra primum lapidem Bub. More then a mile from ¶ Lapis pro monte Virg. Quamuis lapis omnia nudus limosoque palus obducat pascua iunco Virg. De lapide empti Slaues vile persons bought in the market standing on a stone ¶ Lapidem hominem dicimus Ter. A slow felow that doth not bestirre him Quid stas lapis Ter. Lapideus Adiect Plaut Stony of stone harde like a stone Lapideus murus Liu. Lapidea duritia Plin. A stony hardnesse Lapideus imber Cic. A rayning of stones Lapideo imbri pluit Liu. It rayned stones Lapidósus pen. prod Adiect Plin. Stony full of stones harde lyke a stone Ager lapidosus Ouid. Lapidosa corna Virg. Hard as stones Panis lapidosus Sen. Ictus lapidosus grandinis Claud. Montes lapidosi Ouid. Lapidosum nitrum Plin. Lapidosis obruta pomis terra Col. Riuus lapidosus Ouid. Lapidosa terra Lapidosa loca Varro Col. Lapidarius Adiect Perteyning to stones vt Lapidariae latumiae Plaut Quarries of stone Lapidarius rij m. g. Subst Vlp. A digger of stones a mason Lapillus lapilli Diminut. Plin. A little stone a precious stone Attritus lapillus Vide ATTERO ¶ Lapilli Lapides pretiosi vt sūt gēmae margaritae Curtius Niue● lapilli Horat. Pearles Virides Hor. Smaragdes Peregrini lapilli Ouid. Lapicida lapicídae vel lapidicîda m. g. pen. prod A digger of stones in a quarrey Lapicidína lapicidínae pen. prod Cic. A quarrie of stones Lápido lápidas pen. cor Lapidâre Quintil. To strike or kill with stones to rayne stones Lapidata
Fortuna par duorum Ouid. Two hauing like fortune Par ingenium nactus Terent. Hauing got one of like nature to himselfe Virtuti Cn. Pōpei quae potest par oratio inueniri Cic. What wordes can be deuised sufficient to set out the worthinesse of Pompeis vertue Poena par delicto Ouid. Dignum solúmque par pretium tanti laboris Pli. iun. The condigne and onely worthy rewarde of so great a trauaile ¶ Pares cum paribus facillimè cōgregantur Cic. Like most readily gather in company vnto like Par coeat iungatúrque pari Horat. Nubere pari Ouid. To be maried to hir equall ¶ Parem esse Cicero To be able to resist forbeare or abide a thing Pares esse nostro exercitui non potuerunt Caes They could not be able or of suff●cient force to match with our armie Par laboribus corpus Quintil. A bodie able to susteyne labour Male merenti par erit Plau. He will requite him that doth a shrewde turne or render ill againe to him that doth ill Videto in tanto otio vt par mihi sis Cic. See that you being at so great leysure write as much to me as I doe to you ¶ Paria facere Senec. To make amendes to requite to doe one thing for another to serue one as well againe Also to make like match Sic paria faciemus illic tu eris vicarius meus ego hîc tuu● Quint. Par facere alij rei Cicero Infima summis paria fecit turbauit miscuit He made high and low all one Parem gratiam referre Terent. Worthily to requite Par referre Terent. To requite or render the like Par pari Plau. Like for like one for another an equal match Par pari datum Plaut One for another Par pari referre Terent. To requite to render the like Non desunt qui contendant legēdum Par pro pari referre Referre paria paribus Cic. Reddere paria in vtranque partem Vide REDDO. ¶ Par Pari respondere Plaut To answere the same wordes to say as much againe ¶ Par impar Sueton. Euen and odde Ludere par impar Horat. To playe at the game called euen and odde Parissimus superlatiuum formauit Plautus Párilis hoc párile pen. cor Lucret. Equall like Aetas parilis Ouid. Vox parilis Ouid. Parílitas pen. cor parilitâtis f. g. Gell. Likenesse Pario parias pariáui pariâre Vlpia To make an euen account of as much layde out as receyued to paye againe as much as one hath laide out Pariatio pariatiônis f g. Scaeuola Euennesse of account where as much is layde out as receyued Pariâtor pariatôris Paulus Hee that maketh such an euen account Para graecum idem quod apud Para Auis Vide PARRA Parabates A transgressor Parabasis Preuarication transgression Parabilis Vide PARO paras Parabolani Certaine ministers that might neuer go from the thing they had charge of Parabola pen. cor Quin. A comparison or resemblance a parable Paracentêsis An harde and painefull curing of the wounde by sowing or pricking Paracenterium An instrumēt wherwith such a cure is done Paracnemium mij n. g. The vttermost bone in the shanke of the legge Paracope Alienation of the minde Paraclesis pen. prod Exhortatio Latinè dicitur consolatio An exhortation a consolation or comforting Paracletus paracléti m. g. per e productam scribitur profertur A comforter Paráclytus paráclyti m. g. pen. cor per y scriptum A man defamed ill reported of that hath an yll name Paradelos The great daysie with a knoppe in the middes Paradigma paradígmatis pen. cor n. ge Latinè exemplum dicitur Iulius Rufinianus An example Paradisus huius paradisi pen. prod m. gen Paradise a garden Paradoxus Latinè admirabilis dicitur praeter opinionē inauditus vnde Paradoxa neut●o genere Cicer. Sentence straunge and contrary to the opinion of the most part Paradromis pen. corr paradrómidis foe gen Vitruuius An open gallery harbour or walke Paraenesis huius paraenesis pen. cor foem gen Praeceptio vel admonitio A precept conteyning an exhortation Paraeneticus Adiectiuum Praeceptorius vel admonitorius Conteyning such precepts or instructions Paragaudes quae Paragaudae dicūtur Trebellius Pollio A certaine kinde of shirtes peticotes linnen vestures vsed vnder other garments Paragogia A place through the which water runneth Paragra ▪ he A marke or note in the margent Paragraphus A paragraffe Paralia A kinde of pitch Paralipomenon Left out and not spoken which ought to haue bene spoken or written Paralius A kinde of parge called Esula Plin. Parallelus paralléli pe prod aequaliter distans A quo lineae aequè distantes parallelae dicuntur Lines in the sphere of the worlde equally distant by whiche the sunne passing causeth variation in howers of the day Paralysis huius parálysis pen. cor f. g Cic. The disease called the Pal●ey which is a resolution of the sinewes eyther of the whole body sauing the head eyther of some part or partes with losse of mouing of sense or of both It procedeth of multitude of grosse humors hurting the sinewes or the rootes of them and prohibiting the spirite animall to haue his course sometime of a stroke colde or some other externall cause Paralyticus pen. cor Plin. That hath the palsey Paranites A certaine precious stone Plin. Paranymphus He that in matrimony tooke the signe of good luck● or fortune for the mans part She that was on the womans part was called Pronuba Parangariae Vide ANGARIA Parapechium chij n. gen A light cloke Also a bone in the arme called Radius Paraphrosine A kinde of phrenesie Parapherna parapherno●um n. gen Vlpianus Graeci parapherna dicunt quae Galli peculium appellant All thinges that the woman bringeth to hir husbande beside hir dowry Paraphrasis huius paráphrasis pen. cor foe gen Quintil. An exposition of a thing in many wordes Paraphrastes paraphrastae He that interpreteth a thing at large and not worde for worde Pararius ▪ Seneca A broker that procureth a thing at large Pararium aes Double wages giuen to horsemen Parasanga parasangae Plin. A measure of ground conteining xxx furlongs or as some write fiftie Parasceue parascéues pen prod foe gen A preparation● also good friday Parasitus parasíti m. g. pen. prod Terent. One that to fill his belly speaketh alway to the appetite of him at whose table he is a sm●ll feast a parasite a belly friende a flatterer Assentatio parasitorum Cic. Edaces parasiti Horat. Parasita parasítae pen. prod foem gen Horat. Parasítor pen. prod parasitatis parasitári Plaut To play the parasite to holde vp ones yea or nay for a dinner or supper Parasitaster parasitastri m. g. Terent. He that counterfeyteth to be a parasite Parastades Stones susteyning both sides of y e dore y e Iambes Parastasis Assistence proofe by witnesse Parastatae Certaine stones set to or about a piller by likenesse whereof the spindle bone in the shanke is so called Also the conduties by
bicause he is angry Permittere omnia iudicio alterius Ter. To put himselfe to ones iudgement and suffer the whole matter to be tried by him Facere coniecturam iudicibus ipsis permittam Cice. I will commit to the iudges themselues to be coniected Inimicitias cum aliquo susceptas Reipub. permittere Cice. For the common weales sake to giue ouer the enmitie that he hath with one Qui eandem licentiam scribendi sibi permitti volunt Cic. Quae patria hunc permittit morem Virg. Totum negotium alicui permittere Cicer. To commit the whole matter to one Omnia alicui permittere Cicer. To put all into ones handes to doe as he will Potestate alicui permittere Cic. To giue one leaue or authoritie Vendendi potestas lege permittitur Cic. Committere fidei alicuius Permittere potestati aliquē Cicero Precibus alicuius permittere aliquid Stat. At the contemplacion of ones prayers to graunt Permittere vela ventis Quintil. To take the sea to aduenture into the sea Sententijs iudicum vitam alicuius permittere Cic. ¶ Permittitur pen. cor Impersonale Plinius Si coniectare permittitur Permissus Particip. Liu. Permitted suffered Potestas permissa illis Lucan Licence graunted them Permissum est lege Cic. It is by law permitted Vti permisso Horat. Permissus huius permissus in singulari numero quartae declinationis est in plurali secundae Permissa Permissorum Cic. Sufferance permission licence graunt Permissu tuo Cic. Permissûrus pe prod Particip. Cicero Vt facias quod vis tibi permissurus sum I will permit and suffer thee Permissio onis foe gen Verb. Liu. Permission sufferance Grata mansionis permissio Cic. Permodestus Adiect Cic. Very modest and demure Sensus permodestus Tac. Permodicus pen. cor Adiectiuum Very little Permodic● Aduerbium Columel Very moderately in very small portions Permolestus Adiect Cic. Very grieuous Permolestè Aduerb Cic. Vrey grieuously Permoueo pérmoues pe cor permóui permotum pe pro. permouêre Cic. To mooue or striue greatly to anger Aures duras permouimus precibus Claud. Ira vel luctu permouere Quint. Adduci permoueri re aliqua Caesar To bee perswaded and greatly mooued with a thing Vehementer permoueri Cic. Miseratione mens iudicum permouenda est Cic. Permotus iracundia dolore metu Cic. In a great passion of anger sorow feare Lachrymis permotus Stat. ¶ Permotus mente Cic. Madde out of his wit Mare permotū ventis Lucr. The sea troubled with windes Permotio onis f. g. Verbale Ci. A motion or great moouing Permotio animi Cic. Mentis permotione magis quàm natura haec sentimus Ci. Permulceo permulces permulsi permulsum permulctum permulcêre Ci. To appease asswage or mittigate to please to delight to stroke softly Ter manu permulsit eum Ouidius He stroked him gently with his hande thrise Permulcere atque allicere Cic. To delight and allure Solatia vitae permulcent animos Lucret. Arterias leni voce permulcere Author ad Heren Prauis voluptatibus aures assistentium permulcere Quint. To please and delight the eares of hearers with c. Sonus numerus permulcent aures Cice. Tune and measure delight the eares Colla draconum permulsit Ouid. Corda furentum permulsit Sil. Permulcere iras Liu. To mittigate and asswage anger Iucunditate permulcere Quint. With a great pleasantnesse to delight Permulcere atque tractare plebem Liu. With gentle handling to mittigate the people Sensum voluptate qui permulcet pellit Cic. Permulceri voluptate laetissima Col. Permulcens Participiū Gently stroking vt Membra permulcens Sil. Candida permulcens liquidis vestigia lymphis Catul. Washing hir white feete with water Permultus Adiectiuum Very much or many Cicero Sunt permulti optimi viri qui c. There be very many c. Imitatores principium permulti existunt Ci. In faciem permulta iocatus Horat. Vsing many scoffes to his face Permultò Aduerbium Very much Cicero Quum permulto clariora certiora esse dicat quae c. Permultùm Aliud aduerbiū Cicero Mihi profecisse permultùm videtur He seemeth to me to haue much preuayled Permultùm interest vtrū perturbatione aliqua animi c. Cic. There is great difference whether c. Permundus Adiect Var. Very cleane and pure Permunio permúnis pen. pro permuníui permûltum pen. prod permunîre Liuiu To fortifie strongly to finish the fortification that one hath begonne Permunîtus penul prod Participium Liu. Strongly fortified fensed rounde about Permuto permútas pen. prod permutâre Marti To change one thing for another to barter Lien cum iecinore locum aliquando permutat Plin. The splene sometyme chaungeth place with nomina Inter vos permutastis Plaut Permutare in contrarium Plin. O atque u permutatae inuicem Quint. O and v one chaunged for another Permutare pretio vel merce Plin. To change for money or for merchandise to barter Permutare aliquid aere alieno alicuius Plin. Dominos permutare Horat. Domos permutare Claud. Fauorem permutare odijs Claud. Permutare pecuniam Cicero To exchaunge money wyth bankers Permutare pecuniam Athenas Cic. To sende money to exchaunge to Athens ¶ Permutare Rempub. Cic. To trouble and alter the state of the common weale Ita pertui batum itaue permutatum est Cic. Permutare Plin. To buie for money Permutatio onis foe g. Verbale Cicer. Exchaunge bartring chaunging of one thing for another Pecunia accipitur quae mihi ex publica permutatione debetur Cic. Magna rerum permutatione impendente declinaui paululum Cic. Perturbare literas varia permutatione Quint. Perna pernae foe gen Pers Pli. A pestill or a gammond of bacon a legge of an hogge Sus castrandra suspenditur pernis prioribus Pli. A sow that must be splayed is hanged vp by the fore legges Debilis perna Stat. Fumosa Hor. ¶ Ab huius similitudine perna etiam piscis dicitur ex concharum genere Plin. A kinde of shell fishe ¶ Perna etiam in arboribus dicitur Plin. Pernauigo pernáuigas pen. cor pernauigâre Plin. To sayle or passe through by shippe Pernecessarius Adiect Cic. Very necessary or needefull Pernecessarius Cic. Very familiar a great friende Pernego pérnegas pen. cor pernegâre Ter. To deny stifely and vtterly Etiam fatetur de hospite TE imò pernegat Plaut Traditum à se aliquid pernegare Cic. ¶ Pernegâtur Impersonale Cicero Itaque illo tempore ac primo istius aduentu pernegatur Perneo pernes pernéui pernêtum pernêre pe prod Mart. To spinne out the threade to the ende Pernicies pernicié● f. gen Death great domage destruction vndoing Leno pernicies communis adolescentium Ter. Pernicies tempestas barathrumue macel●i Hor. V●ni pernicies lymphae Catul. Labes pernicies prouinciae Cice. One that greatly dishonesteth and hurteth the countrie Pernicies Reipub. exitium vrbis Cice. The destruction of the common weale and vndoyng of the city Citra pernici●m Plin. Cum
prosequar longius Cic. I will not speake any further of that matter Haec difficiliora esse ad prosequendum videntur Cic. Prosequi vsque ad extremum Sen. ¶ Prosequi atque imitari antiquitatem Vide IMITOR ¶ Prosequi aliquem To shewe affection towarde one Prosequi cibos voluptate carentes blandioribus alloquijs dicuntur medici Pli. iun. To vse gentle pleasant words when they minister any bitter meates Amore prosequi Cic. To loue Prosequi aliquem beneficijs Cic. To doe pleasures or benefites to one Oportunitatē mortis illius beneuolentia potius quàm misericordia prosequamur Ci. Let vs rather loue then pitie Dicto improbum factum prosequi Colu. To speake as knauishly as he hath done naughtily Eum bona existimatio vsque ad rogum prosequatur Ci. Let a good name continue with him euen to his death Fletibus natos Letitia defunctos prosequuntur Quin. They weepe when they be borne and are ioyfull when they die Prosequitur eos honos amicorum Cic. Their friendes show them much honor at their death or departing or doth honor them after their death Impudentia prosequi Cic. To be impudent towarde one Lachrymis prosequi mortuos Liu. To lament for them that be deade Prosequi lamentis lachrymisue aliquos tanquam extinctos Liu. Laudibus prosequi Liu. To praise Laudes alicuius ad cantū prosequi Ci. To sing ones praises Libello prosequi memoriam alicuius Pli. iun. To make mention of one in a booke Memoria prosequi Quint. To remember to cunne by hart Alicuius virtutem grata memoria prosequi Ci. Thankfully to remember Memoria immortalitatis prosequi aliquorum gloriam dicuntur literae Ci. When one wryteth a mans praises to hys perpetuall memorie Mentionem alicuius cum honore summo prosequi Pli. iun. To speake very honorablie of one to make mention of one with woordes of much honor Officijs omnibus aliquem prosequi Ci. To doe all pleasures possyble to one Liberaliter aliquem prosequi oratione Caes To speake very curteously and liberally to one at his departure Ordinem rerum prosequi Ci. To folow the order of things Memoriam alicuius plausu clamore prosequi Ci. To clap and shoute for ioy when one is spoken of Praemio prosequi Colum. To rewarde Si spes ea non est que nos proficiscentes prosequebatur C. If there be not that hope which we had at our departing Stylo prosequi rationem munificentiae Pli. iun. To wryte of Prosequi aliquem verbis honorificis Cic. To speake very honorably to one Prosequi aliquem verbis Cic. With sharpe woordes to rate Verbis vehementioribus aliquem prosequi Ci. To chide or rebuke sharpely Versu prosequi pascua Virg. In verses to describe Voto suffragio prosequi aliquem Plin. iun. To beare one good will and helpe him with his voyce Proserpo proserpis proserpsi proserptū proserpere Pla. To crepe or slide forth like a serpent to spread by little and little Proserpit herba Plin. Proseuche proseuches vel Proseucha proseuchae foem ge Iuuenal A place where beggers doe craue their almes Proserpinaca The herbe Polygonon Prosferari To be obtained Nonius Prosicium cij neut gen That is cut of and cast away Fest Prosilio prósilis pen. cor prosilui prosilíui prosílij prosi●tum prosilîre Virg. To leape forth Repentè prosilire Cic. Temerè prosilire Cic. Quum à sede prosiluisset Liu. When he had leaped out of his throne Ex tabernaculo prosiluit Liu. In campos prosilit Stat. In freta prosilit attonito pede Valer. Flac. In concionem prosiliunt solicitant plebis animos Liu. They get them quickly into the assemble c. In altitudinem prosilite dicuntur frutices Colum. To grow vp in heigth Stratis prosiluit Vale. Flac. Toris altis prosilit Valer. Flac. Acies prosiliunt Lucan Prosiliunt lachrymae Martial Teares burst forth Natura vaga prosiliet fraenis remotis Horat. Scintillam subitò prosiluisse ferunt Ouid. Prosilit inde spuma pinguis Plin. Prosimurium A place without the walles of Rome where the bishops of the gentiles made their demnations Prosocer pen. cor prosoceri masc gen Plin. iun. Ouid. My wifes fathers father Prósocrus huius prósocus pen. cor foem gen Modestinus My wifes graundmother Prosodia prosódiae foem gen pen. cor Latinè accentus dicitur Gell. The arte of accenting Prosopopoeia ad verbum dicitur personae fictio Quintil. A faining of a person to speake Prospecto prospectas Prospectus c. Vide PROSPICIO Prosper próspera prósperum p. cor That giueth prosperitie That receiueth prosperitie Prosperous Acies prospera Tacit. Exitus prosper Cic. A luckie ende Fama prospera Tacit. A good report or name Fatum prosperius Ouid. Vti prospero flatu fortunae Cicer. To haue good successe to haue fortune fauour hym Prospera fortuna Hor. Prospera aduersa fortuna Ci. Prosperitie and aduersitie Lux prospera Ouid. A luckie day Sors Catullus Successus prosperos dare Liu. To giue good successe Tempora prospera Claud. Frui terra prosperiore Ouid. Verba prospera Ouid. ¶ Valetudo prospera Suet. Good health Prósperus etiam dicitur Cic. Prospéritas pen. cor prosperitâtis foem gen Cic. Prosperitie good fortune good successe in things Improborum prosperita●es secundaeue res Cic. Prosperitatem vitae à dijs habemus Cic. Próspere pen. cor Aduerbium Cicer. Prosperously as we woulde haue it or wishe it Euenire prosperé Cic. Fortuna prosperè functus Cic. Próspero prósperas pe cor prosperâre Liu. To giue prosperitie to make prosperous to giue successe to Consilia Reipublicae prosperare Tacit. Prospergo prospergis prospersi prospersum prospérgere Idem quod Aspergere Tacit. To sprinckle abroade Prospicio próspicis pen. cor prospexi prospectum prospícere To see farre to foresee to prouide to beware To see to looke or see ●o to prouide or shift for to see and prouide a remedie agaynst that might else haue chaunced Parum oculi prospiciunt Terentius Mine eyes be not verie cleare of sight I doe scant see from me Prospicit à tergo Ouid. Ab rupe prospicere Virg. To stande on a rocke and looke Ad agentem ex turba prospexit Quintil. He being in the thronge or companie looked towarde him doing c. Ex specula prospicere Cic. Facile erat ex castris C. Trebonij prospicere in vrbē Caes A man might easilye looke out of Trebonious campe into the citie Prospicere per vmbram Virgil. To see through the shadow or darcke Nec oculis prospicio satis Plaut Mine eyes doe not serue me well ¶ Prospicere Terentius To foresee to take heede to beware c. Futura prospiciunt Cic. In annum prospicere Varro To foresee or prouyde for an yeare before Prospicere in posterum Cicero To prouide for the tyme to come Longè in posterum futura prospicere Cic. In dextrum prospicere Quint. Rightly to foresee Prospicere animo Cic. In mynde to foresee Longè animo
Plaut To bring into the way againe ¶ Frondosa reducitur aestas Virg. Amicitiam errantem reducere Pli. iun. To bring friendship againe where it was broken Amorem scelerum reduxit Lucan He brought againe the loue of wicked doing ¶ Animum alicuius ad misericordiam reducere Teren. To reduce ones minde to pitie ¶ Ad colorem reducere cicatrices Plin. To make scarres to haue their naturall colour againe Ad vitae concilium reducere Sen. In pristinam concordiam distractos reducere Balbus Cic. To reconcile and bring at one those that be fallen out to make them friendes againe Aura reducit diem Virg. Ad diuitias reducere Plaut Variè multipliciter ad etymum verba reducere Quint. Exemplum reducere Plin. iun. To bryng in the example againe Exules reducere Cic. To bring home banished men againe Febrim reducere Horat. In gratiam reducere Cic. To reconcile to make friendes In gratiam cum aliquo reduci Cic. To be made at one with one Aurora reducit lucem Ouid. Fortuna iterum reduxit luctus Claud. Libertatem reuocare ac reducere Pli. iun. To bring againe and restore libertie Ad maciem reducere obesum corpus Plin. To make a fat●e or grosse body to be very leane In memoriam reducere Cic. To bring to remembraunce Intermissum iam diu morem reducere Plin. iun. To renew and bring vp a fashion that hath long bene left A morte aliquem reducere Virg. Passus reducere Valer. Flac. To recule or go backe Ad planum reducere cicatrices Plin. To heale scarres so that they be not seene Somnum reducere Horat. Spem mentibus anxijs reducere Horat. To put carefull mindes in hope againe Ad salutem reducere aliquem medicina Cic. To restore to health againe ¶ Nemo haec ita interpretetur tanquam reducam liberalitatem fraenis arctioribus reprimam Sen. Let no man take these things to be so spoken as though I woulde restraine liberalitie and bridle it shorter ¶ Redduco duplicid propter carmen Lucret. Redúcens Particip. vt Sinum nitidum reducens Catul. Opening or discouering hir faire breastes Reductus Aliud Participium Brought backe or safe brought againe vt Reductus in gratiam Cic. Reconciled or brought againe in fauour Reductus de exilio Cic. Restored from banishment Virtus est medium vitiorum vtrinque reductum Hor. Vertue is a meane betweene two extreame vices ¶ Inque sinus scindit sese vnda reductos Virg. The water deuideth and turneth it selfe in maner of a goulfe Vallis reducta Virg. A secret valley a great way in Reductio onis f. g. Verbale Ci. A bringing home againe Reductor toris Aliud verb. mas Liu. He that bringeth againe Redux reducis pen. cor om g. Cic. That is retourned againe safe from exile or daunger Tu sola reducem me in patriam facis Terent. Thou onely makest me returne againe into my countrey Carina redux Ouid. A ship returned from hir voyage ¶ Reduces Plin. They that bring home againe Reduces choreae Mart. Great companies bringing home any great personage Redulcero redúlceras pen. cor redulcerâre Col. To renew a sore to begin to make sore againe Reduncus Adiectiuum contrarium est Adunco Plin. Crooked backewarde or contrariwise Rostrum reduncum Ouid. Redundo redundas redundâre pen. prod Ex re vnda cōpositum Cic. To ouerflow to reflow or returne backe to redounde to be so full that it runneth ouer Si lacus Albanus redundasset Cic. Had ouerflowne or risen aboue the bankes Gutture fac pleno sumpta redundet aqua Ouid. Redundat pituita Cic. Fl●ugme superfluously aboundeth Forum sanguine redundauit Cic. The common place swam wyth bloude Hesterna coena redundare Pli. iun. To be ouercharged with the supper that they had eaten the day before Omnibus ornamentis redundare C. To haue all ornaments of honour abundantly Eloquio redundare Claud. Vno digito redundare Cic. To haue one finger to many Deesse redundare contraria Cic. Sera redundauit veteris vindicta libelli Ouid. Oratio redundat Cic. Wordes abounde in the stile superfluously Quantum ex eo redundarit Cic. Quod redundaret de vestro frumentario quaestu Cic. That was ouerplus of your gaine gotten by corne Infamia redundat ad amicos Cic. The infamie redoundeth to ones friendes Redundat ad meum aliquem fructum haec laus Cic. Thys praise redoundeth to my profite Hoc facinus in tuum redundabit caput Plaut This mis●●ieuous act will turne to thy owne perill Sed quid fiet si haec elapsa de manibus nostris in eum annum qui consequitur redundarint Cicero Shall fall or breake out the next yeare folowing In genus authoris miseri fortuna redundat Ouid. Si scelus est in me commissi poena redundet Ouid. Let the punishment for the offence light or fall on me or redounde to me Redundans Participium siue Nomen ex participio vt redundans humor Cic. An humour superfluously abounding Redundantes nos superfluentes iuuenili quadam dicendi licentia repressit Ci. Abounding and being superfluous in our stile through an youthfull libertie in wordes Redundanter Aduerbium Plin. iun. Superfluously Redundâtus p. pro. Particip. That aboundeth or runneth ouer Ouidius Amne redundatis fossa mādebat aquis The ditch or trench was full of water that ranne out ouer the riuer Redundatio onis f. g. Verbale Plin. To much abounding an ouerflowing Redundatio stomachi Plin. Vomiting of the stomacke being ouerloded Redundantia redundantiae f. g. Cic. Superfluitie Reduuiae Vide REDIVIA Refectio Refectus Vide REFICIO Refello refellis refelli refellere Ex re fallere Teren. To refell to prooue false to reprooue of falshoode to confute that is obiected to shewe by reason and argument that it is false that one sayth Quum tu horum nihil refelles Terent. Fortunam refellere Stat. Sensus non possunt refelli Lucret. Refello Approbo contraria Quint. Refellere aliquem Cic. To confute ones opinion Ita viuunt quidam vt eorum vita refellatur oratio Cicero Some men so liue that their wordes and talke is reproued with their owne life Refellere dicta alicuius Cic. Mendacium alicuius refellere coarguere Cic. Opprobria non possunt refelli Ouid. Refellere testimonia testes tabulas Cic. To refell or confute the depositions of witnesses c. Refercio refercis referci refertum refercîre Ex re farcio compositum Cic. To fill agayne to replenishe to stuffe in harde togither Complere refercire Ci. Referserunt omnia libris Cic. Haec quae coarctauit perangustè refersit in oratione sua dilatet nobis atque explicet Cic. Superstitione vitam hominum refercire Cic. To fill c. Refercire hominum aures sermonibus Cic. To fill mens eares wyth babbling and talkyng Refertus Participium siue nomen ex Participio Full replenished stuffed vt Refertae suauitate literae Cic. Very pleasant and delectable letters Plenus ac
or qualifie one that is greatly moued wyth vs. Verba alicuius restinguere Terent. To qualifie ones fierce woordes Restínctus Participium Quenched put out appeased stinted vt Restinctum bellum Ci. No more mention made of warre warre no more spoken of Restincta est seditio Cic. Stayed or ended appeased Vapor restinctus omnis Virg. Restinctio onis f. g. Verb. Cic. A quenching or putting out Restio stiui stire To be ready to be sowne ploughed or diged Restipulor pen. cor restipulâris restipulári Ci. To make answere in the lawe to lay in a pledge or gage to answere in the lawe to make aunswere to an action taken against vs by waging the lawe Restipulátio restipulatiônis f. g. Verbale Cic. An aunswering to an action taken against vs by waging the lawe or laying in a gage Restis huius restis f. g. in accusatiuo restem vel restim Plin. An halter or corde a rope of onyons a bunch of garlike Sparteae restes Colum. Ropes made of Spartum ¶ Ad restim mihi quidem res redijt planissimé Ter. I am nowe come to the state that I may go hang my selfe ¶ Restis alliorum Plin. A bunch or rope of garlike ¶ In saltatione restim ducere dicuntur chori puerorū puellarumue manus conserti Ter. Restio onis m. g. A roper also he that hangeth himselfe Restícula pen. cor Diminutiuum Var. A little corde Restículus Aliud diminutiuum Idem Vlp. Restito Vide RESTO Restituo restítuis restítui restitùtum pen. pr. restitúere Ex re statuis compositum Ter. To restore or yeelde agayne to repayre or make againe Restitue in quem me accipisti locum Ter. Set me againe in that state thou foundest me Nobis restituit locum Ter. Oppida vicosue quos incenderant restituere iussit Caes He commaunded them to restore againe c. vt suis Restituam ac reddam Ter. That I may restore and yeelde hir againe to hir friendes ¶ Restituere aliquem Curt. To pardon one of his fault and restore him to his dignitie againe ¶ Corruptum adolescentem restituere Plaut To refourme and bring to good fashion againe a yong man that is corrupted Rem perditam restituere Ter. To restore a matter that is past hope Eijcere aliquem Restituere contraria Cic. In antiquum statum restitui Cic. A limine mortis restituere aliquem Catul. To bring one againe from deaths doore Fores effractas restituere Ter. To repaire and make new againe a dore that is broken open ¶ Restituere aedes Ci. To repaire a house or make it vp new againe Aciem restituere Liu. To repaire and gather togither an armie againe Animum alicui restituere Liu. To bring stomack or courage to one againe In bona paterna restitui Papian Restitue nobis aliquando veterem tuam illam calliditatē Ci. Shew thy selfe once at the length to be a crafty foxe as thou wast wont to be afore time Turbatas comas restituere Ouid. Damnatum restituere Ci. To set one condemned in his former state againe In pristinam dignitatem restituere Ouid. Dies nulla potest igne extinctos restituere Ouid. Fraudata restituere Caes To restore againe that we haue deceyued men of In gaudium restituere Plaut To make ioyous and glad againe In gratiam restituere Ci. To bring in fauour againe Me cum C. Caesare reducit recōciliat restituit in gratiā Ci. In honorem Tribunitium restituere Caes Imperium Populo Rom. restituere Plin. In integrum restituere Ci. To restore into his first estate as well as euer it was Ius restituere creptum Ouid. In locum antiquum gratiae honoris restituere Caesar To bring againe into the same state of estimation and honour that he was woont to be afore time In locum restituere vnde quis decidit Cic. To set againe Nomem suum alicui restituere Caes Veteri patientiae aliquem restituere Ta. To restore or bring againe to the olde obedience In possessionem restituere Cic. Praelium siue pugnam restituere Liu. To renewe the battayle againe a freshe Rem restituere alicui Cic. Reipublicae restitui Ci. To be set againe in the same state in his countrie that he was before his banishment Sanitatem restituere sanitati Pli. To make one whole to restore to helth Se restituere ac reuiuiscere Var. Restitui sibi dicuntur vina Pl. To be brought againe to their olde taste after they had lost it Restituere ex toto Cel. To restore wholy Visum restituere Plin. Restituendus Participium Ouid. Restitútio onis f. g. Verbale Quint. Restitution a restoring Restitutio damnatorum Cic. Restitûtor pen. prod to●is m. g. Aliud verbale Cic. A restorer a bringer againe Restitútorius Adiectiuum That pertaineth to restoring vt Iudicium restitutorium Caius Actio restitutoria Vlpi. An action for restitution Interdictum restitutorium Vlp. Resto restas réstiti réstitum pe co restâre Personaliter vel impersonaliter sumi videtur To remaine to tary to abide to stande still to withstande to striue against Personaliter Plaut Duo restabant fata Two destinies remayned Quae ei sola in malis restiterunt Cic. De viginti restabam solus Ou. Of twenty I onely remained Duae noctes restant de mense secundo Ouid. ne causa vlla restet reliqua Quin tua Philumena ad te redeat Ter. Qui vnus relictus ex illorum nefaria caede restat Cic. Haec tibi reliqua pars est hic restat actus Cic. Hoc nunc restat CH. quid CL. Syro ignoscas volo Terentius Restabat aliud nihil nisi oculos pascere Terentius There remayned nothing but onely to feede the eyes Quid restat nisi porrò c. Ter. Nihil ei restabat praeter balnearea Cic. Vnum restat amico nostro ad omne dedecus vt Domitio non subueniat Cic. To procure extreame shame and dishonour to our friend their remayneth nothing but this one to leaue Domitius succourlesse ¶ Restat Impersonaliter Cicer. Restat etiam de Chaldaeis sed c. Restat vt his respondeam Cice. It remayneth for me to aunswere those men ¶ Restare Ter. To abide or stay In Africa restitit Cic. He stayed in Afrike Ratio nulla est restandi Lucret. Ad catilinam recipiendam Romae restiterunt They abode still at Rome c. ¶ Restare Terent. To striue against In qua re nunc tam confidenter restas stulte Ter. In what thing doest thou nowe withstande me or striue against me so stubburnly foolish felow that thou art Restans Participium Silius Nunc in restantes mucronem cominus vrget At those that resist Claustra restantia soluit Sil. Dona restantia flammis Virg. Giftes of those thinges that were saued out of the fire Réstito réstitas pen. cor restitâre Frequentatiuum Plautus Ter. To stagger to stop often to drawe backe to struggle Restitator pen. prod totis m. ge Verbale Bud. One that is restiffe a staggerer or drawer backe Restringo restringis
optimo iure eam prouinciam obtinuerit Ci. The Senates pleasure is that Cassius haue the gouernement of the prouince of Syria and that wyth as ample preemynence and good title as any man hath had it before time Vtilis Vtilitas Vtiliter Vide VTOR Vtinam pen. cor Aduerbium optantis Tere. Would to god Vtinam Deus ita faxit Terent. God graunt it may be so Vtinam saluti nostrae consulere possimus Cic. I woulde to god we might c. O vtinam tunc quum Lacedaemona classe petebat c. Ou. Heri dicebas te in Tusculanum venturum quod vtinam iterum vtinam tuo tamen commodo Cic. Vtique pen. cor Aduerb affirmandi Quint. Like as verily Tertiam si vtique bellum placeat diem locúmque constituant vbi secum armis decernant Liu. ¶ Si continentia virtus vtique abstinentia Qui. If continencie be a vertue abstinence is so likewise Sol colorat non vtique qui est coloratus à sole est Quin. The sunne maketh one haue a taunie colour and yet euery one that hath a taunie colour is not so made by the sunne Annum quidem vtique teneto Cic. Illud vero vtique scire cupio Cic. And this truely I am desirous to know Vtique ad me tabellarios mittas Cic. Quod censeas mihi faciendum vtique scribito Cic. Quo die venies vtique cum tuis apud me sis Cice. Be you and your company with me at my house that day that you shall come Vtor vteris pen. cor vsus sum vti Cic. To vse to be conuersant or familiar with one to occupie to take profite of Quibus ego nunc non vtor Cic. Vtor accusatiuo iunctum Plaut Caetera quae volumus vti Graeca mercamur fide Nihil te vtor Plaut I will haue nothing to doe with thee Nunquam te aequo vsus sum Cicer. I coulde neuer yet find thee indifferent or reasonable towarde me ¶ Vti aliqua arbore carboni Pli. To vse a tre to make coles ¶ Vti aliquo familiariter Ci. To haue great familiaritie and acquaintaince with one to vse one as his familiar friend Vti aliquo plurimum Cic. To vse ones familiaritie or helpe and seruice in things very much ¶ Mihi docere videbaris istius generis humanitatem qua quidem nihil vtor abs te Cicer. You seemed to teach that kinde of gentlenesse which I finde not in you when I haue any thing to doe Aliqua re ad faciendum aliquid vti Cic. Vti aliqua re contra se Seneca ¶ Familiariter amicitia alicuius vti Quint. Vti bene vel malè amicitia alicuius Plaut Nimis stultè amicis vtere Plau. You do to fondly abuse your friendes Nostra vtere amicitia vt voles Terent. Mage amico vtuntur gnato beneuolo Plaut Thy sonne loueth and fauoureth them the better Mihi si vnquam filius erit nae ille facili me vtetur patre Terent. Truely he shall finde me a very gentle and gracyous father to him Placatis his vtor Cic. They be now my fryends they be now at one with me Eo velim tam facili vti possem tam bono in me quàm Curio Cic. I woulde I coulde finde him so gentle and so friendly towarde me as Curio doth Dementer amoribus vsa Ouid. Amore vti surreptio Plaut To loue secretly Aquis frigibus vti Cels Aura vti dicuntur naues Caes To haue a good winde Balneo vti Cels Bene vti re aliqua Quint. Benignis vti aliquibus Cicer. To finde men courteous and liberall towarde him Bestijs vti immanioribus Cic. To haue wilde beastes more cruell towarde vs. Malè vti bonis eloquentiae Quint. To abuse c. Hoc Cicero atque Asinius certatim sunt vsi Quinti Cicero and Asinius vsed this in such sort as they might seeme to contende who might vse it most or best Commodis vti Cic. Consilio vti Caes To follow a counsaile Criminatione in aliquem vti Cic. Defensore aliquo vti Cic. To haue one as his defender Disciplina vti Plaut To be of any schoole or learning Vix equo propter aetatem poterat vti Caes He was scant able to ride for age Exemplis grandibus vti in paruis Ouid. Vti fide ●enonia Plaut To be of as true dealing as baudes are woont to be Fide praesidio alicuius vti Cic. To vse ones faithfulnesse and helpe Fortunâ vti Virg. To take fortune when she fauoureth Vti foro Terent. To behaue himselfe according to the time Homine aliquo ad furta vti Cice. To vse ones helpe in stealing and robbing Homine aequo vti Ci. To finde one a reasonable and fryendly man in that he hath to doe with him Honestè re aliqua vti Quint. Vir amplissimis vsus honoribus Cic. That hath bene in c. Horis suis vti Cic. To bestow the whole time that by order is appointed to him to pleade Hortatione vti Cic. To exhort Vter illis vt meis Pli. iun. Those that serue me as my owne Ingenio vti iuueniliter Ouid. Inuidia minore vti Plau. Not to be so much enuied or hated De rebus ipsis vtere tuo iudicio Cic. As touching the matter iudge as you thinke good your selfe Ad liberalitatem vectigalibus vti Cic. Libertate modicè vti Liu. Modestè vti re aliqua Ouid. Multum vti aliquo Vide MVLTVS. Sapienter vti muneribus deorum Horat. Necessitate vti Tacit. Desperately to kill himselfe to auoyde punishment to doe that necessitie forceth him Oculis vti Plaut To see perfitely and well Hoc ego oculo vtor minimé Plaut I see nothing with this eye Odio ciuiliter vsus est Ouid. Officio improbi viri vti Plaut To play the part of a naughty fellow Opera alterius vti Plautus To vse an other mans helpe or seruice Vti opera alterius ad rem aliquam Cic. Vt Apollinis oraculo vteretut Tacit. To the ende he might haue counsaile of the oracle what to doe Parcissimè re aliqua vti Quint. To vse a thing very seldome and little Paruo vti Horat. To content himselfe and liue with little Incredibili patientia vti Cic. Perfugeo vti Vide PERFVGIVM Permisso vti Horat. Vtar ea porta quàm primùm videro Ci. I will runne in at that dore that I shall first see open Progressionibus vti Cic. To proceede or go forwarde Potestate vti ad quaestum Cicer. To turne his power to his owne gaine Ratione vti Plaut To vse reason Regibus vti Horat. To vse familiaritie of princes to the aduancement of his owne profite Sensibus vti Lucret. Sermonibus morologis vti Plaut Simulatione itineris vti Caes To make as though he would go to a place Solatio aliquo vti Brutus ad Ciceronem To vse a comfort Sorte sua vti Virg. To vse his good fortune Spe duplici vti Terent. To haue two wayes to the woode
Se in sermonem aliorum dare familiariter Cic. To offer himselfe to talke with men familierly Seruandum dare Terent. To commit to be kept Ad ditem in seruitutem dare Tere. To be giuen to a rich man into bondage Signum dare ▪ Terent. To make a signe Signum oculis Plaut Oculis mihi signum dedit ne se appellarem He winked vpon me that I should not call him Signum tuba Caes To sowne the trumpet Signum receptui Liu. To blowe the retreate Signum vexillo Caes To spreade the standerde when a thing should be done Signi satis dedit si quid ess●t quod posset dicere se tacere nō posse Cic. He shewed or declareth sufficiently c. Signū pudoris ingenij dare dicitur puer C. To shew tokē of Silentium dare Terent. To make no noyse to be still Solatia Cic. To comfort greatly Se somno dare Cic. To lay him downe to sleepe Sonitum dare pro Facere Virg. Arma sonum dant Virg. Harnesse maketh a noyse Aliquem sopori dare pro Occidere apud Plautum Membra sopori dare Hor. To lay his body to rest to sleepe Sortem dare Horat. Spatium conglobandi se respirandi aut docendi aliquem ad se colligendum deliberandum Liu. Caes Cic. To giue time leisure or respite c. Ludentis speciē dabit Hor. He will make as though he played Specimen indolis clarum dare Pli. iunior To shew a manifest token of his honest towardenesse Specimen sui Liu. To shew a good proofe of himselfe what maner of man he is Spectandum dare Plaut To offer to be seene or vewed Spem dare Plaut Cic. To put in hope Spiramentum Plin. To giue ayre In splendorem bullas sorium dare Plaut To make the studdes or bosses of gates to shine Dedêre stadia XXII singulis scenis Plin. They appoynted Stipendium duplex in pedites triplex in equites dare Liu. To assygne In stipendium pecuniam dare Caes To giue money for souldiours wages Stragem dare pro Facere Liu. To make a great slaughter Studij plurimum in literis dare Quint. To bestow much study in learning Studijs annos septem dedit Horat. He studied .vij. yeares Suauium dare Cic. Atticae meis verbis suauium des Kisse hir in my name Successus prosperos Liu. Supplicium Catul. To be punished Supplicium alicui de se dare Plaut To be punished of one Supplicium necis paternae Mart. To be punished for Ad supplicium alicui alterum dare Ci. To deliuer one to a man to be punished Suspicionem timoris dare Caes To make one suspect that he feareth or is afraide Symbolum dare Terent. To pay his shotte Da te hodie mihi Tere. Folow my fantasie doe as I wil haue thee at this time Tempus menses diem alicui rei dare Ci. To bestow or imploy tune c. vpon any thing Aestiuos menses reliquos rei familiari dare hybernos iurisdictioni Cic. To bestow the summer season c. Tempus colloquio non dare Caes To appoynt no time to talke of the matter Nesciebas quàm eiusmodi homini rarò tēpus se daret Plaut How seldome times occasion offered it se●fe to such c. Dum tempus datur Terent. While we haue time Aliquid temporis ad ludum dare Cic. To bestow sometime Terga dare Liu. To flee Ad terram dare Suet. To cast to the grounde Tesseram dare Liu. To giue a watchwoorde Aliquid testamento dare Liu. Testes in aliquem dare Cic. To bring forth witnesse against Testem louem dare Plaut To sweare by Iupiter Testimonium dare Cic. To beare witnesse Testimoniū quod ei apud me dederas C. To witnesse that c. In timorem dare Plaut To cast in feare Se in tormenta dare Cic. To offer himselfe to torments Tinnitus dare Senec. To ring Transitum Liu. To suffer to passe Tribunali reliquam partem diei dare Plin. iun. To employ the residue of the day in ministring iustice Corpora dant tumulo Ouid. The burie Turbas dare Plaut To make a sturre or trouble Vadem Cic. To put in suretie Vbera Ouid. To giue sucke Vela Ouid. To spreade sailes and depart Vela in altum dare Liu. To hoyse vp sailes and depart Per vndas vela dare Virg. Vela dare per translationem Cic. To venter forwarde Ad id vnde aliquis flatus ostēditur vela do Ci. I spread sailes to euery winde that serueth Vela indignationi dare Plin. iun. To vse vehement words and suffer himselfe to be caried away wyth affection in speaking against Veniam Plaut To pardon Age da veniam Terent. Da mihi hanc veniam Cic. Graunt me this request be so good to suffer me that c. Date nobis hanc veniam vt ea quae c. Cic. Veniam alicuius diei dare Liu. To dispence with one for a day that he is appoynted to doe a thing in Scriptis veniam dare Ouid. To pardon In reliquos data venia Tacit. Pardon was graunted to Venustatem dare Plaut To shew pleasauntnesse Verbera Ponto dare Ouid. To beate the sea Verba dare alicui Val. Flac. To suffer one to speake In verba dare recuperatores Cice. Quaerebant quae in verba recuperatores daret They asked wyth what wordes he did send forth or assygne commissyoners Verba alicui dare Plaut To deceiue or beguile Dare verba decipere Cic. Viam Plaut Liu. To make way Dare viam per translationem Cic. To shew a way or meanes how it may be done In viam se dare Cic. To take his iourney Victum dare Plaut To finde one meate and drinke to giue foode In vincula dare Liu. To cast in prison to commit to warde Vires dare Virg. Vitani alicui Plaut Vitio dare Cic. To blame or reprehend Dare vnguentum in caput Celsus To giue an oyntment for his head Voces dare Ouid. To speake Alicui voluptatem Plaut To please and reioyce one Voluptatibus se dare Cicero To giue hymselfe to sensuall pleasure Vsum nominis dare Ouid. To permit one to vse a name Vsuram horae gladiatori isti ad viuendum nō dedissem Cic. I would not haue suffered this cut throte to haue liued an houre Vsuram lucis dare Cic. To suffer to liue Vtendum aliquid dare Plaut To lende one a thing Vtilitatem alicui dare Lucret. Vulnera ferro dare Ouid. Vxorem alicui dare Terent. To giue one a wite ¶ Datum Terent. Est huc datum profectò vt grata mihi sine quae facio omnia God hath giuen me this gift or thys is giuen me of nature Datum III. Idus Iunij Cic. Deliuered or sent the .3 of c. Síccine oporter ire amicos homini amanti operam datum ▪ Plaut To go to helpe their friend in this maner ¶ Quantum mihi cernere datur Pli. iun. As farre as I can see or iudge Si dabitur Quint. If I can if I may be suffered Duint pro Dent.
vel Dederint Antiquum Plaut Duit pro Det. Plaut Duas pro Des. Plaut Danunt pro Dant Plaut Antiquum Datus Participium Giuen graunted c. Datum dati n. g. Substantiuum Cic. A thing giuen a gift Datus huius datus m. g. Plaut Se aurum meo datu tibi ferre aiebat A giuing or graunting Dato datas datâre Frequentatiuum Plaut To giue often Dator datôris m. g. Verbale Plaut A giuer Dátio onis f. g. Verbale Varro A giuing Remittendum in datione Varro In giuing Datio signi Plin. Datárius Adiect Quod dandū est aut quod datur Plaut That is giuen or must be giuen Datâtim pen. prod Aduerb vt Datatim Iudere Plaut One giuing to another as in tossyng or casting of a ball Doceo doces dócui doctum docêre Cic. To teache or giue knowledge to enforme to aduice or proue to declare or tell Erudire atque docere Cic. Docere explanare Cic. Docere instituere Cic. To teach and instruct Docere Dedocere contraria Cic. To teach to vnteach Docere aliquē aliquid Plaut Docere aliquē literas Plau. Docere aliquem literas mercede Cic. To teach for money Quanti docet Pollio Iuuenalis What doth Pollio take for teaching his schollers Docere aliquē fidibus Cic. To teach one to play on the lute or harpe Frustrà docere Virg. Iudices docere Quint. To instruct or informe the iudges Docere aliquem Latiné Pli. iun. To teach one y e Latin tong Literis docere aliquid Cic. To informe by letters Exemplo multa docere Ouid. To teach by example Malè docet te mea facilitas multa Terent. Vide MALVS Docebo haec omnia esse vera Cic. I will declare and proue all these things to be true Paucis docere Virg. To declare in few wordes A peritis doceri Cic. Serò docere Cic. ¶ Docere Absoluté Virg. docuit pòst exitus ingens The notable euent shewed or taught after ¶ Docere To aduertise or tell Cic. Ne literas quidem vllas accepi quae me docerent quid ageres Docere commonefacere Metellus Ciceroni Qui de his rebus eum doceant Caes Which might aduertise or instruct of these things De iniurijs alicuius docere aliquem Cic. Collegium Pontificum de religione docere Cic. ¶ Non ignarus docendi Quint. Skilfull in the trade of teaching Artem docendi tradere Cic. To shew a methode or order in teaching Docens docentis Participium Ouid. Teaching Sanctitas docentis Quint. Doctus Participium Cic. Taught learned instructed Ad legē doctus Cic. Instructed in the knowledge of a lawe Doctus de aliquo Plaut Taught by one Doctus iter melius Horat. Ex disciplina Stoicorum doctus Cic. Instructed according to the schoole of the Stoikes Cantare doctus Horat. Fallere mentes doctus Clau. Doctus vincere doctus ferire Mart. Doctus malefaciendum ad malitiam Claud. Doctus Nomen ex participio Cunning learned vt Doctus homo Cic. A cunning man Absolutè doctus Vide ABSOLVO Doctus disertus Cic. Doctus eruditus Cic. Doctus intelligens Cic. Doctus perturbanus homo Cic. A learned and very pleasant man Rudis Doctus contraria Cic. Mediocriter doctus Vide MEDIOCRIS Cic. Fandi doctissima Cymodocea Virg. That had learned very well to talke Doctus Graecè Latiné Sueton. Cunnyng both in Greeke and Latine Literis Graecis Latinis doctus Cic. Idem ¶ Artes doctae Ouid. Dicta docta Lucr. Wise wordes Dicti doli Plaut Fine subtiltie and craft subtile deuises to deceiue Nimis doctus dolus Vide NIMIS Manus dacta Ouid. A cunnyng hand Manus docta moderandis fraenis Senec. Docta ora Ouid. Doctum pectus Martial Pollex doctus Ouid. Prece docta blandus Horat. Vox docta Ouid. ¶ Doctus cum genitiuo Gel. Iuris ciuilis doctus Cunning in the ciuile law Literarum Graecarum doctus Cic. Doctissimus Grammaticae artis Plin. A good gramarian Artis ●anificae doctissimus Claud. A good spinner or clothyer Doctè Aduerb Plaut Cunningly learnedly preatily seately Doctè diligenter Plaut Doctè dilicaté Cic. Doctè accurare rē aliquā Plaut To see to a thing skilfully Doctè pe●itè facere Cic. Doctè atque astu filias quaerit suas Plaut Doctè expedire fallaciā Plaut To worke a deceit subtilly Docendus participium Ouid. Pauca docendus eris Dócilis hoc dócile pen. cor Cic. Lightly taught easily instructed Praui docilis Romana iuuentus Horat. Quickly taught that which is not good Fallendi docilis Sil. Easily taught to deceiue Saltādi docilis Clau. That will quickly be taught to daunce Docilis ad rem aliquam Easie to be taught Docilis Iuscinia Graeco Latino sermone Plin. The nightingale may be taught to speake greeke and latine Animi dociles Horat. Os docile Ouid. Praebere se docilem Cic. Docíbilis hoc docíbile pen. cor Priscian Easily learned apt to be taught Docilitas penult cor huius docilitâtis f. g. Plin. Aptnesse to learne easinesse to be taught docilitie Doctrîna ae f. g. pen. prod Cic. Learning doctrine teaching instruction Ars doctrina liberalis Cic. Disciplina doctrina Cic. Rerum honestarum doctrina Cic. Instructior doctrinis Cic. Better furnished with learning Ex doctrina nobilis clarus Cic. Notable and famous by learning Pretium doctrinae Ouid. Rewarde of teaching Ingenij doctrinae princeps Plato Ci. A passyng excellent man in wit and learning Prudentiae doctrinaeue possessio Cic. Repertores doctrinarum Lucret. The inuentors of Studia doctrinae nunquam intermittere Ci. Neuer to cease studie of good learning Studiosus doctrinarum omnium Cic. Liberalis doctrina Cic. Honest knowledge good learning Magistra doctrina rectè faciendi bene dicendi Ci Learning is a maistresse to teach both to doe vprightly and to speake eloquently Doctrina non moderata nec mitis paulò asperior durior quàm aut veritas aut natura patiatur Cic. Serena doctrina Lucret. Subtilior doctrina Cic. ¶ Doctrina ingenijs abundare Cic. To abounde in witte and learning to haue many wise and learned men Abundanti doctrina homo Vide ABVNDO Doctrinam adhibere Vide ADHIBEO. Adiutus doctrina vel vsu Quint. Holpen with instruction or experience Doctrina politos constituit Lucret. Graecis doctrinis erudiri Ci. To be instructed in the Greeke Malis studijs malísque doctrinis ciuitates euertere Cic. Excolere doctrina animum eadem relaxare Ci. To garnish the minde with learning Propria naturae bona fouere doctrina Quin. To chearish or nourish with learning Educatione doctrínaque puerili liberaliter institui Cic. To be honestly instructed and brought vp in such learning as is meete for children A doctrina instructus mediocriter aliquis Ci. Indifferently instructed in learning Summatim percipe sine doctrina potest ius ciuile Cic. Omni doctrina virtute ornatissimus homo Cic. Ratio atque