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A22507 A commentarie vpon the fourth booke of Moses, called Numbers Containing, the foundation of the church and common-wealth of the Israelites, while they walked and wandered in the vvildernesse. Laying before vs the vnchangeable loue of God promised and exhibited to this people ... Heerein also the reader shall finde more then fiue hundred theologicall questions, decided and determined by William Attersoll, minister of the word. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Pathway to Canaan.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Continuation of the exposition of the booke of Numbers. 1618 (1618) STC 893; ESTC S106852 2,762,938 1,336

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3 we see the wicked prosper and florish spredding themselues as the greene Bay tree for loe God hath set them in slippery places Psal 37 53. and casteth them downe in the end vnto desolation they are suddenly destroyed horribly consumed as the chaffe which the winde driueth away and as a dreame when one awaketh This tentation hath ouertaken the children of God and caused them oftentimes to shrinke back when they saw the prosperity of the vngodly Psal 73 2 3. Hab. 1 4. and on the other side the troubles of the godly hath made them to reason within themselues of the prouidence of God But shall not the King rule his owne kingdome or the Master gouerne his own house as pleaseth him And shall not we giue the Lord leaue to dispose of all things in heauen and earth after the good pleasure of his owne will Hee fatteth the wicked against the day of slaughter he leaueth them without excuse and maketh his blessings as a witnesse against them Contrarywise the children of God although they suffer afflictions yet afflictions to them are not euill but try their faith as the furnace doth the gold Senec. de diui prouidentia c. 8 Let vs not deceiue our selues in iudging and esteeming of good and euill That is good which maketh vs better that is euil that maketh vs worse The workes of the flesh adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnes idolatry witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions heresies enuy murthers drunkennesse couetousnesse and such like are manifestly euill These God keepeth from his deere children and his deere children from them that they reigne not in them The Israelites in Egypt liued vnder hard masters and carried many heauy burthens and sent vp many passionate sighes to God with deepe grones of spirit whilst Pharaoh and the Egyptians tooke crafty counsell together and sported themselues in the miseries mischiefs which they had brought vpon them But whose condition was the more happie let the red Sea testifie from which the Israelits were deliuered Exo 14 27 29 in which the Egyptiās were drowned Dauid taken from the sheepe-folds tasted of many sorrowes being in perils among the Amalekites in perils in the Wildernesse in perils of his owne Nation in perils of his own seruants in perils among false bretheren and was hunted from place to place as a Partridge in the Mountaines 2 Sam. 31 4. whilst Saul sought his life and enioyed the pleasures and treasures of a kingdom But whose estate was the more happy let the end and yssue of them both determine the one liued in glory ended his daies in peace the other sheathed his sword in his owne bowels and so dyed in despaire The Apostle Iames willeth vs to take the Prophets for an example of suffering aduersity and of long patience which haue spoken in the name of the Lord Ye haue heard of the patience of Iob haue knowne what end the Lord made Iam. 5 10 11. for the Lord is very pittifull and mercifull Lazarus a poore begger destitute of succour and friends lying at the rich mans gate hauing his minde as full of cares as his bodie was of sores whilst the rich glutton was clad in purple gorgiously and fared deliciously euery day But whose condition was the more blessed and happy of them twaine let this tell vs and teach vs for our instruction that Lazarus when he died had the holy elect Angels to attend vpon him to carry his soule into Abrahams bosome Luk. 16 22 23 that is to say into the kingdome of heauen Matth. 8 11. the rich man also died his body was buried his soule was carried cast into the torments of hell Where the worme neuer dyeth Marke 9 44. and the fire neuer goeth out the one vnsufferable the other vnquenchable both infinite Let vs not therefore rest in beholding the present face of outward things but possesse our soules with patience in a sweet meditation of Gods prouidence considering that it shall in the end bee well with all them that feare the Lord and that howsoeuer the wicked do prosper in the world increase in riches yet if we enter into the Sanctuary of God Psal ●3 ● we shal see they are set in slippery places they are lifted vp on high and therefore their fall shall be more fearefull seeing all the threatnings of God must without faile fasten vpon them Lastly seeing the menaces and threatnings Vse 4 of God must bee performed this serueth also to assure vs that the gracious promises of God made in mercy to his people shall in truth and righteousnesse bee accomplished The Lord that is alwaies the same as hee is true in his threatnings to the vngodly so wil he be found true in his promises toward the godly For seeing no part of his word shall passe away that he will not falsifie his trueth Psal 89 ● nor alter the thing that is gone out of his mouth one part serueth to confirme another his threatnings are ratified by the assurance of his promises and his promises are established to bee surer then the heauens by the assurāce of his threatnings So then let vs learne to depend vpon God to trust in him knowing 2 Cor. 1 that all his promises are yea and Amen vnto the glory of his name Let vs rest in him for the pardon of our sinnes for the hearing of our prayers for the feeding of our bellies for the resurrection of our bodies for the inheritance of euerlasting life hauing a strong assurance of faith that the Lord is iust and true in all his promises This is a notable comfort and consolation to all the childrē of God to cause vs to set our hope in him hauing a patient and constant expectation of all things that by faith we haue beleeued saying with the Apostle 1 Tim. 1 12. For this cause I also suffer these things but I am not ashamed for I know whom I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that he is able to keepe that which I haue committed to him against that day Verse 25 26. Take Aaron and Eleazar his sonne and cause Aaron to strip off his Garments and thou shalt put them vpon his sonne Heere is deliuered how Aaron yet liuing his sonne is inuested and installed into his Office with the ceremonies and solemnities thereunto appertaining at the appointment of God to shew the continuance of the Priesthoode to take away al occasions of dissentions from the people Thus we see the good estate of the Church is prouided for by Moses before Aaron dyed Doctr● The Ch● must be in good after co● parture and went the way of all flesh The Doctrine hence is that the good of the Church must be regarded of vs to leaue it in good case after our death and departure I say it is a principall duty required of vs when wee must leaue the worlde to prouide for the
weake man full of infirmities though otherwise godly and diligent in his office For when he saw how onely her lippes mooued 1 Sam. 1.13 14. but her voyce was not heard because she spake in her heart to God by prayer he thought she had beene drunken and he said vnto her How long wilt thou be drunken put away thy wine from thee See how ready he was to iudge amisse of her action and to call good euill This was also the sin of Iobs wife and of his friends they thought him to be an hollow hypocrite and a deep dissembler because they saw him strangely visited by so strange a visitation Iob 4.7 Thus did the wicked Iewes vsurpe authority ouer the Gentiles and censured them at their owne pleasures they said vnto them Esay 65.5 Stand apart come not neere me for I am holier then thou and yet they were greeuous sinners themselues as a smoake in Gods eyes and as fire that burneth continually So when the Apostles were filled with the holy Ghost and began to speake with other tongues as the spirit gaue them vtterance others mocked them and said They are full of new wine Acts 2.13 This iudgement is iustly condemned being quite contrary to the rule of loue which doth interpret all things in the best part and is in nothing suspicious and therefore we ought not to iudge wrongfully corruptly and maliciously of those godly actions which we see the children of God to doe And if it shal fal out at any time as it may fall out many times that we be laden with the burden of such surmises and sinister suspicions of hypocrisie and a double heart yet we are not to be daunted and dismayed by them or to giue ouer our hold in the faith but know assuredly that this is no new thing and therefore no strange matter is befallen vnto vs. The dearest Saints and seruants of God haue felt this euill and haue had experience of this mischiefe of the tongue We must not looke for an higher estate or better condition then Christ and his Apostles had When he sought to destroy the kingdome of Satan and cast out diuels by the finger of God they charged him to doe it by the power of Satan Matth. 12.24 It were intolerable pride and presumption for the seruant to climbe higher then his Lord or the disciple to striue to be aboue his Master The second kind of iudging ●●e second ●●d of iudge●ent is when men haue committed euill things which of themselues are worthy to be condemned and wee iudge them that haue so offended to be without all hope of repentance or recouery and to be cast off for euer to be out of Gods fauour and to be reprobates This is not onely to arrogate a mastership ouer them but to step vp into the seat and secrets of God For who hath reuealed that vnto vs or who hath been of his counsell The things reuealed in the word belong vnto vs and to our children but secret things to the Lord Deut. 29.29 That this iudgement is altogether forbidden may appeare both by precepts that restraine it by examples that condemne it Euill men must be instructed with meekenesse not condemned with rigour and rashnesse proouing if God peraduenture will giue them repentance to the acknowledging of the trueth and that they may recouer themselues out of the snare of the diuell who are taken captiue by him to do his will 2 Tim. 2.25 26. Likewise the Apostle setteth down the like commandement 1 Cor. 4.5 Iudge nothing before the time vntill the Lord come who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkenesse and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts and then shall euery man haue praise of God Let vs to these precepts adde such examples as wee find in Scripture and out of many select and sort out some few Manasseh king of Israel is one of the most memorable obiects of Gods mercy he was a sorcerer and coniurer an idolater and murtherer he made his sonnes passe through the fire he dealt with a familiar spirit and vsed witchcraft he made Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem to erre and to doe worse then the heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel 2 Chro. 33.6.9 yet when he humbled himselfe and prayed vnto God he was pardoned Mary Magdalene was a woman defamed and defiled with much sin out of whom were cast seuen diuels yet shee was conuerted and accepted Paul acknowledgeth himselfe not worthy to be called an Apostle or disciple of Christ he had beene an oppressour a blasphemer and a persecuter of the Church of God yet he was receiued to mercy because he did it ignorantly through vnbeleefe 1 Tim. 1.13 The Iailer mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles dealt very roughly with Paul and Silas and cast them into the inner prison and made their feet fast in the stockes but when God once touched his heart suddainely he called for a light and came leaping in and trembled saying Sirs Acts 16.30 what must I doe to be saued I will conclude this point with the example of the theefe that was condemned for theft and crucified with Christ he had spent all his dayes in his wicked and vngodly courses he was no better then his fellow they had one purse and determined to fill their houses with spoile and priuily laid wait for the innocent without cause and continued thus vntill the end of their liues yet God in mercy looked vpon one of them and called him to the state of grace as it were at the last gaspe and pulled him as a brand out of the fire saying vnto him This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Luke 23.43 A man would haue thought that these at least some of them had bene desperate persons forlorne men without hope of repentance or likelihood of saluation and yet behold how God that hath the hearts of all men in his owne hand turneth whom hee pleaseth into the right way and when it pleaseth him like the housholder in the Gospel in who called labourers into his vineyard at all houres of the day Mat. 20. The meditation of these things ought to stay vs from corrupt iudgement which argueth that we are destitute of true loue toward our brethrē to guide vs in all our dealings with them The third kinde of iudgement The third kind of iudgement is occupied about things indifferent The first was touching good things the second touching euil things The first is when good men are made hypocrites the second is when euill men are made reprobates The first is when good actions are made bad the second when bad actions are made worse then they are as if they separated and secluded from heauen The third is concerning indifferent things that in themselues and their owne nature are neither good nor euill In this we offend when men doe things indifferent which being things Lawfull may bee done either in faith
be greeuous except we repent Secondly as God threatneth to punish according Vse 2 to the manner of our sinning so hee will blesse those that please him and serue him in feare and trembling according to the manner and measure of our walking before him Heere then on the other side we haue a gracious promise not onely of a blessing but of a blessing answerable vnto our obedience This is a notable encouragement vnto vs in well-doing and as it were a spurre to pricke vs forward to performe such duties as he requireth at our hands This is it which he promiseth to Abraham Gen. 12 verses 2 3. I will make thee a great Nation and I will blesse thee and make thy name great and thou shalt bee a blessing and I will blesse them that blesse thee and curse them that curse thee c. If any did good to Abraham he should receiue good again if any were a friend to him he shold haue God to bee a friend vnto him This is that which God performed to Ebed-melech he saued the life of Ieremy and therefore hee had his owne life giuen vnto him as a prey Ier. 39 18. For when the Prophet was cast into a deepe dungeon where he stucke fast in the mire the Ethiopian went vnto the King and spake for him so that by his meanes his life was saued and he was taken out of the pit where hee must haue perished What then Doth hee lose his reward or is GOD vnmindfull of him No he receiueth blessing for blessing mercy for mercy and life for life and therefore when the King of Babilon tooke the City and put the people to the sword he was deliuered and was not giuen into the hand of the men of whom he was afraid Doe we then any good to Gods Church and Children it shall not goe vnregarded and vnrewarded to a cup of cold water we shall receiue measure for measure good for good blessing for blessing Can we desire or looke for a better recompence Or would wee haue a farther meanes to incite vs to follow our calling We haue a double encouragement to serue such a master who will reward vs according to our seruice For while we do good to others we do as much good to our selues Will any man be an enemy or hinderance to himselfe Doe we not by the light of nature loue our selues make much of our selues helpe our selues wish all good to our selues This is the way to attaine vnto our desires and to receiue a blessing from the hands of God to doe good to others for then God hath bound himselfe by promise to be mercifull to vs. There is that scattereth saith Salomon there is more encreased The way and meanes to receiue encrease our substance is to giue and to distribute like the husbandman that must sowe his seed before he can reape his fields and gather in his haruest The couetous man thinketh otherwise because like an Idolater hee trusteth in his money but in the end it bringeth him nothing home The Prophet Eliah was sent of God to Sarepta to a widow in the daies of famine she had no more left but an handfull of meale in a barrell and a little oyle in a cruze so that shee was gathering stickes to dresse it for her selfe and her sonne that they might eate it and dye Neuerthelesse of her penury she sustained the Prophet shee made him a little cake first and brought it vnto him She did good to the holy Prophet of the Lord howbeit shee did more good thereby to her selfe and her sonne she releeued him and thereby releeued her selfe For the barrell of meale wasted not neither did the cruze of oyle faile according to the word of the Lord which he spake by Eliah 1 Kings 17 16. Luke 4. The like we might say of Obadiah he hid the Prophets of God by fifty and fifty in a caue ●gs 18 13 and fed them with bread and water whē many other perished howbeit he did heereby no small good to himselfe forasmuch as thereby he obtained raine and plenty of all things This is it which our Sauiour promiseth in the Gospel to his Disciples that followed him There is no man that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or landes for my sake and the Gospels but hee shall receiue an hundred fold now in this time houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and landes with persecutions and in the world to come eternall life Mark 10 29 30. Iob is commended in Scripture to be a iust man fearing God and eschewing euill and by occasion of his friends taxing of him with hypocrisie and accusing him of iniquity is compelled to stand vpon his owne innocency and to make a solemne protestation of his integrity Iob 31 19 that he had not seene any to perish for lacke of cloathing or any poore without couering he was an eye to the blinde a father to the fatherlesse and as an husband to the widow He had his children and his substance taken from him and he bare his crosse with patience What then was the end that the Lord made or how was he blessed of God The end of the history declareth this at large the Lord gaue Iob Iob 42 10. twice as much as he had before and as he had comforted others and visited them in their necessities so his brethren and sisters and all they that had beene of his acquaintance before resorted repaired vnto him and comforted him ouer all the euill that the Lord had brought vpon him and as he had beene bountifull to others so euery man gaue him a piece of money Verse 12. and euery one an eare-ring of gold yea the Lord blessed the latter end of Iob more then the beginning so that hee obtained many sonnes and daughters and a great encrease of cattell Onesiphorus oft refreshed Paul and was not ashamed of his chaines the Apostle praieth that the Lord would grant vnto him that he might finde mercy of the Lord in the great day 2 Tim. 1 18. This poin● being throughly learned will minister great comfort to euery one of vs being assured that as God punisheth in manner as wee sinne so he will blesse vs and reward vs after the manner of our obedience Haue we comforted others God will comfort vs turne the hearts of others to comfort vs also Haue we done good to others he will stirre vp others to do good to vs. Haue we releeued others we haue laid vp a good foundation for the time to come we shall be releeued by others in our necessities Doe we giue vnto the poore Prou. 19 17. We do not onely lend vnto the Lord but we prouide well for our selues forasmuch as that we giue shall be paid vnto vs againe We reade in the booke of Nehemiah not onely how zealous he was for the glory of God but also how carefull to shew compassion
against him howbeit this is greater wherein not his enemies reproached him and those that hated him did not magnifie themselues against him but his deerest friends and acquaintance as befell also to Dauid Psal 55 12. The church maketh this complaint Cant. 5 7. That the watchmen that should haue bene both her guide and her gard smote her and wounded her the keepers of the wals took away her veile from her And Christ fore-telleth that a mans enemies shall be they of his owne house Marke 6 4. This befell vnto Iob a man full of sorrowes his owne wife that lay in his bosome and his friends that were as his owne soule were the cheefe causes of his greatest anguish Abel found no worse friend then his owne brother that came with him to the place of Gods seruice Gen. 4 8. So Ismael persecuted Isaac Ismael borne after the flesh him that was borne after the Spirit Ge. 21 9. Gal. 4 29. Ioseph receiued hard measure of his brethren who was by them sold for a bondslaue Ps 105 17. Moses was fain to fly out of Egypt because a Iew one of his owne brethren diuulged his killing of the Egyptian The same befel Zachariah the son of Iehoiada the priest who had saued the kings life and set the crowne vpon his head yet he remembred not the kindnesse of the father but slew his son the father had in a maner giuen him life but he took away life from his son 2 Chro. 24 21. Who vexed the church and trobled the Apostles more then false brethren 2 Cor. 11 26. The cause of this is the enmity betweene Christ and the serpent and the seed of them both which shewed it selfe immediately after the fall in Cain who was of that euil one slew his brother 1 Ioh. 3 12. The vses which wee must make heereof are Vse 1 First to marke the truth of that which Christ teacheth Math. 10 34 35 36. that hee came not to send peace on earth but rather a sword and to set variance betweene man and man And in another place I am come to send fire on the earth and what will I if it bee alreadi● kindled Luke 12 49. Hee speaketh not of the effect but of the euent not what the Gospell bringeth forth properly but what it worketh accidentally not what it procureth in the faithful but what it produceth in the vnfaithfull Secondly God will haue al his to be wel tried Vse 2 which are in the faith euen for their owne good that we may know what we can suffer for the truths sake when we haue sealed it vp by our patience in all tribulations Thirdly hence ariseth comfort in our sufferings For do we suffer affliction at their hands of whom we hoped for better dealing maruell not at it neither thinke it strange but let vs comfort our selues with the examples of Gods children who haue had the same measure measured out vnto them before vs nay let vs lay before vs the example of Christ himselfe who had experience of it not only in his owne countrymen the Iewes but in Iudas one of his owne disciples of whom the Prophets prophesied He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish the same shall betray me Psal 41 9. Matth. 26 23. Lastly from hence we learne in all discomforts Vse 4 to flie vnto God after the example of Dauid who gaue himselfe continually to prayer when hee was vexed by such vnexpected enemies Psal 55 16. when he had complained that his frend and companion rose vp against him hee addeth As for me I will call vpon God and the Lord shall saue me So it ought to be with vs that wee may finde comfort in God when we can find none among men Againe Miriam and Aaron were of great reputation among the people and sanctified in a great measure Aaron was the Lords high Priest consecrated and annointed with holie oile Miriam was a prophetesse and one that sung the praises of God after their deliuerāce from Pharaoh Exod. 15. yet loe how both of them faile in duty and sin against God oppose themselues against his seruant Moses whereby we learn that none are so sanctified but they faile many wayes None so sanctified but manie wayes they faile Let no man therefore dreame of perfection in this life Rom. 7 14 18 19 20 23. Moreouer from this example obserue that contentions are oftentimes in the church euen between the members of the same body Doctrine Contentions and strife are often in the Church True it is it were to be desired that ther were perfect loue and vnity peace and concord in the church but this is rather to be looked for then to be found There arose strife betweene Abraham and Lot Gen. 13 8. betweene Paul and Barnabas Acts. 11 2. 15 39. betweene Peter and Paul Gal. 2 11. So in the Church of the Corinthians though they were sanctified in Christ Iesus and called to be Saints yet there were contentions among them 1 Cor. Reason 1 1 11. And no maruell for first of all we know in part and we prophesie in part wee know somewhat but we are ignorant of much more Reason 2 then we know 1 Cor. 13 9. Secondly there must be euen heresies that they which are approued Reason 3 may be knowne 1 Cor. 11 19. Thirdly Satans malice is exceeding great he soweth the seeds of discord among the godly for his hatred is exceeding great against the church and he desireth nothing more then the ruine thereof Reuel 1.2 4. Lastly selfe-loue remaineth in the best men which is a remnant of the flesh this spurreth vs forward to spurne against one another and while we challenge too much to our selues we ascribe too little vnto others 1 Cor. 13 5. This offereth to vs this truth that vnitie is Vse 1 no note of the true church forasmuch as it is somtimes out of the church when as contention is in it The false Prophets were manie that conspired against Micaiah Eliah and Ieremy Christ was condemned by a common voice of the people and consent of the Pharisies which cried out Away with him Crucifie him crucifie him Luk. 23.18.21 Thus then the mouths of the papists are stopped which doe please themselues in an idle conceit of a generall agreement of many people and Nations which is oftentimes a maintenance of error vnwholesom doctrine when it is ioyned with it The vnity of one faith and of the same doctrine beleeued and confessed wee acknowledge to be a true marke of the true Church Where there is the preaching of this faith the doctrine of Christ and the sealing vp of the same with the true administration of the Sacraments there is a true church of God The vnity which is without that doctrine which is according to godlinesse is as the crie of the whole city in maintenance of their idolatrie Great is Diana of the Ephesians Act. 19 28. Or like to the house which the strong man
thee to haue thy brothers wife Matthew 14. verse 4. They dare not say to the Scribes and Pharisees as Christ did Woe vnto you Scribes and Pharises Matth. 23. hypocrites but they are afraid of offending All these sixe sorts are vnfaithful teachers we haue shewed the causes of their vnfaithfulnesse they are vnfaithfull through their ignorance vnfaithfull through their errours vnfaithfull through their idlenesse vnfaithfull through their vnskilfulnesse vnfaithfull through their scandales vnfaithfull through their flattery Vse 2 Secondly this reprooueth the people that vpbraid the Ministers with too much teaching for it is required of them that they bee found faithfull They must teach instruct in season and out of season but many carelesse hearers aduise them to spare their labours Paul saith Woe vnto me 1 Cor. 9.20 21 22 23. if I preach not the Gospel he laboured greatly that by all meanes hee might saue some Many tell vs we a● too busie and doe meddle with reprouing sinne more then wee need but how then should we be found faithfull in the Lords businesse or how shall wee escape the punishment of vnfaithfulnesse in the great day of account None shall receiue the incorruptible crowne of glory but such as haue beene faithfull and none shall be exempted from eternall iudgement that haue beene vnfaithfull Such men care not how little they heare that thinke the Ministers preach too much nay they could be content to heare nothing at all whose reward shall be according to their negligence Vse 3 Thirdly it is the duty of the Ministers to labour for this vertue and to approue themselues to God in a faithfull and carefull discharge of their callings This is a duty which God so often and so strictly commandeth and by the execution of that commandement we are said to saue men by preaching Ministers are said to saue Iob 33.24 Rom. 11.14 1 Cor. 9.22 1 Tim. 4.16 and to deliuer from the pit of hell This shall also bring vnspeakeable ioy and comfort peace and quietnesse to our consciences when we are desirous to discharge our duties in truth and sincerity Happy are they that haue this testimony of their consciences that they haue this way promoted the glory of God aduanced the kingdome of Christ and furthered the saluation of men Oh how happy were it for vs that it might be said of vs as it is of Moses in this place that we haue beene faithfull in his house and thrice happy shall we be if at the last day our Lord and master comming from heauen as a man that beginneth to take an account of his seruants shall say vnto vs Well done Mat. 25.21.23 good and faithfull seruant thou hast beene faithfull ouer a few things I will make thee ruler ouer many things enter thou into the ioy of thy Lord. If I should stand to set down particularly the parts of this faithfulnesse whereby wee may procure the commendation to ourselues which is giuen to Moses I should stand too long The Ministers must be men of knowledge otherwise how should they teach knowledge they must be men of zeale of painefulnesse and diligence of an holy and vnblameable life of sincerity and vprightnesse They must reproue sinne as God punisheth sinne that is without respect of persons in whomsoeuer they find it they must keepe backe nothing but reueale the whole counsell of God Finally they must take heed to themselues and to the flocke Act. 〈…〉 ouer which the holy Ghost hath made thē ouerseers verse 28. Lastly that which is heere particularly applyed Vse to the Ministers ought to be extended enlarged to all others which haue receiued any calling from God in what place soeuer God hath set vs we must be faithfull in it The Magistrate must bee faithfull in the gouernement of his people Psal 101. ● he must sing of mercy and of iudgement The Iudge must be faithfull in the ministring and executing of iustice Exod. 18. ● hauing courage and hating couetousnesse knowing that they iudge not for man but for the Lord. 2 Chro. ● The householder must be faithfull in ordering and reforming of his family and walke in his house with a perfect heart Psa 101.2 To conclude all inferiours must also be faithfull in their place to yeeld honour and reuerence to shew trust and diligence toward their superiors Ephes 6. ● 7 8. considering that God hath set them in their places remembring that euery man may gaine glory to his Name if he be found diligent how meane soeuer his calling is and knowing that whatsoeuer good thing any man doth the same shall hee receiue of the Lord whether he be bond or free 9 And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them and he departed 10 And the cloude departed from off the Tabernacle and behold Miriam became leprous white as snow and Aaron looked vpon Miriam and behold she was leprous Now we come to the execution of the sentence For when euill doers stand dumbe before the iugde and can answere nothing for themselues but confesse themselues guilty what remaineth but to proceed to the punishment as we see in the example of Achan who confessed he had sinned against the Lord God of Israel and was stoned with stones Io●● 7. ● and of him that came to the feast without his wedding garment so soon as he was taken speechlesse hauing nothing to answer for himselfe the king said vnto the seruants Mat. ● 〈…〉 The o● the 〈…〉 chap●●● Binde him hand and foot and take him away and cast him into vtter darknesse The punishment is partly signified in that the wrath of God by a metaphor drawen from men is said to be kindled so that he would heare the offenders speake no more vnto him declared by the departure of the cloude and partly inflicted she became leprous white as snow that is she was stricken with the most greeuous kind of leprosie because she was the author procurer of this murmuring Leuit. 〈…〉 Howbeit afterward it is in part repealed reuersed wherin we may see both the occasion the mitigatiō of the punishment The occasions are two first the request of Aaron made to Moses not to God ●●quest 〈…〉 who refused to hear him lying in his sin or rather not sufficiently humbled for his sin as also he did Iobs three friends 〈…〉 8. he would not receiue a sacrifice at their hands but Iob must pray for them lest he deale with them according to their folly This request of his is both generall for himselfe and his sister that their sinnes may be pardoned and not imputed vnto them and likewise speciall for Miriam that she might not be a spectacle and gazing stock to the whole hoste and a monument of Gods iustice for euer but might bee healed of that foule and vncleane disease ●rayer of 〈◊〉 The other occasion is the prayer of Moses directed to God his hand had stricken and made
themselues to base courses to follow Faires and Markets pitching vp their standings and selling pins and poynts like Pedlers and pettie Chapmen would not all men thinke it a great reproach and h●gh disgrace to their estate being royally descended and borne to a Kingdome Wee are the sonnes and daughters of almighty God the King of kings and Lord of lords and it is his pleasure to appoint vs heyres vnto a Kingdom Luke 12 32. We are a chosen generation a royal Priesthood Reu. 1 6. an holy nation 1 Pet. 2 9. a people set at liberty that we should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called vs out of darknesse into this maruellous light Shall we then being Kings children and borne to inherit a kingdome not of this world but of the worlde to come so much debase our selues as alwayes to looke downward and go poring and stooping to the earth like bruite beastes and not cast our eyes vpward like men made after the likenesse and similitude of God Let vs seeke those things which are aboue Col. 3 ver 1 2. wher Christ sitteth at the right hand of God let vs set our affections on things which are altogether aboue and not on things which are heere beneath vpon the earth It is vnfit for our calling and holy profession euermore to haue our hand on our halfe-peny making gaine to be godlinesse and our belly our god wholly minding earthly transitory things Let our conuersation be in heauen Phil. 3 20 and from thence looke for a Sauiour to chāge our fraile and mortall bodies and to make them like to his glorious body wee are free denizens of that City made without hands whose builder and maker is God therefore let vs not spend all our dayes in vanity and waste our yeeres in folly Math. 6 25 33. nor be excessiuely carefull what to eate or what to put on but haue our conuersation without couetousnesse and first of all seek the kingdome of God and his righteousnes Verse 20. Forasmuch as men are come to call thee rise vp and go with them These words containe an ironicall concession not a plaine approbation a figuratiue tanting not a simple allowing of his iourny or a giuing of him liberty to depart As if the Lord should haue sayd If being warned of mee thou wilt take no warning but art resolued what to do and standest firme in thine heart to be gone goe too proceed in thy purpose and walke in the waies of thine heart but know that thou makest hast to thine owne confusion and that all thine endeuors shall turne to thy destruction Thus we see God reproueth him by a tant because hee rested not in the will of God before deliuered vnto him and vttered in a plain maner Thus when as men receiue not the loue of the truth that they may be saued God sendeth them strong delusions that they might be seduced and deceiued Heereby we learne That all reprouing of sinne and of sinners by way of tanting 〈◊〉 ●●●ing 〈◊〉 ar●● in 〈◊〉 vn●● is not vnlawful and vnbeseeming the profession of godlinesse All iest●ng and mocking are not forbidden to bee vsed practised of the godly This we see by the example of the Lord himselfe Iudg. 10 14. Goe and cry vnto the gods which yee haue chosen let them saue you in the time of your tribulation Thus Moses speaketh to the people Deut. 32 37 38. Where are their gods their mighty gods in whom they trusted Let them rise vp and help you let them be your refuge The like we see in Iob vexed vniustly and censured rashly by his friends when he sayth Iob 12 12. Indeede because that yee are the people onely wisedome must dye with you So the Prophet Esay speaketh to the enemies of the Church Esay 8 9. Gather together on heapes O ye people and ye shal be broken in pieces g●rd your selues take counsell together pronounce a decree yet it shal not stand Thus the Prophet dealeth with Amaziah 2 Chron. 25 7 8. Let not the army of Israel goe with thee for the Lord is not with Israel if not go thou out make thy selfe strong to the battell but God shall make thee fall downe before the enemy for GOD hath power to helpe and to cast downe And if we would farther see the warrant of this practise in reprouing we haue examples of it in Christ our Sauiour when he sayd to Iudas That thou doest do quickly Iohn 13 27. And when hee spake to his disciples Matth. 26 45. Sleepe henceforth take your rest behold the houre is at hand and the son of man is giuen into the hands of sinners Al which examples in the olde and new Testament of God of the Prophets of Christ and other holy men serue to teach vs that all reproouing of sinne by sharpe tants is not vnlawfull and vnwarrantable The Reasons iustifying this practise are Reason 1 First to make Idolaters and wicked men to see their sinnes and the greatnesse of them to moue them to repentance and to come out of them to bring them to bee ashamed of theyr offences and so to mooue them to turne vnto God This the Prophet Esay vrgeth chap. 46 6 7. They draw gold out of the bag and weigh siluer in the ballance and hire a Goldsmith to make a god of it and they bow downe and worship it they beare it vpon their shoulders they carry set him in his place so doth he stand and cannot remooue from his place though one cry vnto him yet he cannot answer nor deliuer him out of his tribulation Remember this and be ashamed bring it again to minde O you transgressors This then is one reason why the holy Ghost reproueth and reprocheth in a deriding maner to bring offenders to true wisedom and to open their eies which are blinded that they see nothing Secondly an holy deriding may bee vsed Reason 2 to disgrace and discountenance sin and to set it out in his colours For when it is magnified among the sonnes of men followed with all greedinesse the seruants of God must vncouer and vncase it and lay it open that others may eschew it Thus we see the prophet Eliah dealeth with the Priests of Baal he scoffeth at their simplicity he derideth their folly and in an holy manner triumpheth ouer their vanity when he saith 1 Kings 18 28. Crie a loud for he is a god either he talketh or pursueth his enemies or is in his iourney or it may bee that he sleepeth and must be awaked Where he doth not stirre them vp to their Idolatry and idolatrous worship of Baal nor allow their superstitious prayers but mocketh at their madnesse to disgrace their wickednesse and to reproach their falling from the true God The Vses are to bee considered in the next Vse 1 place First this teacheth that the Minister of the word may in their teaching vse this figure when they deale with an obstinate people and reproue
potters vessell So then when the wicked say peace peace vnto themselues and thinke themselues sure of their purposes they shall faile in the midway and suddainly come to destruction verifying the saying of Salomon Prou. 11 7. The hope of the vniust shall perish Reason 1 The reasons are first because as they set themselues against the Church so God setteth himselfe against them Can we then maruaile that they are confounded and consumed against whom God opposeth himself they are the enemies of God and God professeth himselfe their enemy Who euer arose against him and prospered Who euer fought against him and preuailed They shall consume as the fat of Lambes before the fire and melt as the waxe against the Sunne This hath beene the faith and assurance of the Church of God in all their dangers that haue threatned and assailed them namely that God would take their cause into his hands and reuenge the wrong done vnto them Therefore when the enemies tooke crafty counsell against them and consulted cruell things to compasse their destruction saying Psal 83.12 Come let vs cut them off from being a nation let the name of Israel be no more in remembrance and let vs take for our possession the habitation of God they prayed to God to confound their enterprizes to fil their faces with shame to make them afraide by his iudgments to turne them vpside downe as a wheele to persecute them with his tempest that they might be as stubble before the wind as the fire burneth the forrest and as the flame setteth the mountaines on fire Reason 2 Secondly they trust in lying words that cannot profit and consequently they cannot prosper because no man by his own strength or the power of his owne hand can bring any thing to passe God scattereth the deuices of the crafty and taketh the wise in their craftinesse so that man cannot by his care and confidence attaine to the fruite of his desire Hagg. 1 9. For God bloweth vpon it and it commeth to nothing The vses of this doctrine remaine to be Vse 1 considered and handled First marke heereby the vnhappy estate of those that haue onely eyes of flesh to rest vpon the things which they see Nothing shall be able to helpe them wofull therefore is their condition This the Prophet teacheth Ier. 17 5 7. Thus saith the Lord Cursed be the man that trusteth in man maketh flesh his arme and withdraweth his heart from the Lord but blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is So then all they that make not God their Lord are vnhappy If the vngodly did consider these things that they setting vp their rest vpon vaine things and putting their confidence in a broken reed cannot prosper it would bee a notable meanes to bridle their vanity and to suppresse their folly If we should see a man naked vnarmed to go into the field against his enemies and perswade himself with a blast or bullrush to thrust them through and throw them down on euery side and make no doubt to get the victory we would thinke him s●ttish and pitty his folly wee would wish him to keepe a good dyet and keepe himselfe and his head warme fearing the man were breeding mad But thus it is with all the enemies of God and his people that raise great hope by their owne deuices and imagine great matters by their own counsels they are as distracted and distempered men they are in a miserable and wofull condition leaning vpon a bulrush and setling their trust and rest vpon a rotten reede They build vp the tower of confusion God will come downe against them and diuide their tongues as hee did at Babel Gen. 11.8 Wofull therefore and wretched is the case of all those whose confidence raised vp to high attempts falleth on the ground they trust in an arme of flesh and are deceiued for GOD laugheth them and their inuentions to scorne They attaine not to the end of their desires but are disappointed and so their hope perisheth and this is chiefly in death when they shal remaine in misery for euer Secondly let vs not rely vpon such vaine Vse 2 things nor rest vpon deceitfull vanity nor waite vpon lying dreames and deuices of men for then all our expectation shall deceiue vs. What man is there in his right wits that would in danger leane on the spiders web and yet thinke to be deliuered Who would trust to a broken staffe who would lay his strength vpon a weake reed This is it that Bildad one of Iobs three friends vttereth ch 8 14. 20 5 6. where he teacheth That the reioycing of the wicked is short the ioy of hipocrits is but for a moment though his excellency mount vp to the heauens his head reach vnto the clouds yet he shal perish for euer like the dung they which haue seen him shal say where is he His confidence also shal be cut off his trust shal be as the house of a spider therfore it can minister no comfort to such as catch hold vpon it Heereunto come sundry exhortations of the Prophet in the Psalmes Psal 62 10. 20 7 125 1. If we rest vpon God we shall haue a sure staffe that shal neuer faile we build vpon that hope that shall neuer make ashamed They that trust in the Lord shal be as mount Sion which cannot be remoued but remaineth for euer Vse 3 Lastly seeing the glory of our enemies shall end in shame and their vaine reioycing be buried in confusion let vs all take comfort and cheere vp our selues and one another when we see the enemies of the Church plot and conspire against the Church Albeit they lay their heads together and be very busie to stoppe the course of the glorious Gospel yet this is our hope that their hope is but on the spiders web the gates of hell shall neuer be able to preuaile against the Church and themselues shall worke out their owne destruction Thus doth the Prophet comfort himselfe Psal 49.5 6 7. Let this stay our faith and comfort our hope when wee see mighty plottings subtill proceedings deepe deuices and conspiracies of the wicked For why should we feare seeing they wait on lying vanities and forsake their owne mercy See this in the example of Pharaoh of Haman of Sancherib of Herod and sundry others If other enemies in our dayes follow their deeds let them also feare their ends And for this purpose the Prophet speaketh vnto them Esay 8 9 10. Gather together on heapes O ye people ye shall be broken in pieces and hearken all yee of farre Countries gird your selues and ye shall be broken in pieces gird your selues and ye shall be broken in pieces Take counsell together yet it shal be brought to nought pronounce a decree yet shall it not stand for God is with vs. Thus the enemies shal be confounded thus their counsels shal be ouerturned so
diuels Fish in the sea that is all soules in Purgatory Moreouer as this course of interpretation turneth the Scripture into Allegories so it ouerturneth the rules of Interpretation Saint Augustine in his famous bookes of Christian Doctrine handleth at large the manner how to expound the Scripture and what wayes are to be taken to find out the true meaning therof De doct chri lib. 1. 2 3 Hieron in Esai cap. 19 Where he teacheth that seeing the loue of God and of our neighbour is the end of the whole Scripture that must be a false interpretation which doth not build vp in this loue that we must expound the darke places by the plaine the fewer by the greater number that the study of artes knowledge of the toongs is necessary that we must expound Scripture by Scripture that wee must distinguish betweene precepts precepts betweene those that are giuen to all and those that were particularly directed to certaine persons that we must diligently marke all circumstances what goeth before and what followeth after that we must pray vnto him that is the Author of the Scriptures who onely is able to reueale the meaning of his owne word These rules are diligently to be considered of al those that come to expound the Scriptures As for hidden and secret sences we know them not we acknowledge them not we beleeue them not but leaue them to those that seeke an hidden diuinity and a secret religion deuised in their owne braines which will not abide the tryall of the light And thus much touching the true vnderstanding of this diuision and of ouerthrowing the false interpretation thereof now let vs come to the Doctrines that arise out of the same Verse 16. Againe the Lord spake vnto Moses saying c. We heard before the heauy wrath of God that fell vpon the Israelites the heads of thē were hanged the rest of the people were plagued with a sore plague there died in one day foure and twenty thousand But did the Midianites escape the hand of God that were the enticers of them who offered theyr daughters that they should commit fornication with them No they did not escape God giueth Moses charge to draw the sword against them and to destroy them Heere then we are to obserue the order which God obserueth in punishing The Midianites sinned first but the Israelites are first punished The Israelites sinned after the Midianites but the Midianites are punished after them From this course of Gods iudgements Doctrine God doth first chasten his owne people wee learne this Doctrine that God first chasteneth his owne people Howsoeuer he will not suffer the vngodly to escape nor to goe away without punishment but executeth his iust iudgments against them yet he will begin with his owne Church lay the rod vpon them in the first place He could if it had pleased him haue punished these Midianites first as the principal authors of all this mischiefe but he beginneth in iustice with his Church which were drawne to idolatry and adultery by them Thus the Lord dealt with Moses and Aaron when the people murmured through want of water repented of their going out of Egypt and rebelling against God assembling themselues in tumultuous manner against the seruants of GOD that had led them in the wildernesse and carried them in safety as vpon Eagles wings These were the first and chiefe in the offence yet because Moses and Aaron beleeued not the Lord to sanctifie him in the presence of the children of Israel they were first punished and not suffered to bring the congregation into the land which hee had giuen them Num. 20 12. This wee see further confirmed vnto vs in the latter end of the booke of Iob he had indeed offended God and spoken vnaduisedly with his lippes but his three friends had offended much more grossely then he for the wrath of God was kindled against them because they had not spoken of him the thing that is right like his seruant Iob Iob 42 7. Neuerthelesse Iob is rebuked first albeit he were the party that had lesse offended First God findeth fault with Iob and secondly hee findeth fault with his companions The holy history teacheth vs that Iehoshaphat ioyned in affinity with Ahab and went into the battell with him True it is he sinned grieuously in helping the wicked and louing them that hated the Lord for the which he is reproued of the Prophet yet many good things were found in him and he was righteous in respect of Ahab 2. Chron. 19 1 notwithstanding the wrath of the Lord began first to fal vpon him and he had perished in the fight being compassed by his enemies vnlesse hee had cryed vnto the Lord to helpe him who moued them to depart from him 2 Chron. 18.31 This is it which the Prophet Ieremy declareth at large shewing the order of the Lords proceeding in punishing such as sinne against him first he will rayse vp the Caldeans to chastice his Church and then the Caldeans themselues shall not escape I will send and take to me all the families of the North and I will bring them against this Land against the inhabitants therof and this whole land shall bee desolate and an astonishment and these nations shall serue the King of Babel seuenty yeeres when the seuenty yeares are accomplished c. Ier. 25 9 11 12. This is it which the Prophet complaineth of in the Psalme These are the wicked yet prosper they alwayes and encrease in riches Certainely I haue cleansed my heart in vaine washed mine hands in innocency c. Psal 73 12 13. And if we consider eyther the state of the Church generally or the condition of the members of the Church particularly we may in all times and ages see the truth of this doctrine and conclude with the Apostle Peter The time is come that iudgment must begin with the house of God 1. Pet. 4 17. Reason 1 The reasons will further open vnto vs the certainty of this truth and serue to cleare the iustice of God in obseruing this order For first as hee that honoureth the Lord shall bee honoured so they that despise the Lord shall be despised 2. Sam. 2 30. But none more dishonour GOD then his seruants offending against him whose sinnes presse him downe as the sheaues do a cart They open the mouthes of the vngodly to speake euil of God and his trueth If then Gods owne people the lot of his inheritance doe despise him and cause his Name to be blasphemed if they neglect his honour and turne his mercies vnto security and his grace into wantonnesse and so with a proud heart and an high hand set themselues against it can he beare it and wil hee not be reuenged on such a nation as this 1. Sam. 12.14 Rom. 2 24. There can be no greater despite done vnto a man then when his owne children rise against him and offer all villany vnto him So
there can be no greater dishonour offered vnto the most High God then when the sonnes of his owne house the seruants of his owne family and the flocke of his owne pasture rebell and resist against him The sinne of the Iewes is greater then of the Gentiles which sinned of knowledge and not of ignorance and therefore should receiue the greater punishment and be beaten with moe stripes as our Sauiour teacheth Luke 12 47. We are not therefore to maruel if they come into iudgment that they may be despised as they haue despised him For seeing no sinnes are greater then the sinnes of his owne chosen they must first taste the scourge of his hand as they haue contemned him and his glory Reason 2 Secondly his owne people haue the first and greatest experience of his mercies They haue the chiefest and choisest priuiledges and prerogatiues of his graces aboue all the wicked True it is all mankinde tasteth abundantly of Gods liberall and bountifull hand to make them without excuse but to the sonnes and daughters of the Almighty All the pathes of the Lord are mercy and truth the secrets of the Lord are reuealed to them that feare him and his couenant to giue them vnderstanding Psal 25 10 14. Hee calleth not them his seruants For the seruant knoweth not what his master doth but he calleth them his friends for all things which he hath heard of his Father hath hee made knowne to them Iohn 15 15. This is that reason which the Prophet pointeth vnto when he saith Loe I begin to plague the citty where my Name is called vpon Ier. 25 29 As if he should say I haue set my Name there I haue giuen them my word I haue fed them as from mine owne table therefore they shal not escape This is it which the Apostle meaneth when he saith I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ c. Rom. 1 16. Whereby he declareth that God keepeth this order to offer grace first vnto his own people VVhen Christ sent out his disciples hee commanded them not to go into the way of the Gentiles neyther to enter into the citties of the Samaritanes But to goe rather to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Math. 10.6 And when the Apostle saw the Iewes full of enuy and speake against those things which were preached vnto them he said behold It was necessary that the word of God should first haue bin spoken vnto you but seeing yee put it from you and iudge your selues vnworthy of euerlasting life loe we turne to the Gentiles Acts 13 46. Seeing then that this is the constant order that God obserueth to bestow his blessings first vpon his seruants it followeth that for the abuse of them they must first feele his punishments The greater loue they haue abused the greater punishment shall bee inflicted vpon them This is it which the Apostle remembreth Tribulation and anguish shal be vpon the soule of euery one that doth euil Rom. 2.9 Let vs now make vse of this doctrine which Vse 1 hath beene made plaine to our consciences First this serueth to ouerthrow the Church of Rome who dreame of a Church set in outward pompe and glory Bellar. de not eccl lib. 4 cap. 18. and make it a note of the Church to haue temporall felicity to haue earthly triumphs to haue victories and good successe in warre against their enemies as also the vnhappy end of the enemies of the Church For our doctrine teacheth vs that the Church is oftner without this flourishing estate in outward happinesse then it doth enioy it The Kingdome of Christ is not of this world The Lord declareth to Abraham that for a surety his seede should bee a stranger in a land that is not theirs foure hundred yeares and shall serue them and they shall intreat them euil Gen. 15.13 So he threatned by his Prophet Ieremy and performed it that they were carried into captiuity seuenty yeares verifying that which is spoken I haue forsaken mine house I haue left mine heritage I haue giuen the dearely beloued of my soule into the hands of her enemies Ierem. 12 7. Hence it is that Christ sayth oftentimes In the world yee shall haue trouble ye shall weepe lament and the world shall reioyce Ioh. 16 7.33 The Apostle teacheth That all which will liue godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution 2. Tim. 3.12 It is a worthy sentence recorded by the Prophet Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints howsoeuer the world doe account of them Psal 116 15. It is made a note of the Turkish Religion to haue externall felicity to abound in earthly prosperity It is the heauenly felicity and euerlasting happines which belongeth to the true Church and is proper to it Therefore one of their owne writers though not so absurd in opinion and corrupt in iudgment as most of that side Espens in 2 Tim. 3. faith The crosse is a note of the Church Christ foretold vs of troubles but false Christs of peace and prosperity So then by the confession of this man they must be accounted false Prophets that make outward glory and renowne to bee the true markes of the true Church And if we should necessarily vrge this as any priuiledge of the Church we should long agoe haue condemned the Prophets the Apostles the Patriarks Martyrs yea the sonne of God himselfe Christ Iesus who wanted the fauour of the world suffered the reproch of the crosse and gaue vp their liues vnto the death that they might receiue a better resurrection If the Church of Rome condemne these wee are content they should condemne vs if they iustifie them they must condemne themselues and renounce this outward felicity as a false note of the Church Vse 2 Secondly we may from this vsuall order of Gods punishments conclude that the vngodly shall neuer escape albeit for a time they be free GOD hath most assuredly determined to inflict great and grieuous punishments vpon the wicked and vngodly that are his enemies howsoeuer he beare for a season with the vessels of wrath This the Prophet is sent to tell the King of Babel and that nation and sundry other people Thus sayth the Lord of hoasts yee shall certainely drinke for loe I begin to plague the citty where my Name is called vpon and should you goe free yee shall not goe quit for I will call for a sword vpon all the inhabitants of the earth Ier. 25 29. This wee see likewise in the Prophet Habakuk first the Lord raysed vp the Caldeans a bitter and furious nation whose horses were swifter then the Leopards and fiercer then the wolues to chastise his owne people and afterward the Caldeans themselues shall be spoyled Chapter 2. This serueth as a terror to all vngodly men to consider that howsoeuer GOD beginneth to chastise those of his owne houshold when hee doth purpose to bring a plague vppon a land and beginneth not at the
vnbeleeuers but letteth them alone and spareth them as though hee had forgotten their workes or had not seene their sinnefull wayes yet they must know that their transgressions are recorded in the booke of God and shall come to account For hee suffereth those whom he loueth not to waxe ripe yea to rot away in their sinnes and in the meane season hee chastiseth those whom he hath adopted to be his children Gen. 15. The state of the faithfull is in the fight of man and in the iudgment of the world more miserable then the state of the despisers of God which rest at ease and welter in all pleasures They seeme to bee forgotten of God and vtterly forsaken of helpe so that they pine away with sorrow of heart whereas the wicked lift vp their heads and set their hornes on high they are merry and make a mocke of sinne in the despite of God and in scorne of all godlinesse Alas how would this trouble and torment vs and bring vs to our wits ends if wee had not this doctrine that iudgement entreth first into the house of God and that when God shall haue finished all his worke vpon mount Sion then will hee not spare the wicked Esay 10 12. God will indeed keepe corrections first in his owne house seeing he loueth them most and seeketh to cleanse them from their sinnes hee will visit them in the first place lest they should be condemned with the world and then a most horrible vengeance is prepared and a stormy tempest is made ready for those that haue long abused his patience and hardned their hearts not knowing that his long sufferance ought to haue led them to repentance 1. Cor 11 32. This serueth as a notable comfort on the one side to all the godly that are tryed by afflictions of long continuance We must consider that the more the Lord loueth vs the more forward he is in visiting of vs and when he seeth wee haue stepped awry and are gone out of the right way of saluation hee watcheth ouer vs to bring vs home againe to him with speed This is that which the Apostle teacheth the Church of Corinth For this cause many are weake and sicke among you and many sleepe for if we would iudge our selues wee should not be iudged but when we are iudged wee are chastened of the Lord because we should not be condemned with the world Let vs not therefore despise the chastening of the Lord neyther faint when we are rebuked of him for whom the Lord loueth hee chasteneth and hee scourgeth euery sonne whom he receiueth if therefore we be without correction c. Heb. 12 5.6 Euen as when a man beholding two children committing euill correcteth one of them and letteth the other go free the standers by will say surely that was his sonne which hee did smite and chasten but the other was not Besides we are assured that the wicked shall perish and that the vngodly shall bee punished Secondly this serueth to set forth the wofull condition of all the reprobate for when they see how GOD dealeth with his owne deare children chastening them for their sinnes and sending them great afflictions as appeareth in Dauid that the sword departed not from his house that God did visit him with sundry other iudgements in his children all the dayes of his life it ought to be a feareful threatning to the wicked to make them afraid of the reward which is laide vp in store for them in the life to come This is that which Salomon calleth to their remembrance Behold the righteous shal be recompenced c. Prou. 11 31. And to the same purpose speaketh the Apostle Peter The time is c●me that iudgement must beginne at the house of GOD 1. Peter 4 17. If it first beginne at vs what shall the end be of them which obey not the Gospel of God And if the righteous scarsely bee saued where shall the vngodly and the sinner appeare Woe therefore to all wicked men how wretched shall their end be how horrible shal their destruction be when God commeth to giue them the hire and wages of their worke Let them therefore repent of their euill waies and call vpon God betimes before the euill daies approch and before iudgment do come vpon them Vse 3 Lastly from hence arise sundry duties to be practised as well of the children of God that lye vnder chastisement as of others that are beholders of it First seeing God will begin his chastisements vpon his owne children it teacheth them when they are punished to consider and search out the true cause therof and to call vpon him to pardon theyr sinnes True it is hee is able to preserue them in the time of trouble he is ready to regard their prayers but their sinnes are lothsome to him and doe turne away his louing countenance from them according vnto the saying of the Prophet Esay 59 1 2. Behold the Lords hand is not shortned that it cannot saue neither is his eare heauy that it cannot hear but your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God your sins haue hid away his face from you that hee will not heare When our sinnes are heartily confessed they shall be freely pardoned and when they are pardoned God is reconciled vnto vs and when he is reconciled his iudgements shal be remoued Secondly let vs begin a new life walke in the wayes of righteousnes for as Salomon teacheth Righteousnesse deliuereth from death Prou. 10 2. Wee must turne from our wickednes and then God will turne from his iudgements Wee are ready to cry out in the time of our affliction but we are not so readie to practise true religion If wee would call in Gods iudgement we must turne to him by amendment of life Lastly when we see the Lord strike his owne children wee must behold it with an eye of compassion So soone as we see their miseries and calamities that ly heauy vppon them we must shew our selues to haue a feeling of their afflictions wee must expresse our pitty we must manifest our kindnesse and wee must declare the bowels of our loue toward them This is it which Iob requireth at the hands of his friends in the daies of his sorrow Iob 19 21. The wicked haue despised me when I rose they spake against me all my secret friends abhorred me and they whom I loued are turned against me c. Where we see he sheweth that God had chastened him that his brethren stoode farre from him that his acquaintance were strangers vnto him that his neighbors had forsaken him that his familiars had forgotten him that his seruants disdained him that his wife loathed him that the wicked despised him that his secret friends abhorred him thereupon hee cryeth out for some to pitty him in his misery and to comfort him in his extreamity This duty should be performed by vs to testifie our loue vnto the seruants of God and so
blood haue they shed like water and there was none to bury them Psal 79 2 3 4 5. Neuerthelesse they shal not be able to separate them from God Rom. 8 35. If we be the children of God nothing shall bee able to hurt vs though death come vpon vs sodainly as it hath done vpon many it shall bring vs to God not diuide vs from his presence Wee do for the most part take vpon vs through a generall corruption to iudge those the most greeuous sinners that suffer the greatest sorrows as it appeareth by Iobs friends and Christs followers Luke 13. howbeit this is an opinion that must be reiected as full of error and empty of charity 15 And Moses spake vnto the Lord saying 16 Let the Lord the God of the spirites of all flesh set a man ouer the congregation 17 Which may goe out before them and which may go in before them and which may leade them out and which may bring them in that the Congregation of the Lord be not as sheepe which haue no sheepheard 18 And the Lord said to Ioshua c. 19 And set him before Eleazar c. Heere is offered vnto vs the second occasion of the election and inauguration of Ioshua to wit the prayer of Moses Wee must not thinke that hee vsed no more words then heere are expressed for this is onely the substance and cheefe effect of his prayer In it wee are to note first the preface or entrance into the same for no man ought rashly to enter vpon this holy worke but well aduised and throughly prepared Secondly the prayer it selfe The Preface containeth a description of God by his titles and effect giuing life and breath to all creatures for thorough him wee liue and mooue and haue our being Act 17.28 The prayer it selfe is that he would appoint a mā ouer the congregation to succeede him in the administration and gouernment of the Commonwealth considered farther by the ends that being endued with the Spirit of God he may be able to performe the duties of his calling and go before them by his example expressed by going in and out before them and by leading thē out and bringing them in as Salomon prayeth for wisedom and vnderstanding for the same purpose 2 Chron. 1 10. 1 Chro. 27 1. Secondly that the people may not be as sheepe without a sheepheard scattered vpon the mountains but may keepe together liue in order and society one with another to performe such mutuall duties as are required for this life the life to come Thus much of the occasions now we come to the calling of Ioshua and separating him to beare office among the people wherein wee must obserue the commandement of God the obedience of Moses The commādements of God are many Take him c lay thine hāds vpon him set him before Eleazar the Priest c. giue him charge c. and Eleazar must aske counsell of the Lord for him after the iudgement of Vrim and Thummim What the Vrim and Thummim were Exod. 28 30 What this Vrim and Thummim were is diuersly vnderstood it were endlesse and fruitlesse to rehearse the seuerall opinions of all neither is it easie to determine Some of the Hebrew Doctors thinke they were not the work of any Artificer but that they were a mystery deliuered to Moses from the mouth of God or they were the worke of God himselfe as the two Tables of the Law were and that when the Priest asked counsell of God by Vrim hee made answer by liuely voice 1 Sam. 30 8. The words are both plurall and the Septuagint doe translate them The manifestation and the truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but properly they signifie the lights and the perfections and both of them were a figure of Christ who communicateth vnto vs from his father the true light and perfection being made our wisedome and righteousnesse 1 Cor. 1.30 for in the heart of him beeing our great high Priest the true Aaron were the gifts of the holy Ghost without measure Ioh 3 34. Col. 2.3 Againe others thinke that as those words holinesse to the Lord were grauen on a plate and put on Aarons forhead so these words Vrim and Thummim were likewise grauen on a golden plate and put in the brest lap which was double for something to bee put therein Lastly others thinke they were no other then the precious stones spoken of Exod. 28 and that they put the Priest in mind of his office that hee must instruct the people both by the light of his doctrine and by the integrity of his life But whatsoeuer they were it is most certaine that the vse of them was to enquire of GOD and likewise to receiue an answer of his will as appeareth in this place and in sundry others Iudg. 1 1 20 18 28. 1 Sam. 23 9. 10 11 12. These were lost at the captiuity of Babylon and wanted at the peoples returne Ezr. 2 63. Neh. 6 65 neither do wee reade that euer God gaue answer by them any more thus much of these The obedience of Moses is set downe generally particularly he did as the Lord commanded hee tooke Ioshua and set him before Eleazar and put his hands vpon him gaue him a straight charge to execute his office faithfully in the gouernment of all the people committed vnto him Let the Lord the God of the spirits of al flesh This is the preface or preparatiue to the prayer The faithfull were alwayes wont to make some entrance or introduction into this holy exercise as it appeareth in the forme of prayer left to the church by Christ our Sauiour In these words Moses acknowledgeth the Lord to be the God of the spirits of all flesh as before chap. 16 22 whereby he meaneth Doctrine God is the creator of the soule that he is the Creator of our soules and hath giuen them vnto vs. The doctrine God is the Creator and maker of the soules of men and hath giuen vnto them not onely their bodyes but also their soules Gen. 2 7. Iob 27 3. Eccl. 12 7 c. And how can it be otherwise For first he it is that hath formed al things Reason 1 he is the creator of things visible and inuisible Col. 1 16 that are in heauen or in earth and without him was nothing made that was made Iohn 1 3. Secondly he is the father of our spirits so called of the Apostle Heb 12 9 if then he be the Father of them doubtles hee is the former of them It is confessed that God is the Creator of the soule neuerthelesse it will not follow from hence necessarily that it is created immediately or giuen immediatly by him as it is certaine it was at the first creation And albeit many places bee produced to proue an immediate creation yet the opinion is rather weakned by those testimonies from whence it is thought to be established as for example Eccl. 12 7 The
disciples that he must go to Ierusalem and suffer many things of the Elders and chiefe Priests and Scribes be killed and bee raised againe the third day he tooke him aside and began to rebuke him saying Be it farre from thee Lord this shall not be vnto thee the Lord Iesus turned about and said vnto him Get thee behinde mee Satan thou art an offence vnto me for shou sauourest not the things that be of God but those that be of men Mat. 16 23 where by we are taught that such as are an offence to others are no better then the instruments of Satan therefore iustly beare his name Vse 1 The vses follow First this setteth downe the vnlawfull condition of such as hinder others in the profession and labour to make them fall from God Thus did the diuels as we heard before they threw downe our first parents from the hight of their happinesse therefore are reserued in chaines vnto iudgement 2 Pet. 2 4. In the Law hee is accursed that layeth a stumbling block before the blind to cause him to wander out of the way and all the people shall say Amen Deut. 27 18 hee therefore that seeketh to subuert and supplant the faith of men and to destroy the soule must needes be vnder a farre greater curse of God and man The soules of such as perish through their procuring shall cry out against them and bring downe an heauy iudgment vpon them Hence it is that Christ our Sauiour saith Who so shall offend one of these little ones which beleeue in me it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke and that hee were drowned in the depth of the sea woe vnto the world because of offences it must needes be that offences come but woe to that man by whom offences come Math. 18 6 7 we see therefore the wretched estate and condition of all those that giue offence to others They are guilty of horrible sins against God and against their brethren O that they had eyes to see them and hearts to bewaile them Euery man is prone through the corruption of his nature to fall from God but much more when occasions are laid before them for two are stronger then one and if we haue alwayes one foot ready to slip we are in more danger of falling when wee are pushed forward Let all such consider as haue caused others to fall that the time will come when it will be required at their hands These do hunt for the precious life of a man they are soule-hunters and soule-killers and destroyers and murther those for whom Christ died These are the chiefe causes of the coldnes and backwardnesse of Religion and that so few professe it in sincerity Our Sauiour pronounceth an heauy woe against them that neither entred into the kingdome themselues neither suffred others to enter but hindred them Luke 11 52. This woe lieth vpon the shoulders of all those that stop the way of others that they cannot enter into it Vse 2 Secondly thinke it not strange when wee haue this measure offered vnto vs and when men whisper vs in the eare to take heed we be not too forward or precise and that thereby we shall lay our selues open to the reproches of the world if sinners thus entice vs hearken not vnto them It hath beene an old practice to discourage and discountenance others from obeying God It is bitter to heare and beare the railings and reuilings of carnall men and many start aside from the truth by such taunts And if these reproches proceeded onely from open enemies they might be borne more easily but it pleaseth God many times to try the faith and to proue the patience of his faithfull seruants farther and they receiue much discouragemēt from their acquaintance from their friends with whom they tooke sweete counsell together and walked with them into the house of God Iob receiued much disgrace by his owne wife that lay in his bosome as also by his three friends that were as his owne soule and came to visite and to comfort him but miserable comforters were they all as himself complaineth chapt 16 2 and chapt 19 2 3 How long will ye vexe my soule and breake mee in pieces with words these ten times haue yee reproched me c. Was not this thinke you a great tentation and assault to the faith of this righteous man to bee thus taunted and tormented by his deare friends and by his dearest wife was hee not flesh and blood as well as others to haue an inward feeling of these sorrows to drinke vp the very lees of this bitter cup was he as brasse and iron or had he a body of steele that these afflictions could not pierce him or enter into him No doubtlesse for then his patience could not bee commended vnto vs and set before vs for an example Iam. 5 11. If then it go so with vs we haue the Prophets and holy men of God for an example of suffering affliction that haue gone before vs. The Church complaineth in Salomons Song that the watchmen that went about the city found her they smote her the keepers of the walles tooke away her vaile from her Cant. 5.7 They that should bee her guard turned to bee her griefe and they that watched for her wounded her The people that professe the truth in sincerity looke to haue all encouragement from their Ministers in weldoing yet oftentimes it falleth out as with the Church before that such worke them al the disgrace they can and seeke to put them to shame that should bee their glory Phil. 4 1 and vexe them with the crosse that ought o tbe their crowne and discomfort them that indeed might be their ioy and their comfort Paul complaineth oftentimes of the Iewes and of false brethren by whom he receiued greater hurt then euer hee did at the hands of the Gentiles Tit. 1 10 11. 2 Cor. 11 26. Sometimes children haue hard measure offered vnto them by their fathers and mothers whose reioycing it should be to see their children prosper in good things yet oftentimes it falleth out they are scoffed at by them and this falleth out not onely in the bloody dayes of persecution when parents haue betrayed their owne children the fruit of their bodies into the hands of cruell persecutors but likewise in the times of peace and prosperity and the generall and publike profession of the Gospel when we seem all to embrace one faith and one Religion yet if their sonnes and daughters be zealous in the truth they mock taunt them for their precisenes and grieue the bowels of those that are and should be theyr owne bowels not onely by nature but in loue and affection And therefore Christ teacheth such children Math. 10 34 35 36. I came not to send peace vpon earth but a sword and to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter c. And a mans foes shall be they