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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02637 A detection of sundrie foule errours, lies, sclaunders, corruptions, and other false dealinges, touching doctrine, and other matters vttered and practized by M.Iewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled, a defence of the apologie. &c. By Thomas Harding doctor of diuinitie. Harding, Thomas, 1516-1572. 1568 (1568) STC 12763; ESTC S112480 542,777 903

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that Leo expoundeth him selfe That which he was him selfe he willed Peter to be named saying Thou arte Peter asmuch to saie thou art a Rocke and vpon this Rocke I wil builde my Church and least we should thinke that Christ gaue him that name onely and not the thing signified by that name Leo addeth further Vt aeterni aedificatio tēpli mirabili munere gratiae Dei in Petri soliditate cōsisteret that the building of his euerlasting Temple should by the marueilous gifte of Goddes grace stande in the foundenesse of Peter Christ is the Rocke Christ is the Rock and Peter is the Rocke and hovv either Leo sermo 2. in Natiuitate Ap. Petri Pauli Matt. 16. and Peter is the Rocke How Christ How Peter Christ by his owne power Peter by participatiō But let vs heare Leo expounding him self more plainly Thus he saith Euangelica siquidem referente historia c. As the storie of the Gospel telleth our Lorde asketh of al the Apostles what menne thought of him And so long as they be in declaring the doubtefulnesse of mannes vnderstanding the talke of them that answer is common among them al. But when it is required of what sense the Disciples are there he is first in confessing our Lorde which is firste in the Apostolike dignitie Who when he had said Thou arte the Sonne of the liuing God Iesus answered him Blessed arte thou Simon the sonne of Iona bicause fleshe and bloude hath not reueled this vnto thee but my Father that is in heauē Therefore blessed arte thou bicause my Father hath taught thee neither hath earthly opinion deceiued thee but heauenly inspiration hath instructed thee and it is not fleshe and bloude that hath shewed me vnto thee but it is he whose onely begotten Sonne I am And I quod he tel thee that is as my Father hath manifested my diuinitie vnto thee so I make knowen to thee thine excellencie Quia tu es Petrus id est cùm ego sim inuiolabilis Petra ego lapis angularis qui facio vtraque vnum tamen tu quoque Petra es quia mea virtute solidaris vt quae mihi potestate sunt propria sint tibi mecum participatione communia Peter is asmuche to saie as Rocke Bicause thou art Peter that is whereas I am the inuiolable Rocke I the Cornerstoane whiche make both one yet thou also arte the Rocke bicause by my vertue thou arte made sounde and sure that the thinges which are proper vnto me by power maie be common to thee with me by participation Thus farre Leo. By these laste wordes he declareth vnto vs how Christe receiued Peter into the companie of his indiuisible vnitie to witte by admitting him to enter commons as I might saie with him and by making him partaker throughe free gifte of that name and not of that name onely but also of that excellencie whiche is Christes owne by power Deceiue not the vnlearned Reader M. Iewel by suche peeces of Doctours sayinges whiche laid forth barely and alone without circumstance of the place whence they be pickte out maie perhappes seeme obscure and doubteful and being vewed in their Authours or otherwise set out in their owne colours appeare most true plaine and agreable to the Scriptures Furthermore where Leo saith The Councel of Chalcedon abhorred the prodigious deuises of the Deuilish heresie of Eutyches Leo epist 52. consenting vnto my writinges strengthened with the authoritie and merite of my Lorde the most blessed Apostle Peter My Lord S. Peter M. Iewel findeth a great fault with him for calling S. Peter my Lorde the most blessed Apostle Peter For the vse of whiche humble terme he might as wel finde faulte with S. Gregorie who calleth Mauricius the Emperour likewise by the name of Lorde the term my Lord vsed of the antiquitie Concil Chalcedō Act. 3. pa. 834. co 2 and with the learned menne of the time that Leo liued in for so the Bishoppes at the Councel of Chalcedon spake of Leo him selfe Domini nostri sanctissimi patris Archiepiscopi Leonis lecta est epistola The Epistle of our lorde and most holy ffather and Archiebishop Leo hath benne readde with the whole nation of the Frenche menne who speaking of S. Peter of S. Iames and of suche others the frendes of God are wont to My Lord R. Peter My Lord S. Iames saie Monsieur sainct Pierre Monsieur sainct Iaques my Lorde saint Peter my Lorde saint Iames with the Italians also who vse to speake likewise That this manner of speache was not strange in the Churche it appeareth by sundrie Monumentes of the Grecians of later time Matthaeus Hieromonachus Matthaus Hieremonachus in Collectan maketh Constantine the Great so to speake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We doo this in the worship of my Lorde S. Peter As for that other phrase Deo inspirante beatissimo Petro Apostolo by the inspiration of God and of S. Peter the Apostle so here it is tran●●●ted but falsely for whiche M. Iewel condemneth Leo as vsing immoderate and ambitious speache in the praise of S. Peter to the behoofe of his owne preeminence it seemeth strange in deede yea so strange that at the first reading my minde gaue me that M. Iewel to deceiue the Reader hath fowly abused the place As I thought so it was For now I finde that these wordes are in Leo in deede But they are to be construed farre otherwise then this translation reporteth Here I must bring M. Iewel to his smal Rules of Grammare and aske him how he construeth these wordes Leo epist 89 in fine Obtestamur vt ea quae à nobis Deo inspirante beatissimo Petro Apostolo decreta sunt seruetis Verely were he at a Grammare schoole and would tel his Schoolemaister that here beatissimo Petro Apostolo were put in the ablatiue case absolutely as Deo is and so would make S. Peter to geue inspiration to Leo as wel as God he were worthy to haue six stripes on the bare three for his negligent and grosse ignorance three for the blasphemie attributing that to S. Peter whiche is onely to be attributed vnto God There is no incōuenience in this sentence good Reader Thou maist tel M. Iewel that beatissimo Petro is here the ablatiue for the preposition à whiche requireth the nowne folowing it to be put in the ablatiue case And thus is the whole to be construed as if the preposition à were repeated againe before beatissimo we beseeche you that ye keepe the thinges whiche by the inspiration of God haue ben decreed of vs and of the most blessed Peter the Apostle Let no man thinke it strange S. Peter ioyned vvith Leo. that S. Peter is here ioined with Pope Leo. The Fathers speaking of any Godly Decree ordinance sentence or writing published by any Bishop of Rome for the benefite of the Churche haue commonly so spoken of it as both it proceded from the Pope for the