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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05142 The seconde [seventh] sermon of Maister Hughe Latimer which he preached before the Kynges Maiestie [with?]in his graces palayce at Westminster, ye xv. day of Marche [-xix daye of Apryll], M.ccccc.xlix. Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. 1549 (1549) STC 15274.7; ESTC S122869 128,935 442

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tha● that I se stande nex●e me it stode more commodiouslye for me And ●o dyd Christe by Simons bote It stode nerer for him he sawe a better seate in it A good natural reasō Nowe come the papystes and they wyll make a misterie of it they wyll pyke out the supremesy of the Bishop of Rome in Peters bote We maye make allegoryes inoughe of euerye place in scripture but suerly it must nedes be a symple matter that standeh on so weke a grounde But ye shall se further He desired Peter to thruste oute his bote from the shore He desired hym Heare was a good lesson for the Byshoppe of Rome al hys colledge of Cardinalles to learne humilitye and gentelnes Rogabateum He desired him it was gently done of him with out any austeritie but wyth all vrbanitye wyldnes softnes and humilitie What an example is this that he giueth them heare but they spye it not they can se nothinge but the supremycye of y e Byshoppe of Rome A wounderous thynge what syghte they haue They se nothynge but the supremicie of the Byshoppe of Rome Imperabatis onibus meis saith Ezechiel Cum anaxicia et austeritate et disperse sunt absque pastore Ye haue ruled my shepe and commaunded them wyth greate lordlynes austeritye and power and thus ye haue dispersed my shepe a brode and why There was no shephard they had wanted one a greate while Rome hath bene many a hundred yeres without a good shepard They would not lerne to rule thē gētly they hade rule ouer thē but it was with curssyngs excōmunicacions wyth great aust●rite thūderboltes and the diuell and all to mayntayne their vnpreachynge prelacye I beseche God open their ●yes y t they maye se the truth not be blinded with those thynges that no mā can se but they It foloweth in the texte Sedens doc● bat de naui He taught sitting Preachers be lyke were sitters in those dayes as it is written in a nother place S●dent in cathedra moisis They sit in the chayre of Moses I woulde oure preachers woulde preache sittyng or slandynge one waye or other It was a goodly pulpyt that oure Sauioure Christe had gotten hym here And olde rotten bote And yet he preached his fathers wyll hys fathers message oute of thys pulpyt He cared not for the pulpit so he myght do the people good In dede it is to be cōmended for the preacher to stand or sit as the place is but I woulde not haue it so supersticiously estemed but y ● a good preacher maye declare the worde of god syttynge on a horse or preachyng in a ●re And yet if this shoulde be done the vnpreachinge prelattes woulde laughe it to skorne And though it be good to haue the pulpit set vp in churches that the people maye resort thither yet I woulde not haue it so supersticiously vsed but that in a prophane place the worde of God might be preached some tymes and I woulde not haue the people offended with all no more then they be wyth our Sauioure Christes preachyng out of a bote And yet to haue pulpettes in churches it is very well done to haue them but they woulde be ocupyed for it is a vayne thinge to haue them as they stād in many churches I hard of a Byshoppe of Englande that wente on visitacion and as it was the custom whē the Byshoppe should come and be runge into the toune the greate b●lles clapper was fallen doune the tyall was brokē so that the Bishoppe could not be runge into the toune There was a greate matter made of thys and the chyfe of the paryshe were muche blamed for it in the visitacion The Byshop was some what quicke wyth theym and sygnyfyed that he was muche offended They made theyr aunsweres and excused them selues as well as they coulde it was a chaunce sayd they that the clapper brak and we coulde not get it mended by and by we must tarrye tyl we can haue it done It shal be amended as shortelye as mayc be Amonge the other there was one wyser then the rest and he commes me to the Byshop Why my Lorde sayth he doth your lordshyp make so greate a matter of the hell that lacketh hys clapper here is a bell sayeth he and poynted to the pulpit y t hath lacked a clapper thys .xx. yeres We haue a person that fetteth out of thys benefyce fyftye pounde euerye yeare but we neuer se hym I warraūte you the Byshop was an vnpreachyng prelate He coulde finde faute with the bel that wanted a clapper to rynge him into the toune but he could not find any faute with the person that preached not at his benefyce Euer this office of preachynge hath bene leaste regarded it hath skante hadde the name of goddes seruice They must synge Salua festadies about the churche that no man was the better for it but to shewe theyr gaye cotes and garmenttes I came once my selfe to a place riding on a iornay homewarde from Londō and I sent worde ouer nighte into y e toune that I woulde preache there in the morning because it was holydaye and me thought it was an holye dayes worcke The churche stode in my waye and I toke my horsse and my companye and wente thither I thought I shoulde haue found agreat companye in the church and when I came there the churche dore was faste locked I tarried there halfe an hower and more at last the keye was founde and one of the paryshe commes to me and sayes Syr thys is a busye daye wyth vs we can not heare you it is Rodyn hoodes daye The paryshe are gone a brode to gather for Robyn hoode I praye you let them not I was fayne there to geue place to Robyn hoode I thought my rochet shoulde haue bene regarded thoughe I were not but it woulde not serue it was faine to geue place to Robyn hoodes men It is no laughynge matter my friende it is a wepyng matter a heauy matter a heauy matter vnder the pretence for gatherynge for Robyn hoode a traytoure and a thefe to put out a preacher to haue hys office lesse estemed to prefer RoRobyn hoode before the ministraciō of Gods worde and all this hath come of vnpreaching prelates Thys Realme hathe ben yl prouided for that it hath had suche corrupte iudgementes in it to prefer Robyn hood to goddes worde Yf the Byshoppes had bene preachers there shoulde neuer haue bene any suche thinge but we haue a good hope of beteer We haue had a good beginning I besech God to continewe it But I tell you it is farre wyde that the people haue suche iudgementes the Byshoppes they coulde laughe at it What was that to them they would haue them continue in theyr ignoraunce styll and them selues in vnpreachyng prelacye Wel syttynge syttynge He satte doune and taught The texte doeth tell vs that he taughte but it