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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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and she is as the oile in his right hand that vttereth it self 17 Yron sharpeneth yron so doeth man sharpen the face of his friend 18 He that kepeth the figgetre shall eat the frute thereof so he that waiteth vpon his master shal come to honour 19 As in water face answereth to face so the heart of man to man 20 The graue and destructiō can neuer be ful so * the eyes of man can neuer be satisfied 21 * As is the fining pot for siluer and the fornace for golde so is euerie man according to his dignitie 22 Thogh thou shuldest braye a foole in a mor ter among wheat brayed with a pestel yet wil not his foolishnes departe from him 23 Be diligent to know the state of thy flocke and take hede to the heards 24 For riches remaine not alwaye nor the crowne from generation to generation 25 The heye discouereth it self and the grasse appeareth and the herbes of the mountaines are gathered 26 The lambes are for thy clothing and the goates are the price of the sield 27 And let the milke of the goats be sufficient for thy foode for the foode of thy familie and for the sustinance of thy maides CHAP. XXVIII 1 THe wicked flee when none pursueth but the righteous are bolde as a lyon 2 For the transgression of the land there are manie princes thereof but by a man of vnderstanding and knowledge a realme likewise end ureth long 3 A poore man if he oppresse the poore is like a raging raine that leaueth no foode 4 They that forsake the Law prayse the wicked but they that kepe the Law set them sel 〈◊〉 against them 5 Wicked men vnderstand not iudgement but they that seke the Lord vnderstād al things 6 * Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnes then he that peruerteth his waies thogh he be riche 7 He that kepeth the lawe is a childe of vnderstanding but he that fedeth the gluttons shameth his father 8 He that increaseth his riches by vsurie and interest gathereth them for him that wil be merciful vnto the poore 9 He that turneth awaye his eare frome hearyng the Law euen hys prayer shal be abominable 10 He that causeth the righteous to go astray by an euil way shal fall into his owne pit and the vpright shal inherit good things 11 The riche man is wise in his owne conceit but the poore that hathe vnderstandyng can trye him 12 * When righteous men reioyce there is great glorie but when the wicked come vp the man is tryed 13 He that hideth his sinnes shal not prosper but he that confesseth ād forsaketh them shal haue mercie 14 Blessed is the man that feareth alwaye but he that hardeneth his heart shal fall into euill 15 As a roaryng lyon and an hungrie beare so is a wicked ruler ouer the poore people 16 A prince destitute of vnderstanding is also a great oppressour but he that hateth couetousnes shall prolong his daies 17 A man that doeth violence againste the blood of a persone shall flee vnto the graue and they shal not stay him 18 He that walketh vpryghtly shal be saued but he that is froward in his waies shal once fall 19 * He that tilleth his lande shal be satisfied with bread but he that followeth theylde shal be filled with pouertie 20 A faithfull man shall abounde in blessings and * he that maketh haste to be riche shal not be innocent 21 To haue respect of personnes is not good for that man will transgresse for a piece of bread 22 A mā with a wicked eye hasteth to riches and knoweth not that pouertie shall come vpon him 23 He that rebuketh a man shall finde more fauour at the length then he that flattereth with his tongue 24 He that robbeth his father and mother and saith it is no transgression is the companion of a man that destroieth 25 He that is of a proude hearte stirreth vp strife but he that trusteth in the Lorde shall be fat 26 He that trusteth in hys owne heart is a foole but he that walketh in wisdome shal be deliuered 27 He that giueth vnto the poore shall not lacke but he that hideth his eyes shal haue many curses 28 * When the wicked rise vp men hide them selues but when they perish the righteous increase CHAP. XXIX 1 AMan that hardeneth his necke when he is rebuked shall suddenly be destroyed and can not be cured 2 * When the ryghteous are in autoritie the people reioyce but when the wicked beareth rule the people sigh 3 A mā that loueth wisdome reioyceth his father * but he that fedeth harlots wasteth his substance 4 A Kyng by iudgement mainteyneth the countrey but a man receiuing giftes destroieth it 5 A man that flattereth his neighbour sprea deth a net for his steppes 6 In the transgression of an euil man is his snare but the righteous doeth sing and reioyce 7 The righteous knoweth the cause of the poore but the wicked regardeth not know ledge 8 Scornful men bring a citie into a snare but wise men turne away wrath 9 If a wise man contend with a foolish man whether he be angrie or laugh there is no rest 10 Bloodie men hate him that is vpright but the iuste haue care of his soule 11 A foole powreth out all his minde but a wise man kepeth it in til afterwarde 12 Of a prince that hearkeneth to lyes all his seruants are wicked 13 * The poore and the vsurer mete together and the Lord lighteneth bothe their eyes 14 * A King that iudgeth the poore in trueth his throne shal be established for euer 15 The rodde correction giue wisdome but a childe set at libertie maketh his mother ashamed 16 When the wicked are increased transgessiō increaseth but the righteous shal se their fall 17 Correct thy sonne and he wil giue thee rest and wil giue pleasures to thy soule 18 Where there is no vision the people decay but he that kepeth the Law is 〈◊〉 19 A seruant wil not be chastised with wordes thogh he vnderstand yet he wil not answere 20 Seest thou a mā hastie in his matters there is more hope of a foole then of him 21 He that delicately bringeth vp his seruant from yough at length he wil be euen as his sonne 22 * An angrie man stirreth vp strife and a furious man abundeth in 〈◊〉 23 * The pride of a man shal bring him lowe but the humble in spirit shal enioye glorie 24 He that is partener with a thief hateth his owne soule he heareth cursing declareth it not 25 The feare of man bringeth a snare but he that trusteth in the Lord shal be exalted 26 Manie do seke the face of the ruler but eue rie mans iudgement commeth from the Lord.
Iob because he ascribeth wisdome and putenes to him self 16 He describeth the curse that falleth on 〈◊〉 wicked rekoning Iob to be one of the nomber 1 THen answered Elipház the Temanite and said 2 Shal a wise mā speake wordes of the winde and fil his belly with the East winde 3 Shal he dispute with wordes not comely or with talke that is not profitable 4 Surely thou hast cast of feare and restrainest prayer before God 5 For thy mouth declareth thine iniquitie seing thou hast chosen the tongue of the crafty 6 Thine one mouth condemneth thee not I and thy lippes testifie against thee 7 Art thou the first man that was borne and wast thou made before the hils 8 Hast thou heard the secret counsel of God and doest thou restraine wisdome to thee 9 What knowest thou that we knowe not and vnderstanded that is not in vs 10 With vs are bothe ancient and very aged men farre older then thy father 11 Seme the consolations of God smale vnto thee is this thing strange vnto thee 12 Why doeth thine heart take thee away what do thine eyes meane 13 That thou answerest to God at thy pleasure and bringest suche wordes out of thy mouth 14 What is man that he shulde be cleane and he that is borne of woman that he shulde be iust 15 Beholde he founde no sted fastnes in his Sain tes yea the heauens are not cleane in his sight 16 How muche more is man abominable and filthie which drinketh iniquitie like water 17 I wil tel thee heare me I wil declare that which I haue sene 18 Which wisemen haue tolde as they haue heard of their fathers and haue not kept it secret 19 To whome alone the land was giuen and no stranger passed through them 20 The wicked man is continually as one that trauelleth of childe and the nomber of ye res is hid from the tyrant 21 A soūd of feare is in his eares in his pro speritie the destroyer shal come vpon him 22 He beleueth not to returne out of darkenes for he seeth the sworde before him 23 He wandreth to and fro for bread where he may he knoweth that the day of darke nes is prepared at hand 24 Affliction and anguish shall make him afraid they shal preuaile against him as a King ready to the battel 25 For he hathe stretched out his hand against God and made him self strong against the Almightie 26 Therefore God shal runne vpō him euen vpō his necke and against the moste thicke part of his shield 27 Because he hathe couered his face with his fatnes and hathe collopes in his flācke 28 Thogh he dwel in desolate cities and in houses which no man inhabiteth but are become heapes 29 He shal not be riche nether shal his substan ce continue nether shal he prolong the per fection thereof in the earth 30 He shal neuer departe out of darkenes the flame shal drye vp his branches and he shal 〈◊〉 away with the breath of his mouth 31 He beleueth not that he erreth in vanitie therefore vanitie shal be his change 32 His branche shal not be grene but shal be cut of before his day 33 God shal destroy him as the vine her sower grape shal cast him of as the oliue doeth her floure 34 For the cōgregacion of the hypocrite shal be desolate and fyre shal deuoure the houses of bribes 35 For thei cōceiue mischief bring forthe 〈◊〉 their beilie hathe prepared deceite CHAP. XVI 1 Iob moued by the importunacie of his friends 7 Counteth in what extremitie he is 19 And taketh God 〈◊〉 of his innocencie 1 BVt Iob answered and said 2 I haue oft times heard suche things miserable comforters are ye all 3 Shal there be none end of wordes of winde or what maketh thee bolde so to answer 4 I colde also speake as ye do but wolde God your soule were in my soules stead I colde kepe you companie in speaking and colde shake mine head at you 5 But I wolde strengthen you with my mouth the comfort of my lips shulde aswage your sorowe 6 Thogh I speake my soro we can not be aswaged thogh I cease what release haue I 7 But now he maketh me weary ô God thou hast made all my congregacion desolate 8 And hast made me ful of wrinkles which is a witnes thereof and my leannes riseth vp in me testifying the same in my face 9 His wrath hathe torne me and he 〈◊〉 me and gnasheth vpon me with his teeth mine enemie hathe sharpened his eies against me 10 They haue opened their mouthes vpon me and smitten me on the cheke in reproche thei gather thē selues together against me 11 God hathe deliuered me to the vniust and hathe made me to turne out of the way by the hands of the wicked 12 I was in welth but he hathe broght me to noght he hathe taken me by the necke and beaten me and set in me as a marke for him self 13 His archers compasse me round about he cutteth my reines and doeth not spare and powreth my gall vpon the grounde 14 He hathe broken me with one breaking vpon another and runneth vpon me like a gyant 15 I haue sowed a sackecloth vpō my skin and haue abased mine horne vnto the dust 16 My face is withered with weping and the shadow of death is vpon mine eyes 17 Thogh there be no wickednes in 〈◊〉 hands and my prayer be pure 18 O earth couer not thou my blood and let my crying finde no place 19 For lo now my witnes is in the 〈◊〉 and my record is on hie 20 My friends speake eloquently againste me but mine eye powreth out teares vnto God 21 Oh that a man might pleade with God as man with his neighbour 22 For the yeres accounted come and I shal go the way whence I shal not returne CHAP. XVII 1 Iob sayth that he consumeth away and yet doeth paciētly abide it 10 He exhorteth his friends to repentance 13 Shewing that he 〈◊〉 but for death 1 MY breath is corrupt my dayes are cut of and the graue is ready for me 2 There are none but mockers with me and mine eye continueth in their bitternes 3 Laye downe now and put me in suretie for thee who is he that wil touche mine hand 4 For thou hast hid their heart from vnderstanding therefore shalt thou not set them vpon hie 5 For the eyes of his children shal faile that speaketh flaterie to his friends 6 He hathe also made me a by worde of the people and I am as a tabret before them 7 Mine eye therefore is dim for grief and all my strength is like a shadowe 8
the prince whome thine eyes haue sene 8 Go not forthe hastely to strife lest thou knowe not what to do in the end thereof whē thy neighbour hathe put thee to shame 9 Debate thy matter with thy neighbour and discouer not the secret to another 10 Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame and thine infamie do not cease 11 A worde spoken in his place is like appels of golde with pictures of siluer 12 He that reproueth the wise and the obedient eare is as a golden earing and an ornament of sine golde 13 As the colde of the snow in the time of har uest so is a faithful messenger to them that send him for he refresheth the soule of his masters 14 A man that boasteth of false liberalitie is like cloudes and winde without raine 15 A prince is pacified by staying of angre a softe tongue breaketh the bones 16 If thou haue founde honie eat that is suf ficient for thee lest thou be ouerful and vomit it 17 With drawe thy fote from thy neighbours house lest he be weary of thee and hate thee 18 A man that beareth false witnes against his neighbour is like an hammer and a sworde and a sharpe arrowe 19 Confidence in an vnfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken to the 〈◊〉 a sliding fote 20 He that taketh away thee garment in the colde seasō is like vineger powred vpō nitre or like hym that singeth songs to an heauie heart 21 * If he that hateth thee be hungrie giue him bread to eat and if he be thirstie giue hym water to drinke 22 For thou shalt lay coles vpon his head and and the Lord shal recompense thee 23 As the North wind driueth away the raine so doeth an angrie countenance the sclādering tongue 24 * It is better to dwellin a corner of the hou se toppe then with a contentious woman in a wide house 25 As are the colde waters to a wearie soule so is good newes from a farre countrey 26 A righteous man falling downe before the wicked is like a troubled well and a corrupt spring 27 It is not good to eat muche honie * so to search their owne glorie is not glorie 28 A man that refraineth not his appetite is like a citie whiche is broken downe and without walles CHAP. XXVI 1 AS the snow in the sommer and as the raine in the haruest are not 〈◊〉 so is honour vnsemely for a foole 2 As the sparowe by fleing and the swalowe by flying escape so the curse that is causeles shal not come 3 Vnto the horse belōgeth a whip to the asse a bridle and a rodde to the fooles backe 4 Answer not a foole accordyng to hys foolishnes lest thou also be like him 5 Answer a foole according to his foolishnes lest he be wise in his owne conceite 6 He that sendeth a message by the hande of a foole is as he that cutteth of the fete and drinketh iniquitie 7 As they that lift vp the legges of the lame so is a parable in a fooles mouth 8 As the closing vp of a precious stone in an heape of stones so is he that giueth glorie to a foole 9 As a thorne standyng vp in the hand of a drunkard so is a parable in the mouth of fooles 10 The excellent that formed all things both rewardeth the foole ād rewardeth the trans gressers 11 * As a dogge turneth againe to his owne vo mite so a foole turneth to his foolishnes 12 Seest thou a man wise in his owne cōceite more hope is of a foole then of him 13 The slouthful man saith Alyon is in the waye alyon is in the stretes 14 As the dore turneth vpon hys henges so doeth the slouth full man vpon his bed 15 * The slouth full hideth his hand in his bosome and it grieueth him to put it againe to his mouth 16 The sluggard is wiser in his owne conceit then seuen men that can rendre a reason 17 He that passeth by and medleth wyth the strife that belongeth not vnto hym is as one that taketh a dogge by the eares 18 As he that faineth him self mad casteth fyre brandes arrowes and mortal things 19 So dealeth the deceitfull man with hys friend and saith Am not I in sporte 20 Without wood the fyre is quenched and without a tale bearer strife ceaseth 21 * As the cole maketh burning coles and wood a fyre so the contentious man is apt to kindle strife 22 * The wordes of a tale bearer are as flatterings and they go downe into the bowels of the bellie 23 As siluer drosse ouerlayed vpon a potshard so are burnyng lippes and an euil heart 24 He that hateth will counterfait with hys lippes but in his heart he layeth vp deceit 25 Thogh he speake fauorably beleue hym not for there are seuen abominacions in his heart 26 Hatred may be couered by deceit but the malice thereof shal be discouered in the Congregacion 27 * He that diggeth a pit shall fall therein and he that rolleth a stone it shall returne vnto him 28 A false tōgue hateth the afflicted and a flattering mouth causeth ruine CHAP. XXVII 1 BOast not thy selfe of to morowe for thou knowest not what a day may bryng for the. 2 Let another man prayse thee and not thine owne mouth a stranger and not thine owne lippes 3 * A stone is heauie and the sand weightie but a fooles wrath is heauier then them bothe 4 Angrie is cruel and wrath is ragyng but who can stand before enuie 5 Open rebuke is better then secret loue 6 The wordes of a louer are faithful and the kisses of an enemie are pleasant 7 * The persone that is full despiseth an honie combe but vnto the hungrie soule euerie bitter thing is swete 8 As a birde that wandereth frō her nest so is a man that wandereth from his owne place 9 As oyntement and perfume reioyce the heart so doeth the swetenes of a mans friende by heartie counsel 10 Thine owne friend and thy fathers friende forsake thou not nether entre into thy brothers house in the daye of thy calamitie for better is a neyghbour that is nere thē a brother farre of 11 My sonne be wise and reioyce mine heart that I may answer him that reprocheth me 12 A prudent man seeth the plague and hideth him selfe but the foolishe go on still and are punished 13 * Take his garment that is suretie for a stran ger and a pledge of him for the stranger 14 He that praiseth hys friend with a lowde voyce rising early in the morning it shal be counted to him as a curse 15 * A continual dropping in the day of rayne and contentious woman are a like 16 He that hideth her hideth the winde
vnto a foolishe man nether accept the persone of the mightie 28 Striue for the trueth vnto death and defend iustice for thy life and the Lord God shall fight for thee agaynste thyne ennemies 29 Be not hastie in thy tōgue nether slacke and negligent in thy workes 30 Be not as a lion in thine owne house nether beat thy seruants for thy fātasie nor oppresse them that are vnder thee 31 * Let not thine hand be stretched out to receiue and shut when thou shuldest giue CHAP. V. 1 In riches may we not put any confidence 7 The vengeance of God ought to be feared and repentance 〈◊〉 not be differred 1 TRust not vnto thy riches and say not I haue ynough for my life for it shall not helpe in the time of vengeance and indignation 2 Followe not thine owne mynde and thy strength to walke in the wayes of thine heart 3 Nether say thou How haue I had strēgth or who wil bring me vnder for my 〈◊〉 for GOD the aduenger will reuenge the wrong done by thee 4 And say not I haue sinned and what euill hathe come vnto me for the Almightie is a pacient rewarder but he will not leaue thee vnpunished 5 Because thy sinne is forgiuen be not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne 6 And say not The mercie of God is greate he wil forgiue my manifold sinnes for mercie and wrath come from him and his indignacion cometh downe vpon sinners 7 Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lord and put not of from day to day for suddenly shal the wrath of the Lord breake forth in thy securitie thou shalt be destroyed and thou shalt perishe in tyme of vengeance 8 Trust not in wicked riches for they shall not helpe thee in the daye of punishement 〈◊〉 vengeance 9 Be not caryed aboute with euerye winde go not into euerie way for so doeth the sinner that hathe a double tongue 10 Stand fast in thy sure vnderstanding and in the way and knowledge of the Lord haue but one maner of worde and follow the worde of peace and righteousnes 11 Be humble to heare the word of God that thou maist vnderstand it and make a true answere with wisdome 12 Be swift to heare good things and let thy life be pure and giue a pacient answer 13 If thou hast vnderstanding aunswerthy neighbour if not laye thine hand vpō thy mouthe lest thou be trapped in an vndiscrete worde and so be blamed 14 Honour and shame is in the talke and the tongue of a man causeth him to fall 15 Be not counted a tale bearer and lie not in waite with thy tongue for shame and repē tance followe the thief and an euil condē nation is ouer him that is double tongued but he that is a back ebit or shal be hated enuied and confounded 16 Do not rashly nether in small things nor in great CHAP. VI. 1 It is the propertie of a sinner to be euill tongued 6 Of friendship 33 Desire to be taught 1 BE not of a friend thy neighbours enemie for suche shall haue an euill Name shame and reproche and he shal be in infamie as the wicked that hathe a double tōgue 2 Be not proude in the deuice of thine owne minde lest thy soule rent thee as a bull 3 And eate vp thy leaues and destroie thy frute and so thou be lefte as a drye tree in the wildernes 4 For a wicked soule destroieth him that hathe it and maketh him to be laughed to scorne of his ennemies and bringeth him to the porcion of the vngodlie 5 A swete talke multiplieth the friends and pacifieth them that be at variance and a swete tōgue increaseth much good talke 6 Holde friendship with manie neuertheles haue but one counseler of a thousand 7 If thou gettest a friend proue him first and be not hastie to credit him 8 For some man is a friend for his owne occasion and will not abide in the daye of thy trouble 9 And there is some friende that turneth to enimitie and taketh partes against thee in contention he wil declare thy shame 10 Againe some friend is but a companion at the table and in the daye of thine affliction he continueth not 11 But in thy prosperitie he will be as thou thy self and will vse libertie ouer thy seruants 12 If thou be broght low he will be againste thee and wil hide him self from thy face 13 Departe from thine enemies and beware of thy friends 14 A faithfull friend is a strong defence and he that findeth such one findeth a treasure 15 A faithful friend ought not to be chāged for any thing and the weight of gold and siluer is not to be compared to the goodnes of his faith 16 A faithful friend is the medicine of life immortalitie thei that feare the Lord shal finde him 17 Who so feareth the Lord shal directe hys friendship aright and as his owne selfe so shal his friend be 18 ¶ My sonne receiued octrine frome thy youth vp so shalt thou finde wisdome whiche shal indure til thine olde age 19 Go to her as one that ploweth soweth and waite for her good frutes for thou shalt haue but litle labour in her worke but thou shalt eat of her frutes right sone 20 How exceading sharpe is she to the vnlearned he that is without iudgement will not remaine with her 21 Vnto suche one she is as a fine touchestone and he casteth her from him without delay 22 For they haue the Name of wisdome but there be but fewe that haue the knowledge of her 23 For with thē that knowe her she abideth vnto the appearing of God 24 Giue eare my sonne receiue my doctrine and refuse not my counsel 25 And put thy fete into her linkes and thy necke into her chaine 26 Bowe downe thy shulder vnto her and beare her and be not wearie of her bands 27 Come vnto her with thy whole heart and kepe her waies with all thy power 28 Seke after her and searche her she shal be shewed thee and when thou hast gotten her forsake her not 29 For at the last thou shalt finde rest in her and that shal be turned to thy ioye 30 Then shal her fetters be a strong defence for thee and a sure fundacion her chaines a glorious raiment 31 For there is a golden ornament in her and her bands are the laces of purple colour 32 Thou shalt put her on as a robe of honour and shalt put her vpon thee as a crowne of ioye 33 My sōne if thou wilt thou shalt be taught and if thou wilt applie thy minde thou shalt be wittie 34 If thou loue to heare thou shalt receyue doctrine and if thou delite in hearing thou shalt be wise 35 Stand with the multitude of the Elders whiche are wise and ioyne with him that is wise 36 * Desire to heare all godlie talke and let not the graue sentences of knowledge escape thee 37
vp against our enemies if peraduenture we may be able to fight with them 9 But they wolde haue staied him saying We are not able but let vs rather faue our liues turne backe now seing our brethren are departed for shal we fight against thē that are so fewe 10 Thē Iudas said God forbid that we shulde do this thing to He from them if our time become let vs dye manfully for our brethren and let vs not staine our honour 11 Then the hoste remoued out of the tentes and stode against them who had deuided their horsemen in to two troupes and they that threwe with slings and the archers marched in the forewarde and they that foght in the forewarde were all valiant men 12 And Bacchides was in the right wing So the armie drewe nere on bothesides and blewe the trumpets 13 They of Iudas side blew the trumpets also and the earth shoke at the noyce of the ar mies and the battel continued from morning to night 14 And when Iudas sawe that Bacchides and the strength of his armie was on the right side he toke with him all the hardie men 15 And brake the right wing and followed vpon them vnto mount Azotus 16 Now when they which were of the left wing sawe that the right wing was discomfited they followed Iudas behinde and thē that were with him hard at the heles 17 Thē was there a fore battel for many were slaine of bothe the parties 18 Iudas also himself was killed and the remnant fled 19 So Ionathan and Simon toke Iudas their brother and buryed him in his father sepul chre in the citie of Modin 20 And all the Israelites wept for him mour ned greatly for him and lamented many daies saying 21 How is the valiantman fallen which deliuered Israel 22 Concerning the otherthings of Iudas bo the the battels and the valiant actes that he did and of his worthines they are not writen for they were very many 23 ¶ Now after the death of 〈◊〉 wicked 〈◊〉 came vp in all the coastes of Israel 〈◊〉 arose all suche as gaue them selues to iniquitie 24 In those daies was there a very great famine in the land and all the countrey gaue ouer them selues with them 25 And Bacchides did chuse wicked men and made them lords in the land 26 These soght out and made searche for Iudas friends and broght them vnto Bacchi des which aduenged him self vpon them and mocked them 27 And there came so great trouble in Israél as was not since the time that no Prophet was sene among them 28 Then came all Iudas friends together and said vnto Ionathan 29 Seing thy brother Iudas is dead and there is none like him to go forthe against our enemies euen against Bacchides and against them of our naciō that are enemies vnto vs. 30 Therefore this day we chuse thee that thou maist be our prince and captaine in his place to order our battel 31 So Ionathan toke the gouernance vpon him at the same time and druled in stead of his brother Iudas 32 But when Bacchides knewe it he soght for to slay him 33 Then Ionathan and Simon his brother 〈◊〉 that fled into the wildernes of Thecua with all their companie and pitched their tentes by the water poole of Asphar 34 Which when Bacchides vnderstode he came ouer Iorden with all his hoste vpon the Sabbath day 35 Now had Ionathan sent his brother Iohn a captaine of the people to pray his friēds the Nabathites that they wold kepe their baggage which was muche 36 But the children of Ambri came out of Me daba and toke Iohn and all that he had and when they had takē it went their way 37 After this came worde vnto Ionathan and to Simon his brother that the children of Ambrimade a great mariage and broght the bride from Medaba with great pompe for she was daughter to one of the noblest princes of Canaan 38 Therefore they remembred Iohn their bro ther and went vp and hid them selues vnder the couert of the mountaine 39 So they lift vp their eyes and loked and be holde there was a great noyce and muche 〈◊〉 then the bridegrome came forthe and his friends and his brethren met them with tymbrels and instrumēts of mu sike and manie weapons 40 Then Ionathans men that lay in ambushe rose vp against them and slewe manie of them and the remnant fled into the mountaines so that they toke all their spoiles 41 Thus the mariage was turned to mourning and the noyce of their melodie into lamentacion 42 And so when they had aduenged the blood of their brother they are turned againe vnto Iorden 43 When Bacchides heard this he came vnto the border of Iorden with a great power vpon the Sabbath day 44 Then Ionathan said vnto his companie Let vs rise now and fight against our enemies for it is not to day as intime past 45 Beholde the battel is before vs and behin de vs and the water of Iorden on this side and that side and the marise and forest so that there is no place for vs to turne a side 46 Wherefore crye now vnto heauen that ye may be deliuered from the power of your enemies so they ioyned battel 47 Then Ionathan stretched out his hand to smite Bacchides but he turned aside from him and reculed 48 Then Ionathan and they that were with him leapt into 〈◊〉 and swimmed ouer vnto the further bāke but the otherwolde not passe through 〈◊〉 after them 49 So in that day were slaine of Bacchides side about a thousand men 50 Then he turned to againe to Ierusalém and buylt vp the strong cities in Iuda as the ca 〈◊〉 of Iericho and Emmaus and Bethoron and Bethel and Thamnatha Pharathoui Tepho with high walles with gates and with barres 51 And set garisons in them that they might vse their malice vpon Israel 52 He fortified also the citie Beth-sura and Gazara and the castel and set a garison in them with prouision of vitailes 53 He toke also the chiefest mens sonnes in the countrey for hostages and put them in the castel at Ierusalém to be kept 54 ¶ Afterwarde in the hundreth 〈◊〉 and thre yere in the 〈◊〉 moneth Alcimus commanded that the walles of the inner court of the Sanctuarie shuld be destroied and he pulled downe the monumēts of the Prophetes and began to destroy them 55 But at the same time Alcimus was plagued and his enterprises 〈◊〉 hindred and his mouth was stopped for he was smitten with a palsie and colde no more speake nor giue order concerning his house 56 Thus dyed Alcimus with a great torment at the same time 57 And when Bacchides sawe that Alcimus was dead he turned againe to the King so the land of Iuda was in rest two yeres 58 Then all the vngodlie men helde a counsel saying Beholde Ionathan and his companie dwell at ease and without care wherefore let vs
house deuided againe an house falleth 18 So yf Satan also be deuided agaynste hym selfe howe shall his kyngdome stande because ye saye that I caste out deuils through Beel-zebub 19 If I through Eeel-zebub cast out deuils by whom do your children cast thē out Therfore shal they be your iudges 20 But if I by the finger of God cast out deuils doutles the kyngdome of God is come vnto you 21 When a stronge man armed kepeth hys palace the things that he possesseth are in peace 22 But when a stronger then he cometh vpon him and ouer commeth him he taketh from hym all hys armour wherein he trusted and deuideth his spoiles 23 He that is not with me is againste me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth 24 * When the vncleanes Spirite is gone out of a man he walketh through drye places sekyng rest and when he findeth none he saith I wil returne vnto mine house whence I came out 25 And when he commeth he findeth it swept and garnished 26 Then goeth he and taketh to him seuen other spirits worse then hym selfe and they entre in and dwell there * so the last state of that man is worse then the first 27 ¶ And it came to passe as he sayde these thyngs a certeine woman of the companie lifted vp her voyce and sayd vnto hym Blessed is the wombe that bare thee and the pappes which thou haste sucked 28 But he sayd Yea rather blessed are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it 29 ¶ * And when the people were gathered thicke together he began to saye This is a wicked generacion they seke a signe and there shal no signe be giuen them but the signe of * Ionas the Prophet 30 For as Ionas was a signe to the Nineuites so shall also the Sonne of man be to 〈◊〉 generacion 31 * The Quene of the South shall rise in iudgement with the men of this generacion ād 〈◊〉 condemne them for she came from the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wisdome of Solomon and becholde a greater then Solomon is here 32 The men of Nineue shall ryse in iudgement with thys generacion and shall condemne it for they * repented at the preaching of Ionas and beholde a greater then Ionas is here 33 ¶ * No man lighteth a candell and putteth it in a priuie place nether vnder a bushel but on a candle sticke that they which come in may se the light 34 * The light of the bodie is the eye therfore when thyne eye is single then is thy whole bodie lyght but if thine eye be euill then thy bodie is darke 35 Take hede therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkenes 36 If therefore thy whole bodie shal be light hauing no parte darke then shal all be light euen as when a candel doeth light thee with the brightnes 37 ¶ And as he spake a certeine Pharise besoght him to dyne with him and he went in and sate downe at table 38 And when the Pharise sawe it he marueiled that he had not first washed before dyner 39 * And the Lord said to him In dede ye Pharises make cleane the out side of the cup and of the platter but the inwarde parte is ful of rauening and wickednes 40 Ye fooles did not he that made that which is without make that which is with in also 41 Therefore giue almes of those things which are within and beholde all things shal be cleane to you 42 But wo be to you Pharises for ye tithe the mynt and the rewe and all maner herbes ād passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God these oght ye to haue done and not to haue left the other vndone 43 * Wo be to you Pharises for ye loue the vpper most seates in the Synagogues and gre tings in the markets 44 Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites for ye are as graues which appeare not and the men that walke ouer them perceiue not 45 ¶ * Then answered one of the expounders of the Lawe and said vnto him Master thus saying thou puttest vs to rebuke also 46 And he said Wo be to you also ye interpreters of the Lawe for ye lade men with bur dens grieuous to be borne and ye your selues touche not the burdens with one of your fingers 47 Wo be to you for ye buylde the sepulchres of the Prophetes and your Fathers killed them 48 Truely ye beare witnes and allow the dedes of your fathers for they killed them ād ye buylde their sepulchres 49 Therefore sayd the wisdome of God I will send them Prophetes and Apostles and of them they shal slay and persecute 50 That the blood of all the Prophetes shed from the fundacion of the worlde maye be required of this regeneracion 51 Frome the blood of * Abell vnto the blood of * Zacharias whiche was slayne betwene 〈◊〉 altar and the Temple verelye I saye vnto you it shal be required of thys generacion 52 Wo be to you interpreters of the Law for ye haue taken away the keye of knowledge ye entred not in your selues and thē that came in ye forbade 52 And as he say de these thynges vnto them the Scribes and Pharises began to vrge hym sore and to prouoke hym to speake of 〈◊〉 54 Laying wait for him and sek yng to catche some thyng of hys mouth whereby they might accuse him CHAP XII 1 Christ commaundeth to auoide hypocrisie 4 That we shulde not feare man but God 5 To confesse his Name 10 Blasphemie against the Spirit 14 Not to passe our vocation 15 Not to giue our selues to 〈◊〉 care of this life 32 But to ryghteousnes almes watching patiente wisdome and concorde 1 IN * the meane tyme there gathered together an innumerable multitude of people so that they trode one another and he began to say vnto his disciples first Take hede to your selues of the leauen of the Pharises which is hypocrisie 2 * For there is nothyng couered that shall not be reueiled nether hid that shall not be knowen 3 Wherefore whatsoeuer ye haue spoken in darkenes it shal be heard in the light ād that which ye haue spoken in the eare in secret places shal be preached on the houses 4 * And I say vnto you my friendes be 〈◊〉 afraid of thē that kil the bodie and after that are not able to do any more 5 But I will forewarne you whome ye shall feare feare hym whiche after he hathe killed hathe power to cast into hell yea I saye vnto you him feare 6 Are not fiue sparowes boght for two farthings and yet not one of them is forgotten before God 7 Yea and all the heere 's of your head are nom bred feare