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friend_n hate_v sin_n toad_n 46 3 16.0380 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17331 A sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church in Norwich, the xxi. day of December, 1589. by W. Burton, minister of the word of God there. And published for the satisfying of some which took offence thereat Burton, William, d. 1616. 1590 (1590) STC 4178; ESTC S114179 33,638 90

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and so long as there is any life at all in her shee is not to be layd out vpon the colde ground But soft a while though she hath not all her ornaments according to the worde of God yet she doeth not refuse them if she might lawfully come by them but is ready to receiue them when so euer they shalbe offered vnto her In the meane time she mourneth for her wants and seeketh a redresse as she may and sueth as she ought and therefore no doubt is marked on the forhead for the deare spouse of Iesus Christ so long as shee doeth hold the foundation in him But let it be granted that the church of England were proued as the church of Rome a very harlot and were iudged for her contumacie worthy to be put into the black booke of excommunication which God forbid yet for them to be their owne caruers and bailiffes is more then they ought to doe for they be but priuate men and this is certaine that no particular congregation much lesse a priuate person may excommunicate a whole church Lastly in ioyning these two wordes together we learne to censure sinne in all but to iudge and hope charitably of all to spare sinne in none so to condēne none for that is Gods office And on the other side to hope the best and to loue thy brother but so as we winke not at sinne in any for that were indeede to hate our brother And this are we taught here while God calleth them disobedient yet still children children but yet disobedient Many thinke that we hate them if we tell them of their sinnes and many take those mē for their best frēds which doe alwaies sooth them vp in their sinnes and neuer reprooue them but both these sorts of men are greatlie deceiued The first must know that the reproofe of a friend is better then the kisse of a flatterer Yea if Shimei an enemie shall rayle vpon Dau●d though it be Shimei his sinne yet it may ought to be Dauids benefite The second sort must also vnderstand that the sweetest doctrine to the eare is not alwayes the vvholsomest to the heart but the bitter pill is better to purge then the sweete perfume The winde is boysterous but it will make a man holde his garment fast about him when the gleaming Sun wil make him put of al to his shirt And though the thunder be terrible to the eare and the lightning a dazzler of the eye and both an astonishment to the heart yet doe they more purifie th● ayre then the calmest day in summer And are the golden mouthed flatterers alwaies the best frends No no beloued Latet anguis sub herba the greenest herbe doeth often couer the fowlest toade where the water is stillest there is it deepest the fayrest garment doeth often couer the fi●thiest carkas when the baite is most in sight the hooke is least suspected the friendliest kisse in shewe is sometimes but treason in trueth The Bee hath her honie so hath she a sting the one vvil woūd more then the other will heale When Herodes Courtiers crie O vox non hominis sed dei O the voice not of a man but of a God then must Herod come downe vvith a mischiefe vvhen the foure hundred false Prophets shall say to Achab goe and prosper then must Acha● looke least to thriue neither shall be return in peace And yet beholde vnvvise men content themselues vvith the names of Christians Protestants and the children of God when disobedience to God hath robbed them of the nature of Gods children Oh vnwise indeed that care more for the shels then for the kernell which set more by the badge on the sleue then by the wages in the purse which take more delight in the name then in the nature of a true Christian man Malunt baberi quam esse They had rather be so accounted then be so indeed but beloued howsoeuer God in mercie calles them children yet is it not because they are disobedient but in hope of their amendment and as he calleth them children that he might encourage them to returne so also doeth he call them disobedient children to put them in minde wherin they degenerated from the nature of children indeede And so much for the persons exhorted in these words O ye disobedient children The persons exhorting are God by Ieremie and the Prophet in the name of the Lord. And this is of force to enforce the exhortation as if he shoulde say I doe not of my selfe thus reproue you for then you might thinke me too busie but the Lord set me a work whose will I must obey and therfore you must heare me with patience Thus Ieremie pleadeth his commission partly for his owne discharge and partly to make his message of more credite and force vnto them And thus might Ieremie reason He that is but a seruant must do his masters message I am but a seruant therefore I must doe my masters message Againe he that doeth but his masters message is not therfore to be blamed I doe that and no more and therfore I am not to be blamed Againe whatsoeuer the Lord saith that must be beleeued but the Lord saith you are disobedient and if you will obey him hee will bee your Lord therfore you must beleeue it Againe whatsoeuer the Lord by his messengers doth command that must be obeyed but the Lord by me doeth commaund you to turne againe therfore see that you doe obey as you wil answere at your vttermost perill Here we haue three things to consider of First of the authoritie Secondly of the dignitie Thirdly of the duetie of Gods Ministers Their authoritie is very great and their commission is very large For behold saith the Lord to Ieremie I ha●e set thee ouer Nations and kingdomes to plucke vp and to roote out to destroy and throwe downe to buylde aud to plant But how Ezechiel sheweth how Thou son of man feare not them nor their words although thou remaine among scorpions feare not their lookes for they are a rebellious house vers 7. Therefore thou shalt speake my words vnto them So that it must be done without fear and by speaking the word of God without ceasing The Minister of God therfore hath authoritie by the vvord to reprooue Princes as the proph●t saith but not by the sword to remoue princes as the Pope saith Hee hath authoritie in Christ his steade to proclaime forgiuenes of sinnes to the penitent beleuers as the Euangelist saith but not to absolue them whom he list as the pope saith He hath authoritie to reproue thinges amisse in the Church or commonwealth by doctrine as the word saith but not of himselfe to reforme by practise as the Brownist saith For d●position of Princes belōgeth to God onely forgeuenes of sinnes belongeth to God onely reformation of Churches and Commonweales belongeth to Princes onely but the reproouing