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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06333 A pleasant commodie, called Looke about you As it was lately played by the right honourable the Lord High Admirall his seruaunts; Look about you. 1600 (1600) STC 16799; ESTC S109639 54,822 90

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honour kindely And sends you the first grapes of her young vine Rob I am much indepted to her honour ther 's an angel for you to drinke set them vp till after supper Humphery pray looke about for Blocke Humphery trust mee I thinke the foole be lost Pa. No forsooth Madam hee 's vpon the greene Iesting with a stammerer one Redcap Rob. It is a lewd fellowe pray bid him come in youth I le giue him his welcome at the doore commend me to your Lady I pray ye hartily Exit Page Humphrey I maruell where sir Richard is so late truely truely hee does not as beseemes a gentleman of his calling pray let some goe foorth to meete him on the greene and send in that blockehead Blocke Exit Humphrey Enter Redcap and Blocke after him Bloc Wil ye tel tales ye asse will ye Red. I le te te tell your La La Lady or I would to g God we were ha hang'd else as my fa father should haue bin Rob. Now what 's the matter there I pray you what company haue you there a gods name where spend you the day I pray Bloc Why where you gaue me leaue at the gallows I was no farther Red. A a and you be his La Lady you are the La Lady Fau Faukenbridge the Earle of glo Glosters sister Rob. I am so fellow Red. Y y your man b b Blocke heere does no nothing but f f floute m me a and cr cries r run Re Redcap ad s s see your f f father ha ha hang'd I sh shal g go neere to m make m murder and he v vse it Rob. Wel firra leaue your mocking you were best I le bob your beetle head and if you mocke him Blo He 's run Redcap Red. La la law ma Madam Rob. Away ye saucy foole goe waite within Blo Run Redcap run Redcap Exit Rob. Art thou the Porters sonne that was condemned about my brother Gloster Red. I g g God be with ye I am the p p Porters son I m must r run to s s seeke your b br brother Rob. Wel drinke that fellow if thou finde my brother bee not too violent and I le reward thee Red. I th th thanke ye h hartily and I had not bin cousoned with Sk Skinke I had no nee need of these ia iaunts for Gl Gloster was s safe enough Enter Blocke and the Porter with his cloake muffled Blo Ah farewel Redcap Red Fa fare we wel and be ha hang. Exit Rob. You 'll neuer leaue your knauery whose there more Blo One Madam that hath commendations to you from your brother Rob. Commest thou from Gloster thou art welcome friend Blo O it's one of the kindest Ladies though she wil now then haue about with Block that euer breath'd and she had been in her mood now Redcap would haue made her such sp sp sport as 't a pa pa past Rob. Wil you make sport and see who knockes againe Bl. Our gates are like an Anuile from foure to ten nothing but knicke a knocke vpon 't Exit Rob. Wil you be gone sir honest friend I am glad My brother Gloster got thy liberty Whose flight was cause of thy captiuity Nor shal there be in vs such negligence Though thou haue lost thy Office and thy house But we wil see thee better farre prouided Than when thou wert porter in the Fleete Enter Blocke Blo Madam your olde friend Prince Richard All alone making mone fetching many a greeuous grone Rob. Prince Richard come so late lights to his chamber Sirra in any case say I am sicke Blo Very sicke sicke and like to dye I le sing it and you wil. Ro. Away ye knaue tel him in the morning I le humbly waite vpon his excellence Blo That 's all his desire to haue ye lowly and humble and t is a courteous thing in a Lady Exit Ro. Hence or else I le set you hence goe in good friend Come Lady Faukenbridge it 's time to come Robin can holde out no longer I see Hot wooers will be tempters presently Exit Enter Skinke like a Hermit Ski Now holy Skinke in thy religious weed Looke out for purchase or thy wonted clyants Warrents quoth you I was fairely warrented Young Robin Hood the Earle of Huntington Shall neuer fetch me more vnto his Prince Enter Ladie Faukenbridge in Merchants wiues attyre But pauca verba Skinke a prize a prize By th' mas a pretty girle close Hermit close Ore-heare if thou canst what she desires For so my cunning and my credit spreads La. See how affection armes my feeble strength To this so desperate iourneying all alone While Robin Hood young Earle of Huntington Playes Lady Faukenbridge for me at home Ski What mistery is this the Lady Faukenbridge It 's she sweet fortune thou hast sent her wel I will intice this morcell to my Cell Her husband 's iealious I will giue him cause As he beleeues I hope it shall succeed Nay swounds it shal she 's mine in scorne of speed La. By this broad beaten path it should appeare The holy Hermits Caue cannot be farre And if I erre not this is he himselfe Ski What honour'd tongue enquereth for the Hermit La. What honour'd tongue Ski I Lady Faukenbridge I know ye and I know for what you come For Gloster and your husbands iealousie La. O thou whose eye of contemplation Lookes through the windows of the highest heauens Resolue thy Hand-maide where Earle Gloster liues And whether he shal liue and scape the hate Of proude young Henry and his brother Iohn Ski I le haue you first in I le tel you more anone Madam they say bushes haue eares and eyes And these are matters of great secrecy And you 'll vouchsafe enter my holy Cell There what you long to know I le quickely tell Enter Iohn and Faukenbridge La. Stay heere are strangers Ski A plague vpon them come they in the nicke To hinder Raynald of his Foxes tricke Jo. Good day olde Hermit Fau. So to you faire Dame Io. By Elinors gray eye she 's faire indeed Sweet heart come ye for holy benizons Hermit hast thou good custome with such Cliants I cannot blame your feates your iugling trickes Plague iuggle you La. Why cursse ye sacred worth Fau. Ill done in sooth my Lord very ill done Wrong holines a very pretty woman Mocke grauity by the masse a cherry lippe A it 's not wel done deride a holy Hermit Ioh. I haue it in my purse shall make amends Ski His purse and yours shall make me some amends For hindring me this morning from the Lady For scaring me at Tauerne yesternight For hauing backe your chaine I le fit you both Io. Hermit a word Fau. A word with you faire mistresse Io. Where lye your deuils that tel all your newes Would you would trouble them for halfe an houre To know what 's become of traytor Gloster That in my cloathes brake prison in the Fleete Ski No it was Skinke
take m me away for re re Redcap will r ru run rarely Exit Hen. The sundrie misdemeanors late committed As theftes and shifts in other mens disguise We now must knaue Skinke freely tell thy faults Skin Sweet King by these two terrors to myne enemies that lend light to my bodies darknes Cauilero Skinke being beleagerd with an hoste of leaden heeles arm'd in ring Irish cheated my hammerer of his Red cap and Coate was surprised brought to the fleet as a person suspected past currant till Gloster stript me from my counterfet clad my backe in silke and my hart in sorrow and so left me to the mercy of my mother witt how Prince Iohn releast me he knowes howe I got Faukenbridges chaine I know but how he will get it againe I know not Fau. Where is it sirra tell me where it is Glo. I got it from him and I got Iohns sword Joh. I would t were to the hilts vp in thy harte Ric. O be more charitable brother Iohn Ley. My Leidge you need not by perticulars Examine what the world knows too plaine If you will pardon Skinke his life is sau'd If not he is conuicted by the Law For Gloster as you worthyly resoul'd First take his hand and afterward his head Hen. Skinke thou hast life our pardon and our loue Ski And your forgiuenesse for my robbery Io. Tut neuer trouble me with such a toy Thou hindrest me from hearing of my ioye Hen. Bring forth a blocke wine water and towell Kniues and a Surgion to binde vp the vaines Of Glosters arme when his right hand is off His hand that strooke Skinke at the Parlament Sk. I shall beare his blowes to my graue my Lord. Kin. Sonne Henry see thy fathers palzie hands Ioyn'd like two supplyants pressing to thy throwne Looke how the furrowes of his aged cheeke Fild with the reuolets of wet eyde mone Begs mercy for Earle Gloster weigh his gilt Why for a slaue should Royall blood be spilt Ski You wrong myne honour Skink may be reueng'd Hen. Father I doe commend your humble course But quite dislike the proiect of your sute Good words in an ill cause makes the fact worse Of blood or Basenes Iustice will dispute The greater man the greater his transgression Where strength wrongs weaknes it is meare oppression La. O but King Henry heare a sister speake Gloster was wrong'd his lands were giuen away They are not Iustly said Iust lawes to break That keep their owne right with what power they may Thinke then thy Royall selfe began the wrong In giuing Skinke what did to him belong Quee. Heare me Sonne Henry while thou art a King Giue take pryson thy subiects are thy slaues Life need thrones proud hearts in dungions fling Grace men to day to morrowe giue them graues A King must be like Fortune euer turning The world his football all her glory spurning Glo. Still your olde counsaile Beldam pollicie You 'r a fit Tutresse in a Monarchy Rich. Mother you are vniust sauage too cruell Vnlike a woman gentlenes guides their sexe But you to furyes fire ad more fewell The vexed spirit will you delight to vex O God when I consaite what you haue done I am a sham'd to be estem'd your sonne Jo. Base Richard I disdaine to call thee brother Takest thou a traytors part in our disgrace For Gloster wilt thou wrong our sacred mother I scorne thee and defie thee to thy face O that we were in field then shouldst thou trie Rob. How fast Earle Iohn would from Prince Richard flye Thou meet a Lyon in feeld poore mouse All thy Carreers are in a Brothell house Ioh. Zounds boy Ric. Now man Ley. Richard you wrong Prince Iohn Ric. Leyster t weare Good you proou'd his Champion Jo. Hasten the execution Royall Lord Let deeds make answer for their worthlesse wordes Glo. I know if I respected hand or head I am encompassed with a world of frends And could from fury bee deliuered But then my freedom hazards many liues Henry performe the vtmost of thy hate Let thy hard harted mother haue her wil Giue Franticke Iohn no longer cause to prate I am prepared for the worst of ill You see my knees kisse the could pauements face They are not bent to Henry nor his frends But to all you whose bloud fled to your hearts Shewes your true sorrowe in your ashye cheekes To you I bend my knees you I intreat To smile on Glosters Resolution Who euer loues me will not shed a teare Nor breath a sigh nor show a cloudy frowne Looke Henry heares my hand I lay it downe And sweare as I haue Knighthood heer 't shall lye Till thou haue vsed all thy tyranny La. Has no man heart to speake Glo. Let all that loue me keepe silence or by heauen I le hate them dying Quee. Harry off with his hand then with his head Fau. By the red rood I cannot chuse but weepe Come loue or hate my teares I cannot keepe Que. When comes this lingring executioner Joh. An executioner an executioner Hen. Call none till we haue drunke father fill wine To day your Office is to beare our cupp Ric. I le fill it Henry K. kneele downe He. Dick you are too meane so bow vnto your soueraigne Gl. Kneele to his childe O hell O tortor Gloster learne Who would loue life to see this huge dishonor Hen. Saturne kneel'd to his Sonne the God was faine To call young Ioue his ages Soveraigne Take now your seate againe and weare your Crowne Now shineth Henry like the Middayes Sonne Through his Horizon darting all his beames Blinding with his bright splendor euery eye That stares against his face of Maiesty The Commets whose malicious gleames Threatned the ruyne of our Royalty Stands at our mercy yet our wrath denyes All fauour but extreame extreamityes Gloster haue to thy sorrow chafe thy arme That I may see thy bloud I long'd for oft Gush from thy vaines and staine this Pallace roofe Io. T would exceed gilding Quee. I as golde doth Oaker Glo. It s wel ye count my bloud so precious Hen. Leyster reach Gloster wine Ley. I reach it him Hen. Proude Earle I le spurne thee quickely go beare it Glo. I le count it poyson if his hand come neere it Hen. Giue it him Leyster vpon our displeasure Glo. Thus Gloster takes it thus againe he flings it In scorne of him that sent it and of him that brought it Ski O braue spirit La. Brauely resolu'd brother I honour thee Quee. Harke how his sister ioyes in his abuse Wilt thou indure it Hall Fau. Peace good Marian. Hen. Auoyde there euery vnder Officer Leaue but vs our Pieres and Ladyes heere Richard you loue Earle Gloster looke about If you can spye one in this company That hath not done as great a sinne as Gloster Chuse him let him be the executioner Ric. Thou hast done worse then like rebellie us head Hast arm'd ten thousand hands against his life That
A PLEASANT COMMODIE CALLED Looke about you As it was lately played by the right honourable the Lord High Admirall his seruaunts LONDON Printed for William Ferbrand and are to be solde at his shop at the signe of the Crowne neere Guild-hall gate 1600. A pleasaunt Commodye called Looke about you Enter Robert Hood a young Noble-man a seruant with him with ryding wandes in theyr handes as if they had beene new lighted Robert GOe walke the horses wayte me on the hill This is the Hermits Cell goe out of sight My busines with him must not be reueal'd To any mortall creature but himselfe Seru. I le waite your honour in the crosse high-way Exit Rob. Doe so Hermit deuout and reuerend If drousie age keepe not thy stiffened ioyntes On thy vnrestfull bed or if the houres Of holy Orizons detayne thee not Come foorth Enter Skinke like an Hermit Skin Good morrow son good morrow God blesse thee Huntington A brighter Gleame of true Nobility Shines not in any youth more then in thee Thou shalt be rich in honour full of speed Thou shalt win foes by feare and friend by meede Rob. Father I come not now to know my fate Important busines vrgeth Princely Richard Deliuer letters In these termes to salute thy reuerent age Read and be briefe I know some cause of trust Made him imploy me for his messenger Skin A cause of trust indeed true honoured youth Princes had need in matters of import To make nice choyse faire Earle if I not erre Thou art the Princes ward Ro. Father I am his ward his Chamberlaine bed-fellow Skin Faire fall thee honourable Robert Hood Wend to Prince Richard say though I am loath To vse my skill in Coniuration Yet Skinke that poysoned red cheekt Rosamond Shall make appearaunce at the Parlament He shall be there by noone assure his Grace Rob. Good morrow Father see you faile him not For though the villaine did a horrible deed Yet hath the young King Richard and Earle Iohn Sworne to defend him from his greatest foes Skin Gods benizon be with thee noble Earle Rob. A dew good father holla there my horse Exit Skin Vp spur the kicking Iade while I make speede To Consure Sk●nke out of his Hermits weede Lye there religion keep thy M. graue And on the faire trust of these Princes word To Court againe Skinke but before I goe Let mischiefe take aduise of villany Why to the Hermit letters should be sent To poast Skinke to the Court incontinent Is there no tricke in this ha let me see Or doe they know already I am he If they doe so faith westward then with Skinke But what an asse am I to be thus fond Heere lyes the Hermit whom I dying found Some two monthes since when I was howerly charg'd With Hugh the Cryer and with Constables I saw him in the ready way to heauen I helpt him forward t' was a holy deed And there he lyes some sixe foote in the ground Since when and since I kept me in his weedes O what a world of fooles haue fill'd my Cell For Fortunes run-awaies stolne goods lost cattle Among the number all the faction That take the young Kings part against the olde Come to my selfe to harken for my selfe So did the aduerse party make enquire But eyther fall full of contrary desire The olde Kings part would kill me being stain'd The young Kings keep me from their violence So then thou needst not feare goe boldly on Braue Hall Prince Dicke and my spruce hot spur John Heer 's their safe conduct O but for Rosamond A fig for Rosamond to this hope I le leane At a Queenes bidding I did kill a queane Sound Trumpets enter with a Harrald on the one side Henry the second Crowned after him Lancaster Chester Sir Richard Faukenbridge on the other part K. Henry the Sonne crowned Herrald after him after him Prince Rich. Iohn Leyster being set enters santasticall Robert of Gloster in a gowne girt walkes vp and downe Old K. Why doth not Gloster take his honoured seate Glo. In faith my Liege Gloster is in a land Where neyther suerty is to sit or stand I onely doe appeare as I am summoned And will awaite without till I am call'd Yon. K. Why heare you Gloster Glo. Henry I doe heare you Yon. K. And why not King Glo. What 's he that sits so neere you Rich. King too Glo. Two Kings ha ha Ol. K. Gloster sit we charge thee Glo. I will obey your charge I will sit downe But in this house on no seate but the ground Iohn The seat's too good Glo. I know it brother Iohn Jo. Thy brother Ol. K. Silence there Yon. K. Passe to the billes Sir Richard Faukenbridge Fau. My Lieges both olde Faukenbridge is proude Of your right honour'd charge He that worst may Will straine his olde eyes God send peace this day A bill for the releasement of the Queene prefer'd By Henry the young King Rich. the Prince John Earle Of Murton Bohmine Earle of Leister and the cōmons Old K. Did you preferre this byll All. We did Chest La●c Yee did not well Glo. Why this is good now shall we haue the hell 3. Bro Chester and Lanchaster you wrong the King Chest La● Our King we doe not Y●n K. Doe not you seeme crown'd La●c But whilst he liues we to none else are bound Ley. Is it not wrong thinke you when all the world Troubled with rumour of a captiue Queene Imprisoned by her husband in a Realme Where her owne sonne doth weare a Diademe Is like an head of people mutinous Still murmuring at the s●●●●e done her and vs Is' t not more wrong when her mother zeale Sounded through Europe Affricke Assia Tels in the hollow of newes thirsting eares Queene Elinor liues in a dungion For pitty and affection to 〈◊〉 sonne But when the true cause Cliffords daughters death Shall be exposed to stranger nations What vollumes will be writ what lybels spred And in each lyne our state dishonoured Fauk My Lord speakes to the purpose mary it may bee so Pray God it prooue not so Ley. Heare me conclude and there withall conclude It is an heynous and vnheard of sinne Queene Elinor daughter to Kingly Fraunce King Henries wife and royall Henries mother Is kept close prisoner for an acte of Iustice Committed on an odious Concubine Kin. Thou wrongst her Leister Le● Leachers euer praise the cause of their confusion she was vile Fa● She was ill spoken of it's true true Glosr Yonder sits one would doe as much for you Olde foole young Richard hath a gift I know it And on your wife my sister would bestow it Heer 's a good world men hate adulterous sin Count it a gulfe and yet they needs will in Lei. What answere for the Queene Lan. The King replyes your words are foule slaunderous forgeryes John His highnes sayes not so L●n His highnes doth Tels you its a shame for such wilde youth To smother any
Elinor I thought thou hadst been long since scarlet dyde Hen. She is and therfore cannot change her colour Rich. You are to strickt Earle Glosters fault Merrits not death Fau. By th'rood the Prince saies true Heere is a statute from the Confessor Hen. The Confessor was but a simple foole Away with bookes my word shall be a lawe England her breath shall from this bosome drawe Gloster shall die Ley. Let Gloster dye the death Lan. Leyster he shall not he shall haue lawe dispight of him and thee Hen. What law will you be Traitors what 's the lawe Ric. His right handes losse and that is such a losse As England may lament all Christians weepe That hand hath bin aduanst against the Moores Driuen out the Sarasins from Gads and Cicile Fought fifteene Battels vnder Christs red crosse And is it not thinke you a greeuious losse That for a slaue and for no other harme It should be sundred from his Princely Arme Fau. More for example Noble Lancaster but t is great pitty To to great a pittie He. I le haue his hand head Ri. Thou shalt haue mine thē Que. Wel sayd stubberne Dicke Iack wold not serue me so Were the boy heere Ric. Both Iohn and I haue seru'd your will too long Mother repent your cruelty and wrong Gloster you know is ful of mirth and glee And neuer else did your grace iniury Q● Gloster shal dye He. Fetch him heere I le see him dead Ric. He that sturs for him shall lay downe his head Fau. O quiet good my Lords patience I pray I thinke he comes vnsent for by my fay Enter Iohn in Glosters gowne Ric. What meanst thou Gloster He. Who brought Gloster hyther Io. Let Gloster hang and them that There lyes his case a mischiefe on his carkasse Qu. My deare sonne Jacke Jo. Your deere son Iack an apes your mōkey your babone your asse your gull Ley. What ayles Earle Iohn Jo. Hence further frō my sight My fiery thoughts and wrath haue worke in hand Le curse ye blacker then the Leuarnian Lake If you stand wondring at my sorrow thus I am with childe big hugely swolne with rage who 'll play the Midwife and my throbs aswage Kin I will my Sonne Hen. I will high harted brother Io. You will and you tut tut all you are nothing T will out t will out my selfe my selfe can ease You chafe you swell ye are commaunding King My father is your footestoole when he please Your word 's a law these Lordes dare neuer speake Gloster must dye your enemies must fall Hen. What meanes our brother Ioh. He meanes that thou art mad she franticke Leyster foolish I the babe these grinde vs bite vs vexe vs charge And discharge Gloster O Gloster Que. Where is Gloster sonne Hen. Where is Glo. brother Kin. I hope he be escaped Io. O I could teare my hayre falling thus vpon the Solide earth dig into Glosters graue so he were dead And gone into the depth of vnder worlds Or get seditiou● hundreth thousand hands And like Briareus battle with the Starres To pull him downe from heauen if he were there Fau. Looke to Earle Iohn the Gentleman is mad I● O who would not be mad at this disgrace Gloster the fox is fled there lies his case He cousned me of myne the porter helpt him Hen. The porter shall be hangd let 's part and seeke him Gloster shall dye all Europe shall not saue him Jo. He is wise too wise for vs yet I le goe with you To get more fooles into my company Quee. This is your fathers plot reuenge it sonne Hen. Father by heauen if this were your aduice Your head or heart shall pay the bitter price Come mother Brother Leyster le ts away Jo. I I le be one in hope to meete the basterd And then no more my selfe will be his headsman Exeunt Kin. Richard and Faukenbridge follow the search You may preuent mischaunce by meeting Gloster If ye finde Skinke see that you apprehend him I heare there is a wizard at blacke heath Let some enquire of him where Skinke remaynes Although I trust not to those fallacies Yet now and then such men prooue Soothsayers Will you be gone Fau. Withall my heart withall my heart my Lord Come Princly Richard we are ever yoak'd Pray God there be no mistery in this Rich. Be not suspitious where there is no cause Fau. Nay nothing nothing I am but in iest Exeunt Kin. Call in a Purseuant Lan. Heare 's one my Leidge Kin. There is a Porter likely to be hangd For letting Gloster scape sirra attend You shall haue a repreiue to bring him vs These boys are to to stubborne Lancaster But t is theyr mothers fault if thus she moue me I le haue her head though all the world reproue me Exeuntt Enter Robin Hood and Lady Fankenbridge La. Doe not deny me gentle Huntington Rob. My Lord will misse me La. Tut let me excuse thee Rob. Turne woman O it is intollerable Except you promise me to play the Page Doe that try one night and you 'l laugh for euer To heare the Orizons that Louers vse Their ceremonious sighes their idle oathes To heare how you are prais'd and pray'd vnto For you are Richards Saint they talke of Mary The blessed Virgin but vpon his beades He onely prayes to Marian Faukenbridge La. The more his error but will you agree To be the Lady Faukenbridge one day Rob. When i st La. On Munday Rob. Wherefore i st La. Nay then you doe me wrong with inquisition And yet I care not greatly if I tell thee Thou seest my husband full of iealousie Prince Richard in his sute importunate My brother Gloster threatned by young Henry To cleare these doubtes I will in some disguise Goe to blacke Heath vnto the holy Hermit Whose wisedome in fore-telling things to come Will let me see the issue of my cares If destinyes ordaine me happines I le chase these mistes of sorrow from my heart With the bright Sunne of mirth if fate agree It and my frends must suffer misery Yet I le be merry too till mischeefe come onely I long to knowe the worst of ill Rob. I le once put on a scarlet countenaunce La. Be wary least ye be discouered Robyn Rob. Best paint me then be sure I shall not blush Enter Block bleeding Gloster with him Blo Beate an Officer Red cap I le haue ye talkt withall Beate Sir Richards Porter help Madam help Glo. Peace you damned rogue La. Brother I pray you forbeare Glo. Zwonds a hundreth at my heales almost And yet the villaine stands on complaiment Bloc Abots one you i st you Glo. Will you to the doore you foole and bar the gate Holde ther 's an angell for your broaken pate If any knocke let them not in in haste Bloc Well I le doe as I see cause blood thou art deare to me but heere 's a soueraigne plaister for the sore golde healeth wounds golde
easeth heartes what can a man haue more Exit La. Deare brother tell vs how you made escape Glo. You see I am heare but if you would knowe how I cannot scape and tell the manner too By this I knowe your howse is compassed With hel-hound search La. Brother I le furnish you with beard hayre and Garments like my husband how like you that Exit Lady Glo. Well when I haue them quickly then dispatch●s blood turne gray beard and hayre Robyn conceale this dyeteth my minde Myrth is the obiect of my humorous spleane Thou high commaunding furie further deuice Iests are conceated I long to see their birth What come ye sister Robyn a theeues hand But prethee where hadst thou this beard and haire La. Prince Richard wore them hether in a maske Glo. Saist thou me so faith loue the Princely youth Tut you must tast stolne pleasure now and than Rob. But if she steale and Ielious eyes espie She will be sure condemnd of Burglary Glo. Ha crake can your low stumps venter so deep Into affections streame go to you wanton What want we now my nightcap O t is heare So now no Gloster but olde Faukenbridge Harke the search knockes I le let them in my selfe Welcome good fellowe ha what i st you lacke Enter Redcap with another Red. Ma master Co constable se se search you th that way a and you ho honest man th that way I le ru run th this way m my owne se selfe They dispearse themselues Glo. What search you for what is it you would haue Enter Blocke Blo Madam what shall I doe to these browne-bill fellowes some runne into the wine seller some heere some there Glo. Let them alone let them search their filles Block I le looke to their fingers for all that Glo. Doe so good Blocke be carefull honest Blocke B. Sir stammerer your wa watch y' are pa past ifaith Exit Gl. Will you not speake knaues tel me who you seeke Red. Ma mary sit we s seeke a va va vacabond a fu fugatiue my La Ladies owne b brother but and hee were the po po Popes owne b brother I would ssearch f f for him for I haue a p poore fatherr ready to be ha ha hang'd f f for him Glo. O t is for Gloster mary search a gods name Seeke peace will he breake prison too It 's pitty he should liue nay I defye him Come looke about search euery little corner My selfe will lead the way pray you come Seeke seeke and spare not though it be labour lost He comes not vnder my roofe heare ye wife He comes not hyther take it for a warning Red. You sp sp speake like an honest ge ge Gentleman re re rest you me me mery co co come my f f friends I be beleeue h h he r ran by the g g garden w wall toward the wa water side Exeunt running Glo. This fellow is of the humour I would chuse my wife Few words and many paces a word and a way and so Must I Sister adieu pray you for me I le do the like for you Robin farewell commend me to the Prince La. Can ye not stay heere safe Glo. No I le not trust the changing humours of olde Faukenbridge Adieu yong Earle Sister le ts kisse and part Tush neere mourne I haue a merry hart Exit La. Farewell all comfort Ro. What weeping Lady Then I perceiue you haue forgot Blacke-heath La. No there I le learne both of his life and death Ro. Till Munday Madam I must take my leaue La. You will not misse then Rob. Nay if Robin faile yee let him haue neuer fauour of faire Lady La. Meane while I le spend my time in prayers teares That Gloster may escape these threatned feares Exit Enter Skinke like Prince John Skin Thus iets my noble Skinke along the streetes To whom each bonnet vailes and all knees bend And yet my noble humour is too light By the sixe shillings heere are two crackt groates To helter skelter at some vawting house But who comes yonder ha olde Faukenbridge Hath a braue-chaine were Iohn and he good friends That chaine were mine and should vnto Black-heath I le venture it 's but tryal lucke may fall Good morrow good sir Richard Faukenbridge Fau. Good morrow my sweet Prince harty good morrow This greeting wel becomes vs marry does it Better iwis then strife and Iangling Now can I loue ye wil ye to the Shiriffes Your brother Richard hath beene there this houre Skin Yes I am plodding forward as you doe What cost your chaine it's passing strongly wrought I would my Golde-smith had a patterne of it Fau. T is at your graces seruice shew it him Skin Then dare ye trust me Fau. Who the Princely Iohn My Soueraignes sonne why what a question 's that I le leaue you yee may know I dare trust you Ski I le bring 't ye to the Shiriffes excuse my absence Fau. I wil my noble Lord adieu sweet Prince Exit Skin Why so this breakfast was wel fed vpon When Skinkes deuises on Blacke heath doo faile This and such cheates would set me vnder saile I le to the water side would it were later For stil I am afraide to meete Prince Iohn Enter Gloster like Fauken bridge But what a mischiefe meant Faukenbridge To come againe so soone that way he went And now comes peaking vpon my life The buzzard hath me in suspitition But whatsoeuer chaunce I le filch a share Glo. Yonder 's Prince Iohn I hope he cannot know me Ther 's naught but Gloster Gloster in their mouthes I am halfe strangled with the Garlicke breath Of rascals that exclaimes as I passe by Gloster is fled once taken he must dye But I le to Iohn how does my gratious Lord What tattles rumour now what newes of Gloster Skin What newes could I heare since you left me last Were you not heere euen now lent me your chaine I thinke you dote Glo. Sweet Prince age age forgets my brothers chaine a pretty accident I le haue 't and be but in the spight of Iohn Skin Ther 's more and more I le geld it eare it go He breaks the chaine This same shal keep me in some sauerne merry Til nights blacke hand curtaine this to cleare sky Fau. My sweet Prince I haue some cause to vse my chaine Another time when ere your Lordship please T is at your seruice ô mary God it is Skin Heere palsie take your chaine stoop and be hang'd Yet the fish nibled when she might not swallow Gout I haue curtall'd what I could not borrow Exit Glo. He 's gone away in frets would he might meete My brother Faukenbridge in this mad moode There would be rare adoe Why this fits me My braine flowes with fresh wit and pollicy But Gloster looke about who haue we yonder Another Iohn Prince Richard and the Shiriffe Vpon my life the slaue that had the chaine Was Skinke
escapt the Fleete by some mad sleight Wel farewel he better and better still These seeke forme yet I wil haue my will Jo. Shiriffe in any case be diligent Whos 's yonder Faukenbridge Glo. How now sweet chucke how fares my louely Prince Io. What carest thou or wel or ill we craue no help of thee Glo. Gods mother doe you scorne me Io. Gout what then Rich. Fye leaue these idle braules I prethee Iohn Le ts follow that we are inioyn'd vnto Glo. I mary Prince if now you slip the time Gloster wil slip away tut though he hate me I haue done seruice I haue found him out Ric. A shame confound thee for thy treachery Inconstant dotard tymerous olde asse That shakes with cowardise not with yeares Glo. Goe I haue found him I haue winded him Io. O let me hug thee gentle Faukenbridge Forgiue my oft ill vsing of thine age I le call thee Father I le be penitent Bring me where Gloster is I le be thy slaue All that is mine thou in reward shalt haue Glo. Soft not too hasty I would not be seene in 't Mary a god my wife would chide me dead If Gloster by my meanes should loose his head Princely Richard at this corner make your stand And for I know you loue my sister well Know I am Gloster and not Faukenbridge Ric. Heauen prosper thee sweet Prince in thy escape Glo. Shiriffe make this your quarter make good guard Iohn stay you heere this way he meanes to turne By Thomas I lacke a swoord body a me Io. What wouldst thou with a swoord olde Faukenbridge Glo. O sir to make shew in his defence For I haue left him yonder at a house A friends of mine an honest Cittizen Io. Wee 'll fetch him thence Glo. Nay then you iniure me stay till he come he 's in a russet cloake And must attend me like a Seruingman Io Holde ther 's my swoord and with my swoord my heart Bring him for Godsake and for thy desert My brother King and mother Queene shall loue thee Glo. Marke me good Prince yonder away we come I goe afore and Gloster followes me Let not the Shiriffe nor Richard meddle with vs Begin you first seaze Gloster and arrest him I le draw and lay about me heere and heere Be heedfull that your watchmen hurt me not Io I le hang him that doth hurt thee prethee away I loue thee but thou kilst me with delay Glo. Wel keep close watch I le bring him presently Io. Away then quickly Gl. Gloster close master Shiriffe Prince Richard Ri. Gloste radieu Glo. I trust you Rich. By my Knight-hood I le prooue true Exit Gloster Ioh. Reuenge I le build a Temple to your name And the first offring shal be Glosters head Thy Alters shal be sprinkled with the bloud Whose wanton current his mad humour fed He was a rymer and a Ridler A scoffer at my mother prays'd my father I le fit him now foral escape and all Ric. Take heede spight burst not in his proper gall Enter Faukenbridge and Blocke Jo. How now what way tooke Faukenbridge I wonder That is not Gloster sure that attends on him Fau He came not at the Shiriffes by the morrow masse I sought the Goldsmithes rowe and found him not Sirra y' are sure he sent not home my chaine Blo Who should send your chaine sir Fau. The Prince Prince Iohn I lent it him to day Io. What 's this they talke Blo By my truth Sir and ye lent it him I thinke you may goe look it for one of the Drawers of the Salutation tolde me euen now that he had tooke vp a chamber there till euening and then he will away to Kent Fau. Body of me he meanes to spend my chaine Come Blocke I le to him Iob. Heare you Faukenbridge Fau. Why what a knaue art thou younder 's Prince Iohn Bl. Then the Drawer's a knaue he told me Prince Iohn was at the Salutation Jo. Where 's Gloster Faukenbridge Fau. Sweet Prince I knowe not Joh. Come iest not with me tell me where he is Fau I neuer saw him since the Parlament Io. Impudent lyar didst thou not euen now Say thou woldst fetch him hadst thou not my sword Fau. Wert thou a King I will not beare the lye Thy sword no boy thou seest this sword is myne Blo My Master a lyer Zounds wert thou a potentate Fau. I scorne to weare thy armes vntutred childe I fetch thee Gloster shamelesse did I see thee Since as I went this morning to the Siriffes Thou borrowedst my gold chaine Io. Thy chaine Fau. I hope thou wilt not cheate me princkocks Iohn Io. I le cheat thee of thy life if thou charge me With any chaine Fau. Come let him come I pray I le whip yee boy I le teach you to out face Blo Come come come but one at once ye dasterds come Rich. Keepe the Kings peace I see you are both deceau'd He that was last heare was not Faukenbridge Fau. They slaunder me who sayes that I was heare Ric. Wee doe beleeue ye sir nor doe you thinke My brother Iohn deceiu'd you of a chayne Fau. He did I did deliuer it with this hand Joh. I le dye vpon the slanderer Fau. Let the boy come Blo I let him come let him come Ric. Fellow thou spakst euen now as if prince Iohn Had byn at some olde Tauerne in the towne Blo I sir I came vp now but from the Salutation And a drawer that doth not vse to lye tolde me Prince Iohn hath byn there all this after noone Ioh. The Deuill in my likenesse then is there Fau. The Deuill in thy likenesse or thy selfe Had my gold chaine Ioh. Thou art the Deuill for thou Hadst my good sword all these can witnesse it Fau. Gods Mother thou bely'st mee Jo. Giue me the lye Rich. Nay calme this fury lets downe to the Tauerne Or one or both these counterfeites are there Fau. I know him well enough that had my chaine And there be two Iohns if I finde one there Ber Lady I will lay him fast Rich. It is this Skinke that mockes vs I beleeue Joh. Alas poore Skink it is the Deuill Gloster Who if I be so happy once to finde I le giue contentment to his troubled minde Rcih I hope he 's far enough and free enough Yet these conseytes I know delight his soule Fau. Followe me Blocke follow me honest Blocke Blo Much follow you I haue another peece of worke in hand I heare say Redcaps father shall bee hanged this after noone I le see him slip a string though I giue my seruice the slip beside my Lady bad me heare his examination at his death I le get a good place and pen it word for word and as I like it set out a moornefull Dittie to the tune of Labandalashot or rowe wel ye Marriners or somwhat as my muse shall me inuoke Exit Enter Gloster like Faukenbridge with a Purseuant Gloster hauing a paper
man sir downe I pray yee I pray let me sit downe A sir Richard sir Richard a good sir Richard what haue I deseru'd to be thus dealt with all at your worships hands a ha ah ah Fau. At my hands knaue at my hands paltry knaue Dra. And I should be brought to my booke oath sir Within What Ieffrey Dra. Anan anan Ioh. A plague vpon your Ieffring is your name Ieffrey Dra. I and 't please you sir Rich. Why gentle Ieffrey then stay you awhile What can you say if you come to your booke Dra. If I bee pos'd vpon a booke sir though I bee a poore prentise I must speake the truth nothing but the truth sir Jo. And what 's your truth sir Pur. O O my heart Dra. Mary sir this Knight this man of worship Fau. Well what of me what did my worship doe Dra. Mary ye came into the Bel our roome next the Barre with this honest man as I take it Fau. As thou tak'st it Pur. O sir t is too true too true too true O Lord. Dra. And there he call'd for a pint of Sacke as good Sacke I le bee pos'd vpon all the bookes that euer opened and shut as any is in all Christendome Fau. Body of me I come and call for Sacke Pur. O ye did ye did ye did O O. Ioh. Well forward sirra Ric. Gloster hath done this iest Dra. And you call'd then for Suger sir as good Suger and as wholsome as euer came in any cup of Sacke you drunke to this man and you doe well God be thanked but hee no sooner drunke Pur. But I but I but I O my head O my heart Rich. I cannot chuse but smile at these conseites Io. I am mad and yet I must laugh at Faukenbridge Brother looke how sir Richard actes his rage Fau. I came I call the man is like to dye Practise by th'emafse practise by the marry God Iohn loues me not Prince Richard loues my wife I shall be charg'd heere for a poysned knaue Practise by th'Lord practise I see it cleare Pur. And more Sir Richard O Lord O Sir Richard Fa. What more what hast thou more what practise more Pur. O my box my box with the Kings armes O my box O my box it cost me O Lord euery penny O my box Rcih And what of your box sir Dra. Mary sir it 's lost t is wel knowne my Master keeps no theeues in his house O there was none but you and he Fau. O then belike thou thinkest I had his box Pur. O sir Richard I will not O Lord I will not charge you for all the world but but but for the warrant the olde King signd to repreeue the Porter of the fleet O God O God! Ioh. The Porter of the Fleet the olde king signd Pur. I my good Lord oh oh Io. Is he repreiued then Pur. No my Lord O sir Richard tooke it from me with his owne hand O. Fau. Heere 's a deuice to bring me in contempt With the olde King that I euer lou'd Princes and Shiriffe you can witnesse with me That I haue bin with you this after noone Onely with you with no body but you And now a fellow whome the King would saue By a repreiue this fellow sayes is hang'd Io. If thou hadst done it I de haue iustified it But Richard I conceipt this iest already This mad mate Skinke this honest merry knaue Meeting this Purseuant and hearing tell He had a warrant to repreeue a slaue Whome we would hang stole it away from him This is sure the Iest vpon my life it is Pur. O but my warrant how shall I doe O Ric. But looke about you hot braind brother Iohn And I beleeue you 'l finde it otherwise Gloster hath got the warrant in disguise And sau'd the fellow you so faine would hang. Io. No no how say you M. Shiriffe is he not hang'd Shi. My Lord the gibbet was set vp by noone In the olde Bayly and I charg'd my men If I returne not though it were by Toarch light To see him executed ere they come Jo. I am greedy to heare newes Fau. Rob'd of my chaine out-fac'd I had a swoord Accus'd of poysoning cousonage seeking bloud Not to be borne it is vntollerable Rich. Sir Richard I prethee haue some patience Fau. I le to Blacke-heath talke not of patience It is intollerable not to be borne Io. It is intollerable not to be borne A warrant brother Faukenbridge a warrant Fau. I saw no warrant I defie you all Jo. A slaue a Purseuant one winter borne Fau. I care not for thee that winter borne Pur. O it is I sir that 's my warrant Io. I st you you rogue you drunkerd yeare cheated And we are cheated of the prisoner Out dog dog Pur. O ô ô ô my Lord. Exit and Drawer Shi. Haue patience and we wil haue a priuy search Ioh. Goe hang ye block-heads get ye from my sight O would I were a Basiliske to kill These gleare ey'd villaines Shir. Come away let 's leaue him Exeunt Shiriffes and Officers We haue a warrant let him doe his worst Fau. I le to Blacke-heath I le to the holy Hermit There shall I knowe not onely these deceiuers But how my wife playes fast and loose with Richard Ha I shall fit them I le tickle them I le doo 't I le hence I le to the Heath amaine Exit Ioh. There shall I know where this damned Gloster is I le haue the Deuils rous'd to finde that Deuill Or else I le coniure the olde Coniurer I le to Blacke-heath and there with friends conspire But I le haue Glosters head my hearts desire Rich. Would mad Earle Robyn saw these humouristes T wol'd feed him fat with Laughter O t wold sit him Where euer he is I knowe the bate consaite Is better to him than his daintiest foode Well and it fits mee well now I haue time To coort my Lady Faukenbridge at leysure Loue I emplore thy aide faire Cipria Thou sea-borne mother at affections ring Shine brightly in thy sphere that at my starre My plannet thou of all lights most beautious Be thou to my desires Auspitious Exit Enter Robin Hood in the Lady Faukenbridges gowne night attire on his head Rob. O for this Lady was neuer poore Gentleman troubled with Gentlewoman as I am with my selfe my Lady Faukenbridge hath fitted me a turne heere I am visited with sleeuelesse errands and with asking for this thing Madam and that thing Madam that they make me almost mad in earnest whoop heer 's another Client Enter a Seruingman Ser. Heer 's my Lady Rawfords Page attends to speake with your Ladyship Rob. I pray ye bid her Lordships Page come into my Ladyship well Robin Hood part with these pettycoates And cast these loose deuices from thy backe I le nere goe more vntrust neuer bee kercheft Neuer haue this adoe with what doe you lacke Enter Page Pag. Madam my Lady greets your
I le doo 't I knowe she meanes to shame you Exit Fau. Why Mall wilt thou beleeue this paultrie woman Huswife I le haue you whipt for slaundring me Ro. What Leacher no she is an honest woman Her husband 's well knowne all the houshold knowes Blo Heer 's some now to tell all the towne your mynd La. Before ye all I must sure complaine You see this wicked man and ye all knowe How oft he hath byn Iealous of my life Suspecting falshood being false himselfe Blo O maister O maister Fau. She slaunders me she is a cousoning queane Fetch me the Constable I le haue her punisht La. The Constable for me fie fie vpon ye Madam do you know this ring Rob. It is sir Richards Blo O I that 's my masters too sure Fau. I mary I did lend it to the false drab To fetch some money for that bankrout knaue Her husband that lyes prisoner in the Fleete La. My husband bankrout my husband in the Fleete prisoner No no he is as good a man as you Rob. I that he is and can spend pound for pound With thee yfaith wert richer then thou art I know the gentleman La. Nay Madam he is hard by there must be Reuelles at the Hinde to night Your copesmate there Prince Iohn Rob. Ther 's a hot youth Bl. O afierce Gentleman La. He was fierce as you but I haue matcht him The Princesse shall be there in my attyre Fau. A plaguy crafty queane mary a God I see Prince Iohn coorted as well as I And since he shal be mockt as well as I It s some contentment Bl. Masse he droopes fellow Humphrey he is almost taken Looke about ye old Richard Fau. Hence knaues get in a little prethee Mall Let thou and I and she shut vp this matter Rob. Away sirs get in Bl. Come come let 's goe he wil be baited now farewel old Richard Exit Rob. Now sir what say you now Fa. Mary sweet Mall I say I met this woman likt her lou'd her For she is worthy loue I promise thee I say I coorted her tut make no braule Twixt thou and I we 'l haue amends for all Ro. Had I done such a tricke what then what then Fau. Ah prethee Mall tut beare with men Rob. I we must beare with you you 'l be excus'd When women vndeserued are abus'd Fau. Nay doe not weep pardon me gentle Lady I know thee vertuous and I doo protest Neuer to haue an euill thought of thee Rob. I I ye sweare who 's that that will beleeue ye Fau. Now by my holy dam and honest faith This Gentlewoman shall witnes what I swea e. Sweet Ducke a little help me La. Trust him Madam Fau. I will be kinde credulous constant euer Doe what thou wilt I le be suspitious neuer Ro. For which I thanke noble Faukenbridge Fau. Body of me who 's this yong Huntington La. And I your Lady whome you coorted last Ye lookt about you ill foxe we haue caught ye I met ye at Blacke heath and ye were hot Fau. I knew thee Mall now by my swoord I knew thee I winkt at all I laught at euery iest Rob. I he did winke the blinde man had an eye Fa. Peace Robin thou 't once be a man as I. La. Well I must beare it all Fa. Come ye beare it s but your office come forget sweet Mall La. I doe forgiue it and forget it sir Fa. Why that 's well said that 's done like a good girle Ha sirra ha you matcht me pretty Earle Rob. I haue ye see sir I must vnto Blacke heath In quest of Richard whom I sent to seeke Earle Gloster out I know he 's at the Hermits Lend me your Coach I le shift me as I ride Farewell sir Richard Exit Fau. Farewell Englands pride by the mattins Mall it is a pretty childe Shall we goe meete Iohn shall we goe mocke the Prince La. We will Fa. O then we shall haue sport anon Neuer weare yellow Mall t was but a tricke Olde Faukenbridge wil stil be a mad Dicke Exeunt Enter Redcap and Gloster Red. Doe ye s s say fa fa father Hermit th that Gl Gloster is about this Heath Glo. He is vpon this Heath Sonne looke about it Run but the compasse thou shalt finde him out Red. R r run I le r run the co compasse of all k Kent but I le f finde him out my f f father where ere hee layes his head dare ne neuer co come home I know t t till hee bee fo fo found Gl. Wel thou shalt find him knowst thou who 's a hunting Red. M m mary t is the Earles of La La Lancaster and Le Leyster Fa fa farewell f father and I finde Skink or Glo Gloster I le g g giue thee the pr prise of a penny p p pudding for thy p paines Glo. Adew good friend this is sure the fellow I sent on message from the Parlament The Porters sonne he 's still in quest of me And Skinke that cousoned him of his red cap. Enter Richard like a Seruing man But looke about thee Gloster who comes yonder O a plaine seruingman yet perhaps his bags are lyn'd And my pursse now growes thin if he haue any I must share with him Enter Skinke like a Hermit And who 's on yond side O it is my Hermit Hath got his other sute since I went foorth Ski Sbloud yonder 's company I le backe againe Else I would be with you counterfeite I le leaue the rogue till opportunity But neuer eate till I haue quit my wrong Exit Ric. I saw two men attend like holy Hermits One's slipt away the other at his beades Now Richard for the loue of Marian Make thy inquiry where mad Gloster liues If England or the verge of Scotland holde him I le seeke him thus disguis'd if he be past To any forraigne part I le follow him Loue thou art Lord of hearts thy lawes are sweet In euery troubled way thou guidst our feete Louers inioyn'd to passe the daungerous Sea Of big swolne sorrow in the Barke affection The windes and waues of woe need neuer feare While Loue the helme doth like a Pylate steare Glo. Heer 's some louer come a mischiefe on him I know not how to answere these mad fooles But I le be briefe I le marre the Hermits tale Off gowne holde Buckler slice it bilbowe blade Ric. What 's this what should this meane old man good friend Glo. Young foole deliuer else see your end Ric. I thought thou hadst been holy and a Hermit Glo. What ere you thought your pursse come quickly sir Cast that vpon the ground and then conferre Ric. There it is Glo. Falles it so heauy then my heart is light Ric. Thou't haue a heauy heart before thou touch it Theft shrinde in holy weedes stand to 't y' are best Glo. And if I doe not seeing such a pray Let this be to me a disaster day
Ric. Art thou content to breath Fight part once or twise Glo. With al my heart take halfe thy money we 'l friendly part Ric. I will not cherish theft Glo. Then I defye thee Fight againe and breath Ric. Alas for pitty that so stout a man So reuerend in aspect should take this course Glo. This is no common man with whom I fight And if he be he is of wondrours spright Shall we part stakes Ric. Fellow take the pursse vpon condition thou wilt follow me Glo. What waite on you weare a turn'd Liuery Whose man 's your master If I be your man My mans mans office will be excellent There lyes your pursse againe win it and weare it Fight Enter Robin Hood they breath offer againe Rob. Clashing of weapons at my welcome hyther Bickring vpon Blacke-heath well said olde man I le take thy side the yonger hath the oddes Stay end your quarrell or I promise ye I le take the olde mans part Ric. You were not wont yong Huntington stil on Richards side Rob. Pardon gratious Prince I knew ye not Gl. Prince Richard then lye enuy at his foote Pardon thy cousen Gloster valiant Lord I knew no common force confronted myne O heauen I had the like conseite of thine Ric. I tell thee Robin Gloster thou art met Bringing such comfort vnto Richards heart As in the foyle of warre when dust and sweat The thirst of weake and the Sunnes fiery heate Haue seazd vppon the soule of valiaunce And he must faint except he be refresht To me thou comst as if to him should come A perry from the North whose frostie breath Might fan him coolnesse in that doubt of death With me then meets as he a spring might meet Cooling the earth vnder his toyle partcht feet Whose christall moysture in his Helmit taine Comforts his spyrits makes him strong againe Glo. Prince in short termes if you haue brought me comfort Know if I had my pardon in this hand That smit base Skinke in open Parlament I would not come to Court till the high feast Of your proud brothers birth day be expyred For as the o●●e King as he made a vow At his vnluckie Coronation Must waite vpon the boy and fill his cuppe And all the Pieres must kneele while Henry kneeles Vnto his cradle he shall hang me vp Eare I commit that vile Idolatrie But when the feast is past if you 'll befrend me I le come and braue my proud foes to their teeth Ric. Come Robin and if my brothers grace denye I le take thy parte them and their threates defye Glo. Gramercy Princly Dicke Rob. I haue some power I can rayse two thousand Soldiers in an hower Glo. Gramercy Robin gramercy little wag Prince Richard pray let Huntington Carry my sister Faukenbridge this ring Ric. I le carry it my selfe but I had rather Had thy kinde company thou mightst haue mou'd Thy Sister whome I long haue vainely lou'd Glo. I like her that she shunes temptation Prince Richard but I beare with doting louers I should not take it well that you vrge me To such an office but I beare with you Loue 's blind and mad hie to her boldly try her But if I know she yeeld faith I le defie her Ric. I like thy honorable resolution Gloster I pray thee pardon my intreate Glo. it s mens custome part part Gentle Prince Farwell good Robin this gold I will borrow Meet you at stepney pay you all to morrow Rob. A dew Gloster Gl. Farwell be short you gone I hope to haue a little sport Ric Take heed mad Cuz Exeunt Glo. Tut tell not me of heed He that 's too wray neuer hath good speed Hollowing within Enter Lanc. with a broken staffe in his hand Whos 's this old Lancaster my honoured frend Lan. These knaues haue seru'd me well left me alone I haue hunted fairely lost my purse my chaine My Iewels and bin bangd by a bold knaue Clad in a Hermits gowne like an olde man O what a world is this Glo. It s ill my Lord. Lan. Hee 's come againe O knaue t is the worse for thee Keepe from me be content with that thou hast And see thou flie this heath for if I take thee I le make thee to all theeues aspectacle Had my staffe held thou hadst not scaped me so But come not neare me follow not thou art best Holla Earle Leyster holla Huntsman hoe Glo. Vppon my life old Lancaster a Hunting Hath met my fellow Hermit could I meet him I de play rob theefe at least part stakes with him Skin Zounds he is yonder alone Enter Redcap with a cudgell Skinke now reuenge thy selfe on yonder slaue Znayles still preuented this same Redcap rogue Runs like hob-goblin vp and downe the heath Red. Wh wh wh whope He Hermit ye ha ha ma ma made Re Redcap run a fine co co compasse ha haue you not Ski I made thee run Glo. Younder 's my euill Angell were redcap gone Gloster would coniure him Red. Ie Ie Iesus bl blesse me whop to to two Hermits I le ca ca caperclaw to to tone of yee for mo mo mocking me and I d d doo not ha ha hang me wh wh which is the fa fa false k k k knaue for I am s s sure the olde He He Hermit wo would neuer mo mocke an honest man Glo. he is the counterfet he mockt thee fellow I did not see thee in my life before He weares my garments and has coussoned me Red. Haue you co co cousoned the he Hermit and m made Redcap run to no pu pu purpose Ski No he 's counterfet I will tell no lyes As sure as Skinke deceiu'd thee of thy clothes Sent thee to Kent gaue thee thy fare by water So sure hee 's false and I the perfet Hermit Glo. This villaine is a coniurer I doubt Were he the deuill yet I would not budge Red. Si si sirra you are the co countefeite O this is the tr tr true He Hermit sta sta stand still g good man at that I le bu bumbast you yfaith I le make you g giue the olde m m man his gowne Offers to strike Gloster trippes vp his heeles shifts Skinke into his place G g gods lid are ye go good at that I le cu cudgell yee f f for this tr tr tricke Ski It was not I t was he that cast thee downe Red. You li li li lye you ra ra rascall you I le left ye st standing he heare Ski Zounds hold you stammerer or I le cut your stumps Gl. He 's for me he 's weapon'd I like that Red. O heer 's a ro ro rogue in ca ca carnat help mu murder murder Enter Lancaster Huntsmen at one doore Leyster Huntsmen at another Lan. Lay holde vpon that theeuish counterfeit Ley. Why heares another Hermit Lancaster Glo. I am the Hermit sir that wretched man Doth many a robberie in my disguise Skin It
s he that robs he slaunders me he lies Lan. Which set on thee Red. Th this f f fellow has a s s sword and a buckler Lan. Search him this is the theefe o heares my purse My chaine my Iewels oh thou wicked wretch How darst thou vnder show of holines Commit such actions of impietie Bind him I le haue him made a publicke scorne Ski Lay holde vpon that other hermit He is a counterfeit as well as I He stole those clothes from me for I am Skinke Search him I know him not he is some slaue Glo. Thou lyest base varlet Re. O g God he has a sword too S Skink are you ca catcht Lan. Villaine thou shalt with me vnto the Court. Ley. And this with me this is the traytor Gloster Glo. Thou lyest proud Leyster I am no traytor Re. G gloster O b braue now m my father sh shal be f free Lan. Earle Gloster I am sorry thou art taken Glo. I am not taken yet nor will I yeild To any heare but noble Lancaster Let Skinke be Leysters prisoner I le be thine Ley Thou shalt be mine Gl. First through a crimson sluce I le send thy hated soule to those blacke fiendes That long haue houered gaping for their parte When tyrant life should leaue thy traytor heart Come Lancaster keep Skinke I le goe with thee Let loose the mad knaue for I prayse his shifts He shall not starte away I le be his guide And with proude looks outface young Henries pride Ley. Looke to them Lancaster vpon thy life Red. Well I le r r run and get a p pardon of the K K KKing Gl Gloster and Skinke ta ta taken O b b braue r r r run re Re Red ca cap a and ca ca cary the first n n newes to co co court Ley. Lancaster I le helpe to guarde them to the Court. Lan. Doe as you please Glo. Leyster doe not come neare me for if thou doe thou shalt buy it dearely Ley. I le haue thy hand for this Glo. Not for thy heart Ski Braue Earle had Skinke knowne thou hadst been the Noble Gloster whose mad trickes haue made mee loue thee I would haue dy'd Blacke heath red with the bloud of millions ere we would haue been taken but what remedy we are fast must answere it like Gentlemen like Souldiers like resolutes Gl. I ye are a gallant come olde Lancaster For thy sake will I goe or else by heauen I de send some dozen of these slaues to hel Exeunt Enter Prince Richard Robert Hoode Lady Faukenbridge La Your trauaile and your comfortable newes This Ring the certaine signe you met with him Bindes me in duetyous loue vnto your grace But on my knees I fall and humbly craue Importune that no more you nere can haue Ric. Nay then ye wrong me Lady Faukenbridge Did you not ioyne your faire white hand Swore that ye would forsweare your husbands bed If I could but finde out Gloster La. I sweare so Ric. By heauen Rob. Take heed it s a high oath my Lord. Ric. What meanst thou Huntington Ro. To saue your soule I doe not loue to haue my friends forsworne She neuer promist that you vrge her with Ric. Goe to prouoke me not Rob. I tell you true t was I in her attyre that promist you She was gone vnto the wizard at Blacke heath And there had suters more then a good many Ric. Was I deluded then La. No not deluded but hindred from desire vnchast and rude O let me wooe yee with the tongue of ruth Dewing your Princely hand with pitties teares That you would leaue this most vnlawful sute If ere we liue till Faukenbridge be dead As God defend his death I should desire Then if your highnes daine so base a match And holy lawes admit a mariage Considering our affinity in bloud I will become your Handmayde not your harlot That shame shall neuer dwell vpon my brow Rob. I faith my Lord she 's honorably resolu'd For shame no more importune her no more Ri. Marian I see thy vertue and commend it I know my error seeking thy dishonor But the respectlesse reasonles commaund Of my inflamed loue bids me still try And trample vnder foote all pietye Yet for I will not seeme too impyous Too inconsiderate of thy seeming griefe Vouchsafe to be my Mistris vse me kindely And I protest I le striue with all my power That lust himselfe may in his heate deuour La. You are my seruant then Ric. Thankes sacred Mistresse Ro. What am I La. You are my fellow Robert Enter Faukenbridge in his hose and dublet Fau. What Prince Richard noble Huntington Welcome yfaith welcome by the morrow Masse You are come as fitly as my heart can wish Prince Iohn this night will be a Reueller He hath inuited me and Marian. Gods mary mother goe along with vs It s but hard by close by at our towne Tauerne Ric. Your Tauerne Fau. O I I I t is his owne made match I le make you laugh I le make you laugh yfaith Come come he 's ready O come come away La. But wher 's the Princesse Fa. He 's ready too Block Bl. my man must be her waiting man Nay wil ye goe for gods sake let vs goe Ri. Is the iest so nay then let vs away Rob. O t will allay his heate make dead his fire Fau. Ye bob'd me first ye first gaue me my hyre But come a gods name Prince Iohn stayes for vs. Exeunt Rob. This is the word euer at spend-thriftes feastes They are guld themselues and scoft at by their guests Exit Enter John Ioh. Buffild and scoft Skinke Gloster women fooles and boyes abuse me I le be reueng'd Ric. Reueng'd and why good childe Olde Faukenbridge hath had a worser basting Fa. I they haue banded from chase to chase I haue been their tennis ball since I did coort Ric. Come Iohn take hand with vertuous Isabell And lets vnto the Court like louing friends Our Kingly brothers birth daies feastiuall Is foorthwith to be kept thether we 'l hye And grace with pompe that great solemnity Jo. Whether ye wil I care not where I goe If griefe wil grace it I le adorne the shew Fa. Come Madam we must thither we are bound La. I am loath to see the Court Gloster being from thence Or kneele to him that gaue vs this offence Fa. Body of me peace woman I prethee peace Enter Redcap Red. Go go god ye go god s speed ye Ioh. Whether run you sir knaue Red. R r run ye sir knaue why I r run to my La Lady Fa Faukenbridge to te te tell her Sk Skinke and Gl Gloster is t taken and are gg one to the CC Court with L Lord Leyster and L Lord la la Lancaster Io. Is Gloster taken thether will I flye Vpon wraths wings not quiet til he dye Exit with Princesse Rich. Is Gloster taken Red I he is ta taken I wa