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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68114 The tragedy of Selimus Emperour of the Turkes. Written T.G.; Selimus. T. G., fl. 1638.; Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592, attributed name.; Goffe, Thomas, 1591-1629. 1638 (1638) STC 12310B; ESTC S103417 38,400 76

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with remorcelesse heart Puld out mine eyes and cut off my weake hands VVitnesse that sun whose golden coloured beames Your eyes do see but mine can nere behold VVitnesse the earth that sucked vp my blood Streaming in riuers from my tronked armes VVitnesse the present that he sends to thee Open my bosome there you shall it see Mustaffa opens his bosome and takes out his hands Those are the hands which Aga once did vse To tosse the speare and in a warlike gyre To hurtle my sharpe sword about my head Those sends he to the wofull Emperour With purpose so cut thy hands from thee Why is my soueraigne silent all this while Ba. Ah Aga Baiazet faine would speak to thee But sodaine sorrow eateth vp my words Baiazet Aga faine would weepe for thee But cruell sorrow drieth vp my teares Baiazet Aga faine would die for thee But griefe hath weakned my poore aged hands How can he speak whose tongue sorrow hath tide How can he mourne that cannot shead a teare How shall he liue that full of miserie Calleth for death which will not let him die Must. Let women weep let children powre ●oo●● And cowards spend the time in bootlesse mone Wee 'l load the earth with such a mightie hoast Of Ianizaries sterne-borne sonnes of Mars That Phaeb shall flie and hide him in the cloudes For feare our iauelins thrust him from his waine Old Aga was a Prince among your Lords His Councels alwaies were true oracles And shall he thus vnmanly be misus'd And he vnpunished that did the deed Shall Mahomet and poore Zonaras ghoasts And the good gouernour of Natalia Wander in Stygian meadowes vneueng'd Good Emperour stir vp thy manly hearte And send forth all thy warlike Ianizaries To chastise that rebellious Acomat Thou knowst we cannot fight without a guide And he must be one of the royall bloode Sprung from the loines of mightie Ottoman And who remaines now but yoong Selimus So please your grace to pardon his offence And 〈…〉 Baia. I good Mustaffa send for Selimus So I may be reueng'd I care not how The worst that can befall me is but death That would end my wofull miserie Selimus he must worke me this good turne I cannot kill my selfe hee 'l do 't for me Come Aga thou and I will weepe the while Thou for thy eyes and losse of both thy hands I for th' vnkindnesse of my Acomat Exeunt All Enter Selimus and a messenger with a letter from Baiazet Selim. Will fortune fauour me yet once againe And will she thrust the cards into my hands VVell if I chance but once to get the decke To deale about and shufle as I would Let Selim neuer see the day-light spring Vnlesse I shuffle out my selfe a king Friend let me see thy letter once againe That I may read these reconciling lines Reades the letter Thou hast a pardon Selim granted thee Mustaffa and the forward Ianizaries Haue sued to thy father Baiazet That thou maist be their captaine generall Against th' attempts of Souldane Acomat VVhy that 's the thing that I requested most That I might once th' imperiall armie leade And since it s offred me so willingly Beshrew me but I le take their curtesie Soft let me see is there no policie T' entrap poore Selimus in this deuice It may be that my father feares me yet Least I should once againe rise vp in armes And like Antaeus queld by Hercules Gather new forces by my ouerthrow And therefore sends for me vnder pretence Of this and that but when he hath me there Hee 'll make me sure for putting him in feare Distrust is good when theirs cause or distrust Read it againe perchance thou doest mistake Reade O heer 's Mustaffas signet ●et thereto Then Selim cast all foolish feare aside For hee 's a Prince that fauours thy estate And hateth treason worse then death it selfe And hardly can I thinke he could be brought If there were treason to subscribe his name Come friend the cause requires we shuld be gone Now once againe haue at the Turkish throne Exeunt Both Enter Baiazet leading Aga Mustaffa Hali Cali Selimus the Ianizaries Baia. Come mournfull Aga come and sit by me Thou hast bene sorely grieu'd for Baiazet Good reason then that he should grieue for thee Giue me thy arm though thou hast lost thy hands And liu'st as a poore exile in this light Yet hast thou wonne the heart of Baiazet Aga. Your graces words are verie comfortable And well can Aga beare his grieuous losse Since it was for so good a Princes sake Seli. Father if I may call thee by that name Whose life I aim'd at with rebellious sword In all humilitie thy reformed sonne Offers himselfe into your graces hands And at your feete laieth his bloodie sword Which he aduanc'd against your maiestie If my offence do seeme so odious That I deserue not longer time to liue Behold I open vnto you my brest Readie prepar'd to die at your command But if repentance in vnfained heart And sorrow for my grieuous crime forepast May merit pardon at your princely hands Behold where poore inglorious Selimus Vpon his knees begs pardon of your grace Baia. Stand vp my son I ioy to heare thee speak But more to heare thou art so well reclaim'd Thy crime was nere so odious vnto me But thy reformed life and humble thoughts Are thrice as pleasing to my aged spirit Selim we here pronounce thee by our will Chiefe generall of the warlike Ianizaries Go lead them out against false Acomat Which hath so grieuously rebell'd gainst me Spare him not Selim though he be my sonne Yet do I now cleane disinherit him As common enemy to me and mine Seli. May Selim liue to shew how dutifull And louing he will be to Baiazet So now doth fortune smile on me againe And in regard of former iniuries Offer me millions of Diadems I smile to see how that the good old man Thinks Selims thoughts are broght to such an ebbe As he hath cast off all ambitious hope But soone shall that opinion be remou'd For if I once get mongst the Ianizaries Then on my head the golden crowne shall sit Well Baiazet I feare me thou wilt greeue That ere thou didst thy faining sonne beleeue Exit Selim with all the rest saue Baiazet and Aga Ba. Now Aga all the thoghts that troubled me Do rest within the center of my heart And thou shalt shortly ioy as much with me Then Acomat by Selims consuming sword Shall leese that ghoast which made thee loose thy sight Aga. Ah Baiazet Aga lookes not for reuenge But will powre out his praiers to the heauens That Acomat may learne by Selimus To yeeld himselfe vp to his fathers grace Sound within long liue Selimus Emperour of Turkes Baia. How now what sodaine triumph haue we here Must. Ah gratious Lord the captaines of the hoste With one assent haue crown'd Prince Selimus And here he comes with all the Ianizaries To craue
first brought me vp And on the cradle wherein I was rockt Curse on the day when first I was created The chiefe commander of all Asia Curse on my sonnes that drive me to this griefe Curse on my selfe that can finde no reliefe And curse on him an euerlasting curse That quench'd those lampes of euerburning light And tooke away my Agas warlike hands And curse on all things vnder the wide skie Ah Aga I haue curst my stomacke drie Abra. I haue a drinke my Lords of noble worth Which soone will calme your stormie passions And glad your hearts if so you please to taste it Baia. for who art thou that thus doest pitie vs Abra. Your highnesse humble seruant Abrahā Baia. Abraham sit downe and drink to Baiazet Abra. Faith I am old as well as Baiazet And haue not many months to liue on earth I care not much to end my life with him Heer 's to you Lordings with a full carouse He drinkes Baia. Here Aga wofull Baiazet drinkes to thee Abraham hold the cup to him while he drinkes Abra. Now know old Lords that you haue drunk your last This was a potion which I did prepare To poyson you by Selimus instigation And now it is dispersed through my bones And glad I am that such companions Shall go with me downe to Proserpina He dies Baia. Ah wicked Iew ah cursed Selimus How haue the destins dealt with Baiazet That none shuld cause my death but mine own son Had Ismael and his warlike Persians Pierced my bodie with their iron speares Or had the strong vnconquer'd Tonumbey With his Aegyptians tooke me prisoner And sent me with his valiant Mammalukes To be praie vnto the Crocodilus It neuer would haue grieu'd me halfe so much But welcome death into whose calmie port My sorrow-beaten soule ioyes to arriue And now farewell my disobedient sonnes Vnnaturall sonnes vnworthie of that name Farewell sweete life and Aga now farewell Till we shall meete in the Elysian fields He dies Aga. What greater griefe had mournful Priamus Then that he liu'd to see his Hector die His citie burnt downe by reuenging flames And poore Polites slaine before his face Aga thy griefe is matchable to his For I haue liu'd to see my soueraignes death Yet glad that I must breath my last with him And now farewell sweet light which my poore eyes These twice six moneths neuer did behold Aga will follow noble Baiazet And beg a boone of louely Proserpine That he and I may in the mournfull fields Still weepe and waile our strange calamities He dies Enter Bullithrumble the shepheard running in hast and laughing to himselfe Bulli. Ha ha ha married quoth you Marry and Bullithrumble were to begin the world againe I would set a tap abroach and not liue in daily feare of the breach of my wiues ten-commandemens I le tell you what I thought my selfe as proper a fellow at wasters as any in all our village and yet when my wife begins to plaie clubbes trumpe with me I am faine to sing What hap had I to marry a shrew For she hath giuen me many a blow And how to please her alas I do not know From morne to euen her toong ne'r lies Sometime she laughs sometime she cries And I can scarce keep her talēts fro my eies When from abroad I do come in Sir knaue she cries where haue you bin Thus please or displease she laies it on my skin Then do I crouch then do I kneele And wish my cap were furr'd with steele To beare the blows that my poore head doth feele But our sir Iohn beshrew thy hart For thou hast ioynd vs we cannot part And I poore foole must euer beare the smart I le tell you what this morning while I was making me readie she came with a holly wand and so blest my shoulders that I was faine to runne through a whole Alphabet of faces now at the last seeing she was so cramuk with me I began to sweare all the crisse crosse row ouer beginning at great A litle a til I cam to w x y. And snatching vp my sheephooke my bottle and my bag like a desperate fellow ranne away and here now I le sit downe and eate my meate While he is eating Enter Corcut and his Page disguised like mourners Cor. O hatefull hellish snake of Tartary That feedest on the soule of noblest men Damned ambition cause of all miserie Why doest thou creep from out thy loathsome fen And with thy poyson animatest friends And gape and long one for the others ends Selimus could'st thou not content thy mind With the possession of the sacred throne Which thou didst get by fathers death vnkind Whose poison'd ghost before high God doth grone But thou must seeke poore Corcuts ouerthrow That neuer iniured thee so nor so Old Halies sonnes with two great companie Of barded horse were sent from Selimus To take me prisoner in Magnesia And death I am sure should haue befell to me If they had once but set their eyes on me So thus disguised my poore Page and I Fled fast to Smirna where in a darke caue We meant t' await th' arriuall of some ship That might trans●●eit vs safely vnto Rhodes But see how fortune crost my enterprise Bostangi Bassa Selims sonne in law Kept all the sea coasts with his Brigandines That if we had but ventured on the sea I presently had bene his prisoner These two dayes haue we kept vs in the caue Eating such hearbes as the ground did affoord And now through hunger are we both constrain'd Like fearefull snakes to creep out step by step And see if we may get vs any food And in good time see yonder sits a man Spreading a hungry dinner on the grasse Bullithrumble spies them and puts vp his meate Bull. These are some felonians that seeke to rob me well I le make my selfe a good deale valianter then I am indeed and if they will needes creep into kindred with me I le betake me to my old occupation and runne away Corcut. Haile groome Bull. Good Lord sir you are deceiued my names master Bullithrumble this is some cousoning conicatching crosbiter that would faine perswade me he knowes me and so vnder a tence of familiaritie and acquaintance vncle me of victuals Corcut. Then Bullithrumble if that be thy name Bull. My name sir ô Lord yes and if you wil not beleeue me I wil bring my godfathers and godmothers and they shal swear it vpon the font-stone and vpon the church booke too where it is written Bull. Masse I thinke he be some Iustice of peace ad quorum and omnium populorum how he famines me a christian yes marrie am I sir yes verely and do beleeue and it please you I le goe forward in my catechisme Corcut. Then Bullithrumble by that blessed Christ And by the tombe where he was buried By soueraigne hope which thou conceiu'st in him Whom dead as euerliuing thou adorest Bull. O Lord helpe me I