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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A56731 The fatal jealousie a tragedy acted at the Duke's Theatre. Payne, Henry Neville, fl. 1672-1710. 1673 (1673) Wing P889; ESTC R11156 47,021 82

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THE Fatal Jealousie A TRAGEDY Acted at the Duke's Theatre Licensed Novemb. 22 1672. Roger L'Estrange LONDON Printed for Thomas Dring at the White Lyon next Chancery-Lane end in Fleet-street 1673. The Actors Names Don Antonio A Jealous Lord. Mr. Smith Don Gerardo Friend to Antonio Mr. Medburn Don Francisco A Young Lord. Mr. Young Don Sebastian Friend to Francisco Mr. Crosby Jasper A Villain Servant to Antonio Mr. Sandford Pedro. Servant to Antonio Mr. Burford Servant To Gerardo Mr. Norris Captain of the Watch. Mr. Nath. Leigh Souldiers Women Caelia Wife to Antonio Mrs. Shadwel Eugenia Sister to Caelia Mrs. Betterton Flora. Waiting Woman to Caelia Mrs. Osborn Nurse To Caelia Mr. Nokes Witch Aunt to Jasper Mrs. Norris Spirits Gipsies PROLOGUE By Mr. Smith TO you great Sovereign Wits that have such sway Without Controul to save or damn a Play That with a pish my Anthony or so Can the best Rally'd sence at once or'e throw And by this pow'r that none must question now Have made the most Rebellious Writers bow Our Author here his low Submission brings Begging your pass calls you the Stages Kings He sayes nay on a Play-Book swears it too Your pox uppo'nt damn it what 's here to do Your nods your winks nay your least signs of Wit Are truer Reason than e're Poet writ And he observes do much more sway the Pit For sitting there h' has seen the lesser gang Of Callow Criticks down their heads to bang Lending long Ears to all that you should say So understand yet never hear the Play Then in the Tavern swear their time they 've lost And Curse the Poet put e'm to that cost And if one would their just Exceptions know They heard such such or such a one say so And thus in time by your dislikes they rise To be thought Judges though indeed but spyes This is not fair your Subjects to betray To those that strive to Rival you in sway That will in time by your expence of wit Vsurp or'e us and your successors sit These and some other dangers to remove We beg that though this Play you disapprove Say nothing of it here and when you 're gone We give that leave you 'le take to cry it down Thus you preserve your pow'r and we shall be From Fopps and Demi-Criticks Censure free Subdu'd by force we Tyrants thus obey But Ladys you like lawful Monarches sway You Rule by Love and Pardon faults with ease In Subjects that do all they can to please By faction they condemn you by our Peers And he is guilty sure such Trial fears And though our Author pleads not guilty now And to his Tryal stands he hopes that you Will not too strictly his accusers hear For if this Play can draw from you a Tear He 'l slight the Wits Half-Wits and Criticks too And Judge his strength by his well pleasing you THE Fatal Jealousie Act the First Scene the First The Curtain drawn Discovers Don Antonio and Caelia in Morning-Gowns Chamber and Bed Cael. MY Lord you well may blame my conduct of that bus'ness Since it produc'd such dismal Accidents As my heart trembles but to think upon Yet for Don Lewis's Innocence and mine In the contrivance of that Fatal Meeting I must for ever during Life be Champion And as he with his dying breath protested He ne're meant wrong to you so am I ready To dye a Martyr to my Innocence Anto. Come come these are but wyles to Palliate things Can you believe me stupid or an Ass To think my Wife should meet a Man i' th' Night Nay more a Man that was my seeming Friend Yet taken in at Window privately Nay which was most stay with him two full hours And in a Room made proper by a Bed And yet not Cuckold me the thing 's too plain I do not doubt the deed which Iv'e Reveng'd In part by killing him No I am mad That you should think so meanly still of me As to hope time may alter my belief Which is by such unerring Reasons fixt Or else that you suspect my Truth when I have sworn By all things sacred nay upon my Honour Which I am so Jealous of that if you would Relate the truth of your so close amours I from my memory would blot it all And look on you at worst but as the Widdow Of your dead Couzen Lewis Cael. Good my Lord Forbear to use these killing Arguments Which every moment give me many Deaths Rather be like your self that 's Gen'rous And kill me once for all torment me not By giving no belief either to Vows Or Actions that have spoke my Innocence Reflect my Lord on the unwearied pains Iv'e took to gain your pardon for his Death Think with what patience I 've suffer'd still Your often starts of Passion which sometimes Have ne're produc'd th' effects of Cruelty And without boast my Lord you well do know My Friends were much too strong for yours at Court Then had I but made known your severe Carriage Or suffer'd your surprizal 't is too plain Yoor Life had been a forfeit to the Law And were I but the wanton Wife you think me What wou'd more welcome be then that Revenge Here on my knees I beg again my Lord You would perswade your self that what I told you Was cause of that close meeting was so truly And no invention and as this Day Began our Nuptial Joys so let it end Our Marriage Discords then shall I have cause To keep it Annually a Festival In thanks to Heav'n for two such mighty Blessings Anto. Caelia stand up I will perswade my self By this I will as much as e're I can Kisses her That thou art Innocent for if thou bee'st not What Woman in the World ought to be thought so But prethee be discreet mannage thy Actions With strictest Rules of Prudence for if not Like to a Bow or'e-bent I shall start back And break with passion on thee wilt thou be careful Cael. Oh! I am paid for all my sufferings This kindness does or'e-joy me which my Lord Let me for ever lose when any Act Of mine shall justly make a forfeit of it Enter Flora. Flor. My Lord here 's Don Gerardo come to see you Anto. Admit him in Exit Flora. Cael. I will retire my Lord. Anto. You need not Caelia Enter Gerardo Welcome Gerardo this is like a Friend That name should know no Ceremonious Laws Let them make formal Visits that maintain As formal Friendships ours is try'd and true Gerar. This as I take it was your Wedding-day At which your pardon Madam for a truth I was a Jealous waiter your great worth Made me to fear I then had lost a Friend And in that room should an acquaintance find Cael. But now my Lord you see how you mistook I was a Rival to his Mistresses But to his Friends one to increase their number Ger. I find the truth so great I wish you may Live long and happy to possess that place
what I fear'd I am undone A plague of Cubbard Love step into the Closet Nurse What 's that you say Cubbard Love Jasp No no prethee no Arguments but step into the Closet Flora within Why Nurse I say why don't you come away My Lady wants you Jasper goes to the Door Jasp Flora what 's the matter with you Nurse is not here Do but come in and see Enter Flora. Flor. Come come she must be here for she was not in her own Bed to Night and where should She be but with you Jasp With me what the Devil should she do with me Can't her Old Chopps mumble her Beads o're but I Must keep count of her her Pater Nosters No no she 's Gon on Pilgrimage to some Shrine to beg Children For my Lady 't is a devout Old Woman Flor. Devout I her Devotion and yours are much alike The Fit ne're took you but once in your Lives and Then 't is true you wept at Prayers that was at your Own Christnings Jasp Prethee more Charity sweet dear Flora come let Me kiss thee Flor. Pray forbear I 'de sooner kiss a Horse Jasp Why so scornful dear Flora Flor. That 's not my bus'ness come tell me where 's the Nurse Jasp Prethee why dost ask me for the Nurse Dost think I am so hot to make Love to a Monument Why she 's Old enough to be Mother of all Mankind her skin 's Turn'd to parchment he that should enjoy her had as Good lye with a bundle of Old Records In truth she 's Fit for nothing now but to be hang'd up amongst the Monsters in a 'Pothecaries Shop where with abuse to The Beast she would be taken for a large Apes skin stufft VVith Hay Ah Flora if she were as Young as thou art then 't might be likely I might find her when she was lost Flor. Well if she be not here now I 'm sure it was not for Nothing you once lost your way into her Chamber And staid all Night Jasp Meer Drunkenness by this Light Flora VVhy if it had Been a Vault full of Dead Carkasses I should have slipt Into it in the pickle I was in Nay for ought I know VVith more pleasure too Enter Nurse Nurse Now out upon you for a Rogue There 's no enduring this Jasp Do but hear me Nurse Flor. Ay hear him Nurse he 'l be sure to recant and Swear you 're as sweet as a fogh so sweet Nurse VVhat Hussy dare you abuse me I that gave suck To my Lady before thou wast born you Young VVhore Flor. Young VVhore why not Old VVhore Nurse as well as Young VVhore Nurse You damn'd Young Slut I 'le tear out your Eyes Flor. My Feet shall save my Eyes except you can out-run Me to my Lady Exit Flora. Jasp Have not you made fine work now I but dissembled To take off suspition and you must shew your self I 'm sure I shall be turn'd away for your folly Nurse But dissembled said you Marry there 's dissembling indeed Jasp Nay Nurse consider dost think I would have spoke so In thy hearing had it been for any other thing But Prethee kiss me I protest thou' rt as sweet as Arsifettito Nurse Arsifettito What 's that Jasp A Rich perfume the Chymists make and good against Fits o' th' Mother But what shall I do now I shall Be turn'd away Nurse I 'le warrant thee I 'le place thee with Eugenia she Shall take care of thee for mine and a Friends sake Of hers Jasp Ay ay that 's Francisco but you have promis'd me Often to tell me a secret concerns them prethee Do 't now Nurse Nurse But will you ne're speak on 't If you do I shall Get no more money for thee Jasper that 's the way I get all Chuck no no no matter what 's between them Trust thou to me Jasp Well Nurse I thought you had Lov'd me but I see You do not you know I can keep secrets Nurse Ay but this is such a one I dare not tell it besides It was not Eugenias-fault at first alas poor Fool she was in a sad taking when she found Her Couzen Francisco in Bed with her Jasp In Bed sayst thou Nurse Lord bless me what have I done If you should Tell now Jasp Ne're fear it tell me all I would not for the World have mist this Story it makes a full amends For all my Crosses come Nurse prethee quickly Tell me all passages Nurse I tell no more my mind misgives me I 've said Too much already Jasp Not tell me more Old Beldame Speak it quickly Or what I know shall soon unto my Lord. Nurse How now Is this dissembling too Jasp No 't is as great a truth as what you told me of Don Francisco's Bedding with Eugenia tell me the Rest and by it save your Life Nurse Dear Jasper be not angry and I will Jasp Come Nurse do it and then we 'l kiss and be Friends I shall have use of her Aside Nurse Now thou shalt have my heart and thus it is Don Francisco doth often meet Eugenia i' th' Garden who to avoid suspition after her Sisters In Bed by my means gets her Night-Gown and Puts it on so to avoid being known shou'd any see her Jasp Oh Excellent when do they meet again Nurse I 've promis'd him this Night though she was loath Till I told her he would but take his leave for she 's Grown a little backward now she 's to marry Don Gerardo Jasp Is she to marry him sayst thou Nurse I sure for he makes Love to her and she 's so hot Upon 't that she vows after this Night never to meet Francisco any more but I 'le go Live with her And so shalt thou Jasp Ay s●● will i' th' Garden sayst thou and in her Sisters Gown no body with them Nurse Yes the Lord Sebastian he knows all and alwayes VVaits upon ' em Jasp That 's well keep thou the secret close and ne're fear me But if my Lord should ask suspitiously questions About his Wife name Pedro to him say when he 's From Home that Fellow stayes too long within her Chamber and say that Flora waits leave me to prove It true Nurse Why 't is not so I dare not tell my Lord so damn'd a Lye Jasp Why Y' are a Fool there shall no hurt come of it Only we 'l be Reveng'd of Pedro and that Slut for They 're our Enemies besides if you won't I 'le swear You told me so and moreover let him know all the Rest y'have told me Nurse Nay don't be angry and I 'le do any thing Enter Caelia Pedro and Flora. Cael. Oh thou Old doting Fool what still remain here What punishment is proper for thy Age As for you Sirrah I believe my Lord will find a way quickly to Send you packing Jasp It may be so but 't is without a cause Cael. Impudent Villain how I do hate thy sight Follow you me To Nurse Ex. Cael. Nurse
And thus to our Dancing we sing Our Lands and our Livings Lye in others believings When to all Men we tell the same thing And thus to our Dancing we sing Thus we c. An Antique of Gipsies and Exeunt Anto. By this we see that all the Worlds a Cheat Where truths and falshoods lye so intermixt And are so like each other that 't is hard To find the difference who would not think these People A real pack of such as we call Gipsies Ger. Things perfectly alike are but the same And these were Gipsies if we did not know How to consider them the contrary So in Terrestial things there is not one But takes its Form and Nature from our fancy Not its own being and is what we do think it Anto. But truth is still it self Ger. No not at all as truth appears to us For oftentimes That is a truth to me that 's false to you So 't would not be if it was truly true Enter Pedro and a Servant with a Letter to Antonio Serv. My Lord Don John salutes you in that Letter Cael. How does my Couzen Friend Serv. Madam I fear he 's drawing near his end Cael. 'Pray Heav'n divert it Anto. The Letter shews that Death did guide his hand It only says Oh Friend come now or never Ger. How did his Sickness take him Serv. Chacing the Buck too hard he hot with Labour Drunk of a cooling Spring too eagerly And that has given him pains the Doctors say Will give him Death immediately Cael. Heav'n grant him help Anto. Return and tell thy Lord I 'm at thy heels Pedro bring my Boots and bid two Horses be made Ready Cael. Whom do you take my Lord Anto. Pedro but hold Jasper is not discharg'd I 'le ee'n take him Cael. Jasper my Lord Pray take not him Enter Ped. with Boots Anto. Why not him there are no Nurses there Where 's Jasper Pedro Ped. He said he wou'd not dine and went Abroad yet I suppose he may be now in 's Chamber Anto. Reach my Bootes who has worn 'em lately I do believe you get into my Bootes Ped. I my Lord. Strikes Pedro with a Boot top Anto. I you my Rogue Go see for Jasper Exit Pedro. Cael. My Lord Why do you thus disturb your self Anto. You see the blow don't maim him you need Not be concern'd Caelia What means my Lord Anto. As you hate Jasper I hate whom I please Enter Jasper Cael. His sight strikes terror to me Anto. Jasper make ready you must go with me Exit Jasp Cael. Here on my knees I beg you would not take him But if you be resolv'd let me go too Anto. That cannot be Don John's a Batchellor And is not fitted to have Women guests Cael. I will dispence with any thing my Lord Then let me go or do not take Jasper Anto. Come I must break this Childish way of yours Jasper shall go and you shall stay at home And so Farewell make merry with our Friends Ger. Do not resolve my Lord see how she takes it Anto. This passion soon will over farewell Friend I shall return to give Eugenia to you Exit Anto. Ger. I ne're perceiv'd his will to reign before Some sudden fancy makes him Obstinate Eug. So give her Air she comes to her self Cael. Where is my Lord What gone am I deluded I Saw an Angel lead him back again Ger. Her fancy is disturb'd make no answer Cael. Why Sister where 's my Lord Eug. Do not disturb your self my Brother 's well Cael. Get me a horse for I will follow him Enter Antonio Bleeding Anto. Fetch me some water there Cael. My Dream was true my Dearest Lord 's return'd What makes you Bleed Anto. As I was lifting up my Foot to the Stirrop my Nose Gusht out a Bleeding Eugen. My Sister dreamt an Angel led you back And I believe it now Ger. Pray take some other with you I if you please Will keep you Company Ant. No I 'm resolv'd to stay and send him word I am Took ill my self my Nose leaves Bleeding Cael. I am satisfy'd my Lord you do not go and therefore Will Retire Ex. all but Anto. and Gerar. Anto. Do so my Dear Now I must tell my Friend I dare not stay 'T would look but ill to say a Bleeding Nose Made Don Antonio slight his dying Friend Ger. If that was all it would but yet reflect There are more Prodigies forbid this Journey Then Caesar had t' avoyd the Senate-House Anto. Had Caesar not been slain those Accidents We now call Prodigies had been forgot And so will these when I am safe return'd Ger. Consider but your Ladies high concern Her suddain sounding and recovery On which she cry'd an Angel brings him back Your Bleeding and Return speaks she dream't true The stopping of it too was not the least All these together force me to believe That you from heav'n these warnings did receive Anto. Surely Gerardo we must heav'n offend To think that it these Accidents should send It is detraction to the Pow'rs above To think they suffer what they don't approve For if they did this to divert my ill They go about for they might change my will But mine 's more firm nay more should I not go The threaten'd ill I meet for ought I know For if their boads be certain then I may Meet th' effects whether I go or stay Ger. Vainly we speak of heav'n when vainly we By human Wit set Rules to heav'ns decree The pow'r that made us gave us scope of will Freely to take the good or choose the ill And though it can it does not change that course Only perswades to Act what it could force Anto. This you believe but you must pardon me If in this point I don 't with you agree For if to Man such a free-will be given That damns all Praescience and so baffles heav'n But I delay whilst Reason bids me go And Reason 't is since it to me is so Then pray divert my Wife so farewell Friend Exit Ger. Farewell May all my to nothing tend Yet still I fear what should the Reason be That I shou'd fear yet nothing fearful see I am resolv'd to send some Servants out Shall wait him at a distance In doing all I can I do the best I can no more let heav'n do the rest Exit Enter Don Francisco and Nurse Fran. Well 't is so sweet a sin to Wench in danger That I am like to lose the best part of my Recreation But prethee Nurse tell me what causes this change Nurse Now if I would be hang'd I cannot forbear telling Faith my Lord Gerardo's like to be the Man now Though I am for your Lordship still you 're my best Friend Fran. By heav'n I 'le be his Death and hers to boot Can she slight me for him he Whore our Kindred When did he first enjoy her Nurse Not so my Lord he 's to Marry her Fran. Nay if 't be so then