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friend_n division_n divorce_n divorce_v 36 3 16.5358 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50820 A new dictionary French and English with another English and French according to the present use and modern orthography of the French inrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs : digested into a most accurate method : and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners / Guy Miege ... Miege, Guy, 1644-1718? 1677 (1677) Wing M2016; ESTC R917 1,845,474 1,160

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and notions Diversifié diversified varied Diversifiement m. a diversifying or varying DIVERTIR réjouïr to divert to divertise Divertir quêcun to divert one to make him merry Il nous a bien diverti he has entertained us very merrily he was a great diversion to us Se divertir divertir son esprit des soins fâcheux des affaires to divertise himself to take off his mind from the troublesom care of business Je v●ux aller à la Campagne pour me divertir I will go into the Countrey to divertise my self Se divertir se réjouïr passer le tems to take his pleas●re to be merry to pass away the time Vous travaillez incessamment sans penser à vous divertir you work continually and never think of the least divertisement Divertir détourner to divert from Divertir la fluxion sur quêque autre partie du Corps to divert the humours into some other parts of the body Divertir les deniers publics to convert the publick stock to his private use Diverti réjouï diverted Diverti détourné diverted from Diversion en termes de Guerre a diversion Faire diversion obliger l'Enemi de partager ses Forces to make a diversion or cause the Enemy to divide their Forces Faire une diversion d humeurs en termes de Medecine to divert the humours into some other parts of the body Divertissement m. recreation a divertisement diversion or recreation Nous n'avons point d'autre divertissement we have no other divertisement this is all the recreation we have Passer son tems dans un divertissement honnête to pass his time in some honest divertisement Le Roi prit le divertissement de la Chasse the King divertised himself with h●nting Il lui donna le divertissement de la Chasse de la Comedie he gave him the divertisement of Hunting and of a Comedy * Divin Divinité Divinement V. Dieu * Divination V. Deviner DIVISER to divide to part Diviser le tout en ses parties to divide the whole into its several parts Diviser une chose en plusieurs parties to divide a thing into several parts Il ●n'est point de corps qu'on ne puisse diviser there is no kind of body so very little but that it may be divided Un sentier divise leurs terres a path parts their grounds Diviser des choses unies to part things that are joyned together Diviser deux personnes unies to divide two intimate friends Diviser partager une chose à plusieurs to divide a thing amongst many people Divisé divided La Ville est divisée en deux Parties the Town is divided into two parts Divis possedé en partage parted Des fonds divis ou indivis Lands parted or unparted Divisible divisible or which may be divided Division f. division the disposing of a thing into several members parcels or portions Division desunion a division difference discord or disunion Mettre la division semer des querell●s entre des Amis les desunir to make a div●sion or sow a dissension among friends Mettre la division dans une Ville to make a faction or division in a Town Etre en division to be divided or to be at variance DIVORCE m. divorce or dissolution of marriage parting of man and wife Faire divorce avec sa femme to divorce his wife to live from her DIURNAL m. a Prayer-book for every day DIVULGUER to divulge or publish Divulgué divulged or published La chose est dêja divulguée the thing is already divulged DIX ten Dix fois ten times Dix foix autant ten times as much Agé de dix ans ten years old De dix l'un one of ten Dixaine f. the number of ten Une dixaine d'oeufs ten eggs Dixainier m. an Officer or Overseer of a Ward somewhat resembling an Aldermans Deputy Dix-sept seventeen Dix-sept fois seventeen times Dixsept à la fois seventeen together Dix-septiéme seventeenth Dix-huit eighteen Dix-huitiéme eighteenth Dix-neuf nineteen Dix-neuviéme nineteenth D O † DOBER quêcun le battre to beat or to bang one DOCILE docile tractable or good natured Un enfant docile qui a l'esprit docile traitable a tractable child a good natured child Se montrer docile to shew himself tractable Un naturel docile a good nature a tractable temper Il sert pour rendre l'esprit docile d'avoir appris les belles Lettres the learning of good literature is a great help to civilize the mind Docilité f. docility tractableness Docte learned Un homme fort docte a very learned man a man of a great learning Doctement learnedly Docteur m. a Doctor Docteur en Theologie a Doctor of Divinity Docteur en Droit a Doctor of Laws Docteur en Medecine a Doctor of Physick Creer quêcun Docteur to create one a Doctor to confer the degree of Doctor upon one Passer Docteur étre creé Docteur to be created a Doctor or to take the Degree of Doctor Doctoral Doctoral of or belonging to a Doctor Doctorat m. Doctorship or a Doctors degree Prendre le Doctorat to take the degree of Doctor Doctrine f. doctrine La Doctrine Chrêtienne the Christian Doctrine Une fausse doctrine a false doctrine Doctrine savoir learning Un homme de grande doctrine a man of great learning a very learned man Dogme m. a new Doctrine a new Opinion Dogmatiser to teach a new Doctrine or Opinion Dogmatiseur m. a forger of new Sects or Opinions DOGUE m. gros Chien d'Angleterre a great masty dog such as are of English breed DOIEN m. a Dean the Head of a Colledge or Cathedral Church DOISIL m. doisil de tonneau a faucet DOIT ou Doigt m. a finger Le gros doit the thumb Le doit d'apres le pouce the fore-finger or the pointing finger Le doit du milieu the middle finger Le doit d'apres celui du milieu the ring finger being next unto the least Le petit doit the little finger Le bout du doit the fingers end La jointure des doits the fingers joynt De la grosseur d'un doit of a fingers breadth Faire du bruit avec les doits to make a noise with the fingers Se mordre les doits to bite his fingers also to fret at a thing which is past help or out of his power to alter Toucher du bout du doit to touch with the fingers end Faire toucher au doit to shew manifestly to point out evidently to lead one as it were by the hand unto a thing Montrer quêque chose du doit to point at something Il ne s'en est pas éloigné du travers du doit he stirred not an inch from it Il m'a frapé à deux doits de l'oeil he hit me within two inches of my eye Le fer est entré deux doits dans le corps the weapon entred two inches into the body Conter sur ses doits to reckon upon his fingers J'en mettrai le doit au
persons that were formerly well acquainted together DESACCORD m. desaccord de sons jar discord untunableness Desaccord d'opinions disagreement contention difference Desaccorder un Lût to put a Lute out of tune Desaccorder des amis to make a division amongst friends Desaccordant Voix desaccordantes discordant Voices DESACCOUPLER V. Découpler DESACCOUTUMER quêcun to wean one from a custom Se desaccoûtumer to disuse to discontinue or leave off a custom Se desaccoûtumer de mentir to leave off or give over lying Desaccoûtumé disused Desaccoûtumance f. a disuse unwontedness unaccustomedness a discontinuance or leaving off of a custom DESADVOUER Desadveu V. Desavouer Desaveu DESAGRAFER to unclasp Desagrafé unclasped DESAGREER quêque chose to dislike a thing to be out of conceit with it Desagreer déplaire to displease Cela me desagrée me déplair this doth not please me Desagreable disagreeable unpleasing unpleasant or unacceptable Cela m'est fort desagreable that 's very unpleasant to me Une Voix desagreable a harsh or untunable voice Desagreablement unpleasantly DESAIGRIR to take away the sourness of a thing DESALTERER to quench the thirst Se desalterer to quench his thirst Desalteré whose thirst is quenched DESANCHER le haut-bois en ôter l'anche to take away the tongue of a hoboy DESANCRER to weigh anchor DESAPPOINTER un Soldat le casser to put a Souldier out of wages to discharge him Desappointé de sa Charge removed from or put out of his Office DESAPPRENDRE oublier to unlearn or to forget what hath been learned DESARBORER caler les voiles to let or strike down the sails DESARCONNER to dismount or throw off of ones horse Desarçonné dismounted or thrown off of his horse DESARMER to disarm Desarmer poser les armes to lay down his arms Desarmé qui n'a point d'armes unarmed Desarmé à qui l'on a ôté les armes disarmed Desarmement m. a laying down of arms DESARROY V. Déroute DESASTRE m. a disaster misfortune calamity mischance Un grand desastre lui est arrivé a great disaster hath befaln him DESATTELER des Chevaux to unteam horses Desattelé unteamed DESAVANTAGE m. dommage perte disadvantage dammage loss Cela tourne à mon desavantage that turns very much to my disadvantage Parler au desavantage de quêcun to speak ill of one Il a eu du desavantage en ce Combat he had the worst on 't in that fight Desavantage du tems du lieu a disadvantage of time and place Je ne combatrai pas avec un si grand desadvantage I will not fight with so great a disadvantage Desavantageux disadvantageous Desavantageusement disadvantageously DESAVOUER to disavow disown or disclaim Desavouër d'avoir dit ou fait quêque chose to disown the saying or doing of something Desavouër d'avoir seu con senti à quêque chose to disavow the having known or consented to a thing Si je le disois mon coeur desavouëroit ma bouche if I should say it my heart would bely my mouth Desavouër son fils to abdicate or disinherit his son Desavouër un de ses Serviteurs convaincu de crime to disclaim a Servant convicted of a crime Desavouër son Seigneur feudal nier d'étre son Vassal to disown one for his Landlord not to acknowledge himself his Vassal Desavoüé disavowed deny'd Desavoüé desherité disinherited Si vouz fuiez vous serez desavoüé if you fly for 't you will be inexcusable Faites seulement vons ne serez point desavoüé fear not to do it we shall stand to it no body shall blame you for 't Desaveu m. adisavowing or a denial Desaveu d'un de ses domestiques atteint de crime the disclaiming of a servant that is convicted of a crime DESCENDRE to descend to go or to come down Descendre du Ciel to come down from Heaven Vos prieres feront descendre la Paix du Ciel your prayers shall bring down Peace from Heaven Descendre une Riviere to come down the River Descendre d'un Navire en terre to go to shore Descendre de Cheval ou de Carosse to light off of a horse or out of a Coach Faites le descendre par force de son Carosse force him out of his Coach Une robe qui descend jusques aux talons a gown that reaches that comes down to the very heels Descendre tirer son origine de parens nobles to be come out of a good family to be well descended Descendre dans un sens actif to throw bring take or lay down to fetch from a higher place unto a lower Descendre une Statue de dessus une Colomne to take down a Statue from the top of a Pillar Descendre du bois d'une montagne to throw down wood from a mountain Descendre des denrées par la Riviere to bring Provisions down the River Descendant as Un lieu qui va en descendant en panchant a steep place a place that go's down hill Ses affaires sont dans leur descendant commencent à decliner his affaires are in a declining condition he is a going down the wind Les Descendans ceux qui tirent leur origine de quêcun the Progeny or Off-spring of one Descendu come or gone down Descendu du Ciel come down from Heaven Il est descendu aux enfers he descended into Hell Descendu de Carosse got out of the Coach Descendu de bonne famille well-descended Descente f. a descent La descente d'une montagne the steep side of a Hill Descente de boiaux a rupture or burstness Descente d'humeurs a deflux of humours Descente en termes de Fauconnerie the falling of a hawk upon his prey Les Oiseaux font de merveilleuses pointes descentes the birds of prey soar up wonderfully high and fall down again with great force upon their prey * Description V. Décrire DESEMBALER V. Débaler DESEMBARQUER V. Débarquer DESEMPARER quitter la possession d'une chose to leave quit or let go the possession of a thing Desemparer une Place to quit or abandon a Place Desemparement m. cession a loosing or letting go the possession of a thing Desemparement abandonnement d'un Lieu the leaving quitting or abandoning of a Place DESENCHANTER to disinchant to uncharm Desenchanté disinchanted or uncharmed Desenchantement m. a disinchanting or uncharming DESENFLER ôter l'enflure to take away the swelling Desenfler se desenfler to leave swelling Desenflé whose swelling is abated or asswaged Desenflure f. the taking away of swelling DESENGAGER V. Dégager DESENLACER un Oiseau to disintangle a bird out of the snare DESENNUIER quêcun to chear one up to drive away his heaviness to make him merry Desennuié cheared up that has cast away sorrow DESENROLER un Soldat to discharge a Souldier to put him out of the list Desenrolé discharged or put out of the list DESENROUILLER V. Dérouiller DESENRUMER quêcun to get away ones cold or rheum Desenrumé that has got his cold away DESENSEIGNER quêque chose à
Disputer discourir de quêque chose to hold a disputation about something to dispute reason argue or to debate a matter in controversy De quoi dispute-t-on what is the matter in controversy Les Philosophes passent leur vie à disputer Philosophers pass their life time in disputations Disputer pour contre de part d'autre to dispute pro and con to be on either side Disputé disputed Disputable qui peut venir en dispute dont l'on peut faire sujet de dispute disputable which may be reasoned of which will admit the debating Disputeur m. a Disputer Un grand Disputeur a great Stickler * Dissection V. Dissequer DISSEMBLABLE unlike different or unresembling Dissimilitude f. difference unlikeness or difference DISSENSION f. desunion dissension discord division strife variance or disunion Ils sont en grande dissension they are at great dissension strife or variance Mettre la dissension semer des querelles entre des personnes amies les desunir to sow dissension amongst friends DISSEQUER en termes d'Anatomie faire dissection to cut in pieces open or cleave asunder Dissection f. anatomie dissection or anatomy DISSIMULER to dissemble counterfeit or disguise to play the hyprocrite or to pretend one thing and do another Dissimuler quêque chose to pretend a thing which is not or to conceal that which is Il dissimule sa douleur he dissembles his grief Pourquoi dissimulerai je lors qu'il commet ces grands crimes why should I connive at s●ch crimes of his Dissimulê couvert sin a dissembler or dissembling man an hypocrite disguiser or double-dealer Un homme qui n'est point dissimulé one that is no dissembler Diss●mulation f. a dissembling or dissimulation hypocrisie disguise Avec dissimulation dissemblingly closely covertly under hand as though he were not the man DISSIPER écarter to dissipate scatter or disperse Dissiper les tenebres to dissipate disperse or to scatter darkness Dissiper ses Biens to wast his Estate to consume or spend it aw● Dissiper les Enemis to confound or to rout his Enemies to defeat or put them to flight Dissiper les desseins des Enemis to overthrow frustrate or disappoint his Enemies designs to bring them to nought Dissipé dissipated scattered or dispersed Un Bien tout dissipè an Estate wasted consumed spent away Nos Enemis sont dissipés our Enemies are confounded routed defeated put to slight Leurs desseins sont tous dissipés their designs are overthrown their projects are come to nought Dissipateur m. prodigue an unthrift waster or consumer a spend-all a profuse or prodigal man Dissipation f. dissipating or dissipation dispersing or scattering abroad Dissipation de biens wasting profuseness unthriftiness prodigality DISSOUDRE to dissolve Dissoudre fondre to dissolve or to melt Se dissoudre se fondre to dissolve to melt Dissous dissolved Dissous fondu dissolved or melted Dissolu dissolute loose or lewd Dissoluble dissoluble that may be dissolved or melted Dissolvant Dissolutif that hath the propriety to d ssolve Dissolution f. a dissolving or dissolution Dissolution déreglement de moeurs dissolution looseness or lewdness of life Dissolument dissolutely loosely DISSUADER to disswade or ad●is● to the contrary Dissuader une chose à quêcun to d sswade one from a thing Dissuadé disswaded or advised to the contrary J'en suis tour à fait dissuadé I am quite disswaded from it Dissuasion f. disswasion or advising to the contrary DISTANCE f. a distance or a space between place and place Il y a une grande distance entre nous there is a great distance betwixt us we are at a great distance from one another Des Forteresses bâties dans une égale distance ou par distances égales Fortresses built at an equal distance Des Couronnes de fleurs parmi des rubans d'or de distance en distance Garlands of flowers among ribbons of gold here and there intermingled De peu de distance les uns des autres little distant from one another DISTENSION f. distension or stretching DISTILLER couler goute à goute to distill trill drop down by little and little Le sang distilloit du coûteau the bloud dropped from the knife Distiller act to distill Distiller des fleurs to distill flowers Le tronc du Baume étant coupé distille son huile the trunk of the Balm-tree being cut the oyl distills from it Distillé distilled Eau distillée par un alambic water distilled from an alembick Distillateur m. a Distiller Distillation f. dégoutement a distilling trilling or dropping down Distillation de fleurs a distilling of flowers DISTINGUER discerner l'un d'avec l'autre to discern or to put a difference between Distinguer separer to distinguish divide or separate Distinguer les Brebis d'avec les Chevres to separate the sheep from the goats Distingué discerné discerned Distingué separé distinguished divided or separated Distinct different distinct or different Distinct separé distinguished or separated Distinction f. difference a distinction or difference Distinction separation a distinction or separation Les distinctions de l'Ecriture the distinctions used in Writing Distinction d'argument a distinction of an argument Distinctement diversement distinctly severally Distinctement separément asunder separately Distinctement clairement plainly Parler distinctement to speak plain DISTIQUE m. a distich or two verses belonging to the same matter DISTRAIRE détourner quêcun de quêque chose to hinder withdraw or keep one from a thing Distraire aliener vendre to alienate or to sell away Distrait détourné hindred or withdrawn from a thing Distrait qui n'est pas attentif that doth not mind whose mind runs upon any thing but that which he is about Distrait aliené alienated sold away Distraction f. divertissement de sa besongne a keeping from his work Distraction d'une partie d'avec son tout the taking off a part from the whole Distraction égarement ou absence d'esprit the running of ones mind upon other things than that which he is about DISTRIBUER partager to distribute divide part or share to give every one his share or portion Distribuer le butin des Soldats to divide the spoil amongst the Souldiers Les Veines distribuent le Sang par toutes les parties du Corps the Veins distribute the bloud through all the parts of the Body La Viande la Boisson se distribuent par toutes les parties du Corps meat and drink are distributed through all the parts of the body Distribué distributed divided parted shared Distributeur m. a distributer or he that appoints unto others their several portions in a thing bestowed Distribution f. a distributing or distribution parting or division DIVERS diverse or several Ils auront divers Maitres they shall have several Masters En divers lieux in diverse in several places Diversité f. diversity or variety Diversement diversly severally Diversifier to diversify to vary Diversifier son discours par de belles paroles de belles pensées to vary his discourse with fine words