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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A43447 The art of curing sympathetically, or magnetically, proved to be most true by its theory and practice exemplified by several cures performed that way: with a discourse concerning the cure of madness, and an appendix to prove the reality of sympathy : also an account of some cures perform'd by it in London / written originally in Latin by H.M. Herwig ...; Ars curandi sympathetice sive magnetice. English Herwig, H. M. (Henning Michael). 1700 (1700) Wing H1604; ESTC R21531 59,613 172

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distempered affections so the Wonderful Atoth of Paracelsus the Lapis vivificus of Severinus Crollius and others admirers of Chymistry To these may be added the learned precepts of the Lord Verulum laid down in his Book of Life and Death This makes it clearly evident those are much mistaken that heap in so many single Medicines into the Sympahetical Ungent or powder believing that such a virtue resides only in those Simples so mixt together For it is not upon the account of the Ingredients that the sympathetical powder or unguent operates at a distance for a Medicine is not required that of itself or of its own proper virtue should operate at a distance but it is sufficient if it be of a sanative virtue although it be not carried by its own wings For a curing or destructive virtue being applied to one or other of those that sympathize it is carried by the beams of the spiritual Forms as was said before to its friend that he may participate of the joy or sorrow but that such friends or enemies have such perception with joy or sorrow is owing to the form which only endues things with sence as we have proved but the cure destruction binding or transmutation proceeds from the ferments carried with the form Thus in Fevers Gout Consumption c. if you mix a little of the sick persons blood or urine with Dogs meat the Dogs will not contract the distemper nor will it be conveyed to them as some falsly imagine for they are not capable of having those distempers but if the distemper be cured as it very often happens to be because part of the morbifick ferment in the blood and excrements is destroyed or bound by their stronger ferments and so those little affected particles of the morbifick ferment being eat by the Dog the whole is affected and so the sickness ceases So also when any Vegetable or its seed that is particularly a friend to Man or any member of him and opposite to his distemper is watred with the filth of the distemper and put into the ground to grow there also part of the ferment is bound or destroyed by their ferments that overcome it and so the rest of the distemper in the Man is supprest but that this Herb so watered by a mans morbifick ferment being given to a Man or other Animal should infect them with the the distemper is not only untrue but impossible unless the morbific ferment with which the plant was watered does change its ●●native nature in whole or part into its destructive nature as happens to Sage infected by the breath of a Toad and to Plants that grow near Serpents holes but if this were so the power of the distemper would encrease which otherwise is expelled The curious Reader may find many more wonderful things resulting from transplantation I could bring a great many instances to prove the truth of this Sympathetick cure but I have long enough exercised the patience of my candid Reader wherefore for the present I shall omit them nevertheless if any person of this noble faculty shall desire to be informed of them I shall be always very ready to give him a private account of them I ought to have added to this Treatise a more clear account of the method of Sympathetick Cure but by the assistance of Almighty God I shall have a further occasion of writing I shall conclude my discourse by shewing my worthy Readers that all this mystery proceeds from natural ways and circumstances altho the matter is performed by the most subtile spirits My opinion delivered hereseems sufficiently to have shewn that we have no need to admit of the action of a distant agent in this way of Cure or healing I have described to you the true way of each his communication by which some Medicines are corporeally mixt with this or that distempered subject It is the sign of a mean spirit and the effect of the ignorance of a dull understanding to imagine that there is any Magick or Charm in it and to confine all the Actions of Nature within the limits of our dull sences before we have sufficiently examined the cause and principles upon which our judgment ought to depend Neither will there be occasion to consult the Oracle either of an Angel or Demon to resolve this difficulty You have here friendly Reader my sentiments of sympathetick cure forbear to caluminate for 't is the sign of a Coward and Effeminate person to reproach one absent If you have a mind to confute me set about it and disprove this my sympathetical cure by candid Arguments and not revile it with base Language Pray answer me that I may wash off the stain I shall esteem it an honour to be convinced by you in regard I am of an age as fit to learn in as to teach I pretend to nothing absolutely true but probability If I have not handled the subject so accurately as I should be pleased to consider that I endeavoured both to please and profit There perhaps will be some one or other of a better Genius who may be pleased with what you ridicule may extol what you despise and will cite this out of Horace in my Favour Nihil est ab omni parte Beatam To prove the truth of this Sympathetick cure beyond all doubt and controversy we will here set down some of its wonderful effects in the following cures performed here at London in the year 1699. On the 25th of March I undertook a Country Gentleman one Mr N. W. about 26 years of age of a Melancholick Sanguine temperament he fell into a deep Melancholy and was so bad for 3 months together that he voided his Excrements without knowing it by the help of God in 14 days I so far recovered him that he made water and went to stool as orderly as any man at last he grew perfectly well by sympathetick cure so that in a short time he returned home On the 24th of Iune one Mr Smith an Upholsterer in St Martins-lane of a sanguine phlegmatick complexion about 56 years old came to me being so very bad of the Gout that he had kept his Bed a long time he had used all means possible and nothing proved effectual to ease his pain or open his Body which was so costive that he had been forced to purge twice a week But as soon as he entred into my method of sympathetick cure he found great mitigation of his pain by sweating and went to stool every day without taking any internal Medicine having gone on in my method for a fortnight he was so well not only to rise but walk abroad about his Business his Body continuing open after the cure and I do not hear he has felt any Gouty pains since On the third of Iune I undertook Captain Brown of Golden Square 63 years old of a sanguine phlegmetick temper for many years he had been afflicted with a shortness of breath with sore pains and much
to attract well but the Magnet and those things that act by love or hatred do not Electrical Bodies also will not attract if any Bodies be interposed nor will those Bodies that act by love or hatred Lastly the Magnet hath not only its orb of attraction by which it acts within a certain sphere but also its orb of virtue turning itself constantly towards the Pole let the distance be what it will Sympathy agrees with love and hatred specially so called in this that they alter each other and with the Magnet that they act at a distance and equally penetrate close bodies neither are they tied to the laws of Dimensions And moreover they have this peculiar to themselves that one of them being well or ill affected by that with which it agrees or disagrees the other at a distance is affected after the same nature Let this at present suffice to have been said of Sympathy Love and Hatred and Magnetism We now come to examine the opinions concerning acting at a distance And first some to find the cause thereof say that in the exteriour part of Man that is in the Blood and Spirits there is a certain extatick power and this not in Man only but also in Brutes and Vegetables and their parts that wants to be excited from death in regard it is sleepy by an exalted imagination a vehement desire or some such like art as in the sympathetical unguent or Powder an extatick virtue is excited in the Blood spilt upon a stick by the unguent which drives away whatever was hurtful from the lips of the wound from whence the Blood proceeded and that this may be perform'd at a distance they say that there does lye concealed in the Universe a certain Spirit which they call the great Magnale which is the procurer confederate and assistant to the actions of Sympathy and Antipathy and by whose means Magnetism as in a vehicle is conveyed to the distant object which they prove by the Magnetism of the strings of two Lutes being tuned unisones that one being struck upon the same string of the other at a distance will vibrate and the rest be unmoved But to confute this opinion first it is objected that its Defenders suppose entities without any necessity for it is not necessary to the production of such operators to conceit such a Spirit different from Forms which they call their great Magnale And moreover it doth not agree with their principles for they deny that there is a Soul of the World or an universal Form in regard they say that all specifical distinction doth immediately proceed from Forms Also they assert that Forms are Lights and differ in specie and are new created in the instant of Generation by the Father of Lights and again annihilated by accidents and although it should be granted that there was such a Spirit and that it was the procurer of those actions it would be impossible for Vegetables irrational Animals and their parts to send forth these imaginations to so great a distance although we should grant that all things do live and so consequently do participate of some sort of sence and fancy in regard those things which have a more apparent life as Animals and those that have the use of reason cannot extend the power of their fancy to so great a distance neither do they operate as such things can so operate for those things that are endued with the most noble fancy must needs be most operative as is evident in the example of the strings of an Instrument tuned unisones if this were performed by this Magnalian fancy as they pretend it would be perceived at any distance and where-ever one was struck the other unisone string would move in any part of the world which is contrary to manifest reason and experience for it is performed but within a certain distance and beyond that no motion is ever observed but what is said of the fancy of Animals and Vegetables that convert our fancy to be like theirs as a Mad-dog the Tarantula c. doth not infer any thing of the Magnatism of the fancy to very distant places for in all these things is required either the contraction of motion or virtue within a certain sphere but in the mean time it cannot be denied that if a mans fancy be vehemently taken up about a thing mightily desired although the thing may be at a great distance he shall have a sort of view of it as if it were present before him and be as it were transformed into the thing desired but there is no person in his right wits will believe that a fancy extatically raised shall be carried thousands of leagues to the wished-for object And if we should grant that an extatick fancy should be carried to this distance yet nevertheless it could not operate by itself either on Friend or Foe by causing so many different compassions as are performed sympathetically in regard all actions besides those that are proper to Souls proceed from Ferments I should have said more at this time but that it is almost the discourse of every one that fancy of itself doth transmute all things and upon this reason only I thought fit to say something briefly of its actions Others to prove that there is this operation at a distance say first that all Bodies send forth Beams in which the Soul acts by its own presence and communicates a power of acting to them and that these rays are corporeal and contain in them a portion of vital spirits and upon that account live and that their life is the same with that of the Animal whose excrements they were also that there is a kind of concatenation of those rays at every distance though never so great the like also is perform'd between the blood and any other part of the body that is separated from it at never so remote a distance But first we answer if granting these effluviums from blood urine sweat and excrements if they be corporeal it is impossible that they should have a concatenation at any distance for if the greatest body was rarify'd even to invisible Atoms it would not be sufficient to supply effluviums for a thousand Leagues and if it was allowed that it would suffice in regard they allowed them no vehicle they would certainly miss of the right way but if they say this concatenation proceeds from a Soul it must necessarily follow that there is a certain Soul which fills the whole space from Pole to Pole but admitting that there were a Soul that extended itself to all places those corporeal effluviums could not accompany it for the reason before alledged We also see that the Blood and Excrements in a Glass or Box are not diminished which would of necessity be if they were continually sending forth corporeal effluviums to so great a distance Again when they assert that Excrements have life this indeed is true but what Naturalist will be so impious to assert