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A07363 The generall historie of Spaine containing all the memorable things that haue past in the realmes of Castille, Leon, Nauarre, Arragon, Portugall, Granado, &c. and by what meanes they were vnited, and so continue vnder Philip the third, King of Spaine, now raigning; written in French by Levvis de Mayerne Turquet, vnto the yeare 1583: translated into English, and continued vnto these times by Edvvard Grimeston, Esquire.; Histoire generale d'Espagne. English Mayerne, Louis Turquet de, d. 1618.; Grimeston, Edward. 1612 (1612) STC 17747; ESTC S114485 2,414,018 1,530

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kill the Earle his father with whom he was offended the child being in no fault at all for he knew not what drugge it was wherefore at his death hee left behind him no lawfull children but diuers bastards as Iobbain who was one of those which were burnt at the Mummery of King Charles the sixt at the banquet of Saint Marceau and Gratian and possibly that Bernard of Foix who was maried into Spaine to Lady Isabel de la Cerde a Princesse of the blood royall of Castile the stem of the house of the Dukes of Medina Celi if he were not sonne to Gaston the second this mans predecessor Then the succession of the Earldome of Foix and Lordship of Bearne fel to Mathew of Castelbon aboue-named who had no children by his wife Ioane daughter to the King of Arragon wherefore his sister Isabell inherited his Lordships who was wife to Archambald de Grailtry Captau de Buch from which mariage issued Iohn the elder the sisteene Earle of Foix Gaston Capdau de Buch from whom descended the Lords of Capdolat and Candale Archambald Lord of Nouailles Peter a friar of Motlas since Bishop of Lescar in the end Cardinall and founder of the Colledge of Foix at Tholousa and Mathew Earle of Comminges Iohn the fifteenth Earle of Foix as hath beene said and first of that name had to his first wife Mary of Nauarre who dying without children he married Ioane de Albret of whom was borne Gaston his successor in the Earledome of Foix and Lordship of Bearne The house of Foix hath beene much ennobled by the deeds of this man for during the wars betwixt the French and the English in the daies of Charles the seuenth this Earle Gaston was he that made proofe of his valor against the English armies which held the Dutchy of Guyenne where he twice tooke Saint Seuer chiefe of Gascony and won Dax by force of armes with great slaughter of Englishmen who did valiantly defend those places he did succor Tartax beseeged seuen monthes by the goue●nor of Bourdeaux He restored his vncle Mathew into the Viscounty of Comminges being dispossest by the French King who had installed a Spaniard therein called Roderigo de Villandrada Earle of Ribadeo where he ouerthrew the castle of Rocheford he made means for the liberty of the Earl of Armagnac who was in prison for hauing intelligence with the English and caused his goods and lands to be restored to him Being afterwards made Gouernor of Guyenne by King Charles he made such cruell warre vpon the English as in short time he in a manner dispossest them of all there forces in the same Prouince so as Burdeaux the chiefe city and seat of the warre was constrained to yeeld to the French King in the yeere 1451. and soone after the city of Bayonne so as the English were wholy excluded out of all Guyenne Afterward when the city of Bourdeaux rebelled against the Earle of Clermont Iohn of Bourbon the English being recalled by them albeit they had possest themselues of diuers places were by the valor good conduct chiefly of the Earle Gaston beaten back and repulst Cadillac being the last place that hee tooke from them In all which warres hee was faithfully and dilligently accompanied and aided by his brother Peter de Foix Viscount of Lautier the original of the renouned house of Lautrec faither to Iohn de Lautrec Posthumus from whom did spring Odet de Foix he that was the famous captaine in the warres of Lombardy and Naples Andre de Asperaut and Thomas called L'Escut Henry de Lautrec was sonne to Odet Charles the seuenth did so greatly fauor the Earle Gaston de Foix as he gaue in marriage to his eldest sonne called Gaston like him his daughter Magdalen At the arrainement of the Duke of Alançon at Vandosme by King Lewis the eleuenth he supplied the place of the Earle of Thoiousa in the ranke of the Peers of France the which preeminence hath remained vpon such occasions in the house of Foix the Lordships whereof were by him encreased with the Vicounty of Narbona and with the lands of Capdolat other purchases and in the end with the crowne of Nauarre by his marriage with Donna Leonora of Arragon daughter to King Iohn of whom we now treat of this man issued the posterity which followes Gaston who should haue succeeded him who as we haue said died at Liborne at the tilting which was made at the comming of Charles Duke of Guyenne brother to King Lewis the eleuenth left heires behind him Francis Phoebus and Catherine his children then Iohn Lord of Narbone from whom issued Gaston Viscount of Narbone and since Duke of Nemours who won the batta●le of Rauenna where neuerthelesse he died Gencalogie of Nauarre and Germain second wife to Fernand King of Spaine of Gaston and Elenor were borne the third sonne named Peter who was Cardinall and the fourth Iames a valiant Knight who died in the seruice of King Lewis the eleuenth more fiue daughters Mary wife to William Marquis of Montferrat Ioane wife to the Earle of Armagnac Marqu●rit● wife to Frances Duke of Brittaine mother to Queene Anne of France Catherine married to the Earle of Candale who had three children the eldest of whom was Earle of Candall men an Archbishop of Bourdeaux and a daughter called Anne married to the King of Hungary the fifth daughter of Gaston and Elenor was called Elenor who died vnmarried Now let vs returne to the controuersie betweene Gaston de Foix father to these and his father in law King Iohn Couenants betwixt King Iohn and D. L●onora his daughter Hee following the good aduice of his friends and seruants and hauing acquainted the King with his intent by message the King and D. Leonors his daughter met at a day appointed at Olita Gaston being absent in France where they agreed vpon these Articles following First that the townes cities communalties of Nauarre nobility and others of what Estate and condition soeuer should without contradiction acknowledge and obey King Iohn as their King during his life That the Earle Gaston and the Princesse his wife should promise to maintaine the priuiledges lawes and liberties of the Kingdome as they had beene in times past That the three Estates should take the oth of alleageance and doe homage to the Princes the husband and wife and acknowledge them for their naturall King and Queene after the decease of king Iohn notwithstanding any other act to the contrary that the married couple should irreuocably be perpeturall gouernors of the Kingdome during the Kings life their gouernment onely to cease when the King in person should bee in the Realme That neither the King nor the married Princes should ingage the Kingdome in whole nor in part That the three Estates should endeauor that the King and the Princes should accomplish and keepe all that had beene concluded and oppose against them that should infring them The same promise should be made and
haue sayd by the treason of Vellides Dolphos or Ataulphe D. Vrraca did presently aduertise her brother D. Alphonso who remained at Toledo vnder the protection of King Almenon This Moore hauing many spies amongst the Christians had already intelligence of the murther and obseruing the actions of D. Alphonso hee was resolued to stay him if hee should offer to depart without his priuity and leaue D. Alphonso was wonderfully perswaded by D. Pedro d' Ansures who walking about the towne had by chance met the messenger which brought him the newes of the death of the King his brother to depart as secretly as he could fearing some trechery in the Moorish King but D. Alphonso did otherwise wherein he wrought wisely for himselfe for the doubted that the King Almenon hauing aduice of what had past did watch him at the passage wherefore comming freely vnto him hee read D. Vrracas letters in his presence demanding his aduice leaue and aide to goe and take possession of the Realme of Castille King Almenon was much pleased in that hee did not distrust him imbrased him verie louingly G●neros● 〈◊〉 and b●unt of King Al●enon to D. Alp●onso 6. King of Cas●il● and Leon. reioyced with him at the change of his estate suffered him to depart at his pleasure and furnished him with money and other things necessary to honour his voiage and to assure his affaires telling him freely what his intent was to stay him prisoner if hee had shewed himselfe so ingrate as to distrust him who had honored him and entertained him so louingly during his exile and before his departure hee caused him to renue the oth neuer to bee contrary to him nor to his sonne Hizen Whilest that D. Alphonso prepared himselfe to come into Castille to enioy his new Kingdome the siege of Zamora continued for the Knights of Castille and the Prelats hauing performed the funerals of the deceased King in the Monastery of Ogna were returned before the city vnder the conduct of D. Diego Ordognes Earle of Lara beeing much incenst that the murtherer of the King had saued himself within their walles wherefore they were resolued to batter it all they could They write that D. Diego Ordognes defied the citie according to the Lawes of duels or combats amongst the which it was decreed that any knight that would defie a chiefe ●owne The law of defying a towne was bound to fight against fiue knights one after an other changing euery time his armes and horse and taking if hee pleased bread dipped thrice in wine or water wherefore D. Diego submitting himselfe to the rigour of this Lawe offered to fight against fiue knights whereof hee slue three the which were sonnes to D. Arias Conçales Combat of one Knight against 〈◊〉 D. Pedro D. Diego and D. Roderigo Arias and that then the Iudges appointed made the combate to cease not declaring who was victor notwithstanding that the Earle D. Ordognes offered to end it and to fight against those two which remained some say that D. Roderigo beeing wounded to the death strooke at his aduersarie with all his force thinking to part him in two but the sword falling vpon the horse-necke cut the reines and hurt him verie soore wherewith the ho●se beeing mooued carried the knight out of the lists the which was not lawfull for him that would haue the honour of the combate Heerevpon the King D. Alphonso came to the campe before Zamora where hee was receiued without any contradiction for King of Castille Leon the Asturies and Galicia and of those Lands which the King D. Fern●nd his father had taken from the crowne of Nauarre They say that the Castillans before they would acknowledge him for their King would haue him purge himselfe by oth Anci●nt an● relgious 〈◊〉 to purge themselues by o●● that hee was not acquainted nor consenting vnto the death of D. Sancho his brother which oth was required of him by Cid Ruis Diaz onely amongst all the Castillans in the churches of Saint Gadee of Burgos a place appointed for that businesse This manner of purging themselues by oth of grieuous crimes imposed but not prooued was vsuall in Spaine in those times with great ceremonies and religious terror in many churches and places consecrated where there were great assemblies of people of all sorts whereof did follow many horrible Iudgements of God of those that were periured the contempt of Religion how impure soeuer being detestable and abominable before God The King D. Alphonso was about thirtie yeeres old when he beganne to raigne and was surnamed the Braue for that he was valiant and did effect great enterprises Wee finde that hee married sixe wiues Genea●og●e of 〈◊〉 and Leon. and had the companie of two friends nobly descended by whom hee had many children The first of his wiues was called 〈◊〉 a Spaniard The second was D. Constance The third D. Maria daughter to the King of Seuille called Almuncamuz or Benabet Aben Amet a Moore whom hee married after that hee had taken the citie of Toledo and was before called Caida or Zaida of whom was borne the Infant D. Sancho whom the Moores slue in the war Of D. Constance was borne D. Vrraca heire to the King her father the which was twice married once to Count Raymond of the house of Bourgongne and of the bloud royall of France brother to Guy Archibishop of Vienne and afterwards Pope called Cal●xtus from whom issued D. Sancho and D. Alphonso Raymond who was King of Castille And for her second husband shee married D. Alphonso King of Nauarre and Arragon The fourth wife of D. Alphonso the Braue was D. Bertha of Tuscane The fifth D. Isabella a Spaniard of whom was borne D. Sancha wife to D. Roderigo and D. Eluira maried to Roger first King of Naples and Sicilie And the sixth and last wife was D. Beatrix a French woman Besides all these lawfull wiues hee had the companie of D. Ximena Nugnes de Gusman by whom he had two daughters the first wherof D. Eluira was married to an Earle of Tholousa and S. Giles called Raymond who had by her three sonnes D. Bertrand D. Willyam and D. Alphonso Iordain who were all Earles of Tholousa Heury of Lorraine the st●m of the house of Portug●l The second called D. Theresa who had to husband D. Henry of the Bloud of the Princes of Lorraine borne at Besançon the stemme of the Kings of Portugall For of this marriage issued D. Alphonso Henriquez first king of Portugal These three Knights Raymond of Tholousa Raymond of Bourgongne and Henry of Lorraine did serue the King D. Alphonso the Braue happily and valiantly in his warres against the Moores in requitall whereof hee gaue them Estates honours and his daughters in marriage Wee find that he had another friend also of a Noble House whose name is buried in forgetfulnesse Of all this generation and allyance there shal be often mention made in the discourse of this Historie
the other This was the practise of those kings when they had a desire to change their wiues either for their pleasures or for some other aduancements the Pope interposing himselfe dispencing binding or dissoluing at his will and pleasure by the authoritie of the Romish Sea The second daughter of D. Sancho king of Portugal and of D. Aldoncia was Donna Malfada Queene of Castile a Lady of rare beauty whom D. Henry of Castile married but Pope Innocent the 3. dissolued this marriage within few daies by the solicitation of D. Berenguela sister to this king of Castile who in disdaine that Don Aluaro de Lara had concluded it without her priuitie informed the Pope of their neere allyance that was betwixt them and perswaded him to separate them but this Princesse being thus reiected retired in great disdaine into Portugal where she liued the rest of her daies in the Monasterie of Ronca built by her The third daughter was Donna Sancha a Nunne in the Monasterie of Saint Francis of Alanguer built by her The fourth Donna Blanche Lady of Guadalacaria in Castile and the fifth and last was D. Berenguela who was not maried but did accompany her eldest sister Donna Theresa when as she retired to the Monastery of Lorban This King D. Sancho had familiarity with two Gentlewomen after the death of his wife the first was called Donna Maria Aires of Fornello by whom hee had one daughter called Donna Vrraca and D. Martin Sanches of Portugall who was Gouernor of the fronter of Portugall and a great fauourite to Don Alphonso king of Leon his brother-in-law he married Donna Olalla Peres daughter to the Earle D. Pero Fernandes de Castro Don Sancho did marrie this Gentlewoman his friend to knight called D. Gil Vasquez de Sonça and tooke a second friend whose name was Donna Maria Peres de Ribera whom he loued much and by her had Donna Theresa Sanches who was wife to Don Alphonso Tellez founder of the towne of Albuquerque and had also one sonne called D. Ruy Sancho of Portugall and another daughter Donna Constance Sanches who built the Monasterie of Saint Francis at Coimbr● D. Ruy Sancho was slaine in a battaile neere vnto Porto so as the king D. Sancho had in all fifteene children nine lawfull and sixe Banards whereof there were seuen sonnes and eight daughters After the decease of his father hauing raigned abour foure yeares when as they began to treat of a League against the King of Castile whereof we haue made mention certaine English and French ships beeing arriued at Lisbone with many Knights and souldiers which went to the holy Land by the Streight of Gibraltar beeing stayed there by soule weather hee made vse of this occasion and intreated these passengers to assist him at the siege of Silues in the countrie of Algarbe and about the same time there arriued eighteen other ships of war which his brother-in-law Philip Earle of Flanders sent him with which forces hee tooke Sylues and did great harme vnto the Moores of that countrie It was at that time when the Emperour Frederick Barbarossa king Philip Augustus of France and Richard king of England called Corde-Lyon made their voyage into the East that this towne of Silues was taken from the Moores by the helpe of these strangers This King Don Sancho built more townes and peopled more countries then any of the kings of Portugall whereby he purchased the name of Poblador which is as much to say as Builder or peopler of Townes Valencia of Minio Torres-nouas Monte-Maior the new Batellas Penamaçor Sortella Penella Figueira Couillana Folgacino and Montemor were his works with many other places part of the which hee gaue to the Orders of Saint Iames and Auis which began in his time in Portguall to Saint Iames hee gaue Alcacar de Sal Pamela and Almada and to that of Auis Valeillas Alcanebe Geromegna Alcantade and Alpedrin with the castell of Mafra He recouered Yelbes from the Moores which they had taken from Portugall 25 D. Alphonso king of Castille Castile against whom as wee haue sayd the other foure Christian Kings of Spaine had made a League had not yet beene much annoyed thereby in the yeare 1194. An. 1194. wherefore hee thought rather to vndertake some warre against the Moores then to defend himselfe against his neighbours of whom he made shew to haue so little feare as he would not leaue any thing which he had taken or that were in controuersie nay Fort of Nauarre betwixt Logrogno and Negera he built a towne betwixt Logrogno and Nagera the which he called Nauarret to the which he gaue many liberties and freedomes as appeares by his letters granted in an assembly at Carrion in the yeare 1095. Notwithstanding all this the Confederats did not stirre but Histories make mention that D. Sancho surnamed the Strong king of Nauarre who had newly succeeded his father Don Sancho the Wise beeing deceased the yeare before 1194. and he of Leon allyed themselues with the King of Castile for the warre which he intended against the Moores of Andalusia to beginne the which he sent for Chiefe and General of his armie D. Martin Arch-bishop of Toledo a Prelate much esteemed by the Historiographers of Spaine by reason of his great vertues honoured among others by Don Roderigo his successour who termes Don Martin Stole the Diademe of the Church his wisedome prouidence the peace of many his tongue the reformation of discipline his hands the releefe of the poore and his armes the persecution of Blasphemie with other such Spanish elegancies saying in the end that the Church was happie which had such a Pastor these are his very words This Arch-bishop finding armes the fittest meanes to propagate the faith of Christ made so furious an entry into Andalusia as he left horrible markes throughout the whole Prouince where he filled all with murther ruine fire and desolation and then returned triumphantly beeing laden with great and rich spoiles but this expedition beeing suddenly made against the Moores did afterwards bring more miserie and dishonor to the King and his Estate then it had done profit or honor vnto the Bishop who had shewed more rage and fury then valour reason or warlike discipline 26 The Arch-bishops exploit did so incense Aben Ioseph King of the Arabians Moores beeing sollicited by the Moores of Spaine as hauing with great speed leuied a mighty armie of Affricane Arabians yea out of the regions neerest vnto the Negros hee passed the S●eight and came into Andalusia where he ioyned with the Moores of Spaine and marched beyond the mountaine which they call Sierra Morena against the Christians King Don Alphonso the Noble beeing aduertised of this great preparation was come to lodge at Alarcos a fort at that time by reason of the situation of great Importance whether all his vassalls and men of warre of Toledo Extremadura and Castile came where hee also attended supplies from Nauarre and Leon. The Moores
little wherefore Pope Innocent the third was forced at the sute and instance of the Estates of Arragon and Cattelogne to send a Cardinall called Peter of Beneuent into Languedoc to whome the young king was deliuered and led by him into his Countrie where hee was receiued and crowned at Monçon and then tooke and receiued the oath at Lerida It was ordayned in these assemblies of Monçon and Lerida that Don Sancho Earle of Rossillon should gouerne the realme during the kings minoritie but they gaue him limitation The kings person was recommended to Friar William of Monredon VVillyam of Monredon and Raymond of Pegnafort or Roch●fort Gouernors of the kings person Master of the Templers to whom was giuen for an Assistant Friar Raymond of Pegnafort a Castellan he that compiled the books of the Decretals and did write arguments in cases of conscience whereof there shall be more ample mention made Don Sancho Earle of Rossillon of a Regent became a tyrant and did in time much trouble the king Don Iames. These things past in this manner in Arragon the yeare after the victory of Muradal or Tholousa In Nauarre Nauarre Pampelone in sedition the king D. Sancho the Strong at his returne from Castile found great disorders and mutinies among his subiects especially in the citty of Pampelone which grew by the young maydens of the towne who had iniuried one another and as oftentimes a small coale kindles a great fire which burnes a house yea a whole cittie so these petty brabbles made all the Inhabitants fall into factions those of the Bourg of Saint Sernin and Saint Michel to defend the female kind fell to blowes and murthers the which could not be preuented in the Kings absence who by his presence pacified and reconciled them for a time but beeing afterwards retired to his castell of Tudele where he would not see any man by reason that the incurable griefe in his foot increased daily the young men of Pampelone reuiued their insolencies and quarrels so as one day those of Saint Sernin and Saint Michel falling to armes their fury and rage was such as there were aboue 800. slaine vpon the place both men wiues and virgins and many houses were burnt such was their furious rage one against another the which caused the King Don Sancho to leaue his voluntarie prison to pacifie it as he did 39 Among other remedies which might serue hereafter hee found that peace could not continue long among a people where there was a multitude of idle youth and that of necessitie there must grow daily quarrels among them if there were not meanes found out to employ them Seeing then that his subiects were giuen to armes more then to any other exercise he resolued seeing there was no warre with his neighbors to make a garrison vpon the Moores frontiers whether the young men of the countrie should be sent to be trained vp in martiall discipline and to practise armes honorably against the enemies of Christ for this cause he intreated the king D. Iames or those which did then gouerne his Realme of Arragon to sell him the fruites and possession of the townes of Ademus Castel●abib Ferreta Ferrelon and Calamator for his life to make them a schole for armes the which hee obtained confirming also by the same mediators the peace which had beene concluded betwixt the kings Don Sancho and Don Pedro some yeares before the which began to be troubled betwixt these two estates D. Alphonso king of Castille Castile Exploits against the Moores hauing suffered his soldiers to rest some time in their houses drew his army againe together in the yeare 1213. and recouered the Castell of Duegnas which herestored to the Order of Calatraua he also tooke the Castle of Ezna Vexor the which the gaue to the Order of Saint Iames from thence hee came and planted his campe before the towne of Alcarras seated vpon a very high and rough part of the mountaine called Sierra Morena the which hee tooke without any great difficulty the Moores beeing yet amazed at the defeate they had the yeare before and then hauing seazed vppon many other places with the like ease hee returned to Toledo where the Queenes D. Elenor his wife and D. Berenguela his daughter with the Infant Don Henry attended him There was a great famine that yeare in Spaine when as Don Roderigo Ximenes the Arch-bishop did much good by his preaching perswading the rich to releeue the poore for which consideration the King did afterwards giue many places to him and his successors Arch-bishops the which did much augment the reuenues of that Sea honouring moreouer the sayd Don Roderigo and his successors Arch-bishops with the title of High Chancelors of Castile The Kings of Castile and Leon Leon. had beene no very good friends vppon diuers occasions but now lately by reason of the diuorce betwixt the King of Leon and his wife D. Berenguela daughter of Castile the which was partly the cause why the king of Leon was not at the battell of Muradal but this yeare all hatred forgotten the two kings had an interview in the towne of Vailledolit whereas it was agreed that Carpio and Montreall should be restored to the King of Leon vpon condition that he should raze them and that he should make warre against the Moores Reconciliation of the Kings of Castille and Leon. for the execution whereof D. Diego Lopes de Haro was sent to accompany Don Alphonso king of Leon with a good number of souldiers The places beeing ruined the king of Leon went against the Moores of Alcantara vppon the riuer of Tayo on the confines of Portugall the which hee tooke whereas since he did institute an Order of Knights Order of the Kn●ghts of Alcantara like vnto that of Calatraua This king D. Alphonso of Leon is numbred the tenth of that name by them that mingle the kings of Castile and Leon together We haue sayd before that he had two wiues the one was daughter to Don Sancho the first king of Portugall called Donna Theresa of which marriage issued Don Fernand who died before his father Donna Sancha and D. Dulce being afterwards separated by the Popes authoritie for that they were cousins in the third degree he married to his second wife Donna Berenguela daughter to Don Alphonso the Noble king of Castile of whom was borne Don Fernand who was King of Castile and Leon and Don Alphonso who came to be Lord of Molina Gentalogie of Leon. and had moreouer two daughters by this Lady Donna Constance a Nunne in las Huelgas of Burgos and Donna Berenguela who married with the Earle Iohn de Brenne whom they termed king of Ierusalem This second marriage was also dissolued for that Donna Berenguela was daughter to her husbands cousin●germaine therefore Don Alphonso had a friend which brought him a bastard called Don Roderigo Alphonso of Leon. After the taking of Alcantara Castile Don Diego
Nauarre Notwithstanding these things aboue-mentioned D. Henry did so labour the king of Nauar as he made him forget the promises he had made at Bayone to D. Pedro king of Castile and to the English comming to meet with D. Henry at Santa Cruz of Campeço where hee promised and sware to bee of his side and to do his best to stop the passage of the English army through Nauarre which would haue auayled him much to breake the desseines of the dispossessed king for in the passage of the Pyreneé hilles hee had nothing to fauour him but the Townes of Saint Sebastian and Guetaria in Guipuscoa At these promises sollemnly made by the king of Nauarre vnto Don Henry there assisted Don Gomes Manrique Arch-bishop of Toledo D. Lopes Fernandes of Luna Arch-bishop of Sarragossa Don Alphonso of Arragon Earle of Denia and Marquis of Villena Bertrand of Guesclin and many other great personages of Castile France and Arragon And a league was concluded betwixt the kings of Arragon Nauarre and Don Henry for their common defence against all men And the king promised to be readie with the forces of his countrie and to be in person at the Battaile which they thought would be giuen for assurance whereof there was deliuered into the Arch-bishops hands of Sarragossa the castle of Garde and that of S. Vincent to Bertrand of Guesclin and that of Buradon was giuen in gard to D. Iohn Ramires of Areillan In recompence of the good offices which D. Henry expected from King Charles he promised to giue him the towne of Logrogno to him and his for euer It was likely that D. Henries affaires should succeed better then those of Don Pedro and therefore K. Charles made choice to hold with the stronger as he thought The dispossessed king of Castile and the Prince of Wales vnderstanding of this league found it very strange and the English being more familiar with the king of Nauarre he complained much vnto him and sought to reduce him to his first promises the which he did making him againe with the note of great inconstancie to quit the party of Don Henry and of the king of Arragon in regard that they had promised to giue him besides Logrogno the citie of Victoria which did yet hold for the king Don Pedro for the which he bound himselfe by oath to giue them passage and to be in person with his troupes in the battell in their fauor excusing his lightnesse for that the Realme of Castile did by right belong vnto the King D. Pedro and withall he had a desseine to make vse of the friendship and forces of the English in the quarrels and pretensions he had with the French King who did much trouble his affaires The conditions which D. Pedro king of Castile made with the Prince of Wales were these He gaue him from that time the Segneurie of Biscay Castro of Ordiales Conditions betwixt D. Pedro and the Prince of VVales promised to pay the soldiers which he led into Spaine leauing his three daughters in hostage with the English he promised the citie of Soria to Iohn Chandos Constable in Guienne for the English and to many other Noblemen and knights other places and townes in Castile Vpon these accords being full of good hope seeing they had the king of Nauar their friend they marched with a great and mighty armie in the Spring time 1367. An. 1367. to repossesse the king D. Pedro in his Realme King Charles whether troubled in conscience for the oaths which he had so often broken or for some other consideration would not bee in person at this incounter betwixt the king D. Pedro and D. Henry as hee had promised but vnder colour of going a hunting he caused himselfe to bee taken prisoner by a plot and accord made with Olyuer of Manny or Maulny a Britton Knight who held the castle of Berja for Bertrand of Guesclin who had it by gift from the king of Arragon in the which he was shut vp and for that he would not shew himselfe altogether disloyall hee left Don Martin Henriques of Lacarra the master of his horse and his Standard-bearer at Pampelona with three hundred Lances commanding him to ioyne with the English armie and to fight in it The English armie arriued at Cuenca or Combe of Pampelona Castile about the beginning of March this yeare 1367. from whence it past into Alaua besides the Prince of Wales and Don Pedro king of Castile there were in it Iohn Duke of Lancaster brother to the Prince D. Iames of Maiorca son to the king Don Iames who had come for refuge to this English Prince being at Bourdeaux Iohn Chandos Constable of Guien Robert Felton great Seneshall Richard of Angle and Stephen of Consentone Marshals of Guien moreouer the Earle of Armaignac and Albert who offered and brought to this warre a thousand complet lances of his subiects and friends but they were reduced to his great griefe to two hundred by the Prince beeing so aduised by some other or of his own proper motion and for enuy which vice some write did often blemish the great vertues that were in him For euen some affirme that this voyage whih he vndertooke into Spaine was not for charity nor any loue he bare to the dispossessed king D. Pedro but for that the honor and reputation which Bertrand of Guesclin hand gotten to haue made D. Henry K. of Castile would not let him sleepe Besides the aboue named there did accompanie the Prince of Wales in this expedition the Earls of Perigort and Cominges the Vicont of Carmain Bernard and Perducas of Albert Captal of Buch the Lord of clisson the Seneshals of Xaintong Rochel Querci Limosin Agenois and Bigorre with many other Noblemen and renowned knights of England Poitou Brittaine Gasconie and other contries and among them some which had a litle before serued D. Henry vnder the command of Bertrand of Guesclin which Guesclin did not fayle at need but came to D. Henries army with a good number of Knights and souldiers to ayd him to maintaine his conquest Vpon the newes of this mighty army D. Henry had gathered together all his good subiects so as according to the French Authors it may be exceeding in their computations he made accompt to haue 7000. men at arms 20000. light horse and 40000. foot wherof many were armed with slings much feared in those dayes with these forces hee came to incounter his enemie and lodged betwixt S. Dominike of Calçada and Bagnares the enemy being camped about Saluatierra who approching towards Logrogno he came to Calderan The Captaines were of opinion that D. Henry should not fight but only coast the enemy and keepe him in continuall feare cutting off their victuals and other commodities whereby they should be soone forced to breake of themselues so had the French king aduised him to do but hee who was a Prince of great spirit and more resolute in such actions then was
the sort or castle of Tafalla As for Fillot of gramont hee continued three yeeres in prison and then was deliuered In the meane time the King Don Charles beeing in great care for the detention of his sonne in France hee caused Don Iohn King of Castile to bee sollicited by Donna Leonora his daughter in law who was retired into Castile to the King her brother who was strictly allied and a friend to the French Deliuery of Prince Charls in sauor of the King of Castile to bee a meadiator for the deliuery of the Infant Don Charles The King of Castile desirous to gratefie his sister imployed his best meanes to the young French King and his Gouernors and did so importune them by messages letters and Ambassages as they set the Infant Don Charles of Nauarre at libertie As for Don Pedro his younger brother and Donna Maria his sister they had beene released before Don Charles soone after his deliuery hee went into Nauarre to the great content of all the Nauarrois It was a great hatred and mallice in the King Don Charles the Father for to attempt such a wickednesse against the princes of France who shewed their generositie in consenting to the deliuerie of the Infant who was not guilty of his fathers offence who in all his actions was of so sower a disposition Disposition of D. Charles King of Nauarre as hee could not pursue his rights nor treat of any affaires with other princes but in choller and disdaine and whereas he could not obtaine and bring to passe what hee pretended hee had recourse to synister and vnlawfull practises desiring to reuenge himselfe of those that did him any iniury by what meanes soeuer Hee had one sister called Donna Agnes married vnto Gaston Earle of Foix called Phebus who for the wrongs hee had done vnto her husband was verie ill intreated by him so as shee was forced to leaue his companie and to retire into Nauarre who was soone after followed by a sonne shee had by him called Gaston where both beeing receiued and honoured by King Charles conferring often with his sister of her husbands bad vsage hee conceiued such a hatred against the Earle Gaston as hee drew young Gaston their sonne to poison his father and gaue him a venimous poulder to that end telling him that it was a remedy to make him change the hatred hee bare him and his mother into loue This young Nobleman beeing simple and ill aduised beleeuing what the King his vncle had said vnto him he returned into Foix to his father with an intent to season him some meate with this poulder Mis●rable death of young Gaston of Foix. but hee could not so play his part but casting the poulder into the meate it was perceiued by the cookes or otherwise discouered wherefore the Earle commanded his sonne and onely heire to bee taken causing him to die miserably in prison so as after him hee left none but bastards which did not succeed in the Earledome of Foix one of them was Bernard who serued Henry the second King of Castile in the conquest of the realme against the King D. Pedro and was rewarded by him and endowed with lands and Estates in Castile from whom descended the dukes of Medina Celi or Zelim who by the mothers side belong to the bloud of Castile according to the order which followeth D. Fernand de la Cerde Begin●ing of the house of Celi or Zelim eldest sonne to D. Alphonso the Wise or the Philosopher left two sons D. Alphonso and D. Fernand of D. Alphonso married into France came D. Lewis Earle of Clermont and D. Charles or Iohn according vnto some Constable of france and Earle of Angoulesme D. Lewis Earle of Clermont married in Andalusia Don Leonora of Guzman daughter to D. Alphonso Peres of Guzman and was Lord of Hulua and of Port Sancta Maria and other lands in the right of his wife of which marriage issued Don Lewis Don Iohn and Donna Isabella de la Cerde This Donna Isabella was by the King Don Henry the second being setled in the realme of Castile married to Bernard bastard of Foix and had in dowry Medina Celi with the title of an Earle of them came D. Gaston surnamed de la Cerde leauing the name of the house of Foix and Bern. Hee was the second Earle of Medina Celi and married Donna Mencia of Mendoça daughter to Don Pedro Conçales of Mendoça a great Nobleman in Alaua by her hee had one sonne called Don Lewis who was the third Earle of Medina Celi and married with Donna Iean Sarmiento daughter to Diego Peres Sarmiento from whom came Don Gaston de la Cerde the second and forth Earle of Medina Celi who married Donna Leonora of Mendoça daughter to Don I●igo Lopes of Mendoça Marquis of Sentillana from whom descended Don Lewis which succeeded him in the Earldome in whose time it was made a Dutchy D. Lewis married Donna Anna of Nauarre and Arragon base daughter to D. Charles Infant of Nauarre and Arragon This is the Genealogy of the house of the dukes of Medina Celi Such as wee haue sayd were the actions of Charles King of Nauarre whom in the end God strooke with a Leaprosie King Charles a Leape● which made him to leaue all care of the affaires of this world and to giue himselfe to workes of piety according to the manner of those times which was to build chappels to ordaine Masses and Anniuersaries for his deceased parents and to adde rents and giue entertainement to Clergy men and Priests which did the seruice but aboue all hee labored to liue in peace with Christian Princes The Infant Charles beeing come into Nauarre about the beginning of the warre betwixt Castile and Portugal the King Don Iohn demaunded some supplies of souldiars out of Nauarre to lead with him wherevnto the King of Nauarre consented willingly remembring the good Offices hee had done with the French for his sonnes liberty whom hee sent well accompanied to this warre beeing vnable to goe in person by reason of his indisposition The Infant made some stay with his wife Donna Leonora who was in Castile and then passing on hee came to the King beeing incamped before Lisbone where hee staied not long the King Don Iohn beeing forced to raise the seege by reason of the plague which ruined his armie and returne into Castile as wee haue said dismissing the Infant his brother in law with all loue and content The yeere 1385. beeing come Portugal Affaires of the King of Castile succeed well in Portugal the King D. Iohn preparing to returne into Portugall hauing alreadie sent some ships and gallies against Lisbone hee had newes that the souldiars which hee had left in Saint Iren had defeated some troupes of Portugal whose leaders were the maister of the Knights of Christus and the Prior of Saint Iohn by reason of which victorie many places within the Realme had planted the Standard of Castile
sudden sicknesse fifteene dayes after she was crowned in the same citie of Tudela she was buried in the couent of S. Sebastian of the Order of S. Francis neere to the citty of Tafalla which was since ruined by the commandement of Cardinall Francisco Ximeenes Archbishoppe of Toledo and Gouernour of Castile who thought that the strong building of that Monasterie was no good neighbour to such a towne Albeit we haue alreadie in the precedent booke spoken of this Princesses children yet wee will somewhat more amply enlarge the discourse thereof in this place Genealogie of Nauarre Their eldest sonne was Gaston who bearing the title of Prince of Viana was married to Donna Magdalene of France and dyed at Libourne beeing misfortunately hurt with the splinter of a Launce as hee there ranue at Tilt hee was father of two children that is to say Francis Phoebus and Katherine who were King and Queene of Nauarre and Earles of Foix successiuely the one after the other Their second sonne was Iohn who had the Vicounty of Narbonne for his portion purchased by his father for readie money and married Marie who was daughter to Lewis Duke of Orleance who was French king and the twelfth of that name Paradin sayes more truly that she was daughter to Charles Duke of Orleance of whome were borne Gaston of Foix Duke of Nemours who dyed in the battaile of Rauenna and Germaine who was second wife to Fernand the Catholicke King and after that shee was secondly married to Fernand of Arragon Duke of Calabria lawfull son to Fredericke king of Naples who dyed being Viceroy of Valencia This Iohn Vicount of Narbone was Gouernour of Daulphiné and afterwards of Guyenne a hardie and valiant Knight renowned in the warres against the English and in those of Italy whither hee went with King Charles the eighth in great credite and authoritie and afterwards dyed in the raigne of King Lewis the twelfth at Estampes where he lies buried The third sonne of Earle Gaston and Donna Leonora was Peter borne at Pau in the countrey of Bearne the yeare one thousand foure hundred forty nine who gaue himselfe to studie and did choose an ecclesiasticall life vnder the gouernement of his great Vncle the Cardinall of Foix Bishoppe of Lescar and the Popes Legate in Daulphiné and Prouence after whose death hauing profited at the Vniuersities of Tholousa Pauia and Ferrara in the ciuill and canon Lawes hee was also by Pope Sixtus the fourth made Cardinall of the title of Saint Cosmo and Damian beeing before Bishop of Vannes and prouided of many rich Benefices by the fauour of Francis Duke of Brittaine his brother-in law who had married his sister Ladie Margaret of Foix mother to Queene Anne The fourth sonne of the Earle of Foix and of Donna Leonora was called Iames hee onely of all their children was borne in Nauarre and was a Knight highly esteemed and honoured by King Lewis the twelfth with the Order of Saint Michaell and with the leading of an hundred men at armes in the warres of Lombardie and elsewhere he purchased the commendation of a valiant and wise Captaine but hee dyed young hauing not attayned to the age of thirtie yeares and was neuer married Hee left certaine base children who professed an ecclesiasticall life and did possesse rich benefices euen till the later dayes of King Francis the first Besides these foure sonnes Earle Gaston and Donna Leonora had fiue daughters the first whose name was Mary was married to William Marquis of Montferrat who by the Popes authoritie erected the church of Casall into a Bishops Sea this Ladie was brought to her husband the yeare one thousand foure hundred sixtie sixe by her brother Peter of Foix by Bernard the Bastard of Foix Godfrey Basileac Bishoppe of Riues by the Bishop of Conserans and Peter of Sobreuille and by diuers other Lords and Knights Of this marriage no male children were borne but daughters onely the eldest of whom was married to Lewis sonne to Thomas Marquis of Salusses and these daughters did not succeed their father in the Marquisat but a brother of his Ioane second daughter of Earle Gaston and Donna Leonora was married to the Earle of Armagnac sonne to him who was slaine by the commaundement of King Lewis the eleuenth with which marriage the King beeing displeased the Earle was so persecuted as hee was constrained to flie for safetie into Castile where trusting to the faire speeches oathes and promises of the Cardinall of Albi the French Kings Ambassadour in the sayd kingdome beeing returned into France hee was there cruelly stabbed to death with daggers Whereuppon his wife Donna Ioane of Foix returned into Bearne hauing had no children by him The third daughter was Marguerite wife to Francis the last Duke of Brittaine by whome hee had two daughters Anne and Izabella Izabella dyed young but Anne was married to two French Kings successiuely Charles the eighth and Lewis the twelfth by Lewis she had two daughters Claude and Rene Claude who was first promised to Charles who was since king of Spain and afterwards Emperor the fifth of that name did marrie Francis of Valois then duke of Angoulesme and afterwards French king first of that name Rene was married to Hercules of Este duke of Ferrara the Earle Gaston and his wife D. Leonora had besides these Catherine married to the Earle of Candale and mother of 3. children the eldest of whome was Lord of Candale the second Arch-bishoppe of Bourdeaux and the third who was a daughter named Anne Queene of Hungarie and Bohemia wife to Vladislaus son to Casimir King of Polonia This Vladislaus first king of Bohemia had before married Donna Beatrix of Arragon widdow to King Mathias of Hungarie for whose sake the Hungarians chose him for their King but he was diuorced from her in regard of her loose life and afterwards maried this Ladie Anne of Foix who was brought to her husband thorough the Dutchie of Milan at that time possessed by the French and by the cittie of Venice the great friend and ally of this King Leonardo Lauredan being at that time Duke thereof Of this marriage was borne Lewis who succeeded his father in the kingdomes of Bohemia and Hongarie husband to Queene Marie of Castile who was sister to the Emperour Charles and a daughter named Anne married to Ferdinand of Austria afterwards Emperour and Brother to Charles and by her king of Bohemia and Hungarie after the death of his father-in-law King Lewis of the which Fernand and Anne the Emperour Maximilian was borne and many other children the fifth daughter of Earle Gaston and Donna Leonora of Nauarre dyed vnmarried beeing onely promised to the Duke of Medina Celi issued from the same house of Foix and was called after her mothers name Leonora This house of Foix and Nauar hath brought foorth this of spring of great and illustrious Princes giuing to Christendome at one time foure Queenes who were cousin-germaines namely Catherine Queene of Nauar Germaine
Admirall D. Frederic who openly and by all meanes did labour to extirpe the eldest sonne and lawfull heire of the Realmes of Nauarre Arragon and other Dominions annexed to the same crowne to the end to raise and aduance to those dignities his daughters children against all right and piety and he protested that the whole state of the principallity of Cattalogna would imploy their goods liues meanes and friends which he knew to be very great in that Prouince to defend Prince Charles from wrong and to deliuer him from so vniust a captiuity wherefore he besought him to consider thereof with a fatherly affection and at their requests to set him at liberty and to heare how he could iustifie himselfe and not to trust so much to his owne opinion in affaires of so great importance onely to please the Queene his wife and her father and to preuent by wise and good councell the great troubles and miseries which might thereby ensue The King of Nauarre and Arragon his answere to his subiects of Cattalogna To this rough discourse full of threats the King answered with great grauity and moderation concluding that hee knew how to doe Iustice and that hee was not determined to giue ouer his purpose in punishing his rebellious sonne who had so often abused his clemency for any passionate or importunate soliciting of his subiects The Ambassadors hauing written and sent backe this answere there followed forthwith a manifest reuolt of the Cattelans who hauing leauied a great company of men of warre and obtained by their Ambassadors sent to Segobia aide from King Henry of Castile of fifteene hundred horse vnder the conduct of the Commander Gonçalo de Sahauedra they aduanced their forces towards Lerida with intent to seaze vpon the kings person and to put to death all those of his priuy councell And for the more easie execution of their enterprise they had secret intelligence with diuerse courtiers the chiefe of whom were Francis de Espla Gerrard Ceruillon and Iohn Agullen but God preserued the King and his from so furious a conspiracy discouered at the instant when it should haue beene executed and yet so happily as the King had leasure to get away thorough the gate of the preaching friers notwithstanding that D. Pedro d'Vrrea Arch-bishop of Tarragon one of the Ambassadors of Cattalogna had councelled him not to leaue the towne of Lerida but there to make head against his enemies whose aduise was approued by all the other Lord there assembled The King was no sooner gon but the conspirators entred the pallace with intent to haue committed their purposed massacre but to their great discontent they found it empty The King retired himselfe to Fraga whether the Ambassadors determined to haue followed him and to try once againe if they could induce him to forgiue his sonne hoping that the tast and new beginning of the troubles which he had seene would make him more mild but they al●ering their purpose returned home into Cattalogna The rebels forces marched towards Fraga where the King was who from thence went to Saragossa and left them the spoile of that place In the meane time those of Barcelona tooke their Gouernor D. Lewis de Requesens prisoner those of Valencia Arragon Sicil and Majorca assisting them and ioyning with them for the Princes deliuery But aboue the rest the faction of Beaumont in Nauarre shewed themselues violent in the pursure of their enemies of Grammont which held the Kings party causing such ruines and calamities in the Kingdome as can hardly be expressed the mindes of the multitude of each side being so inflamed against their contrary faction as they knew not vpon what termes nor for what occasion they had taken arms for if one should haue demaunded of those of Beaumont or Grammont wherefore they were so animated one against the other they could make no other answere but that they did it because their neighbours friends and kin●-folkes did the same The ruines and desolations increasing on euery side King Iohn seeling himselfe touched in conscience as if such troubles had falne vpon him by the iudgement of God who would haue him to taste and see in his owne Kingdomes that which he the yeeres before had caused the Realme of Castile to endure he did therefore harken to the admonitions which were newly made to him by diuerse wise men namely by a Charterhouse Monke of the Monastery of Scala Dei in Cattalogna held at that time for a Prophet whose name is supprest or forgotten by the Authors and through their perswation he did resolue to set the Prince at liberty and to giue him to the Cattelans who did so earnestly desire it He was then taken from the Aljaferia of Saragossa by his mother in law Queene Ioane Don Charles Prince of Vian● deliuered out of prison but poysoned by his stepmother who by the commandement of the King went with him into Cattalogna and in the City of Villa-franca deliuered him vnto them The common and constant report was that from the time the Prince came forth of prison hee neuer had one daies health but his life did daily consume and decay and diuerse did impute the cause thereof to Queene Ioane who as they say poysoned him to the end to aduance and raise her sonne D. Fernand Duke of Momblancke to the succession of the Kingdome of Arragon and dependances of the same a certaine stranger physitian being actor of so impious a deed and the sicknesse wherewith the Queene was soone after afflicted being an vlcerous canker ouer her whole body was attributed to the iust iudgement of God Queene Ioan● punished by the hand of God who did punish her for committing so execrabld an act others reiect this accusation as false and counterfeited by those of the faction of Beaumont who notwithstanding the Princes deliuery continued in armes against those of Grammont namely in the towne of Lombier which by Charles ●Artieda in the name of Prince Charles was taken against whom this King sent his sonne D. Alphonso of Arragon Duke of Villa Hermosa with a great number of souldiers who beseeged the towne and soone after the King came thither in person with those of Sanquessa and other townes of the faction of Grammont Charles of Artieda perceiuing himselfe to be ouerlaied with numbers demaunded aide of the Castillans who forthwith marched thither to meet the troupes of the Commander Gonçalo de Sahaue●ra and those of Rodrigo de Marchena who raised the seege The King D. Iohn hauing put garrisons into Pampelona Lerin and other places belonging to them which he distrusted came to the Estates at Catalajub leauing the gouernment of Nauarre to his children D. Iohn and Alphonso of Arragon fearing and foreseeing the warre against Castile During these stirres in Nauarre and Arragon the country of Andeluzia was assailed by Mulei Albohacen Moores or as some others termed him Hali Muley Hacen eldest sonne to Ismael King of Granado contrary to the peace
sollicited by the brother of his deceased wife Donna Maria de Silua to wit the Bishop of Badajos who was desirous to bring againe the Earle of Cifuentes and his Vncle Don Iohn de Ribera into Toledo to giue his eldest daughter Donna Leonora in marriage to the Earle of Cifuentes seeking by that meanes to reconcile and make them friends which the Master of Saint Iames did likewise procure building some desseignes vppon the same citty but the king being aduertized thereof sent foorth-with the Licenciate Diego Henriques to aduertise the Earle of Fuensalida by no meanes to make that marriage and not to suffer the Earle of Cifuentes nor Don Iohn de Ribera to enter into Toledo because he was assured that as soone as they should set foot within the cittie they would driue him thence The Earle giuing more credit to the Bishoppe then to the King was very willing to agree vppon the marriage by reason whereof the Earle of Cifuentes and Don Iohn de Ribera People of Toledo mutinous were no sooner entred into the cittie but contrarie to their oath and promise which was not to attempt any innouation nor stirre vp any troubles they put themselues in armes and bandied themselues in such sort as there was nothing to bee seene but daily and continuall skirmishes fights murthers robberies and other miseries vsual in diuided Citties the common people of this towne beeing more mutinous and apt to enter into factions and leagues then any other Cittie of Spaine Wherefore the King the better to redresse these inconueniences beeing at Madrid sent the Bishoppe of Burgos together with the Licentiate Diego Henriques who for a time caused those insolencies to cease The King comming afterwards thither tooke away against all reason the gouernement of the cittie from the Earle of Fuensalida and put it against his will into the hands of Doctor Garcy Lopes of Madrid with charge of an assistant and with great authoritie onely to please and content the Master of Saint Iames. The dispossessed Earle went home to his owne house and the Earle of Cifuentes afterward had no desire to accomplish the marriage with Donna Leonora alleadging certaine lets and hinderances by reason of their neere consanguinitie and so soone after married else-where The Earle of Cifuentes and Don Iohn de Ribera tooke Doctor Garcy Lopes committed him to prison and made themselues masters of the Cittie gates and other strong places and beseeged the Castle the which they had taken with the absolute commaund ouer the whole Citie had not certaine Channons resisted them who fortifying themselues in the great Church held out till such time as the Marshals Fernand de Riuadeneyra and Pera●fan de Ribera were come to their ayde who caused the Earle and his people to with-draw themselues The Master of Saint Iames who was at that time in the territorie of Leon making his progresse vp and downe about the ordering of the affaires of that Prouince beeing aduertized of that which had befallen Garcy Lopes came in great hast to Toledo from whence hauing driuen the Earle of Cifuentes Don Iohn de Ribera Lope of Estuniga with Arias de Silua and other of their complices hee left the Cittie in quiet The King not long after came to the Monasterie of Sisla halfe a league distant from the Cittie but hee did in no sort touch any of the seditious because all the mischiefe had beene procured by the Master As hee thought to returne to Segobia hee found the Cittie in a mutinie and reuolted from the Corrigidor or Gouernour of the same by the meanes of certaine Gentlemen who were taken and sent with yrons vppon their legges to the Castle of Madrid where they remayned a long time after Now if temporall matters were so ill gouerned it is to bee supposed that spirituall affaires were farre worse for what good could happen to the people whose Pastors neglecting their ecclesiasticall functions had no other care but to heape vp worldly riches and honours making themselues heads of Factions and by their couetousnesse and ambition did themselues most of all trouble and disquiet all Kingdomes and Common-wealths Whilest these miseries troubled the Realme of Castille King Iohn of Arragon did stil endeauour to reduce the Rebels of Catralonia to his obedience Arragon and after that hee had ended the question betwixt himselfe and his sonne-in-law Gaston of Foix about the kingdome of Nauarre hee did send his sonne Don Alphonso of Arragon with the Earle of Prades who was returned to his seruice into the confines of Barcelona who encamped themselues alongst the riuer of Beson and made courses euen to the Cittie gates burning and spoyling houses gardens and other places of pleasure of that countrie Then they went to batter a strong castle seated vppon the riuer which the Barcelonois beeing desirous to succour Iames Galliot Gouernour of the cittie came into the field with a great number of horse-men and foure thousand foot bringing with him Don Denis of Portugall and Gratian of Aguirre who presenting themselues before the enemie with intent to fight The Barcelonois defeated were so rudely receyued as within awhile they were defeated with many of their people slayne hurt and taken prisoners in the number of whom were Iames Galliot and Denis of Portugall part of those which fled came backe to the cittie and the rest retired themselues into the woods and mountaines This losse did so daunt the courage of those of Barcelona as despayring of their affaires they all began to hearken vnto peace whereunto they were the rather incited by the Kings comming who ioyned himselfe soone after with the forces of his sonne Alphonso taking the towne of Valdonzellas hee made shew as if he would beseege the Cittie both by sea and land The citty of Barcelona yeeldeth to the mercie of the King the which beeing filled with great feare and yet neuerthelesse trusting to the Kings clemencie they sent Commissioners vnto him to craue his pardon and to offer him the keyes of the Cittie submitting themselues to his mercie These men beeing come into the kings presence did by the mouth of Lewis Setenti a Florentine confesse the Cittizens fault and did implore his mercie presenting him with the keyes the which the King holding in his hands re-deliuered forth-with to the Commissioners contrarie to the expectation of all his followers King Iohns clemency who thought that in regard hee had beene so many yeares troubled and disquieted with the obstinate and cruell warres of the Barcelonois hee would haue executed seuere vengeance vppon them but hee on the contrarie with a singular mildnesse did not onely pardon them and their Confederates for whatsoeuer they had committed against him but confirmed them in their goods liberties priuiledges exemptions and auncient rights The next day following the Cittizens had prepared a triumphant chariot for him that he might make his entrie with great pompe and magnificence the which he would not accept but was contented to enter
or brotherhoods and the fift and last for the treasure and royall reuenue At the same time iustice which had a long time beene banished out of Spayne was called home againe and reuerenced and diuers wicked persons punished among whome Hernand Alarcon 〈…〉 the familiar friend and instigator of the Arch-bishoppe of Toledo a seditious and turbulent person was beheaded by meanes of which example euery man submitted himselfe to law and framed himselfe to a ciuill and honest life then did the tyrannies of great men cease the thefts and robberies of their followers were suppressed in such sort as the fields were as safe as good townes those things which were vsurped were restored to the right owners the seates of iustice were well ordered and diuers good lawes and Edicts were made It was there enacted that the Iewes and Moores in townes and citties should dwell in streetes and places by themselues All Noblemen were forbidden to carrie Guards about with them to place Crownes vppon their shields and armes or to haue vshers to carrie maces or roddes before them vnlesse they were Magistrates not to vse titles in their letters Charity of K. Fernand and Queene Isabel. belonging to Princes and Soueraigne Lords And for that the Kings felt their consciences burthened with the death of many poore people who had followed them in their last warres whose widowes and children were in great necessitie they appoynted a summe of twentie millions of Marauidis to bee distributed vnto such people by Friar Hernand of Talauera as he should thinke it meete and conuenient thinking by laying this charge vppon him to discharge themselues In this assembly of the Estates in the moneth of May Prince Ioane sworne vnto with great sollemnitie the Infant Don Iohn was according to the custome of Spayne sworne vnto as Prince of the Asturia's and heire to the Kingdomes of Castile and Leon in the presence of the Prelats and Lords whose names follow The Cardinall Don Pedro Gonçales of Mendoza Arch-bishoppe of Siuill and withall Bishoppe of Siguença Don Diego Hurtado of Mendoza Bishoppe of Palence Friar Alphonso of Burgos Bishop of Cordoua with others of the Clergie For the Nobilitie and State militarie Don Alphonso of Cardegna Master of Saint Iames Don Pero Fernandes of Velasco Constable of Castile and Earle of Haro Don Alphonso Henriques great Admirall of Castile and the Kings Vnkle Don Pero Aluares Osorio Marquis of Astorga and Earle of Transtamara Don Aluaro of Mendoza Earle of Castro Don Lorenzo Suares of Mendoza Earle of Crugna Don Inigo Lopes of Mendoza Earle of Tendilla Don Diego Lopes of Estuniga Earle of Miranda Don Fernand Aluares of Toledo Earle of Oropesa Don Guttiere de Sottomajor Earle of Benalcaçar Don Bertrand de la Cueua Earle of Ledesma Don Diego Fernandes of Quignones Earle of Luna Don Iohn de Ribera Lord of Montemajor Don Aluar Peres of Guzman Lord of Saint Eulalia Don Guttiere of Cardegna great Commaunder of Leon with diuers others of name and place For the third estate the Deputies of the Citties on this side and beyond the mounts did take the accustomed oath to wit for old Castile Burgos Leon Segobia Auila Soria Zamora Toro and Salamanca and for the other part Toledo Guadalajara and Cuenca and for Andalusia Siuill Cordoua and Iaen and the Cittie of Murcia for that Countrey Diuers Lords likewise of the Realme Arragon were present at this solemnitie as Don Raymond Bishoppe of Vrgell and Don Philip of Arragon bastard-sonne to the late Prince Charles Nephew to the King and cousin germaine to Prince Iohn At this assembly Don Andrea de Cabrera and Donna Beatrix of Bouadilla his wife were created Marquises of Moya with graunt of twelue hundred vassals neere to Segobia for the good seruices which they had done to the kings Don Ferdinand and Donna Isabella at whose table the more to honour them they did eate the same day The Parlament or assembly of States being ended the Court came to Medina del campo where they began to take great paines to haue the ordonances of the Estates executed and put in practise vppon the vsurpations tyrannies quarrels and enmities which were past In the same towne a knight whose name was Aluar Ianes of Lugo was put to death who being couetous to adde to his owne great wealth the goods of a certaine Cittizen hired a certaine Notarie or Scriuener to make some false and counterfeite contracts and to the end the deceit might not be knowne hee foorth-with payed him his hire cutting his throate and burying him secretly in the back-side of his owne house the which murther was discouered by the diligent inquirie of the poore widdow whose husband was neuer seene abroade since hee was seene to go into the Knights house This Gentleman was taken A mu●ther●us gentleman c●e●u●ed conuicted and beheaded notwithstanding his great friends and kindred who offered fortie thousand Duckets for to saue his life which was a great summe in those dayes which sundrie of the Councel wished the Kings to take but these Princes beeing great Iusticers would not hearken to it but the Knight was executed according to his deserts The yeare 1481. the Kings departed from Medina King Fernand and Queene Isabell zealous of Iust●ce and did take leaue the one of the other for a certaine time the Queene went to Vailliodolit and the King made a voyage into Arragon with intent to haue the like oath made there to his son Prince Iohn as the States of Castile had done at Toledo and to order the State of his owne patrimoniall Kingdome as also to demaund a certaine subsidie of money of his subiects there The King beeing at Sarragossa the Cardinall of Foix and his brother Don Iames Vnkles to the young King Francis Phoebus of Nauarre Nauarre came thither to him to beseech him to ayde him with forces and meanes to suppresse his audacious subiects which did disturbe the peace of his Kingdome who contemning his youth did commit infinite tyrannies there whom king Fernand did most louingly receiue as his Nephewes sonnes to Queene Leonora his sister and did promise concerning their demaunds to performe the office of a Christian Prince friend and neere kinsman to the young king During his aboade at Sarragossa the Marshall of Nauarre who was at Tudela had ordinarie intelligence with diuers Castillan Lords some of whome knowing their masters will did beginne to treate of meanes for the pacification of the factions of Beaumont and Grammont by whome the kingdome was spoiled Amongst those which did most earnestly employ themselues therein was a Friar Preacher to king Fernand whose name was Abarca The Estates of Nauarre at Tafalla who dealt in such sort as hee agreed vpon a marriage betwixt Philip of Nauarre the Marshall and a daughter of the Earle Lewis of Lerin which he thought would bee a meanes that these two Lords would forget all former hatred and become heartie and affectionate friends by whose example
Lopes de Haro came vnto the king of Castile who beeing entred into Andalusia beseeged Baeça which the Moores had rampared but by reason of the great dearth he raised the seege and returned to Calatraua where hauing left Don Roderigo the Arch-bishop to order all things vpon the fronter he came to Burgos The Arch-bishop began to build the new towne of Milagro where the worke-men were charged by the Moores who made a great slaughter of them and of many of the people which began to inhabit it for the which the Arch-bishop prouided as well as he could and made a truce with the enemie in the Kings name Beeing returned to the king to Burgos he resolued to make a voiage into Guienne where hee had some pretensions in the right of Queene Elenor his wife Before his departure hee would conferre with Don Alphonso king of Portugal his sonne-in-law sending to intreate him to meete him at Plaisance on a certaine day but beeing vppon the way he fell sicke in Garci Mugnos a Bourg of Areualo where he was forced to stay then did his griefe increase by the answer he receiued from the King of Portugall Death of Don Alphonso the Noble King of Castile who sent him word he would not passe the limits of his kingdome by reason whereof hee was so much mooued with choller as he dyed in the yeare 1214. the fiue and fiftith yeare of his raigne and the nine and fiftith of his age his body was carried to Burgos whereas his funerals were made and it interred in the Monasterie of las Huelgas with the teares and griefe of all Spaine D. Henry the first of that name the eighth King of Castile 41 IN his place raigned his sonne D. Henry the first of that name in Castile and Toledo who was but eleuen yeares old whereupon the Prelats Nobles and Commons assembled at Burgos where hauing declared him king and taken the oath they made the Queene Donna Eleonora his mother Gouernesse of his person and Realmes but she suruiued her husband but 25. dayes D Berenguela queene of Leon gouernesse of Castile and was interred in the same Monasterie By her decree Donna Berenguela the kings sister gouerned both him and his Realmes who carried herselfe vprightly to the contentment of all the Estates during her administration She was Ladie of Vailledolit Mugnon Curiel Gormas Saint Stephen of the castell of Burgos and other places and rents assigned by Don Alphonso her father During her regency the Councell of Latran was celebrated at Rome vnder Pope Innocent the third with a great concourse of Prelates from all parts of Christendome Whither there went D. Roderigo Ximenes Arch-bishop of Toledo and Primate of Spaine the Arch-bishop of Braga Councell of S. Iohn de Latran vnder Innocēt the third the Bishop of Vic and other Prelates of Spain There were aboue 300. at this assembly which did exercise chiefe dignities in the church besides others innumerable of all estates they did chiefely treate of the meanes how to vphold the Christians estate in Palestina or the holy Land then of the rights of Patronage and reception of fruites and reuenewes of Churches by lay men The Archbishoppe Don Roderigo preached with the Popes leaue in the assembly very learnedly in Latin according vnto those times and for that that language was not well vnderstood by all that were there present he expounded the substance of his Sermon in Italian Germaine French English Castillan and Biscain Processe for the Primacie of Spaine or Nauarrois which was his naturall tongue for the which he was much commended and esteemed as Garybay saith next to Doctor Blaz Ortiz which done and the Councell freed of the affaires which touched the generall of Christendome the Arch-bishop D. Roderigo complayned of the contumacie and disobedience of the Arch-bishops of Narbone Tarragone Braga and Saint Iames who would not acknowledge the Primacie of Toledo to proue the which he produced many priuiledges of the holy Apostolike sea especially of these Popes Vrbain Gelasius and Honorius the 2. Lucius the 3. Adrian the 4. and Innocent the 2. granted to the Church of Toledo and the Prelates therof as Primates of Spaine He alledged many ancient Councels celebrated in Spaine and iustified the equitie of his cause by many ancient Histories and authenticall Records The Pope desired to heare the parties interressed wherefore the Archbishop of Braga beeing present answered for himselfe for him of Tarragone who was absent the Bishop of Vic one of his Suffragans presented himselfe both which denyed the Primacie They of Narbonne and Saint Iames were excused beeing absent And for that the Archbishop D. Roderigo Ximenes was prest to returne into Spaine the processe remained for that time vndecided yet he obtained from the Pope many great prouisions which were both profitable and honorable as to be Legate of Spaine for ten yeares with power to make legitimate to the number of three hundred with other ample faculties right to choose and establish Bishops in all the townes which should come into the Christians power and that the Church of Seuile in that case should acknowledge the Primacie of Toledo without any sute and that the Arch-bishop thereof should dispose of all other Ecclesiasticall dignities in places conquered or to be conquered This Archbishop D. Roderigo Ximenes hath written the Historie of Spaine in Latine vnto his time and in like manner that of the Moores or Arabians since Mahumet The end of the tenth Booke SEMPER EADEM THE ELEVENTH BOOKE of the Historie of Spaine The Contents 1 TRouble 's for the gouernment of Castile during the minority of the King D. Henry the first Insolencies of the Lord of Lara 2 Pretensions of the house of France to the Crowne of Castile 3 D. Fernand the third of that name ninth king of Castile who was also the 30. of Leon. 4 Moores in Spaine fall from the Miralmumins or kings of Affricke diuers petty Potentates of that Sect erected in Spaine 5 Warre betwixt the king of Leon and him of Castile father and sonne 6 The Order of Monkes of S. Dominicke the first planting of them in Spaine 7 Separation of the Knights of Alcantara from them of Calatraua and their habit 8 D. Raymond Berenger Earle of Prouence of the house of Cattelogne his marriages and children 9 Order of Merced instituted in Arragon 10 Order Seraphique of the Monkes of S. Francis 11 Peopling of Monkes of this Order in Portugall S. Anthonie of Padoua a Portuguez 12 D. Sancho Capello the fourth king of Portugall second of that name 13 Warre of the Castillans against the Moores 14 Aben Mahumet king of Seuile 15 Conquest of the Ilands Baleares by D. Iames king of Arragon the first of that name 16 Re-union of Leon with Castile by the death of D. Alphonso the ninth vnder Don Fernand his sonne aboue-mentioned 17 Title of the Kings of Ierusalem vsurped by the Kings of Naples and why 18 Impatience of Thibaud