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friend_n crooked_a nail_n toe_n 80 3 15.8533 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68187 The contemplation of mankinde contayning a singuler discourse after the art of phisiognomie, on all the members and partes of man, as from the heade to the foote, in a more ample maner than hytherto hath beene published of any. In the place next after the chapter of the forehead, hath the phisiognomer added a proper treatise of the signification of sundrie lines seene in most mens foreheads: which in sundrie disputations with a skilfull Iew, he at the last obtayned. ... In the ende is a little treatise added of the signification of moles ... written by a worthie Grecian named Melampus. All which, englished by Thomas Hyll. Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528.; Cocles, Bartolommeo della Rocca, 1467-1504. Chyromantie ac physionomie anastasis.; Malampus, 3rd cent. B.C. Peri elaiōn sōmatos. English. 1571 (1571) STC 13482; ESTC S104092 171,153 456

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little to be a craftie beguiler The white prickes of the nayles to be wealthie and to haue manye friendes The blacke prickes in the nayles to be hated applied to the naturall cause Of the nayles of the toes The toes and nayles crooked to be vnshamefast applyed to the Byrdes The nayles thinne and well coloured to be of a good witte and honest condicioned The toes ioyning close togither to be fearefull applyed to the Quayle Of the nauill The space large from the bottom of the breast vnto the nauill to be dull of capacitie and a great féeder applyed to the naturall cause The space equall to be wittie and honest conditioned applyed to the naturall cause The stomacke from the nauill vnto the breast fleshie to be wicked after Polemone The same space soft and well compact to be stowte and high minded Of the ribbes The person well ribbed to be strong applied to the male kinde The ribbes narrow and weake compowned to be weake applyed to the female kinde The ribbes filled aboute as they were blowne vp to be full of wordes and foolish applyed to the Oxe and Frogge Of the loynes and Hypocondria The person well loyned to be a louer of the hunting of wilde beastes applyed to the Lion and Dogge The Hypocondria thinne and flatte to be fearefull applyed to the Frogge The Hypocondria fleshie vnapt to be taught Of the haunches and hippes The bones of the haunches bearing outwarde to be strong applied to the male kind The bones of the haunches slender to be feareful and weake applyed to the woman The hippes well sinewed to be strong applied to the male kinde The hippes fleshie to be weake applyed to the woman Of the Pecten The Pecten very hearie to be libidinous yet prosperous applyed to the naturall cause The Pecten very thinne of heare to be chaste applied to the naturall cause Of the buttockes The buttockes sharpe and bonie to be strong ▪ applyed to the male kinde The buttockes fleshie and fatte to be weake applyed to the woman The buttockes dried in fleshe to be euill conditioned applyed to the Ape Of the legges The legges bigge sinewed and brawned to be strong applyed to the male kinde Small sinewed to be libidinous applyed to Byrdes The legges bigge and euill fashioned to be vnshamefast The cawfes of the legges bigge to be an euill manered person The cawfes of the legges soft to bée most effeminate The legges slender to be dull of capacitie yet this fayleth often in the learned students The cawfes verie bigge bearing out to be sluggishe and rude manered The cawfes meanely bigge formed to be wittie and honest conditioned Of the knees The knées bigge to be an effeminate person applyed vnto the excessiue appearaunce of them The knees verye slender to be fearefull applyed vnto the excessiue appearance of them The knees bending forwarde to be effeminate applyed to the woman The knées fatte to be fearefull yet liberall The knées leane to be strong and hardie Of the ancles The ancles strong sinewed and brawned to be strong applyed to the male kinde The ancles much fleshie to be weake applied to the woman The ancles broade to be strong applyed to the naturall cause The partes about the ancles ouer fleshie to be foolishe applyed to the propertie The héeles very slender or thinne to be fearefull applyed to the propertie and condition of them Of the feete The féete strong sinewed and brawned to be strong applyed to the male kinde The féete weake sinewed and small to be effeminate applyed to the woman The inner partes of the soles of the féete not hollowe but so filled with flesh that they make no hollownesse at all in the steppe on the ground is noted to be craftie applyed to the naturall cause The féete bigge and fleshie to be foolishe of the naturall cause The féete thicke and short to be weake of the naturall cause The feete slender and short to be wicked of the natuall cause The féete ouer long to be wily of the naturall cause The féete fleshie and hard to be a dullarde of the naturall cause The féete small and fayre formed to be a fornicator applyed to the ▪ propertie of the note The féete much hearie to be leacherous and bolde applyed to the naturall cause The féete naked of heare to bée weake of strength and courage of the naturall cause Of the hearinesse of the partes The legges hearie to be venerious applyed to the Goate The breast and belly very hearie to be vnconstant applyed to the Byrdes The shoulders hearie to be the lyke vnconstant and applied to the Byrdes The back very hearie to be cruell applyed to the beastes The necke behinde hearie to be liberall and stowte applyed to the Lion. The heare of the eye browes ioyned togither to be a sadde person applyed to the passion The heares of the eye browes growing downe warde towarde the nose and spreading vpwarde vnto the temples to be foolishe applyed to the Sowe The heare of the heade standing straight vp to be fearefull applyed to the passion The heare of the heade very crisped to be fearefull applyed to the Moores The heares crisped at the endes to be strong and bolde applyed to the Lion. The heares turning vp in the vpper part of the foreheade to be liberall and stowte applyed to the Lion. The heares of the head plain to be simple Much heare of the heade and thicke to be an euill conditioned person Of the going and moouing The pace slowe and long to be wittie and strong The pace slow and short to be wittie yet weake The pace long and quick to be strong yet foolishe The pace short and quicke to be both foolishe and weake of strength The shoulders bending forwarde in going to be high minded applyed to the Lyon. The person going with the knées féete turning in to be weake of strength applyed to the woman In the talking wrything or shrugging the bodie hither and thither to be a flatterer applyed to the fawning Dogge Leaning vnto the right side in the going to be a Cynede applyed to the excessiue appearance The eyes quicke moouing to be gréedie and quicke catchers applied to the Hawke The eyes quick and often moouing with a ●●eddinesse of the bodie to be wittie and of a readie vnderstanding applyed to the condition of the passion Of the personage and stature The person verye small of personage to bée quick witted and prompt in attayning any matter of the naturall cause Such verye bigge of personage to be of a dull capacitie and thereof hardly conceyuing of the contrary cause after Aristotle Small of personage and of a hote and drie qualitie chollericke to be vnapt readilye to conceyue and to iudge or decerne any matter rightly Small of personage and of a colde and moyste qualitye to bée apt to conceyue and readily to decerne of the contrary cause Bigge of personage and of a hote and drie qualitie to be wittie and readily to conceyue Bigge of personage and of a
very little and rounde to bée foolish The face long and leane to be bolde verie crooked long and leane to be malicious larger from the foreheade vnto the iawes to be a lyar Narrower from the iawes vnto the chinne to be enuious and contentious Of the lippes The lippes thinne hanging one ouer the other to be bolde and hardie applyed to the Lion. The lippes thinne and harde to be yrefull and vnapt to learne applyed to the Sow The lippes thinne and soft to be stowte applyed to the Lion. The lippes bigge that the vpper hangeth downe ouer the neather to be foolish applyed to the Asse The vpper lip bearing out that the gummes be séene to be a wrangler and spitefull applyed to the Dogge Of the chinne The chinne sharpe to be faythfull applyed to the Dogge The chinne small and short to be enuious and cruell applyed to the Serpent The chinne in a maner square to be honest cōditioned The chinne long and downewarde sharpe to bée a craftie fellow The chinne rounde to be effeminate applyed to the woman The vnder chinne hanging low downe to be leacherous The chinne hauing a pitte or deuided at the ende to be a wily person and libidinous Of the bearde The woman bearded to be leacherous The woman hauing no bearde at all to be honest conditioned The mans bearde ouer hearie to be Melancholike of a naturall cause The beard séemely formed to be of a good nature of a naturall cause The bearde vnséemely fashioned to be of an euill nature of the contrarie cause The colour of the eyes The colour red aboue to be yrefull applyed to the passion very blacke to be fearefull which the propertie of the colour giueth blacke and yealowish of colour to be honest conditioned applyed to the comelinesse thereof Gray or white to be fearefull which the propertie of the colour giueth A darke yealow to be honest conditioned applyed to the Lion. And fierie to be vnshamefast yet full of myrth Uariable of colour to be fearefull applyed to the passion And shining bright to bée luxurious applyed to the Cocke and Rauen. The colour of the face The colour redde aboue to be shamefast applyed to the passion The chéekes red aboue to be louers of wine applied to the passion The chéekes nose of the liuers rednesse to be most detested The colour of the breast Of a fierie colour to be yrefull applyed to the passion The colour of the whole bodie Uerye blacke of colour to bée fearefull of courage applyed to the blacke Moore Uerye white to be fearefull applyed to the woman Swartish of colour to be meanely strong yealow of colour to be honest conditioned applyed to the Lion verie red or ruddie to be wilie ingenious applyed to the Woolfe A verie pale colour except it be of sicknesse to be fearefull applied to the passion Of a hunnie colour to be sluggish of a naturall cause Of a firie color to be long angry hard to be pleased and very furious And pale not procéeded of ouermuch studie to be vicious wicked Of the teeth The sharpe téeth if they be long fast and bearing outwarde to be a great féeder yrefull and wicked applyed to the Dogge and Bore The téeth bigge and broade to be simple witted vaine of a dull capacitie and lasciuious applyed both to the Oxe and Asse Of the voyce The voyce lowde and bigge to be iniurious applyed to the Asse The beginning bigge and ending small to be yrefull applyed to such which crie oute and to the crying of the Oxe The voyce small soft and broken to be fearefull applied to the woman Bigge and high to be verie yrefull applied to the mastie Dogge A soft voice without reaching to be gentle applyed to the shéepe The voyce small and lowde to be yrefull applyed to the Goate Of the necke The necke bigge to be strong applyed to the man The necke slender applyed to the woman bigge and fleshie to be yrefull applied to the Bul. The necke meane to be stowte applyed to the Lyon long and small to be fearefull applyed to the Hart. The necke verie short to be wyly applyed to the Woolfe and Catte Such sufficient strong about the knot or ioynt of the necke are wittie and of a good capacitie Such there weake to be dullardes Of the breast The breast bigge and well fashioned to bée strong applyed to the man The breast large and well compact to be strong applyed to the Lion. Hearie on the breast to be vnconstant and bolde applyed to Byrdes The breast without heare to be vnshamefast or else fearefull applyed to the woman very fleshie to be vnapt to learne and sluggishe The space from the throte bole vnto the bottome of the breast larger than from the bottome of the breast vnto the nauill of the belly to be wittie and of a good capacitie The pappes fatte and hanging downe in men to be weake and effeminate A bigge péece of flesh bearing out on the left side of the breast in the forme of a Léekes heade or sinewe sprung vp and that there be one or many heares growing on it is then an argument of honour and riches as Ptholomie wryteth Of the shoulders The shoulders fashioned bigge to be strong The shoulders euill fashioned to bée weake of strength well compowned to be liberall but weake compowned and bearing vp thinne to bée a niggard The shoulders bearing sharpe vp to be deceytfull The shoulders broade to be strong and of a good capacitie And narrow to bée a dullarde Of the stomacke Such fatte about the stomacke to be strong Such not fatte to be weake The bellie bearing out bigge to be a great féeder The bellie small formed to be of a good capacitie And hearie from the nauill downewarde to be full of woordes applyed to Byrdes Of the backe The backe narrowe to be weake The backe bigge formed to be strong The backe large to be strong and high minded The backe crooked to be a niggarde and yll condicioned And equally formed or in a meane to be of a good nature Of the armes The armes very long to be strong bolde honest and gentle The armes short to be a procurer of discord and leacherous The armes hearie to be vnconstant leacherous applyed to byrdes Of the handes The hands short and very bigge to be rude and a dullarde The hands fatte with the fingers like to be a théefe The handes small to be vnconstant and wilye The paulmes of the handes vnto the wrestes broade and narrow vpwarde to be a ryotter in his first age Of the nayles of the fingers The nayles large smooth thinne white reddish● and cleare withall to be wittie and of a good capacitie The nayles narrow and long to be cruell and fierce The nayles rough and rounde to be prone vnto the veneriall act applyed to the propertie The nayles very short to be wicked applied to the property The nayles smal and crooked to be a gréedie catcher applyed to the hawke The nayles verye