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friend_n care_n kind_n martha_n 24 3 15.8418 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02480 A touchestone for this time present expresly declaring such ruines, enormities, and abuses as trouble the Churche of God and our Christian common wealth at this daye. VVherevnto is annexed a perfect rule to be obserued of all parents and scholemaisters, in the trayning vp of their schollers and children in learning. Newly set foorth by E.H. Hake, Edward, fl. 1560-1604.; Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. De pueris ad virtutem instituendis. 1574 (1574) STC 12609; ESTC S105953 36,378 106

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A Touchestone for this time present expresly declaring such ruines enormities and abuses as trouble the Churche of God and our Christian common wealth at this daye VVherevnto is annexed a perfect rule to be obserued of all Parents and Scholemaisters in the trayning vp of their Schollers and Children in learning ¶ Newly set foorth by E. H. ¶ Imprinted at London by Thomas Hacket and are to be solde at his Shop at the greene Dragon in the Royall Exchange 1574. ❧ To his knowne friende mayster Edward Godfrey Merchaunt IT VVERE TO BE vvished my deere friend that euen the vvhole course of this our frayle and mortall life vvere bestovved vpon the seruice and continual vvorship of God and that vve coulde commit our vvhole vvill and dealings vnto the vvill and pleasure of God both for that our ovvne thoughtes doe little preuayle about them also for that the general felicity of man doth depend only vpon the obedience vnto Gods vvill and prouidence It vvere also to be vvished that vve vvere not carefull for the chaunces to come but that vve could submitte our selues vvithout staye to Gods deuine vvill and ordinaunce But alas suche and so greeuous vvas the fall of our first father in Paradice that besides the fragilitie of our state and the vncertaintie of our life vvhich of all thinges is most vncertaine Nam homo quasi bulla there is also by the same his fall infused into oure fleshly hearts a friuolous care and as it vvere acurious meditation of temporal and corruptible thinges VVhich care as it is vnto the godly a very decrease of zeale and hinderance to perfection I meane to perfection vvrought by Gods spirite so vndoubtedly the same vnto the reprobate is an vtter extinguishment of pietie and vertue For no man of vvhat estate soeuer he be of himselfe hath anye habilitie at all eyther to contemplate the goodnesse of God or to stande in avve of the terrour of iustice No vve are not able I say to tast the benefyts of christ his death passion except vve haue by the instinct of grace mortifyed vvithin vs the corrupt motions and naturall cares of the flesh vvhich altogither vvitholde vs from the true contemplation of diuine and spirituall things according as it is vvritten Animalis homo non percipit ea quae sunt Dei The fleshlye manne hath no feeling of those things vvhich belong vnto God. And although there be a certaine care commended vnto vs in the holye Scripturs as the care vvhich Jzaacke had for the barrennesse of his vvife the care vvhich Jacob had for the losse of Ioseph his sonne the care vvhich the poore vviddovve of Sarepta hadde fyrst for hir ovvne pouertie and then for the death of hir onlye sonne the care also vvhich the Gospel declareth to be in Martha vnto vvhome our sauiour Christ sayde Martha Martha thou carest and art troubled about many things Although I say suche kinde of care is set foorth vnto vs in the booke of our saluation Yet deere friende vvee must not thinke but that there is another and that a principall kinde of care vvhich only and alone by the vvorde of God to all suche as are regenerate is commaunded and commended euen a zealous and a feruent care to the building of Gods house besides the vvhich care al other cares in vvhat respect so euer they be are but corrupt and vaine Yea they are nothing else but dregges of the fyrst fylth and corruption that fell vnto man by the sinne of Adam and of vvhich our sauiour Christ in the Gospell forbiddeth vs euen so many of vs as by him desire to be righteous saying Take no thought for your lyfe vvhat you shall eate neyther for your bodye vvhat you shall put on The lyfe is more than meate and the bodye is more than the rayment Consider that the Rauens neyther sovve nor reape And againe vvhich of you by taking thought can adde one cubit to his stature And againe in the same Chapter Therefore aske not what you shall eate nor vvhat you shall drinke neyther lette your mindes vvander about these speculations For after all such things the heathen people of the world seeke and your father knovveth that you haue neede of these thinges The Apostle also willeth vs to bee carefull for nothing but in all prayer and supplication to make our petitions manifest vnto God with giuing of thankes To conclude euen of this care our sauiour Christ in saint Iohns Gospel saith Are there not tvvelue houres in the day If a man walcke in the daye he stumbleth not but if hee vvalke in the night he stumbleth bicause there is no light in him Truelye this care I saye is nothing else but dregges of infydelitie and the verye frailtye of olde rebellious Adam vvhich except it be mortified vvithin vs vvill vndoubtedlye dryue vs from the true feele of saluation Contrarivvise of the true christian care which as it is sayd is the perfytte badge of regeneration the kinglye Prophet Dauid speaketh in the Psame vvhen he sayth The zeale of Gods house hath deuoured me and againe I had rather be a doore keper in the house of God This care vvas vvonderfully to be seene in Moyses the princelike Propht of Gods people vvhen he desired rather to be razed out of the booke of lyfe than that God should forsake his people the Israelites Yea this care doth Christ himselfe commende vnto his seruaunts in this maner Sell that you haue and giue almes and make you bags that vvaxe not olde and treasure that can neuer fayle and againe in the same chapter Let your loynes be gyrt about you and your lightes burning and againe Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousnesse for they shall be fylled To bee short euen this and none other is that same care of the vvhich the Lord sayde to Martha Thou carest for manye thinges but one thing is needefull VVherefore beloued in the Lorde seeing that this is the verye true care that vve ought to haue and contrarivvise the other care but a fleshly care a vaine care yea a care proceeding of infydelitie and altogither a lette and stop vnto such as desire truly to be illumined Alas vvhat and hovve muche haue vve to lament that in this our vvretched time so small remaine of that same christiā care so streightlye prescribed and left vnto vs in the sacred Scriptures appeareth amongst vs euen amongst vs that vsurpinglye take vpon vs the name of true christians that neyther care of Pastors tovvardes their flocke of maiestrates tovvardes the people nor of parents tovvards their childrē is almost any vvhere to be found And that contrarivvise all men are careful for themselues all thirsting after their ovvne priuate commodities and no man almost caring for gods glorie no man seeking after the righteousnesse thereof To conclude hovve much and hovv greatlie this christian care is at this day in all men generallie and in these three estates especially contemned hovv much it