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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25723 The history of Appian of Alexandria in two parts : the first consisting of the Punick, Syrian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanish, & Hannibalick wars, the second containing five books of the civil wars of Rome / made English by J.D.; Historia Romana. English Appianus, of Alexandria.; Davies, John, 1625-1693.; Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1679 (1679) Wing A3579; ESTC R13368 661,822 549

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in Spain and likewise in Italy for sixteen whole years together during which Hannibal had sackt four hundred Cities and destroyed in divers encounters three hundred thousand men and being several times come to the very Gates of their City had reduced them to the last extremities These things considered made them with difficulty believe what was tole of the victory and they often demanded of one another if it were certain that Carthage was destroyed Thus they past the night in recounting one to another how after having disarmed the Carthaginians they had presently made themselves new Arms beyond the judgment of all the World How having taken away their Ships they had built others of old stuff and how having stopt the entrance of their Port they had in a few days dug a new one on the other side They spoke likewise of the unmeasurable height of their Walls the vast stones they were built with the fire which they had several times put to the Engines In short they represented to the eyes of the Auditors the whole figure of this War insomuch that giving life to their discourse by their gesture they seemed to see Scipio on the Ladders on the Ships in the Gates and in the Streets running from one side to the other The people having thus spent the night on the morrow solemn sacrifices were made to the Gods and Publick Prayers wherein every Tribe assisted separately after which Plays and Spectacles were exhibited to publick view and then the Senate sent ten Commissioners of the Number of the Fathers to settle joyntly with Scipio such Orders as were most necessary for that Province and for the Romans best advantage As soon as they were arrived they Ordered Scipio to demolish what remained of Carthage henceforth forbidding any to inhabit there with horrible imprecations against those who in prejudice of this Interdict should attempt to Rebuild any thing especially the Fort called Byrsa and the place called Megara to the rest they defended no mans entrance They decreed likewise that all the Cities which in that War had held on the Enemies party should be razed and gave their Territories Conquered by the Roman Arms to the Roman Allies particularly gratifying those of Utica with all the Country extending from Carthage to Hippone they made all the rest of the Province Tributary from which neither Men nor Women were exempt resolving that every year there should a Praetor sent form the City and having given these Orders they returned to Rome Scipio having Executed them and beholding himself at the height of his wishes made sacrifices and set forth Plays in Honour of the Gods and after setling all things in a good condition returned to Rome whither he entred in Triumph Never was any thing beheld more glorious for there was nothing to be seen but Statues and Rarities and curious pieces of an inestimable price which the Carthaginians had for so long a time been bringing into Africa from all parts of the World where they had gained an infinite of Victories This hapned near the same time that Mummius Triumphed the third time over the Macedonians and the first time over the Greeks after having overcome Andriscus who gave himself out to be Philip about the hundred and sixteenth Olympiad Some time after there arising several seditions in the City because of the poverty of the people under the Tribuneship of Gracchus it was advised to send six thousand people to inhabit in Africa but when setting forth the foundations of this Colony in the place where formerly stood Carthage it was found the Wolves had removed the marks the Senate forbad their further proceeding Long time after when Caesar who was created Dictator after his Victory over Pompey pursued him into Egypt and from thence came into Africa to prosecute the War against the friends of his dead Enemy 't is said that he saw in a dream a great Army which shedding of tears called to him and that moved with this dream he set down in his Table Book the design he had to Rebuild Carthage and Corinth but being soon after kill'd by his Enemies in the Senate Caesar Augustus his Son finding by chance that Memorial caused Carthage to be Rebuilt which we may now behold near the place where the Ancient Carthage stood for he took care not to fall under the Execrations fulminated when it was demolished I find it on Record that they sent near three thousand inhabitants from Rome and that the neighboring Cities compleated the peopling of it Thus was Africa reduced into the form of a Province and Carthage ruined by the Romans was Rebuilt by themselves and Repeopled one hundred and one years after it was demolished The End of the Roman Wars in Lybia APPIAN OF ALEXANDRIA HIS HISTORY OF THE Roman Wars IN SYRIA Book II. The Argument of this Book I. ANtiochus undertakes to make War against the Romans without any just cause II. His preparations Hannibal comes to him adviseth him to carry the War into Italy and sends Ariston the Tyrian to Carthage to stir up the people III. A Conference between Scipio the African and Hannibal IV. Antiochus on the promises of the Etolians begins the War V. Hannibal's Speech to divert the King from prosecuting the War till his Forces were come out of Asia VI. The Romans prepare for War mean while Antiochus besieges Larissa but raises his Siege and goes to winter at Chalcedon where he Marries though above fifty years old VII Manius General of the Romans pursues Antiochus who stays for him at the straits of Thermopylae where they engage and Antiochus is defeated VIII Publick Prayers for Manius Victory which is followed by the surrendry of many places Antiochus causes his Forces to come from Asia IX L. Scipio Consul prepares to come and command the Army after Manius mean while Livius Admiral of the Romans and Polexenidas Commander of Antiochus's Fleet engage where Livius gets the better X. L. Scipio and his Brother the African pass into Etolia and thence into Thrace whilst Livius Successor of Attilius takes many Towns and Polexenidas deceives Pausimachus General of the Rhodian Fleet. XI Seleucus the Son of Antiochus invades Eumenes his Kingdom and besieges Pergamus whence he raises his Siege mean while the Roman Fleet defeats that of Antiochus XII He quits all he held in Europe which the Scipio's possess themselves of then follow that King and overtake him at Sardis where conditions of Peace are proposed which he will not accept XIII He is forced to come to a Battel wherein he is utterly defeated XIV The Scipio's grant him Peace on conditions which the Senate confirm for which the African is accused of corruption and defends himself in an extraordinary manner XV. Manius Successor of Scipio gives Order to the rest of the Affairs of Asia and brings back the Army into Italy where he dismisses them and the Senate rewards the Rhodians and Eumenes XVI An account of the Successors of Antiochus their actions
after the Parthian Army marched into Mesopotamia whither their Captains sent for Labienus and chose him General resolved under his conduct to invade Syria and carry their Arms as far as Alexandria He accepted the Dignity and at the head of that Army had already pillaged and spoiled all that part of Asia lying between Euphrates and the Ionian Sea when complaints thereof came to Anthony who thereupon took a resolution to make War upon the Parthians But being recalled by the prayers and tears of his Fulvia he returned into Italy where having made an Alliance with Caesar and Pompey who was in Sicily he sent Ventidius before into Asia to oppose the Parthians and hinder their further Progress and having for himself by the favor of his Friends obtained the Dignity of high Priest which was held by the defunct Caesar he stayed sometime in Rome managing in fellowship with them the Publick affairs with great Concord There was at this this time in Anthony's train an Egyptian Astrologer who whether it were to gratifie Cleopatra or that it were so indeed took the boldness to tell him that his fortune was indeed very great and splendid but that it was obscured by Caesars counselling him to keep as far off that young Man as he could for said he to him your Genius is over awed by his This discourse displeased Anthony however he followed the Egyptians Counsel and having recommended his affairs to Caesar came into Greece and stayd that Winter at Athens where having advice of the first success of Ventidius Arms that not only Labienus but Phraates the greatest of Orodes Captains were slain he made a Solemn Feast for the Greeks and gave them the Divertisement of Plays and Exercises And afterward being ready to set forward to the War he took a Crown of Sacred Olive and to satisfie a certain Oracle carried along with him a Jar full of the Water of the Fountain Clepsydra Mean while Pacorus the Kings Son being newly entred Syria with a powerful Army Ventidius defeated him at Cyrista The slaughter here was very great and Pacorus himself was slain fighting in the head of his Army so that this great Victory revenged the loss the Romans had suffered under Crassus and the Parthians after having been thrice more beaten were forced to keep within the bounds of Media and Mesopotamia Ventidius would not pursue them farther lest he should contract Anthony's envy yet whilst he expected him he reduced to obedience those Cities had revolted and held Antiochus Commagenes besieged in Samosata so closely that he offered a thousand Talents and to refer himself to Anthony's discretion He was not now far off wherefore Ventidius thought it best that he should send Deputies to him that he himself might conclude the peace being well content that Anthony should have the preheminence in this affair lest he should think Ventidius assumed to himself all the Authority but the Siege having lasted long and the besieged out of despair resuming Courage Anthony was satisfied to take up with three hundred Talents and granted peace to Antiochus Afterward having taken some order in the Syrian affairs he returned to Athens giving Ventidius all those testimonies of his Esteem his Services had merited and sent him to Rome to receive the Honor of Triumph and he is the only Roman who till these our times ever Triumphed over the Parthians He was but of mean Birth and mounted not to that high degree of Glory but by the Friendship of Anthony which he made such good use of that he confirmed the opinion that Anthony and Caesar succeeded more happily by their Lieutenants then by themselves for Sosius one of Anthony's Captains had done Worthy Actions in Syria so had likewise Canidius in his Station on the Confines of Armenia having overcome the Kings of Armenia Iberia Albania made his way as far as Caucasus and gained to the name of Anthony Fame and Honor among the Barbarians Phraates having possessed himself of the Estates of his Father Crodes by the Parricide before spoken of many Parthians left the Kingdom one of which called Moneses a Man of Esteem and Power addressed himself to Anthony who comparing the Fortune of this Fugitive with that of Themistocles and equalling himself to the Persian Kings both for Riches and Largness of Mind gave him three Cities Larissa Arethusa and Hierapolis formerly called Bambice Afterwards the King having recalled and given him security for his return Anthony freely dismissed him that he might flatter Phraates with hopes of peace whilst himself out of a passionate desire he had to recover the Ensigns Crassus had lost and the Captives that were yet living sends back Cleopatra into Egypt and by the way of Arabia sets forward towards Armenia where he had appointed the Rendevouz of his Forces and those the Kings were to bring him for there were many Friends and Allies of the Romans of whom Artabasus King of Armenia the most considerable furnished him with sixteen thousand Horse and seven thousand Foot so that at the Muster taken when his Army was drawn together the Roman and Italian Foot amounted to sixty thousand Men the Spanish and Gaul Horse to ten thousand and the Auxiliary Forces to thirty thousand accounting the Light-armed Horse and Foot 'T is said that all this great preparation and all these Forces which struck terror into the Bactrians and farthest distant Indians proved invalid by the means of Cleopatra only That Anthony that he might the sooner see her began the War without staying for a season proper for the Execution of his designs that having as it were his understanding infatuated he did all things inconsiderately and was so deeply in love with this Woman that he thought not so much of overcoming as of returning speedily to her For whereas he ought to have let his Army Winter in Armenia the better to refresh it tyred as it was with a march of eight thousand furlongs and in the Spring have fallen into Media before the Parthians were in the Field he could not brook this delay but setting forward with his Troops and leaving Armenia on the left hand and entring into Atropacena spoiled that whole Country besides having in his Train three hundred Waggons laden with Engines for Sieges among which there was one Ram of seventy Foot long which could by no means be repaired if once it were broken because in those Countries no Materials were to be found there neither growing any trees long enough nor Wood hard enough to the end he might march the swifter he left behind all these carriages under the Guard of one Officer with some Forces After which besieging a great City called Phraates in which was the Wife of the King of the Medes with his Children he was soon sensible what a fault he had committed in leaving behind those Engines yet he attempted to take the City by raising Tarasses against the Wall but this was a work of labor and advanced but slowly Mean while Phraates
Tigranes because he seemed grieved for his fathers fall he gave him the Crown yet he soon after raised War against Tigranes but being defeated in a Battel escaped to Phraates King of the Parthians who had newly succeeded in that Kingdom to his Father Syntricus Upon Pompey's approach the Fugitive Armenian by the Advice of his Host who for his own particular sought the favor of the General came and submitted himself to the Romans in the posture of a Suppliant though he were Grandchild to Mithridates being the Son of his Daughter but the reputation of the Justice and uprightness of Pompey was so great among the Barbarians that Tigranes himself relying upon it without so much as sending a Herauld before came to meet him to put his cause into his hands and to complain of his Son as to a Judge Pompey having sent some Officers before to receive the King in Honor of him those who accompanied him not thinking themselves in security because he had not sent a Herauld before turned tail but Tigranes continued on his way and being come near unto Pompey paid him his respects as to his Superior after the manner of the Barbarians Yet there are some say the Lictors brought him to Pompey by his Command However it were he came gave an account of his Actions made a present to Pompey of six thousand Talents fifty drams to every Soldier a thousand to every Centurion and ten thousand to every Tribune Pompey pardoned what was past reconciled the Son with the Father ordained that the Son should enjoy as King the Province of Sophena and Gordiana which are at this day comprised under the name of Armenia the less and adjudged to the Father the rest of Armenia on condition that he left it by succession to his Son and that he quitted to the Romans the Provinces he had conquered and indeed he quitted all Syria from the Euphrates to the Sea with part of Cilicia which he had possessed himself of after having driven out Antiochus the Pious The two Kings were not yet parted from the Roman Camp when the Son by perswasion of those Armenians who for fear had abandoned his Father when he came to meet Pompey designed an attempt on his life but he was discovered and Arrested and being afterwards Convicted that though Prisoner as he was he had solicited the Parthians to make War upon the Romans he was led in Triumph and afterwards put to death in Prison Pompey believing the War was ended built a City in Armenia the less in the same place where he had overcome Mithridates which because of his Victory he called Nicopolis He gave likewise the Kingdom of Cappadocia to Ariobarzanes and joyned to it Sophena and Gordiana which he had before given to the young Tigranes and which at present belong to the Province of Cappadocia He gave him likewise Cabala a City of Cilicia and some others so that Ariobarzanes left to a Son that succeded him all that Kingdom subject to many changes till the time of Augustus Caesar under whose Empire it was with many others reduced into the form of a Province Pompey after this passed Mount Taurus and went to make War upon Antiochus Commagenes to whom he afterwards granted Peace with the Title of Friend to the People of Rome he defeated likewise the Mede Darius because he had assisted Antiochus or possibly Tigranes before him Afterwards he led his Army against Areta King of the Arabian Nabathaean and at length against the Iews who were revolted against their King Aristobulus from whom he took by force their holy City Ierusalem besides all this he reduced under the Roman obedience without fighting and as it were only in passing by the remainder of Cilicia which yet acknowledged not the Roman Empire together with all the habitable Syria on this side Euphrates Coelosyria Phoenicia Palestine Idumea Ituria and all the other members of Syria Not that the Romans had any cause of complaint against Antiochus the Pious who was present at all this endeavoring to obtain the Kingdom of his Fathers by force of Prayers but the Roman General believed that having driven Tigranes out of these Provinces which he had conquered they by right of War belonged to the People of Rome As he was setling necessary Orders in his Conquests there came to him Ambassadors on the behalf of Phraates and Tigranes who began to make War on each other The Armenian demanded his assistance as his friend and the Parthians desired to be received into the friendship of the People of Rome and he unwilling to enter upon a War with the Parthians without a particular Order of the Senate sent Commissioners who made Peace between the two Kings Whilst he was employed in all these affairs Mithridates had taken the whole compass of the Euxine Sea and having siesed upon Panticapea a Merchant City situate in Europe on the mouth of Pontus very near the Strait he slew his Son Xiphares for a fault committed by his Mother in this manner Mithridates had great quantity of Vessels of Brass bound about with Iron and filled with Silver hid under ground in a certain Castle the Guard of which he had entrusted to stratonice one of his Concubines or of his Wives She only knew of it and yet whilst the King was making the Circuit of Pontus she delivered to Pompey the Castle and all the Treasures only on this condition that if her Son Xiphares fell into his power he should save his life in favor of his Mother he took the Mony promised to preserve her Son and permitted him to retire whither he pleased with his Equipage The King coming to know this slew Xiphares on the Sea-side in the sight of his Mother who stood on the other side the Strait and threw the body into the water not permitting it burial so small account he made of paternal piety that he might revenge himself of the Mother who had committed the fault After this he sent Ambassadors to Pompey who was in Syria and knew not that he was yet living offering to pay Tribute to the Romans if he would leave him the Kingdom of his Fathers to which Pompey sending him word that he should come and meet him as Tigranes had done he answered that he could not do it for that it would be unbecoming the Person of Mithridates yet offering to send his Sons and some of his Friends Upon this answer he began to make new Leavies of all Men of all sorts and conditions indifferently to cause to be made great quantity of Arms Bows and Engins without sparing any thing whatsoever the very Oxen used to Labour being killed only for their Nerves he imposed likewise new Tributes from which the very poorest were not exempt whilst those who had the charge of Collecting them committed a thousand Extortions unknown to Mithridates For he had got an Ulcer in his face which so disfigured him that he let no person see him but three Eunuchs that dressed
and Cassius Tribunes go to Caesar who receives them as Friends X. Caesar passing the Rubicon strikes a general terrour into Rome XI Pompey leaves Rome goes to Capua the Consuls and most of the Senate follow him He carries over his Forces to Dyrrhachium which he makes his Seat of War XII Caesar comes to Rome thence goes to Spain to make War with Petreius and Afranius XIII Curio goes to Africa is defeated and slain XIV Caesar appeases a Mutiny of his Army at Placen●ia and prepares to pass into Epire. XV. Pompey having made his Preparations makes a Speech to his Army and sends Garrisons into Thessaly XVI Caesar after encouraging those Forces he finds at Brundusium goes over Sea in Winter and takes some places XVII Caesar endeavouring to seize Dyrrhachium is prevented by Pompey XVIII Caesar endeavouring to come over Sea himself to fetch the Remainder of his Forces out of Italy being driven ●ack by Storm sends Posthumus in his stead XIX Anthony being landed with the rest of Caesar's Forces in Dalmatia some light Skirmishes happen XX. Pompey gains a great Victory over Caesar. XXI Caesar retreats with his Army into Thessaly and encamps about Pharsalia XXII Pompey hopes to overcome him by Famine without fighting XXIII At length he yields to give him Battel XXIV Number of the Forces on both sides XXV Pompey and Caesar encourage their Armies XXVI They draw into Battel and give Orders XXVII The Battel of Pharsalia XXVIII Pompey escapes into Egypt where he is murdered XXIX Caesar follows revenges his death and thence goes against Pharnaces in Asia XXX He returns to the City where after appeasing his mutinous Soldiers he resolves on his Expedition into Africa XXXI He defeats Scipio and the rest of Pompey's Party XXXII The death of Cato at Utica and the end of the African War XXXIII Caesar returns to the City triumphs and rewards his Soldiers XXXIV He goes into Spain and puts an end to the whole War XXXV He returns to the City where he takes on him the Sovereign Authority XXXVI Lays a Design of War against the Parthians and is thereupon slain in the Senate XXXVII Brutus and Cassius retire to the Capitol XXXVIII They treat an Accommodation with Lepidus and Anthony XXXIX Question put in the Senate if they ought to be justified which Anthony with much Artifice opposes XL. He comes to the place of Orations where the People applaud him he speaks against Brutus and Cassius in open Senate XLI Piso about to produce Caesar's Will Brutus and Cassius endeavour to justifie their Action XLII They descend from the Capitol but are forced to leave the City Caesar's Funeral Honours celebrated XLIII His Elegy and Comparison between him and Alexander THe Dominion of Sylla and all those things which passed afterwards in Spain under the Conduct of Sertorius and Perpenna were followed by divers Commotions till the Civil War of Caesar and Pompey which ended by the death of Pompey after which Caesar himself was slain in the Senate as may be seen in this Second Book of the Civil Wars Now when Pompey had cleared all the Seas of Pyrates than whom a greater Number was never seen in the Memory of Man brought to his end Mithridates King of Pontus and reduced his Kingdom and those other Countries he had conquered into what Form he pleased Caeser was yet but a very young Man he was Eloquent Capable of great things Hardy Presumptuous Ambitious beyond his Power and being yet but Aedile and Praetor was run prodigiously in debt to gain the favour of the People which is usually given to the most prodigal Catiline now likewise appeared at Rome being of one of the best Families of the City but of no sound Wisdom and besides of an ill Reputation being suspected to have committed a Parricide on his own Son that he might espouse Aurelia Oristilla whom he was in Love with and who would not contract Marriage with him as long as he had Children He was with all this a great Friend of Sylla's and very affectionate to his Party Being fallen into Poverty by his ambitious Profuseness and yet considerable among many powerful Persons as well Men as Women he set himself to demand the Consulate as a Step to raise him to the Tyranny But he fell from his hopes most Men having conceived an ill Opinion of him because they perceived him affect an Authority not fit to be suffered in a Free City Being then refused the Consulate which was given to Cicero a Man well spoken of and very eloquent he began to mock at the Suffrages of the People who had chosen this Consul whom out of Raillery he called New Man for they had got a custom to give that name to those who rendred themselves Illustrious not by the Glory of their Ancestors but their own proper Vertue and because that he was not born in the City they said that he was an Inmate like those that lie in hired Lodgings After that time he medled no more with the Government of the Commonwealth judging that it exposes Men to Trouble and Envy and sets them not a Round higher towards mounting to the Tyranny Notwithstanding he drew great Summs of Money from many of those Women who weary of their Husbands hoped to get rid of them if any Change happened in the State and with some Senators a quantity of Roman Knights Plebeians Slaves nay very Strangers formed a Conspiracy to seize on the Commonwealth But his greatest Confidents in this Affair were Cornelius Lentulus and Cethegus at that present Proetors of the City He sent likewise throughout all Italy people to solicite those who being enriched in Sylla's time had ill spent what they had ill got and would be very well content to reach at such another Fortune He sent C. Manlius to Fesulae and others to the Marches of Ancona and into Pouilla secretly to levy Soldiers The first advice of all these secret Preparations was given to Cicero by Fulvia a Woman of Quality with whom Q. Curius one of the Conspirators expelled the Senate for his scandalous life was deeply in Love He boasted to his Mistress that in a short time she should see him a great Lord. Already the noise of the Attempts of those who had been sent throughout all Italy increased when the Consul set Guards in the City and sent certain Persons of Quality to the suspected Places But Catiline though no one durst yet arrest him because the business was not absolutely discovered was fearful lest Delay should increase the Suspition and hoping that the greatest diligence would be most advantageous to him sent Money before to Fesulae gave Order to the Conspirators to kill Cicero and be night to set fire on divers Quarters of the City and he causing Rods and Axes to be bore before him as a Pro-Consul and raising Soldiers all the way he passed goes to find out Caius Manlius with design to fall upon the City as soon as it should be set on fire
much the more the good Grace of the Citizens he gave them often the Divertisements of Shows and Chases by which he ran in debt every where much beyond what he was worth every day surpassing himself in the Magnificence of his Gifts and the Profuseness of his Largesses At last he brought Matters so about that they gave him the Government of the Gauls as well on this side as beyond the Mountains for five Years with fonr Legions After having obtained it knowing that he must be a long time absent from the City and that Envy has more power than Favour he gave his Daughter in Marriage to Pompey not but that they were already very good Friends but he was fearful left the too great Success of his Arms might stir up Envy even in a Friend Moreover he designed for Consuls the Year following the stoutest of his Faction A. Gabinius one of his greatest Confidents and L. Piso his Father in Law with whom he had lately Allyed himself Cato perpetually crying out that these Marriages tended to a Tyranny and for Tribunes of the People he nominated Vatinius and Clodius Pulcher. This Clodius was infamous for having slipped into the Sacrifices of the good Goddess where none but Women ought to enter in which place he had layed a Blemish upon the Chastity of Caesar's own Wife who yet never expressed any Resentment because this Man was beloved by the People but however he repudiated his Wife there were some who afterwards made him come to a Tryal as a Prophaner of Sacred Things Cicero pleaded his Accusation and Caesar himself was called in as a Witness but he deposed nothing against him On the contrary he advanced him to this Office of Tribune in hate to Cicero who frequently used to blame the Union of these three Men as tending to the Ruin of the Publick Liberty Nor thought he much to pardon one of his Enemies the Affront he had received so he might be revenged of another who had only offended him in suspecting he had an ill Design so much was his Ambition more violent than his Love And yet there is some appearance that Caesar received the first Obligation from Clodius who served him with all his Credit and Interest when he demanded the Government of the Gauls However it were this is what passed in Caesar's Consulate which being expired he went into the Province in Quality of Pro-Consul After his departure from the City Clodius caused Cicero to be called to Judgment for having contrary to Law put to death Cethegus and Lentulus before they were condemned But he bore this Accusation with as much Cowardice as he had shewed Courage in the Noble Action he did for he went through the Streets with his Beard grown his Hair unkembed clad in a sad Colour and begging of every one he met to assist him he was not ashamed to be importunate with People that were utterly unknown to him in so much that having no regard to Decency whilst he would have moved Compassion he made himself ridiculous and that Man who all his life had managed others Affairs with so much Courage suffered himself to fall into the Excess of Fear in his own Cause It is reported the like happened to Demosthenes in Athens and that Orator who had so bravely defended so many accused being accused himself chose rather to fly than to defend himself before the Judges In like manner Cicero seeing that Clodius whom he followed through the Streets in the posture of a Suppliant derided his Prayers and Submissions and reviled him with words lost all hope and resolved to go into a Voluntary Exile whither many of his Friends followed him the Senate having given him Letters of Recommendation to all Kings and Sovereigns where he designed to make his Retreat Whereupon Clodius demolished his Houses as well in the City as the Country and became so fierce and arrogant that he esteemed himself equal to Pompey the most powerful Man of that time in the City Wherefore Pompey made an Agreement with Milo his Colleague a Man of Enterprize to whom he promised the Consulate to serve him against Clodius and obliged him to propose to the People the Return of Cicero believing that being returned he could talk no more of the present Estate of the Commonwealth that he would have in mind the benefit newly received and be always ready to oppose the designs of Clodius Thus Cicero banished by Pompey's means was by the favour of the same Pompey again recalled to his Country about sixteen Months after his departure and his Houses both in City and Country were rebuilt at the Publick Charge When he returned there went such a Concourse to meet him at the Gates that the whole Day was scarce enough for their Complements which happened also to Demosthenes when after his Exile he was received into Athens Mean while Caesar glorious for the great things he had done in Gaul and Brittany as we have said speaking of the Affairs of Gaul and loaden with vast Riches repassed into Cisalpine Gaul that he might a little refresh his Army wearied with continual War As soon as he was arrived there and that he had sent store of Silver to a great many Persons in the City the Officers of the Common-wealth for that Year together with all the other Governors of Provinces and Generals of other Armies came to salute him so that there was sometimes sixscore Rods about his Person There came likewise more than two hundred Senators some to thank him for Favours received some to get Money of him or something else of that kind For now he alone could do all things having so many Forces at his Service and so much Money in his Coffers and besides he was always ready to oblige all the World Pompey and Crassus the Companions of his Power being come as well as others to see him they consulted together about their Affairs and agreed that Pompey and Crassus should take the Consulate and should prolong to Caesar the Government of Gaul for other five Years after which they parted At the time for Election of Consuls Domitius Aenobarbus standing up Competitor with Pompey and the day of Nomination being come they came both before Day to the place where the Assembly is held and after some sharp words fell to blows In the Tumult he that carried the Light before Domitius received a Wound with a Sword upon which all his People fled and he with much hazard escaped to his House Pompey's Robe was also brought home bloody so much danger did they both run in this sudden Broil Crassus and Pompey having obtained the Consulate gave Caesar according to their promise the Government of Gaul for five Years longer and between themselves they divided the Provinces and the Armies Pompey had the Governments of Spain and Africa whither he sent Friends to command in his place and he stayed in the City And Syria with all the Neighbouring Countries remained to Crassus for his
to seek for Milo's Friends Thus some Days passed in these Disorders wherein Fire and Stones and all other Instruments of Fury and Rage were made use of Mean while the Senate affrighted assembled in the Palace and cast their eyes on Pompey as if they designed him presently Dictator and indeed there appeared no other Remedy for the Miseries wherewith the Commonwealth was oppressed But Cato disswaded the Fathers and brought them to his Opinion to make him Consul without a Colleague so that he might have the Power of a Dictator disposing all things alone but was subject to be called to an Account of his Administration according to ancient Custom Being then the first that ever was created Consul alone Governor of two great Provinces General of an Army and powerful in Treasure he obtained the Sovereign Authority in the Commonwealth by the Advice of Cato himself who gave him his Vote for fear he should hinder his Voyage to Cyprus whither he was to go to reduce that Kingdom into the Form of a Province Clodius had got it so decreed to revenge himself of Ptolemy King of that Island who out of Covetousness had contributed but two Talents to redeem him from Pyrates when he was formerly taken And Cato when he went had not much trouble to settle the Affairs of Cyprus for as soon as the King had advice of the Decree of the Senate and People of Rome he threw all his Treasure into the Sea and killed himself At first Entrance into his Charge Pompey brought to a Tryal all those who stood accused of any Crime particularly of Corruption or Ill Administration in their Offices for this he thought the Original of all Publick Miseries and that having purged that Humour the Commonwealth would soon recover its former Vigour He therefore made a Law by which leave was given to demand an Account of all those who had exercised any Office from the time that he was first made Consul to his present Consulate Now this space of time being almost twenty years comprised likewise the Consulate of Caesar and those of his Party had some suspicion that it was done to affront him for why run so far back they remonstrated therefore to Pompey that it was more convenient to provide against present Evils than to go to rip up old fores and put to pain so many considerable persons among whom they named Caesar himself He seemed to take it amiss they had alledged Caesar as not being suspected with any of those crimes notwithstanding he reduced the time to begin from his second Consulate but he would not utterly suppress the Law saying that the punishment of these crimes was of great importance towards the re-establishment of a perfect good order in the Common-wealth After this Law was ratified great number of Processes were formed and that the Judges might be free from all fear himself sate President attended by a strong Guard of Soldiers The first condemned in their absence were Milo for the death of Clodius Gabinius convicted to have violated Humane and Divine Right by entring armed into Egypt without the order of the Senate and against the prohibition of the Sibyls with Hypsaeus Memmius Sextus and many others for having bought their Offices As for Scaurus when many people tumultuously entreated for him Pompey caused the Usher with a loud voice to tell them they should expect the sentence of the Judges and because notwithstanding they continued to make a great broil with the Accusers Pompey's Soldiers fell upon and killed some of them so after silence made Scaurus was condemned to Banishment and for Gabinius besides Banishment his Goods were confiscate The Senate after having given praises to Pompey augmented his Forces with two Legions and extended his authority over all the Provinces of the Empire Some days after the Law of Pompey promising impunity to whoever would accuse another Memmius one of the condemned summoned to Judgment L. Scipio Father-in-law to Pompey and guilty of the same crime upon which Pompey having changed habit imitated him and Memmius after having complained of the ill orders in the Common-wealth let fall his suit And now as if the time of his Dictatorship were expired Pompey made Scipio his Colleague for the rest of his Consulate Notwithstanding he laboured hard for those were to succeed him in that Dignity keeping the same power he had before and disposing alone of all things in the City for the Senate had so great an affection for him that Caesar grew jealous And indeed in his Consulate he had not at all considered that supreme Order whereas Pompey in a little time had restored the languishing Common-wealth without disobliging any of the Senators unless where his Office forced him to it but though the banished men from all parts gathered themselves about Caesar giving him counsel to have a care of Pompey's Law of which he was the principal object he seemed not to believe any thing of it and comforting them in their misfortunes still spoke of Pompey with applause However he obliged the Tribunes to pass an Ordinance by which he had leave to make a demand of the Consulate the second time though absent the which was granted him by the consent of Pompey himself yet Consul But doubting the Senate owed him no good will and fearing if he descended to the condition of a private man his Enemies would treat him but ill he contrived all ways possible that he might not quit his Army till he was designed Consul wherefore he demanded of the Senate the continuation of his Commission for some time at least in the hither Gaul if he could not obtain it in both Marcellus who succeeded Pompey opposed it whereupon Caesar told him that brought him the news This here shall gain it clapping his hand on the Hilt of his Sword He had formerly founded the new Coma under the Alpes and given to the City the Privileges of the Latine Cities that is to say whoever had been Magistrate a whole year together was by right a Freeman of Rome which gave another occasion to Marcellus to shew his spite for finding at Rome an Inhabitant of Coma who the year before had exercised the Magistracy and was therefore reputed a Citizen of Rome to affront Caesar he caused him to be beaten with Rods a punishment they never make a Roman Citizen suffer what ever his crime be and treating him as a Stranger bid him go find out Caesar and shew him the print of his stripes So arrogant was this man nay so far did malice transport him that he would have sent Successors to Caesar before the time of his Commission was expired but Pompey whether he thought it dishonourable for him to suffer it or that he seemed to be Caesar's Friend would not let that brave man who had so well served his Country receive an affront for so short a time Besides none doubted but at the time limited he must return to the condition of private persons wherefore
they designed Consuls for the approaching year Emilius Paulus and Clodius Marcellus Nephew to that Marcellus we were speaking of And the Dignity of the Tribune of the People was given to Curio a man in favour with the multitude and withal very eloquent These were three declared Enemies to Caesar of whom Clodius would never be drawn to his Party what ever money he offered him Paulus by means of fifteen hundred Talents was wrought upon so as not to be against him and Curio who was almost ruined with his debts gave himself wholly up to him for somewhat a greater sum Paulus with his money built a most magnificent Palace which is still to be seen called by his own name and is one of the most beautiful Works of the City Curio that he might not appear to pass all of a sudden to the contrary Party proposed a Law for the reparation of the High-ways of which he demanded a Commission for five years he had no thoughts of gaining it but only sought an occasion of Rupture with those of Pompey's Party who he knew would not fail to oppose it in which he was not deceived Clodius then spoke of sending Successors to Caesar because the time of his Commission was past whereupon Paulus kept silence Curio who seemed concerned for neither Party applauded Cladius's motions but he added that Pompey ought likewise to quit his Provinces and dismiss his Armies and thus the Common-wealth delivered from all fear would be in perfect liberty And when several alledged that not to be just Pompey's time not being expired Curio began to cry out aloud and proclaim to all that they ought not to send Successors to Caesar if Pompey did not likewise quit his Governments and that they being one jealous of another the City would never be in peace but by taking the command from both He said all these things because he knew Pompey would keep his Provinces and his Armies and perceived well that the people had an aversion for him because of the Law he had made against Largesses and Bribes wherefore the people who thought this opinion generous highly praised Curio who only for the defence of the publick liberty did not stick to oppose himself to the hatred of both of them so that sometimes they brought him to his House with universal applauses strewing Flowers in his way as he passed who like a couragious Wrestler durst engage in a Combat so hard and adventurous for nothing was accounted more daring than to oppose Pompey yet at this time he was not in the City being sick and gone to take the Country Air from whence he wrote to the Senate his Letter began with praising Caesar for his noble Actions then he proceeded to amplifie what he had done himself and that the third Consulate being offered him together with the Provinces and Armies he had not accepted of all these things only to settle a better order in the Common-wealth But said he what I have accepted almost against my will I will willingly resign to those that would resume them without expecting till the time limited by the Command be past This Letter was writ with much artifice to perswade all the world of Pompey's integrity and make Caesar at the same time odious who even after the time of his power expired would not lay down Arms. Being returned to the City he talked after the same manner nay promising at present to depose himself and saying that Caesar his Friend and Ally would not think it hard to do the like and that it was easie to believe that after long and laborious Wars against the most warlike people of the world and having so far extended the Dominion of his Country he would be content to pass the rest of his life in Honours in Sacrifices and in Repose of which he stood in need He said not all this but with design to hasten the sending Successors to Caesar whilst he contented himself to promise But Curio discovering his cunning told him it was not enough to make promises if they were not presently executed that Caesar ought not to disarm unless he disarmed also and that it was neither advantageous for him to foment private enmities By this authority nor for the Common-wealth that so great power should be in one man's hands whereas being divided between two one would curb the pride of the other if he attempted any thing against the Senate and People of Rome He pursued his Discourse declaming against Pompey saying that he aimed at Sowereign Power and if the fear of Caesar could not keep him within bounds of Duty he would never be kept in and therefore it was his advice that if they would not obey the authority of the Senate they should declare them both Enemies and raise Forces to make War upon them Curio deceived all the world by uttering this his judgment and quite cancelled the opinion that ever he had been corrupted by Caesar's Gift but Pompey grew angry and after having severely threatened him retired in discontent to a House he had in the Suburbs that the Senate began to enter into distrust both of the one and the other However they esteemed Pompey more affectionate to the publick good for they had not yet forgot the odious Consulate of Caesar. There were likewise some who seriously believed that the City could not be secure if Pompey first dismissed his Forces because his Rival puffed up with the success of his Arms was abroad extremely powerful Curia thwarted that opinion by saying that on the contrary they had need of Caesar to reduce the other But seeing they could not follow his advice he dismissed the Senate without any thing resolved on for the Tribunes of the People have power to do it which gave cause to Pompey to repent his having re-established the authority of the Tribunes which Sylla had almost utterly qualified Yet it was agreed in the Senate befor they parted that Pompey and Caesar should each send a Legin into Syria to defend that Province which might be invaded after the loss sustained in Parthia That being resolved on Pompey pursuing his old cunning sent to redemand of Caesar a Legion he had lent him when Triturins and Cotta his Lieutenants were defeated whereupon Caesar gave every Soldier two hundred and fifty Drachms and sent them to the City with another of his own but because danger appeared towards Syria they passed their Winter Quarters at Capua Those that led them sowed a great many ill reports of Caesar and assured Pompey that Caesar's Army tired with long labour and willing to see their Country would without any difficulty submit themselves to him so soon as he should pass the Alpes which they either said to deceive Pompey or out of ignorance for Caesar had none but good and faithful Soldiers whether it were that being accustomed to War they loved it or that led by interest they were fixed to him by those profits which ordinarily attend Victories together
deal with Caesar now pinched with necessity drew together his Forces resolving to engage Pompey whether he would or no but Pompey being now possessed of several good Forts kept close in his Trenches which so much troubled Caesar that he undertook a work almost impossible and scarcely credible which was to inclose all the Forts Pompey had with a Trench drawn from the Sea judging that though his design took not effect he should gain the reputation of a man capable of great things for this Trench must have been twelve hundred Furlongs in length Pompey on his part drew Lines and Trenches directly opposite to Caesar's Works thus one eluded the Enterprises of the other At length there happened a great Fight between them wherein Pompey bravely repulsing Caesar's Men and having put them to flight pursued them to their very Camp Many Colours they took and had taken the Eagle of a Legion if the Standard-bearer who carried it had not thrown it with all his force into the Trenches that he might preserve it for Caesar for the Roman Soldiery have a great respect for their Standards Caesar with other Companies came to the relief of those that fled but so terrified were these too that as soon as they beheld Pompey at a distance though they were near the Camp it was not possible for Caesar to stop them nor to make them go in again nor so much as to hearken to him the Soldiers fled away in disorder without shame without reason or without any thing to oblige them to it Caesar might well run up and down and with reproaches shew them that Pompey was yet a great way off This hindred them not from throwing down their Arms and flying or else standing still silent and immoveable fixing their eyes upon the ground with shame and confusion so great was that panick fear had possesed them There was an Ensign who as his General would have stopped him presented him the point of his Javelin but he was upon the spot punished by the Guards as he deserved Those who escaped into the Camp were so cast down that they kept no Guard at the Gates nor lined the Rampire but the Trenches were left without any to defend them All men believed that Pompey might have thrown himself into the Camp with the Flyers and so have made an end of the War if Labienus for God would have it so had not perswaded him rather to pursue those he had routed then march up to the Trenches him therefore he believed whether it were that he was not in such haste as to make an end of all at once or that seeing the Camp defenceless he feared some Ambuscade or else being victorious scorn'd that little advantage Going therefore to charge those were still abroad he made yet a great Slaughter so that in two Engagements in one day he gained twenty eight Colours and twice lost the opportunity of ruining his Enemy beyond redress And Caesar himself stuck not to say that that day the War had been ended had his Enemy known how to make use of his Victory Pompey after this glorious Success wrote largely of it to the Kings and Commonalties and conceived hopes that in a short time Caesar's Army either oppressed by Famine or terrified with this Disgrace would yield themselves to him especially the Tribunes fearful of being punished for a fault they knew themselves guilty of But they and all the Soldiers touched with Repentance as by Divine Inspiration confessed themselves Criminals and afflicted themselves the more that their General spoke kindly to them and granted them Pardon before they asked it They would not forgive themselves but with a wonderful Change desired as a Punishment of their Fault they might be decimated according to the custom of their Ancestors but he would by no means admit it which encreased their shame the more that they should be guilty of such Cowardize in prejudice of the best Man of the World and who most deserved their Faith and their Services They besought him that at least he would punish the Ensigns who had been the Cause of this Rout for in flying they had only followed their Colours and seeing Caesar could not resolve to do that but with much ado would consent to the Punishment of a few his Moderation begot in the minds of the Soldiers a General Joy They began all with one voice to cry out that he should lead them against the Enemy that by gaining a new Victory they might wipe away their Infamy and in the sight of their General they swore by whole Companies one to the other never to return from the Fight but Victorious Wherefore his Friends advised him to take the Army at their Words and make tryal of them upon this height of Repentance before their Zeal grew cooler But he answered them before all the Multitude that he would chuse a time more proper to shew them the Enemy exhorting them then to remember the good Will they now protested and in private he told his Confidents that it was convenient to let that fear which so late a loss had imprinted be worn a little out of the minds of the Soldiery and by temporizing let the fierceness of his Enemies heightned by their late Victory be likewise a little cooled He confessed withal he had committed a great fault in coming to encamp so near Dyrrachium where Pompey had all things in abundance whereas if he had drawn himself farther off they might have met with equal Difficulties After having discoursed in this manner he came to Apollonia and from thence privately by Night took his March towards Thessaly and on the way coming to a little City called Gomphes that refused to open their Gates he took it by Storm and gave the Plunder to his Soldiers who having long endured Scarcity fed now beyond measure and filled themselves with Wine especially the Almains whose Drunkenness made them ridiculous to all the rest So that here again in all appearance Pompey lost a fair occasion of Victory by not pursuing an Enemy he despised but lying still whilst in seven days March he got into Thessaly and encamped near Pharsalia It is reported there happened at Gomphes a thing very memorable that in an Apothecary's Shop there were found twenty Old Men all People of Quality lying groveling upon the Ground with Caps by them in the posture of Drunken Men dead without any Wound and another sitting in a Chair who acting the Physitian had presented the Cups to the rest After Caesar's Departure Pompey held a Council of his Friends where Affranius Advice was that he should employ the Sea-Forces in which they were the stronger to pursue Caesar now flying and necessitous and to incommode him what they could whilst Pompey with the Land-Army past speedily into Italy which favoured their Party and where the other had no Forces and placing good Garrisons both in Gaul and Spain without stirring from home settle the Seat of the War in
and contented himself with the publick Officers As he gave audience thus attended in the place the Senate led by the Consuls with the ordinary pomp came to present him those Edicts before spoken of he gave them every one his hand but when they came in a Body rose not from his Seat and suffered them to stand which gave subject of discourse to them who accused him of aiming at the Royalty After having accepted all the other Honours save only the Consulate for ten years he designed himself Consul for the next year with Anthony General of his Horse and gave Anthony for his Successor in the charge of his Horse Lepidus then Governour of Spain who had his Lieutenants in that Province He recalled all Exiles except those who were banished for some great crime and pardoned all those of the contrary Faction even many who had born Arms against him At the same time he gave to some Offices for a year to others Governments of Provinces or Armies to command which gave the people occasion to hope that he would restore the Government of the Common-wealth as Sylla had done who was mounted to the same power but those hopes appeared to be ill founded After all this one of those who would confirm the rumour spread abroad concerning the Royalty having put upon the Head of one of his Statues a Wreath of Lawrel interlaced with white Ribbands and the Tribunes of the People Marull●s and Casetius having informed themselves of discovered and imprisoned the Author of the Action believing thereby to oblige Caesar who seemed to take amiss the speaking of the name of King he approved their proceedings and when in the Assembly some saluting him gave him the Title of King perceiving the people shed tears he pleasantly reproved them by saying I am not King but Caesar as if they had mistaken one name for another but when Marullus issued out process against those had called him by that name and caused them to be brought before him by the Ushers as Criminals he could not brook it but complained to the S●nate of Marullus and his Colleagues who out of malice gave him the reputation of affecting the Tyranny adding they were worthy of death but he would be satisfied that they were deprived of their Offices and the quality of Senators This action confirmed the opinion of all the world that he was glad to be called so that he might prove by degrees the minds of the people and at last mount to the Monarchy for it was a crime to have called him a King and besides the Office of the Tribunes was hallowed and inviolable by Oath of the Ancients and by old Laws and besides they stayed not till the time of their Magistracy which approached was expired which heightened the indignation of all good Men. And as soon as he perceived it he repented himself to have exercised his power with too much rigour as soon as he beheld himself in peace and as some say gave orders to his Friends to govern themselves with prudence because his Enemies had already an occasion to do him hurt whereupon they asking him if he would not have the Spanish Cohorts continually about his person he answered that nothing could be more miserable than to be perpetually guarded nor any condition of life be more uneasie yet all this hindered not the endeavours of those who would have had him take the Title of King And as he was Spectator at the Lupercal Ceremonies seated upon a Throne of Gold in the place for Orations Anthony his Colleague in the Consulate running about the City naked and anointed with Oil as is the custom for the Priests of those Ceremonies ascended the place where he sate and planted a Diadem on his Head He laid it down as soon as he saw how few people applauded the Spectacle Anthony put it on once more and he took it off the second time The people looked upon this Debate with silence impatient to see what would be the issue but when they at last perceived Caesar remained Master the place was filled with Acclamations and Prayers for his Prosperity After this whether he lost all hopes or that he grew weary of the pursuit he quite gave over this design to avoid all envy and that he might leave the City which he began to grow jealous of because of his Enemies or else for the better preservation of his health never more afflicted with the Falling Sickness and sudden Convulsions than when he lay idle he resolved upon a far distant Expedition against the Getes and the Parthians The Getes being a people hardened to labour warlike and almost bordering upon the Roman Empire he resolved to prevent their attempts and for the Parthians he designed to revenge the Murder of Crassus which they had committed contrary to their Treaties He therefore sent before sixteen Legions and ten thousand Horse which had passed the Adriatick Gulf and forthwith a rumour was spread that there was an Oracle of the Sibyls which declared that the Parthians could not be subdued by the Romans unless they were commanded by a King This made some talk publickly that in what concerned the Romans they might all call him Dictator or Emperour or some other softer name than that of King but in regard of other Nations taxed under the Roman Empire there needed no scruple be made at the giving him that Title He having still refused it hastened all he could to get out of the City where many envied him But four days before the day appointed for his departure he was slain by his Enemies in the Palace either out of malice to see him raised to such supreme felicity and height of Command or else as themselves said out of a desire to restore the Common-wealth to its first Estate for they feared after having overcome these other Nations nothing could hinder him from making himself King yet as it appears to me it was only for the name sake they attempted all things for in the thing it self there is no difference between Dictator and King There were two Chiefs of this Conspiracy the Son of that Brutus whom Sylla put to death M. Brutus Cepio who came for refuge to Caesar himself after the Battel of Pharsalia and C. Cassius who yielded to him the Galleys in the Hellespont both of Pompey's Party and with them was joyned one of Caesar's most intimate Friends Decimus Brutus Albinus He had always treated them honourably and with great confidence and when he was going to the War in Africa had given them Armies and the Government of the Gauls to Decimus Brutus of the Transalpine and to M. Brutus of the Cisalpine Brutus and Cassius were at this time designed Praetors and were in difference for a jurisdiction which among the Citizens is accounted the most honourable of all others whether they contended out of ambition or only feigned to do it lest their Conspiracy should be perceived Caesar was Arbitrator between them and as 't
such time as the Enemy utterly defeated and put to the Rout not being able to gain entrance fled some towards the Sea others to the Mountains by the Valley of the River Sygastus The Generals parted betwixt the Remainder of the Work and Caesar staying to oppose those who made offer to fally out of Brutus's Camp and to guard their own Anthony took upon him the whole Function of General he pursued the Fugitives cut in pieces those who yet made any resistance and fearful lest the chief Commanders escaping from this Defeat should get on Foot another Army he sent his Horse to all the Avenues some to one side and some to another one Party under the Command of Rascus the Thracian who knew the Country fetched a turn about the Mountains so that the Trenches and Precipices of the Camp were surrounded on all sides by Guards placed by Anthony to hinder any person from retreating and if any did come out they hunted them like Beasts others followed Brutus upon full speed and were not far from him when Lucilius Lucinus seeing them come stopped and as if he had been Brutus prayed them to carry him to Anthony and not to Caesar which confirmed their opinion that it was Brutus indeed because he would not fall into the hands of his mortal Enemy Anthony having notice that they were bringing him went forthwith to meet them making reflection upon the Fortune Dignity and Virtue of the Man and consulting with himself how he should receive him When he was near Lucinus advancing fiercely told him Brutus is not taken nor shall basen●ss ever make a Prisoner of Virtue for my part I only deceived those that would have taken him and behold me now in your power Whereupon Anthony seeing the Horsemen that brought him ashamed at their mistake comforted them with these words The Prize you have taken is not of less value then that you thought to have made nay 't is rather of much greater as a Friend is worth more than an Enemy And at the same instant delivering Lucinus into the hands of some of his Friends to have a care of him he afterwards treated him like a person in whom he had confidence As for Brucus he escaped into the Mountains where rallying some considerable Forces resolved to return by night into his Camp or get down to the Sea side but because the Enemy had seised of all the Passes he stayed there all that night in Arms with the People he had and it is said that looking up to the Stars he pronounced this Verse Thou know'st O Jupiter who causes all these woes Meaning it by Anthony and indeed as 〈◊〉 relate Anthony himself when in his own misfortune he was touched ●ith repentance acknowledged that whereas he might have made an accommodation with Brutus and Cassius he made himself Serjeant to Octavius That same night Anthony encamped directly opposite to Brutus without other intrenchment than heaps of Arms and dead Bodies which served him instead of Ramparts and Caesar having watched till Midnight being sick withdrew and left the Guard of the Camp to Norbanus On the morrow Brutus seeing that the Enemy quitted not their Post and that he had with him but four Legions and those too not complete he believed it not secure for him to speak to them himself but sent the Tribunes ashamed of the fault they had committed to sound the minds of the Soldiers and know of them whether they would undertake to open themselves a way through their Enemies to regain their Camp where their Companions still guarded their Equipage but these People went so chearfully to the Fight and had so long and so generously sustained the Enemy as if God had now forsaken them returned answer to their General that the counsel he gave them was worthy of him but that for their parts they had so often tempted fortune that they would not now quite lose all hopes of making conditions for themselves Then said Brutus to his Friends I can do my Country no farther service if they have taken such resolutions And at the same time he called Strato the Epirot his Friend whom he intreated to kill him Strato advising him to think more seriously upon it he called to one of his Domesticks upon which Strato said Brutus since you are resolved you have a Friend more ready to execute your last command than all your Slaves And saying so thrust his Sword betwixt his Ribs which he received without moving Thus ended Brutus and Cassius the most generous and illustrious of the Romans whose Virtue had never been equalled had it not been sullied with Caesar's Blood who though they were of Pompey's Party from Enemies had made them Friends and afterwards loved them like his Children The Senate had always a great inclination for them and after their death did much compassionate their misfortune for their sakes only they had passed the general Amnesty and when they left the City gave them Government for fear they should pass for banished Men. Not that all that composed this noble Body hated Caesar or were satisfied with what was done for living they had been admirers of his Virtuee and Fortune and dead they had solemnized his Funeral at the publick Charge confirmed all that he had done and granted places and trusts in the City according to the Memorandums by him left not thinking it possible for themselves to dispose of it more prudently and yet the affection they bore these great Men and the care they took of their safety gave occasion to suspicions and scandals so mightily they were favoured by the Senate And the greater part of the Exiles preferred them before Pompey himself for Pompey being near the City might incline to an Accommodation whereas they were far off and implacable Moreover when they saw themselves forced to take up Arms they had in less then two years got together more than twenty Legions almost twenty thousand Horse more than two hundred long Ships and considerable Stores of all warlike Provisions They had raised likewise vast Sums in Asia either by good will or by force and in those Wars they waged with divers Cities who held on the adverse Party they almost continually came off victorious till they became Masters of all that Country extending from Macedon to the Euphrates and all those with whom they had mad War ranged themselves on their Party and continued faithful to them They likewise made use of many Kings and Prices nay of the Parthians themselves though Enemies to the Romans but this was only in matters of small consequence for in the great Affairs when all was disputed they stayed not their coming for fear of teaching a Barbarous Nation and always an Enemy how to fight with the Romans But what most of all ought to be admired at is that the greatest part of their Army was composed of Soldiers that had served under Caesar and that after his being slain the affection of the Soldiery was unhappily
to Caesar wherefore seeing some appearance of hopes he thus spoke to his Army The Oration of Lucius to his Army I Had a design Fellow Soldiers to restore my Country to liberty seeing the Triumvirate changed into a Tyranny and that this Authority thought to be only established against Brutus and Cassius continued yet after their deaths for Lepidus being deprived of his part of the Empire whilst Anthony is gathering up Money in the remote Provinces this Man who besieges us disposes all things at pleasure and the Roman Laws which he makes a mock of serve him but for a pretence but when to remedy this disorder and redeem the Common-wealth from Slavery I requested that after having given the promised Recompenses to the Soldiery he should lay down the Sovereign Authority not obtaining it by request I sought to constrain it according to the power invested in me by the quality of Consul but he raised a report among the Soldiers that I opposed the Colonies in favour of the ancient possessors it was a long time ere I knew he slandered me in this manner and when it was told me I could not believe it since I had my self appointed Commissioners to divide the Lands among you nevertheless the greater part giving ear to this Calumny joyned themselves with Caesar's Faction to make War upon us but have made War against themselves as time will make it appear For your part I am your witness that having adhered to the juster cause you have suffered infinitely and at last we are not overcome by our Enemies but by Famine which has forced our Officers to desert us True it is it would be much for my Glory to fight for my Country even to the last extremities and my good will would be recompensed with immortal praises but I cannot resolve it out of my affection to you whose safety I prefer before my own Glory I will therefore send Deputies to the Conquerour to desire him to deal as he please with me so he will but pardon you who are his Fellow Citizens and have been his Soldiers who have committed no fault in fighting for a cause so apparently just and who have not been overcome by Arms but by want of Provisions After these words he chose three out of the principal Men of his Army and sent them to Caesar which drew tears from the eyes of all the rest deploring either their own or their Generals condition who having such noble and generous thoughts for his Country was yet reduced to that shameful necessity The three Deputies represented to Caesar that they were all of the same Country had formerly fought under the same Colours that the Chief of both Parties had been good Friends and that he ought to imitate the Generosity of the Ancients who were haters of deadly dissentions with many other things tending to the same purpose Caesar who well knew the Army was composed of Veterans and new raised Soldiers cunningly answered that he would pardon Anthony's Men for their General 's sake but for the rest they should yield upon discretion This he spoke publickly but drawing apart Furnius one of the three Deputies he gave him hopes of a general pardon excepting only his particular Enemies but those who thought themselves of that number suspecting this private conference between Furnius and Caesar was to their prejudice reviled him at his return and besought Lucius either to obtain a general Peace or to continue the War without Quarter since it had not been undertaken for any particular animosities but for the Common-wealth Lucius moved to compassion for persons of equal quality with himself praised their resolution and promised to send other Deputies but after saying he could find no Man fitter for that Negotiation than himself he went without a Herauld only some running before to give Caesar notice Lucius was coming Caesar presently came forth to meet him and when they were in sight of each other attended by their Friends and in the habit of Generals Lucius stopped his Train and taking with him only two Lictors came forward thereby making known his intention Caesar having observed it imitated his Modesty the better to give him assurance of his future good will and when he saw Lucius advanced to the Trenches in token he yielded to discretion he came out himself that Lucius might still be at freedom to dispose of his Affairs these signs of their good inclinations they by turns gave each other at their approach but when they were met near the Trench after mutual salutations Lucius thus began The Speech of Lucius to Caesar. CAesar had I made this War with Strangers I should have thought it base to have been overcome but much baser to have thus yielded my self and should soon have found a way to have freed me from that infamy but having to deal with a Citizen of my own quality and for my Country I think it no shame to be vanquished in such a cause and by such a Man I say not this that I would refuse to suffer what ever you please for I come to you without a Herauld but to obtain pardon for others which as it is just will be no less profitable to your Affairs which to make you the more clearly understand I will separate my interest from theirs that being fully perswaded I alone am the cause of what has passed you may discharge all your anger upon me yet think not whatever I say I would have offended you that would have been unseasonable only let me speak truths cannot be dissembled I undertook this War against you not to seise the Sovereign Power after your defeat but to restore to the Senate the Government of the Common-wealth of which the Triumvirate deprived them since when you established it you confessed your Government not lawful but necessary for a time so long as Brutus and Cassius with whom you could make no peace subsisted After the Heads of that Dissention were dead the Remains of their Party if yet there be any Remains being still in Arms not against the Common-wealth but because they feared you and the five years of the Triumvirate being expired I demanded the restoration of the Magistrates power according to the ancient order preferring the good of my Country before mine own Brother because I hoped for his consent at his return and in the mean time to finish the work whilst I was in authority which had it proceeded from you you alone had had the Glory of it but not being able to perswade you I went to the City where I thought I might by force effect it being a Citizen of considerable Birth and withal Consul This is the sole cause of this War which ought neither to be attributed to my Brother nor to Manius nor to Fulvia nor to the distribution made of Lands to those Soldiers had served at Philippi nor to the compassion I might have conceived for those turned out of their Beings since I my self sent Commissioners on
Rome one of the Judges of Caesar's Murderers openly gave sentence against them and perswaded others to do the like to purge the City from that abominable villany Caesar had resolved to give the plunder of Perugia to his Soldiers But Caestius one of the Inhabitants a crack-brained Fellow who because he had bore Arms in Macedon stiled himself Macedonicus set fire to his House and threw himself into the Flames which the wind driving throughout the whole City it was in a moment reduced to ashes all but the Temple of Vulcan such was the end of Perugia a City famous for its antiquity for it is said to be one of those twelve Cities built by the ancient Etruscans at their first coming into Italy wherefore they formerly adored Iuno after the manner of the Etruscans but now those who divided among themselves the ruines of the City took Vulcan instead of Iuno for their Tutelar Deity The day following Caesar passed a general pardon but the Army still grumbling and growing tumultuous against some forbore not till they were slain who were all mighty Enemies to Caesar such were Canutius C. Flavius Clodius Bythinicus and others This conclusion had the Siege of Perugia together with the War against Lucius most certainly a very perillous one and which in all likelyhood might a long time have tormented Italy For Asinius Plancus Ventidius Crassus Ateius and others of this Party who had in all considerable Forces amounting to thirteen Legions and six thousnad five hundred Horse reputing Lucius the Head of this War retired every one a several way towards the Sea part to Brundusium part to Ravenna part to Tarentum some of which went to seek out Murcus and Aenobarbus others Anthony still followed in the rere by Caesar's Men who offered them peace which they refusing were by them much infested in their March but two of these Legions left by Plancus at Cameria Agrippa gained by fair promises Fulvia likewise with her Children fled to Puzzoli and from thence to Brundusium convoyed by three thousand Horse sent her by her Husband's Lieutenants At Brundusium she embarqued on five long Ships sent for out of Macedon and departed with Plancus the future companion of her Voyage who through cowardise deserted the rest of the Army of which Ventidius after took the Conduct Asinius drew Aenobarbus to Anthony's Party which they both gave him assurance of by Letters and because he was to come into Italy they secured convenient places for his landing and laid in stores of Provision On the other side Anthony having still other Forces near the Alpes commanded by Calenus Caesar designed to make himself Master of them out of a jealousie he had of Anthony to keep them for him if he proved his Friend or to strengthen himself against him if it were true that he was not but whilst he was seeking a plausible occasion to do it Calenus died so that Caesar laying hold of the opportunity goes with all celerity and seises upon the Army and with it of Gaul and Spain two of Anthony's Provinces Fulvius Son to Calenus out of fear yielding up all without opposition Thus Caesar being at one push strengthened with eleven Legions and these great Provinces after having removed the Commanders and put his own Creatures in their places returned to Rome But Anthony detained the Deputies of the Colonies sent to him either because of the Winter Season or that they might not discover his Designs At the beginning of Spring parting from Alexandria he came to Tyre from thence passing to Cyprus Rhodes and the Province of Asia he heard of the success of the Siege of Perugia for which he blamed his Brother his Wife but especially Manius At Athens he met with Fulvia flying from Brundusium and Iulia his Mother whom Pompey to whom she was fled for refuge sent upon long Ships accompanied with the chief Men of Quality in his Party L. Libo his Father-in-law Saturninus and others who beholding Anthony's Magnificence would have perswaded him to an alliance with Pompey against Caesar to which he answered That indeed he was obliged to Pompey for sending to him his Mother which he would acknowledge in due season and if he must make War with Caesar would embrace his alliance but if the friendship betwixt them stood firm he would do his endeavours to reconcile Pompey to Caesar. Thus Anthony then answered but when Caesar returned to the City out of Gaul understanding that some had sailed from Pompey to Athens but not hearing what answer they brought back he began to make the old Soldiers and new Inhabitants of the Colonies jealous of Anthony as if Pompey were ready by his allowance to come and driven them out and place in their ancient possessions the old Proprietors of whom many indeed had fled to him for refuge which though easily believed yet could not the affection of the Veterans to Anthony be so easily withdrawn so much credit had the Battel of Philippi got him in the hearts of the Soldiers Caesar though he thought that he should be stronger than Anthony Pompey and Aenobarbus all together in the number of Legions for he had already above forty yet neither having Shipping nor time to build any he was much afraid that if they with five hundred Sail should come and cruise about all the Coasts of Italy they would in a short time starve him wherefore though many Virgins were offered him in Marriage he wrote to Maecenas that he should treat for him with Scribonia Sister to Libo Father-in-law of Pompey that by this means if it were necessary he might make peace with Pompey this was no sooner known to Libo but by Letters he gave order that the Marriage should forthwith be concluded Henceforwards Caesar when at any time he conceived a jealousie of any of Anthony's Friends or Forces under his Command he sent them to several places out of the way and Lepidus he dispatched with six of Anthony's Legions he had in some suspicion into Africa the Province designed for him He sent likewise for Lucius whom after he praised for his piety to his Brother that what by his orders he had done he would take the fault off upon himself he yet accused him of ingratitude that after so great an obligation he would not confess to him what every one talked publickly that Anthony had entred into League with Pompey against him The Speech of Caesar to Lucius CErtainly said he trusting to your words after Calenus's death I ●reserved for Anthony by the means of my Friends those Legions and Provinces that he might not beleft without command but now perceiving his designs against me I take them all as my own but you if you please may securely go to your Brother Caesar spoke thus either to try Lucius or that what he said might be told to Anthony but Lucius answered him as he had done before The Answer of Lucius to Caesar. I Knew said he I must confess the mind of Fulvia aspiring
to Dominion and I made use of my Brother's Forces with hopes to suppress the power of you all and if now my Brother comes to subvert Monarchy openly or privately I will go to him once more to make War for my Country against you though so highly obliged to you but if he seeks Associates to maintain his tyranny I will serve you against him so long as I shall believe you affect not the Monarchy for I shall always prefer my affection to my Country before either Friend or Relation Caesar now again admiring Lucius told him that whatever offers he made he should not accept of his service against his Brother but that he thought such a Man as he fit to be entrusted with the whole Province and Army of Spain in which he should have Peduceius and Luceius for his Lieutenants Thus he sent Lucius out of the way with Honour having given private orders to his Lieutenants to watch him narrowly Anthony having left Fulvia sick at Sycione set fail from Corcyra to pass the Ionian Sea with two hundred Ships he had built in Asia wherein he had but very slender Forces Upon advice that Aenobarbus came to meet him with a great Fleet and a mighty Army some were jealous that he would not prove faithful to the new made peace because he had been condemned as an Abettor of Caesar's death and therefore put in the number of the Proscribed and had taken part against Caesar and Anthony in the Battel of Philippi But Anthony that he might not seem to distrust any thing held on his course with five of his best Ships commanding the rest to follow at a distance when Aenobarbus with all his Fleet and Army were come in sight Plancus who was on board of Anthony began to be afraid and advised him to stop and send some before to make tryal of the Faith of this doubted Man But Anthony made answer That he had rather perish by the violation of a peace than save himself by betraying the least fear They were now come so nigh that they knew easily each other and the Admiral 's Ships stood Stem to Stem with their Flags aloft when Anthony's chief Lictor standing on the Prow according to custom whether he had forgot that they were making towards a Man whose Faith was in some question and who had under his Command an Army of his own or moved by the customary duty of Subjects and inferiours to their Superiours he commanded them aloud to strike their Flag which they obeyed and brought up their Ship along Anthony's side then the Commanders having saluted each other Aenobarbus's Soldiers called Anthony Emperour and Plancus with much ado recovered out of his fright Anthony having received Aenobarbus into his Ship they sailed to Paleonta where Aenobarbus's Land Forces lay where he resigned up his Tent to Anthony as his General From thence embarquing they sailed to Brundusium kept with five Cohorts for Caesar where the Inhabitants shut their Gates against them against Aenobarbus as their ancient Enemy and against Anthony for being in their Enemies company Anthony enraged at this refusal and thinking it only a pretence and that indeed Caesar's Men by his orders hindred his entrance went and seised upon the Neck of the Peninsula drew a line cross and fortified it for the City stands in a Peninsula in form of a Crescent so that now there was no coming to the City by Land the Line being drawn from one Sea to the other he likewise raised Forts round the Port which is very spacious and in the Islands wherewith it is encompassed and sent along the Coasts of Italy to seise of all commodious places and dispatched withal at the same time to Pompey to oblige him as much as possibly he could with his Fleet to infest Italy He very gladly sent Menodorus with a strong Fleet and four Legions into Sardinia which then held for Caesar where he drew two Legions to his Party scared with the agreement between Anthony and Pompey In the mean time Anthony's Men took Saguntum in Ausonia and Pompey besieged Thuria and Consentia and sent his Horsemen into their their Territories Caesar assailed in so many places at once sent Agrippa to relieve those in Ausonia who passing by the Colonies commanded the Veterans to follow him as if he were to lead them against Pompey but when they were told he acted by Anthony's orders they stole away every Man to their Houses which most of all terrified Caesar. However he went in person to Brundusium with another Army and by seasonable Caresses drew the Veterans to their duty they now following him out of a real respect and reverence to his person and yet holding among themselves secret conferences of reconciling him with Anthony whom if they found obstinate to make War they would then defend their General 's honour who was now some days detained at Canusium in Men he much outnumbred Anthony but when he saw Brundusium so beleaguered that he could no way force the Lines he contented himself to encamp near it to view the Enemy and wait a favourable occasion Though Anthony was so well fortified in his Trenches that he could well have defended himself against much greater Forces than Caesar's yet he sent with all speed for his Army out of Macedon and in the mean time by this stratagem amused Caesar he sent by night on board the long Ships and Vessels of Burthen great numbers of Countrymen and Servants and in the day time landed them again one after another all armed in the sight of Caesar as if they had been armed out of Macedon And now his Machines being in a readiness he began his Batteries upon Brundusium to Caesar's great grief who could no way relieve the place when towards the Evening news was brought to both Parties that Agrippa had retaken Tiguntum and that Pompey repulsed from Thur●n continued the Siege of Consentia which much troubled Anthony but when he heard that Servilius with twelve hundred Horse was gone over to Caesar he could not contain himself but rising from Supper he mounted with such of his Friends as were in a readiness and accompanied only by four hundred Horse with a singular boldness beat up the Quarters of fifteen hundred near Uria and so surprised them that they yielding he brought them the same day before Brundusium such an opinion of his being invincible had the Battel of Philippi got him The Pretorian Soldiers heightened by this success went afterwards one after another up to Caesar's Trenches upbraiding their ancient Comrades for bearing Arms against Anthony who had saved their lives at Philippi Whereupon the others answering that on the contrary they made War upon them they came at length to Conferences wherein they began their reciprocal complaints on one side that they had refused them entrance into Brundusium and corrupted Calenus's Army and the other that they had besieged Brundusium made inroads into Ausonia treated with Aenobarbus one of Caesar's Murderers and
choice of to judge but to reconcile them so that making Cocceius Friend to both for Arbitrator and nominating Pollio for Anthony and Maecenas for Caesar they decreed a mutual oblivion for all past offences and perfect friendship for the future And because Marcellus Husband to Octavia Caesar's Sister was lately dead the authors of the peace desired Caesar to give his Sister in marriage to Anthony she was soon promised with happy auguries for these accommodations were atttended with universal acclamation of both Armies with vows for their prosperity and continued rejoycings which held all that day and the next night Then Caesar and Anthony made a new division of the Roman Empire setling for the bounds of eithers Dominion Scodran a Town in Illyria which seemed seated in the Center of the Adriatick Gulf from whence Eastward as far as the Euphrates all the Provinces and Islands were to be under the command of Anthony and Caesar was to have all Westward as far as the Ocean except Africa which was left to Lepidus under the same conditions he had received it from Caesar. They agreed likewise that Caesar should make War with Pompey if some change happened not and Anthony against the Parthians to revenge Crassus's death that Aenobarbus should be received into league by Caesar on the same conditions Anthony had before granted him And that both Generals might have equal power to raise Soldiers in Italy In these Heads consisted the last league between Caesar and Pompey soon after which they sent away their Friends to dispatch urgent Affairs Anthony sent Ventidius into Asia to oppose the attempts of the Parthians and the young Labienus who being joyned with them infested Syria as far as Ionia taking the advantage of the Civil Wars But how Labienus and the Parthians were punished we have ●it in the Book of the Parthians War About the same time Menodorus Pompey's Admiral again drew out of Sardinia Helenus one of Caesar's Lieutenants which was the main reason of Caesar's being so incensed that he would not admit of Anthony's intermission to reconcile him with Pompey Afterwards being returned to the City the Nuptials were solemnised and Anthony put Manius to death for exasperating Fulvia against Cleopatra and making her the author of so many mischiefs He likewise discovered to Caesar how Salvidienus who commanded the Army in Gallia Narbonensis would have revolted to him and to that purpose had sent an express to him at the Siege of Brundusium all Men did not much applaud him for it but he revealed this secret to shew his frankness and the reality of his reconciliation Caesar forthwith sent command to Salvidienus to make haste to him as if he had something of importance to communicate after which he would send him back to the Army but at his arrival reproaching him with his treachery he put him to death and gave his Army being jealous of it to Anthony Mean while the People were much oppressed with Famine for the Merchants could bring nothing from the East for fear of Pompey and Sicily nor from the West because Sardinia and Corsica were in the possession of Pompey too Nor out of Africa because of the Enemies Ships cruising in the open Sea wherefore the People attributing the cause of their want of Bread to the division of those who commanded continually reviled them urged them to make peace with Pompey But when thus neither they could not incline Caesar to it Anthony counselled him to hasten the War to remedy the present distress but because there was no Money to make the preparation they made an Edict by which Masters were taxed in twenty five Sesterces for every Slave they had the like whereof had been before in the War with Cassius and withal a certain part to be payed out of new Inheritances The People enraged tore down this Edict whereever it was fixed up growing furious that after the treasury was exhausted the Provinces drained dry and Italy ruined by continual Imposts and Confiscations the Citizens should be taxed for what they had yet left and that not to employ in foreign Wars where the Honour of the Empire might lie at stake but to revenge particular Mens quarrels and increase their power to which they were mounted by Proscriptions and Murders and for which the People were fain to suffer Famine and Misery They gathered together by Troops railing in the Streets throwing Stones at those who would not joyn with them and threatening to plunder and set fire on their Houses till at length the whole multitude was got into a Body Caesar going with his Guards and some Friends to appease them and give them reasons for what he had done as soon as they saw him they let fly their Stones and though he stirred not but stood their Blows yet they had no reverence nor respect to him of which Anthony having notice ran speedily to his relief as he came up the Via Sacra none threw Stones at him because he was disposed to make Peace with Pompey they only warned him to be gone but when that prevailed not the Stones flew likewise about his Ears Whereupon he sent for the Soldiers who were without the City and when the People forbore not their violences the Soldiers having encompassed them on both sides came up the cross Streets upon them in the place and in the great Street charging the first he met with who not able to flie because of the Crowd and not being in a posture of defence the Streets were soon filled with dead and wounded Men and the Windows with cryes and lamentations Thus Anthony hardly escaping himself withdrew Caesar from manifest danger and brought him to his House The multitude being put to flight they commanded the Soldiers to cast the Corps into Tiber not to expose the sad spectacle to the Citizens view but this caused a far greater affliction when they beheld them carried away with the stream or stripped by the Soldiers among whom were mingled several Brokers who carried away those were best clad as if they had belonged to their Family However this mischief at length had an end but not the multitudes hate and malice to these Men nor yet the Famine which the miserable People underwent with groans and tears Anthony hereupon gave advice to Libo's Friends to invite him out of Sicily to rejoyce with his Relations and possibly do a work of greater importance promising to be security for his person They presently wrote to him nor did Pompey at all detain him In his Voyage he landed in an Island formerly called Pithicusa and at present Aenario which as soon as the People heard of they again assembled beseeching Caesar with tears in their eyes to send a Pass-port to Libo who came with Proposals of Peace which though with seeming unwillingness he granted That done the multitude ran to Mutia Pompey's Mother threatening to burn her if she did not go to her Son and dispose him to a Peace Libo perceiving their Enemies
not so hot against them as formerly desired a conference between the Generals to the end they might compose all matters between themselves which after the Peoples earnest prayers had obtained Caesar and Anthony went to Baiae Pompey's Friends all with one voice advised him to Peace except only Menodorus who wrote to him from Sardinia that he ought rather now to make War or at least temporize whilst Famine fought for them that when they judged it fit to conclude a Peace they might do it on more advantageous conditions he likewise warned him to have a care of Murcus who counselled him to make Peace only for the advancement of his particular fortune wherefore Pompey who was before jealous of Murcus's experience and authority broke now utterly with him and no longer took his counsel in any thing so Murcus in discontent retired to Syracusa where perceiving some of Pompey's Guards that followed him by his orders he in their presence railed at and reviled him this hastened his end for Pompey having corrupted one of his Tribunes and one of his Centurions sent People to slay him giving out that he was murdered by his Slaves whom they hanged to give the more credit to the cheat However after what had happened to Bithynicus Men easily believed this second attempt committed on the person of a Man famous for his experience in War a constant Friend to Pompey's Faction from the very beginning who had done him signal service in Spain and of his own accord came to him in Sicily After his death all Pompey's Friends exhorted him to Peace accusing Menodorus of being in love with Command considering more his own than his Masters interest finding it profitable to govern a Province with an Army so Pompey embarqued for Aenaria with many choice Ships and himself on a most beautiful Galley of six Banks and thus in great state came sailing towards the Evening by Puteoli in view of the Enemy As soon as day next Morning appeared they drove Piles into the Sea at some distance one from the other and thereon laid two Bridges upon one of which to the Land-side mounted Caesar and Anthony and Pompey and Libo on the other which was separate on the first by a small interval of water so that without speaking aloud they could hardly hear each other Pompey pretended to be Associate in the Empire in the room of Lepidus and the others would only grant him the liberty to return to Rome so they parted without doing any thing yet their Friends kept on foot the Negotiation making divers Propositions on the one part and the other Pompey in behalf of the Proscripts had fled to him for refuge demanded that such as were culpable or Abettors of Caesar's Murder might be in security in their Exile and that the others might with Honour be recalled into the City and put into possession of their Estates upon this demand Famine and the People urging for Peace Anthony and Caesar agreed that they might redeem from the new Possessors a fourth part of their Estates only and they wrote to them about it as supposing they would be therewith contented and indeed so they were for they began now to stand in fear of Pompey instructed by Murcus his misfortune going therefore to him and perswading him to Peace he rent his Robe saying he was betrayed by those for whom he had exposed himself and calling by name Menodorus as the sole Man worthy of Command and the only Friend he had At length by the instigation of Mutia his Mother and Iulia his Wife they met again only they three on a little Eminence encompassed on all sides by the Sea about which they had placed Guards with Ships for their common security Here they agreed to these Conditions That all War should cease between them both by Sea and Land that there should be a free trade and commerce in all places that Pompey should withdraw all his Garrisons out of Italy that he should harbour no more Fugitives that his Ships should cruise no more on the Italian Coasts that he should have the command of Sicily Sardinia and Corsica with the other adjacent Isles for so long as Anthony and Caesar held the Sovereign Power but with condition of sending to Rome what Corn those Islands ought to the Citizens and that besides all this he should have the Peloponnesus that being absent he might exercise the charge of Consul by one of his Friends and should be received into the Colledge of the High Priests that all persons of Quality might return to the City except the Conspirators who had been condemned by publick sentence that the Goods of all those fled to Pompey without being proscribed should be restored except the Moveables and for the Proscripts that they should have a sourth part that all who had served under Pompey should be rewarded if Slaves with Freedom and if Freemen when they had served the time appointed by Law with the same recompences as the Veterans of Caesar and Anthony received These were the Articles which after being ingrossed and signed were sent to Rome to be deposited in the hands of the Vestals This done they by lot feasted each other Pompey began who laying his Galley side to the Rock therein received his Guests the days following Anthony and Caesar treated him pitching Tents on the same Rock with pretence that the Feast might be distributed better to the Shore but perhaps that their mirth might be more secure for there was nothing remitted of the useal care both the Ships were in their stations and the Guards at their Posts and the Guests themselves had Daggers under their Robes 'T is reported that Menodorus when they feasted in the Galley sent to advise Pompey that taking this advantage of his Enemies he should revenge the wrongs his Father and Brother had suffered and recover the authority they had taken from his Father and he would be answerable that not one should escape out of the Ships But Pompey made him an answer wo●shy his Birth and the present Affair Would to God said he Menodorus ●ould have done this without me for perjury may become him but never Pompey At this Supper ●ompey's Daughter Neice to Libo was contracted to Marcellus Nephew to Anthony Caesar's Sister 's Son The day following Consuls were designed for four years first of all Anthony and Libo but to Anthony with leave to make a Substitute then Caesar and Pompey then Aenobarbus and Sosius and lastly Caesar and Anthony again who being now to be Consuls together the third time it was hoped they would restore the ancient Administration of the Common-wealth Things thus concluded on they departed Pompey by Sea to Sicily and Caesar and Anthony by land to Rome Upon the news of the Peace an universal joy was spread through the City and all Italy Men were transported to see themselves delivered from an intestine War from being often picked out and forced to go from the insolency of the Garrisoris from
the ●●ight of Slaves from the wasting of their Lands and lying fallow of their Fields but above all from Famine which began to grow insupportable wherefore whereever the Generals passed Sacrifices were made to them as to the Savlours of their Country And the City had prepared a magnificent entry had they not rather chose to go in by night that they might not put the Citizens to charge All shared in this general joy save only those who were possessed of any Lands of the banished which by the Treaty were to be restored for they believed they should have but ill Neighbours of them and that upon all occasions they would seek their destruction And indeed all the Fugitives who had hitherto followed Pompey except●●only a very few after having taken their leave of him at Puteoli embarqued and came for Rome at whose arrival the People conceived a new joy which tey made appear by those Acclamations wherewith they entertained so many illustrious persons beyond all hopes returned to their Country After this Caesar marched into Gaul where there were happened some Commotions and Anthony disposed his Affairs to go against the Parthians In the first place he caused the Senate to approve not only what he had done but whatever he should do for the future sent away his Lieutenants into all parts and disposed what else he thought fit at pleasure Then he gave Kingdoms to several upon condition of paying Tribute To Darius Son of Pharnaces and Grandson to Mithridates the Kingdom of Pontus to Herod Idumea and Samaria to Amintas Pisidia to Polemon part of Cilicia and in short to many others other Nations which he erected into Kingdoms As for the Army that was to winter with him that he might accustom them both to the profits and exercises of War he sent one part of them into the Country of the Parthians a Nation of Illyria neighbouring upon Epidamnum formerly very affectionate to Brutus and another Party into the Country of the Dardanians who are another People of Illyria used to make Inroads into Macedon and gave orders to the rest to tarry for him in Epire that he might have them all about him being resolved himself to winter at Athens He likewife sent Furnius into Africa to cause Sextius's four Legions to march against the Parthians for as yet he understood not that Lepidus had taken them from Sextius Things thus ordered he spent this Winter at Athens with Octavia in the same manner as he had done the former with Cleopatra at Alexandria all his business being only to look upon the Letters brought him from the Army he laid aside his Imperial Robe cloathing himself again in the Attick Cloak and Hose having no Guards at his Gate and walking through the City like a private person without any Ensigns of his Dignity and accompanied only with two Friends and two servants with whom he went to the Schools to hear Disputes and Orations he likewise supped the Winter after the Greek manner having always Greeks in his company and assisting at their Ceremonies to the great content of Octavia of whom he was very fond for he was naturally inclined to the love of Women But Winter being past he seemed no more the same Man he resumed the Imperial Habit and took the Ensigns of his authority his Gates seemed now as it were besieged with Lictors Officers and Guards to beget an awe of his power he gave audience to Embassadors whom before he would not admit administred justice to private persons and sent for Ships from all parts and made a mighty noise with his preparations Whilst he was busied in these things there happened some disturbances of the Peace between Caesar and Pompey for what certain causes not known but those that publickly appeared were these Anthony had quitted the Peloponnesus to Pompey on condition he should pay what the Peloponnesians ought or promise to pay it or else give some time for the recovery of it but Pompey would not receive it in on these terms thinking the Province quitted to him with all its debts wherewith through discontent as Caesar said or through infidelity or out of envy to others who had great Armies or because he trusted Menodorus who said they had not made a Peace but a Truce he prepared again and fitted out a Fleet and in a speech to his Army told them there was more need than ever of new preparations He likewise encouraged Pyrates underhand to infest the Seas so that little or no remedy was brought to the Famine in the City and the comfortless People cryed out that by this Peace they had not redressed any of their miseries but only added a fourth person to the Tyranny Hereupon some Pyrates being taken Caesar caused them to be brought to the wrack where they confessed they were set on by Pompey which Caesar made known to the People he wrote about it likewise to Pompey who stoutly denying it made his complaints about the Peloponnesus But some Noble Men that were about Pompey perceiving that he always followed the the counsel of his Freed Men corrupted some of them either of their own free motion or for Caesar's sake to incense Pompey against Menodorus as a Man commanding his Master They were easily drawn to do this out of the envy they bore this powerful Favourite so they soon begot in Pompey an aversion to Menodorus It happened that at the same time Philadelphus Caesar 's Freed Man came to Menodorus to buy Corn and Mycilius Menodorus confident went to Rome to treat with Caesar about his revolt to whom he offered Sardinia Corsica three Legions and many of his Friends whether Philadelphus had procured Caesar this good fortune or else it proceeded from Pompey's disgusts of Menodorus he made difficulty of accepting it yet did it judging the Peace already broken He dispatched forthwith to Anthony at Athens to desire him to come by an appointed day to Brundusium to confe● with him about this War he caused long Ships to be brought from Ravenna and sent in all haste for his Army out of Gaul with all its stores of warlike Furniture one part of which he sent to Brundusium and the other to Puteoli resolved to invade Sicily on both sides if Anthony approved it Anthony came at the same time prefixed with a slender Train but not finding Caesar there would not stay whether he approved not this War undertaken agaisnt solemn Leagues whether he were not pleased to see the great preparations of Caesar for being Competitors for Empire they were always jealous of each other or whether he was frightned by a prodigy for one of those who were upon the Guard about his Quarters was found eaten up by Beasts all but the Face as if that had been left to know him by without ever so much as crying out or the least knowledge of those that slept by him All that could be discovered was that they of Brundusium said that in the Morning they saw a Wolf come
out from among the Tents However Anthony wrote to Caesar he ought not to break the peace and threatned to clap Menodorus in Irons as his Fugitive Slave for he had been Slave to Pompey the Great whose Goods Anthony bought under the Spear by right of War Yet Caesar sent Men into the Islands of Sardinia and Corsica to take possession of them from Menodorus and caused Forts to be built upon all the Coasts of Italy to hinder Pompey from making any spoil giving orders for building other Ships at Ravenna and sending for a powerful Army that was in Illyria and when Menodorus came to him from one enfranchised made him absolutely free by giving him the Command of the Fleet he brought with him yet but in quality of Lieutenant to Calvisius his Admiral Though things were thus well disposed yet he would make greater preparations before he began the War complaining of Anthony that he had not staid for him however he gave order to Cornisicius to bring what Ships he had in readiness from Ravenna to Tarentum in his passage there arose a furious Tempest in which there yet perished only the Admiral built on purpose for Caesar himself which was made an Omen of what was to happen for most men thought this War renewed by the violation of the Treaty to remove which suspicion Caesar wrote to the Roman People and spoke in person to the Army telling them Pompey had broke the League by infesting the Sea with Pyrates which was evident both by confession of the Pyrates themselves and of Menodorus of which Antonius was not yet ignorant and thefore delivered not up to him the Peloponnesus When all his preparations were in a readiness he embarqued at Tarentum to go and invade Sicily on one side whilst Calvisius Sabinus and Menodorus who set sail from Etruria invested it on the other and the Land Army marched towards Rhegium with wonderful diligence Pompey perceived not that Menodorus had revolted from him to Caesar till he came before Sicily However seeing himself assailed on both sides he resolved to expect Caesar at Messina and opposed against Calvisius and Menodorus a great Fleet under the Command of Menecrates his Freed Man who out of mutual emulation was a mortal Enemy to Menodorus Menecrates comes out to Sea presenting himself about Evening to the Enemy who retired into a Gulf above Cuma where they anchored that night and he steered his course towards the Island of Aenaria As soon as it was day the Enemy coasting about the Bay drawn up in form of a Crescent for fear of being broken Menecrates appeared in sight and made towards them but seeing they would not be drawn off from the Shore-side and that he could not do what he designed with a fierce charge he drove them a ground so with their sterns ashore and their Prows to Seaward they lay upon their defence in such manner that it was easie for the Enemy to come and give them a shock and then tacking about to stand off to Sea and so return again upon them with fresh and fresh Ships they had likewise the Rocks to struggle with on which many stuck so fast that neither moving Head nor Stern it seemed like a kind of Sea-fight against a Land Force one of which could neither flie nor the other pursue Mean while Menodorus and Menecrates having discovered each other leaving the rest of the Fight with mutual shouts and fury begin an assault and in all appearance which of these two got the better would carry the Victory for his Party In the charge they met so fiercely that both Ships were disabled Menodorus lost his Beak-head and Menecrates Oars were broken At length having cast their Graplings on Board they lashed their Ships fast together and began a Fight as if on dry ground and nothing was wanting either of alacrity or dexterity to gain the Victory they made use of all sorts of Arms Arrows Stones Darts and cast Planks from Ship to Ship to board each other but because Menodorus's Ship was the tallest it was much easier for his Men to board the other and the Darts they threw fell with more violence and execution At last many being slain and almost all the rest wounded Menodorus had his Arm pierced through with a Dart which was soon drawn out but Menecrates being struck into the Thigh with a Barbed Iron Javelin made after the Spanish Fashion which could not easily be drawn out he became unable to do more yet still with his voice he encouraged his Men till his Ship being taken he threw himself over-board Menodorus fastening his Prize to his Poop towed it into the Road and was all he could do that day This was done on the Left Wing On the Right Wing which fought against the Enemies Left Calvisius cut off some of Menecrates's Ships from the rest of the Squadron and pursued them out to Sea but Democrates another of Pompey's Freed Men charging the rest of Calvisius's Ships put some of them to flight and drove the rest upon the Rocks where they were beat to pieces and the Men forced to cast themselves into the Sea and those which remained whole he had burnt had not Calvisius returning from the Chase of the Enemy and bringing along with him some of his Ships that had fled saved one of them Night coming on each party retreated to the same places where they rode the Night before and so ended this Sea-Fight wherein Pompey had much the better Yet Demochares was so much concern'd for Menecrates's death which he esteemed a mighty loss for Menedorus and Menecrates were two of Pompey's principal Officers at Sea that he left all and steered his course directly towards Sicily as if he had not only lost Menecrates and one Vessel but the whole Fleet. As for Calvisius as long as he thought Demochares would return to him he kept his station being in no condition to fight for his best Ships were sunk and the rest disabled but when he heard his Enemy was gone for Sicily he refitted his Ships and held on his course keeping the Shore close aboard and not so much as crossing over any Bay On the other side Caesar being come from Tarentum to Rhegium with a great Fleet and a mighty Army met Pompey near Messina who had but forty Ships wherefore his Friends advised him not to let slip this opportunity but to assault these few with his whole Navy now in such good order before more Ships came to Pompey but he would not hearken to their counsel expecting Calvisius and not thinking it prudence to expose himself to danger whilst he expected greater Forces Mean while Demochares coming to Messina Pompey gave him and Apollophanes another of his Freed Men the Command of the Fleet instead of Menecrates and Menedorus and Caesar understanding the loss he had suffered near Cuma set forward through the Strait to go meet Calvisius having got through the better part as he was passing by the place called
and Commanding them to inclose the City with a Trench and Pallisadoes The Circuit of Numantia was twenty four Furlongs but that of his Trench above twice as much Now every party had their distinct work set out to them with orders that if the Enemy made any onset they should give the signal by day a red cloth hanging on a long spear and by night fire that forthwith he or Maximus his brother might run in to their help The work being brought to that forwardness that if the Enemy attempted any thing they might repulse him he dug another ditch without that and fastning thereon Palisadoes built a Wall eight foot thick and ten foot high below the battlements round which he raised Towers at one hundred and twenty foot distance from each other and because he could not run the Wall over the marsh he threw up a bank in height and breadth equal to it which served instead of a Wall and Scipio is in my Judgment the first that ever begirt a City not refusing to fight him with a Wall But besides all this the River Durius running through his Fortifications was very convenient for the Townsmen as well to bring them what they wanted as for the transporting of Men whether by swimming or in little Boats in which they privately stole by the Romans either with Sails the wind blowing fresh or which Oars down the Stream When therefore by reason of the largness and violence of the Waters no way could be found to make a Bridge over instead thereof he built two Castles from which he drew over Beams of Timber fastned together with Cordage quite athwart the River there were likewise very thick upon the Timbers fastned very sharp Irons like Spear-heads which move about by the force of the Water suffered none to pass who either by Swimming or Diving or Boat had design to deceive the Enemy For it was Scipio's chief desire that none coming to them from abroad they might be ignorant of all was done and want both intelligence and supplies After all the works were perfected and the Catapults Crossbows and other Engins raised upon the Towers and the Bulwarks well stored with Stones Darts and Javelins and the Archers and Slingers placed in the Towers he disposed messengers quite round the Lines who taking the word from one another might give it about as any thing hapned he gave order likewise that the first Tower that was assaulted by the Enemy should first show their Colours and then others by the same Example do the like that by the moving of this sign and the word going about by the messengers he might know the certain cause of every thing Then Mustring his forces and finding he had sixty thousand men he so divided them that one half had charge of the guard of the wall and if need were might be ready for other service twenty thousand upon occasion to fight for the wall and ten thousand for their reserve who had likewise their post assigned them but none without the Generals Command was to change his Post so that upon any signal given every man was ready at his stand with so much diligence did Scipio order all things In the mean time the Numantines made several assaults upon the guards of the Wall but then immediately not without horror they beheld assistance come from all parts the signals made the messengers running those appointed for defence of the Walls leaping up the Trumpets from the Towers sounding a charge so that in an instant all that whole circuit of fifty furlongs was put into a formidable posture The whole round of which Scipio continually went both day and night believing his Enemies thus inclosed and wanting both Provisions Arms and Men could not very long make opposition In the mean time Retogenes a most valiant Numantine whose Surname was Cauraunius taking with him five friends whom he had wrought his parties in the enterprise as many servants and a like number of Horses in a cloudy and very dark night passing closely over the space between the Town and the Trenches with a little Bridge to be set together that he brought with him gets with his friends upon the Enemies Works and having slain the Sentinels drew over the Horses by the same Bridge and sending back the servants they forthwith dispersed themselves among the Towns of the Arvacci and in the manner of suppliants with Olive-branches in their hands besought them to assist their kinsfolks the Numantines but many out of fear of the Romans without hearing them commanded them to depart their Territories But the youth of Lutia a rich Town about three hundred furlongs distant from Numantia pittying the Numantines condition urged their City to send them aid whereof Scipio having certain intelligence from the Seniors of the City taking with him a nimble party in eight hours time flies to Lutia and by break of day begirting the City commanded the heads and ringleaders of the youth to be delivered up to him and when they made answer that they were broken out and fled threatned by a Herald to Sack the City unless they were delivered up wherewith terrified they brought out about forty to him whose hands having cut off he marched away with his Forces and by the next morning again recovered his Camp Hereupon the Numantines oppressed with hunger sent five men to Scipio to try whether if they yielded they might be received with favour and clemency the chief of this Deputation called Avarus began to discourse in a brave and lofty manner of the Institutions and Valour of the Numantines adding they had not been guilty of any delinquency since only for their Wives and Childrens sakes and the Liberty of their Country they were fallen into these miseries Wherefore it would be an action worthy thee O Scipio said he who art famed for a man of admirable generosity to spare a brave and worthy people like ours and not impose harder Conditions than humanity is able to bear on men who sadly experienced the change of Fortune for it is no more in our powers but thine by proposing moderate Conditions to save our City by accepting our surrender or else by fighting to suffer us utterly to perish Avarus having thus spoken Scipio before well assured of the Cities distress by the Captives made no other answer but that they must deliver up the City and their Arms which being told to the Numantines the Citizens already enough enraged as men that were resolute to enjoy their Liberty and submit to no others Empire now by these provoking miseries made more violent and fierce slew Avarus and his fellow Deputies as the Messengers of ill News and perhaps as suspecting them to have made some private bargain for their own safety Not long after all manner of food being spent and neither Corn nor Cattell nor Herbs left first as in close sieges has often happened they fed upon boiled Hides which being likewise consumed they minced small the flesh
this formidable War had lasted which only for having contemned it at first because of the meanness of the Authors of it was so prodigiously augmented and withal the ancient Roman Valour was so bastardifed that when the Assembly was held for naming of Praetors there was none found that demanded that Dignity till Licinius Crassus a man of Quality and mighty rich resolved to accept of the Pretorship offered and with six other Legions marched against Spartacus there were joyned to him the other two Legions which the Consuls had but he first decimated them as a punishment of those shameful losses they had suffered though some say that going to assault the Enemies with all the Legions together and being beaten by their fault he then decimated them without considering the great number of Men amounting to no less than four thousand by which he weakened his Army However it were after having managed so his Affairs that his own men were more afraid of him than of the Enemy ten thousand of Spartacus's Army being encamped severally he fell suddenly upon them and made so great a slaughter that scarce a third part escaped into the Gross commanded by their Captain Soon after he undertook Spartacus himself defeated him and drove him to the Sea side where as he laid a design to get over into Sicily to hinder him he shut him up with a Circumvallation he drew round his Camp with a Ditch and Palisade Spartacus seeing himself invested endeavoured to break his way out to get into the Country of the * Samnites but Crassus made him turn in again after having killed him six thousand Men in a Morning and as many in the Evening with the lose of only three of his own and seven wounded so much did the recent memory of their chastisement contribute to the Victory After which Spartacus who expected some Horse which were to come to him from elsewhere durst no more engage with all his Forces but contented himself to incommode the Besiegers with frequent sallies which he made sometimes on one side and sometimes on another and with throwing flaming Faggots into the Ditch to burn the Palisade and hinder the Work Mean while he caused one of the Roman Prisoners to be hanged up in the middle of the Place between his Camp and Crassus's Trenches to let his men know what they were to trust to if they did not gain the Victory The news of this cruelty coming to the City moved their spirits to indignation that a War should last so long against Gladiators So that judging the Remains of it were not despiseable they gave order to Pompey newly returned from Spain to go thither But Crassus fearing lest Pompey should carry away all the Glory of the end of this War did all that he could possible to draw Spartacus quickly to a Fight On the other side Spartacus who thought it not convenient to stay Pompey's coming sent to demand peace from Crassus which being refused him as a thing unworthy the Grandeur of Rome and some Horse being come to him he resolved to try the fortune of a Battel and having with all his Army froced the Circumvallation he took his way towards Brundusium pursued by Crassus but when he understood that Lucullus returning to Rome after his Victory against Mithridates was landed he lost all hopes of Retreat and drew his Forces which were yet numerous into Battalia The Fight was very fierce Crassus having to deal with so many thousand desperate people till such time as Spartacus wounded in the Thigh with a Javelin fell upon his Knees where still he defended himself for a while covered with his Buckler but at last was killed with all that were fighting about him all the rest were presently routed and there was so great a Butchery that the dead could hardly be counted nor could they find the body of Spartacus The Romans lost scarce a thousand men Those that remained of Spartacus's Men fled to the Mountains whither Crassus having followed them to give the last stroke to the Victory they formed of what were left forty Battalions and in that posture yet defended themselves valiantly till they were all killed save six thousand who were afterwards hanged along the way between Capua and Rome Crassus having done all this in six Mouths thought now he yielded nothing to Pompey in Glory and kept his Army as well as he They both demanded the Consulate Crassus having passed the charge of Pretor according to Sylla's Law whereas Pompey had neither been Pretor nor so much as Questor and not above four and thirty years old but he promised the Tribunes to re-establish their ancient power Thus these two Generals designed Consuls did not dismiss their Armies but kept them near the City and shewed their reasons for it Pompey that he waited for Metellus who ought to triumph at his return from Spain and Crassus that Pompey ought first to dismiss his Forces Now the people seeing this difference tended to new Dissentions and that the City was besieged by two Armies besought the Consuls who were eminently feated in the view of all in the great place to be reconciled at first both the one and the other rejected their Prayers but when the Divines told them that the City was threatened with great miseries if the Consuls did not agree the people weeping and casting themselves upon their Knees renewed the same entreaties for they had not yet lost the memory of those miseries caused by the Dissentions of Sylla and Marius Hereupon Crassus beginning first to be moved rises from his Seat and goes to present his hand to his Colleague as a sign of reconciliation the other rising likewise went to meet him and having joyned hands all the people made acclamations of joy wishing them all happiness so that before the Assembly broke up both Consuls dismissed their Armies Thus was the Common-wealth happily delivered from the fear of a Civil War And this happened sixty years after the death of Tiberius Gracchus the first mover of Seditions The End of the First Book of the Second Part. APPIAN OF ALEXANDRIA HIS HISTORY OF THE Civil Wars OF ROME PART II. BOOK II. The Argument of this Book I. CAtiline's Conspiracy II. Caesar returned from Spain renounces the Triumph and obtains the Consulate by the means of Crassus and Pompey III. During his Consulate he endeavours to get the favour of the People and Knights and obtains the Government of Gaul IV. Cicero banished by Clodius and recalled by the favour of Pompey V. Pompey underhand foments the Disorders of the Commonwealth to oblige the Citizens to create him Dictator Milo kills Clodius and Pompey created Consul without a Colleague VI. Pompey Sole Consul issues out Warrants against those that had any way abused their Charges VII Caesar demands the Consulate which Pompey secretly opposes VIII Curio declares for Caesar against Pompey but at last in s●ight of Curio the Senate gives Power to Pompey to Arm against Caesar. IX Curio Anthony
him the Honour of Triumph As they were making in the Suburbs Magnificent Preparation for his Entry the day designed for the Election of Consuls drawing nigh of necessity those who demanded that Dignity must be present and it was not permitted after entring the City without Pomp to make another Entry in Triumph He had a long time passionately desired the Consulate and the things necessary for his Triumph were not yet ready Wherefore he presented a Request to the Senate that he might have permission to demand that Dignity by his Friends which he knew had been granted others though it were forbid by the Law The last day being come whereon those that pretend to the Consulate must give in their Names and Cato continually opposing Caesar's Request he renounced his Triumph entred into the City and made his Declaration expecting the day of the Assembly Mean time Pompey Illustrious and Powerful because of the great Actions he had done against Mithridates demanded of the Senate the Ratification of many things he had granted to Kings Tetrarchs and Cities which many opposed out of the Envy they bore this Great Man But especially Lucullus who being recalled out of Asia when he had quite weakned the Forces of that King having left the same Pompey that War easie to terminate vaunted that the Honour of that Victory belonged to him and had drawn Crassus to his side Pompey vexed that his Designs were opposed makes Alliance with Caesar promising him upon Oath that he would serve him to get the Consulship and soon after by Caesar's means Crassus was reconciled to Pompey Thus these three great Men served one another to obtain what they desired And the Historian Varro who writ a Book of their Union calls it the Three-headed Conspiracy Wherefore the Senate beginning to suspect their Power gave to Caesar L. Bibulus his Enemy for his Colleague between whom there soon happened such a difference as made them take up Arms one agaist the other But Caesar knowing the Art of Dissembling made in full Senate an Oration to Bibulus upon the Subject of Concord as if he would prevent their Dissentions from causing any Inconveniency to the Commonwealth Now whilst it seemed in all outward appearance that he endeavoured seriously for Peace and that the other who doubted nothing stood not upon his Guard all on a suddain he comes to the Senate accompanied with a great Multitude of People and proposes a Law in favour of the Poor He distributed Lands to them gave to them that were Fathers of three Children Campania the most fertile Territory belonging to Italy and by this means got the Love and favour of the People for there were twenty thousand found under that Qualification And when many of the Senate opposed the Publication of these Laws he withdrew from the Palace as if not able to endure their Injustice and all that Year there was no more Session of the Senate But he went to the place for Orations and mounting the Tribunal demanded of Pompey and Crassus who still assisted him if those Laws did not to them seem reasonable and after having received their approbation demanded the suffrages of the people who came to that Assembly with Arms under their Gowns As for the Fathers for the Senate could not Assemble but by the order of both Consuls they held some private meetings in Bibulus house but all that did nothing against the Power and Interest of Caesar yet they ceased not to provoke Bibulus to oppose the Laws of his Colleague whatever should happen by it That it might rather be said he was overcome by the Malice of another than by his own remissness He ventured therefore upon the place one day as Caesar was making an Oration to the people and a Tumult arising about some words they had together they came to blows Bibulus his Rods were broken and some Tribunes that took his part wounded but he without being daunted presented his naked Neck to Caesar's Faction with these words If I cannot perswade my Colleague what is just I will at least by my death make him Criminal and Execrable However his Friends pulled him thence and caused him to enter the Temple of Iupiter Stator which is nigh the place Then Cato being strong and vigorous overthrew all those stood in his way got up into an eminent place and began to speak but those of Caesar's Party drew him out of the place which yet made him not give over for he returned again by another way crying out continually against Caesar till being again carried away by force the Consul got the Laws past The People having sworn to observe them they would have the Senators take the same Oath which some by Cato's perswasion having refused to do he proposed to the People to declare Criminal whoever would not swear And this Declaration being passed they all took the Oath for fear even the Tribunes themselves who had opposed in vain since the Law was ratified Mean while a certain man of the People called Vetius ran into the middle of the place crying out he was sent by Bibulus Cicero and Cato to kill Caesar and Pompey and that Dagger was to that purpose put in his hand by Posthumius Lictor to Bibulus Though this matter were much suspected Caesar made use of it to embitter the Multitude and referred the Information till the next day but Vetius was the night following killed in Prison This Accident admitted of divers Interpretations but Caesar cast the fault on some who had a sense of their being guilty and managed things so that the People permitted him to take Guards to secure him from such Attempts as might be made upon his Person And now Bibulus quitted absolutely the Government of the Commonwealth and remained in his house as a private Person all the Remainder of his Consulate But his Colleague seeing himself Master of all without troubling himself to make any Information about Vetius business laboured to make more Laws in favour of the People and according to his promise made all that Pompey had done to be approved In these times the Knights who were the middle Order between the Senate and the People powerful both by reason of their proper Riches and the Profits which they made of the Imposts which they farmed from the People highly courted Caesar in so much that supported by his favour they presented their Request to the Senate for an Abatement of the Rent of their Farms And when the Fathers demurred upon and withstood it without taking notice of their Oppositions by the sole consent of the People he abated them a third part Whereupon the Knights having received a greater favour than they demanded or durst hope for cryed up to the Skies him from whom they had received it And now Caesar grew stronger than he was before in the favour of the People for by this only benefit he gained a great number of interessed Persons to sustain his Dignity Besides all this to gain so
with the liberality of their General Indeed he gave profusely to them to prepare them to the execution of his Designs of which they were not ignorant nor therefore became they less affectionate to him but Pompey giving credit to the reports brought him neither made any Levies of Men nor any other preparations capable to sustain so great a War To proceed when they next in Senate debated this Affair and that the Fathers spoke their opinion one after the other the Consul by a wile having demanded them apart if they were of the opinion to take away Pompey's Command many were of a contrary mind and after asking if they thought it convenient to send a Successor to Caesar they all agreed to it But Curio then asking anew if they would not that both should dismiss their Forces there was but two and twenty contradicted it and three hundred and seventy all affectionate to the publick good followed Curio's judgment whereupon the Consul dismissing the Assembly cryed out Well then take Caesar for your Master Soon after a false rumour coming that Caesar had passed the Alpes and was marching directly to the City all the World was allarm'd and the Consuls proposed to the Senate to send for the Legions were at Capua to employ against him as an Enemy of the State Whereupon Curio saying that the news was false the Consul grew angry and said Since in consulting of Affairs with all the Senate I am hindred from providing for the safety of the Common-welth I will provide alone according to the power which I have After which going out of the City with his Colleague and presenting a Sword to Pompey We order you said he my Colleague and I to march against Caesar and fight for your Country and to that purpose we give you that Army is at Capua or in any other place of Italy with power to raise Forces at your discretion He declared he would obey them because it was their command but adding withal these words If no better Expedient can be found Which he did craftily to perswade them of the sincerity of his intentions Though Curio had no farther power in the Administration of the Common-wealth a Tribune not being permitted to go out of the circuit of the Walls yet he deplored in all Assemblies of the People the present state of Affairs and was so bold as to demand is full Senate that all People should be forbid enrolling themselves in the Forces levyed by Pompey but seeing he laboured in vain and lost all hopes of being able to serve his Friend the time of his Tribuneship being almost past and likewise growing fearful for himself he departed on a sudden to go and find out Caesar who being lately returned from England had crossed that Gaul which is bounded by the Rhine and passed the Alpes with five thousand Foot and three hundred Horse He met him on the way to Revenna which is the Frontier of Italy and the last Town of his Government where he received Curio with all possible testimonies of good will and after having thanked him for the services he had done him desired his counsel in what he had to do Curio advised him to send as speedily as he could for his Forces and lead them to the City but Caesar chose rather first to try some way of Accommodation wherefore he writ to his Friends that they should endeavour to obtain of the Senate that he might only keep two Legions with the Government of the hither Gaul and Illyria till such time as he was named Consul and that he would deliver up to whoever they should send for Successor all the rest of the Province and all the remainder of his Forces Pompey was content with the proposition but because the Consuls opposed it Caesar writ to the Senate a Letter which Curio having rode three thousand and three hundred Furlongs in three days gave to the new Consuls as they entred the Palace the first day of the year In the beginning he spoke in advantageous terms of the great things that he had done then he protested that he was ready to quit his command so Pompey would do this same but if Pompey kept it he would keep it too and should suddenly be in the City to revenge the outrages done as well to him as to his Country When they heard these last words they all cryed out that he declared War by this Letter and immediately nominated for his Successor L. Domitius who departed soon after with four thousand Men new levied and because Anthony and Cassius Tribunes of the People were of Curio's mind the Senate grew so much the hotter against him and giving Pompey's Army the name of the Army of the Common-wealth declared that of Caesar Enemy to their Country And at last Marcellus and Lentulus Consuls ordered those Tribunes to go out of the Senate for fear lest without having regard to their Dignity though sacred they should be evilly treated Then Anthony leaping from his Seat in Choler invoked with great cries the faith of men and God and lamented that an authority which had hitherto been held sacred was no longer in security and that they shamefully drove from the Senate those who proposed saving advice as if they had been guilty of Murder or some other crime Afte having said these words he departed in a fury foretelling as if he had been a Divine the Wars Proscriptions Banishments and Confiscations wherewith the City was threatened and making horrible imprecations against those who were the cause of all their miseries Curio and Cassius withdrew likewise with him for Pompey's Soldiers were already come to environ the Palace and they departed all three together in the Habit of Slaves upon hired Horses and so got to Caesar. He shewed them in the condition they were to his Soldiers to enrage them the more telling them that after all their great services they were declared Enemies to their Country and that those great men had been shamefully driven out of the Senate because they had only said a word in their defence The War being thus declared on both sides the Senate who believed that the Army out of Gaul could not come in a long time to Caesar and that with so few Forces as he had he would not take the Field gave order to Pompey to send for out of Thessaly thirteen thousand Men that were of the old Soldiers and to enrol men in pay of the most warlike Nations circumad●acent with power to take money out of the Treasury to defray the expence of the War and in case the publick money should fail there were several private men would advance it till such time as it could be levyed upon the Cities of Italy which they laboured to do with much haste and rigour For Caesar's part he had sent people to bring his Army but being accustomed to succeed more by diligence striking a terrour and hardiness than any mighty preparations he resolved to begin this
he could to hasten their coming And therefore out of impatience that the rest of his Army came not from Brundusium he resolved himself to go privately over thinking they would sooner follow him than any other wherefore without discovering his design to any one he sent three of his Slaves to a River not above twelve Furlongs distant to secure some very light Boat and a good Pilot as if he had an intention to send him upon some design and feigning himself ill rose from Table where he desired his Friends to continue and taking the habit of a private man mounting his Chariot came to the Boat as Caesar's Messenger He had given orders to his Slaves to command the Mariners what they had to do whilst he kept himself concealed under coverlids and the darkness of the night Though the wind were contrary and very raging the Slaves made the Pilot put off bidding him be of courage and make use of his time to escape the Enemy who were not far from them they laboured so hard that by force of Oars they got the Mouth of the River where the Waves of the Sea beating against the stream of the River the Pilot who on the other side was afraid of falling into the Enemies hands did all was possible for man to do till seeing they gained nothing and the Seamen not able to pull any longer he left the Helm Then the Consul discovering his Head cryed out Courage Pilot fear no storm for thou carriest Caesar and his fortune Whereupon the Pilot and his crew astonished at these words redoubling their force passed the Mouth of the River got out to Sea but because the Winds and the Waves still drove them towards the Lee shore in spite of all their endeavours and day approaching the Mariners fearing to be discovered by the Enemy Caesar angry at fortune that envyed him suffered the Pilate to ragain the River and the Boat presently running afore the Wind came to the place from whence they set out Caesar's Friends admired at his boldness others blamed him for having done an action more proper for a private Soldier than a General and he seeing his design had not succeded and that it was impossible for him to pass over without being known sent Posthumius in his place He first had charge to tell Gabinius that he should presently embark the Army and bring it to him and if he refused then to address himself to Anthony and at last to Calenus and if none of these three had spirit enough to execute these orders he had a Letter for the Army in general by which the Soldiers were exhorted to come over and follow Posthumius landing at any place they could without regarding the Ships for he had more need of Men than Ships so much confidence had he in fortune indeed more than in prudence Pompey then judging he ought no longer to delay drew out his Army in Battalia and caused them to advance against Caesar but two of his Soldiers being entred into the River to sound the Ford and one of Caesar's Men having slain them both he took this as an ill presage and led back his Forces into the Camp though many lamented the loss of so fair an occasion As for the Forces at Brundusium Gabinius refusing to follow the orders brought by Posthumius with all that would follow him went the way of Illyria by Land taking such long Marches that his Men being quite tired the Inhabitants of the Country cut them all in pieces for which Caesar could not yet be revenged being engaged in affairs of more importance Anthony shipped away the rest and having the Wind right aft passed in sight of Apollonia with a merry Gale but about Noon the Wind beginning to slacken they were discovered by twenty of Pompey's Galleys who made up towards them they were fearful lest the Stems of the long Ships running on board them should pierce through and sink them however they were preparing to fight every Man laying hold of his Sling his Javelin or Arms of the like nature when on a sudden there sprung up a fresher gale than the former so that Anthony setting his low Sails went ●pooning away before whilst the others not able to bear Sail were tossed too and fro where the Winds and Waves pleased and at length driven into the Narrows and cast upon Lee shores where there were neither Port nor Harbour Thus Anthony safely recovered the Port of Nymphaeum without losing more than two Ships which unfortunately running upon the Flats were taken by the Enemies Caesar having now with him all his Forces as well as Pompey they pitched their Camps in sight of each other upon eminencies where each entrenched themselves raising out Forts which were often attacqued by one Party and the other one General still striving to block up the others Army and cut them off from Provisions so that there happened many Skirmishes In this new mode of making War as Caesar's Men one day proved the weaker in a Fort assailed by the Enemy a Centurion called Sceva famous before for many gallant actions being wounded in an eye leaped from the Rampart and making a sign with his hand for silence as if he had something to say he called to one of the Centurions of the contrary Party a Man of Reputation to whom he said Save the life of one of thy own quality save the life of thy Friend send some body to lead me by the hand thus wounded as I am Whereupon two Soldiers stepping in to receive him as a Runaway he slew one before he suspected the deceit and knocked the other down He did this action out of pure despair he was in of being able to defend the place but it succeeded better than he imagined for this happy success so raised the courage of his Companions that they repulsed the Enemy and remained Masters of the Fort. Minutius who commanded had a great share in the Glory as well as in the danger of this Assault for 't is said his Buckler was six and twenty times pierced through and he was wounded in the eye as well as Sceva so Caesar honoured them both with many Military Recompences Mean time he had formed intelligence in Dyrrachium and upon hopes the place would be delivered to him he came with a small company to the Gate which is near the Temple of Diana but his design being discovered came off again without doing any thing The same Winter Scipio Father-in-law to Pompey bringing him another Army out of Syria was set upon in Macedon by C. Calvisius whom he defeated and slew him a whole Legion fourscore Soldiers only escaping There came now no more Provisions to Caesar by Sea Pompey being the stronger wherefore the Soldiers were forced to make Bread of a certain kind of Herbs pieces of which being by some Runaways brought to Pompey thinking it would be to him a joyful present instead of rejoycing at it What sort of Beasts said he have we to
of Caesar that the other was so extremely surprized thinking he was come of purpose to meet him that of his own accord he yielded himself into his Hands demanded Pardon and delivered up to him the Fleet so powerful was the Opinion only of Caesar's continual Happiness for I can find out no other Cause and am of Opinion that in all the Dangers he ever encountred his good Fortune never served him to better purpose than now when Cassius a Warlike Man having seventy Gallies meeting him by chance so ill prepared durst not attempt to fight him and yet after he had setled himself in the Supreme Power in the City he who out of a Cowardly faint-heartedness yielded to him in his Passage killed him in the height of his Prosperities which proves the more that Cassius terrifyed in that manner yielded only to the Fortune that advanced Caesar. Thus escaping beyond his Hopes as soon as he was landed the Ionians Etolians and other Nations inhabiting that great Peninsula which is called Asia Minor sent Deputies to him to crave his Pardon which he granted And understanding that Pompey was gone towards Egypt he sailed towards Rhodes whence without staying for his Army whom he had ordered to rendezvouz in this Island he embarked on Cassius his Gallies and those of Rhodes with those Forces he had and towards the Evening went to Sea He told no body whither he designed but only gave Order to the Pylates to follow the Admiral 's Light by Night and the Flag by Day And when he was in the Main Sea he commanded the Master of his Galley to stear towards Alexandria where he arrived the third Day after The King's Tutors who were still about Mount Cassia came forthwith to receive him And having at his Arrival but few People about him he remained for some time without doing any thing In the mean time he civilly received all such as visited him walked often about the City under pretence of being pleased to view it went often to Philosophy Schools where standing he would hear the Professors and by this manner of living he gained the Favour and Esteem of all the People of Alexandria But when his Army was arrived he put to death Achillas and Photinus for their Villany committed on the Person of Pompey and Theodotus then escaping him Cassius after finding him in Asia caused to be hanged The Alexandrians hereupon taking Arms and the King's Army coming to oppose Caesar they fought in several Engagements with divers Success as well about the Palace as the adjoyning Shores so that once Caesar pressed hard upon by the Enemy threw himself into the Sea and escaped them by swimming and his Coat-Armour falling into the Egyptians hands they hung it up in the place appointed for Trophies But in the end in the last Battel fought near the Nile where the King was in Person Caesar remained Conqueror He spent nine Months in all these Affairs till such time as he setled Cleopatra in the Kingdom of Egypt instead of her Brother and made a Progress with her upon the Nile followed by four hundred Vessels to see the Country or perhaps being in love with that Woman but we will speak of those things in writing the Affairs of Egypt When they would have presented to him Pompey's Head he would not see it and commanded it should be interred in the Suburbs where he consecrated a Chappel to the Goddess Nemesis which in our time when the Emperor Trajan made cruel War upon them the Jews pulled down the demolishing it being of importance to them Caesar having done these things in Egypt caused his Army to march with little noise through Syria against Pharnaces who had already been successful in many Occasions he had seized upon some places depending on the Romans he had defeated Domitius Caesar's Lieutenant in a Set Battel and puffed up with this Success had sacked the City of Amisa in the Kingdom of Pontus and publickly sold one part of the Inhabitants and made Eunuchs of all who had not obtained the Age of Puberty But frightned at Caesar's coming and repenting of what he had done when he was come within two hundred Furlongs of him he sent to him Ambassadors to treat of Peace with Orders to present him with a Crown of Gold and very impertinently to offer him the Daughter of their King in Marriage When he had heard the Occasion of their coming he made his Army march and amusing the Ambassadors with words advances up to Pharnaces Camp where beginning to cry out Shall not Parricide now be immediately punished he leaped on Horse-back and with the first Shout put the Enemy to Flight and made a great Slaughter without any of his Army 's drawing their Swords save only a thousand Horse that first followed him when he began the Charge Some Historians report that he should now say O! how happy was Pompey to have gained such Reputation with the Title of GREAT for having to deal with such People in the Mithridatick War And concerning this Victory he wrote to the City I came I saw I overcame As for Pharnaces he was content to retire into the Kingdom of Bosphorus which Pompey left him and Caesar had not now leisure to pursue him or lose time in these letter Affairs being called elsewhere by so many more important Wars wherefore he directed his Course towards Italy taking up all along as he marched through Asia the Tribute-Money which much troubled the Commissioners who had raised it upon the People with a thousand Cruelties as we have said in writing the Affairs of Asia Understanding by Letters that he received from Rome that the City was extremely tormented with new Seditions and that Anthony General of his Horse had with the Army seized upon the Great Place he left the Affairs of Asia to make all speed thither His Presence forthwith appeased the Tumult of the City but there was another raised against himself The Soldiers required to be payed what was promised them at Pharsalia for having exposed their Lives and that they might be dismissed having served the time appointed by the Laws He caused them in Excuse to be told that the Victory of Pharsalia was not yet perfect because War still continued in Africa but as soon as that was ended he would perform his Promise and give them over and above a thousand Drams a Head They with arrogance replyed that they stood not in need of Promises but of ready Money so that Crispus Salustus who was sent to them was fain to save his Life by Flight Upon report hereof made to Caesar he drew Anthony's Legion which had been left for the Guard of the City about his House and to the Guard of the Gates left the Mutineers should in their fury begin to plunder Private Houses And himself contrary to the Advice of all his Friends who counselled him not to expose himself to the fury of an Incensed Multitude with a signal Audacity of Mind as they
were in the Field of Mars came suddainly upon them And mounting on a place where he might be seen by all the Mutining Companies they ran to him not yet appeased but without Arms and saluting him called him Emperor according to Custom He commanding them to tell him what it was they desired they durst not speak of Money because he surprized them with his Presence but out of the hopes they were in that he yet standing in need of the Army to make an end of the Remainder of the War would if they desired to be dismissed himself speak of the Gift he had promised them contented themselves to cry out all with one Voice that they intreated him to discharge them To which without any delay he made answer That he granted their Request and seeing them so much the more astonished at this Answer as they least of any thing expected it and that they stood in a profound silence he added I will notwithstanding give you all that I have promised you as soon as I have triumphed with others This word filled their very Soul with Shame and Jealousie considering what an Infamy it would be for them if after having deserted their General under pretence of being weary of the War new Soldiers should follow his Triumphant Chariot Besides they should deprive themselves of the Booty they might get in the African War and render themselves odious both to Caesar and the contrary Party And making these reflections they a long time kept silence hoping Caesar would at last grant them something more and change his Mind because of the pressing necessity But he continuing silent as well as they and when his Friends besought him to say something more to them and not leave in suspence People that had served him so well as he began to speak to them calling them Gentlemen and not Fellow Soldiers which is a sign he looked upon them as discharged they could not endure to be treated in that manner but interrupted him and by their Cries testifying their Repentance besought him to permit them to stay still in his Service and because he refused them and descended from the Tribunal they redoubled their Cries intreating him to stay and punish their fault Hereupon he stopped a good while as if he had been in pain what to resolve on and at length remounting the Tribunal told them he would not punish a Man but however he was sorely troubled that the tenth Legion whom he had always preferred before the others had begun this Mutiny And to them he added I give you your Discharge and will pay you what I promised you as soon as I return from Africa And at the end of the War I will give you Lands not as Sylla did taking them from others or mixing the Usurpers among those are spoiled of them to nourish perpetual Enmity between them but I will divide amongst you the Publick Lands my own particular Inheritances and if those be not enough I will buy more with my Money Whereupon all the rest with Shouts and Acclamations applauded him but the tenth Legion was quite cast down believing they should never regain Caesar's favour wherefore they besought him to decimate them according to the Custom of their Ancestors Till he unwilling to afflict them any farther because he perceived their Repentance serious pardoned them as well as the rest and shortly after departed to go for Africa From Rhegium passing over to Messina he came to Lylibaeum and unstanding that Cato with the Fleet and part of the Land Forces had the Guard of Utica where lay all the stores of the contrary Party and where fate a form of Senate composed of three hundred persons who had for some time given orders in what concerned the War and that L. Scipio their General and the most considerable of the Party were at Adrumetum with the rest of the Army he went to land There he had advice that Scipio was gone to meet with King Iuba wherefore he took the opportunity of his absence and drew up his Army before the Enemies Camp Labienus and Petreius Scipio's Lieutenants accepted the defiance and vigorously beat back Caesar's Men driving them before them with contempt till Labienus's Horse wounded in the Belly having reversed and thrown him down his Esquires carried him out of the Fight and Petreius contenting himself with having tried the courage of his Soldiers believing he could overcome whenever he pleased caused the Retreat to be sounded saying to those about him We must not deprive Scipio our General of the honour of beating them himself Thus fortune shewed it self once more powerful for Caesar for his Enemies cooling in the midst of the Victory let the whole fruit of it escape out of their Hands 'T is said Caesar only stood his ground all the rest fled and that with his own hand he was bringing back the Standard of a Legion to the Front of the Battalia when Petreius drew off into his Camp in which Caesar willingly imitated him This was the success of the first Engagement Caesar met with in Africa Some time after a rumour was spread that Scipio was coming with eight Legions twenty thousand Horse of which the most part were Lybians a great number of Targetiers and thirty Elephants and together with him King Iuba at the Head of thirty thousand Footmen twenty thousand Numidian Horse store of Darters and besides all sixty Elephants The Soldiers were still disheartened with their late disgrace and the Enemy now seemed to them very formidable both by reason of the number and valour of the Numidian Horse besides they had not been used to fight against Elephants But when afterwards they understood that Bocchus another King of the Moors had seised upon Cirta the Residence of King Iuba so that recalled by domestick Danger he had made a speedy return into his Kingdom with his Army leaving only with Scipio the thirty Elephants they took such heart that the fifth Legion desired they might be placed before the Elephants and having obtained it began the Victory by the defeat of those Beasts wherefore to this day they carry an Elephant painted in their Colours the Fight was for a long time stifly maintained on both sides till in the end Caesar remained victorious Scipio's Camp was taken and pillaged Night prevented the further pursuit of those that fled of whom every one shifted for himself as he best could and Scipio quitting all went away with Afranius by Sea in twelve open Boats Thus this Army composed of fourscore thousand fighting Men the most part old Soldiers encouraged by the success of the first Fight were utterly defeated in this one Battel which augmented much the Glory of Caesar by the confession of his Enemies themselves who attributed this Defeat more to his good Fortune than their own remisness but they slattered themselves for this misfortune arrived only by the fault of their Commanders who had not the prudence to spin out this war in length whereby they
Temple built a publick Hall for the Roman People not to use Traffick in but for the pleading of Causes and to render justice and learn how to render it in like manner as there are many in Persia and by the Goddess side he caused to be set up the Statue of Cleopatra which is to be seen to this day And lastly having taken the number of the people he found them one half less than they were at the beginning of the War so much had the Differences which had happened between these two Men weakened the Common-wealth For himself being made the fourth time Consul he undertook the Expedition of Spain against the young Pompey which was a Remain of the Civil War he had not reason to slight for all those people of Quality that had escaped out of Africa got thither and the Wracks of the Pharsalian and African Defeats were here assembled besides the assistance of the most warlike Nations of Spain and Celtiberia and a great number of Slaves that followed Pompey's Army who having been four years exercised to the War offered to serve him if he would try the fortune of a Battel This was the cause of Pompey's overthrow for that without delay he would go meet Caesar though the old Captains whom the Battels of Pharsalia and Africa had made wiser counselled him to prolong the War being the only means to ruine his Enemy who could not subsist in a Country where he had no conveniencies for Caesar was come in seven and twenty days counting from the day he left the City and with store of Baggage had performed a wonderful Journey Besides his Army never shewed less resolution out of the thoughts possessed them that they were to deal with a multitude of War-like Enemies and whom despair would make attempt any thing which was the reason Caesar made no haste to engage till Pompey provoking him to Battel reproached him with faintheartedness which not able to endure he drew up his Army in Battel before Cordona and that day he likewise gave Venus for his Word as Piety was that of Pompey's When the Armies were going to close Caesar seeing his Men go on but coldly and seem to be afraid invoked all the Gods beseeching them with hands lifted up to Heaven not to let the lustre of so many glorious Actions be darkened in one day and running through the Ranks encouraged his Soldiers taking off his Head-piece that he might be the better known But do what he could he could not raise their Spirits till snatching a Buckler out of a Soldiers hand he said to the Tribunes were about him This shall be the last day of my life and of your engagement to the War And at the same time made furiously towards the Enemy he had scarce advanced ten foot but he had above two hundred Darts thrown at him some of which he avoided by bending his Body and others received on his Buckler when the Tribunes run with emulation to get about him and the whole Army thereupon charging with all their fury they fought all day with divers advantage and at length towards the Evening the Victory fell to Caesar and 't is reported that hereupon he was heard say these words That he had often fought for Victory but that now he had fought for life After the Defeat Pompey's Men flying into Cordona Caesar to prevent their escape thither lest they should rally and renew the Fight caused the place to be invested by the Army where his Soldiers being so tired they could not work in the Circumvallation heaped up together the Bodies and Armour of the slain which they kept piled up with their javelins stuck into the ground and lay all night under that kind of Rampire Next Morning the City was taken Of Pompey's Captains Scapula getting up on a Pile of Wood burnt himself the Heads of Varus Labienus and other persons of Quality were brought to Caesar. As for Pompey he fled from the Battel with a hundred and fifty Horse bending his course towards Cartea where his Fleet lay he entred the Port in a Litter and in the habit of a private Man But seeing the Seamen had likewise lost all hopes he threw himself into a little Boat in which as he was going out to Sea his Foot tangling in the Cordage one of his people going to cut the Rope by mischance cut his Heel so that to cure his wound he was forced to go ashore at a small Village where hearing that Caesar's Horsemen were coming he took his flight through a Country covered with Thorns and Briars which added to his wound so that being tired and sitting down at last under a Tree he was found by those gave him chase and slain generously defending himself his Head was carried to Caesar who caused it to be buried Thus was this War ended by one only Fight contrary to the opinion of all the world Those who escaped from this Defeat went to Pompey's younger Brother sirnamed Sextus but he only made War like a Rover hiding himself and flying from place to place As for Caesar having now put an end to all the Civil Wars he returned to Rome more powerful and glorious than ever any had been before him wherefore all imaginable Honours were done him to gain his favour All the Tribes all the Nations and all the Kingdoms allyed and Friends to the Roman People made Sacrifices Shews and Offerings in every Temple and in every publick place his Statues were every where to be seen set up in divers fashions some adorned with Oaken Crowns as having saved his Country like those wherewith the Citizens formerly honoured those who saved their lives likewise by publick Decree they gave him the Titles of Father of his Country perpetual Dictator Consul for ten years and of Holy and Sacred and it was enacted that he should administer Justice seated on a Throne of Ivory or of Gold that he should wear the Triumphal Robe at Sacrifices that on those days whereon he had gained his principal Victories publick Feasts and Prayers should be made and that every five years the Priests and Vestals should offer up Vows for his safety that those who entred into office should swear not to oppose any of his Orders and in Honour of his Birth-day they changed the name of the Month which they called Quintilis and named it Iuly It was decreed likewise by an Act of the Senate that Temples should be built to him as to a God and among others one in common to him and Clemency where their Statues stood hand in hand Thus by publick Vows they requested his Clemency whose Dominion they stood in aw of some likewise there were who would have called him King but he forbid it with threats signifying his aversion for a name which could not but be unhappy after the execrations fulminated by the Ancients against that Dignity he likewise dismissed from about his person the Pretorian Cohorts of which he had made use during the War
is said he acknowledged to his Friends that Cassius had reason but yet he would favour Brutus so much he loved and honoured him for all men believed he was his Son because he visited Servilia Cato's Sister at the time she grew with Child of Brutus wherefore 't is likewise said that in the Battel of Pharsalia he gave express order to his Captains to have a great a care as possibly they could of Brutus's life However whether he were ingrateful or knew nothing of it or did not believe it or that he thought his Mother's incontinence a dishonou● whether love of liberty made him prefer his Country before his own Father or being of the ancient race of the Bruti who had expelled the Kings and now pricked forward by the reproaches of the people who on the Statues of the old Brutus and on this Praetor's Tribunal had secretly written such words as these Brutus thou sufferest thy self to be corrupted with gifts Brutus thou art dead would to God thou wert now alive either thy Successors degenerate or thou hast not begot them He I say young as he was chafed by these and such like things engaged himself in this Enterprize as an Act worthy his Predecessors The Discourses concerning the Royalty were not then quite extinct when just as they were going to the Senate Cassius took Brutus by the hand and said What shall we do if Caesar 's Flatterers propose to make him King To which Brutus answered that He would not be at the Senate Whereupon the other again demanded What if they summon ●s as Pretors what shall we do then my Friend I will said he defend my Country even till death Whereupon Cassius embracing him said And what Persons of Quality will you take for Companions in so brave an Attempt Do you think there are none but Tavern-People and Artificers that put Writings on your Tribunal Know that they are the Prime Men of the City who expect from other Pretors only Plays and Shews but require their Liberty from you as the Work of your Predecessors Thus they discovered to each other what they had long had in their thoughts and began to try their own Friends and some of Caesar's according as they knew them capable of good things They engaged in their Design the two Brothers Cecilius and Bucolianus Rubrius Rex Q. Ligarius M. Spurius Servilius Galba Sextius Naso Pontius Aquila And of Caesar's Friends they drew to their Conspiracy Decimus of whom I have already spoken Caius Casca Trebonius Attilius Cimber Minutius and Basillus When they thought they had Companions enough for it was not convenient to communicate this Design to all the World they gave their Words one to another without either Oath or Sacrifice and yet no one changed his mind or ever discovered the Plot. There was nothing now wanting but choice of time and place The time urged for within four days Caesar was to depart and take Guards For the place they thought the Palace most convenient for they concluded that all the Senators though they were not made privy to it yet seeing the Action would joyfully joyn with them which as it is said happened at the death of Romulus after having changed the Regal Power into Tyranny Wherefore this Attempt would have the same Success with that especially being not privily executed but in the Palace and for the Good of the Commonwealth That they needed not to fear any thing from Caesar's Army being all composed of Roman People in conclusion that the Authors of this great Action doing it publickly could expect nothing but Reward Having all decreed the Palace for the place of Execution there were divers Opinions concerning the manner of doing it some being of Opinion they should likewise make away Anthony Caesar's Colleague the most powerful of his Friends and well beloved of the Soldiery But Brutus opposed that saying That it was only by killing Caesar who was as a King that they ought to seek for the Glory of destroying Tyrants and that if they killed his Friends too Men would impute the Action to private Enmity and the Faction of Pompey This Advice prevailing they only expected the assembling of the Senate Now the day before Caesar being invited to sup with Lepidus carried along with him Decimus Brutus Albinus and during Supper the Question being proposed what Death was best for Man some desiring one kind and some another he alone preferred the suddainest and most unexpected Thus divining for himself they fell to discourse of the Morrows Affairs In the Morning finding himself somewhat out of Order with the Night's Debauch and his Wife Calphurnia having been frightned with dismal Dreams she advised him not to go abroad and in many Sacrifices he made there were none but affrightful Tokens He therefore gave order to Anthony to dismiss the Senate But Decimus Brutus perswading him that it was more convenient he went himself to avoid the Opinion might be conceived he did it out of Pride or Scorn he went to dismiss them himself coming to the Palace in his Litter There were at present Plays in Pompey's Theatre and almost all the Senators were at the Windows of the Neighbouring Houses as is the Custom in the time of Spectacles The same Morning the Pretors Brutus and Cassius gave Audience to those made Suit for it with great tranquillity in a Gallery before the Theatre But when they had heard what happened to Caesar in the Sacrifices and that therefore they deferred the Senate they were much troubled One of those that stood there having taken Casca by the hand told him You kept it close from me that am your Friend but Brutus has told me all Whereupon Casca pricked in Conscience began to tremble but the other continuing with a smile Where then will you raise the Money to come to the Edility Casca gave him an Account Brutus and Cassius themselves being talking together one of the Senators called Popilius Laena drawing them aside said I pray God what you have in your hearts may succeed happily but it is fit you make haste At which they were so surprized that they gave him no Answer At the same time that Caesar went to the Palace in his Litter one of his Domesticks who had understood something of the Conspiracy came to find Calphurnia but without saying any thing else to her but that he must speak with Caesar about Affairs of importance he stayed expecting his Return from the Senate because he did not know all the Particulars His Host of Gnidus called Artemidorus running to the Palace to give him notice of it came just at the moment of his being killed another as he sacrificed before the Gate of the Senate-House gave him a Note of all the Conspiracy but he going in without reading it it was after his death found in his hands As he came out of his Litter Laena the same who before had spoken to Cassius came to him and entertained him a long time in private
which struck a Damp into the Chiefs of the Conspiracy the more because their Conference was long They already began to make signs to one another that they must now kill him before he arrested them but in the Sequel of the Discourse observing Laena to use rather the Gesture of a Suppliant than an Accuser they deferred it till in the end seeing him return thanks to Caesar they took Courage It is the Custom of the Chief Magistrates entring the Palace first to consult the Divines and here as well as in the former Sacrifices Caesar's first Victim was found without a heart or as some say without the Chief of the Entrails The Divine hereupon telling him it was a mortal Sign he replyed laughing that when he went to fight against Pompey in Spain he had seen the like and the other having replyed that then likewise he had run hazard of losing his Life but that at present the Entrails threatned him with greater danger He commanded they should sacrifice another Victim which fore-boding nothing but ill he fearing to seem tedious to the Senate and being pressed by his Enemies whom he thought to be his Friends without considering the danger entred the Palace for it was of necessity that the Misfortune to befall him should befal They left Trebonius at the Gate to stop Anthony under pretence of discoursing some Business with him and as soon as Caesar was seated the other Conspirators surrounded him according to Custom as Friends having each his Dagger concealed At the same time Attilius Cimber standing before him began to intreat him to grant the Return of his Brother who was in Exile and upon his Refusal under pretence of begging it with more humility he took him by the Robe and drawing it to him hung about his Neck crying out Why do you delay my Friends Thereupon Casca first of all reaching over his Head thought to strike his Dagger into his Throat but wounded him only in the Breast Caesar having disengaged himself from Cimber and caught hold of Casca's hand leaped from his Seat and threw himself upon Casca with a wonderful force but being at Handy Gripes with him another struck his Dagger into his Side Cassius gave him a Wound in the Face Brutus struck him quite through the Thigh Bucolianus wounded him behind the Head and he like one enraged and roaring like a Savage Beast turned sometimes to one and sometimes to another till strength failing him after the Wound received from Brutus he threw the Skirt of his Robe over his Face and suffered himself gently to fall before Pompey's Statue They forbore not to give him many Stabs after he was down so that there were three and twenty Wounds found in his Body And those that slew him were so eager that some of them through vehemence without thinking of it wounded each other After this Murder committed in a Hallowed Place and on a Sacred Person all the Assembly took their Flight both within the Palace and without in the City In the Croud there were several Senators wounded and some killed There were slain likewise other Citizens and Strangers not with design but without knowing the Authors as happens in a publick Tumult for the Gladiators who were armed in the Morning to give Divertisement to the People ran from the Theatre to the Senators Houses the Spectators affrighted dispersed as fast as their Legs would carry them the Commodities exposed to Sale were made Plunder of the Gates were shut and many got upon the Roofs of their Houses to secure themselves from Violence Anthony fortifyed himself in his House judging they had a design upon his Life as well as upon Caesar's And Lepidus General of the Horse hearing upon the place what had passed made haste to the Island in the River where he had a Legion which he drew into the Field of Mars that he might be in readiness to execute the Orders of Anthony for he yielded to him both in the Quality of Caesar's Friend and Consul The Soldiers would very willingly have revenged Caesar's death so basely murdered but that they feared the Senate who favoured the Murderers and expected the Issue of things Caesar had no Soldiery with him for he loved not Guards but contented himself with Ushers Besides he was accompanied with a great number of People of the Robe and whole Troops of as well Citizens as Strangers with Freed Men and Slaves followed him from his House to the Palace but in a moment all these Crouds were vanished there remained with him only three unhappy Slaves who putting him in his Litter and taking it upon their Shoulders carried him who but a little before was Master both of Sea and Land The Conspirators after the Execution had a mind to have said something in the Senate but no body staying to hear them they twisted their Robes about their left Arms instead of Bucklers and with thier bloody Daggers in their Hands ran through the Streets crying out they had slain the King and the Tyrant causing to march before them a Man carrying a Cap on the Head of a Pike which is the Badge of Liberty they exhorted likewise the People to the restoring the Commonwealth putting them in mind of the first Brutus and the Oath wherein he had engaged the Citizens and with them their Posterity There were several others who were not of the Conspiracy who took Daggers and went with them through the City of the number of which were Lentulus Spinther Favonius Aquinius Dolobella Murius and Petiscus who instead of the Honour they expected received the same Punishment with those had been guilty but none of the People joyned with them which begot in them both trouble and fear As for the senate though all the Senators who knew not of the Plot had in the Tumult taken their Flight yet they hoped well from them either because they were Kindred or Friends to most of that Order or because they knew they themselves had an aversion for the Tyranny but they had an ill Opinion of the People and of Caesar's Soldiers of whom there were great numbers in the City some newly dismissed to whom he had given Lands others distributed by Colonies some time before who were returned to follow him They were likewise fearful of Lepidus because he was Master of the Legion of the City and doubted lest Anthony against the Authority of the Senate should engage the People to destroy them Things being in this posture they with the Gladiators seized the Capitol where in their first Consultation it was agreed that they should tempt the People with Gifts for they hoped that some of the People beginning to praise the Action others would follow their Example out of love to Liberty and desire the restore the Commonwealth and they imagined that the Roman People were still the same as they had heard tell they were in the time of first Brutus who drave out the Kings but they considered not that they des●red two things
contradictory that the same People should love Liberty and 〈◊〉 ●●●mselves be corrupted with Gifts the last of which was much easier to be hoped for in a Commonwealth long since depraved for the Multitude of the City was mixed with all sorts of Strangers the Freed Men lived equal to the other Citizens the Slave was habited like his Master and except the Habit of the Senators one Fashion was used indifferently among all the rest Moreover because of the Corn distributed to the Poor in the City only all Loyterers Beggars and People unskilful in their Professions throughout all Italy flocked the Rome Besides there were great numbers of disbanded Soldiers who returned not as formerly every one to his Country but expecting to be sent to possess the Houses and Lands of others quartered together by Bands in Temples and Galleries under only one Colours and one Captain who was to be their Conductor to their Colony These People after having sold all that they had to be the lighter to march were ready to do any thing for Money So that the Conspirators had no great difficulty to gather together a multitude in the place But though they were payed for it they durst not praise the Action out of the respect they bore to the Glory of Caesar and the fear they stood in of the Contrary Party but as if they had in view the Publick Good they cryed out for Peace and demanded it of the Magistrates and by this means they laboured for the security of the Conspirators Peace not being to be had without an Act of Oblivion Thereupon Cinna allyed to Caesar and then Pretor joyns with them And advancing into the midst of them contrary to the expectation of all the World threw off his Praetor's Robe despising it as being given him by a Tyrant After which he began to declaim against Caesar calling him Tyrant and those who had slain him Tyrannicides highly praising their Action as parallel to what their Predecessors had done and at the same time commanding they should bring from the Capitol those brave People who had so well served the Commonwealth to the end to give them those Rewards they had merited But whatever Command Cinna gave this Troop seeing the People who had not been corrupted were not there would not let them be brought but contented themselves to continue their Cries in demanding Peace But when Dolobella a Young Man of great Reputation whom Caesar ready to depart had designed Consul for the rest of the Year being come with his Purple and the Badges of the Consulate and had spoke after Cinna violently and with indignation against the Author of his Dignity pleading hard for the Pardon of a Crime of which he said he would himself have been Partaker of and proposing as some say to consecrate that Day as the Day of the Foundation of their City Then this Assembly of Mercenary People took Courage seeing a Pretor and a Consul seemed to Authorize them and they sent to tell the Conspirators they should come down from the Temple They were glad to hear what Dolobella had done believing they had now at need found a Consul young vigorous and of a good Family to oppose against Anthony Yet only Cassius and Brutus came down the Hand of the last all bloody with a Wound he had received from the former when they stabbed Caesar. Being come to the Assembly neither one nor the other said any thing mean or low they praised each other for what they had done as if it had been an Action of Honour by consent of all the World They declared that upon it depended the Prosperity of the City which was this day made happy gave a glorious Testimony of the Prudence of Decimus Brutus who had very opportunely called to them the Gladiators exhorted the People to imitate their Predecessors who drove out their Kings that had not made themselves Kings by force as Caesar had but were lawfully elected and advised them to send for Pompey the Son of the great Pompey Defender of the Commonwealth against whom Caesar's Party yet made War in Spain and that they should order the Return of Caesetius and Marullus Tribunes of the People whom Caesar had interdicted their Offices and sent into Banishment where they still remained Having spoken to this purpose they again went up to the Capitol for they durst not confide in this Multitude But their Servants and Relations being already permitted to go and come to and from the Temple they chose some whom they deputed to Lepidus and Anthony to entreat them to make Peace to maintain Liberty and secure their Country from the Miseries attend on Discord To obtain this the Deputies praised not the Action for they durst not speaking to Caesar's Friends but they said that in their judgments it ought to be born with that those had done it were worthy of Pardon having undertaken it not out of any hate they bore him but love to their Country That the Condition of the City was deplorable if being almost depopulated by the Seditions wherewith it had a long time been afflicted they would not spare those few good Citizens left That it was extremely unjust to run the Commonwealth in hazard of utter Ruin for particular Enmities and that instead of laying hold of this Occasion to gratifie their Hatred they ought to sacrifice to the good of the Estate all the Offences they might possibly have received Anthony and Lepidus wanted not Will to revenge Caesar's death but they were fearful of the Kindred and Friends of the Conspirators and the Affection the Senate bore them and above all of Decimus Brutus who with an Army held the Neighbouring Gaul of which Caesar had given him the Government Wherefore they thought it more expedient to wait for a more favourable Opportunity and in the mean time try all ways they could to draw Decimus Army already well wearied to their Party So Anthony answered them in these Terms The Oration of Anthony IT is no particular Hate makes us act but only the blackness af the Action Besides having promised to Caesar upon Oath we would guard him or revenge all Attempts should be made against his Person Religion requires that those who are sullied with the Crime of his Death should be driven from among us and that we should rather live few and innocent than draw upon our selves a Curse by leaving this Attempt unpunished Notwithstanding since you desire it let us assemble in the Palace and what shall be resolved by a common Deliberation for the good of the City let it be executed Having made them this Answer they thanked them and returned with great hopes all things would succeed to their satisfaction for they promised themselves the Senate would heartily espouse their Interest But Anthony commanded to Magistrates to keep Watch by Night in the City and to take by turns their Seat in the Tribunal as in Broad Day having to that purpose given Orders to kindle Fires in
Gauls and Britains whilst with the extremest of infamy you treat him from whom they hold them What will the people of Rome what will all the people of Italy do will you not draw upon your won heads the hatred and indignation of men and gods if you condemn to that punishment him who has extended the bounds of your Empire from the Ocean to Nations before unknown Will not all the world say we are unjust Iudges if we decree rewards for those who in the Palace in a hallowed place in full Senate being Senators themselves murdered a Consul a sacred person and defame him who for his Virtue his very Enemies have in veneration wherefore let me counsel you not to think of these things which are neither just nor possible and as my opinion I declare it that we ought to ratifie all that Caesar has done and ordained and not approve the action of those who slew him for that is neither just nor reasonable and cannot be done with cancelling all he had done notwithstanding if you think good let their lives be saved out of pure grace for the sake of their Kindred and Friends upon condition they acknowledge the obligation After these words of Antonies there was great contest in the Senate and in the end it was agreed by the consent of all the Senatours that there should be no prosecution of Caesar's death and that all that he had done should be approved for the good of the Publick which words were added by the Conspirators Friends for their greater security Anthony himself not contradicting it as if he approved it rather for the common Quiet than out of Justice Hereupon those possessed of Charges began to demand mention should be made of them as well as of the publick interest and they confirmed in their Dignities to which Anthony likewise consented letting the Fathers know he did it for fear and to this Decree was added another concerning the Colonies The Senate being risen some gathered about L. Piso in whose hands Caesar had deposited his last Will and Testament to desire him not to produce it nor to make any publick Funerals lest that should occasion new Tumults which when they could not obtain they threatened to summon him to Judgment because he thereby frustrated the Publick of a great estate which ought to be brought to the Treasury and something they said concerning Tyranny whereupon Piso called out as loud as he could beseeching the Consuls to reassemble the Senate who were not yet separated and then he told them The Oration of Piso. THose who boast they have slain a Tyrant treat us like Tyrants themselves and we have many instead of one They forbid us the burying of a High Priest they threaten those entrusted with his Will they say his Goods ought to be confiscated as if he had been a Tyrant they would have what he has done ratified as far as it respects them but where it concerns himself they would disannul it and 't is not Brutus and Cassius who do this but those who stirred them up to commit this murder Do you consult concerning his Funerals and for his Will I will take care and never abuse the trust reposed in me unless some one kill me too These words raised a Tumult and Indignation especially in the minds of those who hoped to have some advantage to themselves by the Will It was therefore agreed the Will should be published and publick Funerals solemnized and so the Senate parted Brutus and Cassius understanding what had passed sent to invite the people to come up to the Capitol where a great multitude being assembled Brutus spoke in these terms The Oration of Brutus IF we speak to you now here who spoke to you yesterday in the place 't is not that we have taken refuge as in a Temple for we are not Criminals nor as in a Fortress we deliver our selves into your hands but what unlooked for happened to Cinna against all reason has forced us to retire and because our Enemies calumniously accuse us of having violated our Faith and troubled the Peace I shall be well pleased to plead our cause before you you I say with whom we hope for the future to confer about all the affairs of the Common-wealth After that Caesar upon his return from Gaul entred armed into his Country and Pompey who loved the Common-wealth had been treated as you all know and after a great multitude of good Citizens retired into Africa and Spain were perished the tyranny being established he would and not without reason for his own security have us swear to forget what was passed and if he would have constrained us to promise upon oath not only to blot out of our remembrance the injuries we had received but likewise to live under him in perpetual servitude what would not then those have done who sought our destruction But I believe for my part there is not true Roman who would not chuse rather to die an hundred times than oblige himself by oath to servitude If then Caesar attempted nothing against our liberty we are perjured but if he has left to us neither the disposition of Offices in the City nor of Governments of Provinces nor Command of Armies nor Colonies nor any other Honours but that Caesar alone disposed all these things without so much as speaking a word to the Senate or asking the consent of the people where is that liberty of which we had not so much as the hopes left for could we think he would be weary of our servitude or would imitate Sylla who after being revenged of his Enemies restored to you the administration of the Common-wealth he who undertaking so long an Expedition anticipated for five years the assembly for election of Magistrates What shall I say of the Tribunes of the people Caesctius and Marullus did he not shamefully drive away those Magistrates holy and inviolable The Laws and Oath of our Fathers permit not the Tribunes of the people to be brought to judgment so long as they are in Office but Caesar has judged them has banished them who then he or we have violated the reverence due to persons holy and sacred unless possibly Caesar was hallowed and inviolable he whom by violence after the oppression of his Country and the death of so many great Men we honoured with that Title and the power of the Tribunes be not hallowed and inviolable after that our Fathers when the Common-wealth was free voluntarily swore them so and pronounced execrations against their posterity if they violated it Whither was the wealth and riches of the Empire brought to whom did the Receivers give their Accounts who broke up the Treasury against our will who laid hands on a Fond never any before durst touch and who threatened a Tribune with death that opposed it But say they upon what Oaths can we be assured the peace now to be made shall not be violated I will answer them that if no person
have wished the Command of a Province with an Army and especially cast his eyes upon Syria but understanding he should increase the jealousie conceived of him if he demanded it for himself and that on the other side the Senate had gained Dolobella his Colleague with whom he had no fair understanding to oppose all his designs he perswaded Dolobella who was young and ambitious to demand Syria to the prejudice of Cassius together with the Army destined to War upon the Parthians and not address himself for the obtaining it to the Senate for that would prove to no purpose but to the people by way of Decree He gladly embracing the motion presently makes his proposition to the people whereupon the Senate complaining that he attempted against what Caesar had decreed he answered That Caesar had not decreed to any person the Commission of the War against the Parthians that Cassius to whom he had given Syria had first thwarted his Decree by permitting the Soldiers to whom he had given Lands to dwell on to sell them without staying the twenty years assigned by the Law that however it would be dishonourable for him if Dolobella should not be preferred before Cassius in the Government of Syria Hereupon the Senate suborned Asprenas Tribune of the People to break up the Assembly under pretence of some evil Augury hoping that Anthony who was Consul and Augur and whom they believed yet an Enemy to Dolobella would joyn with the Tribune but as soon as he declared that there were unhappy presages which belonged to anothers Office to do Anthony said that he was a knave and exhorted the Tribes to give their Votes on Dolobella's proposition Thus he obtained the Government of Syria with Commission to make War upon the Parthians with the Legions designed by Caesar to that purpose and those already marched into Macedonia and thus at last they came to know that Anthony and his Colleague understood each other Dolobella having obtained these things from the people Anthony demanded Macedon from the Senate knowing well that after the grant of Syria to the other Macedon where there was no Army would not be refused him So he obtained it to the discontent of most and general wonder of all the Fathers that he had suffered the Army which was in that Province to be given to Dolobella who however they were much better satisfied should have the dispose of it than Anthony Hereupon they took occasion to demand of Anthony other Provinces for Brutus and Cassius which he assented to and gave them Cyrene and Crete or as some say both those were given to Cassius and Bithynia to Brutus Thus went Affairs within the City Now Octavius Nephew of Caesar as descended from his Sister had been by his Uncle created General of the Horse for one year after he had made that Dignity annual to the intent that many of his Friends might enjoy it one after the other But because he was yet too young he had sent him to Apollonia a City situate on the Coasts of the Ionian Sea to study and learn the Art of War till such time as he should take him along with him against the Parthians In the mean time several Cornets of Horse that were in Macedon came by turns to attend him that he might be the better instructed by exercising them and there came likewise very often Tribunes and other Officers to pay their respects to him in quality of Caesar's Kinsman and he receiving all Men with great kindness respect and civility gained to himself the hearts of the whole Army He had been now six Months at Apollonia when one Evening news was brought him that Coesar had been slain in full Senate by his most intimate Friends who had at that time great power in the City and because there was none that could give him any farther account fear seized upon him not knowing whether the Senate had contributed to the action or whether it were a conspiracy of particular Men whether those guilty of it were punished or whether they were yet living or lastly whether the people had declared for them or no. Hereupon his Roman Friends gave him advice to retire to the Army in Macedon for his security where if he understood it an attempt of particular persons he might take heart and revenge Caesar and some Officers there were offered to be his Guides and serve him as Guards in the way But his Mother and Philip his Father-in-law wrote to him not to be too presumptuous that he should undertake nothing rashly but remember that Caesar after having overcome all his Enemies was slain by those Friends he had most confidence in that a private condition at least for some time would best secure him but that however he should return to Rome accompanyed with some of his faithful Friends To them he gave credence and without knowing what had happened since Caesar's death bid adieu to the Officers of the Army and passed the Sea He would not land at Brundusium because not being sure of that Garrison he was wary of falling into his Enemies hands but at another little City not far distant from Brundusium called Lupia where he sojourned some time There receiving Letters which contained the particulars of the Assassinate of the sorrow wherewith the people had resented it of his Will and the Decree of the Senate his Friends were of opinion that he would be obliged so much the more to stand in fear of Caesar's Enemies being his Son and Heir and therefore exhorted him to refuse the Inheritance and Adoption but he judging it would be an infamy for him not to revenge Caesar marched towards Brundusium having sent some of his people before to discover if any of the Assassines were there in Ambuscade But when the Garrison of the City coming forth to meet him had received him as Caesar's Son he took heart sacrificed to the Gods and forthwith caused himself to be called Caesar. ` T is the Roman custom to take with the name of their Family the name of their adoptive Father but he quite changed his and instead of Octavius the Son of Octavius would be called Caesar the Son of Caesar. As soon as he had taken this name the people flocked in from all parts to complement him not only his Father's Friends Freed Men and Slaves but likewise the Soldiers who convoyed Provisions and Money to the Army in Macedonia or which brought to Brundusium Tribute and other Monies levyed in the Provinces Being therefore encouraged by the concourse of so vast a Multitude by the glorious name of Caesar and by the affection all Men professed to bear him he took his way towards the City with a considerable Train which dayly like a Torrent grew greater So that now he no more feared open force but took so much the more care to secure himself from secret ambushes because he knew not the greatest part of those that accompanied him As for the Cities there were some had no
great affection for him but the Veterans or old Soldiers to whom Caesar had lately given Lands ran from the Colonies to offer themselves to this young Captain They deplored the death of their Benefactor declared against Anthony who had let so horrid a crime go unpunished and protested they would be the revengers of it if he would please to head them He praised them exhorted them to preserve this good will of theirs to another Season and so sent them home Being come near to Terracina about four hundred Furlongs from Rome news was brought him that the Consuls had taken from Brutus and Cassius the Governments of Syria and Macedon instead of which and to comfort them they had given them two lesser to wit Cyrene and the Island of Crete that some Exiles were returned to the City that they had sent for Pompey made some Senators according to Caesar's Memoirs with many other matters When he was arrived at Rome he found his Mother and Father-in-law and all those who had any care of his Affairs in great fear and trouble because of the Senates aversion for Caesar the Decree past for discharging the Murderers from crim● and the pride of Anthony now grown powerful in the City who had neither gone himself nor sent out any to meet the Son of Caesar. He quieted their trouble by telling them he would go himself to Anthony as the younger to the elder and as a private person to a Consul that he would pay his respects to the Senate as he was obliged in duty that as for the Decree it passed in a time when no Man opposed it but now that one was found to prosecute the people would reach forth a strong hand the Senate would give life to the authority of the Laws the immortal Gods would sustain the justice of his cause and perhaps Anthony himself would be concerned for it As for his part he could not refuse the Inheritance and Adoption without doing injury to Caesar's memory and injustice to the Roman People in not paying what had been left them by his Will that he had much rather not only hazard himself but suffer death it self than after having been made choice of by Caesar before all other persons in the World shew himself unworthy of that Great Man's Choice Then turning to his Mother he pronounced those words of Achilles to Thetis Oh! let me die or let my Vengeance yield Some Satisfaction for my Friend thus kill'd He added that this Discourse had given Immortality to Achilles especially being pursued to Effects and that for his part Caesar had not only been his Friend but his Father his Comrade but his Captain who had not been slain in fair War but wretchedly massacred in full Senate Hereupon his Mother changing her fear into joy embraced him as alone worthy to be Son to Caesar and with many powerful expressions exhorted him to execute his Resolutions However she advised him rather to employ Policy and Patience than open Violence Caesar having praised her Counsel and promised to follow it towards the Evening dismissed his Friends giving them order to meet him next Morning early upon the place with as much Company as they could bring There he comes up to Caius Anthony's Brother Pretor of the City and declared to him that he accepted the Adoption for it was the Custom among the Romans to have Adoptions authorized by the Pretors After having caused his Declaration to be registred he went off from the place to go seek out Anthony who was then at Pompey's Gardens which Caesar had given to him They let him wait a good while at the Gate which made him suspect that Anthony had no kindness for him but at last being entred there passed nothing but civil and obliging words from one to the other And when Caesar was to discourse of the Business about which he came he spoke in this manner The Oration of Caesar. MY Father for the Affection Caesar had for you and your Acknowledgments oblige me to call you so I applaud what you have done for him and shall ever own the Obligation But pray give my Grief the liberty to tell you that there are some things I cannot approve Whilst Caesar was murdered you was not there for his Murderers had stopped you at the Gate otherwise you had either saved his life or perished with him but if your loss were inevitable I am glad that you were not there After this when some endeavoured to decree Rewards to the Murderers as if they had slain a Tyrant you generously opposed it for which likewise I am infinitely obliged to you Though certain it is they had also resolved to make a Riddance of you not as the future Revenger of Caesar's death which we believe but as they say for fear there should remain after him a Successor in the Tyranny Though after the Action these People who said they had slain a Tyrant being sensible they were guilty of Murder fled to the Capitol either as Criminals to seek for Refuge in a Sacred Place or as Enemies to seize upon the Fortress How then could they obtain an Amnesty and a Decree forbidding any Prosecution of Justice for this Action unless by corrupting with Money some of the Senate and People But being Consul you ought to have taken care on which Part was the Plurality of Voices and presiding in the Senate had you voted against them you had carried it and reduced to your Opinion those who had been deceived On the Contrary you delivered to the Murderers some of your own House in Hostage and sent them to them into the Capitol but I will think you were constrained to it by those that were suborned Then when after that Noble Funeral-Oration you made the Will being read the People who yet had Caesar fresh in memory carrying Fire to burn his Murderers Houses though then forbearing it in favour of their Neighbours when on the Morrow they twice returned to Arms why did not you assist them Why did not you head them with Sword and Torch in your Hand Why did you not do Justice your self Did you expect other Judgment against Publick Criminals You the Friend of Caesar you Consul you Anthony you who could make use of the Power of your Office to put to death Marius have let Murderers escape Nay have suffered some of them to retire into the Provinces whose Governments they must needs unjustly hold having massacred him from whom they held them It is true that being Consuls you and Dolobella you have done well to take from them Syria and Macedon and certainly I had been much obliged to you for it had you not at the same time granted them Cyrene and Crete giving Governments to Fugitives to fortifie themselves against me Is it not likewise by your consent that Decimus one of the Murderers of my Father as well as the rest holds the hither Gaul You may tell me perhaps it is by Decree of the Senate but
you have approved it you sat as President you who more than any Man else ought to have opposed it even for your proper Interest Well might you in favour of them assent to their Indempnity and Impunity but to give them Governments and Dignities is to do an injury to Caesar and make a scorn of your self Grief makes me say things disproportionate to my Age and to the respect I bear you But I speak to the most assured of Caesar's Friends to him whom he advanced in Honours and Dignities and who possibly had at this present been his adopted Son had he known you could have resolved with your self to pass from the Race of Hercules to that of Aeneas that was his only doubt when he thought of making choice of a Successor I beseech you therefore Anthony by those Gods that preside over Friendship by Caesar's self that you would yet change something of what you have done for you may do it if you will or at least that you will aid me in revenging my Father's death with the assistance of the People and of all those who yet persevere in the affection they once bore him If you have any fear of those people or of the Senate I only desire you would not oppose my designs As for any thing else you know the state of my Affairs That I am obliged to pay the people what my Father left them and that speedily left the benefit being delayed remain without acknowledgment and that I become the occasion that those who ought to be sent to the Colonies stay longer in the City Wherefore I desire that of all that was carried to your House to be the better secured after my Father's death the richest and most pretious things may be yours I only demand that Silver Money he had raised for those Wars he was preparing to make that I may pay those Legacies he left to the People and I shall content my self at present if you furnish me with so much as is necessary to pay three hundred thousand Men what is due to them by the Head I would entreat you if I durst to lend me wherewithall to pay the rest or be my Security for taking it up at Interest out of the Treasury till such time as the Goods left by this Succession are sold in which I shall labour Might and Main Anthony astonished at the freedom taken by this Young Man and at that noble confidence which he did not expect from a person of his age And being offended that he had treated him with no more respect but especially that he had demanded back the Money answered him in these terms The Oration of Anthony MY Son if Caesar with his Succession and his Name had likewise left you the Empire you have reason to demand of me an Account of the Administration of Publick Affairs and it is but just that I should give it you but the Roman People having never given the Sovereign Power to any Person by Succession not to the Kings themselves whom they have expelled and bound themselves by Oath never more to suffer them a thing which the Conspirators reproach your Father with saying they have slain a King and not a Magistrate there is therefore no necessity I should give you an Account of what concerns the Publick and I likewise discharge you of all Obligations you are willing to be bound in to me for I have done nothing for your sake and have only had in prospect the Publick Good in all my Actions except only one whereby I have rendred a signal Service both to Caesar and to you For if for my own security and to avoid Envy I had permitted them to decree Rewards to the Conspirarators as having slain a Tyrant Caesar had been declared a Tyrant to whom neither Respect nor Honour was due for the Roman Laws require that Tyrant's Bodies be cast into the Draught their Memory abolished and their Goods confiscate Out of a fear lest this might happen I strove hard for Caesar to preserve his Glory immortal and to cause his Funerals to be publickly solemnized I feared neither danger nor envy though I had to deal with violent people accustomed to Murthers and who as you know had already conspired against me and that the Senate were inclined to mischief against your Father because he had usurped the Sovereign Authority over that Body Yet I chose rather to run all these hazards and should rather have undergone all manner of misfortunes than have suffered that Caesar the Greatest of Men and the most happy in many things and whom I esteemed the most worthy of Glory of any Man of this Age should have been deprived of Honour and Sepulture The Dangers to which I have exposed my self have gained you all that Caesar possessed his Family his Name his Dignities his Goods and surely you ought rather to thank me than blame my Conduct if I have yielded to some thing to content the Senate or given recompence to those to whom it was due or done whatsoever it were for any reason I thought necessary old as I am and you yet but a young Man But this shall suffice as to that matter As for what you would object that I aspire to the Dominion I have no such thoughts though I do not think my self unworthy nor is it any insupportable thing to me to be left out of Caesar's Will contenting my self to be descended of a Race that derives its Original from Hercules As for the Money you talk of borrowing out of the Treasury to serve your own Occasions I believe that you do but jest unless as it is probable you have not heard that your Father left the Treasury empty and that since he made himself Master of the Empire all the publick Moneys that were before carried thither were after carried to his House where among his Goods they will be found when we shall decree a Search to be made for them which will be done without giving any offence to the dead Caesar Or were he living he would not refuse to give an Account of his Administration as it is but just he should Be●ides many private Persons pretend a Right to those Goods and will not quit them to you without Tryal Nor was there so much Silver brought to my House as you imagine nor have I any of it left for it was all divided as being a Tyrant's Mony among the Magistrates and chief Men of the City except only Dolobella and my Brethren And if you should chance to find out any you will not if you be wise give it to the people but employ it to appease such as may dammage you and if they themselves be wise they will send away the people to the Colonies For the People as you may have lately learnt out of Greek Books are a thing of no stability but ever floating to and fro like Waves of the Sea as it has often happened in our Republick where the People after having raised up
Remonstrance swearing that he was not ingrateful towards Caesar and that he had manifested this change of affection to no other end but that a young Man a little too haughty for his age and who bore no respect either to Ancients or Magistrates should somewhat stand corrected for that in good truth he had need of correction but yet for the Prayers sake they had made him he would lay aside all animosity and resume his former inclinations provided Caesar would for the future be more moderate The Tribunes satisfied with this answer engaged them to an Enterview where after some complaints of of one another they were reconciled Soon after Anthony preferred the Decree touching the Government of Gaul The Senate were afraid and took a resolution to hinder it if the Consul demanded their approbation and to oppose it by means of the Tribunes if without speaking to the Senate he sought to have it ratifyed by the people Nay there were some Senators of opinion to set that Province at liberty so formidable seemed it to them because lying so near Rome Anthony on the other side reproached them that they had given that Province to Decimus one of Caesar's Murderers and yet made a difficulty of trusting him with it because he had not murdered him that conquered it and brought it under their obedience by which he accused them of openly allowing the action The day for approbation of the Decree being come the Senate had given orders that the Votes should be taken by the Tribes but those of Anthony's Party having assembled the people before day called them of purpose by Centuries Though the multitude had an aversion for Anthony yet forbore they not now to favour him for Caesar's sake who was present at the assembly soliciting for him out of fear left Decimus one of those who slew his Father should command with an Army in so commodious a Province and likewise to gratifie Anthony with whom he was newly reconciled and from whom in his turn he expected some favour In short the Tribunes of the People not at all opposing it for Anthony had gained them the Decree was ratifyed and the Consul having now a plausible pretence caused the Army to pass over into Italy At length one of the Tribunes being dead and Caesar soliciting for Flaminius who made suit for this Dignity the people imagining that he did indeed desire it for himself but durst not ask it because he was too young would needs by Vote declare him Tribune on the other side the Senate envyed him this increase of Honour as fearing left being made Tribune he should summon before the people those who had slain his Father Whereupon Anthony violating the Friendship he had newly sworn to Caesar or in favour of the Senate whom he would fain appease because they were offended at the Decree of the People concerning Gaul issued a Decree of the Consul whereby he prohibited Caesar from conserring Liberalities upon any person contrary to Law upon pain of punishment This Decree which made appear Anthony's ingratitude to Caesar and which was injurious both to the young Caesar and the people stirred up the minds of the multitude and it was very likely that at the Assembly to be called some tumult would happen so that Anthony himself was afraid and contenting himself with the number of the Tribunes already in the City prevented the assembling of the People As for Caesar seeing that Anthony declared openly against him he dispatched people throughout the colonies that he had established to let them know the wrong he suffered and to sound their inclinations He sent likewise some of his Confidents to Anthony's Army mixed among those who had the Convoy of Provisions giving them orders to do their utmost to draw the bravest to his side and privily to drop Libels among the Soldiers Whilst Caesar was thus employed the same Officers of Anthony's Guards before mentioned laying hold on the occasion spoke to him in this manner The Oration of the Officers of Anthony's Guards We have a certain knowledge that Caesar's Murderers hate us as much as him us and all those who under his command have extended the bounds of the Roman Empire and yet dayly employ all their power to extend them that we are exposed to their Ambushes and that the Senate favours them Nevertheless after their being chased hence by the People we have regained courage seeing Caesar was not destitute of Friends who still remembred his Benefits and preserved their acknowledgments But above all we are assured of the Friendship between you and of your experience in War being the greatest Captain of the Age next him and the most capable to command But because our Enemies springing up afresh endeavour to seise upon Syria and Macedon and make Levies of Men and Money to wage War upon us because the Senate causes Decimus to prepare againsh you and that in the mean all your thoughts and cares are employed in the differences you have with the young Caesar we fear and not without reason that in the War now threatening us nay which indeed we have upon us there happen not some division amongst us which may cause our Enemies to succeed in their Enterprises Wherefore we intreat you that in acknowledgments of Caesar's Favours and Benefits for the common security of all us against whom you have never yet had cause of complaint and likewise for your own interest you assist Casar to take vengeance of the Murderers of his Father whilst it is in your power to do it he will be therewith content and you will afterwards live without trouble and we discharged of our fears for you and for our selves To this Discourse Anthony made Answer Anthony's Answer to the Officers of his Guards You know with what passion I always loved Caesar as long as he lived and that there were no dangers to which I exposed not my self to Preserve his Authority You know it I say you who followed him every where and were present at all his Action and I grant there is no need of Witness to prove that his Affection and Esteem forme lasted to his very end His Murderers having perfect knowledge of all this had once resolved to have dispatched me at the same time believing whilst I remained alive they could never perfectly accomplish their design and he that diverted them from these thoughts did it not for my sake but to give a fairer Gloss to their crime that it might be thought they designed not so much to revenge themselves of many Enemies as to kill one Tyrant Who then would think after so many obligations as I have received from Caesar I should range my self on his Enemies Party or that I should willingly pardon his death to those who attempted my own life as the young Caesar imagines How then after Indemnity did they obtain Governments for you impute to me this fault which the Senate committed Hearken a little how it happened Caesar being slain in full
Province and because I knew him capable of Action that I might remove him thence by some fair pretence I made an offer in the Senate to give him Macedon in recompence after having drawn thence the Legions The Senate opposing it upon some mistrust they had of my designs and many of that Body having writ many things as you know to Decimus be sides that they were ready to stir up against me the Consuls for the next year I took a resolution to speak no more of it to the Senate but to demand this Province from the People and to make the Macedonian Army pass over to Brundusium to employ them in things necessary and I hope yet by the assistance of the Gods to make use of them to the advantage of my Affairs when occasion requires Thus from the fear wherein we formerly were we have reached that security we desired and a condition to strike terrour into our Enemies though when we first took up Arms many declared for them yet now you see they repent of their sentences given in my favour that they use all their endeavours to deprive me of the Government of Gaul granted me by the People You know they continually write to Decimus that they solicite the Consuls to cancel by sentence the Decree which gives me that Province But for my part resting assured on the assistance of the Gods Protectors of my Country on the sincerity of my intentions and on your valour which made Caesar every where victorious I will employ all my soul and all my strength to revenge him It was necessary Fellow Soldiers till now to keep these things secret but since you ought to have share in all my Actions and all my Designs I am content to discover them to you and you may communicate them to all those tied by the same interest except only to Caesar whose ingratitude I have already made proof of Anthony's officers become firmly perswaded by these words that all the artifices he had made use of to deceive the Senate proceeded only from the passion he had to destroy the Murderers However they prevailed with him to reconcile himself with Caesar which he did in the Capitol Some time after Anthony caused to be brought into an Assembly of his Friends some of his Guards as if Caesar would have treated with them to murder him whether it were a calumny of whether he believed it indeed or whether having intelligence that Caesar had sent some People amongst his Troops he imagined it was to make an attempt upon his life The rumour of this attempt was spread through the whole City and raised a mighty Tumult and the People were filled with great indignation for some persons sounding more deeply into the business saw well that Anthony though he was an Enemy to Caesar yet was useful to him because the Conspirators feared him who if he had been dead had been capable of enterprising any thing especially supported as they were by the Senate and this was the judgment of the wiser sort But with the greather part of the multitude who beheld Caesar every day suffering a thousand wrongs it was no hard matter to believe the calumny and they adjudged it an execrable sign to make an attempt upon the person of a Consul Upon the noise of it Caesar ran through all the Streets like a mad man crying out that on the contrary it was a plot laid by Anthony himself to rob him of the good opinion of the People by whose favour he had hitherto subsisted He went to Anthony's own Gates crying the same thing attesting the Gods and making imprecations on himself and requiring them to issue out his Process and when no person came out of the House I will said he make thy own Friends Iudges And therewithal endeavoured to enter but repulsed he began to complain revile and grow angry against those who hindred his entrance telling them 't was for fear he should convince Anthony of calumny and so retiring immediately he protested before all the People that if any mischief happened to him it ought to be attributed to nothing else but the perfidiousness of Anthony These words pronounced with vehemence changed the minds of the Multitude and many began to repent themselves of the opinion they had entertained of him Though some were doubtful which of the two to credit and others affirmed 't was all but a plot laid between themselves in the Temple where they were reconciled that by a seeming Feud they might better surprise their Enemies whilst others again said that it was Anthony's invention only that under this pretence he might encrease his Guards and turn away the old Soldiers hearts from Caesar. At the same time intelligence was privately given to Caesar that both the Army arrived at Brundusium and the old Soldiers distributed into Colonies were incensed against Anthony because he delayed the revenging of Caesar's death which they offered to employ all their power to effect and that upon this occasion the Consul was gone to Brundusium which obliged Caesar who was fearful lest his Enemy returning to Rome which and Army might oppress him defenceless as he was to take store of Money and go into Campania to engage in his service those Colonies there settled by his Father First Galatia and then Silia situate on both sides of Capua gave him their word and by advancing five hundred Drams to each Soldier he raised about ten thousand Men who were not so well furnished as was requisite for the War nor enrolled in Companies and Regiments but marched all under one Standard as his Guards And whereas those in the City were frightned before with the thoughts of Anthony's return with an Army hearing of Ceasar's coming at the Head of another some were now afraid of both others again were well satisfied with the imagination they might employ Caesar to defend them against Anthony and others again who had been witnesses of their reconciliation in the Capitol believed all but a fiction and that they were agreed together to joyn Forces to the end Anthony might seise on the Sovereign Authority and Caesar revenge the death of his Father In the heart of this Allarm Carnutius Tribune of the People Enemy to Anthony and friend to Caesar went out to meet his Friend and understanding his intentions came and assured the People that Caesar had took up Arms against none but Anthony his declared Enemy and that to secure themselves from Anthony's Tyranny it was requisite to joyn with Caesar the rather because in that Conjuncture they had no other Army After this Remonstrance he caused Caesar who had lodgd the night before in the Temple of Mars fifteen Furlongs from Rome to advance into the City where as soon as he was entred he went and possessed himself of the Temple of Castor and Pollux about which all the old Soldiers gathered together with their Swords under their Coats There Carnutius having first made an invective againg Anthony in full
be declared Enemy but he would have us stay till he be too powerful for us Cicero having spoken in this manner his Friends began to make such a noise that it was impossible for any to be heard that would answer him till Piso rose up out of respect to whom not only the rest of the Senators but even Cicero's Party kept silence and then he declared himself in these terms The Oration of Piso. THe Laws Conscript Fathers require that the Accused should hear his Accusation impleaded before him and after having made answer expect his Sentence This is what Cicero that mighty Accuser cannot deny me Wherefore since he has not accused Anthony of any thing while he was present but would now value himself upon this opportunity of his absence to blacken him with a multitude of Crimes I present my self to make appear the falsity of his Accusations which I hope to do in few words In the first place he says that after Caesar's death Anthony seized upon the publick Moneys but the Laws have ordained particular Punishments for Thieves but never declared them Enemies to their Country Besides Brutus having slain Caesar accused him in a publick Assembly of the People of having wasted the Publick Treasure and drained dry the Exchequer Some time after Anthony ordered an Inquisition to be made you approved his Ordinance and promised the tenth Penny to the Discoverers and we submit our selves to pay double if any one can convict Anthony of having been a Partner in that Crime So much for what concerns the Publick Moneys As for the Government of Gaul it is true you did not give it to Anthony but he obtained it by Decree of the People in the presence of Cicero as others obtained other Provinces and as Caesar himself obtained the same It is ordered by the same Decree that if Decimus refuse to part with Gaul Anthony may have liberty to constrain him by force and to employ to that end the Army designed against the Thracians provided they made no attempt on Macedon But Cicero accounts not Decimus an Enemy who is in Arms against the Ordinance of the People and yet would have Anthony be so whom the People ordered to make this War So that blaming the Decree he blames the Authors but he ought rather then to have disswaded them than now revile them having given his consent to it he ought rather to have prevented the giving that Government to Decimus whom the People had chased hence as a Murderer than deprive Anthony whom they had gratified In summ it is some imprudence to oppose the Ordinances of the People in such a perillous time without remembring that in the beginning of the Commonwealth they were Iudges of these things and declared Friends of Enemies whom they thought worthy for by the Ancient Laws the People were the sole Arbiters of Peace and War And there is no doubt but had they a Head they would reassume this Authority and absolutely deprive us of it But Anthony has put to death his Soldiers he has acted according to the Power given him by your Commission Nor did there ever General give account of such matters to any Man for the Legislators never thought it for the Commonwealth's Advantage that a General should own his Soldiers for Iudges of his Actions Besides nothing is more dangerous in an Army than Soldiers Contempt of their Commander which has proved the destruction of many in the midst of Victory Besides none of the Kindred of the decimated either have or do yet complain and yet Cicero accuses him of Man-slaughter and not content with the usual Punishment of that Crime treats him as a publick Enemy Yet constantly affirms he has undergone strange affronts from his Soldiers in that two Legions whom you commanded to obey him deserted him contrary to the Law of War not to yield themselves to you but to Caesar. Notwithstanding all which Cicero thinks their Action good and yesterday advised they might be rewarded at the Expence of the Publick God grant the Example may not one day prove dreadful but however it be Cicero's Heat and Animosity has carried him to a manifest Contradiction for he at once accuses Anthony of aspiring to the Tyranny and of ill treating his Soldiers And certain it is that those who pretend to usurp the Sovereign Power instead of ill treating Military Men do all they can to gain their favour However since he has had the confidence to impose this Calumny upon Anthony that following Caesar's steps he aimed at the Tyranny let us examine all his Actions particularly Has he put any one to death without due Process as Tyrants use to do he who is himself in danger of being condemned without being heard Has he chased out of the City or calumniously accused any Person before you And is there any appearance he that has done no private Wrong should attempt Publick But pray Cicero when was this done Was it when he published the Indempnity or when he proposed the recalling the Son of your Pompey and making good to him his Father's Estate out of the Publick Moneys or when he caused to be arrested and put to death the false Marius who troubled our Peace for which he was praised by all the Senate and my Lords of the Senate this is the only Action Cicero durst not blame because you applauded it Or in fine was it when he passed that Decree by which it is prohibited to make Dictators For this is the Summ of all his Management of Publick Affairs during the two Months which after Caesar's death he stayed in the City during which the People sometimes sought for the Murderers to put them to death and you your selves were often in fear and trouble of what might arrive had he then been an ill Citizen could he ever expect a Conjuncture more favourable to his Designs But he never abused that Power and Charge of the Consulship How so Has not he alone governed the Commonwealth Dolobella being gone for Syria Kept he not armed Men about him for his security which you your selves appointed Kept he not a Guard by Night in the City even about his own House which yet was only done to warrant him from the Ambushes of his Enemies Had he not a fair apportunity upon the death of Caesar his Friend his Benefactor beloved by all the People And did there not one yet fairer present it self when he entertained Guards to defend his life against those Murderers that attempted his though he never put to death or banished one of them yet still he pardoned them so far as in civility he could nor ever hindred the giving of them Governments These Conscript Fathers are the great Crimes the manifest Crimes wherewith Cicero accuses him Nor is he content to make Anthony's Actions only pass for Crimes He divines and says he had designed to bring his Army into the City but that he was afraid of Caesar who had already with another Army possessed it
How comes he then who had only designed it to be an Enemy to his Country whilst he that had really done it and does in a manner still hold us besieged is none Or why did not he come if he had designed it unless being at the Head of thirty thousand well disciplined Men he were afraid of three thousand disordered an disarmed which were then with Caesar and who were only come to reconcile them together and left him as soon as they knew he would employ them in a War Or if he durst not come with thirty thousand Men how happened he to come afterwards accompanied only with a thousand With whom when he went from Rome to Tivoli how many of us did attend him How many swore Fidelity to him without being required And what Applause did Cicero himself give him In short had he designed any thing against his Country why left he with us those Hostages yet at this Palace Gate his Mother his Wife and his Son who are at present weeping for fear not of the Accusations brought against him but of the power of his Enemies Thus much I thought convenient to make you understand the Innocence of Anthony and the Inconstancy of Cicero and have now nothing more to say but to exhort all good Men not to offend the People nor do Injustice to Anthony for fear of such trouble as may ensue to the City the Commonwealth being yet so weakly established that it is ready to relapse into its first disorders if not timely relieved However it is my opinion that we secure to our selves Forces for the Defence of the City before any Attempt be made upon us from abroad Then you may take order for such things as are necessary and decree what you judge convenient when it shall be in your power to put those Decrees in Execution But how is this to be done You need only leave to Anthony the Province given him by the People and after having recalled Decimus with his three Legions hither send him to Maccdon and keep his Army And if those two Legions revolted from Anthony have submitted to us as Cicero affirms let us withdraw them from Caesar and order their Return to the City Thus having five Legions at our dispose we may issue what Orders we think requisite without courting the grace or favour of any Man This I speak to those who listen to me without envy or hatred As for those who suffer themselves to be transported by their Passions and particular Animosities I exhort them not to give too rash Iudgment against Great Men and Commanders of great Armies lest we force them to make War upon us Let them remember Marcus Coriolanus or rather what so lately happened to us in the Person of Caesar who likewise commanded an Army He offered us reasonable Conditions yet we by rashly declaring him Enemy forced him indeed to become his Country's Foe Let them likewise consider the interest of the People who having been so lately enraged against Caesar's Murderers may well think themselves despised when we give those their Provinces and praising Decimus who would not submit to their Decree declare Anthony Enemy because he from them required the Government of Gaul In short I exhort all honest minded Men to reduce others to reason and do beseech the Consuls and Tribunes to appear more affectionate in providing against those Evils wherewith the Commonwealth is threatned Thus spake Piso for Anthony and doubtless his reproaching of Cicero and the terror he imprinted in Men's minds were the cause he was not declared Enemy However he could not prevail with them to leave him the Government of Gaul for the Kindred and Friends of the Conspirators prevented it They feared left Anthony being at Peace might reconcile himself with Caesar to revenge the death of his Father and therefore did all they could to foment their Division It was therefore decreed to offer him Macedon instead of Gaul and as for the other Orders of the Senate the Fathers either over-reached or designing it gave Commission to Cicero to put them in writing and send them to him He drew them up after his own fancy in these Terms That Anthony should forthwith raise his Siege before Modena foregoing Gaul to Decimus at a limited day repass the Rubicon which divides Gaul from Italy and submit himself to the Authority of the Senate Cicero sent these Commands in this spiteful manner to Anthony contrary to the Senate's intention Yet did he it not out of any particular hate but seemed dictated by Fortune which had determined to change the Face of the Republick and to ruin Cicero And this happened at the same time that the Remains of Trebonius Body were brought to the City and that the Senate understanding how infamously he had been treated forthwith declared Dolobella Enemy to his Country The Commissioners sent to Anthony ashamed to have brought him so insolent a Command delivered it into his hands without saying a word At sight of it he fell into a rage and uttered many violent expressions against the Senate but especially aginst Cicero That it amazed him that Caesar who had done such mighty Services for the Roman Empire should be esteemed a Tyrant and a King and that Men should not have the same opinion of Cicero who having been made Prisoner of War by Caesar and by him released without any dammage or affront preferred now his Murderers before his Friends He who hated Decimus whilst he was Caesar's Friend now he is become his Murderer favours the same Decimus who had received the Government of Gaul from the same Caesar and declares him Enemy who held it of the People The Oration of Anthony THe Senate having given me some Legions said he Cicero decrees Rewards to the Revolters and corrupts those stand firm in their duty whereby he wrongs not me so much as he does Military Discipline He granted the Amnesty to Murderer to which I consented for the sake of two Men I respected and declares Anthony and Dolobella Enemies for holding what has been granted them for no other reason is there And if I would quite Gaul I should no longer be either Enemy to my Country or Affector of Tyranny But I protest to overthrow that Indempnity with which they will not rest content Anthony having vented many such passionate things wrote in Answer to the Senate that he submitted to their Authority for the Affection he bore his Country But as for Cicero who had himself composed the Order sent him he answered him in these Terms The People having by their Decree given me the Government of Gaul have likewise given me leave if Decimus would not yield it up to force him to it and in his Person to punish all the rest of the Murderers and by his death purge the Senate of a Crime of which they are partakers because Cicero abets it Upon report made to the Senate of what Anthony had said and writ they at that very instant not
only declared him Enemy but his Army likewise if they immediately left him not And to Marcus Brutus they gave Macedonia and Illyria with the Forces yet remaining in those Provinces till such time as the Commonwealth were setled He had already a particular Army besides some Forces he had received from Apuleius He had likewise some Shipping as well Galleys as Vessels of Burthen about sixteen thousand Talents of Silver and a great quantity of Arms found at Demetriade where Caesar had long before layed up his Stores of which the Senate had by Decree given him the Disposition with power to employ what he judged necessary for the good of his Country They likewise conferred on Cassius the Government of Syria with Commission to make War upon Dolobella and Command to all the Provinces depending on the Roman Empire from the Ionian Sea to the East to obey the Orders of Brutus and Cassius Thus in a short time without much labour their Party grew prodigiously powerful This News coming to Caesar's ear strangely perplexed him He thought the Amnesty granted by the Fathers had some colour of humanity and compassion to their Relations and Peers in Dignity that those lesser Governments given them were only for their security And he observed that only to maintain Decimus in Gaul they accused Anthony of aspiring to the Tyranny and by the same invention engaged himself to take the contrary Party But when he saw they had declared Dolobella Enemy for destroying one of those who had slain his Father that they had given Brutus and Cassius absolute power in many great Provinces and several Armies with vast Summs of Money and power to raise more among all they commanded beyond the Ionian Sea he no longer doubted but it was their design to ruin Caesar's Party and re-●stablish that of Pompey He likewise now plainly perceived that by their Cunning they had made the Young Man of him that they had given him a Statue with the Right of Precedency and Quality of a Pro-Pretor but that indeed they had stripped him of his Army for where the Consuls command together the Pretor is nothing In short that having only given Rewards to the Legions that deserted Anthony it was a scorn of the rest of his Army and in the conclusion the War must needs turn to his dishonour the Senate only serving their own ends upon him till they were rid of Anthony Upon these thoughts which he discovered to none he sacrificed as it is usual to do upon the Entrance into any Charge and that done spoke thus to his Army I believe Fellow Soldiers that it is from you I hold that Office which I this day receive and as the Effects of your former Offer for the Senate had not given it me but that you desired it Wherefore know that to you I owe the whole Obligation and will testifie it abundantly if the Gods favour my designs These obliging words he spoke to gain the Hearts of the Soldiery As for the Consuls Pansa went to raise Forces in some Corners of Italy and Hirtius came to Caesar to make Division of their Forces He had received private Orders from the Senate to demand for his Portion those two Legions that had deserted Anthony knowing them to be the most considerable part of the Army which Caesar yielding to after the Division made they went to take up their Winter Quarters together Towards the end of Winter Decimus being sorely oppressed with Famine Hirtius and Caesar marched suddainly to Modena to raise the Siege but finding Anthony too well intrenched they durst not attempt forcing the Lines till Pansa were come up to them There happened mean while some Horse-Skirmishes in which Anthony though much stronger in Cavalry got not much advantage by reason of the many Brooks that crossed the Country Affairs being in this posture at Modena Cicero because of the Consul's absence strove to gain the people of the City by frequent Assemblies making provision of Arms which the Artificers furnished gratis and raising Monies in the levying which he made Anthony's Friends pay excessive Contributions yet they payed them without grumbling for fear of exposing themselves to Calumny till such time as Pub. Ventidius who had been an Officer under Caesar and was now Anthony's Friend no longer able to endure the persecution went to Caesar's Colonies where he was known and raised two Legions for Anthony with which he marched towards the City designing to seise upon Cicero He put all into such a fright that many sent away their Wives and Children as if they had been in utter despair and Cicero himself retired which Ventidius having notice of advanced towards Modena to joyn with Anthony but his way being cut off by Hirtius and Caesar he turned into the Country of Picenum where he raised another Legion waiting to see which way Affairs would go Now Pansa drawing nigh to Modena Hirtius and Caesar sent Carsuleius to meet him with Caesar's Regiment of Guards and the Legions of Mars to secure his passage through the Straits Anthony had forbore to seise on them lest thereby he might put a stop to his great design which was to come to a Battel wherefore not expecting any great effects from his Horse in a Marshy Plain full of Ditches as soon as he had notice of Carsuleiu's March he placed two of his best Legions in ambush in the Marishes on each side of a narrow Causway over which the Enemies were to pass Carsuleius having crossed the Straits by night and in the Morning early the Legion of Mars with five Cohorts being entred upon the Causway on which there was not a Man stirring looking upon the Marishes on both sides of them they perceived the Bushes to wag which gave them some suspicion and soon after the brightness of the Shields and Helmets dazling their eyes they forthwith beheld Anthony's Regiment of Guards coming to charge them The Legionary Soldiers perceiving themselves surrounded so that they could not make their retreat obliged the new Soldiers to stand Spectators of the Fight without engaging lest their want of experience should breed disorder in the Bustle and to Anthony's Guards they opposed Caesar's for themselves they divided into two Bodies one commanded by Pansa the other by Carsuleius and thus parted went each into his side of the Marish so that in the two Marishes were fought two Battels so near that nothing but the Causway hindred the one from seeing what the other did besides the third which was fought by the Guards on the Causway it self Anthony's Soldiers burnt with a desire of revenging themselves on the Legions as Traytors and Runaways and the Martials were no less eager to have satisfaction for the injury they had done them in suffering their Companions to be put to death at Brundusium and knowing well that in them consisted the principal force of both Armies they hoped by this one Fight to put an end to the War The one Party were incited by the shame
it would prove to them being two Legions to be worsted by one and the other spurred on by the hopes of the Glory they should obtain if being but one Legion they defeated two Thus pressed forward by mutual hate and considering more their own Honour than their Generals Interest they fought for themselves and being all old Soldiers they began not the Fight with a shout to frighten their Enemy nor in the heat of the Fight did any let drop a word whether he fell or overcame and not having by reason of the Ditches in the Marish any room either to wheel or gain ground they kept firm footing without making any retreat so that griping one the other like Wrestlers they struck not a blow but did it's execution the ground was covered with wounded and dying persons not crying out or groaning for grief of their wounds but sighing that they could do no more as soon as one fell another supplyed his place there was no need of advising or encouraging them for by reason of their long experience every man was his own Captain and when they found themselves quite tired like Wrestlers in the Gymnick Games they stood staring on each other to gain a little Breath and then fell on afresh to the great astonishment of the young Soldiers to see them do such brave things and with so much stedfastness keep their Ranks in so profound a silence At length having done on all parts Acts more than humane Caesar's Guards were all cut in pieces as for the Legion of Mars that part commanded by Carsuleius gave some ground to the Legion that opposed them yet not with dishonour but by little and little making a fair retreat Those who fought under Pansa were in like manner oppressed by their Opponents yet so as they couragiously defended themselves till such time as the Consul receiving a wound with a Pile in the Thigh was carried off the Field to Bolonia Then they began to retire by little and little and after that somewhat faster almost flying outright which as soon as the young Soldiers observed they took their flight in disorder towards an Entrenchment which the Quaestor Torquatus had caused to be raised to serve in case of necessity Here whilst the rest were yet fighting these young Soldiers shut up themselves in a strange fright and confusion though they were Italians as well as the Martialists so much does Exercise and Discipline more than Birth contribute to the making Men valiant The Martialists would not enter the Intrenchment for fear of blasting their Glory but went and planted themselves at some distance thence where wearied as they were they stood expecting a fresh Charge resolved to defend themselves to the last gasp whereupon Anthony judging it would be too hard a task to vanquish them turned upon the new raised Forces of whom he made a horrible Slaughter Hirtius who was in the Confines of Modena about sixty Furlongs from the place where this Battel was fought hearing the news made all the speed he could thither with the other revolted Legion and as towards Evening Anthony's Men were returning singing for the Victory he surprised them in disorder with his Legion fresh and in a posture of fighting they drew into the best order of Battel they could and again acted wonders but at length quite tired they gave ground yet the greatest part of them were left upon the place Hirtius would not pursue the others for fear of engaging himself in the Marishes besides night came on so he caused the Retreat to be sounded The whole Marish was covered with Arms dead dying and wounded Men and some that were fallen among the rest only out of pure weariness wherefore Anthony's Cavalry spent the night in gathering up the Wracks of their Party causing some to mount on their led Horses others to get up behind them and perswading others to take hold of their Horse tail to help them in marching that they might the sooner get off And Anthony being after so brave a Fight defeated by Hirtius went and lodged at a Village near the Field of Battel called the Market of the Gauls whore there was no Intrenchment on either side near half the Army was lost with all Caesar's Regiment of Guards Hirtius lost few and on the morrow they all retired into their Camps before Modena Anthony after this loss resolved not to fight though the Enemy should provoke him but to weary them with frequent Skirmishes till such time as Decimus oppressed with Famine should be constrained to yield Hirtius and Caesar on the contrary were the more eager to engage and because they could not draw Anthony to a Battel they raised their Camp to go on the other side of Modena where the Trenches were weaker by reason of the situation of the place resolving to force the Lines and so gain an entrance into the City Anthony sent forth his Horse only against which likewise they sent only theirs and held on the March with the rest of the Army insomuch that Anthony fearing to lose Modena drew out against them two Legions whom they made a halt for and so had a Battel as they desired Thereupon Anthony sent for his other Forces but by reason they expected not this Allarm and were quartered at some distance from the place of Battel they could not come so suddenly but that the Enemy had first gained a Victory Hirtius in person entred Anthony's Camp and bravely fighting before the Generals Tent was slain Caesar coming in brought off his Body and made himself Master of the Camp but being soon beat out again by Anthony they each stood all night in Arms. Anthony having now again received this Defeat held at the same time a Council of his Friends who were of opinion that he should continue the Siege without fighting the loss being almost equal Hirtius being slain and Pansa being wounded himself the stronger in Horse and Modena in such want of all things that it could not long subsist without surrendring and surely this counsel he ought to have followed but Fate hindred it He was fearful lest Caesar should throw himself into the City as he had attempted to do the day before or else having conveniency for all Engines thereabout should besiege himself and so make his Horse useless Then said he Lepidus and Plancus will despise me as a man lost beyond repair but if I raise my Siege Ventidius will forthwith bring us three Legions from the Country of Picenum and Lepidus and Plancus will come joyn with us numerous Forces And in short after having thus spoken this Man hitherto fearless in all dangers presently departs from before Modena and takes his March towards the Alpes The Siege being raised Decimus began to fear Caesar for the Army being no longer commanded by the Consuls he thought him his Enemy wherefore before it was day he caused to break down the Bridge and dispatched some to Caesar to acknowledge the obligation he had to him for
had now blocked up those two Legions when Cassius coming unexpectedly received them forthwith into his Service and at the same time those six Legions that besieged them voluntarily submitting to him acknowledged him for Proconsul for as we have said before the Senate had ordained by Decree that all the Soldiers of those Provinces should obey Cassius and Brutus some time before Dolobella had sent Allienus into Aegypt from whence he was leading back four Legions the Remains of the Defeats of Pompey and Crassus or of those which remained in the Service of Cleopatra when Caesar left Aegypt Cassius surprising him in Palestine forced him to take his Party for he durst not resist eight Legions with four so that Cassius beheld himself beyond all imagination Master of twelve Legions besieged and forced Dolobella who returning out of Asia with two Legions was received as a Friend into the City of Laodicea news which the Senate received with joy As for what concerned Macedon Caius Brother to Anthony disputed that Government against Brutus with one only Legion and because he was not equal in numbers to Brutus he laid an ambush for him which Brutus escaping laid another in his turn wherein Caius falling with all his People he did them no displeasure but on the contrary commanded his Soldiers to salute them and though they would neither return nor accept the Salute yet he let them go without any farther injury After which taking a turn with his Army by other ways he surprised them again among the Straits where instead of falling on he a second time saluted them whereupon admiring this Man's goodness and clemency to his Fellow Citizens they returned the Salute and joyned with him Caius likewise embraced his Party and Brutus treated him with much Honour till after being convicted of having several times solicited the Army to revolt he put him to death Thus Brutus had raised his Forces to six Legions besides two that by praising the Macedonians he raised in Macedon whom he learn'd to exercise according to the Discipline of the Romans Thus went Affairs in Syria and Macedon Mean while in Italy Caesar being offended that in prejudice of him the Command of the Army against Anthony was given to Decimus dissembling his discontent demanded the Honour of Triumph and being disdainfully refused by the Senate as a thing disconsonant with his age and fearing that after Anthony were absolutely defeated they would treat him more scornfully he designed a reconciliation with him according to the advice given him by the dying Pansa To bring this about he treated favourably all the Prisoners he had in his Army as well Officers as Soldiers received into his service such as were willing to be entertained and sent away the rest that he might not appear to have an irreconcileable hatred After which encamping near Ventidius Anthony's Friend who had only three Legions he was content to fright him but making no hostile attempt gave him either free leave to joyn with him or go in safety to find out his General on condition that he would tell him from him that he knew not what was good both for the one and t'other which Ventidius accepting marched forward to find out Anthony Another of his Captains called Decius who had been taken Prisoner before Modena remaining still with Caesar who held him in good esteem he was permitted to return to Anthony if he desired it and the Captain asking him what thoughts he had of Anthony he made answer he had already given sufficient testimonies of them to persons capable to judge of Affairs and for others 't was in vain to give any more After having done these things which might easily make appear his inclinations to Anthony he writ to Lepidus and Asinius directly complaining against the affronts he had received from the Senate by what they had done in strengthning against him the Murderers of his Father that they for their parts might have reason to fear lest in favour of Pompey's Faction they should one after another persecute them as now they did Anthony who through imprudence and want of foresight was fallen into misfortune wherefore he counselled them to seem in appearance to submit to the Senate but really to unite themselves one to the other for their common security whilst yet it was in their power and to reprove Anthony for the fault by him committed in not doing it In short that they ought to imitate the Legionary Soldiers who disband not as soon as the War is done for fear of exposing themselves to the Ambushes of their Enemies and had rather be all together led to some Colony than return every Man to his own Country Mean while Sickness seised on the Army which had been shut up with Decimus in Modena the most part of the Soldiers glutting themselves too much after so long a Famine surfeited and the new raised Men for want of Exercise were not fit for service yet Plancus being joyned to them with what force he had Decimus wrote to the Senate that Anthony not well digesting what he had already tasted of the War hid himself but that at length he would fall into his hands 'T is incredible how Pompey's Party were rejoyced at this news they made loud outcryes that now their Country had indeed recovered their Liberty and every one offered Sacrifices and ten Commissioners were nominated to take account of Anthony's Administration which was only a pretence to cancel all that Caesar had ordained for Anthony had done nothing or very little of himself acting always according to Caesar's Memoirs The Fathers knew it well enough but having already in some occasion given judgment without any respect to Caesar's doings they thought at this time absolutely to annul all that ever he had done or decreed to which end the ten Commissioners presently published an Ordinance by which all persons that had received any thing from Anthony were injoyned to bring it in in writing under pain of exemplary punishment At length some of Pompey's Party demanded the Consulate for the rest of the year in the places of Hirtius and Pansa And Caesar had a great desire to it he solicited not the Senate about it but wrote to Cicero praying him to endeavour that they might be Colleagues in the Dignity and that he would leave to him the Administration of all Affairs as being most capable by reason of his long experience and would content himself with the Quality that he might with more Honour lay down Arms having before to that end demanded Triumph Cicero who loved Command was tickled with this proposition He therefore told the Fathers that having understood they consulted an Accommodation between the Governours of the Province his advice was that they should by some good Office appease a Man they had offended and who was at the Head of a powerful Army that for his part he thought it better that before the age allowed by the Laws they should nominate him to a charge to
expose your selves to so many dangers you had an evidence I had then no ambition when I refused the Office of Pretor offered by you but now there is but one only way to preserve us all It is by your means I may obtain the Consulate then will be confirmed to you the benefits received from my Father then will be given you Colonies and other rewards due to you and I will proceed in judgment against the Murderers and dispense with you from going to any other Wars These Words were attended with a general Acclamation of the whole Army who presently deputed their Centurions to Rome to demand the Consulate for Caesar. The Senate objecting that he was not of age required by Law they answered as they were prepared that Corvinus was formerly created Consul as young as he and Scipio after him who as young as they were had both done signal service for their Country They alledged likewise the fresher examples of Pompey and Dolobella besides that a Decree had already passed permitting the same Caesar to demand the Consulate ten years before the appointed age Whilst the Centurions resolutely offered these reasons some of the Senators offended at the freedom of their speech interrupted them by saying they talked too high for People of their Quality which being reported to the Army so highly incensed the Soldiers that they desired to be led directly to the City where themselves holding the Assembly they would make Caesar's Son Consul to whom at the same instant they gave a thousand praises Caesar seeing them thus disposed presently drawing together his Army raises the Camp with eight Legions good Horse and all other things necessary passes the Rubicon that divides Gaul from Italy from whence formerly his Father had begun the Civil War There he divides his Army into two Bodies leaving one in the Rear to follow him at leisure and at the Head of the other who were all chosen Men marching by great journies directly towards Rome that he might surprise his Enemies before they could be prepared Having advice by the way that upon the same Road Commissioners sent by the Senate with the Soldiers Money were coming to meet him he was jealous lest any of his Men might be tempted by this reward wherefore he privately sent Scouts towards them who so terrified them that away they fled with their Money The news of his approach filled all the City with Tumult and Terrour some run through the Streets in disorder others carried away their Wives Children and choicest Goods into the Country or to the strongest places of the City For it not being certainly known if he only demanded the Consulate upon the rumour that he came in a hostile manner at the Head of an angry Army every thing appeared dreadful to them Especially in the Senate the consternation was great because they had not at present any Army to defend them Some as it happens ever in like Allarms accused others either that they had injuriously taken from him the Legions they had given him to make War upon Anthony or that they had denyed him the Triumph due to him or that out of envy to him when they sent the ten Commissioners to pay the Army they had not so much as named him for the eleventh or that they had not payed the Money promised the Soldiers either not in time or at least not in full and thereby had given them cause to revolt But that which they most of all blamed was the disobliging Caesar in an ill Conjuncture Brutus and Cassius being at a great distance and as yet but meanly prepared and Anthony and Lepidus both at hand and ready to fall upon the City who if they entertained but the thoughts of making an Accommodation with Caesar might complete its ruine Cicero himself who appeared most officious in all other matters now shewed not his Head insomuch that in a moment the face of all things was so utterly changed that instead of two thousand five hundred Drams offered to every Soldier it was ordered by Decree of the Senate that five thousand should be payed them not for two Legions only but for eight of which Caesar himself should have the distribution and the ten Commissioners As for Caesar though he were absent they gave him the Consulate and dispatched away Commissioners post to carry him the news of it But scarcely were they got out of the City when the Senate repented most of them began to cry out that it was a shame they should so cowardly suffer themselves to be trod under foot and suffer the setting up of a new Tyranny without shedding of Blood or should accustom pretenders to the Consulate to demand it with Arms in their hands and Soldiers to command their Country That therefore they ought presently to arm and oppose the authority of the Laws to those who offered them violence and if they repented them not as it was not credible they would endure a Siege expecting the coming of Plancus and Decimus to relieve the City and in the mean time fight to the last gasp rather than submit to servitude without defending themselves They alledged hereupon example of things which their Predecessors had undertaken executed and suffered to maintain their Liberty and when they saw the two Legions they had sent for out of Africa arrive at the Port that very day they thought the Gods concern'd themselves in their defence insomuch that they confirmed themselves in their repentance and Cicero beginning to appear the Decree was absolutely changed They made a Roll of all the youth capable to bear Arms to joyn with the two Legions newly come from Africa a thousand Horse and another Legion which Pansa had left them they gave Quarters to all these Troops one part guarded the Ianiculum with the Riches there stored up another the Bridge over Tiber under the Command of the Pretors of the City and others kept within the Port Boats and Vessels laden with Money ready if necessity required to flie towards the River and gain the Sea making these preparations with a countenance of defending themselves they hoped Caesar might take his turn to be in fear or that they should perswade him to come and demand the Consulate without bringing his Army or that at last they should repulse him by force and that the question being the preservation of common liberty all contrary Parties might unite But when after having made a long search both publickly and privately for Caesar's Mother and Sister and not finding them their fears returned beholding themselves robbed of such mighty Hostages it being unlikely that those of Caesar's Party would joyn with them in the common defence who had so well concealed his best Friends Whilst C●esar was yet in conference with the Deputies came other to tell him that the Senate had changed their resolution so that the first returned loaden with shame and confusion and he with an Army incensed at these proceedings marched towards the City troubled
for his Mother and his Sister and fearful lest any mischief should befal them He sent before some Horsemen to assure the People who trembled for fear and to the great astonishment of all the world came and encamped over against Mount Quirinal whilst none durst either oppose or hinder him At his arrival likewise a sudden change arose in the minds of Men the Nobility went in throngs to do him reverence and the People ran by whole companies to welcome the Soldiers who for their parts committed no more disorders than in time of the profoundest peace On the morrow leaving his Army in that place he set forward towards Rome with an indifferent Train which increased infinitely as he went by the concourse of multitudes of persons who came from all parts to complement him and to pay him all the testimonies of respect and submission possible His Mother and Sister who had taken Sanctuary among the Vestals received him with extreme joy in the Temple of that Goddess and the three Legions that were in the City without taking notice of their Officers sent their Deputies and submitted themselves to him and after them the Officers themselves made their composition and swore fidelity to them save only Cornutus who slew himself Cicero understanding how things went by the intermission of Caesar's Friends had leave to see him who made an Oration to him praising him that he demanded the Consulate concerning which he had before made a proposition to the Fathers to all which he in Raillery answered That he was the last of his Friends that came to see him The night following a rumour was raised that the Legion of Mars together with the fourth were coming towards the City to seise it by suprise which the Pretors and Senate too easily believed and though Caesar's Army was all at hand they imagined that they alone with the principal Citizens could for some time make resistance till other Forces from elsewhere might come to their relief so that very night they sent away Acilius Crassus to go and raise Men in the Country of Picenum and gave order to Apuleius one of the Tribunes to go through the City and declare this news to the People and at the same instant assembled themselves in the Palace where Cicero received them at the Gate but when the report proved false fled away in his Litter out of the City Caesar laughed at their weakness and caused his Army to advance into the Campus Martius yet offered no affront to the Pretors not so much as to Crassus who was going to raise Men against him though brought to him disguised in the Habit of a Slave but freely pardoned all that he might beget in the Citizens an opinion of his Clemency In the mean time he caused to be brought to him all the publick Treasure that was in the Ianiculum or elsewhere of which according to Decree of the Senate passed before by the advice of Cicero he distributed to each Soldier two thousand five hundred Drams promising to be accountable for the rest and that done he went out of the City expecting till the day for election of Consuls In conclusion he was nominated to that Dignity and with him according to his desire Quintus Pedius who had given him his part of the Inheritance left by Caesar. He entred Rome as Consul and offered the Sacrifices accustomary upon such occasions during which there appeared over the City twelve Vultures in like manner as it is said there appeared to Romulus when he founded it After having performed these Sacrifices he declared himself Son of Caesar in the Assembly of the Tribes that he might confirm his Adoption by the People for the People are divided into Tribes in Rome in the same manner as the Phratrians among the Greeks Now this formality observed in the Adoptions of those who have no Father gives them the same advantages and the same right that natural Children have in respect to the Kindred and Freed Men of their Fathers wherefore because Caesar besides the great Wealth he left had many Freed Men very rich I am of the mind that the Son not content with his first Adoption thought the second necessary He revoked likewise the Decree by which Dolobella was declared Enemy and permitted all persons whatsoever to become parties against those who were guilty of his Father's Murder There presently appeared great numbers of Caesar's Friends who formed their accusations not only against those who had an immediate hand in the Action but likewise against many who were privy to the plot but were not in Rome when it was executed nor were otherwise guilty than in not discovering it Having all been publickly summoned to appear on the same day they were condemned by default Caesar sitting in Judgment and not one of the Judges arguing for their Discharge except one of the most considerable to whom nothing was said at present but not long after he was proscribed with many others About the same time one of the Pretors of the City named Quintus Gallius Brother of Marcus Gallius who was with Anthony having obtained from Caesar the Government of Africa and after standing convict of an Attempt against the life of his Benefactor was deposed from his Charge by his Brethren in Office the People plundered his House and the Senate condemned him to death However Caesar commanded him to go and find out his Brother and he embarquing himself to that purpose was never seen more After these Exploits Caesar's whole thoughts were employed in reconciling himself with Anthony because he certainly knew that Brutus and Cassius had twenty Legions so that standing in need of him he went out of the City and by small Journies marched towards the Ionian Sea that he might find out how the Senate stood affected For in the absence of Caesar Pedius advised the Fathers to an Accommodation with Anthony and Lepidus before the Animosities that were between the Parties became irreconcileable They saw well such an Accommodation was neither for theirs nor their Countries Advantage and that by it Caesar only aim'd at strengthening himself against Cassius and Brutus yet they beheld themselves in a necessity to consent wherefore they repealed the Decrees by which Anthony and Lepidus with their Armies had been declared Enemies and sent them assurances of their good will Caesar wrote Letters of Congratulation to the Senate and sent to Anthony that if he stood in need of his Arms against Decimus he was ready to serve him and Anthony returned Answer tha● he made War against Decimus as a Traytor to Caesar and against Plancus as an Enemy to Anthony and therefore if he pleased he would joyn Forces with him After the mutual sending and reception of the Letters as Anthony pursued Decimus Asinius Pollio came and joyned with him with two Legions and by his intercession Plancus reconciled with Anthony brought him three more so that he became mighty powerful As for Decimus he still had ten
while secure till such time as his own Son having some doubt he was gone thither shewed the way to the Executioners of the Proscription In reward whereof the Triumvirs gave him his Father's Estate and the Office of Aedile but he enjoyed not either long for returning drunk from a Debauch upon some reviling words given to the Soldiers who had killed his Father they killed him too For Thoranius who was not Pretor but had been he was Father to a wretchless Youth who yet had a great deal of power over Anthony He therefore entreated the Centurions to delay his death but so long till his Son had begged him of the Triumvir To which they laughing answered He has already begged you but it is in another manner Which the Old Man hearing prayed them but to give him so much time as to see his Daughter and having seen her forbad her from pretending any thing to his Estate le●t her Brother should beg her likewise of Anthony The end of this wicked Son was no better than the others for after having consumed his Patrimony in all sorts of Debauchery he was accused of Theft and condemned to Banishment As for Cicero who had ruled in the Assemblies of the People after Caesar's death he was proscribed with his Son his Brother and all their Servants Clients and Friends He was embarked on a small Boat to make his Escape by Sea but not able to endure the tossing of the Waves he returned to a Meadow that belonged to him near Capua which upon occasion of writing this History I would needs see As he reposed himself and that those that sought him were not far off for of all the Proscripts Anthony caused him to be sought with most diligence a Flock of Crows flying over the place where he slept waked him with their Cries and began with their Beaks to pull the Covering from off him till his Slaves thinking it an Advertisement of the Gods returned him into his Litter and took their way towards the Sea through the thickest of the Forest. Presently after several Soldiers coming to that place one after another and demanding of those they met if they had not seen Cicero they all out of the compassion they had for him answered that he was embarked and was already a good way off at Sea But a Shoo-maker called Cerdo a Creature to Clodius formerly a mortal Enemy to Cicero having shewed the Centurion Laena followed but by a few Soldiers the way he had taken he presently pursued him Cicero was accompanied with more people disposed to defend him than Laena had with him to assault him Wherefore having overtaken him he made use of policy and began to cry out as if he had called to other Centurions behind him Come on Gentlemen come on Whereupon the people of the Proscript imagining that they were about to be over-pressed by numbers grew fearful and deserted him Then Laena though Cicero had formerly pleaded for him in a Cause wherein he overcame drew his Head out of the Litter and cut it or rather hewed it off at three blows so unhardy he was He likewise cut off the Hand wherewith he had writ the Orations accusing Anthony of Tyranny which after the example of Demosthenes he called the Philippicks And at the same instant dispatching away Expresses both by Sea and Land to carry this pleasing News to Anthony he himself followed them to Rome where finding Anthony in the place seated in the Tribunal he shewed him at a distance the Head and Hand of Cicero And he ravished with joy put a Crown upon the Centurion's Head and gave him for a Reward two hundred and fifty thousand Attick Drams as having freed him of the greatest of all his Enemies and from whom he had received the highest injuries His Head and Hand stood a long time for a Spectacle before the Tribunal where he used to make his Orations And more flocked now thither to see him than did before to hear him It is said likewise that Anthony at a Collation caused the Head to be set upon the Table that he might contemplate it more at leisure and satiate himself as we may so say with the view of it Thus was Cicero slain to this day in great Esteem for his Eloquence And who when he acted in the Quality of Consul had done signal Services to his Country yet after his death he was thus unworthily treated by his Enemies His Son was already escaped to Brutus in Greece but his Brother and Nephew were unhappily taken by the Soldiers The Father begged he might die before his Son and the Son requested he might die before his Father and they having promised to satisfie them both took them apart and slew them at the same instant But Egnatius and his Son embracing each other died together and their Heads being both struck off at one blow the two Bodies kept still their hold of each other Balbus designing to escape with his Son by Sea sent him before thinking that by not going together they would not so easily be known and himself soon after set forward to follow him at a distance but some one either out of malice or mistake having told him that his Son was taken he returned of his own accord to offer himself to the Excutioners and his Son perished by Ship-wrack So much did fortune contribute to the Calamities of these times Aruntius had a Son that could not resolve to fly without him yet at length he prevailed so far as to perswade him that being young he ought to survive him The Mother having been his Guide as far as the City Gates returned speedily to give Burial to her Husband whom they had slain And some days after hearing her Son was starved to death at Sea she slew her self Hitherto we have proposed Examples of good and evil Children As for Brothers Those two called Ligarii proscribed together lay hid in an Oven till such time as being betrayed by their Slaves one was slain at the same time and the other who slipped from the Executioners knowing his Brother was dead cast himself from the Bridge into the River Some Fisher-men that thought he fell in by mischance and not designedly came in to save him from which he defended himself some time by plunging himself to the bottom of the Water till such time as they pulling him out do what he could he told them You do not save me but lose your selves with a Proscript Yet say what he could they were resolved to save his Life But the Soldiers who had the Guard of the Bridge understanding he was a Proscript came in and cut off his Head Of two other Brothers one having cast himself headlong into the River his Slave after having sought the Body five days at length found it and in the condition he was being hardly to be known cut off his Head and carried it to the Tribune to have the Reward The other being hid in a Privy was betrayed
at such a Lodging went and hired a wretched Chamber next to one hired by a Soldier where not able to endure to live in continual fear he passed from infinite terrour to prodigious boldness and causing himself to be shaved went and kept a School in Rome it self till such time as peace was made Volusius being proscribed whilst he was Aedile had a Friend Priest to the Goddess Isis who lent him a Linnen Robe that covered him to the very Heels so that passing through the Country in the habit of a Priest to that Goddess and every where performing the usual Ceremonies he escaped to Pompey Sittius a Native of Cales as he was very rich so he had been at great expence in the service of his Countrymen in acknowledging of which they took Arms in his defence threatened his Slaves with death if any ill happened to him and permitted not the Soldiers to approach their Walls till such time as the mischief diminishing they sent to the Triumvirs and obtained from them that he might stay in his own Country banished from any part of Italy So Sittius became the only person of all mankind that ever was in exile in his own Country Varro a Philosopher Historian Soldier and General of great Reputation was also proscribed possibly for being so as an Enemy to Monarchy All his Friends were at strife who should have the Honour to secure him Calenus carried it and kept him in a Country House of his where Anthony often divertised himself as he passed by yet none either of Varro's or Calenus's Slaves discovered him Virginius a fair spoken Man perswaded his Domesticks that if they slew him for a small gain which yet they were not sure of they would be afflicted with eternal remorse of conscience whereas on the contrary by saving his life they might expect immortal Glory and hope for rewards greater and more certain wherefore as if they had been one of his companions they followed him in his flight wherein being known by the Soldiers he talked to them in the same manner he told them that there was no hate between them for which they should kill him and that doing it only for Money they might get more and more honestly if they would go with him to the Sea side whither his Wife was to bring all he had They believed him and went along and indeed his Wife had been there according to agreement betwixt them but Virginius staying too long she believed that coming there before her he was embarqued and therefore embarqued to follow him yet leaving a Slave on the Shore to give Virginius notice if he were yet behind The Slave seeing Virginius coming ran to meet him and shewed him the Vessel wherein his Wife was not yet out of sight and withal talked to him of his Wife his Money and the reason why she left him The Soldiers were so absolutely perswaded that when Virginius entreated them either to stay till he could make his Wife return or to embarque with him to go after her and receive their Money they entred with him into the Vessel and themselves setting hand to the Oars brought him into Sicily where after having received what he had promised them they continued in his service till the time of the Peace Rebulus being in a Vessel that was to carry him for Sicily the Pilot began to demand Money of him threatning to discover him if he gave it him not to whom Rebulus made a like answer as Themistocles had done in his flight that he would have saved a Proscript for Money insomuch that the Pilot affrighted with the answer brought him speedily to Pompey Murcus was likewise proscribed because he had Command in Brutus's Army and being taken after Brutus was defeated he feigned himself a Slave Barbula bought him and because he saw him active gave him the Government of all his other Slaves and withal made him his Cash-keeper Murcus behaved himself in this Employment with more prudence than nature ordinarily gives to Slaves his Master hereupon had some suspicion of him and exhorting him to courage promised to secure him though he were one of the Proscripts which he constantly denyed telling him out of his own invention his Name his Family and his former Masters Barbula thereupon carried him to Rome thinking if he were one of the Proscripts he would be loath to go however he followed him but some time after as Barbula was before one of the Consul's Gates one of his Friends knowing Murcus in his Train in the Habit of a Slave gave him notice of it and he by the intercession of Agrippa desired his pardon of Caesar who caused him to be crazed out of the Roll of the Proscripts esteemed him afterwards as his Friend and employed him not long after in the Battel of Actium against Anthony Barbula served under Anthony and fortune had ordered each of them his turn for Barbula after Anthony's Defeat was taken prisoner feigning himself a Slave Murcus bought him as if he had not known him and gave advice of it to Caesar from whom he obtained power to return him like for like and this conformity of fortune between them continued ever for they were afterwards Colleagues in one of the highest Dignities of the City Some time after Lepidus reduced by Caesar to the condition of a private Man from a Sovereign that he was constrained by a like necessity to submit to Balbinus who escaping the Proscription returned with Pompey and was now Consul and thus it happened Maecenas had accused Lepidus the Son of a Conspiracy against Caesar together with the Mother as an Accomplice for Lepidus himself he de●pised as weak The Son being sent to Caesar then at Actium Maecenas caused it to be ordered that if the Mother would be dispensed with from the toil of the Journey she should give in such security as the Consul should approve but none being found would be bound for her Lepidus having often in vain presented himself before Balbinus's Gate and sometimes too before the Tribunal from whence the Officers had forced him to retire had scarce the liberty at last to say these words The accusers themselves are testimonies of my innocency by saying I am no Abettor with my Wife and Son 'T was not I proscribed you and at this day I am my self under the power of Proscribers wherefore let me beg you to consider the instability of humane things and to accept my security for my Wife or send me prisoner along with her Lepidus having thus spoke Balbinus moved at this great change discharged his Wife from the security demanded Cicero the Son of the Orator being sent into Greece by his Father who foresaw the miseries that afterwards happened retired first to Brutus and afterwards to Pompey and had both under one and the other very honourable Employments in the War At last Caesar to make it appear he had not consented to his Father's death made his Son first Pontifex or High Priest some
passed the Ionian Sea Thus Cassius diverted from the Expedition of Egypt of which he had great hopes dismissed the Parthians with Rewards and sent Ambassadors to their King to demand a greater Succor which arriving after the Defeat over-run Syria and the Neighbouring Provinces as far as Ionia and so returned After this having left his Nephew in Syria with one Legion he sent his Horse before into Cappadocia surprized Ariobarzanes under pretence that he had deserted Cassius and defeated him and brought to the General all his Treasures and Provisions which he had made ready for the War Those of Tarsus being divided into two Factions the one had first received Cassius and made him a Present of a Crown the other some time after payed the same Honours to Dolobella and both acted in the Name of the Community So that by having received sometimes one and sometimes the other they exposed their City to be punished by both for their Inconstancy and at last Cassius after Dolobella's death taxed them in fifteen hundred Talents They were already so poor that they had not wherewithal to pay this Summ but the Soldiers tormented them with a thousand Cruelties to make them find it They sold first all the Publick Goods then things consecrated even to the Ornaments of the Temples and the Offerings had been made Which yet amounting not to the least part of the Summ the Magistrates sold the Free Persons first the Maids and Children then the Women and Old Men who yielded but little and after all the Young Men many of which slew themselves At last Cassi●s returning from Sy●ia had compassion on their misery and remitted the Remainder of the Tax These were the Calamities wherewith Tarsus and Laodicea were afflicted Cassi●s and Brutus consulting together what they were best to do Brutus was of Opinion they should go into Macedon and give Battel to the Enemies who had forty Legions eight of which had already passed the Ionian Sea Cassius judged on the contrary that the Enemy being so numerous were not to be dreaded seeing they would scatter of themselves for want of Provisions and therefore that it were better to begin the War with the Rhodians and Lycians who held for the Enemies and were very strong in Shipping lest they should fall into their Rear whilst they were engaged with Caesar and Anthony This Opinion was followed Brutus undertook the Lycians and Cassius those of Rhodes where he had been educated and had studied those Sciences taught in Greece And because he had to deal with People very expert in Sea-Fights he fitted up all the Ships he had manned them both with Sea-Men and Soldiers and exercised them at Mynda As for the Rhodians the most prudent of them were fearful to come to Extremities with the Romans but the People made insolent with those Victories which they remembred to have gained against People to whom the Romans were no ways comparable were very glad of it and began to set in order three and thirty of the best Vessels they had However they sent Deputies to Cassius to desire him not to contemn Rhodes which had always revenged it self on those that had despised them Nor to violate the Treaties between the Romans and the Rhodians by which they had promised not to bear Arms one against the other That if he found fault with them for refusing their Ships they would send Deputies to the Senate and if the Senate ordered it they would assist him with all their Forces To this Cassius made Answer that now it was no more time to make use of Words but Arms That as for those Treaties which obliged them not to bear Arms one against another they had first violated them by assisting Dolob●lla against him That the same Treaties contained likewise a Promise of assisting one the other and that when Cassius demanded theirs they mocked him with a pretence of sending Deputies to the Senate now dispersed into all parts in their flight from those Tyrants had made themselves Lords of the City Tyrants which he would punish as well as the Rhodians their Abettors if they did not suddenly submit themselves This Answer increased the fear of the Wise Men But the People suffered themselves to be led by Alexander and Mnaseus who encouraged them by putting them in mind how Mithridates and before him Demetrius had in vain attempted Rhodes with far greater numbers of Shipping Wherefore they made Alexander Prytane which is the chief and most powerful Magistrate of the City and Mnaseus they made Admiral However they again deputed to Cassius Archelaus under whom he had studied the Greek Learning who as one that had lived familiarly with him taking him by the hand spoke thus The Speech of Archelaus to Cassius WIll you that love the Greeks ruin a Greek City and that fight for Liberty take it from Rhodes that is a Free City Are you envious of the Glory of the Dorick Nation which never yet was overcome or have you forgot those Noble Stories you learnt at Rhodes and at Rome it self At Rhodes the mighty Actions the Rhodians when assaulted in their City have done against a number of Kings and above all against those were thought invincible Demetrius and Mithridates for the Defence of that Liberty for which you say you are now in Arms At Rome the important Services we have done the Romans especially against King Antiochus the Monuments of which you may there behold engraven in Copper This I say to oblige you to consider our Nation the Honour of our City its good Fortune which never yet abandoned it its Affection to the Romans and the Assistance it has offered them But as to what may concern your self Cassius you ought particularly to bear some respect to a City wherein you have been educated taught cured of your Sickness and where you have a long time sojourned and that even in my School which makes me hope that the pains I have formerly took in instructing you will not prove unprofitable to my Country in dispensing her from engaging in a War with her Nursling and Scholar wherein of two things one must be inevitable all the Rhodians must perish or Cassius must be overcome I will add a little Counsel to the Request I make you In the important Affair wherein you are engaged for the Publick Good take the Gods for the Guide of all your Actions those Gods by which you swore when by Caesar's intermission we last renewed the Alliance between 〈◊〉 and after we had sworn mutually gave hands in token of that Faith which ought to be kept even to Enemies but with much more reason to Friends and those from whom we have received our Education Besides we ought not only to consider the Gods but also take care to preserve our Reputation for the sake of Men for those who violate Treaties are abhorred of all the World and after having once broke it neither Friends nor Enemies have any more Relyance on their Word After
thousand Horse These were the Forces Brutus and Cassius had at the Black Gulf and with which they fought the Battel the remainder of their Forces being employed upon other Affairs The Army being here purged with the usual Ceremonies they payed what they had promised to those who had not yet received it for they had taken a course not to want Money because indeed they stood in need of it to gain by force of gifts the hearts of the Soldiers and especially of the Veterans who had born Arms under C. Caesar for fear left at the fight or name of his Son they should change their minds Besides they thought it convenient the Army should be spoke too and at the same time caused to be erected a great Tribunal whereon the Generals with the Senators only being mounted and all the Army as well their own Forces as the Auxiliaries drawn round about them they took great delight to view one another The Commanders began to take heart and to hope well in the great number of their Soldiers and the Soldiers began to grow in love with their Commanders for there is nothing unites hearts so much as common hopes Now because there was a great noise made by so vast a multitude silence was commanded by sound of the Trumpet and then Cassius who was the elder of the two advancing somewhat out of his place spoke in this manner The Oration of Cassius THat danger which is common to us Fellow Soldiers obliges us to be faithful one to another besides that you are farther engaged by receiving the Donative we had promised you which ought to beget a belief in you that we will keep our words with you for the future and you ought to hope for a happy success of this War from your own valour from our Conduct and from the Generosity of these great Men of the Senate whom you see here sitting We have as you well know great store of Munitions Provisions Arms Money Ships and many Provinces and Kingdoms which declare for us Wherefore we need not make use of words to exhort to resolution and concord those whom common defence and interest obliges As for the Calumnies which our two Enemies cast upon us you know them and 't is that knowledge binds you so firmly to our Party yet I shall be well content to give you this day an account of our Actions that you may the more clearly understand never was any War more honest and just than this we are now going upon By serving with you under Caesar in many Wars in some of which we likewise commanded we contributed to his Greatness and therefore were always his Friends that no Man may think we attempted his life out of any particular grudge Peace being made as he was Criminal he ought to have been accused not by us who were his Friends and whom he had raised to Honours in the City but by the Laws and by the Common-wealth but because neither the Laws nor the Determinations of the Senate nor the Decrees of the People were now any more of any account but he had thrown down all those things instituted by our Forefathers when they expelled Kings and swore never again to suffer the Regal Power we being their Successors have prevented the violation of their Oath we have diverted from our selves and cast off from our own Heads those imprecations they pronounced by not suffering one Man though so much our Friend and Benefactor to be longer Master of the Treasures and Forces of the Republick or have the dispose of all Dignities and Governments to the shame of the Senate and Roman People or in short change the Laws according to his fancy usurping over the People and Senate and absolute power and Sovereign Authority possibly in those times you did not make sufficient reflections on these things but regarded only in him the quality of Generalissimo But now you may better understand what I say by what particularly concerns you you are of the People during War you obey your General and in Peace have the right of giving your vote The Senate first deliberates all matters that you may not be deceived but it is you who in your Assemblies either by Tribes or Centuries create Consuls Tribunes of the People Pretors who give Sovereign Sentences and decree to us either Rewards or Punishments according as we have well or ill behaved our selves in our Charges Thus for giving to every Man according to his desert our Empire owes to you its felicity and when you distribute honours to those deserve them they have likewise to you a particular obligation 'T was by this very power you made Scipio Consul to whom in testimony of his valour you gave the sirname of African by this you created annual Tribunes of the People who had power to oppose the Senate when it was necessary for your advantage But what need I relate things your selves so well know Since Caesar made himself Master of the Common-wealth you have not by your Votes nominated any Magistrate neither Pretor nor Consul nor Tribune of the People you have given no person a testimonial of his Virtue nor have had the power to grant him any reward In short no person is obliged to you neither for his Government nor for Judgment given in his behalf and what is yet more worthy of compassion you have not been able to secure from outrage the Tribunes of the People who are your particular Magistrates and whom by your Decree you have declared sacred and inviolable But those inviolable persons you have beheld infamously degraded from a sacred Dignity devested of a sacred Habit without any legal trial by the command of a single person and that for maintaining your rights and declaring their indignation against those who would have given him the Title of King The Senate suffered it with regret for your sakes only for the Office of Tribune belongs to the People and not to the Senate But not having the power to accuse or bring to judgment this Man because of the great Armies whereof he made himself Master to the prejudice of the Roman People to whom they belonged we applyed the only remedy left for the chasing away the Tyranny by conspiring all together against his person for it was requisite this Affair should be assented to by all honest Men though it were executed but by a few And immediately after the Action the Senate declared it done by common deliberation when they forthwith proposed us rewards as for having slain a Tyrant But Anthony opposing it under pretence of appeasing the tumult and we our selves not desiring any greater reward than the service of our Country they were not ordered because they would not defame Caesar being content to have thrown down the Tyranny However they decreed a general Indemnity with prohibitions to all persons of prosecuting in form of Justice for the action done and a small time after because Anthony incensed the multitude against us by
them but likewise the best they could pick out And in vain did Caesar reprove them or gave them other things to hinder them from these violences for their Generals standing in need of them to secure their Dominions they stood but in little awe Moreover the five years of the Triumvirate drawing to an end they stood in each others assistance for their common security the Generals that by the Soldiers means they might keep their Command and the Soldiers that by their means they might keep possession of what had been given them for all their hopes being that the grant would stand good so long as the Donors were Masters of the Empire they were concerned to attempt any thing for the maintenance of their power wherefore Caesar gave many other gifts to the maimed Soldiers borrowing for this purpose Money from the Temples which increased the affection of the Soldiery to him who found themselves obliged by his having gratified them with Cities Land Money and Houses Those who were despoiled of all these things made great clamours and continuall railed against him but however they affronted him he bore all to content the Soldiery Lucius Brother to Anthony now Consul Fulvia his Wife and Manius who had the charge of his Affairs in his absence observing Caesar's Conduct and to the end that all might not seem to be his doings or the whole obligation be owned to him alone and consequently he have all the thanks to Anthony's prejudice used all the artifices possible to delay the sending the Soldiers to the Colonies till his return out of Asia but when they could not succeed in that design because of the earnestness of the Army they required of Caesar liberty to be themselves the Conductors of Anthony's Forces By the agreement made with Caesar he had quitted to him the employment but they denyed it and Fulvia going her self to the Head of the Legions with Anthony's Children besought them not to suffer their General to be deprived of the Glory and satisfaction to testifie his good will to them besides Anthony's reputation was very great among the Soldiery and high in esteem with all the world for Caesar being sick at the time of the Battel at Philippi all the honour of that Victory seemed due only to Anthony Though Caesar saw well this was a violation of their agreement yet in favour to his Associate in the Empire he consented and so they conducted the Legions to their Colonies where they committed strange disorders for that Caesar might not seem more indulgent than those who conducted them they gave them all manner of License Many Cities neighbouring on those where they had Lands set out having received much injury came to complain to Caesar telling him that the Colonies were much more injust than the Proscriptions for they proscribed only their Enemies whereas by means of the Colonies multitudes of innocent persons were ruined Caesar was not ignorant of the injuries done but he could not remedy them for he had no Money to pay the old Proprietors the purchase of their Lands and he would not delay the recompence promised to their Forces because of the Wars they were still engaged in Pompey was powerful at Sea and able to strave the City by cutting off Provisions Aenobarbus and Murcus were fitting out another Fleet and another Army so that if Caesar and Anthony performed not their promise they had reason to fear they should be but ill served by their Soldiers Add to which that the five years of the Triumvirate was near expired and they had therefore still more reason to gain the good will of the Army wherefore they passed by many things patiently and seemed as if they did not see their insolencies till such time that one day as Caesar was at the Theatre a Soldier who could get no room in the place appointed for them had the impudence to go seat himself with the Roman Knights The People having observed it Caesar caused him to be taken away whereat the rest were so enraged that when the Plays were done gathering about Caesar they demanded their companion because not having seen him afterwards they thought him dead The Soldier coming in at the same time they imagined him brought out of Prison and though he denyed it and told them the matter as it passed they told him he lyed had been suborned and was a Traytor to betray his Comrades Such was their insolence in the Theatre as a consequence to which he having appointed them a day for their meeting in the Field of Mars for the division of Lands they were so hasty that they came thither long before day-light And fretting at Caesar that he came not so soon as they thought fit Nonius a Centurion freely reproving them and representing to them the respect they oughtto their General who made them not wait out of any pride or scorn but because he was sick they began to rail at him and call him flatterer and by degrees their fury increasing proceded to affront and throw stones as him He thereupon fled they pursued him he threw himself into the River to make his escape but there they killed him and drawing his Body out of the Water brought it and layd it in the way by which Caesar was to pass His Friends hereupon counselled him not to go and expose himself to these Bedlams but lest absence might more increase their fury he went and seeing Nonius's Body turned off by another way There as if this had been the crime only of some particular Men he exhorted them for the future to spare one another made division of their Lands permitted those had done good service to demand the usual rewards and gave them likewise even against his own judgment to many that were unworthy insomuch that the multitude admiring his gravity began to repent and be ashamed and withal to demand that those guilty of Nonius's death might be punished upon which he told them he knew them well but that he was content with their confession and repentance and would remit the punishment Thus having obtained not only pardon for their fault but likewise gifts and rewards they all upon a sudden changed their anger into applause and acclamations These two examples chosen among many others make it evidently appear how difficult it is to govern in such times as those the spirits of the Soldiery which is occasioned when Generals are not commissioned to the Command of their Armies by lawful Authority and Nomination as ordinarily happens in Civil Wats and when Armies are not raised according to ancient custom for the service of their Country And in reality all those People bore not Arms for the Roman People b●t for those that had set them on foot not by order of War but by private promises not against the Enemies of the State but to satisfie particular animosities not against Strangers but against Citizens their Equals in Birth and Dignity all these things ruined Military Discipline The Soldiers
conceited not they made War but did service to particular persons that would oblige them and from whom they hoped for acknowledgments and the Commanders made use of them as they had occasion for their own advantage And whereas the ancient Romans never pardoned any Runaways they now gave them rewards for the Pleas were equally specious each party deeming the other Enemy to the State the Leaders themselves making the same pretence and all saying they had no other end than the service of their Country Thus the Soldiers were his gave most as well as whole Armies and many illustrious persons thought they did not deserve the name of Run-aways which things caused often shifting of sides for on what ever party they ranged themselves they still served their Country wherefore the Generals that were sensible of this were fain to wink at many things and confided not so much in the fidelty of their Soldiers or the authority of the Laws as in the power of their Largesses so ordinary were tumults and mutinies now in Armies Mean while Rome was distressed for want of Provisions for Pompey hindred the bringing any by Sea and in Italy they had almost given over Husbandry because of the continual Wars and that little Corn there was the Armies consumed There were likewise committed in the Cities many Robberies and Violences by night after which no inquest was made because they layd all upon the Soldiers wherefore the People shut up their Shops and drove away the Magistrates as standing no more in need of Officers or Artificers in a miserable City where all things were exposed to Robbery and Plunder Lucius a Lover of the publick wellfare and Enemy to the power of the Triumvirate which seemed to last beyond the time prescribed by its establishment had often sharp words with Caesar and when the old Proprietors of Lands came to complain to the Magistrates of the oppression of the Soldiery he alone would hear their complaints and promise them his protection and they on the other side engaged themselves to serve him in what ever he would employ them This gave occasion to Anthony's Soldiers and to Caesar himself to reproach him that he busied himself against his Brother and to give advice to Fulvia to have a care of kindling an unseasonable War Notwithstanding which Manius maliciously cunning having buzzed in her ears that as long as Italy was in peace her Husband would stay with Cleopatra but if once there were War would presently come away she suffered her self to be perswaded and out of her womanly passion obliged Lucius to seek some occasion of a Rupture To which effect Caesar being gone to settle the rest of the Colonies she sent along Anthony's Children together with Lucius that it might not be thought he alone had the authority And he happening to command some part of his Cavalry to march speedily to the Sea Coast of the Brutians lest Pompey should plunder them Lucius either fearing or dissembling that he was afraid these Horse were drawn off against him and his Nephews fled forthwith to Anthony's Colonies desiring of them Guards for his security accusing Caesar of infidelity towards their General Caesar on the contrary sent to tell them that there was no shadow of change in the Friendship betwixt them and Anthony but that Lucius sought a pretence to make them arm against each other because he was an Enemy to the Triumvirate in the maintenance of whose power the Soldiery were to be concerned if they would not be driven from their Colonies and that for his Horse they were still in the Country of the Brutians executing his orders The principal Officers of Anthony's Army understanding well all these things met together at Theana with Caesar where a Treaty was made on these conditions That the Triumvirs should not disturb the Consuls in the Government of the Common-wealth that they should give Lands only to those had served at Philippi that Anthony's Forces in Italy should as well as Caesar's have a share of the Proscripts Money and in the produce of the sale lately made of their Goods that for the future no one should constrain them to serve out of Italy except two Legions which Caesar might employ in the Expedition against Pompey that those Caesar should send to Spain might pass the Alpes without being impeded by Asinius Pollio and that Lucius satisfied with these conditions should dismiss his Guards and follow the functions of his authority with all security These Articles being agreed upon by the Officers of Anthony's Army there were but two of them executed and Salvidienus passed the Alpes in spite of those would have hindred him insomuch that the performance of the rest being delayed Lucius retired to Praeneste saying that having no Guards he was afraid of Caesar who was always accompanied with Soldiers because of his quality of Triumvir Fulvia likewise fled for refuge to Lepidus out of fear as she said for her Children and she had a better opinion of him than of Caesar However it were both one and the other wrote to Anthony and some of their Friends who could lay open all the Affair carried the Letters of which I could not find the Copies though I have made a curious search Things standing in this posture the principal Officers of both Armies met together to terminate the differences yet between their Generals by an equitable judgment resolved to force to a compliance those that would not submit and they invited Lucius his Friends to joyn with them upon their refusal Caesar to render them odious began to vent his complaints in all places as well to the Officers of the Armies as the principal Citizens which occasioned a great many persons to go from the City to Lucius to beseech him to have compassion of Italy almost ruined by Civil Wars and to make choice of some who with them or with the Officers might endeavour an accommodation Lucius had both a respect for them and the matter whereof they spoke But Manius answered fiercely that whilst Anthony amused himself to raise Money among Strangers Caesar by his cringing and flexibility secured to himself all the Militia and all the strong places of Italy That to this purpose to the damage of Anthony to whom Gaul appertained he had enfranchised it and that instead of ●ighteen Cities designed to reward the Veterans he had granted them almost all Italy and that whereas Lands were due only to twenty eight Legions that had served he had given to four and thirty that he had taken Money out of the Temples which had never before been done whatever Famine were in the City and that on pretence of a War against Pompey but indeed to gain himself Soldiers to employ against Anthony besides he had appraised the Proscripts Goods at such low rates that it was rather giving than selling them wherefore if he really desired peace he ought first to give an account of what he had done and do nothing for the future but
am forced to what I do by the insolence of Lucius Caesar having said these words they sent forthwith to Lucius to Preneste who made them no answer but that blows had already been struck on both sides and that Caesar deceived them having already sent a Legion to Brundusium to hinder Anthony's landing besides Manius showed them a Letter from Anthony whether true or forged is uncertain commanding them to defend his Authority by Arms whereupon the Deputies of the Senate demanding if any had invaded Anthony's for if so they would make them do reason by ways of Justice Manius thereupon proposed many other things so they went away without doing any thing yet they went not together to return Caesar any answer of their Legation whether they had given him an account of it privately or that they were ashamed or for some other reason Thus War being declared Caesar took the Field leaving Lepidus with two Legions for guard of the City at which time many persons of quality declared their dislike of the Triumvirs by going over to Lucius Now what passed most considerable in this War was thus Two of Lucius his Legions quartered at Alba mutined and having turned away their Officers were upon the very point of revolting when both Lucius and Caesar were upon their way thither Lucius got there first and by the force of Money and Promises kept them in their Duty After which as Firmius brought him another Army Caesar fell upon his Rear-guard and forced Firmius to an Eminence from whence escaping the next night into a City of his faction called Sentia Caesar would not pursue him for fear of an Ambush but on the morrow besieged the place and the Army On the other side Lucius having a design upon Rome sent before three Regiments who with wonderful diligence entred the City privately by night himself followed with the flower of his Horse and the Gladiators and was received by Nonius who having that day the guard of the Gate with all his Soldiers submitted to him and Lepidus went out to meet with Caesar Lucius thus entred the City assembled the people and told them that Anthony and Lepidus should in few days give an account of the violences committed in their Magistracy and that Anthony was disposed to quit that unlawful power to accept of the Consulate that is to say a Dignity established by their Ancestors instead of a tyrannical Dominion These words were received with the universal joy of the people who already imaginging the Triumvirate abolished made acclamations to Lucius giving him the Title of Emperour Soon after he left the City to march against Caesar passing by his Brother's Colonies where he raised another Body of an Army and fortified all the Cities he found affectionate to his Party but Barbarius Questor to Anthony being returned upon some difference he had with his General told all Men that he was mightily incensed against those made War upon Caesar to the ruine of their common power which made many that discovered not Barbarius's deceit desert Lucius and joyn with Caesar. Lucius then marched to meet with Salvidienus who was coming with an Army of Gauls to Caesar followed in the rear by Asinius and Ventidius two of Anthony's Lieutenants so that he could not well pass farther when Agrippa one of Caesar's best Friends fearing lest Salvidienus should be inclosed went and seised upon Insubria from whence Lucius drew great Succors thinking thereby to oblige Lucius to turn his Arms upon him and quit his design upon Salvidienus who would not fail to follow him in the rear nor was he deceived in his imagination Lucius therefore frustrated in his hopes would willingly have joyned with Asinius and Ventidius but Agrippa and Salvidienus lying on each side him sorely annoyed him and had given good order for guarding the Straits when he saw himself engaged in this manner not daring to venture a Battel he retired night to Perugia a strong City where he encamped staying for Ventidius Agrippa Salvidienus and Caesar himself coming in at the same time with the three Armies there besieged him Caesar having speedily drawn together all his Forces that Lucius who was the Head of the War might not escape him He sent likewise some Forces towards Asinius and Ventidius to retard their march though they made no great haste for they approved not of this War and did not well know Anthony's mind besides there was jealousie between them and being of equal Dignity each was ambitious of the sole Command of the Army Mean while Lucius thus besieged durst not hazard a Battel being the weaker both in number and quality of Soldiers his Army consisting for the most part of new raised Forces nor durst he take the Field or adventure a Retreat being on all sides so belayd wherefore he sent Manius to Ventidius and Asinius to hasten them to come to his relief and gave order to Titinnius to go with four thousand Horse to waste the Country under Caesar's protection that he might oblige him to raise his Siege whilst he shut himself up in Perugia resolved if he were forced to it to spend the Winter there or at least so much time till Ventidius came up to him with the other Army but Caesar presently set his Men to work on the Circumvallation which he was forced to make six and fifty Furlongs in circuit because of the Hills among which the City is seated from whence he drew two Lines down to the Tiber to hinder any thing from being brought to the City Lucius on his part caused the foot of the Hills to be fortified with Trench and Palisado like to the Circumvallation whilst Fulvia sent fresh dispatches to Ventidius Asinius Ateius and Calenus to hasten them with all speed to his relief and withal raised a new Army which she sent to him under the Command of Plancus who meeting with one of Caesar's Legions on their March to the City cut them in pieces As for Ventidius and Asinius doubtful of Anthony's mind they temporized and yet pressed to it by Fulvia they began to march on and to come to disengage Lucius Caesar together with Agrippa presently set forward to meet them after having placed a very good Guard before Perugia but they not being able to joyn Plancus or put themselves into a condition to ●ight retired one to Ravenna the other to Rimini and Plancus to Spoleto and Caesar having left a part of his Forces to hinder their conjunction returned to the Siege at Perugia There he with all possible diligence caused to be made a double Ditch of thirty Foot wide and as many deep on which he raised a Rampire with fifteen hundred Towers of Wood sixty Feet distant one from the other with store of Redoubts and all things necessary for defence as well against the Besieged as those that would force his Lines this was not done without frequent Sallies and many Engagements wherein Caesar's Light-armed Foot did wonders in lancing their Javelings but
the places to settle my Brother's Legions in their Colonies and to drive out the old Proprietors but it was your invention to throw upon me and the Colonies the cause of the War and an artifice by which gaining the hearts of the Veterans you have got the Victory for being persuaded I was their Enemy they have done all they could against me and you had reason to make use of this policy being in open War with me Now you have got the Victory if you are an Enemy to your Country treat me likewise as an Enemy for I had a design to serve it if I had not been hindred by want of Provision These things I speak yielding my self as I have said freely up to use at your discretion and coming alone to you that you may perceive what thoughts I have heretofore had of you and what I still preserve Thus far touching my self for what concerns my Friends and all the rest of the Army if my advice may not be suspected by you I will give you what shall be for your advantage Let me counsel you not to use them hardly for any difference between us lest being still a Man exposed to the reach of Fortune you make those serve under you backward in hazarding themselves to danger when by your example they shall have learn'd there is no hopes of safety but in Victory But if the counsels of an Enemy are not to be listened to I beseech you not to punish my Friends for my fault or misfortune but rather lay all the Load on me who am the only cause of all that has happened I have on purpose left them behind me for fear lest if I had spoke in their presence it might have looked like an Artifice to gain favour for my self To which Caesar answered The Answer of Caesar to Lucius WHen I saw you Lucius coming to me without a Herald I presently came out of my Trenches to meet you that you being still Master of your self might still be at liberty to resolve say and do what you judged most advantageous for you but since acknowledging your fault you yield to discretion there is no need of a reply to what you impute to me with a great deal of cunning and little truth From the beginning you have had a desire to vanquish me and you now have done it for had you desired to capitulate you had deservedly met with a severe Conquerour but now without any conditions you come to yield up your self your Friends and Army you have taken away all anger taken away all advantage I had over you for I am now to consider not so much what you deserve as what becomes me which I am glad to have the opportunity of doing out of respect to the Gods for my own interest and for your sake Lucius who shall not be deceived in that opinion of me which brought you hither These are near upon the very same words as I found them in the Commentaries of those times In these passages Caesar admired the generous and unshaken mind of Lucius so well biassed with prudence and Lucius the great clemency and expeditious brevity of Caesar and others read in both their Faces the tenure of what they had spoke Lucius presently sent his Tribunes to receive orders from Caesar who brought him the Muster-Rolls of the whole Army according to the custom to this day when a Tribune comes for Orders he presents the General with a Counter-roll of those serve under him After having received Orders they set the Watch as before it being Caesar's pleasure that for that night each Army should lodge in their own Camp on the morrow he offered Sacrifices and Lucius sent him all his Forces in Arms and ready to march upon service As soon as they came in sight of Caesar they saluted him calling him Emperour and that done drew up by Legions the Veterans apart from the new raised Men in a place by him appointed After having performed the Ceremonies of the Sacrifices Caesar seated himself upon a Tribunal with a Wreath of Laurel on his Head which is the Badge of Victory and commanded them all to lay down their Arms then he gave order for the Veterans to draw near that he might terrifie them with reproaches of ingratitude but his mind being known all Caesar's Soldiers whether suborned or moved with affection towards their Fellow Citizens in distress stepped out of their Ranks and advancing towards Lucius's Men who had formerly been their Comrades began to embrace them weeping and emploring Caesar for them continuing their cries and their embraces till such time as the new raised Men being touched with a like compassion the whole place became the object of universal ●orrow wherefore Caesar changing his design having with much difficulty silenced their cries thus spoke to his own Men The Oration of Caesar. YOu have always Fellow Soldiers so behaved your selves to me that you can ask nothing I can deny I believe the new Soldiers may have been forced to serve Lucius but for those there who have so often born Arms with you and with whom you now petition me I would fain ask them what injury I have done them or what they ever requested of me that I refused them or what advantage they could hope from others might oblige them to take up Arms against me against you and against themselves for there is no labour to which I have not exposed my self for settling of the Colonies in which they are to be sharers but take it not amiss if their insolency make me be no further concerned for them But they instantly intreating him not to give over his care of them and renewing their intreaties for their pardon I grant you said he whatever you desire let them be pardoned provided for the future they be of one mind with you Which after they had all promised they with acclamations gave thanks to Caesar who permitted some of his to entertain the others as their Guests and ordered the multitude to encamp apart in the same place where they had first drawn up till such time as he appointed Cities for their Winter Quarters with Commissioners to conduct them After which before he rose from the Tribunal he caused to come to him Lucius and all the persons of Quality with him among whom there were many Senators and Roman Knights all cast down and sorrowful for this sudden and extraordinary change who were no sooner come out of Perugia but a Garrison entred the City when they were come before Caesar he caused Lucius to be set down by him and his Friends and Centurions took charge of the rest after being advertised to treat them honourably but yet to have a care to secure their persons He sent likewise to the People of Perugia who begged pardon from their Walls to come to him without their Senators and he pardoned them but their Senators were all imprisoned and not long after slain except only Lucius Emulus who being at
with Pompey their common Enemy At length Caesar's Men discovered their inclinations to the other that they followed Caesar without having forgot the Virtues of Anthony and that their design was to procure a reconciliation between their Generals to which if Anthony would by no other means be inclined then they must repel force with force all which they went and published even before Anthony's Trenches Whilst these things passed the opportune news was brought of the death of Fulvia who not able to bear her Husband's reproofs was fallen sick with discontent that he was angry with her for he had left her sick and at his departure not vouchsafed to visit her which hastened her end All Men believed her death commodious for both Parties for she was a Woman of a turbulent spirit and who only out of her jealousie of Cleopatra had kindled this War However Anthony seemed much grieved at the accident as believing himself the cause There was one Lucius Cocceius intimately a Friend to both Generals whom the Summer before Caesar had sent with Cecinna as his Envoy to Anthony then in Phaenicia Cecinna forthwith returning he had till now stayed with Anthony Thus Cocceius laying hold on the occasion feigned that he was recalled by Caesar and desired audience to take his leave and Anthony permitting him to depart he trying him farther asked whether he would not write to Caesar having received Letters from him by the same Cocceius to which Anthony replyed What can we now write to one another being Enemies unless it be mutual reproaches besides I then returned him answer by Cecinna the Copies of which you may take if you please To this cavil Cocceius made retort that Caesar was not to be called an Enemy who had so favourably treated Lucius and other Friends of his But me said Anthony he has shut out of Brundusium seised upon my Provinces and Calenus's Army As for his favour shewed only to my Friends that has not so much preserved their Friendship to me as made them my Enemies by his kindness Cocceius hearing him enter upon complaints would no farther move an angry Man but went to Caesar who seeing him and wondred he was returned no sooner Is it said he to him because I saved your Brother's life that you are become my Enemy C●cceius answered Is it so you call your Friends Enemies and take away their Provinces and Armies Caesar hereto replyed After Calenus 's death should I have left in the hand of such a young Man Forces of such consequence Anthony being absent Lucius discontent Asinius and Aenobarbus hard by and ready to employ them against us 'T was the same reason made me hasten to get Plancus 's Legions into my hands lest they should have joyned with Pompey as the Horse did who went over into Sicily To which Cocceius made answer that things had been otherwise represented to Anthony yet he did not believe them till as an Enemy he was shut out of Brundusium That was not done by any command of mine replyed Caesar nor could I divine that he was coming to land there or dream that he should come along with Enemies The Inhabitants of Brundusium and the Officers left there in Garrison to oppose the attempts of Aenobarbus did without orders from me shut their Gates against Anthony newly confederated with Pompey our common Enemy and bringing along with him Aenobarbus a Parricide condemned by publick sentence proscribed and who after the Battel of Philippi besieged Brundusium and to this day wastes all the Coasts of the Ionian Sea who burnt my Ships and plunders all Italy To which Cocceius made reply You reserved to one another the liberty to treat with whom you pleased Anthony has no more made peace with any Murderer of your Father than your self he has too great an honour for his memory Aenobarbus was none of the Parricides but condemned by malicious Iudges when not conscious of the conspiracy And if we think him unworthy of favour for being a Friend to Brutus we must have a care lest we make all Men our Enemies The peace was made too with Pompey not with design to quarrel with you but that if you made War upon Anthony he might have him for an Associate and if you did not to reconcile you together as being a Man you can impeach with no crime In this too you are in the fault for had there been no motion of War in Italy they durst not have sent Deputies to Anthony Thereupon Caesar pursuing his complaints said 'T was Manius Fulvia and Lucius made War upon me and Italy and never durst Pompey before with his Forces attempt the Coasts till he was encouraged to it by Anthony Not only encouraged said Cocceius but commanded for I will hide nothing from you he will with his Fleet invade the rest of Italy now destitute as it is of Shipping unless you make peace Whereto Caesar who had not without reflections listened to this discourse of Cocceius said However Pompey has but little to brag of being repulsed from Thuria Hereupon Cocceius hav●●g now a full insight of their controversies made mention of Fulvia's death how not enduring her Husband's displeasure she fell sick and her Distemper increasing by a continual melancholy that Anthony was so unkind as not to visit her in her sickness it had hastened her end And now she is dead said he there needs nothing more than that you explain your mutual suspicions to one another Caesar mollified by this discourse of Cocceius made him his Guest for that day who entreated him as the younger to write to Anthony his elder he denyed writing to his Enemy from whence he had received no Letters but complained that his Mother whom he had always so perfectly honoured as his Kinswoman had fle● out of Italy as if she could not have commanded him as if he had been her own Son so under this pretence Caesar wrote to Iulia. As Cocceius was going out of the Camp many Centurions discovered to him the mind of the Army who with all the rest told this likewise to Anthony that he might understand what a War he was about to engage himself in if he made not peace with Caesar. Wherefore he advised him to remand Pompey who wasted Italy into Sicily and to send Aenobarbus into some other part till new Leagues were made To this Iulia his Mother joyning her prayers and intreaties there was nothing stood in the way but the shame Anthony feared he should be exposed to if the Peace not succeeding he should again be forced to have recourse to Pompey's assistance but his Mother putting him in hopes confirmed by Cocceius partaker of Caesar's privacies Anthony consented caused Pompey to return to Sicily promising to take care of all matters agreed on between them and sending Aenobarbus Governour into Bithynia which as soon as Caesar's Army knew they chose Deputies to go to both Generals whom they besought to refrain from accusing each other for they were not made
death and others through despair hastening it for the expectation is but an addition of pain and now they were all out of hopes of any safety when on a sudden towards break of day the wind began to duller and about Sun-rising there was little or none yet the Sea still continued in a rage The Inhabitants of the Country remembred not to have even seen so furious a Tempest Thus the greatest part of Caesar's Ships and Men perished and he besides the loss sustained in the first Sea-Fight having received these two afflictions one in the neck of the other retreated the same night with all haste to Vibone by the Mountain Way not enduring longer to look on that misfortune to which he could apply no remedy From thence he wrote to all his Friends and all his Commanders to repair speedily to him for fear lest as it ordinarily befalls the unfortunate some new design should be laid against him he likewise sent all the Land Forces he had with him along the Coasts of Italy for fear lest Pompey puffed up with this success should make some attempt but he thought nothing of it no nor so much as when the Sea was still of falling upon the remainder of the Shipwrack neither while they lay there nor when they were upon departure On the contrary he suffered them to gather together whatever they could save of Ships or Rigging and make a safe retreat before the wind to Vibone whether he thought he had beat them sufficiently or that he knew not how to make use of his advantage or else as we have said el●ewhere was cow-hearted upon an Assault and content only to defend himself Caesar had not above half his Ships left and those but in ill condition yet leaving Forces to guard them he went much troubled in mind into Campania for he had no more Ships nor time to build any though he stood in great need of them the Famine growing sharp and the people crying out incessantly for peace and detesting this War as undertaken contrary to a solemn League besides he wanted Money which was scarce at Rome The Citizens would pay nothing nor permit any to be raised on them At length being very politick in the conduct of his own Affairs he dispatched Maecenas to Anthony well instructed to clear all new differences might have happened between them and to draw him to be his Associate in the War which if it succeeded not he resolved to transport his Legions into Sicily upon Ships of Burthen and there fight Pompey by Land without any more hazarding a Sea-fight Whilst he was perplexing himself with these cares news was brought him that Anthony had passed his word to serve him that Agrippa his Lieutenant in Gaul had gained a great Victory against the Aquitains and that his Friends and some Cities promised him Ships which were already building whereupon taking heart he began to make greater preparations than before About the beginning of the Spring Anthony set Sail from Athens and arrived at Tarentum with three hundred Sail to assist Caesar according to his promise but Caesar having now changed his mind would now stay till the Ships building for him were in a readiness And when he was urged to employ Anthony's Fleet which was sufficient to put an end to this War he excused himself that he was engaged in other Affairs which made it apparent he either had some new cause of quarrel with Anthony or else scorn'd his assistance contenting himself with his own Forces Though Anthony was offended at this proceeding yet he staid still in the same place and sent to him once more for whereas his Fleet lay at a great charge and he stood in more need of Italian Soldiers for the Parthian War he had thoughts of changing his Fleet for Legions Though by the League each had power of raising Men in Italy but because it was fallen to the others division he imagined it would be more difficult for him Wherefore Octavia her self came to Caesar to be as it were Arbitress between them He told her that being deserted by Anthony he had been in danger of losing his life in the Sicilian Strait She answered that had been already discoursed and declared to Maecenas He then objected that Anthony had sent Callias his Freed Man to Lepidus to make a League together against him To which she answered that to her knowledge Callias was sent to Lepidus to treat a Match for Anthony being about to go to the Parthian War would before his departure have his Daughter married to Lepidus's Son according to his promise Octavia affirming this and Anthony sending Callias to Caesar to torment him if he pleased and know the truth from his own mouth he would not receive him but sent word he would meet Anthony between Metapontum and Tarentum and discourse with him himself Through the place appointed runs a River called likewise Metapontum and they both by chance arriving at the same time Anthony lighting out of his Chariot leaps alone into a little Skiff he found there to go meet Caesar confiding in him as his Friend Caesar emulating that Generosity did the same so meeting in the middle of the River they disputed a long time who should go to the other side at length Caesar prevailed having resolved to go to Tarentum to see Octavia he therefore mounts with Anthony in his Chariot lights at his Lodgings and without any Guards lies there all night Anthony on the morrow repays him with the same confidence so sudden were their changes ambition of Empire raising reciprocal Jealousies and the necessity of their Affairs obliging them to confide in each other Caesar then put off the War against Pompey to the next year but Anthony not thinking fit longer to delay the War against the Parthians they made an exchange Anthony gave Caesar sixscore Ships which he forthwith delivered him and Caesar promised to send him twenty thousand Legionary Soldiers Octavia likewise gratified her Brother with ten Galliots a sort of Vessel between a Galley and a Ship of Burthen which she begged of Anthony and he in return gave a thousand chosen Men for Guards which Anthony himself picked out And because the time of the Triumvirate was near expired they prolonged it for five other years without staying for the suffrage of the People so they parted Anthony making with all diligence towards Syria leaving Octavia and a little Daughter they had with her Brother In the mean time whether that Menodorus were naturally perfidious or that he was fearful of Anthony who had threatened him with Shakles as his Fugitive Slave or were not rewarded to his expectation or else moved with reproaches of his infidelity which Pompey's other Freed Men after the death of Menecrates continually loaded him with exhorting him to return to his duty he demanded safe conduct which being granted him he returned into Pompey's service with seven Vessels whilst Calvisius Caesar's Admiral perceived nothing of it wherefore Caesar
came to an Anchor in a Shoal Bay where he lay as if he had been fast in the Ouz till the Enemies running down from the Mountains as to an assured Prey tacking about he rowed off laughing at and deriding them to the grief and astonishment of the whole Army After he had thus made known of what importance it was to Caesar to have him for a Friend or Enemy he gave liberty to a Senator called Rebilus who he had before taken that he might go before and prepare matters raising a report among his People that they should ere long have a Fugitive of consequence which was Vinidius Marcellus an intimate Friend of Caesar's whose affection he himself had gained when he before quitted Pompey's service and after that drawing near to the Enemy and desiring to have some conference with Vinidius in a certain Island touching an Affair of Importance to both Parties Having obtained it when they were alone he told him that when he left Caesar's Party to go to Pompey he had been forced to it by the injuries he dayly received from Calvisius then Admiral but that now Agrippa had the Command of the Navy he was ready to return to Caesar's service of which he could not complain provided Vinidius would bring him a safe conduct from Messala who in Agrippa's absence commanded the Fleet promising by some signal Action to repair his fault However till he had his safe Conduct he must to avoid suspicion make War upon Caesar's Party as before Messala at first scrupled the doing it as dishonourable yet at length he granted it whether yielding to the necessities of the War or before well informed of Caesar's mind or that he foresaw he could not be displeased at it So Menodorus once more changed Parties and going to Caesar cast himself at his Feet begging pardon for his fault without telling what obliged him to commit it Caesar pardoned him because of Messala's word passed to him but gave orders narrowly to watch him and permitted the Officers of his Galleys to go whither they pleased Caesar's Fleet being now ready he came to Vibona where he gave order to Messala to pass over into Sicily with two Legions to joyn Lepidus's Army and that he should land in the Gulf against Tauromenia he sent three likewise to Stylida which is the very extremity of the Strait to wait a fair opportunity and commanded Taurus to sail about with his Fleet from Tarentum to the Promontory of Scyllace which is directly opposite to Tauromenia He came prepared to fight both on Sea and Land for his Land Army followed him before whom marched his Horse with orders to make discoveries from the Land as the Liburnick Brigantines did at Sea As he was advancing in this manner Caesar came and after having seen him near Scyllace and approved the order he kept returned to Vibona Pompey as we have said had placed good Garrisons in all places of the Island where any Forces might land and kept his Fleet at Messina ready to go and relieve who stood in need Whilst these Preparations were made on both sides Lepidus having sent for out of Africa for the remainder of his Forces which consisted in four Legions Papia one of Pompey's Lieutenants met them in open Sea and whilst they staid for him as a Friend gave them chace they took them for the Ships Lepidus was to send to meet them and indeed he did send but coming out too late when the Ships of Burthen saw them they took them for Enemies and would not approach them whereas now staying for Papia some were taken some burnt some sunk and others recovered Africa of the four Legions two perished in the Sea and if any Soldiers saved themselves by swimming Tisienus another of Pompey Lieutenants caused them to be massacred as fast as they came on shore The rest of the Army came either now or afterwards to Lepidus and Papia returned to Pompey Caesar with all his Fleet passed from Vibone to Strongyle one of the five Aeolian Isles and seeing on the Coast of Sicily great store of Forces at Pelora Miles and Tyndari he believed Pompey was there in person wherefore leaving Agrippa his Admiral in the Post he returned to Vibone and soon after joyned with Messala with design to lay hold of the opportunity of Pompey's absence to surprise Tauromenia and so fall upon him two several ways Agrippa therefore goes from Strongyle to Hiera and driving out the Garrison takes the place resolving next day to attempt Miles and Demochares the Admiral who lay there with forty Ships wherefore Pompey fearing Agrippa's success sent other forty Ships from Messina to Demochares under the Command of Apollophanes another of his Freed Men who was followed by Papia with seventy others Agrippa before day weighed with half his Ships as if he were only to fight with Papia whom he had some intelligence he might meet but when he saw Apollophanes's Fleet followed by another of seventy Sail he sent presently to give notice to Caesar that Pompey was at Miles with the greatest part of his Naval Force and placing himself in the middle of his great Ships sent to the rest at Hiera with all speed to follow him These two Ships thus magnificently equipped and having Towers in Poop and Prow being come up with each other after with Signals given and their Men encouraged to do well charged with great violence some stem and stem and others standing off to gain their Enemies Broad-side and fall on with greater terrour great was the noise made by the Ships shocking against each other and greater the Shouts of the Men. Pompey's Ships were middle sized light and easie to go about and so much more active against the Enemy and by their swiftness fit to take all advantages in boarding but Caesar's being greater and heavy were of consequence much less nimble but on the contrary stronger both to give the Shock and abler to receive it Caesar had the best Soldiers and Pompey the most skilful Mariners wherefore these charged not right forwards upon Caesar's great Ships but shearing by them sometimes broke a whole Gang of Oars and sometimes carried away their Rudders and sometimes likewise suddenly bringing about they charged them with their Beak Heads giving no less a Shock than they received but when Caesar's Ships could reach any of these light timbered Vessels they pressed upon them so furiously with their Beak Heads that they either staved them or bored them through and through and if they came at any time to fight Board and Board the great Ships miserably knocked them down with missile Arms thrown from aloft and casting in their Grapnels easily stopped them so that the service being too hard to be born the Adversary had no way to save themselves but by leaping into the Sea where Skiffs appointed for that purpose took them up Mean while Agrippa whose main design was upon Papia's Ship gave him so cruel a Shock in the Bow that he
fastened in Pulleys to draw it back with a Catapulta or Sling to dart it forcibly into the Enemies Ships But the day of Battel being come the whole Gang of Rowers began to shew their skill not without great Shouts and Acclamations then followed the flying of missile Arms some thrown out of Engines some out of Hand as Stones Javelins Arrows Fire-brands and flaming Darts the Ships run Board and Board some in the Waste some on the Bows and some ran with their Prows so fiercely at others that they over-set those stood on their Fore-Castles and made their own Ships unserviceable Other lighter Vessels contented themselves only to skirmish lancing as they passed by unto each other Darts Javelins and other missile Arms other smaller were appointed to take up such as fell into the Sea The Soldiers Rowers and Seamen did wonders assisted by the skill of the Pilots heartned by the encouragements of the Commanders and the continual playing of the Engines but the Harpagon was most of all approved being light enough to fly at a distance into the Enemies Ships it stuck fast especially when they drew it back with the Cords they could not cut it being bound about with Iron Hoops and the Cords they could not reach to because of its length besides this Machine being yet unknown they were not provided of any long Bills to cut the Ropes There was but one way in this unprepared condition they could think of and that was by force of Oars to strive to get loose from it but then the Enemy pulled up too both striving one way the Harpagon still did its office wherefore coming to a close Fight they leaped into one anothers Ships and were often so mixed together that it was hard to know which party any were of for they wore all one kind of Habit and most spoke the Latine Tongue and the Word for that day was known by both Parties And in this confusion when no person trusting to anothers giving him the Word if he did not know him there was a horrible Slaughter and the Sea was presently covered with Bodies Arms and Wracks of Vessels for they left nothing unattempted besides Fire which after the first shock and that they came to fight Board and Board they made no more use of Both Armies from the Shore beheld this dreadful Fight not without fear and passion as thinking them engaged for every one of their particular safeties but how intentive soever they were they could discern nothing for it was impossible in a long Train of six hundred Ships from whom they heard shouts and acclamations sometimes from one side and sometimes from the other to discover any thing distinctly At length Agrippa judging by the Colours upon their Towers which was the only mark of difference between them that there were more of Pompey's Ships perished than theirs encouraged those about him as if already victorious to renew the Charge and not give over pressi●g upon the Enemy which they did till those opposite to him were first forced to give way and beating down their Towers shewed him their Poops and fled towards the Strait to the number only of seventeen Ships most of the rest cut off by Agrippa who got between them and the Flyers from going the same way run violently on Shore where sticking fast they were either got off by the Enemy or there burnt which those that were yet fighting in open Sea seeing yielded The Caesarian Sea Forces soon proclaimed their Victory by their Shouts and Acclammations which were answered by the Land Army on Shore whilst Pompey's Men groaned out of grief and despair As for Pompey himself he departed in haste from Naulochus to go to Messina so astonished that he had no thoughts at all of his Land Army which made them led by Tisienus surrender to Caesar upon good conditions which example was likewise followed by the Horse perswaded by their Officers There were in this Battel three of Caesar's Ships sunk and twenty eight of Pompey's and all the rest burnt taken or split upon the Rocks save only those seventeen that fled Pompey as upon the way he heard of the defection of his Army laid down his Imperial Robe and took a private habit sending some before to Messina to load what they could upon his Ships for he was prepared for this a long time before and sending to Plenius who was at Lilybaeum with eight Legions to come presently to him Plenius forthwith set forward but all his Friends and all his Garrisons having yielded to the Conquerour and his Enemies being already in the Strait to come to Messina he did not think it convenient to stay for Plenius in the City though it were a very strong place but embarquing upon those seventeen Ships he had made Sail towards Anthony whose Mother he had favourably received in a like misfortune and Plenius arriving at Messina after Pompey's departure he there shut himself up resolving to stand upon his defence Now after the Victory Caesar staying in his Camp near Naulochus had given order to Agrippa to go and besiege Messina which together with Lepidus he did Plenius having sent out to them Deputies to capitulate Agrippa was of the mind to defer the business till next day that Caesar came thither but Lepidus himself received them upon composition and to get the Army of Plenius into his own possession gave them share in the plunder of the City equal with his own so that besides pardon which they only asked for they had found a Booty they did not expect they that very night plundered the City with Lepidus's Men and delivered themselves up to be his So that Lepidus by this recruit beholding himself Master of two and twenty Legions and a brave Body of Horse raised his hopes and laid a design upon seising upon Sicily This project he founded upon his first having landed in the Island and having taken more Cities than Caesar wherefore he gave Command to his Garrisons not to receive any Forces but his own and seised upon all the Passages On the morrow Caesar being arrived at Messina sends some of his Friends to Lepidus to make his complaint of these proceedings and to represent to him that he was come into Sicily only to serve Caesar and not to conquer for himself To which he answered by a reciprocal complaint That they had taken from him his part of the Empire which Caesar had usurped all to himself and if he would restore that he would willingly part with Africa and Sicily Caesar angry at this answer goes to him himself reproaches him with ingratitude and after some mutual threats they part and from that instant begin to keep Guard apart and the Ships went and anchored at some distance from the Port because as was reported Lepidus had a design to burn them and the Soldiers detesting these Dissentions believed they were again falling into another Civil War Not that they made any comparison of Lepidus with
at all engage the Enemy till he had first excerised his Soldiers in a thousand sundry labors daily removing about the Country he caused to be fortified new Camps and then demolished them deep ditches to be dug and then filled up mighty Walls to be Built and then pulled down again himself from Morning till Evening going about and overseeing what was done And that none upon a march as had formerly been used might straggle from the Army he alway drew up in a square body and when it moved kept himself in continual motion from Front to Rear nor was it lawful for any to shift the place assigned him by the General In the midst as in the most proper place he posted the sick and weak commanding the Horsemen to dismount and set them upon their Horses the beasts of burthen that were heaviest laden he divided among the Foot And where he intended to lodge those designed for the guard of the Lines that night he commanded to stay without at their Arms and kept a party of Horse scouting abroad for discovery but to the rest of the Soldiers he appointed every one their task these to dig in the Tre●ch those to raise the Rampire and others to pitch the Tents and set a certain and definitive space of time in which every thing was to be done And when he had brought his Army into a due posture of obedience and made them patient of labor then he removed his Camp nearer to Numantia Where according as some had used to do he posted them not in Castles for he would not presently divide his Army nor run the hazard of a loss at first thereby to make them run more into Contempt with the Enemy who contemned them enough already Nor did he think it convenient to engage them in Battel till he saw both good reason and opportunity for the doing it and had throughly searched into the Numantines Counsels and Designs In the mean time he wasted all the fields behind his Camp and from thence fetcht in all his Forrage and cut down the standing Corn which done and that he was in a readiness to proceed farther his Friends advising him that by a nearer way through the Field he might go forward to Numantia but I said he fear my return the Enemy naked and nimble Sallying out of the City have again into the City a retreat but ours returning from forrage are laden with prey and tyred besides they bring with them Loaden Cattle Carriages and Baggage and that would be a hard and unequal fight where being overcome they must run much danger and being Victorious yet but little praise or profit it being the height of madness to run into danger for things of no moment Nor was he worth the Name of a General who unless compelled would throw the Dice of War but he on the contrary who when necessity required and opportunity offered would undantedly throw himself upon all dangers Adding hereunto this similitude that Chirurgions used not to incise or cauterize before they applyed Medicaments These things said he Commanded his Colonels to lead the Army the farther way about then making some Excursions beyond the Camp he came among the Vaccaei from whom the Numantines bought their Provisions there preying upon all whatever was useful for the subsistence of the Camp they gathered and brought away the rest heaped together and burnt In the Country of the Palantines was a place called Caplanium there the Palatini upon a certain hill laid Ambush and with another party openly provoked Scipio's Forragers Scipio Commands Rutilius Rufus who was then Military Tribune and hath likewise writ a History of these things that taking four Troops of Horse he should break the Enemies charge Rufus they giving ground pressed on too immoderately so that mixing with the flyers they were got together to the hill where when he discovered the Ambush he gave advice to his Horsemen not to think of following or pressing forward but keeping their ground and order with their Lances at full length to keep off the Enemy But Scipio who yet a great way off had perceived that Rufus had already run beyond his Orders ●ollicitous of the event immediately followed and found himself likewise taken in the snare wherefore he commanded they should both ways charge the Enemy and having thrown their Javelins make their retreat not all in a huddle but by degrees and keeping their Ranks and by this means he brought his Horse off safely into the plain Afterwards knowing for certain that near the passage of a River whose Ford was troublesome and Muddy they had laid another trap for him he drew off by a way farther indeed about but not so fit for Ambushes And because of the heat of the weather marching by night sinking several Wells he found the waters of many of them bitter so that thence though very hardly the Men got safely off but some of the Horses and Cattel died with thirst As he passed through the Country of the Caucaei whom Lucullus had with so much treachery abused he caused Proclamation to be made that the Caucaei might with al safety return to their habitations thence he went and wintred on the Confines of the Numantines whither Iugurtha Nephew to Massanissa came to him out of Africa with twelve Elephants fitted with Archers and Slingers to gaul the Enemy in Front In these places by frequent incursions wasting and forraging the Country the Enemy laid close Ambush for him The conveniency of the place prompted them to the design There was a Town almost quite encompassed round with a slimy Marsh but only on one side where there was a Valley and in that Valley the Ambush lay hid Scipio's Soldiers were so divided that part entred the Town began to Plunder others kept about on horse back whom those from the Ambush rising upon easily routed Scipio who by chance stood without the Village near the Colours commanded back by sound of Trumpet those got into the houses and first with about a thousand running in to the relief of the baggage horses and many out of the Town coming to joyn with him he forced the Enemy to turn their backs but not following at all the chase retreated himself into his Trenches with the loss but of few on both sides Not long after having pitched two Camps near Numantia one of which he committed to the care of his brother Maximus and the other commanded himself when the Numantines drawing out often provoked the Romans to fight he scorned and laughed at them saying it would redound much to his dishonor if he should chuse rather to fight then reduce by famine men made furious by utter despair therefore to besiege them the closer he drew seven Ditches round the City and sent Letters to his Friends signifying how many and what forces they should send to him which when they came he divided into several parts and soon after divided his whole Forces into several bodies appointing each their Leaders
Senate fear seised all the world and my self more than any one because I was his Friend and yet knew not exactly whether there were a Conspiracy or who were the Conspirators The People were in tumult the Murderers had gained the Capitol with the Gladiators and suffered no one to enter the Senate favoured them which to this day they do and were ready to decree them rewards as having slain a Tyrant which if it had come to pass we must have all resolved to perish as that Tyrants Friends in the midst of all this turmoil fear and trouble 't is no wonder if I lost my Judgment however if you weigh the extremity in which I was with what I have done you will find I neither wanted boldness in the midst of danger nor policy when there was a necessity to dissemble The main thing in this Affair and on which depended all the rest was the prevention of their decreeing rewards to the Murderers in which I so obstinately held out that at last I carried it in despite of the Senate and all the Conspirators yet not without running the hazard of losing my life for I judged that if I only obtained that Caesar were not declared Tyrant we were all in safety But whereas our Enemies and the Senate feared on their side that if Caesar were not declared Tyrant process might issue out against those that slew him and therefore would stand stifly to the having it done I consented that the Amnesty might be granted to them but not the Rewards nor had I done it but that I might obtain on my part what I desired and which was of no small importance That the name of Caesar dearer to me than all things in the world might not be abolished that his Goods might not be confiscate that that adoption which makes this young man so insolent might not be cancelled that his Will might be ratified that his Body might be honoured with Funerals worthy a King that the Honours decreed him might endure to perpetuity that all that he had done might be approved and that his Son and we his Friends his Captains and his Soldiers might be secured in our persons and honoured by all the World instead of that infamy wherewith we were threatened Do you believe after all this that in lieu of the Amnesty to which I gave my hand the Senate granted me a small matter or do you think they would have granted it if I had not consented to the Amnesty And though this exchange had been sincerely made what had I lost by really granting the Murderers a pardon of their crime thereby to render Caesar's Glory immortal and put our lives in security yet was not that my intention I did but only defer their punishment for as soon as I obtained of the Senate what I desired and that the Murderers were freed from their inquietude I took courage and abrogated the Amnesty not by sentence of the Senate nor by decree of the People for that could not be done but by a popular blaze which underhand I kindled by causing Caesar's Body to be brought into the place under pretence of celebrating his Funerals and there by opening his wounds and shewing his Robe pierced through and bloody to excite compassion in the multitude praising his Virtues and particularly the love he had for his Country and in short Mourning for him as dead yet invoking him as a God for what I said and what I did so incensed the multitude that not considering the Amnesty they took fire and carrying it to our Enemies Houses drove them out of Rome This was done in spite of the Senate and they testified their resentment of it by accusing me of courting the popular favour by sending the Murderers into the Provinces Brutus and Cassius into Syria and Macedon where they had great Armies nor did they let them stay out the time they ought to have done but advanced it by a feigned Commission they gave them of sending Corn to the City Hereupon I found my self surprised with a new fear and not having any Army whereof I could dispose I was afraid lest we unarmed should be assailed by so many armed Men besides I had some suspicion of my Colleague with whom I had no right understanding and whom I might very well believe an Accomplice in the Conspiracy being come to the City the day that it was executed In this troublesome Conjuncture I thought it a matter of importance to disarm our Enemies and to seise on their Arms to which end I caused Amatius to be put to death and recalled Pompey that by this means I might oblige the Senate to take my part yet not being thereby fully assured I perswaded Dolobella to demand Syria not from the Senate but from the people and I upheld him in this Enterprise that from a Friend to the Conspirators as he now was he might become their Enemy and that after my Colleague had obtained Syria the Senate might be ashamed to deny me Macedon which however they had not granted me by reason of the Army that was then in that Province if they had not before given that same Army to Dolobella who besides the Government of Syria had got the Commission to make War against the Parthians nor had they consented to the taking away Syria and Macedon from Cassius and Brutus if for their security other Governments had not been provided them instead of those whereof they were dispossessd It was therefore necessary and must be done but pray observe what comparison there is between those Provinces taken from them and those wherewith they were recompensed Cyrene and Crete were assigned them so unfurnished of Forces that they themselves have despised them and endeavoured to seise by force of those taken from them Thus the Command of the Army is passed from the Enemy to Dolobella by my policy and by fair exchange for no person having yet taken up Arms we must follow the Laws After this the Enemies having set on foot another Army I had occasion for the Legions of Macedon but to get them wanted opportunity whereupon a report was spread that the Getes had in a hostile manner invaded the Province which not being altogether believed some were sent to enquire the certainty During which time I caused an Ordinance to be published by which it was forbid to speak of a Dictator to make any proposition tending to it or so much as to accept of the Dictatorship whereby the Senate perswaded of my good intentions gave me the Command of the Army so that at present I find my self strong enough to defend my self against my Enemies not only against those already declared as Caesar imagines but against a multitude of others more powerful who will not yet discover themselves Having put my Affairs into this Kingdom I had yet left sticking as I may say in my very Ribs one of Caesar's Murderers to wit Decimus Brutus who commanded a great Army in a very commodious