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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16036 The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testamente; Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Vol. 1. English. 1548 Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556. 1548 (1548) STC 2854.5; ESTC S714 1,706,898 1,316

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for and he aunswered and sayed Goe youre wayes beare woorde agayne to Iohn of the thynges whiche ye haue hearde and seen The blynd see the haulte goe the lepres are clensed the deaf heare the dead arise agayne and to the poore is the glad tydinges preached And that the chiefe rewlers of the synagogue woulde bee with these benefites yet stil wurse and wurse incensed did not Esai after a goodly sorte peinte out vnder the parable of a vyneyarde which beyng with excedyng many poyntes of diligente cure and good housebandyng occasioned to bryng forth good fruite dyd not aunswere the expectacion of his tiller I looked saieth he that it should haue brought forth grapes and it hath brought forth wylde grapes I looked that it should haue doen iudgemente and beholde wickednesse that it should haue doen righteousnesse beholde crying and misery And doeth not the parable iustely agree with thesame sentence of prophecie whiche ye haue heard of Iesus hymselfe concerning a vineyard enclosed and fensed with a toure and furnished with a wyne presse and a gutter whiche vineyard neuerthelesse through defaulte of the housebandmen yelded not condigne fruite to the Lord and owner Thesame thyng also was noted by thatsame figtree whiche would not begynne to be fruitfull no not than neyther whan much doungyng and cherishyng had been doen to it Neyther was there any thyng els mente by the parable of the sede that was cast vpon ill grounde He founde thesame selfe fault els where also in the Prophetes I haue all the daye long euermore holden out my handes to an vnfaithful people that goe not the rightway but after their owne imaginacions to a people that is euer defying me to my face The menne of power had enuy at his vertue and slaūdreously surmuised those miracles to be wrought by the supportacion of Beelzebub But the weakenesse of his body the meannesse of his degree and the affliccions whiche he suffred was a matter of offence and slaundre of conscience to the weake though they were no euyll men For whan he was taken of the Iewes euen those same twelue specially chosen Apostles fled and ranne euery man his waye See ye whether the Prophete Zachary leaft euen this poynte vnspoken of too I shal strieke the shepeheard saieth he the shepe of the flock shal be scattred abrode Wherunto accordeth the song of the eightie seuenth psalme Thou hast put awaye myne acquaintaunce ferre from me and made me to bee abhorred of them For dyd not Petur with a detestacion forsweare his mayster and the other Apostles ready to doe thesame if lyke perill had bloustreously come vpon them And that this would so come to passe Christ had foresaied to Petur before it came to passe in dede He was betrayed by Iudas who was one of the noumbre of the twelue Cōsider ye whether the propheticall psalme did not foretell of the also For if mine enemy sayth he had spokē ill of me I would verayly haue paciently borne it and yf he that hated me had spoken great thinges vpon me I would peraduenture haue hidden my selfe frō him But thou a mā of myne owne minde my guyde my familiar Now if ye haue learned the Christe whan Iudas comyng of purpose to betray the lord vnto the souldiers by meane of a deceiptfull kisse did thus speake vnto him Frende for what purpose art thou come Betraiest thou the sonne of man with a kisse Did he not manifestly lay vnto him in his veray teeth the saying of the prophete he calleth him a guyde because this Iudas semed in maner as one made a rewler ouer the Apostles because he had the charge of doyng all affaires abrode cōmitted vnto him Again an other psalme speaketh yet more clerly For the mā of my peace in whō I haue trusted who eate my loanes hath magnified supplanting ouer me And see I pray you howe the wordes of Christe whiche he spake to his disciples of the betraier at his last supper with them doe iustely agree with this prophecie He that eateth breade with me saith Christ shal lift vs his foote sole against me An other psalme again sayth My frendes and my next neighbours haue approched nere and haue stande against me Yea and an other psalme yet again his woordes are suppled aboue honey and they be very dartes And is it not a woorde softer thē honey to say haill maister being spoken with a kisse geuing And was it not a darte infected with deadly poison to say Thatsame is he hold ye him fast Thus might ye haue heard of his Apostles or in case ye haue not yet heard it ye may yet learne it in time to come Iudas demaūded of couenaunt of the bishops the chiefe rewlers the sūme of thirtie pens or denaries of siluer with which deadly sūme of money there was forthwithall a piece of ground bought for the buriall of poore folkes And both these poyntes did the Prophete forespeake of in his prophecie As concerning the pryce that he was sold for thus did one of the Prophetes say And they toke thirtie plates the pryce of him that was valued whom they bought of the children of Israel gaue them for the potters field These thinges thus executed Iudas ouerlate repenting him of his facte honge himselfe diminishing therby the noūbre of the twelue chosen making a roume for an other to bee supplied into the ordre of the Apostles Neither was this vnspokē of by the Prophetes For thus sayth the processe of the misticall psame Let their abyding be made to lye waste let there not be he that dwelleth in it and his shepeherdship let an other body take And as for the deuilishe conuocaciō for the putting of Iesus to death which was solemnely kept in the house of Caiphas beeyng the highest bishop by the Scribes the Phariseis the rewlers of the people the cōmons being sworne to thesame marke ye whether thesame poynte also hath not been wrytten declared by the prophecie of the psalme which sayth Why doe the heathē so furiously rage together why doe the people imagine vaine thinges The kynges of the earth stand vp the rewlers take coūcell together against the Lorde against his enoincted Ye heare the namyng of the heathen ye knowe that Iesus was crucified by Pilates seruauntes of his crue ye heare the woorde peoples ye knowe that the multitude of all ●ortes of the Iewes cryed crucifie him crucifie him ye heare the name of kinges ye know the Pilate was the rewler gouernour of Iewry in Ceasars behalfe by whose sentēce Iesus was cōdēned ye heare this woorde the rewlers of the earth ye vnderstāde the headmen of the people of Iewry who not vnderstāding the lawe spirituall sought earthly thinges while they will in no wise be pulled frō thesame they put the king of heauē to death Yea Esai also doth fore
hande and the loue of many shal be colde But he that endureth to the ende thesame shal be safe And this ghospell of the kyngdome shal be preached in all the worlde for a witnesse to all nacions and th●n the ende shall come And ye in the meane season shall not be free from suche maner of illes and miseries For in this tumulte hurly burly of thynges men shall plucke you into diuerse affliccions and finally kyll you and in the meane season ye shall be hated not onely of the Iewes but of all the Gentiles not for your ill dedes but because ye professe my name In the meane time many being offended and greued with aduersities and ouercummed with punishmentes shall swarue from the professing of my name and one shall betraye an other one kinesman shall betraye an other one frende an other whom nature hath coupled with the bandes of charitie they shall hate eche other There shall be also another kynde of ill more greuouse and intollerable There shall arise false Prophetes and false teachers who counterfeiting to preach my ghospell shall see to and prouide for their owne glory their owne lucre and theyr owne belly and instede of my spirite they shall inspire theyr owne disciples with the spirite of Sathan and in the stede of the kyngdome of heauen they shall teache the kingdome of this worlde They whom punishmentes and tormentes could not ouercome shall be caught in the snares of these menne For there is not a more deadly enemy than a familiar and a fayned frende In these mischifes and miseries a man shall not loke for muche comfort of his brothers and frendes For the multitude of sinnes beyng so great the charitie of many shall waxe colde But yet as for you there is no perill so that ye perseuer and continue vnto the ende with a constant and a valiant courage No greatnes of aduersitie can destroy any man but him that lacketh the ryght mynde And I wyll not suffer you to peryshe nor the ghospell to be oppressed Nay by these tumultes and troubles the strength of the ghospell shall encrease more and more and the storme of ylles shall be able to doe no nother thyng agaynst you but to make your godlynes to be the better tried and the more to appeare For the ende of the worlde shall not come before that this ghospell of the kyngdome of heauen be preached throughout al the kyngdomes of the worlde and hath come to all nacions leste they that would not obey myght pretende ignoraunce When this shall be doen than shall come the ende of the worlde Whan ye therfore shall see the abhominacion of desolacion that was spoken of by Daniell the Prophete standing in the holy place whoso readeth it let hym vnderstande Wherof if ye seke a token this is it Whan ye shall see the abhominable Idoll whiche shall endeuour vtterly to subuerte the religion of the ghospell of the whiche Daniell in tymes past prophecied vnto you saying and in the middes of the weeke the sacrifice offeryng shall be taken a waie and the abhominacion of desolacions shall be in the temple vnto the ende of the worlde when ye shall see I saye this abhominable Idoll set in the temple that is in the towre of holynes he that readeth the prophecie of the Prophete let him vnderstand This woorde is misticall and requireth a spirituall reader Than let them that be in Iewry flee vnto the mountaynes and let not hym whiche is in to the house toppe come downe to take any thyng out of his house And let not hym that is in the fieldes retourne backe to fetche his clothes Therfore when this storme shal be at hand they that be in the cities of Iewry let them forsake the cities and flee into the mountaynes and they that be in the toppes of the houses let them leape downe not come downe to take any thyng a waie with them out of their houses they that be found in the fielde at that tyme let them not runne backe to theyr house to fetche theyr apparell For than there shall be no leysure to prouyde for theyr goodes For it is a great matter yf they can saue theyr lyfe with spedy flyght For thother thinges may be recouered but the lyfe once loste cannot be restored ¶ Woe shal be in those dayes to them that are with childe and to them that geue sucke But pray ye that your flyght be not ill the wynter or on the Sabboth day For than there shal be great tribulacion suche as hath not been from the begynnyng of the worlde vntyll this time nor shal be And except those dayes should be shortened there should haue been no fleshe saued but for the electes sake those dayes shal be shortened Therfore women with childe and women that geue suche shal be in an yll case in those dayes For they that be great cannot caste of the burden of theyr belly to flee awaye spedely nor they that geue sucke cannot caste of theyr children whom they loue more tenderly than themselues lyke as they doe caste of money or apparell But as for you who shall not be lette neyther with house neyther with possessions nor with children ye must onely pray that it chaunce not so that ye be compelled to flee in the wynter or on the Sabboth day For ye must flee spedely and farre But the wynter by the reason of roughnes and shortnes of dayes is not commodiouse for them that iourney on the Sabboth day the religion of your lawe letteth you that ye cannot flee farre For at that time there shal be so sore and vehement affliction as was neuer synce the worlde was made vnto this daye and hereafter neuer shal be And yf the calamitie should be so continuall as it is vehemente no man should be lefte alyue Theyr malyce did deserue vtter destruccion but for the electe be they neuer so fewe those dayes shal be shortened Than yf any man saye vnto you Lo here is Christe or there beleue it not For there shall aryse false Christes and false prophetes and shall shewe great signes and woonders insomuche that yf it were possible the very electe should be brought into errour Beholde I haue tolde you before Wherfore yf they say vnto you loe he is in the deserte goe not ye furth Beholde he is in the secrete places beleue it not For as the lyghtnyng cummeth out of the East and appeareth vnto the west so shall the cummyng of the sonne of man be For wheresoeuer the dead ca●ras shall be ▪ thyther wyll also the Egles be gathered together In this confusion and hurly burly of thynges whan my cumming shall be loked for men must take diligent hede that they be not deceyued throughe the crafte of deceyuers For there shall ryse many false Christes whiche shall boaste themselues to be Christe and be not but be rather myne aduersaries whiche also shall saye that they be Prophetes and be not
prayed agayne with as many woordes vnto hys father My father yf it bee not possible that thys cup shall passe from me but that I shall drynk of it thy wyll bee doone Afterwarde he returned agayne vnto hys disciples and found them again slepyng For theyr iyes were very heuy by the reason of sorowe increasyng theyr slepe Therfore leauyng them he wente alone the thyrde tyme to praye for hys disciples for the weakenes of the fleshe ouercame them And he prayed likewise the thirde time to teache vs to praye continually and vehemently as often as the storme of temptacion is at hande For than the Angels be present and geue strength to the spirite Afterwarde he returned vnto hys disciples and rebuked them for theyr slepyng out of tyme sith the tyme required great watching For nowe sayth he the tempest is at hande whiche shall fynde you vnreadye and therfore vnmete and ouermatched nowe ꝙ he slepe and take your rest Lo the houre is cum that the innocent sonne of manne shall be deliuered into the handes of the wicked Therfore arise let vs go meete the hurte and displeasure that cummeth agaynst vs. Beholde he is at hande whiche betrayeth me Whyle he yet speake lo Iudas one of the numbre of the twelue came and with hym a great multitude with swerdes and s●aues sent from the chiefe priestes and elders of the people But he that betrayed hym gaue them a token saiyng Whomesoeuer I kysse th●same is he laye handes on hym And furthwyth he cummeth to Iesus saying Hayle maister and kyssed hym And Iesus sayed vnto hym Frende wherefore art thou cum Than came they and layde handes on Iesu. Iesus had not ended this communicacion but lo Iudas Iscariote one of the numbre of the twelue came folowyng Iesus his capitayne a lytle before and now become ouer a wicked cumpany a more wicked captayne For a great cumpanye of souldiers folowed hym with sweordes and clubbes whome the chiefe of the priestes and the seniours of the people had sent for thys intente that Iesus myght be taken without tumult of the people For althoughe they hadde purposed to differ this matter vnto another tyme yet hauyng oportunitie of the traytour they chaunged their myndes And therfore Iudas chose bothe the nyghte and the place in the whiche Iesus was wonte with a fewe to praye Finally leste they should fayle of the persone the traytoure taught them by what token they shoulde knowe Iesus whomesoeuer ꝙ he I shall kysse he it is laye handes vpon hym Therefore Iudas Iscariote went before and went vnto Iesus as though he woulde salute hym saiyng Hayle Rabby and therwith kissed hym whiche in tymes paste was vsed in salutacions because of honour and duty Now Iesus to geue a perfect exaumple of mekenes in euery place to hys disciples dyd not repell the wicked disciple from kyssyng nor dyd rebuke hym for hys madnesse but wyth gentle speakynge touched hys conscience saiyng Frende for what cause art thou cum For he came wyth a kysse after suche sorte as though he woulde haue tolde hym sum newes At this token the multitude came runnyng and layed handes vpon Iesus and helde hym fast The disciples myndes were sore amased at this ruffling whome Iesus suffered to fall into this affeccion because he woulde vtterlye plucke oute of their myndes all gredy desyre to reuenge and to defende themselues And beholde one of them which was with Iesus stretched out his hande and drewe oute hys swerde and stroke a seruaunt of the hygh priestes and smote of hys eare Than sayed Iesus vnto him put vp thy swerd in his sheath For al they that take the swerd shal perishe with the swerd Thinke ye not that I can praye to my father and he shal geue me more thou twelue legions of angels Howe than shal the scriptures be fulfylled For thus muste it be And Peter eyther because he was more feruente euery where than the other or elles because he hadde made stoute promyses of hymselfe before leste he shoulde seme not to doe for hys mayster plucked out his swerde and stroke Malcus the seruaunte of Caiphas and cutte of hys ryghte eare Iesus so orderyng the stroke that bothe it was a lyght wounde and whatsoeuer the hurte was he healed it and restored the eare agayne But Peter erred by the reason of a certayne good loue towarde the Lorde and this errour he tooke in maner of the wordes of Iesus not well perceyued For he commaunded them to sell their coate and to by swerdes and whan thei aunswered there wer two swerdes he sayed it is sufficiente But they thynkynge that he spake of a swerde of yron whereas Iesus mente a spirituall swerde after supper they tooke furthe theyr swerdes with them readye to defende theyr Lorde yf the matter hadde so required or yf he had commaunded Therefore to plucke this affeccion vtterly out of the myndes of all hys disciples he dyd chyde Peter sharpely saying put vp thy swerde into his place They that dooe stryke wyth the swerde peryshe with the swerde the recompence of vengeaunce turnyng backe vpon their owne heade We haue no nede of this tence whyche doe get the victory better by suffering than by killing Or els thincke you that I coulde lacke helpe if it pleased me to haue this defence Could not I make suite vnto my father and could not he send to helpe me in the stede of twelue disciples twelue legions of angels But thus it is thoughte good to my father thus it was spoken before of the Prophetes And none of these thinges is done by chaunce or fortune In that same houre Iesus sayed to the multitude ye be cum out as it were to a thefe with swerdes clubbes for to take me I sate deyly wyth you teachyng in the temple ye toke me not But al this is doen that the scriptures of the Prophetes might be fulfylled Than al the disciples forsoke him and fled And they toke Iesus and led him to Cayphas the hygh priest where the Scribes and elders were assembled And Peter folowed him a far of vnto the hyghe priestes courte and went in and sate with the seruauntes to see the ende Than Iesus turnyng to the multitude sayed nowe weponed with swerdes and clubbes ye cum furth to take me But whan I sate daylye emong you teachyng in the temple and healyng the sicke and diseased ye layed no handes vpon me Nowe in the dead nyght ye seke me out beyng quiet and styl in a secrete place But al these thinges be done not by your violence but by the ordinaunce of goddes counsell whereof the scriptures of the Prophetes hathe prophecied long before The disciples hearyng thys and seing that there was no hope for asmuche as Iesus offred him vnto deathe they left theyr maister and ran away But the mynisters nothyng mitigate with remembraunce of the doctryne and benefite of Iesus ledde him awaye lyke a prysoner to the house of Cayphas the chiefe of the priestes
of my name whiche name of myne they shal laboure by all meanes and waies to abolishe where they myghte by thesame freely atteigne euerlastyng saluacion And this shal chaunce vnto you that your conscience maie be approued and also that their malice maie well be perceiued to bee iustly condemned But as for you boldly trustyng on my sure defence and your own innocencie there is no cause why ye shoulde feare the iudgemente seates ne yet why ye should carefully deuise or recorde with your selfes how ye beeyng as ye are men of no knowlage shall pleade your own cause in the consistorie or court of estates and princes Neither is there any cause why for you to bryng in anye rhetorycian patron or man of lawe to bee your attourney I myne owne selfe will as an inuincible patrone and aduocate stande by you through my spirite who shal ministre vnto you bothe toungue wisedome suche as all your aduersaries shal not be of power to resiste ne to gaynsaye be they neuer so cruell or eloquent and well spoken in worldely wisedome Moreouer ye shal be betraied of your fathers and mothers and brethren and kinsfolke frendes and some of you shall thei put to death And hated shal ye be of all men for my names ●ake there shal not one hea●e of your head perishe Possesse your soules by 〈◊〉 And all thissame shal ye suffre not only at the handes of men vnknowen and of straungers but also at the handes of theim whiche are knitte and ioyned vnto you in nerenesse of bloude and with the streight bandes of frendeshippe The father shal persecute the sonne the brother shall wrappe the brother in affliccion the cousyn shall appeache and accuse the cousyn one frende shal bring an other into the lawe Yea and some there shall bee of you whome they shall for hatred of me pursue vnto death and shal slea you So eagre and greuous hatred shall all the whole world conceiue agaynst you for the profession of my name And therfore whatsoeuer thyng they shal entreprise to doe agaynst you thesame will I take as dooen in despite of me wherefore there is nothing for you to thynke or deuise of auengeyng your wronges It is I that shall haue displeasure dooen me it is I that shal be slaine in you It shal bee my dede bothe to prouide wel enough for you also to take vengeaunce on theyr malice And thoughe that stormes of persecucion at the handes of men shall neuer somuche fede and satisfie their cruelnesse against you there is no cause why for you to feare the case so standyng that I am youre protectour and defendour For I will not so dooe that any one heare of your heade shall perishe much lesse will I leue you in the briers destitute of my succoure Neyther haue ye any iye to worldelye assuraunce or defence armyes weapon engiens by your onely sufferaunce shall ye defende your liues Myscarrye be can not that is slayn for the profession of my name Ye shall not peryshe before your daye For I will not geue vnto the violence of men so much of their own wyl Yea and suche an one shal in veraye true dede haue saued his soule whoso shal constauntely take deathe for my cause And whan ye see Ierusalem besieged with an hoste than be ye sure that the desolacion of thesame is nigh Than leat them which are in Iewrie fligh to the mountaines And leat them whiche are in the middes of it departe out And leat not them that are in other countreies entre therin For these are the daies of vengeaunce that all thinges whiche are writen maie bee fulfilled As for this same riche and welthye citie of whiche the Iewes at thys present take an high pride and in whiche they thynke theymselfes to bee kynges felowes shall bee euen from the foundacion destruied by the Gentiles Therfore whan ye shal see Hierusalem to bee round about besette with siege than vnderstande ye the playne destruccion thereof to bee at hande and that there is no more to be doen but for euerye bodye to saue theymselues by spedie fleyng awa●e For euerie bodye moste cōmonly vseth in warres to flatre himselfe with the hope of victorie But beware ye that this hope beguyle none of you but whoso shall at that tyme bee in the marches of Iewrye leate hym priuely steale awaye conueigh hym self into the mountaines and desert places where no waie ne path lyeth And suche folkes as shall then bee enhabited in the veray herte of Iewrye leate theim remoue their dwellyng to some other place And whomesoeuer of theim this extreme distresse shall soodaynlye take in anye forein countreyes or regyons leate not suche recule into Iewrye leate them esteme all thynges as clene forsaken and no more a doe but euerye man saue his owne life For these thynges shall not come to passe through casual commocions of mortal men but the vengeaunce of god hauing been now a long time prouoked through the obstinate malice of man shal by the instrumente of other forein nacions scourge and plague this nacion being now many a long day a continual rebeller agaynste God And that all this shall come to passe the prophetes haue manye hundred yeres sens prophecied and especiallye Daniell And auoyded or chosen can it not bee but that it muste come to passe whatsoeuer thyng the scripture hath foreshewed shal fortune For Scripture neuer failleth as beeyng a thing wrytten by the enstincte of the spirite of God And yet shall not woefull extremitie therefore chaunce because the prophetes haue prophecied that so it shall bee but it hath therefore beene prophecied because god foresawe the obstinate wickednesse of man whiche would afterwarde prouoke the vengeaunce of god to light vpon it And surely it shal bee no lesse than an huge storme of euils because a long and an obstinate ma●●●iousnesse of this nacion hath gon afore whiche nacion hauyng been so many waies prouoked to emendemente hath neuerthelesse continuallye proceded forewarde to wurse and wurse ¶ But woe vnto them that bee with child and to them that geue suche in those daies for there shal be great trouble in the lande wrathe ouer al this people And thei shal fall through the edge of the sweorde and shal be led awaie captiue into al nacions And Ierusalem shal be troden downe of the Gentiles vntill the time of the Gentiles bee fulfilled Nowe this tempeste shall enwrap al sortes of people together aswel the offendours as the innocentes But somewhat the lesse vnhappie shall they bee whome the said storme of all these mysauentures when it groweth faste vpon the worlde shall fynde prest and readye appoyncted to flee But woe vnto women with chylde and geuers of sucke because thesame beeyng charged with a burdē which neither by their good willes they would nor though thei would they shal bee hable to lay downe from them shall not be lyght enough to renne awaye Neyther shall
vnto him Lorde come and see And Iesus wept then sayed the Iewes behold how he loued hym And some of them sayde Coulde not he whiche opened the iyes of the blinde haue made also that this man shoulde not haue dyed So than Marie went furth and founde Iesus as yet vnentred within the walles of the towne but abode in that place where as Martha had late before met him For he tarried there for Marie whome he commaunded to be called to hym chosyng a place fitte to weorke the miracle in because the graue was not far from that place as the maner was than to make the dead mens sepulchres nye the hye wayes When Marie was come thither assone as euer she sawe Iesus as in dede she was very woefull she fell downe at his feete spake weping the same thing that hir syster had sayde Lord sayth she if thou haddest bene here in due time my brother had not bene dead and we had bene without this miserable weping and waylyng But Iesus seeing Marie altogether in heuinesse the Iewes lykewise that folowed her wepyng withall he dyd not reason and stande in disputacion with her as he dyd with her sister Martha with whome he talked aparte the people being remoued asyde neyther dooeth he promyse any thyng when as nowe was place and tyme to performe in dede that whiche he had promysed Martha but Iesus I say firste of al groned in the spirite and was troubled in himself euen to shew the truth of his manhoode ready anon after to bryng furth a sygne of hys diuine power and Godhead They were no fayned affeccions that he was of so lothsome a mynde and in himselfe so troubled but there was good skill why he tooke vnto hym those mocyons of mynde whiche came not of the infirmitie of nature but by the consente of reason neyther was it al one cause why other wept and why Iesus was troubled They bewayled the death of the body of a certayn worldely and naturall affeccyon Iesus rather mislyked and lothed mennes sinnes whereby so many soules shoulde peryshe he was dysquyeted throughe the inuincible dyffydence of the Iewes who wepte for theyr frendes bodelye death when as them selues as touchyng the soule were subiecte to eternall deathe and yet dyd they not wepe for themselues Iesus desyred that all men should reuiue from this deathe and had indignacion that hys doctryne miracles and deathe should be loste in many one Therefore after that by horriblenes of spirite and by trouble of mynde in countenaunce iyes and in the whole habite of his bodye he had genen a manifest profe of hys manhoode teachyng also by the waye that it behoueth not to yelde and bee subdued to suche affeccions or to be called away from thynges of vertue the turmoyle of his mind beeyng refrayned and stayed Iesus sayde where haue ye layed hym not that he was ignoraunt therof but to remoue all suspicion of disceyt from the myracle His kinsfolkes aunswereth Lorde come and see That aunswere proued that the graue was not far of And nowe as if at the sight of the graue his sorow had ben renued Iesus wept Groning and trouble went before a token of sorow that with force entred into hys mynde Teares are as it were the bloud of a minde already wounded and ouercome But these teares came not from a mind that was ouercome for they were not bestowed vpon Lazarus that was dead but they were for vs that we should beleue him to be very man and also learne how death of the soule is to bee pitied and lamented whiche yet men doe not in suche sorte abhorte and bewaile But the Iewes supposing that Iesus was in suche moode for nought elles but for the death of hys frende with whome he was acquaynted behold say they how enterely he loued Lazarus for whom being dead he wepeth in such sort and yet were they nothing of kinne And some there were that would haue layed to his charge and rebuke his teares wherwith he testifyed no meane or common loue towardes Lazarus sayng Dyd not thys felowe of late geue sight to the blinde beggar with whō he had no acquaintaunce Why than made he not that his great frende should not die In case he had no wil to doe it why dooeth he nowe signifye with teares loue that cummeth out of season If he could not doe the thing that is more easie to be doē how did that feat which is of more difficultie to be dooen The phisicion manye tymes saueth the sicke mans lyfe There was neuer mā before gaue sight to him that was borne blind ¶ Iesus therfore againe groned in himselfe ▪ and came to the graue It was a caue and a stone was layed on it Iesus sayed take ye away the stone Martha the sister of him that was dead said vnto him Lord by this time he ●●inketh for he hath bene dead fower daies Iesus sayth vnto her Saied I not vnto thee that if thou didst beleue thou shouldest se the glory of God ▪ then they toke away the stone from the place where he that had bene dead was layed But Iesus nowe being nye to the graue to declare playnly how horrible is the state of a manne that hath alreadye lyen long in synne and with howe great repentaunce howe many teares are nedeful that throughe Gods mercy he may penitentely returne to the lyfe of innocencie dyd grone agayne and fared euill with hymselfe exemplyfying in hymselfe verely the thyng whiche ought to be exhibite in vs if we will eftsones repente vs of the euilles and returne from the same wherin we haue long tyme nusseled our selues Nowe than they were come to the graue It was verely a caue whose mouthe was closed with a stone layed vpon it And that made much to the beliefe of the miracle and to exclude the suspicyon of inchauntment and delusion and because the beliefe therof should be more certayne and sure if the thyng were dooen by the handes of hys frendes and not with Iesus owne handes or hys disciples for those frendes suspect no fraude or illusion Iesus than turned him to thē and sayed take awaye the stone The playne meanyng of Martha sister to the dead man did also set furth made a more certentie of the miracle For she now forgetting what Iesus had promised her did through the wepyng and heuinesse that she sawe Iesus in come agayne into her olde mynde and affeccyon and conceiued almost a certayn diffidence Uerely she feared lest the stone beeyng taken awaye the styncke of the deade bodye shoulde offende theyr noses that stode by not considering that he which in the general resurreccion should rayse all mens bodies already many hundreth yeres before turned into duste coulde rayse a dead bodye euen newlye putrifyed She I tell you thus thynking sayd Lord by this tyme he stinketh For he hath bene dead fower dayes Iesus therefore did with a litle rebuke styrre vp the vnconstaunt and wauering womans fayth saying