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friend_n abide_v fear_n servile_a 90 4 15.9544 5 false
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A42584 Gell's remaines, or, Several select scriptures of the New Testament opened and explained wherein Jesus Christ, as yesterday, to day, and the same for ever, is illustrated, in sundry pious and learned notes and observations thereupon, in two volumes / by the learned and judicious Dr. Robert Gell ; collected and set in order by R. Bacon. Gell, Robert, 1595-1665.; Bacon, Robert, b. 1611 or 12. 1676 (1676) Wing G472; ESTC R17300 2,657,678 1,606

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object fear 1. He propounds to us the greatest evil that can befal us in this or rather at the end of this life and therefore by him who knew no greater evil it was acccounted absolutely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the greatest and most formidable and terrible evil 2. He propounds unto us the greatest evil that may befal us after the end of this life and that 's hell as I shewed before that whereas our Lord propounds three degrees of punishment this is the very greatest of all Object I know well any man may easily object against this and may use this Dilemma if we be the friends of Jesus Christ why then should we fear God Perfect love casteth out fear And if we fear how are we the friends of Jesus Christ fear hath torment 1 Joh. 4.18 I answer 'T is very true That perfect love casteth out fear but what fear is that but servile and base fear fear of punishment It casts out humane fear fear of them who kill the body It casts out worldly fear the fear of poverty disgrace and contempt Thus we serve him without fear servile fear in righteousness and holiness all the days of our life But filial fear holy chaste fear it casts not out The Apostles reason makes this answer good perfect love casts out fear Why because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fear hath torment and punishment Take away the fear that hath torment and punishment and such fear may consist with perfect Love yea such fear must ever remain for the awful Majesty of the great God cannot be without reciprocal reverence and fear due unto it from Angels and Men for the Angels hide their face and their feet out of reverence of the Divine Majesty Isai 6. And though the Saints joy in the presence of God yet this rejoycing unto God must be with reverence Psal 2.11 And of this fear the Psalmist is to be understood when he saith Psal 19.9 The fear of the Lord is clean and endures for ever in seculum seculi So V. L. for ever and ever Be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long Psal 23.17 True it is the needle first enters but unless it go out it draws not the thred it self unites not nor joyns the parts of the cloth together which we would sow but it brings after it the thred which unites them This is the initial fear that fear which is the beginning of wisdom and which prepares a place for the Love of God which unites and joyns the soul unto God 'T is true The servant abides not always in the house Joh. nor doth the servile or initial fear abide always but the Son abides always the filial the Son-like fear the chaste the holy fear that abides always such fear abides with the intimate degree of LOVE I say unto you my friends hear him All fear ariseth from love servile fear from self-love This fear ariseth from the Love of God not from self-love we may conceive it by comparing the fear of two Wives towards their Husband 1. The Adulteress fears lest her Husband may come and surprize her 2. The chaste Wife fears lest her loving Husband may depart from her Object But here our Lord propounds death and hell to be feared I answer our Lord herein declares his singular Wisdom in moving us to fear our God he stoops to our infirmity as yet subject to humane fears and therefore would drive out that with a greater fear yet lest we should be over terrified with that fear he calls us friends and saith not that he will cast into hell but that he hath power to cast into hell Observ 1. Observe an antidote against all humane fears The fear of God with this preservative the Prophet David expelled the poyson of all other fears as the theriaca or treacle expels the poyson of the Viper and Moses's Serpent devoured the Serpents of the Magicians Psal 16.8 I set the Lord alwayes before me for he is on my right hand I shall not be moved The Lord on the right hand assists so strongly that Satan on the left hand injecting the fear of men cannot annoy us No though I walk in the shadow of death though I go down to hell yet thou wilt not leave my soul in hell nor suffer thine holy one to see corruption The Prophet applyes the words to Jesus Christ and are true also of all those whom after the example of Jesus Christ the Lord sends down to hell and brings up again 1 Sam. 2.7 1. This reproves those who fear not God but the punishment rest themselves in a slavish fear they are not the friends of Jesus Christ love not him but love themselves 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 No man can truly say that these truly fear God and do righteousness because they do what they do only out of fear of punishment like a dog he is kept from his meat by fear of a whip A thief will not dare to break the house because the good man of the house watcheth and will not suffer his house to be broken up In a storm the Merchant casts his wares over-board for fear of a wrack Even thus many of us because we see and fear the neer approaching judgements of God like an horrible storm and tempest hanging over our heads and fear drowning in destruction and pardition 1 Tim. 6. we cast off the burden or sense of our sins yet we cannot call these the friends of Jesus Christ for no man will say that the dog is temperate because he is forced to abstain nor that the thief is just because he dares not break the house nor the merchant liberal because he throws his goods into the sea these actions are the brood of slavish fear the dog is as greedy as ever he was and the thief as mischievous and the merchant as covetous only their acts are suspended by an imminent danger 2. Behold the Preachers license other license the Preachers have had and many have but there 's none like this the fear of God we all desire to hear placentia Vae mihi quia tacui Isa 6. And therefore we have learned to sing placeto and to speak placentia such things as will please rather than profit the people The true Preachers who have obtained this license they are born of the word of Truth they study not to please men Gal. 1.10 No. Do I now perswade men or God i. e. do I preach man humane things as we may say we read and study men Do I pray and perswade men or God or Christ so he explains himself or do I seek to please men for their good to their edifying yet still in order unto God Rom. 15.2 'T is his counsel Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification and his practice 1 Cor. 10.33 I please all men in all things not seeking mine own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved This is in order to
he saith unto us as Paul to the Gaoler Do thy self no harm Shall Sathan prevail with us for the greater and shall not our God prevail with us for the less 2. This reproves us for our abuse of what power we have Our God hath power to do us the greatest hurt yet he doth it not If we have power in our hand to do hurt commonly we do it we act ad extremum and they under our power shall feel it that we have power when we have it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thus the higher powers who have been in the Church or the Common-wealth may be said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Things are now in fieri not done but in doing the excrescency and exorbitancy of power suppressing If the powers that are prove irregular and excessive God will suppress them Consol O the happiness of Christ's true friends in these perilous times The power of killing and casting into hell is in their great friends hand I have been angry with my Brother hated him reviled him But alas I am a sinful man and I shall be cast into hell He saith not that he doth cast into hell but he hath power to cast into hell so Matth. 5.22 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he shall be in danger of judgement c. he saith not he shall certainly be condemned and cast into Hell But art thou faln into sin Abide not in it Rise up again from the dead and Christ shall give thee life believe in thy great friend He that believes in me although he were dead yet shall he live Joh. 5. But put case thou be cast into Hell Thy God I speak to thee friend of Jesus Christ who doest whatsoever he cammands thee thy God is there with thee Psal 139.8 though I make my bed in hell thou art there Hear the Prophet David's confidence though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil Psal 23.4 Faith in the operative power of God hope of life and salvation hath an anchor within the veil Love to God and his Righteousness these and such as these will not cannot stay long in hell and death but must rise maugre all the power of Satan Hell and Death and all whatever is not God himself God takes notice of these things 1 King 14.13 Abijah only of Jeroboams house shall come to his grave because in him there is found some good thing towards the Lord God of Israel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the good one of God was in him Christ was in him and he cannot perish it is impossible Isai 65.8 As the new wine is found in the Cluster and one saith destroy it not for a blessing is in it so will I do for my servants sake that I may not destroy them all 1 Sam. 2.6 The Lord brings down to the grave or hell and brings up again It is not the blood of Abel which crys aloud but the blood of Jesus Christ the Mediator of the Covenant and the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel Heb. 12.24 But the pains of hell gat hold of me Psal 116.3 It is the common passage of all Gods people See Notes on 1 Sam. 2.6 post medium Exhort Hath the Lord power to do this O then prevent him that he do it not A blow met half way lessens and abates if not breaks the stroke Amos 4.12 Because I will do this unto thee prepare to meet thy God O Israel because he will send the pestilence the famine the sword c. therefore prepare to meet thy God O Israel Where shall we meet him Every one would be glad to meet him in his own way but not out of our own way we will not go to meet God in his ways There are most of us too wise in finding out ways to escape the condemnation of Hell There is a small narrow way leading out of hell and death into the everlasting life which the vultures eye hath not seen yet will men pretend they know it very well we know all have knowledge This small narrow way men are not wont to take such as our great friend hath directed us unto but every one will make a way by himself according to their own wit and in such a way they walk most willingly But truly howsoever they make every one his way as narrow as they will one man by abstaining from this another from that doing this or doing that and herein men place their consolation Mean time every one loves only those who travail with him in his way and hates all others that go not step for step with him in his way which every man thinks his own narrow way best his own cross that himself hath made his own gate that he goeth through the only strait gate But to what purpose is this that a man should forsake one thing and bind himself to another leave one error and embrace another when all this while all these are no other than so many small paths cut out of the broad way and many walk therein unto condemnation O Beloved what an incorrigible over-sight what a double hell and death will this be at the last day when we shall have born many an heavy burden been long time weary and heavy laden and when we think at length to enter into life out alas we shall find when it will be too late that we have all this while walked in a way of our own making and chusing a narrow way cut out of the broad way which leads unto death and condemnation There is a way saith Solomon which seems good to man but the end of it are the ways of death O Beloved as ye love your own souls get out of it What then is that way which leads from hell and death unto heaven and everlasting life What else but Jesus Christ himself the way the truth and the life that Jacob's ladder which reacheth to heaven He himself hath been obedient to his Father even to the death the death of the Cross overcame sin death and hell This way he hath tried before us in all self-denyal and patience in all meekness in all righteousness and holiness in all obedience that we should follow him in the same way in the faith and become partakers of his divine Nature and through him overcome hell and death and condemnation There is room to them who are in Christ This is the high-way from hell to heaven The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell beneath Prov. 15. Thus thus the bonds of death and cords of hell are broken 1 Cor. 15. Thus thus the broken hearted are healed the bonds are loosed the perplexed consciences eased the polluted hearts are cleansed This is a way of no mans making or chusing Means The Lord comes to destroy Nabal and Sheba Bichri the first born let them not therefore have a being in us I have spoken so much upon these words yet I