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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73031 Certain godly and learned sermons, preached by that worthy seruant of Christ M. Ed. Philips in S. Sauiors in Southwarke: vpon the whole foure first chapters of Matthew, Luc. 11. vers. 24. 25. 26. Rom. 8. the whole, 1. Thess. 5. 19. Tit. 2. 11. 12. Iames 2. from the 20. to the 26. and 1. Ioh. 3. 9. 10. And were taken by the pen of H. Yeluerton of Grayes Inne Gentleman Philips, Edward.; Yelverton, Henry, Sir, 1566-1629. 1607 (1607) STC 19854; ESTC S114640 484,245 625

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it were not possible but they should be rauished with expectation after it there being at euery gate an Angell standing to let in Gods children and to keepe out the fearefull and vnbeleeuers adulterers and vngodly persons Againe heere learne that the creatures waiting with vs and hauing as it were the same affection we haue to be vnchained of corruption and at the libertie of the sonnes of God they belong only to vs that are his children and are sanctified for our vse through prayer and thanksgiuing for as through vs they fell so through vs they shall be restored and therefore wait both with vs and on vs in the meane time and the wicked are but vsurpers ouer them snatching them against their willes and abusing of them to their lusts as the voluptuous Iewes did who feeding vpon that was none of theirs while the meate Psal 78.31 was yet in their mouths the wrath of the Lord Numb 11.33 was kindled and consumed them and euen so at length shall the wicked be chased out of the world Iob. 18.18 and for his theft in rauening vpon that is none of his as God himselfe saith Iob 39.13 he shall be shaken out of the corners of the earth for that they enioy is none of theirs but belongeth as truly to vs as a man accounteth that his owne which he getteth by his honest labour and in that they abound more with them heere then Gods children to whom of right they appertaine it is certaine the glory of Gods elect shall be the greater in heauen for the want of the creatures heere on earth and the more the wicked enioy heere the greater shall their torments be in hell for that is Luk. 16.25 the obiection of Abraham to stop the course of Diues his petition who was in torment Remember saith he thou hadst thy pleasure in thy life and therefore for thy pleasure thou art tormented in thy death for God sendeth not all his plagues at once vpon the wicked but suffereth him to haue his seeking that he may be satiate with his owne way and that desiring Prouerb 12 12. the net of euils he may be heereafter tied and ensnared with the cords of his owne sinne Againe obserue hence for the conclusion of this point that all the creatures in heauen and earth do serue for the furthering of our saluation and are readie and willing to do vs good except the diuell and those that shall be damned for we know the red sea ranne backe and became dry land for the passage of the Israelites Exod. 14.21 The bitter waters Exod. 15.25 were made sweet by the casting in of a tree to stanch their thirst The riuer Iordan returned backward Psal 114.3 till the people of God were passed ouer Water came foorth of the stonie rocke Exod. 17.6 that the Israelites might drinke according as they desired The Sunne stood still in the middest of heauen and hasted not to goe downe for a whole day Iosh 10.13 at the prayer of Ioshua At the prayer of Hezekiah Esay 38.8 the Sunne went 10. degrees backward contrary to the course of nature The small quātitie of meale oyle which the widow of Zareptah had through the word spoken by Eliah 1. Kings 17.16 wasted not till the Lord sent raine vpon the earth The waters being twice smitten with the cloke of Eliah 2. Kings 2.8.14 diuided themselues twice this way and that way for the passage ouer both of Eliah and Elisha The waters of Iericho 2. Kings 2.21 by the sprinckling of a little salt at the spring head were healed of the Lord for the good of his seruants that death come no more thereof The furnace Dan. 3.23 though it was heat seuen times more then it was wont to be had no power so much as to scortch the garments of the three children that would not obey the kings commaundement in a matter of Idolatry neither had the Lions Dan. 6.12 though rauenous in themselues any mouthes to open against Daniel that made his prayers to God notwithstanding it was against the decree of Darius the king and so much sollicited by his malitious and idolatrous nobles Since then the creatures of God are thus readie to hide and smother their strength where they may hurt vs to open and enlarge their power when they may defend vs and since the Angels of God Psal 91.11 watch ouer vs in our wayes let nothing make vs so foolish since we runne well but to hold on for the tyrants rage can not last but the wrath of God is a soft consuming fire and let vs venter our bodies which are but dust for the saluation of our soules which are the Lords 1. THESS chap. 5. vers 19.20 verse 19 Quench not the spirit verse 20 Despise not prophesying THe words themselues yeeld two points to be considered first a commandement or an exhortation equall to a commaundement secondly the meanes how this commandement may be best obeyed and the exhortation most fruitfully receiued The commaundement is Quench not the spirit the meanes to performe this is Despise not prophesying that is the wise and found interpretation of the Scriptures by them whose lippes preserue knowledge and whose feet are shod with the Gospell of peace for so prophesying is to be taken for an application of the word and a teaching to edification In the first obserue forasmuch as nothing can be quenched but fire why this Metaphor or borrowed speech is vsed of the Apostle to expresse the Spirit by fire The like phrase and speech is vsed Mat. 3.11 when the seruant baptizing his master lest it should seeme a disparagement and debasing of him doth protest in great humilitie that he did it but with water but there came one after him that should baptize them with the holy Ghost and with fire that is with the supernaturall power of the holy Ghost as it were fire And in Iohn 7.38 the spirit is resembled to water meaning thereby that who so is not cleansed of the holy Ghost as with water cannot be saued Now the spirit is compared to fire in respect of the foure properties that bee in fire first the nature of ●●re is to consume any matter that is combustible or may be burned euen so the holy Ghost is sent into vs to wast and consume all the lusts of our flesh as selfe-loue pride of life and whatsoeuer else exalteth it selfe aboue the purity and simplicity of the Gospell Secondly fire doth refine euery thing that can be purified euen so the holy Ghost doth change and refine our affections and purgeth vs from that drosse and filth of the earth that cleaueth so neare to vs and hangeth so fast vpon vs and keepeth vs still in the fornace of affliction till we come to that perfection of eternall blessednesse that the flesh dying the spirit may liue in the day of the Lord. Thirdly fire doth relieue by warmth all those subiects that be capable of life and those that be benummed it comforteth and reuiueth
the profanenesse of our mindes we make a sauour of death and as it were a trumpet of debate and sedition to consume each other yea Ioh. 6.66 we see how diuers of Christs disciples went backe from him when hee preached a long sermon touching the sacrament of the supper which is a badge of our friendship with God with our brethren which proceeded not from the sacrament but from their rebellion that their sinne might bee made more sinfull yea such contagion is there in our nature as wee make Christ himselfe the authour and finisher of our hope to bee our condemnation a stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence 1. Pe. 2.8 the cause not being in him who is the light of the world but in our selues making him an occasion of our darkenesse Iohn 3.19 which by this light shall be made in the end farre more sinfull and damnable Since then the power of our corruption is so forcible as it is able to peruert all the meanes ordained for our saluation as to make the commandement of God in his law the promises of God in the Gospell the seales of God in his sacraments and the loue of God in his sonne to be vaine and of no value this must teach vs to humble our selues in the lowest degree in a hatred and detestation of our flesh and sinfull faculties of our soule which are as the poisoned soile that either casts vs or corrupts all the seeds of fruitfulnesse or wholsomenes that we throwen into it whereas our sin being disclosed both by the law and Gospell it is the more to bee hated and abhorred because it turneth the edge and benefit of both these to our destruction For what could the Lord doe more to preserue our first parents in their innocency than to set as it were a double fence about his commandement forbidding not onely the eating of the fruit but the touching of it binding the hands that they should not conuey it to the mouth and yet more hath he done for vs taking vs out of the fire by casting as it were his Sonne in the fire though as if we had neuer beene scorched or else being past sense we carrie still the coles in our bosome and will not haue them quenched with the water of the spirit to newnesse of life But let vs not be so wilfull peruerse so strong headed and stifnecked as not to bee turned into the way by the rod of the law but hauing spent the portion of the flesh and wasted the lusts thereof let vs grow in loue with our fathers house for what fruit can we haue in those things whereof we shall be ashamed or which at length shall bring shame on vs Let vs therfore shake off the sinnes we haue delighted in and then haue we suffered in the flesh and then hath Christ suffered in the flesh for vs which if he haue then is our flesh destroied in vs which if it be then shall we cease from sinne which if we doe then shall we liue after the will of God though not in perfection yet reformable to the perfection of his will and then to vs that are sanctified shall not the law be grieuous nor burdensome as Saint Iohn saith 1. Iohn 5.3 but it shall reioice the heart giuing light to the eies and sweetnesse to the taste as Dauid saith Psal God sending his Sonne c. This is the second generall p●n spoken of at first namely that what was impossible to the law is made possible in Christ wherein obserue foure things First the person which sendeth Secondly the person which is sent Thirdly the maner how he is sent Fourthly the end of his sending For the first which is God consider the cause mooued him to this mercy not any thing in vs but his owne loue and compassion towards vs as it is expressed Ioh. 3.16 God so loued the world that he sent his sonne and Ezek. 16.3.4 It is said concerning the Church of God that at the beginning she was born and begotten of the heathen her father an Amorite her mother an Hittite at the day of her birth shee had no mid-wife neither was shee washed but remained filthy shee had not so much as a swadling clout to couer her neither did any that passed by pitie her but shee was cast out in the open field lay polluted in her blood ready euery houre to perish In which words the meaning of the holy Ghost is to set forth our vnworthinesse our shame and our nakednesse If now an honorable person shall passe by and open his compassion on her and bring her home and spread his owne skirts ouer her feed her at his owne table make her beautifull and aduance her to great honour whereby she that was despised comes to be beloued of all nations and yet she should againe fall to her pollution and become a common strumpet if notwithstanding this vnthankefulnesse and apostasie he should draw her home againe and renue his former fauours towards her no reason could be giuen of this but the free mercy of him that did it euen so hath God like an honorable person full of all power and riches strength and maiesty mercy compassion seene vs polluted in our bloud before our birth borne of corrupt parents brought forth into a more corrupted place which is this world yet hath he said we shall liue he hath caused vs to bud as the flower of the field yea our time hath beene as the time of loue hee hath spread the skirts of his protection ouer vs entred a couenant with vs and we are become his now for vs to enquire the cause of this we can finde none but his willing loue to haue it so but let vs striue by the fruits of our liues to honor him and with the calues of our lippes to praise him that hath thus aduanced his mercy on vs and let vs not doe the worke of a presumptuous whore either in giuing rewards to the flesh or taking rewards of the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof lest the Lord diminish our ordinary as Ezek 16.27 and feed vs with the blood of wrath and lealousie Againe heere note that the Lord neuer worketh but when it is impossible and the cure desperate in the eies of men for when the Law could not saue vs then rather than hee would want a people and lose the glory of his mercy hee sent his sonne to saue vs. The woman Mar. 5.25 that had her issue of blood twelue yeeres and had spent all her substance among Physitians and auailed not when man could not heale her then Christ did it when he that had beene diseased 38. yeeres and had line long at the poole of Bethesda Ioh. 5.6 and could get none to helpe him in when the water was troubled then did Christ bid him take vp his bed and walke when Ioh. 11.39.42 Lazarus had been in the graue foure daies that it was impossible for man to restore
we learne that Princes thinke them selues abused and that disparagement is done to the state royall if men will not be executioners of their bloudy complots and euen sell their soules for the effecting of their designes Herod is mocked because the Wise-men will not relate the certainty of Christs birth that he may murder him and Saul 1. Sam. 22.17 thinketh himselfe contemned because his footmen would not slay the Priests of the Lord that had their hand with Dauid Secondly in that he tearmeth it mockery note that the wicked can father that vpon others whereof themselues are most guilty for the Wise-men they meant simply but that they were interdicted of God to returne to the court but Herod he mocked with the Lord for though hee knew that this new-borne King was to be set vp and that hee must raigne in the hearts of men yet in despight of God he though either by policy to circumuent it or by power to withstand the ordinance of the Lord scorning at the Oracles of the Prophets and complaining of cousinage when himselfe would haue cousined the almighty like vnto Fimbria of Rome who hauing dangerously wounded one the next day entred an action against the party grieued because hee had receiued but part of his blade into his bodie and not all And is it not strange when Pharaoh shall call Moses hard hearted when the Wolfe shall accuse the Lambe the Serpent saie the Doue is too subtle and Herod exclaime vpon the Wise men for mockerie when himselfe nourished so foule a vice against the highest No doubt he was wroth but not simplie because the Wise men returned not but for his owne sottishnesse that hee had not sent some man with them to haue seene what had become of the babe But thus when Princes make league and band themselues against the Lord and contribute toward the affliction of his saints hee insnareth them in their owne inuentions and infatuateth their deuises and destroieth the counsell of Achitophel Psal 18.26 2. Sam. 17.14 for as the Psalmist saith With the froward the Lord will deale frowardly For the second point which is the execution of this butchery we see to the end that if it were possible he might haue the bloud of the babe among the multitude he spareth none and the stories report in this massacre was killed his owne sonne whereupon Augustus the Emperour said in detestation of his cruelty that he had rather be Herods hogge then his heire By which we learne that the diuell possessing the heart of a tyrant makes him execute any thing tending to the maintenance of his state though the nature of man abhorre it as the effusion of bloud or though they be checked and amated by their owne hearts for Herod knew if Christ were borne he must raigne yet against his owne conscience he endeuours by counsell if he be able to deceiue or by crueltie if he be able to supplant the decree of God Thus did Pharaoh Exod. 8.4 seeke to crosse the commandement and purpose of the Lord in the deliuery of his seruants though by many immediate testimonies and wonders from heauen hee saw it as it were written on the walles that the Israelites must depart And thus did Saul seeke the life of Dauid though he was told by Samuel 1. Sam. 15.28 that the Lord the strength of Israel that could not lie had rent the kingdome from him and giuen it to his neighbour Secondly obserue hence that when one way succeedeth not to these Atheists then they straite attempt another Pharaoh at the first doth but exact further and greater labour of the Israelites but after he dealeth with the Midwiues Exod 1.15 to kill them that should be borne and after his malice breaketh foorth more fiercely into an edict or proclamation vers 22. that the male borne should be cast into the riuer So Saul confessing that he knew the Lord would establish the kingdome in the throne of Dauid yet first he sought to insnare him by his daughter 1. Sam. 18.17 Onely saith he fight thou the battels of the Lord and thou shalt haue my daughter but after his hypocrisie is discouered c. 19.1 making solemne proclamation Who haue I among all my souldiers that will do thus much for me to kill Dauid So as he that could spare Agag would pierce Dauid So Herod when he saw he was preuented of his first purpose by the not returning of the Wise men he still trauelleth with the same mischiefe and whereas before hee sought but the life of the babe onely now he is so enraged as he doubleth his crueltie and will haue the life of many innocent babes such a fire is sinne to double and increase the heate by burning and the deferring of their cursed attempts which should be as water to quench them is as oile to inflame them this being wrought by the malice of the diuell who throweth in fresh poison into our hearts that if wee bee preuented in our resolution of murdering the Lord Iesus we will be like the Dragon Reu. 12.12 to send foorth whole flouds of waters out of our mouthes to drowne and destroy his members Thirdly obserue that there is no edict or proclamation so cruell or execrable against Gods Saints which some wicked men will not execute at their Princes commandement If Iesabel would haue Naboths vineyard and cannot obtaine it without his life 1. King 21.11 she shall haue gouernors to serue her turne that will so one follow her cursed counsell When no man will fall vpon the Priests at the words of Saul 1. Sam. 22.17 then will Doeg take the sword and do it and Herod heere can no sooner mention a murder but his seruants will execute it Where further consider that if hell be prepared for the commander so is it likewise for the executioner though his act bee warranted by authority Is it in the power of the Prince to bring in a religion against God or may they doe what they will God forbid If the Prince should command mee to burne the Bible I ought not to doe it for a thing is not of God because she commands it but because it is of God therefore ought shee to command it Cambises king of Persia inflamed with incest consulteth with his Wise-men whether he may lawfully mary his sister they answer they find no such law to warrant it but they finde another law that the King of Persia is without all law And thus doe Princes counsellers feed them in their humors nodding at whatsoeuer Augustus will haue done And euen so miserable are these times that men doe wait at their Princes mouthes and performe their decrees not scanning whether they be grounded vpon the law of God which ought to bee the rule whereat Princes should leuell their commandements and by which subiects should square their obedience For it is not enough to slay Amnon 2. Sam. 13.29 at Absoloms commandement neither shall Rabshaketh excuse himselfe Esay 36.16 for railing on
separates for it is the same word of life in it selfe but not to them that eate it not to the elect it is effectually conueied to the reprobate it is truely offered by God but separate by their vnbeleefe Therefore let vs consider the analogy and naturall relation in baptisme the externall thing is water such as is common the thing inward is the very bloud of Christ answered by the signe The application of water to the clensing of the body is answered by the applying of the holy Ghost the effect of water is to purifie from filth so is it of the bloud of Christ to purge from sinne and this two waies by killing and renewing by nortifying and quickning by the dipping in the water is represented the death of Christ and his resurrection signified by pulling out of the water that as we are buried with him in Baptisme so we shall rise with him by his spirit Why but hath Iohn no power but to put on water euery man may doe so and how is it then that 2. Cor. 3.6 Paul saith God hath made vs ministers of the spirit and not of the letter for there he compareth the Law to the Gospell Moses to the Apostles Moses gaue vnto the people the two tables which was onely a commandement externall for he could not change his owne heart nor apply his owne soule to the performance of the law but it was onely as if a man should write to a blind man to bid him reade or to a deafe man to bid him heare And can Paul doe any more to conuert the Corinths No but this is the difference the preaching of the Gospell which is the ministery of the spirit doth not onely require faith but giueth faith to be saued for of it selfe it is as easie to keepe the law as to beleeue Why but Paul saith to Timothy 1. Tim. 4.6 Attend on the worke of preaching to saue thy selfe and others and Paul of himselfe saith I begat you and Mal. 4.6 it was prophesied of this Iohn that he should conuert the hearts of men This is most true when the externall and internall doe ioyne and iumpe together and when they are not compared by opposition but are comprehensiuely taken together then we can bind and loose sinnes and as Leuit 16.16 then the Priest shall make thy soule cleane But as it was said that there was in paradise Genes 3.22 the tree of life not that it had any life in it but that they that should eate of it should liue for euer and so of the tree of knowledge which was so called by the effect it wrought making vs to know what good we lost and what nakednesse we fell into so it is said that we forgiue sinnes Iohn 20.23 because the word of reconciliation is put into our mouthes not that we doe it by any absolute authority but necessarily because our commission extendeth to it by God And so all morall matters vnder the law were but a meere pageant sauing that they sealed to them the inward which was the blood of Christ and where such efficacy was giuen to the sacrifices there the inward thing was attributed to the outward so as we must still hold that all power and sufficiency is of God 2. Cor. 3.5 Further obserue that Iohn of necessitie must giue water or else Christ can giue no bloud and except there be planting and watering nothing can grow So as we must learne to submit our selues to the ministery else can wee not ordinarily expect for any grace at Gods hands for he giues but increase and blessing to his worke-mens labour and though the voice of the Preacher be but a vanishing voice wanting power to affect the conscience and vertue to illuminate the eies for the voice cannot pierce the soule yet wee must humble our selues to Iohns ministery for by this voice doth the Lord giue life and as hee cannot hope for fruit that neuer sowed nor expect for wine that neuer planted no more can hee looke for life that neuer heard for faith commeth by hearing Rom. 10.17 and without faith there is no saluation So as vnlesse we doe embrace this ordinance of God to follow them whom hee hath made his armes to reach forth vnto vs the bread of life we can neuer beleeue and except we desire to be sealed with the great seale of heauen committed vnto them wee shall neuer be saued for as it is said Gen. 17.14 euery soule contemptuously refusing circumcision shall bee cut off and he that despiseth the bread doth betray and crucifie the Lord Iesus as the Iewes did that bad away with him Iohn must be regarded because he puts on water for who is not glad to receiue his pardon by the person of any and why should their feet bee contemptible that bring vs such newes from the mouth of God And if wee dare not in paine of damnation but thinke reuerently of the seales that is of water and bread in the Sacraments how much more must wee reu●●●ce the doctrine that is of far greater maiesty for the Sacraments are but blankes without the word Further consider heere in Iohns baptizing to amendment of life that as all Sacraments are couenants and in couenants there is alway something agreed on betweene both parties so in Baptisme God promiseth to receiue Christ to redeeme the holy Ghost to sanctifie and on the other side we promise to beleeue this and to repent vs of our transgressions For as Baptisme sealeth vnto vs remission of sinne so also doth it seale as it were from vs amendment of life and to whom soeuer the Lord sealeth this assurance that he will saue him to him also he sealeth regeneration and newnesse of life And as Paul saith Rom. 2.26 if vncircumcision beleeue well it shall bee saued rather then circumcision that is if the outward signe bee separated from the inward and not accompanied with cleannesse of heart and obedience to the commandement hee that wants the outward seale and yet is circumcised in heart is more to bee accounted of then the other Therefore let vs looke and take heed we performe the vow wee made before God and his Angels in our baptisme namely as to beleeue the promises so to repent and reforme our liues for he that will assure himselfe of the benefite of Baptisme must see what power he hath to subdue his corruptions He will baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire That is by the holy Ghost Christ will seale the pardon of their sinnes who hath the same power that fire hath as first to burne vp all trash and stubble secondly to purifie things that are to be purged thirdly to giue light in darkenesse fourthly to quicken things that are benummed and stiffe with cold So as let vs examine our selues whether wee haue felt these effects of this spirit for if he filthinesse and fr●●●dnesse of our nature be burnt vp and consumed if our harts be swept and cleansed from vile and loose
doe thy will for thy law is written in my heart And they bee such of whom Esay 50.5 saith the Lord hath opened their eares therefore they are not rebellious But otherwise it is with the hypocrites for though their eares be opened yet they are rebellious and though the word of God be in their stomackes yet like dogges they cast it vp againe and doe not shew themselues pliable to the grace of God He walketh thorow drie places This is the second part spoken of at first namely that when Satan is gone out of a man he hath a restlesse kind of desire euery place is to him as a wildernesse vnlesse he may returne whence he came for he walketh through drie places that is his operation and power being interrupted in that man all other places are as irkesome and vnpleasant Out of this generally obserue that whether Sathan be really cast out or onely so dispossessed as the power of his subtill illusion is made lesse that is whether the iudgement be onely enlightned or with the light of iudgement the affections be also changed which is the effectuall casting out it doth so prouoke Satan distemper him as he will assault that man more fiercely than he did before in his time of ignorance And if he be cast out by a true enlightning then he is more busie than with hypoc●i●● for being Sathan that is an enemy he is an enemy to God because he disthronized and threw him out of heauen and he doth therefore most oppose himselfe against Gods children because he cannot assault the person of God and yet we see how hee assaied it to God in the flesh Luk. 4.2 Againe as hee is an enemie to God so he is said to be the Prince of the world and therefore would draw all to be vnder his seepter Ioh. 16.11 and he can finde no rest in a Papist nor in an Atheist for he knoweth there is a canker alreadie growen vpon their consciences which onely must be seared by the hot iron of the Lords wrath 1. Tim. 4.2 for they are already so hardned in prophanesse and so rooted in the obstinacie of their errour that he is sure enough of them But his labour and rage is to assault professors such as haue a true knowledge of the true God and especially such as beare true affections toward God and whom hee seeth to yeeld obedience to the Gospell of Christ A liuely example and figure of this we haue in Pharaoh who while the children of Israel Exod. 5.7 continued in Egypt onely oppressed them with heauy burdens but then most fiercely and deadly pursued them when they were gone out of Egypt Euen so let euery of vs assure our selues that the further wee be from the regiment and dominion of Sathan and the more excellent seruants of God we be the more will Satan buffet vs and vexe vs. This is that Christ forewarned Peter of saying that Sathan desired to winnow him like Wheate Luk. 22.31 And why him aboue the rest of the Disciples First because he was one whom Iesus loued secondly on the confession of whose faith hee said hee would build his Church And this is the condition of all true Christians that when Sathan is effectually to be cast out and distodged it cannot be but by violence for he will not onely winnow vs that we shall feele the fanne to grate vs but euen the flaile to bruise vs. Example whereof we haue in the dumbe man in the Gospell Mark 9.18 who before Sathan would leane his fort and habitation was so tormented that he fomed raged and was euen rent in peeces so as hee is not to bee encountred with a false alarme or with one hand but in this combat betweene vs and him we must prepare our selues to great temptations and carie Iob before vs as our patterne Iob 1.7 in the subuersion of whose faith and constancie in the loue of God the diuel tooke more delight than in compassing the whole earth yet was he faithfull to the end whereby he obtained the crowne of life Further obserue hence the wisedome and policie of Sathan that his purpose is alwaies to be some where yea and hee foreseeth his future place before he will leaue his former habitation as Math. 8.32 he would not go out of the men whom hee possessed before hee had libertie to goe into the swine and would bee in them rather than no where For Sathan being by nature a destroier seeketh oftentimes by the losse of goods and substance to draw mens faith and feare from God as hee assaied in Iob chapter 1. vers 15.16.17 by his oxen taken by the Shabeans by his sheepe deuoured with fire and by his Camels led away by the Caldeans to driue him to impatiencie against God But yet because the shaking of a mans estate in substance pierceth not the soule so deepely not withdraweth not the heart so swiftly from God as the sinne and corruption seated in himselfe therefore his trauell is to keepe the cup foule within and to haue still some foule blood lurking in our veines which in time may breake forth to some distemper not but that thou must expect when thou art called to feele thy sinnes and hast withall this grace to see some comfort of Gods mercy to bee so haled and pulled betweene these two as thou shalt haue many perplexed feares many troublesome garboiles and infinit great temptations when sinne is to be cast out of thee and seeing so many difficulties thou shalt stand appalled to be restrained from the loose custome of thy former sinnes But as the siege is great which is against thee so must thy encounter and resistance be fierce against him and not done percunctorily or slowlie as the sluggard riseth in the morning Prouerb 6.10 with a little raising of his head and folding of his hands to sleepe againe thinking that if thou beest not so euill in thy life nor so malicious in thy heart against God as others that then thou art good enough and hast sufficiently profited in the schoole of Christ for thy luke-warmth in religion is lothsome to the Lord Reu. 3.14 and a strong stirrop for Sathan to get vp to thy soule againe And therefore consider and thou shalt find whether he bee truely or hypocritically cast out of thee consider whether thou feele not foule and grosse temptations to beset thee for if Sathan labor not mightily in this thou art not called for if thou be a despiser of the word or nourishest any such enormous fault as seemeth sweet to thy taste Sathan hath thee at commandement what needeth he tempt thee when thou temptest thy selfe Not that he that falleth into temptations and fulfilleth them is the best Christian but hee that hath no tubbes set in his way to stumble at and findeth euery thing plaine and easie may know he liueth in the broade way that leadeth not to heauen Math. 7.13 for hee that is most vexed and hath
true that the soules are now blessed as it is in the Reuel 7.9 where the Saints are said to haue their white robes in token ●●nnocency long in signe of statelinesse and palmes in their hands in signe of victory but it is as true that the soule is not happy sauing in the constant expectation of the last day when it shall bee ioined to the body and it hath not now that fulnesse of happinesse it then shall haue For it standeth with the law of retribution in God that as he receiued most glorie from them both when they were vnited so should he returne them most ioie and fulnesse of glory when by his power they are brought together againe And euen so fareth it now with the reprobate that are departed who feele onely torment in their soules at this time but when their bodies shall bee raked out of the dust then shall their paines be increased So as this is the doctrine we must hold that the soules of the Saints are blessed ante resurrectionem before the resurrection but fine resurrectione without the resurrection they are not blessed Rom. 14.9 God is said to be the Lord of the dead and Mat. 22.32 Christ saith he is not the God of the dead In which places there is no contrariety for Christ meaneth that he is not the God of the dead according to the supposition of the Sadduces for no man is a King without subiects nor a Captaine without souldiers nor God the God of Abraham vnlesse Abraham be but hee is the God of the dead because they by him shall be raised vp Now followeth the first part what shall be raised vp namely this verie body which we now carrie about vs shall bee raised vp Which is prooued first from the proportion and resemblance with the head for the same body of Christ that was buried was raised vp which is signified vnto vs by himselfe Luk. 24.39 who to remooue all doubts of the truth of his resurrection out of his disciples mindes said Behold my hands and my feet and Iohn 20.25 it is said that Thomas put his finger into Iesus side after his resurrection And so much did Christ forete●●●●re his death Ioh. 2.19 Destroy this temple meaning his body and I will build the same not another vp againe Secondly it is prooued from the proportion of Gods iustice toward the elect and the reprobate also for it standeth with his iustice that those lippes which in this life offred vp the calues of thanksgiuing vnto him that that body that hath beene baptized into Christs death that mouth that hath feed vpon Christ by faith that that bodie which hath beene exercised vnder the crosse and sanctified through afflictions which hath testified to the blood the profession of his trueth it standeth I say with the iustice of God that that bodie and no other should bee raised vp to glory And Paul noteth foorth so much in himselfe a member 1. Cor. 15.53 when he saith This mortall shall put on immortalitie as if saith a learned Father he had taken it vp in his hands to haue expressed his meaning Againe the proportion of Gods iustice toward the reprobate is that that knee that hath bowed to the Masse shall also bow to the diuell in hell torment and that that body which hath embrewed it selfe with the blood of Gods saints that hath rent as it were the Lord in peeces by their blasphemy and that haue shut vp their compassion from the poore that that body should bee punished eternally in hell fire and euen denied so much as a drop of cold water to coole their tongues Luk. 16.24 For what iustice were it in God to frame them new bodies and so to punish them in that flesh wherin they neuer sinned Nay it were meere iniustice to punish them in any other parts than those wherein they haue offended Now this bodie of the faithfull that shall be raised vp shall haue three speciall graces giuen vnto it which it had not before to shew the riches of Gods mercy toward them as first it shall be immortall and shall neuer putrifie secondly 〈◊〉 shall be maintained by no naturall power and thirdly it shall haue glory Answerable to these in another kinde shall the bodies of the reprobate be for first they shall wish they might rot but cannot secondly they were happie if they might pine away but the worme shall be continually gnawing yet neuer satisfied nor they weakned Mark 9.48 thirdly they shall haue horror and shame and howling and gnashing of teeth continually For the second point which is by what power our bodies are raised vp namely by the same spirit that Christ was raised vp Now then it may be asked how the reprobate shall rise for they partake not of this spirit nor haue any part in this resurrection It is true that the power of Christ as a Sauiour and the fruite and benefite of his death are inseparable from the elect and belong onely to them The reprobate therefore shall bee raised vp by the same power by which they were at first created and as at the first they were made by the power of God in his Sonne the Father consulting with his wisdome which is Christ euen so shall they bee raised vp againe by the power of God in his Sonne not as a redeemer but by the absolute power of Iesus Christ their Iudge Gen 3.23 And as when Adam fell he was not onely depriued of the tree of life but of all the other fruites of the garden and in the losse of that lost all the rest and was driuen out by violence and kept out by the sword from any more fight of God in Paradise euen so the reprobate deserue not onely to bee secluded from the possession of heauenly glory where growes that life that euer flourisheth but euen vtterly to be extinguished and abolished for they are but vsurpers vpon the Lords heritage and euen the aire which they breath in shall be their damnation for they deserue not so much as their being Yet such is the great bounty of God that he raineth as well vpon the vniust as vpon the iust yea and oftentimes obscureth his goodnesse toward his Saints and hideth as it were his face from them when the wicked flourish as t●● Palme-tree and abound in all earthly prosperity but yet this is our comfort that they passe away as a shaft in the aire and as a ship on the sea so is their place no more seene and indeede they shall finde it were better for them they were not whereas the godly know that in 〈◊〉 earth they haue no abiding citie but that their treasure is in ●●●uen where their hearts alwaies be and their bodies heereaf●●● shall be Because that his spirit dwelleth in you This is the third part was noted out vnto vs namely how this power of the spirit is in this life communicated vnto vs. Wherein obser●e that whosoeuer is regenerate is made partaker
recouered the vse of all the creatures wee lost in Adams fall so as wee haue interest in them all how euer the Lord in wisedome hath seuered and distinguished them in a property yea we haue such interest in them as the world should not stand not the Sunne shine but for the elects sake And all the wicked in the last day shall answer for euery crumme of bread that they haue eaten for they doe but vsurpe vpon the Lords creatures in as much as being excluded from the tree of life they are thereby excluded from all things that should maintaine life and though now the Lord permit them to abound in these earthly treasures yet they shall haue double torment for their single ioy for they are neuer in their owne house but when they are in hell as it was said of Iudas Mat. 27. 5. Act. 1.25 when he hanged himselfe that he went to his owne place The second priuiledge wee haue is this that being heires with Christ these is nothing but shall be made by God to further our saluation euen as Saint Paul being rauished as it were with the constant hope of this inheritance in the conclusion of this chapter giuing the challenge in this spirituall conflict to see if there be any thing can bee able to separate him from the loue of God for we are Lords of all the creatures sauing of Angels and our fellow heire Christ Iesus is head of Angels and they ●●e but ministers for our good As for the wicked they shall be as well able to saue themselues without God as to hurt vs hauing God and the worst they can do is but to send vs to God And as for Sathan his darts hee casteth at vs they are turned aside in the armour of Christ and the floods he casteth foorth to deuoure vs shall neuer come neare vs Reu. 12.15 2. Cor. 12.8 and his buffettings are preseruatiues against presumption as Paul witnesseth of himselfe If wee suffer with him This is a transition or passing ouer of the Apostle to perswade vs to affliction for wee would haue the head crowned with thornes and the members clad with veluer but it may not be so for there must bee a conformity and resemblance with the head and the members Now this is the second reason the Apostle vseth to make vs sure of this heauenly ●●keritance namely that wee must first be afflicted The cause why this is brought in is this Paul vers 1. had giuen the greatest comfort to a Christian that could be when he said There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Now there are two things that make the very elect to demurre and stay vpon this whether there be any condemnation to them or no first the apprehension of their many sinfull infirmities as if they should say Is it possible the life of God should be in mee that I should be shapen after Gods image that Christ should bee my sanctification and yet that I should be subiect to so many grieuous infirmities To this the Apostle answereth True it is there bee in them many things graciously qualified by the prefence of the Lords spirit yet during this our seafare and pilgrimage in this life there must bee a combat and a strife betweene the deceit of sinne and the strength of grace howbeit by patience and perseuerance we shall ouercome not some part of the world but euen the whole world and our owne concupiscence 1. Ioh. 5.4 which is stronger then death not but that there shall be left some fragments and reliques of corruption in vs for Paul heere doth not say There is no matter of condemnation left within vs but that vncleannesse is so washed away in Christ and we are so sanctified by his spirit as there remaineth for vs no condemnation God being satisfied in his Sonne Sath an being vanquished and the powers of our sinful flesh being tamed and subdued The se●● 〈◊〉 thing that maketh vs to doubt whether condemnation 〈◊〉 not due to vs is the apprehension of our many afflictions wherewith we are tossed and encumbred in this life as when wee shall consider that we are made blessed by Christs curse and healed by his stripes then we breake foorth into this And is it possible that I am one of these and yet am so miserably intreated in this life Hath Christ ●●●●e through the sorrowes and agonies of this life Hath he booke in sunder the bands of death and all to make me way to that glorie wherein he now sitteth and shall l●et be so burdened and so sore oppressed with anguish of spirit and griese of bodie This cogitation and thought worketh and ingendreth a feare in the weake soule lest God should be angry and much displeased with them because he feedeth them with the water of sorrow and bread of affliction and maketh them as the spirit speaketh passe through fire and water that is through many miseries diuers in kind and extreme in measure But thus the holy Ghost to proue the first verse of this chapter true sheweth this to be the high and beaten way to heauen and that there is no way but that which Christ hath gone before vs for somewhat for godlinesse we must be persecured Ioh. 5.17 Heb. 12.6 and being chastised of the Lord it is certaine we are no bastards So as the bearing of this crosse must and ought to be another seale to assure vs of the inheritance which we shall haue and not to be dismaied though it goe hard with vs in this life for we must thinke it no disgrace nor disparagement to be of the honour of the same order our elder brother Christ was of that is appointed and set foorth daily for the slaughter laid open to the viperous tongs of many glorious and proud Pharisees but as Christ had his crosse as it were his ladder to lift him and carry him vp aboue the heauens as the Greeke translation is so must we looke by the same rounds to ascend to the same place Out of this therfore ariseth to all the godly double comfort first that we shall be no otherwise vsed of the Lord then Christ his naturall sonne was vpon whom the very sea of his fierce wrath did fall secondly that as we haue Christ a fellow and companion in our sufferings so Christ hath vs companions and partakers of his glorie If we suffer with him Heere are two things to be considered first the precise necessity and as it were a fatall kind of destiny whereunto God hath made all those subiect that shall be saued namely that they must taste of the cup of affliction and drink of the dregs therof expresly set downe in these words We are heires if we suffer The second is the double fruite and benefit we reape by this affliction first that Christ hath tasted more deepely of tribulation then we shall secondly that in recompe●●ce of our sufferings we shall heereafter bee partners with him in ●●●●state
that bindeth the Vnicorne with his band to labour in the furrow else would he not serue vs nor tarrie by the cribbe The strong horse whose neying is fearefull and swalloweth the ground for fiercenesse would quickly turne his heele vpon the reprobate if the Lord held him not by the hoofe for wee see how euen the smallest creatures are armed to annoy them when God letteth the raines loose but a little Pharaoh that entrenched himselfe and waged battaile against God brauing it as if he had the host of heauen to command was Exod. 8.17 and 24. by lice and fleas the most weake and contemptible creatures so confounded the earth being corrupt by their swarmes that he calles for sacrifice to that God whom before he despised Korah and his company Num. 16.32 for their rebellion against Moses the lieutenant of God we see went downe quicke into the pit the earth taking vpon her the reuenge of the Lords cause and cleauing a sunder did swallow them vp The waters seeing the earth filled with crueltie and all flesh to haue corrupted his way ceased not til her waues Genes 7.18 waxed so strong as it bore downe all but the family of Noah into the vniuersall floud The fire seeing the sinne of Sodom to be exceeding grieuous and the inhabitants thereof to be puffed vp with fulnesse of bread and idlenesse could not stay it selfe but fell from the clouds like raine till it had ouerthrowne and burnt vp both the men and all that grew vpon the earth Genes 19.25 Lot his wife two daughters vers 15.17 onely excepted The lions Dan. 6.22.24 that were so reconciled to Daniel through his faith in God that he had no hurt found vpon him being left to themselues and not hauing their mouthes shut by the Angell were so enraged against his accusers that they brake all their bones in peeces before they came to the ground of the denne The Beares 2. King 2.24 when they heard but children that might excuse themselues by ignorance or otherwise by speaking as they were taught mocking Elisha the Lords Prophet could hold no longer within the wood but rushing foorth of the forrest tore in peeces two and fortie of them heereby to teach euen babes to vse their toongs better The wormes that otherwise are the weakest and basest and most scorned of men yet clustered themselues together and flew vpon the face of a vaine glorious king and eat vp Herod in all his brauerie Acts 12.23 as disdaining to heare a wretch take that glorie to him which was proper onely to God after this sort would all the creatures rise vp against the vngodly and spit their poison on them for bringing such a curse vpon them if the Lord did not bridle and restraine their willes wherein he magnifieth his mercie greatly that he will suffer the Sunne to shine vpon the vniust and maketh his patience famous through the earth that he will suffer them so long that prouoke him so much all which is done to bring them if it were possible to repentance Another thing wee note heere is how long these creatures shall be in this subiection and that is vntill the sonnes of God shall be reuealed or taken vp to heauen which vers 21. is called a glorious libertie Out of which obserue that all these inferior creatures shall be restored to their first perfection wherein they were made at the end and consummation of all things when God shall be all in all for as we 1 Ioh. 3.3 when Christ shall be made manifest shall be like him and see him as he is which now we behold but as in a glasse 1. Corinth 13.12 so is it certaine there shall be a new heauen and a new earth after vs and a restitution of the creatures to their auncie testate as is said Reuel 2.1.5 I make all things new and 2. Pet 3.10 The earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt vp out of which some gather that this is not ment of materiall fire but spoken figuratiuely and in a borrowed phrase of a consumption by fire that is not blowen as Iob calleth it that is by the immediate breath and power of God But I take it it is meant of materiall fire because the Apostle spake before of the drowning of the old world which was by materiall water Howeuer it be this is the meaning of the holy Ghost in that place that as the gold is cast into the fire not to be consumed and burnt but to be purified and refined so as the substance remains and nothing lost but the drosse euen so shall it be with the heauen the earth and the creatures they shall not vtterly bee consumed and wasted with fire but made the finer because all corruption which was wrapped about them by the curse shall be burnt out for as the substance of our bodies shal remaine and the change shal be onely to fire out the sin that hangeth on vs these base bodies being then to be made glorious so the substance of al the creatures shal continue onely this they shall be changed and turned into incorruption and libertie and after they are thus refined there is no question but they shall endure for as their presence is requisite for the more glorious triumph at the marriage of the lambe Reuel 21.9 so shall it be likewise for the continuall praise and thankesgiuing that is to made and had for the aduancement of the bride through the loue of that Lambe Christ Iesus But now if any will aske in the pride of his conceit why all these creatures shall then remaine and how long and to what vse we say these are endlesse questions which breed strife and contentions rather then as S. Paul saith 1. Timot. 1.4 godly edifying which is by faith such as that wherewith the Epicure troubled himselfe to know what God did before he made the earth which one well answereth That he made hell for them that are so inquisitiue and curious for as Peter saith 2. Pet. 3.16 these are places of Scripture which they that are vnstable and vnlearned peruert to their owne destruction Let it suffice the Lord hath opened the fountaine so wide to vs that we know Ioh. 6.51 we feeding on Christ shall liue for euer Therefore leauing these speculations and schoole points let vs resort to the vse and profit S. Peter maketh of this generall dissolution that since these things must perish what maner persons ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse for what other treasure soeuer we take to it shall be consumed with our selues holinesse and the feare of God hauing only the wings to flie thorow all fires and to carrie vs to that heauen where dwelleth righteousnes which Reuel 21. is described to be of that beautie and statelinesse and of that worth and comelinesse as if the prince of the aire Ephes 2.2 had not too much blinded the eyes of worldlings that they esteeme of faith but as of a fable
affections if our vnderstandings be illuminated and lightened with the lampe of the Gospell if we be inflamed and set on fire with the zeale of Gods glory and well hearted toward his children then may wee hope to haue beene baptized truely for the holy Ghost worketh these things in beleeuers But he that is drossie or luke-warme in his profession that is hard hearted to the Saints that followeth the sent of his affections and that is weary of the candle of truth hath cause to suspect that he is not yet baptized with the holy Ghost In Ioh. 3.5 this spirit is compared to water cleansing the soule inwardly which hath three properties first to wash away filthinesse secondly to moisten that which is drie and to quench thirst and allay the scorching heate thirdly to fructifie as Psalm 1. willowes are said to bee fruitfull planted by the water side euen so the holy Ghost doth purifie and wash the soule refresheth the conscience scorched with the feare of Gods vengeance and giueth power to make our drie and barren hearts to prosper in euery good worke MATH chap. 3. vers 12. verse 12 Which hath his fan in his hand and will make cleane his floore and gather his wheat into his garner but will burne vp the chaffe with vnquenchable fire BEcause it falleth out in great auditories and assemblies that there bee many wilfull and peruerse persons which doe not esteeme of the Lords rich bounty but doe scorne and tread vnder foote t●● mercy offered Iohn Baptis● doth heere denounce peremptory vengeance and intollerable torment against all ●●ose that shall not submit themselues to the ministery of the Messias and that they which will not bee baptized with the fire of the holy Ghost and of Christ that is with his bloud and with his spirit shall be baptized with the fire of hell The words doe containe an Allegorie or continued borrowed speech which may be thus resolued First by the Fanne vnderstand the ministerie of the Gospell which should begin at the preaching of Iesus and should winnow the people to make a separation betweene the bastardly brood of Abraham and the true Nathaniels Ioh. 1. chap. 47. Israelites in whom is no guile betweene them that had onely the marke of circumcision in the flesh and them whose hearts and vile affections were inwardly circumcised By that it is said In his hand is ment that it is presently to be manifested By floore vnderstand all places where a Church may be gathered or more specially for a visible Church alreadie gathered Iohn addressing his speech heere to the Iewes which were at this time the Church of God By wheate is ment all that should beleeue either Iewes or Gentiles By the Garner is ment the kingdome of heauen By chaffe is ment hypocrites and vnbeleeuers mis-liuers or the children of perdition that refuse to bee fanned by the Lords voice By cleansing is ment that separation the Gospell should make betweene the apostate Iew and the beleeuing Iew. By vnquenchable fire is ment the torment of hell prouided for vnbeleeuers Out of this first generally obserue that where the Gospell comes and is preached with power and with a good conscience and not huckstered nor merchandized as men doe their wares but that they so labour as not to be ashamed of that they doe preaching their doctrine not to the eare but to the doore of the conscience that there it makes a manifest difference betweene true and false children whereas before all was shuffled together for though before this time the Pharisees and all others were as one bearing the same title of Abrahams seed yet saith Iohn afterward shall come the venting of the Gospell which with the powerfull blast thereof shall scatter the hypocrites and make knowne the faithfulnesse of them that with honest hearts embrace and cherish it After this maner is the word in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Heb. 4.12 compared to a sword with two edges that cutteth two waies either to conuersion if it be beleeued or to confusion if it be despised Hereupon it is that Simeon did prophesie to Mary Luk. 2.34 to preuent any conceit might rise in her minde of her dignitie and glory being the mother of the eternall Lord heereby thinking that all the world should applaud her for her Sonne telling her that this child should be set vp for the rising and ruine of many a marke that euery man should shoot at and by his comming should the hearts of many be discouered For the sound of his mouth Heb. 4.12 deuides betweene the ioynts and the sinewes and the marrow and the bones anatomizing the hearts of men to see whether they be sound or rotten And they that before seemed to bee all one shall when the fan comes differ then the poison that before lurked shall bee layed foorth and the hidden gall shall be displaied Heereupon also the word is compared to fire which hath a double effect to wast stubble and drosse and to purifie that is refinable as siluer and gold For the Gospell hath this vertue to inflame some mens hearts with a zealous loue of God and his glory setting others on fire to persecute it to quench and to impugne it This effect had it in Iohns time some saying that he was an honest man some that he was Christ others that he was a Galilean Luk. 3.16 Mat. 11.16 whence could come no good thing and others more plainely that hee was a diuell all before being as they thought well circumcised and the children of Abraham So when Christ spake in his owne person the chaffe flew away and then was easily knowen who was an hypocrite hee comming to some place where they had rather haue their hogges Mark 5.17 then their soules saued Luk. 4.29 and to others where they brought him to the side of a hill of purpose to haue throwne him downe and to Iairus house where some Mark. 5.40 laugh him to scorne for his speech This fanne by Christ was committed to his Apostles that they likewise should make a separation where they came Paul Preaching at Antioch the Iewes railed against him when the Gentiles desired him to preach the same sermon the next Sabbath And by the power of this Fanne Act. 22.23 the Iewes cast vp dust in the aire and crie that Paul is vnworthy to liue And Act. 23.12 certaine doe bind themselues by oath not to eate nor drinke till they had killed him when as others in Iudaea did submit themselues and became the true disciples of Christ Yea Luk. 12.53 it appeareth that there is no bond so streight nor so well knit but religion will violate and cause the father with the sonne the mother with the daughter to impugne the Gospell with hostility not that it is the property of the Gospell to breed dissention but it is the malice of Sathan to enrage mens hearts that they should not receiue it that his barnes might be full And then must Ahab 1. King 21.19