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A06985 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. Mathewe, gathered out of all the singuler and approued deuines (whiche the Lorde hath geuen to his Churche) by Augustine Marlorate. And translated out of Latine into Englishe by Thomas Tymme, mynister. Sene and allowed according to the order appointed; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1570 (1570) STC 17404; ESTC S114262 1,206,890 792

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Forsothe because the washing is done by the vertue power of the spirite also he thought it sufficient onely in the name of the spirite to expresse the whole effect of baptisme The meaning truely is plaine that we must geue vnto Christ what grace soeuer baptisme doth figurate or signifie because that he doth sprincle the consciences of men with his bloud he also doth mortifie the old man and he doth geue vnto it his spirite of regeneration And vvith fyer Bu. Fyer is a signe of purging loue C. But the name of fyer is applied to the spirite because he doth purge away our filthines euen as golde is purified in the fyer He is called fier metaphorically as he is called water Therfore he shal baptyse you with the holy ghost and with fier that is he shal ad vnto it his holy spirite which hath the propertie nature of fier he shal regenerate renouate and make cleane your hartes shal consecrate you into the adoptiō of the sonnes of God. To be baptised with the holy ghoste to be indewed with the power of the hiest to receiue the holy ghost and to haue the power or vertue of the spirite commynge vpon any man signifieth all one thinge 12. VVhose fanne is in his hand and he wil pourge his floure and gather his wheate into his barne but will burne the chaffe with vnquenchable fier VVhose fanne is in his hand B. Hitherto Iohn hath preached the lord Iesus to be the sauiour because he affyrmed that he was the giuer of the spirite of iustification C. That the Iewes mighte offer them selues to be renewed of him now he resoneth of iudgement sheweth the Christ is the generall iudge of all men that he might make the contēners afraide For because many hipocrites alwaies proudly reiect the grace of Christ proffered vnto them it is necessary also that the vengeance which hāgeth ouer their heades be declared vnto thē For this cause Iohn doth here describe Christe to be a seuere iudge against the harde harted vnbeleuing We must note here also this order of teaching that hipocrites may knowe that they shal not escape vnpunished because they reiect Christ being awaked frō their sluggishnes shal begin to feare the reuenger whom being the authour of health they despised But no doubte the purpose of Iohn was to teache what Christ woulde bring to passe by his gospell Therefore the preaching of the gospel is a fan because before the lord dothe shake sift vs all the worlde is wrapped with cōfusion euery mā flattereth with him self the good and euil are mingled together and it is enough for vs to swel increase with the chaff But whē Christ cōmeth among thē with his gospel whē he pearceth their consciēces citeth thē before his tribunal seate the chaf is winnoed or fanned frō the wheate which before cōbred a gret rome For although al men ar fāned by the gospel frō the chaff yet notwithstāding here Iohn doth compare the reprobate to chafte the elect childrē of God to wheat Wherfore the flouerth is not takē for the world as som deme but for the church For we must cōsider to whom Iohn speaketh For the Iewes wer only puffed vp with a name or title so that Iohn doth tel them that they are proude in vaine since that but for a time they occupy the roome of the churche of God frō the which euen by and by they shall be reiected and banyshed euen as chaffe is seperated and deuyded from the flouerth By this meanes be doth touch the state of the churche at that tyme corrupted because it was full of chaffe darnel cockle and reffuse but strayte way with the freshe wind of the Gospell to be purged Question But howe is Chryst said to seperate the chaffe from the wheate when as nothinge can be founde in men but meere chaffe It may easely be aunswered that the elect are fourmed made into wheat that beynge exempted from the chaffe they maye be gathered into the barne Christe began and perfourmeth this purgynge dayely notwithstandinge the effecte of the same shall not be vntyll the laste daye therefore Iohn calleth vs thither But let vs remember that euen at this daye the faythfull enter by hope into the barne of God that in the ende in dede they maye haue a place there and the reprobate do feele according to their deserte the heate and burnynge of that fyer which shal be in the last day Therfore before the Gospell was preached in Iewery the reprobate were not onelye ioyned with the elect but also they were so couered with the brightnesse of the ceremoniall lawe that they were counted for trewe Israelites But when the preachynge of the Gospell came which is the sounde and perfect fanne there was such a seperation made that easelye the one mighte be deserued from the other yea the very secretes of theyr hartes were opened Christe him selfe sayinge He that is of God heareth Goddes woorde therefore you do not here because you are not of god And againe You beleue not because you are none of my sheepe euen as I sayde vnto you my sheepe heere my voyce and I knowe theim and they followe mee The lyke seperation also is in these our dayes VVith vnquenchable fyer In these fewe woordes is thretened the ponishment of euerlastinge damnation which neuer shall haue ende appointed for this purpose that more sharply they shuld be moued to repētaunce This ponishement doth not onely apperteyne to chaffe to be seperated from the wheate but also to be caste into the fier burnte euen as vnfruiteful braunches are not onely cut of but gathered and caste into the fier The like ponishemēt doth Christ threaten to counterfait false Christiās telling them before what a terrible sentence he will pronounce against thē sayinge Go ye cursed into euerlasting fier prepared for the deuyl and his angelles About this fyer there hath ben great disputatiō But we may gather out of scripture that it is a metaphoricall kynde of speche For if we maye determyne and iudge it to be a materiall and reall fyer as they terme it thē we must adde vnto it also wodde brimstone and breathe to kendel it as Esay in his .30 chap. maketh mention Neyther is there any further meaning in the fier then there is in the worme For if al men do agree and consent that there is in the name of worme a metaphorical sence and meaning they must then confesse that the lyke is in the fyer Wherefore all speculation and lokinges omitted with the whiche vayne men do wery them selues without profyte let vs be satisfyed with this that those maners formes of speakinge for the rudenesse of our capacitie do note vnto vs horrible torment yea and so terrible and painful that neyther the mind of man can comprehende it nor yet the toungue with wordes expresse the same 13 Then came Iesus from Galile
whyle it is calme and fayre againe yet notwithstanding by nature men do know by signes whether the day following will be fayre or soule Christ therfore demaūdeth of the Scribes and Phariseys whye they do not know the kingdome of God so openlye reuealed by euidente signes for hereby it was manifest that they were to muche adicted and giuen to earthye and momentany thinges insomuch that they made no counte of things spirituall neyther were they blinded so much by error as they were by wilfull obstinate malyce whereuppon hee geueth them that tytle whereof they were worthy sayinge 3. And in the morninge it vvilbe foule weather to daye for the skye is glouminge reade O yee hypocrites ye can descerne the outwarde appearance of the skye but can ye not discerne the signes of the times O yee hyprocrites C. Our sauiour calleth them hypocrites because they séeme and sayne to séeke that which they would not beholde being shewed vnto them Bu. As if hée should haue sayd if in these earthye and small thinges yée be suche dilligente markers of signes and are so prompte to iudge of the quallitye of tempestes why do ye not also knowe the signes of these tymes Ye know the Law and the Prophetes which haue forshewed signes of these times which ye sée before your eyes by the which ye might learne what is now done in the kingdome of god But ye haue no care to know or vnderstand any thing of the kingdome of God whereas yée aske now a signe to be giuen you from heauen it procedeth of mere hypocrisy and vnbeléefe Ye discerne the outvvard appearance A. The Latyne translation hath yée can discerne the face of the Heauen and it is so called after the maner of the Hebrew phrase as in Genesis the face of the earth the face of the déepe the face of the waters agayne it is there sayde And foules that may flée vppon the earthe in the face of the firmament of heauē In the which place he called that the face of the firmament of heauen which Christ taketh here for the ayre But can yee not discerne the Luke speaketh in the singuler nomber saying how happeneth it that ye cannot skill of this time M. the signes of the time or times in the which Christ should come were the myracles of Christe which the Scribes and Phariseys harde dailye prophesyed by the Prophetes as in the 35. Chapter of Esay Furthermore it was prophesyed of Iuda after this maner The Scepter shall not depart from Iuda and a Lawe geuer frō betwene his feete vntill hée come which must be sent But then the kingdome was taken from the Iewes for they were thē subiecte to the rule and Dominion of the Romaynes They sawe furthermore dyscorde for religion amonge the people in somuch that a house was deuided into manye partes the father arysing against the sonne and the sonne agaynst the father These signes were set before all men to behold yet notwithstandinge the ende of them was not considered of the Scribes Phariseis because they made no accompt of them being addicted to their owne glory deadly enemyes vnto Christ A. It is no maruayle therefore if hée reprehended them so sharpely when they would seeme to seke that which they desiered not C. And this reprehension pertayneth almost to the whole world for because men do wholy giue themselues apply their sences to the vse of those things that are present there is no man almost whych in this parte is not of sufficient wisedome Howe commeth it to passe then that signes be so vnsauerye vnto vs by the whiche God calleth vs vnto him but onelye by this that euery man geuinge hymselfe to voluntary slouthfulnes choketh the light offered vnto him For the callinge of Christe and the present offering of eternall saluation was manifeste vnto the Scribes as well by the Lawe and Prophetes as by his Doctrine to the which hée added myracles Manye such there are at this daye which in doubtfull thinges saye that they do iustly suspend their iudgement because a certaine definition must be loked for yea they count this a hye point of wysedome to séeke all that they can to auoyde all inquisition of the truth As though in deede they were not toto slouthfull to care for earthly and carnall things so dilligently and to neglecte the eternall saluation of the soules and that vnder the vayne pretence of grosse ignoraunce Of this place certaine vnlearned men do verye absurdlye gather that it is not lawfull by the behoulding of the Heauen to iudge and coniecture of the temperature of weather For Christ rather argueth proueth of the true order of nature that they do iustly perishe by their ingratitude which beinge wise enough in matters of this present lyfe do willingly obscure ouerwhelme with their dulnes the light of heauenly truth M. It is not euill therefore to iudge of the outward apperance of the sky but rather profitable and appertayninge to the glorye of God in his creatures But wée do not yet hereby alow that superstitious obseruation and marking of the heauenly signes by the which many take vppon them to forshewe prophesy of warres of plenty and scarcenes of sicknesses and disseases and such like The works of God haue a double condition First some of them are of a certaine course and state as the Sunne the Moone the day the night sommer wynter fyer and water Secondly some are of an vncertayne course subiect to alteration as peace plēty of vittayles the health of mortall men and such lyke the which depende vpon the secrete free prouidence of God and not vpon starres C. Marke addeth saying that Christ groned in his spirit by the which wordes hée declareth that hee toke it greuouslye and bytterly when hee sawe these men careleslye to resiste god And trulye it becommeth all those that seeke the glorye of GOD and which haue a care of the healthe of men to be so minded that nothinge shoulde more greuouslye wounde them than when they sée vnbeleuers to indeuer themselues to stop the way of beleuing against them to referre all their wit and pollicy to that end that they may obscure the brightnes of the woorde and workes of God with their cloudes B. The griefe therfore which Christ had conceyued extorted this reproch against them to be called hypocrites 4. The frowarde and aduouterous nation requireth a signe and there shall no signe be giuē vnto it but the signe of the Prophete Ionas And hee lefte them and departed The frovvarde and aduouterous A. Loke for the exposition of this verce in the twelfth Chapter goynge before E. O wicked aduouterous nation farre degenerating from the elders whose tytle they chalenge vnto themselues Subtilly it requyreth a signe from Heauen whereat to calumniate but it shal be geuen vnto it which it abhorreth and not a thing to carpe at In the meane time no signe shal be geuen them but out of
deuyll And at the lengthe Herode cut of his head if not by their procurement yet at the least by their consente and willinge mindes M. Christ saith not here They dyd as they ought to do or they did what so euer the lord commaunded to be done but he saythe they dyd what theye wolde or lust to do The lyke saith hee shall they do to the sonne of man And as they dyd nothinge to the sonne of man so did they nothinge to Iohn the Baptiste without the wyll and sufferance of God But they for theyr partes hadde not respecte or regarde vnto the wil of God but rather to the fulfilling of their own wils and maliciouse myndes this God vsed to the executing fynishinge of his worke The lorde therefore suffereth the wicked to do vnto saynctes what so euer theye wyll as towchinge their bodies and vseth their mynistery to the glory of those that are his Wherefore if the lyke happen vnto vs at this day let vs not thinke that we are reiected and caste out of God or that he hath forsaken vs. In lykevvise also shall the sonne of man suffer C. He teacheth that it ought not to seme a new or vnwonted thing if they reiect the master as they dyd the seruante before And least any man shoulde be troubled by the newenes of the thing the lorde saith that mention was made before of this in the Scripture namely that as well the redemer of the world as Helias his forerunner should suffer the repulse at the hādes of false and wicked teachers For Marke addeth They dyd vnto him what so euer they shoulde as it is written of hym 13 Then the disciples vnderstode that he spake vnto thē of Iohn the Baptist A. Because not onely in this place but also in an other place mention was made of Helias where Christe had spoken of Iohn the Baptist by name by this aunswere of Christe the disciples easely vnderstode what he mente 14 And when they were com to the people there came to him a certaine man kneling downe to him B. Luke saith that this came to passe the next daye as they came downe the hill Marke declareth that the Scribes were disputing with the disciples C. For the Lunatike child being brought amongest thē in the absence of Christ the Scribes thought that they had gotten good occasion to inueigh and speake euyl and therfore prosecuting the same they were very earnest with the disciples vrged thē that if they hadde any power to heale the childe they should shew it It is likely that the disciples tried what they could do but in vaine so that the Scribes as conquerers triūphed neither do they onely deride mocke the disciples but also proudely they inuey against Christ as thoughe in the persō of his disciples his power wer abased But this their wicked dealynge ioyned with ingratitude exceded maliciously to suppresse so many myracles by the which they had lerned of what power habilitie Christ was For of set purpose they sought to extinguishe the light sette before theyr eies 15 And sayinge Master haue mercy on my son for he is Lunatike and sore vexed for ofte times hee falleth into the fier and ofte into the water Master haue mercy on my son B. The father had a feruent desire greate care for the health of his son because as Luke sayth he was his only son whō in stede of haue mercy on my son hath behold my sonne For he is lunatike C. The Euāgelist Mark speaketh of an other kinde of dissease saying that this mā was dumbe Yet notwithstandinge these two very well agre betwene thē selues that he was dūbe at certaine times mad also For they are called lunatikes which vnder the wane of the Mene haue eyther the falling sicknes or els are tormēted with a giddines in the brayne It is a very vaine opiniō which som fain saying that this name was inuented by the craft subtiltie of Sathā that he myght defame the good creatures of God for cōmon experience teacheth that those disseases do increase decrease accordinge to the course of the mone yet notwithstādinge nothinge staieth but that Sathā may ad his violent force to naturall meanes It is very probable that this man was neither deaffe nor dombe by nature but that his tongue eares were possessed of Sathā then whē the debillitie weaknes of the braine finnewes made him subiecte to the fallinge sickenes a worse euill was added of sathā Hereupon it came to passe that he sought his owne destructiō that hee wolde lie rent torne and that he wolde fall down like a dead mā For oft he falleth C. Let vs here note the nature of Sathā He is a murtherer ready to destroy hath many waies to hurte were it not that he were staied let by the power of god Loke how many infirmities of the fleshe and minde there are which we feele and know to be innumerable so many dartes hath he alwaies to hurt vs We ar worse than mad if our myserable estate conditiō moue vs not to prayer And in this apereth the inspeakeable goodnes of God namely that where as we are subiecte to so many dāgers he doth vouchsafe to defende vs specially if we consider with how great a desire the deuil our enemie is inflamed to hurt vs But this consolation also ought to come into our mindes that Christ came to bridel so restrain his furiouse rage that therfore we in so many dangers abide in safetie because the heuenly medicine far surmounteth all our euils M. Here therfore the care prouidence of God appereth in that the child is saued and preserued so often times beinge cast by the euill spirite into the fyer water to be destroied for god saued him suffered not the euill spyrite to destroy him This is a great comforte and consolation to the godly 16 And I broughte him to thy disciples and they coulde not heale him A. Why the disciples coulde not cast out the deuill we shall see by and by 17 Iesus answered and said O faithlesse and croked nation how longe shall I be with you Howe longe shall I suffer you bringe him hither vnto mee Iesus ansvvered A. Our Euāgelist Mathew pretermitteth many thinges which are added by Marke Luke O faythlesse C. Although our sauiour Christ seme to direct his speache against the father of the Lunatike sonne yet notwithstandynge there is no doubt but that he had respecte vnto the Scribes For it is certain that the rude and weake are not here reprehēded but such as beinge obstinately wrapped in mallice do resist god Therfore Christ saith that suche are vnworthy to be forborne any longer saith that he will shortly make a dyuorce seperation betwene him them There are some which thinck it better to directe these wordes to the Apostels onely and that because of the woordes following
To this efecte was the parable of the figge tree alleaged of our sauiour Christ in Luke saying Except ye repent ye shal al likewise perish he tolde also this similitude A certayne man had a figge tree plāted in his vyneyard he came and sought fruite therō and found none Then said he to the dresser of his vyneyarde Beholde this three yere haue I com and sought fruit of this figge tree find none cut it downe why combereth it the ground he answered and said vnto him Lord let it alone this yere also tyl I digge round about it and dounge it to see whether it wyll beare fruits and if it beare not then after that shall you cut it downe And in an other place Christ faith thus If any abyde not in mee he is caste out of the doores as a branches withereth men gather them and cast them into the fyer they burne 11. I baptise you with water vnto repentance but he that shal com after me is mightier then I whose shoote I am not worthy to beare he shall baptise you with the holy ghost with fier I baptise you vvith vvater C. The thre Euangelistes do reherse the selfe same wordes of Iohn the Baptiste In this one thynge Luke is more plentyfull because fyrste he dothe shewe for what occasion this sermon was made that is to saye because it was a doubte that the people would take away the honour of Christ by a false wrong opinion M. For he saith As the people were in a doubt al mē mused in their hartes at Iohn whether he were very Chryste Iohn answered said vnto thē all I baptise you with water c. C. Therfore that he might in time take away the occasion of the errour he doth plainely say that he is not Christ and so he doth disseuer him self frō him that he may bringe him that right which aparteined vnto him And truly he did this willingely that he myghte bringe disciples vnto Christ as the prouerbe is from hand to hand but he preuenteth it the soner least in holdinge his peace any lōger he shuld confirme the errour of the people C. His wordes therefore tend to this efect I cal al men to re pentance and hauing professed the same I signe them with the seale of Baptisme whereby they maye be assured that theyr sinnes are forgeuen thē if they beleue in him which shal come after me that is to say in Christe whiche onely forgeueth sinnes geueth the holy ghost printing a true faith in our hartes of remission of sinnes and mortifying also the affectiōs of our fleshe He vvhiche commeth after me This is spoken in the present tence The greke participle is doubtful so that thou maist vnderstand it that Christ was Iunior or younger then Iohn or elles that he shoulde succede Iohn in the office of preaching So the Euāgelist Iohn resiteth the same wordes saying After me there came a mā which went before me for he was before me Is stronger then I. C. By these wordes he dothe shewe that Christ was of a greter power dignitie in respect of whom he also was subiecte as if he should say The worke of Christ to come that is the redemption of mankind the kingdom which he receiued of God the father do require greater force power then I or any man els cā shew I am his minister he is the lord whiche hath receiued all power of his father Therfore in that Iohn doth acknowledge his own imbecillitie it is done to attrybute the glory of vertue power to Christ to saue and to destroy to saue the elect to destroy the reprobate also he doth admonish vs that there is no sainct or angel Christ only excepted that hath power to saue destroy VVhose shoose I am not vvorthy E. He said before that Christ was stronger then he to āplifie the same he saith that he is vnworthye to cary his shoose He vseth the common forme phrase of speche by the which he doth so extol the glory of Christ that aboue him he cōpareth nothing To the whiche ende this is also spoken He must increase but I must decrease He shal baptize you vvith the holy Here Iohn maketh Christ the authour of spyrituall baptisme but yet neuerthelesse a minister of the externall thing Here he dothe seme to preuent before secretly a question that might be obiected agaynst him to what ende pourpose the baptisme that he toke vnto him serued Neyther was it any small triffell to bringe a new vnwonted thinge into the churche of God and that specially to set forthe a new kind of begīning that shold be more perfecte and better then the law of God. Therfore he answereth that he hath don nothing rashly though he be a minister of the outwarde signe that yet he dothe nothing at al diminish the vertue power of god Wherfore we may easely gather that it was no parte of his meaning to distinguishe make a differēce betwene his baptisme that which Christ gaue his disciples in cōmandement to vse the vse wherof also he wold haue cōtinually establyshed in the churche Neither doth he compare the visible signe to the inuisible but cōparing the persons of the seruant lord together he doth teache what is proper apperteining to the seruant what also as due right is to be rendred to the lord And also herby is gathered a general doctrine that is to say what are the partes of men in baptisme also what is properly to the son of god For only to men is cōmitted the administratiō of the outward and visible thing but that trueth it self doth onely remaine with Christ The scripture somtime doth improperly assigne to men that whiche Iohn doth affirme onely to belong to Christe which he denieth to apperteine vnto men but thā he doth not way and consider what man hath specially by him self but simplely doth teach what is the force and profite of signes howe God doth woorke with his holy spirite by them Here is geuen a distinctiō betwene Christ and his ministers least that the world geue that vnto them which only of duetie and right perteineth vnto him as nothing is more ready and inclined then the world to beautifie adorne the creatures with the spoyles of God. We knowe what howe great outragiouse contentions haue ben in these days as concerning the vse and efficacy of the signes al the which may be taken awaye with this one word that the whole institution of the lorde doth comprehende the author hym selfe and the vertue of the spirite with the figure minister but when as the mynister is compared with the lord that he maye haue al we muste bring the other to nothing VVith the holy ghost It may be demaūded why Iohn did not say as wel that it was Christ which did washe our soules with his bloud
vnder the Doctrine of the Lawe and the Prophetes insomuche that nothinge almost remayned sounde and perfecte B. But what and howe great this theyr Hypocrisy was Christ himselfe by most playne woordes in the thrée and twentye Chapter following declareth of the which also wee haue noted many thinges in the fifte Chapter goinge before Hée calleth their doctrine leuen because euen as leuen it corrupted and infected manye Obiection Notwithstandinge it maye be demaunded to what ende Marke placeth Herode with the false teachers which professed no such thinge Wee aunsweare that forsomuche as hée was halfe a Iewe vnlike to his auncetours and disloyal hée sought by all meanes possible to seduce the people that dwelt vnder his Dominion For this is the manner of all Apostatase to make one myxsture or other that a new Religiō may aryse which may abbolishe the first Because therefore hee wente about craftely to subuert and ouerthrow the principles of true and aunciente godlynes to the ende that Religion at the lengthe might florishe which was most fitte to his tyranny yea because he sought to brynge in a certayne newe kynde of Iudaysme the Lord dooth not withoute good cause commaunde his Dysciples to take héede of his leuen also For as the Scribes dispersed their errors oute of the temple of God so the Courte of Herode was a shoppe of Sathan to forge quyne other errors Euen so at this daye in the Papacie we sée that Antechrist doth shew out his deceyts not onelye in Temples dennes of Sophisters and Monkes but by the helpe and ayde also of Courtelyke deuynes hée stayeth vp his kingdome so that no arte cunninge or pollicy is wātinge to the same But as Christ did then preuent presente euilles and as hee styrred vppe the myndes of his Dysciples to beware of those thinges that were noxious and hurtefull euen so by this example wée beinge admonished let vs learne at this daye wyselye to take heede what corruptions may hurte vs More easlye maye a man make fyer and water agree then the fayned inuentions of the Pope with the Gospell Whosoeuer therefore desyereth to be vnfaynedlye a Dysciple of Christ let him séeke to kéepe his minde pure from those leuens But and if hee be infected and polluted allready let him laboure so longe in purginge himselfe vntill hee finde no spot or blot anye more cleaninge to him M. But what this doctrine of the Phariseys Saduces was of the which Chryst admonished his Disciples to beware it is to longe by particulers to reherce notwythstandynge it maye be deuided into two kyndes The firste was theyr false exposition of the Law of God teachinge that righteousnes did consist of the externall woorkes of the lawe For this matter wée haue noted many thinges in the fift Chapter going before The seconde was the adding of their owne traditions to the Lawe of God the whiche they commaunded the people to obserue Of the which matter read the fiftene Chapter goinge before 7. And they thought within themselues sayinge we haue taken no bread with vs. A. Some turne this say They contended amonge themselues because Marke for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 B. The Dysciples supposing that Christ spake of the leuen of bread thoughte that they were forbidden to eate breade with the Phariseys and that they shoulde counte them as excommunicate and therevpon it came into their mindes that they had taken no breade with them and so they contended amonge themselues for the same 8. VVhich when Iesus vnderstode hee said vnto thē O ye of little faith why take yee thoughte within your selues because yee haue brought no breade VVhich vvhen Iesus knevve E. Namelye that his Disciples were carefull because they had forgotten to bring their vittayles into the ship A. fearing for that cause least they should want foode wheras notwithstanding they had him with them which with nothing had fed so many thousands C. By the which they shew agayne how little they profited both by the doctrine of theyr Master and also by his wonderfull workes Therefore according to their deseruing hée sharpely reproueth them sayinge O yee of lyttle fayth As if hée should haue sayd why doth this care vexe youre mynd because you haue forgottē to bring bread as though any thing should be wāting vnto you although ye prouided not for yourselues C. This wicked vngodly care proceded of distrust They therfore which haue no faith or the which they haue beinge very small are founde sometime eyther verye negligent or els very carefull and that in vaine It cōmeth of distrust that wée are so exceding carefull for thinges to come wheras before time wee haue had experience of his helpe haue found him to be a helper in time of néede So that if hereafter wée do distrust we shall not onely with the Dysciples be accused of little fayth distrust but also of ingratitude which is the occasion of the defect want of fayth For ingratitude is the cause that wée are not onely troubled in temptacion and tryall but also that wée are oftentimes ouercome C. Therefore all they are conuinced of infidellity which hauing oftentimes felt the power of God do distrust care out of measure for the time to come For as fayth doth cherish kepe the remembraūce of the giftes of God in our hartes so vnlesse the same be broughte a slepe wée shall neuer forget them 9. Do ye not yet perceiue neither remēber those fiue loaues when there were fiue thousand mē and how many baskets toke yee vp Do ye not yet per. E. The Euangelist Marke sayth Perceyue yee not yet neyther vnderstande haue yee your hartes yet blinded haue ye eyes sée not and haue ye eares and heare not do ye not also remember As if hée should haue sayd you beinge taught and learned so many wayes do ye not yet vnderstād is your harts yet blinded with such cares and after the maner of the Phariseys do ye not sée that which is before your eyes that which you heare with youre eares is vnto you as though yee harde it not By these wordes hée teacheth sufficientlye that wée must not haue a sluggish or slepinge mynd to get a sure trust and confidence in the power and goodnes of God but such a mind which in the woorkes of God vnderstandeth his power and goodnes Neyther remember M. The forgetting of the giftes wonderfull workes of God doth bring great hurte vnto fayth bringeth to passe the hée which hath receyued knowledge of Deuine matters doth make no more accompt of the same then if hee had neuer knowen what it had mente And therefore Moyses did oftētimes inculcate and beate that into the peoples heades sayinge take heede to thy selfe and keepe thy soule dilligently that thou forget not the thinges which thine eyes haue séene and that they depart not out of thy hart all the dayes of thy life And in the