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A95810 Unpremeditated thoughts of the knowledge of God, whom to know, is life eternal. With some discoveries of the mysteries of creation, in the six days work, and the seventh days rest. : To which is added, a short discourse concerning those two great principles of natural philosophy, matter and motion. / Humbly offered to consideration, by one of the Philadelphia Society, who calls her self Irena. Institut de recherches européennes sur les noblesses et aristocraties. 1697 (1697) Wing U92A; ESTC R185871 42,220 173

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moved upon the face of the Waters Fire and Water are the two most substantial Principles Earth and Air are produced from them Water is the Root and Beginning Fire the Perfection and End of all things The Unctuousness Oyliness of the Chaos produc'd the Light or rather was the Light and Fire the Water was in this beginning of things the greatest quantity till the Fire gets the Predominancy the Firmament the Light and Heat divided the Waters from the Waters thus a vast quantity of Waters was most wisely placed part of it below the Fire that its piercing substance might not with its fiery heat penetrate the Earth too swiftly with its quick motion till the Earth was brought more towards a state of Perfection the Firmament was placed between the Waters to Concoct and Ripen them and to bring their Watry into a Fiery Substance the Oleous Quality of the Chaos was Fire but when it was expanded into the Firmament it much lost its force and became more properly Light and Heat than Fire as it is now placed so that we here see the meaning of that word The Voice of the Lord divideth the Flames of Fire the most compact Body of Fire is divided till it comes to be hardly any longer Fire Bodies are divisible Spirits not the nearer any Body is to Spirit the more hard to have its parts divided Fire is that wonderful Substance I must not I dare not at this time say any more of the Nature of it But notwithstanding the Fire is brought into this peaceful Temperature in the making the Firmament yet it retains so much the Nature of Fire that if it is agitated and contracted it becomes Fire again as we see by a common Experiment it is done by the Burning-Glass But it is made out Excellently and Clearly by the account we have of the Last Great Conflagration in the Scriptures it is said The Element shall melt with fervent heat and that it shall be wrapped up like a Scroul which passage explains the former it s being wrapped up contracted and brought into a narrower compass will so increase the intense heat that the Element shall melt and the Earth and all things in it shall be burnt up And thus it is shewed mo the Conflagration burning the Earth by Fire shall in some respects resemble the Deluge by Water then the Windows of Heaven were opened and the Fountains of the great Deeps were broken up So in the Dispensation of Fire the Element shall perform its Office of Burning as hath been a little before described also the imprisoned Fires in the Powels of the Earth shall be set at liberty their Deep shall be broken up that they may meet their beloved upper Flames to which they always tend And it appears to me that as the World grows nearer its period nearer this Dispensation of Fire the Central Fires do more break their Prisons make their way out of the Earth gain Victory over the Waters under the Earth and sometimes above the Surface of the Earth as is seen by Vesuvius Aetna and other Burnings that in our time have wonderfully issued forth and shewed their Conquest over the Water by sad Effects And Earthquakes may be sometimes caused by the strife of Fire and Water which when Fire gets the predominancy causes the Earth to open for we commonly see the excess of Driness makes the Earth chap and gape Moisture makes it more continuous or clinging together Now I cannot but return with Admiration to behold the Beauty and Wisdom of this Second Day 's Work and say t It was very good And the Evening and the Morning was the Second Day O Admirable Order of things How am I ravished with the sight Who can enter into the deep of this one Sentence The Evening and the Morning was the Second Day According to my scanty measure I shall describe the Philosophers Second Day 's Work It is not to be wondred if I do it not so exactly as some others who have more of the Spirit of Wisdom and are Possessors of her Treasures while I profess to be only a Seeker and Lover It appears to me that the Philosophers Firmament is spread out like a Molten Looking-Glass and to me none but a wise Man can well understand this Passage he hath seen his Light arise out of the Darkness and expatiate it self to the filling his Recipient how large soever it be his Firmament is Light hath the Nature of Fire in it which is encompassed with Water above and underneath the Water is predominant in the beginning of his Work is the greatest quantity that he is ready to call it Superfluous Humidity but as his Work grows towards a state of Perfection the Fire prevails it becomes a Child of the Fire lives in the Fire feeds on the Fire I mean not Devouring Fire this appears not to be in it unless it is agitated and stirred up by too violent motion But Light or Fire so mingled by gentle procedure with the Water that it partakes of the Meek Peaceful Nature of the Water and gives forth so much of its own permanent compact Substance that they become one excellently qualified Essence Fire being in this state of Perfection predominant but such a Fire as is before described that doth not destroy but exalt the Substance to a more fix'd pure permanent state I say something of this Work as it is at the conclusion in this Second Day 's Work because Light and Heat whereof the Firmament consists are powerful Agents to begin and end the Work withal But the spreading forth the Light into a Beautiful Mirror is the end of his Second Day 's Work Now there is an admirable Teaching in this it is a Figure of the Work of the Spirit of God in illuminating the Minds of Men which is a Translating them out of the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God This is done in some measure in the beginning in the first Day 's Work but is greatly increased in the Second till we are brought into his Marvellous Light When the Light Center is open in us which was shut and vailed in the Fall it is a blessed thing but when it spreads it self that the Understanding is enlightened in the Knowledge of God of himself and in some degree of the Creation round about him he comes again to be but a little lower than the Angels who are Intelligences who are Fire He maketh his Angels Spirits and those Ministers of his Flames of Fire Nay Man in his first Creation was an Excellently Noble Creature he was the Epitomy of the whole World he was the Little World in which the Great was comprised he had the Elements and all Creatures within himself We may well say We are fearfully and wonderfully made with holy David who had his Eyes opened to see his own Excellent Make. But if the first Creation was glorious how much more is the Second the New Creation in Man
have seen what our hands have handled that declare we unto you that ye may have Fellowship with us and truly our Fellowship is with the Father and with the Son through the Holy Spirit I tell ye from the Scriptures of Truth from my own Experience from the Witness of the Water the Blood and the Spirit and these three agree in one to bear witness on Earth That there is no coming to God nor being Partakers of the Redemption purchased by Jesus Christ but by the Illumination and Operation of the Holy Spirit that the Spirit of God may 〈◊〉 the Office of a Holy Mother in us to bring forth Jesus in Spirit in us that Christ may be formed in us The Spirit of God is the Jerusalem that is from Above that is Free the Mother of us all spoken of in the Revelations this is the New Jerusalem that comes down from God out of Heaven the Bride the Lambs Wife that had made her self ready When the Spirit of God hath finished the Work upon the whole Church of God throughout making it appear in the Eye of our Lord in Beauty Unity Purity then will it be presented as a Chaste Virgin to Jesus Christ Then she will appear Fair as the Moon Clear as the Sun Terrible as an Army with Banners She will then partake of the supercelestial Sun and Moon and of the Seven Stars the Seven Properties of God When the Church is thus Beautified and Adorned our Lord will say Arise my Fair One and come away Now this Work cannot be accomplished in the whole Church till it is first performed in particular Persons by the Uniting of whom this Work is compleated Therefore we must all look to it that this Work may be performed in our selves that the great three-fold Work of the Spirit may be wrought out in us the Dispensation of the Water the Blood and the Fire First We must know the Washing with pure Water the Purging our Consciences from dead works that we may serve the living God We must know also the shedding of Blood in us as well as for us the slaying our own Thoughts and Imaginations we must not spare any thing of self-hood not Agag and the choicest beasts we must also witness the Spirit of Judgment and Burning the Spirit sitting like a Refiners Fire till at last we shall find and feel a Refreshing Warmth and Heat a being Baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire this we must feel before we can come to dwell with Everlasting Burning for our God is a Consuming Fire shall we set the Hay and Stubble in Battle Array against Him He will pass through and Burn it nothing but what is Pure must Remain if we would dwell in the Holy Hill of God and abide in his Tabernacle we must have Clean Hands Pure Hearts The three great Dispensations of God with the great World doth agree with the workings of his Spirit in us the Deluge of Water was the First of these the Apostle speaking of it saith The like figure whereunto is Baptism not only outward Baptism with water which taketh away the filthiness of the Flesh but it signifies the being Baptized into Christ into his Death and Sufferings that being Buryed with him in Baptism being Dead with Christ we also may Arise with him and know the Power of his Resurrection that we being Risen with Christ may seek those things which are Above where Christ is at the right hand of God The Second Great Dispensation with the Great World was The Slaying of Beasts the Shedding of Blood without which there is no Remission but this was not only the Blood of Bulls and Goats that would not do for the Law is but a Shadow of Good Things to come for it is impossible that the Blood of Bulls and Goats should take away Sins but this great work was done by the Shedding the Precious Blood of Christ the First was done away that he might establish the Second the Sacrifice of the Law could not make the comers thereunto Perfect but Christ by one Offering hath Perfected for ever them that are Sanctified by the will of God we are Sanctified thorough the Offering of the Body of Jesus and those that are Members of his Body must also be Perfected through Sufferings when we come to know what it is to have the word of God Quick and Powerful in us Dividing between the Marrow and the Bone we shall know what this means there will be Cutting off Right Hands Plucking out Right Eyes Slaying and Crucifying the Old Man with the Affection and Lusts This is hard work Ah my God! let me give up all to it I would not spare any thing in me let this work go on in me to the making an end of Sin and the Finishing transgression that every thought may be brought into Subjection to Jesus Christ who I would have to Rule and Reign till all his Enemies are brought under I Bless and Praise thy Great and Glorious Name O Lord my God for what thou hast done for me and in me I Bow before Thee and Adore him that Sits upon the Throne and the Lamb that was Slain who was Dead and is Alive and Lives and Reigns for Ever The Third and Last Great and Universal Dispensation of God with the Great World will be the Fiery Tryal when the Elements shall Melt with Fervent Heat and the Earth and all things in it that is Cumbustible shall be Burnt up that which is Pure will Remain when the Goldsmith puts the Drossy Gold into the Fire some that may not know the nature of it may wonder that he should burn his Gold but he knows though the Dross will be burnt the Gold will remain and come forth more bright so will it be with the works of God not only his Throne but that which now is his Foot-stool shall be Pure Gold Clear as Chrystal he that reads let him understand what the Spirit saith But our great Work is to Cry to the Lord that the Fiery Work of his Spirit may pass upon us before this great and terrible day of the Lord come for this Day will try every Mans Work of what sort it is and the Hay and Stubble must be burnt up when our Lord shall appear in Flames of Fire to render Vengeance on all those that know him not and obey not the Gospel To fit us for this great Day the Lord sends his Spirit of Judgment and Burning into us and this Day of the Lord burns like an Oven his Eyes are a Flame of Fire who looks into us and we are all naked and bare before the Eyes of him with whom we have to do Let us not like Adam hide our selves but cry out Search me and try me O God Let us with Moses enter into the Darkness and the Fire God is in the Fire and tho' it may be terrible shrink not at it and endure as seeing him that is invisible who will appear to be
at the Command of God the Lord saw that it was good And tho' at the first appearance the dry Earth had not so great a Lustre as afterwards when it was beautified and adorned but was partly like a calcined Earth the Fire and Water and Air being in a great degree separated from it yet when the Lord by his powerful Word call'd forth its Virtue it shew'd it self to have an admirable Life in it And indeed the Earth it self was exceedingly more pure beautiful lovely than since the Curse It did far excel in Colour Virtue Clarity and Brightness that all the Creatures that were then the immediate product of this Earth were like it self very good very lovely and transparent such were then the Plants the Beasts and the Man whose Name signifies the Red Earth of which he was made Whosoever hath his Eyes opened by the Lord to see the Paradisical State of things they will see the Plants to appear Christaline like precious Stones and all other things proportionably advanced to a most Noble Excellent state which I doubt not some Persons have seen while in the Body more clearly than my self Could we see or else believe that the Beasts were ever such Excellent Creatures and capable of being made so again there would not be such cruelty used towards our fellow-Creatures as there is when we see they are part of the same Day 's Work with our selves of the Sixth Day 's Work and that they were very Excellent in their Make and that by the Fall of Mankind who was made the Lord of them the poor Creatures came to sink with him into a low deplorable state of Misery sure we shall commiserate them we shall gain the true Empire over them by behaving our selves towards them with much love and some respect tho' as to inferiour Creatures yet this love will gain our true Empire over the Creatures When this Spirit of Love goes forth that Promise shall be made good That the Lion shall lie down with the Lamb and a little Child shall lead them While we are wrathful toward the Creatures it stirs up wrath and enmity in them but when we rule them in love with wisdom they easily subject themselves to us when we rule more from a Spirit given us of God to govern than from a desire in us or a will to have Superiority over our fellow-Creatures Lord Let not my Sins my Struggle with thy Will any longer hinder thy great Blessings from going forth in the Earth to the Release of the poor groaning Creatures Man and Beast but help me to groan with them for the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God And if an evening must go before this morning help me to submit to it and help all thy People to submit in holy Resignation to thy Divine Will thou Soveraign Lord of Lords and King of Kings to whom be ascribed all Power Might and Dominion for ever Thus have I been enabled to say something of the first part of the Sixth Day 's Work Now the Lord help me to know my self such Knowledge it too wonderful for me So God created Man in his own Image O that the Vail might be more perfectly drawn away that clouds this Image in me that I may see its brightness so clearly shine forth in me that what I see and feel I may declare Surely this Image doth consist in Rectitude and Order in the Union of Truth Being and Goodness God made Man upright he was made sincere in simplicity and integrity the uprightness of Man is the Image of God as he is a pure Unity the One from whom all Variety flows and this Image of God is most admirable most lovely thus God himself characterizeth Job Hast thou considered my Servant Job a Perfect Man and Vpright When the Lord had thus described Job presently he was set up as a Mark for the Enemy of Mankind to shoot at Also Job's Friends and others try their Skill upon the good Man being stirred up by the Evil One. There is nothing so much hated by the Evil One nor wicked Men as Integrity and Uprightness There is nothing to which they are so much contrary because all sin is a breach of the Unity It dwells in Contrariety Disorder Confusion but when we once gain the blessed Image again of Uprightness there is nothing so secures a Soul from evil Spirits and Men and from the strife of Tongues as this There is a passage in the Scriptures Integrity and Vprightness shall preserve me or to that purpose Mark the Perfect man and behold the Vpright for the end of that man is Peace from this Root an Admirable Variety doth flow God made Man Upright upon this Tree in the midst of the Garden did grow Twelve manner of Fruits Righteousness Holiness Love Peace Joy Humility Patience and other excellent Fruits here grows forth a numerous variety but all in a Beautiful Order and Harmony in the Tree of Mixture of Good and Evil there is Contrariety and Disorder there is Breaking in pieces and Confusion but where there is Integrity we shall be as Mount-Sion that cannot be moved Man was made in this blessed state of Rectitude and and Order Uprightness and Integrity of Spirit and Soul and also his very Body was of an Excellent Proportion Transparent Brightness Admirable Colours to set out this Curious Structure we shall know more of this when we shall be made to return into the Paradisical State more fully that the very Body may partake of it and the Youth be Renewed like the Eagles it is but few yet know any thing of this some there are though I am but waiting for the Redemption of the Body In the Image of God Created he him Male and Female Created he them Man was in every respect made after the Image of God the Female as well as the Male. I do not see that Adam sinned in desiring to bring forth his Female Self It was before the Fall and was no part of the Fall it was a Variety but not Contrariety it was a Pattern of things in the Heavenly Distinction is consistent with Unity Marriage is Honourable and the Bed Vndefiled True Marriage is very Honourable The Apostle saith it represents Christ and the Church who when the Spirit of God hath made ready she will be the Bride the Lambs Wife After these Considerations methinks none should dare to profane that State And the Lord blessed them and said Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth and subdue it and have Dominion c. This Authority was given to the Female as well as to the Male therefore it is unjust in any to say they are not capable to Rule they are in most cases certainly to give Man the Superiority yet the Woman is capable to receive a Spirit of Government when the Lord pleases to give it But it is certainly more happy to be Governed than to Govern unless God calls for such a Service The subordinate Station of
thereby put it into its right order of moving and established the Laws of its Motion in which course of moving it remains to this Day only to show that he is a Wise and Free Agent that moved it at first and continues present with it to direct all its Motions the usual Course of it hath sometimes been a little altered and new Workmanship hath been made to appear to show the Soveraignty Wisdom and Power of the Maker and Mover of all things Some have compared this World to a Clock-work that kind of Work may a little explain to us the Matter and Motion of this great Machine or Engine the great World but in this they greatly differ the little Clocks and Watches are made and put into Motion but left by the Maker to move a determinate time without him or he leaves it to some other Agent to carry on the Motions But if by Accident or some Ignorant Hand something should come in between the Wheels it would wholly stop or disorder the whole Frame but if the Wise Artist brings in any new Movements they may be for Ornament and Use in the Work this hath been done in the upper Wheels of the great Clock-work our Visible Heavens which proves what I before asserted the presence of an Omniscient Mover And as the Visible Heavens may be discours'd of as the upper Wheels of a Clock for their Circular Motion so may the Earth and its Motion be a little explained by comparing it with the Pendulum that ponderates and gravitates the Motion of the Earth being somewhat like this not as some have supposed whirling about its Axis but moving as we call it forward and backward Eastward and Westward which causes the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea which whirls not about like a Whirlpool but moves constantly East and West the cause of which I shall by and by intimate a little more fully that the Visible Heavens are kept in their Beauty Order Motion by the Power of Attraction of Divine Energy Power Virtue from the upper Light World I am well assured but how this is performed I shall not more largely express at present such Knowledge is too wonderful for me yet sometimes such a little Living Engine as my self in its moving up and down this great World feels something of the Divine Magnetism and Attraction in such a manner as no words can express fully yet it is such as gives a little Knowledge of such Powers and Virtues in their various Degrees and Measures through the whole Universe But to speak of Motion as it is performed by Second Causes it is performed in the great World by the Attraction or Magnetism of Light and Fire that Fire draws Fiery Substances is obvious to common Understanding and Experience The Lights and Fires of the Visible Heavens are placed quite round the Earth and so draw and Attract strongly the Internal Heat and Fire contain'd in the Earth drawing thus every way as a Second Cause keeps the Earth and Water whereof the whole Globe consists in equalibrio but at the Rising of the Sun which is a large Aggregate of Light and Fire the Earth enclines that way and at the Setting the other but that it Constantly keeps not this Motion and no other is from the interveening of the Moon and other Heavenly Bodies which also have the strong Power of Attraction And there is also in the Earth some large Orifices 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which more strongly may attract and so move and encline the Earth but in what part of the Globe these are placed I either have not read in my little Knowledge of Geography or have forgot these hints if worthy consideration may put some more fit Person upon the Enquiry and they may express their Thoughts in a better Method Some may say these indeed are some Theoretical Discourses Particular Opinions or Apprehensions of Things but of what use we know not either to the Minds of Men or their outward Condition Whether these Considerations may be useful in the Mechanicks I know not to such as have been long Studying to make some Engine with a Perpetual Motion what they mean 〈◊〉 ●●●petual I know not I suppose only a long Duration I am apt to think something of this kind may be made that by the Power of Magnetism may continue longer moving than any thing else hath been found But though I see something how this may be done yet not so as to give a perfect Model to any Body nor can I at present work it with my own Hands I know not what time may produce of this kind I am not yet any good Mathematician Secondly These two Principles of Philosophy Matter and Motion simply considered may if made use of produce things useful to the Health of Mankind and may cause strange Changes in many Substances I will instance only in an Experiment I think call'd the Torecellian Experiment performed in the King of Denmark's Laboratory where the Compact Body of Gold being for a considerable time ground in a Gold or Steel Mill was so opened and changed as to become a high useful Medicine for the Bodies of Mankind and I know not but in this way it may be made capable of penetrating Mineral Substances and thereby become useful many ways wherein the Consideration of what hath been said may be useful to the Minds of Men I shall say a little and so Conclude this Discourse The Great and Good God did make all things and put them into motion for great and wise Ends nothing moves that it may move but that it may be of some use and service while it moves and in order to Perfection and Rest hardly any Man moves but he intends Health or Business and in a little time Rest The motion of the whole Creation is in order to Perfection and Rest and this is only by terminating in the Blessed Fountain of Being Some Creatures do wander and seem to go out of their way but he that guides all their motions knows how to reduce them to their true end his Glory and their Happiness There is a Line in the Heavens called the Zodiack through which all the Planets move some of them seem to wander up and down this Line transverse up and down but all come to the same end with those that keep a direct Line that runs through this great Circle The Sun keeps its constant Course through a Line called the Ecliptick Line we may imitate this Heavenly Body in a constant even motion some other Lights do move in the same Circle but by their wandrings are longer e're they perfect it I find my self liable to wander and stray but I often pray seek the ●oul of thy Servant O Lord and I beseech thee seek all thy straying Sheep gather them into one Sheepfold that every Creat●re of Things in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth may praise thee Alpha and Omega Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen Bless the Lord O my Soul FINIS
this Treasury 'T was placed here by thee O Lord 'T is opened by thy Living Word 'T is he himself doth keep the Key Of all th● hidden Mystery He is my Sun of Righteousness Who my whole Person doth possess He is my Gold tried in the Fire He is my Cloathing my Attire He is my Food on him I feed And find him to be Meat indeed Now prostrate Soul do thou arise For thou hast won the glorious Prize Do not sit sighing here alone Since thou this happy Day hast known The Lovely Garland thou hast won Thy Head is wreathed with the Sun The Fifth Day 's Work of Creation was The Lord 's calling forth the Prolifick Virtue of the Water and Air which was immediately obeyed and they brought forth abundantly And God said Let the Waters bring forth abundantly the moving Creature that hath life and Fowl that may fly above the Earth in the open Firmament of Heaven And God created great Whales c. This word abundantly is twice used in the account of the Fifth Day 's Work this shews the abundant quantity of Water that there was to bring forth and the abundance of Creatures that were brought forth of Fish and Fowl which are innumerable and wonderfully various in their size shape and other qualities their Number being so wonderful and beyond comprehension their disproportion of size was wisely made the most vastly disproportionate of any of the other Creatures the Whale being of the largest Bulk of all living Creatures and therefore may be called the Chief of all the ways and works of God and as Mr. Boyle observes in his Excellent Book of Natural Philosophy There is bred in a liquid substance in Vinegar the smallest Creature so that there is room left for wonderful Variety to come between which is admirably filled up with great Variety O blessed Eternity that will give Time and Capacity to see the Wonders of the Ways and Works of God! To see them in their Original not only in a Glass in shadowy Representations the great quantity and prolifick Virtue of the Waters is seen in their wonderful Encrease which is seen now in their Spawning and bringing forth Multitudes at once one Fish bringing forth a greater Number at one time than any other Creature doth produce in many years The Fowls those curious Aerial Inhabitants are very admirable they also were the Fifth Day 's Work and tho' they inhabit the Air the Water is only mentioned as the cause of their Production by the power of God which proves what I have before said of the affinity between the Water and Air and there were some of these Creatures made as it were of a Middle Nature as Fish that fly and Fowl that swim These Inhabitants of the Aerial Region are very worthy Contemplation their excellent Situation curious Make variety of Colour pleasant Employment admirable Oeconomy or Government are all cause of much Wonder There is no sort of sublunary Creatures I would so soon change my Make with as these Their Aerial Bodies are so light their motion is swift David was ready to envy their getting so near the Altars he desired the Wings of a Dove to fly away and be at rest Their Employment is pleasant chearfully singing their Creators praise They are immediately under their Creator's bountiful Care and Provision they sow not nor reap yet are taken care of and have their Meat in due season I cannot but particularly admire the Bee that pretty little Chymist that knows how to separate the Substances We may learn Natural and Moral Philosophy from this little Insect It industriously works and wisely improves the matter that it works upon by separating the Precious from the Vile Their Government is Excellent there is Superiority for Orders sake and yet love makes an Equality they dwell in their little Houses one by another without encroaching and yet communicating tho' there is something of particularity it hath one Foundation and is closely joyned so that it encreases into a common stock I cannot but much admire this Order of Beings the winged Choristers If I could understand the Language of Nature they would all teach me much to know the God of Nature who hath made them and taught them and takes care of them continually In the Philosophers Fifth Day 's Work there is the Exaltation of Eagles the Doves of Diana whose meek Natures might teach their Masters Patience their Phaenix is their most Noble Bird for out of its Ashes is produced and doth arise a young One more Noble In the Inword Work upon the Minds of Men there is a great Advance of the Work towards a finishing the New Creation the New Birth and may be called the Fifth Day 's Work when we are made to mount up with Wings as Eagles It is a blessed thing to know this Fifth Number to be accomplished in us when we come to be above the perturbation of the Elements when we dwell in the Upper Region in Serenity and Stillness in the One pure Element If we have Faith as a grain of Mustard-seed it will grow up till at last it will become a great Tree that the Fowls of the Air shall lodge in the Branches our own Spirits will come to dwell in this beautiful Tree of Faith which is another Life than we knew before and other good Spirits will inhabit with us that we shall say with the Spouse The time of the singing of Birds is come and the Voice of the Turtle is heard in our Land We shall joyn with Quires of Angels to sing Hymns of Praise to our God and King Hallelujah Hallelujah Some Souls are redeemed and brought to this state but O when shall the Church be brought from amongst the Pots from amongst the soil and impurity that cleaves to them When shall she arise like a Bird of Paradise with her Wings of yellow Gold O my Soul wrestle in secret with thy God that this may be accomplished that there may be a going on to the Sixth Day 's Work Moreover the Lord said Let the Earth bring forth the living thing after its kind Cattel and every creeping thing c. And it was so Furthermore God said Let us make Man in our Image c. Read to the end of the Chapter The Lord may open more to thee whoever thou art than to me who know nothing but am a little Child I am become a Fool that I may be made Wise I desire that my blessed Jesus may be made of God to me Wisdom 'T is the Fools and simple Ones to whom Wisdom cries She lifts up her Voice and saith Whoso is simple turn in hither And to a poor simple One as I am she may shew the Excellency of the Six Day 's Work of Creation And the Lord said Let the Earth bring forth This was a pure Earth as it came forth immediately from the Lord as it was the immediate Product or Birth of his Spirit And when the dry Land did appear