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A92903 A new light of alchymie: taken out of the fountaine of nature, and manuall experience. To which is added a treatise of sulphur: / written by Micheel Sandivogius: i.e. anagram matically, divi Leschi genus amo. Also nine books of the nature of things, written by Paracelsus, viz. Of the generations growthes conservations life: death renewing transmutation separation signatures of naturall things. Also a chymicall dictionary explaining hard places and words met withall in the writings of Paracelsus, and other obscure authors. All which are faithfully translated out of the Latin into the English tongue, by J.F. M.D.; Novum lumen chymicum. English. Sędziwój, Michał, ca. 1556-ca. 1646.; French, John, 1616-1657.; Paracelsus, 1493-1541. Of the nature of things.; Dorn, Gerhard, 16th cent. Dictionarium Theophrasti Paracelsi. 1650 (1650) Wing S2506; Thomason E604_3; Thomason E604_4; Thomason E604_5; ESTC R203736 79,289 151

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goodly pearls in form like the naturall but not in vertue In the like manner are Coralls made with which men endeavour to deceive one the other as with Pearle The processe is this How Counterfeit Coralls may be made Take Cinnabar grinde it on a Marble with the white of an Egge for the space of an houre then dry it as Potters doe their Earth then make it into what forme thou pleafest Afterwards dry them as much as may bee and noint them over with the white of an Egge as thou didst Pearle and dry them by themselves again So thou shalt have Corall like to the naturall in form but not in vertue A Golden or Silver vernish Thou must also know That the white of an Egge may bee of it selfe coagulated into most cleer Vernish in the coagulation of which Silver or Gold may bee strewed There are also many other and various Transmutations of Naturall things Whereof those which I know and have had experience of I will by the way set down and briefly declare to you How wood is made a stone And first of all know That any Wood if it bee put for a certaine time into the water of Salt Gemme is turned with much admiration into a Stone Coales of stones Also Stones in the Aetnean fire are transmuted into Coales which are called stony Coals Glew of skins Also Glew is boiled out of Skinnes Paper of Linnen-cloath Of Linnen cloth is made Paper Silke of Flax. Of Flax boiled in sharp Lie made of the Ashes of Wood is Silke made Feathers may be Spun. Also the feathery parts pulled off from quills and boiled in that Lie may bee spun and weaved like Cotton Any Oyle or Spermatick mucilage may bee coagulated into Vernish Any Liquor into Gumme c. All these are Transmutations of Naturall things of which Science wee have spoken enough and there-wee shall here make an end OF THE NATVRE Of Things THE EIGHTH BOOK Of the Separation of Naturall things The Chaos the Matter of the World IN the Creation of the world the first separation began from the foure Elements seeing the first matter of the world was one Chaos Of this Chaos God made the greater world being divided into four distinct Elements viz. Fire Aire Water and Earth Fire is the hot part Aire the moist Water the cold and Earth the dry part of the greater world What separation shall be here spoken of But that you may in brief understand the reason of our purpose in this 8 th book you must know that we doe not purpose to treat here of the Elements of all Naturall things seeing we have sufficiently discoursed of those Arcana in the Archidoxis of the separation of Naturall things whereby every one of them is apart and distinctly separated and divided materially and substantially viz. seeing that two three or foure or more things are mixed into one body and yet there is seen but one matter Where it often falls out that the corporeall matter of that thing cannot bee known by any or signified by any expresse name until there bee a separation made Then sometimes two three four five or more things come forth out of one matter as is manifest by daily experience in the art of Alchymie What Electrum is As for example you have an Electrum which of it selfe is no Metall but yet it hides all Metalls in one Metall That if it be anatomized by the industry of Alchymie and Teparated all the seven Metalls viz. Gold Silver Copper Tinne Lead Iron and Quicksilver come out of it and that pure and perfect What separation is But that you may understand what Separation is note that it is nothing else then the severing of one thing from another whether of two three four or more things mixed together I say a separation of the three Principles as of Mercury Sulphur and Salt and the extraction of pure out of the impure or the pure excellent spirit and quintessence from a grosse and elementary body and the preparation of two three four or more out of one or the dissolution and setting at liberty things that are bound and compact which are of a contrary nature acting one against the other untill they destroy one the other How many kinds of Separation Now there are many kinds of separation many of which are unknown to us those which wee have experienced out of elementary dissoluble naturall things shall in this place according to their kinds be described The separation of the Microcos me The first separation of which wee speake must begin from man because hee is the Microcosme or little world for whose sake the Microcosme or greater world was made viz. that hee might be the separator of it The body of man after death it twofold Now the separation of the Microcosme begins at his death For in death the two bodies of Man are separated the one from the other viz. his Celestial and Terrestial body i. e. Sacramental and Elementary one of which ascends on high like an Eagle the other falls downward to the earth like lead What the Elementary Body is The Elementary is putrefied consumed and becomes a putrid stinking carkase which being buryed in the earth never comes forth or appeares more What a Sacramentall Body is But the Sacramentall i. e. Syderiall or Celestiall all is never putrefied or buried neither doth it possesse any place This body appears to Men and also after death is seen Hence Ghosts Visions and Supernaturall Apparitions Whence the Cabalisticall art Hence by the ancient Magicians the Cabalisticall Art took it's beginning of which we shall treat more at large in the books of Cabalie After this separation is made then after the death of the Man three substances viz. Body Soule and Spirit are divided the one from the other every one going to its own place viz. it s own fountaine from whence it had its originall viz. the body to the Earth to the first matter of the Elements the soul into the first matter of Sacraments and lastly the spirit into the first matter of the Airy Chaos The separation of the Macrocosme What now hath been spoken of the separation of the Macrocosme the same also may bee understood in the greater world which the great Ocean hath divided into three parts so that the universall world is severed into three parts viz. Europe Asia and Africa which separation is a certain representation of three Principles Three parts of the World which can be separated from any Terrene or Elementary thing These three Principles are Mercury Sulphur and Salt of which three the world was made and composed The separation of Metalls The next thing to bee known is the separation of Metalls from their Mountains i. e. the separation of Metalls and Mineralls By vertue of this separation many things come forth out of one matter as you see out of Mineralls come
generated For Mercury is the Spirit Sulphur the Soule and Salt the Body but a Metall is the Soul betwixt the Spirit and the Body as Hermes saith which Soule indeed is Sulphur and unites these two contraries the Body and Spirit and changeth them into one essence c. Now this is not to bee understood so as that of every Mercury Whether metalls can be made artificially by fire every Sulphur or of every Salt the seven Metalls may be generated or the Tincture or Philosophers Stone by the Art of Alchymie or industry with the help of Fire but all the seven Metalls must be generated in the mountains by the Archeius of the Earth For the Alchymist shall sooner transmute Metalls then generate or make them Living ☿ is the mother of metalls Yet neverthelesse living Mercury is the Mother of all the seven Metalls and deservedly it may be called the Mother of the Metalls For it is an open Metall and as it contains all colours which it manifests in the Fire so also occultly it contains all Metalls in it selfe but without Fire it cannot shew them c. But generation and renovation of Metalls is made thus As a man may return into the womb of his Mother i.e. into the Earth out of which hee was first made a man and shall again bee raised at the last day The regeneration of metalls into tinctures so also all Metalls may returne into living ☿ againe and become ☿ and by Fire bee regenerated and purified if for the space of forty weeks they bee kept in a continuall heat as an infant is in his Mothers wombe So that now there are brought forth not common Metalls but Tinging Metalls For if Silver bee regenerated after the manner as wee have spoken it will afterward tinge all other Metalls into Silver so will Gold into Gold and the like is to bee understood of all the other Metalls Now forasmuch as Hemes said that the soule alone is that medium which joines the spirit to the body it was not without cause hee said so The Soul is that medium wherewith the soule is united to the body For seeing Sulphur is that soule and doth like Fire ripen and digest all things it can also bind the soule with the body incorporating and uniting them together so that from thence may bee produced a most excellent body Now the common combustible Sulphur is not to bee taken for the soule of metalls for the soule is another manner of thing then a combustible and corruptible body What the soule of metalls is Wherefore it can bee destroyed by no Fire seeing indeed it is all Fire it selfe and indeed it is nothing else but the quintessence of Sulphur which is extracted out of reverberated Sulphur by the spirit of wine being of a red colour and as transparent as a Rubie and which indeed is a great and excellent Arcanum for the transmuting of white metalls and to coagulate living ☿ into fixt and true Gold Esteeme this as an enriching treasure and thou maist bee well contented with this onely secret in the Transmutation of Metalls Concerning the generation of mineralls and halfe metalls nothing else need bee known then what was at first said concerning metalls Where is the generation of metalls and mineralls viz. that they are in like manner produced of the three Principles viz. Mercury Sulphur and Salt although not as metalls of perfect but of the more imperfect and baser Mercury Sulphur and Salt and yet with their distinct colours Whence the generation of Gemmes The generation of Gemmes is from the subtilty of the Earth of transparent and crystalline Mercury Sulphur and Salt even according to their distinct colours Also of Common Stones But the generation of common Stones is of the subtilty of Water of mucilaginous Mercury Sulphur and Salt For of the mucilaginousnesse of Water are produced all stones as also sand and gravell are thence coagulated into Stones as wee often see For any stone pat in the Water doth suddenly contract mucilaginousnesse to to itself An artificiall generation of Stones Now if that mucilaginous matter bee taken from this Stone and coagulated in a glasse it becomes such a Stone as was in that Water but it would require a long time before it would be coagulated of it selfe OF THE NATVRE Of Things THE SECOND BOOK Of the growth and increase of Naturall things Heat and Moisture the cause of the growth of things IT is sufficiently manifest and knowne to every one that all naturall things grow and are ripned through heat and moisture which is sufficiently demonstrated by rain and the heat of the sun For no man can deny that rain doth make the Earth fruitfully and it is granted by all that all fruits are ripened by the sun An artificiall ripening of things Seeing therefore this is by divine ordination naturally possible who can gain-say or not beleeve that a man is able through the wise and skilfull Art of Alchymie to make that which is barren fruitfull and that which is crude to ripen and all things to grow and to be increased For the Scripture saith God hath subjected all things to man that God subjected all creatures to man and put them into his hands as being his own that hee might use them for his necessity and rule over the fish of the sea fowles of the aire and all things upon the Earth nothing excepted Wherefore man might well rejoice that God should so endow him with the excellency of Nature that all the creatures of God should be forced to obey and be subject to him especially the whole Earth and all things which are bred live and move in and upon it Since therefore wee see with our eyes and are taught by daily experience that by how much the oftner more abundantly therain doth moisten the earth and the sun doth again with its heat and warmth dry it so much the sooner doe the fruits of the Earth come forth and are ripened yea all fruits doe cleerly grow and increase what time of the yeer soever it be Let no man henceforth wonder The artificiall generation of fruit that the Alchymist also by a manifold imbibition and distillation should not doe the same For what else is rain but the imbibition of the Earth and the heat of the Sun but the distillation of the un which drawes up those humidities again Wherefore I say it is possible by such a kind of Art even in the midle of Winter to bring forth green Herbs Flowers and other fruit through Earth and Water out of the seed and root If then this can bee done in all Herbs and flowers it may also bee done in many other like things as in all mineralls whose imperfect metalls by vertue of a minerall water may bee brought to maturity through the industry and Art of a skilfull Alchymist The ripening of mineralls In like manner may all Marcasites Granati
quickty be wash off this greennesse with cleer fountaine-water dry the plates with some cloath and wet them again with the spirit of Salt and Salt Nitre and do again as before so long until the water bee apparently green or much Vitriall swim on the top then poure away the water or evaporate it and thou hast a most excellent Vitriall for medicine In Alchymie there is not a fairer more excellent and better Vitriall then what is made by Aqua fortis or Aqua regis or spirit of Salt Armoniacke And the processe is this Let plates of Copper be melted with one of the aforesaid waters as soon as the greeness is extracted and the plates dryed let the greeness be taken off with the foot of a Hare or some other way as you please as Ceruse taken off from the plates of Lead let them bee again wetted as before until the plates bee wholly consumed thereby is made a most glorious Vitriall that thou canst not choose but wonder at it How water of Salt-petre and Salt-armoniack is made The water of Salt Petre is made thus Purifie and powder it afterwards dissolve it of it selfe in a bladder put in boyling water So thou shalt have the water of Salt Petre. The water of Salt Armoniacke is made thus Calcine Salt Armoniack and dissolve it in a Cellar upon a Marble and this is water of Salt Armoniack Verdegrease may be made two wayes But to make Verdegrease out of Copper there are divers wayes which it is not needful here to recite Wee shall describe only two but with a double preparation viz. The one for Physicke the other for Alchymie The processe therefore of Verdegrease to be used in Physick is this How verdegrease to be used in physick is to be prepared Take plates of Copper which wet over with the following matter Take Honey and Vineger of each a like quantity of Salt as much as wil serve to make them up into a thick past Mixe them well together then put them into a reverberatory or Potters furnace so long as the Potter is burning his pots and thou shalt see the matter that stickes to the plates to bee very black but let not that trouble thee For if thou settest those plates in the Aire all the black matter wil in a few days become green and become a most excellent Verdegrease which may bee called the Balsome of Copper The Balsom of Copper and is commended by all Physitians But neverthelesse do not thou wonder that this Verdegrease becomes green in the Aire and that the Aire can change the black colour into so fair a green Aire changeth the Colours of things burnt For here thou must know that daily experience in Alchymie doth shew that any dead earth or Caput Mortuum as soon as it comes out of the Fire into the Aire doth quickly get another colour and leaves its own colour which it got in the fire For the changes of those colours are various For as the matter is so are the colours that are made although for the most part they flow from the blacknesse of the dead earth For you that are skilful in Alchymie see that the dead earth of Aquafortis comes black from the Fire and by how many more ingredients there bee in it by so much the more variously doe the colours shew themselves in the Aire sometimes they seem red as Vitriall makes them sometimes yellow white green blew sometimes mixt as in the Rainbow or Peacocks taile All those cololours shew themselves after the death and by the death of the matter For in the death of all naturall things here are seen other colours which are changed from the first colour into other colours every one according to its nature and property The preparation of Verdegrease to be used in Alchyme Now we wil speak of that Verdegrease which is to bee used in Alchymie The preparation and processe of that is this Make very thin plates of Copper strow upon them Salt Sulphur and Tartar ground and mixed together of each a like quantity in a great calcining pot Then reverberate them twenty foure houres with a strong Fire but so that the plates of Copper do not melt then take them out and break the pot and set the plates with the matter that sticks to them into the Aire for a few dayes and the matter upon the plates wil bee turned into a faire Verdegrease which in all sharp Corroding waters waters of Exaltation and in Cements and in colouring of Gold doth tinge Gold How Aes vstum or Crocus of Copper is to be made and Silver with a most deep colour Now to turne Copper into Aes ustum which is called the Crocus of Copper the processe is this Let Copper be made into thin plates and be smeered over with Salt made into a past with the best Vineger then let it be put into a great Crucible and set in a wind furnace and be burnt in a strong Fire for a quarter of an houre but so that the plates melt not let these plates being red hot bee quenched in Vineger in which Salt Armoniack is dissolved alwaies half an ounce in a pint of Vineger let the plates bee made red hot again and quenched in Vineger as before alwaies scraping or knocking off the scales which stick to the plates after quenching into the Vineger Do this so long until the plates of Copper bee in good part consumed by this means then distil off the Vineger or let it vapour away in an open vessel and bee coagulated into a most hard stone So thou hast the best Crocus of Copper the use whereof is in Alchymie Many make Crocus of Copper by extracting of it with the spirit of Wine or Vineger as they do Crocus Martis But I commend this way far above it The sublimation of Quicksilver Now the mortification of Quicksilver that it may bee sublimed is made with Vitriall and Salt with which it is mixed and then sublimed so it becomes as hard as Crystall and as white as snow but to bring it to a Precipitate the processe is this How to make a fixt Precipitat Diaphoreticall Let it first be calcined with the best Aqua fortis then distil off the Aqua fortis and do this about five times until the Precipitate become to bee of a faire red colour Dulcifie this precipitate as much as thou canst And lastly poure upon it the best rectified spirit of Wine you can get distil it off from it eight or nine times or so often until it be red hot in the fire and doe not fly then thou hast a Diaphoretical precipitated Mercury How to make a sweet Precipitate Moreover you must take notice of a great secret concerning precipitated Mercury viz. if after it is coloured it bee dulcified with water of salt of Tartar pouring it upon it and distilling of it off so often until the water riseth no more sharp from the
all which coagulate Waters into snow and ice But the Coagulation of Fire which alone is here to bee taken notice of is made by an Artificiall and Graduall Fire of the Alchymists and it is fixed and permanent For whatsoever such a Fire doth coagulate the same abides so The other Coagulation is done by the Aetnean and Minerall Fire in in Mountains which indeed the Archeius of the Earth governs and graduates not unlike to the Alchymists and whatsoever is coagulated by such a Fire is also fixed and constant as you see in Mineralls and Metalls which indeed at the beginning are a mucilaginous matter and are coagulated into Metalls Stones Flints Salts and other bodies by the Aetnean fire in Mountaines through the Archeius of Earth and operator of Nature What things cannot be Coagulated Also wee must know that Fire can coagulate no water or moisture but only the Liquors and Juices of all Naturall things Besides also there can no flegm bee coagulated unlesse in the beginning it was a corporeall matter into which by the industry of a skilfull Alchymist it may return So also any mucilaginous matter or spermaticke slimynesse may by the heat of Fire be coagulated into a body and corporeall matter but never bee resolved into water again And as you have heard of Coagulation so also know concerning Solution viz. that no corporeall matter can bee dissolved into Water unlesse at the beginning it was water and so it is in all Mineralls What Tincture is and its kinds Tincture is the seventh and last degree which concludes the whole worke of our mystery for Transmutation making all imperfect things perfect and transmuting them into a most excellent essence and into a most perfect soundnesse and alters them into another colour Tincture therefore is a most excellent matter wherewithall Minerall and Humane bodies are tinged and are changed into a better and more noble essence and into the highest perfection and purity For Tincture colours all things according to its own nature and colour All things that are to be tinged must be fluid Now there are many Tinctures and not only for Metalline but Humane bodies because every thing which penetrates another matter or tingeth it with another colour or essence so that it bee no more like the former may bee called a Tincture Wherefore there are many and various sorts of Tinctures viz. of Metalls Mineralls Mens bodies Waters Liquors Oyls Salts all fat things and indeed of all things which may bee brought to flux out of the Fire or in the Fire For if a Tincture must tinge it is necessary that the body or matter which is to bee tinged bee opened and continue in flux and unless this should bee so the Tincture could not operate But it would bee as if any one should cast saffron or any colour upon coagulated Water or Ice for so it would hot so suddenly tinge the Ice with its colour as if it were cast into other water And although it should tinge yet it would at the same time resolve the Ice into Water Wherefore those Metalls that wee would tinge must first bee melted in the Fire and bee freed from Coagulation And here wee must know that by how much the stronger fire is requisite for their melting so much the sooner the Tincture runs through them as Leaven penetrates and infects the whole masse with sowreness and by how much better the masse is covered and kept warm so much the better is it fermented and makes the better bread for ferment is the Tincture of Dowe and Bread Feces are of a more fixt nature then their Flegme Wee must also note that all feces are of a more fixed substance then the liquor of it is also of a sharper and more penetrating nature as you see in the spirit of Wine which is made of the feces of Wine and of Aqua vitae which is distilled out of the grounds of Beer and burns like spirit of Wine and is inflamed as Sulphur The preparation and Nature of distilled Vineger Also if of the feces of Vineger another Vineger bee distilled as commonly spirit of Wine is distilled there will bee thereby made a Vineger of so fiery and sharp a nature that it consumes all Metalls Stones and other things as Aqua fortis How the Tinctures of Metalls must be made Moreover it is necessary that Tinctures be of a fixt fluxil and incombustible nature so that if a little of a place of any Metall red hot bee cast into them they will presently flow like wax● without any manner of fume at all and they penetrate the Metalls as oyle doth paper or water a sponge and tinge all Metalls into white and red that is into Silver or Gold Now these are the Tinctures of Metalls which it is necessary must bee turned into an Alcool by the first degree of Calcination then by the second degree of Sublimation must get an easy and light flux And lastly by the degree of Putrefaction and Distillation are made a fixt and incombustible Tincture and of an unchangeable colour The Tinctures of Men. Now the Tinctures of Mens bodies are that they bee tinged into the highest perfection of health and all Diseases bee expelled from them that their lost strength and colour bee restored and renewed and they are these viz. Gold Pearles Antimony Sulphur Vitriall and such like whose preparation wee have diverfly taught in other books wherefore it doth not seem to us necessary here to repeat them Of Dying and Painting Wee shall write no more of Tinctures seeing every extracted colour may bee called a Tincture which doth indeed tinge things with a permanent colour which doe not go into the Fire or preserve colours fixed in the Fire All these are in the hand and power of the Dyer and Painter who prepares them according to his pleasure How many degrees of the Alchymists fire there be It is very necessary in this book to know the degrees of Fire which many wayes may bee graduated and intended and every degree hath a peculiar operation and one produceth the same effect as another as every expert Alchymist by the daily experience and exercise of the Art knows For one is as living and flaming Fire which reverberates and Calcines all bodies Another is the Fire of a Candle or Lamp which fixeth all volatile bodies Another is a Fire of coals which cements colours and purgeth Metalls from their dross exalts Gold and Silver to a higher purity whitens Copper and in brief renews all Metalls Another Fire is of an Iron plate made red hot in which the Tinctures of Metalls are proved which also is profitable for other things The Filings of Iron heat after one fashion Sand after another Ashes after another a Balneum Maria after another in which manifold Distillations Sublimations and Coagulations are done Balneumroris after another in which there are made many Solutions of corporeall things Horse-dung after
substances as Tallow Oyle Resine and the like but if without any flame it goes all into fume it is a signe that there is in it much Mercury and little or no Sulphur This you see happens in hearbs and flowers c. and other Vegetable substances and volatile bodies as are Mineralls and Metalls remaining yet in their first being and are not mixed with any sulphureous body which send forth a fume and no flame Mineralls and Metalls which send forth neither fume nor flame doe shew an equall mixtion of Mercury and Sulphur and a perfect fixation Of some peculiar Signes of Naturall and Supernaturall things VVEE must yet further speak of some peculiar signes of which hitherto we have said nothing In which Treatise it will be very necessary for you that boast your selves to have skill in the Art of Signatures and desire to be called Signators that you rightly understand mee For wee shall not in this place write theoretically but practically and shall declare our opinion in few words What the art of signing is And first know that the Art of signing doth teach how true and sutable names are to bee put upon all things all which Adam truly knew For presently after the Creation hee gave to every thing its proper name as to Animalls so Trees Hearbs Rootes Stones Mineralls Metalls Waters c. And to all the fruits of the earth Water Air Fire c. And what names he put upon them all were ratified and approved of by God For from the true and intrinsecall foundation he tooke them all not from opinion or from a predestinated science viz. the Art of Signing Adam the first signator Adam therefore was the first Signator And it cannot be denyed that also from the Hebrew tongue true and proper names doe flow and are put upon every thing according to its nature and condition The nature of the Hebrew tongue For what names are put upon them from the Hebrew tongue doe with the same labour signifie their vertue power and property So when wee say this is a Hog a Horse a Cow a Beare a Dog a Fox a Sheep The signification of a Hog Horse Cow Beare Fox Dog sheep in the Hebrew tongue The name of a Hog signifies together with it a filthy and unclean Animall so a Horse signifies a strong and patient Animall a Cow a devouring and insatiable beast a Bear a strong victorious and an untamed brute a Fox a shifting and crafty beast a Dog an animall false to those of his own kind a Sheep a mild and profitable beast and hurtful to none Hence it is that a man is called a Hog for his sordid and swinish life And a Horse for his bearing for which hee is eminent And a Cow because shee is unsatiable with meat and drink and knows no measure of her belly And a Bear because he is mishapen and stronger then other men A Fox because he is a turn-coat and deceitfull accommodating himselfe to all and offending none A Dog because he is faithfull to none but his own mouth is false and inofficious to all And a Sheep because hee hurts no body but himselfe and is usefull to all rather then to himself c. In what hearb s there is a signature After this manner also many Hearbs and Rootes have got their name So Eye-bright is so called because it cures weak and sore eyes So the Root Bloudwort is so called because it stops bloud better then any other So the Hearb Pile-wort is so called because it cures the piles better then other hearbs The same also may be said of divers other hearbs of which sort I could reckon a great number all which were so called from their vertue and faculty as shall more largely be declared in our Herball Moreover there bee many Hearbs and Rootes which are denominated not only from their imbred vertue and faculty but also from their figure forme and representation As Devills-bit Five-leaved grasse or Cinquefoile Hounds-tongue Adders-tongue Horse-taile Liver-wort Ox-tongue Lung-wort the hearb Chameleon St. Johns-wort or the hearb boared through the hearb Dog-stone Tongue-laurell Thorow-leafe Turne-sole and many others which shall not here but in the Herball bee severally considered What signature there is in Animalls The same also holds concerning the signes of Animalls for by the bloud and its circle and by the urine and its circle and diseases that lie hid in Man may be known By the liver of a slain beast the flesh is known whether it be wholsome to be eaten or no. For unlesse the liver be clear and of a red colour but blew or yellow or rough or full of holes the beast is diseased and therefore his flesh unwholsome The Liver the originall of Bloud And it is no wonder that the liver can shew that by naturall signes For the originall of the bloud is in the liver and hence through the veins it is diffused into the whole body and is coagulated into flesh Therefore from a diseased and ill affected liver no sound or fresh bloud can be produced as of bad bloud no wholsome flesh can be coagulated Also without inspection into the liver flesh and bloud may be known For if both be sound they have their true and naturall colour which is red and clear mixed with no other strange colour as yellow or blew For those strange colours do signifie diseases and sicknesses What the knots in the Navell of the Infant signifie Also there are other signes worthy of admiration viz. when the Archeius is the Signator and signes the navell in the infant with little knots by which it may bee conjectured what the Mother of the infant did bring forth or shall bring forth The branches of a Harts horn signifie his age The same Signator signs the horns of a Hart with branches as the horn hath so many years old is the Hart. And seeing he hath every year a new born the age of the Hart may be known to twenty or thirty years The circles of the hornes of a Cow what So the Signator of a Cow markes her bornes with circles by which it may he known how many Calves shee hath brought forth For every Circle signifies a Calfe The teeth of a Horse The same Signator puts forth the first teeth of a Horse that the first seven yeers his age may be known by his teeth For at first a Horse is brought froth with fourteen teeth of which every yeer her loseth two and so in the space of seven yeares hee loseth all So that after seven yeares his age can hardly be known unlesse by one that is very skillfull The bills and claws of Birds The same Signator doth signe the bills and claws of Birds with peculiar signes that the skilfull Fowler may know their age by them The tongues of Hogs The same Signator doth marke the tongues of diseased Hogs with little pushes by which their impurity is known
and as their tongue is impure so is their whole body Colours of Clouds The same Signator doth signe clouds with divers colours by which the seasons of the heaven may bee foreknown Colours of the circle of the Moon So also he signs the circle of the moon with distinct colours of which every one is of peculiar interpretation So redness signifies that there wil be wind greennesse and blacknesse raine these two mixed together wind and rain the same in the sea is a signe of great storms and tempests clearnesse and a bright whitenesse is a good sign especially in the ocean For for the most part it signifies a quiet faire season Whatsoever the Moon portends by her signs shall come to passe the next day And so much for Naturall signes Now for Supernaturall signes they are things of a particular science as of Magical Astronomy c. and the like It is therefore necessary that you be skilled in them The kinds of Magicall Astronomie Hence also many other Arts proceed as Geomancy Pyromancy Hydromancy Chaomancy and Necromancy whereof every one hath its peculiar stars which stars doe so signe them after a supernaturall manner And you must know that the starres of Geomancy impresse their signs upon the earthy bodies of the whole Universe and that divers wayes For they change the earth and cause earthquakes and gapings they produce hills and valleys and bring many new Vegetables they produce also Gamaheaus with naked figures and images having wonderfull vertues and powers which indeed they receive from the seven planets as the But or mark receives the arrow from the Archer But how those signs and images of Gamaheaus may be known apart and what they signifie magically there is required a great experience and knowledg of the nature of things which can by no meanes bee here perfectly taught Here you must well note that the stone or every Gamaheaus cannot excell in the prperty and vertue but of one star and so be qualified but by one planet And although there bee two or more planets in earthly bodies as they are joined together in the superiour firmament yet one is repressed by the other For as one house cannot bear two Masters but the one thrusts out the other so also it is here the one rules the other serves Or as one that overcomes him that keeps any house casts him out by force and and sets himself as master of the house disposing of all things according to his pleasure and making the other his servant So also one starre expells another one planet another one Ascendant another one influence another one impression another one Element another For as water quencheth the fire so one planet destroyes the property of another and brings in its owne The same is after the same manner to be understood stood of their signes which are manifold and not only characters as many conceive but all those which are sound in the whole map of the planets i. e. whatsoever are of affinity with or subject to the planets What things are subject to the Sun But that you may the better understand mee by adding an example I would have you know that unto the planet of the Sun are subjected a crowne a scepter a throne and all kingly power majesty and rule and all riches treasures ornaments and furniture of this world What to the Moone Unto the planet of the Moon are subjected all husbandry navigation travelling and travellers and such things as belong to these What to Mars Unto the planet of Mars are subjected all fortifications armour coats for defence Ordnance of War spears and all weapons and whatsoever belongs to war What to Mercury Unto the planet of Mercury are subjected all Artists all Mechanick instruments and whatsoever is required to Arts. What to Impiter Unto the planet of Jupiter are subjected all judgments and rights the whole Leviticall order all Ministers of Churches ornaments of Temples all jewells and such like What to Venus Unto the planet of Venus are subjected whatsoever things belong to Musick as Musicall instruments venereall exercises loves whorings c. What to Saturn Unto Saturne are subjected whosoever work in and beneath the earth as Miners Pioners Bearers of the dead Diggers of Wells as also all instruments serving to either of these c. What be the signes of Pyromancy Pyromancy draws forth its signes by the stars of the fire in common fire by particular sparkes flames or noise c. in the mines by Coruscations in the Firmament by stars comets flashing and lightning and Nostock and the like in Visions by Salamandrine and fiery spirits What the signes of Hydromancy are Hydromancy gives its signes by the stars of the Water by their overflowings their scarcity discolourings commotions new streames the washings away of earthy things in Magick and Necromancy by Nymphs visions and supernaturall Monsters in the waters and sea What are the signes of Chaomancy Chaomancy shews its signes by the stars of the Aire and Wind by the discolouring destroying of all tender and subtill things to which the Wind is an enemie by bearing off the flowers leaves boughes and branches If the stars of Chaomancy are moved spirits fall from the superiour Aire and voices and answers are often heard Also Trees are pulled up by the rootes and Houses are thrown down There are seen Hobgoblins Houshold Gods airy spirits and Woodmen c. also a heavenly dew and manna falls upon Trees and Hearbs The signes of Necromancy Necromancy draws forth its signs by the stars of Death which we call Evestra which are prophetical spirits signing the body of the sick and dying man with red blue and purple spots which are certaine signs of death in the third day of their rising They sign also the hands and singers of men with a clay colour which are certain signs of change either good or bad When therfore the stars of Necromancy are moved then the dead shew some wonderful sign as Bleeding and voices are heard out of the graves tumults tremblings arise in the places where bones are laid and dead men appear in the form and habit of living men and are seen in Visions in Looking-glasses in Berills in Stones and Waters and divers shapes Evestra i.e. spirits give their signs by beating striking knocking falling casting c. where there is a great hurly burly and noise only heard but nothing seen all which are certain signes of death presaging it to him in whose habit they appear or to some in what place they are heard Besides these signatures many more may be reckoned up But seeing they bring with them evill hurtfull and dangerous fancies and imaginations and superstitions which may be an occasion not onely of some misfortune but also death I shall passe them over in silence They are prohibited from being revealed to us seeing they belong to the schoole of secrets and divine power Therefore now I shall put an end to this book FINIS