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A59217 An awakening warning to the wofull world by a voyce in three nations uttered in a brief dissertation concerning that fatal and to be admired conjunction of all the planets in one and the same sign, Sagittarius ... to come to pass the 1/11 day of December, anno 1662 : in which it is clearly evinced, as well by S. Scriptures ... that the glorious coming of Jesus Christ is at hand ... / autore Petro Serario. Serrurier, Petrus. 1662 (1662) Wing S2561; ESTC R25616 36,874 48

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forth that other world And that these labours and travels shall mutually follow swiftly one another Wherefore unless we will be prevented and destroyed by the unlook'd for coming of the Lord N.B. it will not behoove us to defer our repentance and reconciliation unto the last signes but ought to lay to heart those former signes which have been shewed Esdr ch 5. and that by so much the more diligently in that some of those last begin to appear But perhaps some man will say Obj. That Book of Esdras is Apechrypha and therefore deserves no credit Jerom himself rejecting it as fabulous I answer Answ Of the or dit to be given to the 4th Book of Esdras The Reasons which Jerome brings for the confirmation of his opinion are solidly confuted by M. Abraham Bartolus in his Preface to Esdras his Eagle as before that by Theodorus Bibliander a Tigurin Divine producing Demonstrations out of Joseph Scaliger and other Authors sufficiently valid deservedly to gain credit to this Book But suppose that this Book ought to be more suspected go to let us see nevertheless what Signes the Lord Jesus Christ himself and his Apostles lay before us by which concerning the end of this present world and the coming of Christ to set up his Kingdom on earth sure Prognosticks may be had which if they will agree with the Prophesie of Esdras what hinders but that this Prophesie may find belief Let us therefore hear what answer our Saviour gave to his Disciples when coming to him asked the signes of his coming and of the end of the world In those daies Mark 13. or straight after the trib●lation of those daies Mat. 24.29 there shall be signes in the Sun and the Moon and the Stars Luke 21.25 Behold there the signes in Heaven Now if thou dost desire to know what signes of the Coming of Christ and the end of the world shall be on earth behold the Lord presently subjoyneth in that cited place of Luke chap 21. v. 25 26 27 18. upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the Sea and the waves roaring ment hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the Powers of Heaven shall be shaken And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a Cloud with power and great Glory And when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh Behold here a Prophesie above all exception and words of so certain and undoubted truth that heaven and earth shall sooner pass away than one title of them But what other thing doth this Prophesie sound forth than what we heard but now of the signes both in heaven and earth out of Esdras viz. In heaven in respect of the Sun Moon and Stars In earth by reason of the terrible things by which the minds of men shall be greatly distressed and made dubious And although the Prophesie of Esdras may seem in some particulars somewhat to differ from Christs predictions yet evidently it appears that on both sides nothing else is intended then the restitution of the Jews and by consequence that visitation of the Gentiles or that fiery Judgment on all peoples who have oppressed the Elect. Not that only the Jews are to be accompted those Elect which from the four winds from the four corners of the world are to be recollected and gathered together No by no means For under that word are comprehended all pious and sincere Christians of what Nation or rank soever viz. who being no less then the Jews as dispersed sheep under the oppression of false Christians and other Nations do lie troden underfoot and are deservedly to be annumerated to the truly converted Jews and genuine Children of Abraham But that we take here the word Elect as more specially belonging to the Jews the reason is this Because when our Lord Jesus Christ uttered these words he had only Jews standing before him to whom he foretold those things which properly appertained to their Redemption by which they might acknowledge that the Kingdom of God which Dan. 7.26 27. was promised to him was now at hand Luke 21.31 Unto them therefore saith the Lord When all these things shall begin to come to pass to wit these signs in heaven and earth then look up and lift up your heads and hearts He doth not say when ye shall see all these things fulfilled for that would be too late then to prepare for Redemption but when ye shall see these things begin then lift up your selves and elevate your selves above all earthly things for your redemption is near Now Candid Reader do thou judge whether by those things which we have before minded concerning all those signe● and those we see done in our Age in Heaven and Earth and which we still expect according to the Lords Prophesie it may not justly be concluded That even now the Redemption of the Jews and consequently the coming of Christ to his Kingdom 2 Tim. 4.1 and the judgement by fire upon the world of u●godly 2 Pet. 3.7 draws nigh Neve theless for the greater confirmation of the thing and that we may manifest that those things which we have minded concerning the Restitution of the Jews and the end of this last Monarchy of the world are not meer dictates of the Stars or a simple single Prognostication formed by the present Conjunction but the matters born upon strong and undoubted foundations Come on let us hear also what the Apostles have delivered concerning this thing and whether the signes which they have given are now past or no and what thence may be concluded And first let us see what Peter handling of the last times and that fiery judgement wherewith the world of the ungodly shall be burnt hath left us in writing In the last daies shall come scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asteep all things continue as they were fro mthe beginning of the Creation 2 Pet. 3.3 4. Note here a SIGN That in the last daies i. e. neer the end of these daies when now the coming of Christ shall be at hand shall discover it self To wit that then scoffers shall come ☜ who walking after their own lusts will know nothing of this coming of Christ And enquire I pray diligently and make experience what answer thou shalt bring back when once by walking over the streets of the great City Rev. 11.8 thou shalt talk with men or with the Doctors and Ductors the Leaders of the people as well among Christians as others concerning the appro●ching of the time wherein Christ will return on earth to destroy the wicked and to set up his Kingdom of righteousness thou shalt heat whether their own mouth will not betray them that they altogether speak the self same thing which is here premonished concerning the scoffers of the
coelestial signes do necessarily portend some great and singular thing some mighty change as well in the Civil as the Ecclesiastical Government And for as much as according to the Writings of the Prophets and Apostles and the constitution of the Time wherein we live no singular thing yet remains to be fulfilled but that the Jewes may be converted unto Christ and incidently that Babylon comes into remembrance before God and all the wicked by the fire of the judgement be blotted out of the earth whereby all the Kingdoms of the world may be made obedient unto God and Christ we justly conclude hence that all these very same things are prefigured and portended to us by all the aforesaid celestial signes afore recited And therefore we ought seriously to watch and diligently to weigh with our selves how the matter stands in us with God and our neighbour Whether our loynes are girt our lamps burning N.B. That in such posture we expect the coming of our Lord to the marriage and that so soon as ever he shall come and knock we presently open to him the door Luk. 12.35 36. I say Whether our lamps be trimmed that at whatsoever hour that cry shall ring out Behold the Bridegroom cometh we forthwith be prepared to meet him If not but in the absence of our Lord we are found to have dealt perfidiously have acted strifes and contentions eaten and drunk with the drunken have fallen into a Lethargy of sloath and negligence and so have profoundly and deeply slept What remedy then How then shall we hide our selves from the wrath of the Lamb and from the face of so faithful a Master and Bridegroom who so dearly bought us and did so straitly charge us to wait for his return to the Marriage What shall we answer unto him who hath so faithfully and continually forewarned us by so many and so great monitions of his most Sacred word and by so many and so great signs in the Heavens But I seem to hear the voice of some most famous men and exercised or experienced in Astronomicals objecting 'T is true that the Planets do by their Influences act upon these inferior bodies as certain general causes but seeing the actions of men and their Effects and Consequences are not determined by those general causes but by these particular to wit by mans will and the free consults of men it were fond and beside sound reason to intend to conclude any thing certain concerning the Actions of men and their effects and consequences by those general Influences of the Planets To these things I Answer 1. We determine nothing concerning the Actions of men and their Effects and Consequences by the Stars as by their CAUSES but only as by the SIGNES of them Whereby God doth foreshew us and set before our eyes as in a Table the freest Actions of men and their Effects and Consequences For as God foresaw all things which should ever come ●o pass from the first beginning of the world as it appears plainly out of the Prophesies of Daniel chap. 2. 20. and of other Prophets so hath he set the Signes of all these things in the Heavens that they who have eyes to see might there see as in a Looking-Glass what God hath foreseen shall come to pass on earth in his time 2. In that we seem here to determine somthing as certain we have not that from the Stars but from the S. Scriptures probable Reason and by a certain sensitive experience All which seeing they do so fairly agree with the Stars and concur to the same sense they deservedly ought to be of some moment with us But grant that thou canst not know certainly any thing by those Celestial Signes as being above thee and exceed thy capacity If nevertheless thou hast thine eyes open to see what things are done on earth and thine ears to hear what the Sacred Scripture doth expresly and roundly teach there will not be wanting to thee Reasons whereby thou maist sufficiently discern the end of this world and the beginning of the next at hand For which there is no need of spiritual eyes and sublime understanding ●ut only of attentive observation of things visible and sensible and humane Faith only whereby we so believe the Signes incurring into our eyes that we be convinced For who doth not see how the whole Christian world is divided in it self and miserably torn into many contrary parties Even as the Secular Government or last Monarchy of the world And which is more how not only the whole is divided into two integral and great parts as of old but into many little small parts and again every Part every Sect every Region and Nation disagree among themselves so that the people know not which way to turn nor whom they may believe One Roman Catholick riseth against another Roman Catholick Lutheran against Lutheran Reformed against Reformed Anabaptist against Anabaptist yea one Member of the Roman Empire against another The Guest is not safe with his Host nor the Father in Law with the Son in Law the amity of Brethren also is rare as the Poet * Non ●ospes ab hospite tutus Nec socer a genere c. describeth to the life the character of the former world which the Deluge of waters of old washt away But if that the Lord Christ affirmeth Mat. 12. That a Kingdom divided against it self cannot stand be of undoubted truth how I pray shall the Kingdom of Christians in respect as well of the Religious Government as of the secular so many waies divided be able to stand long If moreover the dispersing of the holy people shall have an end as the Angel in Daniel speaketh chap. 12. And if the God of Israel and Judah shall again have mercy on them and restore unto them their Kingdom as the writings of the Prophets are full of promises concerning that matter in what time I pray most likely dost thou think that will come to pass Will it not be when they shall least dare promise that thing to themselves Will they especially then expect it when they are broken with the sense of their unworthiness whether haply the Lord the God of their Fathers will vouchsafe of his meet Grace and Mercy to remember them Let whose will war against them they will take Arms against no man If any man smite them they bear it If any drive them from place to place they give place and fly away as the chased Fawns of the Hind upon the mountaines If any laies hands on them and drags them to execution to kill them as swine they deliver up themselves to the slaughter If any will kill them with the sword or burn them in the fire as in Lusitania is often done or attempt to bury them alive in pits as not many years since was done in Polonia they have nothing wherewith they oppose or defend themselves but prayers to God justifying him in his Judgments and pleasing themselves
last daies viz. All things so continue as they were from the Creation That which now happens the same likewise hath formerly happened and therefore to conclude hence any certainty are toys and phantasms of mans own imagination Which being so that we are now fallen into those times when among all peoples especially Christians who in times past were very hasty in their hope of setting up the Kingdom of Christ in all Churches Cloysters and Houses all places are full of Scoffers why do we any longer doubt but that now those daies are near in which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise the Elements shall melt with fervent heat to destroy the ungodly with all their works that there may succeed in the room thereof a new Heaven and a new Earth in which may dwell righteousness 2 Pet. 3.13 Wherefore it ought not to seem a wonder to any man that we so diligently attend to these Signes of his coming and do so interpret them But perhaps some body will say Obj. Peter doth not here speak of those things which are aforementioned viz. concerning the Conversion of the Jews and the total destruction of the 4th Monarchy and the setting up of the Kingdom of Christ on earth but of the time wherein the Heavens shall pass away and the Elements shall be dissolved i.e. of the end of the world Answ We answer what Peter affirmes touching the Heavens Earth and Elements are not properly to be understood according to the Letter as the collation of Scriptures doth shew For Christ will not by his coming destroy the works of his Father Heaven and Earth but the works of the ungodly and whatsoever curse for mans sake came upon Heaven and Earth all this he will burn up with fire and utterly purge out as a prudent Goldsmith that labours to burn not the Gold and Silver but the Dross and Dregs which adhere to the Gold and Silver But as for the substance it self of heaven earth all that God hath created all those things shall not be burnt by the coming of Christ but shall only be renewed and purged that where before unrighteousness took place now righteousness there dwelleth And where before the violent possessed the Kingdoms of the world there now the meek shall inherit Those heavens which the ungodly feign to themselves as their hope and expectation shall perish and those Elements or Rudiments of divine worship even as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * that is Rudiments is taken in this sense wherein some foolishly stick all their life time shall be dissolved and burnt yea the works of all men shall be consumed that a new heaven and a new earth may come forth wherein may be beheld by all men all things in the glory of their perfection as a pure workmanship of God the honour whereof may redound to him himself as the Kingdom and City of God the house and habitation of God and men and a certain manifestation of the Righteousness Majesty and Love of God c. And if indeed all these things ought to be so and if it be true that with Peter according to the promise ma●e Isa 65. we expect a now Heaven and a new Earth wherein dwels righteousness 2 Pet. 3.13 it ought not to seem strange to us if before that be done a fiery Judgment preceds on earth to which these Signes in Heaven and earth have relation A judgment I say to deliver both Jews and Christians hitherto oppressed and to destroy all the destroyers and to restore all things on earth and to destroy them that have destroyed the earth Rev. 11.18 Behold now we see what signes the Ap. Peter hath set touching the coming of the Lord and how they have been fulfilled long since in an high degree so that in regard thereof nothing now remaines to be expected but the thing it self signified by those signes Now let us see moreover what the Ap. Paul that chosen vessel discourseth concerning the last times and how he limbs out in lively colours the men that shall live in that time They shall be saith he 2 Tim. 3.2 Lovers of their own selves covetous boast●rs proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthank ful unholy without na●ural affection truce breakers false accusers inconti●ent fierce desp sers of them that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God Having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof What seemeth to thee Reader Are our times described or is it longer yet to be expected till this kind of men come upon the Stage If thou wilt acknowledge that we are indeed devolved upon or into those times wherein every where men are found to be Lovers of their own selves Covetous Boasters Proud c. And that they also who carry a form of Godliness and would be reputed for godly do possess more of its external form than of the internal truth of it denying the very power of Godliness which consisteth in spirit and truth what wonder if we accompt the aforesaid signes in Heaven for fore Messengers and fore-runners of the consummation of those daies wherein the madness of all those men shall be made manifest to all men 2 Tim. 3.9 that some when ' at length true right cousness love of God and the sincere power of Godliness may come in their room But that it may more clearly appear that those things which we have mentioned concerning the restitution of the Jews and the end of the last Monarchy and have by this Conjunction of the Princely or chief Stars inferred that they are at the door are not meer Astrological Prognosticks but matters founded in the Word of God Let us go also to the Apostle John that beloved Apostle who was wont to lie in Christs bosom and see what he saith of this matter in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ which Christ himself by his Angel dictated to him and commanded him to write it to the Churches 1. It is there read that the time shall come wherein the Saints of God shall be made Kings and Priests to God that as Kings they may reign on earth ch 1. v. 6. ch 5. v. 10. which thing because it cannot be done without the Jews nor before the Kingdom of the Beast and of the false Prophet be overthrown it necessarily followes that if ever that time ought to come to pass wherein the Saints shall reign on earth those former things ought first to precede or go before and if they now precede and we are come to these last times the consequence is necessary that thing to be at the door 2. In Chap. 11. of this Book of Revel which is as a kind of Compendium of the whole History of the Church or Temple of God beginning from the treading of it underfoot on earth and ending in the opening of it in heaven we read that the treading of the holy City underfoot the prophesying of the two Witnesses